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A28237 The history of the reigns of Henry the Seventh, Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, and Queen Mary the first written by the Right Honourable Francis Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban ; the other three by the Right Honourable and Right Reverend Father in God, Francis Godwyn, Lord Bishop of Hereford.; Historie of the raigne of King Henry the Seventh Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626.; Godwin, Francis, 1562-1633. Rerum Anglicarum Henrico VIII, Edwardo VI, et Maria regnantibus annales. English.; Godwin, Morgan, 1602 or 3-1645. 1676 (1676) Wing B300; ESTC R19519 347,879 364

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he was ever ready to wait upon all his Atchievements in person The King therefore first called his Council together at the Charterhouse at Shine Which Council was held with great secresie but the open Decrees thereof which presently came abroad were three The first was That the Queen Dowager for that she contrary to her Pact and Agreement with those that had concluded with her concerning the Marriage of her Daughter Elizabeth with King Henry had nevertheless delivered her Daughters out of Sanctuary into King Richard's hands should be Cloystered in the Nunnery of Bermonsey and forfeit all her Lands and Goods The next was That Edward Plantagenet then Close-prisoner in the Tower should be in the most publick and notorious manner that could be devised shewed unto the People In part to discharge the King of the Envy of that opinion and bruit how he had been put to death privily in the Tower But chiefly to make the People see the levity and imposture of the Proceedings of Ireland and that their Plantagenet was indeed but a Puppet or a Counterfeit The third was That there should be again Proclaimed a General-Pardon to all that would reveal their Offences and submit themselves by a Day And that this Pardon should be conceived in so ample and liberal a manner as no High-Treason no not against the King 's own Person should be excepted Which though it might seem strange yet was it not so to a wise King that knew his greatest dangers were not from the least Treasons but from the greatest These Resolutions of the King and his Council were immediately put in execution And first the Queen Dowager was put into the Monastery of Bermonsey and all her Estate seized into the King's hands whereat there was much wondering That a weak Woman for the yielding to the menaces and promises of a Tyrant after such a distance of time wherein the King had shewed no displeasure nor alteration but much more after so happy a Marriage between the King and her Daughter blessed with Issue-male should upon a sudden mutability or disclosure of the King's mind be so severely handled This Lady was amongst the Examples of great variety of Fortune She had first from a distressed Suitor and desolate Widow been taken to the Marriage-Bed of a Batchelor-King the goodliest Personage of his time and even in his Reign she had endured a strange Eclipse by the King's flight and temporary depriving from the Crown She was also very happy in that she had by him fair Issue and continued his Nuptial Love helping her self by some obsequious bearing and dissembling of his Pleasures to the very end She was much affectionate to her own Kindred even unto Faction which did stir great Envy in the Lords of the King's side who counted her Blood a disparagement to be mingled with the King 's With which Lords of the King's Blood joyned also the King's Favorite the Lord Hastings who notwithstanding the King 's great affection to him was thought at times through her malice and spleen not to be out of danger of falling After her Husband's death she was matter of Tragedy having lived to see her Brother beheaded and her two Sons deposed from the Crown bastarded in their Blood and cruelly murthered All this while nevertheless she enjoyed her Liberty State and Fortunes But afterwards again upon the Rise of the wheel when she had a King to her Son-in-Law and was made Grand-mother to a Grand-child of the best Sex yet was she upon dark and unknown Reasons and no less strange Pretences precipitated and banished the World into a Nunnery where it was almost thought dangerous to visit her or see her and where not long after she ended her Life but was by the King's commandment Buried with the King her Husband at Windsor She was Foundress of Queens-College in Cambridge For this Act the King sustained great Obloquy which nevertheless besides the reason of State was somewhat sweetned to him by a great Confiscation About this time also Edward Plantagenet was upon a Sunday brought throughout all the principal Streets of London to be seen of the people And having passed the view of the Streets was conducted to St. Paul's Church in solemn Procession where great store of people were assembled And it was provided also in good fashion that divers of the Nobility and others of Quality especially of those that the King most suspected and knew the person of Plantagenet best had communication with the young Gentleman by the way and entertained him with speech and discourse which did in effect marr the Pageant in Ireland with the Subjects here at least with so many as out of Errour and not out of Malice might be mis-led Nevertheless in Ireland where it was too late to go back it wrought little or no effect But contrariwise they turned the Imposture upon the King and gave out That the King to defeat the true Inheritor and to mock the World and blind the Eyes of simple men had tricked up a 〈◊〉 in the likeness of Edward Plantagenet and shewed him to the People not sparing to prophane the Ceremony of a Procession the more to countenance the Fable The General-Pardon likewise near the same time came forth and the King therewithal omitted no diligence in giving straight Order for the keeping the Ports that Fugitives Male-contents or suspected Persons might not pass over into Ireland and Flanders Mean while the Rebels in Ireland had sent privy Messengers both into England and into Flanders who in both places had wrought effects of no small Importance For in England they won to their Party John Earl of Lincoln Son of John de la Pole Duke of Suffolk and of Elizabeth King Edward the Fourth's eldest Sister This Earl was a man of great Wit and Courage and had his thoughts highly raised by Hopes and Expectations for a time For Richard the Third had a Resolution out of his hatred to both his Brethren King Edward and the Duke of Clarence and their Lines having had his hand in both their Bloods to disable their Issues upon false and incompetent pretexts the one of Attaindor the other of Illegitimation and to design this Gentleman in case himself should dye without Children for Inheritor of the Crown Neither was this unknown to the King who had secretly an Eye upon him But the King having tasted of the Envy of the People for his Imprisonment of Edward Plantagenet was doubtful to heap up any more distasts of that kind by the Imprisonment of De la Pole also the rather thinking it Policy to conserve him as a Corrival unto the other The Earl of Lincoln was induced to participate with the Action of Ireland not lightly upon the strength of the Proceedings there which was but a Bubble but upon Letters from the Lady Margaret of Burgundy in whose succours and declaration for the Enterprize there seemed to be a more solid Foundation both for Reputation and Forces Neither did the Earl
my self to expect the Tyrant's death and then to put my self into my Sisters hands who was next Heir to the Crown But in this season it happened one Henry Tidder Son to Edmond Tidder Earl of Richmond to come from France and enter into the Realm and by subtil and foul means to obtain the Crown of the same which to me rightfully appertained So that it was but a change from Tyrant to Tyrant This Henry my extreme and mortal Enemy so soon as he had knowledge of my being alive imagined and wrought all the subtil ways and means he could to procure my final Destruction For my mortal Enemy hath not only falsly surmised me to be a feigned Person giving me Nick-names so abusing the World but also to deferr and put me from entry into England hath offered large summs of Money to corrupt the Princes and their Ministers with whom I have been retained and made importune Labours to certain Servants about my Person to murther or Poyson me and others to forsake and leave my righteous Quarrel and to depart from my Service as Sir Robert Clifford and others So that every man of Reason may well perceive that Henry calling himself King of England needed not to have bestowed such great summs of Treasure nor so to have busied himself with importune and incessant Labour and Industry to compass my Death and Ruine if I had been such a feigned Person But the truth of my Cause being so manifest moved the most Christian King Charles and the Lady Duchess Dowager of Burgundy my most dear Aunt not only to acknowledge the truth thereof but lovingly to assist me But it seemeth that God above for the good of this whole Island and the knitting of these two Kingdoms of England and Scotland in a strait Concord and Amity by so great an Obligation had reserved the placing of me in the Imperial Throne of England for the Arms and Succours of your Grace Neither is it the first time that a King of Scotland hath supported them that were bereft and spoiled of the Kingdom of England as of late in fresh memory it was done in the Person of Henry the Sixth Wherefore for that your Grace hath given clear signs that you are in no Noble quality inferiour to your Royal Ancestors I so distressed a Prince was hereby moved to come and put my self into your Royal Hands desiring your Assistance to recover my Kingdom of England promising faithfully to bear my self towards your Grace no otherwise than if I were your own Natural Brother and will upon the Recovery of mine Inheritance gratefully do you all the Pleasure that is in my utmost Power AFter Perkin had told his Tale King James answered bravely and wisely That whatsoever he were he should not repent him of putting himself into his hand And from that time forth though there wanted not some about him that would have perswaded him that all was but an Illusion yet notwithstanding either taken by Perkin's amiable and alluring behaviour or inclining to the recommendation of the great Princes abroad or willing to take an occasion of a War against King Henry he entertained him in all things as became the person of Richard Duke of York embraced his Quarrel and the more to put it out of doubt that he took him to be a great Prince and not a Representation only he gave consent that this Duke should take to Wife the Lady Catherine Gordon Daughter to Earl Huntley being a near Kinswoman to the King himself and a young Virgin of excellent beauty and virtue Not long after the King of Scots in person with Perkin in his company entred with a great Army though it consisted chiefly of Borderers being raised somewhat suddenly into Northumberland And Perkin for a Perfume before him as he went caused to be published a Proclamation of this tenour following in the name of Richard Duke of York true Inheritor of the Crown of England IT hath pleased God who putteth down the Mighty from their Seat and exalteth the Humble and suffereth not the hopes of the Just to perish in the end to give Us means at the length to shew Our Selves armed unto Our Lieges and People of England But far be it from Us to intend their hurt and damage or to make War upon them otherwise than to deliver Our Self and them from Tyranny and Oppression For Our mortal Enemy Henry Tidder a false 〈◊〉 of the Crown of England which tolls by Natural and Lineal Right appertaineth knowing in his own Heart Our undoubted Right We being the very Richard Duke of York younger Son and now surviving Heir-male of the Noble and Victorious Edward the Fourth late King of England hath not only deprived Us of Our Kingdom but likewise by all foul and wicked means sought to betray Us and bereave Us of Our Life Yet if his Tyranny only extended it self to Our Person although Our Royal Blood teacheth Us to be sensible of Injuries it should be less to Our Grief But this Tidder who boasteth himself to have overthrown a Tyrant hath ever since his first entrance into his Usurped Reign put little in practice but Tyranny and the feats thereof For King Richard Our unnatural Uncle although desire of Rule did blind him yet in his other actions like a true Plantagenet was Noble and loved the Honour of the Realm and the Contentment and Comfort of his Nobles and People But this Our Mortal Enemy agreeable to the meanness of his Birth hath trod under foot the Honour of this Nation selling Our hest Confederates for Money and making Merchandize of the Blood Estates and Fortunes of Our Peers and Subjects by feigned wars and dishonourable Peace only to enrich his Coffers Nor unlike hath been his hateful Mis-government and evil Deportments at home First he hath to fortifie his false Quarrel caused divers Nobles of this Our Realm whom he held Suspect and stood in dread of to be cruelly murthred as Our Cousin Sir William Stanley Lord Chamberlain Sir Simon Mountfort Sir Robert Ratcliff William Dawbeney Humphrey Stafford and many others besides such as have dearly bought their Lives with intolerable Ransoms Some of which Nobles are now in the Sanctuary Also he hath long kept and yet keepeth in Prison Our right entirely beloved Cousin Edward Son and Heir to Our Uncle Duke of Clarence and others with-bolding from them their rightful Inheritance to the intent they should never be of might and power to aid and assist Us at Our need after the duty of their Liegeances He also married by compulsion certain of Our Sisters and also the Sister of Our said Cousin the Earl of Warwick and divers other Ladies of the Royal Blood unto certain of his Kinsmen and Friends of simple and low Degree and putting apart all well-disposed Nobles he hath none in favour and trust about his Person but Bishop Fox Smith Bray Lovel Oliver King David Owen Risley Turbervile Tiler Cholmley Empson James Hobart John Cut Garth
Bromley Sir Anthony Denny Sir Edward North. Sir Edward Wotton Doctor Wotton Dean of Canterbury and York To whom he added as Assistants especially in matters of great consequence Henry Earl of Arundel William Earl of Essex Sir Thomas Cheny Steward of the King's Houshold Sir John Gage Comptroller Sir Anthony Wingfield Vice-Chamberlain Sir William Peter Secretary Sir Richard Rich. Sir John Baker Sir Ralph Sadler Sir Thomas Seymour Sir Richard Southwell Sir Edmond Pecham He ordained his Body should be interred at Windsor in a Monument yet imperfect erected by Cardinal Wolsey not for himself as many falsly 〈◊〉 but for the King as by the Inscription is manifest which cannot be of later date For therein Henry is 〈◊〉 Lord of Ireland without any mention of Supreme Head of the Church which two particles it is manifest were changed in the Title after Wolsey his death In the same his last Will he commanded that the Monuments of Henry the Sixth and Edward the Fourth both interred in Windsor should be made more magnificent and stately and other things of less moment most of which were neglected This last Will and Testament he confirmed subscribed and sealed the last of December and survived a month after dying at Westminster the eight and twentieth of January and that in this manner The King having long languished the Physicians finding apparent symptoms of approaching death wished some of his friends to admonish him of his estate which at last Sir Anthony Denny undertook who going directly to the fainting King told in few but those plain words That the hope of humane help was vain wherefore he beseeched his Majesty to erect his thoughts to Heaven and bethinking him of his ' fore-passed life through Christ to implore God's Mercy An advice not very acceptable to him But finding it grounded upon the judgment of the Physicians he submitted himself to the hard law of necessity and reflecting upon the course of his Life which he much condemned he professed himself confident that through Christ his infinite Goodness all his sins although they had been more in number and weight might be pardoned Being then demanded whether he desired to confer with any Divines With no other saith he but the Archbishop Cranmer and not with him as yet I will first repose my self a little and as I then find my self will determin accordingly After the sleep of an hour or two finding himself fainting he commanded the Archbishop then at Croydon should be sent for in all hast Who using all possible speed came not until the King was speechless As soon as he came the King took him by the hand the Archbishop exhorting him to place all his hope in God's Mercies through Christ and beseeching him that if he could not in words he would by some sign or other testifie this his Hope Who then wringed the Archbishop's hand as hard as he could and shortly after expired having lived fifty five years and seven months and thereof reigned thirty seven years nine months and six days Thus ended Henry the Eighth his Life and Reign which for the first years of his Government was like Nero's Five years Admirable for often Victories and happy Success in War Glorious for the many Changes under it Memorable for the Foundation of the Churches Reformation Laudable to Queens most unhappy for the Death of so many for the most great Personages Bloody and for the frequent Exactions and Subsidies and Sacrilegious Spoil of the Church much Prejudicial to the Estate Grievous and Burthensom to the Subject FINIS ANNALS OF ENGLAND EDVVARD THE SIXTH The Second Book LONDON Printed for Thomas Basset John Wright and Richard Chiswel M. DC LXXV ANNALS OF ENGLAND BOOK II. EDWARD the Sixth ANNO DOM. 1547. REG. 1. ROyalty like a Pythagorean Soul transmigrates Although Henry were dead the King was still alive and survived in the person of young Edward who began his Reign the eight and twentieth of January then in the tenth year of his age and