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A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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and dolorus age the fourth Angell blowinge his trumpet the poore forsaken disciples shewing the trueth the thirde parte of the sunne was smitten so was the thirde parte of the Moone also the thirde part of the stars Good creatures they found the third part of Gods heauenly word sore blemished by the hypocrites the Christen Churche piteously disfigured by the antichrists and the inferioure ministers thereof darkned by Tyraunts and cruell magistrates 3 By their wicked strocke the light of GODS verytie was hydden and appeared lesse by the thirde part then it was afore Lesse was Christ the sonne of rightuousenesse knowen lesse was the Christen Church faithfull and lesse were the preachers godly More ignorant was at the time then afore more supersticion hipocrisie and falshod wherfore the third parte of them all was darkned 4 At that time also by reason of them the day was so smitten that the thirde parte thereof shewed no clearenesse and so was the night lykewise 5 In no case might Christe shine in the Curates and religious which ●ooke themselues for the day nor yet Christen fruits in the common people whiche were estéemed the night Onely were their will works alowed and their dyrty traditions thought godly The true trumpet blowers or ministers of the word were then compelled by cruell cōmaūdements the ●ōmons by cruell lawes enforced in ●o case to medle with the truth least their ●bhominable doynges were espyed In this therefore marke what a detestable thinge false doctrine of hypocrites is for it bringeth in all darknesse an ignoraunt blindnesse and it shadoweth vnder pretence of vertue all wickednesse and sinne 6 And then saith saint Iohn I behelde an Angell flyinge through the middes of heauen as it had bin an Eagle which betokeneth certaine peculiar seruauntes of GOD illumined with some knowledge and lea●ing an high conuersation in the church Such were Ioachim Abbas Cirillus of Carme Angelus of Hierusalem Theolespherus of Cusencia Raynhardus and other And since their time Petrus Iohannis Robertus de vsecio Iohannis de rupescissa Arnoldus de villa noua Hieronimus Sauonarola with suche lyke 7 These perceiuing the light of Gods veritie and the true teachers therof dayly deminishinge considering also the mighty increase of darknesse with a lowde voyce they cryed earnest writings they sēt the world ouer vnder the title of reuelation and prophecie 8 Saying by the threatninges of scripture wo wo wo to the inhabitours of the earth More wickednesse is comming more blindnes and more darknesse to the vngodly infydels and earthly minded people It will stylll be worse and worse to the foolish ignoraunt sorte through the errours lyes and abhominable superstitions of the false Antychristes and cruell Chaplaynes of Baal 9 And this rebuking crye was because of the voyces of the other thrée Aungels were yet to blowe with the Trumpet whose blastes they shoulde also more déepely contemne By prophesies scriptures hath many godly men perceiued afore hande with Paule the fall of faith the increase of errours and that diuers shoulde decline from the truth and earnestly they haue premonished the gouernours of it Yet haue they neglected the warning and vtterly dispised them for it leadinge the People into the depth of all errours and filthy abhominations The .ix. Chapter THE TEXT 1 And the fifte Angell blew 2. And I sawe a Starre fall from Heauen vnto the earth 3. And to hym vvas geuen the key of the bottomlesse pit 4. And he opened the bottomlesse pyte 5. And there arose a smoke of the pytte as it were the smoke of a furnace 6 And the sunne and the Ayre vvere darkened by the reason of the smoke of the pyt 7. And there came out of the smoke Locustes vppon the earth 8 And vnto them vvas geuen povver 9. As the Scorpions of the earth haue povver The Paraphrase THe fift Angell which blew his trumpet vnder the fift seale openyng of the Lambe were they which had the worde of God for that age of Christes Church and that published it to his electes And these doeth not onely séeme to bée fewe in number but also they appear to haue taught priuily in priuate congregacions and houses 2 For whē this trumpet was blowen Iohn beheld a starre fallen downe cleane from heauen into the earthe no parte thereof reserued neyther of the starre in heauen representing the spirituall church nor yet of the earth from the starre betokening the worldly people Neyther were the spiritualtie of Christes church nor yet the laytie cléere from their poysons anye where This glittering starre or shyning multitude of prelates pastours and religious fathers were fallen away from the doctryne of the spyrite from the liuing word of the Lord and from the right conuersaciō of Christ into the earthe of their owne decrées and lawes nothing sauouring but carnall tradicions dumme dark ceremonies and doctryne of diuilles fashioning their lyues all after the same Then soughte they vp Plato Aueroys and Auicenne Then was Aristotle thought necessarie to interprete the scriptures Then was there an infinite rable of Sophisters schoole doctours of reals and nominalles of sentencioners and summistes of collyginers and Canonystes of Scotistes Thomistes Olcamystes Alberstystes Baconystes Anconistes And euerye man thought hys owne wysedome best which God hath proued starke foolishenesse all and moste ydiotishe dottage When the blynde world supposed they had the truth by this fallen starre they had nothyng lesse Under the fifte seale openyng this darkenesse was not séene but the sixte now discloseth all Onely the slayn sorte complayned that tyme desiryng theyr bloud to be reuenged where as an answer was made them that many more yet should bée kylled to fulfill theyr