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A62348 The Souldiers companion, or, Military glory display'd in a true and impartial description of all the memorable battels and fights by land and sea, &c., that have been fought in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, for upwards of six hundred by J.S. J. S. 1688 (1688) Wing S88; ESTC R8531 109,148 264

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And now a King being wanting that good Order might be maintained the Princes in full Assembly proposed that Honour to Robert Duke of Normandy but he having notice of his Brothers death declin'd it as being desirous to return and take possession of his Kingdom of England though he afterward found it prepossessed by his younger Brother Henry nor long was it e're he deprived him of his Dutchy of Normandy and finally of his life by putting out his Eyes which many attributed as a Judgement for refusing the proffer●d Scepter of Jerusalem but upon this refusal Godfry of Bulloin Duke of Lorrain was unanimously chosen King yet refused to be crowned with a golden Crown where his Saviour for the Salvation of Mankind had sometimes worn a Crown of Thorns And although an Army of an 100000 Turks and Sarazens advanced to recover the City yet the Princes drawing out their strength gave them Battel with so fearful an overthrow that all the Hills and Plains for the space of nine miles were covered with the bodies of the slain and so Jerusalem with other exceeding large Territories continued in the Possession of the European Christians during the Reign of nine Kings and for the space of an 100 Years when through their own Dissentions it was lost to Salladine the Sultan of Aegypt Thus Fame and Piety drew Arms from far And made proud Asia reel with heavy War Whilst Christian Faith 's regrafted on the stem Where it first flourish'd great Jerusalem Whilst Jacob's Heritage the Promis'd Land Do's find her Scepter in a Christian hand A Description of the Famous Battel fought near Cressy between the English under the Leading of Edward the Black Prince and the French under the Leading of Philip their King c. KING Edward the third of England having in the right of his Mother laid claim to the Crown of France and the French opposing to it their Salique Law by which the Heirs Female are disabled from governing he rais'd a powerful Army to gain by the Sword that Right which was deny'd him by a pretended Law made to exclude the Daughters of France c. taking upon him the Title of King of France Quartering the Arms of that Kingdom with those of England which have so continued from that day and landing in the North parts he wasted the Country with Fire and Sword as far as Turwin defeating such Forces as came to oppose him and reduced many Towns to his Obedience soon after destroying their Fleet of 400 Sail of Ships and in it 30000 men many of them of the prime Nobility but still being refused to be invested in the possession of the Kingdom having refreshed himself in England and settled his Affairs levied an Army of 32500 Horse and Foot with which he repassed the Seas and brought such a terror upon the French that many great Towns were abandoned without resistance which obliged Philip the French King to raise the whole power of his Country consisting of 100000 Horse and Foot the Flower of France c. and with them advanced by hasty marches to give the English battel or to oblige them to retire of which King Edward having notice by his Espials caused his Horsemen to quit their Horses and marshal'd his Army on foot in three Battalions the chief of which himself retained as a reserve mostly composed of men at Arms and the other two under the leading of the Black Prince his Son and divers Nobles he caused to advance into the Plain where the French coming on with great Fury as not expecting but to obtain the Victory were received in the front by the Avaunt-guard of the Men at Arms whilst the wings of Archers sent showers of Arrows amongst them which gauling their squadrons of Horse in the flank put them into great disorder at which the French Commanders of the Horse growing impatient broke through their own foot and made a strong effort upon the Princes Battel by continually pressing on with fresh men which made the Lords who guarded the Prince send to the King entreating him to advance with his battel to their Succour To which he returned answer That he designed the Glory of the day to his Son and that whilst he was alive they must not expect any Succour from him but fight valiantly to win Honour and Renown which Answer so animated the English that they fought more desperate than ever insomuch that the French Horse being in confusion by the goaring of Pikes and the shot of Arrows and the Foot not able to relieve them the men at Arms brake in with such fury and in a firm battel piercing their squadrons that they could find no place of retreat or rally so that the other Battalion charging in the flank and the Archers still delivering their Arrows with great Celerity Victory declared on the part of the English whilst nothing but flight and slaughter ensued on the part of the French insomuch that in six hours space the field was heaped with the bodies of the slain and nothing was heard so loud as the Crys of the dying men whilst happy was he that could escape the Swords of his fierce Pursuers In this battel were slain the Kings of Navar and Bohemia two Princes of the blood seven Earls and 15000 Barons Knights and men at Arms with not