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A09049 A true and plaine declaration of the horrible treasons, practised by William Parry the traitor, against the Queenes Maiestie The maner of his arraignment, conuiction and execution, together with the copies of sundry letters of his and others, tending to diuers purposes, for the proofes of his treasons. Also an addition not impertinent thereunto, containing a short collection of his birth, education and course of life. Moreouer, a fewe obseruations gathered of his owne wordes and wrytings, for the farther manifestation of his most disloyal, deuilish and desperate purpose. Parry, William, d. 1585. 1585 (1585) STC 19342; ESTC S114046 37,575 64

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to vnderstand of him if the sayde Parry had euer dealt with him in the parties beyonde the Seas touching that question whether it were lawful to kill her Maiestie or not the which at that time the sayd Creichton called not to his remembrance yet after vpon better calling it to minde vpon the xx day of February last past he wrote to Master Secretarie Walsingham thereof voluntary all of his owne hand to the effect following W. Creichtons letter Febr. 20. RIght honourable Sir when your Honour demaunded mee if M. Parry did aske mee If it was leason to kill the Queene in deede and veritie then I had no remembrance at all therof But since thinking on the matter I haue called to minde the whole fashion of his dealing with me and some of his Arguments for hee dealt very craftily with mee I dare not say maliciously For I did in no waies thinke of any such deseine of his or of any other and did answere him simplie after my conscience and knowledge to the veritie of the question For after that I had answered him twise before Quòd omnino non liceret hee returned late at Euen by reason I was to depart early in the next morning towarde Chamberie in Sauoye where I did remaine and beeing returned out of the Closse within one of the classes of the Colledge hee proponed to me of new the matter with his reasons and arguments First he alledged the vtilitie of the deed for deliuering of so many Catholiques out of miserie and restitution of the Catholique religion I answered that the Scripture aunswereth thereto saying Non sunt facienda mala vt veniant bona So that for no good howe great that euer it be may be wrought any euill howe little that euer it be Hee replyed that it was not euill to take away so great euil and induce so great good I answered That all good is not to be done but that onely Quod bene legitime fieri potest And therefore Dixi Deum magis amare aduerbia quàm nomina Quia in actionibus magis e● placent bene legitime quam bonum Ita vt nullum bonum liceat facere nisi bene legitimè fieri possit Quod in hoc casu fieri non potest Yet saide he that seuerall learned men were of the opinion Quod liceret I answered that they men perhappes were of the opinion that for the safetie of many in soule and bodie they would permit a particular to his daunger and to the occult iudgement of God Or perhappes saide so mooued rather by some compassion and cōmiseration of the miserable estate of the Catholiques not for any such doctrine that they did finde in their bookes For it is certain that such a thing is not licit to a particular without speciall reuelation diuine which exceedeth our learning and doctrine And so he departed from me Out of the prison in the Tower the xx of Februarie Your Honours poore seruitour in Christ Iesu. Wil. Creichton prisoner ANd where also the same Parry was on the same xx day of Februarie examined by Sir Frauncis Walsingham knight what was become of the letter conteined in his confession to be written vnto him by the Cardinall de Como he then answered that it was consumed and burnt and yet after the next day folowing being more vehemently vrged vpon that point in examination because it was knowne that it was not burnt he confessed where he had left it in the Towne whereupon by Parrys direction it was sent for where it had bene lapped vp together with other friuolous papers and written vpon the one side of it The last will of William Parry the which letter was in the Italian tongue as hereafter followeth with the same in English accordingly translated Amon Signore Mon signor Guglielmo Parri MOn Signore la Santita di N.S. ha veduto le lettere di V.S. del primo con la fede inclusa non può se non laudare la buona disposittione risolutione che scriue di tenere verso il seruitiò beneficio publico nel che la Santita sua lessorta di perseuerare con farne riuscire li effetti che V.S. promette Et accioche tanto maggiormente V.S. sia aiutata da quel buon spirito che l'ha mosso le cōcede sua Beneditione plenaria Indulgenza remissione di tutti li peccati secondo che V. S. ha chiesto assicurandossi che oltre il merito che n'hauera in cielo vuole anco sua Santita constituirsi