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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13959 A relation of such things as were obserued to happen in the iourney of the right Honourable Charles Earle of Nottingham, L. High Admirall of England, his highnesse ambassadour to the King of Spaine being sent thither to take the oath of the sayd King for the maintenance of peace betweene the two famous kings of Great Brittaine and Spaine: according to the seuerall articles formerly concluded on by the constable of Castilla in England in the moneth of August, 1604. Set forth by authoritie. [Treswell, Robert]. 1605 (1605) STC 24268; ESTC S118681 33,987 72

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A RELATION OF SVCH THINGS AS were obserued to happen in the Journey of the right Honourable CHARLES Earle of NOTTINGHAM L. High Admirall of ENGLAND His Highnesse Ambassadour to the King of SPAINE Being sent thither to take the Oath of the sayd King for the maintenance of Peace betweene the two famous Kings of Great Brittaine and Spaine According to the seuerall Articles formerly concluded on by the Constable of Castilla in England in the Moneth of August 1604. Set forth by Authoritie LONDON Printed by Melchisedech Bradwood for Gregorie Seaton and are to be sold at his Shop vnder Aldersgate 1605. To the Reader HAuing collected together many generall obseruations in that Honourable iourney into Spain lately performed by the right honourable and worthy Earle The Earle of Nottingham although amongst many reasons which perswaded me to be therein to my selfe secret and to the world sparing in diuulging this Treatise I found especially and which I must of necessitie confesse mine owne weakenesse in compiling the same and making it fit and worthy of so generall a reading as by this consequence it must vndergoe yet being ouer-weighed with many especiall motiues which I could not well answer or contradict I thought rather to expose my selfe to the fauourable censure of the worthiest best minded who rather respect a plaine and home-bred stile yet true than a tale consisting of eloquent phrases but doubtfull than pleasing my selfe in mine owne fearefull humor giue cause of offence to them whom most I laboured to content The first of these motiues being That many of my friends knowing me to haue been by especiall appointment an Attendant vpon his Lordship in that honourable emploiment and vnderstanding of the care taken by me in obseruing some particulars in the same exceedingly vrged me to giue them a perfect knowledge and satisfaction thereof which as it was a thing likely to be tedious so could they not receiue that contentment by a briefe Report which a more ample Relation and Discourse might better affoord Another was That for that it came to our knowledge how many false and ill contriued reports had beene bruted abroad after our departure from England aswell derogating from that honourable enterteinment we receiued in generall whilest we were in Spaine as from the proceedings of his Lordship and his Company in some particulars I could not but taxing my selfe of dutie to his Lordship and the rest endeuour to satisfie all doubtfull and vnsatisfied minds with relating and declaring the truth thereof But a third and a more especiall cause is That sithence our returne one not well informed hauing vndertaken to know much of the proceedings of that Iourney and mistaking himselfe in his own vnderstanding lately published a Pamphlet of many false and erroneous obseruations therby possessing the Readers with an vntrue Relation of that the trueth whereof they so much desired Vpon these former considerations therfore I was aduised to tender vnto your generous acceptance my wel-meaning endeuors which although they cannot giue that pleasure and content in reading you happily expect yet shall they assure you what they promise That is A true Relation of such things which happened in that honorable Iourney In reporting whereof I had rather be condemned for plainnesse than once suspected for reporting an vntrueth ROB. TRESVVELL aliâs SOMERSET Herauld A RELATION OF such things as were obserued to happen in the Iourney of the right Honourable CHARLES Earle of NOTTINGHAM c. his Hignesse Ambassadour to the King of SPAINE being sent thither to take the Oath of the sayd King for the maintenance of Peace betweene the two famous Kings of GREAT BRITTAIN and SPAIN according to the seuerall Articles formerly concluded on by the Constable of Castilla in England in the Moneth of August 1604. SO soone as the right honorable Charles Earle of Nottingham L. High Admirall of England had taken notice from his Maiesty That it was his will and pleasure to employ him in this great Ambassage to the K. of Spaine calling to minde how honourably and richly the Duke of Fryas Constable of