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A07124 The historie, and liues, of the kings of England from VVilliam the Conqueror, vnto the end of the raigne of King Henrie the Eight. By William Martyn Esquire, recorder of the honorable citie of Exeter.; Historie, and lives, of twentie kings of England Martyn, William, 1562-1617. 1615 (1615) STC 17527; ESTC S114259 437,595 520

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transporteth his Armie into Flanders and ioining with his consorts he marcheth into France with 27000. men The French King takes the field 108 Iane Countesse of Henault mother to the Queene of England and sister to the French King parts the fray without blowes 109 * 1339. King Edward quartereth the Armes of France and coines his money with the like stampe 109 Hee taxeth his people and borroweth much money 109 As hee passed towards Sluce with his Armie hee met with and ouerthrew the French Nauie 110 Hee with his associates doe besiege Tournay But the saide Countesse procures a Truce 111 The Scots doe rebell The King marcheth against them A truce is made but they doe breake it They doe inuade and burne Durham 111 The valiant exploit of Sir William Montague The Castle of Ronsborough is besieged The King marcheth against the Scots and they flie 112 He concludes a truce with them Hee returnes proclaimes a Feast and martiall exercises and sports 113 Subsidies are granted but Commissioners are made to receiue and to imploy it 114 * 1344. Hee deuiseth the noble Order of the Garter 114 Iaques Dartuell is murdered because hee would haue disherited the Earle of Flanders to preferre the Blacke Prince 114 By his death King Edward lost the Flemish aide But hee is the more resolued in his attempts 116 The French King besiegeth Aguilon with 100000. men The King takes Harflew Louiers Cane and many other things and harroweth and burneth in Normandie at his pleasure 117 He passeth with his Armie ouer the Riuer of Some 118 The battaile of Cressey 119 * 1345. The numbers of slaine men and prisoners 121 King Edward besiegeth Calice and the French K. with 200000. men could not releeue it The King winnes it and peopleth it with his owne Nation 123 The Scots inuade England in the Kings absence and King Dauid is taken prisoner 123 The King himselfe surpriseth the Frenchmen who came to receiue Calice 124 The Calicians take Guyens 125 The Blacke Prince winneth the battaile of Poyters and brings King Iohn and his younger sonne prisoners into England 126 The whole English Armie is made rich 128 The Dolphin allowes not his fathers agreements with King Edward 128 Hee is enforced to craue peace which is granted vpon conditions 129 The King relinquisheth the French title and right 129 A taxe leuied by the Blacke Prince and the not paying of his Souldiers occasioned his great losses in Guyan Aquitaine c. 130. 131 Whereto ciuill dissention must be added 132 The Earle of Pembroke is taken at Sea 132 The Kings euill Officers 133 The Blacke Prince dieth 134 The King dieth 134 King RICHARD the second THe summarie of his euill gouernment 135 Wat Tilars Rebellion 137 Their insolencie and madnesse 137 Their entertainment in London 138 They doe burne rifle and commit Sacriledge 138 Their behauiour at the Tower and at Mile-end-greene 139 Their Captaine is slaine They prepare for reuenge but doe flie 140. 141 Fifteene hundred of them are executed 141 The Kings euill Counsellors 142 Fifteenes in a Parliament are denied 142 The Lower House will depart except the King in person will come to them 142 Michael de la Pole is displaced from his Chancellorship 144 Commissioners are appointed to order the Kings Officers and the King sweareth to obserue it 144 The Commissioners are reputed to be Traitors 145 The Scots and French doe make a bad voyage into Wales and in the meane time the King with 68000. men spoileth Scotland 145 The Frenchmen well rewarded by the Scots 145 The French King prepares an Armie of 1200. Ships to inuade and to conquer England and King Richard makes incredible preparations to confront him 146 The French Armie vanisheth and comes to nought 147 The petition of the Nobilitie is denied by the King Wherefore they doe raise an Armie 147 The King cannot get an Armie out of London 148 On the Kings faire promises the Armie is dismissed Hee performes nothing so that a new Armie is leuied and receiued into London 149 The Duke of Ireland flieth is slaine by a Bore and is buried like a King 149 The Kings fiue euill Counsellors and some Iudges are condemned as Traitors 149 Iohn of Gaunts iourney valour and fortunate successe in Spaine 150 The King marieth the French Kings sister and deliuers vp Brest for which his Vncle the Duke of Glocester reproueth him but his death is plotted and hee is murdered 151 The flattering Speaker of the Parliament grosly deifieth the King 151 A strange Commission 152 The King in his vanitie will be stiled Prince of Cheshire 152 The Duke of Norfolke vntruly informeth the King against his cosen Henrie Bollingbroke Duke of Hartford for which hee is challenged to a single combat 153. 154 They are both banished 154 Iohn of Gaunt dieth and his son Henrie Bollingbroke now Duke of Lancaster in the Kings absence in Ireland landeth in England and raiseth an Armie The King returneth and leuieth his forces 155 But his people daily shrinke and steale away from him by meanes whereof he submitteth himselfe to the Duke 155 Articles are proposed against him for his euill gouernment which are by him confessed vnder his hand in the Parliament Hee resigneth his Kingdome and is deposed Henrie of Bollingbroke is crowned King And King Richard valiantly resisting is wickedly murdered 160 King HENRY the Fourth IOHN Bishop of Carlile stoutly reproueth King Henries doing openly in the Parliament house 163 The Crowne is entailed 164 Treason at Oxford 164 The Traitors flie and are executed 165 Owen Glendor rebelleth 166 And taketh Roger Mortimer the rightfull heire apparant to the Crowne prisoner and the King refuseth to ransome him 166 The Scots rebelling are ouerthrowen by Henrie Hotspurre who will not deliuer his prisoners to the King 167. 168 The Frenchmen doe aide the Welsh Rebels in shew but doe flie to their ships when the King commeth 167. 168 The Percies doe ransome Roger Mortimer and ioining with Owen Glendor they intend to make him King 169 They leuie an Armie and doe publish Articles against K. Henry The Scots doe aide them but are all ouerthrowen And in that battaile the King himselfe slew six and thirtie men 1401. 171 Dowglas is enlarged without ransome 171 Glendor is forsaken of his companions and is famished in the woods 172 The Duke of Orleance his challenge is stoutly refused by King Henrie 172 And disgraced 173 The Duke of Britaine is commanded by the French King to abandon the siege of Calice 173 Diuers Lords doe practise a Treason which is discouered and most of them are put to death 173 The King warreth againe prosperously in Scotland 173 Hee was in danger to bee taken on the Thames by French Pirates 174 Sir Ralphe Roksbie Sheriffe of Northumberland valiantly ouerthrew the Northerne Rebels and chopt off their heads before the Kings comming thither 174 He createth his younger sonnes Dukes and prepareth to warre in the Holy Land but falleth dangerously
sicke 174 His speech to the Prince his son when he seised on the Crowne 174 He dieth 175 King HENRY the Fifth THis King was vnmeasurably wilde in his fathers daies and was imprisoned and disgraced for striking the Lord Chiefe Iustice on the eare 177 But being King he enriched his loose companions but banished them perpetually from his Court 177 He chose the grauest wisest and best experienced men to be of his Counsell of Estate 177 Hee reformeth the Clergie and the Lay people and erecteth Castles to curbe the Scots 178 A motion was made in Parliament to dissolue religious houses But the Clergie reuiuing the kings title to the kingdome of France and being bountifully liberall doe turne the streame into that channell 178 The King demandeth that Crowne but is scoffed by the Dolphin whom he girdeth by a replie 179 The King leuieth an Armie The French King desireth peace The King yeeldeth on certaine conditions which are denied 180 The Queene is made Regent And as the King is ready to depart his destruction is conspired But the Treacherie was reuealed and the Traitors were put to death 180 The King landeth in Normandie and taketh Harflew His Armie being but 15000. men falleth sicke and is oppressed with many wants Yet the King resolueth to march by land vnto Calice 181 * 1414. He winneth the most famous and the most memorable Battaile of Agencourt 182 The French prisoners were vnwillingly yet miserably slaine 185 He giueth God publike thankes 186 And returneth into England with his great prisoners 186. 187 The new Constable of France is ouerthrowen 187 The French doe besiege Harflew and their Nauie of 500. ships is ouerthrowen And Iohn Duke of Bedford raiseth the siege 188 Ciuill dissention among the French Nobilitie doth further the successe of K. Henries wars 189 Great summes of money are chearfully giuen to the King to maintayne his invasion 189 Nine Carricks of Genoa and Tonque and Cane are taken by the English 191 Most Townes in Normandie doe become English 192 Roan is besieged by the king 192 A proud Roanist dareth him he replies and takes the Citie 197 The French Nobles are outwardly reconciled but not in heart 198 * 1416 Normandie is wonne by King Henrie 198 He marieth the Lady Katherine sister to the French King and is made Regent of France a 1519 is proclaymed Heire apparant to that Crowne 199 200 201 202 203 204. The Kings brother the Duke of Clarence Regent of Normandie and France b 1420 is betraied and slaine in the battaile of Blangy 205 206 The Earle of Mortaigne succeedeth in his charge 207 The King warreth againe in France 207 The Dolphin raiseth his siege from Chartiers and flyeth fearefully from place to place 208 The King falleth grieuously sick exhorteth his Nobles to vnitie and concord and to bee especially carefull to retain the friendship and loue of Philip Duke of Burgoine 209 Hee commends vnto them his yong Infant and their King Directs them for their proceedings in France and then dieth King HENRY the Sixth FRance contemneth the infancie of King Henry 211 Iohn Duke of Bedford is made Regent of France and Humfrey Duke of Glocester is made Protector of the Kings person and of the Realme of England 212 The Regent winneth Townes daily 212 The Parisians are trecherous 213 * 1424 The battaile of Vernoile 215 The Earle of Salisburies valour and name is feared 216 A strange ouerthrow of the French 216 They doe bragge and runne away 217 Townes and victories are daily wonne by the English 218 219 Orleance is besieged and offered to Philip Duke of Burgoine but the Regent will not consent thereto and for that cause the said Duke reuolteth to the French King 221 The battaile of Herings 221 The siege of Orleance is abandoned 222 The Duke of Alanson ouerthroweth the English slayeth the Earle of Salisbury and taketh prisoners the Earle of Suffolke and the Lords Talbot Scales and Hungerford and many others 222 Charles causeth himselfe to bee crowned King of France and is sommoned to a battaile by the Regent hee flyeth cowardly and is hunted from place to place but all in vaine 223 Diuers Nobles of France doe revolt from King Henrie 224. The French King assaults Paris and is well beaten 224 The Parisians doe flatter but are trecherous 225 King Henrie is crowned King of France in Paris 225 England is wondred at for her puissance 225 Treason discouered 226 A Rebellion in Normandie 226 The noble Regent dieth 228 And from the time of his death the English gaine little but doe loose much both in Normandie and in France Richard Duke of Yorke is made Regent 229 Paris is reuolteth 229 Calice is besieged by the Duke of Burgoine 229 But he flyeth in the night 230 The Earle of Warwick is made Regent 231 The French King flyeth in the night 233 Ponthois is taken by the English 234 A parley for peace 234 The Articles proposed are disliked 235 A cruell Armie and a huge on the French part 235 Much is gotten daily and much is daily lost beyond the Seas 235 A truce with France for eighteene moneths 237 An vnworthy marriage concluded for the King by the Duke of Suffolke without Commission 237 Which was the Dukes ouerthrow 246 He will haue his Acts and Counsels registred in Parliament 238 The cause of the losses of France * 1466 Normandie Aquitaine c. 238 The descriptions of the King and Queene 239 The good Duke of Glocester is remoued by the Queen from the Protectorship and is murdered 240 The French wars are neglected and the Truce is broken on both parts 240 Townes are lost Roan yeeldeth to the French King 241 The English are ouerthrowne in field 242 Cane is yeelded to the French King 243 The Duke of Suffolke is accused of treason and banished 244 But is taken at Sea and beheaded 246 The policies of the Duke of York to attaine vnto the Crowne Iack Cade the Rebell flyeth and is proscribed and slaine 247 A pacification but fained betwixt the King and the Duke of Yorke 248 The Duke is accused imprisoned for treason but is enlarged 248 Guyan and Aquitaine are yeelded to King Henrie but are regained by the French 249 The warres betwixt the King and the Yorkists 249 The King is ouerthrowne and taken prisoner in the battaile of * 1454 S. Albons and in Parliament the Duke of Yorke is made Protector 250 Marchant strangers are rifled in London 251 A policie against the Yorkists but it is discouered 252 The King labours for peace but each part dissembleth 252 New Armies are raised 254 The Lords doe flie in the night and are proclaimed traitors 255 The Kings ships twice taken out of Sandwich by Iohn Dynham and the Yorkists 256 The battaile of a 1459 Northampton in which the Queen is ouerthrown and the King is taken prisoner 257 The Duke of Yorks proceedings in Parliament against King Henrie 258 The
Armie landeth at Callice and marcheth to Burdeaux He beates the French King ANNO. 44 An other Armie sent into France The English doe preuaile with an armie into Callice who to the terror and spoyle of the Frenchmen marched from thence vntill he came to Burdeaux to the Prince his Brother without opposition or resistance wasting and hauoking in all places as he passed by sauing that he was once met with and encountred by king Charles who being soundly beaten was enforced to retire and to giue free passage to the Duke King Edward as much as in him lay though hee beganne to grow old yet he was very carefull of those affaires For as soone as his sonne Iohn of Gaunt was gone out of England hee sent another Armie vnto Saint Omers which was conducted by Sir Robert Knowles who marching through those adiacent Countries with fire and sword depopulated it yea almost vntill he came to the Citie of Paris And then hee marched into the Earledome of Angeou where hee wonne the strong Townes of Vaas and Ruylly and sundrie others thereabout But the French king being informed that there was great dissention in the English armie betwixt Sir Robert Knowles and the Lords Fitz-water and of Grauntson rushed vpon them sodainly with an armie and finding their mindes diuided and their forces by great disorder broken Dissention caused the Englishmens ouerthrow preuailed against them and slew about one thousand Englishmen Whereupon the said Townes which they had taken were againe yeelded into the French kings hands He also following the good hap of his fawning Fortune sent another armie into the Prouince of Guyan ANNO. 45 where the Prince was weakly assisted and his Townes and Castles daily reuolted from him King Edward being much perplexed with the common reports of his declining Fortune ANNO. 46 and being resolued to doe his best to preuent the worst assembled his high Court of Parliament at Westminster A Parliamēt wherein to supply his wants and to giue better strength and furtherance to his French Warres the Temporaltie with much cheerefulnesse granted him a Subsidie of fifteene thousand pounds A Subsidie granted and the like summe hee requested of the Cleargie who were contented to giue him faire words but no monie Whereat he was so much displeased The Clergie will grant none The Clergie disgraced ANNO. 46 The Earle of Pembroke defeated and taken at Sea that wheras at that time the Bishops and the Cleargie men were chiefly honoured with all Places and Offices of Honour and of Profit and of Commaund disgracefully hee depriued them and dismissed them all and placed more thankfull Subjects of the Laitie in their roomes King Charles had now besieged the Towne of Rochell almost one whole yeare For whose reliefe and to remoue the siege king Edward sent the Earle of Pembroke with an armie to the Sea but hee was encountred fought with and put vnto the worst by Henrie the vsurper of Castile who in fauour of the French king and thankfully to requite his former loue when hee assisted him against king Peter kept the narrow Seas with a strong Fleet. In this fight the Earle himselfe and one hundred and threescore others were taken Prisoners manie men were slaine The French King winnes Rochell c. and the rest who escaped returned altogether discomforted into England And vpon the certaine report of this disaster The Towne of Rochell Angolesme Xants and Saint Iohns of Angley and diuers other Prouinces were giuen vp vnto the French king Sir Iohn de Mountford Duke of Brittaine perceiuing that good successe accompanied the French king in all his actions beganne to feare ANNO. 47 Iohn of Gant and the Duke of Britaine oppose themselues against the French King They waste the Countrey ANNO. 48 left in the height of his prosperitie he would attempt some quarrell against him Wherefore Hee fortified his Countries and then came into England and offred his assistance to K. Edward who forthwith leuied a strong armie and commited it to the gouernment of his sonne the Duke of Lancaster Who being accompanied with the Duke of Brittaine landed at Callice and with sword and fire wasted the whole Countrie vntill hee came to Burdeaux where the Duke of Lancaster found his brother the Prince of Wales exceeding sicke who made him Gouernour of all King Edwards Prouinces And hauing scene all such Noble men as hee could command Iohn of Gant is made Gouernour The sicke Prince commeth into England ANNO. 49 ANNO. 50 to take their solemne oathes for the performance of their duties and obedience to his brother the Duke he sailed into England After whose arriuall three parles for peace betwixt England and France were entertained vpon the motion and by the mediation of Pope Gregorie the eleuenth But not one of them was made fruitfull with any fortunate successe In the last yeare of King Edwards Raigne in a Parliament holden at Westminster the King required a Subsidie from the Cleargie and from the Temporaltie of his Kingdome towards the supporting of his warres The Lower house of the Parli●ment complaine vpon the K ng● euill Officers But the Lower house of that assembly complained grieuously against the Lord Latimer chiefe Chamberlaine to the King and of manie other of his Officers for that they not only misled the King in his old age but also vnthriftily spent and consumed the Treasure of his Kingdome Wherefore they refused to yeild vnto the kings demand except those euill Officers might bee displaced and better men setled in their roomes Which being by the king through the important perswasions of the Prince consented vnto he cheerefully obtained his demand And now approched the ends of these two famous .1376 and most worthie Princes the Father and the Sonne For the Prince of Wales died the eight day of Iune The Blacke Prince dieth in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand three hundred threescore and sixteene when hee had liued fortie yeares and lieth buried at Canterburie The King restoreth his euill Officers And no sooner was hee dead but king Edward verie vnaduisedly to his great dishonour and to the great discontentment of his people remoued from him such new Officers as in the late High Court of Parliament were established and placed neere about him and restored the Lord Latimer Richard is Created Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Earle of Chester King Edward dieth and all the rest to their former Offices and places And finding himselfe exceeding weake by reason of his sharp and grieuous sicknesse he created his Nephew Richard Sonne to the Prince deceased Prince of Wales Earle of Chester and Duke of Cornwall and committed the Regencie of his kingdome to his son Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster died when he had raigned fiftie yeares and somewhat more THE HISTORIE OF KING RICHARD THE SECOND RICHARD the second being the Son and heire of the Blacke Prince ANNO. 1. 1377.
and aged eleuen yeares and somewhat more was crowned king of England in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand three hundred and seuentie seuen In the whole course of his euill Gouernment King Richards euill manners and bad Gouernment he neglected his Nobilitie and taxed his Subjects to enable himselfe to giue prodigally vnto his ill deseruing Fauorites Hee was too too resolute in his follies and refused to bee reproued or reformed He also despised the sage aduice and good directions of his wisest and best Counsellors and wholly plotted all his courses by the wicked and gracelesse projects of his base companions whom hee raised to more honourable Estates then befitted the meanes of their condition So that they fell by their own weight and he himselfe in the end was enforced to endure the extremitie of his hard fortune For being first disgraced by his Cousin Henrie of Bullingbrooke Duke of Lancaster and sonne and heire to his Vncle Iohn of Gaunt hee was at length by him with the general consent of a whole Parliament deposed from his Crowne commited to Prison and afterwardes wickedly murdered as in this discourse of his disordered Gouernment more amply it shall appeare The Frenchmen burne diuers townes in England In the first yeare of king Richards Raigne Charles the French king presuming much on his Minoritie and being aided by the Spaniards landed in the Southwest and in the South-east parts of this kingdome and ransacked and burnt the Townes of Plymouth Dartmouth Portsmouth Rye and some other Townes and Villages coasting vpon the Sea and would haue done more mischiefe if by the kings Vncle Edmund of Langly Earle of Cambridge and by the Earles of Buckingham and of Salisburie they had not beene fought with and beaten to their ships Alexander Ramseyes desperate attempt and successe At the same time also by the instigation of the French king one Alexander Ramsey an approued Scottishman at armes with fortie of his Company in the depth of the night suddenly and desperately scalled the wals of the Castle of Barwicke and finding the Captaine and all his souldiers securely sleeping he tooke it without blowes and intended also to haue surprised the Towne But the inhabitants hearing an extraordinarie noyse and tumult in the Castle and indeuouring to preuent a feared mischiefe hewed away the stayes of the Draw-bridge on the Townes side so that when the Scots did let fall the Draw-bridge the chaines brake and the Bridge fell into the Castle Ditch By meanes whereof the Scots could not issue out but were imprisoned by their owne Victorie This necessitie enforced them as well as they were able to fortifie the Castle which on the kings behalfe was soone besieged and assaulted by tenne thousand men who after many feates of Armes performed brauely by the assailants and after much valor with high courage shewed by that small number of valiant Scots wonne the Castle and receiued not one of them to mercie but onely their Captaine Alexander Ramsey The Frenchmen land in England And not long after the Frenchmen landed againe in England and did much harme at Douer Wynchelsay Hastings and at Grauesend and returned with their booties into France But to preuent like future mischiefes and to reuenge those injuries done to the King and his Realme by the French King ANNO. 3. A Parliamēt This Taxe caused much trouble An Armie sent into France A Parliament was assembled at Westminster In which a Subsidie of foure pence for euery man and for euery woman within this Kingdome being aboue foureteene yeares of age was granted to the King The leuying whereof procured much heart-burning which not long after brake forth and endangered the whole State of the Common-weale Yet with that monie great prouision was made and an armie of eight thousand men was sent into France vnder the command of Thomas of Woodstock the Kings Vncle who passing ouer the faire and great Riuers of Soame Oyse and Marne spoiled and burnt all the Countries and ransomed the inhabitants vntill he came into Brittaine where he was receiued by the Duke Iohn Mountford with all friendly entertainment and much joy And now began a Rebellion in England which was exceeding hazardous to the whole kingdome For Iohn Wall a factious Priest ANNO. 4. perceiuing that the inferior sort of the people much murmured and grudged at the payment of the aforesaid Subsidie A great Rebellion in England Iohn Wal was the beginner of this Rebellion His wicked course in perswading by secret conferences in all places where he came informed the Bondmen Villaines Slaues and such others as were pinched with penury and with want that by descent and parentage from Adam all men were of one condition and of equall worth and that the Lawes of this kingdome were iniurious and vniust which did set so great a difference betwixt men as to make some of them great Peeres Potentates and Lords and in geuing to some others large authority and commaund and in enlarging of great possessions and store of riches vnto some and in commanding others to be base seruile beggars and to enioy litle or nothing at all And therefore with traytrous reasons he perswaded them either by faire meanes or by open insurrection and ciuill warre to prouide for their owne liberties and to releeue their owne wants This lewd and damnable doctrine so infatuated and infected the Rusticks from Shire to Shire that at length it was spread in the Citie of London where the meanest and the basest sort being a multitude who egerly enuyed the prosperitie of the more worthie inhabitants and greedily coueted to be enriched with their substance were in great hope by Rebellious mutening to make vtter hauoke and spoyle of all things at their pleasure And to effect that which they intended such as were most desperatlie inclined among them informed the headlesse multitude in th● Countries round about them that if they would come thither and ioyne with them the whole Citie of London should be at their command So that incredible numbers of brainsick turbulent and traytrous people prepared to flock thither from Kent Essex Sussex Bedfordshire and from many other places Of this rude and raskall rout Watt Tyler Iohn Wall Iack Straw and Iack Shepheard Captaines in this Rebellion Wat Tylar who by his profession was a Taylor was made Captaine to command the rest and the said Iohn Wall Iack Straw Iack Shepard and some others were made chiefe directors and their leaders And Stiling themselues The Kings men and the seruants of the Common-weale of England they marched towards London beating downe the houses and rifling all the moueables of all such as were professors of the Law How they passed towards London and compelling all Knights and Gentlemen either to flye before their comming or to be partakers in this vprore They also sent vnto the King who then lay in the Tower requiring him to come and to speake with them The King went
sorrow he had not procured a mitigation of his punishment For hee was confined into the I le of Wight where contrarie to the Kings promise hee endured such miserie and was so grieuously oppressed with the griefe which hee sustained by reason of his great wants that he quickly died But the good Duke of Glocester the Kings Vncle being vnsentenced was sent to Callice where according to the Kings directions Thomas Mowbray Earle of Nottingham betwixt two feather-beds caused him to be smothered to death for which good seruice he was afterwards made a Duke This being done the King procured the Vpper and the Lower Houses of Parliament to make an example without precedent by granting full and absolute authoritie vnto six or eight such persons as he should nominate finally to determine all such causes and to enact them as then remained vndiscussed and not ended there This act not only made him proud but to serue his present turnes he nominated for that purpose such as to please his humour decreed manie thinges which were dishonourable to the King and hurtfull to the Common-weale The King will be called Prince of Cheshire The King also to please his Guard who for the most part were Cheshire men of ordinarie parentage and of base birth caused himselfe verie ridiculously to bee stiled Prince of Cheshire as if it had beene more honourable for him to be such a Prince then to be the King and Monarch of the whole Realme And to adde more strength and liking vnto those thinges which then were done amisse the King bestowed manie honorable dignities vpon some of his best liked Noble-men So that his Cousin Henrie of Bullingbrooke sonne and heire apparant to the Kings fourth Vncle Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and who was at that time Earle of Darby was by him created Duk of Hartford his Cousin Edward Plantagenet being Earle of Rutland Creation of Noblemen was created Duke of Aubemarle and Thomas Mowbray Earle of Nottingham was made Marshall of England and Duke of Norfolke and the Earle of Kent was created Duke of Surrie and Sir Iohn Holland his brother being Earle of Huntington was made Duke of Exeter and the Earle of Somerset was created Marquesse Dorset and the Lord Spencer was made Earle of Glocester the Lord Neuil Earle of Westmerland the Lord William Scrope Earle of Wilshire and the Lord Percie was created Earle of Worcester and vpon all these he bestowed many great Lordships Mannors and large reuenewes which of late did belong to his murdred vncle Thomas of Woodstock sometimes Duke of Glocester and vnto the said two deceased Earles of Arundell and of Warwicke He also granted his free pardon to all offendors whatsoeuer A craftie Pardon which inabled the King to much mischiefe fifteene only excepted whom he would not nominate By which vngodly and craftie pollicie hee hedged his Nobilitie ●ound about with continuall feare and made them most seruile and most base For if anie one of them in anie high measure had offended him hee would then pronounce him to bee one of those fifteene who were excepted out of his free and generall pardon and then would put his life vpon triall for supposed and surmised Treason It happned about this time ANNO. 22 that Henrie Bullinbrooke Duke of Hartford and Cousin to the King The Kings Cousin desireth reformation in the King by his friend Tho. Mowbray Duke of Norfolke whom the King did fauour extraordinarily was much grieued daily to heare such slanderous reports as were too commonly noysed of the King partly vpon his too much libertie which beyond the Lawes hee challenged in the course of his Gouernment and partly by reason of his vniust and vnskilfull managing of the weightie affaires and businesses of his Kingdome And though affection by meanes of his neere consanguinitie with the King moued him heartily to wish for and to desire a present reformation of those euills yet could hee not better deuise how hee might effect that which hee so much craued than by making vse of his great familiaritie and acquaintance with Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke who had an extrao●dinarie interest in the Kings fauour Wherevpon very priuately and in great secrecie as vnto a most kind and louing friend he imparted the causes of his griefe in that behalfe vnto the said Duke and earnestly entreated him vpon fit opportunitie and at his leasure and as from himselfe seriously to informe the King of the said reports and withall to entreate his Highnesse to extend more grace and more fauour to those Lords who for his honour and the Kingdomes good had both incurred his displeasure and also were with too much extremitie condemned of High Treason But the Duke of Norfolke who more respected his owne preferment than the kings honour and strongly presumed that hee had now gotten fit meanes to advance himselfe by his friends fall related all his sayings to the King A false and an vnfaithfull friend in the rudest and most vnciuill maner which he could deuise and added manie things to his relation which were vntrue and neuer spoken thereby aggrauating an offence which was not committed and incensing the king with high indignation to vow reuenge and punishment when the Duke of Hartfords fidelitie and loyall seruice deserued great thankes and a good reward The King is angrie The Duke of Hartford answereth for himselfe The king was so much vexed and enraged by meanes of these tidinges that nothing could giue him anie contentment in anie thing vntill his Cousin the Duke had made his answere therevnto And being sharply pressed thereunto by the king Such things as in that secret and friendly manner hee had desired might bee reformed he both confessed and iustified But the vntrue suggestions which falsly and malitiously were added he denied The Combat challenged and accepted And to cleare himselfe of them hee challenged the Duke of Norfolke to a single Combate which was by him accepted and consented vnto by the king But when the appointed day was come and the two Dukes were within the Lists readily prepared and aduanced themselues each toward the other for the encounter The King would not permit them to proceed but banished the Duke of Norfolke for euer Banishment who shortly after died at Venice and his Cousin the Duke of Hartford hee exiled for six yeares King Charles the sixt Whereupon Hee sayled into France and was honourably receiued by King Charles the sixth Father to the Queene of England King Richards wife who so effectually iustified him in his said actions and doings and so highly affected his Descent his Personage his Wisdome his Vertues and his right Noble Conditions that he would haue bestowed vpon him in marriage the Daughter of his Vncle the Duke of Berrie if his Sonne-in-law King Richard by extraordinarie sollicitations and by vnusuall meanes had not beene the hinderer thereof Iohn of Gant dieth Not long after this Dukes Banishment his
Dorset Conq. OSmond a Norman being by the Conquerour created Earle of Dorset dyed without issue Thomas Beauford the sonne of Iohn of Gaunt Iohn of Gaunt called all his Children by that Wife by the name of Beaufords by Katherine Swinsford his third wife was by king Richard the Second created Earle of Somerset and Marques Dorset which latter dignitie was taken from him in Parliament in An. 1. H. 4. Iohn Beauford his brother was Earle of Somerset only and was afterward by king Henrie the Fourth created Marques Dorset H 4. and by king Henrie the Sixt hee was created Duke of Somerset His daughter and heire named Margaret was married to Edmund Tuther Earle of Richmond and they two had issue king Henrie the seuenth Edmund Beauford his brother was Earle of Somerset and by king Henrie the Fifth hee was created Earle of Mortoigne in Normandie and by king Henrie the Sixt Marques Dorset H. 6. and Duke of Somerset Henrie Beauford his sonne was Earle of Mortaigne Marques Dorset and Duke of Somerset and dyed without issue Thomas Grey the sonne of Sir Iohn Grey knight and of the Lady Elizabeth his wife and widdow who was afterwards married to king Edward the Fourth E. 4. was by the same king created Marques Dorset he was also Lord of Groby Astley Bonduile and Harrington Thomas Grey succeeded his Father in those honors Henrie Grey his sonne being Lord Ferrers of Groby Lord Harrington Bonduile and Astley was after his fathers death Marques Dorset and by king Edward the Sixt he was created Duke of Suffolke and was executed in Queene Maries raigne Thomas Sackvile Lord Buckhurst and Lord Treasuror of England was by king Iames created Earle of Dorset K. Ia. Robert Sackvile his sonne was Lord Buckhurst and Earle of Dorset Richard Sackvile his sonne is Lord Buckhurst and Earle of Dorset Essex GEoffrey de Magna Villa otherwise Mandevile K. Steph. was by king Stephen created Earle of Essex Geoffrey his sonne was Earle of Essex and dyed without issue William his brother was Earle of Essex and dyed without issue Geoffrey Fitz-Pearce otherwise Ludgarshall married Beatrice the heire of the said William Mandevile K. Ioh. and was by king Iohn created Earle of Essex shee had by him two sonnes Geoffrey and William whom at his wiues request hee named Mandeviles according to the name of their Grand-father Geoffrey Mandevile their sonne was Earle and dyed without issue William Mandevile his brother was Earle and died without issue H. 3. Humfrey Bohun was by King Henrie the Third created Earle of Essex and of Hereford Humfrey Bohun his sonne succeeded in those honors Humfrey Bohun his sonne was Earle after him Humfrey Bohun his sonne was Earle of Essex and of Hereford Iohn Bohun his sonne was Earle and dyed without issue Humfrey Bohun the sonne of William Bohun who was the sonne of the last Humfrey was Earle of Essex Hereford and Northampton and died without issue Male. And Eleanor his eldest sister was maried vnto Thomas of Woodstock one of the sonnes of king Edward the Third E. 3. Thomas of Woodstock the sixt sonne of King Edward the Third was by his father created Earle of Essex Buckingham Hereford and Northampton and by his Nephew king Richard the Second he was created Duke of Glocester and murdred in prison at Calice because he had warned the king friendly of his faults Humfrey Plantagenet his sonne succeeded in those Earledomes and dyed without issue Male. Henrie de Bargo Caro otherwise Bourchier being Earle of Ewe in Normandie who was the sonne of William Bourchier who by king Henrie the Fift was at Maunt in Normandie created Earle of Ewe was by king Edward the Fourth E. 4. created Viscount Bourchier and Earle of Essex his sonne William had issue Henrie and dyed whilest his father liued Henrie Bourchier was Viscount and Earle and died without issue H. 8. Thomas Cromwel was by King Henrie the eighth made Lord Cromwel and was by him created Earle of Essex but lost his head H. 8. William Parre was by king Henrie the eighth made Lord Parre of Kendall and Earle of Essex and by king Edward the Sixt he was made Marques of Northampton and dyed without issue Walter Deuereux Lord Ferrers of Chartly and Viscount Hereford was by Queene Elizabeth Q. Eliz. created Earle of Essex Robert Deuereux his sonne was Lord Ferrers of Chartly Viscount Hereford and Earle of Essex Robert Deuereux his sonne was restored to all his fathers honors by king Iames the First K. Ia. and now liueth Exeter Iohn Holland halfe-brother to King Richard the Second R. 2. was by him created Earle of Huntington and Duke of Exeter Hee was executed because he conspired against King Henrie the Fourth Thomas Beauford one of the sonnes of Iohn of Gaunt H. 4. by his third wife Katherine Swinford was by his brother K. Henry the Fourth created Earle of Dorset and Duke of Exeter He died without issue Iohn Holland the sonne of the aforenamed Iohn H. 6. was by King Henrie the Fifth restored to his Earledome of Huntington and by King Henrie the Sixth to his Duchie of Exeter Henry Holland his sonne was attainted when King Edward the Fourth raigned and was drowned on Calice Sands Henry Courtney Earle of Deuonshire H. 8. was by king Henrie the Eighth created Marquesse of Exeter and lost his head Thomas Cecil Lord Burleigh K. Iames. was by King Iames the First created Earle of Exeter and yet liueth Glocester WIlliam Fitz-Eustace Conq. being by the Conquerour created Earle of Glocester died without issue Robert Fitz-Hamon Lord of Astreuile in Normandie Conq. was by the Conquerour created Earle of Glocester William Fitz-Hamon his sonne was Earle of Glocester Robert de Millent base sonne to king Henry the First H. 1. was by him created Earle of Glocester He died without issue H. 2. Iohn Plantagenet the sonne of king Henry the Second was by his father created Duke of Glocester But hee was afterwards King of England Geoffrey Mandeuile the last of that name Earle of Essex K. Iohn was by King Iohn created Earle of Glocester and died without issue Almericus Earle of Eureux K. Iohn was by King Iohn created Earle of Glocester and died without issue Gilbert de Clare being Earle of Hartford H. 3. was created Earle of Glocester by King Henry the Third Richard his sonne was Earle of Clare and Glocester and Hartford Gilbert de Clare his sonne had those three Earledomes Gilbert de Clare his sonne was Earle of Hartford Clare and Glocester and died without issue male E. 1. Ralphe Mounthermer who maried Ione of Acres one of the daughters of King Edward the First and who was widow to the last Gilbert de Clare was by the same King created Earle of Hartford and Glocester and died without issue E. 2. Pierce Gaueston a Gascoigne borne was by King Edward
