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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68818 A discourse plainely prouing the euident vtilitie and vrgent necessitie of the desired happie vnion of the two famous kingdomes of England and Scotland by way of answer to certaine obiections against the same. Thornborough, John, 1551-1641. 1604 (1604) STC 24035; ESTC S107314 12,497 44

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A DISCOVRSE PLAINELY PROVING the euident vtilitie and vrgent necessitie of the desired happie Vnion of the two famous Kingdomes of England and Scotland by way of answer to certaine obiections against the same AN CHO RA SPEL LONDON Printed by Richard Field for Thomas Chard 1604. TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT Maiestie James by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland c. YOVR most excellent Maiestie being graciously pleased to reade and approoue the written Copie of that J haue now printed and withall to declare your princely pleasure sufficient warrant for publishing the same J haue thought meete in all humblenesse of dutie to your Maiestie and in all truth of zeale to my countrey by this meanes to endeuour to resolue them which doubted to perswade them which denied and to confirme them which applauded the most happie intended Vnion of your Highnes two most famous kingdomes of England and Scotland J was not ignorant that the copies of the obiections against it were this Tearme caried into most parts of those your Maiesties Realmes and I suppose also beyond the seas which might in time without answer seeme to preiudice your Maiesties honor vniustly with scandale abroade and murmure at home Therefore though I be most vnworthy to publish to the world my meane vnderstanding in a matter of such graue consideration and great consequence yet haue I rather chosen to hazard my poore credit subiect to each sensure then suffer a cause in its owne worth so precious to sustaine wrong by generall silence for obiections are of force where no answer doth refute Onely I humbly craue your Highnesse pardon for my bold presumption and will euermore with hands and heart lift vp to heauen pray to God for the preseruation of your gracious Maiestie and of your royall issue in all honor health and happinesse Your Maiesties faithfull subiect and humble seruant Ioh. Bristol A Discourse plainely prouing the euident vtilitie and vrgent necessitie of the desired happie vnion of the two famous Kingdomes of England and Scotland by way of answer to certaine obiections against the same IT was long before the Obiections against the intended happy vnion of both the Realmes came to my handes but hauing read them I could not hold my hād frō writing to remoue cleare them esteeming them onely as great shew of big logges laid in the way betweene the two eminent markes shot at by the soueraigne Vnitor namely honor and happinesse the one inseparably inherent in his most royall person the other assuredly intended for Subiects benefite which things in apparant vtilitie or vrgent necessitie the Obiectors desire to be shewed them for whose satisfaction I haue briefly examined and answered euery obiection The Obiectors find no president at home nor abroad of vniting or contracting of the names of two seuerall Kingdomes or States into one name where the Vnion hath growne by mariage or bloud and say that the examples which may be alleaged are but in case of conquest But I remember that Charles of Fraunce the eighth as Comineus Proofe by mariage mentioneth taking to wife the heire of litle Btitaine annexed it to the Crown of France ruled it by lawes customes and priuiledges of Fraunce and gaue the Nobles thereof place in Parliament in Fraunce for vnion is a strong keeper of imperiall Soueraigntie and is the very sinewes of weale publique But as Tacitus saith by diuers lawes ouer diuerse nations subiect to one King Quicquid est authoritatis crebris destruitur contradictionibus Charles the fift vnited in the common name of Spaine diuers other his kingdomes wherof two of them namely Aragon and Castile Proofe by bloud descended to him in right of bloud For he well knew that the most eminent in dignitie is most honoured by Vnitie and that this is truely called Prudence euen the electing or reiecting the continuing or chaunging of formes and vniting kingdomes according to time place or persons which great vertue is not alwaies contained in certaine and the same bounds but altereth it selfe as occasion serueth in respect of forenamed circumstance But the Obiectors acknowledge vniting of kingdoms in case of conquest I maruell they do it not much more by right of bloud for in that vnion of constraint there