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A01811 Annales of England Containing the reignes of Henry the Eighth. Edward the Sixt. Queene Mary. Written in Latin by the Right Honorable and Right Reverend Father in God, Francis Lord Bishop of Hereford. Thus Englished, corrected and inlarged with the author's consent, by Morgan Godwyn.; Rerum Anglicarum Henrico VIII, Edwardo VI, et Maria regnantibus annales. English Godwin, Francis, 1562-1633.; Godwin, Morgan, 1602 or 3-1645. 1630 (1630) STC 11947; ESTC S106901 197,682 360

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greatest note that accompanied him were richly rewarded and all being dismissed with many thankes safely returned home In their absence MARGARET Duchesse of Sauoy who was Daughter to the Emperour MAXIMILIAN and Gouernesse of the Netherlands vnder CHARLES the Infant of Spaine preuailed with our King for the like number of Archers shee hauing then wars with the Duke of Gueldres against whom she meant to imploy them These men in the space of fiue moneths did many braue exploits at Brimnost Aske and Venloo vnder the command of Sir EDWARD PO●NINGS a braue Souldier and in great fauour with his Prince Of them fourteene hundred returned home much commended and well rewarded the fortune of warre had cut off one hundred Foure Captaines in regard of their valour were Knighted by the Infant CHARLES afterwardes Emperour viz. IOHN NORTON IOHN FOG IOHN SCOT and THOMAS LYND The King of Scots had then warre with the Portugall vnder pretext whereof one ANDREW BARTON a famous Pirat tooke all ships that coasted either England or Scotland affirming them alwayes to bee Portugals of what Nation soeuer they were or at least fraught with Portugall marchandise The King sent EDWARD HOWARD Lord Admirall of England and his brother the Lord THOMAS HOWARD eldest sonne to the Earle of Surrey with one IOHN HOPTON to take this Rouer When they had once found him out after a long and bloudie fight they tooke him aliue but mortally wounded with his two ships and all his companions that survived the fight and brought them to London Anno Dom. 1512. Reg. 4. AS yet our HENRY had no warre with any forraine Prince neither did the wiser sort wish that he should haue any But hee a young King in the heat of one and twentie yeares was transported with a vehement desire of warre which saith the Prouerbe is sweet to them that neuer tasted of it Although he had about a yeare or two before made a League with LEWIS the Twelfe of France yet hee was easily entreated by Pope IVLIVS ●o renounce this Confederacie This Pope more like to that CAESAR whose Name hee bare the PETER from whom he would faine deriue his Succession that like another NERO sitting still hee might from on high be a spectator while the whole world was on fire had written Letters to our King wherein hee entreated his assistance towards the suppression of the French who without feare of God or man these were the pretended causes had not only sacrilegiously laid hold on the reuenues of the Church had caused Cardinall WILLIAM to vsurpe the Papacie had vpheld ALFONSO of Ferara and the Bentivogli in rebellion against him but had also farther decreed to make Italy the Theater of his tyrannie Wherefore he coniured him by the Loue of our Sa●ionr by the Pietie of his Ancestors whose aides were neuer wanting when the Church stood in need and by the fast tie of Filiall Obedience that hee would enter into the Holy League of the Estates of Italy who had made choice of him for their Generall Iealousie and Reuerence to the Sea of Rome so prevailed with Him that hee easily condiscended to the Popes request Yet that he might some way colour his action hee would needs interpose himselfe as Vmpier betweene the Pope and the French whom by his Embassadours hee entreates to lay aside armes withall not obscurely threatning that if he did not so he intended to vndertake the defence of the Pope against him the common disturber of the peace of Christendome The French set light by this Wherefore warre is proclaimed by a Herald the French King commanded to part with the Kingdome of France and the Duchies of Normandie and Aquitaine which hee without right vniustly vsurped Then entring into League with MAXIMILIAN the Emperour the Arragonois and the Pope they consult of assaulting the French with ioint forces The Arragonois invites vs into Spaine that thence we might invade France promising besides certaine troupes of Horse store of Artillery Waggons for carriage Munition and many other things necessary for such an Expedition Our King relying on his Father in law his promises levies a great Armie whereof he ships onepart for Spaine and employes the other by Sea EDWARD HOWARD Lord Admirall had charge of the Sea forces who fought with the French Fleet in the Bay of Bretatgne In which fight there was no memorable thing done besides the combate of the two great ships the one having seven hundred English in it vnder the command of Sir THOMAS KNEVET the other nine hundred French vnder PRIMAVGET a Briton These ships being both fast grapled after a long fight fell both on fire and were vtterly consumed not a man being saved of whom it might bee learned whether this fire happened by chance or were purposely kindled by a forced despaire Our other Army vnder the command of the Lord THOMAS GRAY Marquis of Dorset amongst ten thousand tall English souldiers had fiue hundred Germanes vnder one GVINT a Flemming This Armie landed in Biscay where they spent some moneths in expectation of due performances from the Arragonois who feeding them with promises only tempered the heat of our men who were very eager vpon the march for France It hapned that GASTON of Foix Competitor for the Kingdome with IOHN King of Navarre died about the same time The Navarro●s had promised FERD●NAND some aides toward this warre But now fearing no Competitor hee whether out of inconstancie or that he thought his affaires so required secretly by his Agents makes a League with the French Vpon this FERDINAND turnes his Armes vpon the Navarrois and straines all his strings to draw our men to the same attempt but the Marquis of Dorset pleaded his Commission beyond which hee could not with safetie proceed The Navarrois was vtterly vnprouided and the Nobilitie so divided into the factions of the Egremonts and the Beaumonts that he could doe nothing It was bruited that two mighty Kings came against him with no lesse forces what should hee doe to hope from France were vaine the French were too farre off and deeply engaged in other warres At the approach of the Spantard hee quits his Kingdome and with his Wife and Children flying over the Pyrenean mountaines makes Bea●ne his receptacle FERDINAND having thus gotten a new Kingdome casts off all farther thought of ●rance onely intending the confirmation of his conquest to which end hee intreates of HENRY the helpe of our forces raised for France and prevailes but to no purpose For the English having their bodies inflamed with the intolerable heate of a strange climate and the drinking of strong wines drop● downe every where insomuch that we lost about a thousand some say of eighteene hundred men in an instant Wherefore impatient of farther delay they force their Commanders to set saile homeward The King was mightily enraged at their returne insomuch that hee once thought to haue punished them for their obstinacie but the multitude of Delinquents proved a
MAGDALEN Colledge and afterward became Master of the free Schoole thereto belonging Among other schollers the sonnes of the Marquis of Dorset were committed to his trust and for his care ouer them the Pa●sonage of Limington in Somersetshire no verie meane one was bestowed on him As soone as he had set footing there he was very disgracefully entertained by Sir AMIAS POWLET who clap't him in the stockes a punishment not vsually inflicted vpon any but beggars and base people What the matter was that so exasperated him against WOLSEY a man not of least account I know not This I know that WOLSEY beeing afterward made Cardinall and Lord Chancellor of England so grieuously punished this iniurie that Sir AMIAS POWLET was faine to dance attendance at London some yeares and by all manner of obsequiousnesse to currie fauour with him There remaines to this day a sufficient testimonie her of in a building ouer the gate of the middle Temple in London built by the Knight at the time of his attendance there decked round about very sumptuously with the Cardinalls Armes hoping thereby somewhat to alay the wrath of the incensed Prelate But these things were long after this yere WOLSEY whether that hee could not brooke this disgrace or bearing a minde that look't beyond this poore Benefice left it and became domestique Chaplaine to Sir IOHN NAFANT Treasurer of Calais by whose meanes hee was taken notice of by FOX Bishop of Winchester a man that knew rightly how to iudge of good wits He finding this young man to be verie ●prightfull of learning sufficient and verie actiue in dispatch of affaires so highly commended him to king HENRY the Seuenth who relied much vpon FOXES faith and wisedome that hee thought it good forthwith to imploy him in affaires of great moment What need many words he so far pleased the King that in short time he became a great man and was first prefer'd to the Deanrie of Lincolne and then made the Kings Almoner But HENRY the Eighth a young Prince comming to the Crowne was wholly taken with his smooth tongue and pliable behauiour For when all the rest of his friends aduised Him to sit euerie day in person at the Counsell Table that so by experience and daily practise He might reape wisedome and to accustome Himselfe to the managing of affaires of Estate WOLSEY aduised Him to follow His pleasures saying That His youth would not be able to brooke their tedious Consultations euerie Age of man had its Seasons and Delights agreeable They did not do well that would force the King to act an Old Man before His time Youth being vtterly auerse from wrinckled S●ueritie It would come to passe hereafter if God were so pleased that what was now troublesome to him would not be disagreeable to riper Yeares nay prooue perhaps a great pleasure Vntill that time came He should enioy the present and not by hearkening to others needlesse persuasions any way interrupt the course of that felicitie which the largenesse of His Dominions would easily affoord Him He should hawke and hunt and as much as Him list vse honest recreations If so bee Hee did at any time desire suddenly to become an Old Man by intermedling with Old Mens Cares He should not want those meaning himselfe that would in the euening in one or two wordes relate vnto Him the effect of a whole daies Consultation This speech hitting so pat with the Kings humour made WOLSEY so powerfull that whereas the King before fauored him as much as any other he onely was now in fauour with and next the King with whon e there was nothing to bee done but by him For he was the man that was made choice of who like another MERCVRY should passe betweene this our IOVE and the Senate of the lesser Gods offering their petitions to Him and to them returning his pleasure therein