having been on the last of the same Month proclaimed King came the same day from Enfield where the Court had then been to the Tower there according to the ancient custom of our Kings to abide until his Inauguration at Westminster The next day the Council assembled for the managing of the Estate conferred on the King's Uncle Edward Seymour Earl of Hertford the honour and power of Protector of the King's Person and Kingdom Who to season his new Dignity with some memorable act on the sixth of February dubbed the King Knight the King presently imparting the same Honour to Richard Hoblethorn Lord Mayor of London On the fifteenth of February King Henry his Funerals were solemnized and his Body Royally interred in the middle of the Quire in the Church at Windsor Two days after were some of the Nobility dignified with greater Honours some new created The Lord Protector Earl of Hertford was made Duke of Somerset William Parr Earl of Essex Marquis of Northampton John Dudley Viscount Lisle Earl of Warwick and the Lord Chancellour Wriothsley Earl of Southampton Sir Thomas Seymour Brother to the Protector and Lord Admiral Sir Thomas Rich Sir William Willoughby and Sir Edmond Sheffeild were inrolled among the Barons Other two days being fled after their predecessors the King passed triumphantly from the Tower through London to Westminster where he was solemnly crowned anointed and inaugurated by Cranmcr Archbishop of Canterbury At what time also with incredible indulgence pardon of all crimes whatsoever was publickly proclaimed and granted to all persons throughout the Realm six only being exempted from the benefit thereof namely the Duke of Norfolk Cardinal Pool the lately beheaded Marquis of Exceter his eldest Son one Throcmorton Fortescue and Richard Pate late Bishop of Worcester who lest he should be constrained to acknowledge the King Head of the Church had some years passed fled to Rome On the nineteenth of June in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in London were celebrated the Exequies of Francis King of France He deceased the two and twentieth of the precedent March having been after the death of our Henry much disposed to melancholy whether for that he failed in the hope of strengthening their late contracted amity with some stricter tie or that being some few years the younger he was by his death admonished of the like approaching fate They were also of so conspiring a similitude of disposition and nature that you shall hardly find the like between any two Princes of whatever different times This bred a mutual affection in them and as it were forcibly nourished the secret fire thereof between them unless peradventure when emulation or the respect of publick utility swayed them the contrary way so that the death of the one could not but much grieve the surviver He therefore in the Cathedral at Paris celebrated the Funerals of Henry though Excommunicated by the Pope He also left one only Son named Henry inheritor of his
purposely arraied him and bitterly taunted at to be dragged to death and that death by the horrid tortures of Fire Being now fastned to the Stake as soon as ever the flame began to ascend lifting up his left Hand to Heaven he thrust forth his right hand into the flame and there with admirable constancy continued it until it was consumed only once drawing it in and with it stroaking his Beard At length the raging flame spreading it self lifting up his Eyes toward Heaven he cried out Lord receive my Spirit and his Body abiding as immoveable as the Stake whereto he was fastened he patiently endured the Fires violence until he at last expired His Body being consumed to ashes his Heart was found entire and untoucht Had any of the Romanists found the like in any one of their Faction it should have been recorded for a Miracle and that Miracle sufficed to have Sainted him Give me leave though it be contrary to the method of History to insert a few Verses written by Ralph Skinner concerning this great man's Martyrdom Succubuit sanctus Praesul Cranmerus iniquâ Pontificum rabie fraude doloque perit Quòd Verbi invicto dejecer at Ense Papatum Quòd docuit purâ quaerere mente Deum Quódque Antichristi subverterat impia regna Regna piis Anglis heu tolerata diù Hinc pius clemens crudeli addicitur igni Dantur innocui membra cremenda viri Huc ubi jam ventum est Dextram projecit in ignem Projectamque tenens talia dicta dedit Primùm peccasti primùm sentire dolorem Debes ah Christo dextra inimica meo Immotamque tenet dum deflagraverat omnis In cineres totam dum cecidisse videt Caetera cùm pereant flammâ mirabile dictu Cor manet illaesum post ubi flamma perit Ecce invicta fides cor inviotabile servat Nec mediis flammis corda perire sinit Which Verses may be thus rendred in English Through Papists rage and fraud good Cranmer dy'd Because he put their Doctrine to the Sword The two-edg'd Sword of Scripture and discri'd Christ's Foe instructing England with the Word For this meek man he had a Martyr's hire His Soul was burnt with Zeal his Corps with Fire But when he came unto the stake he thrust His right Hand in the flames Thou first he said Because thou first did'st sin here suffer must Thou first thy Lord and Master hast betrai'd There held he it his Eyes did see it fall Soon afterward he sent those Eyes withal But lo a wonder Heaven's sacred Oracle Had sure decreed that so admir'd a creature Should not be put to death sans Miracle His Body burnt his Heart in perfect feature Was found unsing'd See see the Faith he cherisht Once in that Heart preserv'd it still unperisht Beside Cranmer the cruelty of those times did the same year devour many Professors of the same Religion Of both Sexes no fewer than eighty four were this year martyred by Fire Neither did their cruelty exercise it self on the living only The Bones of Martin Bucer and Paul Phagius long since dead were digged up formally accused of Heresie and no man undertaking their Cause as who durst condemned and publickly Burned in the Market-place at Cambridge And Peter Martyr's Wife who died at Oxford was disinterred and with barbarous and inhumane cruelty buried in a Dunghil To Bucer and Phagius Queen Elizabeth did afterward with great solemnity restore their memory and honour And as for Peter Martyr's Wife she caused her Bones to be translated from that unclean place to be reinterred in the Church and commixed with the Relicks of Frideswid by Papists reputed a Saint that the like occasion of mockage might not again be offered On the same day whereon Cranmer thus ended his life Cardinal Pool was ordered Priest at Greenwich and the next day Naboth being dead took possession of his Vineyard being consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury Three days after being the Feast of the Annunciation accompanied by many Nobles Pool with great solemnity received the Pall at Bow-Church About the same time a notable Conspiracy was detected some having projected to rob the Exchequer at that time full of Spanish coin to the value of fifty thousand Pounds The names of the Conspirators were Udal Throckmorton Pecham Daniel Stanton and besides others that fled for it White who discovered his fellows The rest were all taken and suffered as Traitors Sir Anthony Kingston as partaker in their intentions was also apprehended but died before he could reach London In July new Tumults begun to be set on foot in Norfolk were maturely suppressed Cleber and three Brothers called Lincolne the authors of it suffering for their seditious attempt On the one and twentieth of November John Fecknam Dean of Pauls was installed Abbot at Westminster which Henry the Eighth had erected to an Archiepiscopal See There being at that time no Monks in England fourteen were found who were content with Fecknam to take the Religious habit of Benedictines ANNO DOM. 1557. REG. MARIAE 4 5 PHILIPPI 3 4. NOw after four or five years we found the effect of our Northern Navigation set on foot by Cabota About the beginning of this year arrived in England Osep Napea Ambassador from Basiliwitz Emperour of Russia for the Treaty of a perpetual League between our Kings and his Prince On the Scottish Coast he had suffered wrack and beside Merchandize of infinite value he lostthose Presents which were from the Emperour destinated to their Majesties But the loss of Richard Chanceller was beyond all these inestimable who being a most expert Pilot first discovered the passage into those Northern Regions and now more solicitous of the Ambassador's safeguard than of his own this man most worthy of immortal Memory was swallowed up in the Seas insatiate gulf I think the Entertainment of any Ambassador with us was never more Royal. On the five and twentieth of May Philip having about seven days before returned out of Flanders he was admitted into the presence of the Kings declared the purport of his Embassy and continued in London until the third of May and having then got a convenient season laden with Gifts he set sail for his Countrey On the sixth of March Charles Lord Stourton for having in his house cruelly murthered one Hargill and his Son with whom he had long been at variance was by a wholesom example to posterity Hanged at Sarisbury with four other of his Servants who were not only conscious but actors in the cruelty After he had beaten them down with Clubs and cut their Throats he buried their Carcases fifteen foot deep in the ground hoping by such sure work to stop the voice of Blood crying for revenge or if peradventure it were discovered the regard of his zealous persistance in the Religion of Rome would he hoped procure the Queens pardon But Murther is a sin that God hath by many memorable Examples manifested
and safe Opinion and Advice mixed with Law and Convenience which was That the Knights and Burgesses attainted by the course of Law should forbear to come into the House 'till a Law were passed for the Reversal of their Attaindors It was at that time incidently moved amongst the Judges in their Consultation what should be done for the King himself who likewise was attainted But it was with unanimous consent Resolved That the Crown takes away all defects and stops in Blood and that from the time the King did assume the Crown the Fountain was cleared and all Attaindors and Corruption of Blood discharged But nevertheless for Honours sake it was Ordained by Parliament that all Records wherein there was any memory or mention of the King's Attaindor should be defaced cancelled and taken off the File But on the part of the King's Enemies there were by Parliament attainted the late Duke of Glocester calling himself Richard the Third the Duke of Norfolk the Earl of Surrey Viscount Lovel the Lord Ferrers the Lord Zouch Richard Ratcliff William Catesby and many others of degree and quality In which Bills of Attaindors nevertheless there were contained many just and temperate Clauses Savings and Proviso's well shewing and foretokening the Wisdom Stay and Moderation of the King's Spirit of Government And for the Pardon of the rest that had stood against the King the King upon a second advice thought it not fit it should pass by Parliament the better being matter of Grace to impropriate the Thanks to himself using only the Opportunity of a Parliament time the better to disperse it into the Veins of the Kingdom Therefore during the Parliament he Published his Royal Proclamation offering Pardon and Grace of Restitution to all such as had taken Arms or been participant of any Attempts against him so as they submitted themselves to his Mercy by a Day and took the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity to him Whereupon many came out of Sanctuary and many more came out of Fear no less guilty than those that had taken Sanctuary As for Money or Treasure the King thought it not seasonable or fit to demand any of his Subjects at this Parliament both because he had received satisfaction from them in matters of so great Importance and because he could not remunerate them with any General Pardon being prevented therein by the Coronation-Pardon passed immediately before but chiefly for that it was in every mans Eye what great Forfeitures and Confiscations he had at that present to help himself Whereby those Casualties of the Crown might in reason spare the Purses of his Subjects especially in a time when he was in Peace with all his Neighbours Some few Laws passed at that Parliament almost for form sake amongst which there was One to reduce Aliens being made Denizens to pay Strangers Customs and another to draw to himself the Seisures and Compositions of Italian Goods for not employment being Points of Profit to his Coffers whereof from the very Beginning he was not forgetful and had been more happy at the Latter End if his early Providence which kept him from all necessity of Exacting upon his People could likewise have attemp'red his nature therein He added during Parliament to his former Creations the Innoblement or Advancement in Nobility of a few others The Lord Chandos of Britain was made Earl of Bath and Sir Giles Dawbeny was made Lord Dawbeny and Sir Robert Willoughby Lord Brook The King did also with great Nobleness and Bounty which Virtues at that time had their turns in his Nature restore Edward Stafford eldest Son to Henry Duke of Buckingham attainted in the time of King Richard not only to his Dignities but to his Fortunes and Possessions which were great to which he was moved also by a kind of Gratitude for that the Duke was the man that moved the first Stone against the Tyranny of King Richard and indeed made the King a Bridge to the Crown upon his own Ruins Thus the Parliament brake up The Parliament being dissolved the King sent forthwith Money to redeem the Marquess Dorset and Sir John Bourchier whom he had left as his Pledges at Paris for Money which he had borrowed when he made his Expedition for England And thereupon he took a fit occasion to send the Lord Treasurer and Master Bray whom he used as Counsellor to the Lord Mayor of London requiring of the City a Prest of six thousand Marks But after many Parlees he could obtain but two thousand Pounds Which nevertheless the King took in good part as men use to do that practise to borrow Money when they have no need About this time the King called unto his Privy-Council John Morton and Richard Fox the one Bishop of Ely the other Bishop of Exceter vigilant men and secret and such as kept watch with him almost upon all men else They had been both versed in his Affairs before he came to the Crown and were partakers of his adverse Fortune This Morton soon after upon the death of Bourchier ' he made Archbishop of Canterbury And for Fox he made him Lord Keeper of his Privy-Seal and afterwards advanced him by Degrees from Exceter to Bath and Wells thence to Durham and last to Winchester For although the King loved to employ and advance Bishops because having rich Bishopricks they carried their Reward upon themselves yet he did use to raise them by steps that he might not lose the profit of the First-fruits which by that course of Gradation was multiplied At last upon the Eighteenth of January was Solemnized the so long expected and so much desired Marriage between the King and the Lady Elizabeth which Day of Marriage was celebrated with greater Triumph and Demonstrations especially on the Peoples part of Joy and Gladness than the days either of his Entry or Coronation which the King rather noted than liked And it is true that all his life time while the Lady Elizabeth lived with him for she dyed before him he shewed himself no very indulgent Husband towards her though she was beautiful gentle and fruitful But his aversion towards the House of York was so predominant in him as it found place not only in his Wars and Councils but in his Chamber and Bed Towards the middle of the Spring the King full of confidence and assurance as a Prince that had been Victorious in Battel and had prevailed with his Parliament in all that he desired and had the Ring of Acclamations fresh in his Ears thought the rest of his Reign should be but Play and the enjoying of a Kingdom Yet as a wise and watchful King he would not neglect any thing for his Safety thinking nevertheless to perform all things now rather as an Exercise than as a Labour So he being truly informed that the Northern parts were not only Affectionate to the House of York but particularly had been Devoted to King Richard the Third thought it would be a Summer well spent to visit