is euer doubt and dread for continuance therof as is well said Malus custos diuturnitatis metus but in this by right of bloud God giueth blessing to natures worke first in the greater maiestie of the high and supreme gouernor where one mightie Monarch is of more commaund and power then a king of diuers distinguished kingdomes Secondly in the more facilitie of the gouernment where people vnder like lawes are more easily ruled then vnder diuers lawes And thirdly in the more securitie of the gouerned who being led with like equitie of lawes will one loue and strengthen the other but being deuided do oftentimes vndermine and practise subuersion one of the other Vires imperij in consensu sunt obedientium tolle Liuy vnitatem omnis imperij contextus in multas partes dissidet VVhich consideration made king Henrie the eighth rightfully assuming the title of King of Ireland by voluntarie Vote in Parliament of the Lords and Commons of that kingdome albeit the Kings of England were before that time but called Lords of Ireland yet now changing his Stile to endeuour by iust lawes to cause the Irish chaunge as well their apparel as language and diuers their old formes and former lawes and to reduce them into forme of English fashion euen against their former customes and conditions It is then a matter not onely of vtility and necessitie but also of reason and iustice that a King in right of bloud holding two kingdomes or States do vnite and contract them into one name and nature specially kingdomes of one continent and which in auncient times were but one till ambition and contention deuided them And this may stand for answer to the Obiectors first maine head of matter of estate inward Now where it is farther alleaged that the alteration of the name of the King doth ineuitably and infallibly draw on an erection of a new kingdome and a dissolution and extinguishment of the old herein verily I think the matter is much mistaken for the change of name is not so rightly to be tearmed alteration or new erection as restitution and reparation both of name and honor for diuers his Maiesties most noble Progenitors haue heretofore bene entitled as Chronicles tell vs Kings of all Britaine as Henry the second King of al Britaine Duke of Gascoine Guien and Normandie whose sonne king Iohn had also in his coine stamped as is to be shewed Iohannes Rex Britonum And before the conquest of the Saxons it is certaine that the whole Ile was called by the name of Britain But Saxons entring at disaduantage of that mightie nation consumed by death and famine conquering the remnant of people of famous Britaine enforced them
to distinguish and deuide themselues by flying into mountaines and fortified places And afterward king Egbert vtterly to roote out the remembrance of great Brittaine commaunded that the Land should be called no more by that name but England and the people Englishmen But Egbert is dead his power weake nay none at all let none therefore feare to restore his countrie to his old name and auncient honor for Egbert I say is dead and king IAMES liueth viuat vincat Rex Iacobus This I say and enforce againe is a matter also reasonable iust vtile and necessarie seeing the Soueraigne bringeth in no innouation of a new name but restitution of the old no dissolution but fortification whereto I know none will subscribe which either enuy the Kings greatnesse or kingdomes happinesse But let none maruell why it hath not this long time bene reduced into his former name for the diuersitie of kingdomes being made diuers by warre and conquest and hauing heretofore diuers kings could not in reason or iustice indure it nor vnder any colour of vtilitie or necessitie vndergo or conclude it But now seeing our soueraigne Lord the king being rightfully descended of all those kings and princes which heretofore raigned and ruled in England Scotland or VVales as he only hath power to restore all into one to former title and dignitie so let none think this his princely and iust pleasure a new erection but restitution of old where it is more reasonable and iust to extinguish the name of lesser continuance then the name which had continued bene famous by the space of 1137. yeares before Christ and 688. after his incarnation which whole computation cometh to 1825. yeares And where it is most honorable by iust descent in right of bloud not onely to change but to abolish the name imposed by a Conqueror to the dishonor of a Nation and where for ought I vnderstand the matter is not so difficult nor of that inconuenience and danger but may with much ease and safetie be done with saluo iure or other reseruation and explanation as the wise and learned in the lawes can at large deuise when they