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A14293 The golden-groue moralized in three bookes: a worke very necessary for all such, as would know how to gouerne themselues, their houses, or their countrey. Made by W. Vaughan, Master of Artes, and student in the ciuill law, Vaughan, William, 1577-1641. 1600 (1600) STC 24610; ESTC S111527 151,476 422

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Histories For which cause The Diuine Philosopher found great fault with his countrymē the Graecians because their Noblewomen were not instructed in matters of state policie Likewise Iustinian the Emperour was highly displeased with the Armenians For that most barbarously they prohibited women from enioying heritages and bearing rule as though quoth hee women were base and dishonoured and not created of God In the right of succession the sisters sonne is equall to the brothers sonne Whereby is vnderstood that women are licensed to gouerne aswell as men Moreouer there be two forcible reasons that conclude women to be most apt for Seignories First there is neither Iew nor Graecian there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for they are all one in Christ Iesus The minds and actions of men and women do depēd of the soule in the which there is no distinction of sexe whereby the soule of a man should bee called male and the soule of a woman female The sexe rather is the instrument or meanes of generation and the soule ingendreth not a soule but is alway permanent and the very same Seeing therefore that a womans soule is perfect why should she be debarred by any statute or salique law from raigning The body is but lumpish and a vassall to the soule and for that respect not to be respected Secondly vertue excludeth none but receyueth all regarding neither substaunce nor sexe What should I rippe vp the examples of sundry nations which preferred women before themselues And for that cause they did neyther reiect their counsels nor set light by their answeres Semiramis after the death of her husband Ninus fearing lest the late conquered Aethiopians would reuolt and rebell from her Sonne yet young of yeeres and ignorant of rule tooke vpon her the principality and for the time of his nonage ordered the kingdome so princely that shee passed in feates of armes in triumphs conquests and wealth all her predecessours Nicocris defended her Empire against the Medes who then sought the Monarchy of the world and wrought such a miracle in the great riuer of Euphrates as all men were astonished at it for shee made it contrary to mens expectation to leaue the ancient course so to follow her deuice to and fro to serue the citie most commodiously insomuch that she did not onely surpasse all men in wit but ouercame the elements with power Isis after the decease of her husband Osyris raigned ouer Egypt and tooke care for so much prouision for the common wealth that shee was after her death worshipped as a Goddesse Debora iudged Israel Iudith the Bethulians Lauinia after the death of Eneas gouerned Italy Dido Carthage Olympias Pirrhus his daughter ruled ouer Epire Aranea was queen of Scythia Cleopatra of Egypt Helena after the death of Leo the Emperour raigned in Constantinople ouer all Asia as Empresse Ioanna was queene of Nauarre marying with Philip Pulcher the French king made him king of Nauarre in the yeere of our Lord 1243. Margaret ruled ouer Flaunders in the yeere of our Lord 1247. And another Princesse of that name y e only daughter of Valdemare the 3. king of Dēmark Norway gouerned those kingdoms after her fathers death in the yeere of our Lord 1389. she tooke Albert the king of Swethland captiue kept him in prison 7. yeeres Ioanna was queene of Naples in the yeer 1415. Leonora Dutchesse of Aquitaine was maried to Henry Duke of Gaunt and in despight of the French K. brought him Aquitaine Poiteaux in the yeere 1552. Queene Mary raigned here in Englād in the yeere 1553. What should I write of Elizabeth our gratious Queene that now is which by her Diuine wisedome brought three admirable things to passe First her Maiesty reformed religion that by the Romish Antichrist was in her sisters time bespotted Secondly she maintayned her countrey in peace whē all her neighbour Princes were in an vprore Thirdly she triumphed ouer all her foes both domesticall and hostile traiterous and outlandish If a man respect her learning it is miraculous for shee can discourse of matters of state with the best Philosopher she vnderstandeth sundry kinds of languages and aunswereth forreine Ambassadours in their forreine tongues If a man talke of the administration of iustice all the nations vnder the