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A40974 Fasti Gulielmi Tertii, or, An Account of the most memorable actions transacted during His Majesty's life, both before and since his accession to the crown with the days, months, and years wherein the same hapned [sic]. 1697 (1697) Wing F539A; ESTC R31503 112,181 335

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brought it to the Custody of a Messenger at Arms. 25. 15. 1689 The Duke of Gourdon refusing to surrender the Castle of Edinburgh the Convention sent the Heraulds with the usual For malities to command him to deliver the same and upon his Resusal he was proclaimed Rebel and Traitor 26. 16. 1691 The French having invested Mons on the 15th Instant his Majesty King William having sent Prince Waldeck before to assemble the Confederate Army at Brussels set out from the Hague after having taken his Leave of the States General followed by the Duke of Zell General Chanvet and many other Princes dit 1689 King William and Queen Mary were proclaimed in the Island of Jersey 27. 17. 1673 The Prince of Orange gave Audience to the Ambassadors of the Emperor and the King of Spain and sent in his Name the Sieur de Odyck to the Congress it Cologne and opposes the Suspension of Arms that was demanded because an Express he had sent to the Elector of Brandenburgh was not yet returned 27. 17. 1689 The Convention of Scotland publishes a Proclamation requiring all Persons from the Age of 16 to 60 to be in a Readiness to take Arms when they shall think fit to give farther Directions     They approved what the Nobility and Gentry had done in praying King William to take upon him the Government of their Kingdom They ordered some Arms and Gun-powder to be sent with all speed into Ireland for the Assistance of the Protestants of that Kingdom 28. 18. 1696 This Day Robert Charnock Edward King and Thomas Keys condemned the 11th Instant for conspiring against his Majesty's Life were drawn from Newgate to Tyburn in a Hurdle They said nothing to the Spectators but each of them delivered a Paper to the Sheriffs wherein they own to have been concerned in the Assassination of King William which Charnock called to attack the Prince of Orange and his Guards They were hang'd and afterwards quartered according to the Sentence past upon them 29. 19. 1680 The Prince set out from the Hague to take a View of the Fortifications of Boisleduc Berggopzoom and other Frontier Places of Brabant 30. 20. 1689 His Majesty King William appoints the Lords Lieutenants of the Counties of England and fills all other Vacancies occasioned by the late Revolution 31. 21. 1696 The King sent a Message to the House of Lords to acquaint them that he had received Information upon Oath that the Earl of Ailesbury was concerned in the Conspiracy against his Government and his Lordship was committed the same Day to the Tower for High Treason dit 1689 The Forces sent by King William into Scotland arrive at Edinburgh under the Command of Major General Mackay April     1. 22. 1691 The King arrives at Vilvord and causes his Army to march cowards Hall in order to attempt to relieve the City of Mons besieged by the French 2. 23. 1675 The Prince of Orange falls sick of the small Pox which caused a general Consternation through all the Vnited Netherlands and in most Courts of Europe dit 1689 The Convention of the States of Scotland signed this Day a Letter to King William and sent it by the Lord Ross wherein they return their hearty Thanks to his Majesty for the Danger he has exposed himself to for the Deliverance of their Kingdom They desire also his Majesty to continue his Care and Protection assuring that they will shortly fall upon such Resolutions as may be acceptable to him and secure their Religion Laws and Liberty dit 1691 The King took a Review of the Confederate Forces near Brussels and marched to Hall having given fresh Orders for the Artillery to march with all speed dit 1696 This Day Sir John Friend was brought to his Trial for High-Treason The Matters charged against him were That he had received and accepted a Commission from the late King James for raising a Regiment of Horse that he had appointed several Officers of his Regiment had paid several Sums of Money for the raising and listing of Men was present at several Meetings and Consultations with Charnock and others where it was resolved to send Charnock to France to invite the late King James to invade this Kingdom with a Body of French Troops and to join the late King James upon his Landing here with 2000 Horse That the said Sir John Friend knew of the said Invation and had made Preparations to join the French upon their Landing and that he was acquainted with the Intended Assassination of his Majesty All which being fully and clearly proved against him he was found guilty of High Treason 3. 