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A19824 The collection of the historie of England. By S.D. Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619. 1618 (1618) STC 6248; ESTC S107285 367,727 236

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the cause of Thomas of Canterbury against the Tyrant of England King Henry sends likewise with all speed Roger Archbishop of Yorke the Bishop of Winchester London Chichester and Excester Guido Rufus Richard Iuechester and Iohn of Oxford Clerkes William Earle of Arundell Hugh de Gundeuile Bernard de Saint Walleric and Henry Fitz Gerrard to informe the Pope of the whole cause and preuent the Archbishoppes complaint The multitude and greatnesse of the Commissioners shewed the importance of the Ambassage and the Kings earnest desire to haue his cause preuaile They finde the Pope at the Citie of Sens to whom they shewed how peruers and disobedient the Archbishoppe had behaued himselfe to his Soueraigne Lord the King of England how hee alone refused to obay his Lawes and Customes which hee had sworne to doe and that by his peeuish waywardnesse the Church and Kingdome were like to bee disturbed which otherwise would agree in the reformation thereof as was fit and necessary and therefore they besought him as hee tendred the peace of the Church of England and the loue of the King their Soueraigne not to giue credit or grace to a man of so turbulent and dangerous a spirit This Information notwithstanding earnestly vrged they found mooued not any disposition in the Pope to fauour the Kings cause so that in the end They besought him to send two Legats ouer into England to examine the particulars of this businesse and how it had beene carried and in the meane time to admit no other information of the cause but referre it to their relation The Pope refuses to send any Legat the commissioners depart without any satisfaction And with in foure dayes after comes the Archbishop and prostrates himselfe at the Popes seete deliuers him a coppie of those Lawes which the King called his Grandfathers Lawes which being openly read in the presence of all the Cardinals Clergie and many other people the Pope condemned them for euer and accursed those who obeyed or any way fauoured them Those Lawes among the Statutes of Clarendon which the Archbishop so much oppugned and most offended the Clergie were as by his owne letter to the Bishop of London appeares these especially That there should bee no appeale to the Apostolike Sea without the Kings leaue That no Archbishoppe or Bishoppe should goe out of the Realme but by the Kings permission That no Bishoppe excommunicate any who held of the King in Capite or interdict any officiall of his without the Kings leaue c. That Clergie men should bee drawne to secular iudgements That Lay men as the King and other should handle causes of the Church Tythes and such like And these were daungerous incrochments vpon their liberties But now the King seeing his Ambassage to take no effect and withall in a manner 1166. Anno. Reg. 12. contemned presently makes his heauie displeasure and the scorne hee tooke knowe by his seuere Edicts both against the Pope and the Archbishoppe that they might see what edge his secular powre had in this case ordayning That if anie were found carrying Letter or Mandat from the Pope or Archbishoppe contayning any The Kings Edicts against the Pope and his agents interdiction of Christianity in England should bee taken and without delay executed as a Traytor both to the King and Kingdome That whatsoeuer Bishop Priest Monke or Conuerser in anie Order Clerke or Layman should haue and retaine any such letters should forfeit all their possessions goods and chattells to the King and bee presently banished the Realme with their kinne That no Clergie men Monke or other should bee permitted to passe ouer Sea or returne out of Normandie into England without letters from the Iustices here or from the King being there vpon paine to bee taken as a Malefactor and put in hold That none should appeale to the Pope That all Clerkes which had any reuenue in England should returne into the Realme within three monethes vpon paine of forfeiting their estates to the King That Peter Pence should bee collected and sequestred till the Kings pleasure were farther knowne Besides this hee banishes all that were found to bee any way of kinne to the Archbishop without exception of condition sex or yeres And withall takes occasion vpon the Scisme which was then in the Church to renounce Pope Alexander and incline to the Emperors faction which stood thus After the death of Adrian the fourth Rouland a Geneuese and a great enemy of the The Election of two Popes Empire is by two and twenty Cardinalls elected Pope by the name of Alexander the third to which election foure Cardinals opposed and made choyce of Octauian a Citizen of Rome that would be called Victor the first The Emperor Frederic Barbarossa summons these two Popes to a Concel at Pauia to vnderstand determin their right Alexander makes the old answere that the Pope could not be iudged by any man liuing refuses to appeare before the Emperour and withdrawes into Anagnia Victor consents to appeare there or wheresoeuer the Emperour would appoint so that he was the man for that side But all the other Princes of Christendom except those of the Emperours faction acknowledge Alexander for Pope as elected by most voyces And especially by the King of France who called him thither and at Cocy vpon Loyr he and the King of England receiued him with all honour and reuerence in so much as they are sayd to haue attended vpon his Stirrop the one on the right hand the other on the left after this he calls a Councell at Tours whether the Kings of England Spaine and Hungarie send their Ambassadors and there are the constitutions of the Councell of Pauia and the Emperours confirmation of Victor nullified so that Alexander hauing his party dayly increasing in Italy was shortly after receiued into Rome Notwithstanding all this the King of England finding him so auers in this businesse Falls off from him renounces his Authority turnes to the Emperours faction seekes to strength himselfe with the Princes of Germanie consents to match his daughter Maude to the Duke of Saxony at the motion of Reginald Archbishop of Collen sent ouer by the Emperour for that purpose and intertaines a motion for another daughter to bee matched with the Emperours sonne But now by reason this contrary faction to Pope Alexander grew to bee but feeble all this working did the King no good but exasperates the Pope and sets him on the more to support the cause of the Archbishop who sollicites the Clergie of Pope Alexanders letter to the Clergie of England England threatnes intreats adiures them not to forsake their hold nor giue way to the inuador of their liberties which sought to confound the Priesthood and the Kingdome and if they opposed not mainely at the first but suffered the least breach to bee made vpon them they were vndone Then excommunicates hee all the especiall Ministers of the King that adhered to the Teutonicque faction or held
of all the neighbor Princes which subsist by other then their owne powre now follow And being returned from concluding this Match in Piemont there comes vnto him lying at Limoges Raymond Earle of Saint Gyles by whom was giuen the first affront he had in France now to doe homage vnto him for the Earledome of Tholouse and there became the man of the King of England and of his sonne Richard Earle of Poictou to hold Tholouse from them by hereditary right for seruice of comming vnto them vpon their sommons and remayning The homage of Raymond Earle of Saint Gyles for the Earld of Tholouse in their seruice fortie daies at his owne charge and if they would intertaine him longer to allow him reasonable expenses Besides the Earle should pay yearely for Tholouse and the appertinances a hundred markes of siluer or ten Horses worth ten Markes a peece About the same time also came the Earle Hubert to Limoges to know what Land the King of England would assure his sonne Iohn who resolued to giue vnto him the Castles of Chinon Lodun and Mirabell Where with King Henry the sonne grew much Henry the son takes displeasure against his father displeased and here mooued his Father either to resigne vnto him the Dutchie of Normandie the Earledome of Aniou or the Kingdome of England for his maintenance in which motion hee was the more egar being incensed by the King of France and the discontented Lords both of England and Normandie who were many and falne or wrought from the Father vpon new hopes and the aduantage of a deuided Soueraignty And though there were many other occasions of this defection of the sonne from the Father yet that this for these Castles should first bee taken may seeme to bee the worke of Gods especiall iudgement being those peeces which himselfe had taken from his owne brother Geffrey contrary to his Oath made vnto his Father as is before related so as if to tell iniustice that it must bee duely repayed the same Castles are made to bring mischiefe vpon him and to giue a beginning to the fowlest discorde that could bee wherein hee had not onely the Children of his owne bodie but the Wife of his bedde to conspire and practise against him For hereupon the sonne sodainely breaking away from the Father came to Paris where the King of France who had no other meanes to preuent the ouergrowing of a neighbour but to deuide him sommons and solicites the Princes of France and all the friends he could make to ayde King Henry the sonne against the father and to take thir Oath either to disposses him of his Estate or bring him to their owne conditions The young King likewise sweares vnto them Neuer to haue peace with his father without their consents and all sweares to giue vnto Philip Earle of Flanders for his ayde a thousand pounds English by the yeare with the County of Kent Douer and Rochester Castles To Mathew Earle of Bologne brother to the sayd Earle for his seruice Kerton Soak in Lindsey the Earldome of Morton with the Honour of Heize to Theobald Earle of Bloys two hundred pounds by yeare in Aniou the Castle of Amboys with all the right hee pretended in Tureine c. and all these Donations with diuers other he confirmed by his new Seale which the King of France caused to be made Besides by the same Seale He confirmed to the King of Scots for his ayde all Northumberland vnto Tyne and gaue to the brother of the same King for his seruice the Earldomes of Huntingdon and Cambridge To the Earle Hugh Bigot the Castle of Norwich other Earles of England as Robert Earle of Leicester Hugh Earle of Chester Roger Mowbray c. had likewise their rewards and promises of the Lions Skin that was yet aliue Besides they draw into their partie Richard and Geffrey whose youths apt to bee wrought on for increase of their allowance are easily intised and with them their mother inraged with iealosie and disdaine for her husbands conceiued abuses of her bed So that this great King in the middest of his glory about the twentith yeare of his raigne comes sodainely forsaken of his owne people and is driuen through distrust to hire and intertaine strange forces procuring twenty thousand Brabansons which were certaine Mercinaries commonly called the Routs or Costerels for the recouery and holding of his Estate And some few faithfull Ministers he had notwithstanding this generall defection who tooke firmly to him as William Earle Mandeuile Hugh de Lacy Hugh de Beauchamp c. But how soeuer we haue seene the best of this Kings glorie and though he had after this good successes hee had neuer happinesse labour hee did by all meanes to haue qualified the heat of his distempered sonne by many mediations of peace offring all conuenient allowances for his Estate but all would not preuaile his sword is drawne and with him the King of France with all his forces enters vpon his territories on that side the Sea on this the King of Scots seizes vpon Northumberland and makes great spoyles The olde King complaines to the Emperour and all the neighbour Princes his friends of the vnnaturall courses of his sonne and of his owne improuident aduancing him William King of Sicile writes and condoles his misfortunes but lay too farre off to helpe him The King of France besieges Vernoul a place of great strength and importance which Hugh de Lacy and Hugh de Beauchamp valiantly defended and after a monthes siege they of the towne victualls fayling obtained truce of the King of France and permission to send vnto their Soueraigne for succour Which if it came not within three daies they would render the Cittie and in the meane time their Ostages The peremptorie day was the Eue of Saint Laurence The King of France with King Henry the sonne and with diuers great Lords and Bishops swore if they rendred the Citie at the day appointed their Ostages should bee redeiiuered and no dammage done to the Citie King Henry the Father with all the forces he could make came iust at the limitted day disposes his Army to strike battaile with his enemies but the King of France to auoyde the same sends the Archbishoppe of Sens and the Earle of Bloys to mediate a parle which was appointed the morrow this day lost lost Vernoul For to the morrow Parle the King of France neither comes nor sends but had entrance into the Towne according to couenants which contrary to his Oath hee sackes takes with him the Ostages and spoyle thereof remoues his Campe and leaues the King of England disappointed who that night after hauing persued the flying Army with some spoyle enters into Vernoul and the morrow surprises Danuile a Castle of his enemies with many prisoners Thence he goes to Rouen whence hee sent his Brabansons into Brittaine against Hugh Earle of Chester and Ralph Fulgiers who had possest themselues almost of the whole
to the King of England and peace with a reconciliation is concluded betweene him and his sonnes But with more reseruation on his part then had beene by the former treatie offered as hauing now more of powre and the aduantage of fortune and yet yeelding so much as shewed the goodnesse of his Nature was not ouer swayed by his ambition all his proceeding in this warre witnessing that necessity did euer worke more then his will And at the signing of the Charter of this Peace when his sonne Henry would haue Vide Append. done him homage which is personall seruice he refused to take it because hee was a King but receiued it of Richard and Geffrey Yet after this Henry the sonne to free his father of all scruple became his Liege-man and swore Fealty vnto him against all men in the presence of the Archbishop of Rouen the Bishop of Bayeux the Earle Mandeuile and a great Nobilitie At the concluding this Peace the Earle of Flaunders yeelded vp to King Henrie the Father the Charter made vnto him by the Sonne for his remuneration and had another confirmed for the pension hee had yearely out of England before this warre which was one thousand Markes out of the Eschequer afterward granted vpon condition of Homage and for finding the King of England yearely fiue hundred souldiours for the space of fortie daies vpon summons giuen This businesse ended the Father and Sonne make their Progresses into all their Prouinces on that side to visit and reforme the disorders of Warre and to settle their affaires there Richard is sent into Aquitaine and Geffrey into Brittaine vpon the same businesse and there left with their Counsells to looke to their owne The two Kings Father and Sonne shortly after returne into England where reformation 1175. Anno. Reg. 21. in the Gouernment needed as much as in France and here had the Archbishoppe of Canterburie sommoned a Councell of the Clergie wherein were manie enormities of the Church reformed as may bee seene in the Canons of that Synod The King supplies all Vacancies and giues to Iohn de Oxenford that great Minister Vide Append. of his the Bishopricke of Norwich then takes hee into his hands all the Castles hee could seize on amongst other the Towre of Bristoll which was rendred by All Vacancies supplied by the King the Earle of Glocester and was neuer in his hands before Hee takes penalties both of Clerkes and Lay-men who had trespassed his Forests in time of Hostility for which hee is taxed of wrong Richard Lucy Iustice of England hauing warrant by the Kings precept to discharge them for the same But the profit which they yeelded him made him take the stricter regard therein For after the death of Alain de Neuile which had beene chiefe Iustice of all the Forrests of England hee deuides them into diuers parts appointing to euerie part foure Iustices whereof two to bee Clerkes and two Knights and two Seruants of his Houshold to bee Keepers of the Game ouer all other Forresters either of the Kings Knights or Barons whatsoeuer and gaue them power to implea according to the Assiese of the Forrest The King beeing at Yorke there came vnto them William King of Scots with almost all the Bishoppes Abbots and Nobilitie of Scotland and confirmed 1176. Anno. Reg. 22. the Peace and finall concorde which had formerly beene in the time of his imprisonment at Faleise in Normandie before all the greatest Estates of both Kingdomes the Tenour whereof is to bee seene in Roger Houeden After this a Councell is called at Windsor whither repaire certaine Bishoppes Vide Append. of Ireland and the Chauncelour of Rodoric King of Conaught for whom a finall concord is concluded vpon doing Homage Fealty and a tribute to bee paide which was of euerie tenne Beasts one sufficient Hide within his Kingdome and those Prouinces that held thereof Within a while after a Councell or Parliament is assembled at Nottingham and by aduice and consent thereof the King caused The Kingdome to bee deuided into sixe parts and constitutes for euerie part three Iustices itinerants causing them to The Kingdom deuided into sixe parts for Iustice. take an Oath vpon the Holie Euangelists faithfullie for themselues to obserue and cause inuiolablie to bee obserued of all his Subiectes of England the Assises made at Claringdone and renued at Northamton which Assises were chiefly for Murther Vide Append. Theft Roberie and their receiuers for deceipts and burning of Houses which facts if found by the Verdict of twelue men the accused were to passe the tryall of Water Ordeil Vide Append. whereby if not acquitted their punishment was losse of a legge or banishment that Age seeming to hold it a greater example of a Malefactor miserably liuing then of one dead for as yet they came not so farre as bloud in those cases And yet wee finde in the raigne of this King that one Gilbert Plumton Knight accused for a Rape before Ranulph de Glanuile chiefe Iustice of England desirous sayth Houeden by vniust sentence to condemne him was adiuged to bee hanged on a Gibbet whereunto when hee was brought and in the hands of the Executioner the people ranne out crying that an innocent and iust person ought not so to suffer Balduin Bishoppe of Worcester a religious man and fearing God hearing the clamor of the people and the iniury done to this miserable creature came foorth and forbad them from the part of the Omnipotent God and vnder paine of Excommunication that they should not put him to death that day being Holy and the Feast of Saint Mary Magdelene whereupon the excution was put off till the morrow That night meanes was wrought to the King who commanded a stay to bee made till other order were taken being informed that for the enuie which Glanuile bare to this Plumton hee was desirous to put him to death in regard hee had married the danghter of Roger Gulwast an inheritrix whom hee would haue had Reiner his Shriefe of Yorkeshire to haue had which act leaues a foule staine of Iniustice vpon the memory of this Chiefe Iustice Glanuile in the time of whose Office a tract of the Lawes and Customes of the Kingdome of England was composed which now passes vnder his name The charge giuen for businesses in these Assises consisted but of very few points Vide Append. besides those felonies and was especially for taking Homage and Ligeancie of 1177. Anno. Reg. 13. all the Subiects of England demolishing of Castles the Rights of the King his Crowne and Eschequour The multitude of actions which followed in succeeding times grew out of new transgressions and the increase of Law and Litigation which was then but in the Cradle William King of Sicile sends and craues to haue Ioan the Kings daughter in marriage William King of Sicile matches with Ioan the Kings Daughter Rog. Houed Vide Append. Whereupon the King calls a Parliament
onely hold Pietie guilty otherwise those times had not yeelded it The King sends likewise Hugh Bishop of Duresme with other Commissioners to William King of Scots to collect the tenthes in his Countrey which he would not permit Prouision by king Henry in England but offered to giue the King of England fiue thousand Markes of siluer for those tenthes and the Castle which he claimed but the King of England refused the same Whilst these preparations were in hand and the mony collecting a quarrell arises betweene Richard Earle of Poictou and Raymond Earle of Tholouse vpon this occasion 1187. Anno. Reg. 33. The Earle of Tholouse by the perswasion of one Peter Suillar had taken certaine Merchants of Aquitaine and vsed them hardly The Earle of Poictou surprises this Peter imprisons him and would not suffer the Earle of Tholouse to redeeme him vpon any condition Whereupon the Earle imprisons two Gentlemen seruants of the King of Englands Robert and Raph Poer trauelling through his Countrey as Pilgrimes from S. Iames de Compostella which Earle Richard tooke so ill as he enters into the Earles countrey with an Army prepared for a better act wastes it with fire and sword besieges A meane quarell dashes and diuerts the great preparation for the holy warre and layes it vpon the selfe kingdomes and takes his Castles about Tholouse The King of France vpon the lamentable complaint of the Tholousians sends to the King of England to vnderstand whether his son Richard did these things by his will and Councell The King of England answers That he neither willed nor counselled him thereunto and that his sonne sent him word by the Archbishop of Dublin that he did nothing but by the consent of the King of France Who not satisfied with this answer enters presently into Bery with his Army seases vpon the Countrey takes in diuers Castles of the King of Englands who makes himselfe ready to recouer the same And thus that great intended enterprise vndertaken with such feruor became dasht and ouerthrowne at the very time they appointed to haue set forward All the meanes the Pope could vse by his Legates nor all the perswasions of other Princes might preuaile to reconsile these two inraged Kings though diuerse enteruiewes 1188. Anno. Reg. 34. were procured diuerse ouertures propounded yet none tooke effect they euer depart more incensed then they met in so much as at length the King of France in a rage cut downe the great Elme betweene Gisors and Try vnder which the Kings of France and Dukes of Normandy were euer vsed to parle and swore There should be The King of France cuts downe the most eminent Elme of Princely parley no more meetings in that place But yet after this they were brought to another parle elsewhere and therein the Popes Legate threatned to interdict the King of France vnlesse he made peace with the King of England The King of France told him that he feared not his sentence being grounded vpon no equity and that it appertained not to the Church of Rome by sentence or otherwise to chastice the Kingdome or King of France vndertaking to reuenge the demerits of the rebellious that dishonored his Crowne and flatly told the Cardinall That he smelled of the Sterlings of England This enteruiew wrought a worse effect then all the rest for here the King of England absolutely refuses to render Alice to his sonne Richard but offered to the King Earle Richard with the King of France com bine against his father king Henry 2. of France to giue her to his sonne Iohn with larger conditions then should be granted with the other which so much alienated the heart of his sonne Richard as he becomes wholly Liegeman to the King of France did homage vnto him for Aquitaine and they both ioyne their forces against the father And here now comes this mighty King of England the greatest of all the Christian world in his time or that the Kingdome euer saw to fall quite asunder forsaken both of his subiects and himselfe letting downe his heart to yeeld to any conditions whatsoeuer he who neuer saw feare but in the backe of his enemies leaues now the defence of Mans and flies away with seuen hundreth men hauing promised the Citty neuer to giue it ouer in regard his Father was there buried and himselfe borne and afterward comes to his last parle with the King of France betweene Turwin and Arras where at their first meeting no man suspecting the wrath a thunder-bolt with so terrible a cracke lighted iust betweene them as it parted their conference in a confused manner for that time Within a while after they came together againe when suddenly began as fearefull 1189. Anno. Reg. 35. a thunder as the former which so amased the King of England as he had falne off from his horse had he not beene supported by those about him And in this sort beganne the Proem of that Treaty wherein the King of England yeelds to all whatsoeuer conditions the King of France required did him homage againe for all his dominions on that side both kings hauing at the beginning of this warre renounced their mutuall obligation in that kind renders vp Alice for whom he had beene so much loden with scandall and turmoyle vpon condition she should be giuen in marriage to his sonne Richard at his returne from the holy warre and in the meane time to remaine in the custody of any one of fiue whom Richard would nominate grants that fealty be giuen vnto him of all his Dominions and pardons all his partakers Besides couenants to pay the King of France 20000 Markes of siluer for dammage done during these last warres And that if he should not performe these Articles his Barons should sweare to renounce him and betake them to the part of the King of France and Earle Richard And for more caution hee yeeldes to deliuer vp the Cities of Mans and Tureyn with diuerse Castles into their Hands c. And here was an end of this businesse and within three daies after of this kings life whose heart not made of that temper to bow burst with the weight of a declining fortune Some few howers before he died he saw a list of their names who conspired with the King of France and Earle Richard against him and finding therein his sonne Iohn His death to be the first fals into a grieuous passion both cursing his sonnes and the day wherein himselfe was borne and in that distemprature departs this world which so often himselfe had distempered hauing reigned 39. yeares 7. moneths and 5. dayes His sonne Richard approching the Corps as it was carrying to be interred adorned according to the manner of Kings with all royall ornaments open faced the bloud 1189. Anno. Reg. 35. gushed out of the nostrils of the dead a signe vsually noted of guiltinesse as if Nature yet after death retained some intelligence in the veines to giue
Norwich Bath Salisbury Ely Chester and others which came vnto him to Rouen where hee commits the especiall charge of this Kingdome to William Longshamp Bishoppe of Ely vnder the Title of Chiefe Iustice of England and giues him one of his Seales and the Custodie of the Towre of London and confers vpon Hugh Bishop of Duresme the Iustice-ship of the North from Humber to Scotland with the keeping of Windsor Castle which after gaue occasion of dissention to these two ambitious Prelates impatient of each others greatnesse Hugh Bardolph William Marshall Geffrey Fitz Peter and William Brewer are ioyned in commission with the Bishop of Ely And least his brother Iohn whose spirit hee well vnderstood might in England worke vpon the aduantage of his absence hee first caused him to take an Oath not to come within this Kingdome for the space of three yeares next following Which after vpon better consideration hee released leauing him to his libertie and naturall respect But hereby hauing giuen him first a wound by his distrust his after regard could neuer heale it vp againe nor all the Honours and State bestowed on him keepe him within the limmits of obedience For this suspition of his Faith shewed him rather the waie to breake then retaine it whensoeuer occasion were offered and the greater meanes hee had bestowed on him to make him content did but arme him with greater powre for his designes For this Earle Iohn had conferred vpon him in England the The great Estate left to Earle Iohn Earledomes of Corwnewall Dorcet Sommerset Nottingham Darby Lancaster and by the marriage with Isabell Daughter to the Earle of Glocester had likewise that Earledome moreouer the Castles of Marlborow and Lutgarsall the Honours of Wallingford Tichill and Eye to the valew of foure thousand Markes per annum besides the great commaunds hee held thereby which mighty Estate was not a meanes to satisfie but increase his desires and make him more daungerous at home Then the more to strengthen the reputation of his Viceroy the Bishop of Ely the King gets the Pope to make him his Legate of all England and Scotland and to the end his Gouernment might not bee disturbed through the emulation of another hee confines the elect Archbishoppe of Yorke his base brother whose turbulency hee doubted to remaine in Normandie till his returne and takes his Oath to performe the same Hauing thus ordered his affaires hee sends backe into England this Great Bishop furnished with as great and absolute a powre as hee could giue him to prouide necessaries for his intended iourney Wherein to please the King hee offended the people and committed great exactions Clerum populum opprimebat Exactions by the Viceroy confundens fasque nefasque saith Houeden Hee tooke of euery Cittie in England two Palfryes and two other Horses of seruice and of euerie Abbay one of each likewise of euery Mannor of the Kings one of each for this seruice And to shewe what hee would prooue hee tooke the Castle of Windsor from the Bishoppe of Duresme and confined him within his Towne of Howedon questions his Authoritie and workes him much vexation and for all his meanes made to the King ouertopt him The King takes order for a Nauie to conuay people and prouision to the Holy land and commits the charge thereof to the Archbishop of Auxere and the Bishop of Bayon Robert de Sabul Richard Canuile which done both Kings the latter end of Iune with their powres together take their iourney to Lyons where their numbers growing so great as bred many incomberments and distemprings betweene the nations they part companies the King of France takes the way of Genoua by Land the The Kings quarrell in the lsle of Sicile King of England of Merseilles where after he had stayed eight daies expecting in vaine the comming about of his Nauie withheld by tempest hee was forced to hire twentie Gallies and ten other great vessels to transport him into the Isle of Sicilia The King of France takes shipping at Genoua and by tempest was driuen to land in the same Isle and arriued there before the King of England where those mighty companies of both these powrefull Kings fell fowle on each other and themselues taking part with their people enter in quarrell and rancor so that being of equall powre and stomacke and alike emulous of honour and reuenge they began to shew what successe their enterprise was likelie to yeeld The King of France repayring his wracked Nauie and the King of Englands long staying for his forced them both to Winter in Sicilia to the great pesture and disturbance of that people themselues and theirs William late king of Sicile who had married Ioane sister to the King of England was dead which made the intertaynment of the English there the worse and Taneredi base sonne of Roger grandfather to that William was inuested in the kingdome contrary to the will of the late King dying without yssue and the fidelitie of the people sworne to Constantia the lawfull daughter of the sayd Roger married to Henry King of Almaine sonne to the Emperour Frederic Barbarossa by which occasion Tancredi was forced to vse all meanes to hold what hee had gotten by strong hand and had much to doe against the Emperour and his sonne Henry The King of England after great contention with him to make the conditions of his sisters dowre the better enters into league with Tancredi against all men to preserue his Estate and gets in conclusion 20000 Ounces of Gold for his Sisters dowre and 20000 more vpon a match to bee made betweene Arthur Earle of Brittaine sonne to Geffrey his next brother who was to succeed him in the Crowne of England if himselfe died without yssue and the daughter of Tancredi At the opening of the Spring both kings hauing beene reconciled and new Articles The Kings reconciled of Peace and concord signed and sworne the King of France sets first forward to the Holy Land but the king of England stayes in Sicile vntill Whitsontide after And during his abode which might therefore bee the longer his Mother Queene Elionor who in her youth had well knowne the trauaile of the East came vnto him Berenguela fianced to King Richard bringing with her Berenguela daughter to the king of Nauarre who has there fianced vnto him Which done Queene Elionor departs home by the way of Rome and the young Lady with the Queene Dowager of Sicile take their iourney with the king who sets forth with an hundred and thirty ships and fifty Gallies and was by tempest driuen to the Isle of Cyprus where being denied landing he assailes the Isle on all sides subdues it palces his Granisons therein and commits the custody of the same to Richard de Canuile and Robert de Turnham taking halfe the goods of the Inhabitants from them in Lieu whereof hee confirmed the vse of their owne Lawes And here our Histories say hee
to the siege of Ascalon writes inuectiue letters against the King of France for leauing him who likewise defames King Richard amongst his neighbours at home And it may be doubted whether the periurie of these two Kings did not adde more to their sinne then the action they vndertooke for the remission thereof could take away for that a good worke impiously managed meretts no more then an ill Ten moneths the King of England stayes behind in these parts consuming both his men and treasure without any great successe though with much noble valor and exceeding courage finding euer great peruersuesse in the Earle of Borgogne who according to his maisters instructions shewed no great desire to aduance the action where another must carry the honour but willing alwaies to returne home pretending his want drew backe when any businesse of importance was to bee done and at length falls sicke and dies at Acon Conrade who was so much fauoured by the King of France in his title for that Kingdome Conrade murthered was murthered by two Assassini whereof the King of England was but very wrongfullie taxed and the Earle of Champagne martying his Widdow Sister to Queene Sibilla was by King Richard preferred to the Crowne of Ierusalem and Guy of Lusignan the other pretender made King of Ciprus and so both contented During this businesse abroade in the East the state of England suffred much at home vnder the gouernment of Lonshamp who vsurping the whole authority to himselfe without communicating Longshamps traine and pompe any thing either with the Nobility or the rest of the Commissioners ioyned with him did what hee listed and with that insolencie carried himselfe as hee incurred the hatred of the whole Kingdome both Clergie and Lay. His traine was said to be so great and the pompe of attendants such as where hee lay in any religious house but one night 3 yeares reuenues would scarce suffice to recouer the charge Besides being a stranger himselfe and vsing only French men about him made his courses the more intollerable to the English in so much as at length the whole Clergie and Nobility oppose against his proceedings and the Earle Iohn taking aduantage vpon these discontentments to make himselfe more popular and prepare the way to his intended vsurpation ioynes with the state against this B. being the man that had euer crossed his courses hauing an especially eye vnto him as the most dangerous person of the Kingdome both in respect of the kings charge and his owne saftie And now there fell out a fit occasion to ruine the Chancellor by this meanes Geffrey 1191. Anno. Reg. 3. the Elect Archbishop of Yorke base sonne to Henry the 2. to whose preferment in Eng. King Richard was auerse therfore had confin'd him within Normandy during his absence had by great labour to Pope Celestine obtained a powre to bee inuested in that Sea whose comming into England being aduertised to the Chancellor Long shamp Geffrey the Elect of Yorke taken and imprisoned by the Chancelor he was at his landing at Doner apprehended and drawne by force out of the Church which hee had recouered and from the Altar in his Pontificall habit trailed into the Castle in most vile manner Of which violence the Earle Iohn and the Bishop taking notice they command the Chancellor not only to release him but also to answere the matter before the assembly of the Bishops and Nobilite at Pauls where they Article and vrge against him many hainous actions committed contrarie to the Comission giuen him and the Weale of the King and Kingdome The Archbishop of Roan and William Marshall Earle of Striguile shewed openly the Kings Letters pattents dated at Messena in Sicile whereby they were made Commissioners with him in the gouernment of the Kingdome which notwithstanding hee would neuer suffer them to deale in any businesse of the same but by his owne violent Longshamp the Chancellor deposed from his office and headlong will doe all himselfe wherefore in the end hee was by the Assembly deposed from his Office and the Archbishop of Rouen who would doe nothing without the Councell of the State instituted therein The Towre of London and the Castle of Windsor are taken from him and deliuered to the Archbishop And so this great Officer presuming to much in his place hauing enuie so neere him and a maister so sarre off was throwne downe from his State faine to resigne his Legantine Crosse at Canterbury and to take vp that for the Holy warre and priuily seekeing to escape ouer Sea was in the habit of a woman with a webbe of Linnin cloth vnder his arme taken vpon the shore at Douer and most opprobriouslie made a spectacle to the people and conducted with all derision to the Castle whence after He flies and is taken eight daies hee was by the Earle Iohn released and suffered to goe on his iourney wherein being the messenger of his owne misusage he had the aduantage of his aduersaries and preuailed against them with the Pope who tooke very tenderly the powre Legantine should be so vilified The Earle Iohn the Archbishop of Rouen and the other Iustices of the King grant vnto the Citie of London their Common or liberties and the Citizens Swore fealtie to King Richard and his haire and that if he died without issue they would receiue the Earle Iohn for their Lord and King and likewise swore fealty vnto him against all men reseruing their faith to King Richard In this forwardnesse was the Earle Iohn for his brothers Crowne whilst hee is beleagaring Ascalon and grapling with Saladin Sultan in the East But hauing notice of this proceeding in England and how the King of France had taken in Gisors and King Richards departure from Palestina the Country of Vexin contrarie to his Oath hee takes the oportunity of an offer made by Saladin of a truce for three yeares vpon condition that hee should restore Ascalon to the same State wherein hee found it before the siege which hee did by the Councell of the Templars and the whole Armie And presently leauing Wife Sister and people to come after him as they could prouide takes a shippe with some few followers and returnes from this action with as great precipitation as hee vndertooke it hauing consumed therein all that mightie Treasure left him by his father and all that otherwise hee could teare from his subiects and others by violent extortion or cunning practises Pardon vs Antiquitie if we miscensure your actions which are euer as those of men according to the vogue and sway of times and haue onely their vpholding by the opinion of the present wee deale with you but as posteritie will with vs which euer thinkes it selfe the wiser that will iudge likewise of our errors according to the cast of their imaginations But for a King of England to returne in this fashion cannot bee but a note of much inconsideration and had as pittifull
