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A00142 A historie contayning the vvarres, treaties, marriages, and other occurrents betweene England and Scotland from King William the Conqueror, vntill the happy vnion of them both in our gratious King Iames. With a briefe declaration of the first inhabitants of this island: and what seuerall nations haue sithence settled them-selues therein one after an other Ayscu, Edward. 1607 (1607) STC 1014; ESTC S100373 186,325 406

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Scotland as also for the better strengthning of his estate to whome the same kingdome should be by him adiudged wherevnto they all agreed by writing also vnder their seuerall hands and seales as followeth A toux iceulx c. To all those which this present writing shall see or heare Florence Earle of Holland Robert de Bruce Lord of Annandale Iohn de Balliol Lord of Galloway Iohn de Hastings Lord of Abergeuennie Iohn Cumin Lord of Badenawe Patricke de Dunbarre Earle of Marche Iohn de Vescie insteed of his Father Nicholas de Sules and William de Ros send greeting in our Lord. Because that of our owne willes and common consents without all constraint we doe consent and grant vnto the noble Prince the Lord Edward by the grace of God king of England that he as superior Lord of Scotland may heare examine define determine our claimes chalenges petitions which we intend to shew and proue for our right to be receiued before him as superior Lord of the land promising moreouer that we shall take his deed for firme and stable and that he shall inioy the kingdome of Scotland whose right by declaration shall best appeare before him whereas then the sayd king of England cannot in this maner take knowledge nor fulfill our meanings without iudgement nor iudgment ought to be without execution nor execution may in due forme bee done without possession and seisme of the said lands and castels of the same We do will consent and grant that he as Superior Lord to performe the premisses may haue the seisure of all the land and Castels of the same till they that pretend title to the crowne be satisfied in the sute so that before he be put into possession and seisure he find sufficient surety to vs that pretend title to the wardens and to all the cōmonaltie of the kingdome of Scotland that he shal restore the same kingdom with all the royaltie dignitie signorie liberties customes rights lawes vsages possessions and all and whatsoeuer the appurtinances in the same state wherein they were before the seisme to him deliuered vnto him to whom by right it is due according to the iudgemēt of his Maiesty sauing to him the homage of that person that shall bee king And this restitution to be made within two months after the day in which the right shall be discussed and established the issues of the same land in the meane time shall be receiued laid vp put in safe keeping in the hands of the Chamberlaine of Scotland that now is of him whom the King of England shall to him ioyne and assotiate and this vnder their seales reseruing and allowing the reasonable charges for the sustentatiō of the land the Castles and officers of the kingdome In witnesse of all the which premises wee haue vnto these set our seales giuen at Norham the wednesday next after the feast of the Ascensiō of our Lord in the yeare 1291. Besides these two former deeds from the competitors themselues he receiued the like assurance from all the principall officers and Magistrates of that realme So as by a free and generall consent he was acknowledged their supreame Lord and was accordingly intituled in sundry Proclamations and publique Edicts directed forth in his name King Edward hauing receiued at their hands these instruments of allegiance as their proper and voluntary deeds and also their seuerall homages either in his owne person or by his deputies according to the order giuen in that behalfe he was finally put in full possession of the realme of Scotland and hauing occasion to returne presently into England to solemnize the exequies of his Mother hee committed the gouernment and custodie of the realme in his absence to the Bishops of Saint Androwes and Glascoe and to the Lords Iohn Cumin and Iames Steward who before had giuen the King possession At his returne out of England at Midsomer following hee sent out sommons to all those that made claime to the Crowne of Scotland to repaire vnto him and hauing heard what each one could say for himselfe hee perceaued that the question rested onely betweene Iohn Balliol and Robert Bruce so as that all the rest were thenceforth vtterly excluded and barred from all further title or claime These two deriued their titles from Dauid Earle of Huntington brother to William late King of Scottes in this maner This Dauid had issue by Mawde his wife one of the daughters of Hugh Bohune Earle of Chester as is aforesaid three daughters Margaret the eldest was maried to Alaine Lord of Galloway who had issue together three daughters also of whom the eldest named Dernagil was maried to Iohn Balliol the parents of this Iohn Balliol one of the two competitors Isabell the second daughter of the foresaid Dauid was married to Robert Bruce betweene whom was begotten this Robert Bruce the other competitour He claimed the Crowne as next heire male the other made claime in the right of his mother who was the next heire in bloud and as wee say in England heire at the common-lawe Bruce alleadged that hee was to bee preferred before the Mother of Balliol because the heire male must carry away the inheritance of a kingdome from the heire female meeting in the selfe same degree of bloud as in this case it stood betweene him and Dernagill To this end he alleadged a late president in the like controuersie about the Duchie of Burgundie which the Earle of Neuers claimed in the right of his wife grand-child to the last Duke by his eldest sonne which notwithstanding the brothers inheritance was adiudged to the Dukes yonger sonne King Edward hauing heard the allegations and answeres of both parties caused then to be inrolled but because the matter was of the greatest importance life onely excepted and therefore required good deliberation hee referred the further proceeding therein till Michaelmasse following and returned into England In the meane time for his better instruction he acquainted the most learned Lawyers as well of France as of this nation with the whole state of the cause and receaued their generall resolution therein At the time prefixed he repaired againe into the North-parts and comming to Berwicke hee called thither the two competitours together with the greater number of the Lords of Scotland to receiue there a finall end of this controuersie Out of this great assembly of the most graue and best experienced personages of both Nations hee made choise of a certaine number as well English as Scottish to whom as to a Iurie royall sworne and admonished to deale vprightlie the King gaue full authoritie to name him that vnto them appeared vpon the examination of their seuerall titles and the resolution of the Lawyers therevpon which was deliuered vnto them to haue the better right vnto the crowne of Scotland These men being put a part by themselues and hauing examined considered and sufficiently debated the prooues allegations and whatsoeuer could be said on either
mediation of friends a finall peace was made betweene them and for the more assurance thereof the Scotish King deliuered his two Daughters Isabell and Margaret into the custodie of king Iohn to bee bestowed in marriage when they came to ripe age vpon his two Sonnes Buchanan saith that it was agreed vpon at this time that thence-forth the kings of Scotland should no more in their owne persons doe homage to the Kings of England but those seruices should only be performed by their eldest sons for no other then for those lands and possessions which they held within the Realme of England But hereof appeareth nothing amongst our own writers About foure or fiue yeares after this agreement king William departed out off this life whom Alexander his sonne by the Lady Ermengard aforesaid succeeded beeing sixteene yeares of age answerable to the terme that king Iohn had then raigned of whom in the meane season Prince Alexander receiued the Order of knight-hoode at London At the same time vpon complaint made by the yong Prince which title hee had newely receiued by creation of his Father that diuerse rebellious persons had presumed vpon the impotencie of the Father and Sonne by reason of the ouer old age of the one and vnripe age of the other to oppose themselues against their gouernement vnder the leading of one Gothred King Iohn eyther in person as some write or rather in powre as I take it accompanying the young Prince did not onely safe conduct him home but forthwith ioyning with certaine forces of Scotland they together incountred the enemies in a set battell gaue them the ouerthrow tooke their chiefe Captaine prisoner and according to his deserts made him shorter by the head Notwithstanding all this kindnesse yet so fresh in memory that it could not be forgotten immediatly vpon Prince Alexander his comming to the Crowne in the yeare of our Lord 1214 his youth easilie neglected the due regard he should haue had of king Iohn his deserts Thus it fell out amongst others then in fauour with this young king none was so much accounted of as a Nobleman of England yet by birth a Scotishman one Eustace de vescie that had married one of his sisters This Gentleman together with Robert Fitzwalter and Stephen Ridell had a little before conspired the death of King Iohn who hauing knowledge thereof sought vnderhand to apprehend them but they distrusting the matter were glad to flie the Realme Eustace into Scotland and the other two into France These men did afterwards so labour the two Kings of those Nations that King Alexander notwith-standing the Pope was then appeased was perswaded to take part with Lewis the Daulphin to whome the Barrons of England had disloyallye bound themselues by oath to receiue and serue him as their lawfullie elected Prince and Soueraigne reiecting their due allegiance to king Iohn their Liege and naturall king The Scotishmen hauing entred into England with a great Armie tooke the Castle of Norham wasted and harrowed the countrie with all extremitie King Iohn made hast with his army to repell the insolency of the Scots but they would not tarry his comming The king pursuing them to Dunbar wasted the country of Lothian without resistance and in his returne burned the Abbaye of Coldingham from whence passing along the Sea coast not without much damage to the Inhabitants at last hee tooke by force the towne and Castle of Berwicke committing it to the custodie of Hugh de Ballioll and Philip de Hulcootes together with all the Countrye bordering on Scotland beyond the Riuer of Theese King Iohn was hardly returned into the south parts of the Realme before the French king had sent ouer a strong army to the ayd of the Barrons against their king whō Lewis within fewe months after followed with a new supplie vnto whose obedience all the Castles Townes and Fortresses in the South-parts of the realme were subdued the Castels of Douer and Windsore onely excepted Neither was the North part of the realme free from these troubles for Robert de Rosse Peter de Brocis Richard Percie had brought the Citie of Yorke with all that Countie vnder subiection to the French-men in manner as Gilbert de Gaunt whome the Dolphine had lately made Earle of Lincolne had done there also where the Castell onely held out Thus was the passage prepared for the Scotish armie which aduancing it selfe forwards in August about two moneths after the arriuall of the Dolphine first seized vpon Northumberland wholy the Castels excepted which were so well defended by the Kings party that the Scotishmen thought it lost labour further to assaile them at that time but keeping their course Southward they came to London with-out any resistance or losse sauing that Eustace de Vescie a principall leader amongst them was slaine with an Arrowe as he roade in the Scotish Kings companie to view where to make an assault to the Castle of Barnard in the Countie of Haleewarkefolke which belonged to Balliol Lewis was lately departed from London before the Scotish armie came thither towards the siege of Douer Castell whither King Alexander with his whole power posted with all speed But that strong Castell was so manfully defended by Hugh de Borowgh and Gerrard de Scotegame the principall men therein that all the power and policie of those two Princes would not suffice to winne the same for that was a point of such importance as that the French king had a little before written to his Sonne that the taking of it was of more auaile vnto his Enterprise then all that hee had gotten in England besides which caused the yong Prince to re-enforce his whole endeauor for the accomplishment of his earnest desire Here king Alexander did homage to Lewis in manner as hee had done before to king Iohn acknowledging to hold of him as of the lawfull king of England which done he tooke his leaue of Lewis and departed homewards but not so quietlie as hee came thither For the true hearted Englishmen obseruing the behauiour of the Scots and watching euery fit oportunitie tooke them at such an aduantage as thereby King Alexander lost a great part of his Army hardly escaping an vtter ouerthrow had not king Iohn died at that instant which gaue them a more happy returne into Scotland then they looked for lately before This sodaine death of the king which happened in the yeare 1216 wrought as sodaine an alteration in the state of the present affayres For now the barons began better to consider of the matter hauing found out both by experience the fooles instructer and by secret intilligence what little good was to bee hoped for at the hands of their French Champion if he preuailed in his enterprise Wherfore diuerse of the English Nobilitie that before had followed that faction when they vnderstood that young Prince Henrie the kings sonne was proclaimed lawfull inheritor and heire aparent to the Crowne of England by William Marshall Earle of