of Ten years had been brought up in a Court where infinite Eyes had been upon him For King Edward touched with remorse of his Brother the Duke of Clarence's Death would not indeed restore his Son of whom we speak to be Duke of Clarence but yet created him Earl of Warwick reviving his Honour on the Mothers side and used him honorably during his time though Richard the Third afterwards confined him So that it cannot be but that some great Person that knew particularly and familiarly Edward Plantagenet had a hand in the business from whom the Priest might take his aim That which is most probable out of the precedent and subsequent Acts is that it was the Queen Dowager from whom this Action had the principal source and motion For certain it is she was a busie negotiating Woman and in her withdrawing-Chamber had the fortunate Conspiracy for the King against King Richard the Third been hatched which the King knew and remembred perhaps but too well and was at this time extremely discontent with the King thinking her Daughter as the King handled the matter not advanced but depressed and none could hold the Book so well to prompt and instruct this Stage-play as she could Nevertheless it was not her meaning nor no more was it the meaning of any of the better and sager sort that favoured the Enterprize and knew the Secret that this disguised Idol should possess the Crown but at his peril to make way to the Overthrow of the King and that done they had their several Hopes and Ways That which doth chiefly fortifie this Conjecture is that as soon as the matter brake forth in any strength it was one of the King 's first Acts to cloister the Queen Dowager in the Nunnery of Bermonsey and to take away all her Lands and Estate and this by close Council without any Legal proceeding upon far-fetcht Pretences That she had delivered her two Daughters out of Sanctuary to King Richard contrary to promise Which Proceeding being even at that time taxed for rigorous and undue both in-matter and manner makes it very probable there was some greater matter against her which the King upon reason of Policy and to avoid Envy would not publish It is likewise no small Argument that there was some Secret in it and some suppressing of Examinations for that the Priest Simon himself after he was taken was never brought to Execution no not so much as to publick Tryal as many Clergy-men were upon less Treasons but was only shut up close in a Dungeon Add to this that after the Earl of Lincoln a principal Person of the House of York was slain in Stoke-field the King opened himself to some of his Council that he was sorry for the Earl's Death because by him he said he might have known the bottom of his Danger But to return to the Narration it self Simon did first instruct his Scholar for the part of Richard Duke of York second Son to King Edward the Fourth and this was at such time as it was voyced that the King purposed to put to Death Edward Plantagenet Prisoner in the Tower whereat there was great murmur But hearing soon after a general bruit that Plantagenet had escaped out of the Tower and thereby finding him so much beloved amongst the People and such rejoycing at his Escape the cunning Priest changed his Copy and chose now Plantagenet to be the Subject his Pupil should personate because he was more in the present speech and Votes of the People and it pieced better and followed more close and handsomly upon the bruit of Plantagenet's Escape But yet doubting that there would be too near looking and too much Perspective into his Disguise if he should shew it here in England he thought good after the manner of Scenes in Stage-Plays and Masques to shew it a-far-off and therefore sailed with his Scholar into Ireland where the Affection to the House of York was most in height The King had been a little Improvident in matters of Ireland and had not removed Officers and Chancellors and put in their places or at least intermingled persons of whom he stood assured as he should have done since he knew the strong Bent of that Countrey towards the House of York and that it was a ticklish and unsetled State more easie to receive distempers and mutations than England was But trusting to the reputation of his Victories and Successes in England he thought he should have time enough to extend his Cares afterwards to that second Kingdom Wherefore through this neglect upon the coming of Simon with his pretended Plantagenet into Ireland all things were prepared for Revolt and Sedition almost as if they had been set and plotted before-hand Simon' s first Address was to the Lord Thomas Fitz-Gerard Earl of Kildare and Deputy of Ireland before whose Eyes he did cast such a Mist by his own insinuation and by the carriage of his Youth that expressed a natural Princely Behaviour as joyned perhaps with some inward Vapours of Ambition and Affection in the Earl's own mind left him fully possessed that it was the true Plantagenet The Earl presently communicated the matter with some of the Nobles and others there at the first secretly But finding them of like Affection to himself he suffered it of purpose to vent and pass abroad because they thought it not safe to resolve till they had a tast of the Peoples Inclination But if the Great ones were in forwardness the People were in fury entertaining this Airy Body or Phantasm with incredible affection partly out of their great devotion to the House of York partly out of a proud humour in the Nation to give a King to the Realm of England Neither did the Party in this heat of affection much trouble themselves with the Attaindor of George Duke of Clarence having newly learned by the King's example that Attaindors do not interrupt the conveying of Title to the Crown And as for the Daughters of King Edward the Fourth they thought King Richard had said enough for them and took them to be but as of the King's Party because they were in his power and at his disposing So that with marvellous consent and applause this Counterfeit Plantagenet was brought with great Solemnity to the Castle of Dublin and there saluted served and honoured as King the Boy becoming it well and doing nothing that did bewray the baseness of his condition And within few days after he was proclaimed King in Dublin by the Name of King Edward the Sixth there being not a Sword drawn in King Henry his Quarrel The King was much moved with this unexpected Accident when it came to his Ears both because it strook upon that String which ever he most 〈◊〉 as also because it was stirred in such a Place where he could not with safety transfer his own Person to suppress it For partly through natural Valour and partly through an universal Suspition not knowing whom to trust
nourish these bruits And it was not long ere these rumors of Novelty had begotten others of Scandal and Murmur against the King and his government taxing him for a great Taxer of his People and discountenancer of his Nobility The loss of Britain and the Peace with France were not forgotten But chiefly they fell upon the wrong that he did his Queen in that he did not reign in her Right Wherefore they said that God had now brought to light a Masculine-Branch of the House of York that would not be at his Courtesie howsoever he did depress his poor Lady And yet as it fareth in things which are currant with the Multitude and which they affect these Fames grew so general as the Authors were lost in the generality of Speakers They being like running Weeds that have no certain root or like Footings up and down impossible to be traced But after a while these ill Hamors drew to an head and setled secretly in some eminent Persons which were Sir William Stanley Lord Chamberlain of the King's Houshold the Lord Fitz-water Sir Simon Mountfort Sir Thomas Thwaites These entred into a secret Conspiracy to favour Duke Richard's Title Nevertheless none engaged their fortunes in this business openly but two Sir Robert Clifford and Master William Barley who sailed over into Flanders sent indeed from the Party of the Conspirators here to understand the truth of those things that passed there and not without some help of monies from hence Provisionally to be delivered if they found and were satisfied that there was truth in these pretences The person of Sir Robert Clifford being a Gentleman of Fame and Family was extremely welcome to the Lady Margaret Who after she had confeernce with him brought him to the sight of Perkin with whom he had often speech and discourse So that in the end won either by the Duchess to affect or by Perkin to believe he wrote back into England that he knew the Person of Richard Duke of York as well as he knew his own and that this Young-man was undoubtedly he By this means all things grew prepared to Revolt and Section here and the Conspiracy came to have a Correspondence between Planders and England The King on his part was not asleep but to Arm or levy Forces yet he thought would but shew fear and do this Idol too much worship Nevertheless the Ports he did shut up or at least kept a Watch on them that none should pass to or fro that was suspected But for the rest he chose to work by Counter-mine His purposes were two the one to lay open the Abuse the other to break the knot of the Conspirators To detect the Abuse there were but two ways the first to make it manifest to the world that the Duke of York was indeed murthered the other to prove that were he dead or alive yet Perkin was a Counterfeit For the first thus it stood There were but four persons that could speak upon knowledge to the murther of the Duke of York Sir James Tirrel the employed-man from King Richard John Dighton and Miles Forrest his Servants the two Butchers or Tormentors and the Priest of the Tower that buried them Of which four Miles Forrest and the Priest were dead and there remained alive only Sir James Tirrel and John Dighton These two the King caused to be committed to the Tower and examined touching the manner of the Death of the two Innocent Princes They agreed both in a Tale as the King gave out to this effect That King Richard having directed his Warrant for the putting of them to death to Brackenbury the Lieutenant of the Tower was by him refused Whereupon the King directed his Warrant to Sir James Tirrel to receive the Keys of the Tower from the Lieutenant for the space of a night for the King 's special service That Sir James Tirrel accordingly repaired to the Tower by night attended by his two Servants afore-named whom he had chosen for that purpose That himself stood at the stair-foot and sent these two Villains to execute the murther That they smothered them in their bed and that done called up their Master to see their naked dead bodies which they had laid forth That they were buried under the Stairs and some stones cast upon them That when the report was made to King Richard that his will was done he gave Sir James Tirrel great thanks but took exception to the place of their burial being too base for them that were King's children Where upon another night by the King's Warrant renewed their bodies were removed by the Priest of the Tower and buried by him in some place which by means of the Priest's death soon after could not be known Thus much was then delivered abroad to be the effect of those Examinations But the King nevertheless made no use of them in any of his Declarations whereby as it seems those Examinations left the business somewhat perplexed And as for Sir James Tirrel he was soon after beheaded in the Tower-yard for other matters of Treason But John-Dighton who it seemeth spake best for the King was forthwith set at liberty and was the principal means of divulging this Tradition Therefore this kind of proof being left so naked the King used the more diligence in the latter for the tracing of Perkin To this purpose he sent abroad into several parts and especially into Flanders divers secret and nimble Scouts and Spies some feigning themselves to flie over unto Perkin and to adhere unto him and some under other pretences to learn search and discover all the circumstances and particulars of Perkin's Parents Birth Person Travels up and down and in brief to have a Journal as it were of his life and doings He furnished these his employed-men liberally with Money to draw on and reward intelligences giving them also in charge to advertise continually what they found and nevertheless still to go on And ever as one Advertisement and Discovery called up another he employed other new Men where the Business did require it Others he employed in a more special nature and trust to be his Pioners in the main Counter-mine These were directed to insinuate themselves into the familiarity and confidence of the principal persons of the Party in Flanders and so to learn what Associates they had and Correspondents either here in England or abroad and how far every one engaged and what new ones they meant afterwards to try or board And as this for the Persons so for the Actions themselves to discover to the Bottom as they could the utmost of Perkin's and the Conspirators their Intentions Hopes and Practices These latter Best-be-trust-Spies had some of them further instructions to practise and draw off the best Friends and Servants of Perkin by making remonstrance to them how weakly his Enterprize and Hopes were built and with how prudent and potent a King they had to deal and to reconcile them to the King with
not Twelve Men but Four and twenty But it seemeth that was not the only reason for this reason holdeth not in the Appeal But the great reason was lest it should tend to the discouragement of Jurors in Cases of Life and Death if they should be subject to Suit and Penalty where the favour of Life maketh against them It extendeth not also to any Suit where the Demand is under the value of forty Pounds for that in such Cases of petty value it would not quit the Charge to go about again There was another Law made against a branch of Ingratitude in Women who having been advanced by their Husbands or their Husbands Ancestors should alien and thereby seek to defeat the Heirs or those in Remainder of the Lands whereunto they had been so advanced The remedy was by giving power to the next to enter for a forfeiture There was also enacted that Charitable Law for the admission of poor Suitors In Forma Pauperis without Fee to Counsellor Attorney or Clerk whereby poor men became rather able to vex than unable to sue There were divers other good Laws made that Parliament as we said before but we still observe our manner in selecting out those that are not of a Vulgar nature The King this while though he sate in Parliament as in full Place and seemed to account of the designs of Perkin who was now returned into Flanders but as a May-game yet having the composition of a wise-King Stout without and Apprehensive within had given order for the watching of Beacons upon the Coasts and erecting more where they stood too thin and had a careful eye where this wandering Cloud would break But Perkin advised to keep his fire which hitherto burned as it were upon green wood alive with continual blowing Sailed again into Ireland whence he had formerly departed rather upon the hopes France than upon any unreadiness or discouragement he found in that People But in the space of time between the King's Diligence and Poynings Commission had so setled things there as there was nothing left for Perkin but the blustring affection of wild and naked people Wherefore he was advised by his Council to seek ayd of the King of Scotland a Prince young and valorous and in good terms with his Nobles and People and ill affected to King Henry At this time also both Maximilian and Charles of France began to bear no good will to the King The one being displeased with the King's Prohibition of Commerce with Flanders the other holding the King for suspect in regard of his late entry into League with the Italians Wherefore besides the open Ayds of the Duchess of Burgandy which did with Sails and Oars put on and advance Perkin's designs there wanted not some secret Tides from Maximilian and Charles which did further his fortunes In so much as they both by their secret Letters and Messages recommended him to the King of Scotland Perkin therefore coming into Scotland upon those hopes with a well appointed company was by the King of Scots being formerly well prepared honourably welcomed and soon after his arrival admitted to his Presence in a solemn manner For the King received him in State in his Chamber of Presence accompanied with divers of his Nobles And Perkin well attended as well with those that the King had sent before him as with his own Train entred the room where the King was and coming near to the King and bowing a little to embrace him he retired some paces back and with a loud voice that all that were present might hear him made his Declaration in this manner HIgh and Mighty King your Grace and these your Nobles here present may be pleased benignly to bow your Ears to hear the Tragedy of a young Man that by right ought to hold in his hand the Ball of a Kingdom but by Fortune is made Himself a Ball tossed from Misery to Misery and from Place to Place You see here before you the Spectacle of a Plantagenet who hath been carried from the Nursery to the Sanctuary from the Sanctuary to the direful Prison from the Prison to the hand of the cruel Tormentor and from that hand to the wide-Wilderness as I may truly call it for so the World hath been to me So that he that is born to a great Kingdom hath not ground to set his foot upon more than this where he now standeth by your Princely Favour Edward the Fourth late King of England as your Grace cannot but have heard left two Sons Edward and Richard Duke of York both very young Edward the eldest succeeded their Father in the Crown by the name of King Edward the Fifth But Richard Duke of Gloceffer their unnatural Uncle first thirsting after the Kingdom through Ambition and afterwards thirsting for their Blood out of desire to secure himself employed an Instrument of his confident to him as he thought to murther them both But this Man that was employed to execate that execrable Tragedy having cruelly slain King Edward the eldest of the two was moved partly by Remorse and partly by some other mean to save Richard his Brother making a Report nevertheless to the Tyrant that he had performed his Commandment for both Brethren This Report was accordingly believed and published generally So that the World hath been possessed of an Opinion that they both were barbarously made away though ever Truth hath some sparks that flie abroad until it appear in due time as this hath had But Almighty God that stopped the mouth of the Lion and saved little Joas from the Tyranny of Athaliah when she massacred the King's Children and did save Isaac when the hand was stretched forth to sacrifice him preserved the second Brother For I my self that stand here in your presence am that very Richard Duke of York Brother of that infortunate Prince King Edward the Fifth now the most rightful surviving Heir-male to that Victorious and most Noble Edward of that name the Fourth late King of England For the manner of my Escape it is fit it should pass in silence or at least in a more secret Relation for that it may concern some alive and the memory of some that are dead Let it suffice to think that I had then a Mother living a Queen and one that expected daily such a Commandment from the Tyrant for the murthering of her Children Thus in my tender age escaping by God's mercy out of London I was secretly conveyed over Sea Where after a time the Party that had me in Charge upon what new Fears change of Mind or Practice God knoweth suddenly forsook me Whereby I was forced to wander abroad to seek mean Conditions for the sustaining of my Life Wherefore distracted between several Passions the one of fear to be known lest the Tyrant should have a new Attempt upon me the other of Grief and Disdain to be unknown and to live in that base and servile manner that I did I resolved with