24. 1674 The States General present the Prince with two Millions of Florins in Consideration of the Liberty obtained for the Dutch by his Highness from Charles II. for the Herring Fishery dit 1696 Sir William Parkins was this Day tried at the Old Baily for High Treason and was charged to have received and accepted a Commission from the late King James for raising a Regiment of Horse that he had raised a Troop consisting of old Souldiers and had several old Officers that would go Volunteers under him was present at several Meetings and Consultations with Charnock and others where it was agreed to send Charnock to France to invite King James to invade the Kingdom c. That he did own to have seen and read a Commission written with K. James's own Hand for Raising and Levying War on the Person of King William that he was present at several Meetings and Consultations with Sir George Barclay Charnock and others for the Intended Assassination of his Majesty consented thereto and undertook to provide sive Horses for that Design and that a great quantity of Arms were found buried in his Orchard in Warwick-shire The Evidence being very full and clear against him he was found guilty of High-Treason and received Sentence of Death 4. 25. 1693 The Right Honourable Sir John Sommers Knight was made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England 4. 25. 1673 The Prince is obliged to take a Journey into Zealand to compose the Divisions that were in that Province which having ended to his Satisfaction his Highness returns to the Hague and takes a View in his way of Flushing L'Ecluse Bergopzoom Ardemburg Breda and Boisleduc 5. 26. 1689 The Convention of Scotland appoints a Committee of their Body composed of 8 Lords 8 Knights and 8 Burgesses to settle the Government     The Convention of Scotland ordered that the Militia of Horse and Foot of the whole Kingdom should be brought together and disposed into convenient Places to secure the Peace of the Country dit 1696 Four Conspirators against his Majesty's Person were this Day seized 6. 27. 1689 The States of Scotland gave a Commission in their Name to Major General Mackay to be Commander in chief of their Forces and to let the World know that they thought themselves the only Soveraigns of that Kingdom and that King James had
being in this Realm may be comfortable and easy to them     The same Day was published another Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of all sorts of Manufactures and Commodities whatsoever of the Growth Production or Manufacture of France dit 1691 His Majesty was pleased to fill several vacant Bishopricks and other Ecclesiastical Dignities and the Learned Dr. John Tillotso● Dean of St. Paul's was promoted to the Archbishoprick of Canterbury dit 1694 This Day the King came to the House of Lords and having given the Royal Assent to several Acts made a gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament and prorogued them to the 18th of September     The Right Honourable Charles Earl of Shrewsbury principal Secretary of State was elected Knight Companion of the most noble Order of the Garter and in the Evening was created Marquiss and Duke of this Kingdom by the Name and Stile of Marquiss of Alton and Duke of Shrewsbury     The same Day John Earl of Mulgrave was created Marquiss of Normanby and Henry Herbert of Ribbesford in the County of Worcester Esq Baron Herbert of Cherbury in the County of Salop     His Majesty was also pleased ●o appoint the Right Honourable Edward Russel Esq Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven Henry Priestman Robert Austen Esqs Sir Robert Rich Sir George Rook and Sir John Houblon Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England and Ireland and of the Dominions thereunto belonging 6. 26. 