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A06137 The first part of the diall of daies containing 320. Romane triumphes, besides the triumphant obelisks and pyramydes of the Aegyptians, the pillers, arches, and trophies triumphant, of the Græcians, and the Persians, with their pompe and magnificence: of feastes and sacrifices both of the Iewes and of the Gentils, with the stately games and plaies belonging to these feastes and sacrifices, with the birthes and funeral pomps of kinges and emperours, as you shall finde more at large in the 2. part, wherein all kind of triumphes are enlarged. By Lodowick Lloid Esquire. Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1590 (1590) STC 16621; ESTC S108766 125,621 204

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the riuer of Almono the sacred ceremonies were called Megalesia sacra This Berecynthia was called Pessinuntia to whome M. Iunius Brutus builded a temple dedicated those games and plaies called Megalenses ludi which should bee plaide in the spring time before the Idol of Pessinuntia by the finest and gallentest yongmen within Rome piched and chosen out by the Alcidebes the matrons of the cittie were cheefe in those plaies in their most sumptuous apparrell for in these playes were moddest shamefast chaste and honest actions vsed gesture Phocas the Emperour by the conspiracie of certaine that sought the Empire was slaine and vpon the same day Heraclius was elected in his roome Emperour yet Scotus referreth this murther vnto the nineteenth of Aprill in the yeare 611. Iohn Valesius the 50 king of Fraunce and father to Charles the fift surnamed the wise dyed as vpon this daye at London in England 1364. Lu. Posthumius Megellus the second time that hee was Consul at Rome with great pompe and glorie triumphed ouer the Samnits and ouer the Hetruscans by the appointment of the Senators 459 yeares after the building of Rome vpon the which selfe same daye 734. triumphed Lu. Cornelius Balbus ouer the Affricans in the beginning of the raigne of Augustus Caesar for the triumphe of those Consuls in those dayes were much obscured for the dignitie of the Consuls was defaced through the glorie of the Emperours who tooke from the Consuls all pompe and glory to set foorth their owne triumphes Upon this day 169. Lu. Septimius Seuerus was borne in a Towne called Lepus which was in Tripolinata a Prouince of Affricke This Emperour willed all men to call him Pertinax for the great zeale and goodwill which hee bare vnto him which Pertinax was slaine by Iulianus This Seuerus the Emperour by his victories ouer the Parthians and Arabians was surnamed both Parthicus and Arabicus Gregorie the eleuenth Pope of Rome died as vppon this day vnder this Pope all the Townes of Italie which were in subiection to the Pope reuolted and therefore this bishop remoued his seat from Fraunce into Rome againe The 8. daie FOr the space of thirtie daies the Israelites lamented much the death of Moses in the plaine of Noab vppon this day for after that God shewed all the land of Canaan hee went to the plaine of Moab to the top of mount Nebo where hee died and no man knoweth his graue to this day In Rome as vppon this day great solemnities of ceremonies and sacrifices were had and celebrated vnto Ianus in the temple of Concord in the temple of Health in the temple of Peace and in the temple of Ceres by all the women and matrons of the Cittie of Rome Aelius Pertinax the 26. Emperour of Rome when hee had raigned but 80 daies being a verie aged man was slaine in an vprore which fell among the gard through the reason of Iulianus who succeded him in the Empire notwithstanding some saie otherwise 194. Mar. Atil Regulus triumphed ouer the Samnites and ouer the Uolscanes I do not meane the great triumph which Regulus got ouer the Africanes when he s●ue 18 thousand enemies and tooke prisoners 5000. men when hee had receiued vnder his obeisance 73. cities and tooke 8. elephantes and sent them to Rome this was vpon an other day of which I shall speake of in an other place 459. Albertus marques of Brabenburge the scourge of Germanie with long warres manie yeares was borne vppon this day 1520 at which time died Henrie Glareanus poet Laure●tus in Friburge a towne in Germanie 1563. Aron and his two sonnes Madan and Abiliu remained at the dore of the taber●acle seauen daies and seauen nights and perfourmed that which Moses commaunded him from the spirit of God 2455. yeares after the creation of the world The 29 Day VPon this day Iosua the second Iudge of Israell that succeeded Moses sent out of Sichim two men to view