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A58148 The revolution in New England justified and the people there vindicated from the aspersions cast upon them by Mr. John Palmer in his pretended answer to the declaration published by the inhabitants of Boston and the country adjacent, on the day when they secured their late oppressors, who acted by an illegal and arbitrary commission from the late King James. Rawson, Edward, 1615-1693.; Sewall, Samuel, 1652-1730.; Mather, Increase, 1639-1723. 1691 (1691) Wing R376; ESTC W479499 38,176 56

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English Plantations If ever it should be his chance to be amongst them again what could he expect but to be lookt on as communis Hostis when he thus openly declares that they have no English Liberties belonging to them That worthy Gentleman Sir William Jones who was Attorney General in the Reign of King Charles the second had certainly more understanding in the Law than Captain Palmer and yet Captain Palmer we suppose is not ignorant that when some proposed that Jamaica and so the other Plantations might be governed without an Assembly that excellent Attorney not like Captain Palmer but like an Englishman told the then King That he could no more Grant a Commission to Levy Money on his Subjects there without their consent by an Assembly than they could discharge themselves from their Allegiance to the English Crown and what Englishmen in their right Wits will venture their Lives over the Seas to enlarge the Kings Dominions and to enrich and greaten the English Nation if all the reward they shall have for their cost and adventures shall be their being deprived of English Liberties and in the same condition with the Slaves in France or in Turky And if the Colonies of N. E. are not to be esteemed as parts of England why then were the Quo Warranto 's issued out against the Government in Boston as belonging to Westminster in Middlesex Are the English there like the Welsh and Irish a Conquered people When Mr. Palmer hath proved that he hath said something They have through the Mercy of God obtained Conquests over many of their Enemies both Indians and French to the Enlargement of the English Dominions But except Mr. Palmer and the rest of that Crew will say That his and their domincering a while was a Conquest they were never yet a Conquered People So that his alledging the case of Wales and Ireland before English Liberties were granted to them is an impertinent Story Besides he forgets that there was an Original Contract between the King and the first Planters in new-New-England the King promising them if they at their own cost and charge would subdue a Wilderness and enlarge his Dominions they and their Posterity after them should enjoy such Priviledges as are in their Charters expressed of which that of not having Taxes imposed on them without their own consent was one Mr. Palmer and his Brethren Oppressors will readily reply Their Charter was condemned But he cannot think that the Judgment against their Charter made them cease to be Englishmen And only the Colony of the Massachusetts had their Charter condemned And yet these Men ventured to Levy Moneys on the Kings Subjects in Connecticott Colony For the which Invasion of Liberty and Property they can never answer Indeed they say the Corporation of Connecticott surrendred their Charter But who told them so It is certain that no one belonging to the Government there knoweth of any such thing and how their Oppressors should know that Connecticott made a Surrender of their Charter when the Persons concerned know nothing of it is very strange We can produce that written by the Secretary of that Colony with his own Hand and also Signed by the present Governour there which declares the contrary to what these Men as untruly as boldly affirm Witness the words following In the Second year of the Reign of King James the Second we had a Quo Warranto served upon us by Edward Randolph requiring our appearance before His Majesties Courts in England and although the time of our appearance was elapsed before the serving of the said Quo Warranto yet we humbly petitioned His Majesty for his Favour and the continuance of our Charter with the Priviledges thereof But we received no other favour but a second Quo Warranto and we well observing that the Charter of London and other considerable Cities in England were condemned and that the Charter of the Massachusetts had undergone the like Fate plainly saw what we might expect yet we not judging it good or lawful to be active in surrendring what had cost us so dear nor to be altogether silent we empowered an Attorney to appear on our behalf and to present our Humble Address to His Majesty but quickly upon it as Sir E. A. informed us he was empowered by His Majesty to Receive the Surrender of our Charter if we saw meet so to do and us also to take under his Government Also Colonel Thomas Dungan His Majesties Governour of New-York laboured to gain us over to his Government We withstood all these motions and in our reiterated Addresses we Petitioned His Majesty to continue us in the free and full enjoyment of our Liberties and