debitore a riconoscere li meriti di V.S. in ogni miglior modo che potra cio tanto piu quanto che V.S. vsa maggior modestia in non pretender niente Metta dunque ad effetto li suoì santi honorati pensieri attenda a star sano Che per fine io me le offero di core le desidero ogni buono felice successo Di Roma a .xxx. di Gennaro M.D.Lxxxiiij Alpiacer di V. S. N. Cardinale di Como Al Sig. Guglielmo Parri Cardinall de Comos letter to Wil. Parry 30. Ianu. 1584. by accompt of Rome MOnsignor the Holines of our Lord hath seene the letter of your Signorie of the first with the assurance included and cannot but commende the good disposition and resolution which you write to holde towards the seruice and benefite publique wherein his Holines doeth exhort you to perseuere with causing to bring foorth the effects which your Signorie promiseth And to the ende you may bee so much the more holpen by that good spirit which hath mooued you thereunto his Blessednes doeth graunt to you plenarie indulgence and remission of all your sinnes according to your request Assuring you that besides the merite that you shall receiue therefore in heauen his holynesse will further make himselfe debtour to reknowledge the deseruings of your Signorie in the best maner that he can And that so much the more in that your Signorie vseth the greater modestie in not pretending any thing Put therefore to effect your holy and honourable thoughts and attend your health And to conclude I offer my selfe vnto you heartily and do desire all good and happie successe From Rome the xxx of Ianuarie 1584. At the pleasure of your Signorie N. Card. of Como VPon al which former accusation declaration confessions proofes vpon Munday the xxii day of February last past at Westminster Hall before Sir Christopher Wray knight chiefe Iustice of England Sir Gilbert Gerrard knight Master of the Rolles Sir Edmund Anderson knight Chiefe Iustice of y e common plees Sir Roger Manwood knight Chiefe Baron of the Exchequer Sir Thomas Gawdy knight one of the Iustices of y e plees before her Maiestie to be holden and Wil. Perriam one of the Iustices of the common plees by vertue of her Maiesties Commission to them others in that behalf directed the same Parry was indicted of high Treason for intending and
practising the death and destruction of her Maiestie whom God long prosper preserue frō all such wicked attempts The tenor of which indictment appeareth more particularly in the course of his Arraignment folowing The maner of the Arraignement of William Parry the xxv of Februarie 1584. at Westminster in the place where the courte commonly called the Kings Bench is vsually kept by vertue of her Maiesties Commission of Oyer Terminer before Henrie L. Hunsdon gouernour of Barwicke Sir Francis Knolles Knight Treasorer of the Queenes Maiesties housholde Sir Iames Croft Knight Comptroller of the same houshold Sir Christopher Hatton Knight Vicechamberlaine to her Maiestie Sir Christopher Wray Knight Chiefe Iustice of Englande Sir Gilberte Gerrard Knight master of the Rolles Sir Edmund Anderson Knight chiefe Iustice of the Common Plees Sir Roger Manwood Knight chiefe Barron of the Eschequer and Sir Thomas Hennage Knight Treasorer of the Chamber FIrst three Proclamations for silence were made according to the vsuall course in such cases Then the Lieutenant was commaunded to returne his precept which did so and brought the prysoner to the Barre to whom Miles Sandes Esquire Clerke of the Crowne sayde William Parrie hold vp thy hand and he did so Then said y e Clerke of the crowne Thou art here indicted by the othes of xii good and lawful men of the Countie of Middlesex before Sir Christopher Wray Knight and others which tooke the Indictment by the name of William Parry late of London Gentleman otherwise called William Parry late of London Doctor of the lawe for y t thou as a false traitor against the most noble and Christian Prince Queene Elizabeth thy most gracious Soueraigne and liege Ladie not hauing the feare of God before thine eyes nor regarding thy due allegiance but being seduced by the instigation of the deuill and intending to withdrawe and extinguish the heartie loue and due obedience which true and faithfull Subiectes shoulde beare vnto the same our Soueraigne Ladie diddest at Westminster in the Countie of Middlesex on the first day of Februarie in the xxvi yeere of her Highnesse raigne and at diuers other times and places in the same Countie maliciously and trayterously conspire and compasse not onely to depriue and depose the same our Soueraigne Ladie of her Royall estate title and dignitie but also to bring her highnesse to death and finall destruction and sedition in the Realme to make and the gouernement thereof to subuert and the sincere religion of God established in her highnesse dominions to alter subuert And that whereas thou William Parry by thy letters sent vnto Gregorie