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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A61053 A prospect of the most famous parts of the vvorld Viz. Asia, 3 Affrica, 5 Europe, 7 America. 9 With these kingdomes therein contained. Grecia, 11 Roman Empire, 13 Germanie, 15 Bohemia, 17 France, 19 Belgia, 21 Spaine, 23 Italie, 25 Hungarie, 27 Denmarke, 29 Poland, 31 Persia, 33 Turkish Empire, 35 Kingdome of China, 37 Tartaria, 39 Sommer Ilands, 41 Civill Warres, in England, Wales, and Ireland. You shall find placed in the beginning of the second booke marked with these [3 asterisks in triangle formation] and (5) together with all the provinces, counties, and shires, contained in that large theator of Great Brittaines empire. / Performed by John Speed. Speed, John, 1552?-1629.; Goos, Abraham,; Gryp, Dirck,; Speed, John, 1552?-1629. Theatre of the empire of Great Britaine. 1646 (1646) Wing S4882A; ESTC R218797 522,101 219

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likewise worshipped for a God by the name of Mannus The same account is rendred for Teutonia from Teuto a Captaine of the Germanes and their ninth from Tuisco Vnder these they continued till the Romanes entry after their Conquest over the Gals for whose likenesse to them both in feature and colour in goodly portraiture and carriage of their wars they were from that time called Germany as if brothers to the Gaules Yet there are two which compound the name of the Teutonike words Gar or Ger which signifieth all or wholly and man which retaines with us its prime signification of Man as if they were all men to the proofe or as others interpret as if they were a mixt Nation of all sorts of men from severall Countries 5 But this last agrees not with the conjecture of some Geographers that Germany hath not changed her Inhabitants since she was first possest quoniam non est verisimile saith one aliquos Asiâ aut Africâ aut quidem Italiâ relicta Germaniam pettisse terris informem Coelo asperam cultu tristem aspectúque minimè nisi indigenis gratam And this indeed differs not much from the report of Mela Tacitus other ancient Writers But the reason I hold not good for howsoever it might be true in their times of some and the most part perhaps of Germany as it was then limited that it was sylvis horrida paludibus faeda et fluviorum cursibus praepedita montium anfractibus exasperata ob idque maximè invia yet now she hath changed her hue and by the help of good husbandry is become so fertile and pleasant by the large additions to her Territories in these our after ages is growne so populous that she vayles not to France Spaine or Italy it selfe saith Quadus 6 By her first Geographers she was limited on the West with the River Rhene on the east with Ietula on the south with Danubius each of these tracts have won upon their neighbouring Countries and inlarged the compasse of Germany to a double extent of what it was before For on the West she passeth Rhene as farre as ●icardy and Burgundy parts of France Eastward is the German tongue and Empire exercised over the Region of Prussia Southward she reacheth beyond Danubius to the very Alpes which border upon Italy North-ward she hath ever kept her owne but hath beene curbd indeed from seeking new Kingdomes in that tract by the maine Ocean which divides her in part from Swevia Norway c. And to these limits we apply our Description No marvaile if it give her more honor then she had in former times For her compasse now is reckoned to be 2600. English miles Her ground fertile enough of it selfe and yet besides enjoyes the benefit of many Navigable Rivers which inrich her with trafique from other Kingdomes 7 Those of greatest fame are 1 Danubius the largest of Europe called by Pliny and others Ister It takes in sixtie Navigable Rivers and is at last discharged by many passages into the Pontus Euxinus 2 Rhene which hath its rising from the Alpes and runnes into the German Ocean From thence have we our best Rhenish Wines and upon his bankes stands the Citie Strasburg 3 Amasus Ems which glides by Westphalia into the German Sea 4 Maemu Megu whose head is in the Mountaines of Bohemia and from thence passeth by Francfort into the German Sea 5 Albis Elve which riseth from eleven Fountains meeting into one about the Sylva Hircinia 6 Odeca which hath not his passage immediately into the Sea but into the River Albis The middle mark of this Countrey is the Kingdome of Bohemia incompassed with the Sylva Hircinia 8 The chiefe Commodities of Germany are Corne Wine Salt Metals of all sorts Fruits good store Saffron c. The Ayre wholesome her Baths healthfull her Gardens pleasurable her Cities faire her Castles strong and her Villages very many and well peopled 9 The Inhabitants have put off their ancient rudenesse as the Countrey her barrennesse They are as goodly of person as ever as stout as ever and farre more civill then in the time of the Romanes It seems they were then esteemed but an ignorant and simple people more able to fight then to manage a battaile They were ever hardy enough but wanted Commanders of their owne of skill and judgement Since they have had Commerce with other Nations and have suffered the upbraid as it were of their Predecessors dulnesse they have beene in a manner shamed out of it and are now become rather by industrie then wit a most ingenious people and skilfull in the Latine Greeke and Hebrew learning famous beyond any others in Europe unlesse Belgia for the invention of many notable and usefull Engines The Gun and Gun-powder was first brought to light by one Bertholdus Swart a Franciscan which hath almost put by the use of any other warlike Instrument in those parts of the world where the practise is perfectly understood Generally the poorer sort are excellent Mechanikes and the rest for the most part Schollers 10 It bred Albertus Magnus Appian Gesuer Munster Luther Vrsin Zwinglius Scultetus Iunius Keckerman and many others in their severall kinds and Religions some Papists some Lutherans some Calvinists and among the rest many Iewes A. NEWE MAPE OF GERMANY Newly Augmented by Iohn Speed Ano. Dom 1626 12 The first which injoyed the institution of Pope Gregory was Radulphus Nabs purgensis 1273. after twelve yeares interregnum The last before him was our Richard Earle of Cornwall and brother to Henry the third King of England Since it hath continued firme in this course of Election howsoever not with that liberty as was intended For commonly the Emperour in being while he hath his power about him and can at least intreat if not command the Subjects of the Empire promise a choice of the Rex Romanorum who is no other then a successor designed to rule after his death or resignation And by this meanes it hath a long time continued in the house of Austria without any intermission 13 Thus we see much plotting great state many ceremonies to the making up of an Emperour and yet when it is well weighed it is little better then a bare title For howsoever these outward observances of the German Princes make shew of an humble subjection to the Emperour yet when it comes to trial he hath very little to do● in their Governments But each of them takes upon him as a free and absolute Commander in his owne Countrey permitteth or suppresseth the Religion which he either likes or dislikes makes and abrogates Lawes at pleasure stamps Coyn raiseth Souldiers and sometimes against their great Master as the Duke of Saxoni● against Charles the fifth and at this day divers others in defence of the Prince Palatine For of this quality and power there are many Dukes Marqueses Counts c. besides 64. Franc Cities which make onely some slight acknowledgement to the Emperour appeare perhaps at his Parliaments
and from the entrance of Cherwell into this shire unto the fall of Weland and Nene neere unto Crowland are by measure fourtie sixe miles and the broadest part is from Ouse unto Avon which is not fully twenty the whole in circumference one hundred and nineteene miles 3 The aire is good temperate and healthfull the soile is champion rich and fruitfull and so plenteously peopled that from some Ascents thirty Parish Churches and many more Windmilles at one view may be seene notwithstanding the simple and gentle sheepe of all creatures the most harmelesse are now become so ravenous that they begin to devoure men wast fields and depopulate houses if not whole Town ships as one merrily hath written 4 The ancient people knowne to the Romanes and recorded by Ptolemy were the Coritani who possessed this County and were branched further thorow Leicester Lincolne Nottingham Rutland and Darb●e-shires these joyning with the Icenians with them were fettered with the chaines of subjection when for Claudius Publius Ostorius Scapula entred his Lieutenantship in Britaine and in battle subdued all betwixt the Rivers Nene and Sabrina But when the Romans were content to let go that which so long was desired and had cost so much in the getting the Saxons a most warlike Nation put into these parts and made it a portion of their Mercian Kingdome but their government also grown out of date the Normans seated themselves in these faire possessions the branches of whose Stems are spread abroad in these parts most fruitfull and faire 5 Commodities arising in this Shire are chiefly gotten by tillage and plough whereby corn so plentifully aboundeth that in no other County is found more or so much the pastures and woods are filled with Cattle and every where sheepe loaden with their fleeces of wooll 6 The chiefe Towne in this Shire is Northampton whereof the County taketh name which for circuit beauty and building may be ranked with the most of the Cities of our Land It is seated at the meeting and confluence of two Rivers the greater whereof beareth to name Nen. This Towne hath beene built all of Stone as by many foundations remaining to this day is seen and is walled about both strong and high excepting the West which is defended by a River parted into many streames In the depredations of the Danes Suen their King set this Town on fire and afterwards it was sorely assaulted by the disobedient Barons of King Iohn who named themselves The Army of God but the loyaltie of this Towne stood nothing so sure unto King Henry his sonne whence the Barons with displayed Banners sounded the Battle against their Soveraign And yet after this a wofull field of Englands civill division was fought whence Richard Nevel the stout Earle of Warwicke led away prisoner that unfortunate man King Henry the sixth Upon the West part of this Towne standeth a large Castle mounted upon an hill whose aged countenance wel sheweth the beautie that she hath borne and whose gaping chinkes doe daily threaten the downe-fall of her walles To this upon the South the Towns wall adjoyneth and in a rouud circuit meeteth the River in the North extending in compasse two thousand one hundred and twenty pases whose site so pleased the Students of Cambridge that hither they removed themselves upon the Kings Warrant in mind to have made it an Universitie from whence the North-Pole is elevated 52. degrees 36. scruples for Latitude and in Longitude is removed from the West 19. degrees and 40. scruples being yearly governed by a Maior two Bailiffes 12. Magistrates a Recorder Towne-Clerke a Common-Councell of fourtie eight Burgesses with five Sergeants to execute businesse 7 But the devotions of the Saxon Kings made Peterborow more famous formerly called Meddeswell where Wolphere King of Mercia began a most stately Monasterie to the honour of S. Peter for satisfaction of the bloud of his two sonnes whom he had murdered in case of Christianity but himselfe being for the like made away by his mother his brother Penda continued the worke with the assistance of his brother Ethelred and two sisters Kineburga and Kineswith This among the Danish Desolations was cast downe yet was it againe restored to greater beautie by Ethelwold Bishop of Winchester with the help of King Edgar and of Adulph his Chancellor who upon prick of conscience that in bed with his wife had over-laid and smoothered an infant their onely son laid all his wealth upon the reedifying of the place and then became Abbot thereof himselfe The Cathedrall is most beautifull and magnificall where in the Quire lie interred two unfortunate Queenes on the North side Katharine Dowager of Spaine the repudiate wife of King Henry the eight under an Hearse covered with black Saye having a white Crosse in the midst and on the South side Mary Queene of Scotland whose Hearse is spread over with black velvet The Cloister is large and in the glasse-windows very curiously portrayed the History of Wolthere the Founder whose Royall Seat was at Wedon in the street converted into a Monasterie by S. Werburg his holy daughter and had beene the Roman Station by Anto●ine the Emperour called Bannavenna So likewise Norman-chester was the ancient City Durobrivae where their Souldiers kept as by the monies there daily found is most apparent 8 Houses of Religion devoted to Gods Service by the pious intents of their well-meaning Founders were at Peterborow Peakirke Pipewell Higham Davintree Sulby Sausecombe Sewardesleg Gare S. Dewy S. Michell Luffeild Catesby Bruch Barkley Finshed Fathringhay Wedon and Withrop besides them in Northampton all which felt the stormes of their owne destruction that raged against them in the reigne of K. Henry the eight who dispersed their revenewes to his owne Coffers and Courtiers and pulled the stones asunder of their seeming ever-sure Foundations and in the time of young Edward his sonne whose mind was free from wronging the dead the Tombes of his own Predecessours were not spared when as Edward slain at Agincourt and Richard at Wakefield both of them Dukes of Yorke were after death assaulted with the weapons of destruction that cast downe their most faire Monuments in the Collegiate Church of Fatheringhay Castle 9 Eight Princely Families have enjoyed the title of the Earledome of Northampton whereof the last Henry Hayward late Lord Privie Seale a most honourable Patron to all learned proceedings that I may acknowledge my dutifull and humble service hath most honourably assisted and set forward these my endevours 10 This Shires division for service to the Crowne and imployments of business is into twenty Hundreds hath been strengthened with ten Castles and is still traded with ten Market-Townes and God honoured in three hundred twenty sixe Parish Churches NORTHAMTON SHIRE HUNDREDS in Northampton-shire 1. NAssaburgh 2. Willibrook 3. Corby 4. Polbrook 5. Navisford 6. Huxloe 7. Rothewell 8. Guilesburrowe 9. Orlington
