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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02833 An aduertiseme[nt] to the subjects of Scotland of the fearfull dangers threatned to Christian states; and namely, to Great Britane, by the ambition of Spayne: with a contemplation, of the truest meanes, to oppose it. Also, diverse other treatises, touching the present estate of the kingdome of Scotland; verie necessarie to bee knowne, and considered, in this tyme: called, The first blast of the trumpet. Written by Peter Hay, of Naughton, in North-Britane. Hay, Peter, gentleman of North-Britaine. 1627 (1627) STC 12971; ESTC S118431 133,365 164

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I answere to you that Counsels and Designes are not to bee weighed from the Event that was so good a purpose as in my judgement will not yet be left But yee will say Wee haue wakened the sleeping Dog and made spoyle of our best Occasion I confesse that is more considerable than anie losse and yet who doubteth for the Dog but hee was a-wake before Diabolus non dormit How can he sleepe that lyeth in Ambush for all the World As touching the credite of the Enterpryse it is so farre from bringing vnder question the Reputation of our Soveraigne that by the contrarie both that and his personall going to Spaine are things where-of wee should rejoyce as being infallible Arguments of his Royall Magnanimitie and Preambles of much greater things King Philip of Macedon being brought for the first time to see the noble Horse Bucephalus commanded his best Horse-man to ryde him which when hee could not doe by reason of his fiercenesse the King did set another to him and the third who in lyke manner did not suffice vntill at length Alexander his Sonne being but a young Stripling did adventure him-selfe to it and did performe it which when his Father behelde shedding Te●res for joy hee apprehended there-by the greatnesse of his Spirit saying that Greece was too small for him Where such Sparkles breake foorth before the Fyre of a young Prince his cowrage bee well kindled it is like enough once to spreade manie Flames abroad Yea I will say farther that the successe of that Businesse went better than if it had beene to our Wishes for that it is not good that Fortune should bee too indulgent to the beginninges of a young King or should lay the Reignes vpon his Necke but rather that he runne his first Cariers with a borne head to the ende that hee may learne the wayes of true Wisdome and Fore-sightfulnesse in Matters of greater Consequence The ancient Theologues amongst the Gentiles did never introduce their Goddesse Fortune in the Counsell of the Gods There is nothing that doeth more rectifie the judgement to Action than Experience where-of one Tricke in our Youthhead is more worth to vs than twentie in our Age. Besides that wee are certainlie but ignorant to thinke that great things can bee gone about or compassed but by adventuring somethings also of the lyke kynde but lest wee bee anie way discowraged by those two fruitlesse Voyages of the English to Portugall wee may reade in the Stories how that Nation ancientlie hath beene no lesse victorious in Spaine than in France al-be-it not so often because they were olde and long Inheriters and Inhabiters of diverse parts of France Edmund called De Langley Duke of Yorke and Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Langcaster both Sonnes of Edward the third King of England having obtained diverse glorious Victories against the Castilians in favours of the Kinges of Portugall sought to bee ejected by the saide Castilians not-the-lesse where-of they did at length marrie the two Daughters of Peter King of Castile who dying without other Children the saide Iohn of Gaunt who was married to the eldest did stile him-selfe King of Castile and passe from Gascoigne then being vnder the English Dominion into Castile with 8000 Footmen 2000 Horse where he did quickly make himselfe Master almost of the whole Countrey but partlie by Famine then in Castile and secondlie because of new Troubles betwixt the English and French then in Gascoigne and thirdlie by reason of hote Broyles in England which was likelie to cut him from succourse of his Friends hee did transact with most honourable and advantagious conditions even at his owne option that his onelie Daughter and Chylde should marrie the eldest Sonne of the Castilian King that him-selfe should haue the present Possession and profites of foure chiefe Townes of Castile with sixtie hundreth thousand Frankes in Argent Content to defray his Charges and fourtie thousand Franks of yearlie Rent What then shall wee thinke but the English who are the naturall Off-spring of those generose Stockes haue also braue Mindes and aboundance of Cowrage to invade by way of just and necessarie VVarre their olde and sworne Enemies of Castile if they were once set on edge after this long Intervale of Peace Haue they not all the whyle bene exclayming agaynst the dayes of Peace And was it not much for a pacificke King to contayne them Did they not yearne after the Spanyard as Hounds long kept vp after Hares And may we not hope that Armies which bee not verie grosse well disciplined vvell armed and vvell mayntayned can doe great thinges in Portugall being of so