Bishoppe of Rome diddest signifie vnto the same Bishoppe thy purposes and intentions aforesayde and thereby diddest pray and require the same Bishoppe to giue thee absolution that thou afterwards that is to say the last day of March in the xxvi yeere aforesayde diddest trayterously receiue letters frō one called Cardinall de Como directed vnto thee William Parry whereby the same Cardinall did signifie vnto thee that the Bishoppe of Rome had perused thy letters and allowed of thine intent and that to that ende hee had absolued thee of all thy sinnes and by the same letter did animate and stirre thee to proceede with thine enterprise and that therupon thou the last day of August in the xxvi yeere aforesaide at Saint Giles in the fieldes in y e same Countie of Middlesex diddest trayterously conferre with one Edmunde Neuill Esquire vttering to him all thy wicked and trayterous deuises and then and there diddest moue him to assist thee therin to ioyne with thee in those wicked treasons aforesayd against y e peace of our sayd Soueraigne Ladie the Queene her Crowne dignity What sayest thou William Parry art thou guilty of these treasons whereof thou standest here indicted or not guiltie Then Parry sayde Before I pleade not guiltie or confesse my selfe guiltie I pray you giue me leaue to speake a fewe words and with humbling himselfe began in this maner God saue Queene Elizabeth and God sende mee grace to discharge my duetie to her and to send you home in charitie But touching the matters that I am indicted of some were in one place and some in another and done so secretely as none can see into them except y t they had eyes like vnto God wherefore I will not lay my blood vpon the Iurie but doe minde to confesse the indictment It containeth but the parts that haue bene openly redde I pray you tel me Whereunto it was answered that the Indictment conteined the partes he had heard redde and no other whereupon the Clarke of the Crowne saide vnto Parry Parry thou must answere directly to the indictment whether thou be guiltie or not Then sayde Parry I doe confesse that I am guiltie of al that is therein cōtained And further too I desire not life but desire to die Unto which the clarke of y e Crowne sayd If you confesse it you must confesse it in maner and fourme as it is comprised in the Iudictment Whereunto he sayd I doe confesse it in maner and fourme as the same is set downe and all the circumstances thereof Then the confession being recorded the Queenes learned counsel being readie to pray iudgement vpon the same confession Master Vicechamberlaine sayde These matters contained in this indictment and confessed by this man are of great importance they touch the person of the Queenes most excellent Maiestie in the highest degree the very state and weldoing of the whole common wealth and the trueth of Gods worde established in these her Maiesties dominions and the open demonstration of that capitall enuie of the man of Rome that hath set him selfe against God and all godlinesse all good Princes and good gouernment and against good men Wherefore I pray you for the satisfaction of this great multitude let the whole matter appeare that euery one may see that the matter of it selfe is as bad as y e indictment purporteth as he hath confessed Wherto in respect y t the Iustice of y e Realme hath bin of late very impudētly slaūdered al yeelded as a thing necessarie to satisfie the world in particular of y t which was but summarily comprised in y e indictmēt though in the lawe his confession serued sufficiently to haue proceeded thereupon vnto iudgement Whereupon the Lordes and others the Commissioners her Maiesties learned Counsel and Parry him self agreed that Parrys confession taken the xi and xiii of Februarie 1584. before the Lord of Hunsdon master Vicechamberlaine and master Secretarie and Cardinall de Como his letters and Parrys letters to the Lorde Treasourer and Lorde Stewarde should be openly read And Parry for the better satisfying of the people and standers by offered to reade them him selfe but being tolde that the order was the Clerke of the Crowne should reade them it was so resolued of all partes And then master Vicechamberlaine caused to be shewed to Parry his sayde confession the