heauens cannot shew her peere In summe her Princely breast is the receiuer or rather the storehouse of all the vertues aswell morall as intellectuall For which causes England hath iust occasion to reioyce and to vaunt of such a gratious mother To whome the Monarch of Monarches long continue her highnesse and strengthen her as he hath done hitherto to his perpetuall glory confusion of all her enemies and to our euerlasting comfort Of Tyraunts Chap. 9. SIr Thomas Smith termeth him a Tyraunt that by force commeth to the Monarchy against the will of the people breaketh lawes already made at his pleasure and maketh other without the aduise and consent of the people and regardeth not the wealth of his commons but the aduauncemēt of himself his faction kindred Also there be two sorts of Tyrants The one in title the other in exercise He is in title Tyrant that without any lawfull title vsurpeth the gouernment In exercise he that hath good title to the principality and commeth in with the good will of the people but doth not rule wel and orderly as he should And so not onely they which behaue themselues wickedly towards their subiects are called Tyraunts as Edward the second of this realme in the yeere of our Lord 1319. and Alphonsus of Naples that lawfully came to the crowne in the yeere 1489. but also they are named tyrants which albeit they behaue themselues well yet they are to be called tyraunts in that they had no title to the principality as S●eno the King of Denmark that vsurped this realme of England in the yeere 1017. and Pope Clement the eight that now is who about two yeeres ago seysed on the Dukedome of Ferraria onely by pretence of a gift which Constantine time out of mind bequeathed to the papacy Furthermore there be sixe tokens to know a tyrant The first if hee sends abroad pickthanks talebearers and espies to hearken what men speake of him as Tiberius the Emperour was woont to do The second if he abolisheth the study of learning and burneth the monuments of most worthy wittes in the market place and in the assembly of the people least his subiects should attaine to the knowlege of wisedome As Alaricus king of the Gothes did in Italy in the yeere 313. and the great Turke in his Empire The third if hee maintaine schismes diuisions and factions in his kingdome for feare that men should prie into his doings As the Popes haue done alway from time to time and of late daies the Queene mother in Fraunce The fourth if hee trust straungers more then his
borne A man hauing in his furie killed one may by the grace of God repent and bee sorie for his offence but for the coniurer or magician it is almost impossible that hee should be conuerted by reason that the Diuell is alwaies conuersant with him and is present euen at his very elbow and will not once permit him to aske forgiuenesse Experience whereof Doctour Faustus felt who was at last torne in peeces by the diuell Cornelius Agrippa likewise a man famous for his great skill in Magicke and as yet fresh in some old mens memorie went continually accompanied with a Diuell in the shape of a blacke dōgge● and when at his death hee was vrged to repent and crie GOD mercie hee pulled off the coller which was about the dogges necke and sent him away with these words Packe hence thou cursed curre which hast quite vndone mee With that the dogge went away and drowned himselfe in the riuer Arar Within a little after Agrippa deceased whose iudgement I leaue vnto the Lord. As touching the deedes of coniurers I confesse they bee wonderfull for the charmers of Egypt turned roddes into serpents in the sight of Pharao And there is nothing which good men doe but Sorcerers like Apes will assay to do the like Many of them among whome I meane Pope Siluester the second Pope Benedict the ninth and Pope Alexander the sixt were cunning in the scriptures professed holynesse of life and gaue pardons and indulgences as the Pope doth now vnto them that would buy them But in the end they were pitifully and openly tormented and deuoured by the Diuell their schoole-master My selfe haue seene about eleuen yeeres agoe a counterfeit dumbe fellow that could by signes and tokens foretell diuers things to come Hee could signifie what misfortunes a man hath suffered what yeeres hee was off what wife hee had maried how many children he had and which is most strange of all hee would finde out any thing which was hidden of purpose At last it was this yong Magicians happe to arriue at a zealous Gentlemans house who hauing before heard of his miraculous deedes eftsoone suspected him and made no more adoe but by violence and threatning enforced him to speake and to declare