side they all with one full consent and voyce pronounced Iohn Balioll the true and vndoubted heire to the Crowne of Scotland King Edward allowing their verdit gaue sentence accordingly Whervpon he was forthwith proclaimed king of Scotland on condition that if hee did not gouerne his kingdome with equitie iustice then vpon iust complaint thereof the king of England might put to his helping hand by some good meanes to procure reformation as he was bound therevnto by his right of Superioritie which in him was anciently inuested Further hee awarded out his writtes of deliuery of seisme at the sute of Balliol vnto the Bishops aforesaid and to Iohn Lord Cumin Iames Lord Steward and Brian Fitz-alline wardens of Scotland commanding them to deliuer vnto Iohn Balliol the full seisme and possession of that land sauing the relieues and other payments due to him of the issues and profits of the same vnto the day of the date of that writ being the xix of Nouember in the twentith yeare of the raigne of King Edward Anno Domi. 1291. also an other writte was likewise directed the same day to such as had the keeping of the Castels in forme following Edwardus dei gratia Rex Angliae c. Edward by the grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Aquitaine and Superiour Lord of the realme of Scotland To his welbeloued and faithfull seruant Peter Burdet Constable of the Castell of Berwicke sendeth greeting Whereas Iohn Balliol in Parliament lately holden at Berwick vpon Tweede came before vs and demanded the sayd realme of Scotland to be adiudged to him by vs and seisme of the same to bee to him deliuered as next heire to Margaret Daughter to the King of Norway Lady of Scotland by right of succession wee hauing heard and vnderstood the same petitions and reasons beeing diligently weyed and examined wee finde the sayde Iohn Balliol to bee next heyre to the Crowne of Scotland Where-vpon wee haue deliuered vnto him seisme and possession thereof Wee therefore command you that you deliuer vp vnto the sayd Iohn Balliol or to his Atturneys that shall bring with them these our Letters the seisme of the sayd Castell of Berwicke with all the appurtenances together with all other things to you deliuered by Indenture in manner as you receaued the same with the custodie of the sayd Castell to you committed and this without delay Witnesse our selfe at Berwicke vpon Tweede the nineteenth day of Nouember in the 20. yeare of our raigne In the same forme were writtes directed to all the keepers of the other Castels and manors belonging to the crowne of Scotland and being then in their custodie to whom K. Edward had before granted the same Then also in the presence of the new king and the nobles of Scotland the new seale which had bin before committed by King Edward to the gouernors of the realme of Scotlād during the time of vacancie was broken and put vp to be reserued in the treasurie of the King of England in token of his superiority and the trust committed vnto him for the ending of this controuersie The next day the Scotish king did fealtie in the Castle of Norham vnto king Edward for his kingdome in manner following This heare you my Lord Edward King of England Soueraigne Lord of the Realme of Scotland That I Iohn Balliol king of Scotland which I hold and claime to hold of you shall be faithful and loyall and owe faith and loyaltie vnto you I shall beare of life and member and of earthly honour against all people and lawfully I shall acknowledge and doe the seruices which I ought to doe to you for the Realme of Scotland aforesaid So God mee helpe And for more testimonie hereof hee caused letters patents to bee sealed deliuered to King Edward in the presence of the Bishoppes of S. Andrewes and Glasco and of diuers others of the Nobilitie of both Nations This done King Edward appointed the bishop of Durham and the Lord Iohn S Iohn to attend Balliol into Scotland and to put him into the corporall possession of the Land which was performed accordingly For on S. Andrewes day following he was crowned at Scone in the Marble chaire in the Abbey the solemnities ended he returned backe to New-castle vpon Tine where king Edward kept his Christmasse that yeare and there vpon Saint Stephens daye the Scotish king did homage to king Edward in manner following My Lord Lord Edward king of England Superior Lord of Scotland I Iohn de Balliol king of Scotland doe acknowledge mee to bee your Liegeman of the Realme of Scotland with all the apurtenances and whatsoeuer belongeth thereto The which kingdome I hold and ought of right to claime to hold by inheritance of you and your heyres kings of England And I shall beare faith and loyaltie to you and to your heyres kings of England of life of member and earthly honour against all men which may liue and die The two kings hauing spent some time there together with much ioy and reuell tooke their leaues one of the other and parted in great kindnes Thus was this controuersie decided and taken vp which had continued from the death of Alexander the last king before him vnto this mans coronation sixe yeares and eight monthes nowe within that tearme of months ended by king Edward to the exceeding great benefit of that nation had not their inconstancie immediatlie afterwards bereaued them thereof and turned the good which they might haue gained therby well nere to their vtter cōfusion as in the History following shall appeare The next yeare af●er that king Balliol was thus established in his kingdome a controuersie arose concerning titl● of Land betweene Macduffe Earle of Fife who in the time of the interraigne was one of the sixe to whom the gouernment of the Realme was committed and the familie of the Abernethes men of good place also one of these kild the Earle whose brother making complaint thereof to his king was not only little regarded therein but vpon the hearing of the matter in controuersie hee gaue iudgement against him Macduffes brother hauing lost both his land and found the King ouer-slow in taking reuenge for the iniury offered his familie appealed to the king of England where-vpon king Balliol was called to London to answer to the others accusatiō The two kings sitting together in Parlament the Plaintife propounded his cōplaint The Scotish king beeing the partie defendant was intreated to remoue according to the order obserued in such cases into an inferiour place to answer and to plead for himselfe for it is not the manner of that most honourable assēbly to admit counsell on either side This disgrace saith Buchanan first moued king Balliol to breake off friendship with England for the warre beeing euen then in that Parliament renewed with France he was thereby the more easily drawne to enter into league and alliance with that Nation King Edward hauing had secret
was surrendred vpon the like condition The Castle of Striueling at the kings approach beeing left desolate and hauing the gates set wide open offered it selfe vnto his entrance King Edward following his good fortune passed from hence ouer the forth and about Midsomer came to the Towne S. Iohn While hee remained there king Iohn now dispayring to recouer by force his manifold losses sought by intreaty to be reconciled and receiued into grace which at length was granted so as king Iohn and his Nobilitie acknowledging their error resigned the kingdome of Scotland into the hands of king Edward in māner following Iehan per le grace de Dieu c. Iohn by the grace of God king of Scotland To all those that these present Letters shall see or heare sendeth greeting Because that wee through euill counsell and our owne simplicitie haue grieuously offended our Soueraigne Lord Edward by the Grace of God king of England Lord of Ireland and Duke of Aquitaine in many things that is to say In that whereas wee being and abiding vnder his faith and homage haue bound our selues vnto the king of France which then was his enemy yet is procuring a marriage with the Daughter of his Brother Charles de valois And that wee might vex our sayd Lord and aide the king of France withall our powre by warre and other meanes we haue at length by aduise of peruerse counsell defied our sayd Lord the King of England and haue put our selues out of his allegiance and homage and sent our people into England to burne houses to take spoiles to commit murther with many other damages and also in fortifying the kindome of Scotland which is of his fee putting armed men into townes Castells and other places to keepe the Land against him defraud him of his fee. For the which transgressions our sayd soueraigne Lord the king entring into the realme of Scotland with his powre hath conquered and taken the same notwithstanding all that we could do against him as by right hee might do and as appertained to a Lord ouer his fee because that wee did render vnto him our homage and yet neuerthelesse made the foresaid rebellion Wee therefore it being yet in our powre free-wil do surrēder vnto him the realme of Scotland and al the people of the same with the homages In witnesse whereof wee haue caused these our letters patentes to be drawne Giuen at Brechin the tenth day of Iuly in the fourth yeare of our raigne sealed with the cōmon seale of the kingdome of Scotland This done king Edward hauing receiued the Son of Balliol in pleadge of his fathers fidelity passed on further to see the moūtaine Countries the Bishop of Durham euer keeping a daies iornay before him after hee had passed thorowe the land of Murrey and was come to Elghin perceiuing al the Country quiet he returned to Berwicke whether he sommoned all the Noblemen of Scotland of whom he receiued their seuerall homages confirming the same vnder their hands and seales in forme following Atouz ceux qui cestes lettres verrent c. To all those that these present letters shall see or heare We Iohn Cumin of Badenaw c. Do hereby vowe and promise for vs and our heires vpon paine of body and goods and of all that we haue that wee shall serue the most Noble Prince and our dearest Lord Edward by the grace of God king of England c. well and truly against all men which may liue and die at all times when we shal be required or warned by our said Lord the king of England or his heires And that we shall not know of any hurt to be done vnto them but the same wee shall let and impeach with all our power and giue them warning thereof And these things to hold and keepe we bind vs our heires all our goods And further do receiue an oth thereof vpon the holie Euangelists And after all wee and euery one of vs haue done homage vnto our soueraigne Lord the king of England in these words I become your liedge man of life members earthly honour against all men which may liue and die And our sayd soueraigne Lord the king receiued this homage vnder this forme of words We receiue it for the land of the which you bee now seased the right of vs or others saued except the lands which Iohn Balliol sometime king of Scotland graunted vnto vs after that we did deliuer vnto him the kingdome of Scotland if happily he hath giuen vnto you any of those landes Moreouer al we and euery one of vs by himselfe haue done fealty to our sayd soueraigne Lord the king in these words I as a faithfull and leidge man shall keepe faith and loyaltie vnto Edward king of England and to his heires of life member and earthly honour against all men which may liue and die And shall neuer for any person beare armoure or shal be of counsell or aide any person against him or his heires in any case that may chaunce but shall faithfully acknowledge and do the seruice that belongeth to the tenements I clame to hold of him as God mee helpe In witnesse wherof these letters pattents are made and signed with our seales Giuen at Warke the 24. of March in the yeare of the raigne of our sayd Lord the king of England fiue and twentieth King Edward hauing appointed Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey warden of Scotland Hugh Cressingham Treasurer and William Drusbie chiefe Iustice and sent a conuenient companie to attend and safe conduct Iohn Balliol and some of the principall Lords of that realme into England he followed soone after him selfe Balliol had liberty to take recreation within the circuite of twenty miles about London the rest were charged on paine of death not to passe out of England till the king had made an end of his warre with France which now he was to vndertake and to that end after his returne home about the latter ende of summer hauing prepared all things fit for that iorney hee passed ouer into Flanders where hee remained vntill the next spring and then returned backe againe by reason of a rebellion allreadie begun in Scotland a little before his going ouer and now by his absence was growne more dangerous then it was at the first thought it could proue The chiefe Captaine hereof was one Wallais a Scotishman whose meane estate had well neere worne out the memorie of his ancestry yet neuerthelesse showed himselfe euen in his greatest penury of courage not incident to a vulgar and base spirit This gallant wearied with his obscure and abiect condition of life hauing nothing to loose besides it neither valewing the same at anie great price beganne to pluck vp his benummed spirites and to be-thinke him-self how to make way vnto the atchieuement of some famous and valorous exploite fortune was so fauorable vnto him that he was sodenly aduanced beyond al mens exspectation for the extraordinary
Lewarde lor. of Whitehall Nicholas de Seagraue lo. of Stowe Walter de Tey lor. of Stonegraue Iohn de Lisle lor. of Wodtō Eustace Lord Hacchie Gilbert de Peche Lord of Corby William Painell Lord Trachington Roger de Albo Monasterio Foulke le Strange Lord of Corsham Henrie de Pinckney Lord of Wedon Iohn de Hodelestone Lord of Aneys Iohn de Huntingfield Lord of Bradingham Hugh Fitz-Henry Lord of Rauēswath Iohn Daleton Lord of Sporle Nicholas de Carry Lord of Mulessord Thomas lord de la Roche Walter de Muncie Lord of Thorntone Iohn Fitz-Marmaduke lord of Horden Iohn lord of Kingston Robert Hastings the Father lord of Chebessey Raphe lord Grendon William lord Leiborne Iohn de Greslock lord of Morpeith Mathew fitz-Iohn lord of Stokenham Nic de Neuell lord of Wherlton and Iohn Paniell lord of Ateley foure score and foureteene Barons The truce expired the King passed with his armie into Scotland about Midsomer following where he remained all that summer and the next winter he kept his Christmasse at Lithcoe where he lost many of his great horses the season not seruing to make sufficient prouision for the keeping of them there The Scots in the meane time hauing laboured the French king to that end obteined another truce till Hallontide next whervpon the King returned into England Neither ceased they still to perswade the Pope to vndertake the defence of their country but hee vpon the receipt of the former letters out of England began to waxe colde in the matter and the rather because beeing now falne out with the French king he hoped to procure king Edward to make war vpon him offring to take his part in the quarel but neither his holines nor hipocrisie preuailed therein When this latter truce was come to an end the king sent the Lord Iohn Seagraue into Scotland accompanied with Ralfe Comfrey and a competent power to keepe the country quiet to recouer the Castle of Sterling The English Army entring into Lothian seuered it selfe into three companies foure miles distant one from the other to the end they might be the more plētifully serued of victualls The enemie taking the aduantage of this manner of marching sodenlie in the morning set vpon the foremost cōpanie lead by the Lord Seagraue and made such slaughter as fewe or none escaped with life When knowledge was brought backe to theyr fellowes that followed them next in order the Lord Neuell that had the leading thereof with certaine horse-men came vpon the spurres and rescued the Lord Seagraue who otherwise had bin taken or slaine Ralfe Comfrey after this misfortune not holding it conuenient to attempt any further interprise at that time beeing much ouermatched with number and strength returned with the residue into England This ouerthrow was giuen the Englishmen at Rosting within fiue miles of Edenborugh the 24. day of February in the yeare 1302. King Edward was not a little moued with the losse of these men and therefore hauing gathered a puissant armie about Midsomer following hee made his last iourney into Scotland purposing to bring the same wholy to his obedience At his approach the enemy being not able to make head against him gaue way on euery side flying to the Mountaines and other places vnaccessible so as the king in manner without any resistance passed thorow the land euen vnto Cathnesse the furthest part of Scotland Many of them perceiuing how farre vnable