it was a Race often dipped in their own Blood It hath remained since only transplanted into other Names as well of the Imperial-Line as of other Noble Houses But it was neither guilt of Crime nor reason of Estate that could quench the Envy that was upon the King for this Execution So that he thought good to export it out of the Land and to lay it upon his new 〈◊〉 Ferdinando King of Spain For these two Kings understanding one another at half a word so it was that there were Letters shewed out of Spain whereby in the passages concerning the Treaty of the Marriage Ferdinando had written to the King in plain terms that he saw no assurance of his Succession as long as the Earl of Warwick lived and that he was loth to send his Daughter to Troubles and Dangers But hereby as the King did in some part remove the Envy from himself so he did not observe that he did withal bring a kind of Malediction and Infausting upon the Marriage as an ill Prognostick Which in event so far proved true as both Prince Arthur enjoyed a very small time after the Marriage and the Lady Katherine her self a sad and a religious woman long after when King Henry the Eighth his resolution of a Divorce from her was first made known to her used some words That she had not offended but it was a Judgment of God for that her former Marriage was made in blood meaning that of the Earl of Warwick This Fifteenth year of the King there was a great Plague both in London and in divers parts of the Kingdom Wherefore the King after often change of Places whether to avoid the danger of the Sickness or to give occasion of an Enterview with the Arch-Duke or both sayled over with his Queen to Calice Upon his coming thither the Arch-Duke sent an honourable Ambassage unto him as well to welcom him into those parts as to let him know that if it pleased him he would come and do him reverence But it was said withal That the King might be pleased to appoint some place that were out of any Walled Town or Fortress for that he had denied the same upon like occasion to the French King And though he said he made a great difference between the two Kings yet he would be loth to give a President that might make it after to be expected at his hands by another whom he trusted less The King accepted of the Courtesie and admitted of his Excuse and appointed the place to be at St. Peter's Church without Calice But withal he did visit the Arch-Duke with Ambassadors sent from himself which were the Lord Saint-John and the Secretary unto whom the Arch-Duke did the honour as going to Mass at St. Omers to set the Lord Saint-John on his right hand and the Secretary on his left and so to ride between them to Church The day appointed for the Enterview the King went on Horse-back some distance from St. Peter's Church to receive the Arch-Duke And upon their approaching the Arch-Duke made hast to light and offered to hold the King's Stirrop at his alighting which the King would not permit but descending from Horse-back they embraced with great affection and withdrawing into the Church to a place prepared they had long Conference not only upon the Confirmation of former Treaties and the 〈◊〉 of Commerce but upon Cross Marriages to be had between the Duke of York the King 's second Son and the Arch-Duke's Daughter And again between Charles the Arch-Dukes Son and Heir and Mary the King 's second Daughter But these Blossoms of unripe Marriages were but friendly wishes and the Airs of loving Entertainment though one of them came afterwards to Conclusion in Treaty though not in Effect But during the time that the two Princes conversed and commoned together in the Suburbs of Calice the Demonstrations on both sides were passing hearty and affectionate especially on the part of the Arch-Duke Who besides that he was a Prince of an excellent good nature being conscious to himself how drily the King had been used by his Council in the matter of Perkin did strive by all means to recover it in the King's affection And having also his ears continually beaten with the Counsels of his Father and Father-in-law who in respect of their jealous hatred against the French King did always advise the Arch-Duke to anchor himself upon the Amity of King Henry of England was glad upon this occasion to put in ure and practice their precepts calling the King Patron and Father and Protector these very words the King repeats when he certified of the loving behaviour of the Arch-Duke to the City and what else he could devise to express his love and observance to the King There came also to the King the Governour of Picardy and the Bailiff of Amiens sent from Lewis the French King to do him honour and to give him knowledge of his victory and winning of the Duchy of Millan It seemeth the King was well pleased with the honours he received from those parts while he was at Calice For he did himself certifie all the News and Occurrents of them in every particular from Calice to the Mayor and Aldermen of London which no doubt made no small talk in the City For the King though he could not entertain the good will of the Citizens as Edward the Fourth did yet by affability and other Princely Graces did ever make very much of them and apply himself to them This year also dyed John Morton Archbishop of Canterbury Chancellor of England and Cardinal He was a wise man and an eloquent but in his nature harsh and haughty much accepted by the King but envied by the Nobility and hated of the People Neither was his name left out of Perkin's Proclamation for any good will but they would not bring him in amongst the King's Casting-Counters because he had the Image and Superscription upon him of the Pope in his Honour of Cardinal He wan the King with Secrecy and Diligence but chiefly because he was his old Servant in his less Fortunes And also for that in his affections he was not without an inveterate malice against the House of York under whom he had been in trouble He was willing also to take Envy from the King more than the King was willing to put upon him For the King cared not for Subterfuges but would stand Envy and appear in any thing that was to his mind which made Envy still grow upon him more universal but less daring But in the matter of Exactions time did after shew that the Bishop in feeding the King's humour did rather temper it He had been by Richard the Third committed as in custody to the Duke of Buckingham whom he did secretly incite to revolt from King Richard But after the Duke was engaged and thought the Bishop should have been his chief Pilot in the Tempest the Bishop was gotten into the Cock-boat and fled over
scarce gain belief Wherefore I am well content that Truth which maugre her enemies will at length be every where victorions shall prevail with me I have done to my power Politely eloquently politickly I could not write Truly and fide Atticâ as they say I could If I have done amiss in ought it is not out of malice but errour which the gentle Reader will I hope pardon This I earnestly intreat withal beseeching the All-good and All-mighty God that this my labour directed to no other end than to his glory and the good of his Church may attain its due and by me desired success Farewel ANNALS OF ENGLAND From the Year 1508 to the Year 1558. BOOK I. King HENRY the Eighth ANNO DOM. 1509. REG. 1. AFter the death of Henry the Seventh his only Son Henry Prince of Wales undertook the Government of this Kingdom He had then attained to the Age of Eighteen years and was richly adorned with Endowments both of Body and Mind For of Stature he was tall of a beautiful Aspect and of Form through all his age truly beseeming a King He was witty docil and naturally propense to Letters until Pleasures to which the Liberty of Sovereignty easily prompteth did somewhat unseasonably withdraw him from his Studies to these you may add a Great Spirit aspiring to the glory both of Fortitude and Munificence This towardliness was so seconded by the happy care of his Tutors that if the end of his Reign had been answerable to the beginning Henry the Eighth might deservedly have been ranked amongst the greatest of our Kings For if you consider his first Twenty years you shall not easily find any one that either more happily managed Affairs abroad or Governed more wisely at home of that bare greater sway among his Neighbour Princes This I think ought chiefly to be ascribed to the providence of his wise Father and his Grand-mother then still alive For they took care that he should have wise and virtuous Over-seers in his youth by whose assistance having once passed the hazards thereof he happily avoided those Rocks whereon so many daily suffer wrack But these either dying or being so broken with age that they could be no longer employed in affairs of State and he himself being now come to those years that commonly cast aside Modesty Modeslty I say the Guardian of that great Virtue then making use of no Counsellor but his Will he fell into those Vices which notwithstanding the glory of his former Reign branded him deeply with the foul stains of Luxury and Cruelty But remitting those things to their proper places those Worthies appointed his Counsellors were William Warham Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellour of England Richard Fox Bishop of Winchester Thomas Ruthal Bishop of Durham Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey Lord Treasurer of England George Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury Lord Steward of the King's Houshold Charles Somerset Lord Chamberlain Knights Sir Thomas Lovel Sir Henry Wyat Sir Edward Poynings These men the Solemnity of the dead King's Funeral being duly and magnificently performed erected him a Tomb all of Brass accounted one of the stateliest Monuments of Europe which one would hardly conceive by the Bill of Accompts For it is reported that it cost but a Thousand Pounds The Monument is to be seen at Westminster the usual place of our Kings Interrments in that admirable Chappel dedicated to St. Stephen by this King heretofore built from the ground a testimony of his religious Piety I have read that this Chappel was raised to that height for the summ of Fourteen thousand Pounds and no more and that he at the same time built a Ship of an unusual burthen called from him The great Henry which by that time it was rigged cost little less than that stately Chappel But now O Henry what is become of that Ship of thine that other Work besides the reward of Heaven will perpetually proclaim thy pious Munificence Hence learn O Kings that the true Trophies of Glory are not to be placed in Armories and Arsenals but and those more durable in Pious Works Seek first seek the Kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof and without doubt all other things shall be added unto you But to go on in my proposed course although Henry the Eighth began his Reign the two and twentieth of April 1509 his Coronation was deferred to the four and twentieth of June In the mean time his Council thought it would prove a profitable policy for the King to marry Katherine the Widow of Prince Arthur his deceased Brother and Daughter to Ferdinando King of Castile for otherwise that huge mass of Money assigned for her Jointure must yearly be transported out of the Kingdom Neither was there at first any other doubt made of this Match than whether it were approved by the Ecclesiastical Constitutions for as much as the Scripture said some forbad any man to marry his Brother's Wife But this rub was easily removed by the omnipotence of the Pope's Bull in so much that presently upon the Dispensation of Pope Julius on the third of June under a malignant Constellation the Nuptials of these Princes were solemnized and they both Crowned the four and twentieth of June next following being St. John Baptist's day At these Solemnities there wanted neither pomp nor acclamations of the Estates of the Realm But to shew that of Solomon to be true The end of Mirth is Heaviness five days had not yet run their course since the Coronation when Margaret Countess of Richmond the King's Grand-mother made an exchange of this life with death She was a very godly and virtuous Lady and one who for her benefits to the Estate deserved with all honour to be commended to the perpetual memory of Posterity But her ever-living Works will so far set forth her praise that the pains of any Writer will prove altogether needless Yet notwithstanding omitting other things it will savour somewhat of Ingratitude if I should not recount what she hath conferred upon our Universities She founded two Colledges at Cambridge one dedicated to our Saviour CHRIST and the other to St. John the Evangelist and endowed them both with such large Revenues that at this time besides Officers and Servants there are about two hundred Students maintained in them She also left Lands to both Universities out of the Rents whereof two Doctors publick Professors of Divinity to this day do receive their Annual Stipends She lies interred near her Son in a fair Tomb of Touch-stone whereon lies her Image of gilded Brass ANNO DOM. 1510. REG. 2. H Enry the Seventh Father to this our Eighth some few years before his death had caused an inquisition to be made throughout the Kingdom of the breach of the Penal Statutes saying That Laws were to no purpose unless the fear of Punishment did force men to observe them But the Inquisition proceeding so rigorously that even the least faults were punished
according to the Law which inflicted a pecuniary Mulct they that were touch'd saith Polydor Virgil cryed out that this proceeded out of Covetousness rather than Severity But the wiser sort conceived the King's intent to be partly to curb the fierce mind of the People bred up in faction partly that by these Fines he might not only weaken the rich but also increase his own strength and fortifie himself against civil Attempts whereof he had lately seen some sparkles flie abroad if so be any smothered coal should happen to break out into a flame What-ever the matter was many there were who by accusing others sought the King's favour and enlarged their own Estates amongst whom two were chief the one was called Richard Empson the other Edmund Dudley both Lawyers and both for having served the King's turn lately made Barons of the Exchequer It is said that Empson was born at Torcester in Northampton-shire his Father was a Sievier Dudley though he were well descended yet being not befriended by Fortune long strugled with Adversity But after they had some Months taken pains in these matters both of them arise to that greatness that there were few of the Nobility that would not crouch to them and be ambitious of their favour Therefore it is not so much to be wondred at if they grew exceeding wealthy But this Wealth drew with it an Envy greater than it self which nevertheless did them little hurt during the life of Henry the Seventh but afterwards cast them both down as low as Envy could have wisht The King upon his death-bed commanded in his Will and Testament that restitution should be made to all who had been wronged by the Exchequer Whereupon infinite numbers flocking to the Court and demanding restitution there could not a fitter means be thought of to stop their mouthes than by committing of Empson and Dudley the occasioners thereof to the People as Sacrifices to appease their fury They were therefore arraigned and condemned of high Treason And these things were done presently upon Henry the Eighth his coming to the Crown So their goods being seized upon they for a whole year endured the miseries that usually accompany a Prison and yet were the Commons as eager against them as ever Whence it should first arise I know not but such a report there was that the Queen had begged the poor mens Pardons The Nobility disdaining that such mean fellows had been heretofore so prevalent with their Prince and the Commons being easily incited against them by some as eager enemies to them as themselves cried out that they were cheated of their just revenge and wearying the King with continual petitions for their death he was in a manner forced to satisfie them Whereupon on the seventeenth day of August they were both publickly beheaded Such was the end of Empson and Dudley who abounding with Wealth and flourishing under their Prince's favour while they set light by all things else became a Sacrifice to the giddy multitude And it may serve to teach us to use our power moderately and to take heed how we give offence to that Beast with many heads I mean the People which being angred and having once got the reins rageth like a tumultuous Sea Dudley left behind him a Son named John who as if he had been heir to his Father's fortune being created Duke of Northumberland concluded his powerful life with the like unhappy end leaving much Issue behind him even to our time but yet whereof the heirs male have long since failed ANNO DOM. 1511. REG. 3. THis year on New-years-day the Queen was delivered of a Son Heir-apparant to this Crown but he out-lived not the three and twentieth of the ensuing February to the great grief of the King and Kingdom About the same time there came Ambassadors from Ferdinand King of Arragon who craved of the King his Son-in-Law fifteen hundred auxiliary Archers He was then in hostility with the Moors inhabiting Africk The King very willingly granted their request and having levied the full number embarqued them for Spain in four Ships of the Navy Royal under the command of Thomas Lord Darcy They were scarce arrived there when news was brought that a Peace being made Ferdinando stood in no farther need of their aid Yet every one was liberally paid the General and those of greatest note that accompanied him were richly rewarded and all being dismissed with many thanks safely returned home In their absence Margaret Duchess of Savoy who was Daughter to the Emperor Maximilian and Governess of the Netherlands under Charles the Infant of Spain prevailed with our King for the like number of Archers she having then Wars with the Duke of Gueldres against whom she meant to employ them These men in the space of five Months did many brave exploits at Brimnost Aske and Venloo under the command of Sir Edward Poynings a brave Souldier and in great favour with his Prince Of them fourteen hundred returned home much commended and well rewarded the fortune of War had cut off one hundred Four Captains in regard of their valour were Knighted by the Infant Charles afterwards Emperor viz. John Norton John Fog John Scot and Thomas Lynd. The King of Scots had then War with the Portugal under pretext whereof one Andrew Barton a famous Pirat took all Ships that coasted either England or Scotland affirming them always to be Portugals of what Nation soever they were or at least fraught with Portugal Merchandise The King sent Edward Howard Lord Admiral of England and his Brother the Lord Thomas Howard eldest Son to the Earl of Surrey with one John Hopton to take this Rover. When they had once found him out after a long and bloody fight they took him alive but mortally wounded with his two Ships and all his companions that survived the fight and brought them to London ANNO DOM. 1512. REG. 4. AS yet Henry had no War with any forein Prince neither did the wiser sort wish that he should have any But he a young King in the heat of one and twenty years was transported with a vehement desire of War which saith the Proverb is sweet to them that never tasted of it Although he had about a year or two before made a League with Lewis the Twelfth of France yet he was easily intreated by Pope Julius to renounce this Confederacy This Pope more like to that Caesar whose Name he bare than Peter from whom he would fain derive his Succession that like another Nero sitting still he might from on high be a Spectator while the whole World was on fire had written Letters to our King wherein he intreated his assistance towards the suppression of the French Who without fear of God or man these were the pretended Causes had not only sacrilegiously laid hold on the Revenues of the Church had caused Cardinal William to usurp the Papacy had upheld Alphonso of Ferara and the Bentivogli in Rebellion against him
