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A70343 By the generall assembly of the confederate Catholiques of Ireland mett at the cittie of Kilkenny the tenth day of Ianuary, anno domini 1646 it is ordered that the oath of associatiƵ, with the addition thereunto made by this assembly, in manner as the same hereafter followeth, shalbe de nouo taken, and sworne by the members of this assembly and all others of the confederate Catholickes / ex. per Philippum Kearnie Gen. Com. HiberniƦ Cler. Ireland. General Assembly at Kilkenny.; Kearnie, Philip. 1646 (1646) Wing I343A; ESTC R24040 3,994 12

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BY THE GENERALL ASSEMBLY OF THE CONFEDERATE CATHOLIQVES OF IRELAND METT AT THE CITTIE OF KILKENNY THE TENTH DAY OF IANVARY Co. Anno Domini 1646. IT is ordered that the Oath of Associatiō with the addition thereunto made by this Assembly in maner as the same hereafter followeth shal be de nouo taken and sworne by the members of this Assembly and all others of the Confederate Catholickes Ex. per Philippum Kearnie Gen. Com. Hiberniae Cler. Printed at Kilkenny in the yeare 1646. I A. B. Doe promise sweare and protest before God and his Saints and his Angells that I will during my life beare true faith and alleageance to my Souueraine lord Charles by the Grace of God King of great Britaine France and Ireland and to his heires and lawfull successors and that I wil to my power during my life defend uphold and maintaine all his and theire iust prerogatiues Estates and rights the power and priuiledges of the Parliament of this realme the fundamentall lawes of Ireland the free exercise of the Roman Catholique faith and Religion throughout this land and the liues iust liberties possessions Estates and rights of all those that haue taken or shall 〈◊〉 this oath and performe the contents thereof And that I will obey and ratifie all the orders and decrees made and to be made by the Supreame Councell of the Confederat Catholiques of this Kingdome concerning the said publique Cause and that J will not seeke or receiue directly or indirectly any pardon or protection for any Act don or to be don touching this Generall cause with out the consent of the Maior part of the said Councell And that I will not directly or indirectly doe any Act or Acts that shall preiudice the said Cause but will to the hazard of my life and estate assist prosecute and maintaine the same Moreouer I doe further sweare that I will not accept of of submitte unto any peace made or to be made with the said Confederat Chatholiques with out the consent and approbation of the Generall Assembly of the said Confederat Catholiques and for the preseruation and streingthning of the Association and Vnion of this Kingdome that upon any Peace or Accomodation to be made or concluded with the said Confederat Catholiques as afore said I will to the uttermost of my power insist upon and maintaine the ensueing propositions untill a peace as aforesaid be made and the matters to be agreed upon in the Articles of Peace be established and secured by Parliament Soe helpe me God and his holy Gospell THE PROPOSITIONS MENTIONED IN THE Foresaid Oath FIrst that the Roman Catholiques of both Cleargie and layty in there seuerall Capacities haue the free and publique exercise of the Roman Catholique Religion and Function throughout the Kingdome in as full lustre and splendor as it was in the Raigne of King Henry the seauenth or any other Catholique Kinge his predece●●●●s Kings of England and Lords of Ireland ●ther in Ireland or in England 2. Secondly 〈◊〉 the secular Cleargie of Ireland videz Prima●● Archbisshops Bishops Ordinaries Deanes Deanes and Chapters Archdeacons Prebendaries and other Dignitaries and all other Pastors of the secular Cleargie and theire respectiue successors shall haue and enioye all and all manner of Iurisdictions priuiledges and immunities in as full and ample manner as the Roman Catholique secular Clergie had or inioyed the same within this Realme at any tyme during the Raigne of the late Kinge Henry the seauenth sometimes King of England and Lord of Ireland any lawe declaration of lawe statute power or Authority what soeuer to the Contrary not withstanding 3. Thirdly that all lawes and statutes made since the twentieth yeare of King Henry the Light whereby any restrainte penaltie or other restriction whatsoeuer is or may be layed vpon any of the Roman Catholiques either of the Cleargie or of the Layty for such theire free exercise of the Roman Catholique Religion within this Kingdome and of theire seuerall functions Iurisdictions and priuiledges may be repealed renewed and declared voyde in the next Parliament by one or more Acts of Parliament to be past therein 4. That the Primats Arch Bishops Bishops Ordinaries Deanes Deanes and Chapters Archdeacons Chancelors Treasurers Chanters Prouosts Wardens of Collegiat Churches Prebendaries and other Dignitaries Parsons Vicars and other Pastors of the Roman Catholique secular Cleargie and theire respectiue successors shall haue hold and enioye all the Churches and Church liuings in as large and ample manner as the late protestant Cleargie respectiuely enioyed the same on the first day of October in the yeare of our Lord God 1641. together with all the profits emoluments perquisits liberties and other rights to theire respectiue Seas and Churches belonging as well in all places now in the possession of the Confederat Catholiques as alsoe in all other places that shal be recouered by the said Confederat Catholiques from the aduerse party within this Kingdome sauing to the Roman Catholique Layty theire respectiue rights according the lawes of the Land Ex. per Philippum Kearnie Gen. Com. Hiberniae Cler. BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE CONFEDERAT CATHOLICKS OF IRELAND WHereas the Confederat Roman Catholicks of Ireland haue beene forced to take Armes for the necessary defence and preseruation of their Religion plotted and by many fowle practises endeauored to be quite suppressed by the Puritan faction as also for the defence safeguard and maintenance of his Maiesties regall power iust prerogatiues and rights inuaded vpon by the malignāt Parliamentary partie of England Ireland and Scotland and for the preseruation of the Relligion liues liberties possessions estates and rights of the said Confederat Catholiques haue to that effect heretofore taken an Oath of Association in declaration and firme binding of a reall and vnanimous vnion among them for the effects aforesaid Now for asmuch as this generall Assembly vpon some late distractions happened haue thought fit to take and accordingly haue taken with an addition thereunto made by this howse the said Oath of Association de Nouo It is there fore this day ordered that all and euery person and persons of the Confederat Catholiques with in the Kingdome of Ireland and all other person or persons that shall hereafter adheare vnto their partie as a Confederat shall for the better assurance of their adhearing fidellity and constancie to the publick cause take de Nouo the said Oath with the addition thereunto made by this general Assembly and any person or persons of the Comfederat Catholiques aforesaid of what degree condition or quality what soeuer failing or refusing to take the same to be deemed and reputed a traytor and hereby is declared a traytor to God his King and countrey and as a person marked with that odious taynte to be proceeded against and dealt with all and to the ende noe man might pretend ignorance of the Oath a foresaid or want of tender of the same vnto him It is further ordered that all Superiours of the secular Cleargie