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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22243 Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. to all and singuler archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, deanes and their officials ... greeting : whereas by our letters patents bearing date the seauen and twentieth day of March in the sixteenth yeare of our raigne ... wee did giue and and grant vnto our poore distressed subiect Abraham Lambart of Woodside ... England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1621 (1621) STC 8651; ESTC S3808 2,114 1

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I R DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE IAMES By the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To all and singuler Archbishops Bishops Arch-deacons Deanes and their Officials Parsons Vicars Curats and to all spirituall persons And also to all Iustices of Peace Maiors Sheriffes Bayliffes Constables Churchwardens and Headboroughes And to all Officers of Citties Boroughes and Townes corporate And to all other our Officers Ministers and Subiects whatsoeuer they be aswell within Liberties as without to whom these presents shall come greeting WHEREAS by our Letters Patents bearing date the seauen and Twentieth day of March in the Sixteenth yeare of our Raigne of England c. vpon a Certificate vnder the handes of our trusty and welbeloued Subiects Sir Edmond Bowyer Sir Nicholas Carew Sir Thomas Grimes Sir Thomas Muschampe Sir Francis Clarke Sir George Paule and Sir Iohn Howland Knights Iustices of the Peace within our County of Surrey wee did giue and grant vnto our poore distressed Subiect Abraham Lambart of Woodside us the Parish of Croydon in our foresaid County full power licence and Authority to aske gather receiue and take the Almes charitable beneuolence of all our louing Sobiects within our County of Surrey and certaine other Counties for and in respect of his great losses sustained by Fire amounting to the value of Three hundred pounds to the vtter vndoing of our said poore Subiect his Wife and sixe small Children which Letters Patents are now determined and out of Date Now forasmuch as it hath since appeared vnto vs by the humble supplication and petition of our said poore Subiect Abraham Lambart being also confirmed by Affidauit that our said poore Subiect by reason of the hurt and lamenesse which happened vnto him by the said Fire whereby be could not trauell himselfe about his Collection as also by the negligence deceipt of such as he put in trust he receiued little benefit by the said collection as wée graciously intended he should whereby he is fallen into greater misery then before being impotent and not able to labour for his liuing nor to sustaine his charge of Wife and Children and also much indebted and behind hand and in dayly danger of imprisonment in consideration whereof he hath most humbly besought vs that wee would be further pleased to renew our said Letters Patents for some other places for him to séeke some reliefe to preserue him and his from perishing whose miserable poore estate we much pitty haue thought good to commend the same vnto the charitable consideration of all our louing and weldisposed Subiects within certaine Counties hereafter mentioned not doubting but that all good Christians well weighing the vncertainty of mans estate through these ineuitable accidents will be ready and willing as feeling members one of anothers misery to extend their charitable contributions towards the reliefe and Comfort of their distressed brother in this his great necessity none knowing how soone nor whose chance may next happen into the like Calamity KNOW yee therefore that of Our especiall Grace and Princely compassion Wee haue giuen granted and by these our Letters Patents doe giue and grant vnto our said poore Subiect Abraham Lambart and to his Deputy Deputies the bearers or bearers hereof full power licence and Authority to aske gather receiue and take the Almes and charitable beneuolence of all our louing Subiects whatsoeuer Inhabiting within our Counties of Oxford Buckingham Hartford Essex Cambridge Lincolne Northampton and Warwicke with our Citty and Vniuersity of Oxford and in our Citties of Lincolne Peterborough and Couentrey with our Vniuersity of Cambridge and Isle of Ely And in all other Citties Townes Corporate Priuiledged places Parishes Villages and in all other places whatsoeuer within our said Counties and not else where for and towards the spéedy reliefe and maintenance of our said po0re Subiect his Wife and Children WHEREFORE Wée will and Command you and euery of you that at such time and times as the said Abraham Lambart or his Deputy or Deputies the bearer or bearers hereof shall come and repaire to any your Churches Chappels or other places to aske and receiue the gratuities charitable benenolence of our said Subiects quietly to permit suffer them so to doe without any manner your lets or contradictions And you the said Parsons Vicars Curats for the better stirring vp of a charitable deuotion deliberately to publish and declare the Tenor of these our Letters Patents vnto our said Subiects vpon some Sabaoth day when as the same shall be tendered vnto you Exhorting and perswading them to extend their liberall contributions in so good and charitable a déede And you the Churchwardens of euery Parish where such Collection is to be made as aforesaid to Collect gather the Almes and charitable beneuolence of all our louing Subiects aswell Strangers as others And what shal be by you so gathered to deliuer it to the bearer or bearers of these our Letters Patents and to no other person when as thereunto you shall be required And lastly whereas we are informed of the great abuse which is now crept in amongst these poore people who sell their Lycences vnto some other person whereby mens charity goeth not the right way but vnto such as deserue it least That from henceforth our will and pleasure is that if it may appeare vnto 〈◊〉 or any of you that the said Abraham Lambart hath contracted any bargain or made or shall make sale of these our Letters Patents whereby the benefit should passe from him to any other person That thereupon these our Letters Patents shall be voide and of none effect Any Statute Law Ordinance or Prouision heretofore made to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding IN witnesse whereof Wée haue caused these our Letters to be made Patents for the space of One whole yere next after the date hereof to endure Witnes our selfe at Westminster the ninetéenth day of Ianuary in the Eightéenth yeare of our Raigne of England France and Ireland And of Scotland they foure and Fiftieth 1620. ❀ Steward ❀ God saue the King Printed By Roger Wood and Thomas Symcocke Cum Priuilegio