less than 30000 of-lesser note besides a great number taken Prisoners and many of those of the first rank which were afterwards put to their ransoms The battel being entirely won the King and Prince marched to Calais and besieged it when as the Governour having capitulated for some time and the attempts to relieve it proving unsuccessful he surrendred it to the King who placed an English Colony therein and whilst this War lasted David King of Scotland taking part with the French and invading England in the absence of the King was defeated near Durham and himself taken Prisoner by one Copland most of his Army being slain and was after eleven years imprisonment redeemed at 100000 Marks nor was Prince Edward less victorious in a second battel fought between him and John the French King Son to the foremention'd Philip who came against him with 100000 Horse and Foot or as some will have it 130000 in which battel fought near Po●tus there were slain fifty two Noble men most of them Dukes and Earls 1700 Knights and Esquires and 16000 common Souldiers the King himself together with Philip the Dauphin one Arch-Bishop ten Earls and about 200 Knights and Esquires were taken Prisoners besides a great number of lesser note though here the French were three to one in the Field Thus England's Antient Glory rais'd by Arms The World through Fame's loud breathing Trumpet charms And this Memorial through all Lands does spread That no Land has more valiant Hero 's bred A Relation of the fatal Battel fought on the Plains of Cossovia between Amurath the first King of the Turks and the Despot of Servia in League with divers other Christian Princes
more Glorious Rise Englands Pharsalia or the bloody Civil War between King Henry the Sixth of the House of Lancaster Richard Duke of York and Edward the Fourth of the House of York describing the several Fights and pitch'd Battels wherein 100000 Men on both sides are accounted to be slain c. RIchard Duke of York taking distaste at the Release of the Duke of Somerset by King Henry the Sixth he with the Earl of Warwick and divers others his Accomplices fell to open Force and levied an Army about the Marches of Wales with which they marched towards London under pretence of redressing Grievances and removing evil Counsellors to oppose whom King Henry drew out and both Armies meeting at St. Albans in the County of Hertford the Duke sent to the King to demand divers Lords that were about him and such as he should name or prescribe but being rejected with disdain the charge was sounded and both Armies joyned Battel furiously and maintained a doubtful fight till at length Victory began to declare for the King but the Scale was soon turned for Warwick breaking through the Gardens with about 2000 men and his approach not being there suspected the Kings Army many of the chief Nobility being slain was broken yet would he not fly but stood the shot of the Archers till wounded in the Neck he was taken Prisoner and being carried to London and a Reconciliation made on both parts the Duke being shortly constituted Governour of Ireland In this fatal Batal of St. Albans between the Houses of York and Lancaster fell forty eight Noble-men Knights and Esquires and amongst them the Earls of Somerset Northumberland and Stafford together with 5000 of the meaner sort and many were wounded amongst whom was the King. Long did not the seeming Reconciliation last but the Duke of York raising new Troubles was together with the Earls of March Rutland Warwick and Salisbury with others of less Note attainted of High Treason in Parliament but it so little discouraged them that drawing out from the several places where they were retired with their Army consisting of 25000 men they took the Field against whom the Kings Army advanced with great speed so that meeting at Northampton a cruel and bloody fight ensued but in the end the King being unfortunate in War his Army was worsted and himself a second time made Prisoner there being on both sides not less than ten thousand men slain and of Note Humphry Duke of Buckingham the Earl of Shrewsbury and the Lord Egremont and a Parliament being called the Duke laid claim to the Crown deriving his Pedigree from Leonel the Third Son of Edward the Third elder Brother to John of Gaunt the Father of Henry the Fourth Grandfather to the King so that after a great debate at length it was concluded on all parts that King Henry during his natural Life should quietly possess and enjoy the Crowns and Kingdoms and afterwards they to remain in general Tail to the Duke of York and his Heirs But the Queen a Woman of a Masculine Spirit not approving that her Son Prince Edward a Youth of great hope should be so excluded withdrew her self into the North and there without the consent of the King raised Forces to secure his Right against whom the Duke advanced with an Army but unadvisedly giving her Battel near Sands Castle before his whole Forces were come up and falling into several Ambushes laid for the purpose he himself after a bloody and doubtful fight being slain together with the Earl of Rutland his Son and the Earl of Salisbury with three thousand more of lesser Note and his Head being cut off was crowned with a Paper Crown and in derision carried through the Queens Victorious Army The Duke slain many hoped that this Calamitous War would have an end but failed in their Expectations for Edward Earl of March having raised an Army of 23000 men in the Marches of Wales and hearing of his Fathers Death advanced