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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08908 Foure paradoxes 1 A byshop and a minister is all one. 2 A byshoppe or deacon shoulde not bee called Grace, Lord, or exercise such authoritie. 3 A popish priest is no lawful minister of the gospel. 4 Canon chauncellours, & officials are no meete officers in the churche of God. 1570 (1570) STC 19185; ESTC S101477 7,082 26

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LVCRECIA-ROMANA ¶ Imprinted at London in Paules Churchyarde at the signe of the Lucrece by Thomas Purfoote ¶ FOVRE PARADOXES 1 A Byshop and a Minister is all one 2 A Byshoppe or Deacon shoulde not bee called Grace Lord or exercise such authoritie 3 A popish Priest is no law ful Minister of the gospel 4 Canon Chauncellours Officials are no meete Officers in the Churche of God. Actes 14. Quae doctrina noua haec What new doctrine is this 1 A Byshop and a Minister is all one Let a man so thinke of vs as of the Ministers of Christ and Disposers of the secretes of God. A Byshop must be vnreproueable apte to teache c. Lykewyse must Deacons c. Paule and Timothee the Seruantes of Iesus Christ to all the Saintes in Christ Iesus which are at Philippi with the Byshops Deacons c. The Elders which among you I beseche which also am an Elder Whereof I am made a Minister by the gyft of the grace of God geuen vnto me c. Take heede therefore vnto your selues and to all the flocke wherof the holy Ghost hath made you Ouerseers c. Wee are Gods Labourers ye are Gods husbandry Who also hath made vs able Ministers c. Thus in the place of the Ministers of the law as Priestes Leuites there be onely two kynde ▪ of Ministers vnder the Gospell Byshops Deacons and the Byshops haue sundry names as Ministers Disposers Seruants Elders Ouersears Labourers Prophets Euangelists Preachers Apostels and yet all are one Betwene a Byshop and a Minister there is almost no difference for the charge of the Church is committed to the Minister the thynges which are spoken of the Byshop do appertayne to the Minister The Minister differeth not frō the Byshop the order is all one None of vs appointeth him selfe to be a Byshop of Byshops nether driueth hys Felowes into a necessitie of obedience The ordering of a Byshop and of a Minister is one for they be both the Disposers of Gods secretes A Priest and a Byshop are but one thyng and before that by the inflaming of the Deuyl partes were taken in religion c. The Churches wer gouerned by the common consent of the Priestes The Apostel teacheth playnelyt that the Byshops Ministers are all one The things spoken of the Bishops do belong vnto the Ministers neither is the one aboue the other A Byshop rather by custome then by Gods lawe is aboue the Minister yea in times past one Minister did ordayne an other Hierome seemeth to matche all Byshops together as if they were all equally the Apostels successors and he thinketh not anye Byshop to bee lesse then an other for that hee is poorer nor greater then an other for that he is rycher c. And further he thincketh that a Byshop is no better then any Priest There is but One onely hie Priest in the new Testament Antichrist had hys begynnyng when the custome began that Byshops shoulde bee preferred before Priestes The Pastors haue all one charge with the Apostels For Bishops to haue large Diocesses is a filthy disease When the Church began to haue one chiefe as a President or Ouersear of the people then the Deuyll began to practise his peruer●itie and to lay the foundation of his tyranny There is no difference betwene a Byshop and a Minister Byshops and Priestes are equall All Byshops are Ministers and the rest are Deacons A Pastor of the Church is a person which is called lawfully by ●he authoritie and commaundement of God vnto the cure of soules to teache the doctrine of the Gospell and to minister the Sacramentes Is it so horrible an heresy to say that by the scriptures of God a Byshop and a Priest is all one An Elder and a Byshop were bothe one at the beginning Act. 20. ver 17. 