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A68635 The pastyme of people The cronycles of dyuers realmys and most specyally of the realme of Englond breuely co[m]pylyd [and] empryntyd in chepesyde at the sygne of the mearemayd next to pollys gate. Cum priuilegio. Rastell, John, d. 1536. 1530 (1530) STC 20724; ESTC S111873 150,895 127

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sauoy was next h● crownyd Henry the .iiii. emperour ¶ Alexander was next pope the yere of crist M.lxi. he hyld the see .xi. yere Harold ¶ Harold the son of yerle Goodwyn last kyng of saxōs begā his reyn ouer Englond the yere of cryst M.lxvi. and sone after he had take vppon hym as kyng one Harold harefager son of kanutus kynge of Norway denmark cam with .iii. C. shyppis enteryd in to the north contrey claymyd the land after the deth of Edward but the lordis of the coūtrey arose gaue them batteyll but the danys had the victory and therfore Harold kyng of Englōd preparyd toward them in all hast and gaue them a strong batteyll had the vyctory and slew harold harefager wyth hys own handys where a gret nomber of Englyshmen were slayn but many mo of the danys were slayn and many takyn prysoners And after thys vyctory harold the kyng of englond waxyd so prowd and for couetouse wold not deuyde the prayes that he took to hys knyghtys that had well deseruyd it but kepte it to hym self that he therby lost the fauour of many of his knyghtys people ¶ Sone after this Duke wyllm̄ of Normandy sēt to harold and warnyd him of his couenaūtꝭ brokyn whych was to haue kept the lād to his vse after the deth of Edward But because that the dougter of Duke willm̄ that was promysyd to harold was dede harold thought hym the more dyschargyd and seyd that sych a nyse couenaūt owghte not to be holdyn of a nothers land wythout consent of the lordys of the land and also because he was therto somewhat cōpellyd wherfore Duke wyllm with the assent of the lordꝭ of Normandy gedyrd a great people and also wyth the assent of the pope Alexander which cōfyrmid hym in takyng hys viage and sent a baner to hym wyllyng hym to bere it in hys owne shyp so cam ouer wyth a great people and lādyd at hastyngꝭ in Sussex For .iii. causys Duke wyllm enteryd thys land to subdew harold One was because it was to hym geuyn by kyng Edward the Confessour the secōd was to take wrech for the cruell murdur of his neuew Alfryde broder to kyng Edward slayn by yerle Goodwyn whych dede he ascrybyd cheefly to harold the .iii. was to reuenge the wrong doon to Robert archebyshop of canterbury which was exylyd by the meanis labor of harold in the tyme of kyng Edward the confessour wherfore duke wyllyam send to kyng harold that he shold leue the kyngdome to hym or ellis to surrēder it to hym and to take it agayn of hym beryng hym tribute or ells to trye the quarell hym self with duke wyllyam in hys owne ꝑsō but kīg harold refusyd al these iii. offers seyd it shuld be tried be dynt of swyrdis and gederd his people and Ioynyd battell with y e Normayns in a place where now standeth y e Abbay of batteyl In the bygynnyng of whych fyght y e englyshmē kept them in good aray lyke to vēquysh the normās wherfore duke wyllyā causyd his mē to giff bak as though they fled wherby the Englishmen folowyd and brake they re aray y e normans cāf yersly vppon them in conclusyon had the vyctory where that kyng harold was woundyd wyth an arow in the left eye therof incontenent dyed and so was there slayne after that he had reynyd .ix. mōthis was buryed at walthā whych was y e last y t reynyd in Englōd of y e blood of the saxons ¶ Thus endeth the cronicles of ēglōd of dyuers other realmis vnto the tyme of king wilm̄ callyd the cōquerour whych was duke of Normandy ¶ wyllyam Conquerour ¶ Gregory Gregory was nexte pope the yere of chryst M.lxxiii he declaryd Henry the .iiii. Emperour accursed for promotynge of benefyces by Symony He hylde the see .xii. yere and more ¶ Henry ¶ Henry the .iiii. was electe Emperour the yere of Chryst M.lvii he maryed Maude doughter to kynge Henry of Englande and dyed without yssue by her he hylde the Empyre .l. yere ¶ wyllyam conquerour WIllyam the duke of Normandye called conquerour last son of Robert the .vi. duke of Normandye began his raygne ouer the realme of Englande The yere of Chryst M.lxvii the .xiiii. day of October and whan he had set y e realme in some quyetnesse he be toke the rule therof to his brother the bysshhop of Bayon in lent nexte after sayled into Normandye ledoe with hym the chefe rulers of Englande for feare of rebellyon in his absence The next wynter after he returned agayne into Englande then set a great trybute vpon the Englysshemen so that therfore some ꝑtes of the lande rebellyd and specially the citye of Excester but at y e last wyllyam ouercame them wanne the citye punysshed them greuously but for that and other sterne dedes of wyllyam Dyuers of the lordes departed to Scotlande wherfore he kept the other lordes that taryed the strayter and exalted the Normans gyuynge to them the chefe possessyons of the lande ¶ ●●so sone after this kynge wyllyam caused a solempne counseyll of the clargye to be kept at wynchester to y e whiche there came .ii. Cardynals from Rome where by the meanes of kynge wyllyam dyuers bysshoppes abbottes priours englysshe men were put downe Normans put in theyr rowmes to the intent that y e kynge myght stande in more suertye of the lande ¶ Also about the .iii. yere of his rayne Harrolde Cauntus sonnes to Suanus kyng of Denmarke enteryd into the North countrey and with the helpe of some of the people of the cōtrey and of some of the cytezyns of yorke enteryd the citye and slewe mo than .iii. M. Normans But sone after kyng wyllyam chasyd them out and droue them to theyr shyppes and toke suche displeasure w t the inhabytans of that ꝓuynce y t he distroyed the lande from yorke to Durham that .ix. yere after it lay vnlaboryd and vntylled and the people there were kept so harde by the warre of the kynge in suche famyne that they ete rattes cattes dogges and other vermyne Also in the .iiii. yere of wyllyam his reygne Malcolyn kynge of Scottes entryd into Northūberlande and distroyed the contrey toke many prisoners and kept them lyke bondemen but within .ii. yeres after kyng wyllyam made suche warre vpon the Scottes y t he forcyd Malcolyn theyr kynge to swere to hym homage and fealte ¶ Philyppe ¶ Philyppe the Fyrst of that name was nexte kynge of Fraunce the yere of Chryst M.lx. and whan he had reygned .xlix. yere he resygned his crowne to Lewes his sonne ¶ Baldewyn ¶ Charles ¶ Baldewyn was nexte erle of Flaunders ¶ Charles was nexte erle of Flaunders he was slayne by his people in Brugys ¶ Robert ¶ Robert after the dethe of his father wyllyam Conquerour of Englande was nexte duke of Normandye whiche dyed in the prison of his brother