lift siue noua excogitent siue antiqua restituant But for example I bring the vniting of Dane-Lex and Mercia-lex by Edward the Confessor which was not preiudicial to any that euer I could reade but profitable and needfull to all in the abolishing of diuers old lawes and ordaining diuers new and making lawes to all all one done no doubt with due respect to weale publike with needfull limitation and due consideration of men matter time place and other circumstance Neither doth any new erection and extinguishment of old so necessarily conclude inconuenience full of repugnancie danger of construction and confusion as is pretended but may in this case vbi beata omnium vita moderatori est proposita as easily be cleared and auoyded as it was when the principalitie and countrie of VVales was by Parliament incorporated and vnited vnto the kingdome of England and all the inhabitants thereof made equall in freedomes liberties rights priuiledges lawes and in all other respects to the natural subiects of England and all inheritances made of English tenure to descend without diuision or partition after the maner of England and the Lawes Statutes and Ordinances of the Realme of England commaunded to be executed and put in practise within the countrie and Principalitie of VVales So as now in this new erection and dissolution of the old the VVelshmen with vs and we with them acknowledge ioyfully one onely Gouernor and one only gouernment where the maiestie of the Gouernour is equally supra nos and the iustice and equitie of the gouernment equally pro nobis where is certus ordo in iubendo parendo VVhich certaine and the same course and order of commaunding by the king and by his lawes and of obedience in subiects is a strong tye and as it were a vitall spirit holding in one infinite thousands where Regere as the Philosopher speaketh is reckened inter necessaria Arist 1. Pol. cap. 3. and Regi inter vtilia Againe could seuen kingdomes of Saxons be reduced into one and in good time all their diuers Lawes whereby the diuerse subiects of those seuen diuers kingdomes were diuersly gouerned be brought into one form of ciuill gouernment without repugnancie ambiguitie or danger and shall we thinke it a matter of such difficultie to vnite onely two kingdomes which do not much differ in manners lawes and customes sauing such lawes and customes as were formerly ordained on each part one against another when they were enemies or scarce friends one to the other VVhich lawes doubtlesse all will say must be abrogated that in further proceeding to vnion wise men with graue consideration may conclude it for good of both nations without offence as in former times much more hath bene done with lesse ado An Empire of many kingdomes thus reduced into one is not vnlike the firmament of heauen which God hath adorned with the two great lights the Sunne and Moone and other Starres euen the whole army and harmonie of the heauens in one firmament VVho so throweth a stone against heauen saith the VVise man it will fall vpon his own head And if any one standing alone from the rest speaketh against and oppugneth this Vnion better it were sauing my charitie that vnus ille periret quàm Vnitas Touching the enumeration and recitall of the speciall or seuerall confusions incongruities and mischiefes which in the Obiections are in the second place of matter of Estate inwarde pretended I briefly answer that there is no feare of confusion in true and perfect Vnion VVhich thing the mightie Alexander renowmed for fortitude and pollicie well knewe who is much commended by Plutarke that Plut. de fortuna Alexandri where Zeno chiefe of Stoickes framed an Idea of best Common wealth such as was not deuided by countreyes and contrarie customes but was as all one of one kinde of life and as one flocke feeding in one pasture vnder one shepheard Alexander I say put that in practise which Zeno but imagined for saith Plutarke Not as Aristotle Alexanders Maister taught him so did he liuing as a father to the Graecians and cruell Commander ouer Barbarians respecting some and neglecting others but he reconciled all into one mixing mens liues lawes names and mariages together and perswading that none were Aliens and strangers among his subiects but such as were euill men accounting all good men as one man Now I conclude this point that there is no confusion incongruitie or mischiefe to be feared in that Vnion where our most rightfull King sitteth not by conquest of sword but by right of royall bloud in the seate of his most noble Progenitors and not as Alexander who by conquest sate in the seate of Darius among Persians nor as Xerxes Herod lib. 7 who ioyned Asia and Europa together with a woodden bridge ouer