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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02201 The true and perfecte newes of the woorthy and valiaunt exploytes, performed and doone by that valiant knight Syr Frauncis Drake not onely at Sancto Domingo, and Carthagena, but also nowe at Cales, and vppon the coast of Spayne. 1587. Greepe, Thomas. 1587 (1587) STC 12343; ESTC S105774 7,780 24

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prickes with poysoned heades were dight The water lowe as Gods will was Twixt strand and seas they safely passe Then in the morne before daylight They came full in theyr Enemies face Then all at once with force and might They ran vppon them in a race For all their force and thundring shot One of theyr Sconces soone they got As God shut vp the Lyons Iawes From noying his Prophet Daniell And eke preserued from tyrantes pawes The thrée children of Israell And saued them in the Ouen so hotte So he conuayd away their shotte Our Captaines then most valiantly To courage their Souldiours for to fight Did ieoperd themselues then formostlie Which made their enemies dread their might Boldned souldiours put foes to shame To winne their countrie honour and fame From Sconce to Sconce then they retyre Theyr lofty harts right soone were quailde They left their holdes and fled for feare Then with theyr héeles they best preuaile And as they fled straung newes they tell These be no men but féendes of hell Their Ordenaunce and artillerie Which in their holdes did then remaine Our men atchiue with victory The Towne like c●se they won certaine Their Ensignes then they did display Upon theyr walles none ●urst say nay The Souldiours then séeke for their pray Some for their bellyes likewise did care Though breakefast sharpe now care away Their dinners swéete and wholesome fare Bread and victuals they found good store With wine and suger as erst before They made a Sconce amidst the stréete And plast great Ordenaunce in the fame To charge the watch when't came to night To daunt their foes their rage to 〈◊〉 Being shot o● their thundring ●ound So shooke theyr Church the roofe fell d●wne This Towne also they kept a space And eke the Fryery there beside These Townesmen then with humble grace Besought the Generall at that tide To release their towne he would vouchsaue And they would gyue what he would haue All things prouided orderly And brought vnto the waters side Munitions and artillerie Was all imbarked at that tide The Marriners without delay These thinges aboorde with spéede conuay The Generall with his company Then in a Frigat ●●tlie plaste And all his Souldiours in a route In Pinnasses with him then past The Castle which first did them annoy As they past by they did destroy Then when aboord their shippes they come They were receyued ioyfully A peale of Gunnes with thundring soun● For one houre space euen pearst the skie Theyr Drumes strooke vp their Trumpets soūd Theyr victories which doo abound Their yardes a crosse hoyst at the toppe Theyr Anchors wayde then presently Theyr sayles displayd their good ships loppe The Mariners standes their tackling by Eche Helme belayd with good respect As skilfull Maisters did directe Recording then their victories Which they had wonne by Gods great might And eke the sundry ieoperdies They had escaped day and night They yéeld God thankes most hartely Both for his ayde and victory Then homeward as their course did lie At sundry Iles they put a shore Their former wantes for to supply With victuales and fresh water store At Florida they did ariue Saint Augustine for to atchiue These townesmen trusting in their strength Then fiercely set against the Drake Yet he and's men preuaile at length When they were faine theyr towne forsake Which when he had possest with fame Upon humble sute releast the same This towne they wan most valiantly As they did all the rest before The Lord was still their victory Whose name be praysed euermore And yeeld to Drake his due and right Let fame extoll this noble knight His rare attempts performed and doone With honour fame and victory The like before who euer wonne That you can call to memorie Therefore I pray for Englandes sake The Lord preserue the noble Drake When siedge is layd to towne or forte And then the same bée yéelded straight The valour's then of small report And the exploites of no great waight But where with force they bide the brunt Theyr conquestes are of great account Vlisses with his Nauie great In ten yéeres space great valour wonne Yet all his time did no such feate As Drake within one yéere hath doone Both Turke and Pope and all our foes Doo dread this ●rake where ere he goes After he had such ●alours wonne And ouercame the enemie To merry England he wo●ld returne The pleasants land in Christientie At Portesmouth then by Gods good grace With all his fléete 〈◊〉 in short space When tidinges came vnto the Courte Sir Frauncis Drake was newe came home Her highnes hearin● this report Her grace was glad that he was come And all her Lords with one accord For hys safe returne praysed the Lord. To Portesmouth then there did resort Right worshipfull from Citty and towne This Knight to welcome to the porte With honor fame and great renowne His valiant Captaines and gentles bloode They welcomed home with ioyfull moode His entertainement at the Courte With his Captaines of worthy fame I néede not stand to make report Sith brute eche where hath spred the same Yet once againe for Englands sake Pray God spéede well the noble Drake His valiant minde his secrete skill By flying Fame eche where is spred His loyall loue his méere good will To Quéene and Realme both séene and read Sith God is dooer of the same Let vs all prayse his holy name Through him he got great victories Through him he did his foes dismay Through him he scapt great ieoperdies And perrill both by Land and Sea Who hath preserued by his great might Our Quéene and realme yéeres twenty eyght God saue our Quéene of merry England His sacred word long to maintaine Her Graces Nauie and royall bande Through his good grace may long remaine Lord blesse her counsell and kéepe them aye With all true Subiects night and day Finis quoth Thomas Greepe To the right reuerende godly learned Father my very good freend M. Iohn Fox preacher of the word of GOD. MAister Fox whereas we haue had of late such happy successe against the Spanyardes I doo assure my selfe that you haue faithfully remembred vs in your good prayers and therefore I haue not forgotten breef●ly to make you pertaker thereof The 19. of Aprill wee arriued within the Rode of Calles where we found very manie shipping but amongst the reste 32. of exceeding burden lade and to be laden with prouision prepared to furnish the Kinges Nauie intended with all speede against England the which when wee had boorded and also furnished our seuerall Ships with prouision as wee thought sufficient wee burnt And although by the space of two dayes and two nights that wee continued there we were stil endaungered both with thundring shott from the Towne and assailed with the roaring Cannons of twelue Gallyes yet wee suncke two of them and one greate Argosey and still auoyded them with very small hurt and so at our departure we brought away foure ships of prouision to the great terror of our enemies and honor to our selues as it may appeare by a most curteous Letter written vnto me with a Flagge of truce by Duke Petro Generall of the Gallyes But where as it is most certayne that the king doth not onely make speedy preparatiō in Spayne but likewise expected a verye great Fleete from the Straytes and dyuers other places that shold ioyne with his forces to inuade England We purpose to sette apart all feare of daunger and by Gods furtheraunce to proceede by all the good meanes we can deuise to preuent theyr comming wherfore I shall desire you to continue faithfull in remembraunce of vs in your prayers that our purpose may take that good effect as God may be glorifyed his Church our Queene and Country preserued and these Enemies of the trueth vtterly vanquished that we may haue continuall peace in Israel Frō aboord her Maiesties good Ship the Elizabeth Bonauenture Your louing freende and faythfull Sonne in Christ Iesus Frauncis Drake Our enemies are many but our protector commaundeth the whole world let vs all pray continually and our Lorde Iesus wyll heare vs in good time mercifully Frauncis Drake Wrytten by the hands of M. Pynner Iosua cap. 3. The towne wonne on New yeres Day