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A45110 A general history of Scotland together with a particular history of the Houses of Douglas and Angus / written by Master David Hume of Godscroft. Hume, David, 1560?-1630? 1648 (1648) Wing H3656; ESTC R33612 530,146 482

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the Scots in those parts with whom the Earle of Douglas encountring tooke Sir Thomas himself a hundreth and twentie prisoners besides those that were slain The same yeare 1380. the Earle Douglas entred England with twentie thousand men and went to the Faire of Pennure and having taken all the goods that were there he burnt the Towne Hollinshed in his English Chronicle speaking of that journey in all likelihood saith they brought away fouretie thousand cattell and were assaulted by the way but came into Scotland with the prey having lost some few of their men he sayes the occasion of it was because the men of Newcastle had taken a Scottish ship well known to be a Pirate but very rich worth seaventy thousand pound whereat the Scots being angry and offended made this incursion About this time the Earle of Douglas intreateth for mercy to James Lindsay Earle of Crawford who had been banished a certain time before for killing of John Lyon sonne in law to the King and Chancellour as some call him or Secretary as others hee was the first of the name of Lyon of whom the house of Glammes is descended This Lyon was a young man endued with all the naturall gifts of body and minde that could be Hee was comely in personage well bred and of a good carriage winning behaviour which made him to be wel liked of of all men and in speciall by this James Lindsay who received him into his traine and made him his Secretarie By this occasion being often at Court the King tooke notice of him and liking his deportment and upon Crawfords commendation tooke him into his service and made him his Domestick Secretary It fell so out at last that the Kings daughter by Elizabeth Moore fell in love with him and was made with childe by him which he revealed to the Earle of Crawford The Earle fearing that the King would take the matter heavily and hainously and use the young man hardly devised this way for his safetie hee causeth another Gentleman of his acquaintance to take the blame on him and to absent himselfe as guilty and then being very familiar with the King deals with him to bestow his daughter seeing shee had thus falne on John Lyon and to give him the lands of Glams with her which was done accordingly He got also for his coat of Armes the flowre de-luce field argent and a Lion azure with a double treasure and a womans head for his Crest What unthankfulnesse the Earle of Crawford did finde in him afterwards or did apprehend and conceive it is not particularly set downe but finding his owne credit with the King to decrease and John Lyons to increase and taking Lyon to be the cause thereof esteeming it great ingratitude after so great benefits he tooke it so highly and with such indignation that finding him accidentally in his way a little from Forfaire he slew him very cruelly and fearing the Kings wrath fled into a voluntary exile and so he remained certain yeares until at the Earle of Douglas intercession the King suffered himself to be so farre entreated as that he was restored obtained pardon and received into the Kings favour What interest the Earl of Douglas had in it and what friendship with the Earl of Crawford or what pitie of his afflicted estate or commiseration of him or weighing the cause that drew him to so hard a fact as great men will regard one another where they think they have been evill requited by them to whom they have been beneficiall or how necessary the presence of so worthy a man was for the King and Countries present estate it is hard to conjecture but this is cleare that the Earle of Douglas hath beene not a little respected and accounted of at that time seeing at his sute the King consented to forgive the murther of his owne sonne in Law and to receive the Authour thereof into favour The yeare following which was 1381. there ensued a truce between the two Countries for three yeares There met for concluding of this truce John of Gant Duke of Lancaster who was Uncle to King Richard the second with some other Lords of the English side and for the Scots the Earle of Douglas and March. In the very time of their meeting and treatie both parties were informed of the insurrection made by Jack Straw in England and both dissembled the matter untill the truce were agreed upon Then when all was ended the Earle of Douglas with a generous wisedome farre from that which is now in vogue and request addrest himself to the Duke of Lancaster and told him that from the very first beginning of their conference hee was not ignorant in what estate the affaires in England were but that they were so farre from catching hold of any advantage of the time and from making either of peace or warre accordingly that they had the rather consented to the truce because of the troubles in England And for your selfe saith he if it please you you may remain here in Scotland untill these tumults bee setled or if you had rather return home you shall have 500. horse to accompany you and to set you safe in what place in England you please The Duke thanked them for their courtesie but thinking that hee needed it not at that time made no use of either of their offers But afterwards being on his journey home when he found that they shut the gates of Berwick against him and would not receive him into the Towne he came backe againe and was conveyed to Haliroodhouse by the Earle of Douglas and his brother Archbald Lord of Galloway and remained there till matters were composed in England After the truce was expired Archbald Lord of Galloway assisted by his brother the Earle of Douglas and by the Earle of March wonne the Castle of Lochmabane as we shall heare in the life of the said Archbald Upon this the Duke of Lancaster by way of revenge made an incursion upon Scotland in which having rifled Edinburgh and wasted the Countrey he returned home And he being gone the Earle of Douglas tooke in all the Castles and houses of strength in Tivedale which the English had kept since the battell of Durham Roxbrough onely excepted and purged that Countrey of Brigands and Robbers who had in time of the warre beene very licentious and bold This was the last work of this Nobleman worthy say our Writers of his house and Predecessours for he died soone after of a Fever in the Castle of Douglas and was buried in Melrosse in the Abbey in the year 1384. as they reckon and is likely for his sonne James is stiled Earle in the yeare 1385. March 20. Of what age he was at his death it cannot be certainly collected but from his fathers death at Halidoun hill we have 51 yeares after he began to come upon the stage and appeare in businesse and the affaires of his Countrey 30. yeares at least or
away This he did often to make the Captaine to slight such frayes and to make him secure that he might not suspect any further end to be in it which when he had wrought sufficiently as he thought he laid some men in ambuscado and sent others away to drive away such beasts as they should finde in the view of the Castle as if they had been theeves and robbers as they had done often before The Captaine hearing of it and supposing there was no greater danger now then had beene before issued forth of the Castle and followed after them with such haste that his men running who should be first were disordered and out of their ranks The drivers also fled as fast as they could till they had drawne the Captaine a little beyond the place of the ambuscado which when they perceived rising quickly out of their covert set fiercely upon him and his companie and so slew himselfe and chased his men back to the Castle some of which were overtaken and slaine others got into the Castle and so were saved Sir James not being able to force the house took what bootie he could get without in the fields and so departed By this means and such other exploits he so affrighted the enemie that it was counted a matter of great jeopardie to keepe this Castle which began to be called the adventurous or hazzardous Castle of Douglas whereupon Sir John Walton being in suit of an English Lady she wrote to him that when he had kept the adventurous Castle of Douglas seven yeares then he might thinke himselfe worthy to be a sutor to her Upon this occasion Walton tooke upon him the keeping of it and succeeded to Thruswall but he ran the same fortune with the rest that were before him For sir James having first dressed an ambuscado neare unto the place he made fourteen of his men take so many sacks and fil them with grasse as though it had been corn which they carried in the way toward Lanerik the chief market town in that County so hoping to draw forth the Captain by that bait and either to take him or the Castle or both Neither was this expectation frustrate for the Captain did bite and came forth to have taken this victuall as he supposed But ere he could reach these carriers Sir James with his company had gotten between the Castle and him and these disguised carriers seeing the Captain following after them did quickly cast off their upper garments wherein they had masked themselves and throwing off their sacks mounted themselves on horseback and met the Captain with a sharp encounter being so much the more amazed as it was unlooked for wherefore when he saw these carriers metamorphosed into warriours ready to assault him fearing that which was that there was some train laid for them he turned about to have retired to the Castle but there also hee met with his enemies between which two companies he and his whole followers were slain so that none escaped the Captain afterwards being searched they found as it is reported his mistresse letter about him Then hee went and tooke in the Castle but it is uncertain say our writers whether by force or composition but it seems that the Constable and those that were within have yeelded it up without force in regard that hee used them so gently which he would not have done if he had taken it at utterance For he sent them all safe home to the Lord Clifford and gave them also provision and mony for their entertainment by the way The Castle which he had burnt onely before now he razeth and casts down the walls thereof to the ground By these and the like proceedings within a short while he freed Douglasdale Atrick forrest and Jedward forrest of the English garrisons and subjection But Thomas Randulph Alexander Stuart Lord of Bonckle and Adam Gordone being Englized Scots concluded to gather together their forces and to expulse him out of those parts Now it fell so out that Sir James intending to lodge at a certain house upon the water of Line and being come hither for that purpose by chance all these three were lodged in the same house before he came which drew on a skirmish betwixt them in which Alexander Stuart Lord of Bonckle and Thomas Randulph were taken prisoners and Adam Gordone saved himself by flight This peece of service was of no small importance in regard of the good service done to the king by Thomas Randulph both while the King lived and after his death when he was regent which all may be ascribed to Sir James who conquered Randulph to the Kings side With these his prisoners he went into the North as farre as the Mernes where he met the King returning from Innernesse of whom he was heartily welcomed both for his owne sake and because he had brought him his Nephew Randulph whom the King did chide exceedingly And he again reproved the King out of his youthfulnesse and rash humour as though he did defend the Crowne by flying and not by fighting wherefore hee was committed to prison thereafter pardoned and being made Earle of Murray he was imployed in the Kings service This is related in the Bruces book and hath nothing fabulous or improbable in it and therefore it ought not to be slighted Especially seeing as I am informed the Book was penned by a man of good knowledge and learning named master John Barbour Archdeacon of Aberdene for which work he had a yearely pension out of the Exchequer during his life which he gave to the Hospitall of that Towne to which it is allowed and paid still in our dayes He lived in the reigne of David the second sonne and successour to King Robert Bruce Sir James was with the King at Inverourie ten miles from Aberdene against John Cummine Earle of Buchan who was there defeated on Ascension day in the yeare 1308. From thence Sir James went with him when he recovered Argyle the Lord whereof had once comed in to the King but was now revolted to the English side And likewise at many more journeyes and roads both in Scotland and England Sir James did ever more accompany him In the year 1313. hee tooke in the Castle of Roxburgh called then Marchmouth whilest the King was busie about Dumfrees Lanrick Aire and others and while Sir Thomas Randulph was lying at the Castle of Edinburgh The manner of his taking of it was thus about Shrovetide which is a time of feasting and revelling he with sixty more having covered their armour with black that they might not be discovered by the glittering thereof went in the forenight toward the Castle when they came neare to it they lay along and crept upon their hands and feet through a bushie piece of ground till they were come close to the foot of the wall Those that did watch upon the Castle wall espied them but the night being dark and by reason of their creeping they tooke
Towne and after burnt it without resistance This was in the yeare 1318. in May. The next was in the year following 1319. when King Edward having gathered an army lay before Berwick These two entred England as farre as Milton which is within 12. miles of York where the Archbishop of Yorke and the Bishop of Ely Chancellour made head against them in which conflict there were foure thousand English slain amongst whom was the Major of Yorke and a thousand drowned in the water of Swail and if the night had not come in too soon the battell being joyned in the afternoon few or none of them had escaped as it is thought It is called the battell of Milton or Swail or the white battell because there were a number of Priests slain at it belike they have been apparelled in their surplices Hollinshed in his Chronicle of England relateth the manner how it was done He sayes that as the English men passed over the water of Swale the Scots set fire upon certain stacks of hay the smoke whereof was so huge that the English might not see where the Scots lay And when the English were once gotten over the water the Scots came upon them with a wing in good order of battell in fashion like to a shield eagerly assailing their enemies who were easily beaten down and discomfited Many were drowned by reason that the Scots had gotten betwixt the English and the bridge so that the English fled betwixt that wing of the Scots and the main battell which had compassed about the English on the one side as the wing did upon the other The King of England informed of this overthrow brake up his siege incontinently and returned to Yorke and the Scots home into their Countrey of Scotland Their third expedition was that same yeare at Hallowtide when the Northern borders of England had gotten in their cornes and their barns were well stuffed with grain which was their provision for the whole yeare They entred England and burnt Gilsland tooke divers prisoners and drave away all the cattell they could finde Then they went to Brough under Stanmoore and returned by Westmooreland and Cumberland with great booty and spoil none offering to make head against them The fourth was in the yeare 1322. when the King of England grieved with these invasions having complained to the Pope had purchased a Legate to be sent into Scotland to admonish King Robert to desist from further disquieting the Realme of England and because he would not obey he with Sir James Douglas and Thomas Randulph were accursed by the two Cardinalls the Archbishop of Canterbury and York and all the Priests in England every day thrice at Masse These two Sir James Douglas and Randulph some say the King himself