number And it was proued true For none in those dayes once hyssed agaynst them but suffered death for it Yea of Emperours and kings that offended them some were accurssed some deposed some slaine some poysoned Neyther spared they power nor yet noble blud In Englād héer they slew King Herolde poysoned King Iohn and famished King Richard the ij by their own historyes they burned sir Roger Actō knight sir Iohn Oldecastel the Lord Cobham sir Raynolde pecock byshop of Chychester they imprisoned to death besides an infinite number of poore simple soules no lawful cause known but lyes of their owne forging Yea and the articles that they dyed for than they affirme nowe to bée good But no maruayle though they dyd suche myschiefe in those dayes 3 For to the starre was giuen the key of the bottomlesse pitte After they were fallen from the wisedome of God to the corrupt dreams of men folowyng rather the creatures then the maker of them hée gaue them ouer vnto theyr owne imaginacions and fantasies 4 Thē had they poure in darknesse by their carnall beastly and diuilishe diuinitie to open the well of dampnacion For what is the wisedome of
of Caunterburie with Antichristes sinagoge of sorcerers sate in cōsistorie against Christes doctrine in Iohn Wycleue Mark the yeare day and houre and ye shall wonder at it 2 The Gospell once preached and the veritie sincerely opened whose nature is to condempne their supersticions the earthly and carnall Antychristes swell fret and waxe mad they threaten curse and blaspheme they runne vpon the faithfull mynisters with terror crueltie fiercens hauing at their hand the ayde of wicked princes and blynde gouernours Such a terrible earth quake was the general counsel of Constance against Iohn Hus and Hierome of Prage and here in Englād against the King when he set foorth the Gospell the sedicious rising of Lincolneshere and the traiterous vprore of Yorkshiere in their pylgrimage without grace where as neyther wanted the false counsayle of Byshoppes the riches of Abbeyes benifices nor yet the cruell harts of priests A thousand bowes and as many billes beside other weapons were there among priestes and religious to one poore Testament of Christ to subdue the veritie Yet hath the Lambe ouercomen them and declared their great wisedome in that enterpryce foolishnesse lyke as he did also in Germanie among them which maintayned the same spirituall quarell Yet is not this earth quake pacifyed but styll they ryse vp agaynst Christ and his word and dayly they counsayle togither to condempne his trueth that wée should know him to be the signe of contradiction the stumbling stone and the rock of reproch 3 The Sunne appeared so blacke as a sacke cloth made of heaire What though Christ being the cléere sonne of ryghtuousnesse and the shynyng Image of God can not bée darke in him selfe no more then can the materiall son in his owne nature yet may his clerenesse beholdē from vs by the mystes of false doctryne lyke as is the sunnes brightnesse by the shadow of the cloudes For the more men delight in ceremoniall tradicions the blynder they are and the lesse knowledge they haue of God To them séemeth not Christ the fayrest amonge men well coloured and beutifull and gentle as a Lambe but ill fauored blacke and stubborne And therefore they haue no mynde to hym They rather séeke helpe health and light of other then of him They think it much better to pray to dead Sainctes and offer to Idolles then to call vpon God ●n spirite veritie and to helpe theyr ●oore neighbour at his néede More ●leasure they haue to followe mens ●reames thē the veritie of God For ●hat is to thē blacke as the heiry sacke doth It is dark rough foolishe vnto ●hem they can perceiue no beutie in 〈◊〉 ● The Moone became altogither as ●lud The church being somtime fair ●s the Mone taking hir light of christ 〈◊〉 now waxed all carnal Now is shée taught onely of flesh and bloud refusing the doctrine of God his spirite Now reigneth euerie where the corrupt fantasies of men a fewe places excepte And sure we are that neither flesh nor bloud shall obtayne the kingdome of God Neuerthelesse yet all the world hath not peryshed in thys bloudie church Alwayes hath there bene some that hath had the spirite of the childrē of God what though they haue erred sore in many thinges Though Benedict Bernarde Bruno Alberte Francis and Dominicke with many such other were farre out of square from the rule of Christes Gospell yet doubt I it not but the mercie of God hath saued thē through faith for Iesus Christes sake In the middest of false doctrine and diuilishe tradicions hee hathe preserued them lyke as hée preserued the thrée children in Daniell from the heate of the burning fornace Though all at that tyme were bloud through cruell decrées yet were not all men so taken afore God for then should none haue bene saued none should haue possessed his heauenly kingdome 5 And the starres from heauen fell downe vpon the earth The ministers of Gods word which should declare his rightuousnesse and be the lightes of the world were fallen from the heauenly doctryne of Christ and from the sincere scriptures to worldly learnyng and earthly fantasies Nothing can be more euident then thys specially to them that hathe redde the tryfling workes of the Sophisters sentencyoners schoole doctours Canonistes and summystes As are Dons Dorbell and Durande Thomas of Aquine Gerarde and Gyles of Rome Bonauenture Bacōthorpe and Guido Caldrinus Bobius and Baldus Panormius Rosellus and Roxius with an infinite rable of such dyrtie dottages and filthie dregges Besides the great heape of the foolishe sermons of Barnardyne and Uincent Pomerij and Soccij Mallyard and Barlet De voragine and de Hungaria Discipuli and Dormi secure Uade mecunt and Rapiunt hinc inde with all such beastly beggerie and lousie learning 6 These stars hath thus