some were slayne at the seges some forsoke the Frenche kynge But at the last these .ii. prynces mette with .ii. great hoostes in a playne fylde where there was fou●●● a cruell battell but the Frenche kynge lost the fylde and many of his people were slayne 〈◊〉 he hym selfe fayne to flee but after these princes were agreed and wyllyam the eldyst son of kynge henry dyd homage to the kynge of Fraunce for Normandye the fre men of Normandye dyd homage to wyllyam the kynges sonne ¶ After this done kynge Henry sayled into Englāde but the shyppe wherin wyllyam his eldyst son was and Rycharde his brothe rthe erle of Chester and his suster the kynges doughter the countes of Percye the kynges nyce and many other great estates and other to the nombre of C.lx. parsons strycke vpon a rocke and was sodaynly brokyn where they were all drowned saue one man that escaped ¶ About the .xxi. yere there was a great coūsell called in Lōdon for y e correccyon of the vicyous lyuynge of preestes to be done by the kynges offycers Sone after this Henry the Emperour dyed and Maude the empresse came to her father kynge henry whiche caused Dauyd the kynge of Scotlande and the more parte of the lordes of Englande to do othe and fealte to the Empresse and to kepe the lande to her if the kynge dyed without issue male ¶ Also about the .xxviii. yere one Geffrey Plantagenet erle of Angeo maryed the sayd Maude and after by her had issue Henry whiche henry after kynge Steuyn was kynge of Englande as shal be shewed after ¶ This kynge henry the fyrst buylded the Abbey of Redynge released to the Englysshemen the Dane gelt Also this kynge henry beynge in Normandye in the .xxxv. yere of his reyne the seconde day of December in the yere of Chryst M.C.xxxv dyed Some say he dyed of a surfet and some wryters say that it was by a fall of a horse and his body was brought into Englande and is buryed in the Abbay of Redynge Stephanus Innocent Celestyne Lucius ¶ Innocent was nexte pope the yere of Chryst He made the lawe y t none shulde ley no violent hande vpon a clerke payne of cursynge and he hylde the see .xiiij. yere ¶ Celestyne was nexte pope he hylde the see .v. monethes ¶ Lucius was nexte pope he hylde the see one monethe ¶ Conrade ¶ Conrade was next Emperour the yere of Chryst M.C.xxxviij In his tyme one mayster Arnolde preched in Rome agaynst the ryches superfluytes many men alowed hym therin and folowed hym But at the last he was put to deth because of y e hatered y t the clerkes had vnto hym ¶ Steuyn STeuyn erle of Boleyn and syster son to kynge Henry than toke vpon hym to be kyng of Englande For when he harde of kyng Henryes dethe he passed the see and came into Englande thorowe counsell of many of the great lordes of Englande contrary to their othe made to Maude y e Empresse and was crowned kynge vpon saynt Steuyns day the yere of Chryst M.C.xxxv after the count of Englande by wyllyam Archebysshop of Caun●erbury whiche fyrst made othe to Maude the Empresse This Steuyn the fyrst yere of his ●aygne araysed a great hooste to haue made warre agaynste kynge Daued of Sco●lande but he came and made a peace with hym But he dyd hym none homage because he had done homage before to Maude the Empresse Nat withstandynge yet Henry the eldyst son to kynge Daued dyd hou●●ge to kyng Steuyn But after that this Daued repented hym ●f that and entryd into Northumberlande with a great hoost brent and slewe the people in 〈◊〉 cruell wyfe and slewe man woman and chylde But the kynge sent one Thurstone with 〈◊〉 ●reat hoost agaynst them betwene whiche there was a great battell where the Scottes lost 〈◊〉 fylde and many of them slayne and the resyde we fled into Scotlande And after that this kynge Steuyn hym selfe made a great voyage into Scotlande but he dyd there but lyttel to his pleasure or profyte ¶ This kynge Steuyn beseged dyuers castels of dyuers by sshoppes and other lordes and toke them by force and fortefyed them with his knyghtes seruauntes to the entent to withstande the Empresse whose commynge he euer feared ¶ About the .vi. yere of his raygne Maude the Empresse came into Englande by the comfort of the erle of Glocester bastarde son to kynge Henry her father and of the erle of Chester but the kynge raysed so great a power y t the Empresse was fayne to go take the citye of Lyncolne for her refuge helpe and the kyng her beseged longe tyme but at the last she and her company escaped and than the kynge toke the citye And than the erle of Chester with a great power of welchemen and the erle of Glocester brought a great power to the Empresse and came agaynst the kynge betwene whome there was fought a cruell batell that dured a longe season it was harde to knowe who shulde haue the better but at the last the kynges people gaue backe and fledde And the kynge abode with a fewe of his knyghtes and was takyn prisoner and brought to the Empresse and after sent to Brystowe to prison ¶ Lewys ¶ Lewys son to Lewys the great was nexte kyng of Fraunce the yere of Chryst M.C.xxxvii This Lewys beynge longe from the companye of his wyfe on a tyme fell sycke and his Phesicyons counselled hym to take a wenche but he wolde nat and sayd it was better for hym to dye vpon goddes hande than to lyue in spouse breche and sone after that he receyued helthe Eugenye Anastase ¶ Eugenye was nexte pope he hylde the see .viii. yere and more ¶ Anastase was nexte pope he hylde the see one yere ¶ After this fylde so wonne the Empresse thought her sure of the hole realme but she was disceyued for the kentysshemen toke parte with the kyng The quene also kynge Steuyns wyfe made great labour to haue the kynge delyuered promysynge that he shulde surtendre the lande to the Empresse he to go to religyon but the Empresse her coūsayle wolde nat graūt therto ¶ Also they of the citye of London made great labour to the Empresse to vse saynt Edwardes lawes and nat the lawes that the Empresse father had ordayned whiche was more strayte straunge to them than the other but the Empresse and her counsayle wolde nat graunt it For these sayd causes the Citezyns of Lōdon were discontented wolde haue takyn the Empresse but she hauynge knowlege therof departed and fledde to Oxforde And the quene with ayde of the kentysshemen her fryndes raysed a great hoost y t the Empresse for feare fled to Gloucester and in this whyle the erle Robert of Gloucester araysed a great people and in a playne fylde besyde wynchester the erle was discomfet by them of the quenes parte there therle was takyn
