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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A80285 The compleat clark, and scriveners guide. Containing exact draughts and presidents of all manner of assurances and instruments now in use: as they were penned and perfected by divers learned judges, eminent lawyers, and great conveyancers, both ancient and modern. Whereunto is also added a concordance of years, from the time of King Richard the third untill this present; very usefull for conveyancers and others. With an exact alphabeticall table, whereby any of the said presidents may be easily found out. 1655 (1655) Wing C5633; Thomason E486_1; ESTC R205341 696,909 690

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gotten by means of any the said Suits Actions Recoveries Judgments and Executions or by means of any of them shall be equally had divided and parted part and party-like the one half thereof to the said H B his Executors and Administrators and the other half thereof to the said R and I his Executors and Administrators and that neither of the said parties nor their severall Executors or Administrators shall wittingly and willingly without the consent of the other party or of his or their Executors or Administrators do procure or cause any thing to be done to hinder or defeat any the said lawful Suits Actions Recoveries Judgments or Executions to be had as aforesaid of or for any the said debts or to let or hinder the equal dividing of all profits commodities and advantages thereof or therby to be had or gotten contrary to the true meaning aforesaid And further we do Award Order and Judge by these presents that the said H B upon reasonable request shall on the first day of c. now next comming make sale and deliver or cause to be delivered to the said R. H. and J. C. or to one of them or otherwise for both their uses at or in c. between the hours of c. of the same day or otherwise in the mean time before hand one lawful acquittance general of and for all Actions Suits Quarrels and Demands from the beginning of the world untill the 8 th of April last past And likewise we do Award c. by these presents that the said R. and I. upon the like reasonable request shall on the said c. now also next comming make sale and deliver or cause to be delivered to the said H. B. at or in c. between the like hours aforesaid in the forenoon c. or otherwise c. one lawful acquittance general of and for all actions suits quarrels and demands from the beginning of the world untill the said 8 th day of April now last past as aforesaid In witness c. BARGAINS A Bargain and Saleof Copyhold Lands by Commissioners of Banckrupts THis Indenture made c. Between S. E. Esquire E T Esquire and I I Gent. of the one part and R W. of c. R W c D M of c. E C of c. and W E of c. of the other part Witnesseth That whereas upon complaint made to the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Coventry Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England by E S c. as well for himself as for all other the Creditors of F M late of VV. c. That wheras the said F. M. using and exercising the trade of Merchandise by way of bargaining exchange bartering and chevisance seeking his trade of living by buying and selling upon good and just cause forwares and merchandise to him sold and delivered and also for ready money to him lent being indebted to the said E S and other his Creditors in divers and several sums of money amounting in the whole to the sum of 500 l. and upwards of late that is to say about the moneth of May in the year c. did become Banckrupt within the several Statutes lately made against Banckrupts to the intent to defraud and hinder him the said E S and other his Creditors of their just debts and duties to them owing viz. within the Statute made in the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the second day of April in the 13 th year of the Reign of our late Soveraign Lady Queen Elizabeth concerning Banckrupts and within the Statute made in the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster aforesaid the 19th day of March in the first year of the Reing of our late Soveraign Lord of famous Memory King James of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the 37 Intituled an Act for the better reliefe of Creditors against such as shall become Backrupt And also within the Statute made in the Parliament and holden ot Westminster begun at the 19 th day of Feb. in the 21. year of the Reign of our said late Soveraign King James of England France and Ireland and of Scotland 57. Entituled an Act for the further description of Banckrupts and reliefe of Creditors against such as shall become Banckrupts or within one of them our said Soveraign Lord the the Kings Majesty that now is by his most gracious Commission under the great Seal of England bearing date at Westminster the 19 th day of June in the 13 th year of his Majesties Reign that now is directed to the said S E E T and I I and unto F VV Gent. and I P Gent. hath Named Assigned Constituted and Ordained the said S E E. T I I H W and I P his Majesties special Commissioners giving full Power and Authority unto them foure or three of them whereof the said S. E. or E. T. to be one to execute the said Commission according to the same Statutes and every or any of them not only concerning the said F. M. his Body Lands tenements Frehold and Customary Goods Debts and other things whatsoever but also concerning all other Persons which by concealments claime or otherwise doe or shall offend touching the Premises or any part thereof contrary to the true Intent and meaning of the same statutes and every or any of them to do and execute all and