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A47584 The historie of the reformation of the Church of Scotland containing five books : together with some treatises conducing to the history. Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572.; Buchanan, David, 1595?-1652? 1644 (1644) Wing K738; ESTC R12446 740,135 656

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Gods grace whereof God send you plentie And so I end Sic subscribitur Yours as a member of the same body in Christ M. Cecill From Oxford the 28 of Iuly 1559. Albeit the said Iohn received this Letter at Barwick yet would he answer nothing till that he had spoken with the Lords whom he found in Sterlin and unto whom he delivered the answer sent from the Councell of England for Alexander Whitlaw took sicknesse betwixt Barwick and Edinburgh and was troubled by the Lord Seaton as in the former Booke is declared the answer sent by Master Cecill was so generall that many amongst us despaired of any comfort to come from that Countrey And therefore were determined that they would request no further Iohn Knox laboured in the contrary but he could prevaile no further but that he should have licence and libertie to write as he thought best And so took he upon him to answer for all in forme as followeth Answer to Master Cecils writing TWo causes hindred me Right Worshipfull to visit you in any part in England Before this no signification of your minde and pleasure was made unto me for onely did Sir Henry Percie will me to come and speake with him which conveniently at that time I could not do by reason that the French-men which was the second cause of my stay did then most furiously pursue us while our company was dispersed and then durst I not be absent for divers inconveniences neither did I thinke my presence with you greatly necessary considering that the matter which I most desired was opened and proposed To the which I would have wished That a more plaine and especiall answer should have been made For albeit Master Whitlaw by his Credit Master Kirkcaldie by his Letter and I both by Letters and by that which I had received from Sir Iames Crofts did perswade your good mindes yet could not the councell be otherwise perswaded but that this alteration in France had altered your former purpose It is not unknown what good will we three do beare to England And therefore I wish That rather your Pen then our Credit or any thing written to any of us should assure the Lords and others of your good mindes who are now in number but five hundred Unlesse that money be furnished without delay to pay the Souldiers for their service past and to retaine another thousand foot-men with three hundred horse-men till some stay be had in this danger these Gentle-men will be compelled to leave the fields I am assured as flesh may be of flesh That some of them will take a very hard life before that ever they compose either with the Queen Regent or with France but this I dare not promise at all unlesse in they see greater forwardnesse To support us will appear excessive and to break promise with France will appear dangerous But the losse of expences in mine opinion ought not to be esteemed from the first payment neither yet the danger from the first appearance France is most fervent to conquer us and avoweth That against us they will spend the Crown so did mine own ears hear Butten Court bragge But most assuredly I know That unlesse by us they thought to make an entrie to you that they would not buy our poverty at that price They labour to corrupt some of our great men by money and some of our number are poore as before I wrote and cannot serve without support some they threatned and against others they have up one party in their owne Countrey In this mean time if ye lie by as neutralls what will be the end you may easily conjecture And therefore Sir in the bowells of Christ Jesus I require you to make plain answer What the Gentlemen here may trust to and what the Queens Majestie will do may without long delay be put in execution I rest in Christ Jesus Of Saint Iohnston the day of c. Answer with great expedition was returned to this Letter desiring some men of credit to be sent to the Lords to Barwicke for the receiving of the money for the first support with promise That if the Lords of the Congregation meant no otherwise then before they had written and if they would enter into League with honest Conditions they should neither lack men nor money to their just Causes Upon this answer was directed from the Lords to Barwicke Master Henry Balnaves a man of good credit in both the Realmes who suddenly returned with such a sum of money as served all the publike affairs till November next when Iohn Cockburne of Ormeston sent for the second support and receiving the same unhappily fell into the hands of the Earle Bothwell was wounded taken and spoyled of a great Sum upon which mischance followed all the rest of the troubles before rehearsed In the second Book preceding we have declared how Secretary Leehington was directed to England But one thing before we have passed by In that our greatest dejection this order was taken That the Duke the Earle of Glencarne Lord Boyd Lord Uchiltrie and their friends should remaine together at Glasgow for comfort of the Countrey and for giving of answers as occasion should require and that the Earle of Arrane the Lord Iames the Earle of Rothesse the Master of Lindsay and their adherents should continue together within Fyfe for the same causes that advertisements might go from the one to the other as need required In the Negotiation of the Secretary Lethington with the Queen and Councell of England in the which he travelled with no lesse wisedom and faithfulnesse then happy successe many things occurred that required the resolution of the whole Lords After that the Queen and Councell of England had concluded to send their Army to Scotland for expelling of the French the Duke of Norfolke was sent to Barwick with full instructions power and Commission to do in all things concerning the present affaires of Scotland as the Queen and Councell in their own persons had power to do Hereupon the said Duke required such a part of the Lords of Scotland as had power and Commission from the whole to meet him at such a day and place as pleased them to appoint This advertisement came first to Glasgow by the meanes of the Master of Maxwell Which read and considered by the Lords conclusion was taken that they would meet at Carleil and that was the procurement of the said Master of Maxwell for his ease Hereupon were Letters directed from the Lords being in Glasgow to Lord Iames requiring him with all possible expedition to repaire towards them for the purpose aforesaid Which Letters read and advised upon commandment was given to Iohn Knox to make the answer For so it was appointed at division of the Lords that he should answer for the part of those that were in Fyfe and M. Henry Balnaves for the part of them that abode at Glasgow The said Iohn answered as followeth To the Duke
of your Bishops is more then manifest their filthy lives infect the ayr the innocent blood which they shed cryeth vengeance in the ears of our God the idolatry and abomination which openly they commit and without punishment maintain doth corrupt and defile the whole Land and none amongst you do unfainedly study for any redresse of such enormities Will God in this behalf hold you as innocents Be not deceived dear brethren God hath punished not onely the proud tyrants filthy persons and cruell murtherers but also such as with them did draw the yoke of iniquity was it by flattering their offences obeying their unjust commandments or in winking at their manifest iniquity All such I say God once punished with the chief offenders Be ye assured brethren that as he is immutable of nature so will he not pardon you in that which he hath punished in others and now the lesse because he hath plainly admonished you of the dangers to come and hath offered you his mercy before he pour forth his wrath and displeasure upon the inobedient God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who is the father of glory and God of all consolation give you the spirit of wisedom and open unto you the knowledge of himself by the means of his dear Son by the which ye may attain to the esperance and hope That after the troubles of this transitory life ye may be partakers of the glorious Inheritance which is prepared for such as refuse themselves and fight under the Banner of Christ Iesus in the day of this his Battell That in deep consideration of the same ye may learn to prefer the invisible and eternall joyes to the vain pleasures that are present God further grant you his holy Spirit righteously to consider what I in his Name have required of your Nobility and of the subjects and move all together so to answer that my Petition be not a testimony of your just condemnation when the Lord Iesus shall appear to revenge the blood of his Saints and the contempt of his most holy Word Amen Sleep not in sin for vengeance is prepared against the inobedient Fly from Babylon if ye will not be partakers of her plagues Grace be with you Your Brother to command in godlinesse JOHN KNOX Be witnesse to my Appellation The 4. of Iuly 1558. A faithfull ADMONITION made by IOHN KNOX To the true Professors of the Gospel of CHRIST within the Kingdom of England 1554. John Knox wisheth Grace Mercy and Peace from GOD the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ with the perpetuall Comfort of the Holy Ghost to be with you for ever and ever dear Brethren the afflicted Members of Christs Church in England HAving no lesse desire to comfort such as now be in trouble within the Realm of England and specially you for many causes most dear to me then hath the naturall Father to ease the griefe and pain of his dearest Childe I have considered with my selfe what argument or parcell of Gods Scriptures was most convenient and meet to be handled for your consolation in these most dark and dolorous dayes And so as for the same purpose I was turning my Book I chanced to see a Note in the Margine written thus in Latine Videas Anglia Let England beware which Note when I had considered I found that the matter written in my Booke in Latine was this Seldome it is that God worketh any notable work to the comfort of his Church but that trouble fear and labour cometh upon such as God hath used for his Servants and Workmen and also tribulation most commonly followeth that Church were Christ Iesus is most truely preached This Note was made upon a place of Scripture written in the fourteenth Chapter of Saint Matthews Gospell which place declareth That after Christ Jesus had used the Apostles as Ministers and Servants to feed as it had been by their hands five thousand men beside women and children with five Barley Loaves and two Fishes he sent them to the Sea commanding them to passe over before him to the other side Which thing as they attempted to obey and for the same purpose did travell and row forth in the Sea the night approached the wind was contrary the vehement and raging storme arose and was like to overthrow their poor Boat and them When I considered as dolour and my simplicity would suffer the circumstances of the Text I began to reckon and ask account of my self and as God knoweth not without sorrow and sobs whether at any time I had been so plain by my tongue as God had opened his holy Will and Wisdom in that matter unto me as mine own Pen and Note beare witnesse to my conscience And shortly it came to my minde that the same place of Scripture I had handled in your presences when God gave opportunity and time for you to heare Gods Messenger speak the words of eternall life Wherefore I thought nothing more expedient then shortly to call to minde againe such things as then I trust were touched albeit peradventure neither of me so plainly uttered neither of you so plainly perceived as these most dolorous dayes declare the same to us It shall not bee necessary to handle the Text word by word but of the whole summe to gather certain Notes and Observations which shall not farre disagree from the state of these dayes it shall be sufficient And first it is to be observed That after this great miracle that Christ had wrought he neither would retain with himself the multitude of people whom he had fed neither yet his disciples but the one he sent away every man to return to his place of accustomed residence and the others he sent to the danger of the Seas not as he that was ignorant what should chance unto them but knowing and foreseeing the Tempest yea and appointing the same so to trouble them It is not to be judged That the onely and true Pastour would remove and send away from him the wandering and weak sheep neither yet that the onely provident Governour and Guide would set out his rude Warriours to so great a jeopardie without sufficient and most just cause Why Christ removed and sent away from him the people the Evangelist Saint Iohn declareth saying When Iesus knew that they were come to take him that they might make him King he passed secretly or alone to the Mountain Whereof it is plain what chiefly moved Christ to send away the people from him because that by him they sought a carnall and worldly libertie regarding nothing his Heavenly Doctrine of the Kingdom of God his Father which before he had taught and declared unto them plainly shewing them That such as would follow him must suffer for his Names sake persecution must be hated of all men must deny themselves must be sent forth as sheep among Wolves But no part of this doctrine pleased them or could enter into their