18. which two verses conferred wyll shew the same Therefore they often tymes acknowledge and confesse an equalitie and condition among the Apostels For if that Matthias receaued a part of that Ministerie which was as well committed to Peter as others then none of them obtayned the whole whereby he myght be called the Head or Lord of others neither could Peters authority in preaching the Gospell be greater then eyther Iohns or Matthias because they all receaued but one and the same commaundement of the Lord Iesus as is playne The seuen starres are the Messengers of the seuen Congtegations Starres bee called Angels Angels be Gods Messengers Pastors of Churches so called in the second third chapter of Malachie The seuen starres in signification are the Messengers of Gods woord or the Apostolique Preachers appoynted to the seuen Congregatiōs in Alia and in them to all the world Christ gaue the lyke authority vnto euery one of the Apostels This is the mynde of the English church at Geneua in their Annotations before the Chapters and vpon the new Testament This is the consent of the Church of Scotland this the opinion of all the reformed Churches in Europe And thys is mynde of S. Paule in the .xx. of the Actes and of Hierome and Theodorete vpon the same place Obiec ∣ tion Marke the Euangelist was Byshop of Alexandria Iames and Symon Cananeus were Bishops of Hierusalem Peter was Bishop of Antioche Ignatius succeeded Peter in that Bishopricke Policarpus was bishop of Smyrna and so of others Epiphanius also wryteth in the defence of a Bishoplike distinction and authoritie therefore to haue Bishops is a thyng allowed by the autority of the primitiue Church Answer That there should be Bishops is a thing graunted but that they should be aboue the Ministers as that is plainly denied so cannot the cōtrary be lightly proued For s Marke was none otherwyse Bishop at Alexandria then S. Thomas preaching to the Meedes Parthians and Persians Saynt Iames and Simon Cananeus were but as Simon Zelotes preachyng in Mauritania and Aphricke Peter was in no ampler sort Byshop of Antioche the Iudas Thaddeus preaching in Mesopotamia Ignacius was at Antioche as Onesimus at Ephesus Polycarpus was at Smyrna but as Simon was at Bostrum As for Epiphanius fuit Episcopus voluit arrogāter suam tueri dignitatem he was a Bishop and he would arrogantly maintaine and vpholde hys dignitie Questiō Hereunto we may adde a question whether it hath bene or maye bee profitable to the Churche of God that one Minister should be set on hygh and aboue the rest Answer First touching Rome this political superiority hath set him on horsbacke and a gog on all hys pryde whereby the Church of God was and is afflicted Christian Princes iniured religion vtterly subuerted and superstition mainly defended Then concerning Englande thys preheminence in Priestes was the cause why William Rufus Henry the first were troubled by Anselmus Henry the second molested by Thomas Becket
Kyng Iohn by Steuen Langthon Henry the third by Edmunde Edward the first by Iohn Peckham and Robert Winchelsey kyng Richard with Williā Bishop of Ely so of other kinges who euery one in his time had som what to do with Byshops Archbishops and Cardinals so that the end of this superiority is the dishonouriug of God the troubling of Princes the heaping together of great wealth abusing of the goodes of the Church and molesting wringing of all christian people Thus wee see it manifestly proued if selfe wyl and ambition raygne not that no primacie eyther in the Pope or in any other Priest maye bee mayntained And we haue it proued by the holy Ghost in S. Paule and in S. Peter Chrysostome concludeth so Aerius affirmeth it Augustine aloweth it Cypriā so saith Ambrose agreeth thereunto Theophilact confesseth it Hierom auoucheth it Panormitan so writeth Erasinus so thinketh it is the mynde of Theodorete of Musculus of Bullinger of Peter Martir of Caluin of Beza of Gualter of other the godly and learned wherfore to conclude we may wel reason thus All things disagreing from the godly and learned-mens iudgement from the holy Ghost his teachyng are to be reiected Therfore that one Minister shoulde be aboue his fellowe brethren is to be reiected Adde hereunto the Minor then the argument holdeth in Darij Seyng that the degree of a Byshop and of a Pastor doo not differ by the law of God it is euident that if any Pastor or Curate make anye godly ordinaunce in his Church it is confirmed by the law of God. 2 A Byshoppe or Deacon shoulde not bee called Grace Lord Honour or exercise such authoritie Ye know that the Lordes of the Gētiles haue dominion ouer them and they that are great exercise authoritie ouer them but it shal not be so among you They that beare rule ouer them are called gratious Lordes but ye shall not be so Feede the flocke of God which dependeth vpon you c. not as though ye were Lordes ouer Gods heritage Wee preache not our selues but Christ Iesus