following the Legate at the heels as it were entred England little regarding their cursings and wasted the Countrey to the Redcrosse and coming to Darlington at the feast of Epiphanie stayed there a while for gathering of booty and destroying the Countrey The Lord Douglas on the one hand and the Lord Stuart of Scotland on the other the one going towards Hartelpool and Caveland and the other towards Richmond The inhabitants of Richmond-shire having no Captains to defend them gave a great summe of money as at other times they had done to have their Countrey saved from fire and spoil These adventurers stayed 15. dayes in England and returned without battell It is said that the Knights of the North came to the Duke of Lancaster then lying at Pomphret and offered to go into the field with him against the Scots but he refused whether by reason of the discord between him and K. Edward or for some other occasion I know not At this time it is that the King gives to Sir James Douglas a bounding Charter of Douglasdale dated apud Bervicum super Tuedam anno Regni nostri decimo quinto which is either the yeare 1320. or 1322. the first of April It bears Jacobo de Douglas filio haeredi Gulielmi Douglas militis which decides the question of his age and his brother Hughes who outlived Sir James 12. or 13. years and calls himself his heire as shall be showne It hath also this clause Volumus insuper c. wee will also and grant for us and our heires that the said James and his heires shall have the said lands free ab omnibus prisiis petitionibus quibuscunque ita quod nullus ministrorum nostrorum in aliquo se intromittat infra dictas divisas nisi tantum de articulis specialiter ad coronam nostram pertinentibus To return King Edward conceived such discontent and was so grieved at this so wasting of his Kingdome that he gave order to levie an army of 100000. to enter Scotland at Lammas whereof K. Robert being advertised entred England neare to Carlile and burnt some towns which belonged to King Edwards own inheritance spoyled the Monastery of Holme where his fathers corps were interred Hither the Earle of Murray and Sir James Douglas came to him with another army whereupon marching further Southward they came to Preston in Andernesse and burnt all that towne also except the Colledge of the Minorites This was fourescore miles within England from the Borders of Scotland Then they returned with their prisoners and booty to Carlile where they stayed some fourteen dayes wasting and destroying all about with fire and sword and so they returned into Scotland on Saint James day having remained within England three weeks and three dayes without any opposition or resistance They were not long at home when K. Edward entred into Scotland with his army and passed to Edinburgh but for want of victualls which were conveyed out of the way of purpose by King Roberts command and direction he was forced to make a retreat and goe home the way he came having discharged his choller with what he could meet with in his return But hee was quickly followed by the two Colleagues Sir James and Randulph who entred England burnt North Allerton with other townes and villages as farre as Yorke and overtaking the King at the Abbey of Biland gave him battell and defeated him There was taken John Britton Earle of Richmond who had also the Earledome of Lancaster he being ransomed for a great summe of money passed over into France where he remained and never came back again into England The English Chronicle to excuse this defeat layes the blame hereof upon Andrew Barkeley Earle of Carlile whom they say Sir James Douglas corrupted with money upon which pretext Barkeley was executed suffering good Gentleman to cover other mens faults It doth me good to heare Master John Major answer the English Writers in his round and substantiall manner It is but a dream saith he and spoken without all likelihood for neither were the Scots ever so flush and well stored with moneyes as to corrupt the English neither was that the custome of good Sir James Douglas a valiant
was conveyed to the Castle of Dumbarton where hee was received by Malcolm Fleeming Captain thereof Now both the Edwards being absent and he having a particular spleen against Cummin who possessed his private inheritance the said Robert with the help of Colin or Duncan Campbell in Argyle from whom he obtained an aid of foure hundreth men had taken the Castle of Dunholm in Coile and destroyed the English Garrison there whereupon the men of Boote which was his private inheritance had taken armes slain Allane Lyle there Captain and Sheriffe who was placed there by Balliol and Cummin and were come home very joyfull to their old master the Stuarts Upon this Thomas Bruce Earle of Carrict with his friends and neighbours of Coile and Cunninghame and William Karrudise of Annandale who had ever refused the English yoake coming forth out of the place where they had lurked resorted to him also John Randulph Earle of Murray was returned from France and did incourage them with hopes of forreign help of Jefferey or Godfrey Rosse Sheriffe of Aire had drawne Coile Carrict and Cunningham to be of the partie Ranfrow was also returned to the Stuarts By their example the dependers of Andrew Murray had drawne all Cliddesdale to them partly by faire means partly by force These under the command and leading of Robert Stuart and John Randulph had passed into the North parts chaised David Cummin Governour for the English to Lochaber and compelled him to yeeld and swear obedience to David Bruce Notwithstanding that the enemy had committed to him so great a charge as to bee Lieutenant for him in those parts About this time or a little before William Lord of Liddesdale returns from his captivity having been three yeares in prison And hee is no sooner returned but that presently he begins to serve his King and Countrey faithfully and diligently against both their enemies Scots and Englized usurpers recompencing his long imprisonment with his enemies losses especially in Lowthian for the more easie performance hereof and that hee might annoy them that were in the Castle of Edinburgh which was then held by the English and them that went toward it hee lay in wait in Pentland-hills To him John Randulph after that he had left David Cummin Earle of Athole Lieutenant for him in the North parts Randulph and Robert Stuart were chosen Governours by the Kings party did adjoyn himself as to his old and fast friend from thence they both went to Perth to a Convention of the States the 2. of Aprill 1335. But there was nothing done at that meeting because of the enmity betwixt the Lord Liddesdale and David Cummin Earle of Athole The occasion was the Lord of Liddesdale alledged that hee was detained longer in prison then other wayes he would have been by the means of the the Earle of Athole who no doubt did thinke it meet for Balliol and the English faction and therefore advised them to keep him And certainly he was wiser in that point then they that set him at libertie for ransome Now under the colour and pretext of this ill will between him and Liddesdale Athole was so strongly accompanied with his servants and dependers that the rest being jealous of his disposition and fearing his present power did conclude no matter of importance Robert Stuart enclined toward him but all the rest favoured the Lord Liddesdale Robert was young and knew not the disposition of Athole which the rest knew better and what ods was between them in fidelitie which was not long in discovering For King Edward of England came with a great army both by Sea and Land and brought Balliol with him So soone as he came to Perth Athole being solicited to defection from Bruce he was not very hard to wooe whereas Liddesdale did still his uttermost endevours for him One of the Governours to wit Robert Stuart being sick and the other John Randulph thinking it too heavie a burden for him alone to fight divided his forces that so he might the more annoy the King Now word was brought to him that there was a great army of the Guelders coming through England to joyne with Edward and help him against the Scots Wherefore Randulph passeth over into Lowthian to try if he could conveniently intercept them and cut them off ere they should joyn with the King There came hither to assist Randulph the Governour Patrick Earle of Marche William Lord Liddesdale and Alexander Ramsay of Dalhousie and others These being assembled together lay in wait for them near Edinburgh in the Borrow moore and so soon as they came in sight one of the other without any delay of either side they joyned battell and after a great conflict the Guelders were put to rout and chased to a little hill where was a ruinous Castle There they were besieged all that night and the next day they rendered themselves lives safe Others write that they fled to the Castle hill of Edinburgh up Saint Maries wind or lane defending themselves valiantly through the high street till they came to that place where they slew their horses and made as it were a rampart of their carcasses and so saved themselves There they stayed all that night and having neither meat nor drink nor convenient lodging opprest with hunger and cold and thirst yeelded themselves on the morrow This narration seems not to bee so probable as the former for if it had been at the Castle of Edinburgh it might have made them more support at least releeved the Duke and have saved him Besides that the town of Edinburgh should suffer strangers to passe through the midst of them and neither aid them if they were friends nor assail them if they were enemies nor shut their gates if they were neutrall for fear of some danger to come to their towne thereby but suffer both parties to have free accesse into their chief street and to stand as lookers on it hath no great likelihood They ascribe also the winning of the field to the Lord of Liddesdale who was not as Hollinshed sayes present at their first joyning battell but came to it from Pentland-hills in so convenient time that if he had not come the Guelders who fought exceeding well had got the day Others make no mention of Randulph but of the Lord Liddesdale and Alexander Ramsay with him Those that write of this battell tell of a huge and wonderfull stroake given by Sir David Annand in his fury hee being hurt stroke his enemy on the shoulder with a Pole-axe and clave him and his horse down to the hard pavement in which the force of the stroake left a great mark long after And no lesse memorable is the valour of a woman in the Guelders army who at the beginning of the battell stept forth before her company and encountred in a single combat or duell a Scotish Squire named Robert Shaw whom she slew and afterwards beat downe her enemies on each side till at last after a
of September I am not ignorant that our Writers give this Henry the commendation of great modestie in this journey as being mindfull of the courtesie showne to his father the Duke of Lancaster in Scotland and that they say that he used the prisoners not cruelly but courteously and that when he passed by the Castles and Forts of the Countrey he did onely require of the Captaines and Keepers of them that his Ensignes might be set on the top of the wall as a token of their submission and that they were in his will but seeing their owne Authors deny him this honour and say that he burnt the Towns Villages and Castles even a great part of Edinburgh and Leith we have small reason to contend with them for it and so we accept of it and follow the Scottish Manuscript Upon Henries departure because the Earle of March troubled the Countrey with frequent rather then with great incursions the Earle Douglas who had the government of Lowthian and the Castle of Dumbar went with an Army into Northumberland and wasted the Countrey with great havock At his returne he gave order that the Barons and Gentlemen should choose some of their number to be Captaines and allot unto them a competent number to follow them who might by turnes wait and be in readinesse either to resist the enemie or to make an in road upon him in his owne Countrey as they should find occasion The first turne fell to Thomas Haliburton Lord of Dirleton who having entred England and gotten a great bootie neere unto Bambrugh returned home safe But Patrick Hepburne of Hailes the younger had not the like successe for he going upon the like adventure had indeed taken a rich bootie but having stayed a day longer then he should and had beene advised by his friends in the enemies bounds they gathered themselves together and following him overtooke him at West Nisbet in the Merse There after a sharp encounter the Scots had gotten the better of the English and well nigh the victorie till George Dumbarre the Earle of Marches eldest sonne coming in with an hundred fresh horse regained the victorie to the English and slew the flowre of the youth of Lowthian together with their Captaine Patrick Hepburne The fight happened the 22. of June 1401. the place whereof is yet called The Slaughter Hill This Patricke Hepburne was entirely beloved of the Earle Douglas and as deare to him as his owne selfe for he it was that fought so valiantly at Otterburne and therefore he was filled with griefe and indignation for his death being so brave a Captain and so deare a friend to his house and to himselfe His honour also and the credit of his Countrey stirred him up also to seeke a revenge of the Authors thereof Whereupon having obtained leave of the Governour he gathered together about some 10000. men amongst whom were many of the chiefe Nobility of the land even the Governours eldest sonne Murdock who succeeded to his father in the Government George Earle of Angus his owne Uncle Thomas Earle of Murray and John Dumbarre brother to the Earle of March one that had married the Kings sister With this company he entered England as farre as Newcastle upon Tine and having gotten a great bootie was retiring homeward In his returning neare unto Milfield Henry Hotspurre and George Earle of March lay in his way with a farre greater power then he had Wherefore the Earle Douglas tooke a ground of advantage which was a little hill besides Homildon a Village in Northumberland Percie would have marched straight towards him to have assailed him but the Earle of March being very skilfull in warre and more calme and advised stayed him and gave him counsell first to send a flight of arrowes amongst them and to give them a volee of their fielding pieces which was done accordingly and did greatly annoy the Scots and slew many of them Douglas perceiving that he could not brooke that place with safety thought it better to hazzard the battell in plaine field then to stand still and see his men slaine about him by the enemies shot while they stood safe and came not within stroake of their swords and long weapons And so though farre inferiour in number downe the hill he goes and gave a fierce assault upon the enemie But the Vauntguard being brangled and giving backe being much troubled and sore wounded by the Archers though they were sharply rebooked by Adam Lord Gordon and Sir John Swinton and brought on againe yet were they not able to sustaine and abide the shot of the enemie but were defeated every man The rest that were behind being exhorted by their Captaines to revenge the death of their fellowes slaine before their eyes did acquit themselves bravely but being overwhelmed with the greater number were also overthrowne at last There were many slaine amongst whom were the forenamed Adam Lord Gordon who had beene at variance with the Earle Douglas but in this expedition hee had been reconciled to him and Knighted by him and Sir John Swinston two that gained greater reputation of valour and courage that day and fought so valorously that if the rest had followed their example that field had not been so lost There were also divers others of note such as John Livinston of Calender Alexander Ramsay of Dalhousie with a number of common souldiers Many were taken of quality Murdock the Governours son George Earle of Angus Thomas Earle of Murray Robert Ereskine of Alloway James Douglas eldest son to the Lord Dalkeith and his two brothers John and William George Lesly of Rothes Patrick Dumbar of Be●…ll In the black Booke of Scone is set downe the death of the foresaid George Earle of Angus how hee died in England of the plague being a prisoner with many others and Alexander Hume of D●…glas also as the same Booke doth witnesse The Earle Douglas himselfe was taken also having lost one eye in the fight This battell was fought on the Holy Rood-day in Harvest or as others the 5. of May 1401. or 1402. rather as appeareth by the former History Whilest the Earle Douglas was prisoner in England the Duke of Rothsay became so riotous and insolently unruly that his father not being able to governe him by his owne authority did commit him to his brother the Governours tuition to be corrected and ta●…ed by him Hee made use of this occasion for compassing his owne ambitious ends or to be rid of the feare hee had of him shut him up in Falkland and starved him to death The blacke Booke of Scone saith that the Earle Douglas was with the Governour when hee brought the Duke from Saint Andrewes to Falkland But it should rather seem that he hath been a prisoner in England when the Duke was thus used for if hee had been at home in all likelihood he would have reclamed the Duke being his brother in law and have brought him out of his wild courses or by his
