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A11863 Honor military, and ciuill contained in foure bookes. Viz. 1. Iustice, and iurisdiction military. 2. Knighthood in generall, and particular. 3. Combats for life, and triumph. 4. Precedencie of great estates, and others. Segar, William, Sir, d. 1633.; Rogers, William, b. ca. 1545, engraver. 1602 (1602) STC 22164; ESTC S116891 203,415 258

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daunger Hieramias with his right hand deliuered a sword vnto Iuda and in the name of God made him a Knight saying Receiue this sacred sword sent from God wherewith thou shalt vanquish the enemies of Israel It hath bene also a custome ancient that Princes did giue collars as a singular demontration of fauour and honour Plinie reporteth that the Romanes did giue vnto their confederates a collar of gold and to their owne citizens a collar of siluer When Manlius in single combat had slaine a French man hee tooke from him a collar of golde all bloodie and put the same about his owne necke in token of victorie After which time he was surnamed Torquatus because Torques in the Latine signifieth a collar or chaine The Emperours in like maner bestowed collars vpon Captaines and others that serued in the warre and deserued commendation In some Histories may be found that collars were of two sorts the first called Duplares th' other Simplices And with those collars the Emperours for the most part did giue prouision of money or vittaile to some more to some lesse For these reasons and by these examples it appeareth that among the ensignes and ornaments of Honor and Armes the great Collar is of highest reputation It is also seene that Princes soueraigne doe at this day bestow chaines or small collars vpon men of vertue or fauour and in token thereof for the most part a picture or modele of the giuer is thereat pendant which Collat the Knight or Gentleman that receiueth it ought carefully to keepe during his life The ancient custome was that Knights of meane degree and such as were not of the great Orders whereunto particular habits are assigned should in signe of honour weare a garment of scarlet because red representeth fire the most noble element and next vnto the Sunne of most brightnesse It was therefore among the olde Romanes decreed That no man should weare any habit of that colour but only Magistrates and men of dignity Red doeth also betoken boldnesse magnanimitie and ardent loue with charitie The element of fire is also assigned to Mars in respect whereof that colour is most proper to Knights Captaines and all other professours of Armes Carol D Howard Com● Notingham 〈…〉 CHAP. 9. Knights of the Garter EDward the third King of England after hee had obtained many great victories of Iohn the French King and Iames King of Scotland both prisoners in the Realme at one time Henry King of Castile the Bastard expulsed and Don Pedro restored by the Prince of Wales did first erect this order in his kingdome Anno 1350. vpon no waightie occasion as is reported Notwithstanding the same is and long hath bene in so great reputation as Emperors Kings and Princes haue and doe desire to bee companions thereof for their greater honour The patron of this Order is S. George vnto whom it was first dedicated The Soueraigne of this Order is the King of England his heires and successors for euer The number of this Colledge of fellowship is 26. Knights with the Soueraigne and when any of them die another is chosen by consent of those Knights that liue The habit of these Knights is an vnder garment or gowne of Crimsin veluet of some called ak●rtle ouer which he weareth a mantle of Purple veluet lined with white sarsnet on the left shoulder thereof is embroidred in a Garter an Eschuchion of S George and ouer his right shoulder hangeth his hood of Crimson veluet lined with white the Cordons to the mantle are purple silke and gold Aboue all which about his necke he weareth the collar of the order being of pure gold made of garters and knots and enamiled with roses white and red weying 30. ounces of Troy weight with the image of S. George richly garnished with precious stones pendant thereat About his left legge he weareth buckled a garter enriched with gold pearle and stones whereupon these French words are embrodered HONY SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE Which may be thus Englished Shame be to him that euill thinketh The custome was long that these Knights did yeerely hold a feast at the Castle Windesor where the same King Edward founded a Church and gaue vnto certaine Priests and Prebends large stipends to serue there And he ordained also that thirteene poore aged and decayed Gentlemen by the name of poore Knights were there for euer to be maintained and kept inuested in gownes and mantles of cloth onely sutable with those of the Order to pray for the prosperity of the Soueraigne and his successors and all other Knights of the said noble Order It is not publiquely knowen what mooued the King to make this order but thus it is vulgarly reported that King Edward dauncing with the Queene and other Ladies of his Court hapned to take vp a blewe garter which fell from one of them and of some said from the Countesse of Salisburie of whom the King was then enamored which garter the King afterwards wore about his left legge for a fauour The Queene taking some offence thereat it was signified vnto the King by some of the Lords the cause of her displeasure at which he smiling sayd HONY SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE I will make of it yet it be long the most honourable Garter that euer was worne and thereupon instituted the order of the Garter Some rather thinke it was made to remunerate those Noble men and Knights that had best endeuoured and deserued in his most Royall and Martiall affaires of France Scotland and Spaine with all which Nations he then had warre and triumphed The Statutes of this great Order for that they are sufficiently knowen I here omit The names of the first Knights KIng EDWARD the third Soueraigne Edward Prince of VVales Henry Duke of Lancaster Thomas Earle of VVarwicke The Captaine of Bouche Ralph Earle of Stafford William de Mounteacute Earle of Sarisburie Roger Lord Mortimer Sir Iohn Lisle Sir Bartholomew Burgwash Sir Iohn Beauchampe Sir Iohn de Mohun Sir Hugh Courtney Sir Thomas Holland Sir Iohn Grey Sir Richard Fitzsymon Sir Miles Stapleton Sir Thomas Walle Sir Hugh VVrothesley Sir Neel Loring Sir Iohn Chandos Sir Iames de Audley Sir Otho Holland Sir Henry Eme. Sir Zanchet d'Abrigecourt Sir VVilliam Paganel The names of those Knights that are this present yeere 1602. of the same most noble Order ELIZABETH Queene of England Soueraigne Henry the fourth the French King Charles Howard Earle of Notingham Thomas Butler Earle of Ormond Thomas Sackuile Lord Buckhurst Gilbert Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury George Clifford Earle of Cumberland Henry Percye Earle of Northumberland Edward Somerset Earle of VVorcester Edmond Sheffeild Lord Sheffeild Thomas Howard Baron of VValden George Carey Baron of Hunsdon Charles Blount Lord Montioy Sir Henry Lea Master of her Mties Armorie Robert Ratcliffe Earle of Sussex Henry Brooke Lord Cobham Thomas Scrope Lord Scrope VVilliam Stanley Earle of Derby Thomas Cecil Lord Burleigh   The Officers appertaining at this
