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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A45754 The ladies dictionary, being a general entertainment of the fair-sex a work never attempted before in English. N. H.; Dunton, John, 1659-1733. 1694 (1694) Wing H99; ESTC R6632 671,643 762

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Love Chara I. She that is dear beloved favour'd or pretious Charity I. Charity Love Bounty Chl●ris forsan à 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. green Gr. Christian given from our Christian Profession from Xe●● i. the Annointed i. 〈◊〉 C●●rlie that hath a kind of dimness in his sight or th● is Gray-ey'd Clare she that is fair bright or clear Lat. Cleobulina dun for Cleo●lus I. famous for Counsel Cleopatria qu. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. the Glory 〈◊〉 her Father or Country Constance i. constant fine always one Lat. Calphurnia a Roman Ma●tron who pleading her own Cause made such an unpl●sing a Harangue that the Senate made a Decree that ● Woman should be admitted 〈◊〉 plead for the future Camillia Queen of the Volscians she aided Turnus 〈◊〉 gainst Aeneas and after many brave Atchievements was 〈◊〉 by a cowardly hand Camilla Sister to Pope Sixtus the Fifth who of ● Poor Woman was rais'd by him to the degree of a Princess and her Children provided for after an extraordinary manne tho we do not hear that her Advancement made her proud a thing very common in o●● Age. Camma a Lady of Galatia marry'd to Sinatus who being kill'd by Sinorix that he might enjoy Camma she after having bewail'd her Husband's death seemingly consented sented to be his Wife but poisoned him in the Nuptial Cup and at the same time 〈◊〉 rejoicing that she had the happiness in her Fall to be revenged on her Husband's Murtherer Campaspe a very beautiful Woman whose Picture Alexander the Great caused to 〈◊〉 drawn by Apelles but the Painter whilst he was drawing 〈◊〉 fell in Love with her and ●btain'd the King's leave to marry her Candace an Ethiopian Queen of the Isle of Meroe whose Eunuch St. Philip con●erted to the Christian Religion and he converted the Queen with a great number of her Subjects She was a Woman of a Heroick Spirit much ●ddicted to the Wars in which ●he lost one of her Eyes Carines Women who in great Funerals were Mourners and made doleful Lamentations over the Dead Carmel our Lady of Mount-Carmel Carmenta a Grecian Lady Mother to Evander who ●ailing from Greece planted himself in Italy by the courtesie of King Faunus and assisted Aeneas in his Wars against Turnus for the gaining the Fair Livinia Carna a Goddess taking Care of the Vital parts of Men to keep them in Health and ●engthen their Days Cassandra a Lady of Venice very famous for her Learning in divers Languages and Sciences leaving many curious Pieces of her works behind her Cassandra Daughter to King Priamus ravished by Apollo who to recompence her gave her the Gift of Prophecy but she afterward not proving so agreeable as he expected he so order'd it that none should believe her Cat●hina Daughter to Lucippius the Sicyonian King she succeeding her Father marry'd Messapais a Sea Captain who had before gotten her with Child as she was rambling on the Sea-shoar when to hide her Infamy she declar'd That Neptune came out of the Sea and ravish'd her which passed for current with the People Calliope one of the Nine Muses styl'd the Goddess of Rhetorick and Heroick Poetry She was painted Young crown'd with Flowers holding in one hand a Book and in the other a wreath of Laurel Callipatria a Woman of Elis being of great strenght she us'd to disguise herself in Man's Apparel and Wrestle at the Olimpick Games tho Women were strictly forbidden to appear there but being discover'd she was pardoned and to prevent the like for the future it was ordined that those who enter'd the Lists should be stript naked Calithoe Daughter of S●amander marry'd to Tro● third King of the 〈◊〉 afterward from him named 〈…〉 had by him three Sons 〈◊〉 ●●nim●les and 〈◊〉 Grandfather father to Anchises the Father of Aeneas the Fugitive Trojan who