With all the grace and honour he deserved And that was all to be preserved and respected but not easily nor soon dismissed for besides what hath been said of this point there is an Indenture yet extant which contains the agreement betwixt King Henry and him That whereas the said Earle was lawfull prisoner to him or to his sonne John of Lancaster he should have free libertie to returne to his own Countrey of Scotland upon his giving of twelve Noble Hostages for his reentry into the Castle of Durham being then in the custody of the said John of Lancaster The Hostages were 1. Archbald Douglas his owne eldest son and heire 2. James his brother 3. James son and heire to James Lord Dalkeith 4. Sir John Mongomery Lord of Adderson 5. Sir John Seiton sonne and heire to the Lord Seiton 6. Sir William Douglas of Drumlainrig 7. Sir William Sinclair of Hermiston 8. Sir Simon Glendining sonne and heire to Sir Adam of Glendining 9. Sir John Harris Lord of Terregles 10. Sir Harbert Maxwell 11. Sir William Hay 12. Sir William Borthwick The Condition beares that upon the Earles reentry of his person into the wards of the said John of Lancaster the said Hostages were to bee set free to repair with sate conduct into their own Countreyes and that within fourty dayes after the Earles re-entry or alter his death And that the Prince Thomas and his said brother John and the Earle of Westmoorland should be obliged by expresse commandment from the King to secure the said Hostages during the time of their abode and residence in England And if the Earle should fail of his re-entry again that the said Hostages should be at the Kings disposing And in case the said Earle should die his eldest sonne and heire was to abide prisoner with the King in his sons keeping and the rest of the Hostages were to be set free immediately And further it was conditioned that the Earle should do his uttermost to keep the truce that had been reated of between the King his Counsell and the said Earle and that he should cause it to be ratified and confirmed by both the Realms of Scotland and England for sixteen yeares and in case he could not obtain that that then the said Earle for himself and his Countreyes betweene the East and West seas inhabited by any of his men and vassals should keepe truce with England from Pasch next till Pasch thereafter These conditions were drawn up by the Kings Councell in forme of an Indenture whereof each had a counterpane signed sealed and delivered reciprocally by the said parties at London the fourteenth of March 1407. During the time of his captivity in England the Duke of Rothsay was famished to death by his Uncle the Governour who being accused thereof by the King his brother made such a slender purgation that the King fearing he would doe the like to his other sonne James sent him by sea to France where he might remain in safety while he were come to years But being driven in by storme of weather into the coasts of England he was detained as a prisoner by the King and State Hereupon followed the death of the desolate father and the continuance of the Governour in his Office And now Douglas being come home in the yeare 1411. hee kept good correspondencie with the Earle of March ever after for there had alwayes beene friendship betwixt the two Houses of March and Douglas untill the match with the Duke of Rothsay did separate them and now that being away and digested and March having furthered Douglasses delivery out of captivitie and Douglas procured or helped to procure Marches peace and restitution they joyned ever thereafter in all common affaires Some write that those two did burne the towne of Roxbrough but it seems to bee mistaken for that was done ere they came home by William Douglas of Drumlanrig and Gawin third sonne to the Earle of March After their return there is no mention of any exploit of warre between Scotland and England for the space of tenne yeares whether it were that there hath been any truce or that Henry the fourth dying his sonne Henry the fifth was so taken up with the warre with France that he had no leasure to looke toward Scotland or that the Governour durst not attempt any thing against him for feare hee should send home the rightfull heire to the Crowne of Scotland whom he had in his power and custody and who he doubted not would finde favour enough in Scotland both for his right and out of commiseration of his estate and condition So there was nothing done except some slight and private inrodes such as when the Earle Douglas burnt Penmoore a towne in England at which the Earle March is also said to have been in the yeare 1414. In the yeare 1420. The Governour died and his sonne Murdock was made Governour in his place having been relieved a little before by enterchange of a sonne of the Earle of Northumberland He was a man of a dull and heavy spirit and of no authority not so much as to governe his owne family which made him to be little regarded about this time the civil warre in France grew hot between Charles the sixth King of France Philip Duke of Burgundie and Henry the fifth of England on the one part and the Daulphin of France on the other for Philip of Burgundie had perswaded the King of France to dis-inherrit his sonne the Daulphin and to give the Crowne with his daughter to Henrie of England So that the Daulphin afterwards King Charles the seaventh was redacted to that extremity that his enemies called him in derision King of Bourg because his residence for the most part was in Bourg in Berrie Wherefore he being thus abandoned by his own Countrey men and destitute of all forraign help sent this yeare the Earle of Vandosme Ambassadour into Scotland to crave aid according to the ancient League and made great promises to all the Scots that would assist him in this quarrell It was willingly granted by the whole State and seaven thousand men agreed upon as a competent number for that service which was soone made up of Volunteers the youth of Scotland being now greatly multiplied by long peace with England Their Generalls were John Earle of Buchan and Archbald Earle of Wigton the one sonne the other sonne in law to Archbald Earle of Douglas Whilest they were busied in France the Earle Douglas was not idle at home for the black booke of Scone beareth that hee went with an army to besiege the Castle of Roxbrough and with the Governour Murdock against Berwick but they returned both without effecting any thing by reason of the treachery of some Scots wherefore this was named the foule roade We reade of Douglas also how hee was judge to a duell in Bothwell-haugh between John Hardy and Thomas Smith this Smith had accused the other of treason which Hardy denying and the
other not being able to prove it by witnesses the combat was appointed for triall of it in which Smith the accuser was slain The same booke also saith that in the yeare 1420. or 21. the Earle Douglas entered England and burnt the towne of Aewels But here it will not be impertinent for us to step over to France and see what Buchan and Wigton are doing seeing that this imployment gave Wigton occasion to show himself there and did afterward also draw over his father the Earle Douglas thither and the order of time doth also leade us to speake of those things in this place We have told before how John Stuart Earle of Buchan who was second sonne to the former Governour and brother to Murdock present Governour of Scotland and Archbald Douglas Earl of Wigton whose sister Buchan had married were chosen to conduct the forces sent into France to aid the Daulphin against the King of England and Duke of Burgundie The chief Gentlemen of note and qualitie that went along with them were Robert Stuart another sonne of the Governour Alexander Lindsay brother to the Earle of Crawford and John Swinton Knights being arrived in France they were received of the Daulphin with great joy and made heartily welcom who gave them the Towne and Castle of Chastillion in Turrain for their rendezvous and place of retreat and resort being a fertile Countrey and abounding in all things necessary as also for that it lay neare unto the enemy for the Duke of Clarence King Henries brother and Lieutenant was about to have spoyled the Countrey of Angiers or as Hollinshed had spoyled it already and had retired into the towne of Beaufort in the Vallay and was ready to assault a towne called Vielle Bauge old Bauge some two dayes before Pasche The Scots expecting that as the manner then was he would have abstained from all feats of armes and have given himself to the devotion of the time or having as some others say taken and given assurance for eight dayes which is the space of time commonly bestowed upon that solemnitie were somewhat remisse and negligent in their discipline The Duke of Clarence having notice hereof by a Lombard called Andrew Fregosa as some say or by some Scottish prisoner intercepted as the Annals of France do beare who discovered to him the government of their army and the carriage of their Leaders and Captains was very glad of so good occasion as hee deemed it to take them at unawares and defeat them Wherefore he rose presently from dinner and taking with him onely the horsemen leaving the Archers under the conduct of the bastard of Clarence Sir Thomas Beauford whom he had lately Knighted at Angiers together with two Portugall Captains to assist him he made straight toward the enemy saying that he and the Nobles onely would have the honour of that day Hee went with great confidence to have surprized the enemy carrying a faire Coronet of Gold on his head and very magnificently apparrelled as if hee had beene riding in triumph There was a Village called little Bauge through which the Duke was to come where a few Frenchmen of the Daulphins side lay These being terrified with the sudden coming of the English got up into a steeple for safety and sanctuary there while they make a halt and assault the steeple the cry riseth and the noise of their approach was carried to the rest of the Army whe presently ran and took armes While they were arming themselves Buchan and Wigton sent 30. Archers to keep a certain bridge by which it behoved the enemy to passe over a brooke which ran in the way These went as they were commanded and as they were going Hugh Kennedie came out of a Church where he lay with an hundred men but unarmed or halfe armed by reason of the great haste and joyned with them while they defended and made good the bridge and kept off the horsemen with shot of arrowes the Duke with the principall of his company alighted from their horse and made such an onset upon them that they were forced to leave the bridge and passage open for the enemy Being past the bridge while the Duke mounteth again on horseback and the rest of his folks are passing after him Buchan and Wigton came upon him with two hundred horse and enter there into a sharp conflict on both sides both parties being most part Noble men who were desirous of glory and had a minde to give a proof of themselves with equal courage and hatred The Scots were glad to have occasion to show the French what they could doe and to confute their whisperings and surmises wherein they reproached them as fit onely to consume victuals and the English were moved with great indignation that they should bee thus perpetually troubled by the Scots not onely at home but also abrode beyond the sea in a forraine countrey And none among the English fought with a greater courage and resolution then the Duke himselfe but Sir John Swinton espying him being easily knowne by his Coronet shining with pretious stones and his glistering armor ran fiercely at him with a lance and wounded him in the face hee being hereby in a great fury put forward his horse to have charged the enemy but was encountred by the Earle of Buchan who ran him through with a speare and so slew him or as others felled him downe to the ground with a steell hammer The rest seeing him fall some fled and many were slain in their flight being pursued till the night came on This battell was fought on Pasch Eve in the yeare 1420. or as our Writers and the English 1421 There were slain of the English 200. Nobles and Gentlemen The Duke of Clarence The Earle of Tankervill The Lord Rosse Sir Gilbert Wimfravill whom they call Earle of Angus John Lumlay Sir Robert the Earle of Summerset and his brother whose sister James the first did marry afterward Suffolk and Perch the Lord Fitzwater Sir John Barcklay Sir Ralph Nevil Sir Henry Englishes Sir William Lanton Sir Thomas Boroughes were taken prisoners There were but few slain of the Scots and French and those meane and obscure men This is the most common report of the Duke of Clarence his death but the booke of Pustardan saith that he was slain by Alexander Macklellane a Knight in the Lennox who also having taken the Coronet from off his head sold it to John Stuart of Darnelay for 1000. angels This victory being obtained most part by the vallour of the Scots the Daulphin in recompense hereof made Buchan Constable of France and morgaged the Dukedome of Turraine to Wigton the revenue whereof at that time was vallued to 10000. crowns The reversion of this Dutchy he gave afterward to the Earle Douglas his father who was created absolute Duke of Turrain and Lord of Longu-vill and established the same to his heires male as shall be shewed hereafter The French Writers say also