the Lorde and our selues your Seruantes for Iesus fake He that is called to a Bishoprick is not called to a Soueraigntie but vnto the seruice of the whole Church Let Bishops vnderstād that they are Ministers and not Lordes He that truly succeedeth Paule wil say with hym not as though wee were Lordes ouer your fayth but helpers of your ioy We ought not to bee lyfted vp on high and to seeme mightie The lust of strife and desire and of Lordship raygne there They shal know openly by manifest scriptures our fained hipocrisy and that we ought not to be Lordes of the Parlamēt nor to haue any place of worldly honour amōg the people Here was an ensample howe they ought to knowe nothing of Prynces affaires whose dutye it is to preache teache heanenly matters The king keeping his Parlamēt with hys Barons the Archbishops and Byshops being shut forth it was enacted The Bishop of Rome ought to be the Minister of the Church If Christ the sonne of God came not to be ministred vnto but to minister serue how then can hys Vicar haue any dominion or be called Lord as you Panormitan will affirme They do euyl that seeke to be Byshops to the intent they would be notable aboue the rest The Bishop was not so aboue the rest in honor and dignitie that he had a dominion ouer his fellowes Dominions and hygh authorities bee as it were stops and impedimentes to the attaining of eternal felicitie and they are to bee cast awaye and contemned c. Byshops maye not bee Princes and Lordes of any place but of their own housholde for it is contrary to bee a Byshop and Prince for to be a Byshop is to be a Minister faithfull Seruant But because they did loue the worldly kingdome and lordship more then the kingdome of heauē as Christ here chargeth them that they wyll bee great and be called Lordes c. Wher it is a Ministerie that is here entreated of it is foolishnes and great absurditie vnder colour therof to seeke reuerence of the people or to exercise tirānical lordship ouer thē Therefore the Popes kyngdome is of this world For here one sorte are your Grace your Holynes your Fatherhood an other my Lord Byshop my Lord Abbot my Lord Prior an other Maister Doctor Father Bacheler master Parson Maister Vicar and at the last cōmeth in simple Sir Iohn eueri one raygneth ouer other with might and haue euery Ruler his Pryson his Iayler his chaynes his tormentes Thou wilt say thou canst not see how ther should be any good order in that kingdome wher none were better then other and wher the Superiour had not a law to compel the inferiour with violence It belongeth onely vnto the Prince to haue ful power ouer all worldlye courses for the Bishops may not vsurpe any power that belongeth vn to the sworde so that S. Paule taketh all men from their subiection Origene taketh awaye all crimes from their correction Here it appeareth euidentlye by the Law of God by the example of our sauiour Christ by the holy wrytinges of the Apostels and by the exposition of the auncient fathers and others that neither the Byshop of Rome nor anye other Byshop or Deacon ought to haue take the name of gracious Lordes nor yet that they should exercise any such authoritie and therefore wee maye hence reason thus Al Successours of the Apostels ought to shunne the titles of gracious Lords All our Byshops are Successours of the Apostels Therefore al our Byshops ought to Thunne the titles of gracious Lordes Againe Nothyng disagreing from the scriptures is to be allowed But that a Minister would bee called Grace or Lord is disagreing from the scriptures Therefore it is not to be allowed 3 A popish Priest is no law ful Minister of the gospel A Byshop must bee vnreprouable c. apte to teache c. but a papal Priest is no such man. The Ministers must bee chosen by the Faithfull with praiers fastyng and in the assembly of the faithfull but the popish Priest is chosen by an Idolater without true praiers or fasting and in the companye of irreligious Papistes therefore he is no true Minister He which is lawfully ordayned holdeth the Apostolicall Euangelicall tradition is a Minister but such a one is not the poipish Priest the proofe is playne The Sinagoge of the Pope is more aduersarie to Christ then the Turke therfore his Priestes are no lawfull Ministers of the Gospell Consider the definition of a Pastor and it must needes euidentlye appeare that a popish Priest is no lawfull Minister Question If a popish Priest refuse his papacie being cōuerted vnto the Gospell may he not be a Minister without any further calling