planted himself in Italy after the Destruction of Troy Chalisto Daughter of Lycaon an Arcadian who listing herself among the Nymphs of Diana and vowing Chastity was nevertheless debauched by Jupiter and being found with Child the Goddess turn'd her into a Bear yet she brought forth a Son call'd Arcos But Jupiter taking compassion on them translated them to the Stars where they are called the great and little Bear Callithoe Daughter of Lycus a Tyrant of Lybia she advertis'd Diomedes her Husband of the Ambushes her Father had laid and by that means sav'd his Life But he afterwards ungratefully forsook her upon which she hang'd herself Callithoe Daughter of the River Achelous she was Wife to Alcemon who being Murther'd her Father obtain'd of Jupiter that her young Children should immediately grow up to Mens estate that they might revenge their Father's death which was granted and they accordingly perform'd it by slaying the Conspirators Calphurnia Wife to Julius Cesar a virtuous Lady who dreaming that the Roof of the House was fallen down her Husband stab'd in her Arms and all the Doors opened of their one accord perswaded him not to go to the Senate But 〈◊〉 regarding her he was there stab'd by the Conspirato● Cassiope Wife to Cep● an Aethiopian King she 〈◊〉 Mother to Andromede 〈◊〉 for comparing her Beauty 〈◊〉 the Nereides had a Sea-●●ster sent by Neptune to ●●vour her Daughter but she was ty'd naked to a Ro● Perseus the Sun of Dane ●● Jupiter came on his wi●● Horse Pegassus through 〈◊〉 Air and in a dreadful Com● kill'd the Monster and 〈◊〉 the Lady and is fabled to ●●tain of Jupiter that the Mo● and Daughter when they 〈◊〉 might be made Constellati●● and fixed in the Skies 〈◊〉 the Northern Stars Catharine d'Bedicis 〈◊〉 of France Catharine d'Siena a 〈◊〉 of the third Order of St. D●minick a very Pious and D●vout Lady after her death 〈◊〉 was Canoniz'd by Pope 〈◊〉 Catharine of Alexan●● another Saint tho some 〈◊〉 whether there ever was such Person Catharine of Ara●● Daughter to K. Ferdinand 〈◊〉 Fifth she was sent over 〈◊〉 England and first married ●● Prince Arthur and after 〈◊〉 death to Prince Henry w●● Succeeded Henry the Seve●● She was Mother to Q. 〈◊〉 and being divorc'd the 〈◊〉 after dy'd for Grief Catharine of Austria D●ches of Savoy she was Daughter to Philip the Second ●● Spain by Elizabeth of France she was Marryed to Emmanuel the first Duke of Savoy and dyed at Turin Anno 1597. Leaving Five Sons and Four Daughters behind her Catherine of Poland she was Queen of Sweden and Daughter of Sigismund the first King of Poland she was Married to John Prince of Swedeland and Duke of Fineland Son to Gustavus the first She was a Lady of great Virtue and Patience bearing her Husbands troubles and continuing with him during his seven years Imprisonment with a wonderful Constancy Catharine of Portugal Dutches of Bragance she was Daughter of Edward the Second King of Portugal and Maryed to John the Second Duke of Bragance after the death of Sebastian she disputed her Right with Philip the Second King of Spain for the
Kingdom of Portugal but though the Spaniard had then the longest Sword it is since fallen to her Posterity The Vertuous Donna Catharina Queen Dowager of England being likewise decended from her Cave vel raba Daughter of Julian Count of Ceuta and Consuegra she was Ravished by Rhoderick King of Spain which so incensed her Father that to Revenge it he called in the Sarazens who in a Barbarous manner over-run all Spain and expulsed Rhoderick his Kingdom Centhris Wife to Cinyre King of Cyprus Mother of Myrrha whom Venus turned into a Myrrhe tree Cenee a Maid That for her Viginity prevailed with Neptune to turn her into a Man that she might never more be ravished which he did and finding her of a Martial Spirit that she might be safe in War he rendred her Invulnerable but fighting with the Centaurs they bruised her to death with the weight of mighty Clubs after which she is fabled to be turned into a Bird. Ceres the Goddess of Corn Daughter of Saturn and Ops who went about the World with blazing Pines to seek her Daughter Proserpina whom Pluto