¶ The Cronycles of Englande and of dyuers other realmes breuely compyled with the pyctures and armes of all the kynges of Englande syth the conquest Prologus WH● so wyll rede in auncyon cronycles historyes shall fynde y t after the distructyon of Troye Eneas with his son Ascanius begotten of his wyfe 〈◊〉 doughter to 〈…〉 kyng of Troy came into Italye there maryed Lauina doughter to kyng 〈…〉 of Latinus was there kinge reyned .iii. yere After whome succeded 〈◊〉 son 〈…〉 of Alba in Italye reyned there .xxviii. yere after Ascani●● reyned 〈…〉 borne in y e woddꝭ for y ● cause he was called Siluius which Siluius was 〈…〉 y ● reyned after in Alba. He was also by some wryters called 〈…〉 was 〈…〉 deth of his father Of this Siluius there be dyuers opinyons for some say 〈…〉 to A●canius ● some holde y t he was son ●o ●neas by his wyfe Lauina also some wryters holde y t Lauina ha● by Eneas a son called Ascaniu● ▪ But whether y t Ascanius son to Eneas Lauina or Ascanius son to Eneas and Crusa was the kynge of Latyns There be dyuers opinyons but all wryters agre that Ascanius was kyng of Latyn nexte after Eneas that Siluius reyned next Ascanius was the .iii. kyng of Latyns after kyng Latinus of whome Romuius discended y t fyrst bylded the citye of Rome and of hym toke the name of Rome fyrst as after shall appere in the processe of this worke ¶ And also of the begynnyng of y e inhabytacion of this realme of Englāde somtyme called Britteyn before y t called Albion there be dyuers opinyons we rede in the englysshe cronycle y ● one Diocles●an kyng of Siriens had .xxxii. doughters which were maryed vpō one day to .xxxii. kingꝭ which women all waxed stoberne disobedyent y t their husbāde 's cōplayned to their father therof which father called them all to gether therfore foule rebuked thē but all they beyng incorrygyble waxed more frowarde by one assent y e same nyght after for anger slewe all their husbandes cut theyr throtes wherfore the said Dioclesyan was so sore moued y t he intended to put them all to dethe but yet by the aduyse of his coūsell refrayned that put them all in a shyp in y e see no nother ꝑson w t ther● which women after by aduenture a ryued here in this realme whiche than was all wyldernes desolate of people called the lāde Albyon after y e name of y e eldyst syster called Albyon after y t the deuyll takyng bodyes of y e eyre mans nature ī other cōtreys shed by polusyō came lay by those women here begat of thē horryble Gyantꝭ which there cōtynued tyll y e cōmyng of Brute But this story semeth more meruaylous than trewe though it hath cōtynued here in englāde taken for treuth amōge vs englysshemen yet other people do therfore laugh vs to scorne so me semeth they may right well I meruayle ī my mynde y t men hauyng any good naturall reason wyll to such a thīge gyue credēce for no man can tell who is y e Auctour of this story nor of whome it shulde come nor of any wryter of name in this lande that euer wrote therof Nor also we rede in no historyes of any other coūtrey of any suche kyng in Siria nor of any 〈◊〉 story which story yf it were trewe wolde haue ben put ī wrytyng by some historyer in y e same 〈…〉 some other contrey cōsyderyng that in euery cōtrey they wryte of many other thyngꝭ of 〈…〉 wonder And also a man hauynge reason may well iudge y t the thynges nat onely vnlyke to be trewe but almost impossyble y t a great kyng shulde haue .xxxii. doughters all to be maryed at one day also as vnlykely y t there shulde be .xxxii. kynges maryed at one day And also very vnlyke y t all those womē shuld be of so yuell disposicyō at one tyme so cruelly mynded to do such an abhominable dede but y t amōge all thē there shuld be one of those systers at y e lest somwhat disposed to goodnesse to refrayne from y e doynge of suche a cruell dede In the whiche I trowe that women at this day wyll take my parte also very vnlykly y t suche a shyp comyng frō so farre a cōtrey shuld neuer touche lāde tyll it came hyther cōsideryng y t the cours is so longe aboue .iii. or .iiii. M. myles by see dyuers other landꝭ Ilādes betwene also y e passage so strayte daūgerous y t they must nedes come thorow many stray●ꝭ shawlles lykly to touche lande ī many other places or they coude come into this Occian see as they that be sene in Cosmografye may well ꝑceyue by y e syght of the quart or Mappa mundi And also it standeth nother w t good fayth nor reason y t the deuyll shuld by suche maner ingender w t women whiche if the deuyll had suche power than why shuld he nat nowe haue lyke power at this day wherof nowe a days we se no suche generacyon also if y e deuyll had suche power I se nat why those chylderne so gendred shuld be Gyauntes excede all other in greatnesse cōsideryng that y e sede the place where it was sowne was no nother but suche wherof chylderne be ingendred at this day wherfore I suppose no nother but that it is but a fayned fable that this lande shulde be called Albyon for that cause But yet other wryters of historyes there be whiche say that this lande was fyrst called Albyon by reason of y e whyte Cleues rockes at Douer whiche be sene farre in a bryght day was so called Albyon of the Latyns as it were the whyte lāde for Albus is latyn for whyte ¶ But ferthermore howe this lande after that toke the name of Britteyn there by dyuers opinyons howe be it y ● comen opinyons is that Brute son to Siluius son to Ascanius son to Eneas whiche came frō Troye was y e fyrst y t inhabyted this lāde whā there was no people here but onely Gyauntꝭ which sayeng we haue onely of one Ga●tridus monumetensis which wrote y t storye in the tyme of kyng Henry the .ii. about y e yere of chryst M.C.lxx. and as it appereth by his prologe he directed his boke to Robert erle of Glocester which was vncle to the sayd kyng Henry affyrmynge in the same prologe y ● one water Archedeacon of Oxforde brought hym ā olde boke writē in y e britteyn speche which he translatyd in to latē cōprehendī● y ● s●yd story of Brute al beit he writ●th not y e name of y e boke nor who was y e auctor therof but y e oldest writyng y t we rede of āny auctor is y e boke of y e cōmētaryes of