myserably of a lōg tyme fallen lyke as doth the infected figges when the figge trée is shaken of a mightie strong wynd Foūd fickle vanities desire of worldly promotions feare to haue displeasure of friendes aduersitie vexation and trouble with such other blastes here hath caused the vnprofitable instructers of the people to fall from Gods heauenly veritie vnto fables lyes tryfles and most pestilent wicked errours 7 So that heauen hath vanished away from them as doeth a scroule when it is rolled vp togither True preaching of the word which is very heauen hath bene withdrawen the veritie hath bene closed vp Christ hathe take his leaue the spirite of God hath forsaken them the sincere faith hath fayled Christian workes hath decaied whē their dark diuinity dead ceremonies crooked customes of their fathers hath bene in place Nothyng hath remayned spirituall Godly heauenly holy rightuous holsome nor worthie our christian vocacion among their solempne shadows and sacred sorceryes If it hathe it was neuer yet séene And that know they full well which hath vnfaynedly receiued Christes Gospell 8 All mountaynes and yles were remoued from their places Not onely the high mynded Antichristes but also the dyssembling hypocrites are enforced many tymes against their willes compelled by the open veritie and euident scriptures to deny that afore they highlye affyrmed and to graunt that afore they highly denyed The Bishop of Roome was afore Gods vicar head of the church hée is now neither of both They had somtyme a purgatorie nowe they haue none Pardons are forgotten pylgrimage is not spokē of Faith in Christ now iustifieth without their vayne will workes They haue put man to death for that they now affyrme yet are they not ashamed of that cruell murther I hope in a while they shall out of more places and graunt will they nill they to more christian veryties though theyr selues be neuer the nigher saluacion for that they doe it not of good will but compelled 9 The Kings of the earth more looking for theyr owne prehemynence then for
Sinagoges They shall delyuer them vp to Iustices debites and rulars making them their bochers and slaues so washing theyr owne holy handes from the sheading of innocentes bloud 5 They shall kill them also by their counsell to fulfil the measure of their fathers that all rightuous bloude may light vpon them which hath ben shed vpon earth Yet shall they not hurte their soules but thorowe fayth they shall haue victorie both ouer thē and the diuill 6 And their bodyes shall lye in the stréetes of the great citie In this world shall their carkasses remayne where as they haue rule and dominion Here shall they be iudged and condemned At their pleasure shall it be to hange them head them or burne them And though they lay no handes vpō them for soyling their consecrate fingers yet muste it be done by their ghostly counsell and ordred also after theyr spirituall appointment None other is it to lye in the stréets of their great citie then after suche lawes as they haue practysed to bée brought vnto death 7 For spiritually is theyr citie called A glorious name vsurpe they as though they were none of the world They will be called the holy church good ghostly fathers godly dyuines and spirituall men not consideryng of what spirite they are spirituall They are those into whome the vncleane spirit hath entred with vij other spirites worse than hym selfe With the spirite of falshood the spirit of witchcraft the spirite of crueltie And of these onely with such lyke are they spirituall of no godly spirit as their fruites declareth And therfore the spirit of God doth iudge here this great citie not to bée called Hierusalem but stinking Sodome and most myserable Egypt the prophecies and other scriptures agréeing to the same For looke what filthinesse and abhomination was in Sodom what Idolatrie and diuilishnesse was in Egipt the same is now reigning in this painted spiritualtie is accompted theyr great holinesse 8 Among this consecrate multitude or smered sort is Christ yet crucified as he was among the Iewes which knewe hym not and yet boasted them selues outwardly for the peculiar chosen people of God Not only is Christ amonge them persecuted scourged punyshed put vnto death in his members but also he is proued of thē an vnsuffitient Sauiour without their dayly doings Their masses must be satisfactorie sacrifices profyting both the quicke and the deade And that muste men beléeue vnder payne of death and dampnatiō Thus crucifie they Christ again and make a mocke of hym as witnessed Paule and yet doe they call him their Lord not vnlyke to the tormentours which crowned him with thorne and saluted him with Aue rex Iudeorum THE TEXT 1 And some of the people and kinreds and tongues and of the nations 2. shall see their bodies iij. dayes and an half 3. shall not suffer theyr bodyes to be put in graues 4. And they that dwel vpon the earth 5. shal reioyce ouer them and be glad 6. and shall send giftes one to an other 7. for these two Ptophetes vexed them that dwelte on the earth The Paraphrase 1 And as they lye thus dead in the stréetes or are contempned as heretikes and dispised as wicked dooers some of the people peruerted by these enimies some of the kinreds or sects of diuision some of the tonges or blasphemous bablers and some of the nacions of all wicked workers shall be hold their bodyes thrée dayes and an halfe 2 They shall from all ages abhorre them hate them reuyle them and spightfully report them In their cronicles shal they wryte them for seducers of the people and in their stories regester them for damnable heretikes For the iij. dayes and an half diuided into vij values betokeneth the vij ages of the churche wherein they haue and shal still both persecute and blaspheme 3 And these wicked sortes of people kinreds tonges and nacions or of false