Wherefore he was euen at the first sworne of the Priuie Counsell and besides the late collation of Tournay vpon the death of SMITH he was also made Bishop of Lincolne In the gouernement of which Church he had not fully spent six moneths before he was translated from Lincolne to the Archbishopricke of Yorke then vacant by the death of Cardinall BAMBRIDGE at Rome Shortly after that I may at once shew all his honors WILLIAM WARHAM Archbishop of Cater●urie leauing the place he was by the King made Lord Chancellor of England and by the Pope Legate a latere Yet he stayed not there but as if the Archb shopricke of Yorke and the Chancellorship of England had not beene sufficient to maintaine the port of a Cardinall besides many other l●uings he procured of the King the Abbey of Saint Albanes and the Bishopricke of Bath and Wells And not content with these leauing Bath and Wells he addeth the Bishopricke of Durham to that of Yorke and then leauing Durham●eazeth ●eazeth on Winchester at that time of greatest reuenue of any Bishopricke in England You now see WOLSEY in his height rich his Princes Fauourite and from the bottom raised to the top o● Fortunes wheele What became of him afterward you shall know hereafter Anno Dom. 1515. Reg. 7. THe League lately made with LEWIS the French King was confirmed by FRANCIS his Successor and published by Proclamation in London the ninth day of Aprill Anno Dom. 1516. Reg. 8. BVt the French King hauing taken into his protection the young King of Scots sent IOHN STVART Duke of Albanie in Scotland to be Gouernour both of the kings Person and kingdome The first thing this Duke vndertook was either to put to death or banish those whom he any way suspected to fauor the English Insomuch that the Queene Dowager who by this time was matried to ARCHIBALD DOVGLIS Earle of Aagus forced to saue herselfe by flight came into England to her Brother with whom she stayed at London a whole yeare the Earle her husband after a moneth or two without leaue returning into Scotland King HENRY being displeased at these French practises deales vnderhand with the Emperour MAXIMILIAN with whome the French then contended for the Dutchie of Milane and lends him a great summe of money whereby he might hire the Suis●es to aid him in the expelling the French out of Italie But the Emperour although he had leuied a sufficient Armie returned home without doing any thing He was indeed accompted a wise Prince but vnhappy in the managing of his affaires whether it were that Fortune waiwardly opposed him or that he was naturally slow in the execution of his wel plotted designes But shortly after hee intendes a second triall of his Fortune Wherefore by his Embassadour the Cardinall of Suisserland hee yet borowe● more mony of the King which was deliuered to certaine Merchants of Genua to bee by a set day payed to the Emperour in Italie But they whether corrupted by the French or not of sufficient abilitie to make returne deceiued him and so his second designes vanished also into
the night in the morning hearing the Kings forces to approach most of them slipt away onely some thr●e hundred remained whereof eleuen were women and being apprehended supplied their places whom theybefore had freed They were all arraigned onely thirteene designed for death whereof nine suffered on diuers gibbets purposely erected in diuers parts of the Citie LINCOLNE SHERWIN and two brethren named BETS Chiefetaines in this sedition were carried to Cheapside where LINCOLNE was deseruedly hanged The Executioner readie to turne off another was preuented by the Kings gracious Pardon The minde of man beeing prone to pittie wee may imagine that others were well pleased at the newes but certainely the condemned had cause to reioice The Queenes of England the two Dowagers of of France and Scotland both of them the Kings Sisters and then at Court became incessant Petitioners to his Maiestie and that on their knees in the behalfe of these condemned persons and at length WOLSEY consenting by whome the King was wholly swayed their Petitions were graunted to them and to the poore men their liues This was the last scene of this tragicall tumult the like whereof this well gouerned Citie had not knowne in manie ages For the Lawes verie well prouided in that case do vnder a great penaltie forbid Assemblies especially of armed men if not warranted by publicke Authoritie In August and September the sweating sicknesse termed beyond Sea Sudor Anglicus or the English sweat began a disease vtterly vnknowne to former ages Of the common sort they were numberlesse that perished by it Of the Nobilitie the Lords CLINTON and GREY of Wilton The symptomes and cure you may finde in Polydore Virgill in Anno. 1. HENR 7. who as confidently as I beleeue truely maintaines That this disease was neuer till then knowne to bee much lesse to bee mortall As if there were a concatenation of euills one euill seldome commeth alone A Pestilence succeeded this former mortalitie and so raged the whole Winter season in most parts of the Realme that the King for feare of infection attended by a few was faine euery day to remoue his Court from one place to another The eleuenth of Februarie was borne the Ladie MARY afterwards Queene of England Anno Dom. 1518. Reg. 10. THe Peace so long treated of betweene vs and the French was now in September at length concluded on these Conditions That the DAVLPHIN should marrie the Ladie MARIE the Kings only Ch●lde and not yet two yeares old That Tournay should bee restored to the French That the French should pay King HENRY foure hundred thousand Crownes viz. two hundred thousand for his charge in building the Cittadell for the Artillerie Powder and Munit on which hee should leaue there and other two hundred thousand crownes partly for the expence of that warre wherein the Citie was taken and partly in regard of other Pensions that were due vnto him For the paiment of which summes the French gaue eight hostages so saith BELLAY But our Writers speake of a farre different summe viz. Six hundred thousand crownes for the Citie and foure hundred thousand crownes for the Cittadell besides three and twenty thousand pounds Tournois which the City of Tournay ought the King and an annual Pension of a thousand Markes assigned to Cardinall WOLSEY for renouncing all claime and title to the Bishopricke of Tournay For the confirmation of these Articles the Earle of Worcester and the Bishop of Ely with some others were sent into France where both by the King and Princes of the Realme they were magnificently entertained Anno Dom. 1519. Reg. 11. THis yeare on the twelfth of Ianuarie in the three and sixtie yere of his age died the Emperor MAXIMILIAN hauing to preuent a disease to which hee thought himselfe inclining vnseasonably taken a Medicine of vncertaine opperation His death bred an equall desire in the mindes of two great Princes who became Competitours for the Empire FRANCIS King of France and CHARLES King of Spaine But CHARLES although King of Spaine yet being by birth borne at Gand and discent a German at the age of nineteene yeares was chosen Emperour of Germanie with the full consent and sufferages of all the Princes Electors This Election how euer other slight matters were pretended was vndoubtedly the cause of the ensuing dreadfull war betweene these Princes The French King taking this repulse impatiently meditates nothing but reuenge And that his designes might no way be crossed by vs he labors amain for the confirmation of the peace lately agreed vpon betweene HENRY and him Therefore by the Admirall BONIVET he deales with WOLSEY that at an enteruiew betweene the two Kings the League might be ratified To this end HENRY intends to come to Guisnes FRANCIS to Ardres and a conuenient place betweene both is made choice of for their enteruiew Anno Dom. 1520. Reg. 12. HEreupon the King setting forward towards France by easy iourneis comes to Canterbury intending there to keepe his Whitsontide The next day after being the twenty sixth of May the new created Emperor CHARLES the fifth in his return from Spaine arriues at Douer distant twelue miles from Canterbury The King gladly entertaines the newes and although it were midnight takes horse and within little more than an houre comes by torch light to Douer Castle where the Emperour lay who seaweary was then asleepe But being certified of the Kings arriuall hee suddenly apparelled himselfe and met the King at the top of the staires They embraced and saluted one another they long conferred together and the next morning beeing Whitsonday they rode together to Canterburie the Emperour alway keeping the right hand and the Earle of Derby bearing the Sword before them both Canterburie is a Citie more famous for antiquitie than for moderne beauty To let passe that it was aboue a thousand yeares since made an Archiepiscopall Sea our Chronicles do sufficiently testify that both in respect of priuate mens faire houses and the magnificent structure of it's Churches it antiently excelled the brauest cities of England But within these few yeares it hath lost so much of it's greatnesse and beautie that a man shall finde little of Canterburie beside the name Why it should so much in so short space decay many reasons may be alledged As the vicinity of London which swelling like the spleene suckes both bloud and moisture from all the other languishing Cities of the Kingdome Likewise the subuersion of Saint AVGVSTINES Monasterie the losse of Calais and the pulling downe of Archbishop BECKET his Shrine things which occasioned a great concourse of people and did by their losse and ouerthrow much impaire this Cities splendor One only Ornament therof suruiues which is the Cathedrall and Metropoliticall Church with such a Maiesty piercing the skies saith ERASMVS that it a far off fills the beholder with deuout amazement This Church being at first dedicated to our Sauiour CHRIST a few ages past degenerated into the nickname of S. THOMAS