they were to with-stand his forces submitted them-selues on condition they might inioy againe their possessions which the King had giuen to his followers the Lords of England they redeeming the same of them at some reasonable rate where-vnto the King consented In his returne he caused the Castle of Sterling to be besiedged but he himselfe lay at Dumfermling the greater part of the next Winter whether the Queene his Wife hauing remained a long time at Tinmouthe came at length vnto him The siege hauing continued three moneths the Castell was surrendred the liues of them that kept it onely reserued Before his departure the King caused all the Scottish Nobilitie to repaire to Saint Andrewes Towne where they tooke a new oath of their allegiance vnto him Such as hee held suspected hee carried with him into England togeather with diuers monuments and antiquities amongst which the Marble Stone of Stone Abbay wherein the Kings of that realme accustomed to sitte at the time of their Coronation was of speciall account It remaineth at this day at Westminster not farre from the place where hee lyeth intombed This Stone hath such a fatall destinie following it as the Scottes then beleeued as that where-so-euer it should bee found ouer that Countrey should a Scotish man raigne in how short time this may come to passe no man knoweth The King at his departure committing the gouernment of Scotland to the Lord Iohn Sea-graue returned into England hoping that now hee had made an end of his warres there and brought the whole realme into a peaceable estate vnder his obedience but it did not so fall out For about this time dyed Robert Bruse Earle of Carrike who stood for the crowne of Scotland against Balliol the last King Wherevpon Robert Bruse his sonne began to cast about by what meanes hee might now attaine the fame But whether hee were set on worke by the Lord Cumin to the end hee might bee so much the neerer vnto it himselfe for hee was descended from Mary the other Daughter of Allaine Lord of Gallowaye and so after the extirpation of the two families of the Balliols and the Bruses was next to the Crowne or whether it proceeded from himselfe hauing so good title there-vnto without acquainting the other with his meaning he was no sooner entred into the plot but was discouered by the Lord Cumin which being made knowne vnto him he thought himselfe in no safety in England and therefore by secret flight passing into Scotland hee set vpon Cumin at vnawares who otherwise had beene ouer-strong for him and so dispatched him out of the way Then hee caused himselfe forthwith to bee crowned King of Scotland by the Countesse of Bougham in the absence of her brother the Earle of Fife then in England at his Mannor of Whitwicke in Leicestershire to whom that office by inheritance appertained This Lady was afterwardes for her punishment for this offence put into a Cage of wood which being placed on the walls of the Castell of Edenborough was for a while made a gazing stock to the passengers by it Immediatly vpon the newes of the coronation of Bruse the King sent an army into Scotland vnder the conduct of the Earle of Pembrooke his Lieutenant there the Lord Henry Percie and the Lord Robert Clifford here-with to resist the new attempts of the Scottes vnder their new King Bruse in the meane time knowing against whom hee was to contend sought by all meanes to make himselfe as strong as possibly he could therfore ranging the coasts vp downe he
assembled some fewe small forces where-with ●e approched the towne S. Iohns purposing there first to make trial of his fortunes but the Earle of Pembrooke by chance had first entred the towne with some 300. horse-men besides foote-men Bruse sent him word that he was come thither to fight with him and all his partakers if hee would come forth The Earle answered hee would rest that day being the Sabaoth but on the next morning he would accept of his chalenge Bruse herevpon with-drew his armie a mile backe againe from the towne meaning to be-take himselfe and his people that night to their rest but he was disquieted sooner then he looked for the Earle issuing out of the towne a little before night about the beginning of the Calends of August assailed them so sodenly as that he had slaine a great numbee before they could get armour and weapons for their defence so as after a little resistance the Scots with their new king were put to flight The Earle following the chase pursued them vnto Kenter and vnderstanding that Bruse was entred a Castle ther-about he besieged presently tooke the same wherin he found his wife his brother Nigell with some others but Bruse him-selfe was fled vnto the mountaines these he sent presently to Berwicke This Lady was the daughter of the Earle of Vlster in Ireland who had lately before sent ouer vnto K. Edward two of his sonnes to remaine in England for pledges of their fathers fidelity for whose sake she found great fauor Shortly after was the castle of Lachdore takē by th' English-men in it Christopher Seton that had married the sister of Bruse by birth hee was an English-man and had before slaine a Knight of England in some bad manner for the which fact especially he was by the kings cōmandement executed at Dunfries where the same was committed the like execution was also made at Berwicke vpon Nigell Bruse and the rest of his companions But the Earle of Atholl who was also taken about the same time was remoued to London where he was beheaded and his head set on a pole ouer London-bridge Though Bruse in the meane season was put to many hard shifts wandring in desert places like a forelorne man not-with-standing hee would not giue ouer so good a cause but after a little breathing began a fresh to bestur him so as what by entreaty threats he gathered some few troops of horsmen about him and whilest hee was thus occupied himselfe in one place he sent two of his brothers the one a Knight the other a priest into other parts of the country to procure what aide they could But as they were thus busied they were both taken condemned of treason and for the same executed These misfortunes stil following one in the necke of another little or nothing allaied the thirst of a kingdom for he knew his cause was iust and that howsoeuer his sinnes had deserued especially the murther he committed at the very entrance into this actiō yet should he die if it came to that in a good quarel Hauing therefore happily reconciled himselfe to God whom 〈◊〉 had therein greeuouslie offended with 〈…〉 courage hee fully resolued to pursue his 〈…〉 Beeing now some what better strengthned with the aide of the Ilanders hee incou●●●● the Earle of Pembrooke and put him to 〈…〉 like hap shortly after hee had against the Earle of Glocester These small hartnings did incourage Bruse to attempt greater aduentures so as within short time he recouered diuers Castels but being not able to man them hee cast them downe to the ground King Edward hauing knowledge of these his proceedings in Scotland by his letters directed into certaine countries fittest for that seruice gaue commandement that as many as were able to vse a weapon should within three weekes after Midsomer attend him at Carliel But before the appointed time was come the king fell sicke there from whence being remoued to Brough on the sand he departed out of this life in the 35. yeare of his raigne An. 1307. By the death of King Edward the state of the affaires betweene these two Nations was much altered for his sonne and successour king Edward the second being now not about ●●ree and twentie yeares olde was giuen after the manner of youth more to follow his pl●●sures then the cares and trauels of 〈…〉 And therefore neglecting his businesse 〈…〉 gaue fitte opportunitie to his 〈…〉 and little 〈◊〉 off the 〈…〉 which his father by his valiancie had brought them So as while this youthfull King sought nothing more then to spend his time in voluptuous pleasure riotous excesse making such his familiers and chiefe minions about him as best fitted his humor Bruse on the other side wholy indeuored by all possible meanes how to restore his country to her former liberty and quiet estate now wel nere brought to the brinke of an vnrecouerable downfal And by his good fore-sight and singuler manhood hee so much preuailed as that in the space of three or foure yeares he recouered his kingdom for hauing bin much inured with hardnesse trauel together with his long experience in managing the affaires of state as well in time of peace as of war he had no small aduantage thereby of the other The father dying not aboue a weeke before his intended iorney once againe into Scotlād the king his sonne finding all things in so good readines was aduised to make triall with these forces that were then come to Carleil what intertainment hee should finde at the Scotishmens hands Being come to Dumfries hee summoned the Scotish Nobility to repaire thither vnto him where diuers of them acknowledged their allegiance homage But here he could not now tary being hasted homewards to make preparation for his iorney into France where shortly after he maried the Lady Isabell daughter to K. Philip surnamed the faire At his departure he committed the wardenship of Scotland to Iohn de Britaine whom withal he created Earle of Richmond Amongst all the Scotish Lordes that tooke part with England none was so great an enemy to Bruse as the Lord Iohn Cumin Earle of Buquhan for the murther committed vpon his Ancestor as before you haue heard now therefore to bee reuenged as also to show his forwardnesse to performe some acceptable seruice for the King of England hee gathered such forces English and Scotish as hee could make and there-with approched his enemie Bruse beeing yet barely recouered of a late sicknesse vpon a boun-courage incountred him at a straite and in the end discomfited his armie making great slaughter of his men This victorie did so reuiue Bruse his feeble and languishing spirits as that from thence forward hee still preuailed in all his interprises So as following his good fortune in short time he reduced the conntries of Anguile and Galloway vnder his obedience King Edward not well brooking these daily losses raised a mightie powre wherewith about the middest of August
the Earle of Hertford Sir Iohn Dudley Lord Lisle high Admirall of England and the Earle of Shrewsbury accompanied with the Lord Cobham Clinton Coniers Sturton the Lord William Howard with many valiant Knights and Gentlemen The whole Nauy consisted of two hundred shippes and in them some ten thousand men of warre Loasing from New-Castell and entring the Scottish Sea betweene the two Ilands the Basse and the Maye The next day they passed vp the Firthe being the fourth of Maye landing the whole Armie at New-hauen two miles aboue Leith The Lord Admirall lead the fore-ward the Lord Lieutenant the maine battaile the Earle of Shrewesburie the rere-ward The Lord Gouernor being then at Edenbrough accompaned with the Cardinal the Earle of Huntley Arguile Bothwel and others with some sixe thousand horsemen and footemen purposed to inpeach their passage At the first they made showe to set vpō the vantgard but being assayled by fiue hundred harquebutters and shroudly galled after a light skirmish they made a sodaine retraite but with such speed as they leaft their artillary behind them The Scottes returned to Edenbrugh and the Englishmen kept their course to Lieth entring the towne without any great resistance they lodged therein that night to their best aduantage The next day they landed their victuals and great artillary Hither the Lord Gouerner sent Adam Otterburne prouost of Edenbrugh with two of the baylifes to know of the Earle of Hertford the cause of his coming offering that what wrong soeuer the Engleshmen had receaued of them should be satisfied to their full contentment and that vpon those tearmes he would gladly receaue him into the towne The Earle answered that he had no commission to treat of peace but he was sent thither to take reuenge on those that had falsified their faith vnto the King his maister and therefore purposed to visit there towne in such manner as happily they would nor like of and soche bad him tel the Gouerner Vpon the returne of this answere the Gouernour taking order for the defence of the Castell departed immediately to Sterling The sixt of May the army marched towards Edenbrugh at the approch whereof the Prouost accompanied with one or two Burgesses and some officers of armes desired to speake with the lieutenant being brought to his presence he offered vnto him the keies of the towne on condition that the inhabitants might safely passe out with bag and bagage the buildings preserued from fire Answere was made that he was sent thither to take reueng as before and therfore vnlesse they would yeeld vp the towne simply without conditiō cause Men Women Childrē to issue forth into the fields submit themselues to his will pleasure he would proceed against them with all extremity The Prouost replied that they would rather stand to their defence so departed The Englishmen comming to the Cow-gate beat it open with their great ordinance entred and slewe diuerse that made resistance forth-with the great ordinance was drawn vp the high street within reach of the shot from the Castell so as a culluering was dismounted and the English forced to retire not with out some losse of men night drawing on they departed to there camp at Leith for three dayes following they continewed firing the towne and consumed a great part there-of In the meane season foure thousand light horse-men were brought by land as was appointed from the Borders by the Lord Eeuers who ioyning with the armie at Leith did such exploits that well neere they left neither pile village nor house vnburned within seuen miles of Edenbrough besides the spoile pillage and droues of Cattell that was euery daye brought to the Campe. Hauing thus wrought their wills there-about they shipped their Artillarie and booties carried away such ships as they found in the Hauen of which the principall were the Salamander giuen by the French King at the mariage of his Daughter and the other called the Vnicorne made by the last king These two were ballanced with Cannon shot which was found in the towne to the number of foure-score thousand peeces the rest as well Scottish as English for the more part were loden with the spoile and booties belonging to the common souldiers and mariners On the fifteenth day of this month both the army by land and the fleet departed from Lieth in one houre leauing the towne on fire which was burned to the ground The armie returning home-wards encamped that night at Seaton seauen miles from Lieth where they burned the Castell and for more dispight destroyed the gardens and Orchards because the Lord Seaton owner of the same had beene the Cardinals best friend when hee was in prison The next night they incamped besides Dunbar where they had an alarme giuen them In the morning they burned the towne and marching forwards they were somewhat staied in the way by reason of a grose foggie mist and a report that the Lord Seaton and the Lord Hume had assembled a powre where-with to empeach their passage at a strait called the Pease But when the day cleared about two of the clocke in the after-noone the armie setting forward passed the straite without shew of enemie that would not abide their comming That night the armie lodged at Rantton 8. miles from the borders from whence the next day being the 28. of May they came to Berwick hauing lost in all this iorney not aboue forty persons for which happy successe they rendred thanks to almighty God the giuer of all victorie The names of the chiefe townes castels buildings burned and ouer-throwne in this voyage are as followeth Edenbrough the Abbay and the Kings housc Cragmiller and Castell Preston and the Castell Sengclers Castell Lawresson the Grange Markley Wester-grange Enderliegh Broughton Chester-field Craton-end Dudistone Skam house The Ficket Beuerton Tranent Shenstone Saint Minees Petinwames part Lieth the Hauen Pile New Bottle Abbay Musselbrough some part Hadington Frieries Dumbar Drilawe Trapren Kirkland hill Hatherwike Belton East Barnes Bowcland Butlerden Quickwood Blackburne Ranton Bildie All Knikorne The Queenes Ferrie The brent Iland The fiue lowest were burned by the fleet at sea for while the armie lay at Leethe the ships were not idle but scouring the riuer vp and downe on both sides well neere as high as Sterling aboue fiftie miles from the maine sea they made what spoile they could of what-so-euer fell in their way while the Earle lay at Leethe he made these knights whose names follow The Lord Clinton The Lord Coniers Sir William Wroughton Sir Thomas Holcroft Sir Edward Dorrell Sir Iohn Luttrell Sir Iohn Ienins Sir Thomas Waterton Sir Charles Howard Sir George Blant Sir Peter Mewtas Sir Edward Warner Sir Ralfe ●ulmer Sir Hugh Cholmeley Sir Thomas Lee. Sir Richard Leigh Sir Iohn Leigh Sir Lawrence Smith Sir William Vauasour Sir Richard Shirburne Sir Robert Stapleton Sir Thomas Holt. Sir William Dauenport Sir Ralphe Leycester Sir Humfrey Bradborne Sir Thomas Maliuerie Sir