Iustices priestes Lawyers religious shall not suffer their bodies to be put in graues But be these witnesses once iudged heretikes by the clargie and so condempned by the laitie eyther shall their bodies be resolued into ashes by fyre or els cōsumed by the foules of the ayre Seldome shall ye sée a knowne heretike buried amōg them but most cōmonly burned Examples of this hath ben lately séene here in England by Thomas Hitton Thomas Bilney Iohn Frith George Bainham William Tindale Iohn Lambert Roberte Barnes William Hierome Thomas Garade Richard Spenser and in Partrick Hamilton of Scotlande with many other more And long afore our tyme in sir Iohn old Castle the Lorde Cobham syr Roger Acton knighte syr Reynold Pecoke Bishop of Chichester mayster Iohn Ashton syr William Thorpe syr Willyam Sawtre syr Richard With sir Iohn Bale sir William Taylour and syr Williā white priests with diuers other The body of Form●sus was first takē vp by Steuē the vj. bishop of Rome and disgraded After was it beheade● mangled throwne into the floud of Tyber by Sergius the third Sainct Herman after .xx. years from his buriall was taken vp burned at Ferraria in Italy by Boniface the eight The bones of mayster Iohn 〈◊〉 were taken vp and burned also the .xl. year after his death as Walden witnesseth in his booke de Sacramentalibus Li. ix Capi. lxxxix So was of late yeares in Worcester dyoces the body of maister Williā Trace esquier in Londō the body of Richard Honne merchaūt tailour Moreouer Iohn Colet deane of Poules in Londō also was not far from the same for reading of Pauls Epistls by his life had not other waightie matters been in the way Such heretikes shall not rest in their citie they shal not be buried among them They shall not bée shrined cannonised nor allowed for Saincts for they builded no monasteries they set vp no chaunteries they subdued no Princes nor yet dyed for the liberties of holy churche They stood not in defence that priestes dooing Idolatrie theft murther witchcrafte whoredome buggerie with other abhominations should remaine vnpunyshed But rather to the contrarie and that they should worship but one God liue by their labours take wyues of their owne and teach nothing but Gods lawes 4 And they that dwell vpon the earth sayeth the Lord or haue their felicitie here with the riche glutton shal reioyce ouer them and be glad 5 They shall clappe theyr handes when they sée godlye witnesses bée brought out of the way They shall common ryote and bancket hauyng among them selues ioy without measure that the heretikes bée gone so hatefull is the light to their eyes and the veritie to theyr wicked hartes 6 And they shall sende giftes or presentes one to an other for gladnesse as for example My Lord byshop hath had a sum of monye of the priestes for doing his part so wel My Abbot and maister doctour haue had phesan●es plouers and par● riches pigges geese and capons for disputing their matters so valyauntly Master parson hath ben commended for
winchester the winker of wiles largely declaring thēselues to be déeply of the same profession and marke 4 But I fynde yet an other thyng in it For it is called here the number of man whose number lyeth all in vj. God created all things for mās commoditie in vj. dayes in the seuēth rested After this creation continued man the space of .vj. ages til the commyng of Christ which brought with him the sabboth of the spirit And this is signified by the greater number which is the vj. hūdred For not vnlike is it to the tyme tymes halfe tyme of Danyel Iohn to the yeares moneths dayes of Helyas Iohn also as we had afore Since Christes ascention hath the church continued by vj. other ages of much lesse tyme cōprehended in the .vj. seales in the latter end of whom we are now And this shall conclude with suche a sabboth of peace in the fréedome of Gods worde as hath not bene since the beginning Sathan shall be tyed vp and the true beléeuers shall occupye in much quietnesse the beast cōdempned with all hys false Prophetes And this is the n●mber of the sixt But this peace shall not thus in quietnesse long continue For longe can not Christes church be without persecution Sathan shal be loosed againe and the beleauings of the beast shall set vp their bristles and persecute the Sainctes a fresh Agayn shal they plant builde rauish kepe whores ryot and ruffle as though they should long continue But sodainly shall the latter iudgement day of the Lord light vpō them vnbewares the perpetuall Sabboth of ioye shyning to the electe flocke of Christ. And this is the least number of all compared here vnto six And may well be signified by the xlij moneths afore which is ryghtly vj. seuenthes in the which they shall treade downe the holy citie or cōgregation of the Lord once againe This latter accounte was founde out by a certayne vnnamed disciple of Iohn Wycleue and I suppose it most agréeing to the truth The second sabboth here or libertie of Gods truth hath had his shew in England alreadie if ye marke it well And whither it wil yet appeare more open or nay it is in the Lords handes let vs pray and hope for it hath great lykelihoode of a much farther appearaunce 5 Since the worlds beginning hath the misterie of iniquitie wrought in Caine and in his posteritie and so cōtinued in the beastly members of Antichrist and so shall doe still to the latter day Therefore is it no lesse than the number of men six hundred sixtie and sixe Thus is he tokened with all wickednesse that admitteth the false fayth of this beast and folowith the same in his liuing by the subtile perswasions of the bishops and their lying Prophets is sealed vp to eternall dampnacion vnles the Lord cal him in time Not only in England is healed the beastes wounded heade but also in ohter certain regions But for so much as it is most liuely don there and this booke written in that language