Castilla late Ambassadour for the said king had formerly demeaned himselfe in England presently with a most honourable resolution neither fearing the hazard of his person being now aged nor regarding the expences that so great and honourable an employment should require with what speed he conueniently might endeuoured to performe his Maiesties designes and appointment heerein And therefore by the aduice of the Councell of England he first resolued both what honourable personages and what number of them might be fitting for accompanying and attending him in this his great imployment To whom when as particular Letters from the Councell by his Maiesties especiall commandement were dispatched to giue them notice to prepare themselues to attend the said Noble Earle according as his Highnesse had commanded they seemed so willing and readie to performe their duty and seruice therein that his Lordship was farre more troubled to denie many and that of very good sort who voluntarily tendered their seruice in good will and honour of his Lordship to attend him in this his appointed voyage than he was at first in bethinking what company were necessary to take with him And therefore at last concluding of a competent number not without displeasing many he resolued vpon these whose names heereafter follow The Earle of Pearth The Lord Howard of Effingham his sonne and heire The Lord Willoughbey The Lord Norrys Sir Charles Howard knight his second sonne Sir Thomas Howard knight second sonne to the Earle of Suffolke Sir Iohn Sheffeild knight sonne and heire to the Lord Sheffeild Master Pickering Wotton sonne and heire to the Lord Wotton Sir Richard Lewson knight Admirall of the fleet and Viceadmirall of England Master Thomas Compton brother to the Lord Compton Hans Herman Van Veiscenbach a German and of good esteeme in England Sir Robert Drewry Sir Robert Maunsell Treasurer of the kings Nauy and Vice admirall of the fleet Sir Edward Howard his nephew Sir Thomas Palmer Sir Edward Swift Sir William Smith Sir Iohn Treuor surueyor of the nauy Sir Robert Killegrew Sir Richard Cowper Gentleman-porter of the Kings house Sir George Buc. Sir Guylford Slingsby Sir Adolfus Cary. Sir Francis Howard his Lordships nephew also Sir Sackuyle Treuor Rereadmirall of the fleet Sir Walter Gore Sir William Page Sir Giles Hoftman Sir Thomas Roe Sir Iohn Eyres Sir Phillip Cary. Sir Henry Knowles Sir Iohn Gueuarra Knights Master Giles Porter his interpreter Doctor Marbeck Doctor Palmer Physitians Master Pawlet Master Cary. Master Barret Master Iohn Lewson Lewis Tresham Captaine Thomas Button William Button Iohn Fearne Hierom Laments Henry Butler Iohn Milliscent Bernard Saunders Philip Roper Francis Plomb Roger Tailor Captaine William Morgan Henry Minn Christopher Fredericke Thomas Buc. Captaine William Polewheele Edmond Fittou Walter Grey Iohn Atkinson Dudley Carleton Edward Smith and many other gentlemen of good condition and quality aswell his Lordships priuate Officers and
Englishman furnished of conuenient roome which they did Don Blasco himselfe taking an especiall care and respect thereof About the middest of the day came the King and Queen riding on horsebacke with many Lords and Ladies all on horsebacke likewise after the Spanish fashion euery Lady accompanied with one or other man of worth his Lordship was placed in the standing with the King and Queene and the other Lords were placed not farre off There were that day killed foureteene Buls the maner whereof was in this sort First the market place being very square and of a great largenesse was round built with Scaffolds very strong the ground couered very thicke with sand so that they were faine diuers times to bring in many carts of water both to allay the dust as also to coole the reflection of the sunne vpon the place In which none were appointed to be but such as were designed to play the sports The Bull being turned out they shotte sticks with sharpe pins and pricks which might sticke fast in his skinne thereby the more madding him he seemed to be most valiant that durst afray the Bull in the face and escape vntouched but some escaped not well for it cost them their liues There was another maner of striking the Bull in the face with short speares to the which diuers Lords and Gentlemen very well mounted their pages following them with diuers hand-speares for that purpose wherein many shewed good valour and strake the Bull very cunningly and manly but yet some of their Gennets payed deare for it being both hurt and killed To this sport came two Gentlemen one after another and as it was reported supplying the places of Champions to the King riding on horses blinded and so taking their stand waiting for the comming of the Bull against them very manly with a speare of good length and strength strake him in the head and escaped without