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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69171 A treatise, touching Antichrist VVherein, the place, the time, the forme, the workmen, the vpholders, the proceeding, and lastly, the ruine and ouerthrow of the kingdome of Antichrist, is plainly laid open out of the word of God: where also manie darke, and hard places both of Daniell and the Reuelation are made manifest. By Lambert Danæus.; Tractatus de Antichristo. English Daneau, Lambert, ca. 1530-1595?; Swan, John, d. 1617. 1589 (1589) STC 6229; ESTC S111048 137,818 208

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A TREATISE TOVCHING ANTICHRIST VVherein the Place the Time the Forme the workmen the Vphoulders the Proceeding and lastly the ruine and ouerthrow of the Kingdome of Antichrist is plainly laid open out of the word of God where also manie darke and hard places both of Daniell and the Reuelation are made manifest By Lambert Danaeus Meete in these dayes to be considered where-in the kingdome of the Beast is by force and trecherie sought to be reuiued And published for the encouragement of those which ioyne in the intended actions against the Spaniard and otherwise for the further ouerthrow of Antichrist and enlarging of Christ his kingdome with the pure preaching and sincere gouernment of the same Reuel 18.4 Go out of her my people 1. Cor. 10.11 These thinges were written to admonish vs. Vppon whom the ends of the world are come LONDON Imprinted by Thomas Orwin for Iohn Porter and Thomas Gubbin 1589. ¶ To the Right Honorable his verie good Lord Sir Christopher Wraie Knight Lord Cheife Iustice of England a liberall benefactour and worthie founder in Magdalen Colledge in Cambridg Ihon Swan wisheth such condition as hath promise both of this life and of the life to come WHat may be thought meete to be spoken in the behalfe of this booke right Honorable I suppose may bee found sufficient in the preface ensuing made by the Author himselfe and addressed vnto his Lord the Lord Casimire But what occasions moued me vnto the translation of the worke and to offer it to your Honour it may perhaps bee looked for that my selfe should signifie VVe haue seene Antichrist euen in this our Realme as well as in many other places of Christendome to haue taken a notable both fall and foyle Jn so much as who so had liued in the daies of the famous King Henry the eyght VVhome it pleased God to vse as the chiefest instrument to dismount the monster and giue him his deadly wound to haue seene then the zeale and forwardnes that was in the Nobilitie the painefulnes of the Cleargie both by pen and in pulpit the triumphes and ioyfull acclamations of the people he would haue thought that neither Antichrist himselfe would euer haue looked back with hope to haue set foote in amongst vs againe nor that in the heart of any one true English-man especially after so long a farewell hee might finde any residence or fauourable entertainment But tantae molis erit Romanam euertere gentem it fell out otherwise For not long after it appeared that it was an easier matter to hurle out the Pope then poperie at a suddaine In so much as * Ould Docter Turner one in a prety pamphlet intituled The hunting of the Foxe by the industry of such hounds as there he set on worke and by print of the Beasts footing which in many corners he obserued he descried withal cried out that the Foxe was still in the land And as for our time late and that daungerous experience hath toulde vs both in respect of Rome and Rhemes abroade and of Jesuites and Seminarie Priests sent ouer vnto vs and of hollow harted and trayterous subiects fostered amongst vs who all haue made waie to this late cruell attempt of the Spanyards that both the Pope himselfe hath long since cast more then a glauncing eye toward England and that many amongst vs yea such as haue bin borne in time of her Maiesties most happie Raigne haue liked and longed for that vnhappie euent of that vngratious aspect But long may they looke in vaine as hetherto they haue done by Gods mercifull prouidence ouer vs and by the carefull gouernment of such as are our Magistrats VVhose labour and watchfulnes as it becommeth eache christian in loue of the Churche to support and further by al such good meanes as where-with God hath enabled him So J being not able otherwise haue endeuoured hereby to do the best I maie not for the helpe of the learned who are able themselues to consult with the Author in the originall but of such as to whome without such helpe this worke might seeme to bee a treasure hid in the ground And they be the men that be most endaungered as not being able to discearne the Beast though daily they see his footing before their face and therefore had