I haue onely brought forth héere examples thereof in that purpose The xiiij Chapter IN this present chapter declareth the Lord vnto Iohn and vnto his faithfull seruants by him the degrée estate cōdiciō of his true beléeuing church now after he hath afore lyuely described the beastiall churche of Antichrist of his horned spiritualitye by the afore named ii mōstrous beastes And this is that his louers should know what they be which are of his houshold what an helper they haue of him in the midst of their aduersities to the comfort of their soules And though they bee heere amonge those raging tirantes in tirrible agonies paines persecutions troubles he is neuer absent from thē nor will not be till he hath rewarded them with vnspeakeable Ioyes THE TEXT 1 And I looked and lo a Lambe stoode in the mount Sion 2. and with him an C. and xliiij thousand 3. hauing his fathers name written in their foreheads 4. And I hearde a voice from heauen 5. as the sound of many waters 6. and as the voice of a great thūder 7. And the voice that I hearde was 8. as the harpers that playe vpon their harpes 9. And they sang as it were a nevve song 10. before the seat 11. and before the foure beasts 12. and the Elders 13. And no man could learn that songe 14. but the hundereth and xliiij thousand 15. vvhich vvere redeemed from the earth 16. These are they vvhich vvere not defiled vvith vvomen 17. for they are Virgynes 18. These follovve the Lambe vvhither so euer he goeth 19. These were redeemed from men 20. being the first fruites vnto God and to the Lambe 21. and in their mouthes was found no guile 22. for they are without spotte before the trone of God The Paraphrase 1 I looked saith Sainct Iohn on the other side in a thought as it were I behelde that a Lambe stoode vpon mount Sion Euen the Lambe of God Iesus Christ that alone tooke away the sinnes of the world Alone doeth he gouerne his faythfull church as the onely and immediate head therof hauing none other to assist him in that office For who is the King ouer Siō but he Who shall reduce Israell again to his folde but he Only is hée with his congregation to ayde them with his word to bolden them with his spirite to strengthen them with his grace 2 And with him were presente an hundreth and .xliiij. thousand hauing his fathers name written in theyr foreheads So many as haue in hart receiued his word and in faith digested his verity are the very children of Abraham and are marked vp for the sonnes of god by the seale of the holy Ghost 3 For power haue they geuen thē to be Gods children that beleue in his name And this is it to haue his name written in thir foreheads For their faith declareth thē Gods sonnes Let this set number be none impedimēt to the reader to be taken here for the vniuersall multitude of the faithful as well of the gentiles as of the Iewes that beleueth though it otherwise appeareth in the viii Chapter of this booke For so well is the gentle that hath faith a perfecte Israeltie as is the Christen Iew. Yea much rather was Zachius for his faith iudged Abrahams childe thā was Simon for fulfilling the workes of the lawe For God is not parciall Whatsoeuer he be y● feareth him worketh rightuousenesse is accepted with him And so is it ment heare And therefor is not the difference written here as in the other place but al is ioyned in one to comprehende all vnder one And as touching the equall certaintie in nūber both here and there Like as it is there certainly knowne vnto God euen so is it here thoughe it be vnto vs both innumerable vncertaine Not as concerninge the number it selfe but the common vnderstanding thereof in the scriptures For if
the afore named Necromanser Siluester which was both a blacke Mouncke and also a Frenchman borne This beastly Antichriste boasting himselfe not onely to bée Christes vicar in earth but also to be equal with him in maiesty and power set f●rst the Diuell at large by his Necromancy which toke frō the heartes of mem the liuing worde of the Lord leste they shoulde be saued Frō thēce forth were not the holy scriptures regarded but olde wyues tales Iewish fabels most highly reputed Them came in Cannōs Decrées Sentences Sinodals Decretals Clemētines Exextrauagauntes with other Popysh ●awes the gospell claene set apart About this time ollo as master Iohn Carion wryteth in hys cronicle floryshed the Lordly order of cardinals and grewe into a wonderful estimacion in the worlde The vniuersites were thē furnished with learned mē mightely to proue the Pope Christes vicar in earth and the onely husbande and ouerséer of hys churche General counsels were oft gathered to dyspute with all Christendome that none might dispence in matters of conscience but he and they whom he should appoynte and that he could in no wyse erre No though when the candle were out he went to bed with an other mans wife besydes that I wil not spaeke at this time By this meanes got he an imperial seate and might make both Emperours kinges at his pleasure And lykwyse depose them when he lusted He myght distribute the kingdomes and geue the great possessions of this worlde to whom he lust●d yea to hys owne bastardes and chamberlynes as he dyd manye tymes For of the Diuell he hath receyued them where as Christ did vntterly forsake them And for so much as he was the high Priest after the order of Sathā be myght kepe a generall marte all hys lyfe tyme sell all the Bishoprickes benefices degrées and offices of hys church He might subiect the gospel to his owne interpretation make new constitutions release synne for mony make euery day new Gods and doe many other thinges els No end was then of their gaudyshe ceremonyes brawlynges in the temple Singings bels orgayns Images ornamentes lampes candels holy dayes shauings surplesses pater nosters cōmaunded 〈◊〉 such like that a man woulde haue thought them Angels when