Gentlemen of the Kings Priuy Chamber and MARKE SVETON a Musitian either as Partakers or accessory were to run the same fortune The King greatly favoured NORRIS and is reported to be much grieved that he was to dy with the rest Whereupon he offered pardon to him conditionally that he would confesse that whereof hee was accused But hee answered resolutely and as it became the progenitor of so many valiant Heroes That in his conscience he thought her guiltlesse of the obiected crime but whether she were or no he could not accuse her of any thing and that he had rather vndergo a thousand deaths then betray the Innocent Vpon relation whereof the King cryed out Hang him vp then Hang him vp then Which notwithstanding was not accordingly executed For on the thirteenth of May two dayes after his condemnation all of them viz. the Viscont Rochfort NORRIS BRIERTON and SVETON were beheaded at Tower hill NORRIS left a sonne called also HENRY whom Queene ELIZABETH in contemplation of his Fathers deserts created Baron of Ricot This Lord NORRIS was father to those great Captaines WILLIAM IOHN THOMAS and EDWARD in our dayes so famous throughout Christendome for their braue exploits in England France Irland and the Netherlands On the nineteenth of May the Queene was brought to the place of execution in the greene within the Tower some of the Nobility and Companies of the City being admitted rather to be witnesses than spectators of her death To whom the Queene hauing ascended the scaffold spake in this manner Friends and good Christian people J am here in your presence to suffer death whereto J acknowledge my selfe adiudged by the Lawes how iustly J will not say for I intend not an accusation of any one J beseech the Almighty to preserue his Mai●sty long to raigne ouer you a more gentle or milde Prince neuer swayed Scepter his bounty and clemency towards me I am sure hath beene especiall If any one intend an inquisitiue survey of my actions J intreat him to iudge favourably of me and not rashly to admit of any hard censorious conceit And so I bid the world farewell beseeching you to commend mee in your Prayers to God To thee O Lord do J commend my Soule Then kneeling downe shee incessantly repeated these words CHRIST haue mercy on my soule Lord IESVS receive my soule vntill the Executioner of Ca●ais at one blow smote off her head with a sword Had any one three yeares before at what time the King so hot in the pursuit of his loue preferred the enioying of this Lady beyond his Friends his Estate his Health Safeguard and his onely Daughter prophetically foretold the vnhappy fate of this Princesse he should haue beene beleeued with CASSANDRA But much more incredible may all wise men thinke the vnheard of crime for which shee was condemned viz. That fearing least her Daughter the Lady ELIZATETH borne while CATHARINE survived should bee accompted illegitimate in hope of other especially masle Issue whereof shee despaired by the King now neere fifty yeares old shee had lasciviously vsed the company of certaine young Courtiers nay not therewith content had committed incest with her owne Brother A strange ingratitude in one raised from so low degree euen to the height of honour I will not derogate from the Authority of publique Records But an Act of Parliament against her shall not worke on my beliefe Surely it carried so little shew of probability with foraine Princes that they alwaies deemed it an act of inhumane cruelty Especially the Estates of Germany Confederates for the defence of the Reformed Religion who having often treated with FOX Bishop of Hereford and other Embassadours had decreed to make HENRY Head of their League and had designed an Embassy by IOHN STVRMIVS who should haue brought with him into England those excellent Divines PHILIP MELANCTHON and MARTIN BVCER with one GEORGE DRACO who should endeavour that and the Reformation of our Church But having heard of the lamentable and vnworthy as they iudged it end of the Queene loathing the King for his inconstancy and cruelty they cast off all farther thought of that matter I will not presume to discusse the truth of their opinion But freely to speake what I my selfe thinke There are two reasons which sway much with mee in the behalfe of the Queene That her Daughter the Lady ELIZABETH was seated in the Royall Throne where shee for so many yeares ruled so happily and triumphantly What shall we thinke but that the Divine Goodnesse was pleased to recompence the iust calamity of the Mother in the glorious prosperity of the Daughter And then consider but the Kings precipitated Nuptialls the very next day after the death of his former Wife yet scarce interred and with whose warme bloud his imbrued hands yet reaked consider this I say and you shall easily be persuaded with mee that the insatiable Prince glutted with the satiety of one and out of the desire of variety seeking to enioy another did more willingly giue eare to the treacherous calumnies of the malicious Popelings than either befitted an vpright Iudge or a louing husband For it seemeth wonderfull strange to mee that either the fault of the one or the pleasing conditions and faire language of the other Wife should so far possesse the King as that hee should procure his daughter ELIZABETH to be by Act of Parliament declared illegitimate the matrimony contracted with both the former Queenes CATHARINE and ANNE to be pronounced invalid and the Crowne to be perpetually established on the posterity of the third wife or if the King had no Issue by her that then it should bee lawfull for him by Will and Testament to transfer it on whome hee pleased Parliaments were not then so rigid but that they could flatter the Prince and condescend to his demands though vniust even in cases which most neerely concerned the publique Weale But servile Feare is oft times more ready then Loue which slowly moves by apprehension of Good as the other is quickely forced by the apprehension of Danger On the twentieth of May the King married IANE SEIMOVR Daughter of Sir IOHN SEIMOVR who on the nine and twentieth of May being Whitsonday clad in royall habiliments was openly shewed as Queene So that the Court of England was now like a Stage whereon are represented the vicissitudes of ever various Fortune For within one and the same moneth it saw Queene ANNE flourishing accused condemned executed and another assumed into her place both of bed and honour The first of May it seemeth shee was informed against the second imprisoned the fifteenth condemned the seventeenth deprived of her Brother and Friends who suffered in her cause and the nineteenth executed On the twentieth the King married IANE SEIMOVR who on the nine and twentieth was publiquely shewed as Queene The death of this innocent Lady God seemed to revenge in the immature end of the Duke of Richmond the Kings only but naturall
the French vnder colour of reconciling him with the Emperour but his chiefe errant was to combine them both against HENRY Whereof hee having intelligence did by his Agent earnestly solicite FRANCIS That in reguard of their mutuall amity hee would cause POOLE to bee apprehended as guilty of high Treason and sent to him where hee should vndergo the punishment due therefore But because Religion and the Law of Nations had beene violated in betraying any especially the Popes Embassadour the French could not yeeld to the Kings request but to shew that hee would administer no cause of offence hee refused to admit of his Embassy and commanded him speedily to depart out of his Dominions HERCVLES stature might be guessed at by the proportion of his foot and by this one mans endeavours HENRY was taught what if need were hee was to expect of his Clergy So that hee was easily induced as any of them offended to send him to his grave for that a dead Lion biteth not And this course beeing taken with his professed enemies the feare of the like punishment would secure him of the rest On the twelfth of October the Queene having long suffered the throwes of a most difficult travaile and such a one wherein either the Mother or the Infant must necessarily perish out of her wombe was ripped Prince EDWARD who after succeeded his Father in the Crowne The Queene onely surviving two daies died on the fourteenth of October and on the twelfth of November was with great pompe buried at Windsore in the middle of the Quire on whose Tombe is inscribed this Epitaph Phoenix IANA iacet nato Phoenice dolendum Secula Phoenices nulla tulisse duas Here a Phoenix heth whose death To another Phoenix gaue breath It is to be lamented much The World at once ne'r knew two such On the eighteenth of October the Infant was created Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall and Earle of Chester and with him his Vnkle EDWARD SEIMOVR brother to the deceased Queene Lord Beauchampe and Earle of Hereford which Honours onely and not those afterwards conferred on him hee left to his posterity WILLIAM FITZ-WILLIAMS Lord Admirall was made Earle of Southampton Then also WILLIAM POWLET and IOHN RVSSELL began their races in the lists of Honour POWLET being made Treasurer and RVSSELL Comptroller of the Kings Houshold and both sworne of the Privy Counsaile Neither was here their non vltra the one being afterward raised to Lord Treasurer of England and Marquis of Winchester the other to Earle of Bedford wherein hee dying in the yeare 1554 his Sonne FRANCIS that pious old man and liberall releiuer of the Poore succeeded him who at the very instant of his death lost his Sonne FRANCIS slaine by a Scot Anno 1587. Which FRANCIS was Father to EDWARD Earle of Bedford and brother to WILLIAM by King IAMES created Lord RVSSELL POWLET living to be a very decrepit old man had to his Successour his Nephew by his Sonne WILLIAM named also WILLIAM the sole Marquis of England And to end this yeare with death as it began THOMAS HOWARD youngest sonne to the Duke of Norfolke having beene fifteene moneths imprisoned for affiancing himselfe without the Kings consent to MARGARET Daughter to ARCHIBALD DOVGLAS Earle of Angus and Lady MARGARET the Kings Sister on the first day of November to the vnspeakeable good of this Island deceased in the Tower For this MARGARET beeing after married to MATHEW Earle of Lenox had by him HENRY the Father of King IAMES of sacred memory the most happy Vnitor of divided Britaine Anno Dom. 1538. Reg. 30. IT is at length after many ages resolved That through the superstitious abuse of Images God was robbed of his due honour The King much prone to Reformation specially if any thing might be gotten by it thought it fit to remove this stumbling blocke and the rather for that hee conceived his Treasury would be thereby supplied There were some Images of more especiall fame and Shrines of reputed Saints Whereunto Pilgrimages were made from the farthest parts of the Kingdome nay even from foraine Countries also the Oblations whereto were so many and so rich that they not onely suffised for the maintenance of Priests and Monkes but also to the heaping vp of incredible wealth The Shrine of THOMAS BECKET Archbishop of Canterbury was covered with plates of gold and laden with guifts of inestimable value The blinde zeale of those and former times had decked it with gemmes chaines of gold of great weight and pearles of that large size which in our Language finde no proper terme This Tombe was razed and his bones found entire in steed of whose head the Monkes vsually obtruded the skull of some other peradventure better deserving then did their supposed Martyr The spoile of this Monument wherein nothing was meaner then gold filled two chests so full that each of them required eight strong men for the portage Among the rest was a stone of especiall lustre called the Royall of France offered by LEWIS the Seventh King of France in the yeare 1179 together with a great massy cup of gold at what time hee also bestowed an annuity on the Monkes of that Church of an hundred tunnes of wine This stone was after ward highly prised by the King who did continually weare it on his thumbe ERASMVS speakes much of the magnificence of this Monument as also of the Image of our Lady of Walsingham both which hee had seene and admired This Image was also stripped of whatsoeuer worthy thing it had the like being also done in other the like places and the statues and bones of the dead digged vp and burned that they might bee no further cause of superstition Among the rest of these condemned Images there was a Crucifex in South-Wales called of the Inhabitants Darvell Gatharen concerning which there was a kinde of prophecy That it should one day fire a whole Forest It chanced that at this time one Doctor FOREST a Frier Observant who had formerly taken the Oath of Supremacy was vpon his relapse apprehended and condemned of Treason and Heresy For this Fryer a new Gallowes was erected whereon hee was hanged by the arme pits and vnderneath him a fire made of this Image wherewith hee was burned and so by his death made good the Prophecy Great was the Treasure which the King raised of the spoiles of Churches and Religious Houses But whether the guilt of sacriledge adhering like a consuming canker made this ill gotten treasure vnprofitable or that he found he had need of greater supplies to withstand the dangers that threatened him from abroad not content with what hee had already corraded hee casts his eyes on the wealth of the Abbeyes that had escaped the violence of the former tempest and not expecting as hee deemed it a needlesse Act of Parliament seizeth on the rest of the Abbeyes and Religious Houses of the Realme And first hee begins with that