an euent For hauing taken vp by the way three Gallies to conduct him to Ragusa for three hundred Markes of Siluer disguised vnder the names of Pilgtimes hee was by his lauish expences discouered to bee the His discouery King of England which note once taken it was impossible for him to lay anie couering thereon that could euer hide him more though vpon warning thereof he presently left all his company and with one man onely takes horse and through all the daungers of a wilde desart and rocky Country trauayling day and night passes into Austrich where Fame that was a speedier post then himselfe was before him And comming to a Village nere to Viena and reposing himselfe in a poore hosterie was taken a sleepe by meanes of his companion going forth to prouide necessaries for him King Richard taken prisoner who as hee was changing money was knowne taken and brought before the Duke of Austrich and vpon examination confessed where his maister was of which prise the Duke was most ioyfull in respect of his reuenge for the disgrace hee did him at the entring of Acon and presently sends him to the Emperour Henry the sixt whom likewise he had offended for ayding Tancredi the base sonne of Roger in the vsurpation of the Crowne of Sicilia against Constantia the lawfull daughter of the same Roger whom this Emperour had married Newes hereof is presently sent by the Emperour to the King of France that he might likewise reioyce at this fortune and hee tells him That now the Enemy of his Empire and the disturber of the Kingdome of France was fast in holde and all the manner how The State of England is likewise soone certified of this heauie disaster and great meanes is made to redeeme their King out of captiuitie who is sayd to haue borne his fortune with that magnanimitie and so cleered himselfe of the scandalls layd on him for the death of Conrade the Emperours kinsman other his actions in the East in such sort as he won the affection of the Emperor so that he professed a great desire to restore him and reconcile him to the King of France But yet wee finde That King Richard deposed King Richard deposed himselfe of the kingdome of England himselfe of the Kingdome of England and deliuered the same to the Emperour as his supreame Lord and inuested him therein by the deliuering vp his hat whch the Emperour returned vnto him in the presence of the Nobility of Germany and England to hold this Kingdom from him for 50 thousand pounds sterling to be payed as an annuall tribute And yet notwithstanding all this the King of France combining with the Earle Iohn preuailed so much with the Emperour as hee held him his prisoner a whole yeare and sixe weekes through their offer of mighty summes they made vnto him For he and the Earle Iohn fully accounted that he should haue beene held a perpetuall prisoner and vpon that reckning the Earle Iohn did his homage to the King of France for the Dutchy Earle Iohn doth homage to the King of France for Normandy of Normandy and all the rest of those transmarine territories and for England as it is sayd and besides resignes vnto him Gisors with the Country of Vexin sweares to marry his sister Alice and to bee diuorsed from his other Wise the Daughter of the Earle of Glocester The King of France couenants to giue him with his sister that part of Flanders which hee had taken from that Eareldome and sweares to ayde him in the attayning both of England and whatsoeuer else the Lands of his brother Then goes the Earle Iohn ouer into England carrying many strangers with him and presently the Castles of Wallingford and Windsor are rendred vnto him then comes hee to London and requires of the Archbishop of Rouen and other the Commissioners the Kingdome of England and that fealty bee made vnto him affirming his brother was dead but they not giuing credit vnto him and denying his desire with rage and strong hand hee fortifies his Castles and in hostile manner inuades the Lands of his brother finding many partakers to ioyne with him The Queene mother the Iustices of England and all the faithfull seruants of the King guard and defend the ports against the inuasion of the French and Flemings who in great numbers seeke to ayde the Earle Iohn and also they labour the redemption of the King whose ransome the Emperour rates at 100 thousand Marks with the finding of fiftie Gallies ready furnished and two hundred souldiers to attend his seruice in the holy warres for one yeare In Normandie the Officers and Seruants of the King of England defend with no lesse faith and courage the right of their Maister against the King of France who withall his powre labours to subdue them and by his large offers to the Emperour prolongs his redemption and inhaunces his ransome This toyle and charge is the world put into through the misfortune and weakenesse of their hardy King who onely in respect of his valour being otherwise not worth so much and the Holy worke hee vndertooke whereby hee obliged the Clergie which then managed all got the opinion and loue of his subiects in such sort as they straine euen beyond their ability to recouer and preserue him and so wrought in the end that the Emperour compounds with King Richard in this manner that hee should send his Commissioners to London and receaue an hundred thousand Markes of pure siluer of Cologne The Emperors composition with King Richard waight to be sealed vp and safely conducted to the bounds of the Empire at the perile of the King of England and other fifty thousand Markes of siluer whereof twenty thousand for the Duke of Austrich and thirty thousand for the Emperour to be payd at seauen monethes after and pledges to be giuen three score to the Emperor and seauen to the Duke Besides the King of England sweares to send his Neece the sister of Arthur Earle of Brittaine to be married to the Duke of Austrich c. And the Emperour granted to the King of England by his Charter the Soueraignty of the Prouince Vienne and Viennoys Merseilles Narbona Arls Lyons and whatsoeuer hee had in Burgogne with the Homages of the King of Arragon the Earles of Dijon and Saint Giles In which countries were fiue Archbishop-ricks thirty three Bishopricks but the Emperour could neuer haue domination ouer them nor they receaue any Lord that hee presented them So that this great gift consisted but in title which yet pleased King Richard that hee might not seeme to part with all his substance for nothing And the same wind he sends to Hubert the new Archbishop of Canterbury lately made his Vicegerent in England to be blowne ouet all the Kingdome by a letter he wrote vnto him wherein he hath these words For that sure I am you much desire our deliuerance and greatly reioyce therein we will that you be
partaker of our ioy and thought fit to signifie to your be louednesse that the Lord the Emperour hath prefixd the day thereof to be vpon Munday after the Feast of King Richards letters into England the Natiuity and the Sunday after we shall receiue theCrowne of the Kingdome of Prouince which he hath giuen vs whereof we send his Letters Patents vnto you and other our friends and well willers and doe you in the meane time as much as in you lyeth comfort those you know loue vs and desire our promotion Teste me ipso apud Spiram 22. Sep. The Emperour likewise writes to the Bishops Earles Barons and other the Subiects of England how he purposed to aduance and magnificently to honour his especiall friend their King and in this Coyne are they payd at home for what they were to lay out King Richard sends after this for his mother Queene Elionor who is still a trauailer and for the Archbishop of Rouen with many others to come vnto him about the time and businesse of his deliuerance for which There is imposed vpon euery Knights Fee twenty shillings the fourth part of all lay mens reuenues and the fourth part of all the reuenues of the Clergie with a tenth of their goods is inioyned to be payd The Chalices and treasure of all Churches are taken to make vp the summe the like is done in all his territories beyond the Seas so dearely cost the returne of this King from his Easterne voyage And this Queene Berenguela had likewise her part of affliction in this iourney for shee with her sister in law the Queene Dowager of Sicilia fearing the Emperours malice were a whole yeare in trauayling from Palestina and at length were conducted vnto Poictou The King of France hearing of this conclusion made betwixt King Richard and The King of France and Earle Iohn proffer great sums to hold King Richard prisoner the Emperour writes to the Earle Iohn how the Diuell was got loose willing him now to looke to himselfe and it vexed them exceedingly both being disappointed thus of their hopes And there vpon the Earle Iohn leauing his Castles in England well defended and incouraging his Soldiers to hold out and credit no reports departes into Normandy where he with the King of France whilest King Richard is yet in the Emperours hands solicites him with the proffer of a hundred and fifty thousand Markes or else a thousand pounds a moneth so long as he held him his prisoner But it preuayled not though it staggered the Emperour for a time who in the end shewed this letter to King Richard that he might see what care was taken for him and then deliuers him to his mother Elionor receiuing the pledges for obseruation of peace and the rest of the ransome vnpayd The Archbishop of Rouen the Bishop of Bath with the sonnes of many principall Earles and Barons And so in February King Richards returne into England one yeare and sixe weekes after his Captiuity in the fourth yeare of his raigne he returnes into England where the Bishops in whose grace especially he was had excommunicated the Earle Iohn and all his adherents and taken in his Castles of Marleborow Lancaster and a fortresse at Saint Michels mount in Cornewall defended by Henry de Pumeroy But his Castle of Nottingham though strongly assailed by Ralph Earle of Chester and the Earle Ferrers and the Castle of Tichill by the Bishop of Duresme held out for the Earle Iohn and found the King some worke to doe vpon his returne who presently without any stay otherwhere came before Nottingham Castle withall the shew of state and greatnesse he could make which yet could not so terrifie the defen dants as to make them yeeld confident either in their owne strength or in opinion that there 1193. Anno. Reg. 5. was no King euer to returne to assault them and supposiing it but a meere shew resolued to hould out for their maister which put the King to much trauayle and great expence of blood before they rendred themselues which was also vpon pardon Those of the Castell of Tichill yeelded to the Bishop of Duresme their persons and goods saued The King assembles a Parlement at Nottingham where Queene Elionor was present and sat on his right hand The first day of the Session he disserseth Girard de Canuile of A Parlament at Notingham the Castle of Lincoln and the Shriefwike of that Shire from Hugh Bardolph hee takes the Shriefwicke of Yorkshire the Castles of Yorke Scarborow and the custody of Westmerland and exposes them all to Sale The Archbishop of Yorke giues for the Shriefwicke of Yorkeshire three thousand Markes with one hundred Markes of annuall rent The second day of the Session the King requires iudgement vpon the Earle Iohn for hauing contrary to his Oath of fealty vsurped his Castles c. and contracted confederacy with the King of France against him And likewise iudgement against Hugh de Nauant Bishop of Couentry for adhering to the Earle Iohn and the Kings enemies And it was adiudged they should both appeare at a peremptory day to stand to the law Which if they did not the Earle Iohn to deserue banishment and the Bishop to vnder goe the iudgement both of the Clergie as being a Bishop and of the Layety being the Kings Shriefe But this Bishop two years after was restored to the Kings fauour and his Bishopricke for fiue thousand Markes The third day of this Session was graunted to the King of euery ploughland through out England two shillings besides the King required the third part of the seruice of euery Knights Fee for his attendance in Normandy and all the Wooll that yeare of the Monkes Cisteaux Which for that it was grieuous and insupportable vnto them they fine for money The fourth and last day was for the hearing of grieuances and accusations and so this assembly brake vp But here either to adde more Maiesty after calamity or else to nullifie his act done to the Eemperour is appointed the Kings recoronation to be solemnised Richard againe crowned at Winchester at Winchester presently vpon the Feast of Easter next following Whilest the king was in these parts William King of Scots repaires to him and required the dignities and honours his predesessors of right had in England and with all the counties of Northumberland Cumberland Westmerland and Lancaster To whom the King of England first answered that he would satisfie him by the aduice of his Councell with shortly after was assembled at Northampton where after deliberation he told him that his petition ought not in reason to be graunted at that time when almost all the Princes of France were his enemies for it would be thought rather an act of feare then any true affection and so put it off for that time with faire promises yet graunts he by the aduice and consent of the Councell vnder his Charter to William King of Scotts and his heires
for euer that when by sommons they should come to the Court of the king of England the Bishop of Duresme and the Shriefe of Northumberland should receaue them at the riuer of Tweed and bring them vnder safe conduct to the riuer of Teis and there the Archbishop of Yorke and the Shriefe of Yorkshire should receiue and conduct them to the bounds of that county and so the Bishops and Shriefes of other Shires till they came to the Court of the King of England and from the time that the King of Scots first entred into this Realme hee should haue an hundred shillings a day allowed of guift for his charge and after he came to the Court thirty shillings a day and twelue Wastells and twelue Simnells of the Kings foure quartes of the Kings best wine and six of ordinary wine two pounds of pepper and foure pounds of Cinamon two pounds of Waxe or foure Wax lights forty great long perchers of the Kings best candles and twenty foure of other ordinary and at his returne to be safely conducted as he came and with the same allowance From Northampton both the Kings go to Woodstock and thence to Winchester where the Coronation is sumptuously solemnised And there King Richard resumes the two Resumptions Mannors he sold to the Bishop of Winchester at his going to the holy Warre and likewise the Castle of Winchester and that county with whatsoeuer sales he had made else of the Demaynes of the Crowne alledging that it was not in his power to aliene any thing appertayning to the same whereby his State was to subsist The Bishop of Duresme seeing these reuocations did voluntarily deliuer vp the Castle of Duresme with the County of Northumberland which the King willed to be deliuered to Hugh Bardolph Hugh Bishop of Lincoln gaue for the liberty of his Church one thousand Markes of siluer redeeming thereby the custome of giuing to the King of England euery yeare a cloke furred with Sabells Here all such who had taken part with the Earle Iohn and defended his Castles were sommoned to appeare and all the rich were put to their ransome the poorer sort let go at liberty but under sureties of an hundred Markes a peece to answere in the Kings Court whensoeuer they should be called The King of Scots seeing the King of England vse all meanes for money offers fifteene thousand Markes for Northumberland with the appurtenances alledging how King Henry the second gaue the same to Henry his Father and that after him King Malcom inioyed it fiue yeares This large offer of money tempted King Richard so as againe hee consulted with his Councell about the matter and in conclusion was willing to yeeld the same to the King of Scots reseruing to himselfe the Castles but that the King of Scots would not accept and so with much discontent departs into Scotland yet two yeares after this King Richard sends Hubert Walter Archbishop of Canterbury to Yorke there to treate with the King of Scots of a marriage betweene Otho his Nephew and Margaret daughter to the said king to haue for her dowre all Lynox and he would giue with his Nephew Northumberland and the Earldome of Carlile with all the Castles but the Queene of Scots in the time of this treaty being knowne to be with Childe it tooke no effect From Winchester king Richard departs into Normandy with an hundred ships so that his stay in England was but from the latter end of February to the tenth of May and that time onely spent in gleaning out what possible this kingdome could yeeld to consume King Richord departs into Normandy with 100 ships the same in his businesses of France which tooke vp all the rest of his raigne being in the whole but nine yeares and nine months whereof he was neuer aboue eight moneths in England Nor doe wee finde that euer his wife Berenguela was here or had any dowry or honour of a Queene of England or otherwise of any regard with him how much souer she had deserued And now all affaires that either concerned the state in generall or any mannes particular was to the great charge and trauayle of the Subiects of England to be dispatched in Normandy and that game we had by our large dominions abrode The first action that king Richard vndertooke vpon his comming ouer was the relieuing of Vernoul beseiged by the king of France and there his brother Iohn by the mediation of their mother Queene Elionor is reconciled vnto him and abiures the part of the king of France And to make his party the stronger in those countries hee first giues his sister Ioane Queene Dowager of Sicile to Raymond Earle of Toulouse being the neerest neighbour of power to his Dutchy of Guien and might most offend him Then enters league with Balduine Earle of Flanders from whom the king of France had taken Artois and Vermandois and on all sides seekes to imbroyle his enemy Foure yeares at least held this miserable turmoyle betwixt these two kings surprising recouering ruyning and spoyling each others Estate often deceuing both the world and themselues with shew of couenants reconciliatorie which were euer more broken againe vpon all aduantages according to the mistery of war and ambition King Phillip of France to strengthen himselfe with shipping to oppose the English marries Botilda the sister of Knut king of Denmark but this match made for his ends and not affection turned to his more trouble for the next day after his wedding hee put her away pretending besides other things propinquity of bloud and for this had he long and great contention with the Church and the king of Denmarke The Emperor sends to the king of England a massie Crowne of gold and offers to come and ayde him against the king of France and to inuade his kingdome but the king returnes him onely thankes not willing to haue him stire in this busines and in regard hee suspected the Emperour affected to adde France to the Empire which would not be safe for him or that the King of France dealing with the Emperour might win him with mony and so in the end ioyne both together against him Now to supply the charge of this great 1194. Anno. Reg. 6. worke England was sure still to beare the heauiest part and no shift is leaft vnsought that might any way rayse meanes to the King from hence Witnesse the Commission giuen to the Iustices Itnerants sent into euery Shire of England for exaction vpon pleas of the Crowne for Escheats wardships marriages c. with the improuement of the Demaynes and the order taken for the exact knowing of the Estates of men and especially of the Iewes on whom the King Vide Append. would haue none to prey but himselfe Then the raysing an imposition vpon allowance of Turnements which was for euery Earle twenty Markes of siluer euery Baron ten euery Kinght hauing Meanes vsed for money lands foure and for such as
sadde people of England tender their humble petition Beseeching him in regard of his oath made at his Coronation And by the soule of Saint Edward from whom hee had the Crowne and Kingdome vnder whose Lawes they were borne and bred That he would not adde that miserie to deliuer them vp to bee iudged by a strange Law they vnderstood not And so earnestly they wrought that hee was pleased to confirme that by his Charter which hee had twice fore-promised by his oath What were the lawes of England And gaue commaundement to his Iusticiaries to see these Lawes of Saint Edward so called not that he made them but collected them out of Merchen-Law Dane-Law and Westsex-Law To be inuiolablie obserued throughout the Kingdome And yet notwithstanding this confirmation and the Charters afterward granted by Henry the first Henry the second and King Iohn to the same effect there followed a great innouation both in the Lawes and gouernment of England So that this seemes rather done to acquiet the people with a shew of the continuation of their auncient customes and liberties then that they enioyed them in effect For the little conformitie betweene them of former times and these that followed vpon this change of State shew from what head they sprang And though there might bee some veynes issuing from former originals yet the maine streame of our Common-law with the The originall of the Common Law now vsed practise thereof flowed out of Normandie notwithstanding all obiections can bee made to the contrary For before these collections of the Confessors thère was no vniuersall Law of the Kingdome but euery seuerall Prouince held their owne Customes all the inhabitants from Humber to Scotland vsed the Danique Law Merchland the middle part of the Countrie and the State of the West Saxons had their seuerall constitutions as being seuerall Dominions And though for some few yeares there seemed to bee a reduction of the Heptarchie into a Monarchie yet held it not so long together as we may see in the succession of that broken gouernment as to settle one forme of order current ouer all but that euery Prouince according to their particular founders had their customes a part and held nothing in common besides religion and the constitutions thereof but with the vniuersalitie of Meum Tuum ordered according to the rites of nations and that ius innatum the Common-law of all the world which we see to be as vniuersall as are the cohabitations and societies of men and serues the turne to hold them together in all Countries howsoeuer they may differ in their formes So that by these passages we see what way wee came where wee are and the furthest end wee can discouer of the originall of our Common-law and to striue to looke beyond this is to looke into an vncertaine vastnesse beyond our discerning Nor can it detract from the glory of good Customes if they bring but a pedigree of 600 yeares to approue their gentilitie seeing it is the equity and not the antiquity of of lawes that makes them venerable and the integritie of the professors thereof the profession honored And it were well with mankinde if dayes brought not their corruptions and good orders were continued with that prouidence as they were instituted But this alteration of the Lawes of England bred most heauie doleances not onely in this Kings time but long after For whereas before those Lawes they had The Law of England put into a forraine Language were written in their owne tongue intelligible to all now are they translated into Latine and French and practized wholly in the Norman forme and Language thereby to draw the people of this Kingdome to learne that speech for their owne need which otherwise they would not doe And seeing a difference in tongue would continue a difference in affections all meanes was wrought to reduce it to one Idiom which yet was not in the power of the Conqueror to doe without the extirpation or ouerlaying the Land-bred people who being so far in number as they were aboue the inuadors both retaine the maine of the Language and in few yeares haue those who subdued them vndistinguishably theirs For notwithstanding the former Conquest by the Danes and now this by the Norman the solid bodie of the Kingdome still consisted of the English and the accession of strange people was but as riuers to the Ocean that changed not it but were changed into it And though the King laboured what hee could to turne all to French By enioyning their children here to vse no other Language with their Grammer in schooles to haue the Lawes practized in French all petitions and businesse of Court in French No man graced but he that spake French yet soone after his dayes all returnes naturall English againe but Law and that still held forraine and became in the end wholly to be inclosed in that language nor haue we now other marke of our subiection and inuassellage from Normandie but onely that and that still speakes French to vs in England And herewithall New Termes new Constitutions new Formes of Pleas new Offices and Courts are now introduced by the Normans a people more inured to litigation and of spirits more impatient and contentious then were the English who by reason of their continuall warre wherein Law is not borne and labour to defend the publicke were more at vnitie in their priuate and that small time of peace they had Deuotion and good fellowship entertained For their Lawes and constitutions before wee see them plaine briefe and simple without perplexities hauing neither fold nor pleite commanding not disputing Their grants and transactions as briefe and simple which shewed them a cleere-meaning people retayning still the nature of that Vide Append. plaine realnesse they brought with them vncomposed of other fashion then their own and vnasfecting imitation And for their tryals in cases criminall where manifest proofes failed they continued their antient custome held from before their Christianitie vntill this great alteration which trials they called Ordeal Or signifying Right Deale Part whereof they had these The English trials in cases criminall kinds Ordeal by fire which was for the better sort and by water for the inferiour That of Fire was to goe blindfold ouer certaine plough-shares made red hote and laide an vneuen distance one from another That of Water was either of hot or cold in the one to put their armes to the elbow in the other to bee cast headlong According to their escapes or hurts they were adiudged Such as were cast into the riuers if they sancke were held guiltlesse if not culpable as eiected by that Element These trials they called the iudgements of God and they were performed with solemne Oraisons In some cases The accused was admitted to Men of ability cleered by their oathes cleere himselfe by receiuing the Eucharist or by his owne Oath or the Oathes of two or three but this
to all the pious vndertakers that none were esteemed to containe any thing of worth which would stay behind Each giues hand to other to leade them along and example addes number The forwardnesse of so many great Princes passing away Peter the Hermit gets 300000 men to recouer the Holy Land their whole estates and leauing all what the deerenesse of their Country contained drew to this warre 300000 men all which though in armes passed from diuerse Countries and Ports with that quietnesse as they seemed rather Pilgrimes than Souldiers Godefrey of Bouillon Nephew and heire to the Duke of Lorraine a generous Prince bred in the warres of the Emperour Henry the fourth was the first that offered vp himselfe to this famous voyage and with him his two brothers Eustace and Baudouin by whose examples were drawne Hugh le Grand Count de Vermondois brother to Philip King of France Robert Duke of Normandy Robert le Frison Earle of Flanders Stephen Earle of Blois and Chartres Aimar Bishop of Puy William Bishop of Orange Raimond Earle of Tholouse Baudouin Earle of Hainaut Baudouin Earle of Rethel and Garnier Earle of Gretz Harpin Earle of Bourges Ysoard Earle of Die Ramband Earle of Orange Guillaum Conte de Forests Stephen Conte de Aumaul Hugh Earle of Saint Pol Rotron Earle of Perche and others These were for France Germany and the Countries adioyning Italie had Bohemond Duke of Apulia and England Beauchampe with others whose names are lost Spaine onely had none being afflicted at that time with the Sarazins Most of all these Princes and great personages to furnish themselues for this expedition 1097. Anno. Reg. 10. sold or ingaged their possessions Godefrey sold the Dutchie of Bologne to Aubert Bishop of Liege and Metz to the Citizens besides he sold the Castle of Sarteney and Monsa to Richard Bishop of Verdun and to the same Bishop Baudouin his brother sold the Earledome of Verdun Eustace likewise sold all his liuelihood to the Church Herpin Earle of Bourges his Earledome to Philip King of France and Robert morgaged his Dutchie of Normandie the Earledome of Maine and all hee had to his brother King William of England Whereby the Pope not onely weakened the Empire with whom the Church had to the great affliction of Christendome held a long and bloudie businesse about the inuestitures of Bishops tooke away and infeobled his partisans abated as if by Ostrocisme the power of any Prince that might oppose him but also aduanced the State Ecclesiasticall by purchasing these great tempo more honorable for the sellers then the buyers vnto a greater meanes then euer For by aduising the vndertakers seeing their action was for CHRIST and his Church rather to make ouer their estates to the Clergie of whom they might againe redeeme the same and bee sure to haue the fayrest dealing then vnto Lay men he effected this worke Whereby the third part of the best Fiefs in France came to bee possest by the Clergie and afterward vpon the same occasion many things more sold vnto them in England especially when Richard the first vndertooke the voyage who passed ouer diuers Mannors to Hugh Bishop of Durham and also for his mony created him Earle of Durham as appeares in his life This humor was kept vp and in motion almost 300 yeares notwithstanding all An Emperour of Germany 2 Kings of France with their wiues a King of England and a King of Norwey went all thither in person the discouragements by the difficulties in passing the disasters there through contagion arising from a disagreeing clime and the multitudes of indigent people cast oftentimes into miserable wants It consumed infinit Treasure and most of the brauest men of all our West world and especially France For Germanie and Italie those who were the Popes friends and would haue gone were stayed at home by dispensation to make good his partie against the Emperour who notwithstanding still strugled with him but in the end by this meanes the Pope preuailed Yet these were not all the effects this voyage wrought the Christians who went out to seeke an enemy in Asia brought one thence to the daunger of all Christendome and the losse of the fairest part thereof For this long keeping it in a warre that had many intermissions with firs of heates and coldnesses as made by a league consisting of seuerall Nations emulous and vnconcurrent in their courses taught such as were of an entire bodie their weakenesses and the way to conquer them This was the great effect this voyage wrought And by this meanes King William here was now ridde of an elder brother and a Competitor had the possession of Normandy during his raigne and more absolutenesse and irregularity in England Where now in making vp this great summe to pay Robert he vsed all the extreme meanes could be deuised as hee had done in all like businesses before Whereby he incurred the hatred of his people in generall and especially of the Clergie being the first King which shewed his successors an euill precedent of keeping their Liuings vacant and receiuing the profits of them himselfe as he did that of Canterbury foure yeares after the death of Lanfranc and had holden it longer but that being dangerously sicke at Glocester the sixth yeare of his raigne his Clergie in the weakenesse of his body tooke to worke vpon his minde so as hee vowed 1099. Anno. Reg. 12. vpon his recouerie to see all vacancies furnished which he did but with so great adoe as shewed that hauing escaped the daunger hee would willingly haue deceiued the Saint And Anselme an Italian borne though bred in Normandy is in the end preferred to that Sea But what with his owne stiffenesse and the Kings standing on his regalitie he neuer enioyed it quietly vnder him For betweene them two began the first contestation about the inuestitures of Bishops and other priuiledges of the Church which gaue much to doe to many of his successors Anselme not yeelding to the Kings will forsooke the Land whereupon his Bishopricke was re-assumed and the King held in his hands at one time besides that of Canterburie the Bishoprickes of Winchester Sarum and eleuen Abbayes whereof he tooke all the profits He vsually sold all spirituall preferments those would giue most and tooke fines of Priests for fornication he vexed Robert Bluet Bishop of Lincolne in suite till hee payd him 5000 pounds And now the Clergie vpon this taxe complaying their wants were answered That they had Shrines of Gold in their Churches and for so holy a worke as this warre against infidels they should not spare them Hee also tooke money of Iewes to cause such of them as were conuerted to renounce Christianity as making more benefit The Kings shew of religion by their vnbeleefe then their conuersion Wherein hee discouered the worst peece of his nature Irreligion Besides his great taxations layd on the Layetie he set informers vpon them and for The antiquity of