then the former Robert was both of them in like degree of dishonourable course of life though of different issue at their deaths the one dying penitent and of devout esteeme the other leaving the stench of Tyrannie to all following ages who from this City setting forth in one day with great pomp and in battell aray to keep the Crowne sure upon his owne Helmet in a sore fought field yeelded both it and his life unto the head and hands of Henry of Richmond his Conquerour and the next day was brought back like a Hogge naked and torne and with contempt without tears obscurely buried in the Gray-Friers of this City whose suppression hath suppressed the plot-place of his grave and only the stone-chest wherein he was laid a drinking trough now for horses in a common Inne retaineth the memory of that great Monarchs Funerall and so did a stone in the Church and Chappell of S. Maries inclose the corps of the proud and pontificall Cardinall Wolsey who had prepared for himselfe as was said a far more richer Monument 7 Other places worthy of remembrance in this Shire were these In the West where a high crosse was erected in former times stood the faire Citie Cleycester the Romans BENONNES where their Legions lay and where their two principall wayes crossed each other as the Inhabitants report Loughborow in the North-verge which the Saxons called Leizanburge was as Marianus affirmeth taken from the Britaine 's by Cuthwolfe their King about the yeere of Christ 572. At Redmore neere Bosworth West-ward in this Countie the Kingdom of England lay in hazard of one Battell when King Richards Field was fought where the land at once was freed from a Tyrant and a wicked Vsurper Neither may we passe Lutterworth as the least in account where the famous Iohn Wickliffe Englands Morning star dispersed the clouds of all Papisticall darknesse by preaching the Gospell in that his charge and stile of his pen so piercing in power that the man of Sinne ever since hath beene better known to the world 8 Religious houses by Princes erected and by them devoted to God and his service the chiefest in this Shire were at Leicester Grace-Dieu Keirkby-Bellers and at Burton a Spittle for Lazers a disease then newly approached in this Land for the erection whereof a common contribution was gathered thorow the Realm the Patients in this place were not so much deformed in skin as the other were in the defects for the soule whose skirts being turned up to the sight of the world their shames were discovered and those houses dissolved that had long maintained such Idolatrous sinnes 9 This Shires division is into six Hundreds and in them are seated twelve Market Towns for commerce and containeth in her circuit two hundred Parish-Churches whose names with others are in the Table following to this Chapter belonging LEICESTER both Countye and Citie described The Honorable Famylies that have had the titles of Earls thereof With other accidents therein observed HVNDREDS in Leicester-shire 1. West-Goscote 2. Sparkingho 3. Goodlaxton 4. Gartrey 5. East Goscote 6. Framland A Abbey gate West Affordbie east Ailston good Allexton east Altongrange west Anker Flu. Ansty West Appleby little spark Appleby great spark Apekettelbie Fram Arnesbye Good ASHBYE de la Zouch west Ashbye folvile east Ashbye little good Ashbye great good Aston slamvill spar Atterton spar B Bagrave gart Bagworth pakre spar Bagworth spar Barbythorpe east Baresby east Bardon hill west Barkebie east Barkston fram Barlston spar Barn parke spar Barrow upon Zoram east Barton spar Barwell spar Beebie east Belgrave east Belton west Bensford bridge good Bew maner west Billesdon gart Bilston spar Bitteswell good Blabye good Blackbrooke flu Blangherby west Blason gart Boresworth husband gart Borhisson spar BOSWORTH spark Botisford fram Bowden great gart Bradgate west Bradley gart Brantingthorpe good Brantingthorpe Westcotts spar Braunston fram Braunston spar Braughton nether fram Bredon on the hill west Brenkinsthorpe spar Brentingby fram Bringhurst gart Brokesbie east B●oughton Ashley good Buckminster fram Burbage spar Burley parke west Burrow gart Burstall west Burton layers fram Burton upon ol●s east Burton overy gart Bushbye gart C Candwell east Carleton spar Carlton Curlew gart Cathorpe gart Charley west Chamwood forest west Cawdwell fram Clawson long fram Cleybrooke good Colderton east Collerton west Cosbye good Coson fram Cossington east Counston spar Countesthorpe good Cottesboche good Cotes east Cotton spar Cranoe gart Crawston east Crofee spar Cropston west Croston South east Croxton Kerriall fram D Dadlington spar Dalbye little fram Dalbie Iacombe east Dalbye wood east Dalbie upon Olds east Deane flu Desforde spar Dishley grange west Drayton spar Drayton gart Dunton Basset good Dunington spar DVNINGTON CASTLE west Dyseworth west E Eaton fram Eastwell fram Easton gart Edmondthorpe fram Eie flu Eie Kettleby fram Elmesthorpe spar Elston good Enderby spar Engarsby gart Erdisborowe gart Erlshilton spar Evington gart F Fleckney gart Foston good Foxton gart Freabie fram Frisbye gart Frisbye upon Wreake east Frolesworth good G Gaddesby east Gadebye spar Galbye gart Garenton west Garthorpe fram Gillmorton good Glenfeild spar Glenn great gart Glenn little good Glowston gart Goadbie fram Goadbye gart Goldsmiths grange fram Grace dieu west Grimston east Groobye spar Gumley gart H Hachton fram HALLATON gar HARBOROW gart Harbye fram Harston fram Hatherne west Hawlstead east Heather spar Hemington west Higham spar High crosse good Hinckley bond spar HINCKLYE spar Hobie east Hoes fram Hogges Norton spar Holt gart Hollwell fram Horninghold gart Horsepoole grange spar Horsepoole spar Hoose fram Hoton east Houghton gart Hucklescott spar Humberstone east Huncott spar Hungerton east I Ibstoke spar Illeston gart Ingersbye gart Isbye Walton K Katthorpe good Keham east Kemington south east Kerbey muchese spar Ketworth west Kibworth Beacham gart Kilbye good Kilworth north good Kilworth harcott gart Kimcote good Kirby bellers fram Kirbey mallary spar Knaptost good Knaveston gart Knighton good Knighsthorpe west Knipton fram Knosson gart L Lungley west Church Langton gart Thorpe Lanckton gart Lancton east gart Lancton west gart Laund east Lawghton gart Leicester Forest spar Leesthorpe fram LEICESTER east Leicester Abbey west Leire good Lindley spar Littlethorpe good LITTERWORTH go Lockington west Loddington east LONGBOROW west Loseby east Lubenham gart Lubsthorpe spar M Marfeild South gart Markefeild spar Marston potters spar Medburne gart MELTON Mowbray fram Merill grange west Misterton good Morebarne spar MOVNTSORRELL west Mowsely gart Musson fram N Naneby spar Nelston spar Newbold verdon spar Newbold west Newbold gart Newton west Newton harcourt gart Newton burcott gart Newton cold east Newton nethercote spar Newtowne spar Norborow spar Normanton fram Normanton spar Normanton on the health spar Norton gart Norton East east Nosely gart O Oddeston spar Odeby good Orton upon the Mount spar Osberston spar Osgathorpe west Overton cold fram Overton sausye west Oweston gart P The great Parke west Peatling little
Worke more of worth The Palme wherein rare vertues be And for a Conquest crownes a King The Olive and the Cader Tree Faire fat and fruitfull these I bring In Egypt Syria and the Land Of Promise nam'd by holiest High I could not see nor understand For vertue any Trees come nigh As these worth praise are profitable They being of the worthiest kindes So in best sense hath Speed been able To please worth praise the worthiest Mindes In short to give him then his due This Art his better never knew IO SANDERSON THE CONTENTS OF THE CHOROGRAPHICALL PART THE FIRST BOOKE DESCRIBING THE WHOLE KINGDOME in generall with those Shires Cities and Shire-townes which are properly accounted for ENGLISH Countries and Counties Fol. BArk-shire 27 Bedford-shire 41 Buckingham-shire 43 Cambridge-shire 37 Chesse-shire 73 Cornewall 21 Cumberland 87 Darby-shire 67 Devon-shire 19 Dorcester-shire 17 Durham-Bishopricke 83 Englands Generall 5 Essex 31 Glocester-shire 47 Great Britaine 1 Hant-shire 13 Hertford-shire 39 Hereford-shire 49 Huntington-shire 57 Ilands 93 Kent 7 Lanca-shire 75 Leicester 61 Lincolne-shire 63 Man Island 91 Middlesex 29 Mounmouth-shire 107 Northampton-shire 55 Norfolke 35 North and East Ridings 81 Northumberland 89 Nottingham-shire 65 Oxford-shire 45 Rutland-shire 59 Saxons Heptarchie 3 Shrop-shire 71 Somerset-shire 23 Stafford-shire 69 Suffolke 33 Surrey 11 Sussex 9 Warwicke-shire 53 Westmorland 85 West-Riding 79 Wight Island 15 Wilt-shire 25 Worcester-shire 51 Yorkeshire 77 THE SECOND BOOK Containing the Counties of VVales Countries and Counties Fol. ANglesey Iland 125 Brecknock-shire 109 Caermarden-shire 103 Caernarvon-shire 123 Cardigan-shire 113 Denbigh-shire 119 Flint-shire 121 Glamorgan-shire 105 Merioneth-shire 117 Mountgomery-shire 115 Penbroke-shire 101 Radnor-shire 111 Wales Generall 99 THE THIRD BOOK Scotlands Kingdome in one Generall 131 THE FOVRTH BOOK Containing the Kingdome of Ireland Countries and Counties Fol. IReland Generall 137 Mounster 139 Leinster 141 Conaugh 143 Vlster 145 A Briefe Description of the Civill Warres and Battailes fought in England Wales and Ireland IN this platform here are contained Gentle Reader the severall Battailes fought by Sea and Land at severall times and in severall places of England and Ireland and the parts adjoyning within these five hundred yeares last past Descriptions of pictures after the manner of fight as the plot would give roome I have placed and in the margent by numbers marked observed the time yeare and event of every Battaile Which being undertaken in satisfaction of the honourable desire of certaine Martiall and Noble minded Gentlemen professours of Armes and followers of Fame desirous to see the passed proceedings of their owne professions dealt liberally with me to draw the plot and were most diligent themselves in giving directions to set downe the places persons and the issue of every Battaile fought either by Sea or Land in England Wales and Ireland And being finished in a farre larger platforme with the liking of the motioners and good acceptance of her that then was the mirrour of her sex and the maiden Martialist of the then knowne world the glorious and ever-living Queene ELIZABETH to whose sacred censure it was commended and dedicated I intended there to have staid it from further sight or publication Since indeed the silence of Englands civill warres better befitted Englands subjects they being the markes of her infamies and staynes to be washed away rather with repentance then any way revived by too often remembrance But these defects I saw could not be so smothered as to be quite forgot therefore I thought fit at least to make up her honour with our other proceedings in forraine parts and insinuate my penne into some little better applause by tracing the victories of the English as farre as the Sunne spreadeth his beames or the girdle of the earth doth any wise incircle it Not to mention then the fictions of Monmouth that makes our Authour another Caesar in his conquests nor Polydors proofes for Ethelstans title unto Scotland by the cut of his sword an ell deepe into a Marble stone things rather Poeticall then substantiall by truths testimonie In Syria the Long-shankes for the recovery of the holy Crosse made his sword drunke with bloud And before him the Ceur-de-Lion upon the same intent subdued Cyprus forced Cursat the King thereof into fetters of silver and gold assumed the Iland to himselfe whose title he intended to have changed for that of Ierusalem unto whom Guido the King thereof with Geffrey de Lenizant his brother and Raimund Prince of Antioch with Bo●mound his sonne sware fealtie to be true and loyall subjects unto King Richard France felt the heavie hands of Edward and Henry our English Kings when the one of them at Poictiers tooke prisoners Iohn King of France and Philip surnamed the hardy his sonne And the other at Azincourt in a bloody battaile tooke and slew foure thousand Princes Nobles Knights and Esquiers even all the flowre of France as their owne Writers have declared And at Paris the Crowne of France was set upon Henry 6. his head homage done unto him by the French that Kingdome made subject and their Flower-de-Luces quartered with our Lions of England Scotland like wise felt the fury of Henry 2. when their King William was taken prisoner in the field And to omit the Bailiolls that made themselves subjects to England At Novils-Crosse David King of Scotland was taken in battaile by the English Queene Philip wife to King Edward the third being present in field and both the Kings of France and Scotland at one time retained prisoners in London till their liberty was obtained by ransome Nor was Spaine free from Englands power when that Thunderbolt of warre our blacke Prince re-established Peter their King upon his Throne at Burgus to say nothing of the ruines Spaine suffered at Cadez by the English led by Essex in revenge of their unvincible vincible Navy in truth the seale of their truth-lesse cowardize unto this day And not onely the Garter which King Richard the first tyed about the legs of his Souldiers remaines still the Royall bound of Englands Combinators but the Round Table of sixe hundred foote circumference erected at Windsor by King Edward the third with the allowance of an hundred pounds by weeke for the diet of his Martialists may like wise witnesse Where the Worthy admitted by conference and continuall practise got such experience in military affaires that that which was ●aid of the Gadites might have beene said of them They were all valiant men of warre apt for Battaile and could handle speare and shield their faces were the faces of Lions and were like the Roes in the mountaines for swiftnesse In whose imitation Philip de Valoys the French King erected in Paris the like though his Knights proved not in courage like unto Edwards And from this Academy of Military professors commenced such Masters of Military discipline as Maximilian the Roman Emperour held it such honour to be incorporated into their Societies as himselfe became the King of ENGLANDS professed Souldier wore the