Hadington in Lothian the yeer of Christ 1505. of honest Parentage His father was a brothers son of the House of Ranferlie which is an ancient Family of Gentlemen in the West When he left the Grammar Schoole in the Countrey he was sent to the Vniversity of Saint Andrews to studie under M. John Mair who in those dayes was very famous for his Learning which particularly did consist in the ergotie or disputative part of Philosophy and in School-Divinity wherein formerly for many yeers together almost all Learning was placed In a very short time John Knox became such a Proficient that in this kinde of knowledge wherein his Master most excelled he surpassed him and being yet very young was thought worthy of Degrees in the School Moreover before the time ordinarily allowed by the Canons he entred in Church Orders Thereafter laying aside the idle Disputes and Sophistry of the School he betook himself to the reading of the Ancients namely of Augustine with whose Writings he was much taken by reason of their plainnesse and solidity Last of all he betook himself to the earnest study of the holy Scriptures wherein having found the Truth of God concerning the salvation of Mankinde fully revealed he in good earnest did embrace it and freely professed it yea made it his main work to make it known to all men and believed by them in which work he was very active and vigilant at home and abroad namely at home For the Cause of the Truth he suffered very much by Sea and by Land in minde and in body among forraigners and amongst his own Countreymen as ye may see in this History of the Church which now here we present unto you Which History namely so much of it I mean as formerly was published hath gone commonly under his name because he is the man of whom most is spoken thorowout the whole History as being a most earnest and diligent agent in the businesse of Reformation in the Church Next because he hath penned with his own hand or spoken by word of mouth the most part of the most remarkable and most usefull things for Posterity in the History Thirdly the whole History is gathered out of his Papers and Manuscripts And so ye see why it is generally received to be of John Knox. But to return to his Life He being constrained for a time to leave his Countrey by reason of the Persecution raised in Scotland by the then Bishops against the professors of the Truth he came into England where for some yeers he was busied in preaching the Evangell of Christ with a great deal of content and benefit to those that had the happinesse to hear him His chief abode was in Berwick Newcastle and London This was in the dayes of King Edward the sixth with whom he was in great favour and esteem By whom being offered a Bishopricke he not onely refused and rejected it but with a grave and severe speech declared That the proud Title of Lordship and that great State was not to be suffered to be in the Church of God as having quid commune cum Antichristo that is somewhat common with Antichrist King Edward being dead the persecution of Mary made him leave England with many other godly Ministers who went beyond Seas First John Knox went to Frankford where for a time he preached the Gospel to the English Congregation there From whence he wrote the Admonition to England But being molested there partly by open Papists and partly by false Brethren was constrained to retire And from thence he went to Geneva from whence he wrote his Letter to Mary Regent of Scotland his Appeal to the Nobility of Scotland and Admonition to the Commons of Scotland From Geneva after some yeers abode there he was called home to his own Countrey the yeer of Christ 1559. which was the 54 of his age by the Noble-men and others who had taken upon them the generall Reformation of the Church of Scotland where how soon that the reformed Church had any liberty he was setled Minister at Edinburgh where he continued exercising his Ministery to his dying day but not without interruption by reason of the Civill disorders that fell out in those dayes During this his being at Edinburgh he Preached many excellent Sermons whereof there be but few that were printed and conserved to Posterity he not being willing to busie himself with the Presse Yet some of them we have as this namely which he Preached Aug. 19 An. 1564. and for which he was forbidden to Preach for a time He to make known to the world what ground there was to deal so with him took the care to have this Sermon printed as you will finde it at the end of this History Here I cannot let slip a remarkable passage which was this Anno 1566. the Earle of Murray was slain upon the Saturday The morrow after John Knox preached in Edinburgh where as he was reading the Papers wherein was written the names of those that desired the Prayers of the Church he findes a paper with these words Take up the man whom ye accounted another god which he passed without expressing any commotion and went on with his Prayer and Sermon At the end of the Sermon he made moan for the losse that the Church and State of Scotland had by the death of that vertuous man and said That as God in his mercy giveth good and wise Rulers so taketh he them away from a people in his wrath Then he added There is one in this company that maketh the subject of his mirth this horrible murther whereat all good men have occasion to be sorry I tell him That he shall die where there shall be none to lament him He who had written the aforesaid words in the paper was Thomas Metellan a young Gentlemen of most rare parts but youthfull and bearing small affection to the Earle of Murray who when he heard this Commination of John Knox went home to his lodging and said to his sister That John Knox was raving to speak of he knew not whom His sister replyed with tears in her eyes If you had followed my advice ye had not written these words and withall told him That none of John Knox his threatnings fell to the ground without effect And so it fell out in this particular For shortly thereafter the young Gentleman went beyond Seas to travell and died in Italy having no known man to assist him much lesse to lament him Towards the latter dayes of his age his body became very infirm and his voice so weake that the people could not hear him Preaching in the ordiplace wherfore he made choice of another more commodious within the Town reading to his auditors the history of the Passion in which he said it was his desire to finish and close his Ministery Thus he continued Preaching though with much weaknesse two moneths and more after this retiring And foreseeing that he was not to remain long with
because their Gownes were Red. In this fourteenth age did flourish the great Scholastick Iohannes called Scotus from his Nation and Duns from the place of his Birth for he was born in the Town of Duns in the Mers he was a great Opposer of Thomas of Aquin his Doctrine his Sectaries were called Scotists his Epitaph was thus Scotia me genuit Anglia suscepit Gallia edocuit Germania tenet In the beginning of the fifteenth age there was a great Schisme in the Romish Church Pope against Pope yea sometimes there were three Popes at one time fighting one against another and excommunicating one another this Schisme lasted about thirty yeers and by the Councell of Constance Martin the fift was made Pope and the rest defeated There was one Iohn Fogo a Monke of Milros who in Scotland defended the Election of Martin by the Councell against Benedict alias Peter de Lune During this forenamed Schisme many taking occasion of the opennesse of the times began boldly and freely to speak against the bad Doctrine Government and Lives of the Church-men and that not only in private discourse but they also preached it publikely as Iohn Wickliffe in England Iohn Hus and Ierome of Prague in Bohemia who spoke before the people freely of the Tyrannie of the Government of the Clergie the corruption of their Doctrine and wickednesse of their lives In those dayes also there were some in Scotland who feared not to make known to the people the Truth of God as namely Iames Resby and Paul Craw among others who suffered Martyrdom for the Truth About this time the Carthusians were brought from England into Scotland and had built unto them a Monasterie at Perth In this Age the Universitie of Saint Andrews was set up chiefly by the means of Henry Wardlaw Bishop of the place that in some kinde the Schools of Learning might not bee altogether wanting which formerly had flourished for so long a time among the Culdees and of later yeers had quite decayed this good did Wardlaw As his Predecessor William Trail had built the Castle of the same City So his Successour Iames Kenedy built the old Colledge likewise called Saint Salvator his Colledge Patrick Grahame that came after him was the man that brought into Scotland the Title of Primate Metropolitane and Archbishop by Bull of Sextus quartus From the first Preaching of the Gospel till Palladius the Church of Scotland was happy without Bishops From Palladius to King Malcolme his days the Bishops had no distinct Diocesses or Parishes from King Malcolme till Patricke Grahame they were without Archbishops this Title and higher rank of Authoritie did not succeed well with Grahame for the other Bishops could suffer no Superiour under the Pope namely so neer them hitherto having rejected all the pretentions of the Archbishop of York The inferior Clergie also were afraid of the increase of the Authority of the Man whom they conceived austere and rigid and so by the Faction of the corrupt Court and disordered Clergy poor Grahame lost the Title he had procured with the Benefice and one Shevez got his spoyl and what a sweet Bird Shevez was the Stories of that time doe sufficiently manifest Robert Blacater seeing the Bishop of Saint Andrews now a Metropolitane and Archbishop obtains from Alexander the sixt a Bull whereby he is made Archbishop also and hee had under him the Bishops of Galloway Argyle and Isles which new dignitie angred the Archbishop of Saint Andrews above the losse of his Vassals for to have a Companion in equall dignity set up beside him was hard but he must digest the Pill since the Pope will have it so Lastly David Beaton brought in the Title of Cardinall into Scotland who hath beene the onely man that hath born that Title in this Countrey and how it did speed with him the following Historie will tell you As in the beginning of the fifteenth age the Schisme for the Papacie opened thorow Christendom many mens mouthes and busied their Pennes to set forth the corruption of the Church and the Vices of the Clergie even so in the beginning of the sixteenth age those that fought for the Bishoprick of Saint Andrews by their dissention gave occasion to many in Scotland to speak in publike and private of the corruption of Church-mens Lives Government and Doctrine in Scotland which coming to the Popes ears presently he sent unto the King Iames the fourth a Sword with the Title of Protector of the Faith as if all Christian Princes were not in dutie bound to protect the Faith in Christ but the Faith whi●h the Pope would have the King to protect was his erroneous Doctrine and Tyrannicall Authoritie Some few yeers after this Henry the eighth was declared by the Pope Defender of the Faith and had the Sword likewise Iames the 4 of Scotland being dead now by the corrupt Courtiers the yong inconsiderate King Iames was made beleeve That the conferring of this new Title by the Pope did bring unto him a great preheminence yea the Court Sycophants did not stick to call it A new Royaltie when in effect it was nothing else but a new note of his Vas●allage to Rome and by the accepting of the Sword he did engage himself to make warre for Rome and so he did indeed for sundry men after this during his short Reign were persecuted and suffered death for the Truth of Christ. This is the second remarkable Badge of slavery put upon our Princes by the Pope the former was their Anointing by him as wee have seen before Here be pleased with me to remark That of all the Bishops of Scotland before the Reformation namely since they were made Lords of certain places and had particular Diocesses you cannot finde one who had any care of the true Charge of Pastor for their whole studie was to raise their power and to encrease their means for the upholding of their power and to effectuate this more easily and fully they kept both Prince and people in dark ignorance of Gods Will and Word But because they must seem to do somwhat for the name sake of Bishops they caused to build walls of Temples and Chappels set up images and pictures richly dressed to content the eyes and brought into the Church Instruments of Musick and artificiall Singing with great skill to content the ear Also they brought in sweet perfume and incense for the smell so the most subtill senses were thus satisfied And to make a shew to keep under the senses which are more grosse there must be some kinde of Fasting enjoyned to the people and chastenesse to the Church-men But how and to what purpose these two last have been kept all men know But kept or not all is one all these Ordinances which the Bishops set up for Religion have been discovered by Gods mercy to be not onely without Warant in Gods Word but plainly contrary to the same Of all the Bishops of Scotland in time of Reformation there was
before it is plain That after the Kings death and during the Cardinalls life whosoever guided the Court he gate his secret businesse sped of that gracious Lady either by day or by night Howsoever the tidings liked her she mended with as great expedition of that daughter as ever she did before of any son she bare The time of her Purification was sooner than the Leviticall Law appoints but she was no Jew and therefore in that she offended not The noyse of the death of King Iames divulgate who departed this life the 13 day of December in the yeere of God 1542 aforesaid the hearts of men began to be disclosed All men lamented that the Realme was left without a male to succeed Yet some rejoyced that such an enemy to Gods Truth was taken away He was called of some A good poore mans King of others he was termed A murtherer of the Nobility and one that had decreed their whole destruction Some praised him for the repressing of theft and oppression others dispraised him for being much given to women The Prelats and Clergie feared a change in the Kings minde as he had expressed himself some few yeers before And thus men spake even as their affection led them and yet none spake altogether besides the truth for part of these aforesaid were so manifest that as the vertues could not be denied so could not the vices by any craft be cloked Yet to speak truth of him his vices may justly be attributed to the times and his breeding and not any wickednesse in his nature for he gave many expressions of a good nature namely in his sobriety and justice c. The question of Government was thorow this Realme universally moved The Cardinall proclaimed the Kings last Will and therein were expressed four Protectors or Regents of whom himself was the first and principall and with him were joyned the Earls of Huntley Argyle and Murhay this was done on Munday at the Market Crosse of Edinburgh But the Munday following took the whole Regents remission for their usurpation for by the stout and wise counsell of the Laird of Grange did the Earle of Arran then so neer to the Crown cause assemble the Nobility of the Realme and required the equity of their judgements in that his just suit to the Government of this Realm during the minority of her to whom he pretended to succeed failing of her and of her lawfull succession His friends convened the Nobility assembled the day of decision is appointed the Cardinall and his faction opposes them and are against the Government of one man and especially of any called Hammilton For who knowes not said the Cardinall that the Hammiltons are cruell murtherers oppressors of innocents proud avaritious double and false and finally the pestilence in this Common-wealth Whereto the Earl answered Defraud me not of my right and call me what ye please whatsoever my friends have been yet unto this day hath no man cause to complain upon me neither yet am I minded to flatter any of my friends in their evill doing but by Gods grace shall be as forward to correct their enormities as any within the Realme can reasonably require of me And therefore yet again my Lords in Gods Name I crave that ye do me no wrong nor defraud me of my just Title before