with ●ig●t tho●sand S●ottes layed siedge to Hadington and in ●●ort time ●o battered the walles with their great ord●●ance that in diuerse places it was ass●●table Neuertheles the towne was so w●●●●●●●ded by Sir Iames Wilfor● the Captaine thereof his people that the enemy had smal hope to take i● by force wherfore they indeuored to cut of al accesse whereby to famish the defendants keepe from them other necessaries which they wanted neuertheles by the policy of certaine English Captaines that found a way in the night with 200. horse-men thorowe the Scottish watch the towne was releeued in good time wherevpon within 4. daies after the Scots leaft the siedge fiue or sixe hundred light hors-men only excepted went euery man to his owne dwelling This made the Frenchmen more vigilant wary afterwards so as they that made the like interprice next had not so good successe for of thirty hundred hors-men wherof 700. were lances cōmitted to the charge of Sir Robert Bowes Sir Thomas Palmer fewe or none escaped but was either slaine or taken prisoner This ouerthrow was imputed to the rashnes of Sir Thomas because that after his lances had before repulsed the enemies two seueral charges he would not be there-with satisfied but presuming vpō his former fortune aduētured againe so far within their danger that being incōpassed by them the English could find no way out to escape The Lord Protector in the meane time hauing prouided an army of 15000. men of whō 3000. were Almains cōmitted the conduct therof to the Earle of Shrewsbury accompanied with the L. Gray lieutenāt of the North-parts More-ouer the lord Clinton high admiral of Englād after created Earle of Lincoln by Q. Elizabeth with a 〈◊〉 ●●sed kept 〈◊〉 with the ●●●y by land 〈◊〉 ●hey were 〈◊〉 f●● a sonder but the ships that had brought the French●●n into Scotland which they hoped to haue met withal were before thi● time sent home-wards back againe At th●●pproach of the English Monsieur ●essie raised the field retiring his army towards Edenbrugh incāped beyond Musskelbrough in a pla● of groūd chosen for his best aduantage the English horse-m●● coasting them al the way as they passed for the space of 7. or 8. miles The towne of Hading●on being victualed and furnished of al necessary prouision the Englishmen showed themselues to the enemy who there-vpon offred skirmish but they seeming as the vnprouided to accept therof dr●w backe themselues vntill the other were ●ome forward within danger of an ambushment laied purposely to intrap them The Englishmen 〈◊〉 ●●king the exspected aduantage wheeling about gaue the enemy a charge inforcing him to make his cariere back with more speed then appertained thereto so as hauing him in chase diuers were slaine take prisoners namely Pierre Long●● Luciu●● two French Captains By this time 14. or 15. thousand Scots Irish were come to the enemies c●mpe These new forces were ●●●●ly lodged wh● sodenly the Englishmen presented themselues in good order of battaile exspecting some profer of skirmish for the space of an houre but perceauing they had no list to leaue their strength they returned back to their owne Campe. The Nauie being now entred into the Firth was not idle for comming to the brent Iland the Englishmen set fire on foure ships and passing thence by Leeth they saluted that Towne with Cannon shot Monsieur de Villegaignon not long before this was departed from thence with foure Gallies where-with compassing all the Northerne Ilands of Scotland he arriued at Dunbritton where by appointment hee receiued into his charge the young Queene betwixt fiue and sixe yeares of age attended by the Prior of Saint Andrewes her bastard brother Iohn Aesken and William Leuistone with whom at length with much difficultie hee landed at Brest the Queene from thence was conueyed to the French Court The Lord Admirall after this attempting to burne Saint Minets was there repulsed by the Laird of Dune where-vpon the Nauie returned to attend the Armie hauing sustained some losse at that their last bickering The Earle hauing proceeded as farre as his Commission extended dissolued his armie and returned into England But the Lord Gray staying some time in the Northe parts according to the charge giuen him entred againe into Scotland with the Almaigne footmen and certaine English horsemen burning and wasting the countries of Tiuidale and Lidsdale twenty miles within the land and then returned without incounter The reason hereof was as it seemeth 〈◊〉 quarrell at that t●me in Edenbr●●●● ●hen betweene the Scots the Frenchmen wh●● in Sir Iames Hamilton Larde of S●en●●house Captaine of the Castell and Prouost of the towne tog●●●er with his son●● and diuerse townesmen ●●a● tooke his part were slaine by the French that with-out leaue would haue entered the towne This broile no doubt bred great vnkindnesse no small iealousie in the one nation ouer the other so as some inconuenience had followed there-vpon had not the matter in time beene taken vp betweene them Monsieur Dessie to bring himselfe into credit againe with the Scots aduentured with his companies of Frenchmen Almaignes to giue a Camisadoe to Hadington for comming thither in the night about the middest of October some pretty while before day hee dispatched the watch before they were aware of any enemy and was entred into the base court ready to breake downe the towne gate before ●he alarme was raised crying out victory victory The Englishmen with the suddennesse hereof were much amased not knowing which way to turne them In this perplexitie a soldier amongst them vsing a desperate remedie for a present cure gaue 〈◊〉 with his match to a double Canō that by good chance lay ready charged against the gate ●he which with his thunder-bolts made such a passage thorow the Frenchmen that were ●ow thronging thereat a● the terrour thereof made the residue to giue back The Englishmen in the meane time issuing out at a posterne gate vpon their backs ●o bestirred their Halberts and black-bils that many of their enimies were knocked downe and the residue driuen away as fast as their legges could carry them Notwithstanding Desse gathering them againe together gaue three assaults that morning to the towne but was still repelled to his great losse for they caryed away with them sixteen Carts and wagons laden with maimed soldiers and dead carcases besides nere two hundred that were found in the base court whom they left behind them Shortly after this blowe the enimie had the like successe at Dundie Forte being already possessed of the towne for the Frenchmen hauing also recouered the pile there and purposing to finish a peece of worke which the Englishmen had begun to their hands the Riengraue with his Almaignes and Monsieur De Etanges were forth-with sent thither to that end while they were about this businesse the Englishmen and their Almaignes issuing out of Broughtie-Cragge two miles distant from it came so sodenly vpon them
markes which king Richard presently receiued towards the charge of his iourney King William to gratifie the king of Englands liberalitie furnished his brother Dauid on whome hee then bestowed the Earledome of Huntington with fiue hundred Scotishmen to attend and serue him in that enterprize against the Sarazines Thus parted these two Kings in most louing manner with so faithfull a farewell as that when Iohn the Kings brother hearing of his imprisonment in his returne would haue drawne the Scotish King to haue taken his part in the attaining of the Crowne in his brothers absence being set on worke by the French King he vtterly refused to ioyne therein with Iohn which was the break-neck of that vnnaturall attempt But when King William vnderstood of the King of England his returne home hee together with Earle Dauid his brother who a little before was returned into Scotland presentlie repayred to the English Court where being intertained with all kinde of courtesies in token of the ioye that hee had vnfainedly conceiued for the King of England his safe returne thorow so many great dangers hee presented him with two thousand markes towards the redeeming of his libertie To gratifie this his kindnesse King Richard granted to him by speciall Charter and to his heires kings of Scotland for euer that when-so-euer hee or any of them should by sommons repaire into England vnto the Court the Bishop of Durham and the shiriffe of Northumberland for the time beeing should receaue him at the water of Tweede and safely conduct him to the water of Theese where the Archbishop of Yorke and the Sheriffe of the Shire should receiue him of them and from thence to attend him to the border of the next shire and in this manner to be attended from shire to shire by Prelates and Sheriffes vntill hee came to the Court and an honourable allowance was made him wherewith to defray such expences as hee and his traine were put vnto during their abode in England While king William remained at the Court king Richard thereby to put away as it were the reproche of his late captiuitie caused himselfe to bee crowned againe whereat for the more honour of that solemnitie it pleased king William to carie one of the three Swords of estate before the King accompanied on his right hand with Hamling Earle of Warwicke and on the other with Ranulphe Earle of Chester in manner as his Brother Earle Dauid had done before at the Kings first Coronation saue that the first place was then giuen to Earle Iohn his Brother This feast was kept at Winchester on the seauenteenth day of Aprill Anno 1194. king William beeing now at the point to depart homewards offered the king fifteene thousand markes for the whole country of Northumberland in manner as Prince Henry his father who neuer came to the crowne held the same The king yeelded here vnto so as the Castles were excepted but still hee importuned him for them also The King answered that at his returne againe for now he was ready to passe into Normandie hee should finde him willing to satisfie him in any reasonable sort But it was king Richardes happe after many victories ouer the French Nation during his aboade on that side the Sea for the space of fowre yeares in the end to die of a wound which hee receiued at the siege of the Castle of Chalme by an inuenomed Dart as he was viewing where he might best vndermine the same Thus ended king Richard after hee had raigned nine yeares and as many months Where-vpon Iohn Earle of Mortaigne his Brother beeing then also on that side the Sea thorough the industrie of the Queene his Mother the Archbishop of Canterbury and other his fauourites in England was forth-with proclaimed king And to make all the more sure on their side for they were very iealous ouer his Nephew young Arthure Duke of Britaine whose right to the Crowne was by manie especially the Frenchmen preferred before the others they promised king William of Scotland to obtaine of king Iohn at his returne ouer whatsoeuer hee pretended title vnto within the English Dominions The Scotish king beeing thus put in hope to attaine vnto his desire in token of his good liking and allowance of their proceedings in the behalfe of king Iohn sent the Bishop of Saint Andrewes to his coronation with commission and instructions to moue and prosecute his demand of restitution of those Landes hee claymed promising withall to abstaine from all forcible inuasion for the space of fortie dayes so as within that tearme he might haue a resolute answer from the king concerning the same Here unto King Iohn made answer that if his cousin the king of Scots would come vnto him hee should haue at his handes whatsoeuer in reason hee could demand For the place of their meeting Notingham was first appoynted afterwardes Yorke but king William vpon some occasion fayling to come to eyther of these two places king Iohn passed ouer into Normandie where hauing appeased some broiles stirred vp by the French king in the behalfe of young Arthure at his returne hee sent an honourable Ambassage into Scotland to safe conduct king William into England The two kings mett at Lincolne on the one and twenteth daye of Nouember in the second yeare of the raigne of king Iohn to whome the Scotish king did there homage and fealtie which seruices beeing performed king William required restitution of Northumberland Cumberland and Westmerland which he claimed as his right and lawfull inheritance after much parlance there about king Iohn craued respite to consider further of the matter till the Feast of Penticost next following where-vnto the Scotish king consenting the Assemblie brak vp and king William was attended backe againe into Scotland by those that brought him thither But king Iohn eyther beeing not disposed or not at leisure to hold the appointed time sent Ambassadors into Scotland to intreat king William to giue him further daye to returne him answer touching his former demand Whervnto the other yeelding gaue him Michelmasse next according to his desire All this notwithstanding I doe not finde in the Historie of eyther Nation that king Iohn did at any time after inlarge his possessions within the Realme of England After this some vnkindnesse arose betweene them about the raising of a fortification which the king of England had built ouer against Berwicke vppon which occasion as also by reason that while the Realme stood in the damnable estate as the world then beleeued of the Popes terrible curse diuerse of the English Nobilitie and others forsooke their naturall king and for conscience sake fledd into Scotland such power had the Papacie ouer mens consciences in those dayes King Iohn not contented there-with hauing gathered an Armie and there-with approching the borders of Scotland hee was incountred at Norham with Ambassadors from King William who then being about the age of threescore ten yeares was vnfit to fight At this meeting by