with great speed overthrowing in a great Battel the Earls of Pembrook and Ormond who endeavoured near Ludlow to oppose his passage in which Battel were slain 3800 men and several Prisoners of Note taken and amongst them Owen Tuder Father-in-Law to the King whose Head by the Command of the Earl was cut off and so he continued his March to fight the Army that yet remained with the Queen who was advanced as far as St. Albans and had overthrown the Londoners who came to oppose her entering their City with the slaughter of 2000 of them and took the King whom they had brought along with them to countenance their undertaking But Edward Earl of March approaching her with his Army which was much increased by the way she thought it not convenient to give battel but suffering him to enter London retired into Scotland Whilst he taking upon him the Title of King was Crowned at Westminster but was not setled in his Throne before News was brought that King Henry with divers Lords were in the North with a great Army whereupon he drew out his Forces to give them battel marching directly to Pomfract in York-shire sending the Lord Fitz-Walter before to take the Charge of the Passage of Ferry Bridge where that Lord with many others were slain and King Henry's Forces gaining the Pass the Armies came in sight of each other and drew up in Battalia being the greatest that had been seen in England since the Conquest Edwards consisting of 48660 and Henry's of 60000 fighting Men when after some pause the Trumpets sounded the Charge and the Army moved furiously when Warwick who lead the Vaunt-guard to incourage his men put from his Horse by whose Example many did the like resolving to win the Field or dye in the Battel so that after It had continued with great slaughter for the space of ten hours and most of theCommanders on King Henry's part slain his Battel swerved nor could the Courage and Skill of those that survived restore it but a fearful flight ensued while the Victors following the Execution covered all the Field with dead Bodies whilst the Blood streamed in Channels for in this Battel fought between the Towns of Towton and Saxton on the twenty ninth of March fell Persons of Quality to the number of 375 amongst which were Henry Piercy Earl of Northumberland and John Lord Nevel Brother to the Earl of Warwick John Lord Clifford and John Lord Wells and of the meaner sort 35091 whereupon King Henry with his Son and Queen fled into Scotland and Edward returned to London This fatal blow though it put a damp to their Spirits did not altogether discourage the Lancastrians for Queen Margaret going into France raised new Supplies in that Kingdom but making towards England her Fleet was scattered by a Tempest and she driven upon the Coast of Scotland with the smaller part of it yet finding her Husband in the Scotish Court highly entertained by James their King she took heart and soon after the
Scots entered England as far as Durham when King Edward preparing to meet them marched to York and there making a halt sent the Lord Montacute to oppose and hinder their further Progress but being encountered on Hedgly Moor by the Lords Hungerford and Ross together with Sir Ralph Peircey he after a sharp dispute took Sir Ralph Prisoner which success incouraged him to pass on and give battel to King Henry who lay encamped at Hexam where both Armies striving to do their utmost devoir a bloody conflict ensued but many being slain and much blood spilt divers of the Commanders wounded and disabled and taken Prisoners Victory declared against King Henry who finding himself unfortunate in War fled into Scotland in this battel 5600 were slain and the Duke of Somerset with three other Lords and one Knight taken Prisoners who were all beheaded And now King Henry returning privately into England in disguise was taken Prisoner and carried to the Tower so that Edward seem'd established in his Throne yet Fate not satisfied with English Blood though the wounded Nation had bled such Streams as made her faint and languish another cruel War arose and the Factions began again to bandy as fierce as ever for Warwick who was called afterwards the make King of those Times being sent to solicite a Marriage between King Edward and the Lady Bona Daughter to Lewis Duke of Savoy and having finished his Negotiation to the liking of the Lady and her Father found upon his return tha● the King was married to Elizabeth the Widdow of Sir John Gray slain in upholding the Cause of King Henry at which the Eat● supposing his Honour that had been ingaged in the Savoiards Court greatly to suffer grew much inraged and finding mean to withdraw himself joyned with diver Nobles raised a Power and proclaime● King Henry declaring for him and epousing his Interest growing on a sudde● so strong that King Edward was forced t● draw out his Army and march against him pitching his Camp at Wolney four Mil● from the Plain on which Warwick was encamped but his Guards being negligent and the Earl having notice thereof entere● the Kings Camp and took him Prisoner ye● used him very courteously allowing him for his Keeper his Brother George Nevil● Arch-Bishop of York who suffering him t● ride abroad a hunting and to follow othe● Recreations till one day being with a slender Guard far from the Castle and meeting a great Troop of his own Men those tha● were with him durst not speak to him 〈◊〉 returning to his Confinement but were gla● to leave him behind them and escape for their Lives so that being again at