ye have experience of my Government At these words were all that feared God or loved honesty so moved that with one voyce they cryed That Petition is most just and unlesse ye will do against Gods Iustice and Equity it cannot be denied And so in despight of the Cardinall and his suborned Faction was he declared Governour and with publike Proclamation so denounced to the people The Kings Pallace Treasure Jewels Garments Horse and Plate was delivered unto him by the Officers that had the former charge and he honoured feared and obeyed more heartily than ever any King was before so long as he abode at God The cause of the great favour that was born unto him was That it was bruted that he favoured Gods Word and because it was well knowne that he was one appointed to have been persecuted as the Scroll found in the Kings pocket after his death did witnesse These two things together with an opinion that men had of his simplicity bowed the hears of many unto him in the beginning who after with dolour of hearts were compelled to change their opinions but hereof we will after speak The variety of matters that occurred we omit such as the order taken for keeping of the young Queen of the provision for the mother the calling home of the Douglas and other such as appertain to a Universal History of the time For as before we have said we minde onely to follow the progresse of the Religion and of the matters that cannot be severed from the same The Earle of Arran thus being established in the Government godly men repaired unto him exhorted him to call to minde for what end God had exalted him to be Governour out of what danger he had delivered him he being in the bloody Scroll as we saw before and what expectation all men of honesty had of him because they saw him a soft man they conceited goodnesse of him At their instant suit more than of his own motion was Thomas Guilliame a black Frier called to be Preacher The man was of sound judgement of reasonable letters as for that age and of a prompt and good utterance His Doctrine was wholsome without great vehemency against superstition Preached also sometime Iohn Rough who after for the verity of Christ Jesus suffered in England albeit not so learned yet more simple and more vehement against all impiety The Doctrine of these two provoked against them and against the Governour also the hatred of all such as more favoured darknesse than light and their own interest more than God The gray Friers and amongst the rest Frier Scot who before had given himself forth for the greatest Professor of Christ Jesus within Scotland and under that colour had disclosed and so endangered many These slaves of Sathan rowped as they had been Ravens yea rather they yelled and roared as devills in hell Heresie heresie Guilliame and Rough will carry the Governour to the devill The Towne of Edinburgh for the most part was devoured in superstition Edward Hope young William Adamson Sibilla Lyndsay Patrike Lyndsay Francis Aikman And in the Cannongate Iohn Mackaw and Nivian Browne with few others had the burit of knowledge in these dayes One Wilson servant to the Bishop of Dunckell who neither knew new Testament nor the old made a despightfull railing Ballad against the Preachers and against the Governour for the which he narrowly escaped hanging The Cardinall moved both heaven and hell to trouble the Governour to stay the Preaching but yet was the Battell stoutly fought for a season for he was taken and put first in Dalkeyt
Commonalty and comes to the house side crying What have ye done with my Lord Cardinall Where is my Lord Cardinall Have ye slain my Lord Cardinall They that were within answered gentlely Best it were for you to return to your own houses for the man ye call the Cardinall hath received his reward and in his own person will trouble the world no more But then more inragedly they cry We shall never depart till that we see him And so was he brought to the East block-house head and shewed dead over the wall to the faithlesse multitude which would not beleeve before they saw and so they departed without Requiem aeternam requiescat in pace sung for his soule Now because the weather was hot for it was in May as ye have heard and his funerals could not suddenly be prepared it was thought best to keep him from stinking to give him great salt enough a cope of lead and a corner in the bottom of the sea Tower a place where many of Gods children had been imprisoned before to await what exequies his brethren the Bishops would prepare for him These things we write merrily but we would that the Reader should observe Gods just judgements and how that he can deprehend the worldly wise in their own wisdom make their table to be a snare to trap their own feet and their own purposed strength to be their own destruction These are the works of our God whereby he would admonish the tyrants of this earth that in the end he will be revenged of their crueltie what strength soever they make in the contrary But such is the blindnesse of man as David saith that the posterity doth ever follow the footsteps of their wicked fathers and principally in their impiety For how little differs the cruelty of that bastard that yet is called Bishop of S. Andrews from the cruelty of the former we will after heare The death of this aforesaid Tyrant as it was pleasing to some to wit to those who had received the Reformation of Religion for they were mightily afraid of him and also to sundry Romanists whom he kept under as slaves so on the other side it was dolorous to the Priests dolorous to the Governour dolorous to the Queene Dowager for in him perished faithfulnesse to France and the comfort to all Gentle-women and especially to wanton widows His death must be revenged To the Court again repaires the Earle of Angus and his brother Sir George labour is made for the Abbacie of Arbroth and a grant was once made of the same in memory whereof George Dowglas bastard sonne to the said Earle is yet called Postulant But it was more proper think the Hamiltons for the Governours itching then for reward to the Dowglasses And yet in hope thereof the said Earle and Sir George his brother were the first that voted that the Castle of S. Andrews should be besieged Divers Gentlemen of Fyfe went into the Castle and abode there with the Leslies during the first siege and Iohn Rough was Preacher to them The Bishop to declare the zeale that he had to revenge the death of him that was his predecessour and for his riches he would not have had him living againe still blew the coles And first he made summons then he denounced accursed at last rebels not onely the first enterprisers but all such also as after did accompany them And last of all a siege was concluded which began in the end of August for the 23 day thereof departed the Souldiers from Edinburgh and continued neer to the end of January At what time because they had no other hope of winning of it but by hunger and thereof also they despaired for they within had broken through the East wall and made a plaine passage by an iron gate to the sea which greatly relieved the besieged and abased the besiegers for then they saw that they could not stop them of victuals unlesse that they should be masters of the sea and that they clearly understood they could not be for the English Ships had once been there and had brought William Kirkcaldie from London and with much difficultie because the said gate was not then prepared and some losse of men had rendered him to the Castle againe and had taken with them to the Court of England Iohn Leslie and Master Henry Balnaves for perfecting of all Contracts betwixt them and the King Henry who promised to take them into his protection upon condition onely that they should keep the Governours son my Lord of Arrane and stand friends to the Contract of Marriage whereof before we have made mention These things clearly understood we say by the Governour and his Counsell the Priests and the shaven sort they concluded to make an appointment to the end that under Truce they might either get the Castle betrayed or else some principall men of the company taken at unawares In which dressing was the Abbot of Dunfermeling principall and for that purpose had the Laird of Monquhanie who was most familiar with those of the Castle laboured with foot and hand and proceeded so in his traffique that from entring in day light at his pleasure he gat licence to come in in the night whensoever it pleased him But God had not appointed so many to be betrayed albeit that he would that they should be punished and that justly as hereafter we shall heare The Heads of the coloured appointment were 1. That they should keep the Castle of S. Andrews still while that the Governour and the authority of Scotland should get unto them a sufficient absolution from the Pope Antichrist of Rome for the slaughter of the Cardinall aforesaid 2. That they should deliver pledges for the deliverie of that house as soone as the aforesaid absolution was delivered unto them 3. That they their friends familiars and servants and others to them pertaining should never be pursued in Law by authority for the slaughter aforesaid But that they should enjoy commodities spirituall or temporall whatsoever they possessed before the said slaughter even as if it had never beene committed That they of the Castle should keep the Earle of Arran so long as their Pledges were kept And such like Articles liberall enough for they never minded to keep word of them as the issue did declare Iohn Rough left the Castle seeing he could do little good upon those that were within so addicted were they to their evil wayes he went into England to Preach Gods Word there The appointment made all the godly were glad for some hope they had that thereby Gods Word should somewhat bud as indeed so it did For Iohn Rough who soon after the Cardinals slaughter entred within the Castle and had continued in it during the whole siege having left the Castle because he could do little good upon those that were with him so addicted were they to their evil wayes began to Preach in the city of S. Andrews
And albeit he was not the most learned yet was his doctrine without corruption and therefore well liked of the people At the Easter after Anno 1547. came to the Castle of S. Andrews Iohn Knox who wearied of removing from place to place by reason of the persecution that came upon him by the Bishop of S. Andrews was determined to have left Scotland and to have visited the Schools of Germany of England then he had no pleasure by reason that although the Popes name was suppressed yet his laws corruptions remained in full vigor But because he had the care of some Gentlemens children whom certain yeers he had nourished in godlinesse Their father 's solicited him to go to S. Andrews that himselfe might have the benefit of the Castle and their children the benefit of his Doctrine And so we say came he the time aforesaid to the said place and having in his company Francis Dowglas of Langnidrie George his brother and Alexander Cokburne eldest son then to the Laird of Ormeston began to exercise them after his accustomed manner Besides the Grammar and other books of humane Learning he read unto them a Catechisme account whereof he caused them give publikely in the Parish Church of S. Andrews He read moreover unto them the Gospel of Iohn proceeding where he left at his departure from Langnidrie where before his residence was and that Lecture he read in the Chappell within the Castle at a certain houre They of the place but specially M. Hen. Balnaves Iohn Rough Preacher perceiving the manner of his Doctrine began earnestly to travell with him that he would take the Function of Preacher upon him but he refused alleadging that he would not run where God had not called him meaning that he would do nothing without a lawfull vocation Whereupon they privily amongst themselves advising having with them in counsel Sir David Lindsay of the Mount they concluded that they would give a charge to the said Iohn and that publikely by the mouth of the Preacher And so upon a certain day a Sermon of the Eelection of Ministers what power the Congregation how small soever that it was passing the number of two or three had above any man namely in the time of need as that was in whom they supposed and espied the gifts of God to be and how dangerous it was to refuse and not to heare the voyce of such as desire to be instructed These other heads we say declared the said Iohn Rough Preacher directed by his words to the said Iohn Knox saying Brother ye shall not be offended albeit that I speak unto you that which I have in charge even from all those that are here present which is this In the Name of God and of his Son Iesus Christ and in the name of these that presently call you by my mouth I charge you that ye refuse not this holy Vocation but as ye tender the glory of God the encrease of Christs Kingdom The edification of your Brethren and the comfort of me whom ye understand well enough to be oppressed by the multitude of labours That ye take upon you the publike office and Charge of Preaching even as ye looke to avoyd Gods heavy displeasure and desire that he shall multiply his Graces upon you And in the end he said to those that were present Was not this your Charge to me And do ye not approve this Vocation They answered It is and we approve it Whereat the said M. Iohn abashed burst forth in most abundant tears and withdrew himself to his Chamber His countenance and behaviour from that day till the day that he was compelled to present himself to the publike place of Preaching did sufficiently declare the grief and trouble of his heart for no man saw any signe of mirth of him neither yet had he pleasure to accompany any man for many dayes together The necessity that caused him to enter in the publike Place besides the Vocation aforesaid was Dean Iohn Annan a rotten Papist had long troubled Iohn Rough in his Preaching The said Iohn Knox had fortified the Doctrine of the Preacher by his Pen and had beaten the said Dean Iohn from all defences that he was compelled to flie to his last refuge that is To the authority of the Church which Authority said he damned all Lutherans and Heretickes and therefore he needed no further disputation Iohn Knox answered Before we hold our selves or that ye can prove us sufficiently convinced we must define the Church by the right notes given to us in Gods Scripture of the true Church we must discerne the Immaculate Spouse of Iesus Christ from the mother of Confusion Spirituall Babilon lest that imprudently we embrace a Harlot instead of the chaste Spouse yea to speake it in plain words Lest that we submit our selves to Sathan thinking that we submit our selves to Iesus Christ For as for your Romane Church as it is now corrupted and the Authority thereof wherein stands the hope of your Victory I no more doubt but that it is the Synagogue of Sathan and the Head thereof called the Pope to be that man of Sin of whom the Apostle speaketh then that I doubt that JESUS CHRIST suffered by the procurement of the visible Church of Jerusalem Yea I offer my self by word or writing to prove the Romane Church this day farther to degenerate from the purity which was in the dayes of the Apostles then was the Church of the Iewes from the Ordinance given by Moses when they consented to the innocent death of JESUS CHRIST These words were spoken in the open audience of the Parish Church of Saint Andrewes after the said Dean Iohn had spoken what it pleased him and had refused to dispute The people hearing the offer cryed with one consent We cannot all reade your writings but we can all hear your Preaching Therefore we require you in the Name of God That ye let us heare the approbation of that which ye have affirmed For if it be true we have beene miserably deceived And so the next Sunday was appointed to the said Iohn to expresse his minde in the publike Preaching place Which day approaching the said Iohn took the Text written in Daniel the seventh Chapter beginning thus And another King shall rise after them and he shall be unlike unto the first and he shall subdue three Kings and shall speak words against the most High and shall consume the Saints of the most High and thinke that he can change Times and Lawes And they shall be given unto his hands untill a time and times and dividing of times c. In the beginning of his Sermon he shewed the great love of God towards his Church whom he pleased to forewarne of dangers to come so many yeers before they come to passe He briefly treated of the state of the Israelites who then were in bondage in Babylon for the most part and made a