reporte of the cōmyn people in this kynges tyme dyuers great wonders were sene as y e deuyll apperyng in mannes lykenesse great wyndes tempest swellynge rysynge of waters And therfore the kynge was tolde by dyuers of his famylyers y t god was nat content w t his lyuynge but he was so wylfull proude of mynde y t he regardyd lyttell theyr sayeng This kynge wyllyam as is sayd wrytten of hym had great pleasure in hūtynge in so moche y t he pulled downe distroyed dyuers houses of religyon to inlarge the newe forest of wyndesore for wylde dere but a knyght of his named water Tyrell by y e glaunsyng of his arowe vpon a braunche whan he shot at an harte in the sayd forest smote the kyng woūded hym to dethe wherof shortely he dyed The fyrst day of August the yere of Chryst M.C. without any yssue of his body And he rayned .xii. yere .xi. monethes and .xii. dayes and is buryed at westmyster Dedyre son to y e doughter of Robert erle of Flaūders was next erle of Flaūders Henricus .j. Pascall Gelase ¶ Pascall was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M.C. he hylde the see .xviii. yere and more ¶ Gelase was nexte pope he hylde the see one yere ¶ Henry ¶ Henry the .v. son to henry the fourthe was nexte Emperour the yere of Chryst M.C.vii he hylde the see .xx. yere Henry HEnry Beuclerke the fyrst of that name and the thyrde son of wyllyam Conquerour was crowned kynge of Englande the .v. day of August the yere of Chryst M.C. This Henry was called Beuclerke because he was so well lerned in the .vii. lyberall scyence he restored the holy churche to theyr lybertes and vsed the lawes of saynt Edwarde with the amendement of them he put out of his court all nyce and wanton people This henry reformed the olde vntrewe mesures and made a mesure of a yarde of the lengthe of his arme reformed dyuers thynges that were mys vsed before his tyme and abborred excesse of mete and drynke and vsed to venquysshe more with counsell than with swyrde Sone after that he was kynge he maryed Maude the doughter of Malcolyn kynge of Scotlande Margaret his wyfe doughter of Edwarde the outlawe of whome he receyued .ii. sonnes wyllyam Rycharde and .ii. doughters Maude Mary whiche Maude afterwarde was maryed to henry the .iiii. Emperour of Almayne ¶ In the seconde yere of his reygne Robert Courteyse his brother duke of Normandye whiche had ben longe tyme occupyed in warre agaynst Chrystes enemyes hauynge worde of the dethe of his brother wyllyam Rufus and that his brother henry had takyn vpon hym to be kynge of Englande made preparacyon in Normandye and came ouer into Englande with a great hoost to chalenge the crowne But by mediacyon of the lordes it was agreed that Robert shulde haue euery yere durynge his lyfe .iii. M. markes as was promysed hym before by kynge ●●●lyam his brother And who so euer lyued longest to be others heyre And sone after that thi● 〈◊〉 departed agayne into Normandye This Robert by his manhode dyd many notable 〈◊〉 and specially at the wynnynge of the citye of Acon vpon the myscreantes and Turkes wa● chosyn kynge of Ierusalem whiche he refused to take vpon hym In this tyme began great warre in Normandye betwene kyng Henry kynge Philyp of Fraūce but kyng Philyp sone after dyed ¶ About the .iiii. yere of this kyng Robert Curteyse came into Englāde agayne to his brother henry whiche made hym great there that before that Robert departed he released to his brother the forenamed trybute of .iii. M. markes and departed agayne into Normandye After this a great varyaunce fell betwene this Robert his lordes in Normandye that they sent vnto kyng henry his brother wyllynge for to come into Normādye they wolde delyuer hym the contrey And also by the intyssement of yll tale tellers a great varyaunce fell betwene kynge henry and his brother Robert that the kynge with a great armye sayled into Normandye with the helpe of the lordes there chased his brother Robert from place to place and wanne from hym Roan Cane Faloys and all the good townes many castels But at the last this Robert gaue battell to kynge Henry in the whiche battelll this Robert was takyn and sent ouer into Englande and kept in prison in the castell of Cardyffe in walys by the space 〈◊〉 viii yere where he after dyed without yssue of his body and was buryed at Gloucester And when this Robert was takyn the kynge Henry seasyd all Normandye into his owne handes ¶ Lewys ¶ Lewys the great was nexte kynge of Fraunce the yere of Chryst M.C.ix. In his tyme Philyppe his eldyst son rydynge in Parys kylde a chylde in the strete with his horse wherfore the kynge beynge sore displeased caused his yonger son Lewys to be crownde kyng in his lyfe ¶ Philyppe ¶ Philyppe sonne to Dedyre was nexte erle of Flaunders and dyed without yssue Calyste Hon●●e ¶ Calyste was nexte pope he hylde the see .v. yere and more ¶ Honore was nexte pope he hylde the see .v. yere Lothary ¶ Lothary was nexte Emperour he hylde the Empyre .xi. yere ¶ Henry ¶ whan this kynge Henry came into Englāde about y e .vii. yere of his reyne he maryed Maude his doughter to Henry the Emperour of Almayne whiche henry themperour prisoned pope Pascall and dyuers of his Cardynals but after he resygned his dignyte to pope Calystus and lyued after a strayte lyfe Sone after this the erle of Shroysbury and the erle of Cornewall rebellyd and rose agaynst the kynge with helpe of the welchemen But the kynge gate the fauour of the welchemen and caused those lordes for feare to flee into Normandye wherfore the kynge sayled thyder and made sharpe warre vpon them and toke them bothe prisoners and than returned into Englande About this tyme the contrey of Flaunders was sore surroundyd and hurt with the see that the flemynges requyred the kynge to inhabyte in the Eest partes of the ryuer of twede whiche was to them graunted but after a certayne of yeres they were remouyd into west wales whiche after spredde all Englande ouer ¶ In the .xiii. yere of this kynge there were sene dyuers straunge thynges in the fyrmament as blasynge sterres and .ii. mones one in the Eest another in the west and a great erthe quake at Notyngham durynge from morne to euenynge and the ryuer of Trent drye in the somer that men went ouer a fote drye Sone after there folowed a harde wynter moreyn of cattell scarcyte of vyttell and great dethe of people ¶ About the .xv. yere of this kynge great warre began betwene Lewys kynge of Fraunce and kynge henry and Lewys with a great hoost enteryd into Normandy wanne many townes castels droue kyng henry from place to place But after that fortune turned y e many noble captaynes of the Frenche kynges dyed