easie accesse and recept when wee reade of Scanderbeg or of the late Prince of Transylvania or in our owne Annals of VVilliam VVallace what Miracles were done by small numbers against worlds of Men It is the LORD who stirreth vp the Heart to persecute Pryde and punish Tyrants it is Hee who doeth deliver into the Hands of Israel their mightie Enemies 2000 Men that Charles the eight of France gaue to his Cosin Henrie Earle of Richmond were sufficient for him to passe into England and giue Battell to Richard the third the Tyrant and to slay him The Kingdome of Spaine was once alreadie as I haue related taken from Roderico a licentious Prince by 12000 Moores But to returne to the particular Navarre or Portugall shall bee the first Revolters from Spayne when-so-ever the tyme shall come where-in GOD hath appoynted to dissipate that Empyre there shall the Stone bee first moved which rolling along shall bruise and breake the Hornes there-of Portugall must bee the chiefe Port of our Hopes in Spayne The World holdeth that His Majestie of Great Britane and the Hollanders his protected Confederates haue more Shipping than will command the whole Occean let bee to get footing in Portugall or to stop the Trafficke of the West Indees And if wee would make a likelie Conjecture what they are able to doe in Portugall let vs but call to mynde what great Conquests were made by the Portugals them-selues with no great numbers of Ships as is showne in the former part of this Discourse There bee manie yet alyue who know that when those few of England and Holland did last invade and tooke the Towne of Cales King Philip did presentlie sende for his Galleyes of Naples and Sicilia and would haue borrowed from Genua and Malta hee called his Forces out of Britanie and had beene compelled to call Home all that hee had anie where if the English had remayned longer It is greatlie to bee marveled why the Ritches of the VVest Indees should not before now haue allured both English Flemmings and others who are powerfull by Sea those beeing the Treasures that doe fortifie and assure the Spanish Tyrannie The Romanes and Carthagenians when they began to flowrish and to haue mutuall Iealousies fore-seeing that Sicilia beeing a Store-House of fyne Cornes and People was
great Consequence with Candor and Sinceritie I finde that Men of great experience for Warre doe holde opinion contrarie to this beeing of the mynde of King Francis the first who saide that longsome VVarres and small Armies served rather to exercise Men in the Artes Militarie than to daunt the Enemie and that without grosse Armies and quicke dispatch it was not possible to compasse great Enterpryses saying with-all that the Maintainance of small Armies and longsome VVarres was much more chargeable than the other They tell vs that the Empyre of the Turke beginneth to decline for his Pretermission of two thinges which his Predecessours did obserue and follow One that hee goeth not in person to bee over his Armies as they did another that they are not so numerous and grosse as they had them and that light exploits and often leading of small Armies to and froe doeth but teach the Milice to his Enemies and spoyle his owne Countreyes thorow vvhich his Souldiours so frequentlie doe passe Where-of they giue vs this Example Amurat the third kept vnder the commandement of his Bussaes a lingering VVarre of more than twelue Yeares employing not verie great Armies against the Persian vvhere-by al-be-it hee conquered great partes of his Countreyes yet vvere his Losses knowne to bee greater because hee spended the Flowre of his Forces of young Souldiours and lustie Horses 200000 Horses and more than 500000 Men from the beginning to the ende and made desolate the Countreyes that hee tooke in so farre that Osman Bassa alone besides what vvas done by others did cast to the ground and burne 100000 Houses besides that the Persians their Enemies during that great length of tyme did become more skilfull Warriours than themselues The Spanish Warres against Holland Zealand and Friezland haue vvrought the same Effects Agesilaus King of Lacedemonia in his longsome Warres against the Thebaus having one day received a dangerous Blow in his Person was tolde by one of his Friends that hee deserved vvell to haue it because hee had taught his Enemies to bee good Souldiours I confesse indeede that in this point of teaching the Arte Militarie to Enemies vvee can lose nothing beeing rather to learne from them but whether the employing of small or grosie Armies against them shall bee most hurtfull to them before vvee say to that wee must consider vvhat parts of his Dominions doe lye most open for our Invasion and most easilie and profitablie brooked for I take it also as granted that as there must bee Warres so they must bee with-out our Countrey and into that of the Enemie Never an actiue Prince was knowne to looke on vntill the Enemie should bee seene with-in his Bowels There be thousands of Examples of Ignorants who by so doing haue cast away their Kingdome from them-selues Antiochus Persius Iuba Ptolome the last of Aegypt Darius some of the French Kings as King Iohn taken vvith-in his owne Countreyes by Edward the Blacke Prince of England And for this cause Philip of France called the Conquerer vnderstanding that the