desiring both to honour her and please himselfe with her presence conuited all noble Ladies to behold a triumph at London to be there performed by the Nobles and Gentlemen of his Court This intention his Maiestie did command to be proclaimed in Fraunce Henault Flanders Brabant and other places giuing Passeport and secure abode to all noble strangers that would resort into England That done he sent vnto al Princes Lords and Esquiers of the Realme requiring that they with their wiues daughters and cosins should at the day appointed appeare at his Court. To this feast came William Earle of Henault and Iohn his brother with many Barons and Gentlemen The triumph continued 15. dayes and euery thing succeeded well had not Iohn the sonne and heire of Vicount Beaumount bene there slaine In this triumph also appeared the Earle of Lancaster and Henry his son The Earle of Darby The Lord Robert of Artoys The Erle of Richmount The Earle of Northampton The Earle of Glocester The Earle of Warwicke The Earle of Salisbury The Earle of Pembroke The Earle of Hartford The Earle of Arundel The Earle of Cornewall The Earle of Norffolke The Earle of Suffolke The Baron of Stafford with others In the raigne of the same King Edward a Royall Iust was holden at Lincoln● by the Duke of Lancaster where were present certaine Ambassadors sent by the King of Spaine for the Lady Ioane daughter to the King who should haue bene married vnto that King of Spaine but meeting her on the way she died A triumph was holden at Windsor before the same King Edward whereat was present Dauid King of Scots the Lord of Tankeruile and the Lord Charles de Valoys who by the Kings license was permitted to runne and had the prize Anno 1349. In Smithfield were solemne Iusts in the same Kings raigne where was present a great part of the most valiant Knights of England and France Thither came also noble persons of other Nations and Spaniards Cipriots Armenians who at that time humbly desired aide against Pagans An. 1361. A triumph before King Edward the fourth IVsts were againe holden in Smithfield where Anthony Wooduile Lord Scales did runne against the Bastard of Burgundie Anno 1444. A triumph before King Henry the sixt ONe other notable Action of Armes was personally performed in Smithfield betweene a Gentleman of Spaine called Sir Francis le Arogonoys and Sir Iohn Astley Knight of the Garter For after the said Sir Francis had wonne the honour from all the men at Armes in France he came into England and made a generall challenge but by the great valour of Sir Iohn Astley lost the same vnto him Triumphs before King Henry the seuenth AT Richmont was holden a solemne triumph which continued a whole moneth where Sir Iames Parker running against Hugh Vaughan was hurt and died 1494. One other triumph was in the same Kings daies performed in the Tower of London Anno 1502. Triumphs before King Henry the eight BVt farre exceeding all these was that magnificent Iust and Tournament at the meeting of the two excellent Princes King Henry the eight of England and Francis the French King who chusing vnto them fourteen others did challenge to run at the Tilt and fight both at the Tourney and Barrier with all commers The Challengers were the King of England the French King the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse Dorset Sir William Kingston Sir Richard Ierningham Master Nicholas Carew and Master Anthonie Kneuet with their Assistants Sir Rowland and Sir Giles Capel with these were so many other French Gentlemen as made vp the number aforesaid For Defenders thither came Mounsieur Vandosme the Earle of De●onshire and the Lord Edmond Howard euery of them bringing in a faire band of Knights well armed This most noble challenge of these two mighty Kings accompanied with fourteene other Knights of either nation seuen they caused to bee proclaimed by Norrey King at Armes in England France and Germanie Anno 12 Henrici 8. One other most memorable Challenge was made by the same King who in his owne royall person with William Earle of Deuonshire Sir Thomas Kneuet and Edward Neuel Esquire answered all commers at Westminster The King called himselfe Caeur Loyal the Lord William Bon Voloir Sir Thomas Kneuet Valiant desire and Edward Neuil Ioy●us Pensier The Defenders were THe Lord Gray Sir William a Parr Robert Morton Richard Blunt Thomas Cheyney Thomas Terrel Christopher Willoughby the Lord Howard Charles Brandon the Lord Marquesse Henrie Guilford the Earle of Wiltshir● Sir Thomas Bullin Thomas Lucie the Lord Leonard the Lord Iohn Iohn Melton Griffith Doon Edmond Howard Richard Tempest After this Challenge was ended the prize appointed for the Challengers partie was giuen vnto Caeur Loyal and among the Defenders to Edmond Howard Another solemne Challenge was proclaimed and perfourmed by certaine English Knights viz. Sir Iohn Dudley Sir Thomas Seimor Sir Francis Poynings Sir George Carew Anthony Kingston and Richard Cromwel Anno 1540. Another action of Armes published in the Chamber of Presence at VVestminster by a King of Armes 25. of Nouember in the 1. and 2. of P. and M. FOrasmuch as euer it hath bene a custome that to the Courts of Kings and great Princes Knights and Gentlemen of diuers Nations haue made their repaire for the triall of Knighthood and exercise of Armes And knowing this Royall Court of England to bee replenished with as many noble Knights as any kingdome in the world at this day It seemeth good to Don Fredericke de Toledo the Lord Strange Don Ferdinando de Toledo Don Francisco de Mendoca and Garsulace de la Vega That seeing here in this place better then in any other they may shew the great desire that they haue to serue their Ladies by the honorable aduentures of their persons They say that they will maintaine a fight on foot at the Barriers with footmens harnesse three pushes with a pike seuen strokes with a sword in the place appointed before the Court gate on Tuesday the 4. day of December from the twelfth houre of the day vntill fiue at night against all commers Praying the Lords the Earle of Arundell the Lord Clinton Gartilapez de Padilla and Don Pedro de Cordoua that they would be Iudges of this Triumph for the better performance of the conditions following First that he which commeth forth most gallantly without wearing on himselfe or furniture any golde or siluer fine or counterfeit wouen embroidered or of goldsmiths worke shall haue a rich Brooch He that striketh best with a Pike shall haue a Ring with a Rubie He that fighteth best with a Sword shall haue a Ring with a Diamond He that fighteth most valiantly when they ioyntly fight together shall haue a Ring with a Diamond He that giueth a stroke with a Pike from the girdle downeward or vnder the Barrier shall winne no prize Hee that shall haue a close gantlet or any thing to fasten his Sword to his hand shall winne no
present vnto this most Honourable Order are these Doctor Bilson Prelate B. of Winchester Sir Edward Dier Chauncellour Knight Doctor Benet Register Deane of Windsor William Dethicke Garter Principall K. of Armes Richard Conings by Esquier Vsher. Officers of Armes attendants vpon the said Order W. Camden Clarencieux Kings of Armes W. Segar Norroy Lancaster Chester Heraulds Yorke Richmond Windesor Somerset Rouge-crosse Rouge-Dragon Pursuyuants Portcullis Blewmantle CHAP. 10. Of Knights Bannerets OTher degrees of Knighthood there are in England but because they we are no garment badge or signe to distinguish them from other gentlemen they are not knowen to strangers yet among our selues we know them right wel because euery one hauing such dignitie is called Sir As Sir Thomas Sir Iohn Sir William Sir Simon c. But first of Knights Bannerets A Knight that is to receiue this honour shal be led betweene two other Knights before the King or Generall bearing his Pennon of Armes in his owne hand and in presence of all the Nobilitie and other Captaines the Heraulds shal say vnto the King or his Generall these words folowing viz. May it please your grace to vnderstand that this gentleman hath