intelligence of the Scotish kings inclination to reuolt being then returned into Scotland to the ende hee might sound out the truth hee required his ayde and assistance in his intended warre with France where-vnto hee receiued so doubtfull an answer as that hee was thereby brought into more distrust with the king of England and therefore sending againe into Scotland hee required to haue the custodie of the Castles of Berwicke Edenbrugh and Rockesbrugh deliuered vnto him for the better assurance of his loyaltie during the continuance of the warre with France Heere-vnto the Lords of Scotland tooke vpon them to answer for theyr king would not yet openlie oppose himselfe that they were Free-men borne and therefore would neuer yeeld to that seruitude where-vnto their king had vnaduisedly subiected himselfe that his priuate act how voluntary soeuer could not bind his subiects because without the generall consent of the States of the whole Realme nothing could bee established which concerned the whole bodie of the Common-weale That the League now renewed with France was of fiue hundred yeares continuance which for the conueniencie and necessitie thereof was to bee preferred before the late and lesse profitable amitie and alliance with England And to approue these wordes with their deedes the Townes-men of Berwicke made an assault vpon certaine English Marchants that were at Anchor in the Hauen of whome many were wounded some slaine and the residue forced to flie who at their returne home informed the king thereof He now perceiuing the affection of that Nation towards him purposed forth-with to inuade that realme But in the meane time thereby to conceale his resolution hee sent a solemne Ambassage thither sommoning king Iohn to make his appearance at New-castle within certaine dayes there to show cause why contrary to his faithfull promise hee had entred into league with his enemy the French King of whom he could not receaue so much good as hee was likely to sustaine harme thereby from him and further that it was not possible to serue two maisters of so contrary disposition without offence to the one or other But King Iohn holding himselfe much iniured by king Edward returned vnto him letters of complaint which was all the answer he would affoord him The Armie being assembled and king Edward there-with approching Warke Castell seauen Earles of Scotland namely Bouchan Menteth Stratherne Lennox Ro● Atholl and Marre with Iohn Cumin the maister of Badenaw hauing gathered together fiue hundred horsemen and ten thousand foote-men in Amandale on Monday in Easter weeke entred into England on that side and passing towards Carleil put all to fire and sword that stood in their way but the towne was so well defended as that they gaue ouer the siege on Thurseday following and returned againe into Scotland The same day king Edward with his armie passed ouer the Riuer Tweede and summoned Berwick offering peace vpon certaine conditions which beeing refused he approched and lodged in the monastery of Caldestrenie his army consisting of foure thousand horse and thirtie thousand footemen He had appointed certaine ships to the number of foure and twenty to scoure the Coast thereabout to cut off accesse to the Towne by sea who vpon some signe giuen them from the army placed on a plaine in battell araie within their view entred the Hauen and offering to land were assayled by the Towns-men While the fraye continued not without some more losse on the English partie the king with his Armie hauing in the meane time passed ouer a ditch cast vppon purpose to haue hindred his approch on that side entred the towne without loosing any man of name saue onely Sir Richard Cornewall But the Scotish writers report otherwise of this exploite That the King dispayring to take the towne by force deuised what might be wrought by policie and therefore fayning to depart raysed the siege causing a rumor to bee spread by certaine Scots his adherents in heart that king Iohn was at hand withall his powre to relieue the Towne This newes beeing brought to Berwicke by such in whome they reposed trust forth-with the Gallants and they of the best account setting open the Gates issued out to meete theyr king King Edward watching the exspected aduantage got betweene them and home and so entred without anie great resistance Howsoeuer it was brought to passe it seemeth by the exceeding great number of Scots then slaine and the small losse or none at all of Englishmen that there was some cunning vsed in the taking of the Towne For at the least seauen thousand of them were thereat slaine beeing the verie choise men of all Lothian and Fife This happened on the thirteth of March in the yeare of our Lord 1296. The King remained there fifteene dayes in which time he fortified the Towne with a ditch cast about it fourescore foote deepe and as much ouer While he stayed here he receiued Letters from king Iohn wherein hee againe complayned of sundry wrongs offered vnto him in regard whereof he renounced all such homage and fealtie by him and his subiects to bee any more acknowledged due vnto him The King hauing heard the letter read commanded his Chancelor to inrole it In the meane time the Scotish Army whereof I haue spoken before diuiding it selfe into two seuerall companies the one part vnder the leading of the Earle of Buquhan entred by Cumberland the other by Riddesdaile burning the villages putting all to sword they met withall in most furious manner and hauing euen glutted themselues with bloud they returned home with all their pillage and bootie The Earle of Dunbar came to Berwicke and submitted himselfe withall hee had vnto the Kings pleasure but in the meane season his Castle by the practise of his wife was rendred vnto the Scottes for the recouery whereof the Earles of Warwicke and Warren with a great power were forthwith sent thither by the king The English-men hauing beseeged the Castle were set vpon by the Scots betweene whome was fought a most bloudie battell but in the end the Englishmen had the victory the number of Scots slaine in fight and flight the chase continuing eight miles were about ten thousand the Noblemen escaped by recouering the castle On the next morning being the eight and twenteeth day of Aprill at the king of Englands comming thither the Castle was forth-with surrendred vnto him wherein were taken prisoners the Earles of Monteith Cassills and Ros sixe Barons namely Iohn Cumin the younger William Sincler Richard Siward the elder Iohn Fitz-geffrey Alexander de Mortaigne Edmond Cumin of Kilbird besides thirty knights and aboue that number of Lairdes and chiefe Gentlemen All these were sent into England bestowed in places of safe keeping From hence the king marched vnto the Castle of Roxbrough which incontinentlie yeelded it selfe the liues saued of all within the same Amongst whom the Lord Steward of Scotland was the principall man After this the King beseeged the strong Castle of Edenbrugh which after fifteene dayes
Earles he gaue Earledomes to Barons Baronies and to others according to their degrees About the beginning of the next yeare he returned to London He was no sooner out off Scotland with his army but presently there was a new Viceroy set vp one of the Cumines who began to raise new stirs there amongst some other they tooke the Castle of Striueling But vnderstanding that king Edward was gathering new forces wherewith to enter into Scotland againe they began to consult what was best to be done not only for the preuēting of his presēt approch but especially for the recouery of the kingdome which was now in great danger by cōquest to be annexed to the Crowne of Engl In the end they resolued with all speed to procure an abstinence from war to the intent that in the meane season the might labor Pope Boniface to take vpon him the protection of the realme of Scotland thereby to auoid shake off al maner of subiection to the king of England for the Pope had lately before so far preuailed alreadie with king Edward as that at his intreaty Iohn Balliol was committed to the custodie of the Bishop of Cambray who vndertooke in the Popes behalfe that his liberty should not preiudice the quiet estate of either nation Engl or Scotland According to this their resolution the lords of Scotl procured Philip de Valois the French king to effect this their desired truce which was granted for eleuen months to Whitsontide following beeing the more easilie cōpassed by him by reasō king Edward had lately before married his sister Hereupon for this time the army was dissolued being euen ready to haue entred into Scotlād In the meane time the Scotish lords sent Ambassadors to Rome presēting to the Pope a grieuous complaint of the proceedings of king Edward That hee was fully bent to make a conquest of their country vnlesse it would please his Holines by the vertue of his prerogatiue in such cases to cōpound order all differences as wel amongst thēselues as also betweene the king of Engl and them at his will and pleasure wherunto they would willingly submit themselues The Pope gaue eare to their petition hoping to gaine somthing by the bargaine for with him no peny no Pater noster And first he began to quarrel with king Edward because he would not at his intreatie restore vnto Edward Balliol those landes in England which descended vpon him by the death of Iohn Balliol his father now latelie deceassed Then he forbad him from thence-forth to make war with the Scots because they had submitted themselues to the protection of the Sea Apostolicall in whose power it now only rested to dispose of their kingdome as seemed best to the same And by way of preuention he further declared that al such homage fealtie as the kings of Scotland in former times had done to the kings of England was onely for Tiuidale Penreth and such other Lands as they held within England and not for the realme of Scotland as hee would haue it Lastly whereas the kings of Scotland had some-times serued the kings of England in their warres both at home and abroade and had bin sondry times present at their coronations al this proceeded of their voluntary accord and especial fauor towards them by reason of their neerenesse in bloud and not as he tooke it of any duty binding them thereto King Edward in his answere herevnto proued by euident reasons that the right of Superiority and command ouer the realme of Scotland did iustlie belong vnto him and that the allegations made to the contrarie were vaine and frivolous Besides the kings letters the Nobility also of the realme being now assēbled in Parliament at Lincolne ioyned in the framing of an other letter answering in the name of the three estates vnto that poynt of the Popes pretended right to intermeddle in the cause betweene the king their maister and the Lords of Scotland that it was neuer before knowne that the kings of England had answered or of right ought to answere for any thing they clamed before any iudge ecclesiasticall or seculer yea though the king would therevnto yeald yet wold they neuer giue their consentes vnto it seeing it would so much preiudice his dignity royall and the ancient customes and priuileges of the realme This letter bare date the twelft of February in the yeare of grace 1301. and was signed vnder the hands and seales of these Noblemen whose names follow viz. Iohn Earle Warren Thomas Earle of Lancaster Ralfe de Monthermer Earle of Glocester Herford Humfrey de Bohum Earle of Hereford and Essex and Constable of England Roger Bigod Earle of Norfolke Marshall of England Guie Earle of Warwick Richard Earle of Arundel Audomar de valence lord of Monterney Henry de Lancaster Lord of Monmouth Iohn de Hastings Lord of Bergeuenny Henry de Percy Lord of Topeliffe Edmond de Mortimer Lord of Wigmor Robert fitzwater Lord of Woodham Iohn de Saint Iohn Lord of Hannake Hugh de veer Lord of Swanestampe William de Brewse Lord of Gower Robert de Mounthault Lord of Hewarden Robert de Tateshal Lord of Wokeham Reignald de Grey Lord of Ruthin Henry de Gray Lord of Codnore Hugh Bardalfe Lord of Wormegaie Robert de Clifforde Chatellaine of Appleby Peter de Malow Lord of Mulgreene Philip Lord of Kine Robert Fitz Roger Lord of Claueringes Ioh. de Mohun Lo. of Dunester Almerick de S. Amonde Lord of Widehay Williā de Ferrers Lo. of Groby Alaine de Zouche Lo. of Asby Theobalde de Vernon Lo. of Webbeley Tho. de Furniuall Lo. of Schefield Tho. de Moulton Lo. of Egremont William Latimer Lo. of Corbie Tho. Lord Berkeley Foulke Fitzwarren Lo. of Mitingham Iohn Lo. Seagraue Edmond de Enicourt Lo. of Thurgerton Peter Corbet Lord of Cans William de Cantelow Lord of Rauensthorpe Iohn de Beauchampe Lo. of Hacchie Roger de Mortimere Lo. of Penkethlin Iohn Fitz Reinald Lord of Blenleuenie Ralfe de Neuell Lord of Rabie Brian Fitz-Alaine Lo. of Bedale William Marshall Lord of Heugham Walter Lo. Huntercombe Williā Martin Lo. of Camies Henrie de Thies Lord of Chilton Roger de Ware Lo. of Isefield Iohn de Riuers Lo. of Augre Iohn de Lancaster Lo. of Grisedale Robert Fitz-Paine Lo of Lumnier Henry Tregoz Lord of Garings Robert Pipard Lo. of Lomford Walter Lord Faucomberg Roger le Strange Lord of Ellesmere Iohn le Strange Lo. of Cuokin Tho. de Chances Lo. of Norton Water de Beauchampe lor. of Alecester Rich. Talbot lor. of Eccleswell Iohn Butetourt lord of Mendesham Iohn Eugain lor. of Colum Hugh de Poynes lor. of Corneualet Adam lord of Welles Simond lord Montacute Iohn lord Sulle Iohn de Moells lord of Candeburie Edmond Baron Stafford Iohn Louell lord of Hackings Edmond lor. of Elchimhonocks Ralfe Fitz-William lo. of Grimthope Robert de Scales lor. of Neusells William Tuchet lo. of Lewenhales Iohn Abadan lor. of Deuerstone Iohn de Hatterings lor. of Graston Robert