then if he had imparted vnto her some matter of contentment which sheweth manifestly how she reposeth her confidence wholly in the defence of the Almightie And so her Maiestie folowing the wonted course of her singular clemencie gaue order that Parry the same Monday in the euening though not so knowen to him should bee sent to Master Secretaries house in London he being then there who according vnto such direction as he receiued from her Maiestie did let him vnderstand that her highnes in respect of the good will shee knew he bare vnto the sayd Parry and of the trust that Parry did outwardly professe to repose in Master Secretarie had made especiall choyse of him to deale with him in a matter that concerned her highly and that she doubted not but that he would discharge his duetie towardes her according vnto that extraordinarie deuotion that hee professed to beare vnto her And thereupon told him y t her Maiesty had ben aduertised that there was somewhat intended presently against her owne person wherewith she thought he could not but hee made acquainted considering the great trust that some of her worst affected subiects reposed in him And that her pleasure therefore was that hee shoulde declare vnto him his knowledge therein and whether the saide Parry himselfe had let fall any speach vnto any person though with an intent only to haue discouered his disposition that might drawe him in suspition as though hee himselfe had any such wicked intent But Parry with great and vehement protestations denied it vtterly wherupon Master Secretarie the rather to induce him to deale more plainely in a matter so important declared vnto him that there was a gentlemā of qualitie euery way as good or better then himselfe and rather his friend then enemie that would auouch it to his face yet Parry persisted stubburnly in his former denial iustification of his owne innocēcie would not in any respect yeeld that he was partie or priuie to any such motiō enterprise or intent And being lodged y t night at Master Secretaries house the next morning he desired earnestly to haue some further speache with Master Secretarie which graunted Parry declared to him that he had called to remembrance that hee had once some speach with one Neuil a kinsman of his so he called him touching a point of doctrine conteined in y e answere made to the booke entituled The Execution of Iustice in England by which booke it was resolued that it was lawfull to take away the life of a prince in furtherance of the Catholique religion but he protested that they neuer had any speach at all of any attempt intended against her Maiesties person Which deniall of his at two sundrie times after so much light giuen him doeth set foorth most apparantly both the iustice and prouidence of God His Iustice for that though hee was one of a sharpe conceipt he had no power to take holde of this ouerture thereby to haue auoyded the danger that Neuils accusation might bring him into by confessing the same as a thing propoūded only to feele Neuils minde whome before hee had reported vnto Master Secretarie he found a person discontented and therefore his confession might to very great purpose haue serued to haue cleared him selfe touching the intent his prouidence for that of his great mercie he would not suffer so dangerous and wicked a member to escape and to liue to her Maiesties perill The same day at night Parry was brought to the Earle of Leycesters house and there eftsoones examined before the sayd Earle of Leycester Master Uicechamberlaine Master Secretarie he persisted still in his deniall of all that hee was charged with Whereupon Neuil being brought before him face to face iustified his accusation against him He notwithstanding would not yet yeelde to confesse it but very proudly and insolently opposed his credit against the credit of Neuil affirming that his No was as good as Neuills Yea and as by way of recrimination obiected the crime to Neuil himselfe On the other side Neuil did with great constancie affirme all that hee had before sayde did set downe many probable circumstances of the times places and maners of their sundrie conferences and of such other accidents as had happened betweene them in the course of that action whereupon Parry was then committed to the Tower and Neuil commanded by their honours to set downe in writing vnder his hand al that which before he had deliuered by wordes which he did with his owne hand as followeth Edmund Neuil his declaration the x. of Februarie 1584. subscribed with his owne hand WIlliam Parry the last summer soone after his repulse in his suite for y e Mastership of S. Katherines repaired to my lodging in y e white Fryers where he shewed him selfe a person greatly discontented and vehemently inueighed against her Maiestie and willed me to assure my selfe that during this time and state I shoulde neuer receiue contentment But sith said he I knowe you to be honourably descended and a man of resolution if you will giue me assurance either to ioyne with me or not to discouer me I will deliuer vnto you the onely meanes to doe your selfe good Which when I had promised him he appointed me to come the next day to his house in Feuter Lane and repairing thither accordingly I founde him in his bed whereupon he commaunded his men foorth and began with me in this order My lorde saide he for so he called me I protest before God that three reasons principally doe induce me to enter into this action which I intende to discouer vnto you The replanting of religion The preferring of the