The word also will import not altogether flat cowardise but a natural sluggishnesse want of action whereof cowardise is sometimes the cause but not alway though they concurre often But there is another affection that makes men slack in action which proceeds not either of sluggishnesse or cowardise but of irresolution when a man swiming betwixt two opinions resolves not fully upon either and this seemes to have beene his disposition A great impediment in his actions and at least in this last point of such importance the cause of his ruine while neither his heart could suffer him to betake himself against his Prince whom naturally he affected neither could he digest to forget the fact done or after it to commit himself to the doer Which disposition though it have brought out the like effects as cowardlinesse and sluggishnesse are wont to do to wit lingring and eschewing of the battell yet this did not proceed in him from either of these two but had the originall from a very honest minde to his dutie His love to his Prince strove and fought with another dutie which was his love to his dead brother or to his owne honour Out of which whileas he either cannot or occasion is not offered to extricate himselfe and winde out a full resolution he suffered himselfe to be carried unto that which he was most inclined to his love to his Prince and thereby he slipt and let slide through his fingers as it were this faire occasion which was then offered unto him of no lesse in the judgement of his friends then the casting the dice for the Crown And so James Hamilton told him that the occasion was such that if he did not lay hold of it he should never finde the like again he told him withall that his want of resolution would be his overthrow as it was indeed For James Hammiltoun himselfe left him that same night and went to the King of whom hee was so honourably and well received that others thereby were encouraged to come in also Yet others write that he was committed to ward in Rosseline for a certaine season and afterward releeved at the entreatie of George Douglas Earle of Angus However by his information to the King of the estate of the Earle Douglas his Armie how forward they had beene to have fought and how discontented and discouraged they were with his lingring how the greatest motive that kept them with him was their doubting of pardon for their former offences the King caused make a Proclamation that whosoever would come unto him and forsake the Earle Douglas should have free remission for all that was past providing they came within 48. houres This being published the most part of the Earls Armie left him so that there remained not ere the next morning with him above 2000. men whereby he was constrained to leave the fields and his friends and servants that were in Abercorne to be cruelly slaine and executed for the Castle was taken by force and demolished to his no small reproach in that he was so irresolute and had not by some meane or other procured at least some honest composition for himselfe and them or else to have adventured all Where if he would not have taken the Kingdome in case of victorie yet might he honourably have set downe conditions of peace or if he had lost the field he could not have lost more then he did for by these meanes abandoned of all he was constrained to flee unto England In the yeare 1455. having gotten together a small company of men he returned into Annandale thinking to have found some friends in those quarters which were his own lands before but there he was encountred by the Kings followers especially by his own kinsman but the Kings Cousin George E. of Angus as some write who defeated him His brother the Earle of Murray was slain in the field and his other brother the Earle of Ormond was hurt and taken prisoner after his wounds were cured being brought to the King he was executed with greater regard to this last action then respect to his victory obtained not far from the same place at Sark against the English Magnus with the red main their insolent Champion which was so greatly praised by the King before and so acceptable to all Court and Countrey Such is the course and vicissitude of all humane affaires We heare of one onely sonne of Ormonds named Hugh Dean of Brichen of whom we shall speake somewhat hereafter in the life of Archbald Earle of Angus who was Chancellour of Scotland His takers were the Lord Carlile and Johnston of Johnston to whom the King gave in recompence the 40. l. land in Pittinen upon Clide to each of them a 20. l. land thereof The third brother John Lord of Balvenie escaped in a wood and the Earle himself by flight got him to Dunstaffage where finding Donald Earle of Rosse and Lord of the Isles he incited him to make war against the King in his favours and after he had ingaged him therein he withdrew himselfe again into England This is noted to have beene in the yeare 1455. after which there was a Parliament called about the fifth of June or August as the Acts beare wherein he and his brother John and his wife Beatrix were againe forfeited and their lands of Galloway annexed to the Crowne This Beatrix who had beene his Brothers wife and whom he had used and kept for his owne wife for certaine yeares came to the King and excused her selfe as being a woman and compelled to doe what she had done The King received her into favour and married her to John Stuart his halfe brother by the mother and gave her the lands of Balvenie This John was afterward made Earle of Athole in King James the thirds time he had by Beatrix two daughters onely the eldest of which was married to the Earle of Errole This is cast in by some in the next yeare following The Earl Douglas abandoned on all hands travelled with Donald of the Isles Earle of Rosse conforme to their old band made with Earle William to assist him and renew his claim to the Isles Hereupon Donald wasted Argyle Arran Loquhaber and Murray took the Castle of Inner-Nesse burnt the towne and proclaimed himselfe King of the Isles but his wife who was daughter to James Levingston and had beene given to him in marriage at the Kings desire of purpose to retain him the better in duty when she saw she could neither prevaile with him in that point and that besides she was but contemned by him and the barbarous people that were with him she left him and came to the King who received her very gladly About this same time Patrick Thornton a secret favourer of the Earle Douglas his faction though he had followed the Court a long time slew John Sandilands of Calder the Kings Cousin and Alane Stuart also upon occasion at Dumbartan These two were of the Kings side
right and reason Gawin Douglas had gotten possession of the Castle and had put servants into it but the Priour was stronger about the town and findes a mean to thrust them out Foreman cannot get his Bulls proclaimed none durst take it in hand so long as Hume and Hepburne agreed He workes wisely having been born under the Lord Hume he flees to him as his Patron agrees with him as a friend and gives the Abbacie of Coldinghame to his youngest brother David He doth his turne proclaimeth his Bull but had no power in Fife to prosecute it any further Yet it causeth Hepburne to come to a point to take composition the Bishoprick of Murray and 3000. crownes by year and a discharge for all his by-past intromissions So he agrees with Foreman but dis-agrees with the Lord Hume and despites him with such malice because of that morsell pulled out of his jawes that he ceased not to work him what mischief he could He did so possesse the Governour with jealousie of the Lord Humes and Angus greatnesse and aspiring that he thought there was no way to secure himself and his Government but by ridding the Countrey of them both Wherefore the Lord Hume repairing to him and finding by his neglectfull carriage and cold entertainment the little good-will he bare him repenting too late his forwardnesse in his election and calling to minde what Angus had foretold him though he had contemned his counsell yet now seeing no other remedie went to him and the Queen his wife condemning his fact and regrating the present estate of the King and Countrey and advised them to flie into England with the young King When the Governour had notice of this consultation he used such diligence and expedition that coming to Stirlin unlooked for he surprized the Queen and removing her and the Douglasses from about the King he gave the keeping of him to the Lord John Ercskin and other three Noblemen Hereupon the Queen and Angus as also the Lord Hume and his brother William with-drew themselves into England and the Governour upon their departure sent Ambassadours to King Henry to clear himself that he had done nothing why they should be so afraid of him or leave their Countrey He dealt also privately with themselves by their friends promising and protesting to give them all content and satisfaction in such wayes that they beleeving and desiring to live at home returned all of them save onely the Queen who being then near the time of her childe-birth remained at Harbottle in Northhumberland where she was brought to bed of Lady Margaret Douglas Then assoon as she was able to endure travell she went to London where she was kindly welcomed and lovingly entertained by her brother King Henry and her sister Mary Queen of France and afterward Dutchesse of Suffolk But the Governours head being once filled with suspitions and new causes of distrust arising dayly could not be quieted by their return nor the Queens absence neither could he think himself bound by promises Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkel uncle to Angus was committed to prison John Lord Drummond his Grandfather or mothers brother David Panetier Secretarie to the late King were likewise laid fast Alexander Lord Hume and his brother William were executed their goods confiscat their lands forfeited and their heads affixed on the Citie Gate of Edinburgh called the Nether-Bow Being thus rid of the Chamberlain he did much fear the Earle of Angus whom he left to governe in his absence for he went into France but joyned with him the Earles of Arran Argyle Huntley the Archbishop of S. Andrews and Glasgow together with a Frenchman named Antonius Darsius commonly known by the title of Sieur de la Beaute To this La Beaute he allotted Dumbar the Shires of Lowthian and the Merse where the Chamberlaines lands and friends were This Darsius was slain by Sir David Hume of Wedderburn occasionally in the year 1517. the 18. of September For this Sir David was out-lawed his house seized and Sir George Douglas Angus brother suspected to be accessarie imprisoned in Garvet Castle they not daring to meddle with the Earl himself who was no lesse suspected to have been conscious of it though falsely because Sir David had married their sister Alison Not long after this there fell out an occasion of great troubles betwixt the Earle of Angus and the Earle of Arrane There was some question of the Bailiff-ship and right of keeping Courts in Jedward Forrest the Earle of Angus his Lands but in which Andrew Ker of Farnihaste challenged a right and priviledge of doing justice and punishing male-factors as hereditarie Bailiff In this controversie Arrane sided with Farnihaste not for any particular relation or because he thought his right was good but onely in opposition to Angus whom he hated inwardly What the cause of his hatred was we hear not and they had been good friends before Arrans base sonne James Hamilton as he was on his way towards Farnihaste to assist him John Summervale of Camnethen set upon him killed five or six of his company took thirty men and horses and pursued himself so near that he was forced to turne in to Hume Castle for his safetie This fact was imputed to Angus on whom Summervale did for the most part depend men thinking that it was done by his direction But it is well known that besides this quarrell of the Earles that man had ever a particular feude with the Hamiltons But if the Earle had been guiltie of this wrong and offence done unto them it is not likely that he would have been so slightly accompanied at Edinburgh and have stayed their coming thither with so small forces if he had suspected any ill meaning from them or known any such deserving in himself Besides they having so just cause they might have complained and gotten redresse and satisfaction of the Earle by order of law if they could have made it appear that he had any hand in it and not have taken this violent course Wherefore in all likelihood this was but a colour and pretext Hereupon however in the year 1520. the 27. of April a convention being appointed at Edinburgh where Archbald Douglas of Kilspindie the Earle of Angus his uncle or Consin-German rather was Provest the Hamiltons refused to come thither alledging that they could not think themselves assured of their lives in the Town where he was Provest Archbald to cut off their excuse and that he might not hinder publick businesse laid down his office voluntarily and in his room was chosen Robert Logane a Burgesse of Edinburgh Then they came to the City and finding the Earle of Angus there but meanly attended and weakly guarded his friends not being yet conveened they assembled together with the chief Noblemen of the West in Archbishop Betons house in the Black-Frier-Winde this Beton was also Chancellour and there resolve by all means to apprehend Angus alledging that his power was so
Competitor he had gotten also the like renunciation of the King of England and all Evidents Writs and Monuments concerning his pretences delivered up unto him discharged and cancelled and declared to be null and of no value by consent of the English Parliament and to be the surer of King Edwards friendship he had married his sonne David to Jane his sister He had cut off the rebellions that were springing up against him by executing such as were guiltie established Randulph Tutor and Protector to his sonne and Governour of the Countrey hee had removed all occasion of emulation that might have falne out therein and setled all with good advice good precepts good councell in his Testament both for peace among themselves and warre against the enemy But what is the wit of man and how weak a thing are his devices or what bonds will bind whom duety cannot binde This same Balliol whose father had renounced his right nothing regarding what his father had done renewed his claim to the Crown This same King of England who had himself solemnly renounced who had bound up friendship with the most sure and strongest bonds that can bee amongst men regarding neither his resignation made nor his affinity and alliance nor any dutie towards God or faith and promise to man used all means to strip his brother-in-law by consequent his sister out of the Kingdome of Scotland as if nothing were unlawfull that could fill up the bottomlesse gulf of his ambition First he caused an English Monke under colour of giving Physick for the gravell to poyson the Governor Thomas Randulph Earle of Murray and afterward aided Edward Balliol with 6000. English upon condition that Balliol should hold the Crowne of him Edward Balliol entering Scotland with these forces and being assisted by the male-contents in Scotland prevailed so that having wonne a battell at Duplin 1332. the 22. of September the third yeare after the death of King Robert and about one yeare after the death of Randulph in which many were slain to the number of 3000. together with Duncane or Donald Earle of Marre the Governour hee was Crowned at Scone and these of the Bruces side constrained to send their King David Bruce with his wife into France having no safe place at home to keep him in After his Coronation having taken in divers places that stood out against him he went at last to Annand receiving such as would acknowledge him and taking their oath of Allegeance and Fidelitie Whereupon Andrew Murray Earle of Bothwell chosen Governour after Marres death sent Archbald Lord of Galloway to see what hee could do against Balliol in these quarters he taking with him his nephew William Douglas Lord of Liddesdale and John Randulph the Governour Randulphs sonne together with Simeon Fraser having in company with them a thousand horse went first to Mophet and having there understood of Balliols carelesse discipline and securitie departing from thence in the night he came so suddenly to Annand where Balliol lay that he escaped very narrowly being halfe naked not having leasure to put on his cloathes and riding upon a barme horse unsadled and unbridled till he came to Carlile Others write that howbeit he came very quietly to have surprised the enemy at unawares in the night time yet they had notice of his coming and issued forth of the Towne with a great army where they fought long and stoutly till at last Balliol was overthrowne and fled There were slain many of his friends and amongst these Henry Balliol who behaved himselfe very manfully John Mowbray Walter Cummin Richard Kirbie Robert or Alexander Bruce Earle of Carrict and sonne to Edward King of Ireland was taken prisoner and obtained pardon by the intercession of his Cousin John Randulph Hollinshed writeth that somewhat before this time the friends of David Bruce understanding that Balliol did sojourne within the Towne of Perth had besieged it but that they were constrained to raise the siege because of the men of Galloway who having bin sometimes the Balliols dependers invaded the besiegers lands under the conduct of Eustace Maxwell whereupon hee saith Archbald Lord of Galloway with the Earle of March and Murray invaded Galloway with fire and sword and brought away great booties but slew not many men because they got them out of the way for feare of that terrible invasion This narration may bee true in the last part thereof concerning their invasion but the cause of this invasion is not probable that the men of Galloway should invade mens lands that lay so farre from them as they behoved to be that did besiege Saint Johnston for in all liklihood it was besieged by these that were nearest to it being in kinne and friends to those that were slain in Duplin and both Hollinshed himself and others write that it was recovered in Balliols absence about the same time while he sojourned in Annand by those that lay neare to it without mentioning any other siege before that at which it was taken This battell at Annand so changed the case that hee who even now was Crowned King in September who had farre prevailed to whom all men even King Davids nearest friends and kinsmen had yeelded despairing of his estate was by this act of Archbald Lord of Galloway turned quite out of his Kingdome and Countrey and compelled to fly into England to save his life the 25. of December the same yeare about three moneths after his Coronation and was compelled to keep his Christmas at Carlile in the house of the Friers Minors A notable example of the inconstancy of worldly affairs and constancy of an honest heart in the Douglas not abandoning his Princes cause when others had forsaken it and also a proof of his good service and usefull for which as he deserved perpetuall praise and favour of his rightfull Prince so did he incurre great hatred of his enemie the usurping Balliol who the next day after the 26 of December going into Westmoreland and there being honourably received by the Lord Clifford gave unto him the whole lands of Douglasdale which the said Lord Cliffords grandfather had before in the dayes of King Edward the first So proudly did he presume to give that which was not in his power And so little had he learned the lesson of the uncertaintie of humane affairs grounded on whatsoever power appearance or even successe and so difficult a lesson it is to learne where there remains means so great as hee trusted to the power of the King and Kingdome of England with his owne particular friendship and faction within the Countrie of Scotland which shall indeed have power to trouble the State a while but not to establish either the Kingdome to himselfe or any part of Douglasdale to the Lord Clifford The next yeare 1333. K. Edward of England having shaken off all colour of duty to his brother-in-law K. David made open warre to be proclaimed betweene the two Countreyes which