Emperour Otho the second and the King of England were to assault his Kingdome hee fortified sundrie strong places and led his Armie without the Frontiers vvhere hee did combate and defeat them Wee reade in our Scottish Histories how frequentlie Armies haue bene convoyed beyond our Marches to find the Enemie before he should enter amongst vs. So long as a Countrey is free from open Hostilitie as long it doeth not feele extreame Calamitie sayeth Scipi● Afric for putting of Armies into Africke Plus animi est inferenti periculum quam propulsanti ad hoc major ignotarum rerum est terror c. The Assaulters of anie Countrey must haue greater cowrage than the Defendants who having mo● things and more deare in perill their Houses their Rit●●es VVyues and Children are more taken with feare besides being with-in the Enemies Countrey yee doe discover all his weaknesses whylst your strength and possibilities the more they bee vnknowne to him they doe the more encrease his terrour But to speake of places in generall most proper for this VVarre there is none more honourable than the Palatinate al-be-it most difficill to come vnto by reason of remotenesse from the Sea without the restitution where-of there can remaine no credite with the parties and Princes of the League I heard a Scottish Captaine of good experience in those Countreyes latelie say to mee that it was impossible to recover the Palatinate but by Sea Advantages over the Spanyard because it was so farre remooved from Friends and I did aske him how the late Prince of Parma did leade 10000 Men to Paris in the Teeth of a mightie King amidst his Armies hee answered mee that those were carried as in Trenches and the way was easie without impediment of Mountaines or Rivers Againe I demanded how did the Christian Kings ancientlie of England Scotland and France convoy their Armies to the holie VVarres of Hierusalem and most part over Land or how Alexander the Great an Armie of with-in 40000 from Macedon to the Easterne Occean and did subjugate all the Nations by the way or how Iulius Caesar a smaller by the one halfe from the occident of France to Pharsalia in Greece or Hanniball from Carthage by the way of Spaine and France thorow so manie alpestiere and precipitious Mountaines even to Naples and brooked Italie fifteene Yeares Although themselues were excellent and incomparable Captaines and of extravagant Fortunes yet their Souldiours appearinglie haue beene but such Men as doe yet liue in the VVorld the difference and ods of Tymes excepted for softnesse and Delicacie in some and contemplation and loue of Letters in others haue so daunted and as it were emasculate the cowrage of Men who now are that none is able to endure that austeritie and hardnesse of living with Hanniball him-selfe let bee his Souldiours The next Fielde fitting for this VVarre is that which were most easie to come vnto and likelie to bring the Businesse to a short and prosperous Ende and this is the Countrey of VVest Flanders if this fatall Iealousie of Neighbour-Princes which hath beene so manie tymes contrarious to the best Designes and Enterpryses of Christendome did not heere with-stand that is to say if the French King did not call to mynde how that was the Port where-at ancientlie the English did so often enter to trouble his Predecessours It is a wonderfull thing if Kings so nearelie allyed and so nearelie touched by one Common Danger cannot bee assured from mutuall Iealousies in the meane tyme Nulla fides regni sociis Therefore leaving that to the Event which GOD shall grant I will speake of putting Armies into Spayne by Sea wherevnto it may bee yee will object the small Successes now of a second Navigation of the English to Portugall and that His Majestie had better kept his Navie at home Careat successibus opto quisquis ab eventu facta not and a putet
everie Man doeth fill his own Spheare and everie Man's estate is a Kingdome to him-selfe Perseus that mightie King having beside him infinite Treasures and refusing to bestow some of them to Gentius a Neighbour-prince and others who offered to combate the Romanes in Italie he suffered them to over-throw him-selfe in his owne Countrey Darius cōmitted the lyke Errour with Alexander and Stephanus King of Bosna the lyke with Mabomet the second as I haue remembered before wee may prayse GOD that wee haue not such avaricious Kings What is it that good and naturall Subjects will not doe for the safetie of the Sacred Persons of their Kings Let bee of their Kingdomes vvhere-in wee haue our Portion and common Interesse with them We may reade in the Histories of France what domage that Countrey did sustaine for the liberation of their King Iohn taken by Edward the Blacke Prince of England at the Battell of Poiteou and of King Francis the first taken at the Battell of Pavie and in our owne Histories what our Predecessours did for the redemption of King David Bruce led Captiue in England and there detained eleven yeares Liberatus sayeth the Historie undecimo ex qu● captus est anno numeratis quingentis millibus Mercarum Sterlingarum in presenti moneta Hee was redeemed vpon payment of fiue hundreth thousand Marks Sterling in argent contant A thing most admirable the scarcitie of Moneyes in those dayes considered If a Physition should cōmand vs in time of a