Properties Civil and Sacred according to our Charter We also Petitioned that if His Majesty should not see meet to continue us as we were but was resolved to annex us to some other Government we then desired that in as much as Boston had been our old Correspondents and a people whose Principles and Manners we had been acquainted with we might rather be annexed to Sir E. A. his Government than to Colonel Dungans which choice of ours was taken for a resignation of our Charter though that was never intended by us for such nor had it the Formalities in Law to make it such Yet Sir E. A. was Commissionated to take us under his Government pursuant to which about the end of October 1687. he with a Company of Gentlemen and Granadeers to the number of Sixty or upwards came to Hartford the Chief Seat of this Government caused his Commission to be read and declared our Government to be dissolved and put into Commission both Civil and Military Officers throughout our Colony as he pleased When he passed through the principal parts thereof the good people of the Colony though they were under a great sense of the injuries sustained thereby yet chose rather to be silent and patient than to oppose being indeed surprized into an involuntary submission to an Arbitrary Power Robert Treat Governour John Allen Secretary Hartford June 13. 1689. Thus did Sir E. A. and his Creatures who were deeply concerned in the Illegal Actions of the Late Unhappy Reigns contrary to the Laws of God and Men commit a Rape on a whole Colony for which Violence it is hoped they may account and make reparation if possible to those many whose Properties as well as Liberties have been Invaded by them Captain Palmer in the close of his partial account of N. E. entertains his Readers with an harangue about the Sin of Rebellion and misapplies several Scriptures that so he might make the World believe that the people of N. E. have been guilty of wicked Rebellion by their casting off the Arbitrary Power of those ill men who invaded Liberty and Property to such an intolerable degree as hath been proved against them But does he in sober sadness think that if when Wolves are got among Sheep in a Wilderness the Shepherds and
Strangers the Prisoners pleading the priviledges of English men not to be taxed without their own consent they were told that the Laws of England would not follow them to the end of the Earth they meant the priviledges of the English Law for the penalties they resolved should follow them quo jure quàque injuriâ And why should they insist on and talk of the priviledges of English men when it had been declared in the Governours Council that the Kings Subjects in New England did not differ much from Slaves and that the only difference was that they were not bought and sold But to go on with the matter before us In as much as the Prisoners mentioned had asserted their English Liberties they were severely handled not only imprisoned for several weeks but fined and bound to their good behaviour Mr. John Wise was fined fifty pound besides costs of Court deprived of the means of his subsistance and gave a thousand pound bond for good behaviour And Mr. John Appleton was fined fifty pound and to give a thousand pound bond for good behaviour and moreover declared incapable to bear Office besides unreasonable Fees After the same manner did they proceed with several others belonging to Ipswich Likewise the Towns men of Rowley Salisbury Andover c. had the same measure And the Kings Subjects were not only oppressed thus in the Massachusetts Colony but in Plymouth For when Shadrach Wild-boar the Town Clerk of Taunton in N. E. did with the consent of the Town Sign a modest Paper signifying their not being free to raise money on the Inhabitants without their own consent by an assembly the honest man was for this committed close Prisoner and after that punished with a Fine of twenty Marks and three Months Imprisonment and bound to find sureties by Recognizance to appear the next Court and to be of the good behaviour As to the matter of fact the persons concerned in these Illegal and Arbitrary Judgments will not have the face to deny them if they do there are Affidavits now in London which will evince what hath been related whenever there shall be occasion for it It is a vanity in Mr. Palmer to think that he hath answered this by affirming but not proving that the Ipswich-men assembled themselves in a riotous manner for that saying of his is very false The World knows that New England is not the only place where honest men have in these late days been proceeded against as guilty of Riots when they never deserved such a censure any more than these accused by Mr. Palmer But the truth of what hath been thus far related is confirmed by the following Affidavits Complaints of great wrongs done under the Ill Government of Sir Edmund Androsse Governour in N. E. in the year 1687. We John Wise John Andrews senior Robert Kinsman William Goodhue junior all of Ipswich in New England in the County of Essex about the 22d day of August in the year above named were with several principal Inhabitants of the Town of Ipswich met at Mr. John Appletons and there discoursed and