every thing and things whatsoever as well towards and for satisfaction and payment of his said Creditors as towards and for all other Intents and purposes according to the ordinance and provision of the same Statutes as in and by the said Commission and the complaint in writing therunto annexed more plainly and at largt it doth and may appear And wheras the said S. E. E. T. and I. I. do further find that all the time that the said F. M. became Bankrupt as aforesaid he the said F M and J. his wife were and stood seised to them and to the Heirs of the said F. M. according to the custome of the Mannor of W. in the County of E. of one Copyhold or Customary Messuage or Tenement called C. with a Garden and Orchard therunto belonging now in the occupation of the said F. M. c. holden by Copy of Court-Roll of the foresaid Mannor of W. All which Copyhold or customary Premisses the greater part of the above named Commissioners by the said Commission authorized have caused to be viewed and rented and the respective Estates of the said F. M. of and in the same to be appraised to the best value they may and accordingly the same have been viewed rented and appraised by J. K. and R. F. men of sufficient skill and judgment for the doing therof in manner and form following That is to say the foresaid Messuage or Tenement called C. and the Garden and Orchard therunto belonging in the occupation of the said F. M. scituate lying and being at W. aforesaid to be let for the yearly Rent of 6 l. of
Court of Chancery knowledged by the said E. P. and others to the said Sir G. N. touching the Covenants of the Lease aforesaid made c. and one Obligation of c. dated the c. made by the said c. And the said W. F. for him c. covenanteth c. that he the said VV. his Executors Administrators or Assigns at or upon reasonable request to them or any of them in that behalf to be made by the said T. A. the Leasor aforesaid or his Heirs shall at the end of the said term of sixty years deliver or cause to be delivered to the said T. A. his Heirs or Assigns all such Evidences Court-Rolls Minuments Escripts and Writings as he the said VV. his Executors or Assigns have received or shall receive of the said S. his Executors or Administrators touching the Inheritance of the Premisses or any part therof And such Court-Rolls and Rentalls as hereafter in the mean time shall be made or renewed of the Premisses or any part therof by the said VV. his Executors Administrators or Assigns and with them at the end of the said tearm of sixty years shall be in the custody of the said VV. or his Assigns In witness c. The Assignment of a Statute THis Indenture c. Witnesseth That whereas W. H. c. by a certaine Statute or Recognisance bearing date c. Recognised and Sealed before Sir R. C. Knight then L. Cheif Justice of England according to the form of the Statute late made and provided for the recovery of debts became bound to the said W. C. in the summ of one hundred pound of lawful c. payable as by the said Recognisance more plainly may appear The said W. C. for divers good considerations him thereunto moving doth by these presents fully and clearely Give Grant Alien Assign and set Over unto the said R. S. his Executors Administators and Assigns to his and their own proper use and behoof for ever the said Recognisance and the debt and duty therin contained and all and every the execution benefit estate and interest that may be had obtained or gotten by reason of the said Recognisance or any Execution sued out or to be sued out thereof And the said W. C. doth by these presents make ordaine constitute and put in the place and places of him the said W. C. his Executors and Administrators and of every of them the said R. S. his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them the true lawfull and irrevokable Atturney and Atturneyes of him the said W. his Executors and Administrators and of every of them for him and them and in his and their Name or Names To ask levy recover and receive of the said W. H. his Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them the said summ of one hundred pound contained in the said Recognisance and every part thereof and also to sue Execution of the said Recognisance And also the said W. C. for him his Executors and Administrators doth by these presents give power and Authority to the said R. S. his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them for and in the Name and Names of him the said R. C. his Executors and Administrators and every of them to do cause and procure to be done all and every Act and Acts Thing and Things that is or are to be done or that may be done for in or about the suing out of Execution upon the said Recognisance or for or touching the obtaining or geting of the debt and duty therein contained and every or any part thereof in as large ample and beneficial manner and form as the same may be done in or by the Law And the said W C. Covenanteth c. in form c. That he the said W. his Executors and Administrators and every of them shall and will from time to time and at all times hereofter without fraud guile deceit let or interruption suffer the said Letter of Atturney and the Power and Authority given or limited by these presents to stand and continue in full strength force and effect without any revocation or disanulling thereof either directly or indirectly And that the said W. C. or any other by his means consent authority at any time heretofore hath not done or assented unto and that he his Executors Administrators or Assigns or any other by his or their means consent or procurement shall not at any time or times hereafter without the consent and agreement of the said R. S. his Executors