sea to Berwicke Of the Nobilitie of England were slaine Gilbert Earle of Glocester Robert Lord Clifford the Lord Giles Argentine whose death Bruse much lamented for the great loue that was betweene thē afore-time in England the Lord Panie Tiptost the Lord William Marshall the Lord Reginold Damiecourt the Lord Edmond de Manley the kings Steward with other to the number of forty two Of knights threescore and seuen The Earle of Hereford the Lord Iohn Seagraue and others to the number of two and twentie men of name were taken prisoners Of the Scots were slaine about foure thousand amongst whom Sir William Weapont and Sir Walter Ros were the principall men of account This was the most notable victorie that euer the Scots had ouer the Englishmen which came to passe only by the misguiding and want of experience in their leaders and captaines presuming ouer much of their aduantage in number furniture of weapons neither were they so circumspect as it behoued them to be in the discouery of aduātage or disaduantage which the plot of ground where the battel was fought might afford to the one side more then to the other For they might haue coniectured euen by Bruse his abiding in the field with so small a power against so great a puissance being of Englishmē more then two to one Scot that he relied more vpon the successe of his hidden deceipts then of his owne strength This battell was fought on Midsummer day in the yeare 1314. Here-upon Striueling Castle was rendred vp Bruse his wife was vpon exchange sent home hauing beene in England about eight yeares After Bruse had thus fortunatlie recouered his kingdome he was by generall consent of his subiects confirmed and established in the same The Crowne was intailed vpon the heyres Males of his bodie lawfully begotten and for want of such issue to remaine to his brother Edward Bruse and the Heyres Males of his bodie and for default thereof the same should descend vpon the Ladie Margery the Kings eldest daughter whome onelie hee begat on his first wife sister to the Earle of Mar. Which Lady by the aduice of his Noblemen was bestowed in marriage on Walter high Steward of Scotland on whose posteritie the Crowne shortlie after descended and in the same familie continueth till this day taking that surname of the office which theyr Ancestors bare and was first bestowed on Walter the sonne of Fleance by King Malcolme Cammore for his notable seruice against the Rebelles of Galloway What thorough the losse of so many mens liues and the domage which our Nation susteyned at this last battell and the great dearth and death of man and beast that thorough the vnseasonable state of those times continued for the space of three yeares after small resistance or none at all was made against the Scots who taking the benefit of this aduantage ceassed not exceedinglie to annoye and trouble the Realme by their continuall incursions Hereof Pope Iohn the 22. taking compassion at the Kings sute sent ouer two Cardinalles Gancellino his Chancellor and Lucas de Frisco to mediate a peace betweene the two Nations But king Robert held it yet out of season to hearken thereunto hauing as he tooke it not sufficiently beene satisfied for his former losses and displeasures Whereupon these iollie Chaplaines proceeded against him with all extremitie denouncing him and all his fautors accursed and putting his kingdome whereof they accounted him but a vsurper vnder interdiction But all these bumbaced skarre-crowes nothing abated king Roberts corage who still following his good hap while the time best serued for it held on his former course so eagerlie as that in short time hee recouered the Castles and townes of Harbottle Warke Medford and Berwicke which last it is said was betrayed by Peter Spalding the Gouernor hauing remained English one and twenty yeares together Neither would king Robert limit his kingdome by the ancient boundes but inlarged the same euen vnto New-castle vpon Tine At this time also the Scots obtained diuers victories in Ireland thorough the manhood of Edward Bruse their kings brother who neuerthelesse in the end was slaine in battell and aboue fiue thousand Scots with him His head was brought ouer and presented to king Edward by Iohn Birmingha● for the which good seruice now and at 〈◊〉 other times in Ireland the king gaue him the Earledome of Lowth to him his heyres Males and the Baronie of Athird to him and his heires generally of his body begotten The realme of England now being somewhat recouered of the hard estate it stood in the last three yeares King Edward was desirous to make triall if happily he might rubbe out the blemish of the late blowe receiued of his enemies in Scotland Hauing therefore assembled his Armie at Yorke who for the more patt were handy-crafts men and Artificers passing from thence he layde siege to Berwicke The Scottes in the meane time vnder the conduct of Thomas Randolph entring England on the other side put all to fire and sword little resistance being made against them for those countries lay well neere desolate since their inuasion the yeare before The Archbishop of Yorke could not indure the enimies approach so neere him being now come within two or three dayes marche of the Citie and therefore assembling such people as for the present hee could get men that were readiest at his command hee aduentured like a bold Champion to encounter the Scots of whom ouer-late he learned this lesson Ne sutor vltra crepidam For the greater number of these gallants some two thousand were knockt downe before they saw their enimies who by setting certaine Haystackes on fire and taking the winde of them were vpon them ere they knew what it meant The Archbishop and the Bishop of Elye Lord Chancellor with the Abbot of Selby escaped by flight but Nicholas Fleming the Maire of Yorke that stucke better to it was slaine This hapned on the 12 of October 1319. at a place called Mitton vpon Swaile And because this armie consisted most of Surplisse men it was in derision called the white battaile but most of them found it a black daie King Edward feareing least the Scotts intended some further mischiefe brake vp his siege and returned to Yorke where vnderstanding that the enemy was with-drawne home-ward he likewise tooke his way towards London The next yeare passed ouer without any stirring on either side the rather because the two Kings were disquieted at home by their owne subiects In the meane time at the procurement of King Edward the Pope sent hyther his leaden bulles which aduantaged him their weight in gold for hee is the best alchimist in Europe to the Archbishops of Canterburie and Yorke commanding them that vnlesse the Scottish king would fourth-with make satisfaction for the wronges done to the realme as well concerning the state ecclesiasticall as temporall they should proceede to the denouncing of sentence against him and all his adherentes But the Scottes made
atchieue any fortunate interprise against the Scots As though all that nation could not afford his fellowe That hee was the very Atlas and supporter of their happy estate True it is that the deceassed king had reason to commit more trust to him then to anie other of whose loyalty and sufficiencie he had not the like tryall But it followeth not thereof that if king Edward could dispatch him out off the waie there had beene none left to haue resisted his attempts against that nation But admit he was the man they make him it is well knowne that King Edward being then not much aboue eighteene yeares old was not only ouer yong to contriue such a practise but was then still directed by his Mother Queene Isabel so consequently by Mortimer Earle of March her chiefe Counsellor both so great fauourers and maintainers of the peace with Scotland as that hee lost his life shortlie after for the same It is further affirmed That this Monke stealing secretlie out off Scotland assured the King that the Gouernor could not possiblie liue beyond a prefixed day in which time the poyson was to worke his effect and that King Edward presuming thereof gathered a mightie and puissant armie wherewith comming to the borders hee purposed to inuade Scotland had he not knowne when he came thyther that the gouernour was not only lyuing but ready in armes to haue resisted his approach Now of all this preparation and iourney there is not one word to be found amongst all our Croniclers But to the contrarie it appeareth that besidēs the cōfirmation of the former peace vpon the admittance of this Earle to the Regency the sommer next before his death was so vnseasonable as that it caused a great dearth in England all the yeare following so as it was impossible to make prouision for such an army neither could those more Northen partes afford it of their owne store For it is sayd that in some places of the realme especiallie North-wards by reason of the coldnesse of that climate wheate was not gathered into the barne till hallontide nor pease vntill the ende of Nouember Moreouer King Edward w●s in France well neere all the month of Aprill next before the gouernours death and after his returne thence hee had so little meaning to make preparation of warre as that hee held solemne iustes and turney at Dert-forde which exercises hee renewed againe at London in September following How can all this agree with the surmised preparation of warre with Scotland at that time Now to the last poynt touching the burning of this Monke whereof some of them for the vnlike-lihood-haue not spoken it is incredible that a religious man a deuout Monke as they were then accounted should bee either murthered or executed for not keeping promise in the performance of an vnlawfull and vnchristian act But where when on whome or by whome was this vnusuall execution made to no one of these interrogatories doth any man answere saue that hee was a Monke or begging Frier For they will not vouchsafe to giue him other name though hee had beene a long time verie familier in the gouernors house These bee therefore great slaunders farre vnbeseeming the reputation of him that not long sence hath made no conscience to report the most part of this fable for a truth This yeare Roger Mortimer Earle of March was attaynted of high treason and executed for the same on Saint Andrewes eauen Amongst other matters where-with hee was charged hee was found giltie of secrete practise with the Scottes at Stanhope-parke whereby they escaped as is aforesaid and that hee receiued there of the Lord Iames Dowglas a great summe of money for the good seruice done by him at that time and to bee still continewed towardes that Nation whilest his authoritie should stand them insteede Hereby also afterwardes hee brought to passe that vnaduised peace with the Scottes at Northampton as is before declared About this time Edward Balliol thorough the perswasion of Laurence Twine a Scotish fugitiue came ouer out off France where hee had alwayes liued before to intreat the King of England to assist him in the recouery of his right to the Crowne of Scotland which was giuen by a ward vnto Iohn Balliol by king Edward the first promising withall that if it were his good hap to attaine it he would acknowledge to hold the same in manner as his Grand-father held it of the others Grand-father But before this motion was made to the king of England Balliol sought the fauour of the Lord Henry Beumont a Frenchman borne that had maried the daughter and heyre of the Earle Buquhan and likewise of the Lord William Cumine the lord Dauid of Strabouee Earle of Atholl and the lord Geffrey de Mowbraie These and some others that were banished the Realme of Scotland by the late King Robert le Bruse now liued in England hauing in hope of preferment ioyned heartes handes with Balliol in this quarell obtained this fauour of king Edward that as many of his subiects as of themselues were willing to assist them in this enterprise should haue good leaue to follow them therein For though the young king of Scots had beene affianced vnto king Edwards sister who in respect of that alliance should not haue beene easilie drawne into this action neuerthelesse he held himselfe so m●ch disgraced and absued in his minority by the deceitful practise of Mortimer that nothing now pleased him that together with that mariage was then yeelded vnto at that dishonorable composition made with the Scottish king at Northampton as before you haue heard Neither was that contract of marriage so firme but if either partie misliked thereof when they should come to lawfull age of consent the same might safely bee dissolued Edward Balliol hauing now assembled by the helpe of the other two Scottish Lordes his confederates some foure hundred horse and about two thousand Archers and other footemen tooke shipping at Rauen-spurne in Holdernesse from thence directing his course North-ward hee entred into the Scottish fourth and arriued neere to the towne Kingorne on the first daie of August where being incountred by Alexander Seaton hee slew him in the field together with the greater number of his people and put the residewe to flight This good beeginning put such corage into these venterous companions in armes fighting for no lesse then a kingdome that with in some fewe daies after their forces beeing now increased to the number of about ten thousand one and other they attempted to assaile the Earle of Muerry then Regent of Scotland by night where hee laie incamped in the middest of his armie the same beeing ouer great otherwise to bee delt withall and tooke him on such a sodaine that they put him to flight making great slaughter vpon his people The next day the fight was renewed on both sides but in the ende the victory fell to Balliol This battaile was fought at Dueplin on the
attend the king their maister into France where there was more good to be done Scotland then affording nothing but hunger and blowes beare them of as they could About the middest of Iune in the yeare of our Lord 1338. the king of England together with the Queene the Prince of Walles a great number of the Nobility that did attend them passed ouer into Flanders and were ioyfullie entertayned of the Duke of Brabant and others the Lords of the Empire his confederates towards the attayning of the crowne of France which he claimed as the next heire therevnto by Queene Isabel his mother Daughter to Philip surnamed the faire This quarrell happned well for Bruse for no doubte if king Edward had a while longer pursued the conquest of Scotland hee had now easilie brought the same vnder his soueraigntie France would haue offred him such conditions of peace by reason of his title therevnto as that if he had beene disposed he might quietly haue enioyed the Realme of Scotland both from Bruse and Balliol and withall greater possessions with in the French dominions then the kings of England after him should haue happely beene able to haue held long as the experience of the times following plainly showed in respect of which difficulty I esteeme the realme of Scotland a more conuenient and fit member of the Crowne of England then the one halfe of France how farre soeuer exceeding the other in wealth and magnificence The French king now perceauing it was not king Edwards meaning to accept of peace vpon any reasonable conditions and how much it stood him vpon to hinder his attemptes thought it would bee no small aduantage vnto him to keepe his enemy occupied nearer home and therefore as soone as the King was arriued in Flanders hee sent fiue tall shippes into Scotland furnished with men munition and armour and conducted by as many experienced Captaines ouer them These stood that nation in great steede For by such aide as was at this time and shortly afterwards sent thyther out of France in the behalfe of Bruse his party they so much preuailed as that within the space of three yeares after though not without some difficulty they not onely chased Balliol together with all the Englishmen out of Scotland but also put King Bruse into peacable possession thereof againe nine yeares after he had beene driuen out of his kingdome by Balliol and his partakers the Englishmen So as King Edward in the meane time got not so much on the other side of the sea as hee lost euen at his owne dores at home King Dauid Bruse hauing thus beyond all hope recouered his kingdome slacked no time while oportunity serued to take reuenge on the Englishmen for all the wrongs sustayned by them To which end within the first three yeares after his returne hee made three iourneyes into the land doing what harme he could to the coūtries bordering vpon Scotland but all was of no great reckning The French King in the meane season hauing receiued many shrowd blowes of the Englishmen and his strong towne of Callice beeing now besiedged thought with himselfe that there was no better way either happilie to remoue them or at the least to lessen their number then by procureing the Scottish King who rested wholie at his deuotion with some mighty power to inuade England whereof hee sent Ambassadours into Scotland who easiely obtained that fauour of King Dauid VVhen all things were prepared for so great an exploite hee entred the Realme with the whole power of Scotland hoping assuredly now in the Kings absence to atchiue some notable victorie as well to the inriching of himselfe as to the aduantage of his confederate