had Ravished and carryed to Hell and at last finding her agreed that the should be six months in the year with Pluto and the other six with her on Earth Cesonie Empress of Caligula and after his death was Murthered by Julius Lupus for weeping over the dead Body of her Husband baring her Neck to the Cruel Wretch and dying with great Constancy and Courage she likewise strangled her Daughter Julia Drusila a Child of Four Years old Charicke Hyda●pes a King of Aethiopia's Daughter being very Fair and Beautiful to the rest of the Ethiops so that the Queen feared being mistrusted of Disloyalty but when she beheld an Ebbony Spot Arrisen on the Princess Arm the true Mark of a Legitimate Child of that Family she greatly rejoiced Charlotte Daughter of Lewis the Second Duke of Montpensire she was veiled a Nun when very young and afterward became Abbess of St. Jovare but not liking that kind of Life she privately withdrew into Germany and there turned Protestant and was Marryed to William of Nasau Prince of Orange whom she Loved so intirely that hearing he was desperately wounded by one Jourigni she fell sick with Grief and dyed at Antwerpt Chahatri Colombe a Taylors Wife of Burgundy being in Labour could by no means be Delivered but her Belly continued big till she dyed which was twenty four years after when being opened to find the cause the shape of a perfect Female Infant was found in her Womb petrefied to the hardness of a●stone Christiana Queen of Sweden she was Daughter to Gustavus Adolphus the Warlike King of the Swedes and Mary Eleanor of Brandenburgh after she had Reigned as Queen some years she voluntarily resigned the Crown to her Cousin Charies Gustavus and went to Rome where she lived very Splendidly to her death which happened Anno 1688. Chrysame a Thessalia● Priestess who inured Cattl● by degrees to eat poisono●● Herbs till they became their Natural Food And in the War between the Grecians and Barbarians Left them as a Prey to the hungery Enemy who feeding on their Flesh became distracted so that 〈◊〉 easie Victory was gained over them Ciree an Inchantress dwelling in the Isle of Oggia 〈◊〉 to be the Daughter of the S●● who by her Inchantmen● changed Mens shapes and turned them into Beasts 〈◊〉 stayed Vlysses in his return from Troy till Minerva 〈◊〉 Protectress got leave of 〈◊〉 to set him free St. Claire an Order of Religious Women taking the●● Denomination from her they were confirmed by Pope Innocent the Third Claudia a Roman 〈◊〉 Virgin she fastening her 〈◊〉 to the Galley wherein the S●●tue of Cyble was on the Riv● Tyber drew it to Rome when it stopt and no other 〈◊〉 move it Clemeníé a Pagan Goddess Patroness of Mildness and Mercy she was painted wi●● a Branch of Laurel in one hand and a Lance in the other she had her Temple in Rome Celia a Roman Virgin she was given in Hostage to Porsena when he besieged Rome but made her Escape on Horse-back over the Tyber but being sent back again he freely released her for the Vertue he found in her whereupon the Senate Erected her a Statue on Horse-back in the Market-place Ceobulina she Renounced the Crown of Rhodes to apply herself to Philosophy and a Contemplative Life Cleopatria Second Wife to King Philip of Macedon she was Murthered by Olimpias his first Wife after his being slain by Possanias Cleopatra Daughter of Philip of Macedon she was Marryed to Alexander King of Epirus and put to death by Antigonus at Sardis Cleopatria Daughter of Ptolomy Philometus King of Egypt Admirable for her Wit and Beauty she was Marryed to Alexander Bela King of Syria and left him for Demetrius Nicanor but he being taken Prisoner by the Persians she Marryed Rodogune and soon after put him to death and her Son Selucius ascending the Throne without her leave she ●hot him dead with an Arrow and made Antiochus the Eight King who understanding she ●●●ended to poison him at a Banquet she had prepared made her drink the dose of which she dyed Cleopatra Daughter of Ptolomy Physoon King of the Egyptians she was Marryed to her Brother and then to Antiochus King of Syria but she was strangled by Griphine his first Wife