Administrators or Assigns first thereunto to be had in writing under his or their Hand and Seal or Hands and Seals do or consent unto any Manner Act or Acts or things whatsoever whereby or by reason whereof the said Recognisance or debt therein contained or any part thereof or any execution sute benefit estate or interest that is shall or may be had or sued upon or by reason of the same Recognisance in any wise is shall or may be made void released barred discharged hindered or incumbred other then for one assignment over of the said Statute and a Letter of Atturney heretofore made by him the said W. for the suing out of the Execution upon the said Statute unto R. C. which is meant mentioned and intended not to be any breach of any Covenant Grant or Promise in these presents to be contained And that he the said R. S. his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them shall or may by force of these presents lawfully ask levy recover receive and enjoy the said summ of one hundred pound and every parcel thereof to his and their own proper use and behoof without let or interruption of the said W. C. his Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them and without any account or other thing of or for the same or any part thereof to be yeelded or demanded to or by him or them or any of them And that all suits extents and executions estate and interest to be had or prosecuted or obtained upon or by reason of the said Recognisance shall be and may be had taken and enjoyed to and by the said R. S. his Executors and Assigns to his and their own proper use benefit and behoofe notwithstanding any Act or Thing done or to be done by him the said W. his Executors or Administrators other then before in these presents are excepted and fore-prised And also that he the said R. S. his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them shall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter at his and their will liberty and pleasure and at his and their costs and charges in the Law have take and sue out all and all manner of lawfull Actions Suits Writs Processes Executions Petitions and Demands whatsoever by and upon the said Recognizance in the name of him the said VV. his Executors and Administrators and every of them against all and every person and persons whatsoever chargable or
and administrators at the request of the said C. D. his heirs c. shall deliver up the said Statute or Recognizance to be cancelled and made void In Witnesse c. To save harmelesse a Suerty THis Indenture made c. Between A. B of c. of the one part and C. D. c. of the other part Witnesseth that whereas the said A. B. hath upon his credit the first day of this instant month of M at the speciall instance and request of the said C D. taken up by way of exchange for the furniture of the affaires and businesse of the said C. D. the summe of 100 l. of lawfull English mony And all the said summe of 100 l. hath before the insealing and delivery hereof fully paid and delivered to the said C. D. whereof and wherewith the C. D. acknowledgeth himselfe well and truely satisfied contented and paid and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof cleerly acquiteth and dischargeth the said A B his executors and administrators and every of them by these presents And whereas also the said C. D. by one writing Obligatory made according to the Statute l●tely provided for the recovery of Debts taken knowledged and sealed before Sir J. D Knight Lord Chiefe Justice of the Common Pleas at Westminster bearing date c. standeth bound unto the said A B. in the summe of 200 l. of lawfull English mony payable at the Feast of c. next ensuing the date hereof as by Bond Obligatory or Statute more at large it doth and may appeare Neverthelesse it is covenanted granted condescended and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents in manner and forme following That is to say The said A B. for him his heirs c. doth Covenant c to and with the said C D. That if the said C D. his heirs executors administrators or assignes or any of them Do well and truely pay or cause to be paid unto the said A B. his executors administrators or assignes or any of them in or upon the twentieth day of M next coming after the date hereof at the now dwelling house of the said A B. Scituate c. all the said summ of 100 l. of good and lawfull money of England Together with all summes o money costs charges losses and damages that shall arise grow come or be payable by reason of the taking up thereof in exchange or otherwise without fraud Covin or delay That then the said writing Obl●gatory or Statute to be void c. Or else c. In witnesse c Vpon performance of Covenants upon marriage THis Indenture made c. Between E of VV. D. in the County of O. Esquire of the one part and VV D. of C. in the same County Esquire T H. sonne and heire apparant of R H. of S. in the same County Esquire and D H. of London Gent of the other part Witnesseth that it is covenanted concluded and agreed by and betwixt the said parties for divers urgent and weighty causes and considerations in manner following That is to say That he the said E VV. shall and will on this side and before the Feast day of Saint Michaell The Arck-Angell next insuing the date hereof knowledge in due forme of Law and become bounden unto the said T H. and D H. in one single Obligation or Bond of Statute Marchant in the summe of 8000 l. of good and lawfull money of England without Condition therein or thereupon included subscribed or indorsed And yet neverthelesse the said VV D. T H and D H. and every of them for them and their Joint and severall executors and assignes do covenant and grant to and with the said E VV. his