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england_n john_n king_n scotland_n 10,269 5 8.9956 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B12853 By the King. A proclamation for the due making and sizing of bricke. England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1622 (1622) STC 8693; Interim Tract Supplement Guide 506.h.12[503]; ESTC S123813 3,082 3

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DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE ❧ By the King ¶ A Proclamation for the due making and sizing of Bricke THE Kings most Excellent Maiesty shortly after His first happy entrance into this kingdome taking into His Royall consideration the great decay and consumption of Timber and the necessity of preseruation thereof for most necessary vses and especially for the shipping and Nauy of this Realme an especiall part of the defence and safety of the same and that in the very City of London being the principall City of this kingdome and His Maiesties Royall Chamber whereunto not only the Noblemen and Gentry of this Realme but also the States Ambassadours and others of forren Nations doe continually resort for want of sufficient Timber they were dayly driuen to build with Beech and other like kinde of Timber of small continuance which in time if the same were not preuented would turne to the perill and decay of the same City did propose vnto himselfe and resolue of a course of building with Bricke in and neere the sayd City of London foreseeing the good euent that would ensue thereupon And to that purpose sithence hath published diuers Proclamations and granted diuers Commissions to some of the Lords of His Priuie Counsell and others by time and experience found necessary for the better ordering and effecting that so worthy a worke whose care and endeuour in the execution of those Proclamations and Commissions His Maiestie doth graciously accept and highly commend And whereas His Maiestie from time to time remayning constant to his former resolution hath now found apparant and manifest what himselfe preiudged that the materials of Bricke are of farre better vse then those of Timber for such of His Subiects as haue occasion to build in or neere the sayd City of London and tendeth not onely to the preseruation of the sayd City and places adioyning from diuers inconueniences and mischiefes which might happen by reason of building the walles and forefronts of houses there with Timber but also to the beautifying and adorning the same City and places adiacent to the honour beauty and lustre thereof which for this small time of proceeding with Bricke is greatly applauded and approoued aswell by Ambassadours of forren Nations as others His Maiestie doth therefore heereby encourage his sayd Commissioners and require them as they haue begun with care and endeuour so to continue their vigilancy ouer this so good a worke and from time to time to put in execution His Maiesties gracious and Princely commandements therein and to chastise and reforme all those that are or shall be contemptuous or disobedient to the same And now His Maiesty finding that the goodnesse of the worke it selfe hath ouercome all opposition all men of quality and worth most readily and willingly proceeding therin His Maiestie to comfort and encourage them in such their conformity is most desirous to prouide that His Subiects which shall haue cause to build be not by any sinister practise or for any priuate respect wronged or ●●●iudiced either by making of the sayd materiall of Bricke insufficient or by enhansing or raysing of the prices thereof being of necessity to be vsed the sayd materials of Brickes hauing beene of late yeeres by the vndue courses of the Brickmakers very slightly insufficiently and ill made the earth being neither digged nor cast vp in seasonable times nor well wrought neither the Brickes moulded dried and burned as they ought to be For preuention whereof His Maiestie hauing vpon deliberate consideration and aduice of men of iudgement experience and worth for the generall good of His Subiects that shall be occasioned to build with Bricke caused these ensuing Instructions and Directions to be deuised as rules to be obserued in the true making and sale of Brickes Hath thought it necessary to publish the same to His louing Subiects and doth heereby straitly charge and command that no person or persons after the last day of this present moneth of Nouember doe make or cause to be made within fiue miles of any the gates of the sayd City of London or bring or conuey or cause to be brought or conueyed either by water or by land vnto the sayd City of London or any place or places within fiue miles of the gates of the same City or vtter sell or put to sale within the sayd City or in any place or places within fiue miles thereof as aforesayd to any person or persons whatsoeuer at any time or times heereafter any Brickes made contrary to the true meaning of these His Maiesties Directions or at any higher price or rate then is heerin after mentioned vpon paine of His Maiesties indignation and displeasure and the seuerest censure of his Court of Starre chamber and such further paines and punishments as by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme may bee inflicted vpon them for their offences and contempt First that the earth whereof the Brickes shall bee made bee good and fit for that purpose The first digging thereof to be betweene the feasts of S. Michael the Arch-angell and S. Thomas the Apostle And the second digging turning or casting vp of the sayd earth to be at or before the last day of February ensuing And that no person whatsoeuer doe presume to digge or make any Bricke in any place within one mile of the Gates of the sayd City of London from and after the last day of this present moneth of Nouember Item that the sayd earth bee sufficiently and well wrought and tempered before it bee moulded Item that the Brickemakers mould or cause to be moulded no earth for Bricke but onely betweene the feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary and the last day of August yeerely and at no other time or season Item that in the moulding of the sayd Brickes the mouldes bee throughly and well filled and not set in the moulds in the laying downe and that they bee sufficiently and well dried before they bee burned and then carefully and throughly burned Item that for the Assize euery Bricke being burned conteine in length nine inches in breadth fowre inches one quarter and halfe a quarter of an inch and in thicknesse two inches and one quarter of an inch Item that for the price they sell not their Brickes aboue the rate of eight shillings the thousand at the Kill being made and wrought in goodnesse and manner as aforesayd And to the end his Maiesties care of this so vsefull and necessary a materiall should take effect His Highnesse will and pleasure is and His Maiestie doth heereby command That the Commissioners for buildings doe appoint either the Master and Wardens of the Company of Bricklayers of the sayd City of London for the time being or such other trusty persons of skill and experience as shall be by the sayd Commissioners thought fit from time to time to make search and enquiry in all places within the City of London and all other places within fiue miles of the Gates of the sayd City aswell of the due obseruation of the Articles aforesayd as of the prices heereby limited And that where they shall finde any breach of any of these his Maiesties Directions That they from time to time make knowne the same to his Maiesties Commissioners for building for the time being with the names of the parties offending whom We also heereby require and authorise thereupon to take due examination aswell of any neglect or contempt which shall be vsed by the sayd Bricklayers by conniuency or otherwise as of the offences and contempts to be committed by the Brickemakers or others making carrying bringing or vttering any Brickes contrary to the true intent of the Directions aforesayd and the same together with the names of the offendours from time to time to certifie to His Maiesties Atturney Generall for the time being to be proceeded against in the sayd high Court of Starre-Chamber as wilfull contemners of this his Maiesties pleasure and commandement And where any neglect or contempt of this His Maiesties commandement shall bee found in places more remote His Maiestie doeth heereby authorise and require His Iustices of Peace within their seuerall limits and diuisions and euery of them to take due examination and notice of any offences and offendours contrary to the true meaning of these His Maiesties Directions as aforesayd and to make knowne the same to His Maiesties sayd Commissioners for Buildings and they to make further certificate vnto His Maiesties sayd Atturney Generall to be prosecuted in manner aforesayd whom Wee heereby command to sue and prosecute such offendours accordingly Giuen at Our Court at Theobalds the seuenth day of Nouember in the yeere of Our Reigne of England France and Ireland the twentieth and of Scotland the sixe and fiftieth God saue the King ¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie M.DC.XXII