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A02947 Yet a course at the Romyshe foxe A dysclosynge or openynge of the Manne of synne, co[n]tayned in the late declaratyon of the Popes olde faythe made by Edmonde Boner bysshopp of London. wherby wyllyam Tolwyn was than newlye professed at paules crosse openlye into Antichristes Romyshe relygyon agayne by a newe solempne othe of obedyence, notwythsta[n]dynge the othe made to hys prynce afore to the contrarye. An alphabetycall dyrectorye or table also in the ende thereof ... Compyled by Iohan Harryson. Bale, John, 1495-1563.; Seton, Alexander, d. 1542. Declaracion made at Poules Crosse in the cytye of London. 1543 (1543) STC 1309; ESTC S100631 110,140 234

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blasphemed hath plages 75. a 98. a Gods prouydence of Zuinglius 50. a Ghostyle gydes for the deuyll 39. b 44. b 50. b 68 b. Ghostyle fathers chast vowers 69. b Good deseruynge what yt ys 38. a Good workes allowed of heretyques 64. a Good workes of the papystes 65. a Godsalue and Pelles for Bylneye 69. a Gospell preachynge condempned 24. b 32. a 89. b Gospell iudged heresye 27. b 45. a 89. b Grace of the holye ghost geuen 80. b Gospell dyuerslye receyued 96. b Gracianus monachus doubteth of confession 66. b Gracianꝰ monachꝰ begote of a nōne 68. a Grekes neuer boūde to confessyon 66. b H HAre of ther prynce in cruelte 45. a Helchesytes with ther opynyō 3. b Heythen customes becōmynge cristen ceremonyes 78. a. 88. a Henrye the fift kynge of Englande 45. a Hērye pepwell stokyslais prouyder 55. a Hēricꝰ agrippa a lerned māne 69. b. 72. a Heresyes are the scripturs here called 18. b 20. b 27. b 32. b. 89 Heresyes after my lordes meanynge 32. b Heresyes in a bagge not vttered 44. b Heresye maye not confessyon dyscharge 30. a Heresve becometh treasō also 45. a 89. b Heresye to brige vpp youthe i vertu 57 b Heresye to rebuke a prest 79. b Heretyques haue God amonge thē 51. a Heretyques sor fre wyll with papystes 62. a Heretyques are the papystes 60. a. 85. b Heretyques for marryage with papystes 71. a Heretyques are Christyanes called 9. b 18. b 45. a Heretyque ys Boner in dede 32. b Herrnannus a Germane lerned 48. b Herode brent dyuerse bokes 58. a Herode onlye kept hys vowe 73. b Herostratus brent dyanaes temple 87. a Hieremyes prophecye brent 57. b Hieronimus de praga Ioānes huss 85 b Hyldebrande a pope 72. a 75. a 82. b Hyldebrande inhybyted prestes maryage 75. a Hyldebrande kept the duchesse of lotharye 75. b Hyldebrande suspect with the emprours mother 75. b Hypolitus mynystred the sacramēt 84. b Holye water makynge 22. a. 27. a Holie churche with her childrē 33. b. 36. b Holye churche seeth no trayters 36. b Honor of inuocacyon geuen onlye of Boner 86. a Honors geuen to sayntes by popes 86. b Hontyngton and standyshe .ij. papystes 12. b 98. b Hontyngton ys answered at large 99. a Hontyngton can fynde no papystes amōge heretykes 98. b Howres canonycall in latyne 24. b Howsell at easter what yt ys 84. b Howsell by whom instytute 85. a Huldricns zuinglius a lerned māne 50. a I IAcobytanes heretyques for fre wyll 62. a Iames the lessewolde i no case rec●it 4. a Iames the bisshop of nycose married 73. a Iannes and Iambres sorcerers 18. b Iason was accused of sedycyon 17. b Iesus christ borne vndre marryage 70. a Ignoraūt p̄stes mynistrige marryage 79. a Image of both churches 8. a 40. a Inhybycyon of marryage ● Inyquyte alwayes regneth 2. a 3● Inyquyte ys become spūall 9● Instytucyon of Christ for the sacrame● 9. a 60. b Instytucyons of dyuerse popes 21. a 2● 64. b 82. a Inuocacyon of sayntes newlye 8● Ioachim kynge of luda 57 Ioannes andreas a prestes sonne 7● Ioannes de cremona inhybyted concu● nes 76 Ioānes huss hieronimus de praga 8● Ioānes Eckius with hys bokes 54. b 5● 57. a 64. b Ioannes Eckius a papyst 70. b 71. b 73 85. b 86. a Ioānes Eckius had .iij. bastardes 70 Iohan measureth the temple 7● Iohan describeth the .ij. horned beast 12 Iohan writteth sealeth and openeth 9● Iohan puruaye recanted ● Iohā wicleue a māne of god 2 b 37 b ● Iohan kynge of Englande 2● Iohan bysshopp of portuense 2● Iohā oldecastel lorde of cobhā 48. a 8● Iohan frith with hvs bokes 47. a 5● Iohan porter famyshed in new gate 4● 66. a Iohan porter wolde not recant 4● Iohan stoky slaye a tyrannouse papyst 57. b 87. b Iohā stokysle with hys chast vowe 68. b Iohan the .x. pope begotē of an whore 68. a Iohan the .xij. and the .xiij. popes 68. a Iohan a cysteane monke marryed 72. b Iohan of gaunt duke of lancastre 72. b Iohan .xxiij. pope deposed for poysenynge 85. b Iohan Chrisostome ageynst swearers 90. b. Iohan browne