heirs and assignes That if the marriage of espousalls heretofore incepted and had betwixt I VV sonne and heire of the said E VV and A. the now Wife in facto of the said I. and Daughter of G O of P. in the County of VV Esquire shall be hereafter lawfully and perfectly consummate at or after such time as he the said I VV shall accomplish and be of his lawfull age to consent to the said marriage viz. of or above the age of fourteen years and that the said G O hath heretofore and shall hereafter observe performe and keep all and singular the Covenants grants and agreements of his part to be observed and kept mentioned in one paire of Indentures made betwixt the said E VV. and the said G O. for and touching the payment of such summes of money as were agreed to be paid by the said G O. for or in respect of the said marriage Or otherwise if the said now incepted marriage or espousalls shall be hereafter dissolved by any means whatsoever Then if the said E VV. shall and do permit and suffer A Deputation of a Steward-ship THis Indenture made c. between W K Esquire Steward of the Honour of B. in the County of H and the Mannors and Courts thereunto belonging of the one party and I H Gent. of the other party witnesseth That the said VV K. hath made ordained constituted and appointed and by these presents doth make ordain constitute and appoint the said I. H. his Deputy Steward of the Honour aforesaid and the severall Mannors and Courts thereunto belonging and by these presents doth give and grant unto the said I. H. the Deputation and execution of the said Office of Steward of the Honours and Mannors aforesaid To have hold enjoy and exercise the said Office to the said J H. for and during the naturall life of the said VV K together with all Fees Regards Profits Allowances Preheminences Commodities and Advantages whatsoever to the said Office in any manner of way belonging or appertaining so long as the said J H shall have and exercise the said Office in as large and ample manner as the same is granted by G. F. and G P. by their Indenture bearing date c. to the said W K except the Fee of 5 l. to the said W. K. granted by the said Indenture for the execution of the said Office In witness c. FEOFMENTS A Feoffment towards the performance of the Covenant of further assurance in an Indenture of Bargain and Sale with a Letter of Attorney in the same to deliver Seisin THis Indent tripar made the c. between T L the Feoffor of the first part I P the Feoffee of the second part and I H. the Attorney of the third part witnesseth That the said T L towards the performance of the Covenant of further Assurance contained specified and declared in one Indenture of Bargain and Sale of the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments herein after mentioned bearing date c. and made between the said T L of the one party and the said I P of the other party And for divers other good causes and considerations him the said T L therunto especially moving Hath granted aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant alien enfeoff
any person or persons for them Or any other cause whatsoever as well in all and every such Action or Actions Suit or Suits of or in any kind whatsoever either in law or equity as shall be brought by the said Lord M W and C. Lord Saint J. or either of them against any person or persons whatsoever as also in all Actions and Suits of any kind to be brought against them or either of them in any Court or Courts of Justice and before any Judge or Judges for any cause whatsoever for his reasonable Salary and allowance in that behalfe To have hold occupie exercise and enjoy the aforesaid Office of chief Steward the place and Execution of the chief Stewardship oversight and government in that behalfe of all and singular the Lordships Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of the said J Lord M W and C. Lord Saint J. or either of them which they or either of them or any other person or persons whatsoever now have or hereafter shall have in Trust or to the use of them or either of them their or either of their heirs or for any other estate whatsoever and the holding and keeping of all and all Manner of Courts usually held and kept within the same Together with all and all manner of Fees Wages Rewards Profits advantages and emoluments to the said Office of chiefe Steward or chiefe Stewardship of all the Lordships Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of them the said J. Lord M of W. and C Lord St. J. or either of them which they now have or which any other person or persons now have or hereafter shall have for them or either of them belonging or in any wise appertaining or at any time heretofore accustomed and used to be paid rendred or received to or by the chief Steward or Stewards there for the time being for or by reason of the said Office of Steward ship or being chiefe Steward of the same Of the Clark-ship of the Peace by a Custos Rotulorum TO all to whom this present writing shall come A E of N. Lord of the Honours of C. and P Lord P. L. P F P. B. and L Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter and Custos Rotulor of the County of N. sendeth greeting Know ye that I the said E. relying upon the faithfulness diligence and circumspection of S. L. of c. in the County of N Gentleman in and about the Execution of the Office of the Clarkship or Clark of the peace of the said County of N. And also for divers other good causes and considerations me thereunto especially moving have assigned given granted and appointed and by this my present have confirmed to the said S. L. the Office of Clarkship or Clark of the Peace of the said County of N. and him the said S. L. Clark of