fitz Alwyn The fyrst Sheryffes Peter Duke Thomas Nele ¶ Also in the .x. yere of kynge Iohn̄ London brydge was begon to be edefyed of stone whiche before was of tymbre and the monastery of saynt Mary oueres was begon for to be buylded ¶ Also about the .xi. yere of kynge Iohans reyne the kyng was in great feare lest he shulde lose his realme and to be vtterly vndone hym selfe wherfore in his mynde he was sore anoyed and sent to the pope and sayd he wolde be reconsyled wherfore the pope sent Pandulfe agayne into Englande with these artycles that he shulde receyue Steuyn to his archebysshopryke restore to hym and to all other all profytes frutes belongynge to them that he had wrongfully taken and that he shulde yelde vnto the popes handes the tytle of his crowne to holde it of the pope To the whiche thynges the kynge graunted and resygned his crowne to Pandulfe and toke it agayne of hym to holde it of the pope and to pay yerely to the churche of Rome M. markes of syluer and after that receyued Steuyn suffred hym to inioy his Archebysshopryke restored all suche profytes as he had from hym and all other wrongfully taken Some wryters affyrme that for this foresayd payment the Peter pens be payde at this day ¶ Also about the .xiiii. yere of his reyne kynge Iohn̄ fell at a great discencyon with his lordes one cause of that varyance wos for that y t the kynge wolde nat holde y e lawes of saynt Edwarde but wolde holde no lawe but do all thīge at his owne wyll dyd disinheryte many men without assent of his lordes or of any other counsell And also wolde haue disinheryte the erle of Chester because he rebuked hym of his wyckednesse for that that he hylde his owne brothers wyfe lay by many other great lordes dobghters and spared no woman that hym lyked wherfore his lordꝭ toke the citye of London and bylde them there a certayne whyle But by meanes of the Archebysshoppe of Caunterbury and other prelates the kynge and his lordes met besyde Stanys at a place called Rumney mede and there agrement was made a charter made thereupon called Magna carta whiche charter anone after the kynge brake that newe varyance began betwene hym and his lordes agayne y t dyuers of the lordes sent vnto the kynge of Fraunce that he shulde sende his son Lewys hyther and they wolde rendre vnto hym the lande which Lewys therupon came into Englande and toke dyuers castels of the kynges by force and after came to London where the barons receyued hym and yelded to hym the Towre of London Kynge Iohn̄ beynge thus ouer set with this Lewys by the eyde of dyuers of his lordes sent vnto the pope shewynge theyr rebellynge whiche sent vnto hym a Legate called Swallo whiche in the popes name commaunded Lewys to returne into Fraunce and labored to haue a peace betwene them but his labour was in vayne wherfore the kyng forfere fled towarde Lyncolne but sone after at Neuwarke he dyed of the flyx the .xix. day of October the yere of Chryst M.CC.xvi. But some say that a monke poysoned hym at Swynestede and he is buryed at worcester Henricus .iij. ¶ Honore Gregory Celestyne ¶ Honore was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M·CC xvi he hylde the see .x. yere and more ¶ Gregory hylde the see nexte .xiiii. yere ¶ Celestyne hylde the see nexte .xviii. dayes ¶ Fredrycke Henry ¶ Fredrycke was nexte Emperour the yere of Chryst M.CC.xii. he dyd persecute the churche but at a counsell at Lyon he was deposed by the pope Innocent that .xxvii. yere after the electours were in varyance who shulde be Emperour he hylde the Empyre .xxxii. yere ¶ Henry was nexte Emperour he hylde the empyre .v. yere Henry the thyrde HEnry the thyrde of that name and eldyst sonne to kynge Iohn̄ was crowned kyng the .xxviii. day of Octobre the yere of Chryst M.CC.xvi. whan he was but .ix. yeres of age And after his coronacyon this Lewis cōtynued in his war which he had begon but dyuers of y e lordes toke ꝑte agaynst hym And also Swallo the Legate accursed this Lewys interdyted wales a cursyd Lewellyn prynce of wales and all that hylde ꝑte agayne this yonge kyng Henry And the erle of Chester and dyuers other lordes of the kynges parte went to Lyncolne and toke the towne and slewe many Frenche men beynge there forced this Lewys to take a peace whiche peace was thus concluded y t Lewys shulde go agayne into Fraunce and to haue a M. markes for his trauayle whiche he had and so deꝑted Also in the thyrde yere of this kynge began y e newe worke of the churche of westmyster ¶ About the .viii. yere of this kynges reyne the charter called Magna carta was cōfyrmed and dyuers artycles addyd therto howe the kynge shulde haue the warde and maryage of the lordes heyres beynge within age and the fyrst statute of Mortmayne than made and about that tyme the plees of the crowne were holden in the Towre of London And this kynge also graunted many lybertes to the citye of London Sone after this kynge Henry with a great hoost sayled into Normandye by the excytynge of a Frenche man named the erle of Marche where betwene the Frēche kyng Lewys and hym was fought a great battell but in the ende the Frenchemen had the victory toke .xxii. knyghtes and noble men prisoners .v. C. meane people y t kynge Henry for feare fled and turned backe to Burdeux but after a peace was made kynge henry returned into Englande About this tyme was a great yerthe quake in Englande and also in the .xxxi. yere of this kynge the kynge seasyd the franches of London into his handes for a iugemēt gyuen by one Piers Alyn the Mayre Aldermen agaynst a wedowe called Margarete Vyell which iugemēt as it was sayd was after foūde good wherfore the Citezyns inioyed agayne theyr lybertes About the .xxxv. yere of this kynge the order of the freres Augustynes began in Englande in a place in wales called wodhouse And about this tyme the kyng maryed Margarete his doughter to Alexāder the kyng of Scottes which Alexander dyd homage to y e kynge at yorke This kynge Henry ofte tymes for dyuers cōplayntes made agaynst y e Mayres offycers of London seasyd the lybertes of the citye into his owne handes set other offycers to rule the citye but euer they were restored agayne Also about this tyme Rycharde the kynges brother erle of Cornewall was electe kyng of Almayne kynge of Romayns whiche toke shyppynge went thyder there was crowned in y e citye of Aquisgranū About the .xli. yere of kyng Henryes rayne a greuous byll of complaynt of the cōmynalte of London was put agaynst the Mayre Aldermen and gouernours of the citye for wronges extorcyons done by them to the
