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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A81806 A full relation of the passages concerning the late treaty for a peace, begun at Vxbridge January 30. 1644. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I). 1645 (1645) Wing D2480A; Thomason E281_12; ESTC R200042 160,709 240

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the same were particularly enacted by the Authority of Parliament And that the Lord Major Aldermen and Commons in Common-Councell may adde to or repeale the said Ordinances from time to time as they shall see cause That such other Propositions as shall be made for the City for their farther safety welfare and Government and shall be approved of by both Houses of Parliament may be granted and confirmed by Act of Parliament Vpon consideration of which Propositions His Majesty sent the Duke of Richmond and the Earle of Southampton with this Message of the 13th of December HIs Majesty hath seriously considered your Propositions II. and findes it very difficult in respect they import so great an alteration in Government both in Church and State to returne a particular and positive answer before a full deb●te wherein thos● Propositions and all the necessary Explanations and reasons for assenting dissenting or qualifying and all inconveniences and mischiefes which may ensue and cannot otherwise be so well foreseen may be discussed and weighed His Majesty therefore proposeth and desireth as the best expedient for Peace That you will appoynt such number of Persons as you shall think fit to Treat with the like number of Persons to be appoynted by His Majesty upon the said Propositions and such other things as shall be proposed by His Majesty for the preservation and defence of the Protest●nt Religion with due regard to the ease of tender Consciences as His Majesty hath often offered The Rights of the Crowne The Liberty and Property of the Subject and the Priviledges of Parliament And upon the whole matter to conclude a happy and blessed Peace Vnto which Message this Answer of the 27th of December was returned to His Majesty May it please your Most Excellent Majesty WEE Your Majesties humble and Loyall Subjects of both Kingdomes have considered of Your Maiesties Message III. of the 13. of December 1644. sent by the Duke of Richmond and the Earle of Southampton directed to the Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England at Westminster and to the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland now at London And doe in all humblenesse returne this Answer That we doe consent there be a Treaty for a safe and well grounded Peace But find that it will require some time to resolve concerning the Instructions and manner of that Treaty And therefore that Your Majesty might not be held in suspence touching our readinesse to make use of any opportunity for attayning such a blessed and happy Peace in all Your Majesties Dominions We would not stay Your Majesties Messengers till we did resolve upon all th●se particulars which we will take into our serious consideration and present our humble desires to Your Majesty with all convenient speed Westminster the 20 ●h of Decemb. 1644. Gray of Wark Speaker of the House of Peeres pro tempore Signed in the name and by warrand of the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland LOWDON William Lenthall Speaker of the Commons House Assembled in Parliament And afterwards upon the 18th of January following Sir Peter Killigrew brought this farther Answer to His Majesty May it please Your Most Excellent Majesty WEE Your Majesties humble and Loyall Subjects the IV. Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England at Westminster and the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland do make our further answer to Your Majesties Message of the 13th of December last 1644. Concerning a Treaty for Peace as followeth We do consent that there be a Treaty for a safe and well grounded Peace between your Majesty and your humble and Loyall Subjects assembled in the Parliaments of both Kingdomes And for the present have appoynted Algernon Earle of Northumberland Philip Earle of Pembrook Mountgomery William Earle of Salisbury B●sill Earle of Denbigh Thomas Lord Viscount Wenman Denzill Hollis William Pierrepoint Sir Henry Vane Junior Oliver St Iohn Bulstrode Whitlock Iohn Crew Edmund Prideaux for the Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England at Westminster And Iohn Earle of Lowdon Lord Chancellor of Scotland Archibald Marquisse of Argyle Iohn Lord Maitland Iohn Lord Balmerino Sir Archibald Iohnston Sir Charles Erskin George Dundas Sir Iohn Smith M r Hugh Kennedy and M r Robert Barclay for the Estates of the Parliament of Scotland together with Master Alexander Henderson upon the Propositions concerning Religion who or any Ten of them there being alwayes some of the Parliaments of both Kingdomes are appointed and authorized to meet at V●bridge on what day Your Majesty shall be pleased to set downe before the last day of this present Ianuary with such Persons as Your Majesty shall appoint under Your Signe Manuall for that purpose And the number of the persons to Treat not to exceed seventeen on either part unlesse the persons named for the Estates of the Parliament of Scotland now