a child without issue Edward Fines Lord Clinton was by Queene Elizabeth Q. Eliz. created Earle of Lincolne Henrie Fines Lord Clinton the sonne of the said Edward was Earle of Lincolne after his Father and yet liueth March EDwin a Saxon at the time of the Conquest was Earle of March hee with Marcarus and Swardus kept the Isle of Waight against the Conqueror and was banished Roger Mortimer Lord Mortimer of Wigmore E. 3. was by king Edward the Third created Earle of March and was executed for Treason Roger Mortimer the sonne of Edmund Mortimer who was the sonne of the said Earle Roger E. 3. was by the same king restored to the Baronie of Wigmore and to the Earledome of March. Edmund Mortimer his sonne married Philip the daughter and heire of Lionel Duke of Clarence the third sonne of king Edward the Third and was Earle of March and from them two did descend the heires of the Familie of Yorke Roger Mortimer their sonne was Earle of March and of Vlster in Ireland and by king Richard the Second was proclaimed heire apparant to the Crowne of England and was slaine long after in Ireland Edmund Mortimer his sonne was Earle of March and after one and twentie yeares imprisonment in Wales and elsewhere he died without issue Richard Plantagenet Earle of Cambridge was the sonne of Edmund of Langley Duke of Yorke the fift sonne of King Edward the third hee maried Anne the sister and heire of the said Edmund daughter to the said last Earle Roger and in her right he was Earle of March and they two had issue Richard Duke of Yorke who was father to King Edward the fourth Richard Plantagenet sonne to Richard Earle of Cambridge was Earle of March and Duke of Yorke and had issue Edward the fourth Edward his sonne was first Earle of March then by his Fathers death he was Duke of Yorke and by his victorie at Barnet field hee attained the Kingdome of England and was King Edward the fourth Mountgomery K. Ia. SIr Philip Herbert Knight the second sonne of Henry late Earle of Pembroke and younger brother to William Lord Herbert now Earle of Pembroke was by K. Iames created Earle of Mountgomery Northfolke RAlph Waer at the time of the Conquest was Earle of Norfolke and Suffolke and fled for treason Conq. Ralph Bygot President of the East Angles was by the Conqueror created Earle of Northfolke but hee was disherited for conspiring against him H. 1. Hugh Bygot was by King Henry the first created Earle of Northfolke Roger Bygot his sonne was Earle after him Hugh Bygot his sonne was Earle of Northfolke Roger Bygot his sonne succeeded in that Earledome Roger Bygot his Nephew vizt the sonne of his brother Robert was Earle of Northfolke and dyed without issue E. 2. Thomas Plantagenet surnamed Brotherton who was a yonger son to King Edward the first and brother to King Edward the second was by his brother created Earle of Northfolk he had one daughter and heire who was named Margaret Iohn Lord Segraue maried the said Margaret they two had issue Margaret R. 2. which Margaret was by King Richard the second created Duchesse of Northfolke after her husbands death and then she maried Iohn Lord Mowbray Thomas Lord Mowbray their sonne R. 2. was by King Richard the second created Earle of Nottingham Marshall of England and Duke of Norfolke hee dyed without issue Hee complained of Henry of Bullinbrooke to King Richard the second and should haue fought a combate with him but died at Venice in his banishment Thomas Lord Mowbray his sonne was neuer Duke of Northfolk but was in his fathers life time only Earle of Nottingham and was executed for treason with Richard Scroop Archbishop of Yorke by King Henry the fourth and his brother Iohn succeeded their father and was Marshall of England Earle of Nottingham and Duke of Northfolke Iohn Lord Mowbray his sonne was Earle of Nottingham Warren and Surrey High Marshall of England and Duke of Northfolke Iohn Lord Mowbray his sonne succeeded his father in all those honourable Dignities he died and had issue Anne Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke and second sonne to King Edward the fourth was maried in his childhood to the said Anne and was in her right possessor of all those honors But he was murdred by his Vncle King Richard the third and died without issue The said Anne also died without issue whereby all the Lordshippes of the Mowbrays by course of inheritance was devolued to Iohn Lord Howard and to William Lord Barkley Iohn Lord Howard who by his mothers side R. 3. was discended from the before named Mowbrayes was by King Richard the third created Duke of Northfolke and lost his life in the said Kings quarell at Bosworth field H. 8. Thomas Howard his sonne who by King Richard the third was made Earle of Surrey was created Duke of Northfolke by King Henry the eighth Thomas Howard his son succeeded and was Duke of Northfolk Thomas Howard the sonne of Henry who was the sonne of the last Thomas Duke of Northfolke was Duke of Northfolke and Earle Marshall of England He was also in the right of his wife Marie the eldest daughter of Henry Fitz-Allen Earle of Arundell Northumberland MArcarus at the time of the Conquest was Earle of Northumberland and Lincolne he with others kept the I le of Wighte against the Conqueror and was taken dyed in prison and had no issue Conq. Robert de Cumine was by the Conqueror created Earle of Northumberland but was slaine by the Northumbers Conq. Gospatrick was created Earle of Northumberland by the Conqueror but he tooke it from him againe Conq. Waldrofe was by the Conqueror created Earle of Northumberland but lost his head for treason Conq. Walcher Bishop of Durham bought the Earledome of Northumberland of the Conqueror and died without issue Conq. Robert de Mowbray was by the Conqueror created Earle of Northumberland but he rebelled and lost it Steph. Dauid Prince of Scotland sonne to King Malcolme the third was Earle of Northumberland Cumberland and Huntington Henrie his sonne assoone as his father was King enioyed all those Earledomes Malcolme his son was Earle of Northumberland and of Cumberland and Huntington William his brother succeeded him in his Kingdome and was Earle of Northumberland Cumberland and Huntington he warred against King Henry the second was taken Prisoner ransomed and lost those honors R. 1 Hugh de Puddsey Bishop of Durham was by King Richard the first created Earle of Northumberland and died without issue R. 2. Henry Percy was by King Richard the second created Earle of Northumberland hee was father to Henry surnamed Hotspurre who was slaine in their rebellion against King Henry the fourth H. 5. Henry the sonne of Henry Hotspur was by King Henry the fifth restored to the Earledome of Northumberland Henry Percy his sonne was Earle of Northumberland Hee and his
son Henry tooke part with King Henry the sixt and in his quarrell he was slaine at Towton field but Henrie his sonne fled with the king into Scotland Iohn Lord Mountacute brother to Richard Earle of Warwick was by king Edward the fourth created Earle of Northumberland E. 4. but the said Henry Percy obtained the kings fauour by his friends mediation so that Iohn Lord Mountacute surrendred his Patent to the King And was created Marques Mountacute Henry Percy was by King Edward the fourth E. 4. restored to the Earledome of Northumberland and was slaine by the Common People there because he leuied a tax for the King which much displeased them Henry Percy Lord Percy Crockermouth Petworth Poynings Fitz-Payne and Brian his sonne succeeded and was Earle of Northumberland Henry Percy his sonne enioyed all those honorable titles and possessions and died without issue Iohn Dudley Earle of Warwick and Viscount Lissle Lord Basset Tyes was created Duke of Northumberland by King Edward the sixt and lost his head in the raigne of Queene Mary Thomas Percy being the heire male of the house of the Earles Percies was restored by Queene Mary Q. Ma. to the Earledome of Northumberland and for default of issue male of his bodie it was entayled to his Brother Henry Percy and to the heires males of his body And whilest Queene Elizabeth raigned the said Thomas died without issue male Henry Percy his brother according to the aforesaid entailement was Earle of Northumberland and died Henry Percy his sonne is now Lord of Petworth Crockermouth Poynings Fitz-Paine and Brian and Earle of Northumberland Nottingham VVIlliam Peuerel base sonne to the Conqueror Conq. was by him created Earle of Nottingham and of Darby William Peuerel his sonne was Earle of Nottingham and Darby Robert Earle of Ferrers in Normandie K. Steph. and Lord of Tedbery in Staffordshire was by King Stephen created Earle of Nottingham William his sonne was Earle of Nottingham and by King Iohn he was also created Earle of Darby Iohn de Mowbray was by King Richard the second R. 2. created Earle of Nottingham and died without issue Thomas de Mowbray his brother was by K. Richard the second R. 2. first created Earle of Nottingham and then Duke of Northfolk hee was challenged by Henry of Bullingbroke Duke of Hereford to a single combate for his false reports to the King and was banished and died in his exile Thomas Mowbray his sonne was Earle of Nottingham and executed for treason with Richard Scroop Archbishop of Yorke In the Raigne of King Henry the fourth Iohn Mowbray his brother was by King Henry the sixt created Earle of Nottingham H. 6. and Duke of Northfolke Iohn Mowbray his sonne was Earle of Nottingham Warren and Surrey and Duke of Northfolke Iohn Mowbray his sonne enioyed all those honours and died without issue male R. 3. William Lord Barkley being one of his Generall heires was by King Edward the fourth made Viscount Barkley and by King Richard the third he was created Earle of Nottingham and by King Henry the seuenth Marques Barkley Henry Fitz-Roy the base sonne of King Henry the eighth and of Elizabeth Blount was by the same King created Earle of Nottingham H. 8. and Duke of Richmond and died without issue Charles Lord Howard of Effingham was by King Iames created Earle of Nottingham Oxford EDgar Atheling the sonne of Edward the Out-law who was the sonne of Edmund Ironside was at the Conquest Earle of Oxford and was by the Conqueror depriued of that honour Mauld Awbrey de Vere was by Mauld the Empresse created and by her sonne King Henry the second confirmed Lord High Chamberlaine of England in feee and Earle of Oxford Awbrey de Vere his sonne enioyed those honors and dyed in the dayes of King Iohn without issue Robert de Vere his brother was High Chamberlaine of England and Earle of Oxford and sided with the Barons in their warres against King Iohn when they tooke part with the Dolphin of France by reason of the Popes Curse Hugh de Vere his sonne was high Chamberlaine of England and Earle of Oxford he was Viscount Bolbeck and Lord Samford Robert de Vere his sonne succeeded in those Honors Robert de Vere his sonne enioyed the same and dyed without issue Iohn de Vere the sonne of Alphonsus de Vere brother to the last Robert was Lord Samford Vicount Bolbeck High Chamberlaine of England and Earle of Oxford Thomas de Vere his sonne held all those honorable dignities Robert de Vere his sonne being Lord Samford Viscount Bolbeck Earle of Oxford and high Chamberlaine of England was by king Richard the Second created Marques of Dublin and Duke of Ireland he died without issue Awbrey de Vere his Vncle was Lord Samford Viscount Bolbeck and Earle of Oxford But the inheritance of his high Chamberlainship of England hee voluntarily surrendred to king Richard the Second who gaue it to his halfe brother Iohn Holland Duke of Exeter Richard de Vere his sonne was Lord Samford Viscount Bolbeck and Earle of Oxferd Iohn de Vere his sonne enioyed those Honors He and his eldest sonne Awbrey de Vere were attainted and executed in the time of king Edward the Fourth Iohn de Vere his sonne was by King Henry the Seuenth H. 7. restored to the honors of Bolbeck Samford and Scales was made high Chamberlaine of England and Earle of Oxford Iohn de Vere his Nephew by George his brother succeeded him in all those Honors and dyed without issue Iohn de Vere the sonne of Iohn de Vere who was the sonne of Robert de Vere who was brother to Iohn de Vere the twelfth Earle of Oxford of that name who was Father to the before named George enioyed all those dignities Iohn de Vere being the heire male of that Familie was the sixth Earle of that Christian name He was also Lord Samford and Badilsmere Viscount Bolbeck and high Chamberlaine of England Edward de Vere his sonne enioyed all those Honors Henrie de Vere his sonne is Lord Samford and Badilsmere Viscount Bolbeck High Chamberlaine of Engl ●d and Earle of Oxford Pembroke WAlter Gifford was by the Conquerour Conq. created Earle of Pembroke and Buckingham Walter Gifford his sonne succeeded and died without issue Gilbert de Clare was by King Stephen created Earle of Pembroke Richard de Clare surnamed Strongbow being his sonne was Earle of Pembroke and died without issue male K. Iohn William Marshall Earle Marshall of England was by King Iohn created Earle of Pembroke William Marshall his sonne enioied all those honours and died without issue Richard Marshall his brother succeeded him and was slaine and died in Ireland without issue Gilbert Marshall his brother was Earle Marshall and of Pembroke and died without issue Walter Marshall his brother was Earle Marshall and of Pembroke and died without issue William de Valentia the sonne of King Iohns wife Isabel and of her
second husband Hugh de Brun H. 3. was by his halfe-brother King Henrie the Third created Earle of Pembroke Aymer de Valentia his sonne was Earle of Pembroke and was by King Edward the First made Vice-roy of Scotland and died without issue Laurence Lord Hastings was by King Edward the Third created Lord of Abergauenny and Earle of Pembroke Iohn Lord Hastings and Abergauenny was Earle of Pembroke Iohn his sonne succeeded and died without issue Humfrey Plantagenet the youngest sonne of King Henry the Fourth H. 5. and brother to King Henry the Fifth was by his brother created Earle of Pembroke and Duke of Glocester He was also Protector to his Nephew King Henrie the Sixth and died without issue H. 6. William de la Pole was by King Henry the Sixth created Earle of Pembroke Earle Marquesse and Duke of Suffolke Iaspar of Hatfield the second sonne of Owen Tuthar and of Queene Katherine his wife widow to King Henry the Fifth and being halfe-brother to King Henry the Sixth H. 6. was by him created Earle of Pembroke and by King Henry the Seuenth Duke of Bedford He died without issue E. 4. William Herbert was by King Edward the Fourth made Lord of Cardisse and Earle of Pembroke and was slaine at Banbarie field William Herbert his sonne succeeded and resigned the said Earledome to King Edward the Fourth Edward the Prince being sonne and heire apparant to King Edward the fourth E 4. was by his father created Earle of Pembroke Flint and March He was King Edward the Fifth Anne Bullen H. 8. who was afterwards maried to King Henry the Eighth was by him created Marchionesse of Pembroke and lost her head William Lord Herbert sonne to Richard Herbert who was brother to the last Earle William E. 6. was by King Edward the Sixth created Earle of Pembroke Henry Lord Herbert his sonne succeeded in those honours Williom Lord Herbert his sonne is Lord of Cardiffe Fitz-Hugh Marmion and S. Quintens and Earle of Pembroke Richmond EVdo was by the Conqueror made Lord of Middleham and Earle of Richmond Conq. Allen Fergaunt surnamed The Red being his sonne was Lord of Middleham and Earle of Britaine and of Richmond He died without issue Allen surnamed The Blacke being his brother succeeded him and died without issue Stephen his brother possessed all those honours Allen his sonne by descent enioied the said dignities Conan his sonne succeeded him and had issue Constance Geoffrey Plantagenet the third sonne of King Henry the Second maried the said Constance and was in her right Earle of Richmond Arthur Plantagenet his sonne was Earle of Richmond and died without issue Ralphe Blundeuile being Count Palatine of Chester K. Iohn was by King Iohn created Earle of Richmond Peter Earle of Sauoy who built the Sauoy H. 3. was by King Henrie the Third created Earle of Richmond Iohn de Dreux Duke of Britaine sonne to Iohn the first Duke of Britaine was by King Edward the First created Earle of Richmond E. 1. Iohn de Dreux his sonne was Earle of Richmond Iohn de Dreux his sonne succeeded and died without issue Robert de Arthoys sometimes Earle of Arthoys but disinherited by Philip de Valoys the French King E. 3. was by King Edward the Third created Earle of Richmond Iohn Plantagenet the sonne of King Edward the Third being surnamed Iohn of Gaunt being Duke of Lancaster E. 3. was by his father created Earle of Richmond Henry of Bollingbroke his sonne was Duke of Lancaster and Hereford and Earle of Richmond vntill he was King Henry the Fourth Ralphe Lord Neuil of Rabie Castle the first Earle of Westmorland was by King Henry the Fourth created Earle of Pembroke for his life only H. 4. Iohn Plantagenet Duke of Bedford and brother to King Henry the Fifth H. 4. was by his father created Earle of Richmond He died without issue H. 6. Edmund of Hadham called Edmund Tuthar the eldest sonne of Owen Tuthar and of Queene Katherine his wife the widow of King Henry the Fifth and daughter to Charles the Sixth of France and halfe brother to King Henry the Sixth was by him created Earle of Richmond He maried Margaret the daughter and heire of Iohn Beauford Marquesse Dorset and Duke of Somerset who was the sonne of Iohn Beauford who was the sonne of Iohn of Gaunt by Katherine Swinsford his third wife and had issue Henry who was king Henry the Seuenth Henry Tuthar their sonne was Earle of Richmond vntill hee obtained the Crowne and was King Henry the Seuenth H. 8. Henry Fitz-Roy base sonne to King Henry the Eighth was by him created Earle of Nottingham and Duke of Richmond and died without issue in the sixteenth yeare of his age Rutland EDward Plantagenet the sonne of Edmund of Langley the fifth sonne of King Edward the Third and Duke of Yorke was by his cosen King Richard the Second created Earle of Rutland R. 2. and Duke of Albemarle After his fathers death he was Duke of Yorke and was slaine at Agencourt field Edmund Plantagenet brother to Edward who was afterward King Edward the Fourth was Earle of Rutland and died in his childhood without issue being slaine H. 8. Thomas Mannors Lord Roos of Hamlake Beluoyr and Trusbut was created Earle of Rutland by King Henry the Eighth Henry Mannors his sonne succeeded his said father Edward Mannors his sonne enioied those honours and died without issue male Iohn Mannors his brother succeeded him Roger Mannors his sonne enioied those honours and died without issue Sir Francis Mannors his brother is now Lord Roos Hamlake and Trusbote and Earle of Rutland Ryuers RIchard Wooduile of Grafton Knight maried Iaquet the widow of Iohn Duke of Bedford Regent of France and daughter to Peter of Luxenburgh Earle of S. Paul He was by King Henry the sixth made Lord Ryuers Afterwards king Edward the Fourth maried his daughter the Ladie Elizabeth Grey the widow of Sir Iohn Grey deceased by whom he was made Lord Treasurer of England and Earle Ryuers He and his sonne Iohn were slaine by the Commons in an vprore Anthonie Wooduile his sonne being Lord Scales and Earle Ryuers was by King Richard the Third beheaded vniustly at Pomfret Castle and died withour issue Richard Wooduile his brother succeeded him in that Earledome and died without issue Salisburie STephen Patrick of Eureux was by the Conquerour created Earle of Salisburie Conq. William his sonne was Earle of Salisburie and died without issue male William Longspée the base sonne of King Henry the Second by the faire Rosamond Clifford his Concubine R. 1. was by King Richard the First his halfe-brother created Earle of Salisburie William Longspee his sonne was Earle of Salisburie after his father and was slaine in the warres in the Holy Land Henry Lacy was by King Henrie the Third created Earle of Salisburie H. 3. and died without issue Thomas Plantagenet the sonne of Edmund
THE HISTORIE AND LIVES OF THE KINGS of England From WILLIAM the CONQVEROR vnto the end of the Raigne of King HENRIE the EIGHT By WILLIAM MARTYN Esquire Recorder of the Honorable Citie of EXETER Frustra fit per plura quod fieri potest per pauciora LONDON Printed for IOHN BILL William Barret and Henrie Fetherstone 1615. TO THE GENTRIE OF ENGLAND WOrthie Gentlemen omitting all elaborated Eloquence which oftentimes is vsed as a varnish to couer vnprofitable labours As cunning Goldsmithes doe enrich their basest Siluer when they Gilt it with their purest Gold J purpose to render to you an accompt of two reasons which induced me to take this paine and to publish this worke 1. Jt is common among Phisitions That though profound Learning and frequent Experience haue furnished them with abundant skill in their Honourable profession yet they doe still striue to make their knowledge more perfect in the discouerie of the imperfections of other mens bodies then of their owne Jn like sort it is the common custome of our times that many hopefull Gentlemen whom Nature and Arts haue beautified with the rich treasures of their bountie do endeauour to be more exact and refined in knowing the Religion Lawes Gouernment Maners Strength and Sites of forraine Countries then of that Kingdome wherein themselues were borne But as that man is wise in vaine who is not wise vnto himselfe So it is a simple grace nay to speake plainly it is a foule disgrace to a Gentleman especially to such a one as hath or doth intend to spend much time abroad to know the fashions of forraine Nations to be ignorant in the State of his owne Countrie at home The Historie of which affordeth as much varietie and profitable instruction to captiuate the Readers delight in the perusall as the fairest Pictures doe contentment when with their artificiall beauties they doe allure mens eyes to looke and to gaze vpon them To this end therefore that hencefoorth such worthy Gentlemen as are purposed in long traueling to enlarge their experience by the view of foraine Countries may first be furnished with a conuenient knowledge of their owne J vndertooke this labour and doe present it vnto you with this my first reason which induced me thereunto 2. The second reason of my so doing springeth out of mine owne conceit which as J coniecture deceiues me not For in regard that the Histories of this Kingdome are frequently interrupted yea blemished by too too many interuening Occurrences and by a multitude of extrauagant Obseruations which doe much differ from the true Method and Nature of a well digested and composed Chronicle and thereby doe extend it into a needlesse and an vnprofitable length J am resolued that the Readers capacitie to obserue and to remember is much weakned thereby And that many yong Gentlemen who doe egerly striue to attaine to much knowledge in a short time doe rather bend their Studies and their courses to reade ouer the more narrowly contracted Histories of other Countries then the voluminous Discourses of their owne Wherefore to inlighten their knowledge much by reading this little J haue thrust forth into the World this short Historie of the Raignes Deeds and Actions of twentie of our English Kings which J will neither praise least J wrong it by mine owne commendation nor dispraise least you beleeuing mee on my word should thinke your time ill spent to read what I haue written J know that such as are worthily descended or who by learning are made worthy will not only winke at some imperfections because some knowledge is to be gained by the rest but will also take in good part the presentment of a small gift if it be deliuered with a friendly hand To such only and to none other which are you doe J dedicate these my labors Being confidently assured that they cannot want their expected reward which is nothing but your kinde acceptance and gracefull loue Fare you well from my house in Exeter the twentieth of Ianuarie 1615. Your louing Friend WILLIAM MARTYN TO MY MOST DEARE Father WILLIAM MARTYN Esquire THough my vnpractis'd Muse might well conceale Her selfe from th'eye-reach of a publique view Yet my devoted heart stir'd on with zeale And dutie which are owing both to you Feares not the spleene of Criticks but shall beare Their heauiest censures True loue orecomes feare I will not speake of your vnwearied paine In gathring and disposing 't is a treasure Well worth the Readers paines when he may gaine With little reading profit mixt with pleasure These ruder lines your labors little neede To winne the Readers liking Let him reade NICHOLAS MARTYN To my most loued and dearest Father WILLIAM MARTYN ESQVIRE I Could deere Sir haue spoke with farre more ease In copious Prose than in strict Verse your praise But that I knew your fame would farre out-goe All foote-lesse Prose my Verse not full so slow Hauing the helpe of feete serues thus farre forth Though not to Vsher yet t' attend your worth You neede not either to inlarge your fame The Booke it selfe doth Chronicle the same WILLIAM MARTYN To my most dearly loued Father WILLIAM MARTYN Esquire WHil'st others send you Lines trickt out with Art My Infant yeares shall onely send mine heart Looke for no greater gift from so small store He that giues all he has can giue no more EDWARD MARTYN TO MY DEARLY HONORD FATHER-IN-Law WILLIAM MARTYN Esquire A Publique good must quell your priuate feare The profit of a Writers industrie Should be imparted to a generall Eare For good is better'd by communitie Nor may detraction or the injurie Of some mens censures dash what he doth write If but what only pleaseth all mens sight No worke should come to light no worke should come to light What though you gather'd haue the seuerall flowr's Of other Bookes into this Historie Distill'd to Spirit by you they 're wholly yours So honie suckt from the varietie Of flowr's is yet the honie of the Bee And though in these dayes Miracles are fled Yet this shall of your Chronicle be read It brings back Time that 's past and giues life to the Dead Peter Beuys THE SVMMARIES OR ABBREVIATES OF THE RAIGNES OF THE twentie Kings mentioned more largely in this Discourse King WILLIAM the Conqueror AFTER the death of King Edward Harold contrarie to his promise oath refuseth to giue the possession of the Crowne and kingdome of England to William the seuenth Duke of the Normans Wherefore to preuent the effusion of much bloud the Duke challenged him to a single combate which hee refused whereupon the Duke landeth and being assisted by the Natiues of this Countrie he obtayneth the victorie * 1066. and claymed this Crowne by conquest Pag. 2. He is in danger as he trauelleth towards Douer and makes his peace 3. His policies to suppresse the English Nation and his cruelties towards them 3 4 5 6. He taxeth them beyond measure they rebell twice and are twice
subdued 6. He plucks downe Churches Religious houses and Townes for his pleasure in hunting to make the New Forest and enacteth tyrannicall Lawes for the preseruing of his Game 5. His eldest sonne Robert Curthois rebelleth and puts him to the worst in Normandie but is reconciled 7. He warreth in France successefully 7. He falleth sick and repenteth of his crueltie to the English Nation and dyeth but his body can hardly obtayne a place to bee buried in pag. 8. King WILLIAM RVFVS HIs crueltie to the English Nation 10. Hee flattereth them in his distresse but requiteth them vnthankfully when his turne is serued 10 11. The Welshmen doe rebel 11 12. His valour 13. Hee pilleth and pooleth the Church 14 15. He yeeldeth when the Pope peremptorily commandeth 15. He is fortunate in his warres in Normandie 15. In the New-Forest which his Father had made by the ruine of many Churches Religious houses and Townes 5. Hee was slaine being mistaken for a Deere as he hunted 16. King HENRY the First HIs policies and Lawes 18. He yeeldeth to the Pope and restoreth Church liuings dignities and liberties not for conscience sake but because Robert his eldest brother troubled him for his Crowne 18. He invadeth Normandie and preuaileth and plucketh out his brothers eyes 20 21. Hee curbeth and ransacketh the Church Church-men and makes them pay for enioying of wiues whether they haue wiues or no. 20. Anselme and Thurstone appeale against him to the Pope and he yeeldeth 20 23. He is patient and very thankefull 24. He is lasciuious he surfetteth and then dyeth 24. King STEPHEN HEe vsurpeth the Right of Mawld the Empresse and breaketh his oath 27. He is very liberall 28. He refuseth and releaseth the paiment of Dane-gilt and of all other taxes he honoreth the Clergie and giues vnto them large restitution and exempteth all Clergie men from the authoritie of the Temporall Magistrate 28. Mawld the Empresse invadeth and taketh him prisoner he is enlarged for the Duke of Glocester The Empresse is besieged in Oxford and escapeth by a policie in the snow 29. He is againe inuaded by Henrie Short-Mantell the Sonne of Mawld the Empresse Prince Eustace his sonne is drowned They two compound and King Stephen dyeth 30 31. King HENRY the Second HIs great courage 34. He refineth the Lawes and deuiseth the Circuits in which Nisi prius and other law causes are decided 34. He destroyeth Castles to preuent Rebellions 35. He reseiseth things giuen by his Predecessors 35. He exerciseth his people in martiall Discipline in times of Peace 35. Hee Conquereth Ireland 36. His children are rebellious and punished by God 36. His Riches 37. His amorous affections to Rosamond 37. He is vexed by Thomas Becket who is slaine 37. He is accursed 40. He doth Penance He is whipt And dyeth 42. King RICHARD the First FOr his valour hee is termed Cuer de Lyon 44. His piety and compassion to his Mother and to distressed prisoners 44. His bountie 45. Hee warreth gloriously in the holy Land 45. He winneth Cyprus twice pag. 46 47. Iarres arise betwixt him and the French King and Leopold Archduke of Austria wherupon they depart and doe leaue him 46 47. He is stiled King of Ierusalem 47. By swimming he saueth his life but is taken Prisoner Ransometh himselfe and returneth into Normandie from the holy Land Hee warreth successefully against the French King in his owne Country and returneth into England 48. To pay his Ransome and to relieue his wants he ransacketh Religious houses and reseiseth such things as formerly he sold to get mony 49. He besiegeth the Castle of Chalons and is reuengefully wounded to death He taketh the Castle Pardons the offendor slaies all the rest and then he dyeth 49. King IOHN PHILIP the French King raiseth against him Arthur Plantagenet who demāds the crown 51 The King goeth twice into Normandie and puts the Frenchmen to flight 52 53. He looseth Normandie 53. 1202. His quarrell and vnspeakeable troubles with the Pope 53. Hee forbiddeth all appeales to Rome 54. Foure of his owne Bishops doe interdict him and he seiseth vpon their lands and goods Hee is accursed and his kingdome is by the Pope giuen to Philip the French King He taketh an Oath of Allegeance of his Subiects He inuadeth the Scots and they doe submit themselues 55 56. Philip of France prouideth to inuade him but looseth three hundred ships 56. King Iohn without the knowledge of his Nobilitie or Counsell submitteth himselfe on his knees to Pandulphus the Popes Legate and resigneth to him to the Popes vse his Kingdom and his Crown and after a few daies receiues it as a gift 56. His people doe despise and forsake him 57. Lewys the Dolphin in his Fathers Right by reason of the Popes donation inuadeth England The Pope accurseth him and his father and protecteth King Iohn and his kingdome Hee also accurseth such of the Nobilitie of England as sided with the French by reason whereof the Commons robbe rifle and forage both their goods and lands Miserie makes them to submit themselues 57. The Dolphin is expelled 58. The King hath peace and is poisoned by a Monke 59. King HENRY the third LEWYS the Dolphin disturbs him in England The French attempt to inuade but are ouerthrowne at Sea 63. They are accursed absolued and doe leaue this kingdome The king restoreth the ancient Lawes 63. He warreth in Angeou and elsewhere 63. And concludeth a Truce 64. His Barons and he doe iarre but are reconciled 64. The league with France is broken 64. King Henrie hath the worse in the new warres 65 66. Hee warreth with his Barons 66. Insanum Parliamentum 66. The commission of the twelue Peeres 66. They exercise their Authoritie 67. It is confirmed wherefore the King sayleth into France 67. * 1258. He releaseth his Title and his Right in Normandie and is confirmed Duke of Guyan 68. He procureth two Bulls from the Pope The Lord chiefe Iustice is displaced 68. He publisheth the Popes Bulls against the twelue Peeres and the Londoners take an Oath to assist him 69. The Barons raise an Armie and doe write vnto the King and he answereth them 69. The Barons Armie is ioyfully receaued into London 70. The controuersie is referred to the French King who is accused to be partiall 70 71. The Barons fight with the Prince and doe ouerthrow him 71. Richard King of the Romans being wronged is angrie 71. * 1262. The bataile of Lewis in which the Barons tooke the two Kings and Prince Edward prisoners and more then twentie thousand men were slaine 73. An agreement is made and the Prince is one of the Hostages The commission giuen to the 12. Peeres is confirmed and the Hostages are enlarged 73. A discord betwixt the Earles of Leicester and Glocester 73. Occasioned the ouerthrow of the Barons in the battaile of Euersham 74. ** 1263. The Barons are executed 74. The Commission of the twelue Peeres is by Parliament dissolued
And the King for reuenge resolued to haue burnt the Citie of London 74. But it is redeemed by sute and by money 75. The Earle of Glocester with the base off-skome of London do much mischiefe But by the Prince his entreatie all is pardoned 76. The Earle of Glocester is by the King furnished to goe a warfare in the holy land Hee giues it ouer And Prince Edward vndertaketh it he is trecherously wounded but recouereth The King dyeth and he returneth with much honor into England 77. King EDWARD the First THe French King feareth his valour and therefore inuiteth Lluellen to rebell against him in Wales 79. By promises that hee shall marie with the Ladie Eleanor the banished daughter of the banished Earle of Leicester who for succour was his guest 80. The King taketh her in her passage towards Wales the King marcheth towards Lluellens Armie He submitteth himselfe sweareth to be loyall and is wiued 80. He rebelleth againe and he and his brother are both beheaded 81. King Edward is chosen as soueraigne Lord to decide the controuersie and debate touching the Right to the Crowne of Scotland which many Competitors do striue for 81. That Kingdome is surrendred into his hand and he decides the doubt and conferres the Kingdom vpon Iohn Bayliol 83. Hee strippeth the Church and Church-men and is disliked of them especially for enacting of the Statute against Mortmaine 82. Iohn Bayliol being vngratefull inuadeth England But King Edward winnes from him the Castle and Towne of Barwike and slayeth 25000 of his Men. 83. He surrendreth Scotland and King Edward gouernes it by a Lieutenant and placeth all Officers of state therein 84. The Scots rebell againe and are subdued 84. They rebell once more Thirtie and two thousand of them are slaine 85. They doe homage and fealtie to King Edward 85. Iohn Bayliol at the Popes request is set at libertie his subiects doe againe rebell against England The King entreth into Scotland and the Castle of Eastervlnie in which the Scottish Nobilitie for their safeguard inclosed themselues being summoned is yeelded to King Edward 85. Hee sweareth them to his obedience and for a monument of his victories he bringeth from thēce the Chaire in which their Kings were vsually Crowned 86. Hee enquireth of the extortions done by his Officers and correcteth them 86. Prince Edward is committed to prison and his vnthriftie Companion Pierce Gaueston is banished 86. Wales and Cornwall are giuen to the Prince 86. The Pope claymeth the soueraigntie of Scotland but King Edward reiecteth and scorneth his claime Robert le Bruze vsurpeth in Scotland so that King Edward the fourth time goeth in his owne person into Scotland The Vsurper flyeth into Norway and King Edward dyeth 86 87. King EDWARD the Second HE breakes his Oath and recals Gaueston Hee doateth on Gaueston Makes him Earle of Cornwall and hee doth all in all whereat the Nobles are displeased 89 90. The King through Gauestons wicked counsell liueth lewdly and forsaketh the Companie of the Queene 90. Gaueston hath the custodie of the Kings Iewels and conueies many of them into Ireland 90 The people murmur at Gauestons authoritie and wicked courses The King reiects good counsell Yet at last Gaueston is banished into Ireland The King comforts him and sends him money and Iewels 91 The King is so sad for his departure that at the request of the Nobilitie in hope of amendment he is recalled 92 By reason of his insolencie hee is againe banished into Flanders but is recalled and waxeth more scornefull then he was before 92 The Lords despairing of redresse doe strike off his head 92 The King to despight his Nobilitie entertaineth the two Spencers who are worse then Gaueston and doe perswade him to more leaud and vngratious courses 92 The King and his Nobles doe not agree Robert le Bruze taking aduantage by the Kings euill gouernment vsurpeth in Scotland He is againe crowned King and ouerthroweth king Edward 93 Iohn Poydras is discouered to be a counterfet and is put to death 93 Barwike is betraied to the Scots 93 The Scots do ouerthrow King Edward the second time 94 The King being intreated will not put the Spencers from him 94 The Nobles in Parliament doe stand on their Guard 95 The Spencers are banished for euer 95 The Nobles complaine for the younger Spencers Piracies but the King maketh sport at it and recals them from their exile They scorne the Barons who fight but are ouerthrowen 96 Twentie and two Barons are beheaded 97 The elder Spencer is made Earle of Winchester and Sir Andrew Harkley by whose principall seruice the Barons were ouerthrowen and who was made Earle of Carlile consorting with the Scots who had almost taken the King and enforced him to flie lost his head 98 The Queene being oppressed by the Spencers goeth into France and carrieth the Prince with her Shee is well entertained by the French King her brother But he is bribed by the Spencers and so is the Pope who conspire her deliuerie to King Edward And shee with her sonne doe flie into Arthoys 99 The Queene and Prince doe land in England The Nobles repaire to her with an Armie and the King is strangely taken prisoner The Earles of Arundel and Winchester are beheaded 100 And Hugh Spencer the younger being carried to London is disgraced and cruelly executed as a Traitor 100 The King is committed deposed his sonne is crowned and the old King is murdered by the practise of Sir Roger Mortimer who was too familiar with the Queene For which offence shee was honourably imprisoned thirtie yeares and more before shee died 105 King EDVVARD the third HE goeth with an Armie into Scotland to correct them for their insolencie in his fathers daies The Natiues flie into the woods and the King returneth 103 Hee concludeth a dishonourable peace with Scotland by the counsell of Sir Roger Mortimer whom he createth Earle of March and marieth his sister Iane to the King of Scots sonne named Dauid He releaseth the Tenure Soueraigntie homage and the fealtie of Scotland and deliuereth vp the great Charter called Ragman which testified their tenure of the Kings of England 104 The Earle of March procureth the Kings vncle the Earle of Kent to be beheaded and is himselfe executed as a Traitor 104. 105 The King and the French King doe iarre about the Kings homage for the Duchie of Guyan 105 The Kings title to the Kingdome of France was now first broached 105 He recouereth Barwicke from the Scots and maketh Edward Bayliol King 106 In his owne person he settleth the gouernment of Scotland 106 The King seekes aid of forraine Princes for his French wars 107 And is by fauour made Vicar Generall of the Empire and is thereby enabled to winne Iaques Dartuell with the Flemings and the Princes of Germanie to ioine with him 108 He filleth his coffers 108 The French King staieth his Armie from going to the Holy Land to fight with England 108 King Edward