they were very Diuels in dede For the tyme that Sathan was thus sette at large by Christes onely vicar was ther not one martyr alowed vnlesse it were for deposinge of Princes and defending the liberties of holy churrh agaynst them lest theyr murtherers théeues beynge wythin sacred orders shoulde be hanged with the secule●● Marke the condition of the tyme. Afore that Sathan was thus at libertie he remained secret in the harts of euill men Now is he abrode in theyr outward ceremonies and rites ready to be séene of all the worlde if pryde pompe hawtinesse vaine glory may shew him or if hipocrisie errour supersticion and all other diuellishnesse can tell wher he is When Christ shut him vp he toke Idolatrie from the people the Pope hath restored it vnto thē againe in thus settinge him at large In this is he not denied to haue bene afore this time abrode among the wicked For little lesse then foure hundred yeares afore the end of this thousand began the two Monarks of Antichristes kingedome the Pope in the West vnder Phocas the Emperour and great Mahomet in the East vnder Heraclius marke it in the cronicles who so list For afore that time was not the Pope taken for the vniuersall head of the church nor yet for Christes vicar And this could not haue béen vnlesse he had after some sort béen at libertie Euermore hath he reigned wtout restraint among the vngodly But neuer so manifestly as then hys abhominacions accouonted for holynesse in the churche At this losinge of Sathan or very defection as Paul calleth it openlye appeared the man of sinne the sonne of perdicion and the aduersarye which exaleth him selfe aboue al that beareth the name of God Faith wared so fainte and charitie so colde the scarce appeared one spark of the truth The church becāe a peruerse generation hir children were very vnfaithful Afore regned be enermore in the world but neuer in Christes congregation till that time Neuer was the vniuersall church of Christ defiled with so many abhominable kindes of Idolatrye before 13 But it so continued not longe For the text saieth he was losed but for a litle season Immediately after perceued Berengarius the Archedecon of Angoy in Fraunce that all was well and with Bruno the bishop impugned their realitie Idēptitie naturalitie in the sacrament to bringe it againe to Christes cleare institution After him followed Waleranus the bishop of Medeburge and did the same in Germany with many other prelates and doctours Consequently ensued the Waldeanes and Albigeanes pretending the Apostles life doctrine men doubtlesse of a godly zeale and spirit and of them the Antichrists slew more then a hundreth thousande besides an hundreth and foure score whome they brent bycause they would neuer abiure What Guid● Bonatus Ioannes Semeca Guilhelmus de sancto amore Marsilius Paduanus Arnoldus de villa noua Frāciscus Petrarcha other learned men dyd against them after that it were very long to write Iohn Wicleaue in Englād Iohn Husse in Boheme men of excelent life learning with diuers other more replyed earnestly against their transubstanciaciōs and other sorceries Laurēcius Ualla denyed the donation of Constantyne Ihō Wassalus of Groning in Friesland called the light of the world cōdempned vtterly their purgatory and pardōs Now last of all commeth Martyne Luther Ioannes Oecolāpadius Huldricus Zwinglyus Pomeranus Brencius Melācthon Bucer Bullinger with other sincere and godly deuynes and they turne ouer their vniuersall kingdome So merciful is the Lord to hys people in this latter ende of the world that by these and such other the Antichrist is clearly vttered and all his Hypocrisy disclosed I doubt not but within fewe dayes the mightie breath of his mouth which is hys liuing Gospell shall vtterly distroye hym with hys whole generation of shauelings by their faythfull administration in the worde THE TEXT 1 And I sawe seates 2. and they satte vpon them 3. and the iudgement was giuen vnto them 4. And I sawe the soules of them 5. that were beheaded for the vvitnesse of Iesus 6. and for the vvorde of God 7. vvhich had not vvorshiped the beast 8. neither his Image 9. neyther had taken his marke vpon their foreheads 10. or on their handes 11. And they lyued 12. and raigned vvith Christ 13. a thousand yeares 14. But the other of the dead men lyued not againe 15. till the thousande yeares vvere finished The Commentary 1 Whiles the Dragon was thus tyed vp and throwne into the bottomles pit for a ●housand yeares space a certayne continuance of beinge the elect had Whose peaceable estate and condition for that time the text here following declareth by maner of recapitulation After the afore rehearsed
offered them Such were Annas ● Caiphas with our execrated bishoppes suffragāes channons 〈◊〉 ●●cars with all the priestes of the same wicked zeale 17 The vnpytefull murtherers are also the same bloude thursty prelates those Caines these boysterous Nemrothes that neuer will b●e satisfyed wyth the slaughter of innoc●ntes No cruell Antichrist after Ihon Wy●leues tyme dyd so spyghtfully persecute the veryte of Christe in Englande as dyd Philyp Repyngedone made than of a false brother or p●riuired christan byshoppe of Lincolne The graunde captaine of thys madde muster is the proude byshop of Rome the preposterous vycar of the Lambe the vnworthy successour of Peter in that he hath not yet put vp his sword Of the same sorte also are all those cruell Princes and vnmercyfull magistrates that applyeth their auctorities powers and offyces vnto the same mescheife Such deceytfull rauenours and abhomynable bloude sheders the mercifull Lorde abhorreth euermore Of this number was Pharao herod wyth innumerable tiranntes since which to reherse in order were to long 18 The filt●● whoremōgers are those holy spirituall Ammorites which hath consecrate themselues vnto Moloch in the fyre of fleshly