to him would not be disagreeable to riper years nay prove perhaps a great pleasure Until that time came he should enjoy the present and not by hearkning to others needless persuasions any way interrupt the course of that felicity which the largeness of his Dominions would easily afford him He should hawk and hunt and as much as him list use honest Recreations If so be he did at any time desire suddenly to become an Old man by intermedling with Old mens Cares he should not want those meaning himself that would in the evening in one or two words relate unto him the effect of a whole days Consultation This speech hitting so pat with the King's humour made Wolsey so powerful that whereas the King before favoured him as much as any other he only was now in favour with and next the King with whom there was nothing to be done but by him For he was the man that was made choice of who like another Mercury should pass between this our Jove and the Senate of the lesser Gods offering their petitions to him and to them returning his pleasure therein Wherefore he was even at the first sworn of the Privy Council and besides the late collation of Tournay upon the death of Smith he was also made Bishop of Lincoln In the government of which Church he had not fully spent six months before he was translated from Lincoln to the Archbishoprick of York then vacant by the death of Cardinal Bambridge at Rome Shortly after that I may at once shew all his Honours William Warham Archbishop of Canterbury leaving the place he was by the King made Lord Chancellor of England and by the Pope Legate à latere Yet he stayed not there but as if the Archbishoprick of York and the Chancellorship of England had not been sufficient to maintain the port of a Cardinal besides many other Livings he procured of the King the Abbey of St. Albans and the Bishoprick of Bath and Wells And not content with these leaving Bath and Wells he addeth the Bishoprick of Durham to that of York and then leaving Durham seizeth on Winchester at that time of greatest revenue of any Bishoprick in England You now see Wolsey in his height rich his Prince's Favourite and from the bottom raised to the top of Fortunes Wheel What became of him afterward you shall know hereafter ANNO DOM. 1515. REG. 7. THe League lately made with Lewis the French King was confirmed by Francis his Successor and published by Proclamation in London the ninth day of April ANNO DOM. 1516. REG. 8. BUt the French King having taken into his protection the young King of Scots sent John Stuart Duke of Albany into Scotland to be Governour both of the King's Person and Kingdom The first thing this Duke undertook was either to put to death or banish those whom he any way suspected to favour the English Insomuch that the Queen Dowager who by this time was married to Archibald Douglas Earl of Angus forced to save her self by flight came into England to her Brother with whom she stayed at London a whole year the Earl her Husband after a month or two without leave returning into Scotland King Henry being displeased at these French practices deals underhand with the Emperour Maximilian with whom the French then contended for the Duchy of Milan and lends him a great summ of Money whereby he might hire the Suisses to aid him in the expelling the French out of Italy But the Emperour although he had levied a sufficient Army returned home without doing any thing He was indeed accounted a wise Prince but unhappy in the managing of his Affairs whether it were that Fortune waiwardly opposed him or that he was naturally slow in the execution of his well-plotted Designs But shortly after he intends a second tryal of his Fortune Wherefore by his Ambassador the Cardinal of Suisserland he yet borrows more Money of the King which was delivered to certain Merchants of Genoa to be by a set day paid to the Emperour in Italy But they whether corrupted by the French or not of sufficient ability to make return deceived him and so his second designs vanished also into air I do not think it was the King's fault although we might justly suspect that the great Treasure left him by his Father being almost spent and the French secretly offering Peace upon good terms the friendship between him and the Emperour which he had so dearly purchased began at length to grow cold Certainly to speak nothing of the League which was afterwards concluded with France the Treasury was now grown so bare that the King was driven to invent new ways for the raising of Money The care of this business as almost of all others was committed to Cardinal Wolsey who casting up the Exchequer-Accompts found many deeply indebted to the King and whether by the negligence or treachery of the Officers never yet called to account Among others the Duke of Suffolk was found to be a great debtor who besides his own Revenues received yearly out of France his Wives Joincture amounting to sixty thousand Crowns Yet notwithstanding he was fain to withdraw himself from Court that by living thriftily in the Countrey he might have wherewith to pay this debt The Cardinal next bethinks himself of publick Misdemeanors of what sort soever as Perjury Rapes Oppression of the Poor Riots and the like the Offendors without respect of degree or persons he either publickly punished in Body or set round Fines on their heads By which means the Treasury before empty was replenished and the Cardinal by the people much applauded for his Justice These things having thus succeeded to his mind he undertakes more in the same kind He institutes a new Court where the Lords of the Privy Council with other of the Nobility should sit as Judges The aforesaid Crimes which then greatly reigned in this Kingdom and were punishable in this Court which as I conjecture from the Stars painted in the roof is called the Star-Chamber He erected also the Court of Requests where the complaints of the Poor were to be heard and ordained many other things in the Civil government of the Kingdom that were acceptable to the People and are in use at this day wherein he alike manifested his wisdom and love of his Countrey Certainly they that lived in that Age would not stick to say That this Kingdom never flourished more than when Wolsey did to whose Wisdom they attributed the Wealth and Safety that they enjoyed and the due Administration of Justice to all without exception ANNO DOM. 1517. REG. 9. THe Spring growing on the fear of a Commotion in London increased with the year The original and success whereof I will lay open at large forasmuch as Enormities of this nature by our wholesom Laws severely restrained are so rare that I remember when I was a child old men would reckon their Age from this day by the name
own Brother A strange ingratitude in one raised from so low degree even to the height of honour I will not derogate from the Authority of publick Records But an Act of Parliament against her shall not work on my belief Surely it carried so little shew of probability with forein Princes that they always deemed it an act of inhuman cruelty Especially the Estates of Germany Confederates for the defence of the Reformed Religion who having often treated with Fox Bishop of Hereford and other Ambassadors had decreed to make Henry Head of their League and had designed an Embassy by John Sturmius who should have brought with him into England those excellent Divines Philip Melancthon and Martin Bucer with one George Draco who should endeavour that and the Reformation of our Church But having heard of the lamentable and unworthy as they judged it end of the Queen loathing the King for his inconstancy and cruelty they cast off all farther thought of that matter I will not presume to discuss the truth of their opinion But freely to speak what I my self think There are two reasons which sway much with me in the behalf of the Queen That her Daughter the Lady Elizabeth was seated in the Royal Throne where she for so many years ruled so happily and triumphantly What shall we think but that the Divine Goodness was pleased to recompence the unjust calamity of the Mother in the glorious prosperity of the Daughter And then consider but the King 's precipitated Nuptials the very next day after the death of his former Wife yet scarce intorred and with whose warm blood his embrued hands yet reaked Consider this I say and you shall easily be perswaded with me that the insatiable Prince glutted with the satiety of one and out of the desire of variety seeking to enjoy another did more willingly give ear to the treacherous calumnies of the malicious Popelings than either befitted an upright Judge or a loving Husband For it seemeth wonderful strange to me that either the fault of the one or the pleasing conditions and fair language of the other Wife should so far possess the King as that he should procure his Daughter Elizabeth to be by Act of Parliament declared illegitimate the Matrimony contracted with both the former Queens Catharine and Ann to be pronounced invalid and the Crown to be perpetually established on the posterity of the third Wife or if the King had no Issue by her that then it should be lawful for him by Will and Testament to transfer it on whom he pleased Parliaments were not then so rigid but that they could flatter the Prince and condescend to his demands though unjust even in cases which most nearly concerned the publick Weal But servile Fear is oft times more ready than Love which slowly moves by apprehension of Good as the other is quickly forced by the apprehension of Danger On the twentieth of May the King married Jane Seymour Daughter of Sir John Seymour who on the nine and twentieth of May being Whitsonday clad in Royal habiliments was openly shewed as Queen So that the Court of England was now like a Stage whereon are represented the vicissitudes of ever various Fortune For within one and the same Month it saw Queen Ann flourishing accused condemned executed and another assumed into her place both of bed and honour The first of May it seemeth she was informed against the second imprisoned the fifteenth condemned and the seventeenth deprived of her Brother and Friends who suffered in her cause and the nineteenth executed On the twentieth the King married Jane Seymour who on the nine and twentieth was publickly shewed as Queen The death of this innocent Lady God seemed to revenge in the immature end of the Duke of Richmond the King 's only but natural Son a Prince of excellent form and endowments who deceased the two and twentieth of July for whom the King a long time after mourned In the mean time on the nineteenth of July John Bourchier Lord Fitz-waren was created Earl of Bath whose successours in that Honour were his Son John who begat John deceased before his Father whose Son William is now Earl of Bath At what time also Thomas Cromwell a poor Smith's Son but of a dexterous wit whose first rising was in the Family of Cardinal Wolsey in whose service by him faithfully performed he grew famous was made Lord Cromwell many dignities being also conferred on him to the increase of his estate and honour For first he was Master of the Rolls and principal Secretary of Estate then Sir Thomas Bolen Earl of Wiltshire resigning he was made Lord Privy Seal and after that dignified with the unheard of Title of The King's Vicar general in affairs Ecclesiastical For the authority of the Pope being abrogated many businesses daily happened which could not be dispatched without the King's consent who not able to undergo the burthen alone conferred this authority granted him by Act of Parliament on Cromwell not for that he thought a Lay-man fitter for this dignity than a Clergy-man but because he had determined under colour and pretence thereof to put in execution some designs wherein the Clergy in all probability would have moved very slowly and against the hair He was therefore President in the Synod this year Certainly a deformed spectacle to see an unlearned Lay-man President over an assembly of sacred Prelates and such as for their Learning England had in no preceding Ages known the like For indeed Henry is for that much to be commended who would not easily advance any one to place of Government in the Church but whom his Learning should make worthy By the authority of this Synod a Book was set forth wherein many points of Doctrine being proposed to be by the Curates expounded to their Parishioners mention was made of only three Sacraments Baptism the Eucharist and Penance some Holy-days also were abrogated and other things pertaining to Religion and Ecclesiastical discipline somewhat changed wherewith many were offended who preferred prescript Errours before the Truth The same time the Parliament assembled the fourth of January permitted all Monasteries the Revenues whereof exceeded not two hundred Pounds a year to the King's disposal who causing them to be suppressed to the number of three hundred seventy and six entred upon their Lands amounting to thirty two thousand Pounds a year and selling their goods even at very low rates most men accounting it sacrilegious to set to sale the goods of the Church raised above an hundred thousand Pounds These things of themselves were distastful to the vulgar sort Each one did as it were claim a share in the goods of the Church For many who being neither Monks nor relied to Religious persons did receive no profit of Ecclesiastical goods did notwithstanding conceive that it might hereafter come to pass that either their Children Friends or Kindred might obtain the places yet supplied by others