Crowne is setled by Parliament The Scots ouerthrow and doe sley the Duke of Yorke in the b 1460 battaile of Wakefield 259 The yong Duke of York winneth the field of Queene Margaret 260 He is by the Queen ouerthrown and the King is enlarged 260 The Dukes newe Armie consisting of 49000. men the Queens new Armie consisting of 60000. men The c 1460 Queene is ouerthrown in the battaile of Towton 260 The King to winne fauour with the king of Scots deliuereth to him the Castle and the Towne of Barwike and the Duke of Yorke is crowned King 261. King EDWARD the Fourth IN Parliament hee repealeth all former Acts which attainted him and his friends of high treason 263 He is troubled by wars raised against him by Queene Margaret in which he preuaileth 265 He taketh especiall * 1462 care for the Common-weale 266 King Henrie is taken prisoner 266 The Earle of Warwick becomes his Enimie because he wronged him in the choice of his wife 267 George Duke of Clarence taketh part with Warwick against his brother King Edward 268 The a 1467 Yorkshire-men doe rebell 269 King Edward is taken prisoner and escapeth 271 The discommodities of Warre 272 A new b 1468 Rebellion in which the Rebells were ouerthrowne 273 Warwick and Clarence flie to Calice and finde bad entertainment 274 Prince Edward sonne to King Henrie the sixth marieth the second daughter of the Earle of Warwick 275 Clarence secretly revolteth to King Edward his brother 275 Warwick landeth in England where his forces doe so encrease that king Edward flieth 277 King Henrie is enlarged and by Parliament the crowne is intailed to him 277 King Edward landeth in England and breaketh his oath made to the citizens of Yorke 278 Hee and his Armie are ioyfully receiued into the citie of London 280 Hee triumpheth victoriously at Barnet field 280 The Queene Margaret leuieth another Armie and is ouerthrown in the battaile of Tewkesbury 282 King Henrie being murdered is brought open faced into S. Pauls Church 283 King Edward hath new wars in France and the Duke of Burgoine breaks promise with him 285 A peace for nine yeares is concluded for which the Duke of Burgoine is angrie with the King who cares not for it 286 The bountie of the French King to the English Armie 288 Henrie Earle of Richmond is by the Duke of Brittaine deliuered to King Edwards Ambassadours but Peter Landoys freeth him 289 The Duke of Clarence being a prisoner is murdered 290 King Edward changeth the forme of his gouernment and by executing of penall statutes he enricheth himselfe but looseth his peoples loue 290 He hath new warres with Scotland but on certaine conditions he grants him peace 291 The French King breaks all his Articles annexed to the last concluded peace wherefore King Edward leuieth a new Armie but falleth sick and dyeth 292 The Description of King Edward 297 King EDWARD the Fifth HE was a child when his father dyed 297 His Vncle Richard Duke of Glocester aimeth to haue his crown 299 He practizeth mischiefe against the Queene Mothers kindred 300 He betrayeth them and bereaueth them of their liues 301 307 The Queene Mother with her children taketh Sanctuarie 302 The Duke of Glocester is made Protector 302 By subtiltie he getteth the yong Duke of Yorke out of prison and sends the King and him to the Tower vnder pretence of greater safetie 302 Hee with the Duke of Buckingham practizeth their destruction 304 305 His villany at the Tower 306 His friend the Lord Hastings is beheaded because hee will not consent to that murder 307 Doctor Shawes flattering sermon 308 Richard Duke of Glocester is made King 309 King RICHARD the third KIng Richard by base flatterie endeuoureth to make a bad matter good 311 Doctor Morton Bishop of Ely is committed to the custodie of the Duke of Buckingham 311 King Richard is despised by the French king 312 The two young Princes by the villanous procurement of King Richard are murdred 312 The reasons which might haue disswaded him from that wickednesse are examined 313 His only sonne by death is taken from him 315 Doctor Morton by flatterie insinuateth himselfe into the inward loue and familiaritie of the Duke of Buckingham and hauing with him resolued on the destruction of king Richard hee escapeth and flyeth into Flanders from whence hee giues good intelligence of all King Richards proceedings to Henrie Earle of Richmond 315 Hee moueth him to marrie the Lady Elizabeth eldest daughter to King Edward the Fourth which hee protesteth to doe 317 King Richard had almost gotten into his hands the Earle of Richmond but Peter Landoys freeth him 317 The Duke of Buckingham and the K. do leuie two strong Armies but the fight is deferred by a sodain floud The Welshmen forsake the Duke he flyeth he is proscribed he is betraied by his owne seruant and looseth his head 318 Peter Landoys would haue betrayed the Earle of Richmond to king Richard but hee and his doe escape hardly into France where they are comforted and aided 320 King Richard by flatterie and bribes gets King Edward the Fourth his children into his owne possession and maketh loue to his owne Neece the said Lady Elizabeth 322 His owne wife sodainly dyeth and he reviueth his incestuous sute to his said Neece who wittily protracteth that businesse 323 False newes from France makes him secure 323 The Earle of Richmond landeth in England and the King and he are with their Armies in Bosworth field 323 King Richards people cleaue not to him 324 Hee is desperate in fight but is slaine by the Earle himselfe and his body is vsed with great despight by the common people 324 325 Henrie Earle of Richmond is proclaimed and crowned King by the souldiers in the open field wher his Enimie lay dead And in the same place Hee with his whole Armie doe thanke GOD. 325 King HENRY the Seuenth KIng Henrie the Seuenth as he had sworne vniteth the two diuided houses of Lancaster Yorke by his mariage with the Lady Elizabeth King Edward the Fourth his eldest daughter 327 He causeth the Crowne to be intayled 328 He maketh Yeomen of his Guard and is thankfull to his friends 327 He repaieth the French King the Duke of Britaigne 328 He repealeth Acts of Attainders makes good lawes and granteth a generall Pardon 328 He suppresseth Rebells 329 Lambert the counterfaited Earle of Warwick by force and policie is taken 329 330 331 King Henrie the Seuenth takes part with the Duke of Britaigne against the French King 332 333 The Earle of Northumberland leuying of a Tax is slaine by the people 333 334 The Rebells flie and are punished 334 Maximilian being aided by King Henrie the Seuenth comes not forth yet King Henrie alone warreth against the French King 335 The King demaunds a Benevolence 335 He besiegeth Bullein and granteth a peace 336 Perkin Warbeck the counterfaited Duke of Yorke vexeth king Henrie 337 He is supported
kingdome and finding that manie inconueniences did daily presse him with much dishonor and disgrace because he intermedled not with the Temporalties of Bishoprickes when they were vacant nor with the inuesture of Bishops as his Ancestors had done and being informed That those things were inseparable incidents vnto his Crowne and that his neglect to vse them depriued him not of his Right vnto them resolued That he would not any longer forbeare to chalenge and to put in practise those things which so justly did belong vnto him Whereat Anselme the Archbishop of Canterburie was much displeased and did vtterly refuse to consecrate such new Bishops as had receiued their Inuestures from the king But Gerald then Archbishop of Yorke cheerefully performed that Ceremonie vpon the kings commaund This new quarrell transported Anselme the second time from England vnto Rome Anselme goeth to Rome the second time complaineth to Pope Pascal the second The Archbishop preuaileth where he complayned to Pope Paschal the second of those and of manie other wrongs all which were controuerted and debated with the strongest oppositions on either partie But two yeares after Anselme with the licence and fauour of the king returned and in a Synod of the Clergie holden by him in London by the Popes authoritie it was enacted That from thenceforth no Temporall man should giue Inuesture to any Bishop by the Crosse and Ring Within three yeares after Anselme died and the Temporalties of that Dignitie being seized into the kings hands The King entreth vpon the Temporalties of the Archbishop of Canterburie were for the space of fiue yeares taken receiued and conuerted to the kings vse And if at anie time as hee was often hee were entreated by the Bishops to conferre that See vpon some other his answere was That he onely kept it for a sufficient and a worthie man In the yeare of our Lord one thousand one hundred and eight hee erected the Bishopricke of Ely The Bishoprick of Ely founded in Anno 1108. and endowed it with large and honourable Possessions which wonne him much fauour with the Pope and procured him the loue of his owne Clergie Thus when the King for a few yeares had enjoyed the benefite of an happie Peace Normandie inuaded and held all Normandie subject to his owne commaund his tranquilitie and his pleasure were enuied by Lewis le Grosse then king of France who first of all procured Fulke Earle of Angeou vpon a weake pretence to seize vpon the Countrey of Mayne and then animated Baldwyne Earle of Flanders to declare against the king in Armes for the with-holding of a yearely pension of three hundred markes which the Conquerour gaue onely vnto Baldwyne the fifth Earle of Flanders during his life But the same had afterwards beene payd to his Sonne and Nephew by the courtesie of the succeeding kings because the Conquerour had beene well assisted in his Warres with England by the said Baldwyne the fifth All these made strong preparations to inuade the Kings Duchie of Normandie But the newes thereof rowsed the King from his bed of ease The King sayleth into Normandie preuaileth filled him full with Princely resolutions occasioned him to passe the Sea with an Armie of rough and tough Nobles Gentrie and common Souldiors And shortly after his landing loosing no time he set vpon the Earle of Angeou and his associates And after he had beaten him soundly on euerie side he enforced him to saue himselfe by a shamefull flight Another victorie And neere vnto the Towne of Nice which was surprized and holden by the King of France King Henrie encountred the other two This Battaile was made famous by the continuance of nine houres and was on all parts fought with such eager and manlike resolution that albeit the King of England wonne the Field and had the long chase of his flying enemies yet he boldly and truly would confesse that hee then fought not for victorie but for his life A peace is concluded At length when the heat of Anger was well quenched and when manie lay cold on the floore of death who in their life times had blowne the coales of contention betweene those foure Princes A Mariage they all were reconciled vnto peace and the King married to his eldest sonne William the daughter of the said Fulke But in their journey towards England the said young Princes Richard and Marie Countesse of Perch two others of the Kings children his Neece Lucie A great misfortune with her husband the Earle of Chesier and more than an hundred and fourescore others were vnfortunately drowned by the carelesse folly of the drunken Mariners Drunkennes This vnexpected newes being accompanied with manie millions of sorrowes and of dolefull passions much grieued the King but made him not heartlesse as most Princes would haue beene in the like case The Kings admirable patience For Wisdome had sufficiently instructed him with patience to sustaine and beare those burthens which could not by any meanes be shaken off And likewise the King was at that time affoorded but little leisure to fixe his cogitations on those mishaps because the obstinate Rebellion of the Welchmen drew him vnwillingly into a new Warre For when he saw and perceiued that though he were a King yet vrgent necessitie commaunded him to Armes and that Iustice did require him by the Sword to judge and to execute those lewd and gracelesse Malefactors The Welchmen rebell and are subdued hee marched with a strong Power into Wales when the Rebels trusting ouer-much to their owne valour which little or nothing at all helpeth in Treasonable Plots and Imployments resolued to abide the vtmost push of their fortune which yeelded to the King a speedie and a successefull end of those Warres For with little danger and as small a losse he gaue them the ouerthrow and permitted the wastfull deuouring swords of his associates to surfet vpon the carkasses of those Rebels whome neither gentle vsage nor former executions of that nature could persuade to performe those duties which good subjects doe owe vnto their Prince Then returned the King loaden with much honour Maulde the kings daughter married to the Emperour Henrie the fifth and was joyfully receiued by all his people especially by Mauld his daughter whome he forthwith sent to be married vnto the Emperour Henrie the fifth her affied husband with a princely portion of Siluer and of Gold which in the nature of a Taxe was leuied vpon the common people of their Land which he tooke for an ayde towards her marriage And the same custome Aid purfi●e marrier for the marriage of the eldest daughter of the Kings of this Realme hath beene and is continued vnto this day At the same time he deuised and ordered the manner and fashion of a Court in Parliament Anno 1114. The High Court of Parliament f●●●t established at Salisburie in April appointing it to consist of the three
league or other compact betwixt King Richard and the Turkes some danger might assaile him and his followers Hee tooke an vnkind leaue and carying away with him all such troupes as belonged to the Emperour to Leopold and to himselfe hee left the King of England and returned home This his departure discomforted not King Richard But with his owne Souldiours King Richard preuaileth and with the forces of some other Christian Princes who submitted themselues to his direction and Gouernement hee persisted in those Warres and prosecuted his attempts with such constancie and heroicall magnanimitie that he preuailed and became Victorious when the greatest dangers assaulted him most to make him feare And among many other things which boldly he attempted hee returned vnto the I le of Cyprus He winneth Cyprus again and by force hee valiantly wonne it from the Knights Templers vnto whom he had formerly sold it and then exchanged it for the Citie of Ierusalem with Guy of Lesingham the last Christian King who held and did possesse it By meanes whereof He is stiled King of Iaerusalem King Richard was stiled King of Ierusalem and so were many of his successours long after Thus while he became victorious England is badly Gouerned and daily triumphed ouer the Turkes miseries his Kingdome of England was badly Gouerned at home by the Bishop of Ely to whom hee had committed the charge thereof For hee being the Grand-child of a Ploughman and the sonne of a Cow-heard in the North Asperius nihil est humili quam surgere in altū and being aduanced to that Bishoppricke and made Lord Chancellour of England Legate to the Pope and Protector of all this Realme tyrannized as himselfe listed ouer all sortes of people Exercised on them strange and vnusuall oppressions both in the Church A begger on horse-backe will ride and also in the Common-weale and was so infinitely ambitious and so proud that he would neuer ride abroad for his pastime and for his recreation except hee were attended and waited on by a thousand horse and more and was serued by the sonnes of the greatest Nobles in this Land vnto whom he gaue in marriage with some portions diuers of his base and rusticke kinne The ambitious Bishops fall But at length he grew to bee so contemptible lothsome and vile in all the peoples eyes that fearing what would be the sequell of his vnlimited insolencie and pride He resolued to forsake this Kingdome And comming for that purpose into Douer He disguiseth himselfe and is dragged on the Sands disguised in the habit of a woman and hauing vnder his arme a piece of Country-cloth which hee offered to the sale hee was descried and discouered and by the common people was furiously and shamefully dragged and drawne vpon the Sands and was afterward sent vnto London where the Lords and greatest Nobles committed him to the Tower in which he remained vntill the kings returne He is restored and then he was restored both to his libertie and Offices But shortly after as he trauelled towards Rome he died He dieth whereat much joy was conceiued generally by the Englishmen Of these Affaires and of his euill Gouernment king Richard was informed in the Holie Land as also of the great discontentment of his brother Iohn The causes which hastened king Richards returne for that the Bishop of Ely and not himselfe was in the kings absence made Gouernor of this kingdome and how that he had seized manie of the kings Townes Forts and Castles into his hands and onely wanted the peoples fauour to make himselfe a king He likewise was informed what Sallyes Inrodes and Inuasions the French king after his returne home had made in Normandie thereby to reuenge himselfe of those pretended iniuries and wrongs which he supposed he had receiued from king Richard in the Holie Land These Tidings thus concurring and the good desire which king Richard had to preuent the ruine of his owne Estate enforced him when he possessed the greatest hopes of Conquest to conclude a peace with the Turks for three yeares King Richard saueth his life by swimming He is taken prisoner and sold to the Emperour Henry the sixt He is ransomed He reuengeth his iniuries vpon the French king But in his returne he was by the violence of a raging storme compelled after a dangerous shipwrack to saue his life by Swimming neere vnto Histria which lyeth betweene Aquileia and Venice and comming to the Territories of Leopold in Austria he was taken prisoner and by him sold to the Emperour Henrie the sixt the sonne of Frederick for threescore thousand Marks who taking of him good securitie for his Ransome assessed vnto one hundred thousand pounds did set him at libertie So that with speedie journeyes he poasted vntill be came into Normandie where he raysed a strong Armie and marched furiously into France and reuenged himselfe soundly of all such iniuries and wrongs as in his absence were done vnto him by the French king And then he reduced to his subiection all such Peeres in Normandie as by the Frenchmen in his absence had beene taken from him Thus whilest the King was busied abroad his brother Iohn Duke Iohn submitteth himselfe to the King his brother and is pardoned Earle of Lancaster repaired to him and not onely submitted himselfe to his grace and mercie but voluntarily surrendred to him all such Forts and Castles as he had seized into his hands excusing himselfe as being prouoked and enforced to disloyaltie by the extraordinarie pride and insolent behauiour of William Longchampe Bishop of Ely who vnworthily had disordered the gouernment of the whole Realme Vpon which submission and his contrition for his offence he obtained not onely the kings pardon but also his especiall grace and fauour Then did they both come into England He vseth vniust means to pay his Debts and Ransome where the king to make payment of his Ransome ransacked the Treasures of diuers Religious Houses and grieuously taxed the People and summoned his High Court of Parliament in which he caused himselfe to be againe crowned King He is crowned anew And to augment his owne Estate hee resumed into his hands all such Honors Lordships Manors Castles Offices and Priuiledges He resumeth the Lands which he sold and payes nothing for them as he had formerly sold to his owne subjects for his supplyes and enforced the Buyers to content themselues with such profits thereof as they had taken Then fourescore thousand pounds of his Ransome were payd Leopold is accused and releaseth part of the Kings Ransome but the residue was discharged by Leopold who was accursed by Pope Innocent the third for that hee had iniuriously made king Richard a prisoner in his returne from his Warres in the Holie Land Then the king raysed a new Armie and transported it into France and from that time forward he ceased not with variable successe to warre with the
French king vntill at length taking a priuate view of the besieged Castle of Chalons neere to Lymoys The King warreth in France he was descried by a common souldior who so grieuously wounded him with an arrow that within three dayes after he died when he had raigned almost nine yeares and was buried at Founteuerard in France at his fathers feet He is slaine After hee was wounded as is before mentioned hee wonne the Castle by terrible assaults and caused all such as he found therein to be slaine except the malefactor who being demanded by him how he dared to shoot vnto the person of a king made answere That in those Warres he had lost his father and his brother Vltio Diuina and that he was exceeding glad that fortune had so assisted him in his reuenge Then when he expected nothing but a present terrible death The King pardoneth him who slew him the king gaue him his pardon and caused him to be safely conducted out of his Armie In the beginning of this Kings Raigne certaine Out-lawes to the number of one hundred and more being resolued and desperat men whose chiefest leaders were named Robin Hood and Little Iohn robbed and spoyled in diuers places of this Land Robin Hood and Little Iohn They neither hurted nor much wronged anie except they would runne themselues into danger by resistance They attempted against none Honest Theeues but against such as being rich gayned by vsurie or gaue no entertainement by good Hospitalitie to their Neighbours and to the poore They spared all women and were bountifull benefactors to such as stood in need Thus they continued diuers moneths vntill their chiefest Leader Robin Hood by meanes of a sharpe sicknesse being let bloud and being betrayed bled himselfe to death And then the whole Rout of this theeuish Companie was dispersed and the Malefactors secretly repaired home to their owne houses THE HISTORIE OF KING IOHN IOHN PLANTAGENET Earle of Lancaster in his owne Right and Earle of Glocester in the right of his wife and being the yongest sonne of King Henrie the second succeeded and was crowned king albeit that Arthur Plantagenet his nephew Arthur Plantagenet was lawfull heire and sonne to Geoffrey his elder brother was then liuing The whole course of this Kings Gouernment was accompanied with continuall troubles and his two Persecutors were Pope Innocent the third The Kings two persecutors and Philip the second then King of France The French King feared the greatnesse of Englands strength and the prosperitie of this Kingdome was hurtfull vnto his eyes The French king taketh part with Arthur against King Iohn and glad he was if at anie time the least occasion would offer him some seruice to further his designes against King Iohn For proofe hereof he protested a world of loue to the said Arthur informed him of his Title to the Crowne of England and of his vndoubted right to the Duchies of Normandie and of Britaine animated him to rayse his spirits and to aduance his courage to winne them all If he were destitute of Friends which might aduise and counsell him he and his Nobles would supplie that want if he stood in need of Siluer and of Gold to feede and to nourish the great bodie of that Warre he should be supplyed with sufficient store And if he would haue valiant men to fight for him and for those his Rights hee would supplie him with manie thousands who should aduenture to spend their best bloud in his Quarrels These large and friendly proffers which indeede proceeded rather from a jealousie which the French King had of himselfe by reason of King Iohns Greatnesse than from anie inward affection or heartie loue which hee bare vnto Arthur the lawfull and the rightfull Heire of this Crowne and the longing desire which made this young Gallant hopefull of those great atchieuements persuaded him verie easily not onely to accept of the French Kings friendship but also to vse his aide So that partly by the helpe of the Normans and partly by the French Kings meanes Arthur Plantagenet leuieth an armie hee leuied a puissant Armie and wonne diuers places both of Worth and of Strength in Normandie But the Kings Lieutenant and his other Agents in that Duchie defended themselues valiantly persisted in their Duties and fought it out diuers times King Iohn goeth into Normandie with an Armie vntill King Iohn himselfe came into that Countrey with a strong Armie and fought manie cruell Battailes with his Nephew But oftentimes it falleth out that by Warre which is the enemie of Peace Peace it selfe is procured For when those two Princes had exchanged store of blowes and when their Armies had made hauocke each of other and death had drenched her selfe in their bloud they entred into certaine Capitulations for Peace A peace is concluded which for a short time gaue them some respit of breathing But the same was againe interrupted by Philip the French King The peace is broken by the French kings meanes who promised Arthur a doubling of his strength and fed him with much assurance of prosperous successe and made him confident to renew those Warres And hereupon the French King carried a faire Armie into Normandie with which hee spoyled ransacked and depopulated manie places in that Duchie But King Iohn who wanted nothing but money to encounter with so peruerse an enemie was warned by his Lords Gentlemen and the inferiour sort of his common people That shame would wait vpon him for his neglect in suffering his Honour to be trampled on and his Territories in such sort without blowes to be taken from him And to whet the dull edge of his courage The Englishmens forwardnesse to buckle with the French deiected by reason of his wants they voluntarily and freely granted him a large Taxe to support his necessitie and euerie lustie Ladde boldly proffered his seruice to buckle strongly with the French By these meanes King Iohn was quickly furnished and strengthened both with Money and with Men King Iohn passeth into N●rmandie the second time with an Armie and with a strong Armie he landed in the Duchie of Normandie where his numbers were euerie day augmented by the repaire of manie thousands who were well appointed and did resolue with him to expect the same lot and the same fortune And not long after the two Armies met and fought together with such desperate boldnesse The two Armies fight that each of them tooke pleasure to giue blowes wounds death Each of them rejoyced in the ruine of the other and those solemne spectacles of sorrow which would haue made others sad gaue them occasion of much mirth But things which are violent cannot long endure This fearefull storme must bee changed into a pleasant calme The Frenchmen flye And so it was For the Frenchmen were discouraged and fled and Arthur the Kings Nephew and the rightfull Heire vnto his Crowne Arthur is sent
secret plot or open violence and hostility he could expell or murther him These were the fruits of this vnholy holy Father the Popes Religion and Gouernment And this vsurping arrogancie was a badge of his vnsufferable pride in that he presumed to do what no earthly creature can do nor what a Christian ought to attempt to do against the Annointed of God and against such a one as the Almightie hath placed in a Kingdom to gouerne and to rule his people The King confronteth the Pope and his Legats The King was not as yet terrified with this Thunder but was in good hope that all those Fulminations would quickly flash and as soone vanish away as the Lightning doth And being thoroughly resolued to confront the Pope and his busie Legats in contemning them and their greatest power He taketh an oath of his people he took a solemne oath of his Subiects for his defence and their faithfull seruice And then with a strong Armie he entered into Scotland against King Alexander the second because he had receiued supported and maintained diuers of his Clergie He carrieth an Armie into Scotland and others who adhering to the Pope and magnifying his vsurped authoritie within this kingdome had forsaken the King and as Rebells and Out-lawes fled vnto him for succour The Scots submit themselues But the Scotish King perceiuing that Fire and Sword gaped greedily to deuoure both him and his Countrie submitted himselfe with great humilitie and reuerence to king Iohn and without further trouble hee was reconciled to his Grace and Fauour The French king hoping and endeuoring to possesse himselfe of the Popes gift which was not his to giue and gladding his owne heart that now he had gotten some colour to warre in England vppon king Iohn The French King prepareth for England prouided a great Armie to inuade this Realme But by the wisedome valour and circumspection of the king and by Gods assistance Three hundred of his Ships are taken three hundred of his Ships being loaden with Corne Victualls and other requisits for the warre were surprised and by meanes thereof king Philip was at that time robbed of his vaine hope King Iohn fainteth The Pope notwithstanding ceased not but euer and anon hee accursed the king againe and againe insomuch that he feared lest vtter ruine and his ouerthrow did attend him Wherfore suddenly He asketh pardon and resigneth his kingdom to the Pope without the consent of his Nobles or aduice of his Councell of Estate vpon his knees before Pandulphus the Legat hee confessed his disobedience to the Pope craued Pardon and by a publique Instrument in writing vnder his hand and seale hee resigned his Crowne and his kingdom to the Pope which Pandulphus kept the space of foure daies to the Popes vse The Pope regranteth And then he gaue the Kingdome and the Crowne againe to King Iohn and to his heires reseruing a Tenure thereof to the Church of Rome with an yeerely tribute of one thousand marks This base submission and subiection of his The King is despised and forsaken so alienated from him the deere affection of diuers of his Nobles and men best skilled in Chiualrie that they reuolted from his seruice and fled vnto his enemie the French King whose head was building of Castles in the aire and who made new and large preparations and prouisions to make Lewes his sonne the sole King and Monarch of this Kingdome And when all things were in a readinesse Prince Lewes of France inuadeth the young Prince with a strong Armie came into England and was oftentimes encountred with sharpe blowes but yet he did much harme And the Pope being by his Legats informed in what case King Iohn and his Realme stood required the French King and Prince Lewes his sonne and all others who adhered to their part of what estate or condition soeuer they were forthwith to desist and cease from all hostilitie and warre because both King Iohn and his kingdome were reconciled to his fauour and to the Church and the Crowne of his Realme was holden of the See of Rome Contention between the Pope and the French King So that by conscience and by the lawes of God and of Men he ought to be protected and defended by him and by his authoritie and power But the French refused to obey affirming That no king without the free consent of his Nobles Prelats common people could giue vnto any other his kingdom nor the protection of his Subiects which were committed to him by God and consequently The Pope curseth that this kingdome was not holden of the Church of Rome nor ought to be defended or protected by her This answere so startled the Pope whose will may not willingly meet with the least resistance that incontinently he sent Guallo the Cardinall of St. Martins into this Realme who accursed Philip the French king and Prince Lewes his sonne and such of the English Nobilitie as took part with them and all their Complices and adherents The wiser sort among them little respected what was done by the said Cardinall but the common people The effects of the said curs and the ordinarie degree of Souldiers whose deuotions more depended vpon feare then vpon their knowledge were so amazed and daunted with those sharp and sudden curses that leauing their Leaders and the Field they returned home to their houses and to their Ships Robbery stealth and oppression And the poore Natiues of this Realme knowing that diuers great Lords were vnder the censure of this curse entered into their houses fields and grounds robbing and spoyling and bearing and driuing away whatsoeuer they could find and take they being so far off from doubting or disputing with their owne consciences whether therein they did well or no Popish blindnesse that they supposed their so doing tended immediatly to the glorie of Almighty God and that their stealths and Robberies were meritorious and pleasing in his sight The reuolted Lords are distressed By these means those Lords and Nobles were much perplexed and pinched with great distresse and were likely to be starued to death because they wanted all necessaries belonging vnto life and knew not how to relieue their owne wants Neither durst anie other by reason of those Curses and of their Treasons to relieue them They submit them elues So that at length when all friends and when all other remedies did faile Necessitie which is the most imperious Commander of all those ouer whome she tyrannizeth enforced them to prostrate themselues at the Kings feet to confesse their vndutifull reuolt and to craue his pardon They are pardoned and receiued into fauor The King who by nature was gracious and full of pitie and being more willing to forgiue than to punish such as in the highest measure had offended him albeit he had by their assistance giuen to his enemies beene oppressed with infinite miseries
and had found more fidelitie and seruice in strangers borne than in those his owne subjects in milde and in gentle sort accepted of their submission pardoned their transgressions and restored them to their Honors and to their Lands Peace And by these meanes this Realme was disburthened of the French Nation and a quiet peace began to salute the King and his people who now found some leysure to looke vp and to refresh themselues as Fishes doe in a faire calme after they haue beene tumbled and tossed in the Waters by an vnquiet Storme 1212. The Councell of Lateran The Pope intending to make these his proceedings with King Iohn in England a president vnto other Princes assembled a generall Councell at Lateran wherein hee published them all at large together with the said kings Grant of his Kingdome to the Pope Princes excommunicated and their Prouinces and Kingdomes interdicted and his said regrant and the Tenure thereof to be of the Church of Rome And in the same Councell Otho the Emperour Peter king of Arragon and Raymond Earle of Tholouse and diuers other Princes were excommunicated and others were interdicted together with their Kingdomes and their Prouinces for Heresie as it was pretended A Popish Policie But the certaine scope of this craftie and cunning packing tended to none other end than onely to make temporall Princes subiect to the Popes correction and consequently to enrich himselfe and his successors Auricular Confession Transubstantiation Damnation with their spoyle In the same Councell also Auricular Confession and Transubstantiation were established and decreed and therein it was enacted That such as spake euill of the Pope should be damned in Hell and that no man should be Emperour Emperour vntill he had sworne his Homage to the Pope and had receiued his Crowne from him And thus all these troubles hauing had from the fourth yeare of King Iohns Raigne as long a continuance as the Troian Warres were at last ended Peace after tenne yeares warre But the Clergie would in no sort bee heartily reconciled to the King For such was their secret grudge and spleene towards him that vnder the colour of much seruice and dutie as hee lay in the Abbey of Swansteede not farre from Lincolne hee was poysoned by a Monke of the Order of Saint Bernard who to make his match sure King Iohn is poysoned and to auoid jealousie and suspition first dranke vnto the King and poysoned himselfe for companie And thus died King Iohn when he had raigned aboue seu●nteene yeares and lyeth buried at Winchester In the seuenth yeare of his Raigne hee transported a puissant armie of valiant men of armes and common souldiors 1205. into Ireland Ireland and with great resolution and courage he reduced that Nation to their former obedience from which with insolent obstinacie they had reuolted And in the ninth yeare by a new Charter 1208. A Maior in London hee enabled the Citizens of London to make their annuall choice of a Maior and of two Shirifes for the better Gouernement of that Citie And the yeare following London Bridge the Bridge of Stone was there built ouer the Riuer of Thames This King was verie wise politike and wonderfull valiant 1209. not to be subdued but by Death A descripti●n of King Iohn nor wearied with anie Trauaile nor would be discouraged with more than ordinarie Dangers Hee fought manie successefull Battailes both at home and abroad yet was hee not alwayes fortunate For by meanes of the Popes quarrellings Philip of France wonne from him the greatest part yea almost his whole Duchie of Normandie and vexed him exceedingly at home in his owne Kingdome Hee was liberally bountifull and benigne to all Strangers but sparing in his gifts to his owne subiects And some reason hee had to be the more close-handed towards them because the most of them better louing France than their owne Countrey and caring more for the French King than for him who was their Soueraigne Lord and Master gaue him little stomack and courage to aduance them as otherwise no doubt hee would haue longed and desired to haue done Hee left behinde him foure sonnes viz. Henrie who succeeded him Richard who was elected King of the Romans William of Valentia and Guido Disnay and three daughters viz. Isabell married to Fredericke the Emperour the second to William Marshall Earle of Worcester and the third to the Earle of Leicester THE HISTORIE OF KING HENRIE THE THIRD AFTER the death of King Iohn Henrie his sonne being of the age of nine yeares was crowned King and the Protection of him A Protector and of this Realme was committed to the Earle of Glocester who hauing married one of the Kings aunts and being well learned politicke and wise temperate and valiant administred the Lawes and Iustice vprightly to the people So deepe an impression had confidence made in the hearts of Philip of France and of Prince Lewis his eldest sonne The French King againe inuadeth England that the Kings Minoritie Traiterous friends and their owne good fortune would make them the Soueraigne Lords of this kingdome that no former Commandements or Curses from the Pope preuailed to make them vtterly to abandon and to forsake this kingdome For their Hope 's fed them with this conceit that their new repaire hither and the daily disturbance and trouble which by their meanes should vnjoynt the Peace and the good Gouernment of this Commonweale would and in the end should shake it with a continuall feauer and make it hopelesse of all recouerie or reliefe sauing onely by their meanes And vpon this Proiect they landed fresh forces within this Land But the new Protector was not idle in his charge For his Preparations were expedited with great celeritie and judgement and with such forces as he had leuied he manfully opposed himselfe against all Encounters of the French The Welchmen take part with the French and of the Welch which obstinately adhered to the French part But the best successe by Warres in a distempered and in a mutinous Estate giues little cause of boasting to eyther part For the slaughter of manie friends and kinsfolke affoording the Victorie cannot chuse but bring with it a sorrowfull remembrance of their vntimely end and beget manie wishes that their vndutifull Errors hauing beene reformed they were aliue againe The Pope curseth again Honorius the Pope being truly informed how obstinately the French and the Welch Nations being assisted with some English daily warred and spoyled within this Realme not onely confirmed the authoritie of Guallo the Legate but by him he thundred more sharpe and terrible Curses against them all than formerly hee or his predecessors had done Whereunto hee added new Excommunications Depriuations and other bitter Censures of the Church of Rome His curses are not cared for Hereupon Prince Lewis with his confederates seemed to be peacefull for a while and made an outward sh●w
