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A02469 A sight of the Portugall pearle, that is, the aunsvvere of D. Haddon maister of the requests vnto our soueraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of God quene of England Fraunce and Irelande, defendour of the faith. &c. against the epistle of Hieronimus Osorius a Portugall, entitled Pearle for a Prince. Translated out of lattyn into englishe by Abraham Hartwell, student in the kynges colledge in Cambridge; Gualtheri Haddoni pro reformatione Anglicana epistola apologetica ad Hier.Osorium, Lusitanum. English Haddon, Walter, 1516-1572.; Hartwell, Abraham, b. ca. 1542. 1565 (1565) STC 12598; ESTC S112464 36,621 136

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aduisemente foule mispending of time in belyinge of other But to go further you terme this our Secte by the name of a people pleaser cauilling that they do not subdue vices but set men on fyre with sensualitie yea with madnes and that there are examples enough of their sorcerie and treason against princes A horrible allegation yea a detestable kinde of men if there be any suche liuinge If there be no such at all then great is the rashnes of thaccuser in an estate wholsomly setled to rayse suche vpperores Mary to speake a trueth now that you haue vncouered vnto mee this platte of poysoninge and conspiracies looking a lyttle backe vnto the recordes and hystories of our predecessours I beginne to call to mynde Henry the fourth of that name Emperour vnto whom a Moncke of monstrous and wicked monckysh crueltie euen in their late godefyed Eucharist ministred poison whervpon he died and whose counsell was intermedled herein the hystories do tell By the lyke accursed enterpryse of the like ghostlye person was king Iohn of Englande murthered as our Cronycles do testifie But to sticke in the recitall of particulers especiallye vnto you is nedeles who borderynge nearer vpon such practises then I maye of likelyhod with more speede learne out of the Registers of your neere neighbours what poysoned drafts haue walked too and fro betwene the supernatural demigods and proude patrones of the Romish churche and howe or by whom the pryncypall seede of warres haue bene sowen throughout all Realmes christened But I wil not procede in accusatiōs as you doe nor vrge you with suspicions but in moste humble sort wyll lift vp my handes vnto the euerliuing god soūdinge out vnto hym all thankes possible that hath vouchesafed to putte a side the depe mistes of the former tymes with the sonnlyght of hys gospell rysen vppe emong vs through thignoraunce whereof and former affiaunce in blinde superstition we wallowed in the syncke of synne wythout any remorse thinkynge all to be raunsomed what so euer we did in our lyfe wickedlye by a leaden charter of popish pardon and the muttringe of prayers whiche we vnderstoode not Then came the authoritye of the holy scriptures thundrynge at the doore of oure eares and sente into our consciences such shiuering and feare that nowe we fixe our whole trust and ankerholde in the free mercye of God all humaine inuentions reiected and set a part alwaies hauinge an eye to the counsell of the Prophete to fashyon shape our conuersation vnto holynesse and righteousnes Whiche being so I meruaile what should be thende of your tedious discourse vnto the Queene wherein you wyshe all Prynces to prouide and to bee in continuall watche least throughe this newe borne secte not yet by you well expressed they treade awry Doubt you not but that our Royall Queene is surely enough planted in al prosperity louyng her people is eftsones loued felinge not one breath of these stormes which you harp vpō Other cōmon welthes haue taken their rest and presentlye I truste are in quiet I knowe nothing vnto the contrary vnlesse you obiecte the late broyle in Fraunce whiche now is appeased and whence the firste blaste thereof came it is a thinge sone toulde but sithe you name nothing let it goe There ensueth in your treatise a vulgare and olde beaten quarrell of the frailetie of this present lyfe whiche your aduise is to contempne to make a way vp into heauen to set the world farre from vs to thende we may attaine vnto euerlasting felicitie Then fall you into admiratiō that herein we wil cleaue vnto newe shepeheardes where as in your mynd the olde may suffice yet are you contente to suspende your verdicte that inquiraunce be made of our grene Pastors newely chopped in whiche wil in no wise be coūted new-fangled taking vppon them the schoolemēs drowsy dregges wyped away to scoure clense the Churche and to trymme it vppe according to thinstitutiō of the apostles so to represente vnto all Christendom the veritie founded in the gospel of Iesus Christ this longe tyme ouermaistered by