Iericho and to spy the land at what time Rahab the harlot acknowledged the God of Israel and lodged the two Israelites and hid them from the king of Iericho who sought to kill them C. Claudius the 5. Emperour of Rome sonne to Drusus which was brother to Tiberius and vncle by the fathers syde to Caligula after he had raigned 13. yeares and 9. moneths hee was poisoned by his owne wife in the yeare of our Lord 41. Lectisternium a feast among the Pa●nims in the honour of Iupiter Iuno and Minerua at what time sumptuous ritch beddes were spred in the Temples in the which their Images and Idols dect with all kindes of chaines of gould crownes garlands beset with Iewels and pearles were first laied in most magnificent and roiall manner with all ceremonies and solemnities in these gorgeous beds and a great feast celebrated with musick and mirth before them And after in the residue of the beds which were made within the temple as many as mightlie and eate and bare companie with their gods thinking themselues happie that they in this feast in their temples accompaniing their Idols had the fruition of so sacred a feast The Rabbies do affirme that as at this time our Sauiour Iesus Christ came to raise vp Lazarus from death at what time he came to Iericho and by the way gaue sight to the blind man and lodged in Zachaeus the publicans house The 30. Day THe French chronicles affirme that vppon this day the great and bloody victorie of Edward duke of Yorke fell which afterward was called Edward the fourth king of England Frederick the third being arch●uke of Austria was crowned emperour and raigned almost 54. yeares he was also vpon this day elected and crowned king of the Romans as Nauclerus saith but Cuspinianus who best knew y e state of Austria referreth this to the first day of Ianuarie It is not much to bee maruelled that writers contend for daies syth they in greatest causes varie much in yeares vetustas erroris plena and there●ore I repeat sometime histories that I wrot before The 31 Daie THe old Romans vppon thes day vsed solemne sacrifice and oblation to the moone vpon mount Auenti●e with such rites and ceremonies as the Augurers and high bishops had obserued for all ceremonies and sacrifice were by Numa Pomp. from the nimph Aegiria and also after Numa in the time of Torquine the prowd the booke of Sibill which were kept by the 3. magistrates called triumveri were full of these supersticious vaine ceremonies and sacrifices which the Romanes much honowred Ti. Pomp. Atticus died vpon this day 12. yeares after his frend M. Cicero was slaine by Hierenius and Popilius by y ● procurement of M. Antonius who likewise was ouerthrowen with his frend Cleopatra queene of Egipt by Oct. Augustus in this yeare that Pomp. Atticus died at what time ended the wars in Rome after the building of the citie of Rome 722. Henrie the first of
heereof he setteth his bowe in the clowdes in memorie of his promise A great solemne day among the Romanes at what time they with processions sacrifices went to visit their corn this feast was called ●ustratio segetum on the which day they builded vp a temple and dedicated the same to the goddesse Fortune that shee might vouchsafe to accept their processions and sacrifice and to prosper their corne Constantinus the great that good Emperour that fauoured the Christians and the church of Christ after manie great good thinges by him done died as vpon this da●e at Nicomedia a cittie in Bithinia after he had raigned 31 yeares and had liued 66. Lodowick the fourth of that name surnamed B●uarus was most solemnly crowned Emperour of Germanie by all the Cardinals of Rome in spite of pope Iohn the 22. of that name in saint Peters Chuch at Rome for the Pope had elected Friderick duke of Austria and would haue crowned him and stood against the state of Germanie for the space of 8. yeares wars did grow in so much that Frederick was taken and killed by Lodowick the fourth 1327. Henrie the third surnamed Niger sonne to Gerardus the second who was by his fathers meanes crowned king of the Romanes as vpon this daie and afterward by consent of all the Princes of Germanie was elected emperour who streight inuaded Bohemia and subdued them hee plagued Hungaria spoiled their countrey and subdued two of their chiefe citties and restored their king whom they had driuen out of his kingdome againe 1054. The 23 Day CRunnus the Prince of Bulgaria gaue a great ouerthrowe to the Christians as vpon this daie at Adrinopohs a town which Adrian the Emperour builded and called it after his own name about which time Mahomet the 2. went to Rode vppon this