his necke Alexander the King of Scots not hauing anie issue of his bodie fell with his horse and vnfortunately brake his necke He had three sisters the eldest of which was married vnto Iohn Baylyol Lord of Galloway the second vnto Robert le Bruze Lord of Valley-Androw and the third was married into England to Iohn Hastings Lord of Abergauenny Contention about the Crowne of Scotland Betwixt these three each of them being backed with the best support of their most able friends sharpe bickerings and ciuill warres occasioned the deaths of manie worthie and valiant men together with the ruine and destruction of some of their Houses and best Fortunes The title is referred to the censure of King Edward as to the soueraign Lord thereof and the Commonweale of that kingdome receiued manie desperate wounds and strange misaduentures because each of them in the right of his wife attempted and hoped to be a king Whereupon king Edward with great expedition went into Scotland as their Soueraigne Lord and endeuoured to compose this strife But such was their mutuall desire to raigne that no persuasions preuailed to make anie one of them to yeeld But in the end more sounder aduice tooke place so that they all by a publike writing vnder their hands and seales consented to referre themselues and their Titles to the censure and judgement of King Edward Scotland is surrendred to king Edward And by the same Instrument they freely surrendered all Scotland and that Crowne into the Kings hands to the end that thereby they might enable him absolutely to possesse such a one of them in that Kingdome as in his judgement ought to haue the same Hee also receiued from them in writing their seuerall demands and each mans proofes A wise and a discreet King reasons and arguments to maintaine his Clayme And thereupon King Edward elected and made choice of twentie of the most discreet wise and worthie men of his kingdome of England and of twentie more of the kingdome of Scotland and by their aduice and counsell he informed himselfe truly of that businesse and at length pronounced his Sentence for Iohn Baylyol Iohn Bailiol is made King of the Scots He doth homage for it to the King who had married the eldest of those three sisters who receiued from him that Crowne and Countrey and for it performed and did his homage to King Edward The King although he were earnestly employed in these and in other affaires at home yet was he more troubled with greater businesses abroad The French King wrongeth King Edward by reason that the French King daily wronged him in Gascoyne Guyan and elsewhere And to maintaine those warres the King by the aduice and counsell of William Marchyan his chiefest Treasurer seized into his hands the Plate Iewels and Treasure of the Churches and of the religious Houses within this kingdome Eu●ll counsell and compelled the Clergie to giue vnto him the one halfe of one yeares value of all their Ecclesiasticall Dignities and Promotions The King st●●ppeth the Church He is hated by Church-men This vnaccustomed Sacriledge made the King hatefull in Church-mens eyes But yet he seemed in some sort to content them with faire promises of Restitution when his Treasures should by other meanes be encreased But they little relying vpon that promise and by common experience in other things being resolued that the Kings Coffers would not be emptied to fill theirs and yet feeding themselues with a vaine hope that some other recompence might be made them became humble sutors to the King The Clergies ●ute denyed That he would be pleased to reuoke and to annihilate the Statute which in the fourth yeare of his Raigne was made against Mortmayne Mortmayne which prohibited the giuing and the conueying of anie Lands and Tenements to anie Corporation whatsoeuer without the Kings leaue But as he neuer meant to gratifie them in anie sort whatsoeuer so he made them answer That it lay not in him without the consent of a Parliament to reuoke and to frustrate anie Law The Clergie to their great griefe and sorrow perceiued that their Treasure was swept away together with all hope of restitution or amends and though it vexed them inwardly yet durst they not to expresse anie outward tokens of dislike Thus when the King had augmented his store by the Clergies plentie he by the directions of his said Treasurer imposed a Taxe or Subsidie vpon euerie Sacke of Woolls A new Tax and vpon all Fells and Hydes which were to be transported out of this kingdome and also required the tenth part of euerie mans moueable goods and substance to maintaine his Warres which being granted hee caused it to be leuied by manie payments within the sp●●e of three yeares He also compelled the Clergie to bring into his Coffers all such summes of mony as they had promised to pay vnto the Pope towards the maintenance of the Christians Warre with the Turks in the Holie Land He also tooke vp one hundred thousand Quarters of the best Wheat and sent it to his Armies in Gascoyne and in Guyan where they fought with much courage and valour but with doubtfull successe sometimes gaining what was lost and sometimes loosing what they had wonne In the fiue and twentieth yeare of King Edwards Raigne 25. 1296. Iohn Baylyol inuadeth England Iohn Baylyol the King of Scots partly by the secret procurement of the French King and partly by the lewd aduice and counsell of factious and wicked persons sent a Defiance with a proud renunciation of his Fealtie and Homage to the King and with an Armie of braine-sicke Rebels entred into the Northerne parts of this kingdome where with fire and sword they oppressed such as could make no resistance and without pitie and compassion slew such as were armed in the defence of their Countrey and to saue themselues The King with an army marcheth against the Scots Whereupon King Edward recounting his manifold fauors and great loue to the said reuolted King and the high Honour wherewith not manie yeares before he had graced him and being resolued to correct his vnthankfulnesse with sharpe reuenge leuied a puissant Armie and marched in full strength towards the Northerne parts and found his fortune to be so fauourable Barwike wonne The Scots are ouerthrowne 25000 Scots are slaine that with much ease hee wonne the strong Castle of Barwike with the slaughter of fiue and twentie thousand Scots He also wonne the well-defended Castle of Donn-Barre and piercing into the sides of Scotland hee tooke Edenburrough and all other places of the best defence And the King of Scots perceiuing the dangerous estate wherein hee stood and reposing his last hopes in the Kings Grace by the aduice of all his Nobles repaired in person to the Kings presence The King of Scots yeeldeth himself and surrendreth his Kingdome He is sent to the Tower of London humbly submitted himselfe craued pardon
and solemnely surrendred his whole Kingdome into King Edwards hands Who forthwith sent the said Scottish King with a strong Guard to the Tower of London but gaue him large allowance both of Libertie and of Attendance and of his Diet. And then he committed the Gouernment of that Kingdome vnto Iohn Warrayne Earle of Sussex and of Surrey and made Sir Hugh Cressingham his High Treasurer and William Earnsley his chiefe Iustice of that Kingdome The King placeth a Gouernour ouer Scotland And hauing confined some of the Rebellious Peeres of Scotland within the Marches of England hee returned triumphantly and with great honour And then King Edward vsing great expedition and much policie for the refreshing and for the renewing of his Armie King Edward sayleth into Flanders and assisteth the Earle thereof transported it into the Territories of Guy then Earle of Flanders against whome Robert Earle of Arthois by the procurement and with the assistance of the French King made sharpe warre And the French King intending to hasten King Edwards returne into England to saue himselfe and his owne Countrey animated the Scots to rebell againe And they because they were factious and readie to doe vnto France all seruice vpon all commaunds The Scots rebell though with the hazard of their liues and of their lands without anie feare or fore-cast of their future miseries did put themselues in Armes But King Edward purposing to greete the French King and his Forces with a Souldiors welcome appointed Henrie Percie Earle of Northumberland and manie other Lords and Gentlemen of the best ranke The Scots are subdued for the repressing of that Rebellion who so manfully banged the Scots that they enforced them to flye out of the field and pursued them with a mercilesse slaughter and reduced the rest to their former dutie and obedience The French King dared not to fight with King Edward The French King perceiuing that his practise with the Scots wanted his hoped successe was not desirous to trie his strength with King Edward in the open field but reposing more confidence in his wit than in his valour hee proposed verie honourable conditions of amitie and loue which by King Edward were accepted and then a generall Peace was proclaymed betwixt them all And thus those Warres by King Edwards meanes and assistance receiued a short end A Peace is concluded which made a shew of long continuance with the expence of much bloud London is restored to her liberties After the Kings returne into England hee restored to the Citizens of London their Liberties which for manie vndutifull misdemeanors had remained forfeited in his hands for the space of twelue yeares The Scots rebell againe And forthwith hee ledde all his Forces into Scotland where a new Rebellion madly raged and could not be suppressed without much strength And being more willing that the execution of Iustice vpon few for examples sake should rather reclayme the multitude than that the Sword should wastfully consume them he required the deliuerie of their Leaders A mercifull King and offered his free pardon to the rest But their froward dispositions preparing them to much more miserie than as yet they had endured animated them obstinately to arme themselues and in warlike fashion to bid Battaile to the King Insomuch that his Highnesse finding his fauours to bee neglected and perceiuing that all extremitie was to be vsed The battaile of Fanrike The Scots are ouerthrowne 28. Englishmen slaine 32000. Scots are slaine set vpon them with such furie and violence that with the losse of eight and twentie of his followers and with the slaughter of two and thirtie thousand of the Scots hee enforced the rest to yeeld and taking a new Oath for their Fealtie and Homage he appeased that Countrey and to the great joy of all his people he returned againe into England Where vpon the earnest entreatie and request of Pope Boniface the eight hee enlarged Iohn Baylyol Who trauailed into France Iohn Baylyol set at libertie to take a view of his Lordships there which according to his owne name were called Baylyols Lands King Edward had no sooner finished these Troubles The Scots doe rebell againe but the Scots were in Armes againe So that the third time hee entred with a great Power into that Countrey where none were so daring or so hardie as to endure his presence The King leadeth an Armie into Scotland But the greater number of the Earles Barons and chiefest Gentlemen of that kingdome had withdrawne themselues into the strong Castle of Estryuelyne which was by them so strengthened that in their judgements it was impregnable This Castle was long besieged by the King Estryueline is besieged in which the Nobles are but to little purpose and hee much doubted least his continuance in that seruice would affoord him but little honor in the end Wherefore to make a tryall how farre his Inuention would take place he caused two paire of Gallowes to be set vp in the Castles view The Kings Policie and with the sound of a Trumpet did proclayme his free Pardon if the besieged did yeeld themselues within three daies but denounced death vnto them all by hanging without respect of Honor A Proclamation or of Person if obstinately they enforced him to continue a longer Siege And hereupon the besieged although they were so strongly immured that they might boldly haue trusted vpon their strong defence yet because they distrusted to be relieued Estryuelyne is yeelded they reposed their confidence in the Kings word and submitted both the Castle and themselues to his grace and mercie The Scots do swear their obedience to K. Edward whereof they had good proofe For taking new oaths for the performance of their obedience and dutie in future times he set them free and at libertie and the like oaths he tooke of all Iustices Mayors and other Officers of Townes Cities Castles and Forts and hauing disposed all things in a comely and in a peaceable order for the good gouernement of that Kingdome The Scottish chairn hee returned into England and brought with him for a memoriall of his great victorie a Chaire of stone in which the Kings of Scotland by common custom receiued their Enstallment and their Crowne which Chaire remaineth in the Kings Chappell at Westminster among the faire Monuments of our famous Kings of this Realme Assoone as King Edward was returned from his iourney he caused a general enquirie which was termed Troile Baston to be made throughout his Kingdome Troy-baston of the misdemeanours and oppressions of his Officers of all sorts A memorable deed done by a worthie King so that the number of the transgressors was such and so great were their offences and their fines so heauie that with their money the King filled his emptie coffers to the brimme discharged his old scores which were very great by reason of his warres in Wales
could inherit the Crowne but King Edward in regard that he was a Male though the descent of the Males was interrupted by a Female viz. by Queene Isabel his mother pretended that in right the Crowne of France was his and could not be depriued thereof by humane lawes The state of this question standing thus Sir Robert de Arthois Earle of Richmond daily whispered it into the Kings eare and with such forcible reson and perswasions so vrged the same that now the King beganne to thinke on nothing more then how to attaine to the Crowne of France Secrecie is the best fartherer of great negotiations The Counsell of the Earle of Henalt is craued A●de promised to the King The King is made Vicar generall of the Empire This busines as it was of extraordinarie waight and importance so it required the best secrecie vntill it were plotted wel For which purpose K. Edward by priuate messengers letters craued the aduice counsel of the Earle of Henalt his wifes father and brother-in-law to the French King and of Sir Iohn of Henalt Lord Beaumont his brother and of sundrie other great States and Princes of the Empire who not only counselled him by his sword to prosecute his right but made him offers of their assistāce by their best means They also procured King Edward by a solemne instrument in writing to bee created the Vicar Generall of the Empire by reason whereof he had the power to command the Nobles and the common people of those Countries to further his purpose and his doings ANNO 11. Whilest these things were thus contriuing in England and whilst king Philip de Valoys little thought that his kingdome and Crowne were aimed at The French King maketh incredible prouision to Warre in the Holy-land or that his strength should bee tr●ed with English warres he by the importunitie of Pope Benedict the eleuenth prepared such an Armie to haue made warres in the Holy-land as neuer before was conducted by anie Christian Prince He also committed the gouernment of his kingdome vnto his eldest sonne Iohn Duke of Normandie To whom by reason of his youth hee added for assistance a discreet wise and a graue Councell And when he had thus prouided and setled all thinges needfull for his huge armie The French King altereth his purpose and for the maintenance therof for three yeares space the reports of king Edwards claime and purpose began as a sodaine storme to breake forth and to be knowne Wherupon king Philip assuring himselfe that in his absence the English Armie would very litle regard such forces as should be left behinde and that his departure would encourage manie who hunted after nouelties and change rather to make offers of their seruice to his enemies He prepareth against England then to performe that dutie which by subiects was due vnto their king And knowing That it would be a ridiculous thing by dangerous attempts to winne honour abroad and to neglect the safetie of his owne kingdome and estate at home he desisted on the sodaine from prosecuting his journie into the Holy land and prepared strongly to defend himselfe against king Edward King Edward fils his Coffers and his claime And on the other side king Edward to the ende that nothing might be wanting when time should serue By manie politike deuices leuied such inestimable summes of monie Want of Money in England That for want of coyne among the common people a fat Oxe was sold for a noble a fat sheep for six pence sixe Pigeons for a pennie and a quarter of wheat for two shillings When he had thus done hee with Queene Philip his wife sailed into Flanders The King and Queene doe saile into Flanders where they remained all that winter and at Antwerp The king oftentimes conferred at length concluded with the Princes and States of Germanie and of those Prouinces He enleageth himselfe with the Germans and Belgicks vpon all things touching his said intended warre So that after his returne hee leuied a strong Armie King Edwards Armie which with his assisting friends consisted of seuen and twentie thousand chosen fighting men with which strength he landed in France King Edward landeth in France when the Sommer was almost spent The French King taketh the field The French king hauing an Armie which consisted of threescore thousand souldiors and being accompanied with the three kings of Behayne Nauarre and of Scotland with fiue Dukes Six and twentie Earles and more then foure thousand Lords and knights brauely entred into the field where hee found king Edward sufficiently prouided to shew himselfe a valiant man But whilest each Armie gazed on the other A woman parteth a great affray and expected manie houres which part should giue the first stroke of the battaile Behold and wonder and a strange wonder For betwixt both those Kings vpon the motion and through the mediation of the Ladie Iane Countesse of Henalt sister to King Philip and mother to King Edwards wife not a blow was giuen but on a sodaine Both the Armies were dissolued and King Edward with his friends and Nobles returned into England In the fourteenth yeare of King Edwards Raigne ANNO. 14 1339. The Germans incorporate themselues with King Edward in his Warres Vpon what conditions the Flemings ioyned with King Edward Hee quarters the Armes of France The French doe burne in England hee sayled into Flanders where at Brusels he met with the greater number of the Princes of Germanie who of their owne accords with heartie loue and forwardnesse incorporated themselues with king Edward in those his warres against France And at the instance of the king the said Princes entreated the Flemmings to joyne with them in that Enterprize and seruice whereunto they seemed willing to condiscend if king Edward would entitle himselfe king of France and would quarter the Armes of France with the Armes of England and would as king of France release vnto them a bond of two millions of Floreynes wherein they stood obliged not to wage anie warre against the king of France Whereunto the king yeelded and did performe all thinges according to their desires And thus hee consorted to his part the Germans and Flemmings in those affaires by promises oathes and by a solemne instrument in writing vnder their hands and seales Whilest king Edward was thus busied abroad the French kings Nauie landed many thousand men at Southhampton who ransacked the Towne and consumed it with fire and the like outrage and crueltie they exercised in the Countries thereunto adioyning The king immediately vpon his returne out of Flanders Summoned his high Court of Parliament in which A Parliament that nothing needfull might be wanting to furnish and to maintaine his warres with France a Subsidie of the fifth part of all his Subiects moueable goods was granted to him and the ninth part of their Corne A great Taxe Together with a large custome
themselues in prayer vnto God and moderatly refreshed themselus with som meat and some drinke laid themselues downe vpon the ground thereby to comfort and to ease themselues before they fought But the Frenchmen although they proudly bragged and profferd manie shewes yet for that day they wanted courage to beginne the fight Fifteene thousand Genowayes ouerthrowne But the next morning the French king commanded that fifteene thousand Genowayes with their Crosbowes should giue the first onset vpon the Prince his battaile But eyther for want of skill or else in making king more hast than good speed their disorder was so foule and so grosse That by the English Archers the greater part of them were slaine The maine Battaile of the French Armie is disordered and the rest were soone defeated and compelled to retire In which so violent was their hast and posting that in rude heapes they rushed into the French kings maine battaile and disordered it but were by their owne friendes without mercie put vnto the sword The Prince his Battaile receiueth the Frenchmen to their paine And though the French Armie by reason of their disorder not to bee repaired had little warrant for good successe yet being emboldned by reason of their multituds and being sharp set vpon reuenge aduanced themselus and charged gallantly vpon the English Armie but bent their chiefest strength against the Prince his battel who receiued them with such furie and hardie blowes that thousands of them almost in a moment were made Bond-slaues vnto death The benefit of good order For still the Prince his battaile remained entire and vnbroken By meanes whereof hee made prodigall expence and hauocke of the Frenchmen who being first broken could not obserue anie order at all nor helpe themselues by any ingenious pollicie of Warre And though they fell in great numbers before the Prince his battaile yet their new and copious supplies which alwayes succeeded those who were slaine gaue no leasure nor respit at all to the Prince nor to his assistants to take any breathing Much lesse to refresh themselues So that the braue Prince though he were full of incomparable valour and resolution yet being distressed for want of breath and of some reliefe hee sent to haue some helpe and succour from the King The King would not relieue the Prince his Sonne who inquired of the messinger if he were aliue who answered that he was Then quoth the King report to him from me that he expect no aide For this shall be the day in which hee shall winne his spurres or else shall loose his life For in life or in death hee shall ingrosse to himselfe the whole honour and glorie of this day When Prince Edward was informed what the King had said being vrged by sharp necessitie and animated with fresh hopes of a famous Victorie Hee with his companions in Armes renewed their strength and redoubled their manlike courage And wholly reposing their trust The French Armie is ouerthrowne and confidence in Gods goodnesse and in the edges of their hungrie swordes they fought with such vndaunted spirits that the Frenchmen beganne to flie and were so eagerly pursued That the greater part of their whole Armie lay breathlesse vpon the ground And in the Chace the two Marshals of England encountred with a multitude of the Inhabitants of Beuoys Reignyer An other French companie is slain Aubeuile and of Roan of whom seuen thousand were slaine and the rest by flight had much adoe in sauing of themselues And the next day the said Marshals were recharged by the Archbishoppe of Roan and by the Grand-Pryor of France No misfortune goeth alone who conducted a strong Armie to aide their king They not knowing that the Battaile was alreadie fought and the field lost by their friends With these new forces the English men encountred and contended so proudly that quickly they beganne to flie and were almost all wasted by the sword The number of Prisoners and of such as were slaine So that within the compasse of those two dayes there were slaine on the French part eleuen Princes fourescore Baron twelue hundred knights and more then thirtie thousand souldiours of the common sort And the French king himselfe by speedie flight very hardly escaped with his life The King giues away all the spoyles The whole bootie of this field the king frankly bestowed vpon his Nobles Gentrie and on his whole armie and caused the dead bodies of all such as were honorable and of note to be taken vp The Kings charitie and caried them with him vnto Mountrell where they were buried with much solemnitie and great honour Now when king Edward perceiued King Edward besiegeth Callice that the French king made no preparation at all for a new supply to encounter him hee marched towardes Callice burning spoiling and rifling all places as he passed by The Towne and Castle hee intended not to assault For as it would haue beene full of danger so hee knew the strength thereof to bee such that in assaulting it hee should both loose his labour and his men It therefore gaue him good content Two hundred thousand men in the French Kings armie The French to gird and to compasse it round about with a strong siege Which when he had continued a full whole yeare the French king with a huge army of two hundred thousand men marched towardes Callice But finding euerie passage and way in such warlike sort to bee garded and defended that he could not approach vnto the English armie Hee challenged king Edward to maintaine his honour Kings Challenge by fighting with him a battaile in the Field But king Edward by reason of his long siege hauing spent much Treasure and the Towne and Castle of Callice wanting manie things needfull King Edwards answere and necessary for their reliefe made this answere That his manie and great Victories in France and elsewhere sufficiently cleared him from the suspition of Cowardize and that seeing he had trauelled and spent so much time and monie for the winning of Callice the French king should open all passages by force and then make triall of his Strength before that Towne The French Armie Cashired or otherwise might returne Whereupon the French King not finding any meanes how he might releeue Callice cashired his Armie and retired leauing poore distressed Callice to the mercie of King Edward who daily expected when it should bee yeelded into his hands The Scots inuade England in the Kings absence The Queene fights with them Iohn Copland taketh the King of Scots are ouerthrowne Iohn Copland would not deliuer his Prisoner to the Queene Now whilest the King thus lay before Callice Dauid of Scotland with an Armie of fiftie thousand men by the procurement and furtherance of the French King entred into England and did much harme But the Queene with her Armie consisting only of twelue thousand valiant men confronted him in the
with three hundred men at armes vnder the Banner of Sir Walter of Mannie brake forth out of the Castle and furiously rushed vpon the Frenchmen who attended for better newes But when they did perceiue that they were deceiued they resolued to acquit themselues like men and for an houre and more so they did But when manie of them were slaine the rest fled and were thus depriued both of their manie and of their hope In this conflict the King himselfe encountred hand to hand with the Lord Eustace of Rybamount Sir Eustace Lord Rybamont a right hardie and valiant knight and was by him twice stooped on his knees But skorning to yeeld to anie base conceit or froward Fortune hee aduanced himselfe so nobly A noble King and in such sort redoubled his courage and his strength that in the end he tooke the said Sir Eustace prisoner with his own hand the said Lord not knowing with whom he had so sharply contended But the King making him to know all released him without Ransome promised him future fauours and dismissed him with a Princely reward About the same time the French king Philip of Valoys died The French King dieth ANNO 24. Iohn is Crowned King of France The Kings Victorie at Sea Guyens is yeelded to the Callicians ANNO. 25 ANNO. 27 A Duke of Lancaster Created How Iohn of Gaunt became Duke of Lancaster A Combate appointed betweene the Duke of Lancaster and the Duke of Brunswicke A reconciliation The Marts for England remooued from the Flemings and his sonne was crowned King In the beginning of his Raigne hee created Sir Charles a Noble man of Spaine Earle of Angolesme because he entred into the narrow Seas on the French behalfe with a powerfull Fleet and miserably spoiled robbed and rifled the English Marchants and exposed them to much crueltie With him king Edward fought and compelled him to flie hauing lost manie of his chiefest men and two and twentie of his best ships And about the same time the Castle of Guyens was yeelded to the Kings people of Callice and in the seuen and twentieth yeare of his Raigne hee created his Cousin Henrie of Bullinbrooke who was Earle of Darby Duke of Lancaster with whose daughter and heire the kings sonne Iohn of Gaunt afterwards married and was Duke of Lancaster in her right He also created Sir Roger Stafford Earle of Stafford The said Duke vpon some misinformation that hee should publish some disgracefull wordes of the Duke of Brunswicke was by him challenged to a single Combate before king Iohn of France whereof hee gladly accepted and at the appointed time they both being throughly fitted for that purpose entred with hautie courage into the Lists for the triall of their cause But they both of them were reconciled by the French King to the great contentment and honour of the Duke of Lancaster notwithstanding that he was an Englishman and a subject to his Enemie King Edward during the time of the aforesaid Truce had vsed all friendly meanes to reconcile the Flemmings and to draw them from the French to his owne part but finding that al his endeuours proued vaine and that no courtesie could winne them hee withdrew from them all his Marts for Marchandizing which Iaques Dartuell had procured for them Which thing in a short time became exceeding hurtfull and prejudiciall to the Flemmings And now the time of the former Truce with France being long since ended King Edward leuied a puissant Armie of his most expert and approued men of warre The Blacke Prince landeth in Gascoyne with an Armie which hee committed to the charge and Gouernment of his sonne the Noble and Valorous Prince of Wales sirnamed the Blacke Prince Who being accompanied with manie Earles Lords Knights and Gentlemen of name He preuaileth The French King l●uieth a huge armie departed out of England and landed in Gascoyne where hee ransacked spoiled burnt and consumed Villages Townes Cities Forts and Castles in all places as hee passed by without any resistance or defence But King Iohn of France intending to ●op this Torrent and making no doubt but that the multitude of his souldiers should giue him an easie Victorie ouer so small a Companie as the Prince conducted Ten thou●an● men only 〈◊〉 English Armie which exceeded not tenne thousand men Leuied a huge Armie which hee assembled from all places subiect to his Dominion And being accompanied with Philip his yonger sonne and with the Flower of all the Chiualrie of France He marched with great strength ANNo 30 1355. The Battaile of Poyters against the Black Prince whom he found neere vnto Poyters readily prepared in the field to receiue him The French armie was diuided into foure Battailes who as their turnes or lots came fought with much valour but with little vse of their great skill For the thicke shot of the English Archers galling vnmeasurably their great Horses was the cause that quickly they brake their order and their array which suddenly bred such a totall disturbance in the whole armie The French men are disordred that themselues as waues of water doe in a turbulent and in a tempestuous Sea ouerwhelmed each others so that such as were downe were troden to death by their owne friends who could not auoid them such as would presse forward to make good proofe of their valour were repressed by such as did retire And such as did recoyle were stopped and hindred of their purpose by those who could not choose but resist their comming backe Notwithstanding the French Kings owne Battaile which was better ordered then all the rest encountring with that Battaile of the English armie in which the Prince of Wales was performed most rare and wonderfull feates of Chiualrie King Iohn is a most valiant Prince which to the vtmost of their powers they encreased being extraordinarily animated thereunto by the matchlesse valour and fortitude of their King who like a worthie Knight for his surpassing valour and courage exceeded all his Nobles for performance of that day The Braue valour and resolution of the English But the Blacke Prince and his Battaile whom no disorder troubled striuing almost beyond the abilities of men to winne honour and to saue them selues remained vndaunted spirits And as dangers pressed forth so did they with incomparable manhood driue them backe againe making the Frenchmen know by their miserable experience that they could not so much as dreame of any flight The Blacke Prince his vow nor of yeelding but were so greedie of the best honour that nothing but Death or Victorie could content them The Prince himselfe vowed that through the helpe of Almightie God he would that day performe the part of a good Knight And to say the truth such were his vnmatchable deedes of armes so hautie was his spirit so pleasing was his example and so cheerefull were his encouragements to his whole armie that euery one among them striuing to imitate his valour
and to winne his fauour redoubled his strength The French Armie is ouerthrowne and with such resolution fell vpon the Frenchmen that they were compelled to giue backe and were so violently pursued that the battaile in which their King fought was now opened and in such sort disordered that the Englishmen entred into the midst of them wounding and killing on euerie side with little or no losse or danger to themselues And at length King Iohn and his yonger Sonne are taken Prisoners by Sir Dennis Morbecke King Iohn scorning to leaue the field yeelded himself his sonne Philip prisoners vnto Sir Dennis Morbeck a Knight of Saint Omers who for a murder forsooke his Countrie and serued for wages with the Blacke Prince In this battaile there were slaine verie manie great men of the Nobilitie and Gentrie of France and aboue ten thousand others Too much desire of Honour and too much couetousnesse The French King is ill vsed were the causes that the French King being thus taken was ill vsed For by reason that more than ten Gentlemen laide seuerall claimes vnto him as to their Prisoner hee was vnciuilly drawne from one to another not without some perill to his life but telling them that he was so great a Lord that hee could make them all rich they were better pleased and brought him to the Prince Who with great reuerence bowed himselfe before the King How the Black Prince receiued and entertained the French King and his Sonne The Blacke Prince bringeth the French King and his Son Prisoners into England Sir Dennis Morbecke reuiued his heauie spirits with cheerfull and with comfortable words feasted him and Phillip his yonger Sonne attended duetifully at his Table lodged him in his owne bed Prouided for him most honourable attendance Supplied all things about him which were wanting and brought them both from thence vnto Burdeaux and from thence into England where hee was ioyfully and royally receiued and wel-commed by the King and Queene and by the Nobilitie of this Kingdome and was entertained with as great magnificence and curtesie as he could expect or wish for And vpon King Iohns owne confession the honour of his taking was by King Edward adjudged to Sir Dennis Morbeck who for his great and good seruice was much thanked and bountifully rewarded by the King In this Battaile besides such as were slaine There were taken prisoners seuenteene Earles thrice as manie Barons Prisoners and so great a number of Knights and Gentlemen of name and of note that euerie English common souldier who had fewest prisoners had two all which A bountifull Prince together with the wohle spoiles of the field the Prince frankely and freely gaue to his companies who valiantly had wonne them by their swords The English Armie are made rich So that there was not a poore man in the English armie but euery one of them had as much Gold and as much Siluer Plate and Iewels as gaue him good contentment for his paines And such was their store and such was their plentie of those thinges that rich and costly Armours and such like warlike prouisions were not taken vp nor cared for at all How the French King was disposed of The French King for a while liued at the Sauoy which by King Edward was sumptuously furnished and beautified with all things necessary for so great a guest And from thence he was remooued to the Castle of Windsor where hee feasted hunted hawked and did all things according to his owne pleasure and will for the space of two yeares the King and the Blacke Prince as often as anie leasure gaue them leaue repairing thither and gladding him with their cheerefull and most friendly companie and with the varietie of manie pleasing sports By meanes whereof true and heartie loue and affection did knit them fast together so that they concluded a friendly Truce to continue for the space of two yeares The honourable prosperitie of King Edward and of the Blacke Prince And thus were King Edward and the Noble Prince his sonne honoured and blessed by Almightie God with such triumphant successe in their warres both in Scotland and in France they then possessing for their Prisoners at one time the Kings of those two Kingdomes and Philip the French Kings younger sonne and many Dukes Earles and Barons as none other Princes in Christendome then were King Dauid of Scotland is released And Dauid the King of Scots after tenne yeares of imprisonment in England was enlarged for a ransome of one hundred thousand pounds to be paid in fiue yeares And vpon his oath neuer againe to beare armes against England and vpon his Homage and Fealtie done for that Kingdome ANNO. 32 and vpon his faithfull promise to doe his best to procure the Nobilitie of Scotland to doe the like he was enlarged and set free ANNO. 33 The Dalphin allowes not his Fathers conclusions King Iohn of France committed to the Tower Not long after King Edward and the King of France entred into a parley for a longer time of Truce But their conclusions and agreements were vtterly disliked by his eldest Sonne Charles then Regent of France and Duke of Normandie and by the whole Baronie of that Countie Whereupon King Edward with all expedition and conuenient speed made greater preparation to make Warre there then hee had done at anie time before And hauing committed the French king and his sonne Philip with honorable attendance close prisoners to the Tower of London himselfe with the Blacke Prince his sonne transported thither a puissant Armie ANNO. 34. King Edward and the Black Prince doe land a puisant Armie at Callice The Regent Dolphin sueth for Pe●ce and landed at his Towne of Callice and from thence hee marched strongly vnto Rhemes where he besieged the Castle seuen weekes but did not winne it in the end From thence he marched towards Paris and Chartres wasting burning and killing in all places as he passed so that hee compelled the Regent and the Nobilitie of France to become earnest petitioners vnto him for peace which they obtained vpon these Articles ensuing 1. FIrst that King IOHN should pay for his ransom The Articles of the Peace fiue hundred thousand Pounds of sterling money 2. Secondly That from thencefoorth No King of France should aide or assist The Ransom any King of Scotland in any Warre or Rebellion against England And that no King of England should from thencefoorth take part with the Flemings in any expedition or Warre against France 3. Thirdly That the Kings of England should haue and for euer enioy freely without homage and in their owne right their Territories in Gascoyne and in Guyan with the Precincts Castles Forts Townes and Cities of Poyters and Perygrot The Earledomes of Bygrot Poytiau and Guyens the Citie of Lymoges Tharbes Guaire Agen Angolesme Agenoys Rauerne and Caours The Lordship of Xantes Caumesin Hammes Ouy and Mountrell with the
Seigniories of Callice Marguise Sandgate and Coloigne 4. And lastly That in regard thereof King EDWARD The Title to the Crowne of France is relinquished As well in the behalfe of himselfe as of his Successours Kings of England should vtterly renounce and leaue both the name and title to the Kingdome of France And for the performance of these Articles ANNO. 34 How the obseruation of this Peace was ratified The King and Prince returne into England Charles the Regent of France and the Prince of Wales in the presence of six Knights of either Nation receiued the holy Sacrament at the high Altar and then King Edward and his sonne returned into England and were with all complements of loue and kindnesse entertained and feasted at the Tower of London by the French King who was conueyed from thence to Callis The French King feasteth them The two princes sweare Hostages where according to agreement he remained foure moneths and then King Edward repaired to him and both of them at a high Masse solemnly swore to obserue performe and keepe the said Articles and the peace And King Iohn for the hostages of his Ransome deliuered to King Edward foure Dukes seauen Earles ten Barons many Knights and two of the worthiest Burgesses of euery great Citie in France and tooke a most friendly leaue of the King and of the Prince of Wales and departed towards Boleine King Iohn was a prisoner foure yeares he hauing remained a prisoner more then foure yeares And King Edward with his sonne returned into England bringing with them their honorable Hostages who were with all humanitie and kindnesse feasted and entertained by the King and by his Nobilitie and were permitted freely to vse all sports pastimes and exercises for pleasure and contentation as they pleased ANNO. 37 Three Kings doe visite King Edward King Iohn dieth in England The Blacke Prince liueth in Burdeaux ANNO. 40 The causes of King Edwards future losses in those Countries Peter King of Castile is deposed by Henry the Bastard King Charles the fifth taketh part with Henrie the Bastard The Blacke Prince being victorious resetleth Peter in his Kingdome About two yeares after king Edward was at one time visited for loue and kindnesse onely and for no businesse at all by three Kings that is to say by king Iohn of France Dauid the king of Scots and by the king of Cyprus and were with all munificent bountie and liberalitie feasted and honored by the King but king Iohn fell sick and dyed in the Sauoy and his body was conuayd vnto S. Dennis in France where with great pomp and princely ceremonies it was buried The next yeare following the noble Prince of ●ales and his wife being very gallantly attended and prouided went vnto Burdeaux where he liued and gouerned the kings Prouinces thereabout and elsewhere in France to the great contentment and good liking of the Nobles and commons of those Countries In the fortith yeare of king Edwards raigne an vnfortunate businesse was taken in hand by the valiant Prince of Wales which albeit it were performed with great resolution and was rewarded with deserued honor yet within few yeares by reason of a future accident it was the occasion that king Edward lost a great part of his territories in France and it was thus Peter the true and lawfull king of Castile was in the field ouerthrowne put to flight and dispossessed of his Crowne by Henry his Bastard Brother who was assisted by Charles the fifth the sonne of Iohn the deceased king of France This poore distressed king in his wants and miserie repaired to the Prince of Wales for ayd who for his restoring and vpon large and faithfull promises of liberall pay and great rewards conducted an armie into Castile And albeit that the Spanish and the French forces were in number four times more then the Princes were yet in a bloudie battaile the most of them were slaine and the rest were put to flight And king Peter was againe restored to his Crowne and setled in his kingdome by the Prince who returned againe to Burdeaux with great honor But not long after Henry the Bastard Henrie the Bastard taketh and slaieth Peter Peters two heires married to Iohn of Gant and Thomas of Woodstocke The want of pay was the Prince his ouerthrow This Taxe mard all being newly supplied with fresh forces warred with such great furie and violence vpon king Peter that he subdued him and to preuent all future claymes and troubles which he might make he caused him to be put to death But his two daughters and heires were after marryed vnto Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and to Thomas of Woodstock two of king Edwards sonnes By reason of king Peters death the Prince his souldiours being hopelesse to receiue their promised pay and large rewards and being oppressed with many wants daily petitioned the Prince to supply their need But he finding none other meanes to support their necessities nor being stored with money to relieue their pouertie imposed contrary to the customes of those Countries diuers Taxes vpon the inhabitants of Aquitaine which so highly did displease them that the Lords thereof complained of this sharp noueltie to the French king who flatly contrary to the Articles not long before concluded on for peace betwixt England and France arrogated to himselfe the Soueraignty ouer the Prince The French King breakes the League and his Dominions in France and sommoned him to appeare before him at Paris So that the peace and those agreed Articles were broken by the French king The Prince sommoned to appeare at Paris Warres proclaimed Almost all do reuolt from the Prince The mutabilitie of fortun An vnfortunate yeare and warres were againe proclaymed betweene England and France But before the Prince of Wales could enable his forces for a strong defence the inhabitants of those Countries for the most part reuolted from him and dayly yeelded their Townes Cities Forts and Castles into the hands of the French king So that king Edward who for the space of forty yeares together was most honorable and more fortunate then any other Christian Prince by gayning of incredible victories vpon the Scots and French Nation within the compasse of one yeare without blowes lost almost all his Commaund in those Prouinces which by the said agreement and articles of peace were allotted and by solemne oath assured vnto him King Charles of France forgetting what he had sworne ANNO. 43 The French Name and pleasing himselfe thus quietlie to be made the Lord of all those Countries which were assigned to king Edward conceiued strong hope not only to defeat him vtterly of all these Countries but also to vex him at home in his owne kingdome And for that purpose he furnished a strong Nauie with which he kept the Narrow Seas But king Edward to driue those forces back againe sent his sonne Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster Iohn of Gant with an