shewed himselfe valiant in the field and for so doing deserueth to be aduanced vnto the degree of a Knight Banneret as worthy from hencefoorth to beare a Banner in the warre Then the King or Generall shal cause the points of his Pennon or Guydon to be rent off And the new Knight shal goe vnto his tent conducted betweene two other Knights the trumpets sounding all the way before him there to receiue sees viz. to the Heraulds three pound sixe shillings and viij pence And if he were before a Knight Bachelour then is he to pay also vnto the Trumpets twenty shillings I suppose the Scots doe call a Knight of this creation a Bannerent for hauing his Bannerrent Here is to be noted that no Knight Banneret can be made but in the warre and the king present or when his Standerd royall is displayed in the field A Banneret thus made and euery estate aboue him may beare his Banner displayed if he be a Captaine and set his Armes therein as Barons do CHAP. II. Knights of the Bath according to the ancient vse WHen an Esquier commeth to the Court to receiue this Order of Knighthood in time of peace according to the custome of England he shall be very nobly receiued by the officers of the Court as the Steward of Chamberlane if they be present or otherwise by the Marshals and Vshers and there shall be ordayned two Esquiers of honour wise and well learned in courtesie and nurture as also in feates of Chiualry and they shall be Esquiers and Gouernours of all which pertaineth to him who receiueth the order abouesaid and if the Esquier doe come before dinner hee shall serue the King of water or with a dish at the first course onely and then the Esquiers gouernours shall leade the Esquier that is to be Knighted into his chamber without any more adoe at that time and towards euening the Esquiers gouernours shall send for a Barber and hee shall prepare a Bath decked with linnen aswell within the Tubbe as without and that the tubbe be well couered with carpets and mantels for the colde of the night and then the beard of the Esquier shal be shauen and his haire rounded This done the Esquiers gouernours shall goe to the King and say Sir it is euening and the Esquier is readie at the Bathe when it shall please ye Whereupon the King shal command his Chamberlaine to conuey to the chamber of the Esquier the most gentle and wisest Knights that are then present to enforme counsell and instruct him in the order and feates of Chiualrie and likewise that the other Esquiers of that house with minstrelsie doe goe before the Knights singing playing and dancing to the chamber doore of the said Esquier And when the Esquiers gouernours doe heare the noyse of Musicke they shall vncloth the Esquier and put him naked into the Bath But at the entring of the chamber the Esquiers gouernours shall cause the musicke to cease and the Esquiers also for a time This done the Knights shall enter into the chamber still without making any noyse and then the Knights shall doe reuerence one to the other who shall be the first to counsell the Esquier in Order of the Bath and when they are agreed then the first shal go to the Bath and kneeling downe before the tubbe shal say secretly Sir great honour may this Bath be vnto you and then he sheweth him the maner of the Order that best he can and then putteth some of the water of the Bath vpon the shoulder of the Esquier and taketh leaue and the Esquiers gouernours shall attend on each side of the Bath themselues and after that same maner shall all the other Knights do one after another till they haue all done and then the Knights depart out of the chamber for a season This done the Esquiers gouernours doe take the Esquier out of the Bath lay him in his bed till he be dry which bed ought to be simple without curtens and being dry he shal rise out of his bed and apparelled somewhat warme because of the coldnes of the night and ouer all his apparell he shal weare a coat of Russet cloth with long sleeues after the manner of an Hermit with an hood The Esquier being out of the Bath and made readie the Barber shall take away the Bath and all that is about the same aswell within as without and take them for his fees and likewise the Coller if hee be an Earle Baron Banneret or Bachelor Knight according to the custome of the Court This done the Esquiers gouernours shall open the chamber doore and let the Knights enter in to leade the Esquier to the Chappell And when they are entred the Esquiers singing and dauncing shall be brought before the Esquier with their melodie to the Chappell And when they are entred into Chappell then spices and wine shall be giuen to the sayd Knights and Esquiers And the Esquiers gouernours shall lead the Knights before the Esquier to take their leaues And he shall thanke them altogether for their trauell honor and courtesies And so they depart after whom the Esquiers gournours shall shut the doore and let no man tarie in the Chappell except the Esquiers his gouernours the Priests Chandler and Watch. And so he shall remaine in the Chappell till it be almost day alwayes in prayer desiring God to blesse and increase his grace in him to giue him power and comfort to take this high temporall d●gnitie to the honour and prayse of him the holy Church and order of Knighthood And when day appeareth they shal cause the Priest to say prayers and communicate if he will And from the entring of the Chappell doore hee shall haue a candle of waxe borne before him Prayers being begunne one of the Gouernours
and called Borgo di Santa Maria or Mareenburg where is now the chiefe Church appertaining to this Order there unto belongeth so great riches and reuenues as these Knights may both for men and money compare with diuers Princes This countrey of Prussia is great and much thereof bounded by the riuer of Vistola and is also confined by Sarmatia the Massagets and Polonia These Knights are also Lordes of Liuonia which was likewise by them brought to the faith of Christianitie is with Christians inhabited CHAP. 27. Knights of the Sepulchre THis Knighthood is now extinct or rather conioyned vnto the Order of Malta The Ensigne belonging to these Knights was two Red Crosses vnited CHAP. 28. Knights of S. Mary The habit of this Order was very pompous and thereupon a red Crosse wrought with gold round about They were specially inhibited to weare gold in their spurres and horse harnesse They made profession to fight against the Infidels and all others that offended iustice notwithstanding they liued euer at home in rest with their wiues and children They were commonly called Caualieri di Madona but because they liued continually in ease and pleasure men termed them Fratri gaudenti as much in our language as Good fellow brethren It may be some of them are yet extant CHAP. 29. Knights of S. Lazaro These Knights doe professe to be obedient vnto their great Master and other officers of the Order they promise also to liue chast or at the least continent and content with one wife Also to be charitable and liberall chiefely to poore people infected with leprosie Moreouer euery Knight promiseth to weare a greene Crosse and before they enter into this Knighthood must prooue himselfe to be borne in lawfull wedlocke and a Gentleman both by father and mother and to beare Armes Also that he is descended of ancient Christians and no Morrano or Turke That he hath of rent at the least 200 crownes wherewith to maintaine his dignitie That he and his auncestors haue euer liued as Gentlemen without vse of any base or mechanicall occupation That he hath not bene suspected of any notable euill fact or is defamed for any vice That he be not indebted nor is wedded to any widowe or hath had more then one wife But besides