day with an infinite number of souldiers and there plaied the cruell tirant for three moneths both on sea and vpon land besieged Rhode and seeing that hee could do no good hee returned his siege and marched with his army toward Apulia 1474. After the Philistines had the great victorie ouer the Israelites when they had found the bodie of Saul being slaine and his three sonnes dead in the field with him they stripped Saul out of al his armour they cut of his head and sent it to the land of the Philistines to publish the victorie and they hanged the armour of king Saul in the temple of Astaroth their Assirian idol they commaunded also that his body should bee hanged on the wall of Bethshan and his head to be set on a pole they sent also the heads and the quarters of Ionathan Abinadab and Malchisha being the three sonnes of king Saul vnto diuers cities of the Philistines to hang them vpon poles in the temples before their Gods in token of victorie and triumph An ouerthrow was geuen to Charles the fifth his armie at Uisurgine and vppon the same day Wittenberge was yeelded vp vnto the Emperour for this Charles the fil● neuer quieted himselfe before he had subdued all Flanders and the most part of Germanie vnder his empire 1547. The 24 daie A Great daie among the Syracusans and commaunded to be solemnly celebrated in memory of their famous victorie had ouer the Athenians by the riuer called Asinara at what time Niccas generall for Athens with all his whole armie were ouer throwen slaine and scattered This Syracusa the chefe citie in Sicilia was by the perswasions and councell of Alcibiades taken in hande to the great hurt and losse to Athens Otto the thirde was crowned Emperour of Germanie by Gregorie the 5. pope of Rome after hee returned to Saxonia and hearing that Gregorie the 5. whom hee had caused to bee made Pope was deposed by Crescentius and by the cittizens and had put in his roome a Grecian borne named Iohn the 17 of that name the Emperour returned in all hast besieged the cittie and tooke it tooke Crescentius pluckt out both his eies cropt his eares off and put him vppon an asse to ride through Rome as a spectacle and after slue him he restored Gregory to his papacie and made Iohns eies to bee had out and after to be banished 1000. Edward the 5. with his brother Richard sonnes to Edward the fourth king of England were slaine some say smothered some say drowned in the tower at London by that cruel monster Richard the third their owne vncle Edward the 4. his brother 1483. The 25. Day SEruius Tullius the sixt king of Rome triumphed on this day ouer the Hetruscans and ouer the Sabines this annexed to the cittie three hilles or litle mounts called mount Q●irinall mount Uiminall and mount Erquiline he entrenched rounde the walles of the cittie and he did first inuent the mustering of men at what time their was not found in Rome past 84. thowfand cittizens M. Marcellus being againe reconciled to the Emperour Caius Caligula was slaine by his familiar frende Magius Chilo as he returned to Rome by the way and after Magius slue himselfe the 43. yeare of our sauiour Christ. Sethon one of Vulcans priestes afterward made king of Egypt being so hated of his people and in such contempt with his subiectes that at what time Senacherib king of the Assirians came with a great armie of Arabians to inuade Egypt at what time in the moneth Pachon the people forsooke Sethon and reuolted from him how be it hee was warned by a vision in sleepe to geeue battail to the Arabians which he perfourmed he pitcht his tentes at Pelusium hauing fewe souldiers in his band the night before the battail should bee fought a great and huge swarme of rats and mise came and deuoured their bowstringes their quiuers spoiled their targets bucklers and did eat vp al their matches for their shot in fine they disordered all thinges in the Arabian camp that in the morning they were sorced to flie in which flight manie were slaine and taken Sethon the king hauing this victorie in this the priest of Vulcan caused an arch to be made on which y ● statue of Sethō was set in Spayrs holding a rat in his hand with this inscription In me quis intuens pius est in this order did the Egyptians triumph in their monstruous huge works and buildings setting vp their pictures Images to stand in Spairs to manifest their triumphes but in their sacrifices and superstitious ceremonies they farre exceeded the Romanes which I haue for example set downe for that they began long before the Romanes who had most of their sacrifice and ceremonies from the Grecians and the Grecians from the Egyptians The 26 Daie VPon this day beginneth the third moneth which the Iewes call Siban or Syuan the seuenth of this moneth answeareth the first of Iune In the third moneth in the which the Israelites went out of Egypt they came vnto the wildernesse of Sinay where the Israelites pitched their Tentes and