was John Paslew Batchelor of Divinity and Abbot of Whalley put to death at Lancaster and with him one Eastgate a Monk of the same place and three days after them another Monk called Haydock was hanged at Whalley The Abbots of Sauley and Woburn with two Monks make the like end at Woburn And a little after one Doctor Macarell another Abbot the Vicar of Louth two other Priests and seven Lay-men All these for as much as I can any way collect were condemned for having been especial furtherers of the late Rebellions But the Chiestains and nobler sort were reserved until June at what time the Lords Darcy and Hussey were beheaded the one at Lincoln the other at London Sir Robert Constable Sir Thomas Percy Sir Francis Bigot Sir Stephen Hamilton and Sir John Bulmer were likewise put to death Margaret Lady to Sir John Bulmer was burned at London William Thurst Abbot of Fountaines Adam Sudbury Abbot of Gervaux the Abbot of Rivers Wold Prior of Birlington George Lumley Nicholas Tempest Esquires and Robert Aske with many others as having been partakers in the late Insurrection did likewise partake in punishment for the same And for a Commotion in Somersetshire in April were threescore condemned whereof only fourteen suffered But lest any one may wonder at these severe and unheard of courses taken against the Clergy I think it not amiss to relate what Sleidan writes of Cardinal Pool who set forth one or two Books which as yet lurking at Rome about this time were spred abroad in Germany and came at length to the King's hands Wherein directing his stile to the King he sharply reprehendeth him for taking upon him the title of Head of the Church which only belonged to the Pope who is Christ's Vicar on earth c. Then he proceeds to the matter of his Divorce alledging That he neither out of terrour of conscience nor fear of God as he pretended but out of lust and blind love had forsaken the Lady Catharine his Wife whom his Brother Prince Arthur a weak young man and but fourteen years old had left a Virgin That it was not lawful for him to marry Ann Bolen whose Sister he had before used as his Concubine And that he himself had confessed to the Emperour and others That he found the Lady Catharine a Maid He also eagerly reproveth him for seeking the Opinions of the Universities concerning his former Marriage and triumphing in his own wickedness when some of them had pronounced it Incestuous and that he might be ashamed to prefer the Daughter of a Whore before one that was legitimate and a most Virtuous Princess Then speaking of the death of the Bishop of Rochester and Sir Thomas More he detests his cruelty He then rips up what tyranny he had exercised over his Subjects of all degrees in what miseries he had plunged this flourishing Realm what dangers he incurred from the Emperour in regard of the injury offered to his Aunt and the overthrow of Religion and that he could not expect any aid either from his own or forein Nations who had deserved so ill of the Christian Commonwealth After this he whets on the Emperour to revenge the dishonour of his Family affirming that Turcism meaning the Protestant Religion had found entertainment in England and Germany And after many bitter reproofs he invites Henry to repentance perswading him That for these evils there was no other remedy but to return to the bosom of the Church in the defence whereof a most glorious example he had made use not only of his Sword but his Pen also Neither did the Cardinal only by Book but by other personal endeavours manifest his spleen against the King being sent Ambassador from the Pope to the French under colour of reconciling him with the Emperour but his chief errant was to combine them both against Henry Whereof he having intelligence did by his Agent earnestly solicit Francis That in regard of their mutual amity he would cause Pool to be apprehended as guilty of high Treason and sent to him where he should undergo the punishment due therefore But because Religion and the Law of Nations had been violated in betraying any especially the Pope's Ambassador the French could not yield to the King's request But to shew that he would administer no cause of offence he refused to admit of his Embassy and commanded him speedily to depart out of his Dominions Hercules stature might be guessed at by the proportion of his and by this one man's endeavours Henry was taught what if need were he was to expect of his Clergy So that he was easily induced as any of them offended to send him to his grave for that a dead Lion biteth not And this course being taken with his professed enemies the fear of the like punishment would secure him of the rest On the twelfth of October the Queen having long suffered the throws of a most difficult travel and such a one wherein either the Mother or the Infant must necessarily perish out of her womb was ripped Prince Edward who after succeeded his Father in the Crown The Queen only surviving two days died on the fourteenth of October and on the twelfth of November was with great pomp buried at Windsor in the middle of the Quire on whose Tomb is inscribed this Epitaph Phoenix Jana jacet nato Phoenice dolendum Saecula Phaenices nulla tulisse duas Here a Phenix lieth whose death To another Phenix gave breath It is to be lamented much The World at once ne'r knew two such On the eighteenth of October the Infant was created Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwal and Earl of Chester and with him his Uncle Edward Seymour Brother to the deceased Queen Lord Beauchamp and Earl of Hertford which Honours only and not those afterwards conferred on him he left to his posterity William Fitz-Williams Lord Admiral was made Earl of Southampton Then also William Powlet and John Russel began their races in the lists of Honour Powlet being made Treasurer and Russel Comptroller of the King's Houshold and both sworn of the Privy Council Neither was here their non ultra the one being afterward raised to Lord Treasurer of England and Marquess of Winchester the other to Earl of Bedford wherein he dying in the year 1554 his Son Francis that pious old man and liberal reliever of the Poor succeeded him who at the very instant of his death lost his Son Francis slain by a Scot Anno 1587. Which Francis was Father to Edward Earl of Bedford and Brother to William by King James created Lord Russel Powlet living to be a very decrepit old man had to his Successor his Nephew by his Son William named also William the sole Marquess of England And to end this year with death as it began Thomas Howard youngest Son to the Duke of Norfolk having been fifteen months imprisoned for affiancing himself without the King's consent to Margaret Daughter to Archibald Douglas
malignant disease was most merciful in its execution peradventure within twelve did sweat out their Souls Women children and old men it for the most part over-passed and wreaked it self on the robustious youth and well compact middle age who if in the beginning of their sickness did but slumber perished instantly If it seised on any that were full gorged the recovery was in a manner desperate Nay and of others whatsoever they were scarce one of a hundred escaped until time had found out a remedy the manner whereof was thus If any be taken in the day time he must without shifting of his apparel betake himself to bed If by night and in bed let him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thence until twenty four hours be run In the mean let the coverture be such that it provoke not sweat but that it may gently distil of it self if it be possible for him so long to forbear let him not eat nor drink more than may moderately serve to extinguish thirst But above all let him so patiently endure hear that he uncover not any part of his body no not so much as a hand or a foot The strangeness of this disease I do not so much admire for that Pliny in his twenty sixth Book the first Chapter witnesseth and daily experience teacheth us that every Age produceth new and Epidemical diseases But that which surpasseth the search of humane reason is this that this Pestilence afflicted the English in what part of the World soever without touching the Natives but in England alone This dire contagion promiscuously impoverisht the Land of people of all sorts among those of especial note were Henry Duke of Suffolk and his Brother who were the Sons of Charles Brandon the King's Cousins germane young Gentlemen of great and lively hopes by the death of Henry the Duchy was for some few hours devolved to the younger Brother who had the unhappy honour but to be seised of the Title and die The Lord Gray Marquis of Dorset having married Frances the eldest Daughter of Charles Brandon in the right of his Wife made claim to the Duchy and was on the eleventh of October invested in it At what time also John Dudley Earl of Warwick was created Duke of Northumberland William Fowlet Earl of Wiltshire Marquis of Winchester and Sir William Herbert Lord Cardif Master of the Horse Earl of Pembroke The masculine Line of Dudley and Gray hath been long since extinct Of the Family of the Powlets we have spoken already The Lord Herbert Brother-in-Law to Queen Catharine Parr derived himself from William Herbert in the time of Edward the Fourth Earl of Pembroke and was 〈◊〉 in the Earldom by his Son Henry Father to william the modern Earl whose mature wisdom and gravity even in his greener years long since ranked him in the sage 〈◊〉 of the Privy Council to two successive Kings and to Philip by King James created Earl of 〈◊〉 Then also were knighted Sir John 〈◊〉 the King's Schoolmaster Sir Henry Dudley Sir Henry Novill and whom I cannot mention but with due honour Sir William Cecill Cecill I say who then Secretary of Estate was afterward by all Europe held in admiration for his wisdom whom Queen Elizabeth made Lord Treasurer of England and Baron of Burleigh and was whilest he lived a second prop of this Estate who on the fourth of August 1598 piously ended his long but for the publick weals sake ever restless life leaving two Sons Thomas by King James created Earl of 〈◊〉 and Robert out of the same Fountain of Royal Goodness 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 and Lord Treasurer of England And now the ill cemented affections of the Dukes of Somerset and Northumberland dissolved into open enmity In the prosecution whereof Somerset otherwise of a most mild disposition but Patience abused oft runneth into the extreme of Fury provoked by continual injuries resolved as some write to murther Northumberland To this end but under colour of a visit privily armed and well attended by Seconds who awaited him in an outer Chamber he comes to his Adversary at that time by reason of some indisposition of Body keeping his Chamber hath access unto him naked as he was in his Bed but is so courteously entertained and with such smooth language that the Duke of Somerset good man repenting himself of his Bloody Resolutions would not Execute what he purposely came for At his departure one of his Conspirators is reported to have asked him Whether he had done the Feat and upon his denial to have added Then you are undone This his intent being by his own Party bewrayed a second Accusation is engrossed against him The matter is reforred to the Council Table and he on the sixteenth of October again committed to the Tower together with the Duchess his Wife the Lord Gray of wilton Sir Ralph Vane Sir Thomas Falmer Sir William Partridge Sir Michael Stanhop Sir Thomas Arundelt and many other of his Friends On the first of December the Marquis of Winchester being sot that day High Steward he is Arraigned for Treason against the Estate which he had not only ill but treacherously managed and for Conspiracy against the Duke of Northumberland Of Treason he cleared himself and his Peers acquitted him For the Conspiracy he was by his own Confession condemned and that by virtue of a Law Enacted 3 Hen. 7. which made the very Intent nay Imagination of Killing a Privy Counsellour punishable by Death But howsoever the Law Enacted as some conceive upon somewhat differing intents and meaning were extended to the highest of its rigour yet can I not but wonder how a man so great in the regards of his Reigning Nephew of his Honours of the Popular Favour should be so destitute of Learned Advice as not to exempt himself from a Felonious Death by his Clergy But such were the Times such his Misfortunes in the minority of his Prince from whose revengeful Hand how could the adverse Faction presume themselves secure in the future Neither could they choose but be somewhat terrified with that Ecchoing Testimony of the Peoples Joy who seeing that fatal Virge the Ax usually marshalling Traytors to the Bar laid aside upon his freedom from the guilt of Treason from Westminster Hall certified that part of the City by their loud festival Acclamations of the gladsom tidings of their Favourite's conceived Absolution And these peradventure might be causes that his Execution was deferred Hitherto had the Estate patiently endured the obstinate Opposition of some Bishops in point of Reformation who for their Non-conformity are at length deprived and others substituted in their Bishopricks Of some of them we have occasionally already spoken whose Censures notwithstanding fall in with this Year Gardiner Bishop of Winchester was deprived the fourteenth of February Day of Chichester and Heath of Worcester on the tenth of October Tonstall of Duresm on the twentieth of December committed to the Tower and Boner of London on the first of
Manners of those Heathen Christians FINIS ANNALS OF ENGLAND QUEEN MARY The Third Book LONDON Printed for Thomas Basset John Wright and Richard Chiswel M. DC LXXV ANNALS OF ENGLAND BOOK III. QUEEN MARY ANNO DOM. 1553. REG. 1. WHen the Lady Mary long since acquainted with Northumberland's secret practices was also certified of her Brother's decease not thinking it safe to abide near London where her Enemies were in their full strength pretending a fear of the Plague by reason of the suspitious death of one of her Houshold she suddenly departed from St. Edmundsbury and came in one day to Framingham Castle in Suffolk distant from London fourscore miles and seated near the Sea from whence if Fortune frowned on her she might make an easie escape into France Here she took upon her the Title of Queen and by Letters to her Friends and the Nobles wished their speedy repair unto Her In the mean time Northumberland having for two days together consulted with his Friends concerning the managing of this great business the King's death being not yet published sent command to the Lord Mayor of London to repair forthwith to Greenwich with six Aldermen and twelve other Citizens of chiefest account To them he declares the King's departure and the seating of Lady Jane in the Throne of Sovereignty shewing withal the King's Testament under Seal which did import no less than the setling the Succession on her and that Family He causeth them either by terrour or promises to swear Allegiance to Lady Jane with command and that under a great penalty that they should not as yet divulge these secret passages What a furtherance it might be to his Affairs if he could assure himself of this City he was too wise to be ignorant of And as for suppressing the report of the King's death he thought it might prove a means to facilitate the surprisal of the Lady Mary as yet probably secure for lack of notice of her Brother's decease But understanding that she had made an escape into Suffolk Lady Jane was by almost all the Peers of the Realm pompously conducted to the Tower and with great Solemnity publickly proclaimed Queen She was of age about sixteen of feature not admirable but handsom incredibly learned very quick-witted and wise both beyond her Sex and above her Age wonderfully devoted to purity of Doctrine and so far from desire of this Advancement that she began not to act her part of Royalty without Tears manifesting it to the World that she was forced by her Parents and Friends ambition to this high but dangerous Ascent At her going through the City toward the Tower the Concourse of the People was great their Acclamations few as if the strangeness of some new Spectacle had drawn them together rather than any intent of Gratulation Which Queen Maries for so we must henceforth call her Friends hitherto distrustful more of Success than the Cause accepted of as an happy omen and were encouraged to assist her as occasion should invite them But the presence of Northumberland a man quick watchful and very politick was yet a remora to their Proceedings Him they must send farther off or be content to sit still The same day that Lady Jane entred the Tower Letters sent from Queen Mary are read openly at the Council Table wherein she commands the Lords to repair to her as being the next in Succession to the Crown and that they at last should take example from the general Votes of the Kingdom she being now every where acknowledged the lawful Sovereign And indeed the Norfolk and Suffolk men were become hers and the wiser sort did easily discern that the affections of the People were hers Wherefore it was thought at first expedient speedily to levy an Army and that while yet the Hearts of the People were free from any Impression and their Minds yet equally poised in the Ballance of Irresolution were either way to be swayed By this course they might be peradventure too strong for the Queen and preventing her Plea by Arms force her to plead more necessarily for her Life And an Army was raised whereof the Duke of Suffolk was appointed General But the fautors of Maries Cause whose main Project was to remove that grand obstacle the Duke of Northumberland slily insinuating themselves with Lady Jane perswaded her not to part with her Father but to dispatch Northumberland for this Employment the very terrour of whose Name his late Victory over the Norfolk Rebels being yet fresh in memory would effect more than the other could either by Policy or Arms And indeed to whose trust could a Daughter be better committed than to her Father's As for the City the Faith and wonted Wisdom of the Council now with her would contain it in Obedience and work it to her best Advantages She poor Lady swayed with these Reasons earnestly beseeched Northumberland himself to undergo this Burthen who at length though unwillingly consented His chief fear was lest the advantage of his Absence might encourage opposite Practisers to raise some Tumults But finding either excuses or absolute denials no way available he prepares himself for this Expedition and on the the thirteenth of July sets forth from London with an Army of six thousand At his departure it is reported he should say to the Lord Gray of Wilton who then accompanied him Do you see my Lord what a conflux of People here is drawn together to see us march And yet of all this multitude you hear not so much as one that wisheth us Success The Londoners stood very well affected in point of Religion so did also for the most part the Suffolk and the Norfolk men and they knew Mary to be absolute for Popery But the English are in their due respects to their Prince so loyally constant that no regards no not pretext of Religion can alienate their Affections from their lawful Sovereign whereof the miserable case of Lady Jane will anon give a memorable Example For although her Faction had laid a strong Foundation and as may appear by the premisses had most artificially raised their Superstructure yet as soon as the true and undoubted Heir did but manifest her Resolution to vindicate her Right this accurate Pile presently fell and dissolved as it were in the twinkling of an Eye and that chiefly by their endeavour of whom for their Religions sake Lady Jane might have presumed her self assured Neither were the People made any thing the more inclinable by publickly impugning Queen Maries Right in the Pulpit a course wherein Northumberland engaged many a Preacher Nay even in the City of London that learned and godly Prelate Nicholas Ridley upon the deprivation of Boner consecrated Bishop of London who I wish had not erred in this matter was scarce heard out with patience As for Queen Mary if that Rule of the Civilians be not true that Matrimony contracted without any conceived Impediment although it after chance to be dissolved