force and shortly after deceased The Emperour to make himselfe the stronger against his successors enters into aliance with the King of England takes to wife his daughter Maud being but fiue The Emperor Hen. 5. marries Maud. yeares of age After this Calixte sonne of the Conte de Burgogne comming to be Pope and being French vnto their great applause assembles a Counsell at Reimes were by Ecclesiasticall sentence Henry the fift is declared enemy of the Church and degraded of his Imperiall Dignity The King of England seeing this Counsell was held in France and composed chiefely of the Galicane Church desirous to ouer-maister Louys incenses his sonne in law the Emperour stung with this disgrace to set vpon him as the Popes chiefe piller on one side and he would assaile him on the other The Emperour easily wrought to such a businesse prepares all his best forces the King of England doth the like The King of France seeing this storme comming so impetuously vpon him wrought so with the Princes of Germany as they weighing the future mischiefe of a warre vndertaken in a heate with the importance of a kind Neighbour-hood aduise the Emperour not to enter thereinto till hee had signifyed to the King of France the Historie of France cause of his discontent Whereupon an Embassage is dispatched The King of Fraunce answers That hee grieued much to see the two greatest Pillars of the Church thus shaken with these dissentions whereby might bee feared the whole frame would bee ruined that hee was friend to them both and would gladly bee an inter-dealer for concord rather then to carry wood to a fire too fierce already which hee desired to extinguish for the good and quiet of Christendome This Embaslage wrought so as it disarmed the Emperour glad to haue Louys a mediator of the accord betweene the The King of France accords the Pope and Emperour Pope and him to the great displeasure of the King of England who expected greater matters to haue risen by this businesse The accord is concluded at Wormes to the Popes aduantage to whom the Emperor yeelds vp the right of inuestitures of Bishops and other Benefices But this was onely to appease not cure the malady The King of England disappointed thus of the Emperours assistance proceeds notwithstanding in his intentions against Louys And seeing he failed of outward forces he sets vp a party in his Kingdome to confront him aiding Theobald Conte de Champaigne King Henry aides Conte Theobald against the king of France with so great power as he stood to do him much displeasure besides he obtained a strong side in that Kingdome by his aliances for Stephen Earle of Blois had married his sister Adela to whom this Theobald was Brother and had wonne Foulke Earle of Aniou an important neighbour and euer an enemy to Normandy to be his by matching his sonne William to his daughter Louys on the other side failes not to practise all meanes to vnder-worke Henries estate The King of France combines with the Earle of Flanders against King Henry in Normandy and combines with William Earle of Flanders for the restoring of William the sonne of Robert Curtoys to whom the same appertained by right of inheritance and had the fairer shew of his actions by taking hold on the side of Iustice. Great and many were the conflicts betweene these two Princes with the expence of much bloud and charge But in the end being both tyred a peace was concluded 1116. Anno. Reg. 17. by the mediation of the Earle of Aniou And William sonne to King Henry did homage to Louys for the Duchy of Normandy And William the sonne of Robert Curtoys is left to himselfe and desists from his claime Vpon the faire cloze of all these troubles there followed presently an accident which seasoned it with that sowernesse of griefe as ouercame all the ioy of the successe William the young Prince the onely hope of all the Norman race at seuenteene yeares of Queene Maud liued not to see this disaster age returning into England in a ship by himselfe accompanied with Richard his base brother Mary Countesse of Perch their sister Richard Earle of Chester with his wife the Kings Neece and many other personages of honour and their attendants to the number of 140. besides 50. Marriners setting out from Barbfleete were all cast away at Sea onely a Butcher escaped The Prince had recouered a Cock-boat and in possibility to haue bene saued had not the compassion of his sisters cryes drawne him backe to the sinking ship to take her in and perish with his company Which sudden clap of Gods iudgement comming in a calme of glory when all these bustlings seemed past ouer might make a conscience shrinke with terror to see oppression and supplantation repayd with the extinction of that for which so much had bin wrought and the line Masculine of Normandy expired in the third inheritor as if to beginne the fate layde on all the future succession hither vnto wherein the third heire in a right discent seldome or neuer inioyed the Crowne of England but that either by vsurpation or extinction of the male bloud it receiued an alteration which may teach Princes to obserue the wayes of righteousnesse and let men alone with their rights and God with his prouidence After this heauy disaster this King is sayd neuer to haue bene seene to laugh though within fiue moneths after in hope to restore his issue he married Adalicia a beautifull yong Lady daughter to the Duke of Lovaine and of the house of Loraine but neuer had child by her nor long rest from his troubles abroad For this rent at home crackt all the chaine of his courses in France Normandy it selfe became wauering and many Robert de Mellents conspiracie adhered to William the Nephew his great confederates are most regayned to the King of France Foulke Earle of Aniou quarrels for his daughters dower Robert de Mellent his chiefe friend and Councellor a man of great imployment fell from him conspired 1123. Anno. Reg. 25. with Hugh Earle of Monfort and wrought him great trouble But such was his diligence and working spirit that he soone made whole all those ruptures againe The two Earles himselfe surprizes and Aniou death which beeing so important a neighbour as we may see by matching a Prince of England there the Maud the Empresse maried to Geffery Plantagenet King fastens vpon it with another aliance and discends to marry his daughter and now onely child which had beene wife to an Emperour and desired by the Princes of Lumbardy and Loraine to the now Earle Geffery Plantagenet the sonne of Foulke The King of Fraunce to fortifie his opposition entertaines William the Nephew 1126. Anno. Reg. 27. where now all the danger lay and aides him in person with great power to obtaine the Earledome of Flanders whereunto he had a faire Title by the defaillance of issue in
notwithstanding himselfe graunted the same in his agreement with Stephen alledging They were of the Demaynes of the Crowne and could not be alie●ed Onely he suffered him to inioy such lands as his father King Stephen held in England in the time of Henry the first Then goes he Northward and recouers the Citty of Carlile seizes all Cumberland into his hands and after takes the Towne of New-castle with the Castle of Bamberge and so resumed all Northumberland which his Mother the Empresse had before granted to Dauid King of Scets her Vnkle Grand-father to Malcolin who now reigned as being not in his Mothers power nor his to giue away any part of the Kingdome Notwithstanding he was content Malcolin should inioy the Earledome of Huntingdon which King Stephen had giuen to Henry Prince of Scotland father to Malcolin as being a peece in the heart of England whereof he could make no vse but at the Kings pleasure and besides was a meanes to hold him his Homager and to performe those seruices belonging to that Earledome And the same course tooke he with the Alienations and vsurpations formerly made of the Demaines of the Duchy of Normandy and forced Theobald Earle of Blois to resigne into his hands two Castles and Petroch Earle of Perch other two These reuocations whereby so many were indamaged in their estates and Grants both of his Predecessors and his owne vtterly nullified might seeme to be an act of great iniustice and in a new Gouernment of little safety But in regard the Common-wealth had thereby a benefit and but few though great interessed it passed as a worke vniuersally necessary seeing his Maintenance otherwise must be made vp out of publicke taxations which would turne to a generall grieuance But the resuming of the Earledome of Aniou The King resumes the Earledome of Aniou out of his brother Geffryes hands contrary to his Oath cannot but be held a strayne beyond conscience and good nature For his father Geffrey Plantagenet desirous to leaue some estate to his second sonne Geffrey ordained by his Testament That when Henry had recouered the Kingdome of England the other should haue the County of Aniou and in the meane time put Geffrey in possession of the Castles and Townes of Chinon Lodun and Mirabel whereby he might both haue maintenance for his estate and a readier meanes to come to the rest when occasion serued And least his sonne Henry should not performe this Will he got certaine Bishops and other Nobles to sweare that they would not suffer his body to be interred till Henry who was then absent had sworne to fulfill his Testament Henry rather then to suffer his Fathers body to lye vnburied With great vnwillingnesse takes this oath But afterward being inuested in the Crowne of England and Geffrey seazing vpon the Earledome of Aniou he passes ouer into France and not onely takes from him the Earledome but also those three Townes he had in possession alledging It was no reason a forced Oath vpon such an occasion should bind him to forgoe the inheritance of his Birth-right being all the Patrimony that was to discend vnto him from his Father and though he had recouered the Kingdome of England that was not his Fathers worke but by an other right And although he held his brother deere vnto him yet hauing Children of his owne he was to prouide that what was his should discend to them But yet was content to allowe his brother an honorable pension of a thousand pounds English and two thousand pounds of Aniouin money yearely for the maintenance of his estate and obtained of Pope Adrian the seuenth an English man borne a dispensation for his Oath made in this case 1156. Anno. Reg. 2. And now the first occasion that put him here into action of warre was the rebellion of the Welsh who according to their vsuall manner euer attempted some thing in the beginning of the Raigne of new Princes as if to try their spirits and their owne fortunes Against whom hee goes so prepared as if hee ment to goe through with his worke Wherein at first he had much to doe passing a streight among the Mountaines His first expedition into Wales where he lost with many of his men Eustace Fitz Iohn and Robert Curcy eminent persons and himselfe noysed to be slaine so much discouraged that part of the Army which had not passed the Streights as Henry an Earle of Essex threw downe the Kings Standard which he bare by inheritance and fled but soone the King made it knowne hee was aliue discomfited his enemies and brought them to seeke their peace with submission The Earle of Essex was after accused by Robert de Monfort The punishment of Corwardize for this misdeed had the Combat was ouercome pardoned yet of life but condemned to be shorne a Monke put into the Abbay of Reading and had his Lands seised into the Kings hands It was now the fourth yeare of the raigne of this King when all his affaires were in 1158. Anno. Reg. 4. prosperous course his State increasing his Queene fruitefull and had borne him three sonnes in England Henry Richard and Geffrey his eldst sonne William to whom hee had caused the Kingdom to take an Oath of fealty died shortly after his comming to the Crowne so that now the same Oath is tendred to Henry and all is secure and well on this side The King of France who would gladly haue impeached the mighty current of this Kings fortune was held in and fettered with his owne necessities his iourney to the Holy Land had all exhausted his Treasure and since his comming home the Pope had exacted great summes of him for dispensing with his second marriage which was with Constantia daughter to Alphonso King of Galicia a feeble alliance and farre off so that all concurred to increase the greatnesse of this King of England who The resignation of Nants to the King of England hauing now almost surrounded France by possessing first all Normandie with a great footing in Brittaine by the resignation of Nants with the Country there about which Conan the Duke was forced lately to make vnto him then the Earledome of Maine Poictou Touraine Aniou with the Dutchy of Guien he also laies claime to the rich Earledome of Tholouse vpon this Title William Duke of Aquitaine granfather to Queene Elioner married the daughter and King Henries claime to the Earldome of Tholouse heire of the Earle of Tholouse and going to the holy warres ingaged that Earldome to Raymond Earle of Saint Gayles and neuer returned to redeeme it William his sonne father to Queene Elionor either through want of meanes or neglect delayed likewise the redemption thereof so that the Earle of Saint Gyles continuning in possession whilst hee liued left it to his sonne Raymond of whom King Louys of France hauing married Elionor the daughter and heire of the last William demanded the restitution with tender of the summe for which
before yet within their owne circle they held their owne iurisdiction and immunities and had since both by the Law ciuill warres and the occasion of forraine affaires much inlarged them So that any restriction or diminution of the powre they had could not but touch vaines that were very sensible in that part especially by reason of the vniuersall participation of the Spirit that fed them and therefore could not bee but a businesse of much trouble The King conuokes a Councell at Westminster and there first propounds to haue A Parliament at Westminster it enacted That all such of the Clergie as should bee taken and conuicted for any heinous offence should loose the priuiledge of the Church and bee deliuered to the ciuill Magestrate to be punished 1163. Anno. Reg. 9. for their offences as other the Kings subiects were For if after Spirituall punishment no secular correction should bee vsed there would bee no sufficient meanes to restraine them from doing mischiefe seeing it was not likely such men would much care for their degrading and losse of Order whom the Conscience of their calling did not hold in awe The Archbishop and his suffragans with the rest of the Bishops shewed the King how they were not to yeeld to any such Act being against the liberties of the Church which himselfe had sworne to defend and maintaine and therefore humbly besought him that hee would not vrge auything to the preiudice of their iurisdiction and such immunities as they had hitherto enioyed both vnder him and his Noble Progenitors The King not liking this aunswere demaunds Whether they would submit themselues to the Lawes and Customes which the Archbishops and Bishops in the time of his grandfather Henry the first did obserue they answered they would their Order the honour of God and holy Church in all things saued with which reseruation the King grew more displeased the Parliament brake vp and nothing effected at that time for hee saw the Bishops fast to themselues and the more by the animation of the Archbishop of Canterbury whom hee thought in regard of all those his graces bestowed on him to haue found more yeelding to his courses and therefore his indignation was most against him and because hee would make him see what the displeasure of so mightie a King was who could as well cast downe as aduance First denies him accesse then takes from him what hee could possibly countenances all such as were his opposites his businesses in any the Kings Courts goe against him the Earle of Clare is supported in a contestation hee had with him about his homage for the Castle of Tunbridge and preuailes nothing is left vndone that might bee thought to humble him And besides the King wrought so As hee vnties the knot gaines first the Archbishop of Yorke the ancient Competitor with Canterbury in dignity and after the Bishops of Lincolne Hereford and the especiall Prelates and seperates them both from the counsell and company of the Archbishop Becket Notice of this iarre being giuen abroad a Messenger is sent from the Pope and all the Cardinalls to reconcile it and to charge the Archbishop to make peace with his Lord the King and promise to obserue his Lawes without exception The Archbishop pressed with this message and the aduice of many great men repaires to the King at Woodstooke and there promises in good faith without any euell meaning to obserue the Kings Lawes so farre foorth as was required The King supposing now things better prepared for his purpose then before A Parliament at Clarendon calls a generall Assembly of the Bishops and Nobilitie at Clarendon where Iohn of Oxford the Kings Clerke was President of the Councell and a charge is 1164. Anno. Reg. 10. giuen from the King That they should call to memorie the Lawes of his Grand-father Henrie the first and to reduce them into writing which beeing done hee willed the Arch-bishoppe and Bishops to set their Seales thereunto Which when the rest were content to do The Arch-bishop Becket refused Yet at length by the perswasion of the Bishops vrging him to satisfie the Kings pleasure and appease his wrath in regard of his present danger which by the rushing vp and downe of the Kings seruants with threatning countenances they suspected themselues likely to fall The Arch-bishop Becket takes his oath to obserue the Kings lawes into He tooke his Oath to obserue the Kings Lawes without any reseruation And for the writing desired to haue a copy as if better to aduise thereof And taking it into his hand he turnes to the Clergie and sayd Brethren stand fast you see the malice of the King and of whom we are to beware So the Councell ended but not the Kings displeasure against the Arch-bishop whom onely he found durst beare vp against his power the rest all yeelding thereunto The king vseth all meanes to vex the Archbishop unto And therefore proceedes he by all meanes to vexe and disgrace him and to aduance his Concurrent the Arch-bishop of Yorke whom he solicites the Pope by his Agents Iohn of Oxford and Geffery Riddle to make his Legat of all England Which the Pope forewarned acquainted with this busines refused to do yet at the petition of those Agents granted that Legation to the King himselfe but so as he should do nothing to grieue the Archbishop which the King tooke as a great indignity and sent backe his Agents with the Popes Graunt The Arch-bishop Becket after his oath at Clarendon so repented as he suspended himselfe The Arch-bishop repents him of his oath from the seruice of the Altar and did sharpe penance till he had obtained absolution from the Pope Which vpon his information of the case was sent him After this as some write he attempts to depart out of the Kingdome contrary to a law made at Clarendon forbidding Arch-bishops Bishops and other Persons to depart out of the Realme without the Kings leaue Which although they obtained yet were notwithstanding to secure the King neither in their going returning or staying there to practise any thing preiudicious to his State or Person But being by contrary winds brought backe he more exasperates the King against him After this he is summoned to an Assembly at Northampton holden about the ratification of the Acts of Clarendon where to dispight him the more the Kings horses A Parliament at Northampton are placed in his Inne And there First had he a Case adiudged against him concerning a Mannor for which one Iohn the Kings Marshall contended with him in Law and besides the losse of the Mannor was cast in arrerages fiue hundreth Markes which the King was sayd to haue lent him but he alledged how it was giuen yet because he confessed the receit and could not prooue the gift he was condemned to pay it Then was he called to render an accompt to the King of all such receipts as in the time of his Chanceller ship he
Country but being not able to resist the Kings forces in the field they with all the great men in those parts and that side of France recouered the Castle of Dole where they fortified and kept themselues till King Henry the Father came in person besieged and tooke it and with them about foure score Lords men of name and action Whereupon all the rest of the Countrey yeelded themselues This ouerthrow being of such import so terrified the aduersaries as they negotiate a Peace and a Parle is appointed betweene Gisors and Try wherein the King of England though hee had the better of the day condiscended to make offer to his sonne of halfe the reuenues of the Crowne of England with foure conuenient Castles therein or if hee had rather remaine in Normandy halfe the reuenues thereof and all the reuenues of the Earledome of Aniou c. To his sonne Richard hee offers halfe the reuenues of Aquitaine and foure Castles in the same To Geffrey the Land that should come vnto him by the daughter of the Earle Conon Besides hee submitted himselfe to the arbitration of the Archbishop of Tarento and the Popes Legates to adde any allowance more as in their iudgements should be held fit reseruing vnto himselfe his Iustice and royall powre which yeelding grants shewed how much he desired this peace But it was not in the purpose of the King of France that the same should take effect for such peruersnesse and indignitie was offred to King Henry in this Treaty as Robert Earle of Lecester is sayd to haue reproched him to his face and offered to draw his sword vpon him so that they breake off in turbulent manner and their troupes fell presently to bickering betweene Curteles and Gisors but the French had the worse The Earle of Leicester with an Army makes ouer into England is receiued by Hugh Bygot into the Castle of Fremingham Richard de Lucy chiefe Iustice of England and Humfrey Bohun the Kings Constable being vpon the borders of Scotland hearing thereof make truce with the King of Scots And haste to Saint Edmondsburie where the Earles of Cornwall Glocester and Arundell ioyne with them they encounter the Earle of Leicester at a place called Farnham ouerthrew his Army slue tenne thousand Flemings tooke him his Wife and diu●●s great prisoners which were sent vnto the king in Normandie who with his Army was not thereidle but dayly got Castles and Forts from his Enemies vntill Winter constrained both kings to take truce till Easter following and the like did the Bishop of Duresme with the king of Scots for which hee gaue him three thousand Markes of siluer to bee payed out of the Lands of the Barons of Northumberland The Spring come on and the truce expired king Henrie the Sonne and Phillippe Earle of Flaunders are readie at Graueling with a great Armie for England 1174. Anno. Reg. 20. The King of Scots is entred Norththumberland and sends his brother Dauid with a powre to succour the remnant of the forces of the Earle of Leicester which held the Towne of Leicester but without successe for Richard Lucy and the Earle of Cornwall had before rased the Citie and taken Robert Moubray comming likewise to ayde those of the Castle King Henry the Father vpon his Sonnes preparation for England drawes his forces Henry the fathers arriuall in England from his other imployments and brings them downe to Barbfleet ariues at Southampton with his prisoners Queene Elioner Margueret the wife of his sonne Henry the Earles of Leicester and Chester and from thence goes to Canterbury to visit the Sepulcher of his owne Martyre and performe his vowes for his victories And they write how comming within sight of the Church Hee alights and went three miles on his bare feere which King Henry visits Beckets Sepulcher with the hard stones were forced to yeeld bloudie tokens of his deuotion on the way And as if to recompence the merit of this worke they note How the verie daie when hee departed from Canterburie the King of Scots to bee ouerthrowne and taken at Alnwick by the forces of the Knights of Yorkeshire which are named to bee Robert de Stuteuile Odonel de Humfreuile William de Vescy Ralph de Glanuile Ralph de Tilly and Bernard Baliol. Lewis King of France hearing of King Henries passage into England and the taking of the King of Scots calls backe Henrie the sonne and the Earle of Flaunders from Grauelin where they stayed expecting the winde and besieged Roan on all sides sauing that of the Riuer The whilst King Henrie is quieting and settling the State of England where hee had first the Castle of Huntingdon rendred vnto his mercie sauing the liues and members of the defendants then the Castles of Fremingham and Bungaie which the Earle Bygot helde by force of Flemings for whom the Earles submission could hardly obtaine pardon but in the ende they were sent The King of Scots his prisoner home From thence hee goes to Northampton where hee receiues the King of Scots his prisoner and the Castles of Duresme Norham and Aluerton rendred into his hands by the Bishoppe of Duresme who for all his seruice done in the North stood not cleere in the Kings opinion There came likewise thither Roger de Mowbray yeelding vp himselfe with his Castle of Treske the Earle Ferrers his Castles of Tutsburie and Duffield Anketill Mallory and William Diue Constables of the Earle of Leicester the Castles of Leicester Montsorill and Groby so that within three weekes all England was quieted and all without drawing of sword which in those manly daies seemed only reserued for the field This done and supplied with one thousand Welshmen King Henry with his prisoners the King of Scots the Earles of Leicester and Chester passes ouer into Normandie to the releefe of Roan where those thousand Welshmen sent ouer the riuer Siene entred and made way through the Campe of the King of France slue a hundred of his men and recouered a wood without any losse of theirs After which exploit the King of England causing the gates of the Citie to be set open the Barracadoes taken away the trenches they had made betweene the French Campe and the Cittie to bee filled King Henry fauours the French army vp againe with rubbish and timber marched foorth with troupes to prouoke the enemy but without any answere at all In the end the King of France sends away the weakest of his people before and followed after with the rest vpon sufferance of the King of England by the mediation of the Archbishop of Sens and the Earle of Bloys who vndertooke that hee should the next day come to a parle of peace which hee performed not But shortly after seeing this action had so little aduantaged either him or those for whom hee pretented to haue vndertaken it hee imployes the former Agents The King and his sonner reconciled as the Charter of Peace shewes Reg. Houed againe
and by the vniuersall Councell of the Kingdome graunted his daughter to the King of Sicile to whom shee was shortly after sent and there honourably indowed with many Cities and Castles as may appeare by the Charter of that King But the great Match that was prouided for Earle Iohn became frustrate by the Vide Append. death of Alice daughter to the Earle of Mauriana and hee is married to the daughter of William Earle of Glocester by whom hee was to haue that Earldome This William was sonne to Robert brother to Maude the Empresse The same yeare also hee marries Elionor another of his daughters to Alphonso King of Castile and takes vp the controuersie betweene him and his Vncle Sanctio King of Nauarre about the detention of certaine bordering peeces of each others Kingdome both the Kings hauing referred the businesse to his arbitration Likewise the marriage which should haue beene betweene his sonne Richard 1178. Anno. Reg. 24. and Alice daughter to the French King committed heretofore to his custodie was againe treated on and vrged hard by the Popes Legat to bee consummated vpon paine of interdiction But yet it was put off for that time and both Kings notwithstanding concluded a perpetuall League and amitie to ayde each other against all men and to bee Enemies to each others Enemies Besides they both vowed an expedition to the Holy Land in person which they liued not to performe The King of France vpon a daungerous sicknesse of his sonne Philip vowes a visitation of the Sepulcher of Thomas the Martire of Canterbury and vpon licence and safe conduct of the King of England performes the same with great deuotion and Rich presents First offering vpon his Tombe a massie Cup of Gold and after gaue and confirmed by his Charter twenty eight Tunne and a halfe of wine for the Monkes annually to bee receiued at Possi at the charge of the King of France and beside freed them from all Tolle and Custome for whatsoeuer they should buy in his Kingdome After hauing stayed there three dayes hee returnes towardes France conducted 1179. Anno. Reg. 25. by the King of England to Douer The Sonne recouers health but the Father lost his in this iourney for comming to Saint Denise hee was taken with a Palsie and liued not long after The weaknesse of his Age and disease mooued him presently to haue his sonne Philippe beeing but fifteene yeares of Age to bee 1180. Anno. Reg. 26. Crowned King in his life time which was done at Reines Anno 1179. Henry Duke of Saxonie who had married Maude daughter to King Henry was expelled his Dutchie and banished by the Emperour Frederic the third for seuen yeares for detayning the reuenues which the Archbishop of Cologne had out of Saxonie and refusing to come vnto tryall at the Imperiall Chamber according to his faith and promise made to the Emperour so that hee was driuen to come for succour with his Wife and Children to his Father in Law into England where hee remained three yeares and vpon the comming of the Archbishoppe of Cologne to visit the Sepulcher of Thomas of Canterburie meanes was wrought to restore him to his Dutchie and a motion is made of marriage for Richard the Kings sonne with the daughter of the Emperour Frederic notwithstanding the contract made with Alice daughter to the King of France long before but this last intention was made frustrate by the death of the Emperours daughter King Henry sends his sonne Iohn to reside in Ireland to the end that the Maiestie of a Court and the number of attendants which the same would draw thither might both a we and ciuilise that Countrey but hee being accompaned with many gallants young as himselfe who scorning and deriding the Irish in regard of their rude habits and fashions wrought an ill effect For it turned out three of their greatest Kings Limmeric Conact and Corke into open act of rebellion Gens enim haec sicut natio quauis barbara quanquam honorem nesciant honorari tamen supra modum affectant saith Giraldus Cambrensis Now this faire time of peace which King Henry enioyed gaue him leasure to seeke out all meanes to supply his coffers wherein hee was very vigilant and hearing of the great summes which Roger Archbishoppe of Yorke had giuen by his Testament to godly vses sends Commissioners to finde out and to seize the same to his owne vses Alledging that the Archbishop had giuen Iudgement in his life time that it was against Law any Ecclesiasticall person should dispose any thing by will vnlesse before hee The King sends after monies giuen to pious vses by Testators of the Clergie were sicke and that himselfe had done contrary to his owne Decree The Commissioners hauing found out that Hugh Bishop of Durham had receiued of the Archbishop three hundred Markes of siluer to bee bestowed in those vses demaund the same for the King The Bishop replies that hauing receiued it from the hands of the Archbishoppe hee had according to his will distributed the same amongst the Leprous Blinde and Lame in repayring Churches Bridges and Hospitalls so that who would haue it must gather it vp againe of them Which answere so displeased the King as besides the seizing vpon the Castle of Dures'm hee wrought this Bishop much vexation His meanes certaine besides the reuenue of his Demesne and the benefit of the Forests were not then great in England which caused him oftentimes in The Vacancie of Lincoln held 18 yeares to the Kings vse his necessities to bee bould with the Church and to hold their benifices vacant as hee did the Bishopricke of Lincolne eighteene yeares Hee made a new Coyne in England which was round decryed the Olde and put all the Coyners to great ransome for corrupting the olde money And besides to saue his purse in regard the continuall charge of Horse and Armour was heauie vnto him hee caused euerie mans Lands and substance to bee rated for the furnishing thereof And first beganne the same in his Dominions beyond the Seas ordayning That whosoeuer had a hundredpounds Aniouin money in goods and chattles should finde a Horse and all Militarie furniture thereunto and whosoeuer had in chattle fortie thirtie or twentie pounds Aniouin money should finde a Corslet Head-peece Launce and Sword or Bow and Arrowes with a strict prohibitition that no man should sell or pawne this Armour but bee bound to Vide Append. leaue it when hee died to his next heire And this Order afterward hee established in England 1181. Anno. Reg. 17. by consent of the State The King of France and the Earle of Flaunders by his example did the like in their Countreys Great and manifold were the expences of this mightie King in respect of his entertainments pensions and rewards hauing so wide an Estate and so many euer in his worke both of his owne and others who must alwaies be seed And besides oftentimes hee is faine to
committing rapin and sacrelidge to supply their necessities feed their followers And in the end the young King hauing much strugled in vaine through griefe and vexation of spirit which caused the distemprature of body fell into a burning His death feuer with a fluxe whereof within few dayes he died A Prince of excellent parts who was first cast away by his Fathers indulgence and after by his rigor not suffering him to be what himselfe had made him neither got he so much by his Coronation as to haue a name in the Catalogue of the Kings of England The sorrow of the Father although it be sayd to be great hindred not his reuenge vpon the Barons of Aquitaine whom he now most eagerly persecuted seazed on their Castles and rased to the ground that of Limoges Geffrey vpon his submission is receiued into grace and the yeare after died at Paris Earle Geffreys submission and death hauing in a conflict bene troden vnder horses feete and miserably crushed so that halfe the male issue wherein this King was vnfortunate he saw extinct before him and that by deaths as violent as were their disposition The other two who suruiued him were no lesse miserable in their ends Now the young King of France Phillip the second in whose fate it was to do more then euer his father could effect vpon the death of Henry the sonne requires the deliuery of the Countrey of Vexin which was giuen in dowre with his Sister Margaret but the King of England not apt to let go any thing of what he had in possession was 1184. Anno. Reg. 30. content to pay yearely to the Queene dowager 17050. pounds Aniouin And the more to hold faire with this young King whose spirit he saw grew great and actiue and with whom he was like to haue much to do did homage vnto him for all he held in Fraunce which he neuer did to the Father being the first discent of Maiestie he euer Henry the second doth homage to Phillip King of France made to any secular power And beside tooke his part against Phillip Earle of Flanders who opposed against him and was in those dayes a Prince of mighty power and had euer stood fast vnto King Lewes the father But now Phillip the sonne otherwise led or affectioned quarrels with him and demaunds the Countrey of Vermendois as appertaining to the Crowne of Fraunce and withall vpon allegation of consanguinity repudiates his wife Neece to this Earle of Flanders giuen vnto him by his Fathers choyce a little before his death The Earle followed by Odo Earle of Borgogne the Earles of Champague Hainalt Namur Saint Pol and others warres vpon the King of The Earle of Flanders compels the King of France to compound France and commits great spoyles within his territories so that hee was faine in the end to compound with him to his disaduantage After this the Kings of England and France meete betweene Gisors and Tri where the King of England sweares to deliuer Alise vnto Richard his sonne And the King of France her brother graunts her in dower the Countrey of Velxin which Margueret his other Sister had before But these tyes held them not long together for the yong King of France so wrought with Richard as hee drew him from his Fathers obedience and they liued together in 1185. Anno. Reg. 31. that amitie as on bed and boord is sayd to haue serued them both which so iniealosed the olde King as he called home his sonne and before his Bishops and Nobility caused him to sweare vpon the Euangelists to obserue fealty vnto him against all persons whatsoeuer which hauing done and ready to passe ouer into England hee is informed of the great preparation made by the King of France who gaue out that hee would spoyle and ransacke both Normandie and the rest of the Kings of Englands territories in France vnlesse he would presently deliuer vp his Sister Alice vnto Richard or render Gisors and the Countrey of Velxin into his hands Whereupon the King returnes backe and comes againe to a parle betweene Gisors and Try Where the Archbishop of Tyre sent from the East to call vp ayde for the Holy warre did with that powre of perswation so vrge his message as it let out all the humour of priuate rancor and contention The Kings of England and France accorded and prepare for the holy war betweene these two great Kings altred their whole Councells their pretentions their designes turned them wholly to vndertake in person this laborious action and resolue to leaue their Kingdomes their pleasures and all the things of glorie they had at home to prosecute the same through all the distempratures of climes and difficulties of passages whereunto that voyage was obnoxious so that now no other thing was thought or talked on but onely preparations and furnishments for this businesse And to distinguish their people and followers who all stroue which should bee most forward it was ordred that they who followed the King of England should weare a white Crosse France a red and Flaunders a greene And for a further ingagement in the businesse the King of England writes to the Patriarch of Antioch a most comfortable and pious letter in the end whereof he hath these words Amongst other Princes I and my Sonne reiecting the glory of this world and dispising all the pleasures thereof in proper person with all our strength will God willing visit you shortly Then to rayse money to defray this great enterprise it was ordained by the two Kings their Archbishops Bishops Earles and others in France that all whosoeuer as well Clerke as Lay sauing such as went the voyage should pay the tenth of all their reuenues of that yeare and the tenth of all their Moueables and Chattles as well in gold as filuer And many excellent orders were made for restraynt of licentiousnesse both in apparell and manners as was fitting for the vndertakers of so ciuile and deuout an action The King of England hauing layde this imposition vpon all his Dominions in France comes ouer calls a Councell of his Bishops Abbors Earles Barons both 1186. Anno. Reg. 33. of the Clergie and Layty at Gayntington and by their consents imposes the same taxation vpon his Subiects of England Sub Eleemosinae titulo vitium rapacitatis includens sayth Walsingham and presently sends foorth his Officers into euery Shire to collect the same according as it was done in France But of euery Citie in England he caused a choice to be made of the richest men as in London of two hundred in Yorke a hundred and so according to the proportion of the rest and caused all these at a certaine time and place to appeare before him of whom he tooke the tenth of all their Moueables by the estimation of credible men which knew their Estates such as refused hee imprisoned till they had payde it of which example and exaction we must