dangerous Sicknesse to take a little Blood for preservation of the whole Bodie wee should bee glad to obey him why not by the like reason when our King who cureth and careth for the Bodie of the Common-wealth doeth command vs to bestow some of our Goods for safetie of our whole Estate ought wee not to obey if wee were versed in the French Annals to know what innumerable spoile of Goods was there before the Spanyards could bee pyked out of the Nests which they did build vpon their Coasts and with-in their Bowels wee would bee content to spende to our Shirt as it is saide before they should plant their Tents amongst vs. I haue alreadie told you how they are of Melancholious and fixed Mindes not easilie raysed or remooved where once they are set downe where-of wee see the present experience into the Palatinate To take and then to giue backe againe is not the way of their Designe to vniversall Empyre over their Neighbours If anie would object that the Palatinate is detayned for Reparation of the Wrongs and Injuries done in Bohemia hee hath little skill in the Effaires of the VVorld for why these might haue bene long since composed or redressed but it is done to facilitate their Conquest in Germanie to enclose the Nether-Landes from Succourse of their Friendes there and to open a Gate into England by length of Tyme vvhen they shall finde the Occasion fitting So that if the Kings of Great Britane and France together with their Confederates of Germanie the Netber-Lands doe not joyne their Forces to banish them tymouslie from the Palatinate as the Romanes did the Carthagenians from Sicilia vvhich I did note in the beginning here-of doubtlesse they vvill bee vpon their owne Neckes at the length There vvas a great Intervale of Tyme betwixt the first and second Warres of the Romanes against the Carthagenians and yet the last did come to passe and there-with the vtter over-throw of the Carthagenian State And here I must recount a thing vvhich I haue often called to mynde since His Majesties comming from Spayne and that the Treatie of his Marriage did there expyre how I my selfe the yeare of their Pacification vvith Holland beeing in the Towne of Brussels in familiar discourse touching our late Soveraigne his cōming to the Crowne of England vvith a Scottish Gentle-man of a fine Wit Experience In-sight in the Spanish Designes and vvho had beene long tyme a Coronell and Counsellor of Warre amongst them Coronell Semple hee sayd to me That al-be-it King Iames vvas an aged wise Prince vvho had providently practized his peaceable Entrie to England that yet he vvas much beholden to that Tyme so fortunate as it vvas for him vvhen Spayne being so broken vvith longsome VVarres had al-most begged their Peace frō Holland And how-so-ever sayd he your King may be free of vs during his lyfe yet if ye shall surviue him ye shall see no more Peace betwixt England and Spayne adding vvith-all this Speach Laus non solum hominum est sed etiam temporum Where-vnto I did answere that by these it seemed that the Spanyard intended to conquer England Then he rehearsed to me the manie notable Injuries done to them by the English Nation by their prowde and fascuous ejection of King Philip before the death of Marie by their fostering of their Rebels in Flanders by their protection of Don Antonio King of Portugall and ayding of him vvith Sea Armies but namelie by their ordinarie Sea Rapines and insolent Navigation vvithout the controlling and coercing vvhere-of Spayne could not be in so good Case as vvas hoped for to be in progresse of Tyme And in the ende hee did subjoyne thus farre If your Catholicke Noble-men of Scotland with whom my selfe sayd he did negotiate from Spayne had bene wyse and constant your Countrey might haue bene long before now in a twentie-folde more happie Condition vnder the Dominion of Spayne than ever it can be vnder the Crowne of England the Yoake of whose Servitude and Tyrannie shall questionlesse become intollerable to you so soone as that King shall be gone who doeth so well know you for why by reason of their Vicinitie and nearnesse vnto you they shall be ever preassing to draw great Rents from you into England which cannot fayle to impoverish your Countrey where-as by the contrarie the Spanyard should not only spend it amongst your selues but should also yearlie send in great summes of Money to you according as he doeth here in Flanders in his other Provinces This Storie did I after my returning to London relate to His Majestie who is nowe with GOD and who having heard it did answere me That Semple was an olde Traytor and dangerous companie for his Subjects which went beyond the Seas Thus the Spanyardes know not when the Fish will swimme but they doe keepe their Tydes diligentlie and haue their Nets hung in all Mens Waters so that if anie of vs would thinke that the present Quarrell against Spayne is more sibbe to the King our Soveraigne than to vs by reason of the Palatinate it were absurd ignorance also For first granting it vvere so yet there can bee no Separation betwixt the Head and the Members whome GOD and Nature haue knit together there is none can loose Next agayne it is well knowne that our late King of blessed memorie could haue gotten to marrie his onlie Daughter greater and the greatest of Christian Princes if it