consecrated by the Archbishop but he on whom the King by his Congé D'eslire or other his Letters had conferred that Dignity And whereas many complained that now all commerce with Rome was forbidden all means were taken away of mitigating the rigour of the Ecclesiastical Laws of Dispensation Papal authority is granted to the Archbishop of Canterbury the King reserving to himself the power of dispensing in causes of greater moment And that all Appeals formerly wont to be made from the Archbishop to the Pope should now be from the Archbishop to the King who by Delegates should determine all such Suits and Controversies Furthermore the King's Marriage with the Lady Catharine is again pronounced incestuous the Succession to the Crown established on the King's Issue begotten on Queen Ann. And all above the age of sixteen years throughout the Kingdom are to be bound by Oath to the observance of this Law Whosoever refused to take this Oath should suffer loss of all their goods and perpetual imprisonment Throughout all the Realm there were found but two who durst refractorily oppose this Law viz. Fisher Bishop of Rochester and Sir Thomas More the late Lord Chancellor men who were indeed very learned but most obstinate sticklers in the behalf of the Church of Rome who being not to be drawn by any perswasions to be conformable to the Law were committed to prison from whence after a years durance they were not freed but by the loss of their lives But the King fearing that it might be thought That he took these courses rather out of a contempt of Religion than in regard of the tyranny of the Court of Rome to free himself from all suspition either of favouring Luther or any authors of new Opinions began to persecute that sort of men whom the Vulgar called Hereticks and condemned to the cruelty of that merciless Element Fire not only certain Dutch Anabaptists but many Professors of the Truth and amongst others that learned and godly young man John Frith who with one Hewet and others on the two and twentieth of July constantly endured the torments of their martyrdom The five and twentieth of September died Clement the Seventh Pope in whose place succeeded Alexander Farnese by the name of Paulus the Third who to begin his time with some memorable Act having called a Consistory pronounced Henry to be fallen from the Title and Dignity of a King and to be deposed reiterating withal the thunder of Excommunication with which bugbear his predecessor Clement had sought to affright him But this peradventure happened in the ensuing year after the death of Fisher and More A Parliament is again called in November wherein according to the Decree of the late Synod the King was declared Supreme Head of the Church of England and the punishment of all crimes which formerly pertained to the Ecclesiastical Courts is made proper to him So the Kingdom is vindicated from the usurpation of the Pope who before shared in it and the King now first began to reign entirely Also all Annats or First-fruits formerly paid to the Pope are granted to the King And Wales the seat of the remainder of the true antient Britans hitherto differing from us compounded of Normans and Saxons as well in the form of their Government as in Language is by the authority of this Parliament to the great good of both but especially that Nation united and incorporated to England Edward the First was the first who subdued this Countrey yet could he not prevail over their minds whom the desire of recovering their lost liberty animated to many Rebellions By reason whereof and our suspitions being for two hundred years oppressed either with the miseries of Servitude or War they never tasted the sweet fruits of a true and solid Peace But Henry the Seventh by blood in regard of his Father and birth a Welchman coming to the Crown as if they had recovered their liberty whereto they so long aspired they obeyed him as their lawful Prince So the English being freed of their former jealousies permitted them to partake of their Priviledges since common to both Nations the good whereof equally redounded to both I could wish the like Union with Scotland That as we all live in one Island professing one Faith and speaking for the most part one Language under the government of one and the same Prince so we may become one Nation all equally acknowledging our selves Britans and so recover our true Countrey Britain lost as it were so many hundreds of years by our divisions of it into England Scotland and Wales ANNO DOM. 1535. REG. 27. THe Coronation of the new Queen and other passages of entertainment had exhausted the Treasury The Pope and the Emperour were both enemies to Henry watchfully attending all opportunities to do him mischief Neither in regard that so many sided with the Pope were all things safe at home The King was therefore forced to a course seemingly rash and full of dangerous consequences but very necessary for the time He resolves to demolish all the Monasteries throughout England He is content the Nobility should share with him in the spoil so enriching and strengthening himself by their necessary revolt from the Popish faction To this end they that were thought more especially in maintaining the Pope's authority to withstand the King's proceedings were condemned of high Treason and they that refused to acknowledge the King under Christ Supreme Head of the Church of England are hanged For this cause on the third of May were executed John Houghton Prior of the Charterhouse in London Augustine Webster Prior of Bevaley and Thomas Lawrence Prior of Exham and with them Richard Reignalds a Monk and Doctor of Divinity and John Hales Vicar of Thistlehurst On the eighteenth of June Exmew Middlemore and Nudigate all Charterhouse-Monks suffered for the same cause And four days after John Fisher Bishop of Rochester a man much reverenced by the People for his holy life and great learning was publickly beheaded and his Head set over London Bridge Our Histories hardly afford a president of the execution of such a man But the Pope was the occasion of his death who to ease the burthen of his now a years imprisonment by the addition of a new Title had on the one and twentieth of May created him Cardinal The news whereof hastened him to a Scaffold The sixth of July Sir Thomas More for the same stiffness in opinion with Bishop Fisher suffered the like death This was that More so famous for his Eutopia and many other Works both in English and Latin As for his conversation the most censorious fault him in nothing but his too too jesting I will not say scoffing wit to which he gave more liberty than did beseem the gravity of his person not tempering himself in the midst of his calamity no not at the very instant of death After his condemnation he denied to give
any thing to the Barber that trimmed him affirming That head about which he had bestowed his pains was the Kings if he could prove it to be his that did bear it he would well reward him To his Keeper demanding his upper garment as his fee he gave his Hat Going up the Scaffold he desired him that went before him To lend him his hand to help him up as for coming down he took no care Laying his head upon the block he put aside his beard which was then very long saying The Executioner was to cut off his head not his heard The executions of so many men caused the Queen to be much maligned as if they had been done by her procurement at least the Papists would have it thought so knowing that it stood her upon and that indeed she endeavoured that the authority of the Pope of Rome should not again take footing in England They desired nothing more than the downfal of this virtuous Lady which shortly after happening they triumphed in the overthrow of Innocence In the mean time they who undertook the subversion of the Monasteries invented an Engin to batter them more forcibly than the former course of torture and punishment They send abroad subtil-headed fellows who warranted by the King's authority should throughout England search into the lives and manners of Religious persons It would amaze one to consider what villanies were discovered among them by the means of Cromwell and others Few were found so guiltless as to dare withstand their proceedings and the licentiousness of the rest divulged made them all so odious to the people that never any exploit so full of hazard and danger was more easily atchieved than was the subversion of our English Monasteries ANNO DOM. 1536. REG. 28. THis year began with the end of the late Queen Catharine whom extremity of grief cast into a disease whereof on the eighth of January she deceased Queen Ann now enjoyed the King without a Rival whose death notwithstanding not improbably happened too soon for her For the King upon May-day at Greenwich beholding the Viscount Rochfort the Queens Brother Henry Norris and others running a-Tilt arising suddenly and to the wonder of all men departing thence to London caused the Viscount Rochfort Norris the Queen her self and some others to be apprehended and committed The Queen being guarded to the Tower by the Duke of Norfolk Audley Lord Keeper Cromwell Secretary of Estate and Kingston Lieutenant of the Tower at the very entrance upon her knees with dire imprecations disavowed the crime whatsoever it were wherewith she was charged beseeching God so to regard her as the justness of her cause required On the fifteenth of May in the Hall of the Tower she was arraigned the Duke of Norfolk sitting high Steward to whom were adjoined twenty six other Peers and among them the Queens Father by whom she was to be tryed The Accusers having given in their evidence and the Witnesses produced she sitting in a Chair whether in regard of any infirmity or out of honour permitted to the Wife of their Sovereign having an excellent quick wit and being a ready speaker did so answer to all objections that had the Peers given in their verdict according to the expectation of the assembly she had been acquitted But they among whom the Duke of Suffelk the King's Brother-in-Law was chief one wholly applying himself to the King's humour pronounce her guilty Whereupon the Duke of Norfolk bound to proceed according to the verdict of the Peers condemned her to death either by being Burned in the Green in the Tower or Beheaded as his Majesty in his pleasure should think fit Her Brother George Viscount Rochfort was likewise the same day condemned and shortly after Henry Norris William Brierton and Francis Weston Gentlemen of the King 's Privy Chamber and Mark Smeton a Musician either as partakers or accessory were to run the same fortune The King greatly favoured Norris and is reported to be much grieved that he was to die with the rest Whereupon he offered pardon to him conditionally that he would confess that whereof he was accused But he answered resolutely and as it became the progenitor of so many valiant Heroes That in his conscience he thought her guiltless of the objected crime but whether she were or no he could not accuse her of any thing and that he had rather undergo a thousand deaths than betray the Innocent Upon relation whereof the King cryed out Hang him up then hang him up then Which notwithstanding was not accordingly executed For on the thirteenth of May two days after his condemnation all of them viz. the Viscount Rochfort Norris Brierton and Smeton were Beheaded at Tower-hill Norris left a Son called also Henry whom Queen Elizabeth in contemplation of his Father's deserts created Baron of Ricot This Lord Norris was Father to those great Captains William John Thomas and Edward in our days so famous throughout Christendom for their brave exploits in England France Ireland and the Netherlands On the nineteenth of May the Queen was brought to the place of Execution in the Green within the Tower some of the Nobility and Companies of the City being admitted rather to be witnesses than spectators of her death To whom the Queen having ascended the Scaffold spake in this manner Friends and good Christian people I am here in your presence to suffer death whereto I acknowledge my self adjudged by the Laws how justly I will not say for I intend not an accusation of any one I beseech the Almighty to preserve his Majesty long to reign over you a more gentle or mild Prince never swayed Scepter his bounty and clemency towards me I am sure hath been especial If any one intend an inquisitive survey of my actions I intreat him to judge favourably of me and not rashly to admit of any hard censorious conceit And so I bid the World farewel beseeching you to commend me in your Prayers to God To thee O Lord do I commend my Soul Then kneeling down she incessantly repeated these words Christ have mercy on my soul Lord Jesus receive my soul until the Executioner of Calais at one blow smote off her Head with a Sword Had any one three years before at what time the King so hot in the pursuit of his love preferred the enjoying of this Lady beyond his Friends his Estate his Health Safeguard and his only Daughter prophetically foretold the unhappy fate of this Princess he should have been believed with Cassandra But much more incredible may all wise men think the unheard of crime for which she was condemned viz. That fearing lest her Daughter the Lady Elizabeth born while Catharine survived should be accounted illegitimate in hope of other especially male Issue whereof she despaired by the King now near fifty years old she had lasciviously used the company of certain young Courtiers nay not therewith content had committed Incest with her
Conditions of thè League concluded with the Emperour Rhodes taken by the Turk Christiern King of Denmark The Duke of Bourbon revolts The death of Adrian the Sixth Clement the Seventh succeedeth and Wolsey suffereth the repulse Wolsey persuades the King to a Divorce Richard Pacey Dean of Pauls falleth mad The Battel of Pavy Money demanded and commanded by Proclamation The King falls in love with Ann Bolen A creation of Lords Wolsey 10 build two Colleges demolisheth forty Monasteries Sacriledge punished Luther writes to the King The King's Answer A breach with the Emperour The King endeavours to relieve the French King A League concluded with the French King The French King set at liberty The King of Hungary slain by the Turks Wolsey seeks to be Pope Sede nondum vacante Rome sacked Montmorency Ambassador from France War proclaimed against the Emperour The inconstancy of the Pope Cardinal Campegius 〈◊〉 sens into England The King's Speech concerning his Divorce The Suit of the King's Divorce The Queens speech to the King before the Legates The Queen diparteth Reasons for the Divorce Reasons against the Divorce The Pope's inconstancy Wolsey falls The Iegates repair to the Queen Their conference with her Her answer Cardinal Campegius his Oraition Wolsey discharged of the Great Seal Sir Thomas More Lord Chancellour The Cardinal accused of 〈◊〉 Wolsey's Speech to the Judges Christ-Church in Oxford Wolfey-falls sick Wolsey is confined to York The Cardinal is apprehended His last words He dicth And is buried His greatness His buildings The Peace of Cambray The first occasion of Cranmer's rising Creation of Earls The Bible translated into English An Embassy to the Pope All comnierce with the See of Rome forbidden The Clergy fined The King declared supreme Head of the Church The death of William Warham Archbishop of Canterbury Cranmer though much against his will succeedeth him Sir Thomas More resigns the place of Lord Chancellour An interview between the Kings of England and France Catharina de Medices married to the Duke of Orleans The King marrieth Ann Bolen The birth of Queen Elizabeth Mary Queen of France dieth The Imposture of Elizabeth Barton discovired No Canons to be constituted without the King's assent The King to collate Bishopricks The Archbishop of Canterbury bath Papal authority under the King Fisher and More imprisoned Persecution Pope Clement dieth First-fruits granted to the King Wales united to England The King begins to subvert Religious Houses Certain Priors and Monks executed The Bishop of Rochester beheaded Made Cardinal unseasonably Sir Thomas More beheaded Religious Houses visited The death of Queen Catharine Queen Ann the Visconnt Rochford and others committed The Queen condemned with her Brother and Norris Her Execution Lady Elizabeth difintarited The King marrieth Jane Seymour Death of the Duke of Somerset the King 's natural Son Bourchier Earl of Bath Cromwell's Honour and Dignity The beginning of Reformation The subversion of Religious Houses of less note Commotion in Lincolnshire Insurrection in Yorkshire Scarborough-Castle befieged Rebellion in Ireland Cardinal Pool Rebels executed Cardinal Pool writes against the King The birth of Prince Edward Seymour Earl of Hertford Fitz-William Earl of Southampton Powlet and Russel rise The abuse of Images restrained Becket's Shrine demolished * Uniones The Image of our Lady of Walsingham Frier Forest makes good a 〈◊〉 Saint Augustine's at Canterbury Battel-Abbey and others suppressed The Bible translated The Marquess of Exceter and others beheaded Lambert convented and burned Margaret 〈◊〉 of Salisbury condemned The subversion of Religious Houses Some Abbots executed Glastonbury A catalogue of the Abbots who bad voices among the Peers New Bishopricks erected The Law of the Six Articles Latimer and Schaxton resign their Bishopricks The arrival of certain Princes of Germany in England for the treatise of a Match between the King and Lady Ann of Cleve The King marrieth the Lady Ann of Cleve Cromwell created Earl of Essex and within three months after beheaded Lady Ann of Cleve 〈◊〉 The King marrieth Catharine Howard Protestants and Papists alike persecuted The Prior of Dancaster and six others hanged The Lord Hungerford executed Beginnings of a commotion in Yorkshire Lord Leonard Grey beheaded The Lord Dacres hanged Queen Catharine beheaded Ireland made a Kingdom The Viscount Lisle deceased of a surfert of Joy Sir John Dudley made Viscount Lisle War with Scotland The Scots overthrowes The death of James the Fifth King