the said Office of Clarkship or Clark of the peace of the County aforesaid from time so long as he shal be have himself wel in the said Office I do make ordain and constitute in these presents To have enjoy execute occupy the said Office of Clarkship or Clark of the peace of the said County by himself or his sufficient Deputy or Deputies so long as he shall behave himself well therein with all and singular Fees Preheminences Allowances Profits Emoluments and Commodities whatsoever to the said Office any way belonging or appertaining in as ful ample manner and form as any other heretofore executing and having the said Office of Clarkship or Clark of the peace had enjoyed received or ought to have enjoy or receive for the Execution of the said Office In witness whereof c. Of an Extent THis Indenture made c. between I. D. of the Town of S. in the County of S. Gentleman and W. D. of c. witnesseth that whereas E. S. by the name of E S. Esquire the first day of May in the year c. by one Recognizance taken knowledged and sealed before Sir R. K. Knight Lord cheif Justice of England according to the form of the Statute for recovery of Debts in that case provided standeth bounden to the said A B in the summ of 400 l. of lawfull English money payable at the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord then next following as by the said Recognizance more at large it doth and may appear And whereas also the said I. D. hath extended and to him delivered in Execution the Mannor of N. with the Appurtenances in the County of M. at the yearly Rent for the non-payment of the said summ of 400 l. Now the said J D for divers good causes and considerations him thereunto especially moving hath granted assigned and set over and by these presents doth grant assign and set over unto the said VV D his Executors c all his Estate Right Title Interest and Demand which he hath by reason of the said Extent Liberate of in and to the said Mannor of N with the Appurtenances and of and in every part and parcell thereof and of in and to all and singular Messuages Lands Tenements Meadows Leazows Pastures Rents Reversions and Hereditaments with the Appurtenances so extended and delivered in Execution as aforesaid And the said J D for him c doth covenant c to and with the said W D. his heirs c by these presents in manner and form following that is to say That neither he the said J D nor his Executors c at any time hereafter shall do any Act or Acts thing or things whereby the said Extent or the Estate Title or Interest of the said W D his Executors c by reason of the said Extent may in any wise hurt impeached discharged undone or made void And further that hee the said I. D. his Heirs c shall and will at the reasonable request Costs and Charges in the Law of the said W D. do suffer to be done made and knowledged all and every such further and reasonable Act and Acts thing and things devise and devises in the Law for the further assurance surety and sure making and conveying of the premisses for and during the term of the said Extent and Execution unto the said W D as by the learned Councill of the said W D shall be reasonably devised or advised In witness c Of the next Avoyder of a Parsonage TO all to whom this present Writing shall come A B Doctor in Divinity sendeth greeting Whereas our Soveraign Lady Queen Elizabeth by her gratious Letters Patents under c. bearing date at c. did give and grant for her and her Heirs Successors unto me the said A B the first and next Advowson Donation Collation Presentation and free disposition of the Parish Church of H in the County of S. and the right of Patronage thereof to have and to hold the said first and next Advowson Donation Collation and free disposition to me the said A. B. and my Assigns for the only and
of lawfull c. for the performance of all and singular the Covenants Grants Articles Clauses Sentences and Agreements specified in the said former Indenture on the part of the said I. C His Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns to be performed As by the said Recognizance remaining of Record before our said Soveraign Lady the Queen in her Court at Westminster commonly called the Kings-Bench and the Condition therof more plainly and at large may and doth appear Now the said Sir V. B. for very good and reasonable considerations him therunto moving hath granted assigned and set over unto the said G. T. his Executors Administrators and Assigns as well the said Recognizance and sum of money therin specified As also all and singular Forfeitures Recoveries Advantages and Commodities whatsoever which at any time or times can or may be lawfully had or taken by reason or means of the said Recognizance or of any Judgment therupon given or to be given or of any execution therof to be had And the said Sir V. B. for him c. covenanteth c. in form c. That is to say That he the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators and every of them from henceforth from time to time and at all times shall and will agree permit and suffer the said G. T. his Executors Administrators Substitutes and Assigns at their own costs and charges to sue and prosecute in the name and names of the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators all and singular Writ and Writs Proces Judgments Recoveries Extents and Executions without any time can or may be lawfully had or pursued for or upon the said Recognizance or any Judgment thereupon given or to be given against the said I. C. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or against any other person or persons whatsoever And also that he the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators upon every reasonable request of the said G. T. his Executors Administrators or Assigns and at the costs and charges of the said G. his Executors or Administrators shall and will make seal and deliver to the said G. T. his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns such Letter and Letters of Attorney for the suing of the said Recognizance and recovery of the sum of money therin specified as at any time shall be needfull And also at the like request and costs and charges aforesaid shall and will avouch and allow of all and every the said Suits Proces and other the Premisses And shall not wittingly at any time or times do or knowledge any act or acts thing or things which shall hinder let or stay any of the said Suits Proces Judgments Recoveries Extents or Executions aforesaid And also that the said G. T. his Executors Administrators and Assigns may from time to time have hold and enjoy to their own uses all and singular such Goods Chattels Lands Tenements Rents Reversions and Hereditaments as shall be had or taken in execution of the said Recognizance or any Judgment therof given or to be given and all other Advantages Forfeitures and Benefits which at any time shall or may be lawfully gotten or recovered by means therof without any let claim disturbance or impediment by or with the consent and will of the said Sir V. his Executors or Administrators and without any account therfore or for any part therof to be made or to be given to the said Sir V. his Executors or Administrators And also that after Execution shall be had of the said Recognizance or of any Judgment therof given or to be given That then at all times during the space of two years then next following the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators upon every reasonable request to them made by the said G. T. his Executors Administrators or Assigns and at the costs and charges of the said G. T. his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and will grant convey and set over unto the said G. T. his Executors Administrators and Assigns or to such other person or persons as the said G. his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall name and appoint all and singular such Goods Chattels Lands Tenements Rents Reversions and Hereditaments aforesaid as shall be had or taken in Execution as aforesaid without retaining or account requiring therof or of any part therof to the said Sir V. his Executors or Administrators And also that the said Sir V. heretofore hath not And that he his Executors or Administrators hereafter shall not release acquit or discharge the said I. C. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of his or their Feoffors or any of their Lands Tenements Goods or Chattels or any of their persons of or for any of the Covenants Articles or Agreements contained in the said former Indenture neither of or for the said Recognizance or sum of mony therin specified or any part therof or any Proces Extent Judgment or Execution therfore had or sued or to be had or sued without it be at and by the speciall request and agreement of the said I. his Executors Administrators or Assigns first therfore made and given to the said Sir V. in writing under his or their hands or Seals And also that the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators and every of them at any time hereafter at the request and costs and charges of the said G. his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and will do make knowledge and suffer all and every lawfull and reasonable act and acts thing and things in the Law which shall be needfull for the making void and discharging of the said Recognizance and such judgments and executions as be or shall be had or given upon the same And the said G. T. covenanteth c. That he the said G. his Executors Administrators or Assigns at their own costs and charges from time to time shall and will save and keep harmless the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators and every of them of and for all and singular such Issues Amerciaments Fines Costs and Charges whatsoever as shall happen to be due or payable for or by reason of any Writ or Writs Proces or Judgments to be had in any Suit to be attempted for and in the name of the said Sir V. his Executors or Administrators by the means or appointment of the laid G. T. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them for and about the said Recognizance or sum of money therin specified or any part therof In witness c. An Assignment of a Statute THis Indenture made between R. M. Esquire on the one party and I. G. on the other party witnesseth wheras W. B. of H. by his Recognizance or Writing Obligatory bearing date the 25th day of July the 3. and 4. years of the Raign of P. and M. late King and Queen of England taken and knowledged before Sir R. B Knight then Lord chief Justice of the Common Bench at Westminster according to the form of the