Scottish Title and The aduauncement of Iustice wonderfully corrupted in this Cōmon welth And thereupon entred into some discourses what places were fit to be takē to giue entrāce to such forrein forces as should be best liked of for the furtherance of such enterprises as were to be vndertaken And with these discourses he passed the time vntill he went to dinner after which the companie being retired he entred into his former discourses And if I be not deceiued said he by taking of Quinborough Castell we shall hinder the passage of the Queenes ships foorth of the Riuer Whereunto when he sawe me vse no contradiction he shooke me by the hande Tush saide he this is nothing If men were resolute there is an enterprise of much more moment and much easier to perfourme An Acte honourable and meritorious to God the world Which seeing me desirous to knowe he was not ashamed to vtter in plaine termes to consist in killing of her Maiestie wherein saith he if you will goe with me I will loose my life or deliuer my Countrey from her badde and tyrannous gouernment At which speaches finding me discontented he asked me if I had read Doctor Allens booke out of which he alledged an authoritie for it I answered No and that I did not beleeue that authoritie
Walsingham knight principal secretarie the 13. of Februarie 1584. Parry IN the yeere 1570 I was sworne her Maiesties seruant from which time vntill the yere 1580. I serued honoured loued her with as great readinesse deuotion assurance as any poore subiect in England In the end of that yere and vntill Midsomer 1582. I had some trouble for the hurting of a Gentleman of the Temple In which action I was so disgraced and oppressed by two great men to whome I haue of late beene beholden that I neuer had contented thought since There began my misfortune here followeth my wofull fall In Iulie after I laboured for licence to trauaile for three yeeres which vpon some consideration was easily obtained And so in August I went ouer with doubtfull minde of returne for that being suspected in religion and not hauing receiued the Communion in 22. yeeres I began to mistrust my aduauncement in England In September I came to Paris where I was reconciled to the Church and aduised to liue without scandale the rather for that it was mistrusted by the English Catholiques that I had intelligence with the greatest counsellour of Englande I stayed not long there but remooued to Lyons a place of great traffique where because it was the ordinarie passage of our nation to and fro betweene Paris and Rome I was also suspected To put all men out of doubt of me and for some other cause I went to Millaine from whence as a place of some daunger though I founde fauour there after I had cleared my conscience and iustified my selfe in religion before y e Inquisitour I wēt to Uenice There I came acquainted with father Benedicto Palmio a graue a learned Iesuite By conference with him of the hard state of the Catholiques in England and by reading of the Booke De persecutione Anglicana and other discourses of like argument I conceiued a possible meane to relieue the afflicted state of our Catholiques if the same might be wel warranted in religion and conscience by the Pope or some learned diuines I asked his opinion hee made it cleare commended my deuotion comforted mee in it and after a while made me knowen to the Nuntio Campeggio there resident for his holinesse By his meanes I wrote to the Pope presented the seruice and fued for a Pasport to goe to Rome to returne safely into France Answere came from Cardinal Como that I might come and should be welcome I misliked the warrant sued for a better which I was promised but it came not before my departure to Lyons where I promised to stay some time for it And being in deede desirous to goe to Rome and lothe to goe without countenaunce I desired Christofero de Salazar Secretarie to the king Catholique in Venice who had some vnderstanding by conference of my deuotion to the afflicted Catholiques at home and abroad to commende me to the Duke di Noua terra Gouernour of Millan and to the Countie of Oliuaris Embi then resident for the king his master in Rome which he promised to do effectually for the one and did for the other And so I toke my iourney towards Lyons whither came for me an ample Passeport but somewhat too late that I might come and goe in verbo pontificis per omnes iurisdictiones ecclesiasticas absque impedimento I acquainted some good fathers there of my necessitie to depart towardes Paris by promise and praied their aduises vpon diuers poyntes wherein I was well satisfied And so assuring them that his holinesse shoulde heare from me shortly it was vndertaken that I shoulde bee excused for that time In October I came to Paris where vppon better opinion conceiued of mee amongst my Catholike countrie men I founde my credit wel setled and such as mistrusted me before readie