which known so ingraged the King that he caused her to be offered as a Sacrifice to appease the Ghost of the Murthered Cleopatra Cleopatra Daughter of Ptolomy Epiphanes Cleopatra The fair Queen of Egypt Daughter to Ptolomy Auletes she was first Marryed to her Brother Ptolomy but he being drowned in the Nilus when he fled from the overthrow given him by Julius Cesar she Captivated the Conquerer with her Beauty he begot on her a Son called Cesa●ion slain after Cesars death by the Soldiers of Augustus afterward Mark Anthony doated on her but after the overthrow at Actium she clapped Aspicks to her Breast and dyed to prevent her being carried Captive to Rome Cleophe Queen of the Massagues a People of India ●he opposed the Progress of Alexanders Victories till she brought him to terms which were to draw off his Army and leave her in quiet Possession of her Kingdom for which sue is said to pay him only the Tribute of a Nights Lodging Cleopatra Selene Marryed to Antiochus G●●phus King of Syria and afterward to Antiochus Cizicenus and thirdly to Antiochus Eusebius but being taken in a Battle by Tyranes he put her to death Clio one of the Nine Muses said to be the Daughter of Jupiter and Memory Clotilde Queen of France Wife to Clovis the First she Converted him to the Christian Religion and perswaded him to be Baptized she had divers Sons among whom after their Fathers Death there arose Civil Dissentions in disputes for the Throne which she being by no means able to Regulate it hastened her death Clotilde Daughter of Clovis and St. Clotilde she was Marryed to
pleasing Gesture an affected Carriage shall be added it must of necessity be more forcible and charming than it was when those curious Needle-works variety of Colours purest Dyes Jewels Pendants Lawns Lace Tiffanies and fine Linnen Embroideries Calaminstrations Ointments and the like shall be added they will make homliest of the Sex seems as a soft Temptation to charm and infacinate Mankind though some will have native Beauty and indeed with those we agree where it is rare and illustriously Transcedent out-shine artificial Adornments as it is said of Cleopatra Queen of Egypt viz. The Wealth she wore about her seem'd to hide Not to Adorn her Native Beauty's Pride Tho there bright Pearls from the Or'ential shoars 〈◊〉 From all th' Assyrian Lakes and wealthy Stores Of Silver Ganges and Hydaspes shone From Egypts Eastern Isles the Gold like Stone And cheerful Emeraulds gather'd from the Green Arabian Rocks were in full splendor seen Pale Onyx Jasper of a various dye And Diamonds darken'd by her brighter Eye The Saphires blew by her more Azure Veins Hung not to boast but to confess their stains And blushing Rubies feem'd to lose their dye When her more Ruby Lips were moving by It seem'd so well became her what she wore She had not Robb'd at all the Creatures store But had been Nature's self there to have showd What she on Creatures cou'd or bad bestow'd Fashion and Meatness defended by another hand Faces when clouded by Poverty Carelesness or a kind of disregard cannot shine so bright in the Eyes of Lovers as when they are trick'd and trim'd up with all the sprucifying Advantages notwithstanding there is indeed something lovely in Beauty though in never so careless an Dress As an unpolish'd Diamond is a Diamond but the polishing sets a greater Lustre on it Daphnis says Lucan was a poor tatter'd Wench and was little regarded and so might always have continued in a kind of Obseurity had she not been industrious to get her gay Cloaths which allured so many Lovers that by their liberal Offering she soon become Rich and stately and had her Maids to wait on her And these Advantages she had by setting herself out after the best Fashion by her pleasant Carriage Affability and courteously smiling on her Spectators Fashion sets off mainly and if a Garment be never so Rich if out of the Fashion it is not esteem'd but rather despicable and occasions Laughter Men are not only admired by Men for their curious Dresses but even esteem ' d for them by many Women especially if there be added a Fanty Meen Complements