Crosse of Saint George the Royall Ensign of England and a Rose the Kings badge as his faithfull Souldier receiving his pay dayly for himselfe and followers according to their degrees and estates Neither were the atchievements of Land services crowned with more plumes of Victories in the Helmets of the English then were their Sea services defensive and offensive both at home and abroad Their Navie Royall rightly te●rmed the Lady of the Seas and their Sea-Captaines farre out-stripping Vlysses in their Travailes and Descriptions for twise in our time hath the Sea opened her passage through the Straights of Magellan for Drake in his Pellican and Candish in his Desire to passe into the South World and to incirculate the Globe of the whole Earth whereby themselves and Souldiers all English have in those great deepes seen the wonderfull workes of the LORD But upon this subject I could willingly insist were it not that the argument of this present Description intends rather to speake of the Domestick and Civill warres of England then of the forraine and farre-fetched victories that have adorned and attended the Trophies of the English From the prosecution of the former and promulgation of the latter how unwillingly my Penne is drawne the roughnesse of the style and the slender performance of the whole doth manifestly shew They being for the most part civill Battailes fought betweene meere English-men of one and the same Nation wherein the parties victorers besides the losse of their owne side procured on the other the fall and ruine of them that were all of his owne Countrey many of them of his owne acquaintance and alliance and most of them perhaps his owne friends in any other cause then that in which he contended for But from this generall argument to proceed to some particulars it shall not be amisse to make some division of them according to their severall qualities of the severall quarrels in them which are found to be divers and of three severall natures Whereof the first were the invasions attempted by forraine Princes and enemies against the Kings and people of this Realme The second were meere Rebellions of Subjects against their annointed Princes And the third dissentious factions betwixt Princes of the bloud Royall of these three all these effusions of bloud have consisted And to begin with the first battell in this plot which was the first beginning of government of this state as it yet continueth Such was the attempt of William Duke of Normandy against King Harold the sonne of Earle Goodwin who prevailed so against him in fight at Battaile in Sussex a place so called by this event as the said Duke was afterward King of this Land and brought the whole Nation under his obedience as it hath beene continued to his posteritie ever since Such was the arrivall of Lewes son and heire to Philip King of France against Iohn King of England who being carried by his owne ambition accompanied with French Forces and assisted by the rebellious Barons of this Realme after variable fortune of fight in severall skirmishes battels and assaults was forced in the end without all honour or hope to prevaile to make a very shamefull retreate into his owne Countrey Such was also the entry made by Iames the fourth King of Scots against King Henry the eight of famous memory his brother in law and sworne allie at that time absent in the wars of France who contrary to his oath and alliance formerly made entred the North frontiers of England with a mightie Armie had the same discomfited and overthrowne and was himselfe slain in the field by the English forces under the leading of the Earle of Surrey at that time Lieutenant generall for King Henry And especially such was the late enterprise remaining fresh in memory of Philip late King of Spaine against our dread Soveraigne Lady now raigning in the yeare of our Lord 1588. attempting by his invincible Navie as he thought and so termed under the conduct of the Duke of Medina Celi which with great pride and crueltie extended against us arrived on our coasts to Englands invasion and subversion had yet neverthelesse here in the narrow Seas the one part of his Fleete discomfited taken and drowned and the other part forced to their great shame in poore estate to make a fearefull and miserable ●light about the coast of Ireland homeward so that of 158. great ships furnished for war came to their own coast of Spaine but few and those so torne and beaten by the English Cannons that it was thought they were unserviceable for ever and eleven of their ensignes or banners of Idolatry prepared for triumph and pride in Conquest were contrariwise to their shame and dishonour shewed at Pauls-Crosse and in other places of this Realme to Gods glory our joy and their endlesse infamy The INVASIONS OF ENGLAND And IRELAND With al their Ciuill Wars Since the Conquest The second sort of quarrels in these warres were meere rebellions of subjects against their annointed Princes and Governours and of these some have beene private and some generall Of the first kind for private occasions was that of Thomas Earle of Lancaster against King Edward the second his cosin-germane upon mislike of the Spencers greatly favoured by the King and as much envied of him who having his forces defeated at Borrow-bridge was there taken prisoner and after beheaded at Pomfret Of the same kind was that of Henry Lord Piercie surnamed Hot-spurre and Thomas Piercie Earle of Worcester his Vncle against King Henry the fourth at Shrewesburie where the said Lord Henry was slaine and the other taken prisoner and after beheaded in the same Towne So was that of Michael Ioseph the Black-smith in Cornewall and his company against King Henry the seventh for a Subsidie granted in Parliament to the same King who gathered a head of Rebellion so strong that at Black-heath neare London they abode battell against their Soveraigne but were there taken and afterward drawne headed and quartered at Tiburne Also such was that of Robert Ket the Tanner of Windham in Norfolk against King Edward the sixt pretended against inclosures and liberty to the weale publike was at Norwich taken in the field and afterward hanged on the top of the Castle of the same Towne And lastly so was that of Sir Thomas Wiat and the Kentish-men against Queene Mary for the bringing in of Philip of Spaine they being cut off at S. Iames and himselfe yeelded at the Court. Of the latter sort of Rebellions being generall were those of the Barons against K. Iohn and King Henry the third his sonne in their severall Raignes Against the father in bringing in of forraine powers and working a resignation of the Crown and Diadem to the great blemish of their King and Kingdome And against the sonne so prosecuted their attempts that their warres to this day are called and knowne by the name of the Barons-warres which had so lamentable consequence as that after the overthrow and
Tablehurst peuen. Tangmer chich Te●●combe lewes Te●ring peuen. TERRING bram 〈◊〉 lewes T●●●ngton arund T●●hurst hast Thakam bramb Themens arund Thorney I●e chich Thorney chich Tortington arund Torton arund Tottington bramb Tottington arund Tratton chich Tr●fort chich Truly bramb Turwick chich Tustons hast Twin●ham lewes Tyes lewes V V●●feild peuen. Vdym●re hast Vertwood peuen. Vpwaltham arund W Wad●hurst peuen. Wakehurst lewes Walberton arund Walderne peuen. Walderton chi●h Walchech peuen. Waltham chich Wamingore lewes Wapingh●r ●ramb Wapsburne lewes Wa●bleton hast Warminghurst br● Warmingcampe ar● Warnham bram Wartling hast Wasshinton bramb Water downe Forrest peu Waynway channell hast Weeke arund Wellingham Peu Wepham arund Westborne chich Westergate chich Westerton chich Westfeild hast Westgate chich Westham peuen. Westmiston lewes Westwolves bramb Whilde● lewes Whiteden peuen. Wickham bramb Wiggenhoult arund Wigsill hast Willington peuen. Willington peuen. Winchelsey old hast WINCHELSEY H. Windeham bramb Winton peuen. Wiston bramb Wittering West chich Wittering East chich Wivelsfeild lewes Wodmancote bram Wogham lewes Wolbeding chich Wollavington arun Worsham hast Worth Forrest lewes Worth lewes Worting bramb Wotton peuen. Wotton lewes Wulbow lewes Wyke chich Wylie peuen. Wythyham peuen. SVRREY CHAPTER VI. SURREY by Beda called Suthry and by the Saxons written Suðrea lyeth separated upon the North from the Counties of Buckingham and Middlesex by the great River Thamesis upon the East Kent doth inbound it upon the South is held in with Sussex and Hampshire and her West part is bordered upon by Hampshire and Bark-shire 2 The forme thereof is somewhat square and lyeth by North and by East whereof Redrith and Frensham are the opposites betwixt whom are extended thirty foure miles The broadest part is from Awfold Southward to Thamesis by Staines and them asunder twenty two the whole in circumference is one hundred and twelve miles 3 The Heavens breathing ayre in this Shire is most sweet and delectable so that for the same cause many royall Palaces of our Princes are therein seated and the Countrey better stored with game then with graine in so much that this County is by some men compared unto a home-spunne freeze cloth with a costly faire lift for that the out-verge doth exceed the middle it selfe And yet is it wealthy enough both in Corne and Pasturage especially in Holmesdale and towards the River of Thamisis 4 In this Shire the Regni an ancient people mentioned by Ptolemie were seated whom he brancheth further thorow Sussex and some part of Hampshire And in the wane of the Romanes government when the Land was left to the will of Invaders the South-Saxons under Ella here erected their Kingdome which with the first was raised and soonest found end From them no doubt the Countie was named Suth-rey as seated upon the South of the River and now by contraction is called Surrey 5 And albeit the County is barren of Cities or Townes of great estate yet is she stored with many Princely houses yea five of his Majesties so magnificently built that of some she may well say no Shire hath none such as is None-such indeed And were not Richmond a fatall place of Englands best Princes it might in esteem be ranked with the richest for therein died the great Conqueror of France King Edward the third the beautifull Anne daughter to Charles the Fourth Emperour and intirely beloved wife to King Richard the Second the most wise Prince King Henry the Seventh and the rarest of her Sexe the mirrour of Princes Queene Elizabeth the worlds love and Subjects joy 6 At Merton likewise Kenulph King of the West-Saxons came to his untimely end and at Lambeth the hardie Canute and last of the Danish Kings died among his Cups But as these places were fatall for the last breath of these Princes so other in this County have beene graced with the body and beginning of other worthy Monarkes for in Chertsey Abbey King Henry the Sixth who was deposed and made away in the Tower of London was first interred without all funerall pompe but for his holy life was imputed a Saint and lastly translated and intombed at Windsor At Kingstone likewise stood the Chaire of Majestie wherein Athelstan Edwin and Ethelred sate at their Coronation and first received their Scepter of Imperiall power Guildford likewise hath been farre greater then now it is when the Palace of our English Saxon Kings was therein set And seeing it is the midst of the Shire the graduation from hence shall be observed where for Latitude the Pole is raised from the degree 51.22 scruples and her Longitude from the West in the degree 20. and 2. scruples 7 Neither can we account Okam and Ripley two small villages the least in this Shire which have brought forth the well-known men William de Okam that deepe Philosopher and admirable Scholar and George de Ripley the ring-leader of our Alchymists and mysticall Impostors both of them borne in this County and very neere together But why speak I of these sith a place neerer to sight and greater for fame even Lambeth is the high Seat of Ecclesiasticall Government Piety Learning and Palace of Canterburies Archbishops the Metropolitans of England First erected by Arch-bishop Baldwin and ever since hath been the residing of al those worthy Prelates of our Church who in a long succession even from An. 596. have continued to him that now most worthily sits at the Churches sterne George by Gods providence Lord Arch-bishop of that See a most faithfull and prudent Counsellor unto King Charles and a most learned and provident Guide of our most flourishing Church whose gracious favour undeservedly conferred upon me hath been a great encouragement to these my poore endevours 8 Memorable places for Battles fought before the Conquest were Wembledon where when the fulnesse of prosperitie burst forth into Civill Dissentions among the Saxons a bloudy Battle was fought betwixt Cheaulin the West-Saxon and young Ethelbert of Kent wherein he was discomfited and two of his principall Leaders slaine about the yeere of Christ 560. and three hundred thirtie three yeers after King Elfred with a small power overcame the Danes with a great slaughter at Farnham in this Countie which somewhat quelled the courage of his savage enemie 9 Religious houses erected in this Shire by the devotion of Princes and set apart from publike uses to Gods Divine Service and their owne Salvation as then was taught the best in account were Shene Chertsey Merton Newarke Rygate Waverley Horsleg and in Southwarke Bermundsey and S. Maries These all flourished with increase till the ripenesse of their fruit was so pleasing in sight and taste unto King Henry the Eighth that in beating the boughes he brake downe body and all ruinating those houses and seising their rich possessions into his own hands So jealous is God of his honour and so great vengeance followeth the sinne of Idolatrie 10 In this Shire