1669 Monsieur Zuilychem first Minister of his Highness having appointed this Day to receive the Oath of Fidelity of the Inhabitants of the Principality of Orange the Parliament and all other Magistrates attending in the Moment they were reading a general Pardon of the Prince a Crown was form'd in the ●ir which sat upon the Chair of State or Throne of the Prince This wonderful Phenomenon was seen by above 8000 Persons both Protestants and Papists Monsieur Zuilychem was so surprized that he writ the following Verses the same Day     Dum stat Arausiacae confirmatura Coronae Antiquam Populi laeta Corona fidem Non dubiè Coelo placuit quod utrique Coronae Tertia de Coelo missa coronat opus dit 1689 This Day the Knights Citizens and Burgesses in Parliament assembled presented an Address to the King in the Banqueting-House at Whitehall for declaring the War against the French King which is worthy to be recorded to Posterity     WE your Majesty's most loyal and dutiful Subjects the Commons in this present Parliament assembled most humbly lay before your Majesty our earnest Desire that your Majesty would be pleased to take into your most serious Consideration the destructive Methods taken of late Years by the French King against the Trade Quiet and Interest of this your Kingdom and particularly the present Invasion of the Kingdom of Ireland and supporting your Majesties rebellious Subjects there     Not doubting in the least but that through your Majesty's Wisdom the Alliances already made with such as may hereafter be concluded on this occasion by your Majesty may be effectual to reduce the French King to such a Condition that it may not be in his Power hereafter to violate the Peace of Christendom nor prejudice the Trade and Prosperity of this your Majesty's Kingdom     To this end we most humbly beseech your Majesty to rest assured upon this our solemn and hearty Promise and Engagement that when your Majesty shall think fit to enter into a War against the French King we will give your Majesty such Assistance in a Parliamentary Way as may enable your Majesty under that Protection and Blessing God Almighty has always afforded you to support and go through with the same     To this kind Address the King returned the following Answer     I Receive this Address as a Mark of the Confidence you have in me which I take very kindly and shall endeavour by all my Actions to confirm you in it     I assure you that my own Ambition shall never be an Argument to incline me to engage in a War that may expose the Nation either to Danger or Expence     But in the present case I look upon the War so much already declared in effect by France against England that it is not so properly an Act of Choice as an inevitable Necessity in our own Defence I shall only tell you that as I have ventured my Life and all that is dear to me to rescue this Nation from what it suffer'd I am ready still to do the same in order to the preserving it from all its Enemies and as I doubt not of such an Assistance from you as shall be sutable to your Advice to me to declare War against a powerful Enemy so you may rely upon me that no Part of that which you shall give for the carrying it on with Success shall be diverted by me to any other Use dit 1680 The States of Zealand and the Merchants concerned in the Trade of the East-Indies being in Dissension about the Choice of a Director of the Company referr'd the same to the Prince of Orange to name to that Dignity whom his Highness should think fit 7. 27. 1674 General Rabenhaut presented to his Highness seven Standards and several Colours taken by the Dutch Forces in an Engagement with the Munsterians dit 1676 His Highness and the Duke of Villa Hermosa march'd from Mons with the Dutch and Spanish Forces to oblige the French to raise the Siege of Bouchain and came in sight of the French Army near Valenciennes dit 1696 The King came this Day to the House of Peers and the Commons being sent for his Majesty gave the Royal Assent to several Acts and having made a Speech to both Houses the Lord Keeper prorogued them to the 16th of June following But that Speech relating to the Proceedings of the Parliament after the Conspiracy against his Majesty's Life it is thought fit to insert it here as a very extraordinary Piece     My Lords and Gentlemen     YOU have shewn so great Concern for my Person and Zeal for my Government and have done so much for the Preservation of the one and for the strengthning of the other by the good Laws which have been made and by the Supplies you have provided for the several Occasions of this Year that the late Designs of our Enemies are by the Blessing of God like to have no other Effect than to let them see how firmly we are united and to give me this Occasion to acknowledg your Kindness and to assure you of all the Returns which a Prince can make to his People     My Lords and Gentlemen     The Necessity of Affairs requiring my Absence out of the Kingdom for some time I do earnestly recommend to you that in your several Stations you will be assisting to those whom I shall leave to administer the Government and that you will