married the Lady Berenguela and caused her to bee Crowned Queene These mischiefes suffred these two famous Isles of Christendome in the passage of these mighty Princes against Pagans who peraduenture would haue as well vsed them for their goods and treasure as these did but Armies and powre know no inferior friends it was their Fate so to lie in the way of great attempters who though in the cause of Piety would not sticke to doe any iniustice From hence passes this famous king to the Holy Land with the spoyles and treasure of three noble rich Islands England Sicile and Cyprus besides what Normandy and Guien could furnish him with all and there consumes that huge collected masse euen as violently as it was gotten though to the exceeding great renowne of him the nation Heere for the better vnderstanding this businesse it is not amisse to deliuer in what sort stood the Estate of those affaires in Asia which so much troubled these mighty Princes and drew them from the vtmost bounds of Europe thus to aduenture themselues and consume their Estates It was now foure score and eight yeares since Godsrey of Bologne Prince of Lorraine with his company recouered the Citie of Ierusalem with the Countrey of Palestina and a great part of Siria out of the hands of the Sarazins obtayned the Kingdome thereof and was Crowned with a Crowne of Thornes in example of our Sauiour raigned The State of Palestina one yeare died and left to succeed him his brother Baldwin who gouerned eighteene yeares and left the Crowne to another of that name Balwin de Burgo who raigned thirteene yeares and left a daughter and his Kingdome in dissention Fulke Earle of Aniou marries this daughter and enioyes the Kingdome eleuen yeares and left two young sonnes Baldwin and Almerique Balwin raignes foure and twenty yeares and after him his brother Almerique twelue and leaues Baldwin his sonne to succeed him who being sickly and dispayring of yssue made Baldwin his Nephew sonne to the Marquesse of Monferrato and Sibilla his Sister his successor and commits the charge of him with the administration of the Kingdome to Raymond Earle of Tripoly whom Guy de Lusignan who had married Sibilla the Widdow of Monferrato put from that charge and vsurped the Gouerment and at length the Kingdome not without suspition of poysoning the young King Raymond making warre vpon him Lusignan drawes in Sultan Saladin of Egipt to his ayde who glad of that occasion to augment his owne State destroyed them both with their Kingdome and wonne the Citie of Ptolomeide Asoto Berytho Ascalon and after one months siege the Citie of Ierusalem foure score and eight yeares after it had beene conquered by Godfrey Now to recouer this confounded State come these two Great Kings from a farre and a different clyme with an Army composed of seuerall Nations and seuerall humours English French Italians and Germaines against a mightie Prince of an vnited powre within his owne ayre neera at home bred and made by the sword inured to victories acquainted with the fights and forces of the Christians and possessed almost of all the best peeces of that Countrey And heere they sit downe before the City of Acon defended by the powre of Saladin The Kings of England and France besiege Acon which had beene before besieged by the Christians the space of three yeares and had cost the liues of many worthy Princes and great personages whose names are deliuered by our Writers amongst whom I will remember these few of especiall note Conradus Duke of Suenia sonne of Frederic the Emperour which Frederic was also drowned comming thither with the Earles of Perch Puntif and olde Theobald Earle of Bloys that famous Stickler betweene the Kings of England and France Stephen Earle of Sancerre the Earle of Vandosme Bertoldus a Duke of Germany Reoger and Ioselin Earles of Apulia c. And lastly Phillip Earle of Flaunders and of our Nation Baldwin Archbishoppe of Canterbury Robert Earle of Leicester Ralph de Glanuile Chiefe Iustice of England Richard de Clare Walter de Kime c. And notwithstanding all the forces of these two kings they held out foure monthes after and then rendred themselues vpon composition At their entring into the Citie the Ensignes of Leopold Duke of Austrich beeing planted on the walles were with great scorne taken downe by the commandement of King Richard and those of the two Kings erected which bred great rancour and was afterward the occasion of much mischiefe to the king of England Besides during this siege diuers stings were ministred or taken of displeasure and malice betweene the two kings apt to bee set on fire by the least touches of conceipt The king of France full of disdaine for the reiection of his Sister and the marriage of the king of England with Berenguela besides competition of honour which their equality was subiect vnto made any iot of the least disproportion thereof a wounde without cure And daylie occasions in so great hearts fell out to worke the same The Article of equall deuiding their gaines in this voyage concluded between them is questioned The king of France claimes halfe the Isle of Cyprus the king of England halfe the Treasure and goods of the Earle of Flaunders whereon the King of France had seised and therein neither is satisfied Then are there two pretenders to the Crowne of Ierusalem Guy of Lusignan and Conrade Marquis of Monferrato Guy pleads the possession thereof which he had by his wife Sibilla the King of England takes part with Guy the King of France with Conrade And with these differences are they kept in imbroylements and continually distempered in so much as by their owne heats and the contagion The Kings of England and France dangerously sicke of the Country they fell into a most daungerous sicknesse that cost them both their haire being more then they got by the voyage But being recouered the King of France had no longer will to stay there where hee saw no more likelihood of honour or profit and at home hee knew was better good to be done with lesse danger and the rather by the death of the Earle of Flaunders whose state lay so neere as it tooke vp part of his whereof he had a purpose to abridge his successor and therefore craues leaue of the King of England for without leaue of each other it was couenanted neither of them should depart to returne home which King Richard was hardly wonne to grant in respect he knew the daunger it might worke him in his absence to let such an offended Lyon loose But in the end through the earnest sollicitation of the King of France and his assurance The King of France departs from the Holy warre confirmed by Oath not to doe anything offensiue to his Dominions in France during his absence he yeelds thereunto And so departs this great Prince leauing the Earle of Borgogne Lieutenant of his forces And King Richard betakes him
mindefull of the subuersion of Sodome and to abstaine from things vnlawfull therby to auoyd the vengeance of God he vpon an insuing sicknes a sounder Counsailor then health remembring this aduertisment vowes a reformation of his life and did afterward vpon his recouery euery morning rise early to heare deuine seruice For which Houeden hath this note how glorious it is for a Prince to begin and end his actions in him who is beginning without beginning and iudges the ends of the Earth Besides he growes hospitable to the poore and made restitution of much Church vessell that had beene taken and sold for his ransome Though this King had no issue yet was hee told by a Priest in France that he had three euill His yssue daughters and admonished to put them away and bestow them abroad to auoyde the punishment of God The King gaue him the lie and sayd he knew none he had Yes Sir replied the Priest three daughters you haue and they are these Pride Couetousnesse and Lecherie The King calling those who were present about him and relating what the Priest had said willed them to be witnesses how he would bestow these his 3 daughters which the Priest charged him withall The 1. which is Pride I giue to the Templars and Hospitallers Couetuousnesse to the Monkes of Cisteaux Order and Lecherie to the Clergie this sodaine retortion shewes vs his quicknesse and what kinde of men were then muligned and out of his grace The end of the Life and Raigne of Richard the first The Life and raigne of King Iohn IOHN hauing his brothers Army in the field with all his Seruants and followers intertaines them generally with promises of large rewards 1199. Anno. Reg. 1. and thereby had the aduantages of time power and opinion to help him on to his desires Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury being vpon busines in those parts and the most potent minister he could wish for so mighty a worke he presently dispatches for England with William Marshall Earle of Striguil Geffery Fitz Peter c. to prepare the people to receiue him for their King who especially dealing with those were most doubted would oppose him and vndertaking for him that he should restore vnto them their rights and gouerne the Kingdome as hee ought with moderation wrought so as they were all content vpon those conditions to sweare Fealte vnto him against all men These vndertakers likewise send word to William King of Scots to hold him in from any attempt that hee should also haue full satisfaction for what hee claymed in England vpon the returne of their new Maister And so were all things made cleare on this fide But on the other the right of succession which was in Arthur the Elder brothers Sonne stirred affections of another nature the nobility of Aniou Maine and Tureine maintayning the vsuall custome of inheritance adhere to Arthur whom his mother Constance puts vnder the Protection of the King of France who receiues him and vndertakes the defence of his right Iohn hauing his chiese ayme at the Crowne of England could haue no time of stay to close those ruptures that so violently brake out there but hauing receiued the inuestiture King Iohns Coronation of the Dutchy of Normandy and performed all those rites he speedily with his mother Elionor who must haue her part in euery act of her Sonnes passes ouer into England and by way of election receues the crowne vpon the Assention day at the hands of Hubert Archbish. of Canterbury who in his Oration as it is recorded in Mat. Pa. before the whole Assembly of the state shewed that by all reason deuine humaine none ought to succeed in the Kingdome but who should be for the worthynesse of his vertues vniuersally chosen by the state as was this man c. which then seemes especially vrged in respect his title of succession would not carry it And the Archbishop afterward vpon this poynt being questioned confessed to his friends that he foresaw this man would what bloud and mischiefe soeuer it should cost in the end obtayne the crowne And therefore the safer way was to preuent confusion that the land should rather make him King then he make himselfe and that this election would be some tye vpon him So came Iohn to the crowne of England which he gouerned with as great iniustice as he gat it and imbraked the state and himselfe in those miserable incombrances thorow his violences and oppression as produced desperat effects and made way to those great alterations in the gouernment which followed The Queene Mother a woman of an high and working spirit was an especiall agent in this preferment of her Sonne Iohn in respect of her owne greatnesse knowing how shee should be more by him then shee could be by her grand-childe Arthur who had a mother would looke to become Regent here and so ouer-shaddow her estate which was a thing not to be indured Besides Arthur was a child borne and bred a stranger and neuer shewed vnto the Kingdome so that he had nothing but his right to draw a party which could not be such in regard of the daunger of the aduenture things standing as they did that could doe him any great good Men being content rather to embrace the present though wrong with saftie then seeke to establish anothers right with the hazard of their own confusion The state of England secured King Iohn returnes into Normandy vpon intelligence giuen England secured to King Iohn of the defection wrought in those parts by Phillip the French King who had giuen the order of Knighthood to Arthur and taken his homage for Aniou Poctou Main Turein and also for Normandy in regard as he pretended that King Iohn had neglected to come and doe him homage for the same as members held of the crowne of France King Iohn not willing vpon his new and doubtfull admission to the gouernment to ingulph 1200. Anno. Reg. 2. himselfe into a sodaine warre mediates a Parle with the King of France who well vnderstanding the time and his owne aduantages requires so vnreasonable conditions as King Iohn could not without great dishonor yeeld vnto and so they fall to the sword The King of France vnder pretence of working for Arthur gets for himselfe which being discouered Arthur with his mother Constance are brought by the perswasion of their chiefe Minister William de la Roche to commit themselues to the protection of King Iohn of whom likewise conceiuing a sodaine iealofie or else informed of his purpose Prince Arthur and his mother flie to Angiers to imprison them the next night after their comming got secretly away fled to Angiers So this yong Prince borne to be crusht betweene these two potent Kings intending only their owne ends gaue occasion by leauing them both to make both his enemies After many attempts and little gaine on either side another treaty is mediated by the Popes Legats wherein King Iohn
remaine in the obedience of an excommunicated King and so without The Archd. of Norw forsakes the kings seruice his torture death leaue retired himselfe home and was the first subiect of his maisters wrath Who presently sent Sir William Talbot with force to apprehend him and lay him fast in fetters in a most straight prison and afterward vpon the kings commandement he was put into a sheete of lead wherein with the waight and want of victualls he soone perished This excommunication of the King of England was accompained the same yeare with that of the Emperour Otho his Nephew and are noted to be straines of an vniust nature especially for being both done in cases of the Popes owne particular interrest seeking to extend The Emperor Otho excom a predomination beyond the bounds allowed vnto piety which was onely to deale with means soules and not their Estates For in the aduancement of this Emperour Otho the third the Pope had an especiall hand opposing for his owne ends the Election of Phillip Sonne to the Emperour Frederick Barbarossa And in the vancancy of the Empire had seised vpon certaine peeces in Italy appertayning therevnto which Otho seeking to reuoke procured vndeseruedly the Popes displeasure who sent vnto him diuers messages willing him to desist both from the prosecution of this recouery as also from that which Frederick King of Sicile who was vnder the tuition of the Apostolike Sea had seised vpon The Emperour is said to haue answered the Popes Nuncij in this manner If the Pope vniustly desires to vsurp what apertaines to the Empire let him absolue me from the Oath he caused me to take at my Coronation Which was that I should reuoke whatsoeuer rights were distracted from the same and I will desist But the Pope refusing the one and the Emperour not yeelding vnto the other the sentence of excommunication is pronounced against him And all the states as well of Germany as the rest of the Roman Empire are absolued of their fealty vnto him Thus were these two mighty Princes the greatest of all the Christian world leaft to the mercy of their subiects who though they were by this meanes all vntyed from obedience yet many were not so from their affections or other obligations that held them firme vnto their Souraignes For there are so many ligaments in a state that tye it together as it is a hard thing to dissolue them altogether vnlesse it is by an vniuersall concurrency of causes that produce a generall alteration thereof And it is seldome seene of what temper soeuer Kings are but they finde an eminent party in the greatest defections of their people As this King the first of England we finde put to this straight had yet many noble members of power besides the chiefe officers of the kingdome whom their places confirme that stuck vnto him Whose names are recorded in Mat. Par. and other writers And the better to hold his reputation and his people in action hauing now no imployment abrode hee seekes to secure all other members of the Crowne of England 1210. Anno. Reg. 12. which were vnder his dominion And hauing ransackt great treasure from the Iewes makes an expedition into Ireland vpon intelligence of some reuolt and disorder there And at his first ariuall all the great men which held the maritime Castles and the Champion countries came in and did homage and fealty vnto him at Wublin such as inhabited the remote partes and fastnesses of the Kingdome kept them selues away and refused King Iohn reformes Ireland to come Here to reduce the country into better order he ordaines the same to be gouerned by the lawes and customes of England causes English money to be coyned there and to be of equall valew with that of this Kingdome and currant alike in both With many other orders which had they beene with that care continued as they were aduisedly begun would as wise men deeme haue setled that Kingdome in an intire obedience and saued all that great toyle and expence which the neglect thereof cost this state in succeeding ages And now hauing deputed Iohn Gray Bishop of Norwich Iusticiar there after onely three moneths stay hee returnes into England The Clergy pay to the K. 100000. ster where presuming now vpon his new gathered strength hee summons all the Prelates of the kingdome to appeare before him at London of whom saith Mat. Par. he extorted for their redemption the summe of an hundred thousand pounds sterling And the next yeare being the twelfe of his raigne with this treasure hee reduces Wales that had rebelled to his obedience and takes eight and twentie children of 1211. Anno. Reg. 13. the best famelies for pledges of their future subiection Returning thence exacts of euery Knight that attended not his Army in that expedition two marks and at Northampton is pleased to receiue the Popes Agents Pandolphus and Durandus sent to make peace betweene the Kingdome and Priesthood by whose exhortation and the consideration of the State of his Kingdome hee consented that the Archbishop and the Monkes of Canterbury with all the exiled Bishops should in peace returne to their owne But refusing to make satisfaction for their goods confiscated the Agents depart vnsatisfied to the greater preiudice of the King whom now the Pope finding to be yeelding in any thing falls to bee more imperious to constraine him to all whatsoeuer he desired And absolues all the Kings subiects of what condition soeuer from their obedience strictly forbidding them vnder paine of excommunication his Board 1212. Anno. Reg. 14. Councell and Conference Which notwithstanding preuayled not to diuert the subiect from the seruice of their King Who about this time takes occasion vpon the breaking out of certaine poore Mountainers of Wales that make pillage vpon the Borders to raise another Army to inuade the whole Countrey And being at Nottingham prepared for this action before he would sit downe to dinner caused those eight and twenty children the innocent pledges of the Welsh to be all hanged in his presence But before hee had dyned letters came that gaue him intelligence of a conspiracie intended for his owne distruction and that if he went forward in this warre he would be either slaine of his owne people or betrayed to the enemy Whereupon he returnes to London againe requires and hath pledges of those Nobles he suspected and here Eustace de Vescy and Robert Fitz Walter are accused of the conspiracie who fled the one into Scotland the other into France But now the Pope for the last and greatest sentence that euer yet was giuen against 1213. Anno. Reg. 15. any Soueraigne King of this Kingdome pronounces his absolute deposition from the Royall gouernment thereof and writes to the King of France that as hee looked to haue remission of his sinnes hee should take the charge vpon him and expell King Iohn out of the Kingdome of England and possesse the same for him
and his heires for euer To the same effect The Pope giues the Kingdome of England to the King of France sends he likewise his letters to the Princes and great men of other Nations That they should ayde the King of France in the deiection of this contumacious King of England in reuenge of the iniuries done to the Vniuersall Church granting like remission of their sinnes as if they vndertocke the Holy warre And with this Commission is the Archbishop of Canterbury and the other exiled Bishop of England with Pandolphus dispatched to the King of France for the execution thereof Which notwithstanding seemes rather done to terrefie King Iohn then any way to aduance the King of France whom the Pope desired not to make greater then he was howsoeuer to amuse the world hee made shew to ingage him in this businesse For he gaue a secret charge to Pandolphus a part that if vpon the preparation and forces gathered by the King of France for this deiection hee could worke the King of England to such conditions as hee should propound absolution and restorement should bee graunted vnto him The King of France vpon this act of the Pope and the sollicitation of his Ministers The King of France assembles his forces for England commaunds all the Princes and Nobilitie within his Dominions to assemble their forces with Horse Armor and all Munition to assist him in this businesse and bee readie vnder paine of exheredation at the Spring of the yeare preparing likewise a great Nauie for the transportation of these forces into England King Iohn vpon intelligence hereof sends to all the Ports of his Kingdome commandement to haue all shipping whatsoeuer possible to bee made readie with all expedition summoning likewise all Earles Barons Knights and who else could beare Armes of any condition to bee ready at Douer presently vpon Easter furnished with horse armour and all military prouision to King Iohns preparations for defence defend him themselues and the Kingdome of England against this intended Inuasion vnder paine of Culuertage and perpetuall seruitude Whereupon so great numbers resorted to Douer Feuersham Ipswich and to other places suspected as exceeded the meanes both of furnishment and prouision to intertaine them So that multitudes were sent home againe of vnnecessarie men and onely a choyce reserued of the abler sort which arose to the number of sixty thousand well appointed for battaile Besides so mighty a nauy was made ready as exceeded that of France And thus prepared King Iohn expects his enemies when secretly two Knights Templars sent by Pandolphus so wrought with him as notwithstanding all this great power of his he discends to accept of a treatie with him whereof Pandolphus is presently aduertised and withdrawes himselfe out of the French Kings army comes ouer and so terrifies King Iohn with the mighty forces bent against him and the eminent daunger wherein he stood as he yeelds to any conditions whatsoeuer propounded vnto him And not onely graunts restitution and satisfaction of what euer had beene taken from the Archbishop and the Monks of Canterbury the Bishops of London Ely Bath and Lincoln who were sled to the Archbishop But also laies downe his Crowne K. Iohn deliuers vp the kingdome of England with his Crowne to Pandolphus Scepter Mantle Sword and Rring the ensignes of his royalty at the feet of Pandolphus deliuering vp there with all the Kingdome of England to the Pope and submits himselfe to the iudgement and mercy of the Church Two daies some wright sixe it was before the Legat restored him his Crowne at the receiuing whereof he swore and his Earles vndertaking for him that hee and his successors should hold the Kingdome of England and Lordship of Ireland from the Sea of Vide Append. Rome at the annuall tribute of a thousand Markes of siluer And this with his homage and fealty he confirmed by his Charter at a house of the Templars neere Douer The The causes that moued K. Iohn to this act especiall waights that moued King Iohn to this extreame lowenes they of those times note to be First the consideration of his offences to God hauing liued fiue yeares excommunicated to the great deformity of his Kingdome Secondly the greatnesse of his enemy the King of France and his adherence Thirdly the doubtfull fayth of his Nobilities whom he had offended Fourthly for that the Assencion day was at hand after which one Peter an Hermit and Southsayer had prohesied he should be no more King of England Which though mistaken in the manner was fulfilled in a sort by this resignation and a new condition of Estate But the Southsayer with his Sonne suffered shortly after the penalty of death for his otherwise interpreted diuination Now notwithstanding this act and submission of King Iohn the interdiction of the Pandolplus forbids the French Kings proceedings Kingdome continues and his owne absolution deferred till restitution and full satisfaction were performed to the Clergy of which eight thousand markes of siluer was presently deliuered to Pandolphus who at the receiuing thereof tramples it vnder his feete as contemning that base matter in respect of the grace conferred vpon the transgressor and returnes with the same into France Where hee declares what had passed in England and forbids the King of France vpon paine of excommuication to proceed any farther in this enterprise seeing King Iohn had thus submitted himselfe to the Church The King of France now all in readinesse for this great inuasion inuasion and full with hope of victory receiuing this sodaine and vnexpected Message grew into great rage and was in regard of his honour and infinite charge hardly diuerted from this enterprise Yet in the end seeing his confederates and followers quailed with this menace of the Church extreamely discontent he giuesit ouer Notwithstanding for his owne reputation and desire of reuenge hauing all these great forces on foote his nauie ready in the mouth of Seine would vndertake something The French K. sets vpon Flan. to giue satisfaction both to the aduenturers and his owne people interressed in this action And for that Ferrand Earle of Flanders adhering to king Iohn refused to follow him in this expedition on him he falls as being next him enters into his port of Dam vowing that flanders should either be Erance or France Flanders Ferrand seeing this tempest come to light vpon him sends for ayd to king Iohn who glad hauing escaped at home the occasion of a defensiue War to enter into an offensiue abroad both to imploy this great collected Nauie of his and also put his people in action whose dismission without some satsfaction he knew would breed no safe humor dispatches fiue hundred sayle with seauen hundred knights into Flanders vnder the conduct of his base brother William Long-sword Earle of Salisbury Reginald Earle of Bologn whom he had lately intertayned with a pension being for some demerit driuen out of France And these
executions who vnderstands not as well the Counsailors as the Councell Resolued he is giuen ouer to confusion and reuenge to dissolue this tye and priuily withdrawes himselfe into the Isle of Wight from whence hee sends his Agents to Rome Retires into the Isle of Wight writes to the Pope where now he could doe any thing to complaine of this inforced act to the Pope who by a definitiue Sentence first condemnes and nullifies what was done and after excommunicates the Barons who during this absence and retire of their King knowing the violence of his nature and doubting their owne danger keepe in and about the The Pope excommunicates the Barons Citie of London and there vnder collour of Turnements and exercise of armes inuite those who were abroad to resort vnto them and so retaine themselues together in a combination for their owne defence without seeking farther to interrupt their Kings courses either by surprise of his person which they being of so great strength might easily haue done or vsing meanes to intercept his Agents and take from him those Limbes of his powre that might worke to offend them But this must either argue that their end was onely to haue but what they had obtayned The error of the Barons the restitution of the Liberties of the Kingdome which though thus recouered by violence they seemed desirous to hold with peace or els their negligence which may be thought strange in those wakefull and actiue times to be such as to leaue a displeased King alone to his owne working especially remoued to a place where the sea being open vnto him his outsendings might bee without view or noting vnlesse either they presumed of his little credit abroad or their owne powre at home But during this his retyre in the Isle which was three monthes he slacks no time to put his desires in execution and besides his dispatch to Rome sends the Bishop of Worcester Chancellor of England the Bishop of Norwich and others with his seale to procure The King sends to leauy forraine forces him forraine forces out of such parts beyond the seas as held correspondency with him appoynting them to make their repaire to Douer about Michaelmas next In the mean time without any royall shew or stir attended with some borrowed seruants of the Bishop of Norwich marriners of the Cink-ports whom he intertayned he as they write fell to piracy exercised himself at sea whiles various reports are made of him here on land some giuing out that he was turned Fisher some a Merchant others a Pirate But at the time appoynted he meetes at Douer with those forraine forces drawne He meetes with them at Douer together out of Poictou and Gascony vnder the Conduct of Sauarie de Malleon Geffrey and Oliuer Buteuile brothers with others out of Louayne and Brabant vnder Walter Buck Gerrard Sotin and Godshall all desperate aduenturers leading an excecrable sort of people whose miserable fortunes at home easily drew thē to any mischiefes abroade with these is King Iohn furnished to set vpon his owne people And had not Hugh Hugh de Boues with forty thousand men c. comming out of Flanders drowned de Boues to whom the Countries of Suffolke Norfolk were allotted for seruice to be done setting foorth from Calice with 40 thousand more men women and children beene by sodaine tempest drowned in the Sea hee had made an vniuersall Conquest of the Kingdome far more miserable then the Norman considering that with those hee had he wrought so much as we shall heare presently he did For after he had recouered the Castle of Rochester which William de Albinet with memorable courage held out three monthes against all that mighty powre of his the The King in halfe a yeare recouers all his Castles Barons not able or not aduenturing to succour him hee marched ouer the most of the Kingdome and within halfe a yeare got in all the Castles of the Barons euen to the borders of Scotland and was absolute Maister of all England except the Citie of London on which he forbare to aduenture in regard of the close vnited powre of the 1216. Anno. Reg. 18. Barons that resolutely held and vowed to die together and seperate them hee could not and therefore from Rochester he marches to Saint Albones where the first publication of the Popes excommunication of the Barons is pronounced And here hee deuides his Army consisting most of rauenous strangers in two King Iohn at Saint Albons deuides his armie in two parts parts appoynting his brother William Earle of Salisbury with Falcasius Sauarie de Malleon leader of the Poictouins Briwer and Buc of the Flemings and Brabantines to gard the Countries and Castles about the Citie of London to cut off all prouisions and anoy the Barons by all meanes possible himself with the other part of his forces drawes Northward and layes waste all the Countries before him and both these Armies set onely vpon distruction inflict all those calamities that the rage of a disorderly war could commit vpon a miserable people that made no head at all against them All Countries suffer in this affliction and King Iohn marching as farte as Berwike had purposed to haue carried it farther threatning Alexander King of Scots that hee would hunt the Foxe to his hole alluding to his red haire had hee not beene called from that attempt to come backe to these parts vpon discouerie of new designes practised by the Barons who seeing themselues depriued of their Estates giuen away to Strangers The Barons sollicit Louys the French Kings sonne to take vpon him the Crowne of England their wiues and daughters violated all their substance consumed desperatly fall vpon another extreme making out for succour to Louys the French Kings sonne solliciting him to take vpon him the Crowne of England wherein they promised by their free Election to inuest him and to send pledges for the performance thereof being perswaded that those forces of the French which King Iohn had intertayned would vpon the comming of those aides from the King of France being their Soueraigne forsake him This message is intertayned a Parliament is called at Lions by King Philip the father of Louys the businesse consulted and resolued vpon Louys besides the assurance made of this proffered election relies vpon a title which he claymes by his wife Blanch daughter to the Sister of King Iohn and writes to the Barons that hee would shortly send them succour and not be long behinde to be with them in person The intelligence of this designe is soone intimated to the Pope who presently sends The Pope writes to diuert Louys from the enterprise his Agent to the King of France with letters to intreat him not to suffer his sonne to inuade or disquiet the King of England but to defend him in regard he was a vassall of the Roman Church and the Kingdome by reason of Dominion