his dissimulation procured as hee himselfe confessed by the Diuell with whome hee had couenated to become dumbe on condition that he might performe such miracles haue heard and read of many Coniurers that wrought wonders and things almost incredible yet neuer haue I either heard or read of any that prospered but at the last they eyther came to the gallous or fagot or else they were preuented and miserably taken by the Diuell Which is the cause that wise men haue vtterly detested this blacke Arte as being admonished by other mens harmes to beware of it So that none but malicious simple and grosse-headed persons who eyther for reuenge or for couetousnesse are so seduced doe enter into league and confederacie with the Diuell To knit vp this discourse I aduise all persons and especially olde women to take heede of illusions and charmes seeing principally they bee damnable and forbidden by the lawes of God Secondarily Magicke is infamous abominable by the laws of man both ciuill and canon Finally men must abstain from sorceries coniurations witchcrafts and such kind of wickednesse for feare of punishment because if any sayth the Lord turne after such as worke with spirits and after southsayers to goe spiritually a whoring after them then will I set my face against that person and will cut him off from among his people And in another place Thou must not suffer a witch to liue Looke therefore vnto your selues and bee prepared O simple wretches lest otherwise the siend finding you vnreadie will quickly surprize you and so inueigle your weake and shallow mindes Of Phisicke Chap. 45. MAny confound Phisicke and Philosophie together because both of them doe alike respect naturall bodies but our Ciuilians haue distinguished the one from the other For which cause I will at this time surcease the concordance and fall to the declaration of the goodnesse thereof There is no facultie saue law and Diuinitie comparable vnto Phisicke Insomuch as mightie Potentates haue not disdained to exercise it Gentius the King of Illyria found out the vertuous qualities of the herbe called Gentian Iuba King of Mauritania and Lybia found the herbe called Euphorbium Sabor King of the Medes Sabrel King of the Arabians Mithridates King of Pontus and Auicenna King Corduba were professed Phisicious The Angell Raphael caused blind Tobias with the gall of a fish to receiue his sight Luke the Euangelist was a Phisicion yea and * GOD himselfe is called the supreme Phisicion both of body and soule Wherefore see that you honour Phisicke O yee that bee rich and make much of the Phisicion for the Lord created him Of Law Chap. 46. THe law is the knowledge of things As wel Diuine as Humane and of that which is iust and vniust Of Ciuilians it is declared tripartite as it comprehendeth the law of nature the law of nations and the ciuill law The law of nature is a feeling which euerie one hath in his conscience whereby hee discerneth betweene good and euill as much as is sufficient to deliuer him from the cloudie cloake of ignorance in that hee is reprehended by himselfe Hence commeth the coniunction of male and female the Procreation of children and education The law of Nations is a prescription that all maner of people can claime as to resist violence was lawfull to defraud the wilie and subtill was no fraude to hurt a Herauld was not tolerable to pay euery man his owne was right and in a maner all contracts were brought in by this law as buying selling hiring gaging and infinite others The Ciuill law is that which is squared according to honestie and is termed euery priuate law enacted by one peculiar people There is also a Diuine law which is three-fold to witte the morall law the ceremoniall law and the Iudiciall law The morall law is that which is constituted for all Nations if they will obserue the commandements of GOD The Ceremoniall law was an instruction of infancie giuen to the Iewes to bee exercised vnder the obedience of God vntill Christs comming The Iudiciall law is that which was giuen them for politicke gouernement teaching them certaine Maximes of iustice whereby they might liue quietly without molesting one another Of the Common Law in England Chap. 47. AS soone as Brutus came into this Realme hee constituted the Troians lawes throughout all his dominions But when diuisions and ciuill broyles hapned a little after his decease those lawes decayed for a long time vntill Malmutius reuiued them enlarging them with many profitable more and were named Malmutius lawes vnto which Martia a Queene of this land added the decrees of her time and were called Martiaes lawes Besides these King Lud is reported to amend