the Town for the comforting of the besieged with powder victuals and men lost an Army of six thousand men Sir Robert Bowes was taken and the most part of the borderers were taken or slain And so might the Town justly have despaired of any further succour to have been looked for But yet it held good for the stout courage and prudent government of Sir Iames Wolford General who did so incourage the whole Captains and Souldiers that they determined to die upon their walls But from the time that the French-men had gotten the Bone for the which the Dog barked the pursuit of the Town was slow The siege was raised and the Queen she was conveyed by the west seas to France with 4 Gallies some Ships And so the Cardinall of Loraine got her in his keeping a morsell I assure you meet for his own mouth We omit many things that occurred in this time as the sitting down of the Ship called The Cardinall the fairest Ship in France betwixt S. Colmes Inch and Cramond without any occasion except negligence for the day was faire and weather calme But God would shew that the Countrey of Scotland can beare no Cardinals In this time also was there a Combat betwixt the Gallies and the English Ships They shot frankely a while An English Ship took fire or else the Gallies had come short home and as it was they fled without mercy till that they were above S. Colmes Inch. The Captaines left the Gallies and took a Fort made in the Inch for their defence But the English Ships made no pursuit except that they burnt the Cardinall where she lay and so the Gallies and the Galley-men did both escape Order was taken that the next September some Gallies should remain in Scotland and that the rest should return to France as they did all except one that was taken by an English Ship by an English Ship onely we say as they were passing betwixt Dover and Calice That winter remained Monsieur de Arfe in Scotland with the bands of French-men They fortified Enneresk to stay the English that they should not invade Edinburgh and Leyth Some skirmishes there were betwixt the one and the other but no notable thing done except that the French had almost taken Hadington The occasion whereof was this The French-men thinking themselves more then masters in all parts of Scotland and in Edinburgh principally thought they could doe no wrong to no Scottish-man For a certaine French-man delivered a Colvering to George Tod Scottish-man to be stocked who bringing it thorow the street another French-man claimed it and would have taken it from the said George but he resisted alleadging that the French-man did wrong Thus began parties to assemble as well to the Scottish-man as to the French so that two of the French-men were stricken down and the rest chased from the Crosse to Nudris-winde-head The Provost being in the street apprehended two of the French and was carrying them to the Tolbuith but from Monsieur de Essies lodging or close issued forth French-men to the number of threescore persons with drawn swords and resisted the said Provost Then the Town assembling repulsed them till that they came to the nether Bow And there Monsieur de la Chapelle with the whole bands of French-men armed recountred the said Provost and violently repulsed him for the Town was without weapons for the most part and so made invasion upon all that they met And first in the entrie of the Bow were slain David Kyrk and David Barber being at the Provosts back and afterward was slain the said Provost himself being Laird of Stanehouse and Captain of the Castle Iames Hamilton his son William Chapman M. William Stuart William Purvesse and a woman named Elizabeth Stuart And thereafter tarried within the Town by force from five of the clock till after seven at night and then retired to the Cannon gate as to their receptacle and refuge The whole Town yea the Governour and Nobility commoved at the unworthinesse of this bold attempt craved justice upon the malefactours or else they would take justice of the whole The Queen craftily enough Monsieur de Essie and Monsieur Doseil laboured for pacification and promised That unlesse the French-men by themselves alone should do such an act as might recompence the wrong that they had done that then they should not refuse but that Justice should be executed to the rigour These faire words pleased our fools and so were the French bands the next night directed to Hadington to the which they approched a little after midnight so secretly that they were never espied till that the foremost were within the outer Court and the whole Company in the Church-yard not two paire of Buts length distant from the Town The Souldiers English-men were all asleep except the watch the which was slender and yet the shout arises Bowes and Bils Bowes and Bils which is signification of extreme defence to avoide the present danger in all Towns of war They affrighted arise weapons that first came to hand serve for the need One amongst many came to the East-gate where lay two great peeces of Ordnance and where the enemies were known to be and cried to his fellows that were at the gate making defence Beware before and so fires a great peece and thereafter another which God so conducted that after them was no further pursuit made for the Bullets redounded from the wall of the Frier-Church to the wall of S. Katherines Chappell which stood directly over it and from the wall of the said Chappell to the said Church wall again so oft that there fell more then an hundred of the French at those two shots onely They shot oft but the French retired with diligence and returned to Edinburgh without harme done except the destruction of some drinking Beere which lay in the Sands Chappell and Church And this was satisfaction more then enough for the slaughter of the foresaid captain and Provost and for the slaughter of such as were slain with them This was the beginning of the French fruits This winter in the time of Christmas was the Castle of Hume recovered from the English by the negligence of the Captain named Dudley This winter also did the Laird of Raith most innocently suffer and after was forsalted because that he wrote a Letter to his son Iohn Melvin who then was in England which was alleadged to have been found in the house of Ormeston but many suspected the pranks and craft of Ninian Cokburne now called Captain Ninian to whom the said Letter was delivered But howsoever it was the cruell beast the Bishop of S. Andrews and the Abbot of Dunfermeling ceased not till that the head of that noble man was striken from him especially because that he was known to be one that unfainedly favoured the Truth of Gods Word and was a great friend to those that were in the Castle of S. Andrews
but so would he not relieve them But some would he deliver by one means and at one time and others must abide for a season upon his good pleasure This counsell in the end was embraced upon the Kings even when French men commonly use to drinke liberally The aforesaid four persons having the help and conducting of a boy of the house bound all that were in the Castle put them in sundry houses locked the doors upon them took the Keys from the Captain and departed without harm done to the person of any or without touching of any thing that appertained to the King Captain or the house Great search was made thorow the whole Countrey for them But it was Gods good pleasure so to conduct them that they escaped the hands of the faithlesse albeit it was with long travell and great pain and poverty sustained for the French boy left them and took with him the small money that they had And so neither having money nor knowledge of the Countrey And farther fearing that the boy should discover them as that in very deed he did they purposed to divide themselves to change their garments and to go in sundry parts The two brethren Will. and Rob. Leslie who now are become the said Robert especially enemies to Christ Jesus and unto all vertue came to Roan Will. Kirkcaldie and Peter Carmichell in beggars garment came to Conquet and by the space of 12 or 13 weeks they travelled as poor Mariners from Port to Port till at length they gat a French Ship landed in the West of Scotland and from thence came to England where they met before them the said Io. Knox who that same Winter was delivered and Alexander Clerk in his company The said Iohn was first appointed Preacher to Barwick then to Newcastle last he was called to London and to the South part of England where he remained till the death of King Edward the sixt When he left England he then passed to Geneva and there remained at his privy studie till that he was called by the Congregation that then was assembled at Franckford to be Preacher to them which Vocation he obeyed albeit unwillingly at the commandment of that notable servant of God Iohn Calvin At Franckford he remained till that some of the learned whose names we suppresse more given to unprofitable Ceremonies then to sincerity of Religion began to quarrell with the said Iohn and because they despaired to prevail before the Magistrate there for the establishing of their corruptions they accused him of treason committed against the Emperour and against their Soveraigne Queen Mary That in his Admonition to England he called the one little inferiour to Nero and the other more cruell then Iesabell The Magistrate perceiving their malice and fearing that the said Iohn should fall in the hands of his accusators by one mean or by other gave advertisement secretly to him to depart their City for they could not save him if he were required by the Emperour or by the Queen of England in the Emperours name And so the said Iohn returned to Geneva from thence to Diep and thereafter to Scotland as we shall after hear The time and that Winter that the Gallies remained in Scotland were delivered M. Iames Balfour his two brethren David and Gilbert Iohn Anchinlek Iohn Sibald Iohn Gray William Gutrie and Stevin Bell. The Gentlemen that remained in prisons were by the procurement of the Queen Dowager to the Cardinall of Loraine and to the King of France set at liberty in the month of Iuly anno 1550. who shortly thereafter were called to Scotland their peace proclaimed and they themselves restored to their lands in despight of their enemies And that was done in hatred of Duke Hamilton because that then France began to have the Regiment of Scotland in their own hands Howsoever it was God made the hearts of their enemies to set them at liberty and freedom There rested a number of common servants yet in the Gallies who were all delivered upon the Contract of peace that was made betwixt France and England after the taking of Bullen and so was the whole company set at liberty none perishing no not before the world except Iames Melvin who departed from the misery of this life in the Castle of Brest in Britaigne This we write to let the posteritie to come to understand how potently God wrought in preserving and delivering of those that had but a small knowledge of his truth and for the love of the same hazarded all That if either we now in our dayes having greater light or our posteritie that shall follow us shall see a fearfull dispersion of such as oppose themselves to impiety or take upon them to punish the same otherwise then laws of men will permit If we say we or they shall see such left of men yea as it were despised and punished of God yet let us not damne the persons that punish vice and that for just cause nor yet despair but that the same God that dejects for causes unknown to us will raise up again the persons dejected to his glory their comfort And to let the world understand in plain terms what we mean that great abuser of this Common-wealth that pultron and vile knave Davie was justly punished the ninth of March in the yeer of our Lord 1565. for abusing of the Common-wealth and for his other villanies which we lift not to expresse by the counsell and hands of Iames Dowglas Earl of Mortoun Patrick Lord Lindsay and the Lord Ruthwen with other assisters in the company who all for their just act and most worthy of all praise are now unworthily left of all their brethren and suffer the bitternes of banishment exile But this is our hope in the mercies of our God That this same blinde Generation whether it will or not shall be compelled to see That he will have respect to them that are injustly pursued That he will pardon their former offences That he will restore them to the liberty of their Country and Common-wealth again And that he will punish in despight of man the head and the taile that now troubles the just and maintaineth impiety The head is known the tail hath two branches The temporall Lords that maintain such abominations as we see flattering counsellors of State blasphemous Balfour now called clerk of Register Sinclare Dean of Lestarrig and Bp. of Brechen blinde of one eye in the body but of both of his soul upon whom God shortly after took vengeance Leslie Preistesgate Abbot of Londrosse and Bishop of Rosse Simon Preston of Cragmillar a right Epicurian Whose end will be ere it be long according to their works But now to return to our History Hadington being kept and much hearship done about in the Countrey for what the English-men destroyed not that was consumed by the French God begins to fight for Scotland For in the Town he sent
