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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A77082 A bloody Irish almanack, or, Rebellious and bloody Ireland, discovered in some notes extracted out of an almanack, printed at Waterford in Ireland for this yeare 1646. Whereunto are annexed some astrologicall observations upon a conjunction of the two malignant planets Saturne and Mars in the midle of the signe Taurus the horroscope of Ireland, upon Friday the 12. of Juue [sic] this yeare 1646. with memorable prædictions and occurrences therein. By John Booker. Booker, John, 1603-1667. 1646 (1646) Wing B3723A; Thomason E328_14; ESTC R200676 44,634 69

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and likewise in the time of Harvest that in the Northern parts Corn and alll manner of Grain and fruits were corrupted and putrified and for two yeers following was a great scarcity of all things and much famine and a great mortality amongst Sheep And in the yeer 1346. the 28. day of August was a most terrible battle fought between Phillip of Valoys King of France and Edward the second King of England at Cresse where the English with 10000. men overcame 60000. French the King of Bohemia was there slain together with 30000 men 11. Princes 89. Barons and 1200. Knights and in the yeer 1347. King Edward winneth Calice John Copland defeateth the Scots takes David King of Scotland prisoner who is sent to the Tower Copland was made a Banneret and rewarded with 500li. per annum and in the yeer 1348. was such a mortality and pestilence amongst men as scarce hath been known the like 50000 were buried in the Charter-house Church-yard and many strange matters happened in those times which our Histories and Chronicles mention to which I refer you So likewise I will remember that terrible Eclipse of the Sun which was on the second day of October 1605. about one of the clock in the afternoon in the 19. degree of ♎ Libra being the opposite Sign to ♈ Aries under which England is supposed to be subject What a horrible unheard of damnable treason of the Papists was discovered the 5. of November following I hope will never be forgotten in England If I should but remember the Eclipse of the Sun which happened on Friday the 29. of March 1633. in the 19. degree of ♈ Aries I should be over-tedious I will refer you to my Almanack for that yeer and some yeers following in which the tyranny of the Prelats in these times manifestly appearing I my selfe not escaping their fury So also that Eclipse of the Moon the 8. of Octo. 1641. in the 26. degree of Aries or that of the Moon likewise the 4. of April 1642. in 25. degrees of ♎ Libra and another of the Moon the 27. of September following in the 15. degrees of ♈ Aries or that of the Moon likewise the 17. of September 1643. in 4. degrees of ♈ Aries I should but rub the gold horse back and put your in mind of the sad and deplorable condition too fresh in our memory this poor Kingdom of England is in I will set down these following Tables wherein you may understand unto what Signes Astologers have placed out of continuall observation and experience many Countries and Cities that thereby you may see when any Eclipse of the Sun or Moon or notable Conjunction or Configuration of the superiour Planets happeneth what places are subject or likely to participiate of the influence of any such Coelestiall position under such Signes their ☍ opposite and □ Quadrate Aspects these Signs following Aries ♈ Taurus ♉ Gemini ♊ Cancer ♋ Virgo ♍ Is opposite to Libra ♎ Scorpio ♏ Sagitary ♐ Capricorn ♑ Aquary ♒ Pisces ♓ And this Aspect is an aspect of perfect enmity and hatred and this is six Signs asunder So likewise these Signs following doe behold one another though not so violently yet they doe disagree very much in Nature and disposition viz. by a Quadrate Aries ♈ Taurus ♉ Gemini ♊ Cancer ♋ Leo ♌ Virgo ♍ Hath a Quadrate Aspect to ♋ ♑ ♌ ♒ ♍ ♓ ♎ ♈ ♉ ♏ ♊ ♐ Thus Aries beholds Cancer and Capricorn by a Quadrate □ Taurus beholds Leo and Aquary Gemini beholds Virgo and Pisces Cancer beholds Libra and Aries Leo beholds Taurus and Scorpio and Virgo beholds Gemini and Sagittary by a Quadrate Aspect which is called an Aspect of imperfect emnity or faigned friendship or trecherous amity c. and this is three Signs asunder But there is another manner of the Signs beholding one another two wayes viz. by a Trine Aspect which is an Aspect of perfect amity and friendship and is when Signs of one Triplicity of Nature behold one another As ♈ ♌ ♐ are of the fiery Triplicity hot and dry ♉ ♍ ♑ are of the earthly Triplicicy cold and dry ♊ ♎ ♒ are of the aiery Triplicity hot and moist ♋ ♏ ♓ are of the watry Triplicity cold and moist Thus we see the fiery Trigonagrees with the earthly Triplicity in drinesse and with the Aery in heat and the earthly triplicity agrees with the watery triplicity in coldnesse and with the fiery triplicity in drinesse sic è converso These three Signes doe behold one another by a trine △ aspect and for the most part when any of the signes of one nature is well qualified or affected by a certain sympathy and agreement the other signes of the same qualitie participates of the same good or evlll influence and this Aspect is foure Signes asunder The other Aspect is called a ⚹ Sextile and is more imperfect then the Trine and the Signes doe thus behold one another viz. ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ Hath a Sextile aspect to ♒ ♊ ♓ ♋ ♈ ♌ ♉ ♍ ♊ ♎ ♋ ♏ Here we see the fiery triplicity agrees with the Aerie in heat the Earthy with the Watery in coldnesse the Aery with the Fiery in heat and the Watery with the Earthy in coldnesse by a ⚹ Aspect and this is when Planets or Starres are two signes asunder Now I shall set downe the twelve Zodiacall Signs and such places Kingdomes Countries and Cities as have experimentally been found to have been subject to the said Signes and they are as followeth Vnder ♈ Aries these Countries England North and East part France Germany Suevia Silesia the higher part of Polonia Burgundie part of Denmark Basternia Syria Palestine Vnder ♈ Aries these Cities Naples Capua Ancona Ferrara Florence Verona Bergamo Lindaw Trajectum Padua Marseilles Epidaurum Crackow Augusta Caesarea Vincentia Vnder ♉ Taurus these Countries Russia Polonia the great the North part of Sweathland IRELAND Lorraigne Campania Helvetia Rhetia Franconia Parthia Persia the Islands Cyclades between Europe and Asia Cyprus the Sea towns of Asia the lesse Vnder ♉ Taurus these Cities Bononia Sena Mantua Tarentum Panorme in Sicily Perusium Parma Caput Histriae Brixia Tigure Lucerne Nantz Metis Herbipolis Carolstade Liepsig Posnania Gnesna Novagrade Vnder ♊ Gemini these Countries Sardinia part of Lumbardy South West part of England part of Flanders Brabant the Dukedome of Wittemberge Hircania Armenia Mariana Cyreniaca Marmarica Aegypt the Lower Vnder ♊ Gemini these Cities Carduba in Spaine Viterbiurn Coesena a City in Lumbardy Turin Vercelli Rhegium Lovaine Bruges in Flaunders LONDON Mentz Kitzing Hasford Bamberge Villacum Noremberge though Schoner and Cardan say it is under Sagitary yet Garcaeus proves it for many reasons to be under Gemini Vnder ♋ Cancer these Countries SCOTLAND Granado part of Burgundy HOLLAND Zeland Prussia Numidia Africa Bithynia Phrygia Colchis Carthage Vnder ♋ Cancer these Cities Constantinople Tunis VENICE Genoa Lucas Pisa Millain Vincentia Bern YORK Saint ANDREWES in SCOTLAND Lubeck Magdeburge
so that now they may see these words to their shame and Gods glory fulfilled But I am tedious although no neede is thereof let any indifferent man judge on Mr. Lillies Observations in this present March 1646. He saith the first weeke Newes from severall quarters and some towne or fort surrendred so we had the surrender of Ashby and the town of Torrington Then he proceds some proposition from our weather beaten enemies Westward Is not this true in the Lord Hopton his surrender of 2000 horse upon modest propositions Againe his Majesty stands amazed who thinks lesse then so when he sees all is like to be lost Here 's strugling saith he this we in London know to be true Againe Three dayes promise our enemies successe but God may blinde their eyes to make use of none that is neither eyes nor time The poore fellowes were in Abington 2 March but were hastily and valiantly thrust out by the valour of the Garrisons this was one of their promising dayes In the second weeke of March they attempted it againe but to no purpose the same weeke they missed our Convoy of 20000 pound by contrary Intelligence so that its hoped their three dayes ore out of date and their eyes quite put out and they may wander with Rupert and Maurice to Ireland to cry Oh hone for here 's no more plunder to be obtained in England These his predictions in favour of Astrology I have repeated because they are excellent and notable expressions in the Art and manifestly visible They that would be further satisfyed repaire to the books themselves For what I have performed in the ensuing Tractate I leave to the candid censure of the well disposed and doe hope as Mr. Lilly and my selfe have the same principles in Art so our judgements in the generall and my owne particular notion upon the sollid foundation of Art will have answerable successe I hartily wish all happinesse to our present Parliament and abundant of blessing to the City of London wherein I now inhabit pray to God preserve both States in Unity and Concord that so the Affaires