Dynton Ales. E Eaton New Eaton Stock Edgcott Buck. Edlesburrough Coll. Elsborough Ales. Emmerton New Eydroppe Ash. F Farnam royall Bur. Fawly Dis. The Feath Burn. Filgrane New Fingerst Dis. Folcott Buck. Fulbro● Col. Fullmere Stock G Gamboro Ash. Gawcott Buck. Mershe Gibbeen Buck. Gotehurst New Grendon long Ash. Greneland Dis. Grove Coll. H Hadnam Ales. Hambleden Dis. Little Hamden Ales. Great Hamden Ales. Leck Hamsted Buck. Hanslop New Hardmere New Hardwick Coll. Hardwood great Coll. Hardwood little Coll. Hardwell Ales. Haversham New Haulton Ales. Hawridge Coll. Hedgeley Stock Hedstor Dis. Hillesden Buck. Hitchendon Dis. Hoggerston Col. Hogshawe Ash. Horidge Ales. Horsenden Ales. Horsingdon Ash. Horton Stock Hucket Ales. I Ilmere Ash. Ipston Dis. Iuet Stock IVINGOE Coll. K Kimbers Ales. Kingsey Ash. Krestow Coll. L Langley marish Stock Lan●icke Ales. Latimers Burn. La●ndon New Lee Ales. Snipton Lee Ash. S. Leonards Ales. Lillingstone dayrell Buck. Linchlad Coll. Lithershall Ash. Littlecott Coll. Lothbury New Loughton New Luffeild Buck. Lynford little New Lynford great New M Marlowe little Dis. Marlowe great Dis. Marlowe florens Dis. Marshe gibbon Buck. Mayes morten Buck. Mednam Dis. Mentmore Coll. Little Merdon Ash. North Merston Ash. Mersworth Coll. Middleton keynes New Great Missenden Ales. Little Missenden Ales. Morton Dis. Moulso New Mursley Coll. N Nashe Coll. Nettleden Coll. Newington longfield New Newington blomareile New NEWPORT Ne● Nothey Ash. O Ockley Ash. OVLNEY Ne● Oulswick Ales. Ouse Flu. P Padbury Buck. Penne Burne Pichcote Ash. Pitston Col. Poundon Buck. Prebend end Buck. Preston Buck. Q Quainton Ash. R Radnage Dis. Ratley Buck. Ravenstone New Over Rendon Ash. Rickmansworth Bur. Princes Risborough Ales. Monkes Risborough Ales. Rowsham Coll. S Sabbinton Ash. Sander●on Dis. Aston Standford Ash. Saulden Coll. Shaulton Buck. Sheney New Sherley brooke end Coll. Sherington New Sh●pton Coll. S●ckle-●urrow Coll. Spnam Burn. Sapton Coll. Staunton New Stoke golding New Stoke poges Stock Stoke manuill Ales. Stoke hamond New Stone Ales. STONY STRATFORD Ne. Stowe Buck. Fenny Stratford New Waters Stratford Buck. Stuckley Coll. Sulbury Coll. Swanburne Coll. Sympson New T Tame Flu. Thorneborowe Buck. Thornton Buck. Thurringham New Tingwick Buck. Tinweston Buck. Topley Burn. Tottenhoo Coll. Tousey Ash. Turfeild Dis. Turvye New Twyford Buck. V Vpburne denicourt Dis. Vpton Stock Vuing Ash. W Waddosdon Ash. Walton Ales. Walton New Over Wamden New Warrington New Waysbury Stock Weeden Coll. Wendover florens Ales. Wendover Ales. Westbury Buck. Westcote Ash. Weston under wood New Weston turvill Ales. Wexham Stock Whaddon chase Coll. Whaddon Coll. Whitchurch Coll. HIGH WICKHAM Bur. West Wickham Dis. Nether Winchington Ash. Vpper Winchington Ash. Wing Coll. Wingrave Coll. WINSLOWE Coll. Winslow heath Coll. Wolston little New Wolston great New Wolverton New Woodsham Ash. Wormenall Ash. Wotton underwood Ash. Woughton New Wyllyne New OXFORD-SHIRE receiveth her name from that famous Vniversitie and most beautifull Citie Oxford and this of the Foord of Oxen say our English Saxons though Leiland upon a ground of conjecture will have it Ousford from the River Ouse by the Latines called Isis which giveth name likewise to the adjoyning Iland Ousney The North point of this Shire is bordered upon by the Counties of Warwicke and North-Hampton the East with Buckingham the West by Gloucester-Shire and the South altogether is parted from Barke-Shire by Thamisis the Prince of British Rivers 2 The blessings both of the sweet-breathing heavens and the fruitfull site of this Counties soyle are so happy and fortunate that hardly can be said whether exceeds The ayre milde temperate and delicate the Land fertile pleasant and bounteous in a word both Heaven and Earth accorded to make the Inhabitants healthfull and happie The hils loaden with woods and cattle the vallies burthened with corne and pasturage by reason of many fresh springing Rivers which sportingly there-thorow make their passage whereof Evenlod Charwell Tame and Isis are chiefe which two last making their Bed of Marriage neere unto Dorchester runne thence together in one channell and name 3 The length of this Shire is from Cleydon in the North-West unto Caversham in her South-East neere unto Thamisis and amounteth almost to fortie miles the broadest part is in her Westerne Borders which extending from the said Cleydon in the North unto Faringdon seated upon the River Isis in the South are scarcely twenty sixe and thence growing narrower like unto a Wedge containing in Circumference about one hundred and thirty miles 4 The ancient Inhabitans known to the Romanes were the Dobuni part whereof possessed further Westernly into Glocester-shire and neerer East-ward betwixt the bowing of Thamisis were seated the Ancalites who sent their submission unto Iulius Caesar when report was made that the Trinobantes had put themselves under his protection whereof followed the Britaines servitude under the proud yoke of the all-coveting Romans yet afterwards this Counties people being very puissant as Tacitus termes them and unshaken by warres withstood Ostorious Scapula the Romane Lieutenant choosing rather to yeeld their lives in Battle then their persons to subjection Of later times it was possessed by the Mercian-Saxons as part of their Kingdome though sometimes both the West Saxons and the Northumbrians had the dispose of some part therof for Beda affirmeth that King Oswold gave the then-flourishing Citie Dorchester unto Berinus the West-Saxons Apostle to be his Episcopall See whence the good Bishop comming to Oxford and preaching before Wulpherus the Mercian King in whose Court Athelwold the South-Saxons heathenish King was then present he with all his Nobles were converted to the faith of Christ and there baptized whereby Berinus became the Apostle also of the South-Saxons 5 Other places of memorable note either for actions therein happening or for their owne famous esteeme are the Roll-rich-stones standing neer unto Enisham in the South of this Shire a monument of huge stones set round in compasse in manner of the Stonehenge of which fabulous tradition hath reported forsooth that they were metamorphosed from men but in truth were there erected upon some great victory obtained either by or against Rollo the Dane who in the yeere 876. entered England and in this Shire fought two Battles one neere unto Hoch-Norton and a second at the Scier Stane 6 Rodcot likewise remaineth as a monument of Oxfords high stiled Earle but unfortunate Prince Robert de Vere who besides the Earledome was created by King Richard the second Marquesse of Dublin and Duke of Ireland but at that Bridge discomfited in fight by the Nobles and forced to swimme the River where began the downfall of his high mounted fortunes for being driven forth of his Country lastly died in exile and distressed estate But more happie is this Countie in producing far more glorious Princes as King Edward the Confessor who in Islip was borne Edward the victorious black Prince in Woodstock and in Oxford that warlike Coeur de Lion King Richard the first the sonne
not much different in length and breadth being where it reacheth out in length from Beau-marish East-ward to the utmost Promontorie West-ward which we call Holy-head twentie miles and in bredth from Llanbaderik North-ward to the point of Menai Southward seventeen miles the whole circuit or circumference amounting towards seventie miles 3 The aire is reasonable gratefull and healthfull and not generally subject to diseases excepting certain Agues at sometimes which are occasioned by the fogs and mi●ty exhalations which arise from the Sea called Mare Virginium with the which this Isle is encompassed 4 The commodities that commend or rather beautifie this County are in corne and cattle wherewith it not only enricheth it self exceedingly but sendeth out great provision thereof to others to supply their defects and although the ground may seeme dry and stony or unpleasant and nothing sightly wherein for the outward quality it resembleth some other parts of Wales that are not so fruitfull yet for the inward bounties of nature it is farre unlike for above all the coasts of Wales it is most plentifull of Wheat in so much as by Giraldus Cambrensis report they are wont to say in Welsh by way of a Proverbe Mon Mam Cambry which is to say Mon is the mother of Wales for that when other Countries harvest fails round about or their provision is exhaust and drawne dry this alone like a provident full-brested mother is able to sustain the rest Whereunto Nature most povidently hath added another benefit serviceable and necessary to the former in that the Countrey produceth also those kinde of stones which are called Molares as of all other fittest to make Mill-stones or Grind-stones In some places also it yeeldeth an earth of Aluminous qualitie out of which some not long since began to make Alom and Coperose who like unflesht souldiers gave over their enterprise without further hope because at first they saw it not answer their over-hastie expectations 5 The ancient Inhabitants of this Countrey were the Ordovices mentioned before in the precedent Provinces of Denbigh-shire Flint-shire and Carnarvon-shire And this very Island was that ancient so much enobled seat of the British Druids who so amated the army of Romane invaders as Tacitus reports as els-where we have related in the 6 t Book and 7th chapter of our ensuing History 6 This Nation was attempted first by Paulinus Suetonius in the raigne of Nero but brought under the Romane Empire by Iulius Agricola When the Empire of the Romanes in Britaine began to decline and goe downe-ward some out of Ireland entred into this Isle by stealth and nestled themselves there as may be gathered by certaine Mounts of earth entrenched about and yet to be seene which they call the Irish-mens Cottages as also by a place named of the Irish-men yn Hiericy Gwidil who did there as is recorded put the Britains to flight under the leading of Sirigus The Norwegians also were often infestuous to this Island but K. Ethelreds Fleet having in the yeere 1000. scoured the Seas round about this Isle farre exceeded all both Irish and Norwegian depopulations for they wasted the Countrey in all hostile manner 7 After this two Hughs both Normans did greatly afflict this Island The one being Earle of Chester and the other of Shrewesbury at which very time Maginus the Norwegian arriving there shot Hugh Earle of Shrewesbury thorow with arrow and departed after he had ransacked the Island It was afterwards grievously infested by the Englishmen who never gave over from time to time to invade it untill in the raign of King Edward the first it was wholly brought under his subjection 8 The principall Towne in this Isle is Beaumarish which the said King Edward the first built in the East side thereof and for the faire situation though in a Moorish place gave it the name which it now beareth whereas in times past it was called Bonover which hee also fortified with a goodly Castle 9 The Major is the chiefest Magistrate of the Towne who is yearely chosen and hath the assistance and help of two Bayliffes two Sergeants at Mace and one Towne-Clerke by whose carefull diligence the affairs of this Towne are orderly managed and commanded whose latitude is 54. and longitude 15.45 minutes 10 Not far from hence is Lhaanvais in times past a faire Religious house of the Friers Minors which although it be now in a manner razed out of memory yet antiquity maketh mention that it hath beene of great regard among the Kings of England who have shewed themselves very bountifull Patrons unto that Covent both in respect of the sanctimonious life of such as conversed there as also because there the bodies of very eminent persons as the daughter of K. Iohn the son of a King of the Danes as likewise of many great Lords Knights and Squires were interred that were slaine in the wars against the Welsh in the times of many illustrious Kings of England 11 This Isle is reckoned to have had anciently many Villages in it even to the number of three hundred threescore and three and the same even at this day is very well peopled The division of this Isle for disposition of affairs that belong either to the state of the Crowne or to the condition of the countrey is into six hundreds in which are seated two Market-towns and seventie-foure Parish-Churches for Gods divine honour and worship as is Alphabetically gathered in the Table following ANGLESEY Antiently called MONA Described 1680 ¶ An Alphabeticall Table of all the Tovvnes Rivers and memorable places mentioned in Anglesey HVNDREDS in Anglesey 1. TAlibolion 2. Twrkelyn 3. Llyfon 4. Malltraeth 5. Meney 6. Tyndaythwy A Aberfro Mall Abermenai ferye Meney Alow Flu. Amlwoch Twrk B. BEWMARIS Tyn. Boddon Mall Bodedrin Llyf. Bodmon hill Twrk Bodowervcha Meney Bodowerissa Meney Bodwrog Lly Brant Flu. Brant Flu. C Caergiby Taly D Dinas wethon Taly Dulas Flu. G Gronait Taly Gweger Flu. Gynt Flu. H Hardravie Meney Henregadog Men. Hillary point Twrk Holy-head Taly I Inys wealt Llyf. Inys lygod Twrk Chappell Ithon Twrk K Saint Katherins Tyn. Kevenye Flu. Kirghhiog Llyf. L Llanallgo Twrk Llanarghymeath T. Llanbabo Taly Llanbadrig Taly Llanbedor Tyn. Llanbeullan Llyf. Llanddniolvab Mene. Llandegvayne Tyn. Llandruum Meney Llandona Tyn. Llandourodok Twrk Llandisilio Tyn. Llandrygarn Llyf. Llandifrydog Twrk Llaneaston Tyn. Llanedwen Meney Llaneigred Twrk Llaneleth frenyn Twrk Llanelian Twrk Llanfechel Taly Llhanfinan Meney Llanflewin Taly Llangaffo Meney Llangefin Meney Llangnewin Meney Llangriftioles Mall Llangourday Tyn. Llangoyhlog Mall Llangwildog Llyf. Llangwyfen Mall Llangyd walader Mall Llangynwen Mall Llanheneglos Mall Llanllawen vawryn ros golyn Mene. Llanllibio Llyf. Llanridfel Meney Llanridlad Taly Llauroderis Twrk Llanrwydrys Taly Llansadurne Tyn. Llansanfraid Taly Llanthowywer Me. Llanthufuam Tyn. Llanvachraith Taly Llanvaethly Taly Llanvaier up wradige Twr Llanvaier Taly Llanvaiet eubroll Llyf. Llanvaier Inhenering
as also for the faithfull loyaltie which it hath alwayes shewed to the Imperiall Crowne of England for ever since it was wonne by Richard Earle of Pembroke it still performed the obedience and peaceable offices of dutie andervice unto the English as they continued their course in the conquest of Ireland whence it is that the Kings of England have from time to time endowed it with many large Franchises and l●berties which King Henry the seventh did both augment and confirme 8 Although since the time if S. Patricke Christianitie was never extinct in this Countrey yet the government being haled into contrary factions the Nobilitie lawlesse and the multitude wilfull it hath come to passe that Religion hath wa●ed with the temporall common sort more cold and feeble being most of them very irreligious and addicted wholly to superstitious observations for in some parts of this Province some are of opinion that certaine men are yearely turned into Wolves and made Wolfe-men Though this hath been constantly affirmed by such as thinke their censures worthy to passe for currant and credible yet let us suppose that happily they be possessed with the disease and maladie that the Physitians call Lycanthropi which begetteth and engendreth such like phantasies through the malicious humors of Melancholy and so oftentimes men imagine themselves to be turned and transformed into formes which they are not Some again embrace another ridiculous opinion and perswade themselves that he who in the barbarous acclamation and outc●y of the Souldiers which they use with great forcing and straining of their voyces when they joyne battell doth not howte and make a noise as the rest doe is suddenly caught from the ground and carryed as it were flying in the aire out of any Countrey of Ireland into some desert vallies where he feedeth upon grasse drinketh water hath some use of reason but not of speech is ignorant of the present condition he stands in whether good or bad yet at length shall be brought to his own home being caught with the helpe of Hounds and Hunters Great pitie that the soule fiend and father of darknesse should so grievously seduce this people with misbeliefe and that these c●rrours be not chased away with the truth of Christian Religion whereby as they carry much grace in their countenance● they may also not be void of the inward grace of their soules and understanding 9 This Province hath been sore wasted in the rebellions of Desmond to whose aide Pope Gregory the thirteenth and Philip K. of Spaine sent certaine companies of Italians and Spaniards who arrived not farre from Dingle fortified themselves and gave it the name of Fort de Ore sounding loud threats against the whole Countrey But Arthur Baron Grey Lord Deputie of Ireland at the first