Liberty he was received by his Army with great Joy and passed to London to the great discontent and dislike of the Earl of Warwick Things being at this pass Sir Robert Wells Son to the Lord Wells raised an Army of 30000 consisting mostly of the Commons of Lincolnshire on the behalf of King Henry in revenge of which King Edward caused the Lord Wells and Sir Thomas Dimmock his Kinsman to be beheaded and so marched to fight Sir Robert when charging furiously upon the unexperienced Plebeans they scarcely sustained the second shock but throwing away their Coats and Weapons fled for their Lives from whence it was called the Battel of Loose-Coat-Field and the Execution ●eing hotly pursued by the inraged Soul●iers 10000 of them are accounted to be ●ain As for Sir Robert Wells and Sir Thomas Deland who commanded under him ●hey were taken Prisoners Upon the News of this Defeat the Earl of Warwick and the Duke of Clarence Brother to King Edward ●ed to Callais but being denied entrance ●hey departed thence to the Court of France where they found Queen Margaret where gathering great Forces they returned to England every where proclaiming King Henry so that the People from all parts hasted to their Standart as well the Nobles as the Commons viz. the Earl of Pembrook the Lord Faulconberg and others so that marching towards London and King Edward finding his Mandates in many places disobey'd thought it not convenient in that juncture to attend the Sequel but with divers of his trusty Friends le●● England and fled to his Brother-in-Law the Duke of Burgundy who had a little before married his Sister so that King Henry wa● Re-in-throned but continued not long i● that Estate before King Edward returned landing in the North with a small Army proclaiming King Henry as he passed and pretending he came only as a private ma● to possess himself of his Inheritance b● which means deceiving the People h● surprized the City of York and having garrisoned it pulled off the Vizor and marched towards London reconciling himself by the way thro' the means of a Mai● who had been brought up by the old Dutches of York to his Brother the Duke of Cl●rence whereupon the Citizens opening their Gates and every where proclaiming him King Henry was again taken Prisoner an● send to the Tower and now the whole weight of the War lying upon Warwicks shoulders he desperately resolved to carry the day or fighting courageously dye in the Bed of Honour and thereupon directed his March towards London out of which King Edward drew his Forces to meet him and on Easter Day joyned Battel near Barnet since known by the Battel of Barnet-field where either of the Generals impatient of so tedious a War drew on their Forces with great force and fury Warwick charging upon the Kings Squadron broke in with his Sword and made such Distruction that they fled on that part and the Battel had gone on his side had there not been a mistake in part of his Men who by mistaking their Cognizances charged upon their fellows which making them suspect some Treason or sudden Revolt they threw down their Weapons and fled which Warwick perceiving and not finding it in his power to retain them or restore the Battel though he laboured by Example and Perswasion to do it resolving not to out-live the day ●he rushed furiously amongst the Squadrons of the Enemy and there fighting valiantly fell upon the heaps of the slain and with him died his Brother the Lord Montacute and three other Lords were slain on the part of King Edward and of the meaner sort on both sides 20000. The News of this defeat made known to Queen Margaret and Prince Edward her Son by such as fled the field she took Sanctuary in the Abby of Ceerne but the Lords that escaped the Battel of Barnet rallying their scattered Forces gave King Edward another Battel at Tewxbury in which they were overthrown with the loss of 3000 men and of Note the Earl of Devonshire and the Duke of Somerset's Brother there likewise Prince Edward was taken and soon after stabbed by Crook-back'd Richard Duke of Glocester in the Presence of King Edward and soon after King Henry was murthered and his Queen taken from Sanctuary and put to a great Ransom Thus stop'd the Stream of Blood
Prisoners and a hot skirmish hapned between the Kings party and Essex's men near Causum Bridge wherein the former was worsted and obliged to ret●●●t with some loss and in May divers s●●●mishes with various success hapned in the West between Sir Ralph Hopton who commanded there for the King and Sir Geo. Chudleige for the Parliament though the former for the most part had the advantage nor did Hostilities cease in other parts for in June divers skirmishes hapned between Prince Rupert and Essex the most material of which was in Chalgrave-field in Oxford-shire where the Prince furiously charging a body of the Parliament Horse routed it killing and wounding a great part of the Enemy and amongst the latter John Hambden who soon after dyed of his Wound as did some others and on the fifth of July Sir Ralph Hopton with a few Forces of the Kings under his Command engaged Sir William Waller who had double his number maintaining the fight from two in the Afternoon till about one the next Morning whereupon Waller perceiving him resolved to obtain the Victory or dye in the place left the field yet soon after being ashamed of the retreat he followed Sir Ralph to the Devises in Wilt-shire whither he was marched with a Resolution to set upon him of which the King having notice sent 1500 Horse from