The Lord Paget not long before had beene sent to the Emperor to signifie how we were distressed on the one side by the Scots and on the other by the French and miserably rent at home by intestine dissensions that our necessities required speedy succours or would force vs to condescend to an inconvenient Peace with France But perceiving nothing was to bee obtained of him wee stroke hands with the French vpon these conditions That Boloigne and all the Forts in Boloignois should be surrendred to the French together with the Artillery and other military provision That in lieu thereof the King of France should pay vnto EDVVARD foure hundred thousand crownes by equall portions at two payments That the English should restore to the Scots Lauder and Douglas and if the Queene of Scots should desire it should rase their Fortifications in Haymon and at Roxburgh The Emperour was on both sides comprehended in the League and the Queene of Scots by the French The two Kings presented each other with their military Orders and as one writeth it was on both parts agreed on that EDWARD should marry one of the Daughters of France For the ratification of the Articles on the eight of Aprill Hostages were given By Vs The Duke of Suffolke The Earle of Hertford Sonne to the Duke of Somerset The Earle of Arundell The Earle of Derby The Earle of Bath By the French IOHN of Bourbon Duke of Anguien CLAVD of Loraine Marquis of Mayenne FRANCIS Sonne to the Constable MONTMORENCY LEWIS of Tremoville FRANCIS of Vendosme Vidame of Chartres CLAVD d' Annebalt This Peace betweene vs and France was on the third of March solemnely proclaimed in London and on the five and twentieth of Aprill Bouloigne being accordingly surrendred to the French our Hostages were returned On the thirtieth of Iuly died the Lord WRIOTHSLEY Knight of the Garter late Lord Chancellour of England and Earle of Southampton He had about the beginning of this Kings Raigne delivered vp the Seale the Custody wherof was committed to the Lord Rich. But having beene about halfe a yeare past removed as was also the Earle of Arundell but for what cause is vncertaine from the Counsaile Table he at length whether out of griefe or some other cause fell sicke and died He was father to HENRY the second Earle and Grandfather to HENRY the third Earle of Southampton not long since deceased who having tasted of both fortunes did hertofore as generously behave himselfe in adversity as he did since moderately in prosperity whereto by the Clemency of our late Soveraigne he was restored Anno Dom. 1551. Reg. 5. MEntion hath formerly beene made concerning the Sweating Sickenesse a disease to which England hath given a name as well in reguard of it's originall as of the knowne disposition of our bodies to admit of this virulent contagion England had beene formerly afflicted with it but never so mortally as this present yeare Shrewsbury was now the first place acquainted with this Pestilence there it began in Aprill and thence diffusing it selfe over the most part of the Kingdome at length it vanished away in the North about the beginning of October The fury of it was such as if it would never end but by it's proper cruelty when it should not have left subiects wheron to feed The dead whome it swept away were numberlesse In London only eight hundred was scarce a seven nights stint It made it's first entry into this Island in the Reigne of HENRY the Seventh Anno 1486. and from hence it tooke it's progresse to other Nations The Infected flowed away and within the space of twenty foure houres when this malignant disease was most mercifull in it's execution peradventure within twelve did sweat out their soules Women children and old men it for the most part overpassed and wreaked it selfe on the robustious youth and well compact middle age who if in the beginning of their sickenes did but slumber perished instantly If it seized on any that were full gorged the recovery was in a manner desperate Nay and of others whatsoever they were scarce one of a hundred escaped vntill time had found out a remedy the manner wherof was thus If any be taken in the day time hee must without shifting of his apparell betake himselfe to bed If by night and in bed let him not stir thence vntill twenty foure howers be run In the meane let the coverture be such that it provoke not sweat but that it may gently distill of it selfe if it be possible for him so long to forbeare let him not eat nor drinke more then may moderately serve to extinguish thirst But above all let him so patiently endure heat that hee vncover not any part of his body no not so much as a hand or a foot The strangenesse of this disease I do not so much admire for that PLINY in his twenty sixt Booke the first Chapter witnesseth and daily experience teacheth vs that every age produceth new and Epidemicall diseases But that which surpasseth the search of humane reason is this that this Pestilence afflicted the English in what part of the world soever without touching the Natives but in England alone This dire contagion promiscuously impoverisht the Land of people of all sorts among those of especiall note were HENRY Duke of Suffolke and his Brother who were the Sonnes of CHARLES BRANDON and the Kings Couzins germane young Noblemen of great and lively hopes by the death of HENRY the Duchy was for some few howers devolved to the younger Brother who had the vnhappy honour but to be seized of the Title and dy The Lord Gray Marquis of Dorset having married FRANCIS the eldest Daughter of CHARLES BRANDON in the right of his Wife made claime to the Duchy and was on the eleventh of October invested in it At what time also IOHN DVDLEY Earle of Warwicke was created Duke of Northumberland WILLIAM POWLET Earle of Wiltshire Marquis of Winchester and Sir WILLIAM HERBERT Lord Cardif Master of the Horse Earle of Pembroke The masculine Line of DVDLEY and GRAY hath beene long since extinct Of the Family of the POWLETS we have spoken already the Lord HERBERT Brother in law to Queene CATHARINE PARR derived himselfe from WILLIAM HERBERT in the time of EDWARD the Fourth Earle of Pembroke and was succeeded in the Earledome by his Sonne HENRY Father to WILLIAM the moderne Earle whose mature wisedome and gravity even in his greener yeares long since ranked him in the sage Senate of the Privy Counsaile to two successive Kings and to PHILIP by King IAMES created Earle of Montgomery Then also were knighted Sir IOHN CHEEKE the King's Schoolemaster Sir HENRY DVDLEY Sir HENRY NEVILL and whome I cannot mention but with due honor Sir WILLIAM CECILL CECILL I say who then Secretary of Estate was afterward by all Europe held in admiration for his wisedome whome Queene ELIZABETH made Lord Treasurer of England and Baron of Burleigh and was whilest he
lived a second prop of this Estate who on the fourth of August 1598. piously ended his long but for the publique weales sake ever restlesse life leaving two Sonnes THOMAS by King IAMES created Earle of Excester and ROBERT out of the same Fountaine of Royall Goodnesse Earle of Sarisbury and Lord Treasurer of England And now the ill cemented affections of the Dukes of Somerset and Northumberland dissolved into open enmity In the prosecution wherof Somerset otherwise of a most milde disposition but Patience abused oft runneth into the extreme of Fury provoked by continuall iniuries resolved as some write to murther Northumberland To this end but vnder colour of a visite privily armed and well attended by Seconds who awaited him in an vtter chamber he comes to his Adversary at that time by reason of some indisposition of body keeping his Chamber hath accesse vnto him naked as hee was in his bed but is so courteously entertained and with such smooth language that the Duke of Somerset good man repenting himselfe of his bloudy resolutions would not execute what he purposely came for At his departure one of his conspirators is reported to have asked him Whether he had done the feat and vpon his denial to have added Then you are vndone This his intent being by his owne Party bewraied a second accusation is ingrossed against him The matter is referred to the Counsaile Table and he on the sixteenth of October againe committed to the Tower together with the Duchesse his Wife the Lord Gray of Wilton Sir RALPH VANE Sir THOMAS PALMER Sir MILES PARTRIDGE Sir MICHAEL STANHOP Sir THOMAS ARVNDELL and many other of his Friends On the first of December the Marquis of Winchester being for that day high Steward he is arraigned for Treason against the Estate which hee had not onely ill but treacherously managed and for conspiracy against the Duke of Northumberland Of Treason he cleered himselfe and his Peeres acquitted him For the Conspiracy he was by his owne confession condemned and that by vertue of a Law enacted 3. HENR 7. which made the very intent nay imagination of killing a Privy Counsailor punishable by death But howsoever the Law enacted as some conceive vpon somewhat differing intents and meaning were extended to the highest of it's rigour yet can I not but wonder how a man so great in the reguards of his Reigning Nephew of his Honors of the popular Favour should be so destitute of Learned Advice as not to exempt himselfe from a felonious death by his Clergy But such were the times such his misfortunes in the minority of his Prince from whose revengefull hand how could the adverse Faction presume themselves secure in the future Neither could they choose but be somewhat terrified with that ecchoing testimony of the peoples ioy who seeing that fatall Virge the Axe vsually marshalling Traitors to the Barre laied aside vpon his freedome from the guilt of Treason from Westminster Hall certified that part of the City by their loud festivall acclamations of the gladsome tidings of their Favorite's conceived Absolution And these peradventure might be causes that his execution was deferred Hitherto had the Estate patiently indured the obstinate opposition of some Bishops in point of Reformation who