apparant whiche syr Roger went after into Irelande there was slayne by the wylde Irysshemen ¶ Charles ¶ Charles the .vi. was nexte Frenche kynge the yere of chryst M.CCC.lxxx he made great warre agaynst them of Gaunt and other of the Flemynges that wolde nat obey theyr duke and slewe of them .xl. M. ¶ Lewys ¶ Lewys called Lewys de marle was nexte erle of Flaunders Bonyface ¶ Benyface was nexte pope he hylde the see .xiiii. yere ¶ This syr Roger Mortymer had issue .ii. sonnes Edmonde Roger and .ii. doughters Anne and Alys that was made a nonne the .ii. sayd sonnes dyed without issue and Anne the eldyst doughter was maryed to Rycharde erle of Cambryge whiche was son to Edmonde of Langley before named whiche had issue betwene them Richarde duke of yorke father to kynge Edwarde the .iiii. as after shal be shewed ¶ In the .x. yere of this kynge the erle of Arondell was sent into Gu●an to strengthe the souldyars there but in the se he mette with a flote of Flemynges laden with Rochell wyne and set vpon them and toke them Amonge the whiche was taken the Admyrall of Fraunce ¶ In the .xi. yere Thomas of wo●stocke than duke of Glocester y e kynges vncle y e erle of Arondell the erles of warwyke Darby and Notyngham consyderynge howe the kynge the lande was ladde caused a parlyament to be called at London and those lordes that knewe them selfes fautye fledde out of the lande and neuer came agayne that is to say Alexander Archebysshop of yorke Leonell Vere markes of Deuelyn and syr Myghell Delapole erle of Suffolke and Chauncellour of Englande And at this parlyament syr Robert Treuilyan the chefe Iustyce of Englande syr Nicholas Breneber late mayre of London syr Iohan Salysbury syr Iohan Beuchampe stewarde of the kyngꝭ house syr Symon Beuerley syr Iames Bernet syr Robert Belknappe chefe Iustyce of the cōmon place and a seriant of armes called Vske were by auctoryte of y e parlyament atteynt of treason and put to execucyon at Tyborne and at the Towre hyll and Iohn̄ Holt Iohn̄ Locton̄ Rycharde Gray wyllyam Burgh and Robert Fulthorpe Iustyce were exyled the lande for euer ¶ In the .xiiii. yere of this kynge Iohn̄ of Gaunt duke of Lancaster went into Spayne with a great armye and claymed to be kynge there by the tytle of his wyfe Constaunce doughter to Peter late before kynge of Spayne as is before rehersed and with the helpe of the kynge of Portyngale droue Henry kynge of Spayne to take a peace and a concorde with hym whiche was concluded thus that Henry kynge of Spayne shulde mary Constaūce the eldyst doughter of the duke of Lancaster that was ryght heyre to Spayne that he shulde gyue the duke .viii. charyottes laded with wedges of golde yerely to pay to the duke and his wyfe .x. M. markes durynge theyr lyues After whiche thynge parfyted and done the duke with the kynge of Portyngale departed and after maryed his other doughter to the sayd kynge of Portyngale ¶ In the .xv. yere of this kynge a seruant of the bysshppe of Salysburye whiche was tresorer of Englande toke a horselofe from a bakers basket in Fletestrete and when the baker ranne to haue recouered his lofe the bysshoppes seruant brake his hede with his dagger and the inhalytaunce arose to haue brought this bysshoppes seruant to prison but his felowes rescued hym than the people in a furye wolde haue entryd into the bysshoppes place with force and the other made stronge resystence so at the last the Mayre with dyuers of the Aldermen and Sheryffes came thyder with a great companie but y e more the people increased the wors they were to rule that nat withstandynge the Mayres presence they assauted styll the bysshppes place that it was longe tyme or they coude be pacefyed wherof worde came to the bysshop of Salysburye beynge at wyndesore with the kynge that what by the meanes of the bysshoppe of Caunterburye then Chancellour of Englande the complaynt was made so greuous to the kynge that the Mayre was discharged of the rule of the citye and the lybertes seased into the kynges handes and syr Edwarde Dalyngtyge knyght made gouerner of the citye And the kynge and his coūsell toke suche displeasure with the citye that the courtes in westmyster were remoued vnto yorke and y e terme kept there But then the kynge and his counsell perceyuynge it was nat so conuenyent for the welthe of the realme it was remoued agayne to London but yet the kynges displeasure towardes the citye somewhat styll contynued Therfore y e citye made dyuers meanes to obteyne his fauour and at the last by meanes of the quene and specially by one doctor Grauysende bysshoppe of London they opteyned the kynges fauour agayne And after they receyued the kyng into the citye where they made many goodly stages and thynges of pleasure And after gaue to the kynge a great sōme of money and many other great gyftes of pleasure and so at the last obtayned his fauour and were agayne restored to theyr lybertes by the meanes of the sayde bysshoppe of London ¶ And in the .xvii. yere the kynges wyfe quene Anne dyed and is buryed at westmyster ¶ In the .xviii. yere of kynge Rycharde the heresyes of Iohan wykelyffe began to sprynge in Englande and the more because of the Cisme of the .ii. popes ¶ Also in the .xix. yere this kynge Rycharde maryed Isabell doughter to the Frenche kynge at Caleys and after brought her into London with a great tryumphe And also in the same yere the towne of Brest was delyuered vnto the duke of Brytteyn wherfore the duke of Glocester after that sayd to the kynge that it had ben more honour to the kynge to put his body to payne to wynne a stronge towne and holde than to gyue vp y t whiche was gotten by his progenytours by great diffyculte whervpon discencyon fell betwene the kynge and hym And after that the duke perceyuynge howe the kynge was myslad by certayne persons intendynge a reformacyon for the welthe of the realme caused an assemble to be at Arondell of dyuers lordes and other at whiche assemble there met the sayd duke the erle of Arondell the erle of warwyke the erle of Notyngham the bysshoppe of Caunterbury and dyuers other spirituall lordes and sware eche to other secretely to put theyr wylles and powers to auoyde from the kynge the duke of Lancaster and the duke of yorke and other whiche mysgouerned the realme but the erle of Notyngham vttred this conspiracye to the kynge wherfore the kynge sodaynly and secretely toke y e duke of Glocester and sent hym to Caleys where by his cōmaundement he was shortely after strangled in his bedde and so mourdred And after the kynge called a parlyament at westmyster where the erle of Arondell was Iudged to dethe and beheded at the Towre hyll and y e erle of