concluded that it was not the Towns Duty any way to assist that ill method of raising Money without a general Assembly which was apparently intended by abovesaid Sir Edmund and his Council as witness a late Act issued out by them for such a purpose The next day in a general Town-Meeting of the Inhabitants of Ipswich We the above named John Wise John Andrews Robert Kinsman William Goodhue with the rest of the Town then met none contradicting gave our assent to the vote then made The ground of our trouble our crime was the Copy transmitted to the Council viz. At a Legal Town meeting August 23. Assembled by vertue of an Order from John Vsher Esq Treasurer for choosing a Commissioner to join with the Select men to assess the Inhabitants according to an Act of his Excellency the Governour and Council for laying of rates the Town then considering that the said Act doth infringe their Liberty as free born English Subjects of His Majesty by interfering with the Statute Laws of the Land by which it was Enacted that no Taxes should be Levied upon the Subjects without consent of an Assembly chosen by the Freeholders for assessing of the same they do therefore vote that they are not willing to choose a Commissioner for such an end without said priviledge and moreover consent not that the Select men do proceed to lay any such rate until it be appointed by a general Assembly concurring with the Governour and Council We the complainants with Mr. John Appleton and Thomas French all of Ipswich were brought to answer for the said vote out of our own County thirty or forty Miles into Suffolk and in Boston kept in Goal only for contempt and high misdemeanours as our Mittimus specifies and upon demand denied the priviledge of an Habeas Corpus and from Prison over ruled to answer at a Court of Oyer and Terminer in Boston aforesaid Our Judges were Mr Joseph Dudley of Roxbury in Suffolk in New England Mr. Stoughton of Dorchester John Vsher of Boston Treasurer and Edward Randolph He that officiates as Clerk and Attorny in the case is George Farwel The Jurors only twelve men and most of them as is said Non-freeholders of any Land in the Colony some of them Strangers and Forreigners gathered up as we suppose to serve the present turn In our defence was pleaded the repeal of the Law of Assessment upon the place Also the Magna Charta of England and the Statute Laws that secure the Subjects Properties and Estates c. To which was replied by one of the Judges the rest by silence assenting that we must not think the Laws of England follow us to the ends of the Earth or whither we went And the same person John Wise abovesaid testifies declared in open Council upon examination of said Wise Mr. Wise you have no more priviledges left you than not to be sold for Slaves and no man in Council contradicted By such Laws our Trial and Trouble began and ended Mr. Dudley aforesaid Chief Judge to close up the debate and trial trims up a speech that pleased himself we suppose more than the people Among many other remarkable Passages to this purpose he bespeaks the Jury's obedience who we suppose were very well preinclined viz. I am glad says he there be so many worthy Gentlemen of the Jury so capable to do the King service and we expect a good Verdict from you seeing the matter hath been so sufficiently proved against the Criminals Note the evidence in the case as to the substance of it was that we too boldly endeavoured to perswade our selves we were English Men and under priviledges and that we were all six of us aforesaid at the Town meeting of Ipswich aforesaid and as the Witness supposed we assented to the foresaid Vote and also that John Wise made a Speech at the same time and said we
having lost several of their Ships in their Voyage and hearing that Sir E. A. was taken and now in hold should not proceed at present but threatned what they would do the next Summer Joshuah Conant Joshuah Conant personally appeared before me and made Oath to the truth of the abovesaid Evidence Salem Novemb. the 23d 1689. John Hathorne Assistant Phillip Hilliard of Salem Jersey-man testifieth That he was taken by the French in a Ketch belonging to Salem viz. The Thomas and Mary Joshua Conant Commander off from Torbay near Cansir this Autumn Septemb. 17. and being carried on board the Lumbuscado did on board the said Ship hear several of the company say that there was about twelve Sail of them Ships of War came out in company together from France and were bound directly for Boston in N. E. and that Sir E. A. the late Governour there had sent into France for them to come over The mark 8 of Phillip Hilliard Phillip Hilliard personally appeared before me and made Oath to the truth of the abovesaid Evidence Salem Novemb. the 23. 