esquyre brent 89. b Iohan beuerlaye prest brent 90. a Iohan standyshe a blasphemouse Idyote 12. b 87. b 98. b Iohan hontyngtō an vpholder of papystrye 12. b 98. b Iouynyanystes for fre wyll and marryage 62. a 71. a Iudas receyued a soppe onlye 84. a Iudgeda a charytable prelate 39. b Iudges are bysshoppes become 90. a Iulius a pope with hys chastyte 68. b Iustyces to ther myndes 5. b K Kynges schall not onerthrowe antichrist 7. b 97. a kynges ought to be godlye and lerned 10. b 29. b. 94. b kynges auctoryte abused of papistes 19. a 34. b 95. a 98. a kīges .ij. hōdreth shorne īto mōkerye 22. b kynges cōmaūde one bysshoppes ā other 5. a 34. b kynges cōpared to .iij. lyght thynges 60. a kīges that were p̄stes marryed 72. a 73. a kynges alwayes deceyued by hypocrites 75. a kynges destroyenge Idolatrye 94. b kynge Hērye cōpared to Iosaphat 11. a kynge Iohan of Englande 22. b kynge Edwarde the thirde 89. b kynge Rycharde the seconde 89. b kynge Hērye the fift of Englande 45. a kynge condempned of Boner for heresye 48. a 50. b 53. b kyngedome of Italye the popes 22. b kyngedome of god what yt ys 65. a kyte brygett and vnderwode 69. a knowlege of godlynesse increaseth 96. b L LAdde mynistrynge the sacramēt 84. b ladye ād whore moche dyfferīge 31 a Labours to vpholde Babylon 40. b Laye mēne toucheth the sacrament 84. b lambes wyll folowe ther shepeherde 44. a 61. b 83. b Lancelot rydleye a lerned manne 49. a Lateranēse cōsiliū with hys actes 23. a Latyne masse whan yt first beganne 24. ● Latyne houres and seruyce 24. b. ▪ 88. b Lawdable the ceremonyes are called 21. a 28. a. 77. a Lawe master of turnaye 76. a Lawes of the lorde restored 11. a Lawes of menne whan allowed 80. b Lawes spirituall suffycyentlye made of Christ 82. a Letters from the Turke or Soldane 39. b Leuiathan schall be destroyed 7. b London abused of Antichristes membre 10. a. 15. b. 34. a. 46. a. 92. b. Lordeshyp frō whēs yt ryseth 37. a. 46. a Lorde spirituall what yt ys 37. b M MAgystrates what lawes they schuld make 81. a Mahomete more easye thā papystes 65. a Malchus a bysshoppes seruaunt 35. b Mamertus bysshopp of vyenne 82. b Māne of synne what yt meaneth 8. a. 12. b Marcya●ystes heretyques ageynst marryage 71. a Marcellinus renounceth Christ 3. a Manychees allowynge fre wyll 62. a Marye a nonne of Rāsaye marryed 72. b Marozia the popes whore 68. a Marryage forbydden of the spiritualte 24. a. 75. a. Marryage of prestes decyded 70. ● Marryage dyuerslye commended 70. a Marryage ys a chastyte 74. b Marryage mynystred of ignoraunt prestes 79. a Marryage how yt ought to be●sed 79. b Marsilius de parma poysened a pope 85. b
greatt myserye Throwgh the same was the empyre of constantynople translated frō the grekes to the frenchemenne your olde fryndes bycause they wold not for your profyght to haue ymages worshypped Kynge Iohan of englande a manne of no small valeauntnesse and vertue through the hydden mysteryes of the same was brought into hate of hys nobyly ●● and commons and compelled to geue vpp hys crowne and tyttle for hym and ●ys heyres to the apostolyck seate Raymundus also the last erle of tholose and most valeaunt warryour of all christendome abowght the same tyme onlye by●ause he wold not burn the albigesyanes within hys dominyon whō your holye ●athers iudged for heretykes for that they ●esysted ther seyd eare confessiō ther prymacye ther purgatorye ther praynge to ●ead sayntes with other soche pylde ped ●arye which they had establyshed in the ●fore seyd counsell of laterane for newe artycles of the Christen faythe and as matters necessarye vnto saluacyō he was ●ruellye compelled to stāde forth naked in hys shyrt in the face of the worlde bare●oted and bareheaded and to axe mer●ye vpon hys knees before the legate cardynall of sayn● angell hys naturall peple standynge abowt hym waylynge wepynge and cryenge out for verye pyte For he was not onlye enforced there by penaunce as they call it to geue to ther clergye 27. thousande marke but also to dysheryte hys whole stocke for euer and to warre vpon the turkes without powre the sonnar to brynge hym to hys ende with other most cruell ininuccyons as are to be seane more at large in the hystorye of tholose compyled by Nicolas Bertrande doctour of both lawes It schall stande tolwyn in hande therfor from henceforth to take better hede and not to dallye with your confession as he hath done seynge yt ys so daūgerous a matter 6 No maruele ys yt thowgh ye call ●●ere consequētlye vpon your latyne masse saynge for that farre passeth a lawdable ceremonie beynge the instytucyon of so manye holye popes beynge also a sacrifice necessarye for the quycke and