Statute in that case made and provided did become bound to the said R. M. in 200. Marks of lawfull c. to have been paid now long since as by the said Recognizance appeareth The sayd R. M. for good and speciall causes and considerations him moving hath given granted and delivered and by these presents doth clearly and absolutely give and grant unto the said I. G. the said Recognizance or Writing Obligatory with all Forfeitures Advantages and Commodities therof or therby to be had or taken And also the said R. M. for him his Heirs c. covenanteth c. in form c. that is to say That the said Recognizance now is and standeth clearly forfeited in the Law unto the said R. M. And that he the said R. M. his Executors and Administrators and every of them from henceforth shall and will permit agree and suffer that the said I. G. his Executors Administrators Substitutes and Assigns at their own costs and charges may from time to time sue and prosecute in the name and names of the said R. his Executors and Administrators all and all manner of Writ and Writs Proces Extents Suits Judgments and Executions whatsoever which may be lawfully had sued or prosecuted for or by reason of the said Recognizance either against the said W. B. his Heirs Executors or Administrators or against any other person or persons their Goods Chattels Lands and Tenements or any of them And that also the said R. M. his Executors and Administrators shall and will upon reasonable request and at the costs and charges aforesaid avouch and allow all and every the said Suits Proces and other the Premisses and shall not witingly at any time or times hinder let or stay the said I. G. his Executors Administrators Substitutes or Assigns to go forward and prevail in the same Suits and Proces and other the Premisses or in any of them And that the said I. G. his Executors Administrators and Assigns may have hold take and enjoy to their own uses all and singular such Goods Chattels Lands and Tenements as shall be delivered in execution upon the said Recognizance or otherwise by reason of the same And all other benefits and advantages therby or by any means therof to be had or recovered without any let disturbance of the said R. M his Executors or Administrators and without any account therof or be made or given to the said R. his Executors or Administrators at any time And further that when and after such time as any execution shall be had as aforesaid That then the said R. M. his Executors and Administrators and every of them for and against themselves upon any reasonable request to them or any of them therefore to be made shall and will from time to time grant bargaine sell and set over unto the said I. G. his Executors Administrators or to such other person or persons as the said I. his Executors or Administrators shall in that behalf name and appoint all such Goods Chattels Lands Tenements and other profits whatsoever as shall be so had and delivered in execution of the said Recognisance or otherwise as aforesaid to be had and enjoyed accordingly during the same execution without any profit or benefit to be retained or account thereof to be made to the said R. his Executors or Administrators in any wise And moreover that he the said R. his Executors or Administrators hereafter shall not release acquit or discharge the same Recognisance or summ of money aforesaid or any part thereof or any manner of Writ Process Suite Judgment or Execution to be had of or for the said Recognisance or summ of money or any part of the same without the special Request Consent and Grant of the said I. his Executors or Administrators to be made and given to the said R. his Executors or Administrators by Writing to be Signed and Sealed with the hand or hands of the said I. his Executors or Administrators And the said I. G. Covenanteth c. That he the said I. his executors administrators or assigns shall and will from time to time at their own costs and charges bear satisfie and pay to our Soveraign Lady the Queen and to her Officers all and singular such Fines Issues Amerciaments and summs of money whatsoever as shall be due or payable for or by reason of all and singular Writs Suits or Process to be had or sued for or upon the said Recognisance by the said I. his executors administrators or assigns in the name or names of the said R. his executors or administrators Or else that he the said I. G. his executors administrators or assigns shall and will from time to time and at all times well and sufficiently save and keep harmless the said R. his heirs executors and administrators and every of them of and from all and every the said fines issues amerciaments and summs of money aforesaid and every part thereof as well against our said Soveraign Lady the Queen and her Officers aforesaid as against all and every other person or persons whatsoever In witness c. An Assignment of a Lease in Reversion from her Majesty well passed THis Indenture made c. between T. W. c. on the one party and R. M. c. on the other party witnesseth That whereas our Soveraign c. by her Graces Letters Patents under the Seal of her Majesties Court of Exchequer dated c. hath demised and to Fermletten to one R. B. all that her Highness parcel of wast ground c. To have c. to the said R. B. c. from the Feast of the Annuntiation c. then last past unto the end of the term of one and twenty years from thence c. yeelding c. as by the said Letters Patents c. And where also our said Soveraign c. by her Highness Letters Patents under the great Seal of England bearing date at W. c. for considederation in the same Letters Patents expressed hath demised c. to the said T. W. his Executors and Assigns amongst other things all that her parcel of wast ground c. To have and to I old the said Lands Tenements c. unto the said T. W. his Executors and Assigns from the time that the said Letters Patents and Demise therof to the said R. B. as aforesaid made by Expiration Surrender Forfeiture or Determination thereof or by any other means whatsoever first and next should happen to be void ended and determined unto the end of the term of thirty years from thence c. lyeelding c. as by c. Now this Indenture further witnesseth That the said T. W. for and in consideration of a certain summ c. whereof c. hath bargained sold aliened assigned and set over And by these presents c. unto the said R. M. his Executors Administrators and Assigns all the Interest estate and term of thirty years to him the said T. W. by the said Letters Patents