for their non-conformity are at length deprived and others substituted in their Bishopricks Of some of them we have occasionally already spoken whose censures notwithstanding fall in with this yeare GARDINER Bishop of Winchester was deprived the fourteenth of February DAY of Chichester and HEATH of Worcester on the tenth of October TONSTALL of Duresme on the twentieth of December committed to the Tower and BONER of London on the first of October 1549. had beene already exautorated All of them for feare of practising against the Estate were deteined in Prison And on the last of October FRANCIS INGLEFIELD WALGRAVE and ROCHESTER Servants to the Lady MARY as also FRANCIS MALLET Doctor of Divinity her Chaplaine were committed I cannot speake any thing certaine of the causes of any of their imprisonments excepting Doctor MALLET'S only At the Emperours request he was permitted to celebrate Masse but with this limitation In the presence of the Lady MARY not otherwise for adventuring to celebrate in her absence it was thought fit he should be punished for his presumptuous transgression With the Lady her selfe all meanes had beene vsed to conforme her to the Times the King himselfe had taken much paines with her by often suasory Letters the Counsaile had done the like and personally to satisfie her with reason divers learned men had beene imploied But their labours were vaine for hatred to our Religion for her Mothers for her owne sake and some politique respects for by the Decrees of our Religion she was made illegitimate and consequently cut off from the Succession to the Crowne if her brother should dy issulesse confirmed her in that Superstition which she had sucked from her Mother On the fourteenth of Aprill one GEORGE PARIS a Gormane was at London burned for Arrianisme On the five and twentieth of May Croydon and seven or eight other Villages in Surrey were terribly shaken with an Earthquake Toward the beginning of November MARY Dowager of Scotland arriving at Portsmouth sent to the King and craved leave to passe through England into Scotland Which being granted and she invited to London entred the City on the second of November where her entertainment was generall and Royall On the sixt of November she departed for Scotland and had the charges of her whole Retinue borne vntill she arrived there in safety About the same time also the Earle of Arundell and the Lord Paget were but for what causes is vncertaine committed to the Tower In the ensuing Aprill the Garter was taken from the Lord Paget and conferred on the Earle of Warwick the Duke of Northumberlands eldest Sonne As for the Earle o● Arundell he was on the third of December in the next yeare set at liberty On the one and twentieth of December was the Lord Rich removed from the Chancellorship and THOMAS GOODRICH Bishop of Ely made Lord Chancellor Anno Dom. 1552. Reg. 6. THe Duke of Somerset had now continued two moneths in prison since his condemnation At length the violence of his enemies notwithstanding the Kings desire to save his Vnkle vnder whose tuitio● he had passed his childehood drew him to the Scaffold Being on the twenty foure of Ianuary brought to the place of execution he in this manner bespake the Assembly Being by the Law condemned I here willingly submit my selfe by exemplary punishment to satisfie it's Rigour That God hath beene pleased to grant me so long a preparative to my end I humbly thanke his eternall Goodnesse But in that he hath beene farther pleased to inspire me with the knowledge of his Truth and to make me an instrument for the propagation of the same J can never sufficiently magnify his Mercies Jn this do J
France the second Daughter of HENRY the Seventh who her two Brothers then alive had beene married to HENRY GRAY Marquis of Dorset The two Brothers as before dying of the late mortality the Marquis is in the right of his Wife created Duke of Suffolke and this was another stop to his Ambition For the removall whereof he intends this course He imparts his designes to the Duke of Suffolke and desires that a Match may be concluded betweene the Lord GVILFORD DVDLEY his fourth Sonne and Lady IANE GREY the Duke of Suffolke's eldest Daughter And because if onely right of inheritance should be pretended the Duchesse of Suffolke were in reason to be preferred before her Daughter he vndertakes to persuade the King not only to disherit his Sisters by Will and Testament but also by the same to declare the Lady IANE his next and immediate Successor Suffolke biting at this bait they complot by drawing the chiefest of the Nobility to contract Affinity either with the one or tother to procure the generall assent of them all So on the same day that Lady IANE vnder anvnhappy Planet was married to Lord GVILFORD the Duke of Suffolk's two youngest Daughters are married CATHARINE to Lord HENRY eldest sonne to the Earle of Pembrooke and crouch backed MARY to MARTIN KEYES Groome Porter Northumberlands eldest Daughter also named CATHARINE was married to the Lord HASTINGS eldest sonne to the Earle of Huntington These marriages were in Iune solemnized at London the King at that time extremely languishing Hauing thus brought these things to a desired passe nothing now remained but to act his part with the weake King To Him he inculcates In what danger the estate of the Church would be if He dying provision were not first made of a pious Successour and such a one as should maintaine the now established Religion How the Lady MARY stood affected was well knowne Of the Lady ELIZABETH there might be peraduenture better hopes But their causes were so strongly connexed that either both must be excluded or the Lady MARY be admitted That it was the part of a religious and good Prince to set apart all respects of Bloud where God's Glory and the Subiects weale might be indangered They that should do otherwise were after this life which is short to exspect revenge at God's dreadfull Tribunall where they are to vndergo the tryall either of eternall life or eternall death That the Duke of Suffolke had three Daughters neerest to him in degrees of Bloud they were such as their Vertues and Birth did commend and from whome the violation of Religion or the danger of a forraine yoke by any match was not to be feared for asnuch as their education had beene Religious they had as it were with their milke suckt in the spirituall food of true Christian Doctrine and were also matched to Husbands as zealous of the Truth as themselves He could wish and would advise that these might be successively called to the Crowne but with this caution That they should maintaine the now established Religion And although Lady IANE the eldest of the three were married to his Sonne he would be content that they should be bound by oath to performe whatsoever his Maiesty should decree for he had not so much reguard to his owne as the generall good These reasons so prevailed with the young King that he made his Will and therin as much as in him lay excluded both his Sisters from the Succession to the Crowne and all others whosoever beside the Duke of Suffolke's Daughters This Will was read in presence of the Counsaile and the chiefe Iudges of the Realme and by each of them confirmed with a strict command that no man should publish the contents of it least it might prove an occasion of sedition and civill tumults The Archbishop CRANMER did for a while refuse to subscribe to it not deeming it any way agreeable to equity that the right of lawfull Succession should vpon any pretences be violated But the King vrging him and making Religion a motive which was otherwise likely to suffer after a long deceptation he was at length drawne to assent But these delaies of his were so little reguarded by Queene MARY that vnder her scarce any man was sooner marked out for destruction Some few daies after these passages on the fixt of Iuly in the sixteenth yeare of his age King EDWARD at Greenwich surrendred his soule to God having vnder his Tutors reigned six yeares five moneths and nineteene daies and even in that tender age given great proofe of his vertue a Prince of great devotion constancy of minde love of the Truth and incredibly studious vertues which with Royall Greatnesse seldome concur Some three howers before his death not thinking any one had beene present to over-heare him he thus commended himselfe to God O Lord God free me Ibeseech thee out of this miserable and calamitous life and receive me among the number of thine Elect if so be it be thy pleasure although not mine but thy will he done To thee O Lord do J commend my Spirit Thou knowest O Lord how happy J shall be may I live with thee in Heaven yet would I might live and be well for thine Elects sake that I might faithfully serve thee O Lord God blesse thy People and save thine Jnheritance O Lord God save thy people of England defend this Kingdome frome Popery and preserve thy true Religion in it that Iand my People may blesse thy most Holy Name for thy Sonne IESVS CHRIST Then opening his eyes which he had hitherto closed and seeing Doctor OWEN the Physition from whose report we have this Prayer sitting by Are you there quoth he J had not thought you had been so neere who answered I heard you speake but could not collect your words Jndeed replied the King J was making my prayer to God A little after he suddenly cried out I faint Lord have mercy vpon me and receive my Soule which words he had scarce spoken ere hee departed Much might be spoken in praise of this Prince but reguardfull of my intended brevity I will only give you a taste of him out of CARDAN who about a yeare before travailing through England toward Scotland was admitted to his presence The conference betweene them he thus describeth Aderant illi speaking of the King Gratiae Linguas enim multas callebat puer c. He was stored with Graces for being yet a Childe he spake many Languages his native English Latine French and as I heare was also skilled in the Greeke Italian Spanish and peradventure some others He wanted neither the rudiments of Logicke the principles of Philosophy nor Musicke He was full of Humanity the relish of Morality of Gravity befitting Royalty of hopes great as himselfe A Childe of so great wit and such expectation could not be borne without a kinde of miracle in nature I write not this Rhetorically with the excesse of an Hyperbole for to