before to a Committee of the House of Commons who went to Newgate to examine them They were attended by three Jacobite Parsons who were so impudent as to give a full Absolution at the Gallows to those Criminals laying their Hands over their Heads tho they died impenitent of the horrid and hellish Crime they owned themselves guilty of 13. 3. 1696 The English Fleet having been several times forced back from the French Coasts by contrary Winds returned this Day before Calais under the Command of Sir Cloudesly Shovel who ordered Captain Benbow to bombard the Town which he did throwing about 400 Shells into the Town which set it on Fire in three or four Places and burnt several Ships in the Harbour The Enemy made a great Fire upon our Men and yet we had but 3 kill'd and 8 wounded Our Admiral intended to begin afresh the next Morning but he was blown by a violent Storm into the Downs This was done almost in sight of the late King James who since the Discovery of the Conspiracy against King William's Person Febr. 22. continued at Boulogn by Order of the French King in order to make some People believe that their Intended Invasion of England was not grounded upon the Assassination of his Majesty 14. 4. 1675 The Prince of Orange being recovered of a dangerous Distemper the States of Holland send their Deputies to congratulate his Highness upon the same desire him to take a greater Care of his Person and to give them Leave to appoint a Day of Thanksgiving for his Recovery 15. 5. 1675 The Province of Guelderland desired his Highness since he would not accept the Sovereignty of their Province to take on him the Dignity of their Stadtholder and Governour which they had likewise settled upon his Male Posterity for ever which his Highness consented to 16. 6. 1666 The States General of the Seven Vnited Provinces take upon them the Guardianship of the young Prince of Orange and made choice of six Noblemen to take care of his Education This Proceeding of the States was very acceptable to the People who look upon the Princes of the Illustrious House of Orange as their Tutelar Angels 17. 7 169● This Day a special Commission of Oyer and Terminer was opened in the King's Bench at Westminster and the Jury being sworn they found a Bill of Indictment of High Treason against Major Lowick Captain Knightley Brigadeer Rookwood and Cranburne for imagining and designing the Murder and Assassination of the King After which the Grand Jury made a Presentment to the Court that ... Collier Shadrach Cook and ... Snett Clerks did take upon them to pronounce and give Absolution to Sir Will. Parkins and Sir John Friend at the time of their Execution at Tyburn immediately before they had severally delivered a Paper to the Sheriff of Middlesex wherein they have severally endeavour'd to justify the Treasons for which they were justly condemned and executed and that they the said Collier Cook and Snett have thereby countenanced the same Treasons for which the said Sir William Parkins and Sir John Friend have been executed to the great Incouragement of other Persons to commit the like Treasons and to the Scandal of the Church of England established by Law and to the Disturbance of the Peace of the Kingdom whereupon the Court ordered an Indictment to be preferr'd against them for the same 18. 8. 1696 Sadrach Cook and William Snett Clerks were this Day committed to Newgate for Suspicion of High Treason and Treasonable Practices dit 1691 His Majesty was pleased to create the Duke of Zell Knight of the Garter being then at the Hague and as a Mark of particular Kindness he put the Garter about his Leg with his own Royal Hand the Duke of Norfolk assisting to buckle it 19. 9. 1689 This Day the King came to the House of Lords and gave his Royal Assent to an Act for establishing the Coronation Oath to another for Naturalization of the most Noble Prince George of Denmark and settling his Precedence and to another Act for Naturalizing Frederick Count of Schomberg 19. 9. 1696 His Grace the Duke of Ormond was this Day by his Majesty's Command sworn one of the Lords of the Privy Council and accordingly took his Place at the Board 20. 10. 1689 The King was pleased to create his Royal Highness Prince George of Denmark and Norway Baron of Ockingham Earl of Kendall and Duke of Cumberland 21. 11. 