the Castle-hill And so began they again to pollute the land which God had lately plagued for yet their iniquity was not come to full ripenesse as that God would that they should be manifested to this whole Realme as this day they are to be Fagots prepared for everlasting fire and to be men whom neither Plagues may correct nor the light of Gods Word convert from their darknesse and impiety The Peace as is said is contracted The Queen Dowager past by sea to France with Gallies that for that purpose were prepared and took with her divers of the Nobility of Scotland The Earles Huntley Glencarne Mershell Cassiles The Lords Maxwell Fleiming Sir George Dowglas together with all the late Kings naturall sons and divers Barons and Gentlemen of Ecclesiasticall estate the Bishop of Galloway and many others with promise that they should be richly rewarded for their good service What they received we cannot tell but few were made rich at their returning The Dowager had to practise somewhat with her brethren the Duke of Gwise and the Cardinall of Loraine The weight whereof the Governour after felt for shortly after her returne was the Governour deposed of the government justly by God but most unjustly by man and she made Regent in the yeer of our Lord 1554. and a Crown put upon her head as seemly a sight if men had eyes as to put a Saddle upon the backe of an unruly Cow And so began she to practise practise upon practise How France might be advanced her friends made rich and she brought to immortall glory For that was her common talk So that I may procure the wealth and honour of my Friends and a good fame unto my selfe I regard not what God do after with me And in very deed in deep dissimulation to bring her owne purpose to effect she passed the common sort of women as we will after heare But yet God to whose Gospel she declared her selfe enemie in the end frustrated her of all her devices Thus did light and darknesse strive within the Realme of Scotland The darknesse ever before the World suppressing the light from the death of that notable servant of God Master Patricke Hamilton untill the death of Edward the sixth the most godly and most vertuous King that had been known to have reigned in England or elsewhere these many yeeres by past who departed the miseries of this life the sixth of July Anno 1553. The death of this Prince was lamented of all the godly within Europe for the graces given unto him of God as well of nature as of erudition and godlinesse passed the measure that accustomably is used to be given to other princes in their greatest perfection and yet exceeded he not 16 yeers of age What Gravity above age What Wisdom wherein he passed all understanding or expectation of man And what Dexterity in answering in all things proposed were in that excellent Prince The Ambassadours of all Countries yea some that were mortall enemies to him and to his Realme amongst whom the Queen Dowager of Scotland was not the least could and did testifie For the said Queen Dowager returning from France through England communed with him at length and gave record when she came to this Realme That she found more wisdome and solide judgement in young King Edward then she would have looked for in any three Princes that were then in Europe His liberality towards the godly and learned that were in other Realms persecuted was such as Germans French-men Italians Scots Spaniards Polonians Grecians and Hebrews born can yet give sufficient document For how honourably was Martin Bucer Peter Martyr Iohn Alasco Emanuel Gualterus and many others upon his publike stipends entertained their parents can witnesse and they themselves during their lives would never have denied After the death of this most vertuous Prince of whom the godlesse people of England for the most part were not worthy Satan intended nothing lesse then the light of Jesus Christ utterly to have been extinguished within the whole Isle of Britain For after him was raised up in Gods hot displeasure that Idolatresse and mischievous Mary of the Spaniards blood a cruell persecutrix of Gods people as the acts of her unhappy reigne can sufficiently witnesse And in Scotland that same time as we have heard reigned that crafty practiser Mary of Loraine then named Regent of Scotland who bound to the devotion of her two brethren the Duke of Guise and Cardinall of Loraine did onely abide the opportunity to cut the throat of all those in whom she suspected any knowledge of God to be within the Realme of Scotland And so thought Satan that his kingdome of darknesse was in quietnesse and rest as well in the one Realme as in the other But that provident eye of our eternall God who continually watches for preservation of his Church did so order all things that Satan shortly after found himselfe farre disappointed of his conclusion taken For in that cruell persecution used by Queen Mary of England were godly men dispersed into divers nations of whom it pleased the goodnesse of God to send some unto us for our comfort and instruction And first came a simple man William Harlaw whose erudition although it excell not yet for his whole and diligent plainnesse in Doctrine is he to this day worthy of praise and remaines a fruitfull member within the Church of Scotland After him came that notable man Iohn Willocke as one that had some Commission to the Queen Regent from the Dutchesse of Emden But his principall purpose was to essay what God would worke by him in his native countrey These two did sometimes in severall companies assemble the brethren who by their exhortations began greatly to be encouraged and did shew that they had an earnest thirst of godlinesse And last came Iohn Knox in the end of the harvest Anno 1555. who first being lodged in the house of that notable man of God Iames Sime began to exhort secretly in that same house whereunto repaired the Laird of Dun David Forresse and some certain personages of the Town amongst whom was Elizabeth Adamson then spouse to Iames Barrone Burgesse of Edinburgh who by reason that she had a troubled conscience delighted much in the company of the said Iohn because that he according to the grace given unto him opened more fully the Fountaine of Gods Mercies then did the common sort of Teachers that she had heard before for she had heard none except Friers and did with such greedinesse drinke thereof that at her death she did expresse the fruit of her hearing to the great comfort it of all those that repaired unto her For albeit she suffered most grievous torment in her body yet out of her mouth was heard nothing but praising of God except that sometimes she lamented the troubles of those that were troubled by her Being sometimes demanded by her sisters What she thought of that pain which she then
prudent and circumspect did compell the Captains as is alleadged to bring their men so nigh that either they must needs have hazarded battell with the whole French-men and that under the mercy of their Cannons also or else they must needs retire in a very narrow corner For our men were approached neer to Lestarrig The one part of the French were upon the North toward the Sea the other part marched from Leith to Edinburgh and yet they marched so that we could have foughten with neither Company before that they should have joyned We took purpose therefore to retire towards the Towne and that in haste left that the former Company of the French should either have invaded the Towne before that we could have come to the rescue thereof or else have cut us off from the entry of the Abbey of Halyrud-house as apparantly they had done if that the Laird of Grange and Alexander Whitlaw with a few Horse-men had not stayed both their Horse-men and Foot-men The Company which was next us perceiving that we retired with speed sent forth their skirmishers to the number of three or four hundred who took us at a disadvantage before us having the mire of Lestarrig betwixt us and them and we were enclosed by the Park ditch so that in no wise we could avoid their shot The Horse-men followed upon our heels and slue divers Our own Horse-men over-rode our Foot-men and so by reason of the narrownesse of the place there was no resistance made The Earle of Arran the Lord Iames in great danger lighted amongst the Foot-men exhorting them to have some respect to order and to the safety of their brethren whom by their flying they exposed to murther and so were criminall of their death Captain Alexander Halyburnetoun a man that feared God tarried with certain of his Souldiers behinde and made resistance till that he was first shot and then taken but being known those cruell murtherers wounded him in divers parts to the death and yet as it were by the power of God he was brought in to the Towne where in few but yet most plaine words he gave Confession of his Faith testifying That he doubted nothing of Gods mercy purchased to him by the Blood of Christ Jesus neither yet that he repented that it pleased God to make him worthy to shed his blood and spend his life in defence of so just a Cause And thus with the dolour of many he ended his dolour and did enter we doubt not into that blessed Immortality within two hours after our departure There were slain to the number of twenty four or thirty men the most part poor There was taken the Laird of Pitmillie the Laird of Pharnie younger the Master of Bowchane George Cuwell of Dundie and some others of lower rank Iohn Dumbar Lieutenant to Captain Movet Captain David Murray had his horse slain and himselfe hurt in the legge Few dayes before our first departure which was upon Alhallow Even William Maitland of Lethington younger Secretary to the Queen perceiving himself not onely to be suspected as one that favoured our part but also to stand in danger of his life if he should remain amongst so ungodly a company for whensoever matters came in question he spared not to speak his conscience which liberty of tongue and gravity of judgement the French did highly disdain Which perceived by him he conveyed himself away in the morning and tendred himself to M. Kirkcaldie Laird of Grange who coming to us did exhort us to constancy assuring us That in the Queen there was nothing but craft and deceit He travelled exceedingly to have retained the Lords together and most prudently laid before their eyes the dangers that might ensue their departing from the Towne but fear and dolour had so seized the hearts of all that they could admit no consolation The Earle of Arran and the Lord Iames offered to abide if any reasonable company would abide with them but men did so steal away that the wit of man could not stay them yea some of the greatest determined plainly That they would not abide The Captain of the Castle then Lord Erskin would promise unto us no favour but said He must needs declare himself friend to those that were able to support and defend him Which answer given to the Lord Iames discouraged those that before determined to have abidden the uttermost rather then to have abandoned the Towne so that the Castle would have stood their friend but the contrary declared every man took purpose for himself The complaints of the brethren within the Towne of Edinburgh was lamentable and sore the wicked then began to spue forth the venome which then lurked in their cankred hearts The godly as well those that were departed as the inhabitants of the Town were so troubled that some of them would have preferred death to life at Gods pleasure For avoiding of danger it was concluded That they should depart at midnight The Duke made provision for his Ordnance and caused it to be sent before but the rest was left to the care of the Captain of the Castle who received it as well that which appertained to the Lord Iames as that of Dundie The despightfull tongues of the wicked rayled upon us calling us Traytors and Hereticks every one provoked other to cast stones at us One cryed Alas if I might see another defie given Give advertisement to the French-men that they may come and we shall help them now to cut the throats of these hereticks And thus as the sword of dolour passed thorow our hearts so were the cogitations and former determinations of many hearts then revealed For we would never have believed that our naturall Countrey-men and women could have wished our destruction so unmercifully and have so rejoyced in our adversity God move their hearts to repentance for else we fear that he whose Cause we sustain shall let them feel the weight of the yoke of cruell strangers into whose hands they wished us to have been betrayed We stayed not till we came to Sterlin which we did the day after that we departed from Edinburgh for it was concluded that there consultation should be taken What was the next remedy in so desperate a matter The next Wednesday which was the 7 of November Iohn Knox preached Iohn Willock was gone into England as before he appointed and treated of the 5 6 7 and 8 Verses of the 80 Psalm where David in the person of the afflicted people of God speaketh this in the fourth Verse The Sermon of Iohn Knox in Sterlin in the greatest of our trouble O thou the eternall the God of Hosts how long shalt thou be against the prayer of thy people 5 Thou hast fed us with the bread of tears and hast given to us tears to drinke in great measure 6. Thou hast made us a strife unto our neighbours and our enemies laught us to scorne amongst themselves 7. O God
