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england_n john_n king_n realm_n 4,777 5 8.4577 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A82524 All the ordinances of the Lors [sic] and Commons assembled in Parliament: for the true payment of tythes, and other such duties according to the lawes and customes of this realme Ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that these ordinances for the due payment of all tythes and such other duties, be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.; Proceedings England and Wales. Parliament.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. 1652 (1652) Wing E1201; ESTC R232115 6,660 16

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All the ORDINANCES OF THE LORS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT For the true Payment of TYTHES And other such Duties according to the Lawes and Customes of this Realme ORdered by the Lords in Parliament Assembled That these Ordinances for the due Payment of all Tythes and such other Duties be forthwith Printed and Published Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum London Printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old-Bayley Die Veneris 8. Novemb. 1644. An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament for the true payment of Tythes and other such Duties according to the Laws and Customs of this Realme WHereas divers persons within the Realme of England and Dominion of Wales taking advantage of the present distractions and ayming at their owne profit have refused and still do refuse to set out yeeld and pay Tyths Offerings Oblations Obventions and other such duties according to the Law of the said Realme to which they are the more incouraged both beause there is not now any such compulsary meanes for recovery of them by any Ecclesiasticall proceedings as heretofore hath beene and also for that by reason of the present troubles there cannot be had speedy remedy for them in the temporall Courts although they remain still due and of right payable as in former times Be it therefore Declared and Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled that every person persons whatsoever within the said Realme and Dominion shall fully truly and effectually set out yeeld and pay respectively all and singular Tythes Offerings Oblations Obventions Rates for Tythes and all other Duties commonly knowne by the name of Tythes and all arreares of them respectively to all and every the respective owners Proprietors Improprietors and possessors as well Lay as Ecclesiasticall respectively their Executors and Administrators of Parsonages Vicarages or Rectories either impropriate or presentative or donative and of Vicarages and of portions of Tythes respectively within the said Realme and Dominion according to the Law custome prescription composition or contract respectively by which they or any of them ought to have been set up yeelded and paid at the beginning of this present Parliament or two yeares before And in all and every care where any person or persons hath at any time since the beginning of this present Parliament or two yeares before substracted withdrawne or failed in due payment of or hereafter at any time shall substract withdraw or faile in due payment of any such Tythes Offerings Oblations Obventions Rates for Tythes or any duty known by the name of Tythes or Arreares of them or any of them as aforesaid the person or persons to whom the same is hath beene or shall be respectively due his Executors or Administrators shall and may make his and their complaints thereof to any two Iustices of Peace within the same County City Towne Place Riding or Division not being Patron nor Patrons of the Church where such substraction witwdrawing or failer of payment hath been or shall be not being interessed any way in the things in question Which Iustices of Peace are Authorized hereby and shall have full power to summon by reasonable warning before hand all and every such person or persons against whom any such complaints shall be made to them and after his or their appearance before them or upon default made after the second summons the said summons being made as aforesaid and proved before the said Iustices by Oath which said Iustices hereby shall have power to administer the same to heare and determine the said complaint by sending for and examining witnesses upon Oath which said Oath the said Iustices are hereby also authorized to Minister and admitting other proofs brought on either side and thereupon shall in writing under their Hands and Seales adiudge the case and give reasonable costs and damage to either party as in their iudgements they shall think fit And be it further Ordained by the Authoritie aforesaid That if any person or persons shall refuse to pay any such Tythes or sums of money as upon such complaint and proceeding shall be by any such Iustices of Peace adiudged as aforesaid and shall not within thirty dayes next after notice of such iudgement in writing under the hand seal of such Iustices of Peace given to him or them make full satisfaction thereof according to the said iudgement in every such case the person and persons respectively to whom any such Tythes or sums of money shall be upon such iudgement due shall and may by warrant from the said Iustices or either of them distrain all and every or any the goods and Chattels of the party or parties so refusing and of the same to make sale and to retain to himself or themselves so much of the monies raised by sale thereof as may satisfie the said iudgement returning the overplus thereof to the party or parties so refusing And in case no sufficient distresse can be found that then the said Iustices of Peace or any other Iustices of Peace of the same County as aforesaid shall and may commit all and every such person and persons so refusing to the next common Goale of the said County there to remaine in safe custody without baile or mainprize untill he or they respectively shall make full satisfaction according to the said iudgement Provided alwaies and it is further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that if any person or persons shall thinke him or themselves uniustly dealt with by or in any such iudgement as aforesaid then he or they respectively shall and may thereof complaine to the high Court of Chancery where the cause between the parties shall be againe heard and determined wthich Court shall hereby have full power and authoritie to summon the parties and to heare and determine the same and to suspend execution as the same Court shall see cause and to give finall iudgement therein with reasonable costs to the party or parties grieved by any such complant brought before them Provided always that this Ordinance or any thing therein contained shall not extend to any Tythes Offerings yeerly payment or other Ecclesiasticall duties due or to be due for any houses buidings or other hereditaments within the City of London or the Liberties thereof which be otherwise provided for by Act of Parliament Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum Die Lunae 9. August 1647. An Additional Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament for the true payment of Tyths other Duties WHereas some doubts have beene raised whether Ministers put into Livings and Sequestrations by Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament or Committees thereunto authorized by them be comprized within the Ordinance of the eight of November 1644. Entituled An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament for the true payment of Tithes and other such Duties according to the Lawe and Custome of the Realme so as to recover their Tithes and other Duties by vertue thereof and in what