the said thirteene Commissioners and manie others to bee guiltie of High Treason because they had compelled the king against his will and conscience to ratifie the said Commission by his oath and vnder his Great Seale And then they went to Couentrie where the said Iudges by an instrument in writing vnder their hands and seales declared and confirmed their opinions touching those matters to be agreeable and consonant to the Lawes of this Realme Now for a while must we leaue the king and his Nobilitie perplexed with manie euill conceits each of the other and studying vpon the future euents of those former conclusions and will informe the Reader that the time of Truce betwixt England and France was more then fully ended The French Lords and Gentlemen come to animate the Scots against England Their course entertainment They inuade England They make a troublesome iournie into Wales King Richard with an army of 68000. men entreth and spoileth Scotland and that the French king to beget more broyles at home sent his Admirall into Scotland with a thousand Lords knights and Gentlemen compleatly armed and furnished with armour and with weapons sufficient for one thousand more But such was their course and homely entertainment that vpon their first arriuall the Common people abandoned their companie making no manner of reckoning or accompt of them nor relieuing of their wants with any thing which was needfull but suffered them to be oppressed with as manie miseries as strangers being in a forraine and in a poore Countrie were able to endure vntill they ioyned with the Scottish armie which consisted of thirtie thousand men And with them they entred into England and did much harme But when they were informed that the king with eight thousand men at armes and threescore thousand Archers trauailed hard iournies to encounter with them they then forsooke their ordinarie march and passages and went ouer the high and craggie Mountaines into Wales where they committed manie vile and wicked outrages which turned little to their commoditie and gaine But in the meane time king Richard with fire and sword entred into Scotland where being vnresisted he rifled and burnt the Townes and Cities of Eden-burgh The French and Scots return into that wasted Countrie Saint Iohns Estreuelinge Dondée and manie others and returned home And the Scots and Frenchmen retyred themselues into Scotland where by reason of the late hauock and ruines of that kingdome the French Gallants were worne out with more necessities than before The great miserie of the Frenchmen For neither could or would the Townes or Countrey affoord them anie helpe and the apparant hazard of their liues by the violence of the poore distressed Scots did altogether terrifie them from foraging abroad How the Scots abused and wronged them And in the end to adde vnto them greater affliction than all the rest the Scots compelled their meanest Gentlemen without their horses and vnarmed and pennilesse to returne into France but kept as pledges or as pawnes the Admirall and such as were honourable and great vntill a full reckoning and an amends were made vnto them for all such losse and damages as by the English armie they had sustained affirming That the French king had engaged Scotland in those warres not for themselues but to serue his owne turne and in his seruice The King of France is enforced to redeeme his subiects The French king though angred at the heart to be thus abused yet finding none other meanes to enlarge the Admirall and such other great men as he had employed in those Warres sent to the Scots as much money as was demanded and thereupon the French Admirall Barons and Gentry were dismissed and returned home hauing small cause to bragge of their successe or of their entertainment in that journey The French King dreameth to conquer England But the French king intending to relieue himselfe and to wrecke his anger vpon England resolued to transport into this kingdome such an Armie as should make an absolute Conquest of this whole Land And to further his prouisions therein he imposed manie grieuous and intolerable Taxes on his people which were not leuied without much grudging and great trouble His whole Fleet consisted of more than twelue hundred saile of shippes 1200. shippes The number of his men was extraordinarie and exceeding great and such were his prouisions that among Christian Princes the like before was seldome seene or heard of The great Armie of the English King Richard who was verie valiant and cared not for his approach was readily prepared to giue him a welcome with tenne thousand gallant men at armes and with more than one hundred thousand fighting men besides such as furnished his braue Nauie on the sea and besides all such as for the defence of Callice were sent thither Homo ponit disponit autem Deus Experience teacheth vs That the greatest preparations for anie Expedition whatsoeuer are made in vaine if the thing to which they are intended and directed be not seconded by GODS fauor as by this example it shall appeare For when the French souldiors were departed from their owne dwellings The disorders of the French souldiors and trauelled disorderedly towards the place where their shippes lay they robbed and spoyled in all Prouinces and in all Countries through which they passed with greater furie and with more violence than commonly the English or anie other forraine enemie accustomed to doe The men and the enterprise are accursed by the oppressed people So that the inhabitants of all places subject to their crueltie and vnciuill outrage were not onely in the highest degree displeased and discontented but by solemne imprecations they cursed both them and the action likewise which they had in hand And when those loose companions came into the Low-Countries where the Fleet was The French Armie are in great miserie such were their wants of all things needfull to relieue them by reason of their excessiue numbers and by reason of the long absence of the Duke of Berrey the French kings vncle who hasted not thither nor liked well of that journey although it altogether depended vpon his furtherance and presence that first they sold their armor and their weapons then their horses They sell all and last of all their clothes to prouide them meat And when all those means failed them then they daily yea hourely The Armie is dissolued committed such violence and such outrages in those Countries without controlment that they became hatefull and odious to the inhabitants Parturiunt Montes nascitur ridiculus Mus. and at length the King their master being vtterly discouraged by his said vncle in this attempt dissolued his whole Armie And thus at one instant almost he lost both his honor and his hope his money and manie great things besides And the end of those his great designes affoords vs libertie to returne againe to our highly displeased and
made him Duke of Norfolk he being altogether vnworthie of so great honor 8. Item that the King to further his last Expedition for Ireland without law without iustice tooke from the Clergie and many Religious houses great store of monie plate iewels and rich ornaments not hauing the owners consent so to doe 9 Item that in the same iournie without the approbation of his Counsell of Estate hee carried with him into Ireland the plate and rich iewels belonging to the Crowne which might haue tended to the great inpouerishment of this Realme 10 Item that in euerie Shire he had secret Intelligencers vpon whose bare information that ane man had repined at the Kings bad gouernement the partie so accused without examination or triall was enforced to procure his pardon by the payment of a grieuous fine 11 Item that by the lewd aduise of his wicked Counsellours hee had deuised manie subtle and craftie Oathes by meanes whereof manie of his honest Subiects had beene vndone 12 Item that by the like aduise and counsell he procured Ruffians and desperate companions to accuse rich but weake men of sundrie falsly-supposed crimes and imagined offences and by meanes thereof enforced them to redeeme the combate with much monie 13 Item that he gaue large gifts vnto wicked and lewd companions who malitiously to aduance their owne Estates animated him against diuers of his Barons who only desired a good reformation of his euill gouernment and imposed diuers Taxes vpon his people to enrich them 14 Item that hee had procured such Records to bee cancelled and imbeselled as testified his extortions and his oppressions vniustly imposed vpon his people 15 Item that he had oftentimes said that the Lawes of his Kingdome were in his owne breast and that vpon this opinion hee had put to death manie of his noble men and some of his inferiour subiects without iust cause 16 Item that most of his writings and letters vnto foraigne Princes and Estates were so craftie ambiguous doubtfull and vncertaine that they could not relie confidently vpon anie thing which he had written 17 Item that in his Parliament holden in the one and twentieth yeare of his Raigne his Cheshire Guard who onely were permitted and suffered to weare weapons committed many Robberies and Murders and yet not one of them was punished or reproued for the same 18 Item that to insinuate fauour with those loose and lewd companions the King had basely and fondly dishonoured his High Estate and Soueraigntie by entitling himselfe The Prince of Cheshire 19 Item that whereas in the same Parliament sundrie great Lords intended liberally and dutifully to haue spoken of such things as were not well ordered to the end that they might haue beene reformed the King in such sort threatned them that for feare of ensuing dangers they held themselues silent and spake not at all 20 Item that hee exacted great fines from the wealthiest of his Subiects for adhearing to the Barons notwithstanding that in full Parliament he had before granted them his free pardon 21 Item that by himselfe and his owne authoritie he had displaced diuers Burgesses of the Parliament and had placed such other in their roomes as would better fit and serue his owne turne 22 Item that contrarie to his solemne Oath and instrument in writing vnder the great Seale of his Kingdome Hee had not only disallowed the Commission granted in the same Parliament to the thirteene Lords to enquire of and to reforme the great abuses and the apparant misgouernment of the Common-Weale But also had exiled beheaded and otherwise executed diuers Noble Men and others who for the Kings honour and for the safetie and welfare of the Common-Weale had procured the said Commission or had executed the said Authoritie according to the trust and confidence in them reposed 23 Item that whereas hee had caused certaine Lawes in the same Parliament to bee made for his owne gaine and to serue his owne turne hee procured the Popes Bulles to curse such as should withstand or disobey them which thing greatly tended to the derogation of his Crowne and was done expressely against his owne law made against the Authoritie of the Pope within this Realme but seuen yeares before 24 Item that hee had displaced lawfull and good Shiriffes and had elected others whom he suffered to continue and to hold the said Office two yeares together and more because their vniust oppressions augmented and encreased his gaine King Richard confesseth all the Articles The transcript of all these Articles and Obiections were by both the Houses of Parliament authentically sent vnto the king who not only confessed them to bee true and acknowledged his owne insufficiencie to rule and to gouerne better but also by a plaine He resignes his Crowne King Richard is deposed Henrie Duke of Lancaster is made King Thomas Arundell restored to the Archbishopprick of Canterburie and exact instrument in writing vnder his hand and Seale hee resigned his Crowne and kingdome to his Cousin Henrie of Bullinbrooke Duke of Lancaster which being read publikely and beeing generally ratified approoued and confirmed by the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and by the Commons in the same Parliament assembled they deposed king Richard and made the said Duke king And his true and faithfull friend and his companion in Banishment Thomas Arundell Archbishoppe of Canterburie being then and there restored to his place and dignitie installed the said Henrie in the kingly Throne And the late King Richard was sent to Pomfret Castle there to bee safely kept and with Princely honour to bee maintained but verie shortly after by the new kings direction and commaundement who feared least his Estate might bee shaken so long as Richard liued hee was wickedly and villanously assaulted in his Lodging King Richard is cruelly murdered by Sir Pierce Exton and eight other armed men from one of which with a Princely courage hee wrested a browne-Bill and therewith slewe foure of his Mischieuous and Vngodly Assailants He was very valiant and with admirable resolution fought with all the rest vntill comming by his owne Chaire in which the base Cowardly Knight himselfe stood for his owne safetie hee was by him striken with a Polle-axe in the hinder part of his head Though hee were an euill King yet no religion warranted those vniust proceedings so that presently he fell downe and died And thus was hee wicredly and treacherously murdered and his bodie buried at Langley but was afterwardes remoued vnto Westminster where it now lieth THE HISTORIE OF KING HENRIE THE FOVRTH ALTHOVGH the Crowne of England ANNO. 1. 1399. in right if Richard the deposed king should die without issue was by succession to descend vnto Edmund Mortimer Earle of March the Son and heire of Edmund Mortimer by Philip his wife who was the daughter and heire of Lionel Duke of Clarence the third sonne of Edward the third Yet his Cousin Henrie of Bullinbrooke Duke of Hartford and
troubles and turmoiles at home gaue him aduise to make himselfe more strong by procuring of great friends abroad In the third yeare of his Raigne hee required Henrie Percie Earle of Worcester Henrie Percie Earle of Northumberland and Henrie Hot-spurre his sonne to deliuer vnto him such Scottish Prisoners as they had taken in those last warres But they affirmed stoutly that by the Lawes of Armes and Chiualrie those Prisoners belonged vnto them and thereupon they refused to deliuer them vnto the King By meanes whereof some vnkindnesse grew betwixt the king and them which not long after was made apparant to the World For the Percies now beganne to resolue vpon the restoring of their inthralled Cousin Edmund Mortimer Earle of March both vnto his libertie and also to his Crowne and to depose King Henrie if by anie meanes and endeauours they could bring their purposes to passe Yet for a time they concealed their intent and making none other shew but of naturall kindnesse and friendship to the said Earle in regard of their affinitie and kindred earnestly praied the king to ransome him and to set him free They desire the King to Ransom him because he was vnfortunately taken in his seruice and was oppressed with much miserie But the king not hearkning to their sute nor indeed desiring that he should bee enlarged made answere and caused it to be proclaimed The King wil not but accuseth him that the said Earle had voluntarily caused himselfe to bee taken prisoner so that Rebels hauing him in their custodie and companie might pretend some colour therwith to varnish such Conspiracies and Treasons as secretly they had plotted and contriued against his Crowne and him and that therefore his owne safetie and his good discretion gaue him aduise and counsel not to hearken to their motion but to punish his offence The Percies hauing receiued this answere ANNO. 4. Sir Edmond Mortymer is Ransomed by the Percies and being much grieued with the said Proclamation and being resolued no longer to delay and to deferre the enlargement of the said Earle paid his Ransome to Owen Glendor and redeemed him at their owne cost and secretly entred into such a League of friendship and familiaritie with Owen Glendor Owen Glendor conspireth with the Percies that hee faithfully promised to sticke vnto them stoutly whensoeuer they would attempt the deposing of king Henrie And then the said Lords Percies being by reason of their Scottish prisoners assisted with a multitude of warlike Scots ioyned vnto their part the Earle of Stafford and Richard Scrope Archbishop of Yorke brother to the beheaded Earle of Salisburie and manie others who encreased their numbers with Englishmen and purposed to ioyne with Owen Glendor and his Welch Consorts in the deposing of the king against whom by way of accusation they framed certaine Articles which they published and sent them to him in writing to this effect Articles against King HENRIE 1. INprimis That when hee came into England from his Banishment he tooke an oath only to challenge and to recouer his inheritance and his wiues and not to intermedle with the King nor with the Crowne By reason of which oath diuers loyall and good Subiects to King Richard resorted vnto him not hauing anie treasonable intent But when he perceiued that his strength was so much encreased that he might doe what hee pleased hee wickedly brake his oath and without anie title or right procured himselfe to be made and to be crowned King 2 Item that not only as an Archtraitor hee had imprisoned his naturall and vndoubted Lord and Master King Richard but had caused him wickedly and traiterously to be murdered that with greater securitie hee might enioy his Crowne and his Kingdome 3 Item that euer since the death of King Richard hee had vniustly kept the Kingdome and the Crowne from his Cousin Edmund Mortimer Earle of March who was the sonne and heire of Philip the daughter and heire of Lionel Duke of Clarence elder brother to Iohn of Gaunt father to the vsurping King 4 Item that when no want or need compelled him hee had imposed diuers Subsidies and taxes vpon the people to their great griefe and discontentment of which they willingly would but dared not to complaine 5 Item that no iustice could be expected at his hand because contrarie to the oath which hee tooke when hee was crowned he had by letters written and sent into sundrie Shires procured certaine Burgeships for the Parliament all which hee bestowed vpon such as would not faile to serue his turne when opportunitie did serue 6 And lastly that whereas in honour and for affinities sake hee ought to haue ransomed and redeemed his said Cousin the Earle of March from his strait and loathsome imprisonment and the rather for that hee was earnestly solicited so to doe he not only denied the said request but falsly and vntruly published and proclaimed that the Earle himselfe was of his owne accord become a voluntarie Prisoner to the end that Traitors and Rebels ioyning with him might haue somwhat wherewith they might colour such Treasons as they would conspire against him For all which causes and manie others more The Percies doe defie the King they vtterly defied him as a Traytor and as a Vsurper and as an enemie they vowed his destruction and the restoring of the said Earle to his Right The King perceiuing that nothing but strong blowes could end this strife and being persuaded The King rayseth an Armie that if hee became victorious in this Rebellion he should bereaue all his enemies of all hope to preuaile in the like attempts had leuied a strong Armie with which hee marched couragiously against those Lords hoping to meet with them before they should joyne their forces with the Welchmen and so great was his care The battaile of Shrewsburie that he failed not therein of his purpose For both their Armies met neare vnto Shrewsburie and in their first encounter the Scots gaue a braue onset vpon the King But with such hardie violence he receiued them The Scots are ouerthrowne that almost in a moment the greatest part of them were slaine Yet notwithstanding the Lords and their Armie stoutly performed their taske and fought with such admired courage and resolution that they persuaded themselues of good successe vntill the King and the martiall Prince his sonne determining by honourable death rather to be subdued 3. 1401. The Percies are ouerthrowne than to become the laughing stocks of aduerse and froward fortune redoubled their strength and valour and by their particular examples each to the other they so renewed the fight that Sir Henrie Hotspurre and some others of the principall Leaders of those companies and manie thousands more were slaine and his vncle the Earle of Worcester was taken prisoner in the field and the rest fled And so the King with the losse of sixteene hundred of his souldiours The King himselfe slew 36. Douglas is
hundred valiant men at armes who had kept together and had not fought one stroke that day But as a small and a weake vessell is quickly swallowed vp into a wrathfull Sea so this poore handful was by and by crushed and almost euerie one of them was slaine Afterwardes when King Henrie by his Scoutes receiued certaine intelligence that euerie Coast about him was cleare and that such of his Enemies as were couragious and would fight lay dead vpon the ground The King his Armie giue thankes to God for their great victorie and none were so hardie as to shew their faces the king about foure of the clocke in the afternoone of the same day caused his whole armie vpon their knees to ioyne with him in heartie prayer and in thankfulnesse vnto Almightie God who only and alone by his powerfull aid and assistance had giuen to him and them a most incredible and a glorious Victorie This dutie being thus deuoutly accomplished The spoiles the common souldiours had franke leaue and licence granted them to rifle those whome they had slaine By meanes whereof they not only waxed rich but also stored themselus with al such necessaries and prouisions as before they wanted and then the King marched forward and with much ioy and great honour was receiued into his strong towne of Callice In this battaile The French Noble● were slaine were slaine Charles Lord Delabreth high Constable of France Iaques of Chastilion Lord of Dampier High Admirall of France Iohn Duke of Alenson Anthonie Duke of Brabant Edward Duke of Barre the Earles of Marle Vawdemont Blawmount Grand-preé Russey Fawlconbridge Foys and Lastrake twentie and fiue Lords eight thousand Knights and Esquires and Gentlemen of armes and name and about sixteene hundred of the common sort besides those who were taken Prisoners taken and remained prisoners among whom these were the chief Charles Duke of Orleance Iohn Duke of Burbon the lords of Donuart Fosseux Humiers Roy Cawny Hamcourt Noell Bonciqualt and some others And on the other part were slaine Edward Duke of Yorke and the Earle of Suffolke The slaine Englishmen and of all others not aboue six hundred persons When King Henrie and his souldiours had a while refreshed themselues in Callice The King with his armie arriue in England they tooke shipping and being enriched with Siluer Gold and braue and costly Armours they all arriued safely in England and the King was receiued into London triumphantly and with much joy When the French king and the Dolphin were informed of the said great and insupportable ouerthrow it is not to be wondered at if melancholie passions and much griefe surcharged them to the verie heart and made them doubtfull of the euent of this businesse But the slaughter of the French prisoners foolishly occasioned by the base attempt of Robynet of Bonuyle Robynet of Bonuyle and his complices imprisoned and of his companions who cowardly ransacked the English Campe and the kings Tents in the heat and furie of the aforesaid Battaile perplexed them more than all the rest but especially the Dolphin who imprisoned the Ringleaders of that follie and would haue sentenced them to death if suddainely himselfe had not after died The Dolphin dieth whose death much amazed the weake and much diseased French King But making a vertue of necessitie and intending by some prouident course to preuent such mischiefes which future attempts did threaten The Earle of Arminake is made High Constable of France he made the Earle of Arminack who was a stout and a warlike Captaine High Constable of France and placed in his other great martiall Offices none but such as by their valour and good tryall had made best proofe of their sufficiencie to performe them New French Officers These newly established Officers leuied manie companies of the most able and stoutest men in sundrie places of that kingdome And at the same time the Kings vncle Thomas Duke of Exeter Thomas duke of Exeter has gallant seruice and Captaine of Hareflew intending to exercise his souldiors in feates of Warre and by some suddaine seruice both to enrich them to winne honour to himselfe and to endamage his enemies issued out of that Towne with three thousand men well armed to the proofe and marched through those Countries burning rifling and spoyling vntill hee came almost to the Citie of Roan where hee was encountred by the new Constable of France who with fiue thousand horsemen hauing a resolution in this exploit to winne his Spurres so sharpely charged the Duke and his followers that hee compelled him though in good order The new Constable is ouerthrowne and with little losse to retyre But the Frenchmen determining their vtter ouerthrow pursued them still with eager spirits vntill they came almost to the Barriers of Harflew which when the rest of the Englishmen who were within the Towne perceiued they issued forth in good order joyned with the Dukes companies and then they all with their entire strength so furiously opposed themselues against the Constable and his Associates that with the slaughter of manie of their horses and souldiors they were enforced to flie away and were chased by the English Victors more than two myles and diuers of them who were taken prisoners could not obtaine their libertie vntill they had procured it with large Ransomes Sigismond the Emperor in vaine mediateth a peace About this time Sigismond the Emperour of Germanie came into England endeuouring to conclude a friendly peace betwixt England and France His heartie welcome and his great entertainment liberally sorted with the high calling of so great a Prince But his motion was barren and fruitlesse of good speeding In his departure the King accompanied him to Callice from whence hee returned home And thither vpon honourable hostages repaired to King Henrie the Duke of Burgoine and betwixt them a friendly peace The Duke of Burgoine is suspected by the French King concerning onely the Counties of Flanders and of Arthois was concluded For which matter the Duke was had in great jealousie and suspected to be a secret enemie to the Crowne of France Not long after the new Constable of France with a strong armie vpon the Land 4. 1415. Harflew besieged by the French and Iohn Vicount Narbon Vice-admirall of France with fiue hundred ships at the mouth of the Riuer of Seyne besieged Harflew on euerie side and made little doubt to winne it in few weekes But when King Henrie was aduertized in what sort the Towne and his Subiects were distressed with extraordinarie care and expedition hee leuied a powerfull armie The English Nauie doe ouerthrow the French Fleet consisting of 500. shippes and transported it thither in two hundred warlike and strong shippes of these hee made Generall his brother Iohn Duke of Bedford and associated to him in that expedition the Earles of March Oxford Huntingdon Arondel Salisburie and Deuonshire and manie Barons Knights and
tyre out his Armie to pursue him Wherefore hee returned ouer the Riuer of Loyre and tooke eyther by force or by voluntarie yeelding manie Townes and Castles vnto his owne vse P● Henry is borne About the same time Queene Katherine was deliuered of a Sonne at Windsour who was named Henrie Of whose birth as soone as the King had notice he said vnto the Lord Fitz-Hugh his Chamberlaine The Kings words I HENRIE borne at Monmouth shall remaine but a short time and gaine much but HENRIE borne at Windsour shall raigne long and lose all The King who for manie weekes together had besieged the well-defended Towne of Meux in Bry enforced it to bee yeelded into his hands and thereupon all the Townes and Fortresses in the Isle of France in Lanuoys in Bry and in Champaigne did the like The Dolphin entreth into the Duke of Burgoines countrey When the Dolphin vnderstood that the King with his Armie was departed farre away from him hee raysed another Armie and entred into the Duke of Burgoines Countries wasting and consuming it with Sword and with Fire and straitly besieged the Citie of Cosney Cosney is besieged which by composition was to be yeelded to him if it were not rescued within tenne daies Of this Agreement notice was sent by the Duke of Burgoine to the King with a request That he would send a power conuenient for the remoue of the said Siege The King goeth to relieue Cosney Whereupon the King in his owne person being accompanied with a gallant companie marched towards that Citie to set it free But as he trauelled on the way he fell so sicke that he was vnable to trauaile anie further The King falleth sick So the charge of that expedition was committed to his brother Iohn Duke of Bedford whose passage forth was noysed to the Dolphin to be with such an high courage and souldior-like resolution that the Dolphin fearing to grapple with him raysed his siege The Dolphin sayeth and most dishonourably retyred himselfe and his Armie into Berry And thus was that Citie rescued and deliuered by the English The King by reason of his encreasing sicknesse waxing more weake and feeble was carried vnto Boys in Vyncennes where within few dayes he was summoned by Death to depart into another world But before he died The Kings Speech before he died he called vnto him his two brothers Iohn Duke of Bedford and Humfrey Duke of Glocester the former hee made Lieutenant Generall of Normandie and Regent of the kingdome of France and the other he made Protector of England and of his sonnes owne person Hee embraced his approaching end comfortably in regard that though his time had been but short yet it was beautified with matchlesse fame and honour which longer continuance being the professed enemie of stabilitie might haue changed He exhorted them and his Nobles who then were present to maintaine true and heartie loue and friendship with his noble and faithfull friend Philip Duke of Burgoine and neuer to be at variance with him Hee persuaded them to nourish and to cherish an vnseparable vnitie and faithfull friendship among themselues to be faithfull and louing to his young infant sonne and their succeeding king Henrie and by all meanes to bee helpefull ayding and assisting to his most sad dolorous and mournefull Queene to preserue and to maintaine by Wisdome Policie and Armes those things which he by valour and GODS furtherance had honourably wonne and gotten Neuer to conclude any peace or amitie with the late Dolphin and Duke of Alanson vntill they were enforced to submit themselues to his sonnes grace and mercie Finally he thanked Almightie GOD who had made him Religious Vertuous Honest and Victorious The King died and died the last day of August in the yeare of our LORD GOD 1422. in the eight and thirtieth yeare of his Age when hee had raigned but nine yeares fiue moneths and foure and twentie dayes And his bodie being conueyed into England was buried among his noble Progenitors at Westminster with extraordinarie solemnitie and great pompe THE HISTORIE OF KING HENRIE THE SIXT KIng Henrie the fifth died when his sonne Henrie was but nine months old 1422. 1 A yong king but well gouerned Yet was hee so fortunate in his beginning that his Youth and Gouernment were worthily supported by his three vncles Humfrey Duke of Glocester who when the King was crowned was made Protector both of his Person and also of his Realme Iohn Duke of Bedford who was established Regent of France and Thomas Duke of Exeter who graced all his actions with much wisdome and great valour Needfull it was that the new Protector and the Regent should make the vtmost tryall of their sufficiencies to the World For whereas in the end of the Kings fathers dayes France is vnwilling to remain English the Nobilitie of France incorporated themselues to the English Nation and heartily enuied the Dolphin King Charles about this time died and the vnconstant Frenchmen began to play an Irish game For on a suddaine manie of those dissembling and fained friends renounced their duties and obedience to King Henrie and vtterly neglecting the performance of Oathes of Allegeance made vnto him they reuolted and not onely adhered to Charles their new King but by all sinister practises and meanes they endeuoured to extirpe the English Nation among them if they might The Regents Policies The Protector at home by the aduise and counsell of the Statists plotted manie Proiects for the retayning of the Kings inheritance in Normandie and in France and for that purpose he furnished the Regent with store of Souldiours Siluer and of Gold The Regent also leuied a strong Armie in Normandie among his choysest and chiefest friends whome by substantiall arguments and sound reasons hee persuaded to perseuere and to continue loyall to his Master and not to be wearied with anie labour or daunted with anie danger because a peacefull and a blessed conclusion should make them rich and fortunate and winne to them the loue and fauour of their young King as hee encreased in wisedome and in yeares And on the other side Charles the new King spared not anie paines but did the like insomuch that nothing but tyrannizing Warre and the vnchristian effusion of much bloud was thought vpon And to begin those Troubles the French King sent the Lord Grandeuyle Pont-Melance taken with a selected companie to Pont-Melance which standeth on the Riuer of Seyne which hee surprized and slew the most part of them whom he found there before anie notice of his approach gaue anie warning to the English garrison to defend it The Earle of Salisburie a famous man Thomas Montacute the Earle of Salisburie for his admired courage and expert managing of martiall actions was at that time more fitly to be compared to a choise Roman than to anie other who liued in his dayes To this Earle the Regent commended the regayning
the Duke of Yorke what the Duke of Somerset had done whereat he was so highly displeased The Duke of Yorke maliceth the Duke of Somerset that he neuer ceased priuatly and openly to practise vntill the said Duke of Somerset deseruedly had lost his head For this insupportable and vnfortunate losse of the Dutchie of Normandie the Queene and the Duke of Suffolke were first secretly blamed by the whispering common people of this kingdome who afterwards by open slanders and with publike reprochfull speeches exclaimed and accused the said Duke of many notable trecheries and grosse treasons 1450. which chiefly consisted of these particulars Treasons obiected against the Duke of SVFFOLKE FIrst That by his wicked and vngodly meanes the Duke of Glocester was depriued both of his Protectorship and of his life 2 Item that by his appointment such Counsellors of State were placed about the King and Queene as aduised all things for their gaine and not for the profit of the Common-weale 3 Item that the Queene and the said Duke ruled the whole kingdome as they listed so that by reason thereof all things succeeded ill and hurtfull to this kingdome 4 Item that the said Duke was the meanes and occasion that the Kings right to Aquitanie and Guyan were yeelded vp which weakned and at length lost all the Duchies of Aquitanie and of Normandie 5 Item that he had maried his sonne Iohn to the Lady Margaret sole daughter and generall heire to Iohn Duke of Somerset and had reported that she was the next heire to the Crowne of England if King Henry hapned to die without issue 6 Jtem that he had perswaded the Earle of Dumoys and other great Lords and Officers of France to transport an Armie into this Realme to destroy the King and consequently to make his said sonne Iohn successor to this Crown and kingdome 7 Item that he procured the Duke of Orleance to be set at libertie for a ransome contrary to the commandement and the last Will and Testament of King Henry the fifth by whose means after wards the affaires of France were made more powerfull and fortunate then formerly they had been and King Henries forces were daily enfeebled and made more weake thereby in those Countries 8 Item that he had counselled the said Duke before his departure out of England to perswade the French King to augment and to increase his armie and to make sharper warres both in Normandie and in France against King Henry who so did by which meanes the King lost all his possessions in those Countries 9 Item that assoone as he came Ambassador into France he secretly informed King Charles of the chiefe points of his Commission and instructions by meanes whereof he grew obstinate and refused to conclude any peace 10 Item that the said Duke at his last being in France reuealed to the French king the weaknesse of King Henries prouisions to withstand him by meanes wherof the Frenchmen became more bold and hardie in those warres 11 Item that boastingly and foolishly he had reported in the presence of many noble and honourable personages that he had as high a place in the Counsell house of France as bee had in England and that by reason of his especiall interest in the French Kings loue hee could dispossesse the neerest and the greatest of the French Kings Counsellours if hee were disposed so to doe 12 Item that when men money and munitions were in a readinesse to be transported into France to aide and to assist King Henries forces there the said Duke being wickedly corrupted and being a secret friend to the kings enemies caused them to be kept at home by meanes whereof the kings armies in those Countries wanting due and necessary supplies were vanquished both in Normandie and in France 13 And lastly that by meanes of his great fauour with the Queene he had deceitfully and fraudulently enriched himselfe with the kings lands and treasures and had procured to himselfe a monopolie of all the greatest offices for his owne gaine These and many more foule and treasonable Articles were in full Parliament publikely obiected against him and laid vnto his charge all which hee faintly denied but could scarce cleare himselfe of one of them The Queens pollicie to helpe the Duke of Suffolke The Queene to preuent the Duke of Suffolkes further perill and danger because she entirely loued him caused him to be committed to the Tower where hee had libertie at his owne will and then concluding the Parliament vpon a sudden shee not onely enlarged him but restored him into high fauour with the King so that he proudly ietted and swaggered as formerly he had done The Commons are displeased A rebellion but appeased The common people repined much thereat and spake scandalously and reprochfully of the Queene and of her gouernment and some of them wickedly rebelled making a turbulent mate nick-named Blew-beard their chiefest Captaine But this insurrection was quickly nipped in the budde their ring-leaders were put to death and the rest of them receiued friendly admonition and the Kings gratious pardon The King and Queene intending to reconcile all discords and to giue some better contentment to the Commons held a Parliament at Leicester The Parliaments request But their purpose failed them for the lower house instantly importuned the King that iustice might be done vpon the Duke of Suffolke and also vpon his associating Conspirators Iames Fynes Lord Say and Lord Treasurer of England Iohn Bishop of Salisburie and vpon some others The King to pacifie this broile and to weaken their importunitie by doing of something wherewith hee thought hee should please them exiled the said Duke for fiue yeares The Duke is exiled He is taken at Sea and beheaded But as he sailed towards France he was taken by an English man of warre who landed him vpon Douer Sands and chopt off his head on a boats side And thus was the guiltlesse bloud of Humfrey the good Duke of Glocester in some measure reuenged and the rest of those delinquents were sequestred from their Offices and imprisoned by the King The Duke of Yorke intendeth to claime the Crowne His practises to further it Whilest these things were thus in handling the Duke of Yorke albeit resiant in Ireland sollicited and procured his allies friends in England by some secret plottings pretending some other ends to set on foot his claime and title to the Crowne hee being lineally descended from Philip the daughter and heire of George Duke of Clarence who was the elder brother of Iohn of Gaunt great grandfather to King Henry the sixth And first of all it was whispered priuately reported that the Kings wits were weake the Queens heart ambitious the Kings Counsellors of State not wise enough to rule and that all France Normandie and Aquitaine were lost because God blessed not the vsurped succession of King Henry Vpon these speeches too too commonly diuulged A Rebellion in Kent Iacke Cade