not here or any of them shall come and then Your Maiesty may have the like number if you please There to Treat upon the Matters conteined in the Propositions we lately sent unto Your Majesty according to such Instructions as shall be given unto them And the Propositions for Religion the Militia and for Ireland to be first Treated on and agreed and the time for the Treaty upon the said Propositions for Religion the Militia and for Ireland not to exceed Twenty dayes and for the things mentioned in Your Message to be propounded by Your Maiesty when the Persons sent by Your Maiesty shall communicate the same to the Committees appointed by us as aforesaid We have directed them to send the same to us That they may receive our Instructions what to doe therein And to the end that the Persons that are to be sent from Your Majesty and from us with their retinue not exceeding the number of one Hundred and Eight on either part may repaire to Vxbridge stay there and returne at their pleasure without interruption That mutuall safe Conducts be granted to the said Persons according to the severall Lists of their Names Signed by Order of the Lords and Commons Assembled in the Parliament of England as Westminster Signed in the name and by warrant of the Commissioners of the Kingdome of Scotland LOWDON Gray of Wark Speaker of the House of Peeres pro tempore William Lenthall Speaker of the Commons House in the Parliament of England Whereunto His Majesty returned an Answer inclosed in a Letter from Prince Rupert to the Earle of Essex dated the 21 of January which Letter and Answer were as followeth The Letter My Lord I Am commanded by His Majesty to returne this His answer V. Together with this inclosed in a Letter from Prince Rupert to the Earle of Essex His Majestie sent a safe Conduct for their Commissioners and their retinue to the Message lately sent Him from the Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England at Westminster and the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland by Sir Peter Killigrew I
Lord Culpeper Sir Edward Nicholas Knight one of Our principall Secretaries of State Sir Edward Hide Knight Chancellour and Vnder-Treasurer of Our Exchequor Sir Richard Lane chiefe Baron of Our said Exchequor Sir Thomas Gardiner Sir Orlando Bridgeman M Iohn Ashburnham and M. Ieffrey Palmer together with Doctor Richard Steward upon these Propositions concerning Religion to be Our Commissioners touching the premisses And do hereby give unto them and to any ten or more of them full power and authority to meet and on Our part to Treat with Algernoun Earle of Northumberland Philip Earle of Pembroke and Montgomery William Earle of Salisbury Basill Earle of Denbigh Thomas Lord Viscount Wenman Denzill Hollis William Pieirepoynt Esquires Sir Henry Vane the yonger Knight Oliver S. Iohn Bulstrode Whitlock Iohn Crew and Edmund Prideaux Esquires for the Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England at Westminster and Iohn Earle of Lowdon Lord Chancellour of Scotland Archibald Marquesse of Argile Iohn Lord Maytland Iohn Lord Balmerino Sir Archibald Iohnston Sir Charles Erskin George Dunda● Sir Iohn Smith M. Hugh Kennedy and M. Robert Barclay for the Estates of the Parliament of Scotland together with M. Alexander Henderson upon the Propositions concerning Religion or with any ten or more of them upon and touching the matters contained in the said Propositions Answers and Messages or any other according to the manner and agreement therein specified or otherwise as they or any ten or more of them shall think fit and to take all the premisses into their serious considerations and to compose conclude and end all differences arising thereupon or otherwise as they or any tenne or more of them in their wisdomes shall think fit And upon the whole matter to conclude a safe and well grounded Peace if they can And whatsoever they or any ten or more of them shall do in the premisses We doe by these presents ratifie and confirme the same Given at Our Court at Oxford the Eight and Twentieth day of Ianuary in the Twentieth yeare of Our Raigne 1644. Their Commission to the English Commissioners Die Martis 28. Ianuary 1644. BEE it Ordained by the Lords and Commons assembled in XI Parliament That Algernoun Earle of Northumberland Philip Earle of Pembroke and Montgomery William Earle of Salisbury Bazill Earle of Denbigh Thomas Lord Viscount Wenman Denzill Hollis William Pierrepont Sir Henry Vane Junior Oliver St. Iohn Bulstrode Whitlock Iohn Crew and Edmund Prideaux shall have power and authority and are hereby authorized to joyne with the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland together with Alexander Henderson upon the Propositions concerning Religion only To Treat with the Lord Duke of Richmond Marquisse of Hertford the Earle of Southampton the Earle of Kingston the Lord Dunsmore Lord Capell Lord Seymour Sir Christopher Hatton Sir Iohn Culpeper Sir Edward Nicholas Sir Edward Hide Sir Richard Lane Sir Orlando Bridgeman Sir Thomas Gardiner M. Iohn Ashbornham M. Ieffery Palmer or any tenne of them upon the Propositions formerly sent to His Maiesty for a safe and well grounded Peace from His Maiesties humble and Loyall Subiects assembl●d in the Parliaments of both Kingdomes together with Dr Steward upon the Propositions concerning Religion