1689 This Day their Majesties William and Mary were crowned King and Queen of England France and Ireland in Westminster-Abbey by the Lord Bishop of London which Ceremony was performed with great Solemnity The Medals of the Coronation had on the Face the Effigies of the King and Queen and on the Reverse Jupiter darting his Thunderbolt at Phaeton with this Motto Ne totus absumatur Orbis To prevent the Ruin of the World or rather of the Liberties of Europe dit 1689 The Committee of the States of Scotland for settling the Government having made their Report and the Grievances and Instrument of Government being read and Histincty considered the whole States except some few that were absent with one Voice declar'd King William and Queen Mary King and Queen of Scotland in the same manner as was done in England and immediately thereafter the States assisted by the Lord Provost and the rest of the new Magistrates and Council of the City of Edinburgh in their Formalities and attended by Lion King at Arms and the Heralds Pursuivants and Trumpets went from the Parliament-House to the Cross and there with great Solemnity Splendor Acclamations and Expressions o● Joy proclaimed their Majesties King and Queen of Scotland the Duke of Hamilton the Duke o● Queensbury the Marquiss of Ath●● and the Marquiss of Douglest and many other Peers being upon the Cross with the Lor● Provost and the Magistrates The Evening was conclude with Bonfires c. 21. 11. 1696 Seigniors Soranzo and Veni●● Ambassadors Extraordinary o● the Republick of Venice to 〈◊〉 Majesty King William arrived 〈◊〉 London 22. 12. 1689 The House of Commons walked from Westminster to the Banqueting House where they attended their Majesties to congratulate them upon their Coronation dit 1688 The Prince goes to meet the Elector of Saxony at Loo to confer with him about his intended Expedition and the Preparations the French were making to invade Germany 23. 13. 1689 The Convention of Scotland having proclaimed and declared their Majesties William and Mary King and Queen of Scotland a Proclamation was published this Day forbidding the Subjects of that Crown to presume to own or acknowledg the late King James the Seventh for their King or obey accept or assist any Commissions that may be emitted from him or any ways to correspond with him forbidding likewise to presume upon their highest Peril by Word Writing in Sermons or any other manner of Way to impugn or disown the Royal Authority of William and Mary King and Queen of Scotland 24. 14.
1674 The Prince of Orange arrived this Day at Vtrecht to compose some Difference in the Town where he was received with all imaginable Respect the Burghers appearing on that Occasion in Arms. His Highness thought fit to remove the old Magistrates and choose new ones which was very acceptable to the Inhabitants and ended all the Troubles of that City 25. 15. 1689 Admiral Herbert with the Fleet under his Command appears before Kingsale whereupon Colonel Mackillicut Governor of the Place prepared to retire thinking that it was the French Fleet which pursuant to an Agreement between King James and the French King was coming to take Possession of that Town 26. 16. 1696 This Day being appointed for a General and Solemn Thanksgiving to Almighty God for his great Goodness and Mercy in discovering and delivering his Majesty from the late Horrid and Barbarous Conspiracy of Papists and other Traiterous Persons to Assassinate and Murder his Majesty's Sacred Person and from an Invasion intended by the French upon this Kingdom whereby not only the Destruction of his Majesty's Royal Person was plotted and intended but also the total Subversion of the Government and of the Religion Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom the same was religiously observed in the Cities of London and Westminster with great Marks of Loyalty and Affection to his Majesty and his Government and at Night there were Illuminations Bonfires and other publick Rejoicings sutable to the Occasion 27. 17. 1696 The King constituted the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Stamford Lord Lieutenant of the County of Devon and the Earl of Radnor Lord Lieutenant of the County of Cornwal 28. 18. 