them The Londoners refuse to receiue the Lord Scales and told the Lord Scales that hee was able enough without his helpe or counsell to keepe that Citie which by the King was committed vnto his charge whereat he was much displeased and went to the Tower from which hee much wronged and damnified the inhabitants of London The King to defend himselfe The King marcheth towards the Lords and to master his rebellious enemies being accompanied with the Dukes of Somerset and of Buckingham and many other Lords Knights Gentlemen and a strong Armie marched towards them And though the King himselfe for necessities sake was personally present yet his minde and cogitations were more religiously bent to his praiers and his desires affected nothing more then quietnesse and peace But the Queene whose heart was manly The Queene encourageth and threatneth and whose anger threatned death with souldier-like termes and speeches cheared vp her followers debased their enemies promised rewards if they deserued well and the seuerest of all punishments to such as fled At length neere vnto the Towne of Northampton the two Armies met the Earle of March being very frolicke The Armies doe meet The battaile of Northampton and in the heat and flower of his youth by the aduice and counsell of the Earle of Warwicke ordered his Armie for the battaile The Queene and her adherents did the like The fight quickly beganne and fiercely continued somewhat more then two houres but at length the Earles became victors The King is ouerthrowen Ten thousand men slaine Slaughter slew more then ten thousand men on the kings part among which were Humfrey Duke of Buckingham Iohn Talbot Earle of Shrewesburie Thomas Lord Egremont Iohn Viscount Beamond and many others The Queene with the Duke of Somerset and diuers others Flight taking with them the young Prince fled into the Bishopricke of Durham where they hoped to raise a new Armie or resolued in default thereof to goe into Scotland and to remaine there vntill fortune and their friends should inable them to recouer what they had lost The King taken prisoner The Tower is deliuered to the Lords The King who was left behinde was taken prisoner and conueied by the Earles with great pompe and much honour vnto London and at their comming thither the Tower was deliuered into their possession by the souldiers against the liking and good will of the Lord Scales who attempted to flie from thence disguised in a Whirrie But being discouered by the Water-men he was by them taken The Lord Scales beheaded by the Water-men Tho. Thorpe taken and imprisoned The Duke of Yorke commeth into England A Parliament What the Duke of Yorke did and said in the Parliament house The Duke of Yorkes title and made shorter by the head and his body was negligently left vpon the sands And Thomas Thorpe the second Baron of the Exchequer who mortally hated the house of Yorke purposing in the habit of a Monke with a shauen Crowne to flie vnto the Queene was taken and brought to the Earle of Warwicke who sent him to the Tower where hee remained long after The Duke of Yorke being speedily informed of this victorie left Ireland and came to London and procured a Parliament to be assembled in the Kings name and in the presence of all the Lords in the Vpper House hee sate himselfe downe in the Imperiall Seat and in an eloquent and powerfull Oration hee discouered to the Nobles his rightfull claime and title to the Crowne he being the sonne and heire of Anne the daughter and heire of Roger Mortimer Earle of March sonne and heire to Philip the sole daughter and heire of Lionel Duke of Clarence the third sonne of King Edward the Third and elder brother to Iohn of Gaunt who was father to the Vsurper King Henry the Fourth who was father to King Henry the Fifth who was father to the King who was vntruly named King Henry the Sixth Englands plagues He also related vnto them that because God blessed not his vnlawfull gouernment therefore the Common-weale of England had beene plagued with many mischiefes As first by the murdering and by the executing of many honourable and great Lords Secondly by the slaughter of thousands of the common people in France Normandie and elsewhere Thirdly by ciuill and bloudie warres at home Fourthly by the losse of all Territories beyond the Sea belonging to the Crowne of England excepting Calice and the Marches thereof Fifthly by sudden incursions made by the Frenchmen and by the Scots And lastly by all manner of violence 1460. extortion and oppression practised vpon the poorer sort And in his conclusion hee craued no fauour vnlesse that iustice gaue them warrant The title to the Crowne settled by act of Parliament nor quiet possession of the Crowne except they found his descent and title to be infallibly true When the Lords and the Commons there assembled had with mature deliberation and good aduice debated soundly of this important businesse it was by them all enacted that King Henry should so long as he liued retaine the name and honour of a King and that the Duke of Yorke should be proclaimed to be the heire apparant of the Crowne and should be the Lord Protector both of the Kings person and also of his dominions and countries and that the said Duke should haue the present possession of the Crowne of this Realme deliuered vnto him if at any time King Henry or his friends allies or fauourites in his behalfe attempted the infringing of the said Acts which were agreed and confirmed by their oathes The Duke of Yorke hauing by these meanes gotten the gouernment of the Kings person and of all his dominions into his hands The Lords in Scotland refuse to come to the Duke of Yorke dispatched his letters into Scotland in the Kings name requiring the Queene the Dukes of Somerset and of Exeter the Earle of Demonshire the Lords Clifford and Rosse and such other great men as were fled and remained in that Kingdome to repaire with all expedition to the Kings presence They come on with a great Armie But they all not onely refused to obey this peremptorie command but with an Armie of eighteene thousand Englishmen Scots they marched boldly towards the Kings Court. Whereupon the Duke of Yorke with his younger sonne the Earle of Rutland and the Earle of Salisburie leauing the King in the custodie of the Duke of Norfolke and of the Earle of Warwicke and being accompanied with no more then fiue thousand men directed his iourney towards the Queene They are encountred The battaile of Wakefield Haste made waste The Duke of Yorke ouerthrowen and slaine A bl●udie fact and met her neere to the Towne of Wakefield where no perswasions or good aduice could preuaile but the Duke of Yorke who euery houre expected the approch of Edward Earle of March his eldest sonne with a strong Armie would forth with
right and title to that Crowne and Kingdome The King and his Counsell thereupon quickly resolued to vndertake that businesse principally for these reasons 1. First because the Crowne of France was not ambitiously but iustly desired by the King who thought hee had good right and title thereunto 2. Secondly because French warres enriched English souldiers 3. Thirdly because those warres kept them at home and gaue them not any libertie to inuade this Realme 4. Fourthly because the French King had assisted Queene Margaret the Earle of Warwicke and their Complices against King Edward in the late Ciuill Warres 5. And fifthly because the said French King made warres vpon the Duke of Burgoine who had formerly aided King Edward for the regaining of his Crowne and Kingdome A beneuolence craued by King Edward But because money wanted for the defraying of so great a charge King Edward without a Parliament craued a beneuolence to be freely enlarged to him by his Subiects who gaue him some money but with an euill will Yet among others a rich yet a sparing and a nigardly widow did cheerefully giue vnto him twentie pounds A mery iest The King himselfe who was present but to her vnknowen perceiuing that vnexpectedly shee had bestowed vpon him so good a summe did not only giue her thankes but merily came and kissed her telling her that for her money shee should kisse a King The old woman was so much gladded with that courtesie that shee told the King his kisse was worth more money and therefore she added twentie pounds more to the former summe The King hauing in a readinesse before Douer a Fleet of fiue hundred ships and boats and hauing a puissant and a compleat Armie of fifteene hundred men at Armes on horsebacke The King transporteth an Armie for France and fifteene thousand tall Archers besides all such as attended for other needfull seruices departed from England and landed safely at Calice where hee was receiued with great honour and state But he was much greeued because the Duke of Burgoine vpon whose motion and at whose entreatie and promise to be met by him at Calice with two thousand men at Armes The Duke of Burgoine breaketh promise and aids him not hee came thither trifled with his whole Armie in the siege of Nuyce which he was not likely to winne and at length after much time spent in vaine had sent all his forces to Berroys in Lorrayne to be reuenged vpon Reyner Queene Margarets father Duke of that Prouince for that hee had vsed foule and vnseemely words towards him when he lay at the siege of Nuyce whereas if the said Duke of Burgoine had ioined with King Edward against the French King and with the Duke of Britaine who sided with King Edward they would haue put into hazard of winning the whole kingdome of France Yet King Edward with his owne Companies marched by Bollen to Perone into the Duke of Burgoines Countrey He breakes his promise againe where the said Duke had not made any manner of prouision for the refreshing of the English Armie according to his promise but suffred them to lie without his Townes in the cold and in the open fields whereat they were all displeased From thence king Edward with the said Duke marched towards S. Quintens which was secretly promised to be deliuered to him by Lewys of Luxenburgh Hee was Earle of S. Paul and Constable of France The King is kept out of S. Quintens great Vncle to king Edwards wife But when they came before it their entrie was not only denied but sallies were made vpon them and the great Ordinance plaied from the Towne vpon the kings Armie so that plainly he perceiued that nothing was to be obtained there without blowes To these breaches of promise was added one vnkindnesse more by the Duke of Burgoine who to visit his Armie A peace is concluded for nine yeares which then lay in Berroys in Lorrayne vnexpectedly left king Edward and rode thither leauing word behinde that hee would come vnto him with his whole Armie as soone as he should be able The French king being politicke and wise and knowing that if all those his enemies should ioine their strengths against him they would put him in hazard of his estate and being informed that king Edward was highly discontented by reason of the Duke of Burgoines vnfaithfull vsage and knowing that he beganne to feele the extremities of a winter warre mediated a friendly conference and a firme peace which by their Commissioners was effected for nine yeares in this sort The Articles of peace FIrst it was agreed that the French King should forthwith pay to King Edward towards his forepassed charges threescore and fifteene thousand Crownes and also the summe of fiftie thousand more for an yearly pension so long as King Edward liued 2. Secondly that the French King within one yeare should send for the King of Englands daughter the Ladie Elizabeth into France and marie her to the Dolphin for whose maintenance the French King should for nine years space pay yearly to them fiftie thousand Crownes and at the end of those yeares should deliuer to them the quiet and peaceable possession of the whole Duchie of Guyen 3. And thirdly that the Lord Haward and Sir Iohn Cheney master of the Horses should staie as hostages with the French King vntill the whole Armie had quited France and were landed in the Kingdome of England Reasons mouing King Edward to conclude this peace To these propositions King Edward and his Counsell consented for these reasons 1. First as the Duke of Burgoines promises were seldome or neuer honestly performed so with the King whom hee had drawen into those Countries and into those warres hee did but gloze and faine 2. Secondly because the Earle of S. Paul Constable of France did but dissemble when hee protested to deliuer to King Edward the Towne of S. Quintens which he did not but offered violence to his Armie in stead thereof 3. Thirdly because the winter which approched sharply would haue enforced him for that time to haue returned dishonourably into England 4. And last of all because the late Ciuill Warres had consumed most of his best souldiers and chiefest Leaders and the greatest part of his treasure so that King Edward was hardly able to maintaine a great Armie any long time But the Duke of Glocester and his friends who mortally hated the French King striued much to disswade King Edward from these conclusions but all in vaine for those Articles were scaled and published the money was paid both the Kings in a familiar and kinde enteruiew by their solemne oathes had sworne to obserue and keepe them and hostage were deliuered accordingly It is to be noted The Duke of Burgoine stormeth at this peace that within this peace the Dukes of Burgoine and of Britaine were included if they would consent thereunto But when this newes was told to the Duke of
his Supporter The Rat the Cat and Louel the Dogge Rule all England vnder the Hogge Now though the Duke of Buckingham could not hurt King Richard for a dead dogge biteth not yet he resolued by new friendship and alliance to make himselfe more strong for which purpose he not only concluded a peace with Iames then King of Scots but also a mariage betweene a neece of his named the Ladie Anne and the Prince of Rothsay the eldest sonne of the said King Hee also attempted once more by lauish prodigalitie to get into his hands the worthie and braue Earle of Richmond He attempteth to get Richmond into his hands and for that purpose he sent his Ambassadors into Britaine to the Duke to offer to him great store of siluer and of gold and all the Rents and the Reuenues of the said Earle and of his Confederates if he would be pleased to giue him the quiet and the safe possession of him The Duke at that time was exceeding sicke so that his High Treasurer Peter Landoys who at S. Maloes had freed the said Earle from the Ambassadors of King Edward the fourth Peter Landoys abase slaue as formerly we haue heard ordered and disposed of all the affaires and businesses of that Countrey wherefore those bribes and promises were made and tendred vnto him and hee being greedie of so great a prey did vndertake with great expedition to effect all things according to their desire But notwithstanding all this secret practising and cunning iuggling this mischieuous plot and intended villanie was by secret messengers reuealed to Doctor Morton Bishop of Elie he being in Flanders D. Morton discouereth the danger and he with all celeritie and posting speed aduertised the Earle of the danger which he was in by meanes whereof and to saue themselues he with his chiefest friends and followers as priuately as they could departed from Vannes and passing thorow the Countrey of Britaine in great haste they came into France Richmond and his friends escape narrowly and presented themselues to the French King who not onely receiued them ioifully as his friends but promised sufficient aid and succour to the Earle for his releefe But in the meane time Peter Landoys supposing that the Earle of Richmond and his associates had left Vannes but for a few daies to visit some inward friends prepared certaine troupes of resolued souldiers well armed at all points pretending in outward shew that they were by him prouided to goe into England for the Earles aid but to say the truth they were only fitted to haue surprised him and his Confederates and to haue transported them all to King Richard But when hee was certainly informed of their escape into France hee was sore troubled and vexed at the heart because he was discouered to be so treacherous and yet could not effect the mischiefe which by him was intended Now when it was voiced abroad that the young French King and his Counsell would assist the Earle in his enterprise to gaine the Imperiall Crowne of this Realme Sir Iames Blunt Captaine of the Castle of Hammes and Sir Iohn Fortescue Porter of the Towne of Calice and Iohn Vere Earle of Oxford who was a prisoner with the said Sir Iames secretly repaired to the Earle who because they were valiant men at armes and skilled much in martiall discipline receiued them courteously and with much ioy When King Richard was by his owne Ambassadors truly assured in what strange manner the Earle of Richmond and his friends had saued them selues by flying into France and that he was preparing of new forces to trie his fortune when he should land and that the French King and his Nobles both fauoured and assisted him and that the Earle of Oxford with the other two were with him his continuall feare gaue him no rest Another villanous practise of King Richards vntill hee had in some sort pleased himselfe by a new deuice And his plot was thus By subtill and craftie messengers he made large profers of massie siluer and of gold besides his earnest promise of much aduancement and especiall fauour to the mother Queene conditionally that shee would commit vnto his custodie and keeping her fiue daughters so that by meanes thereof the Earle of Richmond might vtterly be depriued of all hope to match with the Ladie Elizabeth as he intended for hee strongly perswaded himselfe that if that mariage were by craft and subtiltie preuented few men would then engage themselues to depose him and make the Earle King The olde Queens follie and couetousnesse The vnconstant and the vnprouident Queene whom couetousnesse and ambition had made credulous and willing to beleeue him who in the field had formerly slaine Sir Iohn Gray her first husband vniustly had executed her brother and her sonne and who had not only bastardized her two other sonnes K. Richard is possessed of K. Edwards fiue daughters but had wickedly and villanously caused them both to bee murdered in the Tower accepted of those his gifts and promises and deliuered vnto him her fiue daughters And no sooner had hee gotten them into his custodie but to make his title to the Crowne more sure he longed in his heart incestuously to marie with his owne brothers daughter His incestuous purpose the said Ladie Elizabeth But the life of Queene Anne his wife who was the daughter of Richard Earle of Warwicke and the former wife of Prince Edward the sonne and heire of King Henry the Sixth and whom himselfe and his brother the Duke of Clarence had murdered in King Edwards presence was the onely impediment to that match The Queene suddenly died It must now be diligently obserued that suddenly vncertaine Authors made report that Queene Anne who was not sicke was dead and moreouer King Richard himselfe forsooke her companie and her bed pretending much discontentment and great dislike because she was barren and not likely to haue any more children to establish his succession in the Crowne The Queene who shrewdly ghessed at the wicked intention of her gracelesse husband much greeued and vexed her selfe thereat and whether her priuate conceits that her death was conspired or whether any poison as many did imagine shortned her daies or no it was vncertaine but within few daies after she was suddenly found dead indeed He maketh loue to his owne Neece The King so little regarded the death of his said Queene that presently he began to make loue to the Ladie Elizabeth his owne Neece who being discreet and modest and hating his detested villanies and well considering what perill and danger her selfe and all her sisters were in She makes him hopefull if the Tyrant should rashly be reiected tempered her denials with tempting and alluring lookes and prettily fed his fancie with the musicke of her sweet tongue and instantly requested him not to vrge his sute with too much loue vntill he had defeated the Earle of Richmond of all his hopes
and had finished his owne troubles and that he would with carefull diligence make good prouision to defend himselfe Thus liuing in hope of her liking and pleasing himselfe by yeelding to her request hee disposed himselfe wholly in making all needfull preparations to resist But whilest he was thus busied hee was informed by such Flatterers as neuer ceased to abuse him that his Arch-enemie the Earle of Richmond and his coadiutors receiued such small comfort of the French King that all their hopes were vanished and that they were so infinitely oppressed with many wants that hee needed not to feare any opposition which they could make This newes was by him so quickly credited False newes makes him secure that too much securitie made him carelesse to proceed nay he discharged all his Garrisons which formerly with great charge and trauaile he had placed neere vnto the Sea-coasts so that we may by the way make this profitable vse thereof A note that such is the strength of Gods iudgements and iustice that wicked and vngodly men are euermore least heedfull and vigilant for their own safetie and good when punishments are neerest at hand to correct them for their greeuous offences and transgressions against God Whilest these things were thus acting in England the Earle of Richmond was informed that his Ladie and her sisters were by their mother deliuered into King Richards hands that his own Queen was suddenly found dead and that the old Lecherer made loue and daliance to the Ladie Elizabeth who was the anchor and the stay of all his hopes Richmond saileth into England being aided by the French King Wherefore it is not to be wondred at that now with more then wonted importunitie he sollicited the young French King and his Counsell for present aid And to say the truth so gratiously was he fauoured by them all that he obtained a quicke supplie of money ships armour artillerie and two thousand men to make triall if his fortune had determined that he should weare a Crowne With this little but resolued companie hee arriued and landed at Milford Hauen in Waies when he was least thought on He landeth where hee saw no great appearance of such succours as he hoped for But when the Welshmen were put in minde that being the sonne of Owen Tuthar hee was of their owne bloud The Welshmen do sticke vnto him and would bee an especiall fauourer of them all and that his mariage with the Ladie Elizabeth would settle the whole estate of this Kingdome in perfect vnitie and in peace they flocked vnto him and thronged about him with resolued mindes and willing hearts vnder their skilfull and hardie Captaines among which Iohn Sauage Arnold Butler Richard Griffith Iohn Morgan and Rice A● Thomas were the chiefe To him also repaired Sir George Stanley More aid who conducted the power and strength of the young Earle of Shrewesburie he being then in ward which consisted of two thousand men Sir Walter Hungerford and Sir Thomas Bourchier two valiant and worthie Leaders of many a lustie man presented vnto him their seruice so did Thomas Lord Stanley father in law to the said Earle of Richmond who was accompanied with fiue thousand fighting men K. Richards people reuolt All these forces were first leuied and prouided for King Richards aide but God who purposed to correct and punish him for his fore passed wicked deeds conuerted their hearts made them to reuolt from a Tyrant and to submit themselues to a more lawfull power whereat King Richard greeued and tormented him selfe in vaine Yet hauing leuied an Armie of more then twentie thousand few of which besides his true friend Iohn Duke of Norfolke and his followers remained firme and faithfull he marched against his enemies fully resoluing to cast all his fortunes in the aduenture of one battaile K Richard is de●perate thereby to establish himselfe without further feare in his Kingdome or else by his death in the open field to conclude the wofull tragedie of his wicked life Iohn Duke of Norfolke And albeit that many practises were daily vsed to haue withdrawen the Duke of Norfolke from King Richards seruice yet none of them preuailed Wherefore to make him iealous and diffident of the case wherein he stood the night before the two Armies ioined this ryme was fixed vpon his chamber doore Iacke of Norfolke be not too bold For Dickon thy master is bought and sold Yet for all this he persisted loyall vntill his death and the next morrow being the two and twentieth day of August and in the third yeare of King Richards raigne Bosworth field at Bosworth in Lecestershire the two Armies met and encountred each other and fought for the space of two houres But when King Richard perceiued that the smallest number of his souldiers contended to winne the victorie and that the residue of them either cowardly left the field or reuolted to his enemie or stood as Neuters intending to ioine with him who was best likely to ouercome despairing of his fortune and knowing that death was readily prepared to attache him K. Richard is valiant he left his owne Armie and dashing his spurres into his horses sides he rushed furiously into the Earles battaile and with his sword he desperately made himselfe a free passage vntill he was strongly encountred by Sir William Brandon who was Standard-bearer to the Earle him he slew valiantly And then singling out Sir Iohn Cheyney a right hardie man in armes by meere courage and fine strength he tumbled him to the ground and came to the Earle of Richmond The Earle of Richmond staieth King Richard with whom he fought with desperate resolution hand to hand vntill hee was by him slaine And thus by his death this mortall quarrell ended the Earle hauing lost in this battaile not aboue one hundred men and King Richard about one thousand among which the Duke of Norfolke was the chiefe When King Richard was thus slaine his carrion carcase being found starke naked in the field His bodie rudely vsed and being wounded and filthily polluted with dirt and goarie bloud was cast vpon a horse backe behinde a Pursuiuant at Armes Gods iudgement on a wicked murderer to bee carried to the Towne of Lecester his head and his hands hanging downe on the one side and his legges on the other side like a calfe and there it was interred with as base a funerall as was bestowed vpon his two Nephewes in the Tower His Crowne being found among the spoiles and dead men in the field The Earle of Richmond is crowned in the field was brought to the Earle of Richmond by his father in law the Lord Stanley who with the generall acclamations of the people who shouted for ioy and cried King Henrie King Henrie crowned him therewith in the open field And then the Earle with all his Armie in the field gaue heartie and humble thankes to Almightie God for this
inheritable to the Crowne This lesson with the daily repetitions of his heroicall Pedegree hee so inculcated into his young Scholar that hee was as able and as ready to discourse thereof as if by inspiration that knowledge had beene infused to him from aboue The Irish were too credulous Thus when this subtill Priest had prepared his Pupill for his purpose he transported him into Ireland where hee first vented and spred abroad this false and vntrue noueltie among the wilder and more barbarous sort of that fickle and busie Nation who being too too credulous and flexible to any change gaue to the youth all honour and reuerence as vnto their soueraigne and liege Lord. And within few daies after diuers of the Nobilitie of that Countrey were taken in the same net of follie and beleeued as the Commons did among whom the Lord Chancellor Sir Thomas Gerandine was the chiefe who hauing had much familiar conference with the young counterfet and finding his amiable aspect the trimme composure of his bodie his princely presence his pregnancie of wit his sufficient learning his ingenious capacitie his quicke spirit his discreet speech and seemely complements to be answerable and fitting to a Prince not onely censured him to bee the true and the vndoubted sonne and heire of the Duke of Clarence and pitied his estate but endeuouring to doe him good disbursed vnto him for the enlargement of his expenses traine and honour diuers and sundrie great summes of money and perswaded many other great Lords of Ireland to doe the like He also with great speed and secrecie informed the Ladie Margaret The malice of Margaret Duchesse D●wager of Burgoine to K. Henry sister to King Edward the Fourth and Duchesse Dowager vnto Charles the deceased Duke of Burgoine and the supposed Aunt of this counterfet of his being there And albeit that shee was well assured that this newes was false yet because being of the house of Yorke shee mortally hated and enuied King Henry who was the head and the chiefe of the Familie of Lancaster she not only gladded her heart to heare thereof but also pleased her conceits with infinite delectation that now an opportunitie was presented to her to execute her furie vpon King Henry and that shee might by this plot if it succeeded well enlarge her true Nephew the young Earle of Warwicke and make him King First of all therefore shee caused the false report of this young counterfet to bee noised thorowout England that thereby shee might vnsettle the mindes of such as were credulous and might be inclined to take his part She also published that the Irish Nobilitie and Nation had not onely receiued him for their Lord and Soueraigne and would take his part but also that shee her selfe would strengthen his attempts with money men and armes to the vttermost of her power These vaine and fabulous reports carried vnto her into Flanders Francis Lord Louel and her nephew the Earle of Lincolne sonne and heire to Iohn de la Pole Duke of Suffolke and of Elizabeth one other of the sisters of King Edward the Fourth The Traitors land in England Sir Thomas Broughton and some others and after many speeches and much conference touching those affaires and businesses the Duchesse caused to be leuied in her Country about two thousand men which were conducted by Martin Sward an approued Captaine of great resolution and much skill All these with quicke expedition sailed into Ireland and ioined with Sir Thomas Gerardine the Chancellor who was in a readinesse with more then two thousand men of his owne Nation and they all determined to transport themselues into England with all speed Wee may not imagine that King Henry who was valiant prouident and wise was secure carelesse or negligent in these affaires and weightie businesses A politicke act For to the end that certainly it might bee knowen that Lambert was but a counterfet hee caused Edward the young Earle of Warwicke to be publikely brought thorow the streets of London from the Tower vnto Pauls Church where infinite numbers of the Nobilitie Gentrie and Commons of this Kingdome had the sight and view of him and many of them spent some time in conferring with him The King prepareth against Lambert Lambert landeth in England He also made great preparations to repell and to subdue all such as in Lamberts aide should either attempt any ciuill warre or inuade his land And thus when he had ordered all things well these forraine powers arriued neere vnto Lincolne where they expected more succour then they found or were in any possibilitie to haue But when the King was informed that they were come he marched towards them with a constant resolution to trie the vtmost of his fortune in the field insomuch that it was now too late for those Inuaders to step backe for vrgent necessitie did require The battaile of Stoke that either they must flie fight or yeeld But the truth is though they were not strong yet they were no cowards The Irish people were strangely actiue and passing valiant but they wanted Armes and their braue resolution so animated their courage that with haughtie stomackes and Lions hearts they ioined in battaile with the King But within lesse space then one houre Lambert is ouerthrowen the vnprouided and vnfurnished Irish with their Captaines the Earle of Lincolne Francis Lord Louel Sir Thomas Gerardine Martin Sward Lambert is made a Skullian and then the Kings Faulcone● and Sir Thomas Broughton were all slaine and the rest submitted themselues to the King who pardoned their offence and committed the Priest Sir Richard Symond vnto perpetuall imprisonment and his counterfeited Pupill being first abased in the Skullerie was within few yeares after chiefe Faulconer to the King Then was the Kings wife with all honour and princely solemnities crowned Queene The Queene is crowned D. Morton made Archbishop of Canterburie and Lord Chancellor and a Cardinall and Thomas Bourchier Archbishop of Canterburie died and was succeeded by Iohn Morton Bishop of Elie who was also made Lord Chancellor of this Kingdome and not long after hee was dignified with the Hat and habit of a Cardinall by Pope Alexander the Sixth Now though King Henry through the benefit of a generall peace at home was made fortunate and happie yet forraine iarres among his neighbours prouoked him to new imploiments vpon this occasion The French King quarrelleth with the Duke of Britaine Charles the French King hauing warred successefully against Maximilian King of the Romans complained that he was much wronged by Lewys Duke of Orleance who had married the Ladie Iane his sister and was his next heire apparant to the French Crowne for that hee with some others tooke part against him with his enemie But in the end when King Charles had affied himselfe to the Ladie Margaret daughter to Maximilian and had concluded a peace betweene themselues the said Duke of Orleance and his complices
defend themselues that poore Perkin began to hang downe his head and being troubled with melancholicke passions filled the aire with sighes and groanes and was perplexed at the heart being weary of his match The King commeth into the West Countrey with an Armie The King who had beene speedily informed how violently that Citie was enuironed and how couragiously the Rebels were resisted so carefully regarded it and the inhabitants thereof that with a faire Armie he himselfe in his owne person marched towards the Rebels with all speede But before hee could come neere vnto them Edward Courtney Earle of Deuonshire and the Lord William his sonne Sir Wymond Carew Sir Thomas Trenchard Sir William Courtney Sir Thomas Fulford Sir Iohn Halwell Sir Iohn Crocker Walter Courtney Peter Edgecombe and their lustie followers repaired to the said Citie of Exeter and intended to giue such good helpe and assistance to the inhabitants thereof that the Rebels leauing the siege marched into Somersetshire The siege of Exet●r is ●ed Perkin W●●be●●●●●eg● Tawnton where they besieged the Towne of Tawnton But the King vnderstanding that they were remoued from the Citie and where they then were directed his course towards Tawnton he hauing with him in his Armie Edward the young Duke of Buckingham who was a Prince of haughtie courage and of a gallant resolution Giles Lord Dawbeney his chiefest Chamberlaine Robert Lord Brooke Lord Steward of his house Sir Alexander Baynam Sir Maurice Barkley Sir Robert Tame Sir Iohn Guise Sir Robert Poynts Sir Henry Vernon Sir Iohn Mor●●mer Sir Thomas Tremaile Sir Edward Sutton Sir Amias Paulet Sir Iohn Sapcots Sir Hugh Lutterel Sir Francis Cheyney and sundrie other Knights and Gentlemen of great place and valour Perkin and the Rebels site But when Perkin Warbecke and his fellow Captaines heard of the Kings approche they fled with threescore horse vnto Beauly neere to South-hampton where poore Perkin and most of those his companions entred into the Sanctuarie and registred their names there but the residue of them were taken prisoners by the Kings light horsemen and being brought into the Kings Armie for examples sake vnto others they were ordered and executed by the martiall law in sundrie places in the Westerne parts But the rude rabble which were left behinde perceiuing that their Ring-leaders had left them The common sort of Rebels are pardoned and were run away fell downe vpon their knees craued mercie promised faith and loyaltie in future times and not only receiued the Kings pardon but were reuiued by his expressing of much fauour and gra●e towards them This victory being thus obtained without blowes the King King Henry commeth to the Citie of Exeter with his greatest Lords and the brauest Gallants in his trayne came to the City of Exceter and was lodged in it certaine daies where he commended and thanked the inhabitants for their faithfull and valiant seruice promised them the fulnesse of his fauour The King giues his Sword to the Citie of Exeter and for an addition of Honour to that City gaue vnto them his sword from his owne side and commaunded that in future times and in all publike places within that Citie it should bee borne before the Maior as formerly and for the like purpose his noble predecessor King Edward the fourth had done Then the King intending to make a finall end of these ciuill warres sent some of his chosen Captaines Perkin Warbecke is brought to the King with certaine bands of armed men to apprehend poore Perkin who compassed the Sanctuarie at Bewly round about so that he recounting with himselfe his sundrie mishaps and his hopelesse fortunes to be a King yeelded himselfe and was brought vnto the King who carried him as his prisoner vnto London where albeit hee was closely kept and narrowly watched by diuers of the Kings Guard yet hee escaped But being daily and hourely searched for Perkin escapeth and is taken againe hee voluntarily committed himselfe to the Abbot of Shene neere to the Kings Palace of Richmond intreating him to haue compassion on him and to procure for him the Kings pardon He is stocked He is committed to the Tower which hee did Then was hee brought to the Kings Court at Whitehall where all his base descent and ignoble pedegree being in a paper fully written and pinned vpon his backe hee was stocked one whole day so was he the next morning vpon a high scaffold in Cheape-side within the Citie of London from whence hee was committed a close prisoner to the Tower He practiseth to escape and to conuey away the young Earle of Warwicke Hee being in prison there corrupted by infinite promises of honourable aduancement the seruants of Sir Iohn Digbie Lieutenant of the Tower to suffer him and Edward the young Farle of Warwicke who had been a prisoner from his infancie to escape But this plot being discouered Perkin Warbecke was shortly after by the due course of Law condemned for High Treason Perkin Warbecke beheaded and was executed at Tyburne within two daies after and the young Earle of Warwicke who consented to haue escaped likewise being altogether innocent of all crime and onely affecting libertie which men beasts birds and fishes doe naturally desire was indicted arraigned conuicted and adiudged guiltie of the like offence and was executed on a Scaffold at the Tower Hill The young Earle of Warwicke is beheaded His death much blemished the fame and reputation of King Henry who being mercifull and compassionate by nature and hauing extended it oftentimes vnto notorious malefactors now to worke his owne securitie and without any iust offence would not pardon him who all his life time had beene so secret a prisoner restrained from all companie and from the view of this vaine and transitorie world that he scarcely knew a Capon from a Goose nor euer attempted any thing which might offend the King sauing only to set himselfe at large 1500. As soone as these businesses were thus ended Arthur the noble Prince of Wales being of the age of fifteene yeares was by an honourable deputation betrothed to the Ladie Katherine daughter to Ferdinando King of Spaine Prince Arthur marieth Katherine daughter to Ferdinando King of Aragon shee being of the age of eighteene yeares and the next yeare after with triumphant ioy and princely entertainment he receiued her into England and was maried to her in Pauls Church within the Citie of London And not long after Iames the Fourth King of the Scots vsed the mediation of Richard Fox 1501. then Bishop of Durham but shortly after translated vnto Winchester that hee might haue to wife the Ladie Margaret the eldest daughter of King Henry the Seuenth The Kings eldest daughter affied and after maried to Iames the fourth King of Scots And though the King for many important reasons might haue bestowed her vpon the greatest and most honorable Kings or Potentates in the Christian world yet for these