these passable protestations he must vndertake to say fiue and twentie Pater nosters and so many Aue Marias with other superstitious things not worthy the writing This Order hath of late time bene much fauoured by the Dukes of Sauoy CHAP. 30. Knights of S. Stephano The Statutes annexed to this Order are not vnlike to those appertayning to the order of Malta sauing that these haue libertie to marrie The chiefe place of their resiance is the citie of Pisa where the Duke prepared them a Church and builded for them a pallace wherein to lodge And because neere to that Citie is a Hauen fit to receiue the Gallies wherin these Knights should serue it seemed good to that Prince to settle them there The Duke himselfe and his successors is Great master of this Order and vnder him are diuers other Officers of reputation This is the last Order or degree of Knights that I haue seene or read of THE THIRD BOOKE Concerning Combat for life Iusts Turnements Triumphes and Inaugurations of Emperours Kings and Princes The Contents of this Booke THe Prooeme Of particular Combats with their original Ca. 1. Whether Combats may be iustly permitted Ca. 2. When and how Combats were in vse Cap. 3. What exceptions or repulses may mooue the defendors to refuse the Combat Cap. 4. Whether a man of meane qualitie may chalenge his superior Cap. 5. What sorts of men may not be admitted to trial of Armes 6. Who was anciently accompted victorious in Combat Cap. 7. What was anciently due vnto such men as were victorious in publique Combat Cap. 8. Of the disequalitie of Gentlemen Cap. 9. Of the qualitie and disequalitie of great Nobilitie and the priuiledges due to all men professing Armes Cap. 10. Of Armes offensiue and defensiue Cap. 11. Of the Election of weapons Cap. 12. Certaine questions opinions and iudgements vpon accidents in triall and exercise of Armes Cap. 13. Of honour gained or lost by being disarmed in sundry places and sundry peeces Cap. 14. Of honour gained or lost by hurts giuen or taken in Combat for life or triumph Cap. 15. Of Combats ancient Cap. 16. The order of Combats for life in England anciently recorded in the Office of Armes Cap. 17. Of Triumphes ancient and moderne Cap. 18. Of Triumphes and their Originall Cap. 19. Of the maner of Triumphing and the habits of the Triumpher Cap. 20. Of the diuers qualitie of Triumphes in Rome Cap. 21. In what Order the Romanes triumphed Cap. 22. Of other furniture and pompe appertayning to Triumphes in Rome Cap. 23. Of the Triumphal going of Darius to meet Alexander the great Cap. 24. The Triumphal entry of Xerxes K. of Persia into Greece yet afterward forced for feare to flie into his owne kingdome Cap. 25. Of Triumphes in Germanie Cap. 26. Of Triumphes at the enteruiew of Pope Alexander and the Emperour Frederick Barbarosa at Venice Anno Dom. 1166. Cap. 27. An admirable Triumphal shew at Venice to congratulate the recouery of Cypres Anno 1366. Cap. 28. A Triumph in the raigne of King Richard the second Anno 1590. Cap. 29. A Triumphal passage of Charles the v. Emperor through France Anno 1540. Cap. 30. A triumphal entrie of Philip Prince of Spaine at Millan Anno 1548. Cap. 31. A Military chalenge in Italy Anno 1555. Cap. 32. Of triumphal challenges in France Cap. 32. Of one other Military action betweene fiue English gentlemen and fiue French Cap. 34. An other like action Cap. 35. An other chalenge of a French gentleman in Spaine Cap. 36. An other notable challenge in France Anno 1390. Cap. 37. An other most noble challenge Cap. 38. The triumphant interuiew of the Kings of England and France Anno 1519. Cap. 39. A triumph celebrated in France Anno 1559. Cap. 40. A Militarie triumph at Brussels Anno 1549. Cap. 41. The Inauguration of Carolus Magnus King of Italie Anno 773. Cap. 42. Carolus Magnus Inauguration being made Emperour Anno 1800. Cap. 43. The Inauguration of Pope Gregorie the tenth Cap. 44. The Inauguration of Henry the fourth King of England Anno 1399. Cap. 45. The Inauguration of Charles the French King at Rhemes Anno 1380. Cap. 46. At the Inauguration of King Henry the thirde French King three notable things obserued Cap. 47. The Inauguration of Charles the fift Cap. 48. Ceremonies appertaining to the deliuery of Prizes at Iusts and Turnements Cap. 49. Of Iusts and Turnements and how the Accidents in such exercises are iudged in the kingdome of Naples Cap. 50. Iusts and Turnements how they were anciently iudged by Iohn Tiptoft Earle of Worcester high Constable of England in the Raigne of King Edward the 4. Cap. 51. Triumphes Military for honour and loue of
commendably acquite themselues but the other two of that side were ouerthrowen On the other side two only perfourmed their courses well and the rest of that company exceeding euill losing many Lances and running very foule whereof a question grew whether vnto fiue well doers and two euill or vnto two well doers with fiue euil the honour ought to be allotted Albeit in this case much may be spoken yet for that the question is not of any particular mans merit but which partie in generall performed best the enterprize it may be alleaged that the partie wherein were most weldoers ought to haue the honour notwithstanding the fall of two of their companions yet for so much as the fall from horsebacke by the enemies force or vertue is most reprochefull it seemeth that the misaduenture of two men onely may reasonably be the losse of honour to all the rest And therefore we leaue the iudgement of this doubt vnto wise men better experienced in Armes Two gentlemen being in combat for life the Challenger taketh the sword of the Defender from him notwithstanding the Defender most valiantly defendeth himselfe with his arme and hands all the whole day during which time he could not be forced either to denie yeeld or be slaine A question thereupon arose whether of them was victorious Forasmuch as this Combat was for life and that in euery fight of such nature no victory is fully gained vntill the Defender is slaine or els forced to yeeld or denie it seemeth that he is not to be iudged guiltie not hauing done any of these although his sword were lost which indeed in all martiall exercises and feates of Armes is a thing much to be discommended But most certaine it is that in all Combats and actions for honor loue and praise onely whosoeuer loseth his sword must presently also lose the honor and victory Two Gentlemen fighting for life within the Listes the one yeeldeth himselfe a prisoner Whether may the Prince of the place who in combat is elected a Iudge saue the life of him that is vanquished Hereunto may be answered That albeit euery prisoner appertaineth vnto his taker yet hath it commonly bene vsed that the victorious haue presented their prisoners vnto the Prince to be disposed at his good pleasure who in recompense thereof doe vse according to the magnanimous mindes of such persons not onely to pay the charges of the victorious but also in signe of clemencie and mercie set the infortunate prisoner freely at libertie As did the noble King Edward the third of England vnto Iohn Visconti who in his presence was vanquished by Thomas de la March base sonne vnto the French King And Philip Duke of Millain did the like vnto an vnfortunate Gentleman vanquished by a Neoplitane Knight CHAP. 14. Of the honor gained or lost by being disarmed in sundry places and of sundrie peeces A Man that loseth his sword in fight is more reproched then he that loseth his shield For he gaineth the greatest honor that winneth the chiefe weapon from the enemie which is the sword seeing therewith the Emperour and Kings doe create their Knights and the sword is borne before them in in signe of authoritie and Regal power He that