Oxford where he lay encamped to his assistance but upon the Comjunction Waller not thinking it convenient to try the event in that place drew off to Roundway-down but being hotly charged he was in a short time broken and disordered whereupon with his Horse he fled in great Confusion leaving his foot to the mercy of the Royallists who were most of them slain in the fight or taken Prisoners together with four pieces of Cannon all the Amunition and Baggage nine Cornets and 28 foot Colours so that by this fatal blow given on the 13th of July Waller having lost his Army most of the Horse deserting him in his flight he hasted to London with the lamentable story of his defeat Essex by this time with a powerful Army having relieved Glocester and surprized a Convoy of the Kings which fell into his hands through mistake marched to Newberry where the King remained as yet with his Army and had prepared to receive him in the best order the short time of notice would give leave or opportunity so that on the 20th of September 1643 both Armies confronting each other the charge was immediately sounded and seconded by the thundring of the Cannon and Vollies of small shot on either side whilst Prince Rupert with his Squadron forced the main battel and put it into great disorder but whilst he pursued his good fortune he found himself charged by two squadrons of Horse that descended from the Hill where till now they had been posted so that the fight was doubtful and bloody on all parts it being in many places brought to the Sword so that the Lord Jermin who commanded there a Regiment of horse for the King being over charged by number was obliged to force his way not without great hazard through the Battalions of foot yet was the fight maintained with considerable slaughter on either part till Night put an end to the fury both Armies keeping the field till the next day and then retired from each other as by consent The Persons of Note slain were the Earls of Carnarvan and Sunderland the Lord Viscount Faulkland and in all on both sides near six thousand In March Sir Thomas Fairfax and Mitton were set upon by Prince Rupert at Drayton in Shropshire and routed as likewise was Sir John Meldrum who had entred England with his Scotch Forces in favour of the Parliament forced to leave Newark which they had besieged with the loss of their Canon Ammunition and all their Baggage which was Relieved by Prince Rupert and only permitted to depart with their Lives But now Sir William Waller having gotten another Army Anno 1644 fell upon the Lord Hopton's Forces near Winchester at unawares and over-pow'ring him in number cut off divers of his men and obliged him to leave the field whereupon Winchester surrendred but Waller was soon after overthrown by the King's forces at Crop-ready Bridg and Essex with the gross of the Parliament Army blocked up in Cornwall and now the Earl of Newcastle being besieged in York Prince Rupert advanced with an Army of Horse and Foot to Relieve the City upon whose approach the Besiegers drew off and were upon their retreat hotly pressed and charged by a Sally from the Town when the Garrison under the command of the Earl joyning with the Prince they with conjunct Forces followed the Parliament forces to a place called Marston-Moor where both Armies drew up and with great sury joyned battel which continuing with much effusion of bloud for the space of four hours victory in the end declared against the Royalists and in this fight called by many the bloudy fight of Marston-Moor 9000 men on both sides are computed to be slain after which battel York surrendred and almost all the Towns in the North so that for a while nothing but Skirmishes happened But on the 27 of October both Armies meeting a second time near Newbury an obstinate fight ensued but the Royalists having done all that could be expected from true valour and still oppressed with fresh numbers of the Enemy were forced in the end to give way to necessity and leave the field in some disorder nor is it guessed that on both sides less than 4500 were slain after which nothing more happened in England this year but the skirmishing of Parties and taking of Towns and Castles but in Scotland the Marquess of Montross with inconsiderable forces raised by virtue of a Commission from the King routed divers Armies of the Covenanters putting all Scotland in fear of being Reduced to its obedience by his Prowess Anno 1645 Essex having laid down his Commission it was taken up by Sir Thomas Fairfax and Cromwel was made Lieutenant General most of the prime Officers of the Army being changed yet the King's party strugled strongly for the Royal cause though many finding things in a manner desperate had retired from the Army and passed the Seas for besides divers skirmishes Collonel Massey in April was routed by Prince Rupert at Lidbury with considerable loss But in June following the King's forces were defeated at Langport where about 200 were slain and 1400 taken Prisoners which occasioned soon after the surrender of Pomfret Scarborough Bath and Bridgwater yet in August the Parliaments Quarters with some slaughter on both parts were beaten up about Tame and the Scots defeated at Kielsieth in Scotland by Montross and in September Montross was defeated at Phillipphaugh in the said Kingdom and the King's forces in England were Routed on Routon heath near Chester and in October the Lord Digby was likewise defeated at Sherborn in the County of York and in March following the Lord Ashley was