of his Father and birth a Welchman comming to the Crowne as if they had recouered their liberty whereto they so long aspired they obeied him as their lawfull Prince So the English being freed of their former jealousies permitted them to partake of their Priuiledges since common to both Nations the good whereof equally ●edounded to both I could wish the like Vnion with Scotland That as wee all liue in one Island professing one Faith and speaking for the most part one Language vnder the gouernment of one and the same Prince so we may become one Nation all equally acknowledging our selues Britans and so recouer our true Countrey Britaine lost as it were so many hundreds of yeares by our divisions of it into England Scotland and Wales Anno Dom. 1535. Reg. 27. THe Coronation of the new Queene and other passages of entertainment had exhausted the Treasury The Pope and the Emperour were both enemies of HENRY watchfully attending all opportunities to do him mischiefe Neither in regard that so many sided with the Pope were all things safe at home The King was therefore forced to a course seemingly rash and full of dangerous consequences but very necessary for the time Hee resolves to demolish all the Monasteries throughout England Hee is content the Nobility should share with him in the spoile so inriching and strengthening himselfe by their necessary revolt from the Popish faction To this end they that were thought more especially in maintaining the Popes authority to withstand the Kings proceedings were condemned of high Treason and they that refused to acknowledge the King vnder CHRIST Supreme Head of the Church of England are hanged For this cause on the third of May were executed IOHN HOVGHTON Prior of the Charterhouse in London AVGVSTINE WEBSTER Prior of Bevaley and THOMAS LAWRENCE Prior of Exham and with them RICHARD REIGNALDS a Monke and Doctor of Divinity and IOHN HALES Vicar of Thistlehurst On the eighteenth of June EXMEW MIDDLEMORE and NVDIGATE all Charterhouse Monkes suffered for the same cause And foure dayes after IOHN FISHER Bishop of Rochester a man much reverenced by the People for his holy life and great learning was publiquely beheaded and his head set over London bridge Our Histories hardly afford a president of the execution of such a man But the Pope was the occasion of his death who to ease the burthen of his now a yeares imprisonment by the addition of a new title had on the one and twentieth of May created him Cardinall The newes whereof hastened him to a scaffold The sixth of Iuly Sir THOMAS MORE for the same stifnesse in opinion with Bishop FISHER suffered the like death This was that MORE so famous for his Eutopia and many other Workes both in English and Latin As for his conversation the most censorious fault him in nothing but his too too jesting I will not say scoffing wit to which he gaue more liberty then did beseeme the grauity of his person not tempering himselfe in the midst of his calamity no not at the very instant of death After his condemnation hee denied to giue any thing to the Barber that trimmed him affirming That head about which he had bestowed his paines was the Kings if he could prove it to be his that did ●eare it hee would well reward him To his Keeper demanding his vpper garment as his fee hee gaue his Hat Going vp the scaffold he desired him that went before him to lend him his hand to helpe him vp as for comming downe he tooke no care Laying his head vpon the blocke hee put aside his beard which was then very long saying The Executioner was to cut off his head not his beard The executions of so many men caused the Queene to be much maligned as if they had beene done by her procurement at least the Papist would haue it thought so knowing that it stood her vpon and that indeed ●hee endeavoured that the authority of the Pope of Rome should not againe take footing in England They desired nothing more than the downefall of this vertuous Lady which shortly after happening they triumphed in the overthrow of Innocence In the meane time they who vndertooke the subversion of the Monasteries invented an Engine to batter them more forcibly then the former course of torture and punishment They send abroad subtle headed fellowes who warranted by the Kings authority should throughout England search into the liues and manners of religious persons It would amaze one to consider what villanies were discouered among them by the meanes of CROMWELL and others Few were found so guiltlesse as to dare withstand their proceedings and the licentiousnesse of the rest divulged made them all so odious to the people that neuer any exploit so full of hazard and danger was more easily atchieued then was the subversion of our English Monasteries Anno Dom. 1536. Reg. 28. THis yeare began with the end of the late Queene CATHARINE whom extremity of griefe cast into a disease whereof on the eighth of January she deceased Queene ANNE now enioyed the King without a Rivall whose death not withstanding not improbably happened too soone for her For the King vpon May day at Greenwich beholding the Viscont Rochfort the Queenes brother HENRY NORRIS and others running a tilt arising suddenly and to the wonder of all men departing thence to London caused the Viscont Rochfort NORRIS the Queene her selfe and some others to be apprehended and committed The Queene being guarded to the Tower by the Duke of Norfolke AVDLEY Lord Keeper CROMWELL Secretary of Estate and KINGSTON Lieutenant of the Tower at the very entrance vpon her knees with dire imprecations disavowed the crime whatsoeuer it were wherewith shee was charged beseeching God so to regard her as the iustnesse of her cause required On the fifteenth of May in the hall of the Tower she was arraigned the Duke of Norfolke sitting high Steward to whom were adioined twenty six other Peeres and among them the Queenes Father by whom she was to be tried The Accusers hauing giuen in their evidence and the Witnesses produced she sitting in a chaire whether in regard of any infirmity or out of honour permitted to the Wife of their Soueraigne hauing an excellent quicke wit and being a ready speaker did so answer to all obiections that had the Peeres giuen in their verdict according to the expectation of the assembly shee had beene acquitted But they among whom the Duke of Suffolke the Kings brother in Law was chiefe one wholly applying himselfe to the Kings humor pronounce Her guilty Whereupon the Duke of Norfolke bound to proceed according to the verdict of the Peeres condemned Her to death either by being burned in the Greene in the Tower or beheaded as his Maiesty in his pleasure should thinke fit Her brother GEORGE Viscont Rochford was likewise the same day condemned and shortly after HENRY NORRIS WILLIAM BRIERTON and FRANCIS WESTON
faire sprouts to the blast of vnseasonable hopes and nature denying any at least lawfull issue to the rest the name and almost remembrance of this great Family hath ceased Of which hereafter Scotland had beene long peaceable yet had it often administred motives of discontent and jealousy IAMES the Fifth King of Scots Nephew to HENRY by his Sister having long liued a Bachelor HENRY treated with him concerning a marriage with his then only Childe the Lady MARY a Match which probably would have vnited these neighbour Kingdomes But God had reserved this Vnion for a more happy time The antient League betweene France and Scotland had alwaies made the Scots affected to the French and IAMES prefer the alliance with France before that of England where the Dowry was no lesse than the hopes of a Kingdome So he marrieth with MAGDALEN a Daughter of France who not long surviving hee againe matcheth there with MARY of Guise Widow to the Duke of Longueville HENRY had yet a desire to see his Nephew to which end he desired an enterview at Yorke or some other oportune place IAMES would not condiscend to this who could notwithstanding vndertake a long and dangerous voyage into France without invitation These were the first seeds of discord which after bladed to the Scots destruction There having been for two yeares neither certaine peace nor a iust War yet incursions from each side Forces are assigned to the Duke of Norfolke to represse the insolency of the Scots and secure the Marches The Scot vpon newes of our being in Armes sends to expostulate with the Duke of Norfolke concerning the motives of this war and withall dispatcheth the Lord GORDON with some small Forces to defend the Frontiers The Herauld is detained vntill our Army came to Berwick that hee might not give intelligence of our strength And in October the Duke entring Scotland continued there ransacking the Countrey without any opposition of the Enemy vntill the middle of November By which time King IAMES having levied a great Army resolved on a battaile the Nobility persuading the contrary especially vnwilling that hee should any way hazard his Person the losse of his Father in the like manner being yet fresh in memory and Scotland too sensible of the calamities that ensued it The King proving obstinate they detaine him by force desirous rather to hazard his displeasure than his life This tendernesse of him in the language of rage and indignation hee termes cowardise and treachery threatening to set on the Enemy assisted with his Family only The Lord MAXWELL seeking to allay him promised with ten thousand only to invade England and with far lesse then the English Forces to divert the war The King seemes to consent But offended with the rest of the Nobility he gives the Lord OLIVER SAINTCLARE a private Commission not to be opened vntill they were ready to give the on●et wherein hee makes him Generall of the Army Having in England discovered five hundred English horse led by Sir THOMAS WHARTON and Sir WILLIAM MVS GRAVE the Lord SAINTCLARE commanded his Commission publiquely to be read the recitall whereof so distasted the Lord MAXWELL and the whole Army that all things were in a confusion and they ready to disband The oportunity of an adioining hill gave vs a full prospect into their Army and invited vs to make vse of our advantages Wee charge them furiously the Scots amazedly fly many are slaine many taken more plunged in the neighbouring fens and taken by Scotish Freebooters sold to vs. Among the Captives were the Earles of Glencarne and Cassells the Lords SAINTCLARE MAXWELL Admirall of Scotland FLEMING SOMERWELL OLIPHANT and GRAY besides two hundred of the better sort and eighthundred common souldiers The consideration of this overthrow occasioned as hee conceived by the froward rashnesse of his owne Subiects and the death of an English Herauld slaine in Scotland so surcharged him with rage and griefe that hee fell sicke of a Fever and died in the three and thirtieth yeare of his age and two and thirtieth of his raigne leaving his Kingdome to the vusally vnhappy governement of a Woman a Childe scarce eight dayes old The chiefe of the captives being conveied to the Tower were two dayes after brought before the King's Counsaile where the Lord Chancellour reprehended their treachery who without due denunciation of war invaded and spoiled the territories of their Allies and committed many outrages which might excuse any severe courses which might in iustice be taken with them Yet his Maiesty out of his naturall Clemency was pleased to deale with them beyond their deserts by freeing them from the irkesomenesse of a strict imprisonment and disposing of them among the Nobles to beby them entertained vntill He should otherwise determine of them By this time King IAMES his death had possessed HENRY with new hopes of vniting Britaine vnder one Head England had a Prince and Scotland a Queene but both so young that many accidents might dissolve a contract before they came to sufficiency Yet this seeming a course intended by the Divine Providence to extirpate all causes of enmity and discord betweene these neighbouring Nations a marriage betweene these young Princes is proposed With what alacrity and applaufe the proposition was on both sides entertained wee may conceive who have had the happinesse to see that effected which they but intended Which being a matter of so sweet a consequence it is to be wondred at that the conspiracy of a few factious spirits should so easily hinder it The hope of it prevailed with the King for the liberty of the Captives conditionally that they should leave hostages for their returne if peace were not shortly concluded which as also the furtherance of this so wished coniunction they faithfully promised Anno Dom. 1543. Reg. 35. AFter their short Captivity the Scottish Lords having beene detained onely twelve dayes at London on New yeares day began their iourney towards Scotland and with them ARCHIBALD DOVGLAS Earle of Angus whom his Sonne in law King IAMES had a little before his death intended to recall Fifteene yeares had hee and his brother GEORGE lived exiles in England HENRY out of his Royall Bounty allowing to the Earle a pension of a thousand markes and to his brother of five hundred The sudaine returne of these captive Lords caused in most as sudaine a ioy Only the Cardinall of Saint ANDREWS who had by forgery made himselfe Regent and his faction could willingly have brooked their absence They came not as freed from a Captivity but as Embassadours for Peace by them ernestly persuaded which by the happy coniunction of these Princes might be concluded to perpetuitie But the Cardinall with his factious Clergy the Queene Dowager and as many as were affected to the Flower de Lys interposed themselves for the good of France Yet notwithstanding the Cardinals fraud being detected hee is not only deposed from his Regency and IAMES HAMILTON