that he made Wigton Marshall of France The King of England upon the death of his brother came into France in May or about the beginning of June and carried along with him the heire of the Crown of Scotland afterwards King James the first thereby to divert the Scots from assisting the Daulphin or to have made the Daulphin to suspect their fidelitie but none of those plots succeeded as he would have had them for neither would they acknowledge him for their King being in anothers power neither did the Daulphin conceive any sinister opinion or jealousie of them Wherefore the same yeare or the next to wit one thousand foure hundreth and twentie one the Daulphin caused besiege the Towne of Cosme upon Loire And Henry departed from Paris to have relieved it but by the way hee was overtaken with sicknesse and returned to Bois-devincins yet he sent the Duke of Bedford with a puissant Army to succour it and the Scots and French finding themselves too weake to resist rose and retired to a strength where the rest of the Army had assembled with resolution to abide the enemies comming While as the English were preparing to fight newes were brought them of their Kings death which made them to alter their purpose of giving battell The King died about the last of August one thousand foure hundred and twenty one and his corps was carried into England the two and twentieth of October Not long after Charles King of France died also which was the occasion that Buchan and Wigton with many of the Gentlemen that accompanied them returned into Scotland But it was not long ere the Daulphin had need of them sent his Chancellour Rene de chartres and the Archbishop of Rheines into Scotland to recall his Constable but the Earle of Wigton was so vehemently sick that he could not possibly travell Wherefore the Earle Douglas his father went in person himself and being a Noble man greatly regarded far above any other Subject in Scotland there went with him great store of young Gentlemen some to doe him honour some to bee participant of his fortunes and most to bee trained under him in discipline of warre So besides those that went over with Buchan and Wigton in the yeare 1420. there went at this time with the Earle Douglas 10000. more as saith Hollinshed They landed at Rochell and being to come to the Daulphin were gladly welcomed and much made of especially the Earle Douglas of whom he had heard much by report that hee was both valiant and skilfull in warre And therefore he enstalled him in the Dutchie of Turrain which he gave to him and his heires for ever having onely engaged it before to his sonne upon reversion and moreover made him Marshall of France This hath been in all appearance in the yeare 1423. at most yet we do not finde any memorable thing done by them or against them untill the battell of Vernoill which if we reade our Histories one would think it had been fought immediately upon their landing thought it be cleare that it was not till after the death of King Henry the fifth and in the second yeare of his sonnes reigne in the yeare of God 1424. The occasion whereof was this The Earle of Bedford having besieged Ivery the Daulphin to relieve it sendeth the Army under the Conduct of the Duke of Turrain whom the French call Marshall Douglas of the Constable Buchans the Earle of Narbon and others They not being able to force Bedfords camp when they were come within two miles of him returned towards Vernoill in Perch which belonged to the King of England and sent word to the Garrison there that they had discomfited the English Army and that Bedford with a small number had saved himself by flight The Garrisons giving credit thereto did open the gates and received them with the whole Army into the towne where having left a part of their Army they came and encamped in the fields neare the towne Bedford having gotten Ivery by composition or surrender followeth them and sent word to the Duke of Turrain by a Trumpet that he would come and dine with him The Duke bade him come he should be very welcome for all was ready Neverthelesse when the point came to consultation his opinion was that they should not fight at that time because hee thought it not fit to hazzard a battell but in case of necessitie and that they had no necessitie to fight at that time in respect that they had Vernoill in their hands and other two good townes besides whereby they might bee plentifully furnished with provision which the English could not have and thereby would bee constrained to retire But the Earle of Narbon was earnest to have them fight and said the Nobility of France should not receive such a bravade from the enemies and if none would fight he would do it alone and so getting him hastily out of the Counsell he began to put his men in order The Duke of Turraine tooke such indignation hereat that hee should offer to fight without his leave that hee determined not to have stirred at all and it was long before hee would suffer his men to goe forth yet at last thinking that it would reflect upon him if he should sit still and see them overthrown in his sight he armed and went forth also But then there arose some strife for the vantguard betwixt them which made things to be so confusedly handled that the English got the victory slew the Duke Buchan Sir Alexander Lindsay Robert Stuart and Sir John Swinton with above 2000. others of all sorts Hollinshed in his Chronicles of England saith but upon what warrant wee know not that the Earle Buchan Constable was not slain but lost an eye onely and was taken prisoner he reckoneth among the slain Sir Alexander Hume whom our Writers doe not mention yet it is true and knowne to them of that house that Sir Alexander Hume of Douglas went thither in the Earle Douglas company and was slain with him for they tell how Sir Alexander being minded to send his brother David Hume of Wedderburn went to accompany the Earle to his Ship and when they were parting Douglas embracing him kindly said to him would I have beleeved Sir Alexander that ever you and I could have been separated from one another To whom hee replied surely then my Lord I shall not part and so taking his brother Davids apparrell and furniture and sent David back he went with him to take care for his house and children in his absence or in case of his death which he also did with such fidelity and industry after the death of his brother that he greatly increased the estate and purchased for a younger sonne of his brothers called Thomas the lands of Tiningham and for another named James the lands of Spot hee is said to have purchased Wedderburn for himself but the truth is he had it tenne yeares before not by
them from their wickednesse and vilenesse So strange a conclusion would have had cleare and plaine antecedents and not a few of those It is hard to beleeve this upon any mans word chiefly such a one as lived not in those times nor was an eyewitnesse as we say of things who by such speeches would have us to conceive more then he could or by any could be expressed in words But what one man could only gather out of Histories we might also have gathered by the same Historie if he had named his Authors or showne the way of his collecting of it from thence But there being no footsteps of such enormities in the Histories which we have that can lead us to this I know not if we be bound so to reverence any mans person as to receive it absolutely That which followes is of the same kinde wherein the evils of those times are amplified That it fell out well for Scotland that England had their owne civill warres in those dayes otherwise Scotland had sunke under the burden For first their civill warres from this time which was from 1444. untill 1448. were not great and but secret grudgings onely The commotion of Blue-beard was not untill 1449. and in Kent by John Cade in 1450. Then the forraine warres with England might have moved the discord at home as they have done often and men fit for warlike employment and given to arms should have had matter to exercise themselvs upon the common enemie who in time of peace for want of such employment as they are inclined to are the cause of much evill at home Last of all we finde the contrarie by experience for notwithstanding of these dissentions and disorders yet they obtained a notable victorie of the English by the same Douglasses who are accounted so disorderly in time of peace but have ever proved in the eyes of all men honourable and dutifull in warre their enemies not being able to detract from their manifest and evident worth The occasion of this victorie fell out thus Wee heard how after the burning of Anwicke by James Douglas younger brother to the Earle a Truce was taken for seven yeares notwithstanding of which in this yeare as would seeme or in the next at farthest the English without any regard of the Truce made inroades upon Scotland spoyled forrowed and burnt the Villages farre and wide where they went which the Scots would not suffer to passe unrevenged Wherefore to cry quit with them they entred England and returned unto them as much hurt as they had received and the storme fell chiefly upon Cumberland from whence the beginning of the troubles had arisen which was by this incursion almost redacted to a wildernesse When newes hereof were brought to London they gave order for levying of an Army of 40000. men as some write intending to bring Scotland under their subjection which they thought would not be hard to doe in respect the Countrey had beene so lately wasted and impoverished as also for that they knew their divisions at home Therefore having made a levie of the best and choice souldiers the Earle of Northumberland is made Generall and there was joyned with him a certaine man called Magnus onely a Gentleman borne who had given good proofe of his valour many times in France where he had beene brought up and trained in the warres from his youth This man bearing great hatred to the Scots and being too confident of his owne sufficiency is said to have obtained of the King of England for the reward of his service whatever lands he could winne from them for himselfe and his heires in perpetuall inheritance He was remarkable by his long and red Beard and was therefore called by the English Magnus Red-beard and by the Scots in derision Magnus with the red Maine as though his beard had beene an horse Maine because of the length and thicknesse thereof The Manuscript calleth him Magnus with the red hand taking the word Maine for the French word which signifieth an hand but the attentive Reader may perceive the errour and how it was a word meerely Scottish and used by the Scots in derision The King of Scots hearing of this preparation in England caused also levie an Army wherein he made the Earle of Ormond George or rather Hugh Douglas Generall who immediately went into Annandale through which the English Army was to come Both sides being thus prepared the English having passed the Rivers of Solway and Annand pitch their Camp upon the brinke of the water of Sarke The Scots marched towards them and they hearing of their approach made themselves ready so that being come within sight one of another they ranged their men in order of battell In the right wing of the English Army was this Magnus with the red Maine In the left Sir John Pennington with the Welsh men The middle battle was led by the Earle of Northumberland himselfe On the Scots side was the Earle of Ormond in the middle battell over against Northumberland and William Wallace of Craiggie opposed Magnus and against Sir John Pennington was placed the Knight of Carlaverocke called Maxwell and Johnston of Johnston with many inland Gentlemen saith the Manuscript because they had no great confidence in their owne Annandale men who were more set upon spoile then victorie Ormond exhorted the Armie in few words telling them That they had great reason to hope for the victorie because they had taken armes being provoked thereto and that it could not be but that so just a cause should have a happy event Onely behave your selves valiantly abate the pride of the enemy with a notable defeat and so you shall reape a long lasting fruit of a short travell When the English Archers did annoy the Scots with their arrowes from afarre William Wallace cried out with a loud voice so as he was heard by his followers Why should we stand still thus to be wounded afarre off Follow me sayes he and let us joyne in hand stroakes where true valour is to be seene and so marching forward and the rest following his example they made so fierce an onset that they quite overthrew the right wing thereof Magnus perceiving that being more mindfull of his honour acquired in time past then of the present danger resolved either to restore the battell or lose his life with credit pressed forward against Craiggie Wallace to have encountred him and ere he could come at him he was encompassed about by the Scottishmen and slaine his death put the English in such a feare for they had great confidence in his valour and conduct that they without any further resistance turned their backs and sled in great disorder The Scots pursued so fiercely and eagerly that there was more of the enemies slaine in the chase than in the battell chiefly upon the brinke of the River of Solway where the tide being come in the river was not passable and such as adventured to take it were drowned