concupi●●ence For euer haue they for sworne godly marryage to make daily sacryfyce to the diuell in buggary and other carnall beastlynesse The most highly estemed vertue of that generation is to haue no wyues Neuer cōmaunded I such filthy vowes sayth the Lorde neither came it euer in my thought to make Iuda sinne with such abhominacion For the ofte breaking of their othe profession vowe it is no matter so long as they make the rekening amonge thēselues Innumerable is the swarme of these lecherous locustes of Egipte euery where are their fruites séene all after Christes resurrection to saye that his desciples had stolen hym awaye by night 22 All these with such other execrable ●●●tes sayth the Lord vnto Iohn shall haue their iust porcion in the foule stinking lake y● horrybly fometh vpward with fylthy fyre and brymstone With the diuell and his angels shall they dwell for euer 23 Thus shal the wicked saith Dauid for neglectinge their Lord God be turned into hell with perpetuall confusion The fiery floud that shall go before the Iudge wyll swallow them vp cleane 24 And this is wythout fayle the second death or damnacion both of soule and body The perpetuall shame and reprofe as Daniel calleth it that shall neuer be recouered Not onely the abhominable homicides Idolatours and whoremongers shall haue this stinking reward but also the faynt harted hipocrits the vnfaythfull sorcerers and the execrable lyers with all theyr affinitie THE TEXT 1. And there came vnto mee 2. one of the seuen Angells 3. Which hath the seuen vyalles full of the seuen last plagues 4. And talked with me saying 5. Come hither I vvill shew thee the bryde the Lambes wyfe 6. And he caryed me away in the spirit to a great an high moūtayne 7. And he shewed me the great citie 8. holy Hierusalem 9. defending out of heauen frō GOD 10. hauing the brightnesse of GOD. 11. And 〈…〉 was lyke vnto a 〈◊〉 most 〈…〉 〈…〉 had vvalles 〈◊〉 high 〈…〉 had .xii. gates 15 and at the gates xii Angells 16. and names vvrytten 17. vvhich are the .xii. trybes of Israell 18. On the East part three gates On the North syde three gates 19. And tovvard● the 〈…〉 And on the West syde three gates 20. And the vvalle of the citie had .xii. foundacions 21. and in them the names of the Lambes .xii. Apostles The Commentarye 1 And as I was yet stil ioyously marueiling saith saint Iohn at this most friendlye communicatiō wonderfull mistery of the Lorde 2 There resorted vnto me very louingly one of the seauen angels mencioned héere afore which angels hath committed vnto them at the Lordes pleasure the seuen vials of his wrath contayning the seauen plagues of the world 3 None other are these Angels but the decréed purposes of God vttering his iudgements against cursed Babylon at their times appointed as we haue sufficiently declared in the xv xvi chapters afore One of thē sent the lord vnto Iohn to describe vnto him at large the glory of the new Hierusalē lyke as he did afore the confusion of Babilon For onely was this in spirite as here after foloweth 4 This angell saith he familiarlye communed with me This inspired purpose of God moued my harte my minde my witte reason vnderstanding and remembraunce with the other powers of soule to make mee pryuy of this secret mistery necessary to be knowne of the faithful 5 Come hither saith it spiritually vnto me leauinge at this time behinde thée all suche considerations as thou hast of nature Certēly wil I manifest vnto thee to the singuler comfort of many other what the beutifull Bryde is which is the vndefiled spouse of the Lambe Iesus Christ. Thou shalt wel perceiue hir by the gifte of faith to be far different from the Rose coloured whore that thou séest afore Thou shalt know here hir estate beuty behauer and aparell For that maketh God open to his louers which he hideth vnto other in parables 6 Than toke he me vp in the spirite saith Iohn and so carried me cleane away into a mightye great and excéeding high mountaine The contemplation of this heauenly misterye so occupyed my minde that clearely was I taken from the remembraunce of all worldly fantasies thought my selfe rapt vp with Paule vnto the thirde heauen Sittinge solytarye alone as did Hieremie I was lift vp aboue my selfe With Enoch Helias I thought my selfe taken from the worlde so great was the mistery 7 Anone this spirituall messenger shewed me a great godly Citie I was in remembraunce of the true congregation of God compact together in the vnitie of one perfecte Christian faith And this was not the olde Hieru●alem builded longe ago of Melchisadech as testifieth Iosephus For that was full of sinne ignoraunce and blindnesse She slewe the Prophets and stoned them vnto death that were sent vnto hir She disdayned also to receiue hir owne Lorde whā he came to hir of good loue 8 But this is al of an other sort perfit godly faithfull Yea this is aboue all estimatiō holy Not for the outwarde sacrifices which were but shadowes of thīgs to come but for the eternal redētiō y● came through him which offerd him selfe vnto God the father without spot 9 Not made by mans hande was this holy Hierusalē nor yet after this maner building For it issued out of heauē and so came downe from God the Father of light of whom only is all that is good and perfect Great is this citie not onely in that it is the possession of the great kinge of all but also in that it is highest in dignitie before him spred the world ouer 10 Glorious is it also blessed spirituall and heauenly hauing the inestimable brightnesse or wisdome of the omnipotent God hir light is the lambe Iesus Christe and