as before God I have a testimonie that I seek not for my selfe but the advancement of Christs Evangell and the comfort of such as whom I know afflicted so shall the godly understand that England in refusing me refuseth a friend how small that ever the power be The mighty Spirit of the Lord Jesus moove your heart deeply to consider your dutie unto God and the estate of that Realme in which by his appointment you now serve From Deepe the 10 of April 1559. Yours to command in godlinesse Iohn Knox. To this Letter was no answer made for shortly the said Iohn Knox made forward to Scotland by sea when he landed the third of May and had such successe as is in the second book declared The said Iohn being in S. Andrews after Cowper-Moore entred in deep discourse with the Laird of Grange the danger is very evident but the support was not easie to be seen After many words Iohn Knox burst forth as followeth If England would foresee their own commodity yea if they would consider the danger wherein themselves stand they would not suffer us to perish in this quarrell for France hath no lesse decreed the conquest of England then of Scotland After long reasoning it was concluded betwixt them two That support should be craved of England And for that purpose the said Laird of Grange first wrote to Sir Henry Percie and after rode from Edinburgh and spake with him to whom he made so plaine demonstration of the danger appearing to England that he tooke upon him to write to Secretarie Cecil who with expedition returned answer back again giving him to understand That our enterprise altogether misliked not the Councell albeit that they desired further resolution of the principall Lords Which thing understood it was concluded to write to him plainely our whole purpose The tenour of our Letter was this The first Letter to Sir William Cecill from the Lords of the Congregation THe contents of a Letter directed by you right Worshipfull to Sir Henry Percie was notified unto us by Master Kirkcaldie of Grange this Sunday the 26 of July By the which we perceive that the said Laird of Grange of zeale and faithfull heart which he beareth to the furtherance of this our great and before the world dangerous enterprise hath travelled with you as with an unfained favourer of Christs true Religion and of the libertie of our Countrey for knowledge of your mindes towards us in case that we be assaulted by any forraigne invasion or greater power then we be well able to resist Your comfortable answer to this question we have considered to our joy and comfort as also your motions and what you demand To wit What the Protestants within this Realme do purpose To what end we mean to direct our actions How we will and how we be able to accomplish the same What doubts we have of any adversary power And finally in case that support should be sent from you What manner of amity might ensue betwixt these two Realmes c. To the which in briefe we answer That our whole and onely purpose as God knoweth is to advance the glory of Christ Jesus the true Preaching of his Gospel within this Realme To remove superstition and all sort of externall Idolatry to bridle to our powers the fury of those that heretofore have cruelly shed the blood of our brethren and to our uttermost to maintaine the liberty of this our Countrey from the tyrannie and thraldome of strangers as God shall assist us How we be able to accomplish these premises is to us unknown onely our hope is good That he that hath begun this good worke in us and hath by his power to this houre confounded the faces of our adversaries will performe the same to his glory which chiefly we seek in this our enterprise Because we suppose That neither our present danger neither yet the warlike preparation which France maketh against us are hid from you nor from the counsell we omit that part As touching the assurance of a perpetuall amity to stand betwixt these two Realmes As no earthly thing of us is more desired so crave we of God to make us the instruments by which this unnaturall debate which long hath continued betwixt us may once be composed to the praise of Gods Name and to the comfort of the faithfull in both Realms And if your wisedoms can foresee and devise the means and assurances how the same may be brought to passe perswade your selves not onely of our consent and assistance but also of our constancy as men can promise unto our lives end Yea farther of charge and commandment by us to be left to our posterity That the Amity betwixt us in God contracted and begun may be by them kept inviolate for ever As for the revolting from you to France which ye seem to fear and suspect at their pleasure we utterly abhorre that infidelity for now doth the voyce of God continually sound in our ears That such as prophane the terrible and reverent Name of God shall not escape vengeance Our Confederacy Amity and League shall not be like the Pactions made by worldly men for worldly profit but as we require it for Gods Cause so will we call upon his Name for the observation of the same Moreover if we should lack any thing in Temporall commodity yet should we never have occasion to returne to them for we now perceive and feel the weight of their yoke and intend by Gods grace to cut away such instruments as by whom this Realme was before abused True it is That as yet we have made no mention of any change in Authority neither yet were we minded to do any such thing till extreme necessity compelleth us thereto But seeing it is now more then evident That France and the Queen Regent here with her Priests pretendeth nothing but the suppressing of Christs Gospel the ruine of us and the subversion of this poor Realme committing our innocency to God and unto the judgement of all godly and wise men we are determined to seek the next remedy in which we heartily require your counsell and assistance And thus farre we have enterprised to make you participant of our purpose because in the said Letters ye required the said Master Kirkcaldie some farther assurance then his owne word or writing which we doubt not but ye shall shortly receive from more then from us We dare not hastily make the Assembly neither of Nobles neither of Barons privie in this Cause for dangers that may ensue by policie and craft of the adversaries your wisdom we doubt not will communicate these onely with such as ye know favourers of such a godly Conjunction It should much help in our opinion if the Preachers both in perswasion and in publike Prayers as ours do here would commend the same unto the people And thus after our most humble commendations to the Queenes Majestie whose
Raigne we wish may be prosperous and long to the glory of God and comfort of his Church we heartily commit you to the protection of the Omnipotent From Edinburgh the 17 of Iuly 1559. With this our Letter Iohn Knox wrote two one to the said Secretary and another to the Queens Majesty her self The Tenour whereof follows thus Iohn Knox his second Letter to M. Cecile for the delivery of one other to the Queen SIR AFter my humble commendations please you deliver this other enclosed to the Queen It containeth a few and simple words of my Confession what I think of her Authority how it is just and what may make it odious in Gods presence I hear that there is one Confutation set forth against the first blast God grant that the writers thereof have no more sought the favours of this present world no lesse the glory of God and the stable good of his Countrey then he who enterprised in that blast to utter his conscience When I shall have time which now is somewhat precious unto me to peruse that work I will communicate my judgement with you The time is now Sir that all who either thirst for Christ to raigne in this Isle or yet the hearts of the Inhabitants be joyned together in love unfained ought rather to study how the same might be brought to passe then vainly to travell for the maintenance of that whereof already we have seen the danger and feel the smart If the most part of women be wicked and such as willingly we would not should raigne over us And if the most godly and such as have are graces be yet mortall we ought to take heed lest in establishing of one judged godly and profitable to her Countrey we make an Interest and Title to many by whom not onely will the Truth be impugned but also will the Countrey be brought into bondage God give you and other favourers of your Countrey eyes to see and wisedome to avoid the dangers appearing By divers Letters I have required license to have visited the North parts of England but as yet I have received no favourable answer The longer Sir this it be delayed the lesse comfort will the faithfull there receive yea the weaker will the Queens favour be If I were not an unfained friend to her Majestie I would instantly beg such liberty which to me I know will neither be profitable nor pleasing in the flesh The common things here I doubt not you know some things I have as often times I have written which gladly I would communicate but I minde not to commit them to Paper and Inke finde therefore the means that I may speake with such a one as you will credit in all things The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ rest with you I heartily beseech you to have my service recommended to the Queens Majesty adding That whosoever maketh me odious to her Majestie seeketh somewhat besides the glory of God and her Majesties prosperity and therefore cannot be assured and unfained friends from c. The Letter sent from the said Iohn to the Queens Majestie of England being enclosed in the foresaid M. Ceciles Letter To the vertuous and godly Elizabeth by the Grace of God Queen of England John Knox desireth the perpetuall comfort of his holy Spirit MADAME AS your Majesties displeasure against me most unjustly conceived hath been and is to my wretched heart a burden grievous and almost intolerable so is the testimony of a clear conscience to me a stay and uphold that I sinke not in despair how vehement soever the temptations appear For in Gods presence my conscience beareth me record That maliciously nor of purpose I never offended your Majesty nor your Realme And therefore howsoever I be judged of man I am sure to be absolved of him who onely knoweth the secrets of hearts I cannot deny the writing of a Book against the usurped Authothority and unjust Regiment of Women neither yet am I minded to recant or call back any principall Point or Proposition of the same till truth and verity do further appear But why that your Majesty or any such who unfainedly favour the liberty of England be offended at the Author of such a Work I can perceive no just occasion For first my Book touched not your Majesties Person in speciall neither is it prejudiciall to any Liberty of the Realme if the time of my writing be indifferently considered How could I be enemy to your Majesties Person for delivery whereof I did more studie and undertake further then any of those who now accuseth me And as concerning your Government How could or can I envy that which most I have wished for and for which as my weak memory will suffer I render thanks unfainedly to God to wit That it hath pleased him of his eternall goodnesse to exalt your head which sometime was in danger to the manifestation of his glory and extirpation of Idolatry And as for my offence which I have committed against England either by writing that Book or by any other work I will not refuse that moderate and indifferent men judge and discerne betwixt me and those that accuse me viz. Whether of the parties do most hurt to the Liberty of England I who affirme that no woman may be exalted above any Realme to make the Liberty of the same thrall and subject to a strange proud and cruell Nation Or they that approve whatsoever pleaseth Princes for the time If I were as well disposed to accuse as some of them to their own shame have declared themselves I nothing doubt but that in few words I should let reasonable men understand That some that this day lowly crouch and bow to your Majestie and labour to make me odious in your eyes did in your adversity neither shew themselves faithfull friends to your Majesty neither yet so loving and carefull of the native Countrey as they would be esteemed But omitting the accusation of others for my owne purgation and your Majesties satisfaction I say That nothing contained in my book is or can be prejudiciall to your Majesties just Regiment providing that you be not found ungrate unto God ungrate you will be proved in the presence of his Throne howsoever that flatterers justifie your fact if you transfer the glory of that honour in which you now stand to any other thing then to the dispensation of his mercy which onely maketh that lawfull to your Majestie which Nature and Law denieth to all women to command and bear rule over men Neither would I that your Majesty should fear That this your humiliation before God should in any case infirm or weaken your Majesties just and lawfull Authority Nay Madame such unfained confession of Gods benefits received will be the establishment of the same not only to your self but also to your seed and Posterity Where contrariwise a proud conceit and elevation of your self will be the occasion that your Raigne will be unstable troublesome
the Queen was first married it was so called also to serve and obey him and her as their Lawfull Soveraignes The Queen desired my Lord Murray to subscribe as many others had done before which hee refused to do Because said he it is required necessarily that the whole Nobility be present at least the principall and such as he himself was posteriour unto before that so grave a matter should be advised and concluded The Queens Majesty no wayes content with this Answer insisted still upon him saying The greatest part of the Nobilitie were there present and content with the matter wished him to be so much a Stewart as to consent to the keeping of the Crown in the Family and the sirname according to their Fathers Will and desire as was said of him a little before his death But he still refused for the causes above written Now as the Lords were assembled an Ambassadour from England named sir Nicholas Throckmorton arrived at Sterlin and in his company the Laird of Lethington the Ambassadour was at the Castle Gate or ever they were aware and as he stood there in the Entry he was desired to passe to his Lodgings The next day he had audience of the Queen and was graciously received according to the dignity of his Message The whole summe of this his Message was to shew and declare to the Queene how highly the Queene his Mistris was offended with this precipitated Marriage and wondred what had moved her to take a man of inferiour rank and condition to her selfe And therefore disswaded her therefrom And specially desiring her most earnestly to send home her Subjects the Earle of Lennox and the Lord Darley But all in vaine for the matter was well farre proceeded In her heart Queen Elizabeth was not angry at this marriage first because if Q. Mary had married a forraigne Prince it had been an accesse to her Greatnesse and consequently she had been more redoubted by the other next both Harry and Mary were alike and in equall degree of Consanguinitie unto her the father of Mary and the mother of Harry being Children to her fathers sister With many fair words the Queen let the Ambassadour depart promising to do all she could to satisfie the Queen of England and for the same purpose she would send an Ambassador to her In the meane time the Queens marriage with the Lord Darley was prepared and propounded in Councell and the chief of the Nobilitie such as the Duke the Earles of Argyle Murray Glencarne with the rest granted freely to the same providing that they might have the Religion established in Parliament by the Queene and the Idolatrous Masse and Superstition abolished shortly it was concluded That they should convene again to Saint Iohnstoun where the Queen promised to take a finall order for Religion The day was appointed to wit the last of May at Perth my Lord of Argile came too late The Queens Majestie communed with the Lords who were very plain with her saying Except the Masse were abolished there should be no quietnesse in the Countrey The twelfth day of May the Lord Darley was Belted that is Created Earle of Rosse with great solemnity a Belt or Girdle being tyed about his waste or middle and albeit all kinde of provision was made to make him Duke of Rothesay yet at that time it came not to effect albeit the Crown and Robe-Royall were prepared to him for the same For the entertainment of this Triumph there were many Knights made to the number of 14. The next day which was the 13 of May the Queen called for the Super-intendants by name Iohn Willock Iohn Winram and Iohn Spotswood whom she cherished with fair words assuring them that she desired nothing more earnestly then the glory of God and satisfying of mens consciences and the good of the Common-wealth and albeit she was