threatners than doers They say also that one Signior Francese admonished him to carry himself more soberly and not to irritate the Nobilitie for as he understood they bare him no great good will and would not faile to do him some mischief one time or another but he answeredhim in Italians Parole parole all was but words he feared them not they were no body they were but like Ducks which if some of them be stricken down the rest will lie in To whom the other replied Take heed you finde them not rather like Geese of which if you stirre but one all the rest will flie upon you and so plume you that they will leave you neither Feather nor Down So when he was desired by some Diviner or Sooth-sayer to beware of the Bastard he said That Bastard should not have power to do much hurt in Scotland so long as he lived understanding it to be spoken of Murray who was Bastard-brother to the Queen But the Bastard that slew him was George Douglas as is the most received opinion who stabbed him with the Kings dagger having none of his own then about him This brought Morton into great trouble for the next day being the day of the Parliament the banished Lords compeered in the Parliament-House as they had been summoned where finding no accuser now that Rizio was gone the Parliament was deserted and the Queen reconciled unto them intending to use their help against the slayers of Rizio Wherefore she went first to Seton then to Dumbar where she assembled a sufficient number of men so that Morton Ruthven and their partners were fain to flee into England but some of them lurked in the High-lands Their Goods were confiscated their places and Offices disposed of to others Their friends who were no wayes accessarie to that fact were committed to prison Sir David Hume of Wedderburne onely because he was Mortons kinsman was sent first to Dumbar then to the Ken-moore in Galloway It is true it was his brother-in-laws house and Loghen-varre was indeed a loving brother yet was it farre from home neither was he set free without bail to re-enter when he should be required Thus were the dice changed Morton was at Court when Murray and his complices were banished now they are in Court when he and his associats are dis-courted and forced to flee He had favoured them but had not joyned with them they favour him but think it not good to take part with him Yet had they more reason to do it for his fact had wrought out their Libertie theirs had made him to be suspected But whether they would not or could not do him any good or that they thought the time was not fit and a better time was to be expected the King who was the chief authour and first mover of it having for saken him he was constrained to with-draw himself into England as we have said There he did not remain long in ease and quiet for about the beginning of May the Queen sent Master John Thornton Chanter of Murray desiring that he and the rest might not be suffered to harbour within the Queen of Englands Dominions She sent the same Thornton also to France with the like message but it needed not for they never meant to go thither Queen Elizabeth sent one of her servants William Killigrew and by him promised to cause them voide her Realme before Mid-summer It was so done in shew they were warned to depart and did depart from Newcastle abstained from conversing in publick but they lurked privately in a place not far from Anwick No search was made for them and the Messenger had whispered them in the ear when he commanded them to be gone that England was broad and wide Before they came from Newcastle he lost his good friend the Lord Ruthven whom God called to his rest in mercy Thus was he banished from Scotland England France and Ireland yet did he lurk still in England But he lurked not long for matters were in brewing at home which gave occasion to his returne The Earle Bothwell was now become the Queens favourite all men followed him all preferment came by him His thoughts were high his ambition no lesse than to injoy the Queen if she were free from a husband To bring this designe to passe she was content to forget all private quarrels with Morton and he presumed that Morton being abandoned of the King and ingaged to him for his return and restitution as also being led with hope of his further goodwill to gratifie him in any thing that might be procured from the Queen would be induced either to become his friend or at least not to be his enemy nor to raise or to side with any Faction against him which he esteemed a great point of much importance There was amongst Bothwels followers one M. Arch. Douglas a brother of the house of Whittingame by his mediation all former quarrels were taken away on both sides Mortons peace procured from the Q. on condition he should not come within a mile of the Court This restraint he reckoned to be rather beneficiall than hurtfull to him seeing that by that mean he should be the farther off from whatsoever should happen amisse Wherefore being returned before the Q. was brought to bed of her son James the 6. which was the 19. of June 1566 he becomes a spectatour beholding a farre off what would be the issue of things To sit on the shoare to behold others at sea tossed with winde and wave though it cannot but stir our pity and commiseration in common humanity yet when we reflect upon our selves and consider how happy we are that are on firme land free from these fears and dangers the joy and contentment we have in our own safety doth swallow up the former consideration of anothers danger So it was with Morton he saw what a fearful tragedie was like to be acted at court but not being able to ●…inder it he chose to keep at home He was the Kings kinsman yet could he do him no good having had experience of his weaknes and inconstancy in his forsaking of him after the killing of Rizio He was beholding to Bothwell for his restoring and therefore bound not to oppose him in honesty and dutie he could not aid nor assist him in such courses Wherefore he useth the benefite of his confining and becomes a looker on To declare the estate of those times and to dilate it let them do it that can delight to blaze the weaknesse of those whom they ought to love and honour and who have that task imposed upon them by whatsoever necessitie For my self neither am I any way necessitated thereunto neither could my soul ever delight in the reproach of any I wish I could cover the sins of the world they should never be uncovered or known but where necessity did require it that so they might be taken away by order My endeavour should
is supposed being as was thought a North-folcian went away to Berwick After this the Regent came to Leith and caused fortifie it and make it as strong as he could to hinder any victuall to be carried from thence to Edinburgh and having appointed the Lord Lindsay to remain there as Governour he returned to Stirlin and Morton went with him to hold the Parliament which was appointed to be there in August There was at this time no small contest and debate betwixt the Court and the Church about Bishops and Prelates concerning their office and jurisdiction The Ministers laboured to have them quite abolished and taken away and the Court thought that forme of government to be more agreeable and compatible with a Monarchicall estate and more conforme to the rules of policie and Civill government of a Kingdome Besides the Courtiers had tasted the sweetnesse of their rents and revenues putting in titular Bishops who were onely their receivers and had a certain Pension or Stipend for discharging and executing the Ecclesiasticall part of their office but the maine profit was taken up by the Courtiers for their own use Wherefore they laboured to retain at least these shadowes of Bishops for letting of Leases and such other things which they thought were not good in Law otherwayes There was none more forward to keep them up than the Earle of Morton for he had gone Ambassadour to England on his own private charges and to recompense his great expenses in that journey the Bishoprick of S. Andrews being then vacant was conferred upon him He put in Master John Douglas who was Provest of the new Colledge in S. Andrews to bear the name of Bishop and to gather the rents till such time as the solemnity of inauguration could be obtained for which he was countable to him This he did immediatly after he came home out of England Now he wil have him to sit in Parliament and to vote there as Archbishop The Superintendent of Fyfe did inhibite him to sit there or to vote under paine of excommunication Morton commanded him to do it under pain of Treason and Rebellion The Petition given in to the Parliament desiring a competent provision for the maintenance of Preachers in which they complained of the wrong done unto them by the Courtiers who intercepted their means was cast over the Barre and rejected and by the most common report Morton was the cause thereof Afterward Morton in a meeting of some Delegates and Commissioners of the Church at Leith by the Superintendent Dune's meanes used the matter so that he obtained their consent to have his Bishop admitted and installed Wherefore the 3. of February he caused affix a Schedule on the Church doore of S. Andrews wherein he charged the Ministers to conveene and admit him to the place which they did accordingly but not without great opposition For Master Patrick Adamson then a Preacher but afterward Archbishop there himself in a Sermon which he preached against the order and office of Bishops said there were three sorts of Bishops 1. The Lords Bishop to wit Christs and such was every Pastour 2. My Lord Bishop that is such a Bishop as is a Lord who sits and votes in Parliament and exercises jurisdiction over his brethren 3. And the third sort was my Lords Bishop that is one whom some Lord or Nobleman at Court did put into the place to be his receiver to gather the Rents and let Leases for his Lordships behoofe but had neither the meanes nor power of a Bishop This last sort he called a Tulchan Bishop because as the Tulchan which is a Calves skin stuffed with straw is set up to make the Cow give down her milk so are such Bishops set up that their Lords by them may milk the Bishopricks Likewise Master Knox preached against it the 10. of February and in both their hearings Mortons and his Archbishop to their faces pronounced Anathema danti anathema accipienti a curse on the giver and a curse on the taker This much I thought fit to mention here and to cast these things together which are of one nature though done at severall times yet which began at this Parliament in Stirlin While the Lords assembled at Stirlin lay there securely and negligently without fear of the Enemie that lay so farre off as they thought at Edinburgh they had well nigh been cut off all of them and the whole cause overthrown For there was in Edinburgh one George Bell an Ensigne-bearer to a Company there and a Stirlin-man borne who knew all the Town and every Lane and Street every turning and corner in it He had learned also in what particular houses everie Nobleman was lodged This Bell knowing by intelligence how carelesse the Lords were how few they had with them and that there was either no watch kept at all or else but very negligently the Centinels very thin placed thought it possible to surprize them with a very few men wherefore having imparted it and acquainted the chief Commanders withall they liked and approved of it So with all speed they prepare for the journey and march from Edinburgh with 200. horse and 300. foot the Earle of Huntley Claude Hamilton of Pasley and Walter Scot of Balcleugh being their Captains and Leaders They used such expedition and were so fortunate that having got thither undescried they planted themselves in the Market-place and setting men to guard all the Lanes and narrow passages of the Town they entred the Noblemens lodgings and took them prisoners the Regent Glencairne and others Onely Mortons house made some resistance which being so well defended that seeing they could not enter otherwayes they set it on fire and he seeing all filled with fire and smoak one or two of his servants also being slain yeelded himself to Balcleugh who had married his Neece Margaret Douglas And thus having made all sure as they supposed the Souldiers began to roame up and down the Town and rifle the houses seeking for spoyle and bootie In the mean time the Earle of Marre and his folks who were in the Castle and had essayed divers times to break into the Market-place but in vain all the passages and entries being so well guarded that they could by no means do it at the last he sent some 16. of his men with small brasse pieces of Founds as they call them to his own new house which was then a building and because no body dwelt in it for it was not yet finished the Enemy had not regarded it These entring in at a back-gate got up to the top of the house and to the windows which did look directly into that Street where the Enemie was and began to shoot among the thickest of them Hereupon they presently fled so fast that they trod one upon another thronging out at the gate Marres folks came presently down and pursued them but the lodging-gatebeing shut they could not get out at the little narrow wicket but
sister Germain to Archbald Earle of Angus and the Lord Bothwell also had married her sister Margaret Relict of Walter Scot of Balcleugh The Lord Hamilton had been in great enmitie with him for besides the publick cause of Regent Murrays death he with his brother Claud of Pasley had killed Johnston of Wester-hall a follower and depender of the house of Angus At that time the Countesse of Cassills Lyon by name of the house of Glames and a near Cousin to the Regent was a widow Whether the love to that Lady brought on the reconcilement or their reconciliation occasioned the affection to the Lady it is hard to say but so it was that Hamilton suited her in marriage and obtained his suit and by this all quarrels and more especially that slaughter of Westerhall was taken away And for the better satisfaction herein both the brothers the Lord Hamilton and Claud of Pasley made publick obeysance to Archbald Earle of Angus in the Palace of Haly-rood-house by coming the whole breadth of the Inner-Court thereof bare-footed and bare-headed and falling down on their knees holding each a naked sword by the point delivered it to him to take hold thereof by the Pommell This was in the yeare 1575. the seventh of March being Monday After this Hamilton was married to the Lady Yet may it bee doubted whether he acquired more friendship in private by them than he furnished matter of obloquie in publick to the countrey because both these brothers were accounted authours or accessarie to the killing the Earle of Lennox then Regent and the Kings Grand-father as also they had been of that of Regent Murray These slaughters all the Nobilitie especially of the Kings side had solemnly sworne to avenge and now by this hee seemed to neglect that quarrell and his oath and that he had more care to be satisfied in his own particular for the slaughter of one mean man his depender It grieved particularly William Douglas of Logh-leven who desisted not from the pursuit of those that had slain his brother Murray after a privat manner seeing he could not get publick justice executed twice he set upon the Lord Hamilton as he was coming from Arbrothe and chased him so that he was constrained to return to Arbrothe again Another time as he was coming through Fyfe he made him flee to Darcie which he beset lay about it till the Regent sent to him and commanded him to desist However by the alliance of these Noblemen he seemed more strengthened more secured The Earle of Angus his Nephew was married to the Lord Ereskins sister daughter to the late Regent Earle of Marre a Lady of rare beauty and vertue and worthily made choice of by Morton who was author of the match both because of the Ladies deserving as also for that it not a little seemed to strengthen him seeing her mother and uncles during the minoritie of her brother had the custody education of the young Kings person which was the only way to attempt any thing against his Regencie Whether these things begat in him security and security bred carelesnesse to entertain mens love from whence did arise a loathing of him in all estates coldnesse in particular friendship or what ever the occasion was certain it is that he keeped his place more by the estimation of all than by the affection of many on the occasions following We shewed before how in matters of Church-government he ever inclined as the most politick course to the estate of Bishops The name was yet retained by custome the Rents were lifted also by them as