onset decided their quarrell by sheathing his sword in their bowels and Desmond●earefully ●earefully flying into the Woods was by a Souldier cut shorter by the head And againe when the Kingdome of Ireland lay bleeding and put almost to the hazzard of the last cast Don Iohn D' Aquila with eight thousand Spaniards upon confidence of the excommunications of Pius the fift Gregory the thirteenth and Clement the eight Popes all of them discharging their curses like unto thunderbolts against Queene Elizabeth of blessed memory landed neere unto Kinsal● presuming that the rebellions of Tyrone had turned the hearts of the Irish for Rome Sir Charles Blunt Lord Montjoy in the depth of Winter and with his tired souldiers so daunted their Spanish hearts that with one victory he repressed their bragging boldnesse and recovered the Irish that were ready to revolt 10 God hath oftentimes shewed his tender love and affection to this people in laying his fatherly chastisements and afflictions upon them sometimes by windes sometimes by famine and dearth and sometimes againe by opening his hand of plentie into their laps to convert them to himselfe and to divert their hearts from superstitions In the yeare 1330. about the Feast of Saint Iohn Baptist there began such a dearth of Corne in this Countrey by the abundance of raine and the inundation of waters which continued untill Michacimas following that a Cranoc of Wheat was sold for twentie shillings a Cranoc of Oates for eight shillings a Cranoc of Pease Beanes and Barley for as much The windes the same yeare were so mightie that many were hurt and many slaine ●ut-right by the fall of houses that was forced by the violence of the same The like whereof were never seene in Ireland In the yeare 1317. there was such a dearth of corne and other victuals that a Cranoc of Wheat was sold for twentie three shillings And many Housholders that before time had sustained and relieved a great number were this yeare driven to begge and many famished In the time of which famine the mercy of God so disposed that upon the 27. day of June in the yeare 1331. there came to land such a mightie multitude of great Sea-fishes that is Thurs●eds such as in many ages past had never been seene that the people were much comforted in this distresse and received great reliefe and sustenance by the same 11 Places of Religion in this Countrey were the two Abbies at Yoghall called the North-Abbey and South-Abbey The two Abbies at Limcricke S. Francis Abbey and S. Dominicke Abbey The two Abbies at Corke the Abbey of the I le and S. Francis Abbey and the famous Abbey in times past of the holy Crosse which hath had many priviledges and liberties granted unto it in honour of a peece of Christs Crosse that was as they say sometimes preserved there Thus were Christians perswaded in ancient times And it is a wonder in what Troopes and Assemblies people doe even yet conflow thither upon devotion as unto a place of holinesse and sanctitie so firmely are they setled in the Religion of their Fore-fathers which hath been increased beyond all measure by the negligent care of their Teachers who should instruct their ignorance and labour to reduce them from the errours they persevere in This Province is governed by a Lord President who hath one Assistant two learned Lawyers and a Secretary to keepe it in dutie and obedience It was in times past divided into many parts as Towoun that is North-Mounster Deswoun that is South Mounster Hierwoun that is West-Mounster Mean-Woun that is Middle-Mounster and Vrwoun that is the Front of Mounster But at this day it is distinguished into these Counties Kerry Desmond Limericke Tipperary Holy-Crosse Waterford and Corke which Countie in times past had been a Kingdome containing with it Desmond also for so in the Grant given by King Henry the second unto Robert Fitz-Stephen and to Miles de Cogan it is called in these words Know ye that I have granted the whole Kingdome of Corke excepting the Citie and Cantred of the Oustmans to hold for
they inhabited for to this the very name is almost sufficient to perswade us 5 The Commodities of this Countrey do chiefly consist in Cattle Sea-fowle and Fish It breeds many excellent good horses called Irish Hobbies which have not the same pace that other horses have in their course but a soft and round amble setting very easily 6 This Country hath in it three Rivers of note termed in old time the three Sisters Shour Neor and Barraeo which issue out of the huge Mountaine called by Giraldus Bladinae Montes as out of their mothers wombe and from their rising tops descending with a down-fall into severall Channels before they empty themselves into the Ocean joyn hand in hand all together in a mutual league and combination 7 Places very dangerous for shipping are certaine slats and shallowes in the Sea that lye over against Holy-point which the Mariners call the Grounds Also the shelves of sand that lye a great way in length opposite to Newcastle which overlooketh them into the Sea from the top of an high hill adjoyning 8 In this Province are placed many faire and wealthy Townes as Kilkenny which for a Burrough Towne excels all the midland Burroughs in this Iland Kildare which is adorned with an Episcopall See and much graced in the first infancie of the Irish Church by reason of Saint Bridgid a venerable Virgin had in great account and estimation for her virginitie and devotion as who was the Disciple of Saint Patricke of so great fame renowne and antiquitie also Weisford a name given unto it by these Germans whom the Irish terme Oustmans a towne though inferiour to some yet as memorable as any for that it became the first Colony of the English and did first submit it selfe unto their protection being assaulted by Fitz-Stephen a Captaine worthily made famous for his valour and magnanimitie 9 But the Citie which fame may justly celebrate alone beyond all the Cities or Townes in Ireland is that which we call Divelin Ptolemie Eblana the Latinists Dublinium and Dublinia the West-Britaines Dinas Dulin the English-Saxons in times past Duplin and the Irish Balacleigh that is the Towne upon hurdles for it is reported that the place being fennish and moorish when it first began to be builded the foundation was laid upon hurdles 10 That it is ancient is perswaded by the authoritie of Ptolemie That it was grievously rent and dismembred in the tumultuous warres of the Danes and brought afterwards under the subjection of Eadgar King of England which his Charter also confirmeth wherein he calleth it the noble Citie of Ireland is written by Saxo Grammaticus That it was built by Harold of Norway which may seeme to be Harold Harfager when he had brought the greatest part of Ireland into an awfull obedience unto him we reade in the life of Griffeth ap Sinan Prince of Wales At length it yeelded unto the valour and protection of the English at their first arrivall into Ireland by whom it was manfully defended from the fierce assaults as well of Auscoulph Prince of the Dublinians as afterwards of Gottard King of the Isles since which time it hath still augmented her flourishing estate and given approved testimony of her faith and loyaltie to the Crowne of England in the times of any tumultuous straights and commotions 11 This is the royall seat of Ireland strong in her munition beautifull in her buildings and for the quantitie matchable to many other Cities frequent for traffique and intercourse of Merchants In the East Suburbs Henry the second King of England as Hoveden reporteth caused a royall Palace to be erected and Henry Loundres Archbishop of Divelin built a store-house about the yeer of Christ 1220. Not farre from it is the beautifull Colledge consecrated unto the name of the holy Trinitie which Queene Elizabeth of famous memorie dignified with the priviledges of an Vniversitie The Church of S. Patricke being much enlarged by King Iohn was by Iohn Comin Arch-bishop of Dubline borne at Euesham in England first ordained to be a Church of Prebends in the yeere 1191. It doth at this day maintaine a Deane a Chanter a Chancellor a Treasurer two Arch-Deacons and twenty-two Prebendaries This Citie in times past for the due administration of Civill Government had a Provost for the chiefe Magistrate But in the yeer of mans Redemption 1409. King Henry the fourth granted them libertie to choose every yeere a Maior and two Bailiffes and that the Maior should have a guilt sword carried before him for ever And King Edward the sixt to heape more honour upon this place changed the two Bailiffes afterwards into Sheriffes so that there is not any thing here wanting that may serve to make the estate of a Citie most flourishing 12 As the people of this Countie doe about the neighbouring parts of Divelin come neerest unto the civill conditions and orderly subjection of the English so in places farther off they are more tumultuous being at deadly feuds amongst themselves committing oft-times Man-slaughters one upon another and working their owne mischiefes by mutuall wrongs for so the Irish of Leinster wasted Leinster with many Townes in the same Province in the yeere 1294. And in the yeere 1301. the men of Leinster in like manner raised a warre in the winter season setting on fire the Town of Wykinlo Rathdon and others working their owne plague and punishment by burning up their sustenance and losing their Castle by depredation 13 Matter of observation and no lesse admiration among them is the Giants dance commonly so called and so much talked of which Merlin is said by Art Magick to have translated out of this Territory unto Salisburie Plain which how true it is I leave to the vaine beleevers of miracles and to the credulous observers of antiquitie 14 In this County have beene erected many famous Monasteries Abbies and religious houses consecrated to devout and holy purposes as the Monasterie of Saint Maries of Oustmanby founded for preaching Friers unto which of late dayes the Iudiciall Courts of the Kingdome have beene translated also the magnificent Abbey called S. Thomas Court at Dublin builded and endowed in times past with many large priviledges and revenewes of King Henry the second in expiation of the murther of Thomas Archbishop of Canterburie Likewise Tinteru Monastery or the notable Abbey which William Marshall Earle of Pembroke founded and called De voto for that he had vowed to God being tossed at Sea with many a fore and dangerous tempest to erect an Abbey wheresoever he came to land and being after shipwrack cast upon land in this place he made performance of his vow accordingly This Province containeth the Counties of Kilkenny Caterloge Queens County Kings County Kildare East Meath West Meath Weisford and Dublin to say nothing of Wicklo and Fernes which either be already or else are to be annexed unto it
31.5 39.4 Turkill the Dane Earle of the East-Angles 58.8 Twomon● or County Clare conveniently seated 143 4 V Valentia a part of Britaine why so called 2.15 How limited ● 16 Vel●●●● ancient people in Ireland where placed 139 4 Venedotia i. North-Wales Venta Belgarum i. Winchester 13.9 Venta Icenorum i. Castor 35 5 Venta Silurum i. Monmouth 107.4 Robert de Vere Earle of Oxford Marquesse of Dublin and Duke of Ireland 45 5 Verolanium or Verolamium in Hertford-shire 39.5 Sacked by Queene Boduo 39 5 Verterae a place in Westmorland 85.8 Vffines whence so called 35 3 Vidoms what they were 4 6 Saint Vincents Rocke 23.6 Virgata or Yardland what it is 57.3 Vlster Province how bounded 145.1 The forme thereof 145 2 The dimension of it Ibid The ayre of it 145.3 The soyle and commodities hereof 145.4 By whom possessed in old time 145 5.6 Their ancient custome of making a King 145.6 Religious houses in it 145 10 Counties and Townes in it 146 Vodia or Vdiae an ancient Nation in Ireland where planted 139.4 Vodius Arch-Bishop of London slaine by Vortigerne 6 5 Voluntii 145.5 Vortigerne where consumed by lightning 111.5 Vortimer slew in Battell Horsa brother to Hengist 7 11 Vpton in Worcester-shire a Station of the Romanes 51 6 Vriconium See VVroxce●ster Vsoconia See Okenyate Vrsula the Duke of Cornwals daughter with her Virgin-Saints 21.5 Vske-bah an wholesome Aquavitae in Ireland 137.6 Vterini ancient people in Ireland where they dwelt 139.4 VV A Wall in Scotland from Abercorne or Abercurving unto Dunbritton 132 11 Wall-towne 89.12 Wales how confined 99.1 The dimension thereof 99 4 Wales and Welsh what it signifieth 99.1.2 Counties of Wales twelve 98. 100.22 Divided into three Regions or Kingdomes 99 5 Divided into South-Wales 100.22 Divided into North-wales ibid. West-Wales ibid. Wales why void of woods 121.5 Princes of Wales sprung from the bloud Royall of English Kings 97 Wallingford Castle Town 27.7 Wansdike in Wilt-shire 25.6 Wantage the birth-place of King Elfred 27.9 Wapentach or Wapentake what it is 3.6 Warre Civill of Yorke and Lancaster 75.9 Warwick-shire how bounded 53.1 How divided 53.3 The forme of it 53.2 The Compasse thereof Ibid Commodities ibid. Who inhabited it in old time 55.4 Hundreds and Townes 54 Warwick Towne by whom built 53.6 What names it had in old time ibid. The position thereof Ibid The civill government thereof 53.6 Washes in Lincoln-shire hurtfull to King Iohn 63.4 Wat Tyler an Arch-Rebell slaine 7.10 Waterfals or Catadupa 85.10 Waterford the second Citie in Ireland 139.7 Ever loyall to the Crowne of England since the first Conquest of it Ibid Watling-street 43.6 Waveney River 35.3 Wedon in the street sometime Bannavenna 55.7 Weisford in Ireland the first English Colony 141.8 Whence it took name Ibid A Well boyling up with streames of bloud 27.9 Ebbing and flowing accor-to the Sea 103.7 111.8 Ebbing and flowing contrary to the Sea-tydes 105.7 A Well the droppings whereof turne into hard stone 132.15 A Well floating with Bitumen 132.15 Welles a Citie in Somerset-shire why so called 23.7 By what civill Magistracie governed ibid. The position or graduation thereof ibid. Wentsdale 79.3 Saint Werburgs Church in Chester 73.7 Westerne Ilands subject to Scotland how many 132 17 How ruled in ancient time 132.18 Their Commodities 132 19 Westminster a Bishops See 29 7 Westmerland how bounded 85.1 The measure thereof 85 2 The forme and ayre 85.3 The ancient Inhabitants 85.5 Places of chief note therein 85.8 Townes in it 86 West-Saxon Lage 5.3 West-Saxon Law 4.8 West Sox 4.11 Whitby Abbey founded 77.7 Whitgar the Saxon 15.7 VVhittington Castle 100.12 Whorwell Monastery built 17 6 VViscii what people 51.4 Wiches i. Salt pits ibid. Iohn Wickliffe Englands morning starre 61.7 VVight Iland described 15 What names it had in old time 15.1 The forme and dimension of it 15.2 The aire and soile thereof 15.4 The commodities of it 15 4.5 By whom first inhabited 15.6 By whom subdued 15.10 How fortified 15.9 What Towns Rivers and memorable places are in it 15.10 How divided 15.7 16 VVike See Kingstone upon Hull