loseth his headpiece in fight is more dishonoured then he that loseth his shield because the Helmet defendeth the most principal part of man but the shield armeth a lower place He that loseth his Gauntlet in fight is more to be blamed then he who is disarmed of his Poulderon For the Gauntlet armeth the hand without which member no fight can be performed and therefore that part of Armor is commonly sent in signe of defiance He that is cast out of the Saddle by violence of his aduersaries encounter shal be more reproued then he who falleth by the default of his horse the breaking of Girthes or any such like accident CHAP. 15. ¶ Of the honor gained or lost by the hurts giuen or taken in Combat for life or in triumph HE that in fight loseth his eye shall thereby receiue more dishonour then he that loseth his teeth because the eye is a member seruing the most necessarie sence but the teeth are onely instruments of the mouth He that loseth his right eye is more to be reproached then he that loseth the left eye because the right side is in better opinion of men The like is to be sayd of the hands of the armes and legges If a man hauing but one eye doe fight with another man that hath two in losing that one eye he shall be more blamed then he who hath two eyes although he loseth one He that loseth his whole hand shall be more reproached then he who loseth one eye And he that loseth a foot is more disgraced then he that loseth one hand CHAP. 16. Of Combats auncient TOo long it were to tell the causes and euent of Combats heretofore performed by Princes and other persons of honourable qualitie Neuerthelesse who so desireth to know what was anciently done in matter of such quality let him read the Combats of Dauid with Goliah Of Romulus with Acron of Marcellus with Virdimarus king of France Of the Horatij and Curiatij Of Satibarzanes with Erigius Of Horrates with Dioxippus a Champion Of Alexander with Porus king of the Indians Of Titus Manlius with one other Frenchman of Marcus Valerius with one other Lord of that Nation Of Ionathas the Iewe with Pudentus of a Duke of Bohemia with the Duke of Lancaster Of certaine Christians with a like number of Barbarians Of Seanderbeg alone against three other men Of Valares a Gothian with Artanas an Armenian and many others CHAP. 17. The order of Combats for life in England as they are anciently recorded in the office of Armes at London FIrst the Cartell or Bill of Quarrell aswell of the Challengers behalfe as of the Defenders was brought into the Court before the Constable and Marshall And when the trueth of the cause of quarrell could not be prooued by witnesse nor otherwise then was it permitted the same should receiue triall by force of Armes the one partie by assayling the other by defending The Constable as Vicar generall vnto the King assigned the day of battell which was to be performed within forty dayes next following whereunto both the Challenger and Defender condscended Then were the Combattants commaunded to bring in sufficient pledges for suertie that they and euery of them should appeare and performe the combat betwixt the sunne rising and going done of the day appointed for the acquirall of their pledges and that they nor any of them should doe or cause to be done any molestation damage assault or subtiltie against the person of his enemie either by himselfe his friends his followers or other person whatsoeuer In what sort the King commanded the place of Combat to be made THe Kings pleasure being signified vnto the Cōstable Marshal they caused Lists or Rayles to be made and set vp in length
others these Englishmen determined to make proofe of their fortune Iohn Holland The Earle of Huntingdon Iohn Courtney Iohn Goulonfee Iohn Russell Thomas Scrope William Clifton William Clinton William Tailboys Godfrey Seten William Hacklet Iohn Dabridgcourt Henry Bewmount and others to the number of one hundreth or more went into France to shew their vertue in that Challenge Besides them also many others did passe the seas to see what should be done The first Englishman that passed the Sea was Iohn Holland brother to the King of England hauing in his traine Noblemen and Gentlemen of note about 60. who were all lodged within the towne of Calis The Challengers then hauing prepared themselues arriued at Bullaine in the beginning of May and were lodged in the Abbey where they were enformed of the excellent furniture which the English had brought Whereat they reioyced and made the more hast to their businesse Then they caused there greene Pauilions to be set vp betweene Calis and Bullen At the doore of euery Pauilion a shield was hanged which any man desirous to fight might at his pleasure touch The order of this Triumph was thus THe twenty and one day of May the Challengers appeared at the place ready armed and mounted Shortly after the English men came from Callis some to try their fortune and other to behold First of al Iohn Holland with his Lance touched the Shield of Bouciquaut and foorthwith he came out of his Pauilion and mounted on horsebacke which done th' one charged the other without more hurt then that the English Lords shield was pearced through The second course was also without harme And the English man preparing for a third course Bouciquaut denied to do more that day which the English Lord hearing turned himselfe to the shield of S. Pye touched it Then presently he came forth couragiously but the first course proued foule for that the horses kept not their right path Notwithstanding Holland disarmed the head of S. Pye The second course was performed better and the launce both of the one and the other broken vpon the Shields At the third course both their Headpieces were striken off and all the lookers on might see their faces Neuerthelesse the Lord Holland desired that for his mistresse sake he might breake one Launce more Which couragious offer both French and English commended Next to these Roy and the English man called Earle Marshall charged one the other with much commendation The third courses were performed by Bouciquaut and the Lord Clifford cousin to the Lord Shandois a man expert in Armes and of great fame The fourth English man that ranne was Henry Bewmount a Knight of good reputation The seuenth encounter was betweene S. Pye and the same Bewmount The eight encounter was betweene Roy and Peter Courtney The ninth encounter was betweene Bouciquaut and Courtney The tenth betweene S. Pye and Courtney who had touched all their shieldes The next encounter was allotted to Goulowfer and Roy. The next courses were betweene S. Pye and Iohn Russell The next was betweene Bouciquaut and Peter Scrope a young Gentleman of great courage but of no long practise in Armes yet was his encounter so violent as forced Bouciquaut to bleede at the eares and retire to his pauilion all that day But Scrope not contented with the honour of his successe against Bouciquaut touched the shield of S. Pye and presently the one encountred the other But at the second course by misfortune the English Knight fell downe and though with some helpe he recouered his horse yet ranne he no more that day Such was the successe of the first dayes Iusting The second meeting THe second day Gulielmus Clysetonius an English Knight expert in Armes encountred Bouciquaut with equall fortune The next encounter was betweene the L. Clinetonius and S. Pye either of them performing his part well The third encounter was betweene William Stamartius cousin to the Earle of Huntingdon and Raynol Roy who seemed to deserue best The 4. encounter was betweene Lancaster and Bouciquaut with small aduantage The 5. encounter was betweene S. Pye and Taylbois a Gentleman very yong Either of them