most need of a Mithridate to withstand his infection And in my simple opinion there is no one booke among many that hath bin penned of late to this purpose which more fitly and effectually perperformeeh the same then this doth in thwarting the enterprise of the Rhemist and cracking the credit of this Romish maister which also might daunt the desperat attempts of his fauourites amongst vs considering the Beast vnder whose banner they fight This little labour of mine being finished considering with my selfe the place which your Lordship sustaines to the seruice and saftie of her Maiesties person hir country and common-weale and good of the Churche J was easely induced to presume to make offer of the same vnto your honour And in so doing withall J conceiued hope to compasse that which the Author himselfe affected in making his dedication vnto Prince Casimire namely that vnder your Lordeships name and patronage it may be the more willingly accepted and the more safely passe through the handes of men The which J beseeche your good Lordeship in such fauourable sorte to accept as you did the former The Lorde of Lords preserue your Lordship to see the happie and ioyfull returne of many a newe yere and prosper your Honorable endeauours tending to the aduauncement of his glorie and supplanting his and her Maiesties enemies to the good of the Church the safety of the Realme the furtheraunce of Religion and learning and your owne endles comfort in Christ Jesu Amen From the Colledg of Wye in Kent the first of Ianuary 1589 Your Lordships most bounden Iohn Swan To the famous and mightie Prince and Lord Iohn Casimire Countie Palantine of the RHINE Duke of BAVER c. his verie good Lord and Maister WHereas in these our daies wherein the light of the glorious Gospell begins to reuiue and spring a fresh there be many poynts called into controuersie there is not among them any one Most noble Prince more difficult or lesse agreed vpon by such as write then that question which concerneth Antichrist The knowledge whereof although it be most necessarie both for the vnderstanding of that truth which God himselfe hath reueiled exceeding profitable for the staie of the Church yet in this poynt the opinions of the auncient Fathers haue bene so variable and diuers that we are almost altogether to seeke what we are to follow and hould in this behalfe And this diuersitie of theirs came to passe by this meanes partly for that they liued in those dayes wherein all the marks and tokens of this Jniquitie the which notwithstanding the Spirit of God bewraied and poynted out beforehand were not manifest as not come to light for as yet
in no case of Paule or of Iohn who was most beloued of Christ or of their successours affirming that they are the true and proper successours of Peter vnto whom alone this power doth appertaine Wherevpon it began that Peter was tearmed the Prince of Apostles and the Bishopps of Rome which boast themselues to be his successours make challenge of this priuiledge as tied so straight vnto this seate Citie of Rome as looke whosoeuer shall bee thereunto installed are without all controuersie indued with the like power But what saith Bernard vnto Eugenius Bishoppe of Rome touching this matter Epist 237. Surely in great disdaine he writeth thus A true successour of Paule will say with Paule not as being Lords ouer your faith but furtherers of your ioy And he that is an heire of Peter will giue eare vnto Peter speaking thus not as bearing rule ouer the Cleargie but as patternes vnto your flocke Who will perfourme this vnto me that I may see before I dye the Church of God as it was in olde time when the Apostles let downe their nets not to catch siluer or golde but to catch soules Whereby it sufficiently appeareth that he thought nothing lesse then that the Bishops of that Sea were to be reputed the true and lawfull successours of Peter or Paule These therefore were the beginnings proceedings degrees and supporters whereby the kingdome of Antichrist was strengthened and at Rome especially established That the authoritie and power of Antichrist was at no time receiued without the resistance and gain-saying of some good Bishops The 26. Chapter ANd yet this power and Empyre neither came to perfection at last neither was vsurped at first without the great grutching and resistance of manie For at all times yea after the Apostacie was once begun there were euer one or other either good men or Bishoppes which openly gain-sayd it and condemned it as wicked opposing also themselues agaynst it franklie and to their vtmost indeuour by whose meanes the Lord did sufficiently fore-warne his Church if it could bee wise to beware of this yoke of bondage And truely in the yeare 600. what time as yet it was in