desires hee might not receiue detriment whence hee expected fauour as a brother and friend Adding in the end that if the King would be aduised by him hee would by powre free this Kingdome from that vniust tribute which Innocentius the 3 and other Popes had layde vpon it These letters pleased the Assembly and animated them the rather to deny the Popes Mandate The interposition of this businesse tooke vp so much time as nothing else was done in this Parliament onely they granted an Ayde to the King for the marriage of his daughter twenty shillings of euery Knights fee and that with much adoe and repetition of all former Aydes After this vpon a light occasion the King vndertakes an expedition of great charge against Alexander King of Scots for which euery Baron which held in Capite Spirituall and Lay were commanded to bee ready withall Military prouision due for that seruice Whereunto likewise repaires Thomas Earle of Flaunders with three score Knights and a hundred other seruants thirsting for the Kings money whose vnnecessarie Another Greeuanees of the Barons comming was ill taken by the Barons of Eng. as if the strength of the Kingdome without him were not sufficient for that Action which was as sodainely ended as vndertaken by a faire conclusion of Peace with King Alexander a Prince highly commended for his vertues by the Writers of that time Vpon his returne againe that Winter he assembles another Parliament wherein hee moues for an Ayde vpon a designe he had for Wales and to supply his wants and pay 13 Parliament his debts which were vrged to be so great as he could not appeare out of his chamber for the infinite clamor of such to whom he owed for his Wine Wax and other necessaries of House But they all to his face with one voyce refused to grant him any thing Wherevpon other violent courses are taken An ancient quarrell is found out against the city of London for which they are commanded to pay fifteene thousand Markes And Passeleise the Kings Clerke is imployed with others in a most peremptory commission to inquire of all such lands as had beene inforrested and either to fine the occupiers An inquirie about Lands inforested which bred great greeuances thereof at their pleasure or take it from them and sell the same to others Wherein such rigor was vsed as multitudes of people were vndone So vnsafe are priuate mens estates where Princes fall into so great wants Passeleue for his good seruice in this businesse should haue beene prefeired to the Bishopricke of Chichester but the Bishop withstood the king therein Now in regard to shew the King the Estate of his kingdome and the oppression of Popes Inquiry was made of the reuenues which the Romans and Italians had in England which was found to be annually sixty thousand Markes being more then the An inquiry of the Popes reuenues in Eng yearely reuenues of the Crowne of England which so moued the King as hee caused the same to be notified withall other exactions by his procurators to the general councell now assembled at Lyons Which with the ill vsage of Martin so vexed the Pope as he is said to haue vttered these words It is fit that wee make an end with the Emperor that 1245. Anno. Reg. 29. we may crush these Petty Kings for the Dragon once appeased or distroyed these lesser snakes wil be soone troden downe Which impious speech proceeding from such a mouth whence the Oracles of peace and charity ought to be vttered was as ill taken bred great scandall and gaue warning to Princes of preuention who though they maligned the corruptions of the Court of Rome they were yet euer at one with the Church And the Clergy of England were most forward to vindicate the State from that miserable oppression which of late by degrees they were drawne vnto through the humility of their zeale For such is the nature of Domination wheresoeuer it sits that finding an yeeldingnes to indure it neuer thinkes it hath power sufficient vnles it hath more then enough for if the Popes the professed souraignes of piety vpon the aduantage of mens zeale and beliefe grew to make their will and their power equall so that to question their sanctions was taught to be sinne against the Holy Ghost no meruaile if secular Princes whose consciences are vntyed striue to breake out into the wildnesse of their wills from those bounds wherein by the law of the state they are placed But vpon the Popes reiecting the consideration of these greeuances of England which were particularly deliuered in this councell at Lyons and dispising the Kings Vide Append. message who he said began to Frederize it was absolutly here ordayned vnder great penalty that no contribution of money should be giuen to the Pope by any subiect of 1246. Anno. Reg. 30. England and the King for a time bustles against these forraine exactions in such sort as it gaue some hope of redresse But being of an irresolute and wauering nature and a feard of threats soone womanlike giues ouer what hee manfully vndertooke so that the Pope continues his former rapine though hauing by the continuall exclamations of the Clergy bene brought to promise neuer to send any more Legats into England yet imployes he other ministers vnder the the title of Clarkes who had the same power as had his former Agents and effected vnderhand his desires Now the other part of the state haue new occasions of complaynt offered Peter of Sauoy Earle of Richmond brings ouer certaine maydes to be married to young noble 1247. Anno. Reg. 31. men of England the Kings Wards of which Edmond Earle of Lincoln hath one and Richard de Burgh another And the same yeare 3. of the Kings brothers by the mother Guy de Lusignan William de Valence and Athelmar Clarke are sent for ouer to be prouided of Estates in England Thomas of Sauoy sometimes Earle of Flanders by right of his wife comes with his sister Beatrix Countes of Prouince the Queenes Mother 1248. Anno. Reg. 32. and they are againe feasted and guifted for which the King is taxed in the next Parliament conuoked at London in Candlemas Tearme and besides sharply reprehended for his breach of promise vpon his requiring of another ayde hauing vowed and declared vpon his last supply by his Charter neuer more to iniury the state in that kinde Besides 14 Parliament they blame him for his violent taking vp of prouisions for dyet Wax Silkes robes c. and especially for wine contrary to the will of the sellers whereby Merchants both of this and other That he tooke from his subiects quicquid habuerlint in esculentis poculentis Rusticorum enim Equos Bigas Vina Victualia ad libitum capit Rishanger Kingdomes withdraw their commo●ities in so much as all traffique and commerce vtterly cease to the detriment and infamy of the Kingdome That his Iudges were sent in
to the Prince being now their Lord and shew him How they were better to trade with Sarazins and Infidels then thus to be vsed here as they were The Prince addresses him to his father and craues redresse herein but the Officers hauing beene with An ill Office of Officers the K. before to preuent the clamors of the Gascoignes and telling him how they falsely exclayme relying wholly vpon the Princes fauor who tooke vpon him their vniust cause and that there ought to be but one in England to whom the ordring of Iustice appertayned put him into so great a rage with the Prince as he breakes out into these words See now my bloud and mine owne bowells impugne mee behold my sonne as my brother hath done is bent to afflict mee the times of my grandfather Henry the second are againe renued what will become of vs but this passion being allayed by Councell he dissembles the matter and giues order that these iniuries should bee redressed But yet the Prince for more caution amplyfing his trayne rode with 200 horse So easily are iealosies by euill Ministers infused into Kings who are of themselues too apprehensiue in that kinde being a thing that soone turnes the bloud And now to adde to the misery of these times there are new mischiefes committed by the insolence of the Seruants of the Prince who being himselfe young was attended by many youthfull and violent spirits many strangers and men without meanes who wheresoeuer he went made spoyle and tooke for their owne whatsoeuer Insolencies committed by the Princes seruants they could fasten on to the extreame vexation of the subiect And they report how this Prince meeting a young man trauayling on the way caused one of his eares to bee cut off and one of his eyes put out which foule act made many to suspect his disposition and what hee would proue here after And indeed had hee not beene indued with an innated Noblenesse of Nature which with his long experience in trauaile and great actions ouercame the Vices the loosenesse of the time and his owne breeding contracted hee might haue prooued as bad as any other For vnlesse Princes of themselues by instinction from aboue bee not indued with a naturall goodnesse they shall gaine little by their education wherein they are rather shewed what they are then what they should be and are apter to learne to know their greatnesse then themselues being euer soothed in all whatsoeuer they doe These youthfull actions of this Prince with his ryotous trayne which are said to be more rauenous then those which Louys brought out of France with him put out the Welsh of whom he had now the gouernment into open act of rebellion and to make spoyle of the English as his did ofthem whereupon he craues meanes of his father the Queene and his Vncle Richard to suppresse them But all was vented already the Kings treasure was gone ouer the Alpes Earle Richard had lent more then hee could get in and the Earle of Sauoy in his warres had spent that of the Queenes The King is still at his shifts to supply his euerlasting necessities Now he comes himselfe into his Exschequer and with his owne voyce pronounced That euery Shriefe which appeared not yearely in the Octaues of Saint Michel with his money as well of his Farmes as amercements and other dues for the first day should be amerced fiue Markes for the second ten for the third fifteene for the fourth to bee redeemed at the Kings pleasure In like sort that all Cities and Freedoms which answere by their Bayliffes vpon the same default should bee amerced and the fourth day to loose their freedomes Besides euery Shriefe through out England is amerced in fiue Markes for that they did not distraine within their Counties vpon whomsoeuer held 10 pound land per annum and came not to be made knight or freed by the King Then falls he to the examination of measures for Wine and Ale for Bushels and Weights which likewise brought in some small thing and euery yeare commonly hath one quarrell or other to the Londoners and gets some thing of them But now there fell out 2 businesse that intertayned some time and gaue occasion to amuze the world with conceipts of some great aduantage and honor to the Kingd by the Election of Richard Earle of Cornewall to bee King of Romans which was as our The Earle of Cornwall Elected King of the Romans Writers say by the generall consent of all the Electors and by them is he sent for to receiue that Crowne the matter is here debated in Councell Some who thought his presence necessary to sway businesses in the Kingdome were vnwilling and diswade him by example of the miserable distruction of two lately elected to that dignity Henry the Lantgraue of Turing and William Earle of Holland but others and especially the King who was willing to be rid of him as one he had often found too great for a subiect and being a King abroad hee might make vse of him perswades him to take it vpon him which he is easily though seeming otherwise induced to doe But the Germaine Writers who are best witnesses of their owne affaires declare how after the murther of the Earle of Holland the Electors were deuided about the choyce of a successor Some stiffe to vphold their auncient Custome in Electing one of their owne Country which was more naturall Others of a stranger who might better support their declyning State which was more politike Long were the conflicts of their Councells hereupon in the end their voyces who stood for strangers were most but they likewise disagreed among themselues some would haue Richard brother to the King of England others Alphonsus King of Spain both of them not only contending who should haue it but who should giue most to buy it in the end Richard being nerest at Richard Crowned at Aquisgraue hand his mony the redier is preferred by the Bishop of Metz the Bishop of Cologne and the Palsgraue whose voyces he is said to haue bought and afterward is crowned at Aquisgrane Now to confirme himselfe say they in his State he proceeds in all violent and hostile manner according as he was set on against those who opposed his Election and hauing consumed himselfe both by his excessiue guifts in purchasing the suffrages he had and by this prosecution he came to bee dispossessed forsaken and forced to returne into England to his brother Henry then in warre with his Nobles Thus they deliuer it But before the Earle departed out of England the Earle of Glocester and Sir Iohn Mansel were sent into Germany to sound their affections and how they stood disposed towards him They returne well perswaded of the businesse and shortly after the Archbishop of Cologne comes to conduct him ouer on whom the Earle bestowes 500 Markes towards his charges and a rich Miter set with precious stones This Prince the Earle of Cornwall
Oath without leaue of his father they plainely Cron. Lichfield Henry eldest sonne to the King of Romans refuseth to take his Oath told him that if his father would not consent with the Baronage in this case hee should not bold a Furrow of Land in England In the end the Kings brethren and their followers are dispoyled of all their fortunes and exiled by proscription vnder the Kings owne hand directed to the Earles of Hereford and Surrey with charge not to passe either their Money Armes or Ornaments but in such sort as the Lords appointed and after their departure Claus 49. hee enioyneth the Citie of Bristow and other ports not to permit any strangers or Hen. 3. kinsmen of his to ariue vnlesse they did so behaue themselues as both hee and the Lords should like The Poictouines retyring to Bolongne in France send to King Louys to craue safe passage Mat. Par. through his Countrie into Poictou which in regard the Queene of France had been informed how they had defamed her Sister of England was by her meanes denyed at that time and Henry sonne to the Earle of Leicester whose estimation was great in France followes them with all eagernesse thither to incense the French against them And as they whom Enuie tumbles downe from high places shall be sure euer to haue all the thrusts possible to set them headlong into disgrace with the world so now the death and sicknesse of diuerse great men and others happening in England soone after this fatall Parlement is imputed to poysons supposed to haue been prepared by those Gentlemen The Earle of Glocester in a sicknesse sodainely lost his haire his teeth his nailes And his brother hardly escaped death which made many to suspect their nearest seruants and their Cookes Walter Scotny the Earles Steward being one is strictly examined committed to prison and after without confession executed vpon presumptions at Winchester Elias a conuerted Iew is said to haue confessed that in his house the poyson was confected but it was when he was a Diuell not a Christian Any thing in the prosecution of malice serues the turne Euery man that had receiued any wrong by those great men now put vp their complaints and are heard to the agrauation of their insolence and iniustice Guido de Rochfort a Poictouin to whom the King had giuen the Castle of Rochester is banished and all his goods confiscat William Bussey Steward to William de Valence is committed to the Towre of London most reprochfully vsed as an especiall minister of his Maisters insolencies Richard Gray whom the Lords had made Captain of the Castle of Douer is set to intercept whatsoeuer the Poictouines conuayed that way out of England and much treasure of theirs and the elect of Winchester is by him there taken besides great sums committed to the new Temple are found out and seised into the kings hands And as vsually in such heates much wrong is committed in these prosecutions of wrongs But now as an amuzatory to make the ill gouerned people thinke they are not forgotten the new chiefe Iusticiar Hugh Bigod brother to the Earle Mareschall chosen this last Parlement by publique voyce procures that foure Knights in euery shire should enquire of the oppressions of the poore done by great men vnder their hands and seales certifie the same by a certaine day to the Baronage that redresse might be made Moreouer order was taken that from thence forth no man should giue any thing besides prouisions for iustice or to hinder the same and both the corrupter and corrupted to bee grieuously punished Notwithstanding this pretended care of the publike it is noted by the writers and records of that time how the Lords inforced the seruices of the Kings tenants which dwelt neare them and were totidem tyranni how they furnished the especiall fortresses of the kingdom with Regist. in Scace William Rishangar Guardians of their owne sworne to the Common state and tooke the like assurance of all Shirifs Baylifes Coroners other publike ministers searching the behauiour of many by strict commission vpon oath And to make their cause the more popular it was rumored that the Kings necessitie must be repayred out of the Estates of his people and how he must not want whilst they had it whereupon the King sends forth proclamation How certain malicious persons had falsly and seditionsly reported that he ment vnlawfully to charge his Subiects and subuert the Lawes and Liberties of the Kingdom and by these subtile suggestions altogether false auerted the hearts of his people from him and therefore desires them not to giue credit to such perturbers for that hee was ready to defend all Rights an Customes due vnto them and that they might rest of this secured he caused of his freewill his letters to be made Patents But now Monfort Glocester and Spencer who had by the late institution of the 24 Conservators drawne the intire managing of the Kingdome into their hands inforce 1258. Anno. Reg. 42. the King to call the Parliament at London where the Authority of the 24 is delivered vnto themselues and order taken that three at the least should attend in the Court to dispose of the custodie of Castles and other businesses of the Kingdome of the 18. Parlement at London Ordinat inter Record Civil Lond. Chancellor Chiefe Iusticiar and Treasorer and of all Officers great and small And heere they binde the King to loose to them their Legall obedience whensoever he infringed his Charter In this State stood the Kingdome when intelligence was given to the Lords that Liceat omnibus de Regno nostro contra nos insurgere ad gravamen nostrum open operam dare ac si nobis in nullo tenerentur Chart. Orig. sub Sigillo Richard King of Romans had a purpose to come ouer into England which made them greatly to suspect being ignorant of the occasion least he were sent for by the King to come with power to subvert them by the example of King Iohn Whereupon they send to know the cause of his comming and to require of him an Oath before hee should land not to preiudice the now established orders of the Kingdome which he sternely refuses to do saying Hee had no Peere in England being the sonne and brother of a King and was aboue their power and if they would haue reformed the Kingdom they ought first to haue sent for him and not so presumptuously attempted a businesse of so high a Nature The Lords vpon returne of this answere sends presently to guard the Ports and come strongly to the Coast prepared to incounter him if occasion were offered But finding The Lords require an oath of him his traine small accompanyed onely with his Queene two German Earles and eight Knights they vpon his promise to take their propounded oath receiue him to land but would neither permit the King who came thither likewise to meete him nor
Magnificense From thence he comes to London and renders solemne thanks to God and Saint Edward for victory Which to make it seeme the more intire shortly after William Wallice that renowned Guardian of Scotland betrayed by his Companion is sent vp prisoner to London adiudged according to the Lawes of England to be drawne hangd and quarterd for his treasons committed against the King whom at his Araignement hee would not yet acknowledge to bee his King protesting neuer to haue sworne Fealty vnto him Thus suffered that worthy man for the defence of his owne in a strange Countrie and remains amongst the best examples of Fortitude Pietie in that kinde And now King Edward being as hee supposed at an end of all his businesse an vniuersall Lord at home strong in Alliance and Peace abroad beginnes to looke more seuerely to the gouernement of this Kingdome and to draw profit out of those disorders which the Licence of Warre and Trouble had bred therein And first amongst The case of Sir Nicholas Segraue other examples of his power which it seemes hee would haue equall to his will is the case of Sir Nicholas Segraue one of the greatest Knights then of the Kingdome who being accused of treason by Sir Iohn Crombwell offers to iustifie himselfe by Duell which the King refuses to grant in regard of the present Warre then in hand Whereupon Segraue without licence and contrary to the Kings prohibition leaues the Kings Campe and goes ouer Sea to fight with his enemy for which the King as against one that had not only contemned him but as much as in him lay exposed him to death and left him to his enemies would haue Iustice to proceed against him Three daies the Iudges consulted of the matter and in the end adiudged Segraue guilty of death and all his moueables and immouables forfeited to the King Notwithstanding in regard of the greatnesse of his blood they added Hee went not out of England in contempt of the King but only to bee reuenged of his accuser and therefore it was in the Kings power to shew mercy vnto him in this case The King hereto in great wrath replyed haue you been all this while consulting for this I know it is in my power to conferre grace and on whom I will to haue mercy but not the more for your sakes then for a dogge Who hath euer submitted himselfe to my grace and had repulse but let this your iudgement bee recorded and for euer held as a Law And so the Knight for example and terrour to others was committed to prison though Mat. West shortly after by the labour of many Noble men of the Kingdome Thirty of his Peers guirt with their swords standing out to be bound body for body and goods for goods to bring him forth whensoeuer hee should be called the King restored him to his estate Shortly after the King likewise sends out a new writ of inquisition called Trailbaston For Intruders on other mens lands who to oppresse the right owner would The inquisiti on of Trailbaston make ouer their lands to great men For Batterers hired to beate men For Breakers of the Peace For Rauishers Incendiaries Murthercrs Fighters False Assisors and other such Malefactors Which Inquisition was so strictly executed and such Fynes taken as it brought in exceeding much treasure to the King So did likewise another Commission the same time sent forth to examine the behauiour of Officers and Ministers of Iustice wherein many were found Delinquents and paide dearely for it Informers here as fruitfull agents for the Fiske and neuer more imployed then in shifting times were in great request Besides these meanes for treasnre aboue ground this King made some profit of certaine Siluer mynes in Deuonshire as is to be seene in Hollingshead but it seemes the charge amounting to more then the benifit they afterwards came discontinued The King likewise now beginnes to shew his resentiment of the stubborne behauiour of his Nobles towards him in times past and so terrefies Roger Bigod Earle-Marshall Reg. 33. An. 1306. as to recouer his fauour the E. made him the heire of his lands though hee had a brother liuing reseruing to himselfe a Thousand pounds pension per annum during his life Of others likewise hee got great summes for the same offence The Earle of Hereford escapes by death But the Archbishop of Canterbury whom hee accused to haue disturbed his Peace in his absence he sends ouer to Pope Clement the Fift who succeded Boniface that he might be crusht with a double power This Pope was Natiue of Burdeaux and so the more regardefull of the Kings desire and the King more confident of his fauour which to intertaine and encrease hee sends him a whole Furnish of all Vessels for his Chamber of cleane golde which great gift so wrought with the Pope as hee let loose this Lion vntied the King from the couenants made with his Subiects concerning their Charters confirmed vnto them by his three last Acts of Parlement and absolued him from his oath an Act of little Pietie in the Pope and of as little conscience in the King who as if hee should now haue no more need of his Subiects discouered with what sincerity hee granted what hee did But sodainely hereupon there fell out an occasion that brought him backe to his right Orbe againe made him see his error reforme it finding the loue of his people lawfully ordered to be that which gaue him al his power meanes he had to know how their subsistances were intermutuall The newes of a new King made crowned in Scotland was that which wrought the effect hereof Robert Bruce Earle of Carrick sonne to that Robert who was Competitor with Baliol escaping out of England becomes head to the confused body of that people which hauing beene so long without any to guide them any intire Councell scattered in power disunited in minde neuer at one together were cast into that miserable estate as they were For had they had a King as well as their enemies to haue led them held them together managed their affaires accordingly that which they did in this distraction shewes how much more they would haue done otherwise And therefore no sooner did Bruce appeare in his designe but he effected it had the Crowne and hands ready to help him at an instant and that before Rumour could get out to report any thing of it Although Iohn Comyn his Cosen german being a Titeler himselfe a man of great loue Alliance in Scotland wrote to haue bewrayed Brucos intention to the King of England in whose Court they both had liued and were his Pensioners But Bruce as great vndertakers are euer a wake and ready at all houres preuents him by speede Bruce murthers Iohn Cumyn in the Church and either to be auenged on him for his falshood or rid of him as a Competitor finding him at Dunfraies sets vpon and
hands together betweene the hands of the King of France pronounced the words of the Homage which were these You become Liegeman to the King my maister here present as Duke The forme of the Homage of Guyene and Peere of France and you promise to beare saith and loyalty vnto him Say yea and King Edward said yea and kisses the King of France as the Lord of the Fee in the mouth the like Homage hee then did for the Earle do me of Ponthieu This act of submission performed in the person of a King young actiue hauty and powerfull who held himselfe wronged in doing it to whom hee did bred that rancour in his heart as it had beene better for all Christendome that Ceremony had beene spared at this time and not so punctually beene exacted by King Phillip whom their owne Historians blame for standing so much vpon his Regality with one as mighty as himselfe and more able and likely to shake his new gotten Throne then any other whatsoeuer to whose passion considering the fiery heat of his youth hee should rather haue ministered Oyle then Vinegar and more hospitably intertertained him in his Court comming with that State and Magnificence as hee did attended with the best of all the kingdome of England to shew what he was and to beget a respect of his high estate But these are the errours of improuident Princes who carried with the sway of their owne will imbroyle themselues and their subiects that euer suffer the worst and are sure to pay dearely for others faults And now thus wounded in reputation with a minde swolne for reuenge the King K. Ed. returns out of France intertaines the Scottish businesse of England returnes to settle his affaires at home where Scottish businesses fall out to intertaine him The late peace concluded with them is held so dishonourable as it must not holde and to breake the same followed an occasion begunne vppon their owne quarells The tender age of their King the affliction of kingdomes with the emulation and factions in great men put Edward Balliol sonne to Iohn Balliol sometime King of Scotland thirtie two yeares after his fathers deposition to attempt Ed. Balliol comes out of France defeited his opposers is crowned King of Scotland the recouery of that Crowne and out of France where hee had all that while remained hee comes by the solicitation of his friends into England where hee was permitted vnderhand to get ayde and had all such Scots and English who were of the faction against Bruce to take his part and with them hee sodainely assailes those who had the gouernment of that kingdome during the nonage of the young King Dauid beeing at that time with the King of France and ouercame them in a battayle with the slaughter of many Noble men and Thousands of the common people and thereuppon was immediately crowned King of Scotland at Scone But his party being not so potent as they could maintaine and defend his quarrell against all those which opposed it hee was forced notwithstanding this great defeit to retire him into England to get more ayde of King Edward who now shewes himselfe in the action Berwick recouered ioynes with Baliol against his brother in law king Dauid goes in person with a strong Army to recouer Berwicke which after three moneths siege being valiantly defended The bataile of Halidown hil by the Lord Seton was againe taken in and the Army of the Scots which came to the rescue thereof at Halidowne hill vtterly defeited where were slaine seuen Earles 900 Knights and Baronets foure hundred Esquires and about two and thirty thousand common souldiers as our writers report theirs fourteene thousand And with this effusion of blood is Baliol returned to his miserable kingdome In this oppugnation of Berwicke though my haste bee great I must not so much A memorable act in the oppugnation of Berwicke trespasse vertue as to ouerpasse one memorable perticular recorded by the Scottish writers which is how the Lord Seton seeing all reliefe failing and the assaults so violent as hee could not long holde out conditions with king Edward if rescue came not at such a day to render him vp the towne and for assurance deliuers him two of his sonnes Shortly after king Edward hauing notice of the Scottish Army approaching with greater power and speed then hee expected and likely to bee there before the day sommons the Lord Seton to render the towne presently otherwise he should see his two sonnes executed before his face and withall a Gallowes is made ready within sight of the towne the young Gentlemen brought forth and vnder the hand of the Executioner wherewith the distressed Lord rent betweene those powerfull passions of Nature and Honour standing doubtfull what to doe his wife the mother of those sonnes a Lady more then a woman comes vnto him exhorts him to remember his Fealty sworne to the King his Charity to his Countrie the dignity of his noble Familie that they had other children left though these were destroyed and besides themselues were not so olde but that they might haue more How those if they should bee preserued from death at this time might otherwise shortly perish by some worse occasion And what a staine he should lay on the name of Seton and their posteritie for ever by a base act of yeelding and betraying the place committed vnto him whereby also hee was not certaine whether he should preserue his children or no for how could hee hope that this King who had violated his first promise with him would performe the last And therefore besought him that hee would not prefer an vncertaine and momentany benefite before a certaine and perpetuall ignominy And so recovering her Lords resolution for holding out withdrew him from the walles into some other parts aside that he might not be Spectator of the execution of his innocent children The next yeare after this defeit at Hallidown Hill Edward Baliol King of Seots at 1333. An. Reg. 7. Newcastle doth Homage to the King of England as his superiour Lord and takes his oath of Fealty Binding himselfe and his heires to hold that Kingdome of him and his successors for ever with the inheritance of fiue Countries next adioyning to the Borders So large a part yeelds hee to forgoe rather then to be in danger to loose the whole which Edward Baliol doth Homage for the Kingdome of Scotl. yet could not secure his estate but rather imbroyled it the more by reason of the discontent which most part of the Nobles of Scotland conceived vpon this act of Alienation and subiection of their Country Insomuch as it gaue both Kings continuall occasion of trouble for a long time after with the expence of infinite treasure A Parlement holden at London There was granted to the King of England for these warres a Fifteenth of the Temporalty a Twelfe of Cities and Boroughes and a Tenth of the Clergie in
suncke all their Ships King Edward vanquishes the French Kings great Navie slew 30 thousand men and landed with as great glory as such a victorie the greatest that ever before was gotten by the English at Sea could yeeld Most of the French rather then to endure the Arrowes and sharpe swords of the English or be taken desperately leape into the Sea Whereupon the French Kings Iester set on to giue him notice of this overthrow which being so ill newes none else willingly would impart on the suddaine said and oftentimes re-iterated the same Cowardly Englishmen Iean Tillet Dasterdly Englishmen Faint-hearted Englishmen The King at length asked him Why For that said he They durst not leap out of their ships into the Sea as our braue French-men did By which speech the King apprehended a notion of this overthrow which the French attribute to Nicholas Buchet one of their chiefe Commanders who had armed his Ships with men of base condition content with small pay and refused Gentlemen and sufficient Souldeirs in regard they required greater wages and it osten happens that the Auarice of Commanders haue beene the occasion of great defeits But this losse much abated the power of the French King who notwithstanding in these Martiall times was soone supplyed both out of his owne Dominions and those of his Confederates and makes a mighty head against this victorious powerfull and freshly furnished King of England who suddainely sets downe before Tourney with King Edward and sends hic Challenge to the French King all his owne and his adherents forces And from Chyn a place neere-by where hee lodged sends his Cartell the 17 of Iuly to Phillip de Valois lodging at S. Andrew les Aire with his puissant army Declaring how he with the power of his owne Kingdome and aide of the Flemmings was come to recever his right in the Kingdome of France uniustly detained from him contrary to the Lawes of God and Man and that seeing no other meanes would serue hee was forced in this manner to haue recourse to his sword Notwithstanding seeing the businesse was between them two hee offers for the avoiding of Christian bloud ànd devastation of the Country to try the same by combat in close Campe body to body or each of them accompaned with 100 choyce persons which if the said Phillip refused then to strike battell within ten daies after before the Cittie of Tourney Phillip de Valois returnes answer the last of Iuly in this manner Phillip by the grace of God King of France to Edward King of England Wee haue perused your letters sent to the The French Kings answer to the Challenge Court of Phillip de Valois containing certaine requests to the said Phillip and for that it appeareth hose letters and requests were not written or made vnto vs wee will in no sort answer you But seeing by those letters and otherwise wee understand how you led by Wilfulnesse without all reason haue entred our Kingdome of France with armed power and committed no small dammage in the same and on our people contrary to the duety of a Liegeman having lalely sworne homage vnto us acknowledging us as by right King of France and haue promised that obedience which is due from the Vassall to his Liege-Lord as is manifest by your letters Patents under your great Seale which we haue with us and you likewise ought to haue the same with you And therefore our intention is as becomes our Honour to chace you out of our Kingdome as we firmely hope in Christ from whom we haue our power to do For that by this your warre most wickedly begunne our Iourney undertaken for the East is hindred no small number of Christians there murthered the holy service neglected and the Church dishonoured And whereas you alledge you possesse the aide of the Flemmings wee are assuredly perswaded that they with the Communalty of their Countrie will so beare themselues towardes our Cosen their Earie and vs their superiour Lords as they will not omit to obserue their honour and fidelity whatsoeuer hath beene by some through ill counsell perpetrated for their owne priuate contrary to the common good The French write how King Phillip with this Letter sent worde to King Edward how by his Cartell hee aduentured nothing of his owne but onely exposed the dominion of another which was without all reason If hee would hazard the kingdome of England though it were lesse against the kingdome of France the said King Phillip would enter combate in close campe with him on condition the Victor should enioy both kingdomes But that they say King Edward would not doe Three moneths the siege of Turney had continued and nothing effected but the waste of the Countrie about all the eyes of Christendome bent vpon this action both kingdomes deeply ingaged expecting with anxiety the doubtfull euent thereof when Iane de Valois sister to Phillip widdow of William late Duke of Haynault and mother A mediation for peace to Phillippa wife to King Edward a Princesse of excellent vertue came from Fountenelles where shee had rendered herselfe a Nun vowed to God to mediate a peace betweene these two intaged Kings her brother and her sonne in lawe and labours to stay the sword of destruction lift vp for blood trualying from one to the other stubbornly bent to their intentions and neuer left them though often denyed till shee had with great patience and wise counsell quallified their boyling passions in such sort as she obtained day and place for both Kings to parle together A memorable worke to bee effected by a woman especially in such an age of Iron as that was This parle brought forth a truce for one yeare and both these great Armies A Truce concluded are dissolued The French King returnes home and so doth the King of England with his Queene who had remained in those parts three yeares and had there Anno Reg. 15. brought forth two sonnes Lionell afterwards Duke of Clarence and Iohn borne at Gant who first was Earle of Richmond and after Duke of Lancaster But King Edwards condiscending to this sudden truce had indeed no other motiue thē the want of his supplies of treasure which came short to his expectation notwithstanding those mighty impositions which were laid on his subiects And whereas hee had vpon his last returne into England in great displeasure remoued his Chancellor and imprisoned his Treasorer with other Officers most of them Cleargy-men and still held them in durance Iohn Stratford Archbishoppe of Canterbury on Iohn Strarford Archbishop of Canterbury his Letters to King Edward whom the King laid the blame of his wants writes him a most bolde and peremptory Letter to this effect first shewing him how it was for the safety of kings and their Kingdomes to vse graue and wise Counsailors alledging many examples out of holy Writ of the flourishing happinesse of such as tooke that course and their infelicity who followed the