battaile geuen on the Sea ouer whom he with great commēdation triumphed cum nauali triumpho Mahomet the second of that name and the 6 emperour of the Turkes the onely scourge that plagued the Christians and also the only t●rant that afflicted Asia who did much augment his empire as vppon this day againe the third time hee laied siege to Rhodes and yet failed of his purpose and was forced to passe with his armie to Apulia The Heluetians being in warre with their next neighbours gaue them battaile at Lauppen a cittie in the Confines of Heluetia ouerthrew them and slue them to the number of three hundreth 1338. The 22 daie PHilip the sunne of Frederick surnamed Barbarossa and the first Frederick of that name after his great warres against Alsatia Argentina and Thuringia taking some repose in the castle of Bamberga was there traiterouslie slaine by Otto the County of U●ietelspatch to the great grief of al Germanie after he had raigned 9. yeares 1208. The mariage of Philip king of Spaine was solemnly celebrated as vpon this daie at Paris in Fraunce vnto Elizabeth daughter to Henrie the second but Functius saith the first of that name king of Fraunce with great pompe roialtie magnificence in the which feast 8. daies after the marriage Henrie king of Fraunce was slaine by apeece of a staffe which brake ran through his eie into the braine pan as hee was running at T●●t 1559. The 23. daie AS vppon this day the Romanes vsed to sende mutuall presentes one to another and to salute their neighbours with diuers kind of sweet sauours as ginger peper suger and such like and likewise they gathered all kind of hearbs in the honor of Vulcan and after this they met togither with manie ceremonies and did great sacrifice vnto fire for the sauegard and t●ition of their young children The famous victorie of Hanniball ouer the Romanes at Thrasimenum in Perusia was such that Flaminius the consul was killed and fifteene thousand more slaine in the field and almost so manie taken this battail was so fiercly fought on both sides that a great earthquake which was at that instant ouerthrew some cities and turned mighty streams of riuers against their course and did manie terrible thinges besides yet they were so earnest in fight that nether parties felt it but the moane and lamentation was such in Rome for so great an ouerthrow that they recorde this day as one of their chiefe vnfortunate daies and this happened by the ouer●ight and rashnes of Flaminius the Consul Otto the first of that name Emperour of Germanie and sonne to Henrie the first duke of Saxonie and after crowned king of Germany maried y ● daughter of one Edmundus King of England this Otto ouerthrew the Bauarians and gaue the Hungarians such a terribl battaile at the riuer of Licum that 3. kinges were taken by Otto and hanges at that ouerthrow he after made warres vppon the Bohmians wasted and spoiled B●hemia an● tooke their citties thence hee entred into Italie and lated siege to Rome and the gates were opened to him at what time he tooke the pope Benedictus the 5. from his papacie and restored Leo the 7 to his form●r estate The Turkes againe inuaded the Ile of Melitia and in the time of Solyman the tenth emperour laid hard siege to the castle of Mercurie where Caelius affirme that manie thousands on either syde were at that Turkish armie slaine 1565. A●ulphus ●ount●e of Nassau was elected Emperour of Germany this Adulphus for his ambitious dealing against Albertus duke of Austria sonne to Rodolphus the Emperor which was well esteemed and beloued with all the ●lates of Germanie whome this Adulphus by all ambitious meanes sought to banishe and to driue him from Austria but he was therefore deposed from his Empire after he had raigned ●ixe yeares and with all the consents of the Princes of Germanie Albertus Duke of Austria was as vpon this day placed in his roome 1298. This day of Onoph●●us and others is set downe to be the 27 of Iu●e As vpon this day died that noble and valiant Gretian Pericles cheefe gouernour of Athens after Themillocles whose victories and triumphes were such that hee had nine ●euerall monuments equall in number to the nine victories which hee got in nine great battels set vp in diuerse places some in Athens some in other places of Greece but especially in Ceramicus which was