we have said more for other mens use profit than their own They had also place vote in Parliament after the old manner and he would gladly have had them to have kept their power and jurisdiction over their brethren M. John Douglas being dead he filled the place by putting in M. Patrick Adamson his domestick Chaplain who then followed that course thoughbefore he had preached against it Many were displeased herewith all the Ministers especially they of greatest authority all men of all estates that were best affected to Religion He endeavoured also to have put the charge and cure of more Churches into one Preachers hands that there being the fewer to provide of stipends the Kings revenues who paid them out of the thirds of the Church lands might be increased by the surplusage which remained to him Hee did so eagerly presse this point that some thought it necessary to write against this course namely Master John Davidson Minister at Salt-Preston then a Student at S. Andrews Him he caused to be summoned to under-lye the Law and to be indicted criminally and being entreated for him he shewed himself so animated against him that he durst not under-go his triall but fled to England with the consent of those that were bail for him of whom he exacted the summe to the full and they willingly did choose rather to pay it than to expose their friend to the hazard of his wrath The Printer of the Book Robert Lake privike was convicted by an assise or jurie and committed to the Castle of Edinburgh It was also hardly taken that he sought to diminish the authoritie of the Generall Assemblies of the Church by refusing to be present being desired at an Assembly holden in Edinburgh the 6. of March 1573. which was very frequently and solemnly kept almost by the whole body of the Countrey the Nobility Gentrie Commissioners from Burrowes as the custome had alwayes been and as he himself before had been present at them Yea he began to question their priviledge and libertie thereof by asking the Commissioners which were sent from them to crave his assistance thereat who had given them power to assemble the Kings Lieges without his leave who was in authority With this unlooked for demand they were dashed at first but re-collecting and gathering their wits again they answered He that gave power to preach and hear preaching gave power also to conveene in Assemblies Neither doth it depend on man say they He said that was treason They answered That if so be then all the Apostles were Traitours and the primitive Church in time of persecution He said That they conveened onely to preach the word They answered That they conveened to advance facilitate and set forward the preaching of the word and that was to preach also But however if to conveene without the consent of the Magistrate were unlawfull preaching was also unlawfull unlesse they should preach to the Wals. A little velitation thus passed he in end refused to goe which did so grieve them all that a publick Fast was appointed to pray for diverting and averting of such things as he seemed by this to intend against the accustomed Assemblies He propounded to be reasoned whether the supreame Magistrate should not be head of the Church as well as of the common-wealth and there were Divines appointed to dispute it for the
shoulder a long time without knowing who he was at last going away to bed again he perceived it was he and smiling said to him GOD make you a good man and so went his way From thence forward John conversed in publick and came ordinarily into his sight and presence without being challenged as if he had been formally released from his banishment The Earl of Angus himself had his own discontents and thought him too carefull to preferre provide for his natural sons and not so careful of him as he should have been Besides these that thought themselves dis-obliged he had professed enemies that hunted for all the advantages against him they could devise at home the Castle faction Master John Metellane Sir Robert Melvin Pittadraw and abroad in France the Lord Seton Farnihaste Waughton who was not very busie the Bishops of Glasgow and Rosse Ambassadours and Agents for the Queen These things like warts or freckles in a beautifull body seemed to stain the lustre of his government and though they may be thought but small slips and weaknesses yet they made impression in the mindes of some and in the own time brought forth hard effects albeit in respect of his place wisedome and power like slow poyson they were long ere they did shew forth their operation There fell out a businesse in the year 1576. the 7. of July which men looked should have brought on warre with England Sir John Forester Warden of the middle March in England Sir John Carmichael Warden for Scotland met for keeping of the Truce at a place called The Red Swire There the Scottish Warden desired that one Farstein an English man who had been filed by a Bill of goods stolne from Scotland should be delivered as the custome was to the owner of the goods to be kept by him untill he were satisfied for them The English Warden alledged that the man was fugitive and so the Warden was not bound to answer for him or deliver him but the party endammaged was to seek redresse of any that should be found to receive or harbour him in their houses Sir John Carmichael taking this not to be spoken in sinceritie but for a shift to frustrate justice urged and pressed the matter more hardly desiring him to speak and deal plainly without sparing any man for fear or favour but regarding onely what was just and right according to equitie and reason Sir John Forester thinking himself taxed of partialitie beganne to bee angry and in a contemptuous manner bad Carmichael match himself with his equalls and not with him who was above him both in birth and quality and therewith hee rose up from the place hee sate in and walked a little away from thence The English Borderers chiefly they of Tindall being all Bow-men when they perceived their Warden displeased glad of occasion to trouble the Peace sent a flight of arrows amongst the Scots whereby they killed one of them and wounded diverse The Scots who looked for no such thing and were gone some to Cards and some to other Pastimes being scattered here and there fled at the first many of them At length some few about twenty persons taking courage and calling to the rest to stay and stand to it they joyned together and charged the English so fiercely that they slew divers of them amongst whom was Sir George Heron a worthy Gentleman and well beloved of both the Countreyes whom they would have been loath to have hurt if the heat of the conflict had not carried them to it unawares Sir John Forester and the Gentlemen that were with him were taken prisoners and brought into Scotland to the Regent He entertained them kindely and honourably but detained them as lawful prisoners and breakers of the Peace till the Queen of England sent for them It was expected that this should have bin an occasion of warre but the Regent was nothing afraid of the matter He knew them and they him he entertained friendship with them after his wonted manner and sent many Scottish Falcons for a present to the Courtiers of England whereof one made a jest saying That hee dealt very nobly and bountifully with the English in that he gave them live Hawkes for dead Herons alluding to Sir George Heron who was slain The businesse came to a treatie and the Regent came in person to Foulden in the Merse where the English Commissioners met him They agreed on these termes That the goods should be restored and for satisfaction and repairing of the Queens honour Carmichael should go to London and come in the Queens will He went as far as York where being come the 26. of September he was detained there some five or six weeks and so was dismissed Concerning restitution of the Goods the Regent caused make a Proclamation by which he commanded all that were on this side of Forth to come to him at Edinburgh the 8. of October with provision of victuall for twenty dayes intending to go to the Borders But he continued or adjourned the diet till he should give new advertisement for the Borderers ceased from their stealing and took order for restoring what they had taken Afterward he held Justice-Courts at Peebles and Edinburgh which was interpreted to be done more for getting money than doing of justice The townsmen of Edinburgh were especially aimed at most carefully summoned yet they were continued and cast overto another time only they paid a thousand marks Scottish for Bullion which the Merchants are bound to furnish to the Mint but had neglected to do it During the time of his Regencie he met with one private conspiracy of which John Semple son to the Lord Semple was author upon what ground or motive I know not It was revealed by one Gabriel Semple who being confronted with John before the secret Councel avouched it and offered to make it good by combate But it needed not for John confessed it and was thereupon condemned to be hanged quartred and drawn Yet when his friends interceeded for him the Regent nothing bloud-thirsty did onely send him to the castle there to remain during pleasure which not being declared he was kept there during his Regency after which he was set at liberty In the year 1577. the 4. of March the Nobility assembling at Stirlin concluded that the King should take the government into his own hands and should be guided by a Councell and the Regent deposed No cause was given out nor could there be any sufficient reason pretended The King was not yet 18. years of age which was the time limited and set down in the Act of the Queens dimission for him to be governed by Regents At most he was but 11. or 12. years old When these newes were brought to the Regent at Dalkeith being astonished therewith he came to Edinburgh but little countenance was made to him by the townsmen few came from the countrey no Baron almost of note save Wed derburn none of the Nobility
out of his own inclination or being directed so to do for reasons of State or for both hee so inclining and the State of England making use of that his inclination that by him they might understand and make use of the mysteries of the Court of Scotland and such as guided it But our Courtiers being rid of the fear of the Lords so near neighbourhood did the freelier vent themselves and discover their wayes and by discovering bewray their wickednesse and disgrace themselves As they went to New-castle they visited by the way Lord John Hamilton and Claud of Paslay his brother at Widdrington the place of their abode There had been some variance betwixt them but now being all involved in the same case of banishment it was to no purpose to entertain and keep in the sparkle of discord and therefore they were reconciled Being come to New-castle they stayed there a while not so much to enterprise any thing from thence upon any ground they had laid already as to wait for any occasion that should be offered Here did the Earle of Angus his kindenesse and bountifull disposition toward all men plainly shew it self For hearing that the Ministers were come to Berwick hee caused a Letter to bee written and sent to them from them all in common and hee himselfe wrote particularly to them besides and caused the rest of the Nobilitie to write also their private Letters wherein many arguments were used to perswade them to come to them Especially hee wrote very earnestly to Master James Lowson and Master James Carmichael not neglecting any of the rest fitting his argument according to his acquaintance and relation and according to the persons of the men pretending some such cause and necessitie of their coming as hee thought would bee most effectuall to move them but the true cause which moved him to send for them was because hee thought they all stood in need of supply in necessaries Besides hee caused one that was with him whom hee knew to bee very intimate with Master James Lowson to write to him for the same effect and to tell him that hee longed to see him and when Master James excused himselfe alledging that hee behooved to stay at Berwick because hee expected some things from Scotland hee would not accept of his excuse nor of the interpretation thereof that hee meant of Books that were to bee sent to him but caused returne him answer that hee took it ill that hee should think to lack any thing where hee was Wherefore hee entreated him to make haste to come to him by doing of which hee should do him a singular pleasure Hee dealt even so with others also and sought pretences to put curtesies upon them David Ereskin Abbot of Drieburgh being an exceeding honest modest and shamefast man and who had ever been readier to give than to take from any and Angus fearing that hee would not out of his bashfulnesse take any curtesie directly from him found out this way to fasten it upon him Hee pretended that hee had some Tithes of Lands in Tweddale which belonged to his Abbacie of Drieburgh for which hee did owe him some arrearage duties and meales which hee would needes pay him and under that colour gave him what he listed to take without acquittance The Ministers were for a long time wholly maintained by him and he extended his liberalitie not onely to supply their necessities but even to furnish them with what Bookes they desired to buy And indeed there was no man that wanted in that company who did not taste of his bountie At last when all was gone for it could not last alwayes hee said to one with whom hee was pleased to bee familiar with a chearfull countenance Now it is gone and fare it well I never looked that it should have done so much good Meaning that being acquired by more rigorous exacting than either hee himselfe could allow of or the common people took well by the Earle of Morton in his Regencie for this was his treasure at least that part of it which came to his hands hee doubted whether it should have had such a blessing as to have done so much good to so many honest men Neither was this lavishnesse in him or superfluous waste so to bestow it in regard that their English allowance was spare enough and oftentimes very slowly furnished unto them So that having occasion to use moneyes and not knowing from whom to borrow any hee was forced to employ one of his followers to borrow from Master Archbald Douglas on his owne credit for my Lord himselfe would not be beholding to him nor use him so familiarly two hundred pounds Sterling which hee lent very courteously upon the Gentleman 's owne Bond knowing well enough that it was for my Lords use This was repayed to him when their allowance came in While they remained at New-castle Master John Colvill was sent to attend at Court about their affaires partly because of his acquaintance there with Secretary Walsinghame and others partly by the advice of the Master of Glames whose opinion and recommendation the rest did much respect He fed them with hopes and upon occasion of the preparing and rigging forth the Queenes Navie hee did insinuate by his Letters as if there had been some intention to have sent it into Scotland for their behoof which some did beleeve But they could not perswade the Earle of Angus of it he esteemed it but a dream as it was indeed no other When that hope was vanished and there was no ppearance of any thing to be done of a sudden one whom he was pleased to use familiarly seeing no great use of his remaining there told him that he had a desire to go to London being loath to spend that time idlely that there he might the better advance his private studies and exercises as in a place more fit for bettering himselfe therein Hee most willingly and lovingly consented to the motion not onely to satisfie his desire herein but having a reserved intention to imploy him in their common businesse as occasion should serve or at least in his own particular to his particular friends which purpose he concealed then but shewed it afterward Hee had almost over difliked Master John Colvill and did many times in private complaine That hee could not finde that sinceritie in him which hee wished and which he said was seldome to bee found in any such as hee was who had left the Function of the Ministerie to follow the Court and worldly businesse And for him in particular he said hee was a busie man thrusting himselfe into all affairs and who sought onely his particular ends in doing of publick businesse without sinceritie or uprightnesse which sayes hee when it is wanting I know not what goodnesse can bee in him and if it bee not to bee found in the world as they say it is not I know not what can bee in the world but miserie For mine