of lay Fee were appointed to finde an Archer on horse-backe of 25 pounds a Demilance and so ratably aboue The King himselfe goes in person to confirme and make the Flemings fast vnto him and at Sluce Iaques van Arteuile with other Commissioners from their chiefe Townes repaire vnto him where a motion is made that either Louys their Earle should do homage to the King of England or else be disinherited and Edward Prince of Wales receiued for their Lord for which King Edward promises to erect their County to a Dukedome Arteuile was forward to entertaine this motion but the rest of the Commissioners require leaue to acquaint therewith the Townes that sent them which though they were all desirous to haue the Protection of the King of England yet disliked the disinheriting of their naturall Lord. Arteuile notwithstanding vndertakes to induce them vnto it and returnes to Gant garded with fiue hundreth Welsh which he desired to haue for that one Gerrard Denyse Prouost of the Weauers opposed him and sought his distruction The people whom he had so often led to muteny against others now vpon his returne rose against himselfe and a Cobler with an Axe strake out his braines And so King Edward lost his great Agent which much displeased him and disappointed his businesse in those parts Yet the Townes sent to excuse themselues of this accident laying the fault on the turbulent Gantoys and in all things vowing their faithfull seruice vnto him onely to the disinheriting of their Earle they could not consent But they hoped to perswade him to become his homager and to procure a match betweene the sonne of their Earle and his daughter And thus pacifying his present displeasure the league is renued betwixt them and King Edward returnes to prosecute his other designes But now the warres in Guien grew hot the Earle of Darby Generall of the Army assaults and takes in Ville-Franche Agenois Angolesme Rions Saint Basile with many other Cities and Castles The French King sends his eldest sonne Iohn Duke of Normandie to incounter him who recouers the Cities of Angolesme and Ville-Franche thus is the sword out before the Truce is expired the breach wherof the French King layes on the King of England and hee the same on him for entertayning King Dauid and setting the Scots vpon attempts of inuasion of his Realme So that it seemes both were prepared to breake not able to holde their hands any longer from the fatall worke of destruction It was now the twentith yeare of this mighty and actiue Kings raigne wherein Reg. 20. Anno. 1346. hee had prepared the greatest Fleet that euer yet crossed the Seas for France and ouer hee passes into Normandy in Iuly leauing for Wardens of England in his absence the Lords Percy and Neuile taking the young Prince with him about the age of fifteene yeares to learne him the way of men and what trauell greatnesse was borne The king goes with a mighty Army into Normandy to indure to attaine glory in this world His Army consisted of foure thousand men at Armes and ten thousand Archers besides Welch Irish which followed on foot hee had of Earles Hereford Northampton Arundell Huntingdon Warwicke Suffolke and Oxford of Barones Mortimer who was after Earle of Marche Iohn Louys and Roger Beauchamp Cobham Lucy Basset Barkeley and Willoughbie with diuerse other both Knights and gallant Captaines Hee had of late entertayned Godfrey de Harcourt who had beene as a minion to the French King and became another Robert de Artois vpon some discontent or doubt of some discoueries of fauouring the English party in Brittaine for which cause the French King had a little before executed Oliuer de Clisson Bacon Percy Geffrey de Malestroit men of especiall marke whom hee had there imployed And now insteed of this Harecourt had wonne from King Edward the Lord Iohn de Beaumont who had long serued him was his wiues Vncle and acquainted Iohn de Beaumont when King Edward had made him Earle of Cambridge takes the French Kings part with all his courses Such is the trust of mercinaries who sell their faith for better entertainement Neither did this Harecourt long hold out but changed colours and made his peace with the French King his naturall Lord but in the meane time did him and his countrie much mischiefe For vpon King Edwards landing with his mighty Army in the Isle of Costantine in Normandy by his conduction hee made him one of his Marshals and the Earle of Warwicke the other The Earle of Arundell is appointed Constable He diuides his people into three battailes one to march on his left hand along the Sea coast the other on the right conducted by the two Marshals and himselfe in the midst with his mayne Army The Earle of Huntingdon imployed for Admirall of his Fleete was to take all the shippes hee found on the Sea The manner of King Ed. proceeding with his Army coast The three Armies by land lodged euery night in one field And first he sackes the City of Caranton slew all hee found armed or disarmed therein burnes razes desolates the Citie saying hee sacrificed those oblations to Bacon Percy and others whose heads hee found set vpon the principall gate vniustly massacred by Phillip Thence hee marches forward and tooke Saint Lo a rich Towne of marchandise and pillaged the same Then after some bickring became Maister of Caen and put all that countrey into so great terror as Falaise Lyseaux Honfleur strong walled townes rendered themselues vnto him This done hee spread his power in the Isle of France to draw out Phillip to the combate giuing out that hee would wrastle with him in the eye of all France on the great Theater before his capitall Citie of Paris Phillip this while held not his armes in his bosome but had ramassed one of the The French K. prepares to oppose K. Ed. fairest Armies saith the French History that euer was seene in France composed of French Lorraynes Alemaines Genouoys which hee led towardes Meulan where King Edward was said to haue made a stand and attended him but vpon report of his comming on retyres it was supposed hee fled for feare but the euent shewed that the great God of Armies had destined his victory for another place King Phillip followes and ouertakes him at a Village called Arenes a name remarkeable signifying the Sand to show on what vnstable earth all the trust of humaine forces and the designes of the great are founded This mighty Army of King Phillip hauing the aduantage to be at home where all was theirs made him account the victory certaine King Edward retires to gaine the Riuer of Some at Blanquetaque but the passage was to be disputed by the sword For Phillip had before sent thither Gundemar de Fay with a thousand horse and fixe thousand foot King Edward notwithstanding resolues to K. Ed. goes ouer the riuer of Some defeites the Fren. passe
for the reformation of the State Besides they compose a Councell of themselues whereof the Bishop of Laon the Primier President the Prouost with some of the Vniuersity were chiefe assuming a Soueraigne power to order all affaires of the State as a Common-wealth So that wee see in what a miserable confusion that kingdome stood being without a head and how apt it was then to shake off all authority and dissolue the gouernement into parts shewing vs that it was no new proiect amongst them to Cantonize as the great Townes and the Princes of late practised to doe in their leagues during their ciuile combustions The Dauphin thus disgraced with much a doe gets out of this tumultious City and retyres into Champagne and at Vertus assembles the States of the Countrie whom hee found loyall and ready to yeeld him all succour The rest of the great Townes refusing with much disdaine to ioyne with the City of Paris offer him likewise their ayde So that hee was put into some heart and likly to effect his desires in short time had not the King of Nauarre who sought his destruction still raysed new broyles in the State and taken Armes against him Now besides these confusions greater mischiefes arose in that miserable kingdome the poore Paysants that had beene eaten out by the Souldiers and troden vnder foote by their Lords colleague and arme themselues in the Country of Beauuoysis France spoyled by the souldiers and others on all sides and turne head vpon the Gentry and such as had done them wrong spoyling sacking burning their houses killing their wiues and children in most outragious manner This was not all troupes of souldiers which had no work or meanes to liue ioyne together in mighty Companies ouer-runne and rauage other parts of the kingdome The forces in Brittaine vnder the conduct of Sir Robert Knoles breake out vpon the confining Countries and returne loaden with inestimable booties of wealth All which miserable calamities enough to haue vtterly dissolued a State prolong the imprisonment of their King in England so that nothing could bee effected for his ransome which King Edward thinkes long till he haue in his Treasury and vrges likewise for his part very hard conditions requiring say they besides infinite summes that King Iohn should doe homage and holde the kingdome of France of the Crowne of England which hee with great disdayne refuses as being not in his power to alien what was vnalienable vowing that no misery of his should constrayne him to doe any thing preiudiciall to his successors to whom hee would leaue the State as hee receiued it But yet at length offers other and more large conditions then the French were willing to yeeld vnto which being long in debating and nothing concluded after foure yeares expectation King Edward in great displeasure resolues to make an end of this worke with the sword and to take possession King Edward goes to take possession of the kingdome of France of the kingdome of France And ouer hee passes to Calais with a Fleete of eleuen hundred Sayle His Army hee diuides into three battailes one hee commits to the Prince of Wales another to the Duke of Lancaster and the third hee leades himselfe And first hee marches to the City of Aras which hee takes within three dayes Thence into Champagne where the Cities of Sens and Neuers are rendered Anno Reg. 34. vnto him The Duchy of Burgogne terrified with these examples redeemes it selfe from spoyle vpon paying two hundred thousand Florins of gold Furnished with which treasure and booties by the way vp King Edward marches to Paris where the Dauphin who had now the title of Regent hauing lately ouercome the faction and executed the principall of the Mutiners was with great forces which in the common danger flocked together to defend their Countrie and would not by the example of his father and Grand-father be drawne out to hazard vpon any attempt but stood onely vpon his defences which the King of England seeing after many prouocations raysed his siege and returnes into Brittaine to refresh his Army In the meane time the Regent layes in mighty store of victualls prouides that the Souldiers should haue enough without pressing the inhabitants and with extreame dilligence so fortifies the City as King Edward returning with all his refreshed power was vtterly disappoynted of his hopes to doe any good there Thus that great Citty which was like to haue endangered the whole kingdome of France was the onely meanes to preserue it From hence King Edward takes his way towards Chartres with purpose to besiege that City but being by an horrible tempest of haile thunder and lightning that fell vpon his Army so terrified as hee vowed to make peace with the French King vpon any reasonable conditions as he shortly after did at the treaty of Britigny The Treatie of Accord concluded at Britigny neere Chartres vpon these Articles That the country of Poicton the Fiefs of Thouars and Belleuille the Countrie of Gascoigne Agenois Perigort Limosin Cahors Torbe Bigorre Rouergne Angoulmois in soueraigntie with the Homages of the Lords within those Territories Monstruel on the Sea Ponthieu Calais Guines La Merk Sangote Boulogne Hames Vales and Onis should bee to the King of England who besides was to haue three Millions of Scutes of gold whereof sixe hundred thousand presently in hand foure hundred thousand the yeere following and the Surplus in two yeeres after insuing vpon reasonable payment And for this the King of England and his Sonne the Prince of Wales as well for them as their Successors for euer should renounce all their right pretended to the Vid. Append. Crowne of France the Duchy of Normandie the Countryes of Touraine Aniou Maine the Soueraigntie and Homage of the Dutchy of Britagne and the Earldome of Flanders and within three weekes King Iohn to bee rendred at Callais at the charge of the King of England except the expences of his House For assurance of which Accord should be giuen into his hand Hostages Louys Duke of Aniou Iohn Duke of Berry King Iohns sonnes Phillip Duke of Orleance his brother Iohn Duke of Burgogne the Conts of Bloys Alenson Saint Pol Harcourt Poncian Valentinois Grand Pre de Brenne des Forrests the Lords Vaudemont Couscy Piennez de Saint Venant de Preaux de Momerancy de Garanciecis La Roche guion Estou-teuille Le Dauphind ' Auergne d' Andrigil de Craon sufficient cautions for the sayd Summes and conditions The Scots not to be ayded by the French King nor the Flemmings by the English Charles King of Nauarre and his brother Phillip are comprehended likewise in these Articles c. This Treatie of good accord and finall Peace signified by both Kings was ratified King Iohn deliuered by their two eldest Sonnes Edward and Charles and sworne vnto by the Nobilitie of both Kingdomes The Hostages are deliuered vnto King Edward who departing from Honfleur brought them into England leauing the
Earle of Warwick in France to haue a hand in the execution of the Accorde King Iohn is honourably conducted to Calais attending the promised Summe the first gage of his libertie Anno Reg. 35. 1361. The Citie of Paris yeelds one thousand Royals by whose Example other Cities contribute according to their proportions And thus is King Iohn deliuered after hauing remained Prisoner in England neere about fiue yeeres And both Kings depart in kinde manner with all demonstrations of brotherly Loue. King Edward returning with his Crownes calles a Parliament wherein the forme of the Accord was read and allowed of all the Estates and an Oath taken by the Nobles to obserue the same for their partes Heere the King restorees to the Priors Aliens their Houses Lands Tenements which he had taken from them Anno Reg. 12. for the maintenance of his French Warres which now being ended he grants by his Letters Pattents in as free manner as before they helde them A rare Example of a iust King being seldome seene that Princes let go any thing whereon they haue once fastned Now againe was the ioy and glorie that England receiued by their gettings seasoned The second great Pestilence with the sowrenesse of another mortalitie called The second Pestilence whereof dyed many Noble men the chiefe was Henry Duke of Lancaster of the Royall blood a Prince of great note for wisedome and valour who had beene an especiall Actor in all these Warres and a principall Pillar of the Crowne of England whose Daughter and Heyre was a little before marryed to Iohn of Gaunt by dispensation being neere of consanguinitie whereby hee is made Duke of Lancaster And shortly after by the like Dispensation the Prince of Wales marryes the Countesse Anno Reg. 36. of Kent Daughter to Edmond brother to Edward the second And so both are prouided of Matches within the Kingdome The King giues to the Prince of Wales the Duchy of Aquitaine reseruing to himselfe Homage and Fealtie and shortly after sends him ouer with his wife and Court to liue there His sonne Lionell Earle Vlster is sent into Ireland with a regiment of 1500 men to guard his Eatledome against the Irish and was created Duke of Clarence in the next Parliament held at Westminster in Nouember which continued vntill the feast of Saint Brice King Edwards Birth-day and the Fiftith yeare of his age Wherein for a Iubilie hee shewes himselfe extraordinarily gracious to his people freely pardoning many offences releasing prisoners reuoking Exiles c. And vpon petition of the Commons causes Pleas which before were in French to be made in English that the subiect might vnderstand the Lawe by which hee holdes what hee hath and is to know what hee doth A blessed act and worthy so great a King who if hee could thereby haue rendered the same also perspicuous it had beene a work of eternall honour but such is the Fate of Law that in what language soeuer it speakes it neuer speakes plaine but is wrapt vp in such difficulties and mysteries as all professions of profit are as it giues more affliction to the people then it doth remedy Here was also an act passed for Purueiors as there had beene many before in his time that nothing should bee taken vp but for ready money vpon strict punishment For retribution of which relieuements the Parliament granted sixe and twenty shillings eight pence for tranportation Vid. Stat. of euery sacke of woole for three yeares Thus all were pleased sauing the remouing of the Saple from the Townes of England to Calais was some grieuance to those whom it concerned Yet the Kings desire to inrich that Towne being of his owne acquisition and now a member of the Crowne of England might herein be well borne withall And sure this King the most renowmed for Valour and Goodnesse that euer raigned in this kingdome not onely laboured to aduance the State by enlarging the Dominions thereof but to make his people as well good as great by reforming their vices whereunto fortunate and opulent States are euermore subiect as may be noted in the next Parliament held at Westminster Anno Reg. 37. wherein for the publique Good certaine Sumptuary lawes the most necessarie to preuent Ryot that dissoluing sicknesse the feuer Hectique of a State were ordayned both for Apparell Diet appointing euery degree of men from the Shepheard to the Prince the Stuffe Habits they should weare prohibiting the adornements of gold and Siluer Silkes and rich Furres to all except eminent persons Vid. Stat. Whereby forraine superfluities were shut out home-made Cōmodities only vsed The Labourer and Husbandman is appointed but one meale a day and what meates he should eate c. whereby Gluttony Drunkennesse those hideous euils which haue since vtterly disfashioned infeebled the English Nation were auoided So carefull was this frugall King for preseruing the estates of his subiects from Excesse And as prouident was hee for the ordering of his owne committing his treasure to the safest Chest that Religion could keepe lockt For by a certificat Anno Cleargy men Officers to the King Reg. 39. sent to Pope Vrbane concerning Plut alities and the estates of Church-men in England there were found more of the Spirtualty which bare office about this King then any other of Christendome beside As first Simon Langham Archbishop of Canterbury was Chancelor of England William Wickham Archdeacon of Lincolne Keeper of the Priuy Seale Dauid Weller Parson of Somersham Maister of the Rolles Ten beneficed Priests Ciuilians Maisters of Chancery William Mulse Deane of Saint Martins le Grand Chiefe Chamberlayne of the Exchecquer Receiuer and Keeper of the Kings treasure and Iewels William Askby Archdeacon of Northampton Chancelor of the Exchecquar William Dighton Pribendary of Saint Martins Clarke of the Priuy Seale Richard Chesterfield Prebend of Saint Staphans Treasurer of the Kings house Henry Snatch Parson of Oundall Maister of the Kings Ward-robe Iohn Newnham Parson of Fenni-stanton one of the Chamberlaines of the Exchequer and keeper of the Kings Treasurie and Iewels Iohn Rousbie Parson of Harwick Surueior and Comptroler of the Kings works Thomas Britingham Parson of Asbie Treasurer to the King for the parts of Guisnes and the Marches of Calais Iohn Troys Tresurer of Ireland a Priest and beneficed there These men being without those Feminine Ginnes of attraction and consumption deuoted onely to Sanctitie were thought then fittest to be husbands for his profit Shortly after three Kings came to visite the King of England The King of France the King of Scots and the King of Cypres The occasions that mooued the French king might be diuers but it seems the especial wereto free some Hostages that remained heere and to cleare such imputations as were had of him for not obseruing in all points the late Accorde wherewith his Nobles were much discontented and many dissiculties arose among them so that in an Assembly of the States at Paris certaine
perticular Lords whose Homages were passed ouer to the King of England protested against it Alledging how that the King could not dispose of the Soureigntie of the Kingdome nor alien his Domaine and therefore they would not obey it The French King notwithstanding least King Edward should thinke this but a collusion betweene him and his subiects publishes his Commandement for the obseruation of the Accord and thereof certifies King Edward Besides he had vndertaken a iourney for the Holy warres and desired to settle all things in peace at home before his going And this might be the occasion of his comming and not his loue to the Conntesse of Salisburie as is reported But howsoeuer this King shewed a Strange disposition to returne to the Gaole where he had indured so much affliction and where shortly after his comming The death of King Iohn of France hee ended his life much lamented of the King of England who sole mnly attended his Corps to Douer whence it was conuayed to Saint Denys and entombed with his Ancestors An. 1364. Reg. 38. The debate for the Duchie of Britaigne is about this time determined by the death of Charles de Bloys slaine in a Battaile neere Vannes by Iohn de Monfort and the English Forces led by the Lord Latimer Sir Iohn Chandos and Sir Hugh Cauerley The businesse of Britayne accomdated for a time Iohn de Monfort marries Mary Daughter to King Edward and by his consent doth his homage for the Duchie to Charles now King of France compounding with the widdow of Charles de Bloys for a summe of money and some estate in land And heere we haue some time of rest which the Souldier whom the warre had bred could not well brooke The cast Companies in France though they had no Head yet had strong Bodies and did much mischiefe in many parts of that Kingdom till they were imployed in the Warres of Spaine which fell out shortly after A Company of them passed over into Italie vnder the conduct of Sir Iohn Haucut a great The Italians call him Iohannos de Acuto Warriour who found such entertainement with the Princes there where hee reuiued Militarie discipline that had layne long vnused among them and got such honour and estate by his valour as his fame remaines to this day and his Statue amongst their memorable Princes for action and vertue though hee went but a Taylorout of this Kingdome which in those dayes could haue furnished the whole world with Leaders and expert Militarie men And now heere haue we brought this mightie King to the Fortieth yeere of his Anno Reg. 40. Raigne which had it beene his last wee had left him the most glorious and tryumphant Prince in the world to whom Fortune neuer yet shewed her back neuer was retrograd But now these last ten yeeres present vs with a turning of the Beame a declination from that height of glory with certaine blemishes that age and frailtie brought vpon him This new King of France Charles the fift Intituled The wise recouered great aduantages vpon him hauing in the life time of his Father strugled so with affliction a better Mistresse of wisedome then prosperitie and learned so well to know a Crowne before he had it as now hee manages the same with great temperance and vigilancie and finding the preseruation of that State consisted more in counsell then force which had beene too aduenturously imployed by his Father and Grand-father he workes his fortune by lying still hauing excellent aydes and ministers to execute his designes and labour for him of whom for his warres Guesclin a Brittaine whom hee made Constable of France was of especiall note and first shewed the way how that State was to be recouered The Prince of Wales remayning in his Duchy of Aquitayne with a great Court which required great expences and many military attendants without worke is Anno Reg. 41. 1367. solicited by Peter King of Castile chased out of his kingdome by his bastard brother Henry to ayde him to recouer the same which the Prince vpon great promises of remuneration vndertakes by the consent of his father The cause was better then the person For this Peter sonne to Alphonso 11. King of Castile had cōmitted so tyrannicall outrages as were intollerable to his subiects oppressing and destroying The Prince of wales aides the King of Castile his Nobles to inrich himselfe putting away and after murthering his wife which was daughter to Peter Duke of Burbon sister to the now Queen of France by the instigation of his Concubine Maria de Padilla whom he afterwards married Whereupon the State adhering to his brother Henry who though he were a bastard by his birth was more Legittimate by his vertues then hee who was more a bastard by his vices crowned him King of Spaine at Bargos and forced Peter to fly the kingdome This Peter thus reiected the Prince of Wales with an Army of thirty thousand attended by his brother Iohn Duke of Lancaster and many Lords of England goes to re-inuest in his kingdome Henry is ayded by the French and those floting companies fore-remembred led by Guesclin Constable and Dandrehen Marshall of France hauing besides of Castilians Christians and Sarasins so many as his Army consisted of neere an hundred thousand men Vpon the borders of Castile it came to a Battayle the Prince of Wales hath the victory Henry is put to flight the French Leaders taken prisoners and Peter put into his Throne againe at Bargos The worke done reward for the same is required by the Prince which Peter could not or cared not to prouide but staruing him with delayes inforced him in the end to returne to Burdeaux without mony to pay his Army which was worse without health which he neuer after recouered This successe had this vnfortunate action vndertaken to right an vngratefull Tyrant who afterwarde notwithstanding was The Prince obtaines the victory in Spaine againe dispossessed taken and put to death by his brother Henry It is written that to strengthen himselfe hee combined with a Prince of the Sarazins married his daughter and renounced the Christian faith but it is commonly the reward of euill princes to be made worse then they are The Prince of Wales returning thus out of Spaine charged with more debts then before and destitute of meanes to content his people fals vpon another misfortune The il successe of that iourny as commonly men in these declinations seeking remedies increase maladies imposing a new taxation vpon the Gascoignes of Feuage or Chymney mony so discontented the people as they exclaime against the gouernment of the English and appeale to the King and Court of France for redresse The King of France at the instance of the great Lords and others who were turned ouer by the accord to hold of the Crowne of England sends a Gentleman to the Prince of Wales at Burdeaux with sommons to answere before him and his
of an intention was banished and their estates seized the Earldome of Mortaigne he gaue to Robert that of Eu to Odo after Bishop of Bayeux both his brethren by the mother These assaults from abroade these skornes conspiracies and vnder-workings at home he passed before he was full 32 yeares of age and thus his enemies made him that sought to vndoe him But now more to vnderset and strengthen his State against future practises hee conuokes an assemblie of his Prelates Barons and Gentlemen causing them to receiue their oath of Fealtie and raze their Castles which done he married Matilde the daughter of Baldouin the sift Earle of The Duke marries Matilde daughter of Balaouine the fift Earle of Flanders Flaunders but not without contrast and trouble for his Vncle Mauger Arch-bishop of Roan excommunicates him for matching within the forbidden degrees of kindred she being daughter to Elinor daughter to Richard the second and so his fathers sisters daughter To expiate for which offence vpon a dispensation from Pope Victor they were enioyned the building of certaine Hospitals for blind people and two Abbeyes the one for men the other for women which were erected at Caen. This match and the ouer-matching his enemies set him so high a marke of enuie in The reasons why the King of France warres with the Normans the eye of France which naturally loued not the Normans whom in reproach they vsually called Trewans as they easily incensed their King who of himselfe was forward enough to abate a power growne so out of proportion with the rest of the Princes of his Dominions to finde a quarrell which confiners easily doe to set vpon him and to make it looke the fairer pretends to correct the insolencies of the Normans committed on his territories and to releeue Count Martel opprest by the Duke besides alleadging It concerwed him in honour and iustice to haue that Prouince which held of his Crowne to bee gouerned by a Prince of lawfull bloud according to Christian order and Lawes Ecclesiasticall And therefore resolueth vtterly to exterminate the Duke and establish a legittimate Prince in the Dutchie For which effect two armies are gathered from all parts of his Kingdome the one sent along the riuer Sein the other into the Country of Bessin as meaning to incompasse him The Duke likewise deuides his forces into two parts sends his brother Odo Earle of Eu Walter Guifford Earle of Longueuill and others with the one to the Country of Caux himselfe with the other takes towards Eureux to make head to the King that was at Mante and withdrawes all cattle and prouisions out of the flat Country into Cities and Fortresses for their owne store and disfurnishment of the enemie The Kings army marching from Beanuois to Mortimer and finding there a fat Country full of all prouisions betooke them to make good cheere and rests there all that night thinking the Norman forces were yet with the Duke at Eureux which the army in Caux conducted by Odo vnderstanding marched all night and by breake of day gaue them so hot an alarme and so sodaine as put them all in rout leauing horse and armour The defeiture of the Armie of the King of France by the Normans and all to the assaylants who made such a distruction of them as of forty thousand not the fourth part escaped With this defeiture the King of France is againe returned home with great rage and griefe and the Duke with the redemption of the prisoners recouers his peace and the Castle of Thuilliers taken from him in his vnder-age Cont Martell though much dismayd with the Kings ouerthrow yet leaues not to make some attempts for the recouering his Townes but with no successe The Duke he saw was to well beloued followed for him to do any good without a stronger arme Wherfore the next spring he goes againe to importune the King of France to aide him against the Duke who he said Was now growne so insolent vpon this peace and the victorie he had stolne and not wonne that there was no liuing for his neighbours neere him Besides the Normans had the French in such derision and base esteeme as they made their act at Mortimer their onely sport and the subiect of their rimes as if a King of France vpon the losse of a few men was retired and durst not breake a dishonourable peace With which instigation and being stung with the touch of reproach hee raises another Army far mightier then before wherein were three Dukes and twelue Earles and notwithstanding the sollemne peace made and so lately sworne with the Duke hee enters Normandie in the haruest time ouer-runnes and spoiles all the Country along the Coast to Bessin from whence marching to Bayeux and Caen with purpose to paste the riuer Diue at Varneuille to destroy the Countries of Auge Liseux and Roumoys euen to Roan and finding the case-way long and the bridge narrow caused his vantguard to passe ouer first and to secure his Arierguard conducted by the Duke of Berry himselfe stayes behind in Caen till his people and their carriages were passed Duke William whom all this while stores his sortresses with men and victuall makes himselfe as strong in the Towne of Falaise as he could hath no army in the field but a running campe to be readie to take all aduantages le ts the fury of the storme spend it selfe and hauing aduertisement of this passage marched all night with 10 thousand men and in the morning early sets vpon the Arierguard with so sodaine a cry and fury as they who were before on the Case-way hearing this noise behinde thrust forward their fellowes hasting to get ouer the bridge with such a crowd and presse as they brake it many were drownd in the riuer They who were gotten ouer could not returne to aide the rest nor the King by reason of Marishes on both sides yeeld any succour to his people but stood a spectator of their slaughter and the taking of sixe of his Earles of whom one was the exiled Earle of Eu whom the King fauouring his great worth had made Conte De Soissons The griefe of this ouerthrow shortly after gaue the King of France his death and The Armie of the King of France ouerthrowne at Varneuille by the Normans the Duke of Normandy a ioyfull peace which hee nobly imployed in the ordering and adorning his State building endowing and decking Monasteries and Churches gathering reliques from all parts to furnish his Abbeyes at Caen where hee also erectted a Tombe for himselfe and his wife feasting and rewarding his Nobles and men of worth whereby hee so possest him of the hearts of all his people generally as they were entirely his for what he would During this calme of his life hee makes a iourney ouer into England as if to visite The Duke comes to visit his kinsman King Edward his kinsman who in regard of the preseruation and breeding hee had
alteration though in the best kinde with this change of State And to giue entertainment to deuotion hee did all he could to furnish his Church with the most exquisite ornaments might be procured added a more State and conueniencie to the structure of religious houses and beganne the founding of Hospitals Hauing long struggled with indefatigable labour to hold things in an euen course during the whole raigne of this busie new state-building King and after his death seeing his successor in the Crowne established especially by his meanes to faile his expectation out of the experience of worldly causes deuining of future mischiefes by present courses grew much to lament with his friends the teadiousnesse of life which shortly after hee mildly left which such a sicknesse as neither hindred his speech nor memory a thing he would often desire of God William Fiz Auber as is deliuered was a principall councellor and instument in this action for England wherein hee furnished forty ships at his owne charge A man of great meanes yet of a heart greater and a hand larger then any meanes would well suffice His profuse liberalities to men of armes gaue often sharpe offence to the King who could not indure any such improuident expences Amongst the Lawes hee William Fitz Auber Earle of Hereford made Lawes in his Prouince made which shewes the power these Earles then had in their Prouinces he ordained That in the Countie of Hereford no man of or souldiour should bee fined for anie offence whatsoeuer aboue seuen shillings when in other Countries vpon the least occasion of disobeying their Lords will they were forced to pay 20. or 25. shil But his estate seeming to beare no proportion with his minde enough it was not to be an eminent Earle an especiall Councellor in all the affaires of England and Normandie a chiefe fauorite to so great a Monarch but that larger hopes drew him away designing to marrie Richeld Countesse dowager of Flanders and to haue the gouernment of that Countrie during the non-age of Arnulph her sonne of whom with the King of France he had the tutelarie charge committed by Baldouin the sixth Father to Arnulph whose estate Robert Le Frison his Vncle called by the people to the gouernment vpon the exactions inflicted on them by Richeld had vsurped And against him Fitz Auber opposing was with Arnulph surprized and slaine And this was in the fate of the Conqueror to see most of all these great men who had beene the especiall actors in all his fortunes spent and extinct before him As Beaumont Monfort Harcourte Hugh de Gourney Vicount Neele Hugh de Mortimer Conte de Vannes c. And now himselfe after his being brought sicke to Rouan and there disposing The death of William the first his estate ended also his act in the 74 yeare of his age and the one and twenty of his raigne Three dayes the Corpes of this great Monarch is sayd to haue layne neglected while his seruants attended to imbessill his moueables in the end his yongest sonne Henry had it conueyed to the Abbey of Cane where first at the entry into the Towne they His Corps lay vnburied 3. dayes who carried the Corpes left it alone and ran all to quench a house on fire Afterward brought to be intombed a Gentleman stands sorth and in sterne manner forbids the interment in that place claiming the ground to be his inheritance descended from his His interment hindered Ancestors and taken from him at the building of that Abbey appealing to Row their first founder for Iustice whereupon they were faine to compounded with him for an Annuall rent Such adoe had the body of him after death who had made so much in his life to be brought to the earth and of all he attained had not now a roome to containe him without being purchased at the hand of another men esteeming a liuing Dogge more then a dead Lyon He had a faire issue by Maude his wife foure sonnes and sixe daughters To Robert His issue his eldest he left the Duchy of Normandy to William the third sonne the Kingdome of England to Henry the yongest his treasure with an annuall pension to be payd him by his brothers Richard who was his second sonne and his darling a Prince of great hope was slaine by a Stagge hunting in the new Forrest and began the fatalnesse that followed in that place by the death of William the second there slaine with an arrow and of Richard the sonne of Robert Duke of Normandy who brake his necke His eldest daughter Cicilie became a Nunne Constance married to the Earle of Brittaine Adula to Stephen Earle of Biois who likewise rendred her selfe a Nunne in her age such was then their deuotion and so much were these solitary retires affected by the greatest Ladies of those times Gundred married to William de Warrein the first Earle of Surrey the other two Ela or Adeliza and Margaret died before marriage Now what he was in the circle of himselfe in his owne continent we find him of The description of William the first an euen stature comely personage of good presence riding sitting or standing till his corpulency increasing with age made him somewhat vnwildy of so strong a constitution as he was neuer sickly till a few moneths before his death His strength such as few men could draw his Bow and being about 50. of his age when he subdued this Kingdome it seemes by his continuall actions he felt not the weight of yeares vpon him till his last yeare What was the composition of his mind we see it the fairest drawne in his actions and how his abilities of Nature were answerable to his vndertakings of Fortune as pre-ordained for the great worke he effected And though he might haue some aduantage of the time wherein we often see men preuaile more by the imbecility of others then their owne worth yet let the season of that world be well examined and a iust measure taken of his actiue vertues they will appeare of an exceeding proportion Nor wanted he those incounters and concurrencies of sufficient ●●●le Princes to put him to the triall thereof Hauing on one side the French to grapple withall on the other the Dane farre mightier in people and shipping then himselfe strongly sided in this Kingdome as eager to recouer their former footing here as euer and as well or better prepared His deuotion and mercy For his deuotion and mercy the brightest starres in the Spheare of Maiesty they appeare aboue all his other vertues and the due obseruation of the first the Clergie that loued him not confesse the other was seene in the often pardoning and receiuing into grace those who rebelled against him as if he held submission satisfactory for the greatest offence and sought not to defeit men but their enterprises For we find but one Noble man executed in all his Raigne and that was the Earle Waltheof who But