only and upon his Maiesties Propositions according to such Instructions as have been given to them or as they from time to time shall receive from both Houses of Parliament Iohn Browne Cler. Parliamentor Their Commission to the Scots Commissioners AT Edinburgh the saxteint day of Iulij The ȝeir of God XII M. Vj c fourtye four ȝeires The Estaistes of Parliament presentlie conveined be vertew of the last act of the last Tarliament haldin by His Majesty and thrie Estaites in Anno. 1641. Considdering that this Kingdome efter all uther meanes of supplicationnes Remonstrances and sending of Commissionaris to His Majesty have bein used without success Did enter into a solemne league Covenant with the Kingdom Parliamēt of England for Reformationne defence of Religionne the honor happines of the King the peace safety of the thrie Kingdoms of Scotland England Ireland And ane Treattie aggried upon ane Armie and Forces raised and sent out of yis Kingdom for these endis Quhairupone the Conventionne of Estaistes of this Kingdome the nynt of Iannuary last being desirous to use all good and lawfull meanes that Treuth and Peace might be established in all His Majesties Dominions with such a blessed Pacificationne betwixt His Maiesty and His Subiectis as might serve most for His Maiesties trew honor and the safety and happines of His people Granted Commissione to Iohn Erle of Lowdounne heigh Chancellor of Scotland Iohne Lord Mai t and than and ȝit in England Sir Archibald Iohnestounne of Wariestounne ane of the Lordis of Sessionne and Maister Robert Barclay now in England to repaire to England with power to thame or any twa of yame to endeavoure the effectuating of ye foirsaides endis conforme to the Commmissione and instructiones than giving to thame as the Commissione of the dait foirsaid proportis Lyke as the saides Iohne Lord of Maitland Sir Archibald Iohnestounne and Maister Robert Barclay have evir since attendit in England in the discharge of the foirsaid Commissione Qunhill lately that Sir Archibald Iohnestounne returned with some Propositiones prepaired by the Committie of both Kingdomes to be presented to the Estaites of Scotland and to both howss of the Parliament of England and by thame to be revised and considderit and than by mutuall advyse of both Kingdomes to be presented for ane safe and weill grounded peace Qwhilkies Propositiones ar revised and considderit and advysed be the Estaites of Parliament now conveined and their sense and resultis drawin up yrupone Whiche Commissione is to endure while the comming of the Commissionars underwrittin And heirewith also considderin That the endis for the whilk the samen was granted ar not ȝit effectuate and that the Propositiones with ye Estaites thair resultis yrupone ar to be returned to ye Parliament of England Thairfore the Estaites of Parliament be thir presentis gives full powar and Commissione to the said Iohne Erle of Lowdonne Lord heigh Chancellor of yis Kingdome Archibald Marqueis of Argyle and Iohne Lord Balmerino for the Nobility Sr Archibald Iohnestounne of Wariestonne Sir Charles Erskyne of Cambuuskenneth and Maister George Dundas of Maner for the Barrones Sr Iohne Smyth of Grott●ll Proveist of Edenburgh Hew Kennedy Burges of Air and Master Robert Barclay for the Burrowes the thrie Estates of yis Kingdom and to Iohne Lord Maitland supernumerarie in this Commissione or to any thrie or mae of the haill number thair being ane of ilk Estate as Commissionaris from the Estaites of Parliament of this Kinkdome to repaire to the Kinkdome of England sick of them as ar not thair already and with powar to thame or any thrie or mae of the whole number thair being ane of ilk Estaite to endeavour the
effectuating of ye foirsaides endis the concluding of the Propositions with the Estaites th aire results thairupon And all suche uyr matteris conceruing the good of bothe Kingdomes as ar or all be from time to time committed unto thame be the Estaites of yis Kingdome or Committies thairof according to the instructiones givin or to be givin to the Commissionaris abovenameit or their quuorums And for this effect The Estaites Ordeanes Iohne Erle of Lowdonne Chancellor Iohne Lord Balmerino Sir Archibald Iohnstounne of Wariestounne Sir Charles Erskyne of Cambuskenneth and Hew Kennedy repaire with all dilligence to the Kingdome of England to the effect before rehearsit conforme to this Commissione and instructiones As also the Estaites Ordeanes ye saides ArchibaldMarqueis of Argyle M. George Dundas of Maner and Sir Iohne Smyth Proveist of Edenburgh to repaire to ye Kingdome of England with all sick conventencie as the occasione of ye businesse shall require or as they sall be commandit ather be the Committie from the Parliament heir they being in Scotland or be the Committie with the Army they being in England And Ordeanes thame to joyne with the remanent Commissionaris to the affect above mentionat conforme to the Commission● and instructiones givin or to be givin to the Commissionais or thair quuorums thair anent be the Estaites of this Kingdome or Committies yrof And the Estaites of Parliament be thir presents haldis and sall halde firme and stable all and what summ evir thinges the Commissionaris abovenameit or any thrie or mae of thame sall doe conforme to this Commisionne and to the instructionnes given