was disarmed on the head and so returned to their Pauilions The 6. encounter was betweene Godfrey Seten and Roy at the first course Launces being strong their horses were forced to pauze At the second for the same reason th' one and th' other let fall their Launces without breaking At their third course th' one and th' other was hurt so as Roy was sore bruzed and Seten pearced into the shoulder Which wound he endured with great patience without shew of griefe suff●ed the Chirurgeon to draw backe the Launce and search the wound which courage was highly praised The 7. encounter was betweene an English man called Blanquetius and S. Pye The 8. encounter was betweene Thomalinus Messidonius and Bouciquaut This English man was richly armed at the first course pearced through the shield of Bouciquaut But at the third course he was vnhorsed The 9. encounter was betweene Nauartonius and Bouciquaut with equal fortune The 10 encounter was betweene Sequaquetonius an English Knight and Roy. This Knight was of experience in Armes and at the first course wel-neere vnhorsed his aduersary But at the last meeting the French Taint was so strong as the Englishman was wel-neere borne downe and so they departed Thus ended the second dayes Triumph ¶ Note here that the French King being disguised was present at all these exercises The third meeting THe third day likewise these noble Knights both English and French appeared The weather was faire calme and fit for Military action The first courses were performed betweene Iohn Sauage and Roy who at the first encountred so furiously as both th' one th' other was almost forced to fall from his horse The rest of their courses were honourable The second encounter was betweene Gulielmus Basqueneus cosin to the Earle Marshall and Bouciquaut At the third course they were both disarmed on the head The third encounter was betweene an English Knight called Scot and S. Pye Their first course was faire on both sides and so was the second But at the third course the French Knight lost his headpeece and the English Knight vnhorsed The fourth encounter was betweene Barnard Stapleton and s. Pye and either of them at the third course lost his headpeece The fifth encounter was betweene Iohn Arundel and Roy. This English Knight was reputed for horsemanship dancing and singing excellent The one and the other of them perfourmed their courses with commendation The sixth encounter was betweene Nicolas Stoner and Bouciquaut who in their third course lost both their headpeeces and so bare headed went away The seuenth encounter was between Iohn Marshal and Bouciquaut who was somewhat hurt with a splitter the other disarmed of his headpiece The eighth encounter was betweene Iohn Clifton and Roy with equall fortune The ninth encounter was betweene Roger
he wotteth not whither He that with his Launce taketh away the rest of the aduersaries Armor meriteth more honour then he that taketh away any other ornament He that breaketh his Launce on the pomel or bolster of his aduersaries faddle deserueth worse then he who beareth his Launce well without breaking He that breaketh on the face or other part of the horse meriteth worse then he that breaketh not at all He that hurteth an horse shall not receiue honour although before he hath run well for he that hurteth an horse is in like predicament with him that falleth who cannot on that day receiue any honour He is worthy small estimation that cannot gouerne his owne horse or that sitteth loose in his saddle but much is he to be praised that with his force disordereth his aduersary in the saddle He that letteth his Launce fall can claime no commendation And lesse worthy praise is he that knoweth not how it should be charged He that breaketh the Launce furiously in many pieces is more reputed then he that breaketh it faintly in one onely place He that conueyeth his Lance into the Rest in due time is worthy commendation but he that carieth it shaking in his hand or vnstayedly in the Rest meriteth blame He that dexteriously carieth the Launce long on the arme and skilfully conueyeth it into the Rest nere the time of encounter is more allowed them he that suddenly and at the first setting out doth charge it To conclude he is worthy all commendation that beareth himselfe wel on horsebacke that sitteth comely that fitteth his body well with Armor that hath his person so disposed as if it were without Armor that can endure to weare it long that till the end of the day disarmeth not his head He that performeth not all his determined courses ought not receiue any prize or honor He that hurteth or toucheth an horse with his Launce shal neither haue prize nor praise for he is in case as though he had fallen He that doth fall may not run any more in that day vnlesse he falleth on his feet standing right vp and be also a Challenger for in that case he may returne to horse answere all commers because on that day hee is so bound to doe CHAP. 51. Of Iusts and Turnaments how they were anciently iudged by Iohn Tiptoft Earle of VVorcester high Constable of England in the reigne of King Edward the fourth FIrst who so breaketh most speares as they ought be broken shall haue the prize Who so hitteth three times in the height of the Helme shall haue a prize Who so meeteth cronall to cronall shall haue a prize Who so beareth a man downe with the force of his Speare shall haue a prize Here followeth wherefore the prize shal be lost FIrst who so striketh an Horse shall haue no prize Who so striketh a man his backe turned or disgarnished of his speare shall haue no prize Who so hitteth the Toyle three times shall haue no prize Who so vnhelmeth himselfe two times shall haue no prize vnlesse his horse faile him Here followeth how speares shall be allowed FIrst who so breaketh a Speare betweene the Saddle and the Charnell of the Helme shal be allowed one Who so breaketh a speare from the Charnell vpward shall be allowed one Who so breaketh and putteth his aduersary downe or out of the saddle or disarmeth him in such wise as he may not runne the next course after shal be allowed three speares broken Here followeth how Speares broken shall be disallowed FIrst hee that breaketh on the Saddle shall be disallowed for a Speare breaking Who so hitteth the Toile once shal be disallowed for two Who so hitteth the Toile twise for the second shal be abated three Who so breaketh a speare within a foote of the Charnel shal be iudged as no Speare but a Taynt Of prizes to be giuen FIrst who so beareth a man downe and out of the Saddle or putteth him to earth horse and man shall haue the prize before him that striketh Curnall to Curnall He that striketh Curnall to Curnall two times shall haue the prize before him that striketh the sight three times He that striketh the sight two times shall haue the prize before him that breaketh most Speares At the Torney TWo blowes at passage and ten at the ioyning ought suffise vnlesse it be otherwise determined All gripes shockes and foule play forbidden How prizes at Turney and Barriers are to be lost HE that giueth a stroke with a Pike from girdle downeward or vnder the Barre shall haue no prize He whose sword falleth out of his hand shall haue no prize He that hath a close Gauntlet or any thing to fasten his sword to his hand shall haue no prize He that stayeth his hand on the Barre in fighting shall haue no prize He that sheweth not his sword vnto the Iudges before he fighteth shall haue no prize HAuing here spoken of forreine triumphs I thinke it not impertinent and haply my duety also to remember what honour hath bene by like Actions done vnto the Kings of England our own natural Souereigns For albeit the Romans the Persians Syrians being