hurt though not being without danger After this beganne their sports of Inego de Canas wherein the King himselfe was an Actor First came riding twelue Drummers with Kettle-drummes playing then followed thirtie Trumpetters all clad in red and white silke coats then followed twelue Açemulaes or great Mules with couerings of red veluet bearing bundles of Canes tied and chained with great hooks of siluer then followed the Kings Gentlemen and Pages richly suited being to the number of two and thirtie or thereabout After them were led by seuerall Groomes six and twentie riding horses richly couered For the two Princes of Sauoy were shewed First two Pages riding bearing on their armes Targets all white after whom were ledde three horses couered with caparisons of blacke veluet imbrodered richly with pearle then followed twelue other horses clad likewise in blacke veluet but imbrodered with siluer For the Duke of Lerma were led six horses with caparisons of white and red the Groomes and Pages attending and all alike suited For the Constable were led foure and twenty horses of seruice couered with white and greene his Pages and Groomes also alike suited The number of horsemen that shewed themselues in these sports were fourescore whose names hereafter follow according to a note thereof deliuered by one of good woorth and of especiall respect with the King 1. Quadrill The King The Duke of Lerma Duke of Cea Conde de Gelues Marq. of S. German Don Hen. de Goseman Conde de Mayalde Don Petro de Castro Marq. de la Venessa Don Garçia de Figuroea 2. Quadrill Don Diego de Sandouall D. Antonio de S. Fago D. Alonso Lopes de Mella D. Diego de Sebro D. Lewys de Alcarath D. Galuan D. Diego Nino Don Pedro de Aryetta D. Diego de Lieua D. Hieronomo de Sandouall 3. Quadrill Duke of Infantasgo D. Diego Sarmiento Conde de Barasa Conde de Paredes Conde de Coruna Conde de Lodosa Conde de Nieua Don Iuan de Tassis The Admyrall of Aragon D. Lewys Enriques 4. Quadrill The Constable of Castilla Marq. de Cuelar Conde de Aguillar Marq. del Carpio D. Bernardino de Velasco D. Fran. de Velasco D. Antonio de Velasco D. Alonso de Velasco D. Manuell de çuniga D. Andreas Velasques 5. Quadrill The Duke of Alua Conde de Salinas Marq. de Villanueua D. Martyn Valerio D. Pedro de çuniga S. de Flores D. Manuell de Alencastro Marq. de Tarara D. Diego Piementel Conde de Ayala Marq. de çerralua 6. Quadrill The Duke of Pastrana Conde de Cosentagua Comendador Mayor de Montesa D. Carlos de Borsa Marq. de Fuentes D. Lewys Nino D. Pedro de Fonseca D. Ferdinand de la Cerda D. Bernard de Rozas D. Iuan Vicentela 7. Quadrill Conde de Alualista D. Bernard de Toledo D. Fernando de Toledo D. Anto de Toledo D. Philippo de Valencia D. Fran. Congusta D. Lewys de Gozman D. Iuan de Gozman Marq. de Alcanes Marq. de Fales 8. Quadrill The Prince of Sauoy The Prior of Ivan Mar. Doste D. Diego de las marinas D. Fran. de Cordoua D. Iuan de Heredia D. Aluard de Mendoza D. Pero Mune D. Francisco Finea D. Pedro de Licamo At their first appearance they came riding in by couples two after two very swiftly richly attired with their Targets on their shoulders holding and shaking long staues such as the Moores or Arabians are described to vse When they were all come they diuided thēselues to sides euery side into foure squadrons euery squadron being tenne in number when they were ready holding their staues in their hands the Kings side gaue the first charge the other side vndertaking the same and charging on them likewise thus they continued still chasing one another squadron vpon squadron throwing their Canes one after other by the space of a long houre or better and so their sports ended Saturday the first of Iune his Lordship was inuited by the King to see a muster of armed men in a place called El campo being launces light horsemen and Carbynes to the number of two thousand whereof the Duke of Lerma was the Generall His Lordship stood with the King and Queene the rest of the English were placed in a Scaffold built for them of purpose which said souldiers being diuided made some shew of salies each vpon other very pleasingly and warlike and after a few skirmishes drew themselues into a ring and marching along vnder the window where his Maiesty stood departed Sunday Munday and Tuesday were vsed as daies of rest after their great feasts and spent onely in visitation and matters of complement with one or other Wednesday his Lordship dispatched Sir Iohn Treuor for England with letters of intelligence to his Highnesse who tooke with them the Aduantage which lay at Saint Andreas with the rest of the Shippes Thursday the sixth day of Iune his Lordship was appointed both to dine and suppe early which he did because both his Lordship as also all other the English Lords and Gentlemen were inuited to see a maske about six of the clocke therefore