the swadling cloutes and beginnings all the Greeke Churches and especially that of Constantinople and which was dispersed ouer Dacia Illiricum or Slavonia stood stoutly and cried out agaynst that vsurped power Those Bishoppes which accused Symmachus Bishoppe of Rome before Theodoricus King of the Gothes among other crimes which they layd to his charge this was the principall for that he reputed himselfe as a lawles man without the checke or comptroulement of any that is not subiect to the censure of any man or Magistrate whatsoeuer as appeareth in Canon Nullus distinct 99. Dinoth an Abbot in Britaine that is in England did likewise lustely oppose himselfe agaynst the same Gildas in his treatise De castigatione Ecclesiastici ordinis of the correction of the Ecclesiasticall state teacheth that this pertaineth to all Bishops and not vnto any one where it is sayd Whatsoeurr thou shalt loose c. Agayne some of the chiefe and best learned Bishoppes of Germanie and Fraunce as appeareth out of the storie of Aventine in his Epistle to Anastasius resisted both the beginnings and goings forward of that kingdome For I will not speake of the Counsell of Carthage where when as the Romane Bishop would haue brought in this tyrannie he was openly by the whole assemblie accused and conuinced of forgerie The which treacherous tricke Marke Bishop of Ephesus obiected likewise publikelie agaynst him in the Counsell of Florence Anno 1439. Lastly Belisatius Captaine of the guard vnder Iustinian did of himselfe depose the Bishoppe of Rome being suspected of trayterous dealing agaynst the Citie In the yeare of our Lord 700. when as this throane of power and Apostacie was somewhat setled and that by the good liking and consent of a great many yet Paulus Bishoppe of Creta gain-sayd it and at no hand would graunt lisence vnto Iohn Bishop of the Citie Lampio to make an appeale vnto the Sea of Rome The Church of Ravenna admitted of no other head than her selfe neither would she although she were in Jtalie bee subiect vnto the Church of Rome as touching Maister Pope Nilus Archbishop of Thessalonica did likewise write a verie learned booke agaynst the primacie of the Pope And as yet Greece made open resistance agaynst this power and tyrannie of the Romane Bishop and alwaies disclaymed the same and that in such wise as when Iohn Palaeologe Emperour of Constantinople and Ioseph the Patriarch of that Citie and certaine other Bishoppes of Greece among whome Bessario was one had in the Florentine Counsell Anno Domini 1439. approued of this power of the Romane Bishoppe ouer all Churches they were for so doing reproued and excommunicated by the other Churches of Greece and the Easterne parts of the worlde Nay which is more the Pope himselfe doth yearely by couenant giue a peece of golde vnto as many Greeke Bishops as will vouchsafe in the celebrating of their Masses to call him chiefe Priest In the yeare of our Lord 1140. at what time Bernardus Abbas Clarevallensis liued Arnolde Brixianus an eloquent man and a Monke declaimed lustelie all his life time agaynst this Primacie and tyrannie of the Pope as Sigonius writeth lib. 11. de Regno Italico of whō also mention is made by Bernard himselfe in his 195. Epistle whome therefore Innocentius the second Bishop of Rome condemned for an Heretike when now all the worlde began to allowe of this Romish crueltie Therefore wee see that in all ages there were some which openly euen in the assemblies of Synods cryed out agaynst this vsurped power vntill at last as was fore-tould by the Spirit of God Antichrist and his doctrine preuailed and bare rule for so it pleased God to reuenge the contempt of his worde while in the meane time euery man held his peace and submitted himselfe thereunto in most miserable and slauish manner which continued to the wonderfull great hurt of all Christendome vntill such time as Iohn Wickliefe was raysed and stirred vp by God in England who opposed himselfe manfully agaynst it and was the first man that with great valour cut the very sinnewes of it a sunder After whom by the great goodnesse of GOD Iohn Husse and Ierom of Prage were giuen vs the verie two Oliue braunches spoken of Reuelation 11.4 After them succeeded Luther and after him Iohn Caluin and others valiant and couragious Souldiers armed with the Spirit of GOD who with great courage set themselues agaynst this doctrine and tyrannie the which for the most parte they haue by the grace of GOD shaken and brought to nought although notwithstanding it supporte it selfe as well as it maie with Figge-tree boughes Of the destruction and ouerthrowe of the kingdome of Antichrist which is to be brought to passe by the only breath of the Lords mouth and not by any power or strength of a fifth sixth or