Saint VVilfreds Needle 78 11 Wilfrids Bishop reduced the Ilanders of Wight to Christianity 15.10 William the bastard Conquered England 92.2 5.1 William now Bishop of Excester repaireth the Cathedrall Church there 19 6 William King of Scots taken prisoner 89.10 His sonne drowned with his Cradle 132.16 Wilt-shire how bounded 25 1 The forme and dimension of it 25.2 The ayre and soyle 25 3.4 By whom inhabited in old time 25.5 Religious houses in it 25.9 Hundreds and Townes therein 26 Winander Mere 57.7 Winburne Minster 17.7 Winchester Citie by whom built 13.9 What name it had in old time 13.9 How traded and how o●t burnt 13.9 Situation thereof 13.9 Graduation thereof Ibid. Fired by the French 13 10 What Fortunes it hath been exposed unto Ibid. Cathedrall Church thereof 13.9 Windesor Castle 27.7 The Chappell there the Sepulchre of what Kings 27 8 Winifride of Devon-shire the Apostle of the Hessians c. 19.6 Winifrides Well 121.8 Winwid field 78.10 Woodland a part of Warwickshire 53.3 Woods spared and preserved in Lancashire 75.4 Wolsey Cardinall where buried 61.6 Wolves paid yearly for a tribute 117.3 Women in the Isle of Man girt ordinarily with their winding-sheets 91.7 Worcester-shire how bounded 51.1 The forme and dimension of it 51.2 The aire and commodities 51.5 Hundreds and Townes 52 Worcester Citie how named in old time 51.3 What calamities it hath sustained ibid. The Cathedrall Church built by Sexwolfe Bishop ibid. The Civill Magistracie ibid. The Geographicall position of it ibid. Wring-cheese Rocks 21.9 Wroxcester an ancient Citie in Shrop-shire 71.9 Y Yanesbury Trench 25.5 Yardland See Virgate Yeoman and Yeomanry 4.7 Yere River 35.3 Yeremouth or Yarmouth whence so named and how seated 35.7 Made a Corporation ibid. A Towne very hospitable and famous for Herring ibid. Yorks an Arch-Bishops See 6.5 What Suffragane Bishops it had and now hath 6.7 Yorke Metropolitane and Primate 6.7 78.9 His Iurisdiction ibid. Yorke Citie what names it had 78.9 How Yorke is governed ibid. The positure of it ibid. Library thereof ibid. Yorke-shire how otherwise called 77.2 What battels there fought 78.10 The soyle of it 77.2 5 How bounded 77.3 Divided into East-Riding 77.4 North-Riding ibid. West-Riding ibid. The dimension of it 77 4 Yorke Manner-house sometime the Abbey of Saint Maries by whom built 77.7 Z Zelanders their fishing upon our North-East Sea with licence 81.3 FINIS a There is in the Sommer Ilands as I have seene to the West-ward of Port-royall such a kind of fish yeelding a purple Iuice● but I do not so well remember it as to set down certainly whether it be the purple fish be here speakes of b This seemeth to be of a kind of Palme but much different from the Palmetoes that are in the Som●er Ilands c He meanes not Cutchene●e which is a flye brought from the Indies without heads
Buckingham Recorders of Stafford Thomas Werswick Leichfield Iohn Rosse An. D. 606. An. D. 676. An. D. 718. An. 1148. Houses of Religion Castles Alton Carswall Chesterton Madeley Chatley Stafford Leichfield Tamworth Hely Newcastle Duddeley Tutbury Eccleshall The Saxonish names of this Shire The limits The forme Aire Soyle Severne Severne once the bounds of the North-Britaines Ordovices Caractacus Caer-Caradoc Cornavii This Shire a part of the Mercian Kingdome Henry the second Sir Hubert S. Clerc Henry Prince of Scotland King Stephen Shrop-shire the Marches of England and Wales King Henry the seaventh Prince Arthur King Henry the eight Shrewsbury the chiefe Towne Commodities Strength for warlike defence Magistracie Graduation Roxalter * Berry a Citie famous in Arthur dayes Castles 1. Whittenton 2. Ellismere 3. Oswestree 4. Wem 5. Red-castle 6. Morton-Corbeti 7. Knockin 8. Shrawerdon 9. Watlesburgh 10. Rowton 11. Brocard 12. Cause 13. Ponderbach 14. Atton-Burnell 15. Carleton 16. Dalaley 17. Tong. 18. Bridgnorth 19. Howgate 20. Bramcroft 21. Corsham 22. Clebery 23. Ludlow 24. Shipton 25. Hopton 26. Cl●n 27 Newcastle 28. Bishopscastle 29. Bruges 30. Shrewesbury 31. Holgod 32. Lavemuste The borders of Chesse-shire The forme The Ayre and Climate The Soyle The ancient Inhabitants CORNAVII CANGI Tacit. Annal. lib. 12. cap. 8. * Chester Romans Saxons Annal. Britan. Cheshire made a Principality Nic. Trevet A. D. 1255. The Gentility of Chesse-shire Cheshire chiefe of men Cheshire women very faire Ranulph Cest. lib. 1. cap. 48. An. Do. 70. Hen. Bradshaw Chester described The Minster built Henry the 4. Emperour of Almaine buried in S. Wereburgs Eadesburg Finborow Eadgar triumph Marianu● Scot●● Ioh Fik. Wil Malmes Ran. Higden Roger Hoven Alfrid Beverid Flores Hist. The Causey The Earles The confines Forme Dimensitie Ayre Soyle Commodities Woods carefully preserved in this Shire The old Inhabitant● Roman Saxon. Dane Norman Manchester Riblechester Lancaster more pleasant then full of people The grant of King Edward the third unto the Towne of Lancaster It is severed in some places by the force of the Sea Winander-mere It was last made subject to the West-Saxon Monarchy Arthur put to flight the Saxons Duke Wade put to the worst The civil wars of Yorke and Lancaster Their happy conjunction Castles Hundreds Market towns Parishes The benefits of Antiquitie Yorkeshire a great Province Mens affections most set to moderne matters Yorkeshire how bounded Full of Trees How bounded North. East West South Humber Yorkeshire divided West-Riding East-Riding North-Riding The Soile The Antiquities Columnes Altars Bric●es Abbeys Whitby Bolton Kirkstall S. Maries in Yorke Fountaines Monast. Saint Wilfrid Drax. Selby Causes of diminishing Church-livings Memorable places Halifax Pomfret Yorke Citie Yorke a pleasant Citie Egbert Arch-●ishop of York Rich. the third Hen the eight Severus Empe●our Goddesse Bellona Constantius surnamed Chlorus Osbright and Ella Ath●lstan The Citizens cost since Will. Conquerour The Magistracie of Yorke Citie The Battles Conisborough Aurelius Ambrosius Kirkstall Casterford Palme-Sunday Battle Lancastrians put to flight Places of other note Giggleswicke S. Wilfrids Needle Constantius Sepulchre An ancient Romane custome York●shire delightfull The bounds of the West-Riding The Ayre The S●yle Copper Lead Stone-Coale Lead-Oare Inhabitants Richmond the c●iefe towne The occasion of building it Oswy King of Northumberland The M●gi●tr●cie of Richmond The graduation Matters memorabl● A Copper Mine Cockles on the top of the Mountaines Swale River Paulinus Archbishop of York Places of Antiquitie Bayntbridge Bowes or Levatrae A Thracian Cohort there Exploratores band there Spittle Maiden Castle Burgh Aurelius Commodus Statue Catarick Religious Houses Richmond Cover●ham Fois Ignorance F●ith Castles Market towns The bounds of the North and East-Ridings The Aire The Soile and other Commodities H●rrings Kingstone upon Hull Stock-fish Beverly a Sanctuary Places where are stones found like Serpents Where Geese fall Where a Sea-man was c●ught Water for diseased eyes Black Amber or Jette Round stones with stone-Serpents in them The Battle of Battlebridge The Battle of the Standard David King of Scots Mowbray King Henry the second Religious houses Dunsley Gisburgh Kirkham Deirwa●d Market-Townes The bounds of this Province The Forme The Dimensitude The Ayre The Soyle Coale-pits Cambden The ancient Inhabitants The priviledge of this people S. Cuthbert The devotion of divers kings to S. Cuthbert Beda his tomb The Monks idlenesse the cause of their overthrow Hell-kettles A salt proceeding of stones Binchester Condercum Castles Hilton Bransp●th Ra●ye Durham Luml●y Wa●ton Ba●nard The bounds of Westmorland The Length The Bredth The Forme The Soyle Inhabitants Commodities Kendale the chiefe Town Earles of Kendale The Magistracy of Kendale Graduation of it Places of chief 〈◊〉 verterae Apelby Roman Coyns here sound Sessions at Apelby Castle A Romane Station at 〈◊〉 King Iohn One House of Religion Notes of Anquitie Amble side The River Ca● The Commodities of it Market towns Cumberlands bounds The forme The Ayre The Commodities The ancient Inhabitants Marian Scotus King Edmund King Stephens gift to the Scots Henry the Second Oliver S. Clere. Iames the sixt King of Scotland Carlile the chiefe Citie Edward the First Castles 1. B●w 2. Askirton 3 Scal●y 4. Nowath 5. Castlesteed 6. Castle-carock 7 Corhy 8 Lyndstok 9. Rawcliffe 10 Drumbugh 11. A●●allwat 12. The Roseca 13 High●ate 14 Wulsly 15. Clad●k 16. Haton 17 Grastok 18. Pemeth 19 Daker 20. Pape Cast. 21. Cokermouth 22. Werkinton 23 Hay 24 Egremand 25. Millum The bounds of Northumberland The Forme The Aire The Soyle Inhabitants Commodities New-castle A rich towne The occasion of naming it New-castle Richard the second Henry the sixt Barwick The situation of Barwick The Governour Battels in this Country Battels at Otterburne Anwick Brumridge Flodden-field Hexam Dilston Antiquities Halyston Busy-gap Light Horsemen A Martiall kinde of men Morpeth Market-towns Diversitie of names Forme Dimensitie Aire Soile Oaten-bread Commodities Freedom from vexation in Lawing The Magistrates manner of warrant for summoning a partie before him Bala-Curi the Bishops palace Religiousnesse of the people Matters worthy of note The womens girdles when they go abroad The manner of death for Malefactors The partition of this Isle 1 Syrric King of Man 2 Fingall 3 Godred Crovan King 4 Lagman King 5 Dopnald King 6 Olave King 7 Godred the second King 8 Raignald King of Man 9 Olave the second King 10 Harrold King of Man 11 Raignald the second King 12 Magnus King of Man Beda in the life of Cuthbert Verstegan lib. Rest●s cap. 5. Offa made M●ar between his Kingdome and Wales The breadth and length of Wales Rodericus Magnus divided it into three Regions Ann. Christ. 870. * Shrewsbury * D. Powel Gwyneth or North-wales * Anglesey * Caernarvon * M. Tate * Hist. of Wales Mon or Anglesey the first part of North-wales Beau-marish the chiefe towne of Anglesey Arvon or Caernarvon the second part of North-wales Caernarvon the Shire-towne of the Countie of Carnarvon Merioneth the third part of North-wales Y Bervedhwlad the fourth part of
scarce is it inhabited but toward the Sea-side and that by a base and abject people such as are both lazy in their life and odious Idolaters in their Religions For the most part Mahumetans 8 Let my first division of this Asia the lesse be into two Regions of these one hath the particular appellation of Asia propria and containes the severall Regions of 1 Caria 2 Ionia 3 Doris 4 Aeolis Phrygia 5 Lydia 6 Minor 7 and Maior The other hath no one name as I find among Geographers but is knowne by her Provinces of 1 Cilicia 2 Pamphilia 3 Lycia 4 Bythinia 5 Pontus 6 Paphlagonia 7 Galatia 8 Cappadocia 9 Lycaonia 10 Pisidia and 11 Armenia minor 9 Asia propria was the scene of many noble actions much celebrated among our Historians First in Caria stood the Citie Mindum upon which Diogenes brake his jest that the Citizens should take heed lest it run out at her gates And Halicarnassus the birth-place of Dionysius and Herodotus and of this was Artemisia Queene that erected the miraculous Monument in honour of her husband Mausolus The second Province is Ionia and here stood Miletum where Paul made his Oration to the Elders of Ephesus and here Ephesus it selfe the starre of Asia that as well for her Religion as her miraculous Temple set the world at a gaze upon her It was raised in the middle of the Citie modelled out by Ctesiphon but was 2●0 yeares in building and was ordered in such a ground that no earth-quake should move it it was 425. foot long and 220. broad and had an hundred twenty seven pillars given by so many severall Kings saith Vadianus whereof twenty seven were most curiously graven all the rest of Marble polished In this Citie Saint Iohn the Evangelist is said to have gone downe into his grave alive there be who yet question his death and Irenaeus reports that he lived in Traians time This with the third and fourth Provinces of Doris and Aeolis were onely accounted Greeks the other Nations of Asia were called Barbarians 5 Lydia was the fifth named in our Division and in her are many Cities which we have mentioned in Scripture and are common among other Writers Of these the chiefe are Laodicea Thyatira Philadelphia Sardis where Croesus kept his Court and Pergamus the seat of Attalus that made the Romanes his heire and where Galen the great Physician was borne and lived 140. years 6 The first was Phrygia minor it is called Troas by the Inhabitants and those are now Greeks Turks Arabians heretofore they were the ancient Troians that gave Homer his subject for his admired Poeme Here is that Adramittium named in the Acts and Traianopolis and the Mount Tmolus that sends down a River into Lydia with abundance of gold and silver And lastly the Mount Ada famous for the judgement of Paris past upon the 3 goddesses 7 The last was Phrygia maior and on this was Gordion the very town where Gordius hampered his plow-tacklings in such a knot that none might unty but he that should possesse the Monarchie of the world and indeed it proved true enough in Alexander the great Another was Midaium where Midas sonne to this Gordius turned all to gold with a touch A third Colosse the place of the Colossians to whom Saint Paul directs an Epistle And all these were contained within the compasse of 〈…〉 which 〈◊〉 the name of Asia propri● ASIA with the Islands adioyning described the atire of the people Townes of importance all of them newly augmented by I. S. Ano. Dom 1626 11 Hitherto our Tract hath beene of Asia the lesse or Anatolia It resteth that we proceed to Asia Maior which lyeth remote from Europe toward the East And of this we can make no large description in so small a scantling we will onely marke out the Provinces and referre my Reader to more particular Relation in our severall Maps that contain the Turkish Empire Tartaria Persia and China all Kingdomes of Asia the great The parts as for the present we will divide it are th●se 1 Syria 2 Palestina 3 Armenia Maior 4 Arabia triplex 5 Media 6 Assyria 7 Mesopotamia 8 Persia 9 Chaldea 10 Parthia 11 Hircania 12 Tartaria 13 China 14 India 12 Syria is the first and hath in it the Provinces of Phaenicia Caelosyria and Syrophaenicia In Phaenicia was Tyre Sidon Sarepta and Ptolomais where two Kings of England have laid their siege Richard and Edward the first In Caelosyria stands Hieropolis and Damascus Aleppo Tripolis c. 2 The second Palestina which Ptolemy reckons into Syria It is in length 200. miles in bredth not above 50. It contained the Provinces of Samaria Idumaea Judaea where Ierusalem was not far thence Bethlehem Galilaea both the higher called Galilaea Gentium and lower and in this was Nazareth Mount Tabor where Christ was transfigured 3 The third is Armenia Maior or Turkomania In this was Colchus whēce Iason fetcht his golden fleece Now it is inhabited by Turks 4 Arabia is the fourth and that had three parts Arabia desorta where the children of Israel were fed with Manna forty years Arabia petrosa where Mount Sinai was and the Law given The last Arabia faelix counted the fruitfullest Countrey in the world In this Arabia is the Citie Medina where Mahumet is intombed in an iron Chest supported onely by a roofe of Adamant without other art to keepe it from falling to the ground 5 The fifth Media it was once a large Empire and one of the first The fruits of the Countrey are said to be alwaies green 6 The sixth Assyria a very pleasant and temperate Countrey and here was the Citie Ninivie whither Ionas was sent 7 The seventh Mesopotamia in whose lower part Chaldaea stood as our latest Writers affirme and Babylonia 8 The eighth Persia a mighty Empire governed by a Sophy The people are Mahumetanes yet differ somewhat from the Turkes Their language passeth currant through the whole Easterne world The Metropolitane is Persepolis 9 The ninth Chaldaea often mentioned in the Scripture here was the fifth Sibyl called Erythraea that prophesied of Christ. 10 The tenth Parthia a Province of note for its continuall hostilitie with Rome and excellent Archery for the Inhabitants used their Bow with as much dexterity in their retreat as in the battaile and by that means oft times won advantage upon the enemie by their flight 11 Hircania the eleventh an illustrious Countrey and hath many Cities of note abounds with wine and hony 12 Tartaria called heretofore Scythia the Inhabitants Scythians and before that Magozi●● from Magog the son of Iapheth that first inhabited these parts It was once possessed by the Amazons a Nation of women after their dissolution came the Scythians among whom Tomyris is innobled by Iustine for her victory over Cyrus Vpon them came the Goths and those were driven out by the Tartars which began their Empire 1187. so Maginus It is a large Countrey and the people