not perswaded in any Religion but in that wherein she was brought up yet she promised to them that she would hear Conference and Disputation in the Scriptures And likewise she would be content to hear publike preaching but alwayes out of the mouth of such as pleased her Majestie and above all others she said she would gladly hear the Superintendant of Angus for he was a milde and sweet natur'd man with true honesty and uprightnesse Sir Ariskin of Dun. Soon after the Queen past to Saint Iohnstons after that she had directed Master Iohn Hay Prior of Monimusk to passe to England who sped at the Queen of Englands hand even as sir Nicholas Throckmorton did in Scotland Before the day which was appointed for the meeting at Saint Iohnston my Lord of Murray most carefull of the maintenance of Religion sent to all the principall Churches advertising them of the matter and desiring them to advise and send the most able men in Learning and Reputation to keep the day but their craft and dissimulation appeared for the Dean of Restalrigge who lately arrived out of France with others such as Mr. Iohn Lesley Parson of Vure afterward Bishop of Rosse caused the Queen to understand that thing whereof she was easily perswaded to wit That there ought to be given to all men libertie of conscience and for this purpose to shun or put off the first day appointed The Queen writ to the Nobility that because she was informed that there was great meetings out of every Shire and Town in great number and then the other partie so termed she the Papists were minded together to the said Convention which should apparently make trouble or sedition rather then any other thing therefore she thought it expedient and willed them to stay the said meetings and to deferre the same till such a day that she should appoint with advice of her Councell At this time there was a Parliament proclaimed to be held at Edinburgh the twentieth day of Iuly By this Letter some of the Protestants having best judgement thought themselves sufficiently warned of the Inconveniences and troubles to come Now her Councell at this time was onely the Earles of Lenox and Athole the Lord Ruthen but chiefely David Rizio the Italian ruled all yet the Earle of Rosse already in greatest credit and familiarity These Letters were sent out to the Lords about the eight and twentieth day of May and within twelve dayes thereafter she directed new Missives to the chief of the Nobility desiring or commanding them to come to Saint Iohnston the three and twentieth day of Iune following to consult upon such things as concerned Religion and other things as her Majesty should propose Which day was even the day before that the generall Assembly should have been held in Edinburgh This last Letter uttered the effect of the former so that the Protestants thought themselues sufficiently warned Always as the Earle of Murray was passing to Saint Iohnston to have kept the said day he chanced to fall sick of the Fluxes in Lochlevin where he remained till the Queen came forth of Saint
simple Somerset most unjustly was bereft of his life what the Devill and his Members the pestilent Papists meant by his away-taking God compelled my tongue to speak in more places then one and specially before you and in Newcastle as sir Robert Bradling did not forget a long time after God grant that he may understand all other matters spoken before him then and at other times as righly as he did that mine interpretation of the Vineyard whose Hedges Ditches Towres and Winepresse God destroyed because it would bring forth no good fruit And that he may remember that what ever was spoken by my mouth that day is now compleate and come to passe except that finall destruction and vengeance is not yet fallen upon the greatest offenders as assuredly shortly it shall unlesse that he and some other of his sort that then were enemies to Gods truth will speedily repent and that earnestly their stubborne disobedience God compelled my tongue I say openly to declare That the Devill and his Ministers intended onely the subversion of Gods true Religion by that mortall hatred among those which ought to have beene most assuredly knit together by Christian charity and by benefits received and especially that the wicked and envious Papists by that ungodly breach of charity diligently minded the overthrow of him that to his own destruction procured the death of his innocent friend Thus I say I was com●elled of conscience oftner then once to affirm That such as saw and invented the means how the one should be taken away saw and should finde the means also to take away the other and that all that trouble was devised by the Devill and his Instruments to stop and let Christs Disciples and their poor Boat but that was not able because she was not yet come to the midst of the Sea Transubstansiation the Bird that the Devill hatched by Pope Nicholas and since that time fostered and nourished by all his Children Priests Friers Monks and other his conjured and sworn souldiers and in these last dayes chiefly by Stephen Gardner and his black brood in England Transustantiation I say was then clearly confuted and mightily overthrown and therefore God had put wisdom in the tongues of his Ministers and Messengers to utter that vain vanitie and specially gave such strength to that Reverend Father in God Thomas Granmer to cut the knots of Devillish Sophistry linked and knit by the Devils Gardener and his blinde Buzzards to hold the verity of the everliving God under bondage that rather I think they shall condemn his works which notwithstanding shall continue and remain to their confusion then they shall enterprize to answer the same And also God gave boldnesse and knowledge to the Court of Parliament to take away the round clipped God wherein standeth all the holinesse of Papists and to command common Bread to be used at the Lords Table and also to take away the most part of superstitions kneeling at the Lords Supper excepted which before prophaned Christs true Religion Then dear Brethren was the Boat in the midst of the Sea and suddenly ariseth the horrible tempest most fearfull and dolorous Our King is taken away from us and the Devill bloweth in such Organs as alway he had found obedient to his Precepts and by them he enflameth the heart of that wretched and unhappy man whom I judge more to be lamented then hated to covet the Imperiall Crown of England to be established to his Posterity and what thereupon hath succeeded it is not now necessary to be written Of this short discourse Beloved in the Lord you may consider and perceive two speciall Notes 1. That the whole malice of the Devill hath alwayes this end To vexe and overthrow Christs afflicted Church for what else intended the Devill and his servants the pestilent Papists by all these their crafty policies during the time that Christs Gospell was preached in England then the subversion of the same Gospell and that they might recover power to persecute the Saints of God as this day in the hour of darknesse they have obtained for a time to their own destruction Let no man wonder though I say That the crafty policies of pestilent Papists wrought all the mischiefe for who could more easier and better worke greater mischief then such as bare authority and rule And who I pray you ruled the roste in the Court all this time by stout courage and proudnesse of stomack but Northumberland But who I pray you under King Edward ruled all by counsell and wit Shall I name the man I will writ no more plainly now then my tongue spake the last Sermon That it pleased God that I should make before that Innocent and most godly King Edward the sixt and before his Councell at Westminster and even to the faces of such as of whom I meant Handling this place of Scripture Qui edit mecum panem sustulit adversus me calcaneum suum that is He that eateth bread with me hath lift up his heel against me I made this affirmation That commonly it was seen that the most godly Princes had Officers and chief Councellors most ungodly conjured enemies to Gods true Religion and Traitours to their Princes not that their wickednesse and ungodlinesse was speedily perceived and espied out of the said Princes and godly men but that for time those craftie colourers could so cloke their malice against God and his truth and their hollow hearts toward their loving Masters that by worldly wisdome and policie at length they attained to high promotions And for the proofe of this mine affirmation I recited the Histories of Achitophel Shebna and Iudas of whom the two former had high Offices and promotions with great authority under the most godly Princes David and Hezekiah and Iudas was Purse Master with Christ Jesus And when I had made some discourse in that matter I moved this Question Why permitted so godly Princes so wicked men to be of their Councell and to bear Office and Authority under them To the which I answered That either they so abounded in worldly wisdom foresight and experience touching the government of a Common-wealth that their counsell appeared to be so necessary that the Common-wealth could not lack them and so by the colour to preserve the tranquilitie and quietnesse in Realms they were maintained in Authority or else they kept their malice which they bare towards their Masters and Gods true Religion so secret in their breasts that no man could espie it till by Gods permission they waited for such occasion and opportunitie that they uttered all their mischief so plainly that all the world might perceive it And that was most evident by Achithophel and Sobna for of Achithophel it is written That he was Davids most secret Councellour and that because his counsell in those dayes was like the Oracle of God and Sobna was unto good King
be set a part for divine service yet we are not so tied to the place as the Iews were yea not so much as the Rominists would have us to be according to that of S. Ioh 21.22 23 for wheresoever 2 or 3 are gathered together in my N●●●r I am in the midst of you * Witnesse the Princes and people that the Pope put to the Interdict without cause to say nothing of private persons * So that many do think it a liberty of Religion to swear and curse * Witnesse the divorce of Mary Stuart daughter to James 2. from her lawfull husband Tho. Boyde and ma●ried to Iames Hamilton● Also of Mary mother to Iames 5. who married after K. Iam. the fourths death Ar●hibald Douglas Earle of Angus was divorced from him and married to Henry Stuart Lord Meffen Adam Reade his bold a●d godly answer Note 1500. 1513. 1527. Brothers son to Iames Hamilton Earle of Arran and sisters son to Iohn Stuart Duke of Althai A Dominican Frier Note how Church-men rules the good nature of the Prince Frier Campbell apostate M●ior Deu● 6. Matth. 12. Minor 1. Joh. 4. Conclusio Matth 7. Rom. 13. Galat. 5. Maior Rom. 13. Minor Joh. 19. Conclusio Christ is the end and fulfilling of the Law to every one that believeth Rom. 10.14 Rom. 3. Rom. 7. Gospel quasi Godspel that is Gods word but ordinarily it is taken from that part which we call Evangel that is Good tidings otherwise Gospel quasi Goodspel that is Good words and so Good tidings Gen. 15. Joh. 5. Jam. 1. Rom 14. Heb 11. Heb. 11. Rom 8. Rom. 4. Rom. 4. Abac. 2. Rom. 1. Joh. 6. 1 Joh. 5. Act. 10. Rom. 10. Joh. 3. Gal. 3. Matth. 19. Joh 9. Joh. 20. Mark 16. Matth. 28. Psal. 117. 1. Tim. 6. This 〈…〉 derstood of circumstance of worldly m●n and not of them of God for the neerer that me● draw to God we are bound 〈◊〉 more to love them Galat. 3. Matth 13. Matth. 7. Note Note Note Quaere Answer Note Note Here you see verified Cinis Martyrum semen Ecclesiae M. Gawyn Logy Munks Preach Bishops devices M. Iohn Mair whose History of Scotland we have c. He wrote upon the 4 Evangelists c. Arithe his Sermon False Miracles Alexander Furrour his Examination before the Bishops Alexander Seton a black Frier Note Note Iames the fifth Note Ale●ander Seton his Letter There was another Frier Forrest hanged in Smithfield 1538. Note For 10 yeers the persecution ceaseth 1534. 1538. The civil troubles give some rest to Gods flock f●r a time Note Macdowel Alaesius John Fyfe Machabeus Note 1534. This yeere was Lawes made against the Reformation the Pope having sent to Scotland a Legat the yeere before 6 Accused for Heresie Note 2 Gentlemen Straton and Gow●ley burnt See how the Bishops did intrench upon the good disposition of the King and his Soveraigne 1534. Burning of the Bill was a signe of recantation 1537. L●sly writes this done 1540. Iohn Berthwick fled into England from whence Henry sent him into Germany to the Protestant Princes Foure burnt 1538. 1539. Ieremie Russell Alex. Kennedie Kennedie his thanks to God His speech to the Judges Note Sir Iames Hamilton said That God had justly brought him to that because he had offended often to gain the King favour by unjust ways Note George Buchanan by the Kings c●mmand then angry with the Friers did write this Satyre against them who thereafter having made their peace with the King would not be appeased with G●orge Buchanan whom the king gave over to their importunity and so he was put in prison The Earle of Gleaverne his verse upon the Gray Friers The Church-men ingage the King to warre against his Uncle Halderig Read England called Hereticke b●cause it renounced the Pope Note All hallow tyde Fallow Reade Note The Lords answer to the Kings desire Note Note Note An answer worthy of a Prince By this answer you may see how good this Prince had bin if 〈◊〉 C●urch m●n and flatter●●s ●ad not abused him Abused Prince by Prelats So the evil advised Prince gave himselfe over to the false Prop●ets I meane the Prelats The Reade of Holway masse by Oliver Sinclar Wha●ton was then Warden in these parts Stratageme Note Note Oliver compared to Benhadad against Samaria 2 King 20. 300 men put to flight 10000 Others say at Carlave●ok neer by the place where the defeat was given called Sob●●y Mosse The King foretells his own death Reginae Nativitas Mark the Queens mourning for the King Others stick not to say That the King was hastned away by a Potion Levit. 12. Regis exitus Divers Charact●rs of the late King arise post fun●ra virtu● Character of the Hamiltons Note the reasons why the Earle of Arran was thus favoured by the Countrey 1543 Note Frier Scot. The Cardinal taken 1543. An Act of Parliament for reading of the Scripture Note the hypocrisie of worldlings So long as men follow God they are blessed Nothing could be said against the lawfulnesse of Edwards birth Katharine of Spaine and Anne Bullen being dead before his mother was married to his father Note well The Queenes marriage the second time ratified He was before sometimes called Cunningham sometimes Colwan so uncertaine was it who was his father Note Note This is the Prelats language The Governour violated his faith refused God and took absulution of the devil renouncing his Religion in the gray Friers All this was then said by the Cardinall Penes authorem fides est● Note the device of the wicked to set men by the 〈◊〉 1543 Note * And many trod under foot died Note As they went to Dundie they said they were going to burne the readers of the new Testament and that they would stick to the old for Luther said they had made the new Note A woman and her childe put to death because she prayed not to the Virgin Mary Men put to death for eating a Goose upon Friday Iohn Roger a black Friet murthered 1544. The English Army arrived in Scotland Note Endinburgh burnt and spoiled by the English Note 1544. Lorge cometh to Scotland 1545. Note The character of Hamilton Note George Wischarde Note a fals● brother M. Wischard his words in Dundie The Bishops Sermon Note Note M. Wescharde his zeale to gain soules A Priest appointed by the Cardinall to stab M. George Wischarde The second attempt of the Cardinall for the killing of M. George Wischarde Note the spirit of Prophesie Prophesie spoken by Master George Whischarde of the Church of Scotland Note the resolution of a Preacher Two gray Friers Vengeance against Hadington Master Wischarde taken at Ormeston Note He means Gods people The Lord Bothwels promise M Georges words to the Earl Bothwell 1546. Note The proud Cardinall and the glorious foole Dumbar A question worthy of such two Prelats 1546. Who was a learned man and heartily favoured the pure Religion in secret Bona heresios definitio c. Note the