or to be given to thame Extractit furthe of the butkes of Parliament be me Sir Alexander Gibsone of Dun●ie Knyt Clerk of His Majesties Registers and Rollis under my sign● and subscriptionne Mannuall Alexander Gibsonne Cler. Regist After the Commissions read their Commissioners delivered to His Majesties Commissioners this paper Ianuary the 30. WEE are directed by Our Instructions to Treat with XIII your Lordships upon the Propositions concerning Religion the Militia and Ireland three daies a peice alternis vicibus during the space of twenty dayes from the 30 of Ianuary beginning first with the Propositions of Religion and accordingly we shall deliver unto your Lordships a Paper to morrow morning upon those Propositions Accordingly the Treaty did proceed upon those subject● three daies a piece Alternis vicibus beginning with that of Religion upon Friday the last of Ianuary and so continuing Saturday the first and Monday the third of February which was after resumed Tuesday the 11 Wednesday the 12 and Thursday the 13 of February and again the two last daies of the 20. And the like course was held touching the Militia and Ireland But because the passages concerning each subject severally will be more clearly understood being collected and disposed together under their severall heads therefore all those which concerne Religion the Militia and Ireland are put together And in like manner the passages preparatory to the Treaty concerning the Commissions the manner of the Treaty and a seditious Sermon made the first day appoynted for the Treaty And such as hapned in the Treaty touching His Majesties Propositions The demands of farther time to Treat and other emergent passages which have no Relation to those of Religion the Militia and Ireland are in like manner digested under their severall heads with their particular dates And first those which concerne the Commissions Friday the last of Ianuary His Majesties Commissioners delivered unto Their Commissioners this paper Vlt. Ianuary WEE having perused the power granted to your Lordships XIV in the Paper delivered by the Earle of Northumberland and finding the same to relate to instructions we desire to see those instructions that thereby we may know what power is granted to you and we ask this the rather because by All their Commissioners were not then come to Vxbridge the Powers we have seen we doe not find that your Lordships in the absence of any one of your number have power to Treat Their Answer 31. Ianuary BY Our Instructions we or any tenne of us whereof some of either XV. House of the Parliament of England and some of the Commissioners of the Kingdome of Scotland to be present have power to Treat with your Lordships Their farther Answer Vlt. Ianuary VVHereas your Lordships have expressed unto us a desire XVI of seeing our Instructions to know what Power is granted us and this the rather because you say you find not by what you have seen that in the absence of any one of our number we have power to Treat To this we returne in Answer that since the Paper already delivered in by us declaring that by our Instructions any tenne of us whereof some of either House of the Parliament of England and some of the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland to be present had power to Treat with your Lordships hath not given you satisfaction in the particular of the Quorum We shall send unto the two Houses of Parliament to have the Quorum inserted in the Commission and doe expect the returne of it so amended within two or three daies when we shall present it unto your Lordships But as for your desire in generall to see our Instructions it is that for which we have no Warrant nor is it as we conceive at all necessary or proper for us so to doe for that the Propositions upon which we now Treat have been already presented from the Parliaments of both Kingdoms unto His Majesty and whatsoever is propounded by us in order unto them is sufficiently warranted by what both Parliaments have done in the passing and sending of those Propositions and by the Commissions authorising us to Treat upon them already shewn unto your Lordships so as there can be no need to shew any other power Accordingly on Saturday the first of February they did deliver their Commission for the English Commissioners renewed as followeth Die Sabbatis primo Febr. BE it Ordained by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that Algernon Earle of Northumberland Philip XVII Earle of Pembrook and Montgomery William Earle of Salisbury Bazil Earle of Denbigh Thomas Lord Viscount Wenman Denzill Hollis William Pierrepont Sir Henry Vane junior Oliver St Iohn Bulstrode Whitlock Iohn Crew and Edmund Prideaux shall have power and authority and are hereby authorized to joyne with the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland together with Alexander Henderson upon the Propositions concerning Religion only or any tenne of them Whereof some of either House of the Parliament of England and some of the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland are to be present To treat with the Lord Duke of Richmond the Marquisse of Hertford the Earle of Southampton the Earle of Kingston the Lord Dunsmore Lord Capell Lord Seymour Sir Christopher Hatton Sir Iohn Culpeper Sir Edward Nicholas Sir Edward Hyde Sir Richard Lane