1400. Their marriage His death He founded the Colledge of Bothwell His children Or Tine man Edinburgh Castle def●…nded by Douglas against King Henry the fourth Occasion of the battell of Homildon neere Milfield The battell lost and Douglas taken Occasion of the battell of Shrewsbury Walter Douglas taken 1406. He is set free He burnes Penmoore The soule road His sonne Wigton and Buchan in France The Duke of Clarence wounded by Sir John Swinton Clarence slain by Buchan Pasche Eve The Earle Douglas goes into France Made D. of Turraine The occasion of the battell of Vernoill A battell at Vernoil Douglas slain The Scottish guard erected in France He is sent Ambassadour into England Brings home the King Variance betwixt the Governours His death 838. 1389. His wife King Robert the third his daughter First Laird of Fintrie Warden of the middle marches 1436. The battel at Piperdean 1436. He overthrevv Percie Sir Gilbert Iohnstoun of Elphinston slain Dieth 1452. Sibard his wife Originall of the house of Balgonie Sibard Buch. lib. 7. Sibaulds Sibaulds His children The originall of the house of Bonjedward His person He followeth the King against the Earle Douglas his Chief 1457. He overthrowes the Earle Douglas Percie in a bloudie battel in the Merse Bond of Manreid and service by the Lord Hamilton to him Indenture betwixt King Henry the sixth and him 1460. He brings the French out of Anwick Castle His death 1462. 1468. His marriage 1470. His children foure sonnes Glenbarvies originall Kilspindies originall Three daughters Base sonnes Parkheads originall He takes order with Cochran and the Courtiers The relation thereof 1474. Coghran a Mason Coghrana a Singer The King with his Army at Lawder The Nobility meet in the Church Angus makes this speech The Lord Gray his speech Angus called Bell the Cat. Cochran and his fellowes hanged The Army dismissed the King comes to Edinburgh Plot against the King The K. sonne head of the faction of the Nobles against his father Battell a●… Bannockburne The K. 〈◊〉 1488. Five English Ships taken by Andrew Wood. A Parliament at Edinburgh 6. November 1488. Chambe●… Lord Hume Angus Chancellour Warre with England and the occasion of the Field of Flowdon Angus his speech to the King to disswade him from fighting The field of Flowdon 1513. Sept. 15. Angus death 1514. A duel betwixt Angus and Spense 1489. Cannabbie 1491. 1510. He marries Q. Margaret The Queen looseth her Regencie by her marriage Convention about choosing of a Governour The Duke of Albanie made Governour Prior Hepburn undermines the Lord Hume Lady Margaret ' Douglas born at Harbottle in England Ant. Darsius or De la Beaute slain 1517. Dissention betwixt Arran and Angus 1520. Skitmish in Edinburgh betwixt them 1520. 1521. Angus goeth into France 1522. 1523. Albanies government abrogated The Earle of Angus returns out of France The Triumvirate of Angus Argyle and Lennox The Triumvirate dissolved The slaughter of Patrick Blackader Archdeacon of Dumblane A faction against Angus Conflict betwixt Angus and Balcleuch at the bridge of Melrosse 1526. Arran joynes with Angus and Lennox makes up a faction against them Conflict at Linlithgow Lennox and Hamilton Lennox slain The beginning of a change with Angus and his discourting The King escapes to Stirlin Castle Angus and the Douglasses banished from the Court. Parliament at Edinburgh the 6. of Sept. 1528. The Douglasses are forfeited Tantallon besieged Argyles expedition against them frustrated Angus returneth to England He and Sir George Privie Counsellours there William Glames burnt Kilspindie dieth in France Haldenrig Hirsel lands given to A. Ker. Fawla Solemne Mosse K. James the fifth dieth 1542. Hamilton Governour Sir George Douglas his speech concerning marrying with England Lennox comes home out of France Angus and Sir George made prisoners They are rel●…ased again Lennox goes to England Marries Lady Margaret Douglas The Governour and Angus at Coldinghame Sir Ralph Ivers and Sir Brian Laitons expedition Angus speech to the Governour Occasion of Pinkie field Defeature at Pinkie Queen Mary sent into France Queen-Mother Governour The devill is in this greedy Glad she will never be full Angus dyer His lurking and b●…ing a Greeve He is a prisoner in England R●…turnes Lives retired and privately at home He comes abroad and begins to deal in publick 〈◊〉 The Queen-Mother dieth Morton Ambassadour in England Queen Mary arrives in Scotland Friendship betwixt Morton and Murray Their ruine plotted The Queen goeth to the North they accompany her The Queen at Innernesse Alexander Gordon beheaded She goes to Aberdene The battle at Corrighie 1562. Lennox and Henry Lord Darnely come ho●… Proposition of martiage with the Queen They mar●…y the 27. of July 1565. The Runne-about Rode Morton Chancellour Rizio Rizio his death plotted by the King Rizio killed 1566. Martii 8. Morton flees to England The Lord Ruthven dies there Bothwell the Queens favourite Morton returnes King James borne 1566. 19. June The King murdered by Bothwell The Nobilitie bands against Bothwell The Queen and Bothwel at Borthwick Carbury hill The battell of Carburie hill 1567. June the 5. King James crowned 1567. July 26. Murray Regent Earle Bothwel a Pirate Is pursued Flees to Denmark Dies mad there The Queen escapes out of Logh-leven 1568. May 2. The field of Langside the 10. of May. 1568. Langside lord May 13. 1568. The Roade of Hoddam The Regent goes to England 1569. A Convention at Perth Convention at Stitlin The Earle of Northumberland taken and sent to Logh-leven The Regent Murray 〈◊〉 at Lithgow Convention at Edinburgh 1. May. 1570. July 13. Lennox Regent Morton goes to Brechin The Regent also goes thither The Garrison yeelds Morton sent into England He returnes and comes to Stirlin the 1. of May 1571. The Lousie-Law Parliament the 14. of May 1571. without the Gates of Edinburgh A fight at Craig-Miller the 2. of June 1571. Morton at Leith Conflict with the Lords of the Queens Faction The 10. of June At the Gallow-Law Parliament in Stirlin the 4. of August Contention about Bishops An attempt upon Stirlin and the Lords there Lennox the Regent killed Buried 1571. Marre Regent 9. Septemb. Those of Edinburgh set fire in Dalkeith A truce in August 1572. Marre the Regent dieth the 28 of October Morton Regent the 24. of Novem. 1572. The Queens partie within the castle of Edinburgh The Castle blocked up Parliament at Edinburgh the 26. of Jan. Siege of the C●…le of Edinburgh 1573. 〈◊〉 April The castle rendered the 19. of May. Grange executed Parliament Jan. 26. 1572. Acts concerning Religion Generall Assembly in Edinburgh 1573. The Red Swire Morton dim●…s 〈◊〉 The Lord Glames slain at Stirlin Morton President of the Councell Parliament in Stirlin Castle the 25. of July 1578. Duellbetwixt Tait and Johnston Athole dies at Stirlin The King comes to Edinburgh and makes his entrie the 17. of October The beginning of Mortons fall Obignie comes home in September 1579. Controversie betwixt the Lord Ruthven and Olyphant Morton accused of the K. murther Imprisoned in the Castle Morton is sent to Dumbarton He is brought back to Edinburgh the 27. of May And there condemned of treason † It would be knowne what was in these Letters His confession before his death Morton ' brought to the Scaffold His death His education He fleeth in●…o England Change in Court 1582. Justice Aires in Perth in July The roade of Ruthven 1582 August 24. Angus returneth home He joins with the Lords against the Courtiers 1583. I ennox dies in France Gowrie takes a remission for the fact at Ruthven Arran returns to Court Angus confined beyond Forth He is sent beyond Spaye He goeth to Elgin in Murray Discord betwixt the Ministers and Courtiers Melvin flees to Berwick His Apology Gowrie commanded to go beyond sea Lodowick Duke of Lennox brought home Gowry taken at Dundie Angus comes to Stirling to the Lords The Lords Declaration The Lords flee from Stirling toward England Archbald Douglas hanged Argatie executed Gowrie beheaded at Stirlin 1584. the 28. of April His Lady basely and beastly used Parliament at Ed●…nburgh the 22. of May 1584. The Lords forfeited Protestation against the Acts of Parliament by the Ministers A●…ran mocks the ●…inisters Maines and Drummewhasle executed Angus at Newcastle Angus his kindnesse and bountie Master John Colvill sent to the Court of England A letter from London to Angus from the Authour Another Letter from the Author to Angus The Lords brought to London Plotting against Arran Sir Lewis Ballandine Ambassadour in England Sir Francis Russell killed The Scots sue fo●… a Scottish Church at London but cannot obtain it The Lords c●…m●… to the Borders They come ●…o Fawkirk the 1. of November 1585. Their Declaration The Road of Stirlin M James Halden slain Stirlin taken by the Lords They come into the Kings presence Glames Treasurer A letter written to the Authour concerning the State of those times Presented to Angus Discourse concerning Mr. Craigs Sermon Of Obedience to Tyrants and Impunitie of Tyrants Bodinus his absurdity Apol. cap. 34. Of Blackwoods opinion Of Active and Passive Obedience Angus an●… The Chancellours place offered ●…o Angus Looke for the translation of these verses in the following page The translation of the verses in the page foregoing
losse of many worthy men He is said to have been of a black and swart complexion and to have lisped somewhat in his speech We heare nothing either in History or Monument or otherwise of his marriage he had two base or naturall sonnes William Lord of Liddesdale of whom we shall speake hereafter and one Archbald whom the Lord of Liddesdale made Captain of the Castle of Edinburgh when hee tooke it in To conclude let this bee observed that Sir James is never mentioned by any either English or Scottish Writer whatsoever but with honour and commendation as worthy valiant noble good or some such Epithete and confessed to have beene one of the most valiant that lived in his dayes Such is the force of vertue and so prevalent is it even with enemies We will not omit here to shut up all the judgement of those times concerning him in an old rude verse indeed yet such as beareth witnesse of his true magnanimity and invincible mind in either fortune good or bad Good Sir James Douglas who wise and wight and worthy was Was never overglad for no winning nor yet over sad for no tineing Good fortune and evil chance he weighed both in one ballance Jacobus Duglassius Brucii Regis socius omnium laborum in Hispania coesus a Saracenis 1330. Quicquid sors potuit mortali in pectore ferre Vel facere hoc didici perficere atque pati Prima ubi luctando vici sors affuit ausis Omnibus quid non pro patria ausus eram Hosti terror ego nullus me terruit hostis Consiliis junxi robora dura meis Proelia quot numerat titulos actosque triumphos Brucius hinc totidem pene trophaea mihi Quo jam signa feram major quaerendus orbis Atque hostis famam non capit iste meam Arma Saraceno objeci prope littora calpes Herculeae hic tellus me male fausta tegit Herculeae Graecis memoretur Gloria laudis Fallor an Herculeis stant potiora mea In English thus What ever weight in furious Fortune laid On weak mans breast I suffered undismaid Nor lesse my active force and when I tri'd Her power in warre propitious fate deny'd No help whiles my endeavours well did prove How much I dared for my Countreys love A terrour to my foes I knew no feare Wisedome and valour both united were In me And looke what triumphs great Bruce gain'd As many Trophies were by me obtain'd What more remaineth to increase my name The world appears too little for my fame To Spain my aid I gave and did oppose The Saracen there was the fatall close Of my brave life wher't may be questioned much If Hercules his Monuments were such Of Hugh the fourth and ninth Lord of Douglas UNto this Sir James his brother germane Hugh Douglas did succeed the ninth Lord and fourth of that name Of this man whether it was by reason of the dulnesse of his minde or infirmity of his body or through whatsoever occasion else wee have no mention at all in History of any of his actions onely it is certain that he succeeded and was Lord of Douglas which he demitted in favour of his brother Archbald slain at Halidoun hill to his sonne William who was the first Earle of Douglas as shall be showne in his life The honour of the name and dignity of the house was upheld by his brother Archbald Lord of Galloway of whom therefore we are now to speake This Hugh lived after the death of his brother Archbald which was 1333. some nine or ten years till the 1343. as the Charter of resignation of the Lordship to his nephew doth witnesse He died without children and was never married Of Archbald Douglas Lord of Galloway Governour of Scotland third brother to Sir James BEfore we proceed to speak of the next Lord Douglas the time and order of the History requireth that we speake of Archbald Douglas Lord of Galloway and Governour of Scotland he was third brother to good Sir James as Boetius affirmeth in these words Archibaldus Duglasius Germanus Jacobi de Douglas quem nuperrime in hispania interiisse scripsimus This Archbald did outlive Sir James not above three yeares as we shall show hereafter Neither is the losse of the battell wherein he died imputed to his youth but to his haste and indignation And in the battell of Annand he shewed wisedome and advisednesse sufficiently Touching his education there is no mention thereof in History he married Dornagilla daughter to Red John Cummin whom King Robert slew at Dumfrees This John Cummin was stiled Lord of Galloway having married a daughter of Allane Lord of Galloway called Mary whose elder sister Dornagilla John Balliol had married and therefore he is also stiled Lord of Galloway There was also a third of these daughters married as our Writers say to the Earle of Abermale it seemeth the lands of Galloway Lord Allane dying without heires male have been divided among the three sisters as for his third wee finde nothing else of her This Archbald having married John Cummins daughter the inheritrix of the lands of Galloway was imployed in the warre against Edward Balliol whom he defeated and chased to Roxburgh whereupon for this service and also by another title which hee claimed as nearest to the house of Galloway by his Grandmother the Earle of Carricts sister which right wee have deduced at large in the life of Lord William the third maker of the Indenture Balliol being forfaulted hee obtains the lands of Galloway as Evidents and Histories beare record stiling him Archibald Lord of Galloway which continued in his posterity untill the forfeiture of the Earles of Douglas Some alledge that Red John Cummin did not marry the Lord of Gallowayes daughter Marie but a daughter of John Balliol of Harcourt in Normandy called Adama whom he begot on his wife Dornagilla who was daughter to Allane Lord of Galloway but how came Red John to stile himself Lord of Galloway seeing his wife was Adama Balliol who had brothers at least one to wit John Balliol that was Competitor with Bruce However it was Archbald Douglas having chased Edward Balliol and Balliol being forfeited was made Lord of Galloway This Archibald had by his wife Dornagilla Cummin two sons William who succeeded to his Uncle Hugh in the Lordship of Douglas and was created Earle of Douglas and Archibald after Lord of Galloway hee had also a daughter called Marjory married to Thomas Earle of Marre We have heard in the life of good Sir James how King Robert Bruce before his death had taken all pains for establishing the Kingdome to his posterity and to leave it peaceablie unto them and had done for that effect what the wit of man could devise he had beaten out his enemies by armes he had ratified and confirmed his right by the Lawes and Act of Parliament he had obtained a renunciation of all title and claim he could pretend from John Balliol his