to trust and imbrace me And being one day at the chamber of Thomas Morgan a Catholike Gentleman greatly beloued and trusted on that side amongest other gentlemen talking but in very good sort of Englande I was desired by Morgan to goe vp with him to another chamber where he brake with me and told mee that it was hoped and looked for that I shoulde doe some seruice for God and his Church I answered him I would do it if it were to kill the greatest subiect in England whome I named and in trueth then hated No no said he let him liue to his greater fal ruine of his house It is the Queene I meane I had him as I wished and tolde him it were soone done if it might be lawfully done and warranted in the opinion of some learned diuines And so the doubt once resolued though as you haue heard I was before reasonably well satisfied I vowed to vndertake the enterprise for the restitution of England to the auncient obedience of the Sea Apostolique Diuers diuines were named Doctor Alleine I desired Persons I refused And by chance came Maister Wattes a learned Priest with whō I conferred and was ouerruled 3 For he plainly pronounced the case only altered in name y t it was vtterly vnlawfull with whō many English priestes did agree as I haue heard if it be not altered since the booke made in answere of The executiō of the English Iustice was published which I must cōfesse hath taken hard hold in me and I feare me wil do in others if it be not preuēted by more gracious handling of the quiet obedient Catholique subiects whereof there is good and greater store in Englād then this age wil extinguish Wel notwithstanding all these doubts I was gone so farre by letters and conference in Italie that I coulde not goe backe but promised faithfully to performe the enterprise if his holinesse vpon my offer and letters would allowe it and grant me ful remission of my sinnes I wrote my letters the first of Ianuarie 1584. by their computation tooke aduise vpon them in confession of Father Aniball a Codreto a learned Iesuite in Paris was louingly embraced commended confessed and communicated at the Iesuites at one altar with the Cardinalles of Vandosmi and Narbone whereof I prayed certificate and enclosed the same in my letter to his holinesse to leade him the rather to absolue me which I required by my letters in consideration of so great an enterprise vndertaken without promise or reward I went with Morgan to the Nuntio Ragazzoni to whome I read the letter and certificate enclosed sealed it and left it with him to send to Rome hee promised great care of it and to procure answere And so louingly imbraced me wished mee good speede and promised that I should be remembred at y e altar After this I desired Morgan that some special man might be made priuie to this matter lest hee dying and I miscarying in the execution and my entent neuer truely discouered it might sticke for an euerlasting spot in my race Diuers were named but none agreed vpon for feare of bewraying 7 This being done Morgan assured me y t shortly
wherunto their honours answered that they vsed not any spech or worde of torture to him You sayde sayd Parry that you would proceede with rigour against me if I would not confesse it of my selfe But their honours expresly affirmed that they vsed no such words But I will tell thee sayd Master Vicechamberlayne what we saide I spake these words If you will willingly vtter the truth of your selfe it may do you good and I wish you to doe so If you will not wee must then proceede in ordinary course to take your examination Whereunto you answered that you would tell the trueth of your selfe Was not this true which then hee yeelded vnto And hereunto her Maiesties Attourney generall put Parry in remembraunce what speeches hee vsed to the Lieutenant of the Tower the Queenes Maiesties Seriant at Lawe Master Gaudie and the same Attourney on Satterday y e twentieth of February last at y e Tower vpon that hee was by them then examined by order from y e Lords which was that he acknowledged he was most myldely and fauourably dealt with in all his examinations which he also at the Barre then acknowledged to be true Then Master Vicechamberlayne sayde that it was wonder to see the magnanymitie of her Maiestie which after that thou haddest opened those trayterous practises in sort as thou hast layd it downe in thy confession was neuerthelesse such and so farre from all feare as that shee woulde not so much as acquaint any one of her highnes priuie Counsel with it to his knowledge no not vntil after this thine enterprise discouered made manifest And besides that which thou hast set downe vnder thine owne hande thou diddest confesse that thou haddest prepared two Scottish Daggers fit for such a purpose and those being disposed away by thee thou diddest say that an other would serue thy turne And with all Parry diddest thou not also confesse before vs howe