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A53418 Ordines cancellariæ, being orders of the High Court of Chancery, from the first year of King Charles I, to this present Hillary term, 1697 ... to which is added the Rules and orders of the Court of Exchequer. England and Wales. Court of Chancery.; England and Wales. Court of Exchequer. Rules and orders of the Court of Exchequer. 1698 (1698) Wing O415; ESTC R11916 131,267 357

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Some Law-Books lately Printed for J. Walthoe CAses in Chancery Folo price 12 s. Daltons Country Justice with large Additions Fol. 14 s. The Practice of all the Courts at Westminster Octavo 5 s. A View of all the Penal Laws concerning Trade to April 1697. 12o. 3 s. The Method of Pleading by Rule and President c. 8o. 5 s. Tryals per Pais 8o. 5 s. The Compleat Sheriff with the Office of a Coroner 8o. 5 s. The Table of Fees of all the Courts at Westminster as they were delivered in Parliament 8o. 1 s. 6 d. The Modern Conveyancer or Conveyancing Improved the Second Edition with Additions 8o. 5 s. The Law of Obligations and Conditions 8o. 5 s. Blunts Law Dictionary Fol. 10 s. All the Pleadings and Arguments upon the Qu● Warrant● against the City of London Fol. 6 s. Ordines Cancellariae BEING ORDERS OF THE HIGH COURT OF CHANCERY FROM THE First Year of King Charles I. To this present Hillary Term 1697. EXAMINED By the ORIGINAL ORDERS To which is added the RULES and ORDERS Of the COURT of EXCHEQUER LONDON Printed by the Assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins Esquires for I. Walthoe and are to be sold at his Shop in the Middle-Temple Cloysters 1698. A TABLE OF THE Names of the Orders A. ACcounts 201 Affidavits 15 91 207 Amending Letters Patents 20 Answer 55 121 192 An Act for ascertaining the Fees of the Masters in Chancery 95 Attachments 54 B. BBankrupts 198 Bill 55 80 113 C. CAuses to be set down for hearing 135 196 Clerks of the Inrolment 40 Commissions for examining of Witnesses 11 Commissions 55 132 Contempts 141 Common Rules 54 Costs 80 Contempts 13 137 187 Cursitor 146 D. DDecrees made with the Assistance of the Judges 48 Decrees 56. 142 213 Demurrers 62 117 Depositions 55 73 134 247 Differences between the Six Clerks and Examiners 26 Division of Business of the Six Clerks Office according to the Letters of the Alphabet 36 107 157 Dismissions 55 56 E. EXaminers 3 64 73 Examiner suspended 215 Examination of Witnesses 38 72 125 154 204 Exceptions 123 209 175 234 236 239 Examiners Clerks not to practise as Solicitors 254 F. FEes 44 Fees of Affidavit Office 33 Filing of Affidavits 58 Filing Bills 77 83 86 Filing Exceptions 197 Filing Reports and Certificates 237 H. HEaring Causes 30 210 232 I. IDeots 70 Imposition on Law Proceedings 176 178 Injunctions 55 56 Joint Commissions 56 Inrolments of Patents 101 Interrogatories 216 L. LVnaticks 70 M. MAster 's in Chancery 70 144 Motions 65 Misdemeanors of the Young Clerks 221 240 244 Masters Clerks not to practise as Solicitors 254 N. NObility Answering 63 O. ORders on Petition 217 P. PAper Copies to contain 15 Lines 53 Plague 24 Paupers 151 Pauper Writs 173 Petitions 49 151 Persons committed to the Fleet for imbezling Records 51 Pleadings 55 Pleas 62 117 Priviledge 6 31 Privy Seals 55 Prisoners 61 Priviledge Writs 100 173 Proceeding in hearing Causes 136 Private Order 231 240 Q. QVakers 189 R. REferences 256 References of Insufficient Answers 5 Registers Office 87 88 Register 54 Registring Affidavits 8 Records 60 66 68 78 79 90 194 211 Recognizances 183 Rehearing 208 233 Renewed Writs 173 Regulating the Vnder-Clerks 222 S. SIx Clerks 61 81 205 244 Serjeant at Arms 205 251 Solicitors 205 Solicitor Committed for an Assault 188 Subpoena Office 85 Subpoena's 45 106 115 Subpoena ad audiendum Judicium 1 46 53 Subpoena ad Rejungendum 54 Surrender of one of the Six Clerks to the Master of the Rolls 219 T. TRansferring of Records 42 U. UNder-Clerk allowed Parchment 23 Vnder Clerks 171 244 Vnder-Clerks Fees 161 Vsher of the Court 158 W. WArrants 55 Writs in Forma Pauperis 100 A List of the Lord Chancellors Lord Keepers and Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal of England from the First Year of King Charles the First to the Ninth Year of the Reign of King William the Third SIR Thomas Coventry was made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal Nov. 1. in the First Year of the Reign of King Charles the First 1625. Sir John Finch was made Lord Keeper the 23th of Jan. 13 Car. 1. 1639. Sir Edward Littleton Knight made Lord Keeper the 23th of Jan. 16 Car. 1. 