heretofore the most mighty Monarches of the world and consequently of greatest pompe yet in later time and chiefly within these 500. yeeres no Prince Christian hath liued more honourably then the Kings of England And as their prowesse in Armes hath bene great so their Courts for magnificence and greatnesse needed not giue place to any which may appeare by the often and excellent triumphes celebrated before Kings and Queenes of this land Yea certaine it is that neither France Spaine Germany or other Nation Christian was euer honoured with so many Militarie triumphes as England hath bene chiefly in the raigne of her Maiestie who now liueth as hereafter shal appeare For besides other excellent triumphal Actions and Militarie pastimes since her Maiesties raigne a yeerely and as it were ordinary triumph hath bene celebrated to her Highnesse honour by the noble and vertuous Gentlemen of her Court a custome neuer before vsed not knowen in any Court or Countrey And albeit as hath bene formerly remembred the Triumphes of Germany were of great pompe and notable yet because they were furnished with the whole number of Princes and Nobilitie of that Nation and the celebration rare they seeme to me lesse admirable then our owne which haue continued more then 30. yeeres yeerely without intermission and performed chiefly and in effect onely by the Princes Lords and Gentlemen dayly attendant vpon her Maiesties Royal person Whereby the honour of those Actions is indeed due to her Highnesse Court onely CHAP. 52. ¶ Triumphes Military for Honor and loue of Ladies brought before the Kings of England A Triumph before King Edward the third 1343. THis King being the most warlike and vertuous Prince that liued in his dayes happened as mine Author saith to fall in loue with a noble Lady of his Kingdome and
edomiti Burgraues quasi 〈◊〉 Comites Rheingraues qui praesunt rusticis In the Court Imperiall Comes was anciently the title of sundry officers as Comes Largitionum Comes laborum Comes Consistorianus Comes Palatij Comes Palaij had Iura Regalia and thereby might erect Barons vnder them as Hugh Lupus first Count Palatin of Chester made eight Barons and had that Earledome giuen vnto him by the Conqueror ita liberè ad Gladium sicut ipse Rex tenebat Angliam ad Coronam The Countie of Lancaster was made County Palatine by King Edward the third and had Barons Chancerie and Seale so had the Bishopricks of Durham and Ely The Offices of these Barons were to sit in Councell and Parliament with the Earle in his Pallace and to honor his Court with their presence Also for more magnificence these Earles kept their Grandiours and festiuall dayes as absolute Princes in their prouinces Comes Marescallus Angliae is an Earle by office and so is no other Earle of England but hee he is in the vancancie of the Constable the Kings lieutenant Generall in all marshall affaires His office is of great commandement and endued with many honourable priuiledges King Rich. the second in the 21. of his reigne granted to Thomas Holland Duke of Surrey Earle Marshal of England Quod idem Dux ratione officij sui habeat gerat deferat quendā baculū aureum circa vtrumque finem de nigro annulatum non obstante quod aliquis alius ante haec tempora baculum ligneum portare consueuerit To the degree of an Earle belongeth a Surcoat a Mantle and a Hood with a Coronet of gold with points only and no flowers CHAP. 12. A Vicount A Vicount is in degree dignity next vnto an Erle it was anciently a name of Office vnder an Earle and called Vicecomes or Subcomes and this office was to heare and determine causes of difference and to execute Iustice in the Earles County The Saxons called him the Shyre-Reue and in the Norman speech Vicount Hee is of greater dignity then a Baron as is the Vicount de Thureyn and the Vicount of Combre in Fraunce or as the Vicounts Mountacute and Vicount Howard of Bindon in England This degree hath a Surcoat a Mantle and a Hood and a Circulet without either Floures or Points as appeareth in the Margent CHAP. 13. A Baron NExt ensueth a Baron which dignity was called in the British tongue Dynast in the Saxon Thayn in Latine Baro which signifieth Vir grauis for Albertus de Rosa in his Dictionary expressing the signification of the word Baro sayth Barones dicuntur graues personae à Graeco vocabulo Baria quod idem est quod autoritas grauis Likewise Calap in his Dictionary sayth Baro est vir fortis à quo fit diminutiuum Barunculus Men in this dignity were euer of great reputation for Hortensius speaking of Barons whome Dominicus de S. Gemi calleth also Capitanius sayth Non solum militare sed prudenter atque grauiter ipsis ducibus consulere officium est Baronis Barons were also anciently accounted companions to Earls and others of higher dignity and therefore reckoned of that number called Peeres or Pares regni or Pares homines of some men pronounced Parhomines and corruptly Barones conuerting the letter P. into B. as Libard for Leopard The dignitie of a Baron is thus defined Baronia est quaedam dignitas inter nobiles habens quandam praeeminentiam inter solos simplices nobiles post principatus ex consuetudine introductam ex quodam mod● vtendi diuer simode diuersas patrias Cass. It seemeth also that a Baron in diuers Countreys is diuersly esteemed for in England they are to proceede according to their segniority but in Burgundy they be reputed the greatest Barons that are of greatest possessions And as a Duke had anciently vnder him ten Earles or Earledomes and an Earle 10 Baronies so a Baron ought be commander of some competent company of Segniories the greater the number be the more his honour Quanto maiora qu●●tractat tanto ipse maior est Dauid Likewise Salustius in his Prooeme of Catelin sayd Maxima gloria in maximo Imperio In the kingdome of Naples all Gentlemen hauing iurisdiction appertaining to their lands and castels are called Barons yet in diuers places of France no Segniory is reputed a Barony vnlesse it hath belonging vnto it foure Castels one Hospital one Colledge with a Chruch hauing also a Seale autentike Which dignitie is preferred before the title of Gentlemen yet is inferiour to all Countiships such is the opinion of Cassaneus lib. 8. One other degree of great estate and titular dignity there is called Princes although in England I haue not seene or read of any such in that kind yet where that title is in vse they precede Barons Some of them haue Iuraregalia and therefore do hold that dignitie either by custome or priuiledge as the princes of Orange Piedemont and Achaia haue Iura regalia But others do hold that title by custome which is of great force as Baldus affirmeth saying Consuetudini standum erit A Baron hath not Potestatem Principis yet is he numbred among noble personages and some Barons by reason of their Baronies haue so much authority ouer their owne vassals as if they conspire against them that offence is called treason in respect whereof the title of Baron is so much the more honourable Note that a Baron hauing Iura Imperialia or Iura Regalia is reputed equal vnto an Earle notwithstanding the Earldome or Barony doe differ in dignity Note also that Barons doe participate of diuers priuiledges and Immunities proper vnto other dignities aforesayd they are Lords of the Parliament in England and of them it is called the Barons Court For the Parliament makes not Barons but Barons Parliaments The title of Barons in France was anciently generall aswel to Princes of blood as all others holding immediatly of the Crowne So do we cal the greatest estates of England by the names of Barons Lords Spiritual and Temporall Of Barons in England there hath bene also anciently diuers sorts Some were Barons in name but not noble as the Barons of the fiue Ports and Barons of London whom Bracton maketh mention of in these words Coram Baronibus London And in another place Sicut Barones London coràm me testantur The Barons of the Exchequer are of like condition Other Barons both in name and dignitie yet not called honorable were Barons created by the Earles Palatines Of Barons honourable are three degrees viz. by Tenure by Creation and by Writ Barons by Tenure are Bishops chiefly caled Lords Spiritual and euer reputed honorable not in respect of noblenes in blood but for their function and office they are Peeres and Barons of the Realme They are also first in nomination and take place on the Princes right hand in the Parliament chamber They are also called Right honourable Lords and Reuerent Fathers in God They haue