a place appointed by the Athenians to honour Conquerours with triumphant arches and pillers with their names therevpon ingrauen with letters of gould whereby he merited by his victories lenitie iustice and diuers other vertues to be surnamed Olymphus The 24 Day A Great solemne feast at Rome at the which they vsed much deuotion wit● sacrifice and many religious ceremonies to the goddesse Fortune as vpon this day they trimmed their shippes vpon the riuer Tyber with sundrie garlands and crowned their toppes with lawrell mirtle and Oken boughes in token of Triumphes and victories and there they banqueted and feasted with all pleasant mirthe and melodie Asdrubal brother vnto Hanniball being sent for to come from Spaine into Italie by his brother Hanniball fell into the handes of Appius Claudius Nero by an ambushment laid for him where he was slaine manfully fighting for himself his head was brought and throwne before Hannibals tents his armie slaine and taken and a great quantitie of treasure was brought to Rome this Asdruball has plagued the Romaines in Spaine and slue both the Scipios which had beene long conquerours for the Romans in Spaine of whom I shall speake when I came to the time of their dealings Warres being proclaimed against the Carthaginians by Scipio Affricanus and by Masinissa king of Numidia who had ioyned friendship with the Romanes this Masinissa being 92 yeares ould gaue an ouerthrow to king Syphax on this day this Masinissa left behind him 44 sonnes and appointed Scipio Affricanus whom he deerelie loued to be ouerseer and to distribute his kingdome as it pleased him amongst them 609 yeares after Rome was builded Vespasian the ten emperour of Rome a good and a vertuous man after he had raigned nine yeares and liued 69. yeares died in a manour of his owne among the Sabines of the Flixe as vpon this day 81 yeares after Christ. The Sarazens as vpon this day 1083 had a great battaile giuien them by the Spaniards in the territories of Granata in Spaine at what time by chaunce not lookt for an armie of Englishmen entred fresh into the battaile whereby the Sarazens were ouerthrowne this the French Chronicles allow and Pantal in his fift booke affirmeth Cazimirus Duke of Massonia was crowned king of Polande with solemne pompe and great magnificence as vpon this day being then vpon the feast of S. Iohn Baptist 1448. So also was Henrie the eight king of England and his wife Katherine Dowger crowned at
Westminster in the yeare of Lord 1532. Iohn Baptist was borne as vpon this day but I finde great contrauersie heerein amongst writers The 25 daie THe 25 daye of Iune beginneth the fourth moneth of the Iewes called Tamutz and the first daye of the moneth Tamutz Henrie the fourth emperour of Germanie gaue a great ouerthrowne on this daye to Rodulphus duke of Sueuia and king of Italie whome Pope Gregorie the seauenth called also Hildebrandus who reuoulting against Henrie the 4. crowned Emperour and against all the states of Germanie that betweene them both began great warres and diuers terrible battels the first at Fladenhen the second at the flood Ellestra the third at Merseburge a towne in Saxonia where Rodulphus was ouerthrowne and his armie scattered and slaine with no lesse losse to Henrie the victorie onely excepted 1080. Ludouicus Gallorum Delphinus duke of Aquitania and sonne to Charles the sixt surnamed Beneamatus was made king of Apulia by pope Iohn the 24 of that name and the lawfull king Ladislaus was by the Pope reiected This Dolphin of Fraunce married Margaret the daughter of Iames king of Scotland and within a while after died after whom succeeded Iohn his brother in Apulia Iohanna the sister of Ladislaus succeeded 1436. The most of the pri●ces of Germanie being protestants professed the Gospell and confessed the same before Charles the fift emperour at Augusta as vpon this day in the assembly of the Peeres of Germanie for Martin Luther had disputed and opened the treacherie of Papacie in diuerse townes of Germanie and had wrote in the defence of the Gospell 1●●0 The 17 Daie AS 〈◊〉 this day Ancharsis the philosopher after he had traue●● Egipt Greece and other places returning into the countrie of Scithia againe being excellently well learned he liking the religion of Greece better then Scythia vowed to the mother of the gods that if he sailed safe to Scythia that h● would celebrate hir feast day and offer sacrifice after the manner of the Cyzecenians which he performed in Scythia in a wo●die place called Hyllaea not farre from Achilles race there Anacharses was spyed in his Grecian robe with his Thyrsis in