1640. Sir Richard Lane Knight made Lord Keeper the 30th of Aug. 25 Car. 1. 1649. Sir Edward Hide Knight made Lord Chancellor of England the 29th of Jan. 12 Car. 2. 1660. Sir Orlando Bridgman Knight made Lord Keeper the 30th of Aug. 19 Car. 2. 1667. Anthony Lord Ashly Earl of Shaftsbury Constituted Lord Chancellor of England the 17th of Nov. 24 Car. 2. 1672. Sir Henage Finch Knight made Lord Keeper the 19th of Nov. 25 Car. 2. 1673. Sir Francis North Knight made Lord Keeper the 22th of Decemb. 34 Car. 2. 1681. Sir George Jefferies Knight Constituted Lord Chancellor of England the 28th of Septemb. 1 James 2. 1685. Sir John Maynard Sir Anthony Keck and Sir William Rawlinson made Commissioners of the Great Seal in Hillary Vacation the First of King William and Queen Mary 1689. Sir John Summers made Lord Keeper in Hillary Vacation the Fourth of King William and Queen Mary 1692. And Constituted Lord High Chancellor of England the 23th of April the Seventh of King William 1695. ORDO CVRIAE OR ORDERS OF THE Court of Chancery From the First Year of King Charles the I. to Hillary-Term 1698. Veneris 30 die Junii Anno Regni Caroli Regis primo 1625. Concerning Subpoena's Ad audiendum Judicium Ordo Curiae WHEREAS the Right Honourable the Lord Keeper being informed of sundry Abuses Vide postea in the untimely and disorderly setting down of the Causes of Hearing in this Court and the obtaining of Subpoena's Ad audiendum Judicium thereupon whereby ancient Causes were stopt back from hearing and other Causes thrust in to the prejudice of the other Clyents and scandal to the Court the six Clerk towards the said Causes never being made acquainted therewith For reformation whereof the then Lord Keeper did Order and Require That hereafter it should be carefully observed that no Subpoena should be made Ad audiendum Judicium for any Cause of hearing whatsoever before the Clerk that makes the same Writ have a Note under the Hand of the six Clerk that is Attorny and under the Hand of the Register and in their absence under the Hand of their sufficient known Deputies to warrant the same No Subpoena's to be made Ad audiendum judicium before the Clerk that makes the same Writ have a Note under the Hand of the six Clerk and of the Register to warrant the same And if any such Clerk should after presume to offend therein then the said Clerk was to stand committed for his wilful contempt Forasmuch as the Right Honourable the Lord Keeper was this day informed by the said six Clerk that of late the said Order had been neglected in divers Subpoenas Ad audiendum judicium which had been made without any such notice
certain and open place where the persons that do the same may be seen and known rather than in private Studies or Houses for the more proper and solemn dispatch of the aforesaid business and for the better encouragement of the aforesaid Masters in the due discharge of their places be it enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament and by the Authority of the same That from and after the three and twentieth day of October in the present year of our Lord 1661. there shall be one Publick Office kept and no more as near to the Rolls as conveniently may be in which the Masters some or one of them shall constantly attend for the administring of Oaths caption of Deeds and Recognizances and the dispatch of all matters incident to their Office references upon Accounts and insufficient Answers only excepted from the hours of seven of the Clock in the Morning until twelve at Noon and from two in the Afternoon until six at Night and that from henceforth it shall and may be lawful to and for the Masters of the Chancery in Ordinary now being and which hereafter for the time to come shall be to demand and take the several Fees hereafter expressed that is to say For every Affidavit or Oath taken in the Office 12 d. For every Bill of Costs to be taxed by them for the Plaintiffs not putting in his Bill or not proceeding to Reply or for the Defendants not Appearing in due time 2 s. 6 d. For the acknowledgment of every Deed to be enrolled 2 s. For the caption of every Recognizance 2 s. For every Exemplification examined by two of the said Masters to each of the said Masters who shall examine the same for every Skin of Parchment so examined 2 s. For every Report or Certificate to be made in persuance of any Order made upon the hearing of the Cause 1 l. And for every other Certificate or Report of any Order made upon Petition or Motion only 10 s. to be paid by the party that takes out the Report or Certificate 10 s. Any Law Statute or Custom to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding And be it further enacted by the Athority aforesaid That if the said Masters of Chancery or any of them shall hereafter directly or indirectly by any Act Shift Colour or Device have take or receive any Mony Fee Reward Covenant Obligation Promise or any other thing for his Report or Certificate in Writing or otherwise or for any other the matters in the Act expressed other than the respective Fee or Fees in the Act before mentioned that then every such Master being thereof legally convicted shall thenceforth be disabled from the execution of his said Office of Master of the Chancery in Ordinary and also shall forfeit and lose for every such Offence to the party grieved in that behalf so much Mony as he or they shall take contrary to this present Act and moreover shall lose and forfeit 100 l. Sterling whereof one moiety shall be to our Sovereign Lord the King His Heirs and Successors and the other moity to the party grieved in that behalf who shall sue by Action of Debt Bill Plaint Information or otherwise in any of the King's Courts for the recovery of the same in which Action no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed Mercurii 12 die Feb. Anno Regni Caroli II. Reg. 14. 1662. Priviledge Writs and Writs in Forma Pauperis Ordo Curiae WHereas the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of England was this day informed by Mr. Collins on the behalf of several Officers and Clerks of the Court that all small Writs which pass the Great Seal for all priviledged persons and for such as are admitted to sue in this Court in Forma Pauperis and renewed Writs were and usually have been by ancient course delivered to the person for whom such Writs have been sealed or to their Clerks without paying of any Fee therefore until of late that one Mr. Hutton a Clerk or Deputy to the Right Honourable the Lord Newburgh through whose Office all Writs of that nature do pass hath refused to deliver the same without paying of Fees for the Seals thereof his Lordship doth order that all Writs which shall be Sealed for priviledged persons Priviledge Writs and Pauper Writs to be sealed without Fee and for Suitors to this Court in Forma Pauperis and renewed Writs be from henceforth delivered to the persons for whom the same shall be Sealed or to their Clerks without paying or giving any Fee for the same And the said Hutton is required to observe this Order and to conform thereunto accordingly Mercurii 20 die Aug. Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis 14. 1662. Touching Inrolments of Patents Ordo Curiae WHereas upon the Humble Petition of the Six Clerks of His Majesty's High Court of Chancery on the 29th of April last preferred to the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of England shewing that it having been their ancient and undoubted Right to inroll the Warrants of all such Leases as pass the Great Seal which they peaceably and quietly enjoyed until about the tenth year of the late King one Baseley by colour of a Patent to him granted of inrolling the King's Deeds did prefer several Petitions to the said late King and to the then Commissioners for exacted Fees the Lord Keepers Coventry Finch and Littleton that all such Warrants might be delivered to him to be inrolled But upon hearing the Six Clerks he had no relief but the Six Clerks and their Predecessors enjoyed their ancient Rights therein and in the 11th year of the said late King the Lord Coventry upon careful examination thereof with the concurrent opinion of the then Master of the Rolls and Sir John Banks then Attorney General did amongst other of the Six Clerks Rights certifie the said late King under his Hand that it was the Right of the Six Clerks to inroll all Warrants for Parents whatsoever and that it was the right of the Clerk of Inrolments to inroll all Recognizances c. in the Close Rolls which were made from Subject to Subject or from the Subject to the King for the Subjects benefit for the accustomed Fee and if the Attorney General or Solicitor require it to inroll any Deed or Writing made to his Majesty for his own use without Fee Whereupon the said late King in the said 11th year of His Reign confirmed the said Rights amongst others to the Six Clerks and the Clerk of the Inrolments with an Inhibition to all others to intermeddle with their said Rights Nevertheless Mr. Kipps upon a claim by Mr. Hains by colour of the like Grant to him as formerly to Baseley refuseth to deliver such Warrants of Leases that lately passed the Great Seal to them to be inrolled And therefore they humbly prayed his Lordship to order Mr. Kipps to