Earle of Arren substituted but also committed to custody whence afterwards making an escape hee was the authour of more garboiles In the meane time the marriage of the young Queene and other conditions proposed to the Estate of Scotland by Sir RALPH SADLER the Kings Embassadour are fully assented vnto and hostages promised for the performance of them But the adverse Faction became so prevalent that the hostages were not delivered at the day neither did the Captive Nobility render themselves in England Only GILBERT KENNEDA Earle of Cassels like another REGVLVS had rather commit himselfe to the mercy of his enemies then prostitute his Honour to the fowle taint of base infidelity His brethren had become pledges for his returne the importunity nay violence of his friends could not deterre him from redeeming them So to London he ca●●e where the bountifull King duly honouring him for his constancy in steed of receiving a ranson gave him one dismissing him and his brothers fraught with honour and rewards The Scots falling off from their late agreement the King commandeth stay to bee made of all their ships and confiscateth their goods sends letters full of threats and iust complaints to the Estates at Edinborough bla●●ing them for arrogantly re●ecting his Alliance the want whereof must needs be preiudiciall to them neither had they onely reiected it but vnmindfull of former benefit● had sowen seeds of new warre and forced him to armes But letters proving in effectuall Scotland is by the frontier Garisons invaded in three severall places forty Scots making resistance are slaine five and fifty Villages burned five hundred and sixtie prisoners taken and a booty brought into England of three thousand five hundred head of cattell eight hundred horses and seven thousand sheepe beside great provision of houshold stuffe But this obstinacy of the Scots proceeded not onely from themselves France and Scotland were ever combined against England so that to invade one was to draw on a war with both Wee had beene often victorious in France wherof many portions anciently belonged to Vs if we should make any claime to all or part of our Inheritance Scotland would serve either to distract our forces or to transfer the seat of the war ne●rer home The vniting of England and Scotland would by securing vs at home facilitate our enterprises vpon France These were motives sufficient for FRANCIS notwithstanding the long inviolate amity betweene him and HENRY secretly to crosse our designes in Scotland Whereof HENRY could not long be sensible and not revenge Wherefore hee proclaimes open hostility with France as he had already with Scotla●● and reconciles himselfe with the Emperour before thought irreconciliable in reguard of his Aunts disgrace who professed that all causes of difference betweene them were buried with her yet is it certaine that vnto the Pope he accused HENRY to have dispatched her by poison But now they are become Confederates and an aide of ten thousand English sent to ioyne with Imperialls Landrecy a towne lately taken from the Emperour by the French is the first exercise of our Armes The Emperour also comming in Person it is invested with forty thousand men is furiously battered and the souldiers brought to the distresse of halfe a provant loafe of bread a day and to drinke water FRANCIS being certified of their wants assembles his forces drawesneere the Emperour feeding him with hope of a Battaile entertaining him with skirmishes relieves the besieged and without any more adoe vnder the covert of the night retreats Let vs now conclude the yeare at home And to begin with the Church In February the people by Proclamation is licenced to eate White Meates in Lent but vnder a great penalty enioyned to abstaine from Flesh The third of Iune MOROGH O BRIEN a Nobleman of Irland descended from the Kings of Limrick submitted himselfe to the King and was shortly after made Earle of Twomond which honour his posteritie at this day enioyeth having given ample proofe of their loyalty to succeeding Princes The twelf of Iuly the King married his sixt Wife the Lady CATHARINE PARR Widow to the Lord LATIMER and sister of WILLIAM PARR lately created Earle of Essex in the right of his Wife sole Daughter and heire to the late Earle HENRY BOVRCHIER At what time another of the same name Vnckle to the Queene and the Earle was created Lord Parr and Chamberlaine to the Queene The eight and twentieth of Iuly for the profession of their Faith were ANTHONY PARSONS ROBERT TESTWOOD and HENRY FILMER burned at London MARBECK was also condemned but afterward pardoned Anno Dom. 1544. Reg. 36. THe Lord THOMAS AVDLEY Chancellour of England deceasing the last of Aprill the Lord WRIOTHSLEY chiefe Secretary of Estate is designed his successor And the Earle of Hertford made Lieutenant of the North is sent thither with an Army to represse the incursions of the Scots The Viscount Lisle Admirall of England with a Navy of two hundred saile entred the Forth of Scotland landed ten thousand men forced the rich towne of Leith and then marched toward Edenburg the Metropolis of the Kingdome The Regent was there with the Cardinall at whose dispose hee now wholy was and many other Nobles guarded with six thousand horse and a great number of foote who vpon sight of an invading Army betooke themselves to flight and left the City voide of defendants The Provost craving parley offred to yeild the city vpon condition of departure with Bag and Baggage and saving the towne from fire But the breach of League and insolencies of the inhabitants of Leith and Edenburg had inspired vs with revenge so that no Conditions were to be admitted but what the Victor should impose This drives the Provost to a desperate resolution of defence The English give a furious assault enter at the Canygate put the inhabitants to the sword pillage and fire it The like calamitie felt the Country round about fire and sword cruelly feeding vpon Villages Castles and Noblemens houses Leith had hitherto beene reprived from the like misery but at our returne to the Navy it is made its owne funerall pile and the Peere of the haven vtterly consumed New imployments call home our Admirall HENRY resolves once more to transport his Armes into France there to ioyne with the Earles of Reux and Bares Imperiall Commanders It was agreed betweene the Emperour and the King that the one should invade Champaigne the other Picardy and having vnited their forces which should amount to fourescore thousand foote and eighteene thousand horse to march directly to Paris thereby either to force the French to fight with disadvantage or to suffer the ruine of his Countrey HENRY lands at Calais and finds Picardy vnfurnished of men FRANCIS having withdrawne his forces towards Champaigne to oppose them against the Emperour Hee therefore sends the Duke of Norfolke with the Earles of Reux and Bures to beseege Montrueil The Marshall of Biez
the living only the bones of MARTYN BVCER and PAVL PHAGIVS long since dead were digged vp formally accused of heresie and no man vndertaking their cause as who durst condemned and publiquely burned in the market place at Cambridge And PETER MARTYR'S wife who died at Oxford was disinterred and with barbarous and inhumane cruelty buried in a dunghill To BVCER and PHAGIVS Queene ELIZABETH did afterward with great solemnitie restore their memorie and honour And as for PETER MARTYR'S wife shee caused her bones to be translated from that vncleane place to be reinterred in the Church and commixed with the reliques of FRIDESWID by Papists reputed a Saint that the like occasion of mockage might not againe be offered On the same day whereon CRANMER thus ended his life Cardinall POOLE was ordered Priest at Greenwich and the next day NABOTH being dead tooke possession of his Vineyard being consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury Three dayes after being the Feast of the Annunciation accompanied by many Nobles POOLE with great solemnitie received the Pall at Bow-Church About the same time a notable conspiracie was detected some having proiected to rob the Exchequer at that time full of Spanish coine to the value of fiftie thousand pounds The names of the conspirators were VDALL THROCKMORTON PECHAM DANIEL STANTON and besides others that fled for it WHITE who discovered his fellowes The rest were all taken and suffred as Traitors Sir ANTHONY KINGSTON as partaker in their intentions was also apprehended but died before he could reach London In Iuly new tumults begunne to be set on foot in Norfolke were maturely suppressed CLEBER and three brothers called LINCOLNE the authours of it suffering for their seditious attempt On the one and twentieth of November IOHN FECKNAM Deane of Pauls was installed Abbot at Westminster which HENRY the Eighth had erected to an Archiepiscopall Sea There being at that time no Monkes in England fourteene were found who were content with FECKNAM to take the Religious habit of Benedictines Anno Dom. 1557. Reg. Mariae 4. 5. Philipi 3. 