Peche Sir William Sandes Sir Thomas Bulleyn Sir Iohn Carre and by many other Knights Gentlemen and Ladies of great worth Shee landed at Bollen where with great magnificence and honor shee was receiued by the Dolphin and by many Lords of France who brought her to Abuyle where shee met with and was married to the King And within few dayes after at Paris The French King dyeth Francis the First The French Queen returneth into England The peace with France renewed shee was crowned Queene The French Nation thinking their King and Countrie to bee happie who to their Queene had the fairest Ladie in the world And at her Coronation the Dolphin vpon a generall challenge formerly made by himselfe Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke Thomas Gray Marques Dorset his foure brethren and two others against all commers erected many honorable and martiall games as the lusts Turnay Barriers and such like All which were performed with great valour and to the great pleasure of the King and Queen But within twelue weeks after the said mariage King Lewys dyed and Francis the first succeeded him in that kingdome And by the Duke of Suffolke the said Queene Mary was brought againe into England where he won her loue All the deeds and actions of Cardinall Wolsey touching this storie are here set together because the discourse of the rest would otherwise by them be too much interrupted and maried her with the Kings consent In the seuenth yeare of King Henries raigne the former peace betwixt him and King Lewys the twelfth was renewed and confirmed with King Francis the first and great amitie and loue was exchanged betweene those two kings It now so chanced that Thomas Wolsey who was borne of base Parentage in the Towne of Ipswich and was first made the Kings Almoner then Bishop of Lincolne and then of the Priuie Counsell succeeded the Archbishop and Cardinall of Yorke who was named Doctor Benbrike in the said Archbishoprick And not long after hee was made Cardinall of Yorke by the mediation and procurement of those two Kings And now because the Kings affections towards him were extraordinarie His authoritie aboue all others eminent his couetousnesse insatiable and his excessiue Pride and Ambition boundlesse and vnlimitted which made him bold and peremptorie to doe all in all From henceforth for many years all things were cōmanded and gouerned according to his directions will vntill his monstrous oppressions and sawcie practizes brought him to ruine and to destruction And least his deedes and his actions by often interviewing should interrupt the other discourse of other occurrences and negotiations hapning in this Kings Raigne We haue therefore thought it conuenient yea necessarie to prosecute the Historie of his proceedings to a conclusion before wee intermedle much with the Narration of other passages and things He intermedles in other mens offices This prowd Cardinall so egerly hunted after authoritie and power to rule and to command all others that not contenting himselfe with his owne offices though they were great Hee intruded malepertly into the Enquirie and determining of such things as properly belonged vnto others but especially into the Chancelorship of this Realme He is made Lord Chancelor The Archbishop of Canterbury vnto whom it appertayned was much troubled with those his intermedlings But being old and perceiuing that the Kings affections were fast bound to his humours and that to crosse with him it was the readie way to crosse himselfe he therefore deliuered vp the Great Seale into the Kings hands who no sooner accepted of it but hee bestowed it vpon Wolsey which fauour and dignitie might well haue satisfied his prowd humour but nothing could For now he being an Archbishop a counsailor of Estate a Cardinall Chancelor of England and the Kings especial Fauourite directed all commanded all and did all He being thus imperiously great Required an accompt of the Captaines Treasurors and other Officers of the kings warres so that some of them who by the Kings conniuence had gotten much by excessiue Bribes excusing themselues He demands accompts and enriched him selfe thereby Hee erecteth new Courts Inriched him and left themselues poore Others whose Estates were more powerfull to please him shared that which vniustly they had gotten And some others who had deceiued the King and had prodigally spent all had nothing left and therefore were punished publikely and exposed to open shame He also erected sundrie Courts of equitie which might more truly be termed Courts of Iniquitie vnder a colour and pretence to heare and to determine the cases of distressed and poore people By meanes whereof the seates of Iustice belonging to the cōmon Lawes were little frequented for a while and by them he gained a masse of treasure to himselfe vntill the people perceiuing that by them hee waxed rich and they poore and that the Sentences and Iudgements of those Courts were not finall but controlable They of their owne accord forsooke them and commended their Controuersies to the censure of the common Lawes In the ninth yeare of King Henries raigne 1517. 9 Pope Leo sent vnto him Cardinall Campeius as his Legate to solicite him as likewise he had done to the Kings of France Spain By subtiltie he is made a Legate and the Princes of Germanie to make warre vpon the Turks But so outragious was the ocean of Wolseys pride that because he knew that Campeius in regard of his power Legantine was to haue the Precedency of place when they two met hee cunningly informed him by certaine Bishops who went vnto him to Calice vnder a fained colour to visite him that his iourney would not be successefull but come to none effect except Wolsey were ioyned in equall authoritie with him in that businesse wherevpon Campeius with all expedition dispatched Messengers vnto Rome by whom within fortie dayes hee receiued a new Commission by which Wolsey was also made the Popes Legate and Commissioner as well as he Cardinall Campeius Then was Campeius admitted to come into this Realme and both those two Legates within few dayes after repayred to the Kings Court at Greenwich hauing two siluer Crosses and two Pillars of the same mettel two Axes gilted with fine gold two imbrodered Cushions borne before them But the Cardinall of Yorke preferred his elder brother to the inferiour place And by an eloquent Oration which by an Italian was made vnto the King he was informed of the substance of their message But to make answere therevnto The King desired respit for a few dayes in which he might be advised and counselled in that matter The Court Legantine Then did Wolsey by his authoritie Legantine erect an honorable Court without the Kings notice or licence and called it the Legantine Court By the authoritie whereof he visited all Bishops and their Diocesses and other Clergie men punishing such as were poore and vnable to giue bribes but enriching himselfe by the enforced bountie of such as had
of the Kings royall person And this conceit so pleased him that he now and then would babble and reueale it to some of his inward and familiar friends and some of them discouered it to his destruction and vtter ouerthrow Likewise this hope framed him to a more ambitious course in his cariage and made him negligent of his seruice and dutie to the King insomuch that his Maiestie by his Letters required him with all conuenient expedition priuately to repaire vnto the Court But as he was in his Barge vpon the Thames hee was by Sir Henry Marney Captaine of the Kings Guard who had with him an hundred of the Kings Yeomen subiect to his command attached and arrested of high treason and as a prisoner conueied to the Tower And being afterwards legally and according to the due forme of Law indicted by sundrie Knights and Gentlemen for that as much as in him lay he had conspired and contriued the Kings death to make himselfe his successour hee was brought to a Barre at Westminster Hall before the Duke of Norfolke high Steward of England and his chiefest Iudge And hauing holden vp his hand he was arraigned of treason vpon the said indictment and pleaded thereunto that hee was not guiltie and did referre himselfe for his triall to God and to his Peeres who were these the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse Dorset the Earles of Oxford Deuon Darbie Shrewesburie Essex Worcester and Kent and the Lords De la Ware Fitz-Warren Willoughbie Harbert Cobham Brooke and Morley These Noble men in the presence of the Prisoner had witnesses face to face who were all prisoners for concealments of the same offence and deposition in writing which when they had done they arose from the Bench retired into a priuate roome and after a short absence returned againe to their places and the Duke of Buckingham being againe brought vnto the Barre the said Lords one by one protested with great solemnitie and protestations on their honour that they thought him to bee guiltie according to the indictment And thereupon the Lord high Steward with many teares pronounced against him that iudgement which against meaner offenders in that nature is giuen Whereupon hee was taken from the Barre and hauing an Axe borne before him with the edge thereof turned towards him because he had his iudgement to die he was conueied by water to the Temple staires and was there receiued on land by Sir Nicholas Vaux and Sir William Sands both Baronets who conducted him thorow the Citie of London to the Tower and within two or three daies after he was beheaded on a Scaffold at the Tower Hill About the same time the King himselfe wrote and published in the Latine tongue a booke against Martin Luthers Assertions The King writeth against Martin Luther Disputes and Arguments touching Indulgences and the Sacraments of the Church for which cause he was by the Pope enstiled Defensor Fidei Defender of the Faith Yet some doe affirme that he was so entituled in requitall of the aide and succour which by the gift of excessiue summes of money when he and his Cardinals were prisoners to the Emperour was extended to him and them Defensor Fidei We haue alreadie heard how that Cardinall Wolsey being sent to Calice to ratifie and to confirme the Peace which not long before was concluded there betwixt the Emperor the two Kings The French King first breaketh the peace did therein little good And wee must now know that the first breach of that peace was made by the French King who began to warre sharply on the Emperor both by Sea and Land And because he suspected that King Henrie partly for affinities sake and partly by reason of the condition of part-taking annexed to the said peace did secretly side with the Emperor against him therefore he dealt thus vnkindly with King Henrie 1 First of all contrarie to his faith and promise hee sent Iohn Duke of Albanie into Scotland to raise new warres The French King wrongeth King Henry and many mischiefs against this Realme to the end that the King might not haue any leisure to ioyne with the Emperour and to make warre vpon him 2 Secondly he detayned and kept from the King that yearely Tribute which for Normandie Aquitaine and other the Kings inheritance in those Countries was due and payable by the Kings of France 3 Thirdly contrarie to his promise and safe conduct giuen to the Marchants of England no warre betwixt the two Kings being proclaimed he seised on all their wares and marchandizes in Burdeaux and committed them to prison 4 Fourthly vpon the Seas he riffled robbed and spoiled the Marchants of England daily and vpon complaints promised liberall restitution but made none 5 Fiftly he refused to pay to Queen Mary Dowager of France her yearly pension contrarie to the agreement made betwixt king Henrie and the whole estate of France 6 And last of all neglecting his Hostages and making a wilfull breach of his promise he would not pay those summes of money which were concluded to be paid for the surrendring and yeelding vp of the Citie and Castle of Tourney into his hands King Henries course for requitall These iniuries and wrongs first of all procured the King to make generall Musters through his whole kingdome and then to apparell prouide and furnish his Nauie Royall and to commit them to the charge and gouernment of the Earle of Surrey his high Admirall the scourger of the French King for all his faults To him hee gaue ample and large commission to vexe and to annoy the French King and his Subiects both by Sea and Land He also restrained the French Embassador of his libertie not permitting him to goe abroad without his leaue He also caused the marchandizes wares goods and money of all Frenchmen within his kingdome not being Denizens to be attached to his owne vse Also hee committed their bodies to Gaoles and Prisons vsing them in the like sort as his Subiects and Marchants were misvsed in France A French Armie vanisheth King Henrie being informed that the French King hauing leuied an Armie houered vp and downe neare vnto the marches of Calice to preuent danger and to meet with him at all assaies sent many thousands of gallant and braue Souldiers to the Sea which were by the Admirall receiued into his Fleet so that vpon any occasion or neede they might quickly bee set on land But when they perceiued that Calice was not in any hazard for that the French Armie was vanished and dissolued then the Admirall because he loathed to be idle landed many of his men vpon the coast of Brittaine Morleys taken burnt and with great confidence and resolution conducted them to Morleys where a principall gate of the Citie being battered and beaten open with some great shot the braue English men boldly entred in riffled ransacked and spoiled the town and by the cōmandement of the Admirall they consumed it
with fire razed it to the ground This seruice was by diuers Gentlemen so gallantly performed that in honour thereof the Admirall dignified with the honour of Knighthood these worthy Gentlemen Francis Brian Iohn Russel Anthonie Browne Iohn Rainsford George Cobham Giles Hussey Richard Cornwal Iohn Cornwallis Thomas Moore and some others And daily other braue and warlike exploits were still made and performed in Brittaine neare vnto the Sea coasts Of which it will be too tedious to make particular relation neither will wee much busie our selues with the discourse of such things as hapned betwixt the Emperour and the French king in their warres because they doe not properly belong to the Historie of this kingdome The King who was informed that the Duke of Albanie intended to invade the Northren marches of his Realme commanded the Lord Roos The Scots are troublesome and the Lord Dacres of the South by an anticipating warre to enter into the Borders of Scotland with a slight Armie which they did and burnt fourescore Hamblets Villages and Townes razed and destroyed diuers Castles Bulwarkes and Towers forraged their fields and without any encounter returned into England The King likewise made the Earle of Shrewsbury Lieftenant generall of the North whose charge was to make strong prouision to withstand all sodaine invasions which the Scots should attempt to make And likewise hee leuied an Armie of twelue thousand men Another Armie sent into France which hee commended to the Gouernement of the Admirall for the supply and maintenance of his warres in France Thus the King being daily imployed and wanting money to defray his charge by way of loan vpon priuie Seales Priuie seales hee borrowed of the Citie of London twentie thousand pounds And of many others great summes of money In all Shires and Prouinces within his kingdome whereat his Subiects much grieued But afterwards they were much more displeased thereat because the said loanes by an Act of Parliament They are released were clearely released to the King And yet for all this Wolsey by strange commissions and by other vnlawfull meanes without the Kings consent or notice endeuoured to raise and to leauie more money as formerly wee haue heard The Admirall who maugre his Enemies Braue seruice in France hauing landed his Armie at Callice Marched from thence and passed in good order of Battaile ouer Newnam Bridge wasting spoiling burning and ransacking sundrie Townes Villages Castles and Forts as namely Selloys Brunbridge Senkerke Frynge Blanioy Dorlans and other places as they passed by so terrified the people that they would not abide his sight And in those seruices these Gentlemen as chiefe Captaines Chiefe Gentlemen of seruice and worthie of the best praise are principally to be noted Sir William Sands Sir William Fitz-William Sir Maurice Barkley Sir Iohn Wallop Sir Richard Ierningham Captaine Coo and Captaine Thwayts The three former of them among other imploiments were by the Admirall sent with three thousand men to the strong Towne of Marquison which was newly builded fortified and well defended for a while But at length they tooke it ransacked it and vtterly consumed it with fire The like they did at the Townes of S. Iohns Rhode and Temple A great bootie and with great spoiles returned to their Generall Then all the Armie being collected the Admirall marched vnto Calice and brought thither with him 14000. Sheepe 1400. Oxen and Kine 1300. Hogges and 700. Horses Geldings and Mares And then hee commended and rewarded his souldiers dissolued his Armie and with great honour and in the especiall fauour of his Soueraigne he returned into England The Scots inuade Whilest these things were thus ordered in France the Kings professed enemie Iohn Duke of Albanie Protector to the young King and of his Realme by the procurement of the French King leuied a great Armie purposing with fire and sword to haue entred into the West Marches of England But the Lord Dacres and the Lord Roos and many other Knights and Gentlemen hauing carefully prouided and wel furnished an Armie of eight and twentie thousand men They will not fight to make head against him and likewise the Earle of Shrewesburie hauing leuied another Armie of great strength and appearing boldly into the Scots sight the Scots began wisely to doubt of their successe and the rather because the most of them knew not the cause or ground of that quarrell and therefore would not fight but leauing to assist their Captaine they returned home and were not pursued by the English who by their Commission were not authorized to inuade but to defend themselues The Duke of Suffolke warreth in France Bell Castle The next yeare Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke was sent to Calice with an Armie of thirteene thousand men with which he marched forth burning spoiling foraging without compassion vntill he came to the strong Castle of Bell which after many gallant and braue assaults was yeelded and razed to the ground Thither repaired to the Dukes Armie Aide from the Emperor as seruants to the Emperour three thousand footmen and fiue hundred horsemen being Burgundians Flemings and of their neighbouring Nations all which besieged the strong Towne of Bray Bray which was well fortified and furnished with goodly Ordinance and with two thousand men This Towne they tooke not by composition but by assault But because the Frenchmen themselues had first fired it and were runne away the Englishmen and their friends besides the winning of it receiued small commoditie thereby Then with vndaunted courage they passed ouer the Riuer of Some into France Roy. and to them vpon seuerall summons were yeelded vp the Townes of Roy and Lyhome Lyhome Mount dedyer But they were compelled to besiege the warlike Towne of Mount dedyer in which were two thousand men and fiue hundred horse This Towne they daily battered with the continuall shot of their great Ordinance so that it was made assaultable and then the Frenchmen vpon composition to depart with bagge baggage and with their Armes yeelded the Towne to the Dukes forces in which there was exceeding plentie of costly linnen arras tapestrie bedding and of choice houshold stuffe Afterwards they tooke the Castle of Boghan Boghan which had not the Marishes beene excessiuely hardned by a continuall frost was not accessable nor pregnable by any strength This Castle they razed to the ground because it was not commodious to their seruice These atchieuements being thus manfully and honourably performed the English souldiers by reason of the extremitie of the weather and the sharpnesse of the Winter English souldiers returne without leaue of the Generall long nights and short daies were altogether vnwilling to proceed any further at that time and the rather for these two other causes First for that the Duke of Burbon who was reuolted from the French King to the Emperour came not according to his promise to the Dukes Armie with ten thousand men
Massingham parua in the Countie of Northfolke Esquire 37 Thomas Bendish of Steeple Bamsteed in the Countie of Essex Esq 38 Sir Iohn Winne of Guidder in the Countie of Carnaruon knight 39 Sir William Throgmorton of Tortworth in the Countie of Gloucester knight 40 Sir Richard Worsley of Appl. dorcombe in the Countie of Southampton knight 41 Iohn Reade of Mitton in the Countie of Worcester Esquire 42 Richard Fleetwood of Calwish in the Countie of Stafford Esquire 43 Thomas Spencer of Y●●●●ngton in the Countie of Oxford Esq 44 Sir Iohn Tuffton of Hothefield in the Countie of Kent knight 45 Sir ●amuel Payton of Knowleton in the Countie of Kent knight 46 Sir Charles Morrison of Coshiobury in the Countie of Hertford knight 47 Sir Henry Baker of Sissingburst in the Countie of Kent knight 48 Roger Appleton of Southbemflete in the Countie of Essex Esquire 49 Sir William Sidley of Alisford in the Countie of Kent knight 50 Sir William Twisden of East Peckham in the Countie of Kent Knight 51 Sir Edward Hales of Woodchurch in the Countie of Kent knight 52 William Monings of Walwarcher in the Countie of Kent Esquire 53 Thomas Mildemay of Masham in the Countie of Essex Esquire 54 Sir Will. Mainard of Easton parua in the Countie of Essex knight 55 Henry Lee of Quarrendam in the Countie of Bucking Esquire 1 IOhn Portman of Orchard in the Countie of Somerset Esquire 2 Sir Nicholas Saunderson of Saxby in the Countie of Lin. knight 3 Sir Miles Sands of Willerton in the I le of Elie. 4 William Goswick of Willington in the Countie of Bedf. Esquire 5 Thomas Puckering of Weston in the Countie of Hartford Esquire 6 Iohn W●ay of Glentworth in the Countie of Lincolne Esquire 7 Sir William Ayloffe of Braxsteed magna in the Countie of Essex Knight 8 Sir Marmaduke Wyuell of Constable Burton in the Countie of York Knight 9 Iohn Peshall of Horsley in the Countie of Stafford Esquire 10 Francis Inglefield of Wotton Basset in the Countie of Wilt. Esquire 11 Sir Thomas Ridgway of Torre in the Countie of Deuon Knight 12 William Essex of Beaucot in the Countie of Berk. Esquire 13 Sir Edward Gorges of Langford in the Countie of Wilt. Knight 14 Edward Deuereux of Castle Bramwide in the Countie of Warwick Esquire 15 Sir Reynold Methum of Buckconnock in the Countie of Cornwal Knight 16 Sir Thomas Holte of Aston neere Brimingham in the Countie of Warwick Knight 17 Sir Harbotle Grimston of _____ in the Countie of Essex Knight Honor virtutis praemium Iohn Speed 5. Bishopricks Counties subiect to their seuerall Iurisdictions Parishes in each seuerall Bishoprick Canterbury Arch. Bish Kent 257 Rochester 98 London Essex Middlesex Hertfordshire part 623 Lincolne Lincolneshire Leicestershire Huntington Bedfordshire Buckinghamshire Hertfordshire part 1255 Chichester Hertfordshire part Sussex 250 Winchester Hamshire Surrey Weight Isle Gernsey Isle Iersey Isle 362 Salisbury Wilshire Barkshire 248 Exeter Devon Cornwall Exeter Citie 623 Bath and Wells Somerset 388 Glocester Glocestershire 267 Worcester Worcestershire Warwickshire part 241 Lichfield and Couentrey Warwickshire part Staffordshire Darbyshire Shropshire part 557 Hereford Shropshire part Herefordshire 313 Ely Cambridgeshire Ely Isle 141 Norwich Northfolke Suffolke 1121 Oxford Oxfordshire 195 Peterborough Northamptonshire Rutlandshire 293 Bristow Dorsetshire Bristow 236 Landaff Glamorganshire Monmothshire Brecknockshire Radnorshire 177 S. Dauid Pembrokeshire Caermardenshire 308 Bangor Caernervonshire Anglesey Isle Merioneth and Denbighshire part 107 S. Assaph Denbighshire part Flintshire part 121 Yorke Province Bishopricks Counties subiect to their seuerall Iurisdictions Parishes in each seuerall Bishoprick Yorke Archbish Yorkeshire Nottinghamshire 581 Chester Chesshire Richmondshire Cumberland part Lancashire Flintshire part 256 Carelyell Cumberlandshire part Westmerland 93 Durham Durham Northumberland Man Isle 135 Bishopricks in England and Wales Shires in England and in Wales Parishes in England and in Wales 26. 63. 8083. Iohn Speed 801. At the time of the first dissoluing of Religious houses in England there were Archbishopricks and Bishopricks 21. Deanries 11. Arch-deaconries 60. Dignities and Prebends in Cathed Churches 364. Benefices 8803. Religious Houses 65 Hospitals 110. Colleges 96. Chauntries and free-Chappells 2374. Their Rates were per annum 320180. A Table contayning the prouisions of the Spanish Armado against England in Anno Domini 1588. Anno ELIZ. REG. 30. Leaders Prouinces ayding Galliasses and gallions Ships and Hulks Pinaces and Caruels Great Ordinance Saylors Souldiers Galley slaues Iohn Speed 858. Richard Hakluyt D. Medina Sidonia Portugal 10 2   300 1300 3300   Diego de Mandrana Portugal 4     20 360   888 Ioh. Martynes de Richaldes Biscai 10   4 250 700 2000   Michael de Oquendo Guipusco 10   4 310 700 2000   Pedro de Valdez Andolozia 10   1 280 800 2400   Martin de Vertendona Italy 10     310 800 2000   Diego Floris de Valdez C●stile 14   2 380 1700 2400   Iohn Lopez de Medina Medina   23   400 700 3200   Hugo de Moncado Naples 4     200 460 870 1200 Antonio Buccado Mendoza   22   193 574 488   Shires in England BArkeshire Bedfordshire Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cheshire Cornwall Cumberlandshire Darbyshire Deuonshire Dorsetshire Durham B. Essex Gloucester Hampshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Huntingtonshire Kent Lancaster Le●●istershire Lincolneshire Middlesex Northamptonshire Northfolke Northumberland Nottinghamshire Oxfordshire Rutlandshire Shropshire Somersetshire Staffordshire Suffolke Surrey Sussex Warwick Westmerland Wilshire Worcestershire Yorkeshire Shires in Wales ANglesey Brecknock Carmarden Carnaruon Cardigan Denbigh Flint Clamorgan Merioneth Monmoth Mountgomery Pembroke Radnor The battaile betwixt the Conquerour 1. Conq. and King Harold was stricken the 14 of October 1066. in which were slaine about 68000 English men Speed 415 and almost aboue 6000. Stow. 128. 48 H. 3. Lewis 1263 49 H. 3. Euersham 1264 25 Edw. 1. Barwick 1296 7 Edw. 2. Estriuelin 1313 13 Edw. 2. Burgh-bridge 1320 27 Edw. 2. Fanrike 1298 20 Edw. 3. Cressey 1345 30 Edw. 3. Poyters 1355 3 H. 4 Shrewsbury 1401 3 H. 5. Agencourt 1414 9 H. 5. Blangy 1420 3 H. 6. Vernoyle 1423 6 H. 6. Herings 1427 34 H. 6. Saint Albons 1456 37 H. 6. Bloar-heath 1459 38 H. 6. Northampton 1460 39 H. 6. Wakefield 1460 39 H. 6. Saint Albons 1460 39 H. 6. Towton 1460 in which were 109000. Englishmen and of them were slaine 37000. men 2 Edw. 4. Exham 1462 8 Edw. 4. Banbery 1468 8 Edw. 4. Looscotes 1468 in it 10000 men were slaine 10 Edw. 4. Barnet 1470 in it were slaine 10000. men 10 Edw. 4. Tewksbury 1470 3 Rich. 3. Bosworth 1485 3 H. 7. Stoke 1487 5 H. 7. Fongiers 1488 12 H. 7. Black-heath 1496 5 H. 8. Flodden 1513 34 H. 8. Solemne Masse 1542 Especiall notes worthy of obseruation 13 H. 1. The first parliament was in Anno 1112 19 H. 2. Ireland was conquered in Anno 1172 4 Iohannis Normandy was lost by King Iohn 1202 43 H. 3. and the title thereto released 1258
grieuously afflicted the Kings Armie with mortalitie and death that not hauing performed anie thing worthie a Kings care and trauaile he began to retyre which when the Scots perceiued they pursued and hunted him with much crueltie and violence So that finding his forces to be broken The King is pursued and flyeth and his Armie scattered the Scots gaue a bold onset vpon the King himselfe and enforced him to saue his life by an ignominious flight and to leaue behinde him his Treasure The King loseth his Treasure and prouisions Ordinance and all his best prouisions whereat they made great jolitie and mirth This last disaster and this last danger which King Edward by a shamefull flight escaped was principally occasioned by Sir Andrew Harkley Sir Andrew Harkley Earle of Carlile beheaded whome the King had created Earle of Carlyle for his great seruice in his behalfe against his Barons in their late ouerthrow for hee hauing secretly receiued from the Scots a great summe of money for a bribe practised to betray the King for which offence he lost his head The Queene flyeth into France and carrieth the prince with her The Queene knowing that the two Spencers enuied her deepely at the heart and that by their persuasions the King refused to keepe her companie and solaced himselfe too too wantonly with lewd and lasciuious strumpets and pitying the late slaughter and bloudie executions of verie manie of the Nobilitie and perceiuing that the affaires and businesse of the Commonweale were made slauish and seruile to all misfortunes taking with her the young Prince Edward her sonne fled into France to her brother King Charles She is kindly entertained by her brother the King by whome shee was receiued louingly and was recomforted by earnest promises and oaths That by his assistance and at his costs her wrongs and this whole Kingdomes ruines should be repaired And not long after the Barons by their letters offered their best seruice to her and to the Prince her sonne The Barons doe offer her their seruice and did protest That if shee could returne strengthened onely with the helpe of one thousand valiant men at armes they would thereto adde so great a strength as should suffice to make the two Spencers feele the smart of their vnsufferable follies This proffer exceedingly rejoyced the Queene The Spencers do bribe the French King with the Kings Money and Iewels The French King checketh the Queene his sister The Pope and his Cardinals are bribed Sir Robert Earle of Arthois a friend to the Queen The Queene and Prince flye into the Empire They are kindly entertained by the Earle of Henault The Queene and Prince doe land in England ANNO 19. 1325. The Nobles Commons doe repaire to the Queene and Prince The Bishop of Exeter beheaded by the Londoners The King goeth toward Wales The Londoners take the Tower and daily fedde her conceits with fresh hopes of fortunate successe at the last But the two Spencers greatly fearing the euent of her returne if the French King should take her part and making the Kings Coyne and his Treasure their best Aduocates to plead their case so corrupted King Charles and his Councell of Estate with vnvaluable presents of Gold of Siluer and of rich Iewels that not onely all aide and succour was denyed to her by her owne brother but in verie sharpe and in quicke manner shee was by him reproued and blamed as being foolishly afraid of her owne shadow and as hauing vnwisely and vndutifully forsaken the companie of her Lord and kinde husband The Pope likewise and manie of his chiefest Cardinals being by like rewards engaged by the two Spencers required the French King vpon the penaltie of Cursing to send the Queene and the young Prince her sonne to King Edward And doubtlesse shee had vnnaturally beene betrayed by her owne brother if secretly and speedily her selfe and her young sonne had not been conueyed into the Empire by Sir Robert of Arthois her neere and kinde cousin and friend where they were with vnexpected and extraordinarie joy receiued and welcommed by the Earle of Henault and by Sir Iohn of Henault Lord Beaumont his brother who being accompanied with three hundred Knights and selected men of Armes went with her and with her sonne into England Vpon the first intelligence giuen of their landing the Lords and Barons with gladded hearts and lustie troupes of resolued Gallants who were soundly and at all points armed repaired euerie day to the Queene and Prince and hourely their forces were encreased So that the King hauing notice of these new troubles left the Gouernment of the Citie of London to his chiefest Treasurer Walter Stapleton then Bishop of Exeter who was an inward friend to the two Spencers and a professed enemie to the Queene and hated generally by the inhabitants of that Citie and the King hasted vnto the Marches of Wales for the present leuying of an Armie But hee was no sooner on his journey but the Londoners skorning the Gouernment of their prowd and insolent Commander apprehended him and without anie lawfull proceedings or judiciall Sentence caused his head to be smitten off at the Standard in Cheape and then they suddenly and with great violence rushed into the Tower of London where they slew all such as they found there and kept both it and that Citie to the vse of the Queene and of the young Prince her sonne The King changeth his purpose The King fortifieth Bristoll The Queene winneth Bristoll The King is besieged in the Castle Est ineuitabile Fatum A strange matter The King and Sir Hugh Spencer the younger are taken The Castle of Bristoll yeeldeth Sir Hugh Spencer the father and the Earle of Arundell are beheaded The Queene and Prince doe march toward London The younger Spencer is publikely derided He is cruelly executed As soone as King Edward was resolued and informed of this Reuolt hee desisted from his intended purpose and posted vnto Bristow and fortified it in the strongest manner that hee was able and committed the defence thereof to the Earle of Arundell and to Sir Hugh Spencer the father and himselfe with Sir Hugh the sonne entred into the Castle there and were determined to defend it with all their strength But within few dayes after the said Citie was besieged assaulted and wonne by the Queene and by the Barons who committing the two Earles and diuers others of the chiefest note vnto safe keeping besieged the Castle in such sort that the King and his Minion distrusting the euent stole away secretly in the night and put themselues into a little Fisher-boat Yet such was the will and pleasure of GOD to make them to know him by their future miseries that euerie day for a weeke and more the same Boat by reason of a contrarie winde was driuen backe neare to the said Castle Which being at length perceiued and obserued by the Lord Beaumont hee chased the Fisher-boat with a small vessell
and Robert Tresilian the chiefe Iustice was hanged at Tiborne and the rest of those Iudges had beene hanged in like sort Execution if vpon the importunate and vncessant request of the Queene their liues had not beene redeemed by their banishment Banishment And thus were the threatnings of ciuil wars conuerted into some assurance of prosperitie and of peace ANNO. 12 The Scots do inuade But the next yeare following the Scots inuaded this realme and did much harme against whom great preparations were made by the King who resolued to recompence his owne damage by iust and seuere reuenge A Truce betwixt England France and Scotland for seuen yeares ANNO. 13 Iohn of Gant goeth with an Armie into Spaine But the wisdome and discretion of manie great Estates were such that a Truce was concluded to endure for three yeares betwixt England France and Scotland which shortly after was enlarged for foure yeares more So that now all matters betwixt those three Kingdomes and their Kings being blessed with tranquilitie and with peace the Kings fourth Vncle Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster was suffered by the King to leuie a strong Armie which hee transported into Spaine where he demanded his right to the Kingdome of Castile in the behalfe of Constance his wife who was the eldest daughter of Peter the deposed and slaine king ANNO. 14 How his bran attempts succeeded there His two Daughters are married to the Kings of Spaine and of Portingall In those Warres the Duke and his Armie performed manie honourable seruices and with the assistance of the king of Portugale so preuailed that to conclude a sued for peace the king of Spaine married with Constance the Dukes eldest daughter by his said wife and gaue vnto him eight Waggons loaden with massie Gold and secured him and his wife of the yearely payment of ten thousand Markes during both their liues And then the Duke went into Portugale where he married Anne his yonger daughter to the king of that Countrie and then returned into England with great riches and much honour ANNO. 16 Lawes against the Popes vsurped Authoritie This time of peace betwixt England other nations bred some quarrelling betwixt the king and the Pope who vsurped too too much authoritie and iurisdiction within this Realme Wherefore to preuent such mischiefes as this intolerable sufferance mght beget in a Parliament vpon graue and great aduise it was enacted That the Popes pretended authoritie within this kingdom should cease and be determined and that no appeale for anie matter or cause whatsoeuer should from thenceforth bee made to the See of Rome vpon the penaltie of a premunire which did extend to perpetuall imprisonment and to the forfeiture of the Lands and goods of such as contrarie to that law presumed to offend ANNO. 17 In the seuenteenth yeare of king Richards Raigne his faire and vertuous Queene Anne died ANNO. 19 And about two yeares after the king married the Ladie Isabel daughter to the French king Charles the sixth By reason whereof a peace was concluded betwixt those two kings King Richard marrieth the French kings daughter A Peace for thirtie yeares Brest is yeelded vp The Duke of Glocester reprooues the King for it The death of the Duke of Glocester the Kings Vncle is plotted A Machauillian pollicie Ambition makes euill Princes confident that their Vertues doe deserue much The King intendeth the destruction of his Barrons being gulled with an vntrue report Certaine Lords surprised A Parliamēt A grosse fl●ttering Speaker The Archbishop of Canterburie is accused of Treason How the king wronged the Archbishop to endure for thirtie yeares And king Richard being too kind but too little aduised of his owne accord and free will surrendred and gaue vp to the Duke of Brittaine the strong Towne and Castle of Brest which verie much grieued and discontented his Nobilitie especially his Vncle Thomas of Woodstocke Duke of Glocester who told him plainly that it was not conuenient that without blowes with the said Duke of Brittaine hee should haue departed with that strong Towne and Castle which his ancestors had wonne with the expence of much bloud Whereat the king was so much displeased that in his heart hee causelessely vowed seuere reuenge and in this his hastie passion he was abused and furthered by such of his Fauourites as enuied the estate the vertues and honour of the Duke causing strangers to informe the king flateringly and malitiously that diuers of the Princes Electors intended to haue made him Emperor had not some others of them gainsaid it and alleadged that he was altogether vnfit to gouerne the dispersed Segniorie● and Dominions of the Empire who could not rule and command his owne subiects at home The greedie desire which king Richard had to bee magnified and made great by being dignified with the name and power of the Empire and his strong reliance vpon the vntrue report which was suggested vnto him by such as only endeuoured to whet his anger against his Lords armed him with subtletie and with a heartie desire to circumuent his Barons though it were done with the breach of his oath and with the shipwracke of his honour So that pretending much loue and fauour towards them but especially to the Duke of Glocester his Vncle and to the two Earles of Arondell and Warwicke hee caused them to be apprehended when as they imagined they had least cause to feare And hauing so done he assembled his High Court of Parliament In which his basest and his grossest flatterer the speaker of the Lower House named Sir Iohn Bush who was a man of a most proud insolent and aspiring spirit irreligiously profanely and dishonestly in a formall and in a tedious speech attributed vnto the King the highest titles of diuine honour and therefore condemned almost to Hell all such as traiterously had conspired against his Maiestie Among whom hee particularly impeached Thomas Lord Archbishop of Canterburie sitting next vnto the King who made no answere at all thereto because the King himselfe vnder pretence of more then ordinarie loue and fauour had priuatly enioyned him vnto silence and vnto future absence from that Assembly promising and protesting that nothing should be attempted or done against him by anie meanes Yet notwithstanding for want of his presence and of his answere to the said vntrue obiections he was with the Kings consent banished this Realme He is banished Warwicke and Arundell are condemned as Traytors Arundell is beheaded Salisburie is banished and dieth miserably The Duke of Glocester murdered at Callice by Thomas Mowbray Earle of Notingham A weake parliament to grant such an vnreasonable Commission And the two Earles of Arundell and of Warwicke were also condemned of High Treason and shortly after the former of those two lost his head And so had Thomas Beauchamp Earle of Warwicke if by his humble confession of thinges vntrue and vpon his great submission steeped in teares and much