then giues him powre to inuade the same and to execute whatsoeuer should bee to the Honour of God and good of the Countrey with reseruation of Church-rights and Peeter-pence a penny of euery house yearely which hee had promised by his Ambassadors and so concluds with an exhortation to plant men of good and examplar life in the Clergie c. But the King at that time hauing other occasions left off the purpose of this which comes now of late to bee againe imbraced by this meanes Dermot Mac Marrgh one Dermot complains against O Conor to King Henry of the fiue Kings which then ruled that Island comes vnto him into Aquitaine to craue his ayde against Rodorick the Great called O Conor Dun King of Connaught who contending for the Soueraigntie of the whole had chaced him out of his Dominion of Lemster The King of England glad to finde a doore thus opened to his intention that might yeeld passage of it selfe without being broken vp intertaines this eiected King with promises of ayde and though hee could not as then furnish him being ingaged in other great affaires he yet permits such of his subiects as would to aduenture their fortunes with him But the occasion of the dissention betweene these two Irish Kings was indeed fowle on the part of Dermot who had corrupted and stolne away the wife of Rodoricke and for that odious iniury with his iniustice to his people the common causes Dermots offences of ruininge and transferring Kingdomes hee was by strong hand chaced out of his Dominion of Lemster and thereupon makes out for forraine aide And hauing thus delt with the King of England he betakes him into Wales where first he wrought one Robert Fits Stephen a man of a desperate fortune yet able to draw many voluntaries to contract with him and afterward Richard of the house of Clare surnamed Strong-bow Earle of Pembrooke commonly called of his chiefe seate in Monmoth-shire Earle of Chepstow or Strigil a Lord of high courage and worthinesse which made him well followed and of great possessions both in England and Normandy which gaue him meanes for his entertainements Fits Stephen was perswaded by promise of rich rewards The Earle of marriage with Eua the daughter of Dermot the succession of the Kingdome of Lemster Fits Stephen with Maurice Fits Gerard his halfe brother by the mother passed ouer The conqnest of Ireland first with a small company and landed at the place called by the Irish Bagg-bun which in English signifies Holy and therefore interpreted as presaging good successe whereof this time retaines yet the memory At the head of Bagge and Bun Ireland was Triginta Mili tibus lost and wonne And the next day after arriued at the same place Maurice de Prendergast with other men at armes and many Archers in two ships parcell of Fits Stephens forces which from thence marched to the Citty of Weishford with Banners displayed The beginning of May. in so strange a forme and order though their number were not foure hundreth as the Irish vnacquainted with so vnusuall a face of warre were ouercome with 1170. Anno. Reg. 16. feare and rendred vp themselues to their mercy with their Citty of Wcishford which with the Countrey about was giuen by Dermot to Robert Fits Stephen for an encouragement to him and hope to others And there was planted the first Colonie of the English which euer since hath continued retaining still in a sort our antient attire and much of our language proper onely to that Citty and Countrey about and called by a distinct name Weisford speech The next yeare are new supplies sent out of Wales and after vpon intelligence of 1171. Anno. Reg. 17. good successe the Earle of Pembrok ariues in the Bay of Waterford with two hundred men at armes and a thousand other souldiours takes the towne which was then called Porthlarge puts the inhabitants to the sword to giue terror to others and make roome for his owne people and there Dermot giues him his daughter in marriage with the dowry of his Country which after his wickednesse had vndone hee liued not to see more yeares hauing had to many by this and dies miserably leauing the Stile of Ningal which signifies the strangers friend added to his name in memory of his vnnaturall forsaking his owne Nation Strongbow after hauing secured the places gotten marches with those small forces he had ouer the Island without resistance Rodoricke the Great shewing himselfe but a little Prince kept in the Wildes and fastnesses of Connaught and neuer came to appeare before the enemy who passing through the Country at his pleasure takes what pledges he would of the inhabitants to secure their obedience and with as little labour possest himselfe of the Citie of Dublin the head of the Island Thus Wales got vs first the Realme of Ireland and which is most strange without stroke of battaile a thing scarce credible that a Country so populous a Nation of that disposition should not lift vp a hand to defend it selfe hauing it seemes either neglected the vse of Armes or else neuer beene acquainted with them other then in a naked manner of domesticke fight one with another whereby the terror of strange and neuer before seene forces in order of warre layd them prostrate to the mercy of the Ouer-runner But the King of England aduertised of the prosperous successe of these Aduenturers and the Estate of the Country grew in iealousie of them thinking they presumed farther then their subiection would allow and would make themselues that which they must bee made by him and take away the glory of the worke that should bee onely his causes proclamation to be made That no vessell should carry any thing out of his Dominions into Ireland and that all his subiects should returne from thence and leaue off their attempts otherwise to forfeit their Estates at home And withall sends ouer William Fitz. 1172. Anno. Reg. 18. Adelm and Robert Fitz Bernard with some forces to prepare the way for him who followed shortly after and lands eight miles from Waterford the Eue of Saint Luke Anno 1172. being the third yeare after the first Inuasion made by Fitz Stephen At his first landing a white Hare starting out of a bush was taken and presented to him interpreted as a presage of a white victory The next day hee marches to Waterford where he staied fifteene dayes and thither came to him of their owne accord the Kings of Corke Limricke Oxerie Meth and all of any powre in Ireland except Rodoricke King of Connaught who still kept himselfe in the fastnesse of his Countrey and submitted themselues withall the Clergie taking their Oath of Fealty to him and the young King The Irish kings submission and their Successors for euer so these deuided Princes holding no common Councell for the publique safty rather then to ioyne those hands that had so often scratched each other
instantly out of his presence and court Yet afterward to vnderstand some more particulars of the madnes of this King of England he called for Robert the Clearke and had priuat conference with him apart about many particulars which hee himselfe reuealed to many in the hearing of Mathew the monke of Saint Albons who wrot and declared these things discribing the person of this Robert to be of a low stature blacke one arme shorter then another two fingers vnnaturally growing together of visage like a Iew c. which relation we are not vtterly to contemne proceeding from an Author of that grauity and credit and liuing so neere those times though to vs that are so farre off both in fashion and faith it may seeme improbable in some part yet if we consider whereto the desperat violence of this King who had made vtter wracke of conscience and all humane respect might carry him seeing himselfe in that Estate he was we may not thinke it voyd of likelihood to haue had this dealing with an heathen king who in that time was formidable to all Christendome and had on foot the mightiest army that euer the Moores had in Spaine which might either be to hold amity with him or intertayne him otherwise for his owne ends Though for the point of offring to forgoe the Christian fayth we may in charity forbeare to make it a part of ours Although this relator giues vs a note amongst other which hee supprest that poynted at the irreligion of this King who at the opening of a fat Stag iestingly said see how prosperously this beast hath liued and yet neuer heard Masse Which skoff in regard of the zeale then professed sauored of an impiety vnsitting the mouth of a religious A note of the Kings irreligion King and gaue scandall to the hearers who tooke it according to their apprehension apt to censure whatsocuer comes from the mouth of Princes which may warne them to be wary what they vtter in publique But this Embassage either neglected by Miramumalim or disappointed by the ouer throw of his great army with the death of his Sonne which shortly after followed King Iohn sets vpon another course assayles Pope Innocentius prone to be wrought by guifts to doe any thing with great summes of money and a reassurance of his tributary subiection which shortly after he confirmes by a new oath and a new Charter before the Popes Legat the Bishop of Tusculum sent ouer for the same purpose and King Iohn bribes the Pope and renewes his oath with full autority to compose the dissentions betweene the Kingdome and Priesthood Which at many Assemblies in diuers places was after debated and in the end order was taken for a plenary satisfaction to be made for the damages done to the Church For which the King vpon account already had payd twenty seauen thousand Markes and thirteene thousand more were vndertaken by Suerties to be answered by a certaine daie And herevpon is the interdiction released hauing continued sixe yeares three moneths and fourteene dayes to the inestimable losse of the Church and Churchmen The interdiction released whereof an innumerable multitude of all orders now repayre to the Legat for satisfaction of damages receiued by the Kings ministers during this interdiction To whom 1214. Anno. Reg. 16. the Legat answeres that it was not in his commission to deale for restititution to be made vnto them all but aduises them to complaine to the Pope and craue of him plenary iustice Wherevpon they depart much discontented holding the Legats proceeding for that he pleased not them inclining onely to please the King Who now is recommended to Rome for a most tractable obedient and indulgent Sonne of the Church and the Clergy heares of blame for their obstinacy vsed towards him The King hauing referred the ending of all this controuersie to the Legat and some other of his owne ministers being assured of the Popes fauour was now gone into Poictou to assayle according to his former designe the King of France on that side whilest his forces with those of the Emperour Otho by the way of Flanders inuaded him on the other And being with his Queene landed at Rochel many principall Barons of Poictou apter to promise then performe their faith came and swore fealty vnto him With whom he marches forward into the Country recouers many Castles and peeces of importance Whereof particularly by his owne letters from Parthenai he certifies his Iustices of the Eschecquer And withall shewes them how hee had Vide Append. graunted to the Sonne of the Earle of March his daughter Ioan in mariage though said he the King of France desired her for his Sonne but fraudulently c. After this he goes into Brittaine takes in the city of Nantes prepares to incounter with Louys the French Kings Sonne who was come downe with a mighty army to oppose his proceeding But the Poictouins distrusting his power or he them hauing discouered the forces of the Enemy refused to fight Wherevpon the King of England to his extreame griefe forsooke the field and made a dishonorable truce with the King The famous battaile of Bouines of France and this was the last of his transmarine attempts His forces in Flanders had far worse successe for the King of France with all the power he could possibly make incounters them at the bridge of Bouines and ouerthrew the Emperour Otho and the whole army of the confederates wherein are reported to haue beene an hundred and fifty thousand foote besides horse and in the battaile slaine a thousand fiue hundred Knights and taken prisoners Ferrand the Earle of Flaunders the Earles of Salisbury and Bologne And as report the Annales of Flanders the Earle of Sauoy the Dukes of Brabant and Lamburg and the Earle of Luxemburg the Emperour Otho 4. hardly escaped The death of the Emp. Otho and liued not long after Vpon these misfortunes and fearing the outrage of a necessitous and distempred King the Barons of England assemble themselues at S. Edmondsbury where they confer of the late produced Charter of Henry the first and swore vpon the high Altar that if King Iohn refused to confirme and restore vnto them those liberties the rights of the Kingdome they would make war vpon him vntill he had satisfied them therein and further agreed that after Christmas next they would petition him for the same and in the meane time prouide themselues of horse and furniture to be ready if the King should start from his Oath made at Winchester at the time of his absolution for the confirmation of these liberties and compell him to satisfie their demand After Christmas K. Iohn takes vpon him the crosse to secure himselfe from the Barons they repaire in a military manner to the King lying in the new Temple vrging their desire with great vehemency the king seeing their resolution and inclination to war made answere that for the matter they required hee would
to be Maister of the Kingdome yea of the King the Rector and Disposer of Court is throwne out with disgrace the Seale taken from him and giuen to the Abbot of Euesham In like sort his brother Geffrey a Knight Templar is put out of the Councell both of them much maligned by the Nobilitie who had often before laboured their amouement as held to be corrupt Councellors and wrongers of the State and now are they falne off themselues But the cause of this their deiection may shew that oftentimes Officers vnder weake Princes are not so much faulty as the World holds them to be for not yeelding to passe a Grant from the King made vnto Thomas Earle of Flaunders the Queenes Thomas of Sauoy marrieth the inheretrix of the Earledome of Flanders which he held but during her life Vncle of 4 pence vpon euery sacke of Wooll an enormious act then accompted they both lost their places though not their reputations in this their fall discouering what the Enuie that attended their fortune hindred men to see To this Earle of Flanders the next yeare after the King grants notwithstanding 300 Markes to bee payd out of his Eschequer annually for his homage Now besides the great exactions of the King and his wastes The Sea of Rome extorts huge summes as if one Gulph sufficed not to swallow vp the substance of the Kingdome which opened the mouthes of our Clergie so wide as they let out many exclamations against the auarice of the Popes of that time and the Roman Factors who by permission of the King or by his negligence presumed so farre vpon the easi-yeeldingnesse of the State as they wrung out what they listed In so much as besides the fleece they would now haue the bodies of their possessions And the Pope sends his Mandat to haue three hundred Romans preferred to the benefices which should bee first vacant in England which so amazed the Clergie and especially Edmond Archbishop of Canterburie as hee seeing no end of these concussions of the State and Liberties of the Church and himselfe on whom the Scandall of all must light vnable by reason of the Kings remissnesse to withstand it tyred with the vanity of worldly actions giues ouer all and betakes himselfe to a voluntarie exile in the Edmond Archbishop of Canterbury giues ouer his Sea Abbay of Pontiniac in France and there applies him to the contemplation of a better life But before his departure he yeelds as a ransom for his Church 800 Markes to the Pope The Clergie although thus left by their head generally oppose what they could against the Popes rapine who to get money for his wars with the Emperor vsed dayly Pope Gregory the 9. new and insolent pressures vpon them in so much as they repaire to the King declare how preiudiciall and detogatory it was to his royaltie and the liberty of the Kingdom to suffer this proceeding which none of his Predecessors heretofore euct did and of how dangerous consequence it was to his successors The King either not apprehensiue of the mischiefe or content to ioyne with the Pope to punish and awe the Kingdome not onely refers them to the Legat but offers to deliuer the chiefe opposers vp vnto him Whereupon they seeing themselues forsaken and no powre to succor them but their owne did what they could to withstand the Legats proceeding who now by the Kings animation presumes more peremptorily to vrge them to supply the Popes present occasion and holds a Conuocation at London for effecting the same Wherein the Clergie declare how this contribution now required by the Pope for the destruction of the Emperor and effusion of Christian bloud was vnlawfull hee being not an Heretike nor condemned by the iudgement of the Church although excommunicated That it was against the Liberties of the Church of England being required vnder paine of Ecclesiasticall censure as a thing of seruitude and compulsion That they had heretofore giuen a Tenth to the Pope on condition that neuer any such exaction should againe be made least it might be drawne to a Custome for as much as binus Cod. de Episcopal L. Nemo actus inducat consuetudinem That for their businesse in the Court of Rome they were to passe through the Emperours Countries and the daunger they might haue thereby That it was not safe for the Kingdome to impouerish the King who had many enemies against whom hee must haue to sustaine warre And besides how for the furnishing of diuers Noble men vndertaking of late the businesse of the Crosse great contributions had beene made That the Church of England was poore and hardly able to sustaine it selfe That a generall contribution was to bee made by a generall Councell c. Notwithstanding these reasons though at first they staggered the Legat yet such course was taken by winning some of them vpon hope of preferment as the rest could not without the note of contumacie but yeeld perforce so by this treason of deuision the body of the Councell is entred into and the Pope preuailes in this businesse The King hath now a sonne lately borne and Richard his brother Earle of Cornwall Edward eldest sonne to King Hen. hauing likewise issue by permission of the State which heretofore hee could not obtaine vndertakes the Crosse and with him his Vncle William Longsword Earle of Salibury and many other Noblemen These departing out of England Peter of Sauoy another Richard Earle of Cornwall vndertakes the Crosse. Vncle to the Queene comes in and hath the Earledom of Richmond bestowed on him with many other gifts he is knighted and feasted suptuously for which the poore Iewes by way of redemption pay 20 thousand Markes at two tearmes of that yeare Boniface the sonne of Peter of Sauoy Nephew to the Queen is preferred to the Archbishoprick of Canterbury After this the King makes an expedition into Wales which had often put him to great charge and trouble hauing beene very vnfortunate in his many attempts 1241. Anno. Reg. 25. against Lewellin intituled Prince or King of North-Wales who being lately dead had left his two sonnes Dauid and Griffin by deuision of State to bee at discord betweene themselues whereby hee came to make an easier end of that businesse and now onely but with the shew of his powre got that which heretofore hee could not with much bloud hath submission and fealty rendred vnto him by Dauid withall his charges for that iourney but now this ended another attempt of greater expence but lesse benefit is in hand The Earle of March with his wife the Queene Mother and many other Great Lords of Poictou so worke by their earnest solieitation with assurance of successe as the King is induced to vndertake another expedition into France The 11 Parliament matter is mooued in Parliament generall opposition made against it the great expence and the ill it last brought to the Kingdome vehemently vrged How it was vnlawfull to
North Clifford Percy Scottish Lords come to aide the King of England Basset c. From Oxford withall his forces he marches to Northampton where he took prisoners Simon Monfort the younger with 14. other principall men thence to Nottingham making spoyle of such possessions as appertained to the Barons in those parts The Earle of Leicester in the meane time drawes towards London to recouer and make good that part as of chiefest importance and seekes to secure Kent with the Ports Which hastes the King to stop his proceeding succour the Castle of Rochester besieged Successe and authority now growes strong on this side in so much as the Earles of Leicester and Glocester in behalfe of themselues and their party write to the King humbly protesting their loyalty and how they opposed onely against such as were enemies to him and the Kingdome and had belyed them The King returnes answere how themselues were the perturbers of him and his siate enemies to his person and sought his and the Kingdomes destruction and therefore defies them The Prince and the Earle of Cornewall send like wise The Barons mediate a peace their letters of defiance vnto them The Barons notwithstanding doubtfull of their strength or vnwilling to put it to the hazard of a Battaile mediate a peace send the Bishops of London and Worcester with an offer of 30 thousand Markes to the King for damages done in these warres So that the statutes of Oxford might bee obserued which yeeldingnes the other side supposing to argue their debility made them the more neglectiue and securer of their power which commonly brings the weaker side more watchfull of aduantages to haue the better The Earle seeing no other meanes but to put it to a day being a man skilfull in his worke takes his time to be earlier ready then was expected and supplies his want of hands with his wit placing on the side of a hill nere Lewys where this battaile was The battaile of Lewys fought certaine ensignes without men in such sort as they might seeme a farre of to be squadrons of succors to second those he brought to the incounter whom he caused all to weare white-crosses both for their owne notice and the signification of his cause which he would haue to be for Iustice. Here the fortune of the day was his the King the Prince the Earle of Cornewall and his sonne Henry the Earles of Arundell Hereford and all the Scottish Lords are his prisoners The Earle Warrein William de Valence Guy The K. Prince and others taken prisoners de Lusignian the Kings brethren with Hugh Bigod Earle Mareschall saue themselues by flight Fiue thousand are slaine in this defeit which yet was not all the blood and destruction this businesse cost All this yeare and halfe of the other is Simon Monfort in possession of his prisoners the King he carries about with him to countenance his actions till he had gotten in all 1265. An. Reg. 46. the strongest Castles of the Kingdome And now as it vsually falls out in considerations where all must be pleased or else the knot will dissolue debate arises betweene the Earles of Leicester Glocester about their diuidend according to their agreement Leicester as fortune makes men to forget themselues is taxed to doe more for his owne particular then the common good to take to himselfe the benifit and disposition of the Kings Monsort taxed of wrong Castles to vsurpe the redemption of prisoners at his pleasure to prolong the businesse and not to vse the meanes of a parlement to end it His Sonnes also presuming vpon his greatnesse The Earle of Glocester leaues him grow insolent which made Glocester to forsake that side betake him to the Prince who lately escaping out of the Castle of Hereford had gotten a power about him of such as attended the opportunity of a turning fortune and to reuenge the dishonour of one Battaile by another The reuolt of this Earle brought many hands to the Prince whereby many peeces of strength are regained both in England and Wales The Earle of Leicester to stop the proceeding of this mighty growing Prince being now with his Army about Worcester imbattailes in a plaine neere Euesham to encounter him and noting the manner of the approch of his Army said to those about him these men come brauely on they learnt it not of themselues but of me And seeing himselfe likely to be beset and ouer-laid with numbers aduised his friends Hugh Spencer Ralph Basser and others to shift for themselues which when he saw they refused to doe then said he let vs commit our soules to God for our bodies The Earle Monsort slaine are theirs and so vndertaking the mayne waight of the Battaile perished vnder it And with him are slaine his Sonne Henry eleuen other Barons with many thousands of common souldiers At the instant of his death there hapned so terrible a thunder lightning and darknesse as it gaue them as much horror as their hideous work And so ends Monfort this great Earle of Leicester too great for a subiect which had hee not beene he might haue beene numbred amongst the worthiest of his time Howsoeuer the people which honored and followed him in his life would vpon the fame of his miracles haue worshipped him for a Saint after his death but it would not be permitted by Kings And here this Battaile deliuers the Captiue King but yet with the losse of some of his owne as well as his subiects bloud by a wound casually receiued therein and rid him of his Iaylor Monfort whom he hated had long feared more then any man liuing as himselfe confessed vpon this accident passing one day shortly after the Parliament at Oxford vpon Thames there hapned a sodaine clap of thunder wherewith the King was much affrighted and willed presently to be set on shore at the next landing 1266. Anno. Reg. 50. which was at Duresme house where Monfort then lay who seeing the King ariuing hastes downe to meete him and perceiuing him to be troubled at the storme said that hee needed not now to feare the daunger was past No Monfort said the King I feare thee more then I doe all the Thunder and tempest of the World And now the King with the victorious Prince the redeemer of him and the Kingdome repaires to Winchester 18 Parliament held at Winchester where a Parliament is conuoked and all who adhered to Simon Monfort are disinherited and their estates conferred on others at the Kings pleasure The Londoners haue their liberties taken from them Simon and Guy de Monfort Sonnes of the Earle of Leicester with the disinherited Barons and others who escaped the Battaile of Euesham All who tooke part with Monfort disinherited take and defend the Isle of Ely The Castle of Killing worth defended by the seruants of the late Earle although it were in the heart of the Kingdome endured the Seige of
Edward arriues with 300. men at Armes and 600. Archers Monsieur Charmy sets out The French circumuented in their practise likewise the same night from Saint Omers with his Forces and sent 100. armed men before with the Crowns to Americo and to possesse the Castle The men are let in at a Posterne Gate the Crownes receiued and themselues layd in hold Which done the gates of the Towne are opened and out marches the King before day to encounter Monsieur de Charny comming on with his forces who perceiuing himselfe betrayed put his people to the best defence hee could and the king of England to a hard bickring who for that hee would not bee knowne there in person put himselfe and the Prince vnder the colours of the Lord Walter Manny and was twice beaten downe on his knees by Monsieur de Riboumont a hardy Knight with whom hee fought hand to hand and yet recouered and in the end tooke Riboumont prisoner Charny was likewise taken and all his forces defeited King Edward the night after which was the first of the new yeare feasted with the prisoners and gaue Riboumont in honour of his valour wherein he honoured his owne a rich chaplet of Pearle which himselfe wore on his head for a New-yeares-gift forgaue him his ransome and set him at liberty The rest pay dearely for what they got not and were well warned how to trafficke in that kinde Yet the English not long after in the like practise had better successe and got the Castle of Guisnes a peace of great importance neere Calais for a summe of mony giuen to one Beauconroy a French man Of which Castle when the French King demanded restitution in regard of the Truce King Edward returnes answer That for things bought and sold betweene their people therein was no exception and so held it Shortly after the French king not borne to liue to see any better fortune dyes leauing that distressed kingdome to his sonne Iohn who found farre worse For An. 1305. Reg. 24. these fore noted wounds were but as scratches to that State compared with those horrible maimes it indured in his and after in the Raignes of Charles 6. and 7. till the sword of England was turned home vpon it selfe to let out the blood of reuenge The French King dies with as tragicall mischiefes on the fuccessours of these great actors who now thus wrought others ruines aboade King Edward the next yeare after is againe in person with a Fleet on the Sea to incounter certaine Spanish shippes passing from Flanders loaden with cloth and other King Edward in action at sea against the Spaniards commodities whom after a great fight and much blood shed on either side hee tooke with all their substance for that the Spaniards the yeare before entered the Riuer Garonne and tooke away certaine English ships loaden with wines and slew all the English His forces in Guien were not idle this while but many conflicts passed betweene the French and them notwithstanding the Truce which was renewed The warres in Brittaine likewise continue and are hotly maintained betweene the two Ladies the widdow of Monfort and the wife of Charles de Bloys whose husband remaynes prisoner in England eager defenders of eithers pretended right Diuerse ouertures of peace had beene made by Legates sent from the Pope and Commissioners often met to the great expence of both Kings but nothing could be cōcluded the winner the loser seldom agreeing vpon cōditions in regard the one wil haue more then the other is willing to yeeld vnto so temporary Truces which Alterations of moneys were but slenderly obserued are onely taken to winne time These actions not only consumed our men but the treasure of the kingdome The warre though inuasiue could not maintayne it selfe The monyes here are altred and abated in weight and yet made to passe according to the former value Before this time there were none other peeces but Nobles and halfe Nobles with the small peeces of siluer called sterlings but now grotes of foure-pence and halfe grotes of two pence equiuolent to the sterling money are coined which inhansed the prices of things that rise or fall according to the plenty or scarcity of Coine Which made seruants labourers to A Parlement raise their wages accordingly Whereupon a Satute was made in the Parliament Anno Reg. 27. now held at Westminster to reduce the same to the accustomed rate which was giuen before the late great Mortality This caused much murmuring amongst them imputing the cause thereof to William Edington Bishop of Winchester the Kings Treasurer whom they held to be the Author of the abatement of the Coyne The King conceiuing displeasure against the Flemmings for being disappointed of the Match betweene a Daughter of his and their yong Earle Louys who was escaped into France and bestowed on a daughter of the Duke of Brabant with-drawes the Mart or Staple of Woolls from their Townes greatly inriched thereby and can The Staple established in England sed the same to be kept at Westminster Chichester Canterbury Lincolne Warwick Yorke New-castle Excester Carmarden Bristoll and Hull Holding it fitter to aduance his owne Townes then Strangers by the commodities of the Kingdome And here are prouident Ordinances enacted for the gouerning and ordering this Staple An Act is also made in this Parliament that all Weares Milles and other stoppages Walsinham of Riuers hindring the passages of Boates Lighters and other Vessels should be remooued An Act most commodious to the Kingdom but it tooke little effect saith my Authour by reason of bribing and corrupting Lords and great men who regarded more their owne then the publike benefite A mischiefe fatall to all good Ordinances and yet is it an honor to that time that so behoufull an Act was ordained For this eafie conuaying and passing of Commodities from place to place to impart the same more generally would no doubt be an infinite benefit to this State And seeing God hath made vs Riuers proper for the same it is our negligence or sloth if we marre them or make them not vsefull in that kinde as other Nations doe with farre lesser Streames There is mentioned also an Act to bee made at the instance of the Londoners that Stow. no common Whore should weare any Hood except rayed or striped with diuers colours nor Furres but garments reuersed the wrong side outward wherein they did well to set a deformed marke vpon foulenesse to make it appeare the more odious After this Parliament Henry Earle of Derby is created Duke of Lancaster and The Earle of Derby created Duke of Lancaster Ralfe Lord Stafford Earle of Stafford and heere Charles de Bloys a long Prisoner in England agreed for his Ransom which was 40. thousand Florins and was permitted to returne into Britagne to prouide the same Great mediation is made by the Pope to accord the two Kings and Commissioners meet on both