couetise and ambitiō to blase with the starry brightnes of holy scripture gods glory so darkned with mannes dreames and fansies to vndoe the yoke of superstition fynally to reedifie the sincere worshyp of god after thauncient rule discipline of y e primitiue church These mennes profession you so well lyke that you loute scorne their enterpryse these be they whom you vex and tosse at wyll one while scoffing another while fuming nowe cryinge and then yellyng out Very well Now at length I see what new secte you meane againste whom you haue so busylye discharged and let flye all this eloquence I haue nowe espied your aduersaries whō you must needes haue pruned of and cast on the dounghill as the very poyson of a common wealth Me thinckes on the cōtrary side that these preachers of the gospell are the seruantes of the hyghest god sent euen of God him self to quicken our assedlike slouth in these slyppery tymes and latter cast of the world to spurre our loytring to refute our falshode to checke and taunte our wickednes And therfore such men ought to be serched out of the prynce and had in estimation througheout the common wealth Se what differēce is betwene your opinion myne Wherfore we must march on and consyder what you a graunde doctour for a prynce forsothe can eyther alledge truely or vntruely forge against gods reuerende ministers and seruauntes And although as it may be this slaunder procede of some other yet shal you beare double blame for rashe credite and more rash puttyng of the same in wrytyng I wyll not trauise all the corners of your accusation which almost powreth out nothinge but an vnfruitefull ringing in peinted wordes Onely I wyll runne ouer your chiefe pointes and if I be able shake the verie pillers of this your accusation Fyrst you say there muste be note taken of the persones bycause they promise franckely and tryall made what their habilitie is what pith they haue what is their vertue and integritie of lyuinge Then you demaund whether in godly life they be more absolute then Athanasius Basill Ambrose Hierome Augustin weare I wis there are many of them of incomparable learnynge and most godly demeanour and I see nothynge you brynge why they may not be equal with these auncient sages But to bring you out of your odyous comparisons me thincke you moue an vnreasonable question in an vnfyt place For I auouch that these our preachers whollie agree with those reuerende fathers treade in the same pathe and exhibite all one tenour of Religion If this be so then make you a vaine comparyson betweene them that be frendes if it be otherwise enfourme vs wherin they disagree S. Austine lamēteth that his time was so drowned with flouddes of ceremonies that christians were thē in worse case thē were the iewes before them Saincte Hierome wyssheth that
venemous ioice of a basterdlie Religion forgoeth the sounde fruite of heauenly meditation Let vs bind vp al with examples The former auncient churche of apostles and martirs had none of these your costly iewelles yet was there most whot zeale burnynge in their breastes In baser times of religiō by fote and foote in stepped peintrie and so died in the former loue of gods seruice y t was so kendled in mens harts At last rushed in the scholemens diuinitie by whole cartloades a birde of an other nest ouglie mishapen with superstition anon all places were stuffed with peinted stockes and idolls which being euery where risely worshipped the true spirituall honour of God was troden vnder foote Nowe powre out your Philosophie concerning the weakenes of oure capacitie extoll youre holy blockes vntil you sweate withal yet is this deepely groūded in the scriptures that the vndoubted knowledge of god is in his worde and sincere worshyppinge in spyrite As for your pyctures where the spyrite is present they neede not where that wanteth they auayle not It were a tedious matter for you to make of euery thyng a seuerall discourse and therefore with one breath you say that all holly seruice ceremonies and sacramentes ar by vs cleane sacked and destroyed What is it that I heare Is there lyuing any such broode of diuynes that spoyleth and destroyeth all holly seruice al ceremonies all sacramentes Either it is so orels muste this bee as it is in deed a shameful excesse in lying For forreine Churches I can gage nothinge but I haue a good opinion of them Of our orders in diuine affayres I wyll make you a briefe accōpt not suffring you eyther to be ignoraunt youre selfe or to bewytche other First bycause fayth commeth by hearing we send into al coastes of the Realme Preachers to edifye the people in their duties toward God and to enstructe them in the true worshipping of y e same Thē haue we an order of commō prayer collected out of Scriptures by Parliament for so