he was put to dethe But of the maner of his dethe be dyuers opinyons for some sayd that he was famysshed and kept from mete .v. days wherfore he dyed for honger and some sayd that one syr Piers of Exton with .viii. of his company fell vpon this Rycharde late kynge slewe hym But as sone as they smote at hym he shortely recouere one of theyr axes and slewe .iiii. of them but at the last he was wonded to dethe by the handes of the sayd Piers. And when he was deed he was layde open vysaged in the minyster of Pountfret after that brought to the citye of London and layde agayne in Poules with open vysage to the intent that his dethe myght be openly knowen And after he was caryed vnto Langley and there buryed but after he was remoued by kynge Henry the .v. in the fyrst yere of his reyne and buryed in westmyster ¶ After the deposynge of this kynge Rycharde kyng Henry founde great treasour what in his treasourye what in other places in money iewels to the value of .vii. M. li But yet here ye must note that .xl. s in those dayes was better than .xl. s is at this present day whiche is nowe the .xxi. yere of kynge Henry the .viii. for at those dayes .v. grotes made an ounce and nowe at this day .xi. grotes maketh an ounce ¶ Also in the same yere the kynge sent Isabell late quene and wyfe to kynge Rycharde into Fraūce vnto her father the Frenche kynge with great ryches in discharge of all her dowery in Englande whiche was after maryed to one Charles son and heyre to the duke of Orlyaauce ¶ Also in the seconde yere of this kynge a knyght called Roger Claryngton his .ii. seruantes and the prior of Launde and .viii. freres Mynours or gray freres and some of them bachelers of dyuinyte were drawyn and hanged at Tyborne for treason In this tyme a discencyon fell betwene one Owen of Glendor a welcheman and the lorde Gray of Ruthyn whiche Owen toke the lorde Gray prisoner and compelled hym to marye his doughter and kept hym styll in wales tyll he dyed wherwith the kynge toke displeasure came into wales with a great power and Owen with his people fled into the mountaynes and there kept hym that the kynge cowde nat wyne vnto hym wherfore the kynge returned ¶ Philyppe ¶ Philyppe duke of Burgoyne son to Iohn̄ kynge of Fraūce maryed Margaryt doughter to Lewys erle of Flaūders and by her was erle of Flaunders Gregory Alexander ¶ Gregory was nexte pope but he was deposyd ¶ Alexander was nexte pope he hylde the see one monthe ¶ Also in the .iii. yere of this kynge a discencyon fell betwene the kynge syr Thomas Percye erle of worcester that the sayd erle and syr Henry Percye his neuewe son and heyre to the erle of Northūberlande gaue the kynge a great battell at Shroysbury where the sayd erle was taken and syr Henry Percye slayne on the kynges parte Henry the kynges eldyst son beynge prnce was wounded and the erle of Stafforde was slayne many other noble men and other were slayne vpon bothe partes after the erle was beheded And sone after this the Duches of Bryttayne came into Englande and was maryed vnto the kynge Sone after this the Emperour of Rome called Robert came into Englande to se the contrey and to disporte hym and had great chere of the kynge ¶ Also about the .vi. yere of this kynge Rycharde Skrope archebysshop of Caunterburye and the lorde Mombray marshall of Englande with other to them alyed gathered great strength to the intent to haue put downe the kynge wherfore the kynge gathered his power and sodaynly mette w t them besyde yorke where at a skyrmysshe made betwene them they were bothe taken For whiche rebellyon they were there demyd to dethe and after they were bothe beheded ¶ Also in this kynges dayes and ofte tymes in the tyme of kynge Rycharde the seconde there were many chalenged other and appelled other for treason For the whiche they waged battell he y t was vanquesshed was put to dethe as a traytour whether he were appellant or defendāt ¶ Also about the .ix. yere of this kynge one Ryse Apdee a welcheman for fauour that he bare to Owen of Glendour rebelled agayne the kynge but at the last he was taken and brought vnto London and there drawne hanged and quartred ¶ Also sone after that about the .xii. yere of his re●●●e the kynge sent his sonnes Thomas duke of Clarence Iohn̄ duke of Bedforde and Vmfrey duke of Glocester and dyuers other lordes with a great power into Fraūce to helpe the duke of Orlyaunce agayne the duke of Burgon whiche landed in Normandye and so forthe went to Burdeux and toke many holdes and many prisoners and after returned with them into Englande ¶ Also in the .xiiii. yere of his reyne kynge Henry intended to take a voyage to visyte the sepulture of our lorde at Ierusalem and made newe Galeys therfore because there was a Prophecy sayd that he shulde neuer dye tyll he had be at Ierusalem and in the preparynge of this he fell sodaynly sycke at saynt Edwardes shryne at westmyster wherfore they bare him into y e abbottes place there into a chambre And whan the kynge was somwhat come to hym selfe he asked where he was his seruantes tolde hym he was in the abbot of westmysters place in a chamber called Ierusalem and whan the kynge harde that the chambre was called Ierusalem he knewe well y t he shulde dye And therfore he made hym redy vnto god and there shortely after dyed in the .xx. day of Marche the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.xii And after was brought to Caunterburye and there buryed Henricus .v. Iohan. ¶ Iohn̄ was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.x he hylde the see .x. yere and more and was deposed at the counsell of Constaunce Sygismounde ¶ Sygismounde was nexte Emperour the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.xi in his tyme were .ii. generall counsels at Constaunce and Basell Henry the fyfte HEnry the fyfte of that name and son to Henry the .iiii. was crowned kynge of Englande the .ix. day of August the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.xii he was borne at Monmouthe in wales and therfore he is called kynge Henry of Monmouthe This Henry before the dethe of his father applyed hym selfe to vyce and insolence and vsed ryotous wylde companye But after that he was admytted to gouerne y e lande he became a newe man and turned all his wyldenesse to sobernesse and his vyces to vertue And than he gaue sufficyent rewardes to all his olde wylde cōpany that were his familyers charged all them vpon payne of theyr lyues that they shulde nat come within .x. myles of his presens And after his coronacyon he caused the corps of kynge Rycharde the .ii. to be taken vp at Langley with great solempnyte