markes sterling a day Such vent of wools were there in that time And presently after the Parliament in winter to shew that hee was for all weathers he goes with an Armie to recouer Barwicke which had beene surprised by the Scottes whilst he was last at Calais and heere hath he not onely his Towne but the whole Kingdome of Scotland resigned vnto him by Edward Baliol who held himselfe King Edward Baliol resignes the Kingdome of Scotland to King Edward reseruing to himself a pension therof by the best Title but not best regarged For King Alexander though now Prisoner in England had the most powerfull Partie there so both were Kings to their seuerall sides that held them so a miserable distraction to that poore Kingdom And euery where dwelt affliction but in England and here was nothing but Tryumphes Vanquishings and Recouerings in all parts The Prince enters Guien passes ouer Longuedoc to Tholouse Narbonne Burges without any encounter in the field sacks spoyles destroyes where hee goes and loaden with bootie returnes to Burdeanx The French King thus assaulted on all sides gathers what power hee possibly Anno Reg. 30. 1336. could and first makes against his enemies in Normandie recouers many of his lost Townes and was likely to haue there preuailed but that he was drawne of force to oppose this fresh Inuador the Prince of Wales who was again abroad come vp into Toureyne against whom he brings his whole Armie causing all the Townes and passages The French King hath the Prince of Wales at an aduantage vpon the Riuer Loyr to be strongly garded Whereupon the Prince whose forces were not to encounter those so mightie was aduised to withdraw again thorow Toureyne and Poyctou towards Burdeaux The French King to preuent his course followes and within two Leagues of Poyctiers hath him at a great aduantage Two Cardinalls at that instant came from the Pope to mediate a peace The French King supposing he had his Enemie now in his mercie would accept of none other conditions but that the Prince should deliuer him foure Hostages and as vanquished render himselfe and his Armie to his discretion The Prince was content to restore vnto him what hee had gayned vpon him but without preiudice of his honour wherein he sayd Hee stood accomptable to his Father and his Conntry So the Legates perswasions though earnestly vrged could preuaile nothing vpon the French Kings obstinacie who presuming of victorie in regard his Armie was sixe to one would instantly as loath to loose time to loose himselfe set vpon the Prince who reduced to this Straight takes what aduantage he could of the The Battayle of Poytiers fought the 19. of September 1336. ground and prouidently got the benefit of Vines Shrubs and Bushes on that part he was like to be assayled to impester and intangle the French Horse which hee sawe were to come furiously vpon him The successe answered his expectation for behold the Cauallarie of his Enemies vpon their first assault wrapt and incumbred amongst the Vines so that his Archers without danger gall and annoy them at their pleasure For the French King to giue the honour of the day to his Cauallarie whereof hee had caused a choyse to bee selected out of euery companie to the discontent of the rest imployed them onely without his Infantery So that they being disordered and put to rout his whole Armie came to be vtterly defeited The errors committed in the Battaile of Cressie could not warne this King to auoyd the like For had he had the patience to haue tymed it out awhile the Prince could not haue possibly subsisted being thus inuironed shut vp from all succours as he was and now thus furiously assaulted and hauing no safetie but what was to be The French King taken prisoner wrought by the Sword which desperation euer makes the sharper Hee and his shewed that admirable courage that day as purchased them the most memorable glorie that euer any Mattiall action did that was at chiued by the English with so fewe handes Here was now the Head of that great Kingdome-claymed taken Prisoner with his yongest sonne Phillip who valiantly defending his father when his other brothers forsooke him had afterwarde the Title of Hardie and became Duke of Burgogne Iaques de Borbon Conte de Ponthieu the Arch-byshop of Sens Iohn d' Artoys Conte d' Eu Charles d' Artoys his brother Conte de Longnevitle Charles Conte de Tancarville The number of Prisoners taken the Conts of Vendosme Salbourg Dampmartin and La Roche with many other Lords of markes besides 2000. Knights Esquires and Gentlemen in so much as the Conquerors holding it not safe to retaine so many let many of them goe The French who can giue best account of their owne losses report there dyed in the battaile a thousand seauen hundred Gentlemen amongst which were fifty two Bannerets the most eminent Peter de Borbon the Duke d' Athens Constable of France Ian de Clermont Marshall Geoffrey de Charny High Chamberlaine The slaine in the battaile There escaped from this battayle three of the French Kings sonnes for hee brought them all thither Charles Prince Dauphin and the first so intitled Lonys after Duke of Aniou Iohn Duke of Berry all great actours in the time following This blow might seeme to haue beene enough to haue vtterly ouerthrowne that kingdome and absolutely subdued it to the Crowne of England but that is was a body which consisted of so many strong limbs had such store of spirits dispersed in seuerall parts and contayned so wide an extent of state as all this blood letting could not dissolue it or make it faint to giue ouer And sure these powerfull kingdomes howsoeuer they may be diseased and suffer either through the distemperature of their Heads or distractions of their other parts can neuer vnlesse by a gene rall dissolution be so low brought but they will recouer againe in the end their frame holdes by many nayles which neuer fayle all together The Prince of Wales in this battaile hath a double victory the one by the sword the other by his Curtesie first hee visits the captiue King with all reuerence and regarde of Maiesty comforts him by examples of the fortunes of warre and assures him of all faire entertainement according to his dignity The especiall great men who were actors in this worke must not passe vnremembred the Earles Warwicke Suffolke A memorable act of Iames Lord Audley Salisbury Oxford Stafford the Lords Cobham Spencer Barkley Basset Of Gescoignes Le Capital de Beuf the Lords Pumier Chaumont and others And here the Lord Iames Audley is renowned both for his valour and bounty who hauing vowed to bee formost in this fight performed his word sealed it with many wounds for which the Prince hauing rewarded him with the gift of Fiue hundred markes Fee-simple in England he presently gaue it to foure of his Esquires who had with
in Normandy by Duke Richard the second Grandfather to them both gaue him most Royall entertainement And here he shewed himselfe and here no doubt hee found matter for his hopes to worke on In this enteruiew hee discouered England being to be presupposed he came not to gather cockle-shels on the shore Nor was it long after ere Harold whether of purpose to ratifie some paction closly contriued betwixt them or by casualty of weather driuen into France and so faine to make it seeme a Harald goeth ouer into Normandy iourney of purpose to the Duke is not certainely deliuered was gallantly entertained in Normandy presented with all shewes of Armes brought to Paris and there likewise feasted in that Court. And at his returne to Rouen something was concluded either His entertainment in likely-hood to deuide the Kingdome betweene them or that Harold being a coast-dweller and had the strongest hand in the State should let in the Duke and doe his best to helpe him to the Crowne vpon conditions of his owne greatnesse or whatsoeuer it was promises were made and confirmed by oathes vpon the Euangelists and all the sacred Reliques at Rouen in the presence of diuers great persons Besides for His promises to the Duke more assurance Harald was fyanced to Adeliza the Dukes daughter and his brother Wolnot left a pledge for the performance This intercourse made the trans-action of the fate of England and so much was done either by King Edward or Harald though neithers act if any such were was of power to preiudice the State or alter the course of a right succession as gaue the Duke a colour to claime the Crowne by a donation made by Testament which being against the Law and Custome of the Kingdome could be of no validity at all For the Crowne of England being held not as Patrimoniall but in a succession by remotion which is a succeeding to anothers place it was not in the power of King Edward to collate the same by any dispositiue and testamentary will the right discending to the next of bloud onely by the Custome and Law of the Kingdome For the Successour is not sayd properly to be the heire of the King but the Kingdome which makes him so and cannot bee put from it by any act of his Predecessour But this was onely his claime the right was of his owne making and no otherwise For as soone as hee had heard of the death of King Edward with the Election and Coronation of Harald for they came both together hee assembles the States of Normandy and acquaints them with the right he had to England Soliciting an extention of their vtmost meanes for The Dukes speech to the assembly of the States of Normandie his recouery thereof and auengement of the periured Vsurper Harald shewing them apparant probabilitie of successe by infallible intelligence hee had from the State his strong partie therein with the debility and distraction of the people What glorie wealth and greatnesse it would adde to their Nation the obtayning of such a Kingdome as was thus opportunely layd open for them if they apprehended the present occasion All which remonstrances notwithstanding could enduce but very few to like of this attempt and those such who had long followed him in the warres exhausted their estates and content to runne vpon any aduenture that might promise likelyhood of aduancement The rest were of diuers opinions some that it was sufficient to hold and defend their owne Country without hazarding themselues to conquer others and these were men of the best ability others were content to contribute but so sparingly as would little aduance the businesse and for the most part they were so tyred with the former warres and so desirous to embrace the blessing of peace as they were vnwilling to vndergoe a certaiue trouble for an vncertaine good And with these oppositions or faint offers the Dukes The subtil proceeding of the Duke with his Nobles purpose at first had so little way as did much perplex him At length seeing this protraction and difficulty in generall he deales with his neerest and most trusty friends in particular being such as he knew affected the glory of action and would aduenture their whole estates with him As William fitz Auber Conte de Bretteuile Gualier Guifford Earle of Logueuille Roger de Beaumont with others especially his owne brothers Odo Bishop of Bayeux and Robert Earle of Mortaigne these in full assembly hee wrought to make their offers which they did in so large a proportion and especially William fitz Auber who made the first offer to furnish forty ships with men and munition the Bishop of Bayeux forty the Bishop of Mans thirty and so others according or beyond their abilities as the rest of the assemblie doubting if the action succeeded without their helpe the Duke aryuing to that greatnesse would beare in minde what little minde they shewed to aduance his desires beganne to contribute more largely The Duke finding them yeelding though not in such sort as was requisite for such a worke dealt with the Bishops and great men a part so effectually as at length hee gote of them seuerally which of altogether hee could neuer haue compassed and causing each mans contribution to bee registred inkindled such an emulation amongst them as they who lately would doe nothing now striued who should doe most And not onely wan he the people of his owne Prouinces to vndertake this action The French likewise ayde the Duke but drew by his faire perswasions and large promises most of the greatest Princes and Nobles of France to aduenture their persons and much of their estates with him as Robert fitz Haruays Duke of Orleance the Earles of Brittaine Ponthien Bologne Poictou Mayne Neuers Hiesms Aumal Le Signior de Tours and euen his mortall enemy Martel Earle of Aniou became to bee as forward as any All which hee sure could neuer haue induced had not his vertues and greatnesse gained a wide opinion and reputation amongst them Although in these aduancements and turnes of Princes there is a concurrency of dispositions and a constitution of times prepared for it yet is it strange that so many mighty men of the French Nation would aduenture their liues and fortunes to adde England to Normandie to make it more then France and so great a Crowne to a Duke who was to great for them already But where mutations are destined the counsels of men must be corrupted and there will fall out all aduantages to serue that businesse The King of France who should haue strangled this disseigne in the birth was a The reason of the Dukes powre child and vnder the curature of Baldouin Earle of Flanders whose daughter the Duke had married and was sure to haue rather furtherance then any opposition that way Besides to amuze that Court and dazella young Prince he promised faithfully if hee conquered this Kingdome to hold it of that King as he
notice of wrong and checke the malice of an vnnaturall offender at which sight Richard surprised with horror is sayd to haue burst out into extreame lamentations He had issue by his wife Elianor foure sonnes Henry Richard Geffrey and Iohn besides two other William the eldest and Phillip the youngest but His Issue one died young Also three daughters Maude married to Henry Duke of Saxony Elianor the wife of Alfonso the eighth of that name king of Castile Ioan giuen Vide 10. Speed in marriage vnto William king of Sicile He had also two naturall sonnes by Rosamund daughter of Walter Lord Clifford William surnamed Longespee in English Long Sword and Geffrey Arch-bishop of Yorke who after fiue yeares banishment in his brother King Iohns time died Anno 1213. The first sonne William surnamed Longespee Earle of Salisbury in right of Ela his wife daughter and heire of William Earle of that County sonne of Earle Patricke had issue William Earle of Salisbury Stephen Earle of Vlster Ela Countisse of Warwick Idae Lady Beuchampe of Bedford and Isabell Lady Vescy His Sonne Earle William the second had Earle William the third Father of Margaret wife of Henry Lacie Earle of Lincolne It is said King Henry had also a third naturall Sonne called Morgan by the wife of one Rodulph Bloeth or Blewet a Knight hee liued to be Prouost of Beuerley and to be elected to the Bishopricke of Duresme and comming to Rome for a dispensation because his basiardy made him otherwise vncapeable the Pope willed him to professe him selfe Blewets lawfull sonne and not the Kings Naturall promising to consecrate him on that condition but he vsing the aduise of one William Lane his Clerke told the Pope that for no worldly promotion he would renounce his Father or deny himselfe to be of blood Royall The ende of the Life and Raigne of Henry the second The Life and raigne of Richard the first RICHARD surnamed Coeure de Lion borne at Oxford succeeding his Father He began his raigne the 6● of Iuly aged 35. first seizes vpon his Treasure in France being in the hands of Stephan Thurnham Seneschall of Normandy whom he imprisons with fetters and manacles to extort the vttermost thereof And then repayres to Roan where by Walter the Archbishop hee is guirt with the sword 1189. Anno. Reg. 1. of the Dutchy of Normandie takes fealty both of the Clergie and Lay and then goes to Parle and compose his bufinesse with the King of France which hee did by money and obtayned restitution of all such peeces as had beene gotten from his Father in the time of the late warres Besides for his better strength hee giues in marriage Maude his Neece daughter of the Duke of Saxonie to Geffrey sonne to the Earle of Perch During this stay and setling of his affaires in France Queene Elianor his Mother freed from her imprisonment which shee had endured twelue yeares hath power to dispose of the businesse of England which especially shee imployed in preparing the The slaughter of the lewes at the Coronation affections of the people by pardons and releeuement of oppressions and then meetes her sonne at Winchester Where besides his Fathers treasure which was 900000 pounds in gold and siluer besides plate Iewels and pretious stones there fell vnto him by the death of Geffrey Ridle Bishop of Ely dying intestate 3060 Markes of Siluer and 205 of Gold which came well to defray the charge of his Coronation celebrated the third day of September 1189 at Westminster and imbrued with the miserable slaughter of the Iewes inhabiting in and about the Citie of London who comming to offer their presents as an afflicted people in a strange Country to a new King in hope to get his fauour were set vpon by the multitude and many lost both their liues and substance The example of London wrought the like mischiefe vpon the Iewes in the Townes of Norwich Saint Edmondsbury Lincoln Stamford and Linne All this great Treasure left to this King was not thought sufficient for this intended action of the Holy warre which was still on foote but that all other waies were deuised to raise more money and the King sells much Land of the Crowne both to the Clergie and others Godfrey de Lucy Bishoppe of Winchester bought two Mannors Weregraue and Menes The Abbot of Saint Edmondsbury the Mannor of Mildhall for one thousand Markes of siluer The Bishop of Duresme the Mannor of Sadborough with the dignity pallitinate of his whole Prouince which occasioned the King iestingly to say what a cunning workeman he was that could make of an olde Bishoppe a new Earle Besides hee grants to William King of Scots the Castles of Berwike and Roxborough for 10000 Markes and releaseth him of those couenants made and confirmed by his Charter vnto King Henry the second as extorted from him being then his prisoner reseruing vnto himselfe onely such rights as had beene and were to bee performed by his brother Malcolin to his Ancestors the kings of England Moreouer pretending to haue lost his Signet made a new and proclamation that whosoeuer would safely enioy what vnder the former Signet was graunted should come to haue it confirmed by the new whereby hee raised great summes of money to the griefe of his subiects Then procures he a power from the Pope that whosoeuer himselfe pleased to dismisse from the iourney and leaue at home should bee free from taking the Crosse and this likewise got him great Treasure which was leuied with much expedition by reason the king of France in Nouember after the Coronation sent the Earle of Perch with other Commissioners to signifie to king Richard how in a generall Assembly at Paris he had solemnly sworne vpon the Euangelists to bee ready at Tours with all the Princes and people of his kingdome who had vndertaken the Crosse presently vpon Easter next following thence to set forward for the Holy Land And for the assurance and testimony thereof hee sends the Charter of this Deede vnto the king of England requiring him and his Nobilitie vnder their hands to assure him in like sort to be ready at the same time and place which was in like maner concluded at a generall Councell held at London And in December hauing onely stayed but foure monthes in England after his Coronation this King departs into Normandie Vide Append. The Kings departure out of England toward the Holy warre keepes his Christmas at Rouen and presently after hath a parle with the King of France at Reimes where by Oath and writing vnder their hands and seales with the faith giuen by all their Nobility on both sides is confirmed a most strict Peace and Vnion betwixt both Kings for the preseruation of each other and their Estates with the orders concluded for their iourney Which done the King of England sends for Queene Elionor his mother his brother Iohn the Archbishop of Canterbury the Bishops of Winchester Duresme
ariuing at the Port of Dam where they found the French Nauie vnorderly dispersed and without defence their forces going out to inuade the Country set vpon and vtterly defeited the same and afterward ioyning their powre with that of Ferrand draue the King of France home with great dishonour and exceeding losse King Iohn raised with this victorie and his peace with the Church sets vpon great designes taking oportunitie of this disaster of the King of France whom in reuenge of his iniurie and hope of recouering his transmarine Dominions he plots to assaile on all sides stirring vp his Nephew Otho to ayde the Earle of Flanders for an Inuasion on the East part whilst himselfe withall his powre should enter vpon the West For execution whereof first hee sends supplies of treasure to his Chieftaines in Flaunders then assembles a great Army at Portsmouth wherewith hee resolues to passe the Seas But his designe contrarie to his desire and haste came to be delayed by the withdrawing The Nobility refuse to ayde King Iohn of his Nobilitie who refused to ayde or attend him vntill hee were absolued and had confirmed vnto them their liberties wherewith much inraged seeing no other remedie he speedily sends for the Archbishop of Canterbury and the other Bishops which were yet in France promising them present restitution and satisfaction vnder the hands and seales of foure and twenty Earles and Barons vndertaking for the performance thereof according to the forme of his Charter graunted in this behalfe Pandolphus with the Bishop and the rest of the exiled Clergie forth-with come ouer and finde the King at Winchester where hee goeth forth to meere them and on his knees with teares receiues them beseeching them to haue compassion on him and the Kingdome of England Absolued he is with great penitence and compassion exprest with teares of all the beholders and sweares vpon the Euangelists to loue defend and maintaine Holy Church and the Ministers thereof against all their aduersaries to the vttermost of his powre That hee would reuoke the good Lawes of his Predecessors and especially those of King Edward abrogating such as were uniust Iudge all his subiects according to the iust iudgement of his Court That presently vpon Easter next following hee would make plenarie satisfaction of whatsoeuer had beene taken from the Church Which done he returnes to Portsmouth with intention to passe ouer into France 1214. Anno. Reg. 16. committing the gouernment of the Kingdome to Geffrey Fitz Peter and the Bishop of Winchester with charge that they should order all businesses together with the Councell of the Archbishop of Canterbury And here a numerous company of souldiers repayring to him complayned that by The Archbishop threatens to excommunicate the King their long attendance their mony was spent so that they could not follow him vnlesse they might be supplied out of his Eschequer which the king refusing to doe in a great rage with his priuate family takes ship and puts forth to the Isle of Iersey but seeing none of his Nobles or other to follow him was forced hauing lost the oportunity of the season to returne into England where he gathers an Army with intention to chastise the Lords who had thus forsaken him But the Archbishop of Canterbury followes him to Northampton Vrging that it was against his Oath taken at his absolution to proceed in that maner against any man without the iudgement of his Court. To whom the King in great passion replyed That hee would not deferre the businesse of the Kingdome for his pleasure seeing Lay iudgements appertained not vnto him and so in fury marches to Notingham The Archbishop followes him and plainely told him that vnlesse hee would desist from this businesse hee would excommunicate all such as should take armes against any before the releasing of the interdiction and would not leaue him vntill hee had obtayned a conuenient day for the Lords to come to his Court which shortly after they did and a Parliament is assembled in Pauls wherein the Archbishop of Canterbury produces a Charter of King Henry the first whereby hee graunted the ancient liberties of the Kingdome of England which had by his Predecessors beene opprest with vniust This Charter is recorded in Mat. Par. with restes of the Subscribers exactions according to the Lawes of king Edward with those emendations which his father by the Councell of his Barons did ratefie And this Charter being read before the Barons they much reioyced and swore in the presence of the Archbishop that Lagam regis Edwardi vobis reddo cum illis emcndationibus quibus pater mcus eam amendauit for these liberties they would if neede required spend their bloud And there withall concluding a confederation with the Archbishop the Parlament brake vp Shortly after dies Geffery Fitz Peter Iusticiar of England a man of a generous spirit learned in the lawes and skilfull in gouernment Who in that broken time onely held vncrased performing the part of an euen Consellour and officer betweene the King and Kingdome whom though the King most vsed he most feared and least loued as ill Princes doe their worthiest ministers whose grauity and iudgment may seeme to Vide Append. keepe them in awe And hearing of his death reioycing said now when he comes into hell let him salute the Archoishop Hubert whom assuredly he shall finde there And turning to those about him swore by the feet of God that now at length he was King and Lord of England hauing a freer power to vnty himselfe from those knots which his oath had made to this great man against his will and to break all the bands of the late concluded peace vnto which he repented to haue euer condiscended And to shew the desperate malice of this king who rather then not to haue an absolute domination ouer his people to doe what he listed would be any thing himselfe vnder any other that would but support him in his violences there is recorded an Ambassage the most base impious that euer yet was sent by any free and Christian Prince vnto Miramumalim the Moore intitled the great King of Affrica Morocco and Spaine wherein he offred to render vnto him his kingdom and to hold the same by tribute from him as his Souraigne Lord To forgoe the Christian faith which he held vayne and receiue that of Mahomet In which negotiation the Commissioners are named to be Thomas Hardington Raph Fitz Mat. Par. Nichols knights and Robert of London Clearke the manner of their accesse to this great King is related with the deliuery of their message and King Iohns Charter to that effect and how Miramumalim hauing heard at large their message and the discription both of the King and Kingdome with the nature and disposition of the people so much Miramumalim scornes the Message of K. Iohn disdayned the basenesse and impiety of the offerer as with skorne hee commanded his ministers to depart
appertayning thereunto The King of France answeres that the Kingdome of England neuer was nor is or euer shal be the patrimonie of Saint Peter and that King Iohn was neuer lawfull King thereof and if hee were he had forfeited the same by the murther of Arthur forwhich he was condemned in his Court neither could he giue away the Kingdome without the consent of the Barons who are bound to defend the same And if the Pope would maintaine this error it would bee a pernicious example to all Kingdomes Herewith the Popes Agent departs vnsatisfied Louys hauing first dispatched Commission Quater Vigint Coggis to Rome to declare his right iustifie his vndertaking sets forth from Calice with 600 ships and 80 other vessell and Lands with his Army at Sandwich King Iohn attends him at Douer with purpose to incounter him at his landing but vpon notice Louys lands in Kent 21 of May. of his great powre and distrusting the faith of his mercinaries hauing committed the keeping of the Castle of Douer to Hubert de Burg forsakes the field and with it himselfe retyres first to Winchester after to Glocester and leaues all to the will of his enemy Louys who after he had obtayned the submission of all Kent except the Castle of Douer which he neuer could get he comes to London where he is ioyfully receiued of the Barons and vpon his Oath taken to restore their Lawes and recouer their rights hath homage and fealty done him as their Soueraigne Lord thither came likewise the Earles Warrein Arundle Salisbury William Mareschall the yonger with many other forsaking King Iohn and rendred themselues vnto him Guallo the Popes Agent notwithstanding the sword was out in all the way of his passage got to Glocester shewes King Iohn the Popes care of him and in solemne manner The little effect the Popes Exmunication wrought pronounces the sentence of Excommunication against Louys and all that tooke part with him which though it brought him some comfort for the time yet it tooke little or nothing from the enemy neither could it so confirme his mercinaries but that most of them left him and either returned home into their Countries with such spoyles as they had or betooke themselues to this new commer King Iohn was not yet so forsaken but that he had powre enough remayning to infest though not incounter his enemies and faith he found abroad amongst many of his Ministers that well defended their charge Douer Castle with a small company holds out against all the force that Louys could bring against it Windsor Castle garded but with 60 men could not be won with all the powre of the Barons some other peeces as Nottingham and Lincoln Castles made very resolute resistance But nothing is effected saue the ruine of the Country The most-yeelding and fertill parts of the Kingdome as about Glocester the marches of Wales Lincolnshire Cambridgshire Norfolke Suffolke Essex Kent and all about London are the Stages of this warre and here they act their mischiefes which continued all that Sommer And about the later end of October a burning feuer makes an end of this fiery King which tooke him vpon an extreme griefe conceiued for the losse of his carriages sunke in the Sands passing the Washes betweene Lin and Boston and was augmented by a surfeit of Peaches new Ale taken at the Abbay of Swineshead from whence in The death of King Iohn great weakenesse he is conuayed to Newarke where after he had receiued the Eucharist and taken order for the succession of his sonne Henry hee departs this life hauing raigned 18 yeares fiue monthes and foure daies The Abbot of Crockeston a man skilfull in physique and at that time the Kings Physition disbowelled his body who no doubt would haue giuen notice to the world had his Maister as it was in after ages vainely bruted beene poysoned by a Monke of Mat. Par. Swinshead Abbay but the Writers of those times report no such matter Howsoeuer his death takes not away the reproch of his life nor the infamy that followes him whereunto ill Princes are as subiect as their euill Subiects and cannot escape the brute ofa clamarous Pen. witnesse this Disticque Anglia sicut adhuc sordet foetore Iohannis Sordida foedatur foedante Iohanne Gehenna He had issue by his wife Isabel daughter to Aymer Earle of Angolesme two sonnes Henry and Richard also three daughters Ioane Eleanor and Isabel. Henry succeeded him in the Kingdome Richard was Earle of Cornewall and Crowned His issue King of the Romans and had issue Henry and Iohn that died without issue also Edmond Iohn speed Earle of Cornewall and others Ioane the eldest daughter married to Alexander the second King of Scots died without issue Elianor the second daughter married to Simon Earle of Leicester had issue Henry Symon Almaricke Guy Richard and Elianor Henry slaine without issue Simon Earle of Bigorre and Ancestor to a Famely of the Mountfords in France Almarick first a Priest after a Knight Guy Earle of Angleria in Italy and Progenitor of the Mountfords in Tuscaine and of the Earles of the Campo Bacchi in the Kingdome of Naples Richard remayning priuily in England and changing his name from Mountford to Wellesborne was Ancester of the Wellesbornes in England Elianor borne in England brought vp in France married into Wales to Prince Lewin ap Griffith Isabel their youngest daughter married to the Emperour Frederic the 2 had issue Henry appointed to be King of Sicile and Margaret wife of Albert Landgraue Thurine She died in child-bed after she had beene Empresse sixe yeares He had also two naturall sonnes Geffrey Fitz Roy that transported souldiers into France when Hubert forbad his father to goe thither Richard that married the daughter and Heire of Fulbert de Douer who built Childham Castle had issue by her of which some famelies of good esteeme are descended Likewise one naturall Daughter Ioane married to Lewin Prince of Wales The end of the Life and Raigne of King Iohn The Life and Raigne of Henry the third THE death of King Iohn though it much altered yet it ended not the miserable businesses of the Kingdome for Louys notwithstanding held 1216. Anno. Reg. 1. his hopes and his party though much shaken by the sodaine Coronation of Henry eldest sonne to King Iohn solemnized in a great Assemblie of State at Glocester the 28 of October and committed to the tutelage of the great Marshall William Earle of Pembrooke the maine Pillar of the father and now the preseruer of the Crowne to his sonne a man eminent both in courage Henry the 3 Crowned at Glocester and Councell who with Guallo the Popes Legat the Bishops of Winchester Bathe and Worcester worke all meanes to draw the Barons and as many of powre as they could to their new and naturall King from this excommunicate stranger and his adherents And bred great fluctuation in the mindes of most of
himselfe to enter into Dover Castle At Canterbury they bring him into the Chapter house where the Earle of Glocester standing forth in the middest calls out the Earle not by the name of King but Richard Earle of Cornewall who in reverent manner comming forth takes his Oath ministred in this manner Heare all men that I Kichard Earle of Cornewall do heere sweare vpon the Holy Evangelists The Oath of the King of Romanes that I shall bee faithfull and dilligent to reforme with you the Kingdome of England hitherto by the Councell of wicked persons overmuch disorded bee an effectuall coadiutor to expell the rebels and disturbers of the same and this Oath will inviolably obserue vnder paine of loosing all the Land I haue in England so helpe mee God In this manner deale the Lords to binde this great Earle vnto them supposing his power to haue beene more then it was which at length they found to be nothing but an Ayrie Title for having consumed all that mighty substance abroad in two yeares which with great frugality had beene many in gathering he returnes in this manner home poore and forsaken by the Germans without any other meanes to trust vnto but onely what he had in England Notwithstanding vpon his returne the King takes heart and seekes all meanes to vindicate his power dispatching first messengers secretly to Rome to be absolued from 1259. Anno. Reg. 44. his inforced Oath then sends into Scotland to the King and the Queene his daughter for aydes to be ready vpon his occasions And to haue the more assurance of the King of France and be freed from forraine businesse he makes an absolute resignation of whatsoever right he had to the Duchy of Normandie and the Earledomes of Aniou King Henry resignes his right to Normandy c. Poictou Tourene and Maine in regard whereof the King of France giues him three hundred thousand pounds some say crownes of Aniouine money and grants him to enioy all Guien beyond the river Garoune all the Country of Xantonge to the river of 1261. An. Reg. 45. Charentè the Countries of Limosin and Quercy for him and his successors doing their Homage and Fealty to the Crowne of France as a Duke of Aquitayne and a Peere of that kingdome The Lords likewise on the other side seeke to strengthen their association and hold in each other to their Oathes and observation of their orders which was hard to do for consisting of manifold dispositions there was daily wauering sometimes Pikes among themselues in so much as the Earle of Leicester the chiefe man that kept the fire of that saction in told the Earle of Glocester finding him staggering that hee cared not to liue with such men whom he found so mutable and vncertaine for said he my Lord of Glocester The Lords combine against the K. as you are more eminent so are you more bound to what you haue vndertaken for the good of the kingdome And as he incensed others so had he those that animated him as Walter Bishop of Worcester and Kobert Bishop of Lincolne who inioyned him vpon remission W. Rishenger of his sinnes to prosecute the cause vnto death affirming how the peace of the Church of England could neuer be established but by the materiall sword But now many being the temptations many are drawne away from their side especially after the sentence giuen against them by the King of France made Arbitor of the quarrell who yet though hee condemned the prouisions of Oxford allowed the 1262. An. Reg. 46. confirmatiō of King Iohns Charter by which distinction he left the matter as he found it for those prouisions as the Lords pretended were grounded vpon that Charter Howsoeuer his sentence much aduantaged the King of England made many to dispence with their Oath and leaue their party Amongst whom was Henry Sonne to the Earle of Cornewall on whom the Prince had bestowed the Honour of Tyckhill who comming to the Earle of Leicester told him hee would not be against his Father the King nor his allyes but said he my Lord I will neuer beare Armes against you and 1263. Anno. Reg. 47. therefore I craue leaue to depart The Earle cheerfully replies my Lord Henry I am not sorry for your departure but for your inconstancie go returne with your armes I feare them not at all About the same time Roger de Clifford Roger de Leiborn Hamo I Strange and many other wonne with gifts depart from the Barons Shortly after Roger de Mortimer of the Kings part breakes into open act of hostility makes spoyle of the lands of the Earle of Leicester who had now combined himselfe with Llewellin Prince of Wales and had sent forces to inuade the lands of Mortimer in The beginning of the warres those parts And here the sword is first drawne in this quarrell about three yeares after the Parlement at Oxford The Prince takes part with Mortimer surprises the Castle of Brecknock with other places of strength which hee deliuers to his custodie The Earle of Leicester recouers the towne and Castle of Glocester constraines the Citizens to pay a thousand pounds for their redemption goes with an Army to Worcester possesses him of the Castle thence to Shrewsbury and so comes about to the Isle of Ely subdues the same and growes very powerfull The King doubting his approch to London being not yet ready for him workes so as a mediation of peace is made and agreed vpon these conditions That all the Castles 1264. Anno. Reg. 48. of the King should be deliuered the keeping of the Barons the Prouisions of Oxford should bee inuiolably obserued All strangers by a certaine time should auoide the Kingdome except such as by a generall consent should be held faithfull and profitable for the same Here was a little pause which seemes was but a breathing for a greater rage The Prince had fortified Windsor Castle victualled and therein placed strangers to defend it and himselfe marches to the towne of Bristow where in a contention between the Cittizens and his people being put to the worse hee seends for the Bishop of Worcester an especiall partaker of the Barons to protect conduct him back When he comes neare Windsor he gets into the Castle which the Earle of Leicester was going to besiege being about Kingston the Prince meets him to treat of peace which the Earle refuses and laies siege to the Castle which was rendred vnto him the strangers turned out sent home into France The King to get time conuokes another Parlement at London wherein hee wonne many Lords to take his part with them the Prince Richard Earle of Cornwall Henry 19 Parlement held at London his sonne William Valence with the rest of his brethren lately returned hee marches to Oxford whither diuerse Lords of Scotland repaire to him as Iohn Comin Iohn Baliol Lord of Galloway Robert Bruce and others with many Barons of the