Lābertus Luke 21 1. Iohn 2. Act. 20. 2. Pet. 2. Gala. 5 2. Tim. 2. 1. Iohn 4 2. Iohn 1. Gala. 4. 1. Timo. 4 Iude. 1. Gene. 9. Hebion Cerinthus Basilides Ex Eusebio cesari ●●las●us Philastri Guido et Lutzenburgus Apoca. 5 Ephe. 5. Eccli 50 Act. 13. Histo. ecl li. 3. ca. 30. Eusibus Cesarien Hioronimus Tritemius Heb. 1● Actu 9 Iohn 1 Iohn 15 Apoc. 4. Exo 29 Rom 12 Iohn 1 Psal. 44 Zacha. 1 Actu 20 Mat. 16 1 Iohn 2 Iohn 16 Math. 23 Act. 16 Mat. 10 Iohn 16 2 Pet. ● 2 Cor. ●● Iohn 10 Au●● 20 Iohn 11. Math. 25. Apoca. 18 Acto 13. 2. Tim. 4 1. Tim. 1. Act. 19. Act. 23. Act. 24. 1. Iohn 1 Ezech. 23 Sapi. 3. 3. Reg. 22 Eusebius ce●ar●en Philip. 4. Ephe. 2. Ephe. 4. Rom. 12 1. Iohn 2. Iohn 18 Rom. 13. 2. Pete 2. Iosephus Platina Baptista Panecius Iob. 34. Exo. 14. Eusebius cesarien Hermauns contract●● Albertus Magnus Math. 10 Lucke 6. Regino ●rumiensis ●arolus ●ouillus Lambertus Shafnaburgensis Carolus Bouillus Sigebertus Gemblacensis Benno Cardinalis VVernerus Carthusiensis A do vien nensis et Beda Cirillus Augustinus Ciprianus Hieronimus Sigebertus Gemblacēsis Vincencius Antonius Platina Nauclerus et alii Abbas vrspergen sis Iacobus bergomensis Hermannu● s●edel Apoc● 4. Rom. 8. Ambrosius Ansbertus Zacha. 6. Math. 24. 2. Peter 2 Iob. 41. Iohn 8 Hiere 29 Iohn 18. Marsilius Patauinus Ioannes Hus in Apoca Iohn 14 Osee. 12. Proue 11 1. Tim. 4. ● Iohn 4. Apoca. 4 Math. 28 Acto 1 2 Pet. 2 1. Cor. 2. Eusebius Cesariensis Cassiodorus Hieronimꝰ Benadius Isidorus Tritemius Psalm 6● Esaie 53 1. Tim. 6 Esaie 52 Hiere 2● Ezech. 4 Eutherius Lugdunensis VVestmerus Psalm 18 2. Tim. 3. Psalm 118 Esa. 40. Gala. 3 Marci 16 Rom. 3. Origines Hieronimꝰ Rom. 1. 1. Iohn 4. 1. Tim. 4. 1. Iohn 5. 2. Tim. 2 Math. 4. 1. Tim. 4. Psalm 118 Iohn 8. Iohn 5. Act. 2. Hebr. 9. Psalm 4. Deut. 12 Eccle. 4● Esa 61 Luk 10 Franciscus Lambertus in libro de prophecia Apoca. 22 Ioannes Hus in aliquot loca Apoca. VVernesus carthusian●s in fa●ciculo Ioannes de molinis in speculo ca. 6. Carolus bouillus de septem etatibus mūdi ca. 67. Antonius sabellicus Raphael Volatera Paulus Diaconus Bibliande● Iohn 18. 2 Iohn 1. Ioannes Aunius Ioannes Nauclerus Martinus Lutherus Sigebertus Platina Gregorius Odilocluniacensis Martinus Carsulanus Ranulphus Cestrensis Ioannes Stella Odilo clun● Paulus Diaconus Robertus gaguinus Hector Boetius Martinus Lut●erus Gen. 1. Luke 12 Apoc● ● Daniel 1● Albertus Magnus Zach. 6. Math. 6. Esa. 1. Apoc. 4. Daniel 7. Math. 4 Iohn 1 Apoca. 1. Apoca. 6. Apoca. 2 Math. 6. 1. Iohn 3. Rom 8 Luke 12. Math. 6 Math. 23. Esaie 5. Proue 1. Luke 20 Apoca. 17. Roma 3 Hebre. 10. Luke 11 Proue 1● Psalm ●● Iohn Hus in sermonibus de antichristo Apoca. 9. Apoc. 13. Chrisostomus Colos. 2. Amos. 8. Math. 15. Iohn 6. Luke 12. Math 16 Luke 3 Math 23 Wicleus Psalm 13. 2. Peter 2 Math. 7 Psalm 73 Zacha. 6. 1. Tim. 4. Iude. 1. Math. 15. 2. Tim. 6 Apoca. 8. Gen. 6 Esa. 1. Math 23 Iohn 18 Act. 5. 〈…〉 19. Isa. 10. 〈…〉 5 Act 20. Apoca. 18 Sebastianus meyer in apocalipsi●● Iohn ● Math 13 Iohn 15 Psal. 50 Heb 9 Iohn 16 Math. 23 Sapi 3 Psal. 118 Apoca. 1 Iohn 14 1. Thes. 4 Act 7. Acto 17 Psal. 5● Matth. 23. 1. Cor. 1 Phil 1 Math 2● Apoca. 19 Sapi. 3. Gen 4 Leuit. 20. Psalm 10 Prou. 6. 2. Peter 2. Psalm 25. Hiere 17. Iohel 2 Math. 25. 4. 〈◊〉 15. Psalm 18 Math. 12 Apoca. 11. 1. Tim. 4. Luke 11 ● Thes. 2. Apoca. 17 Phili. 3. Iohel 3. Daniel 1● Deut 32 Psalm 78 Ezech. 5 Rom. 2. Eccle. 45 Apoca. 4. Apoca. 22 Apoca. 1. Hebr. 1. Iohn 12 Eccle. 5. Apoca. 7● 1. Cor. 15. Rom. 8. Sap. 3. Psalm 15. Isaie 64. Rom. 8. Ephe. 3 Act. 13 Psalm 4. 1. Thes. 4 Titum 2. Iohn 17 Luke 21. Apoca. 20 Act. 13 Psalm 15 Esa. 61 Iaco. 5 Apoca. 21 Roma 8. ● Iohn 3 Psalm ●● Iohn 14 Ezech. 43 Iohn 8. Phil. 3 1. Iohn 2 Apoca. 1. 1. Timo. 2 1. Iohn 2 Iohn 15 2. Mach. 1● Rom. 8. Hebr. ● Iohn 5 ● Cor. 6. Act. 2 Apoca. 4 2. Cor. 4. Apoca. 18 Luke 1. Psalm 106 Apoca. 5 Ephe. 4 Iohn 1 Luke 12 ● Thes. 2 VValde● Polidor●● lib. 20. Math. 24 1. Thes. 2. Luke 12 Act. 4. Iohn 16. Apoca. 2 Aenas Silnius An experyment of our time in Englande Aduersus has sunt scripta Morisoni Apoca. 17. 2 Cor. 1 Sebastianus meyer VVicleuꝰ Psalm 2 Act. 4 Luke 2. ● Peter 2 Mala. 4 Hebre. 1. ● Iohn 1. Eccle. 42 2. Cor. 4. Iohel 2. ● Mach. 1 Ephe. 4. Psal. 44. Canti 5. 1. Cor. 1. Hiere 44. Baruch 6 Iohn 4. 1. Iohn 3. Mich. ● Esa. ● 1. Cor. 1. Iohel 2. Cant 6. Apoca. 1● Math. 16 Iohn 16. 2. Tim. 4. ● Cor. 15. 2. Reg. ●● Rom. 11 Gala. 4. Psal. 61. Polidorus Virgilius Ephe. 2. Rom. 8 Iohn 18 Daniel 3. Franciscus Lābertus li. 2. in Apocalipsim Math 24 1. Cor. 4. Matth. 5. Daniel 12 1. Timo. 4 Rom. 1. 1. Timo. 6 2. Tim. 2 Ioannes Tritemi●s Arnoldus Bostius Iacobus Bergome● Agrippa 1. Iohn 2. Esa. 34. Ose. 2 Luke 8. Primasius Ansbertus Haymo 2 Tim. 4. Esa. 34 Amos. 8 Psalm 49 Rom. 1. 2. Thes. 2. Psalm 11 Franciscus Lambertus Sebastianus meyer Iohn Hus. Abacuc 3 3. Iohn 1 Math. 12 Wicleus in lib. de ecclesia et membris Martinus Lutherus de tradicionibus sugiendis Daniel 8 Ioannes Gocchius Psalm 2 Esa. 1 Ioannes VVicleuꝰ in suotria logo Ioan. Hus. Haymo VVesselus grouingēsis in opusculis Apoca. 81 Martinus Lutherus in annotationibus Mathei Ioannes Paleonidorus in cronicis Erasmus in suis colloquijs Esa. 1 Math 25 Luke 20 Raciōale diuinorum Odilo cluniacensis Esa. 2 Osee. 10 2 Cor. 1 2. Pete 3. Ephe. 4. Iohel 2 Esa. 13 Math. 25. Mala. 3 Gala. 5 Apoca. 17. Lutherus Erasmus de confessione Esa. 58. Ezech. 18 Eccle. 7 Math. 5. Luke 6 Act. 8. Iohn 15 Math 2 Apoca. 18. Luke 21 Hebr. 10. Apoca. 6 2. Peter 2 Acto 4. ● Cor. 2. Luke 22. Iude. 1. 1. Tim. 4 Colos. 2. Esa. 10 Esaie 1● 1. Tim. 4. Exod. 1 1. Para. 9. 1. Cor. 2 Marci 16 Act. 4. Gene. ● Ihon. 16 Iaco. 1 Hebr. 13 Marke 8 Luke 6 Psalm 134 Iacob 1. Apoca. 12 Act. 5. Iohn 16 Sebastianus Meyer Act. 9. Prou. 27 Hiere 12 Math 23 Apoca. 6. Apoca. 20 Albertus Mala. 3 Math. 11. VVestmeri collectanea Iohn 6 Mar. 16 Luke 6 Ezech. 9 1. Cor. 1. Psalm 4. Ephes. 1 Psal. 44. 2. Cor. 3. Gala. 4. Ephe. 2. Hiere 1. Math 10 Lutherus Erasmus Occolampadius Zuinglius Daniel 7 Sebastianus Meyer Sapi 3 Franciscus Lombertus Apoca. 9 Robertus tuitiensis Math. 24 Hiere 31 Canti 4 Psalm 38 Hiere 22 Luke 8 Math. 13 Luke 19.