the French King At his first entry hee made manie knights whereby to encorage them the more to showe their valiancie but amongst the rest for his former good seruice he created William Dowglas an Earle whose Father was slaine at Halidone hill as is aforesayd The number of Noble men and Gentlemen assembled at this time by the confession of their owne writers were verie neere two thousand in the whole as some write threescore thousand Within ten daies after their entrie they approached Durham committing whatsoeuer stood in their way to the fury of fire and sword in most hostile manner The Queene of England being then returned home to represse the insolency of the enemy gathered togither such forces as the Realme could then redily afford to the number of twelue hundred men of armes three thousand Archers and some seauen thousand other of whome a great part were Preestes and Prelates but good talle trencher-men such as were not afraide of a crackt crowne though they had no haire to hide those hurtes withall This army was ordered in this manner The first battaile was lead by the Bishoppe of Durham Gilbert de Vmfree ville earle of Anegos Henry Lord Percy and the Lord Scroope The second by the Archbishoppe of Yorke and the Lord Ralphe Neuille The third by the Bishop of Lincolne Iohn Lord Moubraie and the Lord Thomas de Rooksbie The fourth and last was lead by Edward Balliol nowe of a king of Scotland become gouernour of Berwike the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Ross Besides this the Lord Deain-court Robert de Ogle and some other attended vpon the Queenes person On the the other side the first battaile of the Scottes was gouerned by Robert Steward the Sonne of Margery King Dauids Sister that succeeded him and Patrike Dumbar Earle of March The second by Iohn Earle of Murrey and William Earle Dowglas In the third the King himselfe and his Nobility were placed Before the battaile the Queene of England sent an Harald of armes to King Dauid requiring him to stay from further anoying the Realme till some reasonable order might be taken for the conclusion of a finall peace betweene the two nations but hee made light reckning of her request In the morning earlie before the fight Dowglas issued fourth with certaine troopes of horse-men to discouer the behauiour of the Englishmen and vpon good occasion offred to skirmish with them But the Englishmen so behaued themselues as that the Earle hardly escaped by flight with the losse of fiue hundred of his company The two armies being come within sight one of the other Dauid Graham with a wing of fiue hundred horse gaue a full charge vpon the skert of the English Archers hoping thereby to haue distressed them But he was so sharply repulsed as that loosing many of his troopes hee had much adoe to recouer the maine battaile againe Not-with-standing these two foule foyles they presumed so much vpon their aduantage in number that forth-with they fiercely rushed vpon the Englishmen The fight begun about nine of the clocke and continued till noone at what time God gaue the victory to the Englishmen The Scotish writers attribute the losse of this battaile to the vnaduised retraite of the Earle of March and Robert Steward but where-so-euer the fault was
an exceeding great number of them was slaine Of Noblemen the Earle of Murrey the Earle of Stratherne the Constable Marshall Chamberlaine and Chancellor of Scotland were the principall men Together with King Dauid who fighting most couragiouslie was sore wounded before he would yeeld himselfe were taken prisoners the Earles of Dowglas Fife Southerland Wigton and Menteith This battaile was fought neere Durham at a place called Neuils-crosse on the xvii day of October in the yeare 1346. The English armie following their good fortune forthwith passed into Scotland tooke the Castels of Roxbrough and Hermitage and without resistance ouer-ran the countries of Anuandale Galloway Mers Tiuidale and Ethrike forrest extending their Marches at that time to Cockburne Pethe and 〈◊〉 b●dge King Dauid was shortlie after 〈◊〉 to Calice and presented to the King of England then lying at the siedge thereof who bestowed on Maister Copland that tooke him prisoner with the losse of two of his teeth at a blowe that the King gaue him fiue hundred pounds land by the yeare of inheritance The yeare following Balliol with the Earle of Northumberland made a roade together into Lowthian and Clidsdaile carrying from thence into Galloway a great bootie where Balliol remained a long time after By reason of this great slaughter now of the Scottes as also thorow an out-ragious mortalitie that followed the same by a generall infection of the Pestilence amongst them they were not able of many yeares after to shew them-selues againe in the field Neuerthelesse they ceased not in the m●ane-time vpon priuate quarrels after their vnchristian manner to prosecute one another euen vnto death About this time King Iohn of France vpon the death of Philip his Father did inherite together with his Crowne those troubles which then accompanied the same who to the end hee might thereby keepe the King of England occupied at home for hee was his ouerthwart neighbour in France sent certaine hands of French-men into Scotland vnder the leading of an expert Captaine Sir Edgeny de G●●rntiers of whome the Scottish Nobilitie receiu●● as a present from the King their Maister forty thousand Crownes of the Sunne to bee imployde about the leuying and furnishing of some preperation against England This Gentleman preuailed so much with his faire words and franke promises as that amongst other fauours hee obtained thus much at their hands that they would come to no agreement with England without the allowance of his Maister Immediatly here-vpon while the Englishmen were busily employed in France about the conquest thereof the Scottes together with the ayde of the French-men made some light incursions with-in the English Marches some-what to their aduantage The same yeare viz. 1355. on the sixt of Nouember in the night they priuilie approched the Towne of Berwicke and being come to the walles before they were discouered they raised vp Ladders in such silence as that before day they entred and tooke the Towne but not without the losse of diuerse principall men amongst them namely Thomas Vaus Andrew ●cotte Iohn Gordon William Sienelere Thomas Preston and Alexander Mowbraye Knights Of the English Armie were also slaine Alexander Ogle Captaine of the Towne Thomas ●●rcie Brother to the Earle of Northumberland and Edward Graye But the Castell was so well defended by those with in it as that it did abide the 〈…〉 of ●ing Edward to the succour th●●●bt at whose approach the Scottes knowing themselues vnable to withstand his puissance 〈◊〉 the towne walles set the houses on fire and so b●ake vp the siege which had continued ten weekes making as much hast home as they could The King hauing taken order for the repaire of the towne passed on with his armie to Roubrugh whether Balliol repairing resigned ouer vnto him all his right title and interest vnto the crowne of Scotland for more assurance thereof an instrument was drawne in writing signed sealed and deliuered by him vnto king Edward hearing date the fiue and twentith day of Ianuary This businesse being dispatched the King marcheth forward with his Armie till hee came to Halington burning and spoiling the country as he passed while hee was thus busied by land daily expecting the arriuall of his Nauy such a cruell tempest arose out of the North that manie of his ships perished there-with and 〈…〉 were dispersed in such maner that they could not readily bee brought againe together By this occasion the King could not for want of victualls and other necessaries proceed any further ●● this time in his intended iourney who had purposed how to haue quieted that countrie for many yeares after At his returne hee brought Balliol with him into England thinking that 〈…〉 ●●uld haue beene better appeased thereby Hee was no sooner departed out of Scotland but immediatly some busie spirits began to raise vp new troubles chasing out such as king Edward had left behind him in Galloway and Annandale And yet more to despight him withall the two Dowglasses Earle William and the Lord Archibald carrying ouer with them some three thousand Scottes ioyned with the French King against the Englishmen on that side the sea but they had better haue tarryed at home for at the battaile of Poytiers the yeare following wherein the French King was taken prisoner by the most valiant champion Edward Prince of Wales Andrew Steward Robert Gordone Andrewe Haliburton and Andrew Vaus Knights with diuerse other their countrymen were slaine the Earle escaped but his cousine Archibald was taken prisoner The yeare next following viz. 1357. vpon the conclusion of peace betweene England and France at the earnest entreatie of the Scottish Queene King Edwards sister her husband was set at libertie and the kingdome of Scotland restored vnto him which now rested at the disposition of king Edward hauing good oportunitie vpon this aduantage to haue made himselfe if hee had listed absolute king ouer the whole Iland But I cannot tell what hee would haue done if the Queene his Sister had dyed during her husbands captiuity as she did within ● while after King Dauid gaue for his ransome an hundred thousand markes sterling and daies were appointed for the payment therof Also he couenanted to acomplish certaine Castells bordering vpon England that might proue bad Neighbours vnto it which was performed accordingly Moreouer it seemeth by that which followed that he had also promised King Edward to make him his heire to the Crowne of Scotland beeing now without hope of any issue of his body For about seauen years before his death he propounded such a questiō to his Nobility assembled for that purpose but the king found them so vnwilling to harkē vnto it that he prosecuted the matter no further But I am perswaded if King Edward had not cōceiued some such hope he would not so lightly haue laied of his hands now hauing the prey as it were in his pawes Much kindnes passed betweene these two Kings while they liued togither for the space of twelue years after the remainder of King
Dauids daies For such was the curtisie and friendly behauiour of Edward towa●ds the two captiue Kings of France and Scotland while they remained togither in England as that thereby hee won their loue and fauor foreuer after as appeared by their repaire hither to visit the King and Queene and to recreate and solace themselues in their company And thus it came to passe that their captiuitie here turned more to their owne aduantage and the peaciable enioying of their estats af●er the same then if it had neuer hapned vnto them King Dauid beeing dead without issue of his bodie Robert Steward his Sisters Sonne by the Generall consent of all the estates was crowned King of Scotland in the yeare of our Lord. 1370. Here ended the posterity of Malcolm Cammore in the Masculine line which had continewed two hundred threescore and eighteene yeares and was transferred to an other ancient house of the Scottish Nation which in the beginning of the raigne of this King Malcolm tooke the surname Steward on them vpon the office which their auncestour their bare as before I haue touched and this family hath euer since borne the Crowne of Scotland euen vnto this day The league which was before made with his Vncle the deceased King was now renewed for foureteene yeares But immediatly vpon the Coronation of King Richard the second Sonne to that valiant Prince surnamed Blacke both the Father and grand-father beeing dead in the yeare of our Lord 1377. King Robert was so earnestly labored by Ambassadours out of France to make warre vpon England thereby to purchase vnto King Charles their Maister the more quietnesse at home that forth-with preparation was made to put his 〈◊〉 in execution And first vn●●●● colour ascending reuenge on the English borderers for the death of a seruant of George Earle of Dumbar●● that by occasion of some drunken fraye the yeare before was slaine at Roxbrugh faire the said Earle together with his bro●her the Earle of Murrey gathering a powre came secretly to the towne the next Fayre-day slew all the Englishmen they found thereat carried away their goods and set the towne on fire 〈◊〉 his outragious demeanour of these Scotts Henry Percie Earle of Northumberland entred into Scotland with ten thousand men and tooke sufficient reuenge on the Earle of Marche and others the chiefe authors of the former fact Amongst the rest Sir Iohn Gordon tooke himselfe much iniured by this inuasion who therefore making a road into England got together a great bootie In his returne home-ward he was set vpon by the Englishmen but after a long fight they were finally discomfited and their Captaine Sir Iohn Lylborne with his brother and diuers other were taken prison●●s and carried into Scotland Sir Iohn Gordon was so incouraged here-with as that shortly after he together with Sir Alexander Ramsey and fortie other chosen men fittest to enterprise such a difficultie a●out the latter end of Nouember in the dea●●●●●e of the night being come to Berwicke ●●d ●auing mounted the walles slew the watchmen while they were sleeping and thereby became Maisters of the Castell Sir Robert Boyntone Constable thereof and such as were with him being ouer-few vpon that disaduantage to repulse the enemie were all slaine in their owne defence Not-with-standing they permitted his wife children and some fewe of their seruants to depart on condition that within three weekes after they should eyther send for their ransome three thousand Markes or else yeeld their bodies againe The next morning the Scottes issuing out of the Castell before it was knowne what was hapned brought with them into it a droue of Cattle which were pasturing there-about The Earle of Northumberland being aduertised hereof hasted thither with foure hundred men well appointed by whome the Castell was againe recouered by force within two houres nine dayes after the taking of the same The Scottes were all slaine by the assailiants either in the defence of the Castle or of their persons after they were entred Alexander Ramsey onely excepted whom they reserued by his libertie to redeeme the ransome promised before to the Scottes for the wife and childrē of Captaine Boyntone These things thus passed in the yeare 1378. The pestilence so afflicted the North parts of England all the summer following as that a great part of those countries lay well neere desolate not-with-standing the Scotts ceased not daily to make roades into the land catching vp and carrying away what-so-euer 〈◊〉 into their greedy clawes so as the very heards of swine where-with before they would neuer deale were now accounted a good booty Further the Earle Dowglasse with some twentie thousand Scots entred into Penner on the Faire day sacked the towne and then set it on fire but the people saued them-selues by running away The Scots paide very deare for those commodities For there-with all they carried home with them an infection of the plague whereof in the two years next following so great a number died being spred well nere ouer the whole land as the like was neuer before knowne in Scotland In further reuenge of this out-rage committed at Penner the Englishmen shortly after entred into Scotland ouer Sufway putting all to the sword that made resistance and hauing gotten a great booty together in t●eir returne they lodged in a strait valley neere to the confines of England which aduantage being espied by the Scots that pursued them they suddenly in the night fell vpon them slew a great number and put the rest to flight and so recouered their goods againe while in the meane season the warre continued very hotely by land and sea betweene England and France Iohn Duke of Lancaster the kings Vncle laboured a peace with the Scots which was concluded to indure three ye●●es The truce replied Archibald Dowlasse together with the Earles Dowglasse and Dunbar vnderstanding that the Castell of Lochemaben was vnprouided of men and victuals necessary for the defence thereof so sharplie assailed the same as that the Captaine thereof Sir William Featherstone hauing in the meane ●●●e receiued no ayde out of England as hee expected vpon knowledge giuen to the wardens of the English Marches in what state it stood at the end of eight daies according to composition he surrendred the Castle into their possessiō which incontinently was cast downe flatt to the ground Herevpon the Baron of Graystock with a new supply of men and victuals was appointed to releeue the Castle of Roxbrough least it should be taken vnprouided as the former But the Earle of March hauing gotten knowledge thereof lay priuily in waite for the Englishmen tooke the Baron prisoner and caried him with his charge to Dunbar The Scots about this time tooke also the Castle of Warke and set it on fire King Richard being not a little discontented with this their fortunate proceedings sent the Duke of Lancaster with a great powre into Scotlād hauing now appeased his troubles at home raised by the seditious rebels of Northfolke other