them to reuolt and yeeld to King Charles By meanes whereof King Henrie as hee was counselled sayled with a puisant Armie from Douer 1431. 10 King Henrie crowned in Paris and arriued at Calice And taking Roan in his way Hee marched vnto Paris where hee was with all beseeming requisities annointed and crowned King of France and receiued homage and fealtie vpon the Othes of the Nobles Gentlemen and common People of that Citie These French warres were famous in all the Westerne parts of the world And the more were they spoken off because men generally did wonder how it was possible that so small an Iland England admired at as England was should for so many yeares together so grieuously torment and scourge so large so populous and so potent a Kingdome as France was and put it to the worst At length and after frequent mediations vsed by Eugenius the Fourth then Pope of Rome and by many other Christian Princes Such great hopes as made the fairest shew of an happie Peace An vnperfect Truce vanished quite and came to nothing sauing that an vnperfect Truce for sixe yeares was consented vnto which lasted but a while For shortly after King Henries returne into England Vnfortunately it hapned that the Ladie Anne wife vnto the Regent The Regents wife dyeth and sister to the Duke of Burgoine died And not long after hee married the faire and fresh Ladie Iaquet daughter vnto Peter Earle of S. Paul The Regent newly maried and thereby allied himselfe to the ancient and honorable Familie and house of Luxenbourgh and from thenceforth the great loue The Regent looseth a good friend which for many yeares had made the Regent and his brother in law the Duke of Burgoin fortunate happie waxed faint and feeble by meanes whereof the Duke won nothing and the Regent became lesse powerfull then he had beene in former times 1432. 11 The Truce broken The solemnities of this mariage were no sooner finished but that the six yeares truce which was so lately concluded was quite broken and warre began to threaten the effusion of much bloud For the aduerse part by secret vnderminings and trecherous perswasions possessed it selfe daily of many of the Regents Castles and Townes and iustified that manner of proceeding by affirming That politike gainings without blowes infringed not any Truce and so farre off were the Frenchmen from restoring those things which by those subtleties they had gained that to procure more Treason discouered they secretly conuaied two hundred Souldiers into the Castle of Roan hoping to haue surprized it but the treason was reuealed and the Conspirators were with maine strength beaten into the Dungeon From whence they were sentenced some to the Gallowes others to death by cruell torments others to sharpe imprisonment and such of them as sped best were for great ransomes and summes of money set at large 1433. 12 Talbots name was terrible in France These coales quickly kindled the fire of rage in so much that either partie made it selfe strong by the speedie supply of a new Armie And the Regents forces were much augmented by Iohn Lord Talbot who was of late redeemed out of prison who though hee brought with him out of England but only eight hundred chosen men at Armes yet his name and his presence more terrified the Frenchmen The Frenchmen would not fight then halfe the English Armie besides Oftentimes the two Armies by their neare approch striued to out-face and to daunt each other And twice the Regent boldly challenged the Frenchmen to entertaine the fight but they only made faire shewes to performe much and seemed as if they thirsted to make themselues famous by their manhood yet in two seuerall places and at two times they fled in the night and would not in any sort hazard their Fortunes in the field Now A Rebellion in Normandy whilest the Regent was thus carefully employed abroad the Rustickes of Normandie treacherously attempting to shake off the English yoke which was neuer burthensome vnto them rudely armed themselues and marched towards Cane exercising much violence and crueltie in all places where they did preuaile The Rebels are subdued But they were speedily encountred and ouerthrowne by the Earle of Arundell and the Lord Willoughby who slew more than a thousand of them and tormented their rebellious Leaders and Captaines with sundry sorts of deaths but permitted the baser sort to return home The Earle of Arundell slaine This noble and couragious Earle purposing to reseise for King Henrie the Towne of Rue which grieuously punished the Countries of Ponthew Arthois and Bolenois perceiued as hee marched that an old decayed Castle called Gerbory neere vnto Beauois was newly reedified and made strong This Castle hee assaulted with great courage but being mortally wounded on the ancle with the shot of a Culuerine hee was taken prisoner from the ground but within few daies after he died About the same time the Duke of Burbon who about eighteene yeares before was taken prisoner at the battaile fought at Agencourt paied his ransome of eighteene thousand pounds The Duke of Bourbon is ransomed and dieth but died in London the same day in which hee intended to set forwards towards France In the end of the raigne of King Henrie the Fifth The Regent and the Duke of Burgoine haue stout stomacks we may reuiew or remember what a precise charge and command that King gaue to his Brethren and to his Nobles neuer to loose the amitie and friendship of Philip Duke of Burgoine and this Historie maketh mention how carefull they haue beene euer since to obserue his counsell in that behalfe but the busie tongues of Tell-tales and of foisting Flatterers obtayning credit where reprehension was more fitting preuailed in such sort That the said Duke causelesly waxed iealous and his loue was cold towards the Regent Tale-bearers or Tale-tellers yet through the perswasions and by the mediation of their honorable friends an enteruiew to reuiue their friendship was procured and S. Omers was the place appointed for that purpose But when they both had made their entrance into that Towne The Duke of Bedford because he was Regent and the sonne brother and Vncle vnto Kings expected the prioritie of visitation by the Duke but he because he was the Lord and Soueraigne of that Towne supposed that he should be checked for dishonorable basenesse if hee should first repaire to the Regents lodging These conceits touching their preheminence and superioritie were very likely to distemper their humors more then formerly they had beene For the preuenting whereof their friends endeuoured to perswade them both to meete together in some indifferent place But the Regent refused to yeeld thereunto So they departed and left the Towne The Duke of Burgoine forsakes the Regent beeing both displeased and discontented with each others haughtinesse of spirit and great stomacke And forthwith the Duke of Burgoine entred into
vp in the imitation of all princely entertainment complements and behauiour so that all such as beheld him and his Heroicall Qualities pronounced their sentence that bee was descended of a Noble Familie and that some extraordinarie Fortune was at hand and attended to make him more happie then a thousand others Thus when this Ladie had procured her counterfeited Idoll to bee adored and wondered at by reason of his maiesticall carriage and behauiour she informed him that vnder the name of Richard Duke of Yorke second sonne to King Edward the Fourth her brother shee intended to aduance him to the Crowne of England and to make him King which that she might with the more ease and facilitie effect shee secretly and so substantially taught him in the whole Pedigrees of the Houses of Lancaster and Yorke that within few daies no Englishman was more expert and cunning therein then he Perkin is aided by the Irishmen When shee had thus furnished him according to her will shee caused him to be transported into Ireland where he made himselfe knowen among those Nobles to bee by his birth a great Prince and therin he so artificially demeaned himselfe that by the whole Nation of the Irish he was receiued reuerenced and maintained as their soueraigne and rightfull Lord. The French King sendeth for Perkin Warbecke About the same time the French King who daily expected the landing of an English Armie within his Duchie of Britaine or in some other place subiect to his dominion as formerly wee haue heard intended to disturbe the intention and purpose of King Henry by setting vp of another King in this Realme for which purpose hee sent for Perkin Warbecke into France and promised with all kinde of friendly entertainment to receiue helpe releeue and succour him vntill hee had inuested him into his right and Kingdome No sooner was this mocke-prince come to the French Court but such was the generall applause of the Frenchmen and so extraordinarie was their madnesse and braine-sicke ioy that the poore Swad could in no wise chuse but imagine strongly that hee was borne to be a King But in the middest of his flattering vaine and foolish hopes the aforesaid peace betwixt the two Kings of England and of France was concluded and this young Nouice fearing lest he should be deliuered to King Henry ran secretly away Perkin flieth out of France The Duchesse honoureth and maintaineth him and came to his Titularie Aunt the Duchesse of Burgoine who receiued him with great ioy and much honour giuing vnto him princely entertainment filling his purse with gold clothing his bodie with costly and with rich apparell and appointing thirtie gentlemen of worth and qualitie as his Guard to giue their daily attendance vpon his fantasticall person Her practise for assistance in England Then shee caused it newly to be published in England that her Nephew Richard Duke of Yorke was yet aliue and liued in her Court and that he according to his right and title to the Crowne of England as being the heire male of the House of Yorke expected the assistance of all his true and louing subiects towards his attaining thereof Perkin is fauoured in England No sooner did this newes wax common among the Vulgar but it was generally beleeued by them and also by diuers others of better ranke and fashion insomuch that many for malice onely and for grudge which they conceiued against the House of Lancaster others because they deemed themselues not to be sufficiently rewarded for their aduentures in King Henries warres against King Richard others because they were ambitious and saw none other meanes to raise their fortunes others because their fancies were easily deluded by nouelties and deuised newes and others because they delighted to fish in troubled waters determined to take his part And vpon that resolution the Conspirators by secret combination sent Sir Robert Clifford a man of much valour wisdome Sir Robert Clifford and great discretion into Flanders to enquire and to search out the truth of the conception birth and parentage of this new-found Duke This Knight after his arriuall and when hee had conferred againe and againe with the busie-headed Duchesse of Burgoine touching this businesse and with an obseruing eie had beheld the young counterfet and had communed oftentimes with him perswaded himselfe that he was the very true naturall and yongest sonne of King Edward the Fourth and so he certified his friends in England by his letters and by meanes thereof euery day fresh reports gat greater strength and credit among such as were willing to be partakers in his fortunes King Henries preparations against Perkins inuasion Wherefore as a sharpe Feuer suffreth not the Patient to take any rest so this fantasticall dreame and vaine imagination troubled King Henry aboue measure and wisedome made him prouident to prepare for future stormes so that he strongly guarded and fortified all places which bordered vpon the Sea and by his letters hee informed the Burgundians and Flemings of the vanitie and falsitie of this deuised foolerie and of this fained King vsing his best meanes both to preuent all ciuill wars and also to withstand all inuasions which might bee attempted against his Crowne and Kingdome And to make himselfe more strong 1493. 9 hee selected and appointed diuers men of wisdome and of worth secretly to flie out of England into Flanders to the Duchesse and to this fained Duke A wittie policie that by their meanes and endeuours bee might haue true intelligence of such as being of name and qualitie conspired to ioine with this ignoble counterfet vpon whose information and after legall trials the chiefest actors in that businesse as Traitors were put to death King Henry also recounting how that by the late breach of promise Maximilian the King of the Romans failed to assist him in his warres against Charles the French King and finding that his sonne Philip Arch duke of Austria and Duke of Burgoine secretly fauouuoured the attempts of the Ladie Margaret concerning Perkin Warbeckes conspiracie The English Mart is remoued from Flanders to Calice A restraint of wares and merchandizes remoued his Mart of English merchandizing from Flanders to his owne Towne of Calice and also he prohibited all men whatsoeuer to bring any Flemish commodities or wares into this Kingdome This restraint notwithstanding the bribing Easterlings were vnder hand permitted to bring into England what they would And likewise King Maximilian and his sonne by strong Edicts forbade and published the confiscation of all English commodities as leather tallow woolles lead tinne and such like if they were brought into those Countries An assault on the Flemings in London This restraining of the Kings owne subiects and that libertie which was allowed to those strangers vexed and greeued the English Merchants at the heart and so it did many others for by meanes thereof a great part of their trade which in former times supported their
Earle of Surrey was no idle person in this businesse But being aided and assisted by his eldest sonne the Admirall who vnderstanding of his Fathers preparations for those warres came from the Sea to New-castle and brought with him one thousand Mariners and lustie fighting men and by the Lords Dacres Clifford Conyers Latymer Scrope Ogel and Lomley and by Sir Edward Stanley Sir William Bulmer Sir Nicholas Apple-yard Sir William Sydney Sir Stephen Bull Sir Iohn Everningham Sir Henrie Sherborne Sir Thomas Metham Sir Marmaduke Constable Sir William Percy Sir Christopher Ward Sir Philip Tylney Sir William Gascoyne Sir Thomas Barkeby Sir Walter Griffeth Sir George Darcy Sir Christopher Pickering Sir Thomas Butler Sir Guy Dawney Sir Iohn Booth Sir Iohn Rowcliffe Sir Iohn Stanley Sir Iohn Normauile Sir Lionel Percie Sir Iohn Willoughby Sir Edward Echingham and Sir Brian Stapleton Knights and by Ralfe Brearton Iohn Laurence Brian Tunstall Richard Bold Iohn Donne Iohn Bygod Iohn Claruis Thomas Fitz-Williams Brian Stapleton Robert Warcop and Richard Cholmley Esquires and by many other Gentlemen or worthie reputation and great valour 26000. fighting men And hauing in his Armie six and twentie thousand men able and fit for warre he marched towards the King of Scots and vpon the ninth day of September in the yeare of our Lord God 1513. in a Field which was called Flodden Flodden field both the Armies came in view each of other The English forces being marshalled in good order made two maine battailes both which were politickly and strongly guarded by their wings And the Scottish Armie was diuided into foure battailes The Scots are ouerthrowen All these after some few skirmishes and the expence of much shot both small and great ioined together pell mell and fell to handie strokes and made such an incredible expression of their manhood by the indifferent exchange of blowes and wounds that many a strong and lustie man was quickly depriued of his life Nobilitie and Gentrie were no priuiledges to protect any man from danger nay from death insomuch that King Iames himselfe fighting couragiously among his people as a common souldier The King of Scots is slaine triumphed ouer the dead carcases or such as by his sword hee had prepared for the graue But in the end he himselfe was also slaine and so were two Bishops twelue Earles fourteene Lords and twelue thousand Knights Esquires Gentlemen and common souldiers of the Scottish Nation And on the English part fifteene hundred and no more were slaine Thus was this Field wonne by the blessing of Almightie God and by the victorious courage and true manhood of the Earle of Surrey and of his sonne and of such Nobles Knights Gentlemen and braue souldiers as in that battaile approued themselues hardie and strong in Armes And the suruiuing Scots finding their chiefest helpe and safetie to consist in the agilitie and nimblenesse of their light heeles forsooke the Field and with more then posting speede they fled and returned with heauie hearts into their owne Countrey King Henry after his returne into England bountifully rewarded such as in France and against the Scots in England Noblemen created had done him the best seruice and some of them he aduanced to higher places by giuing to them an increase of dignitie and of honour For he created Thomas Howard who was then Earle of Surrey Duke of Norfolke and the Admirall his sonne was made Earle of Surrey Sir Charles Brandon being Viscount Lysle was made Duke of Suffolke Sir Charles Somerset being then Lord Harbert and Chamberlaine to the King was created Earle of Worcester Sir Edward Stanley was made Lord Mountegle And the Kings Almoner Thomas Wolsey was created Bishop of Lincolne which fauour hee vnthankfully requited The enclosures about London throwen downe to his owne ruine as hereafter wee shall see In the end of this yeare the inhabitants of Islington Hoxston Shordich and of other Townes and Villages bordering neere to the Citie of London inclosed their Champion Fields in which the Citizens were accustomed for their recreation and pastimes sake to walke runne shoot leape and to vse such like sports at their willes and pleasures with high hedges and wide ditches because they would more priuately appropriate the commodities of those grounds vnto themselues But multitudes of the meaner sort of the Citizens issued forth with mattockes spades shouels and such like tooles of husbandrie with which they ouerthrew the said hedges filled vp those ditches and leuelled the said grounds vsing in them their former exercises and pastimes and so they are enioied at this day 1514. 6 Not long after the Kings returne into England the before named Prior Iohn with his Gallies and some Foists being well manned and prouided Prior Iohn landeth but is well beaten arriued in Sussex and landed in the night and burnt a poore Village named Brigh-helmston But being discouered himselfe wounded in the face with an arrow and diuers of his men slaine he with the rest were compelled to runne into the Sea out of which being drawen into their vessels they returned with small gaine Spoiles in Normandie by Sir Iohn Wallop But to requite their boldnesse the Lord Admirall of England with some few ships and eight hundred souldiers besides the Mariners sent Sir Iohn Wallop to the Sea whose often landing in Normandie was very preiudiciall to the inhabitants for he burnt one and twentie of their Villages and Townes and many boats and ships which were ancoured in Traport and in other Hauens ransacked the Countrey and slew much people And much wondring there was how with so small a number he could land so often and performe such great things A peace concluded The French king marieth with the Kings sister The old French King Lewys the twelfth vnderstanding that the Flemings would not according to their former agreements receaue into their Countrie the goodly faire and vertuous Ladie Marie sister to King Henrie to be espoused vnto Charles the yong Prince of Castile because the Spaniards had not consented to that match by his Embassadors craued peace and became an earnest suter to the King that shee might be his wife whereupon to settle loue and amitie betwixt those two Kings and their kingdomes and to make the said Lady so great a Queene and that shee might be endowed with an yearely pension of ten thousand marks during her life and might againe returne into England if the French King died The King and the said Ladie consented and yeelded to his request And therupon the Duke of Longvyle and such other Frenchmen as had beene taken at the battaile of Tyrwyn were now released and set free And within few dayes after the said Ladie being by the King and Queen accompanied to Douer and there shipped and attended on by Thomas Duke of Norfolke Thomas Marques Dorset and his foure brethren the Earle of Surrey the Lords De la ware Barnes and Mountegle Sir Mawrice Barkley Sir Iohn
then would doe as he thought good but if they refused so to doe he then protested to visit the Towne and them with all the extremities which were incident to such a warre This quicke answere so little pleased the Townesmen that they returned purposing to resist and so they did But by strong batteries and fierce assaults their gates and their walles were beaten downe and entred so that many thousands of the Scots were slaine their riches were possessed by the English Armie and a great part of that Citie was consumed by fire Now whilest the Armie was thus busied there came vnto them from the King foure thousand English horsemen so that when the spoiles and booties were by the souldiers imbarked and by water sent into England the English Armie coasted thorow a great part of those Countries vnfought with burning killing and foraging in all places as they pleased so that they hauing taken ransacked and burnt a good part of the Citie of Edenborough Holy-rood house and the Kings Palace there and hauing rifled and defaced the Townes of Leyth Haddington Dumbarre Dyrlaw Broughton Dudiston Beuerton Markle Hatherwike Bowland Blackborne West-Crage Chester-fels Stone-house Trauent Trapren Belton Butterden Raunto Enderleigh Crawenden Shenston the Fycket East-barne Kyrklandhill Quickwood part of Muskelborough and many other Villages besides Abbies Monasteries and Religious Houses which particularly wee cannot name they returned powerfully with rich booties and with the only losse of fortie men into England Two Armies sent into France And thus did King Henry in some sharpe measure correct and punish the vnstable dealings of the Scots Which troubles when he had finished hee then forthwith made such plentifull preparations to inuade France that he sent vnto the French Kings Dominions two strong Armies of which the one was commanded by the Duke of Norfolke and by the gentle Lord Russel who was then newly made Lord Priuie Seale who therewithall besieged the strong Towne of Muttrell where they lost much time Muttrell besieged and abandoned and much labour and were enforced to leaue it in the end And the other of the said two Armies was commanded by the Duke of Suffolke with which the said former Armie inbodied it selfe and then they all encamped about the strong and warlike Citie of Bulleine Bulleine is besieged and after many sharpe conflicts and hot skirmishes they first tooke the Old man and shortly after base Bulleine To this siege King Henry himselfe being attended by many a worthie man repaired and after his comming thither The King commeth to Bulleine so long as the light gaue leaue for the space of one whole moneth together he caused the walles of the Towne and Castle so cruelly to be battered and the Towne it selfe to be so beaten and the breaches and the trenches to be so furiously assulted that the walles in many places lay almost leuell with the ground No house escaped vnhurted and the Inhabitants with continuall labour vexation Bulleine is yeelded and trauell were almost tired and worne out so that at length vpon composition that all the Souldiers and Inhabitants should safely depart with bagge and baggage the strong and stately Towne and Castle of Bulleine was deliuered into the Kings hands out of which issued vpon the said agreement threescore and seuen horsemen fifteene hundred threescore and three footmen eight hundred Gunners fourescore and seuen men who were hurt and nineteene hundred twentie and seuen men women and children they all being in number 4444. soules But many who by reason of their greeuous wounds could not depart were found and well cherished and releeued in the Towne Now whilest the King thus lay at the siege of Bulleine King Henry returneth the Emperour without the Kings knowledge or consent secretly concluded a peace with the French King whereat King Henry much greeued so that after hee had taken an exact order for the repairing and fortifying of that Towne and Castle bee dismissed his Armie and with great ioy honour and triumph he returned into England And because his daily warres which required continuall supplies had wasted and consumed his treasure Iohn Stow. 993. which for the preuenting of future mischiefes and in especiall such as were daily offred vnto him by the Scots he endeuoured to augment hee therefore demanded a Beneuolence of all his Subiects both Spirituall and Temporall For which purpose Sir Thomas Wryothesley A Beneuolence Lord Chancellor of England the Duke of Suffolke and others of his Maiesties Counsell of Estate sitting as Commissioners in Bainards Castle in London taxed the Citizens and Inhabitants according to their wisdomes and discretions And because one Alderman whose name was Richard Read refused to pay what they had ordered Alderman Read he was therefore by them required on a great paine personally to serue the King in his warres against the Scots which cheerefully be performed and was with many others taken prisoner and detained by his enemies vntill that for his ransome hee was enlarged and set free The Dolphins successe After the King was departed home the Dolphin taking the benefit to a darke night came with a great power so suddenly into Base Bulleine that he tooke it But such as fled and had saued their liues being aided by the souldiers of the vpper Towne and Castle came fiercely on the Dolphin and so manfully assailed him that to saue himselfe and his he in all the haste departed and left the Towne with his great losse The French are ouerthrowen Within few daies after Monsieur de Bees came on the other side of the water before the Towne with an Armie of fifteene thousand men and began to erect a Fortresse there But by the valiant Earle of Hartford the Viscount Lisle the Lord Gray and diuers others they were assailed fought with and shamefully put to flight and were compelled to leaue behinde them their Ordinance Tents and other good prouisions to their great ignominie and reproch The French King intending to worke wonders in England by way of a reuenge for that his strong Towne of Bulleine was lost sent to the Sea a mightie Fleet The French Kings Nauie doth nothing of two hundred tall ships and seuen and twentie strong Gallies all which were stuffed as it was reported with threescore thousand men All these came in good order and ancoured before the Isle of Wight and were oftentimes beaten with the great Ordinance which the Admirall of England liberally bestowed on them But as the English Fleet passed out of the Hauen of Portsmouth into the Sea a stately strong and a goodly ship named the Marie Rose The Marie Rose drowned belonging to the King in which was Captaine Sir George Carew Knight with more then foure hundred men besides was drowned almost in an instant by the grosse follie of the Gunners and of the Mariners the former of them hauing left their Ordinance vntrigged and the latter hauing left the vnder port holes open
otherwise Edmund of Langley the fifth sonne of King Edward the Third R. 2. was by his father created Earle of Cambridge and by his Nephew King Richard the Second he was made Duke of Yorke Edward Plantagenet his sonne was Earle of Rutland and Duke of Albemarle and of Yorke and was slaine at Agincourt Field Richard Plantagenet his brother another of the sonnes of the said Edmund was Earle of Cambridge March and Clare Richard Plantagenet his brother was Duke of Yorke c. and was father to King Edward the Fourth and was slaine in the warres against King Henry the Sixth Edward his sonne was Earle of March and Vlster and Duke of Yorke He deposed King Henry the Sixth and was himselfe King Edward the Fourth Richard Plantagenet his younger sonne was Duke of Yorke E. 4. and was with his brother King Edward the Fifth murdered in the Tower by king Richard the Third Henry Tuthar the second sonne of King Henry the Seuenth H. 7. was by his father created Duke of Yorke and himselfe was King Henry the Eighth Charles Stewart the only sonne and heire apparant of the illustrious Prince King Iames the First is now Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall Yorke and Rossay and Earle Palatine of Chester The Nobilitie of ENGLAND ranked according to their degrees and creations THe Marquesse of Winchester EARLES 1 EArle of Arundell 2 Earle of Oxford 3 Earle of Northumberland 4 Earle of Shrewesburie 5 Earle of Kent 6 Earle of Darbie 7 Earle of Worcester 8 Earle of Rutland 9 Earle of Cumberland 10 Earle of Sussex 11 Earle of Huntington 12 Earle of Bathe 13 Earle of Southampton 14 Earle of Bedsord 15 Earle of Penbroke 16 Earle of Hartford 17 Earle of Essex 18 Earle of Lincolne 19 Earle of Nottingham 20 Earle of Suffolke 21 Earle of Northampton 22 Earle of Dorset 23 Earle of Salisburie 24 Earle of Exeter 25 Earle of Mountgomerie VICECOVNTS 1 VIcecount Mountague 2 Vicecount Lisley 3 Vicecount Rochester 4 Vicecount Cramborne BARONS 1 LOrd Abergauennie 2 Lord Audeley 3 Lord Zouch 4 Lord Willoughbie of Eresbie 5 Lord Laware 6 Lord Barkley 7 Lord Morley 8 Lord Stafford 9 Lord Scroope 10 Lord Dudley 11 Lord Sturton 12 Lord Herbert of Chepstow 13 Lord Darcy of the North. 14 Lord Mounteagle 15 Lord Sands 16 Lord Vaux 17 Lord Wyndsor 18 Lord Wentworth 19 Lord Mordant 20 Lord Cromwell 21 Lord Euers 22 Lord Wharton 23 Lord Rich. 24 Lord Willoughbie of Parham 25 Lord Sheffield 26 Lord Paget 27 Lord Darcy of Chiche 28 Lord Howard of Effingham 29 Lord North. 30 Lord Chandos 31 Lord Hunsdon 32 Lord S. Iohn of Bletsho 33 Lord Burleigh 34 Lord Compton 35 Lord Norris 36 Lord Howard of Walden 37 Lord Knowles 38 Lord Wotton 39 Lord Elsmer Lord Chancelor of England 40 Lord Russell 41 Lord Grey of Groby 42 Lord Peter 43 Lord Harrington 44 Lord Danvers 45 Lord Gerard. 46 Lord Spencer 47 Lord Say and Sele 48 Lord Denny 49 Lord Stanhope 50 Lord Carew 51 Lord Arundell of Warden 52 Lord Cauendish 53 Lord Knyuet 54 Lord Clifton The names of Baronets made by his Maiestie at seuerall times as followeth 1 SIr Nicholas Bacon of Redgraue in the Countie of Suff. Knight 2 Sir Richard Molleneux of Sefton in the Countie of Lancaster knight 3 Sir Thomas Manucel of Margan in the Countie of Clamorgan knight 4 George Sherley of Staunton in the Countie of Leicester Esquire 5 Sir Iohn Stradling of S. Donats in the Countie of Clamorgan knight 6 Sir Francis Leake of Sutton in the Countie of Darby knight 7 Thomas Pelham of Laughton in the Countie of Sussex Esquire 8 Sir Thomas Howghton of Howghton Towre in the Countie of Lancaster knight 9 Sir Henry Hobart of Intwod in the Countie of Northfolk knight 10 Sir George Booth of Dunham Massie in the Countie of Chester knight 11 Sir Iohn Payton of Iselham in the Countie of Cambridge knight 12 Lyonel Talmach of Helmingham in the Countie of Suffolke Esquire 13 Sir Gervase Clifton of Clifton in the Countie of Notting● knight 14 Sir Thomas Gerard of Bryn in the Countie of Lancaster knight 15 Sir Walter Aston of Tyxhal in the Countie of Stafford knight 16 Sir George Trenchard of Wolu●ton in the Countie of Dors knig 17 Philip Knevit of Buckinham in the Countie of Northfolk Esquire 18 Sir Iohn Strangewayes of Melbury in the Countie of knight 19 Sir Iohn S. Iohn of Lydeard Tregos● in the Countie of Wiltesh kt. 20 Iohn Shelley of Michelgroue in the Countie of Sussex Esquire 1 SIr Iohn Sauage of Rock-Sauage in the Countie of Chest knight 2 Sir Francis Barrington of Barrington Hall in Essex Knight 3 Henry Barkley of Wymondham in the Countie of Leicest Esquire 4 William Wentworth of Wentworth Woodhouse in the Countie of Yorke Esquire 5 Sir Richard Musgraue of Hartley Castle in the Countie of Westmerland knight 6 Edward Seymor of Bury Castle in the Countie of Devon Esquire 7 Sir Moyle Fince of Castwel in the Countie of Kent knight 8 Sir Anthony Coap of Hanwel in the Countie of Oxford knight 9 Sir Thomas Vavasor of Skellingthorp in the Countie of Lincolne knight 10 George Greysley of Drakelow in the Countie of Darby Esquire 11 Paul Tracy of Stanway in the Countie of Gloster Esquire 12 Sir Iohn Wentworth of Gosfield in the Countie of Essex knight 13 Sir Henry Bellasis of Newborough in the Countie of Yorke Knight 14 William Constable of Flamborough in the Countie of York Esquire 15 Sir Thomas Leigh of Stoneley in the Countie of Warw. knight 16 Sir Edward Noel of Brooke in the Countie of Rutland knight 17 Sir Robert Cotton of Cunnington in the Countie of Huntington Knight 18 Sir Robert Cholmondleigh of Cholmondleigh in the Countie of Chester knight 19 Iohn Molleneux of Teuershalt in the Countie of Notting Esquire 20 Sir Francis Wortley of Wortley in the Countie of York knight 21 Sir George Sauile the elder of Thornhil in the Countie of Yorke knight 22 William Knyneton of Myrraston in the Countie of Darb. Esquire 23 Sir Philip Woodhouse of Kemberley Hall in the Countie of Northfolke knight 24 Sir William Pope of Wilcot in the Countie of Oxford knight 25 Sir Iames Harington of Ridlington in the Countie of Rutl. knight 26 Sir Henry Sauile of Metherley in the Countie of Yorke knight 27 Henry Willoughby of Ryseley in the Countie of Darby Esquire 28 Sir Robert Dormer of Wing in the Countie of Bucking knight 29 Lodwick Tresham of Rushton in the Countie of Northampton Esq 30 Thomas Blundeuel of Dene in the Countie of Northampt. Esquire 31 Sir George Saint Paul of Snacrefford in the Countie of Lincolne knight 32 Sir Philip Tirwhite of Stamesfield in the Countie of Linc. knight 33 Sir Roger Dallison of Lawghton in the Countie of Linc. knight 34 Sir Edward Carre of Slesford in the Countie of Lincolne knight 35 Sir Edward Hussey of Hommington in the Countie of Lincolne knight 36 Le Strange Mordont of
field where was fought a long and a sharp battaile vntill King Dauid by an Esquire named Iohn Copland was taken prisoner and secretly conueyed out of the armie There were also at that time slaine of the Scots diuers Earles Lords Knights and Gentlemen besides more then fifteene thousand souldiers of the common ranke And the residue of them being defeated returned by continuall flight into Scotland The Queene much importuned Iohn Copland for the deliuerie of his Prisoner king Dauid But hee making challenge vnto him as to his onely behoofe by the Lawes of Armes made answere that hee would not deliuer him vnto any but to the King himselfe So that the Queene being highly displeased with him certified the king both of her Victorie and also in what sort Iohn Copland had answered her touching the deliuerie of the Scottish king Whereupon Iohn Copland being sent for went vnto Callice Iohn Copland is thanked and rewarded where hee was graciously and louingly welcomed by the king who thanked him hartily for his great seruice and made him an Esquire of his owne bodie and recompenced his trauailes King Dauid and others are committed to the Tower and his good fortune with the gift in Fee simple of fiue hundred pounds by the yeare in good Land and commanded him to deliuer his Prisoner to the Queene at his returne which hee performed accordingly And then the Queene committed the said king and the Earle of Morret and manie others Prisoners to the Tower of London where they remained long after The Queene passeth ouer to Callice And then the Queene being accompanied with a faire troupe of faire Ladies and beautifull Gentlewomen whose husbands fathers brothers and kinsfolkes had for a long time beene emploied in the French warres came vnto the king as he lay before Callice and were by the king and his whole armie receiued and entertained with much joy The Callicians craue mercie And now the distressed and the besieged Towne of Callice trauelling with many wants and being destitute of all hope to be relieued because the French King not long before had cashired and dismissed his whole Armie craued pardon A hard condition and mercie of King Edward Who in regard of their peruerse and long continued obstinacie and for that they had spoyled and robbed many of his English Marchants vpon the Sea before they were besieged would in no sort hearken to their request and submission except sixe of their worthiest Inhabitants did come vnto him Bare-legged Bare-headed in their Shirts and with Halters about their neckes to be corrected and disposed of as the king should please Ingens telum necessitas And though this condition was full of terrour and of bitternesse yet necessitie compelled them to accomplish the kings demaund So that they sent him the keyes both of the Towne and Castle by those sixe A heauie sentence who presented them to the king The keyes he receiued but forthwith commanded that the said Townesmen should bee hanged Whereupon all such in the kings Armie Intercession for the liues of the Callicians as were either Honourable by birth or had for their seruice deserued well or were graced by the kings especiall loue and fauour became earnest Petitioners to the king for the Pardon of those distressed men But such was the kings resolution and full determination to make them examples to the rest for the iniuries and for the wrongs which formerly they had done to the English Nation The Queene only procureth their Pardon that all their meanes was insufficient and vnable to deliuer them from death Which when the Queene perceiued on bended knees with Prayers and with Teares and with importunate request shee neuer ceased to vrge the king vntill shee had procured their Pardon and their inlargement from that danger Callice is yeelded to King Edward in An. Dom. 1347. and in the 22. yeere of King Edwards raigne A stranger made Captaine of Callice The King returneth into England Londoners are sent to dwell in Callice The chiefe Captaine named Sir Guy of Vyen and such knights and Gentlemen as were in the Towne and in the Castle were sent Prisoners into England where they remained about sixe monethes and were then ransomed by the French king Thus when the king was quietly and fully possessed of Callice the keye to France and had without sparing of any cost in wonderfull sort strengthned and fortified it He left none to remaine there but Englishmen the Captaine onely excepted Who being a Lombard by birth was named Sir Andrew de Pauye an especiall fauourite of the kings whom the king vpon the vndoubted trust and confidence which hee reposed in him placed chiefe Captaine and Commander there These things being thus setled in good order the king with the Queene and all his troupes returned into England and were receiued into London with extraordinarie Triumph and great joy And from thence hee sent sixe and thirtie rich wise and graue Cittizens with ther Wiues and Families to Callice to inhabite and to trade and traffique there Great priuiledges granted to the Callicians and gaue to the said Towne and Castle such profitable and large immunites priuiledges liberties and franchesses that they thought themselues to be very happy whom the king would licence to dwell there The Pope mediates a Truce Pope Clement the sixt hauing manie yeares laughed in his sleeue to see these two potent and mightie kings so busily to imploy themselues each against other in those bloudie Warres at length mediated a Truce betwixt them which on his motion was concluded for two yeares Callice should haue been betraied And in the meane time king Edward was informed that Sir Andrew de Pauie his chiefe Captaine of Callice for twentie thousand Crownes to him promised by the Lord Charney Captaine of Arras had conspired to betray the Towne and Castle into his hands Whereupon king Edward to make a triall of this newes and to surprise the said Lord The King passeth secretly vnto Callice and all his Companie if hee might when hee should come to take the possession of Callice departed secretly out of England with three hundred selected men at armes and in the depth of the night landed at Callice and was quickly receiued in where hee sharply reprehended the Lombard who vnder the pretext of honest dealing for the king excused himselfe of anie treacherous intent But within a night or two after the Lord Charney at the appointed time repaired thither with twelue hundred armed men to surprise both the Castle and the Towne The monie in good Gold was by the Captaine receiued at a posterne gate of the Castle The Money is receiued and one hundred only of that Company were suffred to enter in But they finding quickly that they were beguiled and betraied without noyse or resistance yeelded themselues and were closed vp in a strong Dungeon And then the king himselfe King Edwards valour and courage