4. NOw after foure or five yeares we found the effect of our Northerne Navigation set on foot by CABOTA About the beginning of this yeare arrived in England OSEP NAPEA Embassadour from BASILIWITZ Emperour of Russia for the Treatie of a perpetuall League betweene our Kings and his Prince On the Scottsh coast hee had suffered wracke and beside merchandize of infinite value hee lost those Presents which were from the Emperour destinated to their Maiesties But the losse of RICHARD CHANCELLER was beyond all these inestimable who being a most expert Pilot first discovered the passage into those Northerne Regions and now more sollicitous of the Embassadours safeguard then of his owne this man most worthy of immortall memory was swallowed vp in the Seas insatiate gulfe I thinke the intertainment of any Embassadour with vs was never more royall On the five and twentieth of May PHILIP having about seven dayes before returned out of Flanders he was admitted into the presence of the Kings declared the purport of his Embassie and continued in London vntill the third of May and having then got a convenient season laden with guifts he set saile for his Countrey On the sixt of March CHARLES Lord STOVRTON for having in his house cruelly murthered one HARGILL and his sonne with whom he had long beene at variance was by a wholesome example to posterity hanged at Sarisbury with foure other of his servants who were not only conscious but actors in the cruelty After hee had beaten them downe with clubs and cut their throats hee buried their carcases fi●teene foot deep in the ground hoping by such sure worke to stop the voice of bloud crying for revenge or if perad venture it were discovered the reguard of his zealous persistance in the Religion of Rome would he hoped procure the Queenes pardon But murther is a sinne that God hath by many memorable examples manifested that i● shal not remaine vndetected and the Queene although blindly misled in matter of Religion was so exact a fautrix of iustice that she was vtterly averse from all mention of pardon So this Nobleman had the punishment due to his offence only in this preferred before other murtherers and parricides that he was not strangled with an halter of hempe but of silke The seven and twentieth of Aprill THOMAS STAFFORD landing in the Northerne parts of the Realme having raked together a small company of exiles and some forainers surprised Scarborough castle then as in time of peace vtterly destitute of provision for resistance having thus seized on a place of defence he makes Proclamation that Queene MARY having her selfe no right to the Crowne had betraied it to the Spaniard exhorting the people with him to take armes for the recovery of their lost liberty But by the diligence of NICHOLAS WOTTON Deane of Canterbury then Embassadour for their Maiesties with the French all his designes were revealed to the Counsaile before his arrivall in England So by the industry of the Earle of Westmerland hee was within six dayes taken brought to London and on the eight and twentieth of May beheaded STRECHLEY PROCTOR and BRADFORD the next day following him but in a more due punishment being drawne hanged and quartered whom they had followed in their treacherous attempts The Emperour CHARLES having bequeathed the inheritance of his hate to France with his Crowne MARY could not long distinguish her cause from her Husband 's Wherefore on the seventh of Iune the Queene set forth a Proclamation to this effect that Whereas the King of France had many wayes iniured her by supporting the Duke of Northumberland and Wyat in their Rebellions against her and that his Realme had beene a receptacle for Dudley and Ashton who with the privity of his Embassadour had in his house contrived their treacherous designes and after their escape into France had beene relieby Pensions from the King as also for having lately aided Stafford with shipping men money and munition thereby if it were possible to dispossesse her of the Crowne She gave her subiects to vnderstand that they should not entertaine traffique with that Nation whose Prince she accompted her Enemy and against whom vpon farther grievances shee determined to denounce war Although these things were true yet had shee abstained from denunciation of warre had not the five yeares Truce betweene PHILIP HENRY by the Popes instigation beene lately broken by the French and so warre arising betweene them shee would not make her selfe her Husband two For the Pope having long since maligned the Emperour knowing that he after the resignation of his Estates to his Son PHILIP had withdrawne himselfe into Spaine by the Cardinall of Loraine still sollicited the French King to armes against the Spaniard promising to invest him in the Kingdome of Naples HENRY vpon these faire hopes vndertakes it and MARY resolves to assist her Husband That MARY tooke
Wherefore they so intrenched themselves and fortified their Campes with Artillery as if they expected a siege from each other Some moneths thus passed without any other exploits then inrodes and light skirmishes At length they mutually entertaine a motion of peace both of them considering that their Armies consisting of strangers the fruits of the victory would be to the Aliens only but the calamity and burthen of the defeat would light on the shoulders of the vanquished or which comes all to one passe of the subiects These motives drew together for a treaty on HENRY'S side the Constable the Marshall of S. Andrew the Cardinall of Loraine MORVILLIERS Bishop of Orleans and AVBESPINE Secretary of Estate for PHILIP the Duke of Alva the Prince of Orange RVYZ GOMES de Silva GRANVELL Bishop of Arras and others Much altercation was had about the restoring of Calais which the French were resolved to hold and PHILIP would have no peace vnlesse it were restored to MARY whom in point of honour he could not so forsake But this difference was ended by the death of MARY a little before whome on the one and twentieth of September died also the Emperour CHARLES the Fift which occasioned both the change of place and time for another Treaty And if the continuall connexion of other memorable affaires had not transported me I should ere this have mentioned the marriage celebrated at Paris with great pompe on the eight and twentieth of Aprill betweene the Daulphin FRANCIS and MARY Queene of Scots But the fruits thereof were not lasting For two yeares after died FRANCIS the Crowne by the death of his Father HENRY having beene first devolved to him and left his bed to a more auspicious husband HENRY the eldest Sonne to the Earle of Lenox Of these Parents was borne our late Soveraigne of ever sacred memory who was Nephew by his Mother to IAMES the Fift by MARGARET the eldest Daughter Nephew to that wise King HENRY the Seventh who the Issue of HENRY the Eight being extinct as the next vndoubted Heire most happily vnited the Crownes of England Scotland and Irland But now at length to draw neerer home this Autumne was very full of diseases Fevers especially quartane raigning extraordinarily in England wherby many chiefely aged persons and among them a great number of the Clergy perished Of the sole Episcopall ranke thirteene died either a little before the Queene or some few moneths after her Among the rest Cardinall POOLE scarce survived her a day who having beene for some weekes afflicted by this kinde of disease and brought to extreme weakenesse of body as if he had at the newes of the Queenes death received his deaths wound expired at three a clocke the next morning His corps inclosed in lead was buried in his Cathedrall at Canterbury with this briefe Elogy on his Tombe in steed of an Epitaph Depositum Cardinalis POLI. He was a man admirably learned modest milde of a most sweet disposition wise and of excellent dexterity in the managing of any affaires so that hee had beene incomparable if corrupted with the Religion of the Church of Rome he had not forced his nature to admit of those cruelties exercised vpon the Protestants The Queene died at S. Iames on the seventeenth of November some few houres before day She was a Lady very godly mercifull chaste and every way praise-worthy if you reguard not the errors of her Religion But her Religion being the cause of the effusion of so much innocent bloud that of the Prophet was necessarily to be fulfilled in her Bloud-thirsty men c. shall not finish halfe their dayes For she was cut off in the two and fortieth yeare of her age hauing raigned onely fiue yeares foure moneths and eleuen dayes wheras her Sister who succeeded her most happily in a more milde gouernement ruled nine timesas long and almost doubled her age Concerning the cause of Queen MARIE'S death there are divers conjectures To relate what I finde in approoved Authors it is reported that in the beginning of her sickenesse her friends supposing that she grieved at the absence of her husband whome she saw so ingaged in wars abroad that she could not hope for his speedy returne vsed consolatory meanes and indevored to remove from her that fixed sadnesse wherewith she seemed to be oppresled But she vtterly averse from all comfort and giving her selfe over to melancholy told them That she died but that of the true cause of her death they were ignorant which if they were desirous to know they should after her death dissect her heart and there they should finde Calais Intimating thereby that the losse of Calais had occasioned this fatall griefe which was thought to have beene increased by the death of the Emperor her Father-in-law But the truth is her liver being over-cooled by a Mole these things peradventure might hasten her end which could not otherwise be far from her and cast her by degrees into that kinde of Dropsy which Physitians terme Ascites This Dropsy being not discovered in time deceived her Physitians who beleeved that she had conceived by King PHILIP whereas she alas did breed nothing but her owne death So mature remedies being not applied and she not observing a fit diet she fell into a Fever which increasing by little and little at last ended in her death She lieth interred at Westminster in the midst of that Chappell which is on the North side of her Grandfather HENRY the Seventh his Monument where her sister Queene ELIZABETH was after buried with her and over both by the pious liberality of that most munificent Prince King IAMES hath since beene erected a most stately Monument well befitting the Majesty of such great Monarchs Queene ELIZABETH Anno 1558. HAving thus briefely run over the Reignes of these three Princes Queene ELIZABETH'S times in the next place offer themselves which deservedly requiring a more accurate stile I will here set a period to this worke not so much with intent to pretermit them as reserving them for a more exact labour In the meane time to give some satisfaction to the Reader I will make this short addition Some few houres after the decease of Queene MARY the Estates then assembled in Parliament on the seventeenth of November declared her Sister the Lady ELIZABETH Queene who was Daughter to HENRY the Eighth and ANNE BOLEN Having most gloriously reigned forty foure yeares foure moneths and seven dayes she ended her life and Reigne on the foure and twentieth of March Anno 1603 the Crown being by her death devolved to the renouned King of Scots IAMES the Sixt to whome it was so far from feeling it a burthen to have succeeded so good a Princesse that never was any Prince received with greater applause and gratulation of his People Many thinke their condition happy if they exchange a CALIGVLA for a CLAVDIVS or a NERO for a VITELLIVS or an OTHO But that any Mortall should please after ELIZABETH may