themselves to Iulius Caesar and whose chiefe City was Vindonum Caer Segonte now Silcest●r and upon the South by the Belgae and Regni who were subdued by Plantius and Vespasian the Romans where Titus rescuing his father straitly besieged by the Britaines as Dio and Forcatulus doe report was grasped about with an Adder but no hurt to his person and therefore taken for a signe of good luck Their chiefe Town was Rincewood as yet sounding the name and more within Land inhabited the Manures as Beda calles them whose Hundreds also to this day give a relish of their names 7 Neere Ringwood and the place once YTENE from God and peoples service to Beast and luxury thirty-six Parish-Churches were converted and pulled downe by the Conquerour and thirty miles of circuite inforrested for his Game of Hunting wherein his sonnes Richard and Rufus with Henry the second sonne to Duke Robert his first felt by hasty death the hand of Iustice and Revenge for in the same Forrest Richard by a blasting of a pestilent aire Rufus by a shot taken for a Beast and Henry as Absalom hanged by a bough came to their untimely ends At so deare a rate the pleasures of dogs and harbour for beasts were bought in the blood of these Princes 8 The generall commodities gotten in this Shire are Woolles Clothes and Iron whereof great store is therein wrought from the Mines and thence transported into all parts of this Realme and their Clothes and Karsies carried into many forraine Countries to that Counties great benefit and Englands great praise 9 The Trade thereof with other provisions for the whole are vented thorow eighteene Market-Townes in this Shire whereof Winchester the Britaines Caer Gwent the Romans Venta Belgarum and the Saxons Windaneasder is chiefe ancient enough by our British Historians as built by King Rudhudibras nine hundred yeares before the Nativity of Christ and famous in the Romans times for the weavings and embroderies therein wrought to the peculiar uses of their Emperours owne persons In the Saxons times after two Calamities of consuming fire her walles were raised and the Citie made the Royall Seat of their West-Saxons Kings and the Metropolitan of their Bishops See wherein Egbert and Elfred their most famous Monarches were crowned and Henry the third the Normans longest raigner first tooke breath And here King Aethelstane erected six houses for his Mint but the Danish desolation over-running all this Citie felt their fury in the dayes of King Ethelbright and in the Normans time twice was defaced by the mis-fortune of fire which they againe repaired and graced with the trust of keeping the publique Records of the Realme In the civill Warres of Maud and Stephen this City was sore sacked but againe receiving breath was by King Edward the third appointed the place for Mart of Wooll and Cloth The Cathedrall Church built by Kenwolf King of the West-Saxons that had beene Amphibalus Saint Peters Swythins and now holy Trinitie is the Sanctuary for the ashes of many English Kings for herein great Egbert Anno 836. with his sonne King Ethelwolfe 857. Here Elfred Oxfords Founder 901. with his Queene Elswith 904. Here the first Edmund before the Conquest 924. with his sonnes Elfred and Elsward Here Edred 955. and Edwy 956. both Kings of England Here Emm● 1052. with her Danish Lord Canute 1035. and his sonne Hardicanute 1042. And here lastly the Normans Richard and Rufus 1100. were interred their bones by Bishop Fox were gathered and shrined in little guilt coffers fixed upon a wall in the Quire where still they remaine carefully preserved This Cities situation is fruitfull and pleasant in a valley under hils having her River on the East and Castle on the West the circuit of whose walls are well-neare two English miles containing one thousand eight hundred and eighty paces thorow which openeth six gates for entrance and therein are seven Churches for divine service besides the Minster and those decayed such as Callendos Ruell Chappell Saint Maries Abbey and the Fryers without in the Suburbs and So●ke in the East is Saint Peters and in the North Hyde Church and Monastery whose ruines remaining shew the beauty that form●tly it bare The Graduation of this City by the Mathematicks is placed for Latitude in the degree 51 10 minutes and for Longitude 19 3 minutes 10 More South is South-hampton a Towne populous rich and beautifull from whom the whole Shire deriveth her name most strongly walled about with square stone containing in circuit one thousand and two hundred paces having seven Gates for entrance and twenty-nine Towers for defence two very stately Keyes for Ships arrivage and five faire Churches for Gods Divine Service besides an Hospitall called Gods house wherein the unfortunate Richard Earle of Cambridge beheaded for treason lyeth interred On the West of this Towne is mounted a most beautifull Castle in forme Circular and wall within wall the foundation upon a hill so topped that it cannot be ascended but by staires carrying a goodly prospect both by Land and Sea and in the East without the walles a goodly Church sometimes stood called Saint Maries which was pulled downe for that it gave the French direction of course who with fire had greatly endangered the Towne In stead thereof is now newly erected a small and unfinished Chappell In this place saith learned Cambden stood the ancient Clausentium or Fort of the Romans whose circuit on that side extended it selfe to the Sea This suffered many depredations by the Saxon Pirats and in Anno 980. was by the Danes almost quite overthrowne In King Edward the thirds time it was fired by the French under the conduct of the King of Sicils sonne whom a countrey-man encountred and strucke downe with his Club. Hee crying Rancon that is Ransoms but hee neither understanding his language nor the law that Armes doth allow laid on more soundly saying I know thee a Frankon and therefore shalt thou dye And in Richard the seconds time it was somewhat removed and built in the place where now it standeth In this Clausentium Canute to evict his flatterers made triall of his Deity commanding the Seas to keepe backe from his seat but being not obeyed he acknowledged God to be the only Supreme Governour and in a religious devotion gave up his Crown to the Rood at Winchester More ancient was Silcester built by Constantius great Constantines sonne whose monument say they was seene in that City and where another Constantine put on the purple Roabe against Honorius as both Ninius and Gervase of Canterbury doe witnesse Herein by onr Historians record the warlike Arthur was crowned Whose greatnesse for circuit contained no lesse then fourscore acres of ground and the walles of great height yet standing two miles in compasse about This City by the Danish Rovers suffered such wrack that her mounted tops were never since seene and her Hulke the
O Obery Kings ODIHAM Odi Okehanger Alton Okeley Kings Okeley North Chut Okeley church Chu Okeley-hall Chut Oldaltesford Bunt Oldstoake Budle Oosham Ports Otterborne Budle Overton Overt Ovington Fawley Ower Redbridge Owselbury Faw Oxenborne Ester Oxenborne Mean P Patow Beacons Mic. Paltons Redbr. Pamber Hold. Pamber Barton Parkhouse New Parlicu Christch Parsonage Kings Parke New Pecke Mean Pennyngton Ring Penton Grafton And. Penton Mewson And. Persint Kingston PETERS FEILD Finc Pettleworth Thorn Pilley New Pitt Budle Platford Ando Polhampton Overt Polsgrave Ports Popham Michel Porchester Ports PORTSMOUTH Ports Portsey Ports Posbrooke Tich Preshoe Mean Preston Candaver Barm Preston Christch Preve parke Basing Prevet Fawley Priorsdeane Barton Q Qualey Ando Quidhampton Over R Rames Head Tich Ramesdeane Ester Raydon New Redbridge Redbr. Redman Ando RINGWOOD Ri. Riplington Ester Rockeborne Fordin Rochcourt Tich Ropley Sut. Rotherweek Odih. Rowner Tich Rumburge Redbr. RUMSEY King RUMSEY Redb Rye Odiham S Sandford Kings Sasbury Tich Saveston Ando Scotney Barton Selborne New Selborne Selbor Setchfield Fording Shalden Odiham Shamblehurst Mans. Sharprickes Christc Shatsham Mans. Sheete Finch Shelborne Selb Shephoue Crund. West Sherborne Chut Sherborne S. Johns Basing Sherfield Odiham Sherfield Thorne Shipton Thorne Shiadfield Walth Sidmanton Kings Sidford Mans. Silchester Hold. Sinckles Walth Skewers Basing Slackstead Michel Snodington Thorne Soak Fawley Soak Winton Buntes Somborne Somb. Somborne Somb. Somerford Christch Soplv Christch SOUTHAMPTON Wa. Southam Fording Southbrooke Tich Southbrooke Mich. SOUTHCAST Po. Southroppe Odiham Southweeke Portes Southwood Bosmer Sparkford Budles Sparshote Budles Stanbridge Kings Stannog Tich Stanswood New Stapley Odiham Steepe Ester Stephenton Basing Stoake Eving Stobridgton Tich STOCK-BRIDGE King Stone R●dbr Stoneham North Mans. Stoneham South Mans. Stratton East Mich. Stratton West Mich. Stratfieldsey Hold. Streate Christch Stunnog Tich Suberton Meane Sunburne little Kings Sunburne upper Kings Sutton Sut. Sutton Crund. Sutton Barton Swampton Eving Swanthrope Crund. Swanmore Walth Swanwick Tich Swarwotton Bunt Swaye Christch T Tachbury Redbr. Tadley Over● Taddiford Christch Tangley Past. Temple Selborn Terstwood Redbr. Tertio Deane Faw Thornay Thruxston Ando Tichborne Fawl Tichfield house Tich Tichfeild Tich Tisted East Selb Tisted West Sutt Tockington Wher Toothill Mans. Totton Redbr. Truxton without Ando Tuddiford Christ● Turnworth Basing Turges Hold. Tuston Hor. Twyford Fawley Tydworth Ando Tymsbury Kings Tytherley West Thorn Tytherley East Thorn V The Vine Basing Upham Walth Upton gray Barm Upton Past. Votherfeild Alton W Wablington Bosmer Wade Bosmer Walhampton Christ. Wallington Ports Wallop upper Thorn Wallop nether Thorn Wallop middle Thorn Walsworth Ports Walton North Overt Warborne New Warde R●dbr Warmansashe Tich Warnborrow North Odi Warnborrow South Bart. Warnford Mean Weeke Eving Weeke Budles Weild Fawley W●●hill Ando Wellow West Thorn Wemerling Port. Westbery Mean Westcoat Alton Weston Patrickes Odi Weston Barm Weston Carbets Barm Weston Finch Weston Michel Westover Christch Wherwell Wher WHIT-CHURCH Evin Whitsbury Ford. Wickham Tich Widleigh Ports Wigley Thorne Wimston Redbr. Winchfeild Odiham Winckton Christch Winhall Fawley Wintney Odiham Winton Christch Winton Ring WINCHESTER Winstade Basing Wisherborne Chut Witham Andover Wolles King Wonston Budles Woodcott Past. Woodgaston Basing Woodhaye East Eving Woodmancor Bunt Woolferton King Woolston Mans. Wortham East Alton Wartham West Alton Worthe Castle Tich Worting Chut Wotton Chut Wymering Ports Wyke Basing Y Yabington Fawley Yatley Crund. Yatton East Wher Yatton West Wher THE DESCRIPTION OF THE VVIGHT ILAND WIGHT Iland was in times past named by the Romanes Vecta Vectis and Vectesis by the Britains Guyth by the English Saxons Wuit-lanð and Wicþ-AEa for an Iland they termed AEa and in these dayes usually called by us The Isle of Wight It belongeth to the County of Southampton and lyeth out in length over against the midst of it South-ward It is encompassed round with the British Seas and severed from the Maine-land that it may seeme to have been conjoyned to it and thereof it is thought the British name Guyth hath been given unto it which betokeneth separation even as Sicily being broken off and cut from Italy got the name from Secando which signifieth cutting 2 The forme of this Isle is long and in the middest farre more wide then at either end from Binbridge I le in the East to Hurst Castle in the West it stretcheth out in length 20. miles and in breadth from Newport Haven Northward to Chale-bay Southward twelve miles The whole in circumference is about sixtie miles 3 The aire is commended both for health and delight whereof the first is witnessed by the long continuance of the Inhabitants in the state of their bodies before they be decayed and the other for quantity gives place to no neighbouring Country 4 The ground to say nothing of the Sea which is exceeding full of Fish consisteth of soyle very fruitfull yet the husbandmans labour deserves to be thankefully remembred by whose paines and industry it doth not onely supply it selfe but affords Corn to be carried forth to others The land is plenteously stored with Cattle and Graine and breeds every where store of Conies Hares Partridges and Phesants pleasant for meadow pasturage and Parkes so that nothing is wanting that may suffice man The middest yeelds plentie of pasture and forrage for Sheepe whose wooll the Clothiers esteeme the best next unto that of Leinster and Cotteswold If you cast your eyes towards the North it is all over garnished with Meadows Pastures and Woods If towards the South side it lyeth in a manner wholly bedecked with Corne-fields enclosed where at each end the Sea doth so incroch it self that it maketh almost two Ilands besides namely Freshwater Isle which looketh to the West and Binbridge Isle answering it to the East 5 The Commodities of the whole chiefly consist of Cattle Sea-fowle Fish and Corne whereof it hath sufficient Woods are not here very plentifull for that it is onely stored with one little forest yet the Country of Hantshire for vicinitie of Site is a friendly neighbour in that behalfe so as it were being tyed together in affinitie they are alwayes ready and propense to adde to each others wants and defects by a mutuall supply 6 The ancient Inhabitants of this Iland were the Belgae spoken of in the several Provinces of Sommerset-shire Wilt-shire and Hant-shire Such as did then possesse it were called Lords of the I le of Wight till it fell into the Kings hands by Roger Sonne to William Fitz-Osburne slaine in the warre of Flanders that was driven into exile And Henry the first King of England gave it unto Richard Ridvers with the fee or Inheritance of the Town of Christ-Church where as in all other places he built certaine Fortresses 7 The principall Market-Towne in the Isle is Newport called in times past Medena and Novus Burgus de Meden that is the new Burgh of Meden whereof the whole Countrey is divided into East Meden and West Meden A Towne well seated and