and modish Behavior These advantages have instantly won some too credulous to believe lightly every wanton Suitor who thus accomplished makes Addresses of Love and when he presses hard to one she is instantly Inamour'd and doats and will surely Marry when as he means nothing less it being his ordinary Carriage in all such Companies and frequently both Sexes by their out-side shews are Deluders and themselves deluded and among other an upright comely Grace Courtesies gently Salutations a crindging and a mincing Gate a Pace decent and affected are most powerful Enticers and infensibly draw the Affections Fortune or Dower great Incitements to Love Fortune or Wealth is a great Temptation and now-a-days with many a more powerful Loadstone than Beauty though it seldom purchases a virtuous Cordial Love but rather that which is Arry and Heroical for many Men when they hear of a large Portion a rich Heiress could be content to take her without seeing her meerly for the sake of her Portion and are more mad though she be I 'll bred and deform'd for her or pretend to be so than if wanting a Portion she had all those beauteous Ornaments and those good Parts Art and Nature can afoard they care not for a good Name Birth Beauty or Education their Aim is at Mony which makes the Poet thus discant Our Dogs and Horses from the best we breed And careful are that they may thrive and speed But for our Wives if they but wealthy prove Though fair or foul we flater them with Love If she be Rich that covers all faults Gold that Enchantment that bewitches the World makes her appear Fair Fine Perfect and Absolute then they burn in Love's flame they love her dearly like Pig and Pye and will make you believe they were ready to hang themselves if they miss her Nothing in these days is so familiar for even a young Man to Marry and old Wise for a Sum of Gold and although she be an old Croone and have never a Tooth in her Head nor good Conditions nor a good Face a Natural Fool if she be but Rich So Corrupt is the Age that she shall be follow'd and courted and buz'd in the Ears with the Amourous Discourse course of a number of Fly fools so on the other side many a lovely young Maid for Ambitions sake to jolt it in a Coach and go gay will throw her self away upon an old decrepit doating Dizard troubled with Rheums Gout Stone Catarrhs and twenty other Diseases and perhaps but one Eye one Leg a flat fall'n Nose bearing the Marks of the Sins of his Youth Bald-pated and neither Wit nor Honesty in his Brains If he have store of Land or Mony she will have him though at the same Infant she Sacrifices her Peace Content Marrimonial Pleasure and all the chiefest Sweets of Life for a little gawdy Foppery to appear siorrid and gay that the may out-vye others in fine Cloaths and sumptuous Diet. Aristaenetus telling a brisk buxom Lass of a proper sine Man that would maker her a good Husband Hang him reply'd the he has no Mony ' 〈◊〉 to no purpose to Marry without ' Means trouble me with no such Motion Let others do 〈◊〉 they will I 'll be sure to have one shall Maintain me fine and brave Form Beauty or good Parts stands not in the Minds of many in Competition with Mony in any degree Lucius Lycia was a proper young Maid and was Courted by divers comely young Men but the forsook them all for one Passus a base bald-pated knavish Fellow and why because he was Rich and had gotten an Estare by Usury and Extortion and to add so that his Father that had got an Estate as wickedly left him his sole Heir This is not alone among your Dust-worms whose fordid Soul Adore no God but Mammon but so it falls out many times among great ones The proud insulting Bishop of Ely being left Viceroy of England by Richard the First when he went to the Holy Wars having heap'd up a mighty Mass of Mony Married a great many of his Poor Kinswomen to the Nobility their Sons and Nephews who took them though of mean and base Extract for the Dowers the Bishop gave which Policy he used to ●renghten his Party and cover the wrong he had done the People in the King's absence 〈◊〉 King of Britain Married 〈◊〉 the Daughter of 〈◊〉