continewed till king Ric●●●d was deposed by his vnkinde cousine Henrie Plantagenet Sonne to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster in the yeare of our Lord 1399. But immediatlie after the coronation of king Henrie the fourth while Sir Thomas Gray Captaine of Warke Castell was at the Parliament certaine Scottes assaulted and tooke it by force but either dispayring to keepe it or not dareing to auowe what they had done the truce still continewing they leaft it defaced and ruinated Howsoeuer they excused this their rough beginning it seemed by that which followed that they had no great respect to the obseruance of peace which had hitherto continewed vnuiolated for the tearme of ten yeares but was shortlie after broken by them againe vpon this occasion George of Dumbar Earle of the Marches of Scotland had betrothed his Daughter to the King his Maisters Sonne and heire the Father not only consenting therevnto but also receauing a good part of the marriage monie This King was named Iohn but because the former two kings of England and France so called had such bad successe hee tooke vpon him the name of Robert The Earle Dowglas taking indignation that any other of that Nation should bee herein preferred before him and complayning that the consent of the States was to much neglected in not beeing made acquainted with a matter of that importance as appertayned therevnto offred a Daughter of his owne with a greater portion Hereof king Robert accepted and forth-with made vp the marriage Dumbar complayning of this wronge demaunded the monie his king had receiued but hee could not receiue so much as a kinde answere of him This double iniury done him by the Dowglas both the losse of his monie and which hee esteemed farre more of the kinges fauour did not a little trouble him Therefore hauing no other meanes to bee hereof reuenged hee leaft both Court and Country and repayring into England complayned himselfe vnto Henrie the Earle of Northumberland of whome he hoped to be relieued In the meane time the Earle Dowglas seized on the Castell of Dunbar in the King his Maisters name which was committed to the custodie of Robert Matland at the Earle of March his departure into England Northumberland aduised him to returne into Scotland and to make tryall if happily some other course might preuaile with his King for the saluing of these his discontentments But comming to Dunbar the Earle Dowglas hauing fortified the Castell would not admit him entrance answering that hee kept it to the vse of the King who had sent him thither to that end The other Earle seeing his greatest enemie so much to triumph ouer him could not brooke it but without making further meanes to the King at whose hands he ought especially to haue fought for remedy hee together with his wife children and allies returned againe into England informing the Earle of Northumberland of all the displeasures done vnto him by his aduersary the Dowglas and withall desired him seeing he could not otherwise preuaile to aide him in the recouerie of his possessions by force sithence by force they were kept against him Herevpon followed some stirres by the rising of the borderers on both sides who ioyning then forces together did the Dowglas all the mischiefe they could King Robert not a little moued here-with did write to king Henry that vnlesse he would deliuer into his hands the fugitiue Earle he would take it for a breach of the truce and proceed against him accordingly What answer soeuer king Henrie made here-vnto it deserued not so bitter a reprehension as wher-with Buchanan doth check him Impudency is a foule fault in a priuate man much more in a Prince I hold him of a very froward temper that in his writings cannot afford a King his good words although they show sometimes dislike of their actions King Robert vpon the returne of his messenger caused open warre to be proclaimed and Sir William Logon a Scottish Knight was forth-with sent to the Sea of purpose to sett on the English fleete that was then fishing on the coast of Scotland about Aberden But hee was incountred with certaine ships of Lin and by them taken prisoner The Fisher-men vnderstanding what was intended against them entring into some of the Iles of Orkney carried away with them whatsoeuer was worth their labour and set the rest on fire King Henry perceiuing what was to be looked for out of Scotland thought it good in the beginning either to draw the Scots to peace or to resist their malice before further mischiefe should insue therof And therfore hauing a great armie hee there-with entred into Scotland about the middest of August being the eleuenth month from his coronation From Hadington he passed to Leeth vsing much clemencie in all places where he came especially to the houses of religion Where-vpon diuers Castels Houlds willingly submitted themselues vnto him Comming to Edenbrough he besiedged the Castle Hither Robert Duke of Albanie gouernour of Scotland vnder the King his brother who by reason of his impotencie could not trauell in his person sent an Harald of Armes vnto king Henry promising to giue him battaile within sixe dayes at the furthest if hee would stay so long The King accepting the offer gaue the messenger for his good newes a chaine of gold and a Sattin gowne at his departure But neither at the end of sixe or sixteene dayes heard he any more of the Gouernours comming The Scottish writers attribute this dishonorable dealing to the Dukes ambition whom it would not haue troubled though the Castle had beene taken together with the young Prince of Scotland in the same that thereby hee might haue beene in so much the more hope of the crowne him-selfe after which it was thought he greatly thirsted But on the other side they highly extoll the singular moderation of King Henry who by this his gentle inuasion seemed rather desirous to allure them to peace then to afflict them with the calamities alwayes accompaning warre Winter approaching the King brake vp the siedge and returned home without any shew of resistance greatly to the Gouernours reproach neither shewing him-selfe desirous of warre nor willing to offer conditions of peace how apparent tokens soeuer was showed by king Henry of his readinesse to haue accepted thereof After some little harme done the next Summer by the borderers on both sides Patrike Hepburne with some greater powre entred further into England and hauing gotten a good bootie and therwithall returning home-wards hee was ouer-taken by the Englishmen at Nesbet in the Meirs where their Captaine together with the greater number of his people well neere the very flowre of all the Lothian youth were beaten downe and slaine in fight Amongst those that were taken prisoners Iohn and William Cockburne Robert Lawder Iohn and Thomas Haliburton were the men of best account This ouer-throw was giuen the Scottes on the xxii day of Iune in the yeare 1401. The Earle Archibald Dowglas sonne to the other
left to succeed him his onely child Prince Henry about as many months old as his father had raigned yeares Whose infancie was neuerthelesse mightily supported by the notable valiancie and policie of his two Vncles Humfrey Duke of Glocester and Iohn Duke of Bedford to the one was committed the protectiō of his person and kingdome to the other the managing of the warre continued in France The death of the two kings comming together within two months one after the other caused much alteration in the state wherein that nation presently stood For thervpon a great number of the French nobility who before had taken part with the Englishmē began to reuolt to Charles the Dolphine The Scotts also became now more ready to assist him then before thorow the hope they had of present aduancement which thing within two yeares after cost many of their liues first at the siege of Crauant in the County of Auxerre and in the yere following at the bloudy battaile of Vernoile fought on the 20. of August in the yeare 1424. At the former conflict besides 1800. Gentlemen of the French nation there were slaine of the Scots their partakers the Lord of Saint Iohns towne Sir Iohn of Bulgary S. Iohn Turnbull S. Iohn Haliburton Sir Robert Lisley S. William Coningham Sir William Dowglas Sir Alexander Hume S. William Lisly Sir Iohn Rotherford S. William Crayford S. Thomas Seaton S. Williā Hamilton his son Iohn Pillot the Earle Buchquhan maister of the French chiualry who in the sight lost his eie was takē prisoner But at the battaile of Vernoile of the Scottes were slaine Archibald Earle Dowglas lately created by the Dolphine Duke of Turaine Iames Dowglas his Sonne Earle of Wigton Iohn Earle of Bowghen who as it seemeth had either escaped before out of the Englishmens hands or else had r●●●eemed his liberty besides men of speciall note aboue two thousand In the meane time thorough dissention that arose betweene Mordo then the gouernour of Scotland after the decease of the Duke of Albaine his Father and his vnrulie Sonnes certaine Ambassadours were sent from thence into England to treate for the deliuery of Prince Iames of Scotland This young Gentleman was then greatlie inamored ouer a beautifull Ladie Sister to Iohn Duke of Somerset Neece to the Cardinall of Winchester and to the Duke of Excester and neere cousine to the yong King himselfe it was hoped that thorowe the alliance hee should haue in England by this marriage and the manifold fauours following the same the Prince should haue beene wonne to a perpetuall amity with this Realme which had beene now vnto him for the tearme of fifteene yeares a verie Sanctuarie for the safety of his person and an Academie for the instruction of his minde and vnderstanding The Lord protector and the Nobilitie of the Land were heereby mooued not onely vpon verie reasonable conditions to set him at liberty but also to yeeld him the fruition of her loue which happily the Prince preferred or at the least equally ballanced with the same Before his departure into Scotland hee did homage to the young king of England at Windsor Castell in the presence of three Dukes the two Archbishops twelue Earles ten Bishops twenty Barons and two hundred Knights and Gentlemen in these words viz. I Iames Steward King of Scots shall be true and faithfull to you Lord Henry by the grace of God King of England and to you I make my fidelity for the same kingdome of Scotland which I hold and claime of you And I shall beare you my faith and fidelitie of life and limme and worldly honour against all men And faithfully I shall doe to you seruice for the kingdome of Scotland So God me helpe c. This done King Iames with his Queene were honorably attended and accompanied into Scotland in the yeare of grace 1423. But not-with-standing this his solemne oath his princely education here and all the fauours hee had receiued both at his departure and during his captiuitie if it may be so tearmed whether it proceeded from a bad disposition in himselfe or as I rather take it from the malice of his Nobilitie who for the more part were French in affection this Prince of all other shewed least thankfulnesse for hauing forgotten the former courtesies hee entred into matrimoniall alliance with France then at defiance with that his late affinitie with England being euen then as it were most nearlie naturalized by his issue in bloud and kindred there-vnto Buchanan doth greatly labour his wittes there-with to wash out this blemish in the middest of the splendor and brightnesse of his manifold graces But sithence hee faileth as I take it in the very foundation of that his Apologie the frame which hee would thereon build must of necessitie fall to the ground For hee taketh it already granted that the king of England did both violate his owne faith and the lawes of all Nations by detaining the Prince as his lawfull prisoner vpon his arriuall here on the coast But it is apparant enough as before I haue shewed that either there was no truce at all betweene the two nations at that instant or if there were the same was notoriouslie broken by the Scottes in ioyning those their so great forces with the knowne enimies of this realme against their lawfull Soueraigne so farre within his owne kingdome Admit all that was done without the priuitie of the King him-selfe But how-so-euer the good aged man might iustly pleade his innocencie herein bearing as then the bare title of King how can the State bee excused against whose knowledge an enterprice of that importance could not possibly haue beene attempted if there were any hard measure offered herein by king Henrie neuerthelesse the same was so fully acquited by the inestimable benefit of his pretious education for as Buchanan himselfe reporteth thereof Tanta ingenij celeritas vigor in eo fuisse dicitur vt nullam homine ingenuo dignum artem ignorabat that truly such a captiuitie should neuer haue moued him to haue falne out with England vpon the mariage of the Lady Margaret the Scottish kings Daughter with Lewis the Dolphine some sturres arose betweene the Englishmen and the Scottes with equall losse on both sides but not of much reckoning King Iames neuer-the-lesse being there-with prouoked assembled a great powre and besieged the Castle of Roxbrough from whence he was remoued by the repaire of the Queene his wife thither that informed him of a very dangerous conspiracie against his owne person how-be-it shortly after his returne into Scotland hee was wickedly murthered by his subiects in the yeare 1436. leauing behind him a neuer dying memory of many royall vertues The young Prince his sonne Iames the second about seauen yeares olde at his fathers death hauing raigned aboue twentie yeares was slaine by misfortune at the siege of the same Castle where the King his Father had knowledge first giuen him of the plotte of his finall destruction In