his hand with such madde ceremonies as are in the sacrifice of Orgies after the manner of the Grecians Saulus the king of Scythia being his owne vnckle as Herodot saith was brought to the place who finding Anacharsis occupyed in the Grecians ceremonies shot him through with an arrow and slew him so that the Scythians cannot abide to heare of the name of Anacharsis for that he followed the Grecians supersticious ceremonies Iulianus Apostata the Emperour a great persecutor of the Christians a man excellentlye well seene in the Greeke tongue and learned in the liberall sciences he was likened by Eutrop. to Marcus Antonius in many things after he spoiled Ass●ria and had vanquished the Parthians and returning from thence a conquerou● was slaine in the sixt of the calende of Iuly after he had raigned seuen yeares 366 it is of others otherwaies written as I said before read Ammianus In the moneth of Pauni Sesostris king in Aethiopia which kingdome he subdued erected vp many pillers within Egipt as triumphes of his victories according to the Egiptians custome and manner of triumphes cleane contrarie to the Lacedemonians who by the lawe of Li●urgus were forbidden to make any monument of their victories within G●●ece in marble brasse or Iu●rie for that it would mooue ciuill warres and stirre more enuie and discorde betweene Cittie and Ci●●ie or betweene tribe and tribe it was also among the Romans that no triumphe might be had for any victorie gotten by ciuill warres for they refused therein to triumphe both Marius and Silla and after Caesar and Pompey and at last Augustus and Antonie for the best and the greatest conqueror hath no cause of triumphe in c●●ill warres The 27. Day CAius Marius a noble Romane was borne as vpon this day this Marius was Consull at Rome 7. times of whose triumphes and victories during that time you shall reade them in their places and in their time Likewise C● Carbo who was Con●ull at that time in Rome with Marius when ciuil warres were betweene Silla and Marius and slaine in that yeare of his Consulship by Pompei the great being then but a yong man was also borne with Marius as vpon this daie Romulus b●●lded a Temple at Rome to Iupiter S●ator in that place where hee sta●ed when he fled from the Sabines who had then secretlie entred into Rome through the treacherie of Tarpe●a to reuenge the rauishment of their daughters and young Sabine virgins who were entised and deceaued by Romulus then Romulus being forced with shame to flie lifted vp his hand to heauen and praised Iupiter to staie the flight of his people and they staied vppon a sudden and in that place Romulus builded a temple as vppon this day to Iupiter the staier backe of Romulus and of his people Iouinianus after the death of Iulian the Apostata was by the consent of the armie in Persea chosen as vppon this day to haue the administration and rule of the Empire a verie good Prince and a religious Emperour for hee instituted that the tithes should bee paied to the Churches how be it hee had litle good successe for hee fell sicke and died within eight moneths after 365. As vpon this daie died Martianus at Constantinople in the seauenth yeare of his raigne He from a meane souldier first in Lidia became emperour of all Greece hee recouered the Em●●e being much tro●led and also weakned at that time hee as●●aged the furie of the Par●●ians and subdued the Uandoles and vanquished Attila king of the Gotes and concluded peace with all countries for hee loued peace and would often say Arma non induamus dum pace potiri possumus 458. The 28. daie AFter that Theseus had reduced all things in order and had reformed Athens and remoued Iudges and Magistrates to a greatter state to whom hee builded a councell hall long before Areopagyts who were before the A●ph●ctions and after that Theseus had brought all into one corporation hee instituted a great feast and common sacrifice for al the countrie of Attica called Panathenaea This was the onely greatest feast among the Athenians to this feast no straunger might come and therefore hee appointed another feast in Athens for straungers the 16. of Iune called Metoichia In the moneth Pauni in the Cittie of Bubasti in Egypt a great feast is celebrated in the honor of Diana to this feast they came from all partes of Aegipt men and women some by sea and some on foot the men cum tibijs dauncing and reioicing through euerie towne as they trauell through the countrie the the women crepitacula tenentes in like maner sing daunce some clapping their handes togither some with one noise and some with another with such antick to●es and