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england_n john_n lord_n thomas_n 8,453 5 8.1675 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22195 Iames by the grace of God, king of England, Scotland, France & Ireland, defender of the faith &c. to all and singuler archbishops, bishops, archdeacons ... greeting whereas by the humble supplication and petition of our true and loyall subiects the inhabitants of our towne of Staines within our county of Middlesex ... England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1619 (1619) STC 8601; ESTC S3821 2,337 1

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I 2 R DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE IAMES By the Grace of God King of England Scotland France Freland Defender of the Faith c. To all and singuler Archbishops Bishops Archdeacons Deanes and their Officials parsons Thear 's Curats and to all spirituall persons And also to all Iustices of Peace Maiors Sheriffes Bayliffes Cōstables Churchwardens and Headboroughs And to all Officers of Cities Boroughes and Townes corporate And to all other our Officers Ministers and Subiects whatsoeuer they bee aswell within liberties as without to whome these presents shall greeting WHEREAS by the humble Supplication and Petition of our tive and Royall Subiects the Inhabitants of our Towne of Staines within our County of Middlesex Wee are gtuen to vnderstand aswell of the great ruynes decayes of the Bridge of Staines as also of the wasting decayes of the Causway of Egham which leadeth to the said Bridge from the Westerne parts to one Citty of London Whereupon Wée forthwith directed our Commission under our great Seale of England to our sight trusty wel beloued Thomas Lord Knynet Sir Iohn Dodderidge Knight one of the Iustices of our Benth Sir Iohn Derham Kinght one of the Barone of our Exchecquer sir Henry Spiller Knight William Mynterne Adryan Moore Esquiors to authorise them to forney the foresait ruynes and decayes of the said Bridge Causway and to make Certificate vnto Vs of the present neecssity of the reparation of the same of the charge therof and how the same may bee raised the which accordingly they haue performed and they do find aswell by their owne view as also ●●on the examination of the Wardens of the said Bridge diuers skilfull workmen in these affaires that the said Bridge is so dangeroully ruynated in the Foundation therof and generally in all the parts the Causway so worne eaten away by great Floods as of necessity there must be speedy reparation the charge wherof will amount nóere vpon the Sum of One Thousand Pounds And moreouer there haue been many breaches which haue béen made by reason of the said great floods which haue drowned vp the Country thereabouts and vndone many of the Inhabitants And forasmuch as many inconueniences great hindrances will daily arise in stopping of recourse of trading other occasions for the seruice prouision of our Citty of London the said Causway Bridge being the direct only passage for diuers Counties in the Westerne parts to our foresaid Citty and from the said Citty into those Countries againe it bée●ng also the only way for our own Carriages to passe ouer as often as our occasions call vs that way Our selfe beeing lately and eye witnes of the ruines and decayes aforesaid of the present necessity of repayring the same Wee haue thought good vpon doe consideration had therof aswel for preuenting of many mischiefes vntimely accidents that happen heerafter as also for the maintaining preseruing of the passage there it beeing of that coasequence ymportance as concerneth the generall good of the Common wealth to take some course in time for the raising of the forsaid Sum of Money that those decayes may speedily be repaired amended And albeit our poore Subiects the Inhabitants of Staines are most ready willing to the vttermost of their power to contribute towards the finishing performing of this good necessary work yet finding the charge therof far beyond their power they receiuing yeerely by the tolle of the passengers there but Twenty Foure Pounds at most hauing in stocke but Eighteene Pounds the which is already ymployed in Timber towarts the beginning of this worke they haue most humbly besought Vs for the better furtherance therof to commend this good laudable deed vnto the charitable consideration of all our louing wel disposed subiects within certaine Counties of this Kingdome and especially such as may or viually haue recourse of trading that way not doubting but that all good Christians true Subiects well weighing the premisses will be ready forward and the rather for our good commendation heerof to extend their liberal contributions towards speedy finishing and performing of this néedfull necessary worke And forasmuch also as it plainely appeareth to all those to whom these presents shall come that this worke tendeth not to the priuate good of any particular person but generally to the ea●e benefit of the Conmon wealth and that the necessity of the performance therof requireth a speciall course abone other ordinary Collections and a care extraordinary to be had for the speedy collecting bringing in of present supplies of moneys on this behalfe Wee haue thought good to Commend the furtherance of this good worke vnto the serious consideration beneuolēce of all our louing subiects within our Citties of London Westminster with the suburbs liberties therof in our Counties of Middlesex Surrey Sussex Southampton W●ltes Dorset Somerset Devon Cornwall with out Citties of Chichester Winchester with our Isle of Wight Town of Souch ampton in our Citties of Salisbury Bristoll Bath Wells Exeter with our Town County of Poole And in all Townes corporate priuiledged places Parishes Villages in all other places whatsoeuer within our foresaid Counties for and towards the raising of the Sum of moneys aforesaid to finish the said worke NOW know yée therfore that Our pleasure is Wee do by these our Letters Patents authorise require euery Church warden Petty Constable of euery Parish within any the Counties Citties Townes corporate or priuiledged places before recited that forthwith vpon receipt of these our Letters Patents or the Briefe therof they collect gather of euery person within their Parish from house to house their contributions towards this good worke and to endorse the names of the giuers and the Sum giuen on the back side of the Briefe and to returne the Briefe moneys therupon collected vnto such Iustices of the Peace in euery County Citty or Towne corporate as our Justices of Assize in their next Circuit shall nominate appoint And Our further pleasure is that those Justices of the Peace shall returne the money to them deliuered by the Churchwardēs or Petty Constables vnto the Bridge Masters of Staines Bridge before the end of Easter Tearme next ensuing the date of these our Letters Patents that this necessary worke may speedily be finished performed Any Statute Lawe Ordinance or prouision heeretofore made to the contrary in any wise not withstanding IN witnesse whereof wee haue caused these our Letters to be made Patents for the space of One whole yeare next after the data héereof to endure Witnes our selfe at Westminster the Eightéenth day of February in the Sixteenth yeere of our Raigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the Two Fiftieth ❀ Steward ❀ God saue the king Printed by Thomas Purfoot