to the said Charles takynge vpon hym as frenche kyng Calyxte ¶ Calexte was nexte pope he hylde the see .iii. yere and more in his tyme the Chrysten men had a great victorye agaynst the Turkes in Hungarye ¶ Also in the .xiiii. yere of kynge henry Philyppe the duke of Burgon with a great multytude of flemynges leyde sege at Caleys and contynued his sayd sege .iii. wekes wherfore th● duke of Glocester protectour of Englande with .v. C. sayle came ouer into Caleys intendynge within thre days to haue issued out to haue gyuen battell to the duke and the flemyngꝭ But whan they of Burgon harde tell of the great power of the protectour he brake vp his sege and departed lefte behynde hym parte of his heuy ordynaunce and vytell and other thynges that he coude na● conuenienly carye in so shorte tyme. And whan he was gone the lorde protectour folowed hym into Flaunders by the space of .xii. days and brent dyuers vyllages and after returned agayne into Englande Also in the same yere the kynge of Scottꝭ beseged the towne of Rokysborowe in Scotlāde but as sone as he harde tell that the englysshemen were cōmynge thyder to remoue the sege he departed leauynge parte of his ordynaunce behynde hym And the same yere quene Katheryn mother to kynge Henry the .vi. dyed ¶ Also in the .xvii. yere of this kynge there was a great derthe in Englande that a busshell of where was worthe .iii. s. iiii d. ¶ Also in the same yere at a counsell at Basyll pope Eugenye was deposed and one Amedeus duke of Sauoy was chosen pope but yet Eugenye cōtynued in Rome as pope and Amedeus called Felyx the .v. contynued his dignyte in other places so that then arose a great Cisme who was indubytat pope this Cisme contynued .ix. yeres ¶ Also about this tyme there were many conflyctes and dyuers holdes townes in many ꝑtes of Fraunce wonne and lost but most cōmenly euer the englysshemen had the wors ¶ Also in the .xx. yere of kynge henry the lorde Talbotte leyde sege to an hauyn towne in Normandye called Depe dyuers captayns of Fraunce were sent thyder to remoue the sege whiche were discomfet Than the lorde Talbot deꝑted and lefte the guydynge of the sege to .ii. of his knyghtes but at the last the Dolphyn of Vyenne called Lewys came with a great power and gaue them battell where the Englysshemen were discomfyt and the englysshemen slayne and taken prisoners ¶ Also in this .xx. yere imbassetours were sent into Guyan to cōclude a maryage betwene kyng Henry and the erles doughter of Armanake whiche conclusyon was put backe by meanes of y e erle of Suffolke whiche kyndlyd a great grudge betwene y e lorde protectour duke of Glocester and the sayd erle for the sayd erle the nexte yere after went ouer the see into Fraunce and there concluded a maryage betwene the kynge and lady Margarete the kynges doughter of Cicyle for the whiche maryage there was promysed to the kynge of Cicyll the duchye of Angeo and y e erledome of Mayne Also about this tyme the steple of Poules churche in London was set on fyre by lyghtnynge ¶ And in the .xxiii. yere of kynge henry y e said lady Margarete was brought ouer into Englāde and maryed to the kynge and after that crowned at westmyster ¶ Also in the .xxv. yere of this kyng there was a parlyament holden at saynt Edmondes burye where the duke of Glocester that was the lorde protectour durynge the kynges nonage was a rested and .xxxii. of his princypall seruantes a rested and the other put from hym and within .v. or .vi. days after he was founde deed in his bedde no wounde vpon hym Of his dethe were dyuers seyenges some sayd he dyed for sorowe and some sayde he was murdered betwene two fetherbeddes and some sayd he was put in the foundement with a hote spytte This duke was a great clerke called the good duke of Glocester because he gouerned well the kynge durynge his nonenage and kept honorable housholde and withstode the delyuere of Angeo and Mayne and neuer was founde fautye to the kynge nor to the crowne whose body was after conueyed to saynt Albons there buryed wherfore for the dethe of this duke all the cōmons of Englāde began to murmour and grudge and specially agaynst the markes of Suffolke whiche before was called the erle of Suffolke ¶ About the .xxvi yere of this kynge the Cisme of y e two popes ceasyd by the dethe of Eugeny after whose deth Nicholas the .v. was chosyn pope to whome Felyx the .v. receyued his papacy The cause of the Cisme was for that y t this Eugenye wolde nat obey the Decrees before made in the counsell of Constaunce nor wolde nat obey to the generall counsell wherof rose a great contrauersye amonge the clerkes and wryters For some sayd the generall counsell was aboue y e pope and some sayd the pope was aboue the generall counsell But durynge this whyle the englysshemen lost dyuers townes and holdes in Fraunce in Normandye as fyrst Pont large and after Roan and dyuers other townes and holdes ¶ Also in the .xxvii. yere of kynge Henry the kynge called a parlyament at westmyster at the whiche parlyament the duke of Suffolke whiche was before markes of Suffolke was a rested and sent to the Towre to content mennes myndes But after the kyng lette hym goo at lyberte and than the parlyament was adiourned to Leycester where the said duke came with y e kynge but the people were nat therwith content and the cōmons in the commyn house desyred that all they y t were consentynge to the delyuerance of the Duchye of Angeo and erledome of Mayne myght be ponysshed whervpon the sayd duke of Suffolke was banysshed for .v. yeres and the lorde Say a rested and after put in the Towre And than the duke of Suffolke departed toke shyppynge in Northfolke to go into Fraunce but he was met in the see with a shyppe called the Nicholas of the Towre and taken and the captayne toke the duke and brought hym into his owne shyppe and there Iudged hym to dethe And than set hym in the shyppe bote and there smote of his hede and thus began myschefe vpon myschefe and dethe vpon dethe ¶ Also about this tyme the cōmons rebelled in dyuers places of Englande and named the capteyns blewberde and other names and intended to haue gathered more companye but anone y e kynges counsell herynge therof caused them to be taken and put to dethe but yet anone after y e cōmons of Kent a rose and made them a captayne called Iacke Cade whiche in a great nōbre came to blacke hethe and made a proclamacyon that they came to reforme the iniuryes of the people done by meanes of the kynges yuell counsellours the kynge gathered a great people came towarde them to gyue them battell wherof heryng the