to Long Compton in the South are miles thirty and three and the broadest part of this Shire is from Hewell grange in the West unto Hill-morton in the East distant asunder twenty-five miles the whole in circumference about one hundred thirty and five 3 This Shire is sited neere unto the heart of all England therfore participates with her in the best both for aire and soil wanting nothing for profit or pleasure for man The South part from Avon that runneth thorow the midst of this County is called the Feldon as more champion and tractable to be stirred for corn which yeerly yeeldeth such plentifull harvest that the husbandman smileth in beholding his pains the medowing pastures with their green mantles so imbrodred with flowers that frō Edg-hil we may behold another Eden as Lot did the Plain of Iordan before that Sodom fell The Woodland lieth upon the North of Avon so called in regard of the plenty of Woods which now are much thinner by the making of Iron the soil more churlish to yeeld to the Plough 4 The ancient people that possessed this Province are by Ptolemies descriptiō called the Cornavii wherin after were seated the Mercian Saxons a part of whose Kingdome it was greatly sought after by the West Saxons whose King Cuthred about the year of Christ Jesus 749. in battle slew Ethelbald at Seckington neere unto Tamworth And not farre from thence King Edward 4. as unfortunately sought against that stout make-king Richard Nevil Earle of Warwicke neere unto which upon Blacklow hill Pierce Gaveston that proud and new raised Earle of Cornwal was beheaded by Guy Earle of Warwick assisted with the Earls of Lancaster and Hereford And surely by the testimony of Iohn Rosse and others this County hath been better replenished with people who maketh complaint of whole townships depopulations altogether laid waste by a puissant Armie of feeding sheep 5 Notwithstanding many faire Towns it hath and some of them matchable to the most of England The chief thereof is Coventree a City both stately for building and walled for defence whose Citizens having highly offended their first Lord Leofricke had their priviledges infringed themselves oppressed with many heavy tributes whose wife Lady Godiva pitying their estates uncessantly sued for their peace and that with such importunacy as hardly could be said whether was greater his hatred or her love at last overcome with her continuall intercessions he granted her suit upon an uncivil and as he thought an unacceptable cōdition which was that she should ride naked thorow the face of the City and that openly at high noon-day This notwithstanding she thankfully accepted performed the act accordingly enjoyned for this Lady Godiva stripping her self of all rich attire let loose the tresses of her faire haire which on every side so covered her nakednesse that no part of her body was uncivill to sight whereby she redeemed their former freedoms and remission of such heavy tributes Whose memory I wish may remain honorable in that City for ever her pity followed by such possessing Ladies This City had grant to chuse their yeerly Magistrates a Maior two Bailiffes and to build about and embattle a wall by K. Edward 3. whom Henry 6. corporated a County of it self changed the names of their Bailiffs unto Sheriffs and the wals then were built as they now stand thorow which open 13. gates for entrance besides 18. other Towers thereon for defence At Gofford gate in the East hangeth the shield-bone of a wild Bore farre bigger then the greatest Oxebone with whose snout the great pit called Swanswel was turned up and was slain by the famous Guy if we will beleeve report 6 Next unto this City in account commerce is Warwick upon the North-west banke of Avon built by Gurgunstus the sonne of Beline as Iohn Rosse Monk of the place saith 375. yeares before the birth of Christ by Ninius called Caer-Guaruic and Caerleon by the Saxons Warryng-wyc and by learned Cambden judged to be PRAESIDIUM the Roman Garisons Towne The situation of this place is most pleasant upon a hill rising from the River over which is a strong and faire Stone-bridge and her sharpe streame upon the Towne side checked with a most sumptuous and stately Castle the decayes whereof with great cost and curious buildings the right worthy Knight Sir Foulke Grivel in whose person shineth all true vertue and high nobilitie hath repaired whose merits to me-ward I do acknowledge in setting this hand free from the daily imployments of a manual trade and giving it full libertie thus to expresse the inclination of my mind himselfe being the Procurer of my present estate It seemeth this Town hath been walled about as appeareth by the Trench in some places seen and two very faire gates whose passages are hewed out of the Rock as all other into the Town are over whom two beautifull Chapels are built that towards the East called S. Peters and that on the South-west S. Iames. Two faire Churches are therein seated called S. Maries and S. Nicholas but these in and about the Towne suppressed S. Laurence S. Michaels Iohn Baptist and Iohn of Ierusalem beside the Nunnery in the North of the Town whose North-Pole is elevated in Latitude 52. degrees 45. minutes and is seated from the first point in the west of Longitude 18. degrees and 45. minutes being yearly governed by a Bailiffe twelve Brethren twenty-foure Bugesses for Common Counsel a Rocorder a Town-clerke and one Sergeant their Attendant 7 Places of most memorable note observed in this Shire are Shugbury where the precious stone Astroites is found Of-Church which was the Palace of great Off a the Mercian and the buriall-place of S. Fremund his sonne Chesterton where the famous Fosse-way is seen At Leamington so far from the Sea a Spring of Salt-water boileth up and at Newenham Regis most soveraigne water against the Stone Greene wounds Vlcers and Impostumes and drunk with Salt looseth but with Sugar bindeth the body and turneth wood into stone as my selfe saw by many sticks that therein were fallen some part of them Ash and some part of them Stone and Guy-cliffe where the famous Earle Guy after many painfull exploits atchieved retired and unknown led an Hermits life and was lastly there buried 8 The chiefest commodities in this County growing are corn wherof the Red-horse Vale yeeldeth most abundantly wools in great plenty woods and iron though the producer of the one will be the destuction of the other Such honorable Families as have bin dignified with the Earldome of this Shire-townes name since the Normans Conquest in the Map it selfe are inserted and by their severall names expressed This County is strengthened with eight strong Castles traded with fifteen Market-towns inriched with many faire buildings and by the devotion of many Nobles had many foundations of religious Monasteries therein laid The chiefe were at Stoneley Warwick
Polly down Promontary ant R Ragh Iland down Ragha Iland Nether Tyr. Raghin Mon. The Raghlins ant Ramultan Castle dun Rane-had down Raynold down Bishop Reagh ant Reagh down Red bay Castle ant Red Castle dun Red-bay ant Red-haven dun Relly down Richard Lough Rinor Neth Tyr. Rock flu Col. Lough Rosse Monagh Castle Rosse Monagh Lough Rose Monagh Rosse dun The Rowte ant Lough Rush Col. Lough Ryle down S Lough Sade-fold Mon. Sarard Lough Salmon-leape ant The Salmon Fishing dun Savage down Sawell pit a Mew Col. Scatericke Down Scottes ant Mount Sendall ant Knock Serabah Do. Sergeants towne Ar. Sidney Iland Nether Tyr. Silver hill dun Shanan Lough Lough Shanahan down Sheap flu down Sheepe haven dun Shelton Lough Skee Ferm Skinne flu Col. Skirres Portrush Col. Skirris ant Skrine Neth Tyr. Smiths Castle down Sok-le-boy An. South-rock down Stokan Neth Tyr. Stone-over ant Strangford down Strangford haven dow Temple Stanhurst land down Streband Vpper Tyr. Lough Swilly haven dun Mac Swinne dogh dun Mac Swinne Banogh dun Mac Swinne Fannought dun Castle Swinne Ado dun T Tadog ant Talbot down Tallah Neth Tyr. Tallowen flu Nether Tyr. Tehevet ant Telyn dun Tenan arm Bay Teraine ant Terim flu Neth Tyr. Termon Vpper Tyr. Slue Tgore Col. Lough Tinan Monagh Bishop Togher down Toghraby Monagh Tallagh Corbet Mon. Tollogh Cast Lough Tolloghnest Ne. Tyr. Tome Fort Neth Tyr. Tome lagh dun Tor ant Tor Island ant Torre Island dun Toughagh arm Toune Lough Toune Castle ant Trigall Net Tyr. Slew Trim Vpper Tyr. Troghenghtro Mon. Owen ne Trough Nether Tyr. Trowis flu Tullagh Neth Tyr. Tullash down V Uragh flu W Wall Mon. Walley Bay dun Warren Castle Lough Warren flu Welsh Castle down Whithead bay ant Whithead Castle ant White Castle dun White Abbey ant White Land ant Whites Castle down White Island down Bishop Willy Castle dun THE FIRST INDEX OR ALPHABETICALL TABLE containing the principall matters in the Maps both of ENGLAND and IRELAND the first number noting the Page and the second the Section A Fol. Sect. ABer-Conwey Towne like a Citie 123 6 Aberfrawe the Prince of Wales his Court 99 8 Adelme founder of Malmesbury Monastery 25.8 Adulph reedisieth Peterborow Monastery upon what ocsion 55.7 Iul Agricola his Trench or Fortification limiting the Romane Province 6.9 Saint Albanes Isle 94.8 Saint Albanes Towne and Monastery 39.5 Alcluid i. Dunbritton 132.12 Alesbury wherefore much frequented 43.7 Alexander King of Scots King of the Western Ilands and of Man 92.16 Alfred or Elfred restoreth the Vniversitie of Oxford 45.7 Buildeth Colledges and placeth Readers there ibid. Almanac of Harvest men in Denbigh shire 119.3 Alney Iland 47.10 Amble-side or Amboglana 85 10 Ambresbury Abbey 17.6 25.9 Ancalites where seated 45.4 Anderida Citie 9.4 Andradswald 9.4 S. Annes-well at Buxstones 67.8 Anglesey Isle how confined 99.8 What Cantreds and Commots it hath 99.8 How named and why 125.1 The forme and dimension of it 2 The Aire and Commodities thereof 3 The seat of the Druids 5 How divided Ibid. By whom infested and subdued 9 Hundreds and Townes thereof 126 Antimonium See Stibium Antiquities in West Riding 79.7 Anwicke field 89.10 Appleby Towne and Castle in Westmoreland 85.8 Aquila prophsieth 17.6 Arch-bishops Sees in Britain three 2.14 Armagh an Archiepiscopall and Metropolitane See in Ireland 145.9 Arran Ilands neere Galway 143.6 Arthurs chair an high mountaine 109.4 King Arthurs round Table at Llansanan in Denbighshire 119.6 Prince Arthur keepeth his Court at Ludlow 71.7 Prince Arthur his Monumēt or Sepulchre 51.5 23.10 Arvon i. Cair-Narvon 99.7 Ashes making ground fruitfull 119.4 Ashbridge much renowned for a feigned Miracle 43.7 Saint Assaph in North-Wales an Episcopall See 99.11 121.9 Astroits the precious stone found at Slugbury in Warwick shire 53.7 Alsoneere Bever 61.3 Attrebatii where planted 27 5 Saint Andree foundresse of Ely 37.5 Saint Andrees Liberties Ibid. Angustine first Archbishop of Canterbury 6.5 Angustines Oke in Worcestershire 51.6 Anteri what people in Ireland 143.5 B Badbury the West-Saxon Kings Court 17.6 Brinbrig an ancient place 79.7 Bala Curi the Bishops Palace of the Isle of Man 91.5 Baldwine the great Forrester of Flaunders 57.2 Banchor or Bangor a Citie and the first Monasterie 121 9 The ruines thereof Ibid. A Bishops See 99.9 Brakley Castle where King Edward the 2. was murdered 47.10 Braklow hils in Essex 31.5 Bark-shire whence it tooke ram● 27.1 How it is bounded 27.1 The forme measure and ayre thereof What cōmodities it yeeldeth 27.4 By whom anciently inhabited 27.5 What Religious houses it had 27.10 Hundreds and Townes in Barke-shire 28 Barnet field 29.9 Bartholanus his three sons planted in Ireland 137 8 Barwick 89.9 How governed Ibid. The graduation of it Ibid. Battle-bridge 81.7 Battaile-field 9.7 Battaile of Standard 81.7 Bathe in Sommerset-shire what names it had and why so called 23.7 Beault in Brecknock-shire 109 5. Beau-marish why so named See Bonover 125.8 Thomas Becket his Tombe 7.8 Bede a Monke of Weremouth where borne 83 6 Bedford-shire how bounded 41.1 The forme and dimension of it 41.2 The air soile and commodities of Bedford-shire 41.3 The ancient Inhabitants thereof 41.4 Hundreds and Townes therein 42 Bedford Towne and Castle 41.6.7 How described and how governed 41.7 The graduation of it 41 10 Of Beeston Castle a Prophesie 73.9 Belga where seated 13.6 15 6 23.5 25.5 Bellona's Temple in York 78 9 Bennones See Cleicester Benonium See Binchester Berinus the first Archbishop of Dorchester 6.8 His circuit Ibid. The Apostle and Bishop of the West-Saxons Ibid. Preacheth and baptizeth at Oxford 45.4 The Apostle also of the South-Saxons Ibid. Berry sometimes a famous Citie in Shrop-shire 71.9 Berth a Towne in Scotland destroyed by the inundation of Tai 132.16 Y. Bervedhwald the fourth part of North-Wales the bounds commodities cantreds and commots in it 99.11 Bever in Tivi River described 113.3 Beverley a Sanctuary 81.5 Saint Iohn of Beverley Ibid. Bibroces what people 25 5 Binbridge Isle 15.4 Binchester sometimes Benonium 83.9 Sir Richard Bingham his valour and wisedome in repressing Mac-Williams posteritie 143.7 Bishoprickes how many in England and Wales 6.4 Blany people in Ireland 141 4 Blond-raine 15.8 78.9 Charles Blunt Lord Mount-Ioy quenched the rebellion of Tirone 139.9 Bedman the middle Towne of Cornwall 21.8 the climate thereof Ibid. A Bishops See removed to Excester 21.10 Queene Boduo razeth Maldon 31.8 Bone-well in Herefordshire 49 6 Benover now Beau-marish 129 The government and graduation of it Ibid. Borders betweene Scotland and England 6.11 Now the middest of the Empire Ibid. Borow what it signifieth 3.6 Bors-holder or Tithingman 3.6 Bosham in Sussex 9.8 Boskenna Monument or Trophee 21.9 Bovata See Oxgang Bovium See Ban●hor Bowes an ancient Towne in West-riding 79.7 Brasen armour digged up in Cornwall 21.9 Brasen nose Colledge in Stanford 59.8 Breake-speare See Hadrian the fourth Breertous death in Cheshire presignified 73.9 Brecknock-shire the nature of it 100.21 What Cantreves and Commots it hath