of Scotland Hopes of a Match between Prince Edword and the Queen of Scots The Scottish Captives set liberty The Earl of Angus return-eth into Scotland The League and Match concluded The Scottish shipping detained War with Scotland War with France A League with Emperour Landrecy besieged but in vain The people licensed to eat White Meats in Lent The King 's sixth Marriage William Parr Earl of Essex Another of the same name made Lord Parr The Lord Chancellour dieth An Expedition into Scotland * Alias Bonlamberg The Earl of Hertford Protector Hing Henry's Funerals The Coronation The death of Francis King of France MusselburghField Reformation in the Church The Scots and French besiege Hadinton The Queen of Scots transported into France Humes Castle and Fastcastle gained by the Enemy Gardiner Bishop of Winchester committed to the Tower Gardiner deprived of his Bishoprick Boner Bishop of London committed also Discord 〈◊〉 the Duke of Somerset and his Brother the Lord Admiral The Lord Admiral beheaded An Insurrection in Norfolk and in Devonshire Some Forts lost in Boloignois * Corruptly Bonlamberg Enmity between the Protector and the Earl of Warwick The Protector committed The death of Paul the Third Pope Cordinal Pool elected Pope The Duke of Somerset set at liberty Peace with the Scots and French The Sweating Sickness The death of the Duke of Suffolk A creation of Dukes and Earls The descent of the Earls of Pembroke 〈◊〉 between the 〈◊〉 Dukes of Somerset and Northumberland revived Certain Bishops deprived Some of the Servants of the Lady Mary committed An Arrian burned An Earthquake The Queen of Scots in England The Earl of Arundel and the Lord Paget committed The Bishop of Ely Lord Chancellor The Duke of Somerset beheaded A Monster The King Sicknoth His Will wherein he disinheriteth his Sisters He dieth His Prayer Cardanus Lib. de Genituris Sir Hugh Willoughby frozen 10 death Commerce with the Muscovite Lady Mary flies into Suffolk Lady Jane proclaimed Queen Northumberland forced to be General * L. qui in provinciâ sect Divus ff de Ris Nupt. L. 4. C. de Incest Nupt. Gloss. ibid. C. cum inter c. ex tenore Extr. qui fil sins legit Northumberland forsaken by his Souldiers The Lords resolve for Queen Mary And to suppress Lady Jane Northumberland proclaims Mary Queen at Cambridge Northumberland and some other Lords taken Queen Mary comes to London Gardiner made Lord Chancellour Diprived Bishops restored King Edward's Funeral The Duke of Northumberland the Earl of Warwick and the Marquis of Northampton condemned The Duke of Northumberland Bheaded Bishops imprisoned Peter Martyr The Archbishop Cranmer Lady Jane Lord Guilford and Lord Ambrose Dudley condemned The Coronation A Disputation in the Convocation-House Popery restored The Queen inclines to marry The Articles of the Queens Marriage with Philip of Spain * Which as I conceive would have 〈◊〉 in the year 1588. Sir Thomas Wyat's Rebellion Sir John Cheeke is taken and dieth Bret with five hundred Londoners revolts to Wiat. The Duke of Suffolk perswades the People to Arms in vain The Queens Oration to the Londoners Wyat is taken The Lady Jane Beheaded The Duke of Suffolk Beheaded Wyat Executed And Lord Thomas Gray A Disputation at Oxford Cranmer Ridley and Latimer Condemned Additions to the former Nuptial Compacts Philip arrivith in England And is married to the Queen Cardinal Pool comes into England Cardinal Pool's Oration to the Parliament The Realm freed from 〈◊〉 The Queen thought to be with Child Lords created Lady Elizabeth and the Marquess of Exceter set at liberty John Rogers Burned and Bishop Hooper Bishop Ferrar many others and Bishop Ridley and Latimer The death of Pope Julius the Third Paul the Fourth succeedeth Gardiner sueth to be Cardinal Gardiner 〈◊〉 Charles the Emperour resigns his Crowns The Archbishop of York Lord Chancellour A Comet A 〈◊〉 Edward Archbishop Cranmer Burned This year eighty four Burned The exhumation of Bucer and Phagius Cardinal Pool consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury An Embassage to Muscovia The Lord Stourton hanged Thomas Stafford endeavouring an Insurrection is taken and Beheaded War against France proclaimed Pool's authority 〈◊〉 abrogated and restored The French overthrown at St. Quintin St. Quintin taken A nocturual Rainbow Calais besieged by the French Calais yielded The Battel of Graveling The French overthrown Conquet taken and burned by the English The Daulphin married to the Queen of Scot. The death of Cardinal Pool The Queen diesh
Henry Wyat and such other Cattiffs and Villains of Birth which by subtil Inventions and Pilling of the People have been the principal Finders Occasioners and Counsellors of the Mis-rule and Mischief now reigning in England We remembring these Premisses with the great and execrable Offences daily committed and done by Our foresaid great Enemy and his Adherents in breaking the Liberties and Franchises of Our Mother the Holy Church upon pretences of Wicked and Heathenish Policy to the high displeasure of Almighty God besides the manifold Treasons abominable Murthers Man-slaughters Robberies Extortions the daily Pilling of the People by Disms Taxes Tallages Benevolences and other unlawful Impositions and grievous Exactions with many other heinous Effects to the likely destruction and desolation of the whole Realm shall by God's grace and the help and assistante of the great Lords of Our Blood with the counsel of other sad Persons see that the Commodities of Our Realm be employed to the most advantage of the same the intercourse of Merchandise betwixt Realm and Realm to be ministred and handled as shall more be to the Common-weal and prosperity of Our Subjects and all such Disms Taxes Tallages Benevolences unlawful Impositions and grievous Exactions as be above rehearsed to be fore-done and laid apart and never from henceforth to be called upon but in such cases as Our Noble Progenitors Kings of England have of old time been accustomed to have the ayd succour and help of their Subjects and true Liege-men And further We do out of Our Grace and Clemency hereby as well publish and promise to all our Subjects Remission and free Pardon of all By-past Offences whatsoever against Our Person or Estate in adhering to Our said Enemy by whom We know well they have been mis-led if they shall within time convenient submit themselves unto Us. And for such as shall come with the foremost to assist Our Righteous Quarrel We shall make them so far partakers of Our Princely Favour and Bounty as shall be highly for the Comfort of them and theirs both during their life and after their death As also We shall by all means which God shall put into Our hands demean Our selves to give Royal contentment to all Degrees and Estates of Our People maintaining the Liberties of Holy Church in their Entire preserving the Honours Priviledges and Prebeminences of Our Nobles from contempt or disparagement according to the dignity of their Blood We shall also unyoak Our People from all heavy Burthens and Endurances and confirm Our Cities Boroughs and Towns in their Charters and Freedoms with enlargement where it shall be deserved and in all points give Our Subjects cause to think that the blessed and debonair Government of Our Noble Father King Edward in his last times is in Us revived And for as much as the putting to death or taking alive of Our said Mortal Enemy may be a mean to stay much effusion of Blood which otherwise may ensue if by Compulsion or fair Promises he shall draw after him any number of Our Subjects to resist Us whith We desire to avoid though We be certainly informed that Our said Enemy is purposed and prepared to flie the Land having already made over great masses of the Treasure of Our Crown the better to support him in Forein Parts We do hereby declare That whosoever shall take or distress Our said Enemy though the Party be of never so mean a Condition he shall be by Us rewarded with a Thousand Pound in Money forthwith to be laid down to him and an Hundred Marks by the year of Inheritance besides that he may otherwise merit both toward God and all good People for the destruction of such a Tyrant Lastly We do all men to wit and herein We take also God to witness That whereas God hath moved the Heart of Our dearest Cousin the King of Scotland to aid Us in Person in this Our righteous Quarrel it is altogether without any Pact or Promise or so much as demand of any thing that may prejudice Our Crown or Subjects But contrariwise with promise on Our said Cousin's part that whensoever he shall find Us in sufficient strength to get the upper hand of Our Enemy which we hope will be very suddenly he will forthwith peaceably return into his own Kingdom contenting himself only with the glory of so Honourable an Enterprize and Our true and faithful Love and Amity Which We shall ever by the Grace of Almighty God so order as shall be to the great comfort of both Kingdoms BUT Perkin's Proclamation did little edifie with the people of England neither was he the better welcom for the company he came in Wherefore the King of Scotland seeing none came in to Perkin nor none stirred any where in his favour turned his Enterprize into a Rode and wasted and destroyed the Countrey of Northumberland with fire and sword But hearing that there were Forces coming against him and not willing that they should find his men heavy and laden with booty he returned into Scotland with great Spoils deferring further prosecution till another time It is said that Perkin acting the part of a Prince handsomly when he saw the Scottish fell to waste the Countrey came to the the King in a passionate manner making great lamentation and desired That that might not be the manner of making the War for that no Crown was so dear to his mind as that he desired to purchase it with the blood and ruine of his Countrey Whereunto the King answered half in sport that he doubted much he was careful for that that was none of his and that he should be too good a Steward for his Enemy to save the Countrey to his use By this time being the Eleventh year of the King the Interruption of Trade between the English and the Plemmish began to pinch the Merchants of both Nations very sore Which moved them by all means they could devise to affect and dispose their Savereigns respectively to open the Intercourse again Wherein time favoured them For the Arch-Duke and his Council began to see that Perkin would prove but a Runnagate and Citizen of the World and that it was the part of Children to fall out about Babies And the King on his part after the Attempts upon Kent and Northumberland began to have the business of Perkin in less estimation so as he did not put it to accompt in any Consultation of State But that that moved him most was that being a King that loved Wealth and Treasure he could not endure to have Trade sick nor any Obstruction to continue in the Gate-vein which disperseth that blood And yet he kept State so far as first to be sought unto Wherein the Merchant-Adventurers likewise being a strong Company at that time and well under-set with rich men and good order did hold out bravely taking off the Commodities of the Kingdom though they lay dead upon their hands for want of Vent At the last Commissioners met
beginning of her Sickness her friends supposing that she grieved at the absence of her Husband whom she saw so engaged in Wars abroad that she could not hope for his speedy return used consolatory means and endeavoured to remove from her that fixed sadness wherewith she seemed to be oppressed But she utterly averse from all comfort and giving her self over to melancholy told them That she died but that of the true cause of her Death they were ignorant which if they were desirous to know they should after her death dissect her Heart and there they should find Calais Intimating thereby that the loss of Calais had occasioned this fatal grief which was thought to have been increased by the Death of the Emperour her Father-in-Law But the truth is her Liver being over-cooled by a Mole these things peradventure might hasten her end which could not otherwise be far from her and cast her by degrees into that kind of Dropsie which Physicians term Ascites This Dropsie being not discovered in time deceived her Physicians who believed that she had conceived by King Philip whereas she alas did breed nothing but her own Death So mature remedies being not applied and she not observing a fit Diet she fell into a Fever which increasing by little and little at last ended in her Death She lieth interred at Westminster in the midst of that Chappel which is on the North side of her Grandfather Henry the Seventh his Monument where her Sister Queen Elizabeth was after Buried with her and over both by the pious Liberality of that most Munificent Prince King James hath since been erected a most stately Monument well befitting the Majesty of such great Monarchs QVEEN ELIZABETH ANNO DOM. 1558. HAving thus briefly run over the Reigns of these three Princes Queen Elizabeth's times in the next place offer themselves which deservedly requiring a more accurate Style I will here set a period to this Work not so much with intent to pretermit them as reserving them for a more exact labour In the mean time to give some satisfaction to the Reader I will make this short Addition Some few hours after the decease of Queen Mary the Estates then assembled in Parliament on the seventeenth of November declared her Sister the Lady Elizabeth Queen who was Daughter to Henry the Eighth and Ann Bolen Having most gloriously reigned forty four years four months and seven days she ended her Life and Reign on the four and twentieth of March Anno 1603 the Crown being by her death devolved to the renowned King of Scots James the Sixth to whom it was so far from feeling it a burthen to have succeeded so good a Princess that never was any Prince received with greater Applause and Gratulation of his People Many think their condition happy if they exchange a Caligula for a Claudius or a Nero for a Vitellius or an Otho But that any Mortal should please after Elizabeth may seem a Miracle and is a great argument both of rare Virtue in the succeeding King and of a right Judgment in the Subject For this great Lady was so far beyond Example that even the best Princes come short of her and they who most inveigh against that Sex contend that Woman is incapable of those Virtues in her most eminent Wisdom Clemency variety of Languages and Magnanimity equal to that of Men to which I add fervent Zeal of Piety and true Religion But in these things peradventure some one or other may equal her What I shall beyond all this speak of her and let me speak it without offence to my most Excellent Sovereign James the Pattern of Princes the Mirrour of our Age the Delight of Britain no Age hath hitherto parallel'd nor if my Augury fail not none ever shall That a Woman and if that be not enough a Virgin destitute of the help of Parents Brothers Husband being surrounded with Enemies the Pope thundring the Spaniard threatning the French scarce dissembling his secret hate as many of the neighbouring Princes as were devoted to Rome clashing about her should contain this Warlike Nation not only in Obedience but in Peace also and beyond all this Popery being profligated in the true Divine Worship Hence it comes to pass that England which is among the rest of it self a Miracle hath not these many years heard the noise of War and that our Church which she found much distracted transcends all others of the Christian World For you shall at this day scarce find any Church which either defiled with Popish Superstitions or despoiled of those Revenues which should maintain Professors of the Truth hath not laid open a way to all kind of Errours gross Ignorance in Learning especially Divine and at length to Ethnick Barbarousness But to what end do I insist on these or the like they being sufficiently known even to the Barbarians themselves and Fame having trumpetted them throughout the World Which things when and how they were done how bountifully she aided and relieved her Allies how bravely she resisted brake vanquished her Enemies I have a desire in a continued History to declare and will God willing declare if I can attain to the true intelligence of the passages of those times have leisure for the compiling it and that no other more able than my self which I wish may happen in the mean time engage themselves therein LAUS DEO * * The Original of this Proclamation remaineth with Sir Robert 〈◊〉 a worthy Preserver and Treasurer of rare Antiquities from whose Manuscripts I have had much light for the furnishing of this Work His Privy-Council The Funerals of K. Henry the Seventh St. Stephen's Chappel The Coronation of Henry the Eighth His Marriage The death of Lady Margaret Countess of Richmond Empson and Dudley An Expedition into Africk Into Gueldres Barton a Pirat taken War with France A fruitless Voyage into Spain The Spaniard seiseth on Navarr The Lord Admiral drowned Terovenne besieged The Battel of Spurs Terovenne yielded Maximilian the Emperor serveth under King Henry The Siege of Tournay Tournay yielded Wolsey Bishop of Tournay The King of Scots slaim Flodden-Field The descent and Honours of the Howards Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk Charles Somerset Earl of Worcester Peace with France The Lady Mary the King's Sister married to Lewis the Twelfth King of France Cardinal Wolfey A breach with France The Star-Chamber and The Court of Requests instituted by Wolsey Ill May-day The Sweating-Sickness Peace with France The death of the Emperour Maximilian The Emperour Charles the Fifth in England Canterbury Interview betwixt the Kings of England and France Henry visits Emperour at Graveling The Duke of Buckingham accused of Treason King Henry writeth against Luther Luther's departure from the Church of Rome The Kings of England by the Pope stiled Defender of the Faith The death of Leo the Tenth Cardinal Wolsey and others sins Ambassadors to the Emperour and French King The Emperour Charles the second time in England Windsor The