of the Publique may more vigorously be prosecuted Religion established and Peace universally succeed So wisheth a true English man an Abhorrer of the Irish Rebellion One that prayeth for the Peace of Church and State and the utter extirpation of Popery JOHN BOOKER A Bloody Irish ALMANACK for the YEERE 1646. NOt many dayes after the Irish Cabinet or his Majesties Secret Papers for establishing the Papall Clergy in Ireland came to publick view which is worthy to be perused by all true hearted Protestants of England There appeared an Irish Almanack intituled thus A new Almanack for the yeere of our Lord God 1646. being the second after Leap yeere and since the Creation of the World 5595. Calculated for the Longitude and Latitude of the City of Waterford and may serve generally for all Ireland By an Manapian Waterford Printed for the Yeere MDCXLVI Which Almanack I having had sight of and perusing the same I found many remarkable and memorable Chronologicall Observations agreeing so exactly with the transaction of the forepassed and present affaires betweene his Majesty and the bloody Irish who are called his Majesties Catholick Subjects That I held it a great injury to the English Nation if the same should have been smothered and not divulged I meane so much thereof as discovers the inveterate hatred of that inhumane people against the Parliament and the whole Kingdome of England The other part being either Popish Saints dayes or vulgar Observations in most common Almanacks I passed by as not materiall to the present taske in hand and indeede the whole of it and all of them I judge worthy no other then the fire In the leafe next the Title page Thus it is Printed Our most Gracious King Charles began his Raigne over great Brittaine and Ireland the 27 of March in the yeare of our Lord 1625. And hath Raigned 21 yeares compleate the 26 of March 1646. But the 27 day we write Anno Regni 22 Whom God prosper in all his Designes against his Rebellious Subjects the ☞ ROVNDHEADS of ENGLAND I trust God will not heare their prayer but turne it into Sin and Abomination Psal 109.7 Prov. 28.9 Hath the King Designes against his Subjects Are his Subjects termed Rebells Are they pointed out for destruction by a bloody hand and called the Roundheads of England O God blast all such designes And all yee true hearted English men looke about you unite your selves against the common Enemy the blood-thirsty Irish Papists Jesuites and their confederates c Why doe the Heathen rage and the people imagine a vaine thing The Kings of the Earth set themselves and the Rulers take Councell together against the Lord and against his anointed Saying Let us breake their bands asunder and cast their coards from us He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh The Lord shall have them in division he shall speake to them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure He shall breake them with a rod of iron and dash them in peeces like a Potters v●ss●ll Be wise now therefore O ye Kings be instructed ye Judges of the Earth serve the Lord with feare and rejoyce with trembling Kisse the Sonne least he be angry and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little But blessed are all they that put their trust in him Psal 2.1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12. The next Irish note which I observe is as followeth In the month of January over against the 10 day in bloody red letters this Manapian one borne in Menapia a City or Towne in the County of Weisford or Wexford in Ireland or Wexford it selfe as Camden thinks in his Description of Ireland fol. 89. mihi sets it downe thus The most pernitious Anarchicall Rebellion of the Roundheads of England It may be remembred that January the first 1641 The Parliament petitioned the King for a Guard foreseeing a designe upon them And the next day the Kings Answer was He tendred their safety as his owne and their life as the life of his children But the fourth day he came in person to the House of Commons attended with about foure hundred persons with Swords Pistolls c. to demand the five Members which unparallel'd attempt discovered the designe of the Enemy to make warre against the Parliament which afterward followed yea and the next day after the King himselfe came to the Guild Hall in London at a Common Councell to what intent appeared in few dayes for this tenth day mentioned in the Irish Almanacke The King with the Queen Prince Duke of Yorke left Whitehall and went to Hampton-Court ever since which time to this very day having forsaken his Parliament and left his people out of his protection hath beene the most horrible bloody unnaturall warre that ever was in England nay in all the world it being never knowne that a King