yet take heed Let janglers and inconstant m●n note Le the House of Hamilton remember this Conclusio Let the Papists and greatest enemies witnesse Proclamation against the Earl of Arran● Re 〈…〉 The drowning of the French Dominus pro nobis The Earle of Sudderland shot Note the French favour to their friend● John 6. Exhortation of Iohn Knox. Note The slaughter of a French Captain with his Band. Note The arrivall of the English Ships Note The Bridge of Tullibody Note the death of a plunderer Remark the Scots acknowledgement of the English help Iohn Knox his first Letter to Sir William Cecile Note Note Note As England had interest then not to suffer Scotland to perish so likewise Scotland hath interest now not to see Eng●and undon● 1559. Note the Quaeres And Answers Let the enemies say if their hope be not frustrate Note diligently Note Note Note Sir Iames Crofts counsell Note a braggadoshie Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Let us mark our advantage from France Note Note Note Note a cruell ●act 1560 Note Note 1560. The fourth Covenant Now hereupon came the pursuit Let the Princes now adayes make use of this So now the worldlings speak unto the King concerning the Scots into England Note The Hamiltons●am●ly ●am●ly Note this diligently We must go to the fi●st cause in all things The inhumanity of the merc●l●ss French The Qu●en Regents cruell heart The comfortable Letter of the Duke of Norfolk Note Let the Princes now make use of these words of this dying Queen Note The death of the Queene Regent Note a Character of Popishly addicted French officers of State Note how they limit the Prince Note how the Prince is limitated and his will is not a Law Note The profit th●● Leith got of their promise liberty Note a Covenant betwixt England and Scotland 1560. Some Prelats left Antichrist and did adher● unto Christ. William M●itlands mockage of God See how this agrees with our tim●s Deut. 14. 1 Cor. ● 8. Isai 44.4 5. 1 Tim. 1 27. 1 King 8.17 2 Chron. 8 18. Psal 139 78. G●n 17 1. 1 Tim. 6.15 16 Exod 3.14 15. Matt. 28.19 1 Joh 57. Gen 1.1 Heb. 1. ●3 Act. 17.28 Prov 16.4 Gen 1.26 27 c. Col. 3.10 Ephes 4 24 Gen. 3.6 Gen. 2. ●7 Psal 51.5 Rom. 5 10. Rom. 7.5 2 Tit. 2.6 Eph. 2 23. Rom. 5.14 12. Rom. 6.23 John 3 5. Rom. 5.1 Phil. 1.29 Gen. 3.15 Gen. 3.9 Gen. 12 3. Gen. 15 5 6. 2 Sam. 7.14 Isai 7.14 Isai 9 6 Hag 2.6 John 8.38 Ezek. 6.5 6.7 8 9 c. Gen. 1 12. Gen. 13.1 Exod. 1.1 Exod. 1.20 Josh 3. 23 4 1 Sam. 10.1 1 Sam 16 13 2 Sam 7 12 2 King● 17.15 16 c. 2 King 24. 34 c. Deu. 28.36 38 c. 2 Kin. 25. ● Dan. 9 2. Ezr. 1 c. Hag. 1 14. Zach. 3.1 Gal 4 4. Luke 1.31 Matth. 1.18 Matth. 2.1 Rom. 1.3 Matth. 1.23 John 1.2.45 2 Tim. 2 5. Ephes. 1.3.4 15 6. Ephes. 1.11 Matth 25 34. Ephes. 1 21 22. Heb 27 8. Psal. 22.11 Heb 13.26 1 Pet. 2.24 5. Psal. 130.3 Psal. 143.3 1 Tim. 2.5 John 1.12 John 20.17 Rom. 5.17 18.19 Rom. 8.15 Gal. 4 36. Act. 17.26 Heb. 2.11 12. 1 Pet. 3 18. Isa. 53.8 Act. 2.4 1 John 1 2. Act. 20 28. 1 Tim 3.16 John 3.16 Heb. 10.1 12. Isa 53.5 Heb. 1 2.3 John 1.29 Matth. 26.11 Deut. 20.23 Matth. 15.1 2. Gal 3.13 Luke 23.1 2. Matth. 26.38 2 Cor 5. Heb 9 12. Heb. 10.5 Act. 2.23 Act. 3.26 Rom. 6.5 11. Act. 2.24 Rom. 4 25. Heb. 2.14 15. Matth. 28 John 20.27 21.7 Luke 24.41 42 43. Joh. 21.12 13. Luke 24.51 Act. 1.6 Matth. 28.6 Matth. 16.9 Luke 24 6. John 20.9 Matth. 28 18. 1 John 2.1 1 Tim. 2.5 Psal. 110 1. Matth. 22 44. Matth. 12 36. Luke 20.42.43 Acts 1.1 Acts 3.19 1 Thess. 1.4 5 6 7 8. Matth. 25.34 Revel 21.27 Esay 66.24 Matth 25.41 Matth 9.44 46 48 Matth. 22.13 2 Pet. 3 11. 2 Cor. 5.11 Luke 21.28 John 15.4 c. Esay 7.14 Ephes. 1.22 Col. 1.18 Heb. 1.11 15. Heb. 10.21 1 John 2.1 1 Tim. 2.5 Matth. 16.17 John 14 26. John 14.11 Acts 5.4 John 10.13 Col. 2.13 Ephes. 2. ● John 9.39 Revel 3.13 Matth. 17.17 Matth 9.19 Luke 9 41. John 6 63. Mic 7.8 1 King 8.8 Psal. 10.3 Rom. 5.10 John 3.5 Tit. 5.5 Rom. 5 8. Psal. 3.9 Psal. 1.6 2 Cor. 3.5 Ephes 1 6. Ephes. 2.10 Phil. 3.13 John 15.5 Rom. 8.9 Rom. 7.15 16 17. Gal. 5.17 Rom. 8 16. Rom. 7.24 Som. 8 22. Ephes 4.17 18 19. 2 Tim. 2.26 John 15 5. Exod. 20.3 c. Deut. 4.7 c. Luke 21.75 Mica 6.7 Ephes 6.17 Ezech. 22.104 1 Cor 6.19 20 1 The 4.4 5 6 Jer. 22.3 9 9 c. Esay 50.1 c. 1 Thess. 4 6. Rom 13.2 Ezek. 22.13 1 John 3 4. Rom. 14.23 Heb. 1 16. 1 Sam. 15.22 1 Cor. 10.31 1 John 3.4 Esay 29.19 Matth. 15.9 Mar. 7.7 Levit. 18.5 Gal. 3.12 1 Tim. 1.18 Rom. 7.12 Psal. 19.7 8 9. Deut. 5.29 Rom. 10.3 1 Kin. 8.4 6. Chron. 6.36 Eccles. 7.22 Prov. 20.9 1 ●oh 1.18 Iohn 1.18 Rom. 10.4 Gal. 3 13. Deut. 27.26 Phil. 2.15 Isai. 64.6 Luk. 17.10 Mat. 28.20 Ephes. 1.4 Col. 1.18 Ephes. 5.23 24 25 26. Apoc. 7.8 Ephes. 2.19 Iohn 5.24 Iohn 17.6 1 Tim. 2.19 Iohn 13.14 Ephes. 1.10 Col. 1.10 Heb. 12.4 Apoc. 14.13 Isai. 25 8. Apoc 7.16 17 Apoc. 21.4 Apoc. 16.10 11 Isai. 66.24 Mark 9.44 36 48. Luke 23.43 Luke ●6 24 25. Apoc. 6.9 10. Gen. 4.8 Gen. 21. ● Gen. 27.41 Mar. 23.34 Ioh. 15.18 19. Iohn 11 35. Ioh. 15.20 24. Act. 4.1 c. Act 5.17 c. Gen. 4 1. Psal. 48.1 2. Mat 5.35 Iohn 12.42 Ephes. 2.20 Act. 2.42 Iohn 10 27. Iohn 18.37 1 Cor. 1 13. 1 Cor. 11.20 23. Mat. 28 19 20 Mark 16.15 Rom 4 11. Matth 18 20. 1 Cor 1.2 2 Cor. 1.1 Gal. 1 2. Ephes. 1 1. Acts 16.9 10.18 1 Cor. 1. c. A 20 17 c. John 20.31 2 Tim 3 16 17 2 Pet. 1 20 21. John 5 29. Ephes 4 4 1 Tim. 3.16 17 Genes 27. Gal 2.11 12 13 14. 1 Tim. 4.1.23 Col. 2.18 19 20 21 22 23. Act. 15.1 c. 1 Tim. 3.15 Heb. 3.2 1 Cor. 14.40 Gen. 17.10 Exod. 12.32 Gen. 17.4 Num. 9.13 Mat. 28.19 Mar. 16.17 Mat. 26.26 Mar. 14.22 Luke 22.19 1 Cor. 11.24 10.16 Rom. 6.3 4 5. Gal. 3.27 Mar. 16.19 Luke 24.51 Act. 1.11 Act. 3.21 1 Cor. 10 c. Ephes. 5.30 Matth. 27.50 Mar. 15.31 Luke 23.46 John 14.30 6.51 53 54 55 56 57 58. 1 Cor. 11.28 28. Mat. 26.26 c Mar. 14.22 c Luk. 22.19 c 1 Cor. 11.24 Note 1 Cor. 11.25 26 Heb. 9.27 28 Col. 2.11 12 Rom. 4.11 Gen. 17.10 Mat. 28.19 1 Cor. 28.29 Rom. 13.1 Titus 3.1 1 Peter 13.2 Rom. 13.2 Rom. 13.7 1 Pet 2.17 Psal 82.1 1 Chron. 22.23 24 25. Chap. 26. 2 Chron. 29.30 31 chap. 2
abomi●ations were revolted then was the Boat in the midst of the Sea Two speciall Notes of this discourse The first Note Who ruled all by wit under K. Edward 6 John 13. Psalm 40. Godly Princes commonly have most uugodly Counsellors Note well 2 Reg. 17. Esa. 22. Matth. 26. John 12. Quest. Answ. The enemies of the verity many times appear to be most profitable for a Common-Wealth Mischief at the length will so utter it self that men may espie it Esa. 22.36 Esa. 22. If David and Hezekiah were deceived by traiterous Councellors how much more a young and innocent King The Author might fear this indeed Paulet is painted The Treasurers words against the authority of Mary Caiaphas prophesied Judge at the end The second Note Tyrants cannot cease to persecute Christs Members Gen. 21. Gen. 28. Exod. 5 6 7 8 c. John 5. 12. The power of Gods Word put the Papists to silence in England except it had been to brag in corners Princes are ready to persecute as malicious Papists will command Job 12. 2 Cor. 4. Ephes. 2. 1 Reg 16 18. John 13. John 8. Wily Winchester D●eaming Duresme Bloody Bonner This is the cruse before omitted why the winde blew to trouble Christs disciples The prayer of the author Exhortation Isai. 48 51.54 62. The coming of Christ to his d●s●ipl●s upon the S●●s is op●ned Christ is sute upon the mountain God never brought his people into trouble to the intent that they should perish therein Mark these words Christ came not to his disciples till the fourth watch The causes why Christs disciples misknew him What chanced to Christ that also in all ages chanceth to his holy Word The fear is greatest when deliverance is ●ost n●gh Exod. 5 6 c. 5 Reg. 7. Isai. 36 37. Note Why God suffereth tribulation to abound and continue Exod. 14. Note Exod. 10● Iezabel Athalia and Iudas Gard●●r Tunstal Bucherly Bon●r The praise of Winchester Durysme and o●●dy Mary before these dayes 4. Reg. 11. Matth. 14. 3. Reg. 18 3. Reg. 18. A digression to the Papists of Qu. Maries chaste dealing A lively Picture of Mary the utter mischief of England What commodities the Spanish King shall bring to the Realm of England A true saying Under an English name she b●areth a Spanyards heart Spanyards sons of pride and superstition Why Winchester would have Spanyards to reigne over England To Winchester The Book of true obedience both in Latine and in English shall remain to thy perpetuall shame and condemnation of thy cankered Conscience The wicked must declare their selves Apocalip 13. Note Abraham Gen. 15. Isaac Gen. 16. Iacob Gen. 23 31.32.35 Moses Exod 5. Rom. 1. Psal. 119. The power and eff●ctuall operation of Gods Word Exod. 4 Reg 9. Luke 24 Simile Math. John 〈◊〉 Note that Peter consid●red not his own weaknesse The sherp at length know the voyce of their own Pastor The Elect. The Repr●bate 1 Reg 28. Saul 2 Reg. 18. Ahaz Isai. 7. God sometime sheweth mercy to an hypocrit for the cause of his Church Jerem. 37 38. Jerem. 42. Reade the Text Jer 42. Jerem. 43. Great blindnes Jer. 44. As Papists would have League with the Emperor What was said in Hamme●sham when uproar was for establishing of Mary in authority A Common-wealth compared to a Ship sayling on the Sea The end shall declare Enemies to the Truth receive no comfort of Gods Messengers The godly and chosen of God Gen. 12. Gen. 15. Gen. 22. Exod. 5.7.10 1 Reg. 16. 3 Reg 21. Object Answer Exod. 32. Gods Word sometimes moveth great multitudes Why Moses caused the Israelites do drink the powder of the golden calf Exod. 32. A sharp sentence against Idolaters Gen. 34. Gen. 49. Jerem. 21.38 Jerem. 21. Jerem. 38 Jerem. 38. Jon. 3. Act. 2. Jerem. 32. The cause of fear Gen. 12. Exod. 34. Isa. 36 37. Matth. 11. Apoc. 18. Note Lively faith maketh a man bold 3. Reg. 18. 3. Reg. 19. The creature can never dispute w●th God without sin Quest. Answ. Gods works by them self are a sufficient reason Peters vertue The vice that long rested with Peter Matth. 16. Note Matth. 26. Why Peter was suffered to sink Luke 22. What resteth with Gods Elect in their greatest danger The nature of faith Peter knew the power and good will of God Psal. 144. How nigh God is in extream perill to deliver his Elect that syithfully call upon him Exod 14. Hester 7.8 ● Daniel 6. John 3. Act 12. Psalm 18. God flattereth not his Elect. Peter was not faithlesse Matth 10. 2 Tim 2. Such as have stood long may yet fall Luke 17. Note We have lesse pretence of excuse then Peter had Note Consolation Matth. 28. Worldly Princes are conjured against God Psal. 2. The sheep of Christ cannot be rent from his hand Joh. 10. Joh. 7. The temptations of Gods elect now in England Good counsell to thee in faith Rom. 11. 1 Reg 2. Note To whom appertaineth the former counsel Matth. 28. Note Objection Answer The root of faith remaineth with Gods elect in greatest danger 3 Reg. 19. The root of faith is not idle A tryall of faith in trouble It appertaineth not to man to know not to enquire how God will deliver Note Divers wayes of deliverance Note The means offered by God to avoid Idolatry are not to be refused Repetition Isai. 78. Psal. 74. Apocal. 17. Psal 74 87. Prayer and Confession Appealing to mercy Isai. 33. Jerem. 4. Psal. 74. Psal. 59. Psal. 79. Jerem. 10 11 12. Psal. 95. Against the enemies of God Esay 25. Of Gods Elect Exhortation Esa 26. Gen. 3. Matt● 10. Act. 4. Matth. 5. Joh. 14 16. Esay 9. In the Crosse of Christ i● victory hid Esay 40.41.51 Exod. 2. 4 Reg. 25. Jerem 52. Esd. 1. Note ●phes 2. The causes why the Saints of God b● this day persecuted 1 Joh. 1.2 Heb. 6. 10. Ephes. 5. Matth. 23. Whosoever sheddeth the Blood of one of Christs members for his Names sake consenteth to the blood of all that have suffered since the beginning Note Gen. 4. Matth. 15. Answer to an Objection Gen. 19. Exod. 14. Iosephus The Petition of such as be persecuted Matth. 5. Matth. 10. ● Cor. 2. Matth 10. Exod. 20. Rom. 13. 1 Pet. 2. The first proportion The second proposition John 4. Apo. 14. 17. Note Take heed of unlawfull obedience Dan. 3. Dan. 6. Answ. Matth. 10. Act. 14. Note The Papisticall Religion a mortall Pestilence The Admonition Answer to an Objection Gen. 6. Ps●l 14. Psal 2. Act. 4. Luk. 18. Hosea 4. Matth 20 Matth. 7. 2 Thess 2. Note Deu 4 and 12 Matth. 15. 1 Reg. 13 15 2 Par. 26. Levit. 10. Matt. 17 Act. 1 2 3. 1 Cor. 11. Col. 2. De●● 4. 12. Apoc. 2. The craft of Sathan The ground of ●●●●●ticall Religion Note Tertul. in Apol. The chief Preposition N●cen 1. The dutie of Magistrates The Spirit of God abideth not with Idolaters 3. Reg. ● 5. 2 ●ar 17. 4 Reg 22. 2 Pa● 34. 4 Reg 18. 2 Par. 29 30 c. 31. The second proposition Stob. ser. 12. Niceph. Calist. Histor. Eccl●s Lib 10. cap. 42. Note Mich. 3. Note Flatterers contagious stilence Ezek. 22. Note Idolatry is mother to all ●ice Matth 6. Rom. 8. ● Reg. 18. John 17. Ezek. 34. Note this for our time Daniel 2. 1 Reg. 2. Job 12. Psal. 107. Daniel 2. Note Note Note 1 Reg. 14. 1 Reg. 16. 2 Reg. 10. 2 Reg. 17. The offer of Iohn Knox. Advert Prosperity for a time proveth not Religion good No Realme England except so grievously plagued at Scotland Isai. 30. Isai. 14. Isai 6. Exhortation Josh. 1. 2 Par 34. 2 Par. 1. Jerem. 36. Amos 2. Zach 15 James 5. 1 Reg 17. 1 Reg. 18. 1 Reg. 19. 2 Reg 9. 1 Reg 19. Mat 10. The disposition Note Verse 23. From whenc● all Authority floweth Psal. 82. 2. Point Rom. 13. Note Note Josh. 1. What is required of a King or Prince The Authority and Power of Kings is limited Note Usc. The duty of Gods people Ezek 20. 2 Reg. 17. Isai. Jere. 9. Eccles 3. Isa. 3. Verse 14. Verse 15. Ezel 8. Note Apoc. Vers. 15. Vers. 16. Josh 24. Rom 9. Dan. 1. Dan. 2. Dan. 3. Dan. 6. 1 Esd 2. 1 Esd 6. A Prayer Vers. 16. 1 Joh. 2. 1 Reg. 22. 2 Reg. 9. Verse 17. Verse 18. John 16. Vers. 19.20 Verse 19. Gal. 2. 1 Pet. 1. Ezek. 37 Psal. 14. 1 John 5. Eccles. histor Sozomoni lib. 5. cap. 5. A terrible but must true sentence The Castle of Edinburgh was shooting against the exiled for Christ Jesus sake