wonderfully thou wert appauled and perplexed vpon a suddaine at the presence of her Maiestie at Hampton Court this last Sommer saying that thou diddest thinke thou then sawest in her the very likenes image of king Henry the seuenth And that therewith and vpon some speeches vsed by her Maiestie thou diddest turne about and weepe bitterly to thy selfe And yet diddest call to mynde that thy vowes were in heauen thy letters and promises on earth and that therefore thou diddest say with thy selfe that there was no remedy but to do it diddest thou not confesse this the which he acknowledged Then saide the lorde Hunsdon Sayest thou nowe that thou diddest neuer meane to kill the Queene diddest thou not confesse that when thou diddest vtter this practise of trecherie to her Maiestie that thou diddest couer it with al the skill thou haddest and that it was done by thee rather to get credite and accesse thereby then for any regard thou haddest of her person but in trueth thou diddest it that thereby thou mightest haue better oportunitie to performe thy wicked enterprise And wouldest thou haue runne into such feare as thou diddest confesse that thou wert in when thou diddest vtter it if thou haddest neuer meant it what reason canst thou shewe for thy selfe With that he cryed out in a furious maner I neuer meant to kill her I will lay my blood vpon Queene Elizabeth and you before God and the worlde and thereupon fell into a rage and euill wordes with the Queenes Maiesties Attourney generall Then said the lord Hunsdon This is but thy popish pride and ostentation which thou wouldest haue to be told to thy fellowes of that faction to make them belieue that thou diest for poperie when thou diest for most horrible and dangerous treasons against her Maiestie and thy whole countrey For thy laying of thy blood it must lye on thine owne head as a iust reward of thy wickednesse The lawes of the Realme most iustly condemne thee to die out of thine owne mouth for the conspiring the destruction both of her Maiestie and of vs all therefore thy blood be vpon thee neither her Maiestie nor we at any time sought it thy selfe hast spilt it Then he was asked what he coulde say why iudgemēt of death ought not to be awarded against him Whereto he said he did see that he must die because he was not setled What meanest thou by that said master Vicechamberlaine Said he looke into your studie and into your newe bookes and you shall finde what I meane I protest said his honour I knowe not what thou meanest thou doest not well to vse such darke speaches vnlesse thou wouldest plainely vtter what thou meanest thereby But he saide he cared not for death and that hee would laye his blood amongst them Then spake the lorde chiefe Iustice of England being required to giue the iudgement and saide Parry you haue bene much heard and what you meane by being setled I knowe not but I see you are so setled in poperie that you cannot settle your selfe to be a good subiect But touching that you should say to stay iudgement from being giuen against you your speaches must be of one of these kindes ●●ther to proue the Inditement which you haue confessed to be true to be insufficient in lawe or els to pleade somewhat touching her Maiesties mercie why Iustice should not be ●●●e of you All other speaches wherein you haue vsed great libertie is more then by lawe you can aske These be the matters you must looke to what say you to them whereto he said nothing Then said the lord chiefe Iustice Parry thou hast bene before this time indited of diuers most horrible and hatefull treasons cōmitted against thy most gratious Soueraigne and natiue countrey the matter most detestable the maner most subtile and dangerous and the occasions and meanes that led thee thereunto most vngodly and villanous That thou diddest intende it it is most euident by thy selfe The matter was the destruction of a most sacred and an anoynted Queene thy soueraigne mystresse who hath shewed thee such fauour as some thy betters haue not obteined yea the ouerthrowe of thy countrey wherein thou wert borne and of a most happie common wealth whereof thou art a member and of such a Queene as hath bestowed on thee the benefite of all benefites in this worlde that is thy life heretofore graunted thee by her mercie when thou haddest lost it by Iustice and desert Yet thou her seruant sworne to defende her mentest with thy bloodie hande to haue taken away her life that mercifully gaue thee thine when it was yeelded into her handes This is the matter wherein thou hast offended The maner was most subtile and dangerous beyonde all that before thee haue committed any wickednes against her Maiestie For thou making shewe as if thou wouldest simplie haue vttered for her safetie the euill that others had contriued diddest but seeke thereby credite accesse that thou mightest take the apter opportunitie for her destruction And for the