1689. John Hathorne Assistant James Cocks of Salem Mariner testifieth That he was taken by the French in the Ketch Margaret of Salem Daniel Gygles Commander on Tuesday the 17th of September last past off from Tarbay near Cansir by two French Ships of War who had one Merchant-man in company with them and he being carried on board their Admiral viz. the Lumbuscado he there met with a man he had known in London one of the said Ships Company who was a Biscay born named Peter Goit who told him that there was thirteen Ships of them came out of France in company together and that they were bound directly for Boston in New-England expecting that the Countrey was before or would be at their coming delivered up to the King of France and told him before they could get clear of the Coast of France several of their Ships were taken by the English Ships of War and the rest of their Fleet taken or dispersed and lost about New-found-land The mark SS of James Cocks James Cocks personally appeared before me and made Oath to the truth of the abovesaid Evidence Salem Nov. 23. 1689. John Hathorne Assistant But as to one of the Crimes objected against Sir E. A. and his Arbitrary Complices Habemus confitentem reum Mr. Palmer cannot deny but that they levied moneys on the King's Subjects in New-England contrary to the fundamentals of the English Government which doth not allow the imposition of Taxes without a Parliament The New-Englanders supposed that their late Oppressors had been guilty of no less than a capital Crime by their raising Money in such a way as they did and we are assured that one of them after he received and before he acted by vertue of his illegal Commission from the Late King professed that if ever he had an hand in raising a penny of Money without an Assembly his neck should go for it and yet no man that we know of had a deeper hand in it than this person had But Mr. Palmer for the justification of this so foul a business laies down several Positions which he would have no man deny One of his Positions is That it is a fundamental Point consented to by all Christian Nations That the first discoverer of a Countrey inhabited by Infidels gives a right and dominion of that Countrey to the Prince in whose service and employment the discoverers were sent These are his words p. 17. We affirm that this fundamental Point as he calls it is not a Christian but an unchristian Principle It is controverted among the School-men an dominium fundatur in gratiâ Papists are as Mr. Palmer is for the affirmative but the Scripture teaches us to believe that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Heathen Nations and the Sons of Adam and not the Children of Israel only have a right to the Earth and to the Inheritance which God hath given them therein Deut. 32.8 When Mr. Palmer hath prov'd that Infidels are not the Sons of Adam we shall consent to his notion that Christians may invade their Rights and take their Lands from them and give them to whom they please and that the Pope may give all America to the King of Spain But let him know that the first Planters in New-England had more of conscience and the fear of God in them than it seems Mr. Palmer hath For they were not willing to wrong the Indians in their Properties for which cause it was that they purchased from the Natives their right to the Soil in that part of the World notwithstanding what right they had by vertue of their Charters from the Kings of England Mr. Palmer's Position is clearly against Jus Gentium Jus Naturale which instructs every man Nemini injuriam facere He that shall violently and without any just cause take from Infidels their Lands where they plant and by which they subsist does them manifest injury And let us know of Mr. Palmer if Christian Princes have power to dispose of the Lands belonging to Infidels in the West-Indies whether they have the like Dominion over the Lands belonging to the Infidels in the East-Indies and if these Infidels shall refuse to consent that such Christians shall possess their Lands that then they may lawfully Vi Armis expel or destroy them as the Spaniards did We may send Mr. Palmer for further instruction in this point to Balaam's Ass which ingenuously acknowledged that her Master though an Infidel had a Property in and right of Dominion over her Numb 22.30 But this Gentleman hath some other Assertions which he would have us take for postulata and then we shall be his Slaves without all peradventures He tells us in page 17 18 19. that the English Plantations in particular New-England are no parts of the Empire of England but like Wales and Ireland which were Conquered and belong to the Dominion of the Crown of England and that therefore he that wears the Crown may set up Governments over them which are Despotick and Absolute without any regard to Magna Charta and that whereas in Barbadoes Jamaica Virginia c. they have their Assemblies that 's only from the favour of the Prince and not that they could pretend Right to such Priviledges of Englishmen And now we need no further discovery of the man Could the people of N. E. who are zealous for English Liberties ever endure it long that such a person as this should be made one of their Judges that so by squeezing them he might be able to pay his Debts And can any rational man believe that persons of such Principles did not Tyrannize over that people when once they had them in their cruel Clutches and could pretend the Authority of the late King James for what they did In our opinion Mr. Palmer hath not done like a Wise man thus to expose himself to the just resentments and indignation of all the