Lea and S. Pye either of them being disarmed on the head departed The tenth encounter was betweene Aubrigcourt and Roy. This Aubrigcourt was not borne in England but brought vp in the Court of the most noble King Edward At their first course they were both violently stricken on the head and in the next on the breast and so they parted But Aubrigcourt not so contented challenged Bouciquaut who answered him two courses with equall fortune and the third course they were both disarmed on the head Such was the successe of the third dayes meeting The fourth meeting ON Thursday which was the last these noble Knights returned to the field where Godfrey Eustace made the first encounter against Bouciquaut and were both hurt on the head The next encounter was betweene Alanus Burgius and S. Pye with being both disarmed on the head The next encounter was betweene Iohannes Storpius and Bouciquaut in which courses the English mans horse was said to fall downe The next encounter was betweene Bouciquaut and an English Knight called Hercourt belonging to the Queene of England but not borne in England At the first course Bouciquaut missed and the English Knight brake crosse which is an errour in Armes and thereupon much disputation arose betweene the French and English For the French affirmed that Hercourt by law of Armes had forfeited his Horse and Armes but at request of the company that fault was remitted and he permitted to runne one course more against Roy who had not runne that day and therefore willingly consented The courses betweene these Knights were exceeding violent but the Englishman being wearied was vtterly throwen from his horse and as a dead man lay flat on the ground but afterwards he reuiued lamenting that disgrace The fifth encounter was betweene Robert Scrope and S. Pye who after three courses gaue ouer without losse or gaine The sixth encounter was betweene Iohn Morley and Reginaldus Roy for the first blow was so violent as forced their horses to stand still in the place of meeting The seuenth encounter was betweene Iohannes Moutonius and Bouciquaut both of them at the first meeting had their shields pearced and after were disarmed on the head The eight encounter was betweene Iaqueminus Stropius and S. Pye At the first course both their horses went out At the second they brake both on the head At the third both their Lances fell from them and at the last the Englishman pearced through the Aduersaries shield but was himselfe dismounted The ninth encounter was betweene Guilielmus Masqueleus and Bouciquaut These Knights with equall courage and skill perfourmed well their courses The last encounter was betweene Nicolas Lea and S. Pye the one and the other of them brake their Launces well till at the last they were both disarmed on the head The Challenge thus ended all the troupe of English Knights hauing attended that busines full foure dayes thanked the French Knights for being Authours of so honourable a triumph On the other side the French much thanked the English for their company and the King who was there secretly returned home where hee enformed the Queene what honour had bene done to all Ladies CHAP. 39. The triumphant Interuiew of the Kings of England and France An. 1519. THese most excellent Princes hauing occasion of conference appointed a meeting in Picardie The day drawing neere the king of England passed the seas and arriued at Calice from whence hauing reposed himselfe he remoued to Guynes The French King likewise being come lodged at Ardes Betweene the one and the other of those townes as it were in the mid-way a place of meeting was appointed Thither went the one and the other of those Kings most royally mounted and followed with so great magnificence as in an hundred yeeres before the like sight had not bene seene in Christendome Some writers haue in vaine laboured to set downe the royalty and exceeding pomp of those Courts which might be seene but not expressed At the place of meeting two Pauilions were erected the one for the French king the other for the King of England These Princes being come embraced one the other and that done they went together into one Pauilion The French King was accompanied with his Lord Admiral called Boniuett his Chancellor and some fewe other Counsellors The King of England had with him the Cardinall of Yorke the Duke of Norffolke and the Duke of Suffolke Then hauing set in counsel and returned to their Pauilions they bethought them of entertainement sports and princely Complements For which purpose commandement was giuen that a Tilt should bee erected where Iusts Tournaments and other triumphall exercises continued about fifteene dayes for so long those Princes remained there One day the King of England conuited the French King feasted him in his Pauilion which was a building of wood containing foure roomes exceeding large and so richly furnished as haply the like had not bene seene in Christendome That Frame was purposely made in England and after the feast taken downe to be returned One other day the French King feasted the King of England in his Pauilion wherein hanged a cloth of Estate marueilous large and so rich as cannot be expressed The ropes belonging to that Pauilion were make of yellowe silke and gold wreathed together The Kings being ready to dine there happened so great a storme of wind as fearing the Pauilion could not stand they remooued from thence to the place where the Fortresse is nowe and beareth the name of that banquet The apparell Iewels and other Ornaments of pompe vsed by Princes Lords Gentlemen awaiting on those Kings cannot be esteemed much lesse expressed for as mine Author sayth some caried on their backes the prise of whole woods others the weight of ten thousand sheepe and some the worth of a great Lordship CHAP. 40. A Triumph celebrated in France Anno 1559. WHen the mariage betweene the King of Spaine and Elizabeth eldest daughter of Henry the French King was concluded in signe of congratulation and ioy a royal Triumph was proclaimed and prepared at Paris whereunto the Nobilitie of all France Spaine and the Lowe countreys repaired which done a solemne Iust and other military sports were taken in hand wherein the King in his owne person the Duke of Ferrara the Duke of Gwyze and the Duke of Nemors were Challengers The place for performance of that Action was appointed in the streete of S. Anthony in Paris and there a Tilt with euery furniture fit for such a feast was prepared To that place as at like occasions it happeneth resorted an infinite number of people to behold for whom scaffolds and stages were ready to receiue them and those places not capable of so excessiue a number many of the people bestowed themselues on the sides and roofes of the houses The first courses were performed by the French King to his great glory the rest of the Challengers also very honourably did the like Then the Lords and