1689 The Right Honourable the Earl of Shrewsbury Principal Secretary of State was this Day constituted Lord Lieutenant of the County of Worcester dit 1690 Sir Cloudesly Shovel in his Majesty's Ship the Monk the Monmouth Yacht and a Fireship came to an Anchor in Dublin-Bay and having discovered a Ship a Mile within the Bar Sir Cloudesly Shovel being on Board the Monmouth went over the Bar with the Pinnace of the Man of War and a Ketch whereupon the said Ship removed a Mile higher and ran a-ground within a Musket-shot of a French Man of War of 12 Guns and 2 or 3 English Ships that lay a-ground silled with Soldiers who sired briskly at Sir Cloudesly However the English attacked her and after some Dispute having observed that Sir Cloudesly had made a Signal for a Fireship the Enemy ●●rsook their Ship and get away in their Boats The English got her off but in their return o●● of their Boats run aground whereupon the late King James with his Guards and many People came upon the Shore but the English who stood in their Boats made so vigorous a Defence that the Irish durst not come near them The Ship that was taken was called the Pelican the biggest of two Scots Frigats the French had taken the Year before and carried 20 Guns 29. 19. 1689 The Earl of Dundee having absented himself from Edinburgh without Leave of the Convention the States sent 200 Horse after him and ordered the Country People to seize him The Duke of Gourdon persisting in his Resolution of holding Edinburgh Castle for the late King James and Major General Mackay being ordered to besiege it two Batteries of Cannon and Mortars were raised this Day against it The States appoint also the Colonels of Six new Regiments raised in their Name 30. 20. 1692 The Elector Palatine having remained two or three Days at Loo with his Majesty went away this Day for Dusseldorp assuring the King that he would give immediate Orders to his Troops to be in a Readiness to march whither and when his Majesty should command May.     ● 21. 1696 This Day Ambrose Rookwood and Charles Cranburne having been indicted for High Treason for Conspiring to Assassinate his Majesty were brought to their Trials at the King's Bench Bar Each of them had a Copy of their Indictment and two Counsel to plead for them The Evidence for the King was very clear and full and it was plainly proved that the late K. James employed several Persons to act under Sir George Barclay in the intended Assassination of his Majesty and sent them over to England for that Purpose The Prisoners had nothing material to say in their own Defence and so the Jury found them guilty of High Treason 2. 22. 1696 Robert Lowick indicted for High Treason for Conspiring to Assassinate his Majesty was this Day brought to his Trial at the King's Bench Bar and the Matters charged against him being fully proved the Jury found him guilty of High Treason and ●e Rookwood and Cranburne condemned the Day before had the Judgment pronounced against them which is usual in Cases of High Treason dit 1691 The King was pleased in Consideration of the many good and acceptable Services of Mainhardt Count of Schomberg and the late Duke of Schomberg his Father to create him Baron of Mullingar Earl of Bangor and Duke of Leinster in the Kingdom of Ireland dit 1673 The Prince of Orange set out from the Hague to view all the Towns and Fortresses of Holland 3. 23. 1695 This Day came Advice that Captain Killegrew in the Plymouth and five other English Frigats being a cruising in the Channel of Maltha met with two French Men of War viz. the Trident of 64 Guns and the Content of 54 Captain Killegrew engag'd them alone for a considerable time and being joined by another Frigat obliged the French to surrender and brought them to Messina 4. 24. 1689 This Day the States of Scotland named the Earl of Argyle Sir James Montgomery of Skelmerley and Sir John Dalrymple their Commissioners to go for England to offer the Crown of Scotland to their Majesties 5. 25. 1689 Their Majesties taking into their most serious Consideration the deplorable Condition of the French Protestants issued out this Day the following Proclamation in their Behalf     William R.     WHereas it has pleased God Almighty to deliver the Realm of England and the Subjects thereof from the Persecution lately threatning them for their Religion and from the Oppression and Destruction which the Subversion of their Laws and the Arbitrary Exercise of Power and Dominion over them had very near introduced We finding in our Subjects a true and just Sense thereof and of the Miseries and Oppressions the French Protestants lie under for their Relief and to incourage them that shall be willing to transport themselves their Families and Estates into this our Kingdom We do hereby declare that all French Protestants that shall seek their Refuge in and transport themselves into this our Kingdom shall not only have our Royal Protection for themselves Families and Estates within this our Realm but we will also do our Endeavour in all reasonable Ways and Means so to support aid and assist them in their several and respective Trades and ways of Livelihood as that their living and