the dead and so profytable also to the vpholdynge of yowr gloryous glytterynge kyngedome That hath made your purses wayghtye ād your kychynes war me your chekes fatte and your fleshe ple sa ūt Therfor Iudge the speakīge ageynst yt no lesse than heresye and treason make cruell lawes of deathe prouyde fagottes yuowgh and borne the losels apace For yf that ones fall your precious robes myters crosers fyne rochettes scarlett frockes sandals and typettes with the monstruouse marke of madyan wyll folowe sone after And than farwel the Romyshe relygyon Adewe than all spiritual vayneglory Consyder what years yt cost e●e yt cowde be fynyshed and how manye holye popes wer abowt yt ere yt cowde be browgt to passe It was more than vi hondreth and lxx years after Christes incarnacyon ere the fyrst latyne masse was sayd For as wytnesseth platina in the lyues of romyshe bysshoppes Iohan bysshoppe of portuense was the fyrst that euer sayd masse openlye pope Agathō approuynge yt than in the .vi. generall synode at Constātinople in the yeare of ower lorde 677 where as marryage was fyrst forbiddē to prestes ād whordome admytted by thys rewle Si non caste tamen caute Remēber also that yt was the worke of more than 20. holy fathers of Rome euerye one of thē clowtynge in a patche vnto yt And lett not the labour of so ma●ye peryshe amonge these Luthe ranes for a lyttle lokynge to Ye haue more auctoryte than euer had Cayphas and Annas For ye maye call sessyons where and whan ye wyll Ye may syt vpō lyfe and deathe and be both accuser ād iudge If the warmode quest wyll not cōdēpne your accused brynge out a false of your owne of Rome rōners pardoners parrysh clarkes and bellryngers as ye ded now of late for Rycharde mekyns a poore simple ladde of 17. years of age And geue hym a bylle of wrōge articles in hys hande to reade whā he cometh to the fyre to shaddowe with your myscheff 7 Though Christ calleth yowr latyne howres Idelnesse hypocresye moche bablynge and lyppe laboure yea and though saynt Paule doth esteme it a po●t of vayne folishnes and moche more madnesse to vtter a processe in an vnknowne language amonge the peple yet sett your romyshe wysdome ageinst them both and stande fast in your olde popyshe opynyon makynge Gods cōmaundemēts of non effecte for your owne dyrtye tradycyōs Vvhere as christ hath cōmāded yow syncerelye to preache hys gospell do as thowgh ye owght him no seruice nor were non of hys Obeye it not but saye that ye knowe a moche better waye Ye haue a master whose lyuerye and marke ye weare whych geueth better wages for the darkenynge of the gospell thā christ geueth for the preachīge of yt The pope geueth forth gloryous tytles fatte bysshopryckes greatt benefices princely howses delycyous meates and drynkes with other mennys wyues to lye bye whā they be yonge and faire where as Christ ys all to the contrarie And ther for ye wyll rather folow hym thā Christ Thys maketh yow so straytlye to loke vpon yt that mattēs pryme howres masse euen songe and complyne be done as they owght to be That ys to saye accordynge to the holye instytucyon of pope Pelagius whych fyrst ordayned them to blemyshe the gospell preachynge and to fyll the tyme with Idell vanytees Yea ye wuld putt menne to deathe rather than fayle for not obseruīge them yf they ded not thus with pore Tolwyn shamefullye recante So good faythfull obedient and louynge are ye to your holie fathers of Rome though your wylye pretence be an other The manne of synne ¶ 1 Vvhych denuncyacyon deteccion and presentacyon 2 hath bene partlye by myne ovvne confession 3 and partlye by suffycyent vvitnesse and recorde in that behalff 4 sufficyentlye proued ¶ Hys dysclosynge 1 THys ys an olde practyse of owr holye prelates euermore to leaue one craftye clause or other as a startynge hole to Rone to yf daunger happen to them of ther dedes here after Thynke yow that my lorde of London wyll be founde fawtye in thys acte in case yt be proued in processe of tyme blasphemouse trayterouse cruell and deuylyshe by the sacred scripturs and by the kynges statutes and lawes Naye I warande yow He ys of a more craftye generacyon than so I trowe my lorde wyl washe hys handes here with Pylate Not one spotte shall apere in hys rochett of all that ys done in thys matter 2 Rather schall Tolwyn confesse hymselfe here to be hys owne accuser to my lorde not all vnlyke to hym that hāgeth hymself or drowneth hymself So workmanlye wyll thys matter be handled Partlye hath Tolwyn by hys owne confession denounced hym self for a sedycyouse doer detected hymself for an heretyque and presented hymself for a greuouse offender for not obseruynge the popes