we terme the consent of the three estates of our Realme authorised frō the whiche we suffer no man to wander forseing wyth all diligence two pointes fyrst the holy ghost to be obeyed warning that whosoeuer open his mouth in the congregacion speake the worde of God secondly that in al things be found an vnity wythout dyscorde The sacramentes we cause to be ministred very precisely after the prescript of holy writ and the liuely paterne of the former Churche wherin the Lorde Iesus Christe first in his own person instituted them with his Apostles And all these are propoūded in y e vulgare toung for that it is a brutish folly and plainly excepted in the testament in the presence of God to clatter out that wee vnderstande not our selues The geuing of orders hallowing of wedlock churching of childwiues visitynge of the feble and burying of the dead corses we execute with solemne and publike rites according to y e veritye in the Gospell whych we spice with ceremonies so far forth as al things may procede in order and decently within oure Churches as we are certainly aduertised out of the gospel Of y e times places dayes other circumstances we haue made no alteration neither in the whole body of religion innouated anye thing but y t eyther abhorred from all reason or was stayned wyth open impietie Thus haue I rypped vp vnto you the rites and manners of our Churche whych you see is cleane strypped neyther of holy seruice sacraments nor traditions but of eche sort hath reserued so muche that who so chargeth vs to bee voyde of all wantinge in dede no parcell requisite vnto the peculier anauncement of Gods honor shal shal offer vs vnreasonable iniury You saye we haue shyfted of the yoke of the imperial Bishop and you saye well It was to heauy and broosyng for either vs or our fathers before vs any lōger to susteine Neither acknowledge we any one high superintendent but only our lord Iesus Christ which honor the scriptures assigne vnto him alone And herein do we not part Christs coate as you gesse but wee touse and hale the Popes gaberdine neyther vnlocke we the doore vnto sedicion but stoppe the hyghe waye wherein vpon his lawlesse bulles of leade we rode stepe downe into perdicion You rake together many vnities and therof packe vp an argument that in any wise there must be in the Church one spiritual souereigne or hyghe regent What nedes that sith euen in the soundest age of the Church there was one God one fayth and yet notwithstanding had Peter one prouince Paul another and Iames another and diuers other had seuerall charge whereas the seuering of the persōs was no breach to the vnity in fayth In sequele of time diuerse prelates of Rome were holy Martirs put to death by heathen Princes vsurping no other crowne but the crowne of martirdome As for this extraordinary popish regalty they knew it not and S. Gregorye by name doth defie it Wherfore if the most floryshinge tyme of the Churche were voyde of thys your Monarchy we also may wesleaue if out nay we ought so to do not onely for the streight charge of y e scripture but also the suggestion of all good reason We cannot abide to haue the head so far distant from the body especially hauinge thys souereigne power for the which you labor so harde here at home in England that no nede it is to seke any abrode We haue the full authority of a regall power conteyning the whole vertue of king lye iurisdiction ouer the whole Realme But thys this is it that you cry away withall thys hath set you in such a glowinge that vnto Princes you impute sacrilege bicause they extend their authoritye ouer the Ecclesiasticall lawes dare auenture to touche things consecrate What I praye you M. Hieronimus come out of thys traunce fie vpon this impacience in a professed wyse man let in a littell breath chere vp your spirites you shall se al things in a cleare case The Quenes maiesty reygneth ouer all her subiectes of Englande And reason it is So haue the Frēchmen theyr French king and the Scottes their scottish souereigne Yea but she presseth in vnto church matters Not a whytte Al politike affayres ar gouerned by ciuill magistrates spiritual matters by bishops In spirituall exploites if any publike order be to be taken the diuines determine the same whose determination is by the Quenes Maiesty authorised Now what mislyke you vnder these ordinaunces did the kinges of Israel in those daies gouern the proper and peculier people of God Then ensued the gospel which also making in powers a distinction fyrst hoyseth vp the Regal estate and subdueth thervnto al other degrees by the mouth of Peter Paule whose names and titles by false vsurpaciō you deriue vnto thestablishing of your Romishe Seignory As for you you bidde battel not only in behalf of the Romish Scepter but also for the