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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20383 All the statutes of the stannary. 1562; Charters and statutes Devon (England). Stannaries. 1562 (1562) STC 6795.8; ESTC S105310 38,434 72

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All the statutes of the Stannary 1562. HEre foloweth the Confirmation of the Charter perteynynge to all the Tynners within the countie of Deuonshyre with their Statutes also made at Crockerentorre by the hole assent and concent of all the saide Tynners In the yere of the raigne of our soueraine Lorde kynge Henry the eyghte The. ii yere HEnry by the grace of god kynge of England and Fraunce lord of Irelande To al and singuler to whom these present letters shal come gretyng We vnderstand by the letters patentes of the late soueraine lorde Edwarde the fourth kynge of England a confirmation was made by these wordes ¶ Edwarde by the grace of god kyng of Englande and Fraunce lorde of Irelande To all to whom these presentes shall come greting We vnderstande by these letters patentes of the soueraine lord Edward the third late kinge of Englande our progenitour made in these wordes ¶ Edwarde by the grace of god king of Englande and Fraunce lord of Irelande To all to whom these present letters shall come gretyng We vnderstand by our letter late caused to be made vnder our seale at our retournyng into Englande by these wordes ¶ Edward by the grace of god kynge of England lord of Irland and Duke of Aquitaine To al archbishops bishops abbots priours erles barons Justices shyrifes gouernours and mynisters and to all bayliffes and other his faithfull gretinge We vnderstande by a writinge confirmed whiche lord Edwarde late kynge of Englande our father caused to be made to the tynworkers of the coūty of Deuonshyre in these wordes ¶ Edward by the grace of god kynge of Englande and Fraunce lord of Irlande and Duke of Aquitaine to al archebishoppes bysshops abbottes priours Erles barons iustices shiriffes gouernours ministers and to all bayliffes and other his faithefull gretinge Wee vnderstande by wrytinge whiche the lord Edwarde of noble memory sometime kynge of England our father made to the Tinworkers of the county of Deuonshire in these wordes ¶ Edwarde by the grace of god kyng of England lord of Irelande and Duke of Aquitaine To all archebyshophes byshops abbottes prioures erles barons iustices gouernours ministers and to all bailifes and other his faithfull gretynge ¶ Of the Charter SCiatis nos ad emendationem Stannariorū nostrorum in Com̄ Deuon̄ et ad tranquillitatem et vtilitatem Stannatorū nostrorum eorundem concessisse pro nobis et heredibus nostris quam omnes Stannatores predicti operātes in stannariis illis que sunt dominica nostra dū operantur in eisdem Stannariis sint liberi et quieti de placitis natiuorum et de omnibus placitis et querelis curiam nostrā et heredum nostrorū qualitercumque tangentibus Ita quod non respondeāt coram aliquibus iusticiariis vel ministris nostris seu heredum nostrorū de aliquo placito seu querela infra predicta Stānaria emargente nisi coram custod nostro Stannariorum nostrorū predictorum qui pro tempore fuerit exceptis placitis terre vite et membrorū nec recedant ab operationibus suis per summonicionē alicuius ministrorū nostrorum seu heredum nostrorum nisi per summonicionem dicti custodis nostri Et quam quieti sint de omnibus tallagiis theoloniis stallagiis auxiliis et aliis custumis quibuscumque in villis portubus feriis et marcatis infra Com̄ predictum de bonis suis propriis Concessimꝰ etiā eisdem stānatoribus quam fodere possint stannū turbas ad stannū fodendū vbique in terris moris et vastis nostris et aliorū quorūcumque in Com̄ predicto et aquas cursus aquarum ad operationes Stānariorū predictorū diuertere vbi et quociēs opus fuerit et emere buscā ad funturā Stāni sicut antiquitus fieri cōsueuit sine impedimento nostri vell heredum nostrorum Episcopum abbatum priorum comitum baronū ceu aliorum quorumcumque et quam custos noster predictus vel eius locum tenens teneat omnia placita inter Stannatores predictos emergencia et etiam inter ipsos alios forinsecos de omnibus transgressionibus querelis et cōtractibus factis in locis in quibus operantur infra stannaria predicta similiter emergentia et quam idem custos habeat plenam potestatem Stannatoribus predictis aliis forinsecis in huiusmodi placitis iusticiandi et iustitiam faciendi prout iustum et hactenus in stannariis illis fuerit vsitatum Et si qui Stannatorum predittorum in aliquo de liquerint per quod incarcerari debeant per custodem predictū arestentur et in prisona nostra de Lidforde et non alibi custodiantur detineātur quousque secundū legem et consuetudinem regni nostri de liberentur Et si aliqui Stannatorū predictorū super aliquo facto infra Com̄ predictum non tangente stannaria predicta se posuerint in inquisitionem patrie vna medietas iuratorum inquisitionis huiusmodi sit de stānatoribus predictis alia medietas de forinsecis Et de facto totaliter tangente Stannaria predicta fiant inquisitiones sicut hactenus fieri consueuerūt et si quis eorundem Stannatorū fugitiuus fuerit vel vtlagatus vel aliquod delictū fecerit pro quo catalla sua amittere debꝪ catalla illa per custodem predictum et coronatorem nostrū Com̄ predicti appreciētur per ipsos prorimis villatis liberentur ad repondendum inde nobis et heredibus nostris corā iusticiariis itenerātibus in com̄ predicto Volumus insuper et firmiter precipimus quam to tum Stannum tam album quam nigrum vbicumque inuētum et operatū fuerit in Comitatu predicio ponderetur apud Cauistocke Asperton vel Chaggforde per pōdera nostra ad hoc ordinata signata sub forisfactura stanni predicti et quod totum illud Stannum coignetur in eisdem villis singulis annis coram custode predicto ante diē sancti Michaelis in mense septembris sub forū cōcessimꝰ etiā pro nobis et heredibus nostris quod omnes stānatores nostri predicti totū stannū suū sic pōd ratulicite vendere possiut cuicumque voluerint in villis predictis faciendo nobis et heredibus nostris coignagium et alias consuetudines debitas vsitatas nisi nos et he redes nostri Stannum illud emere voluerimus Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quam Stannatores nostri predicti habe āt omnes libertates liberas cōsuetudines et quietancias suprascriptas et quam eis sine occasiōe vel impedimēto nostri vel heredū nostrorū Justiciariorū Escaetorū vicecomitū aut aliorū balliuorū seu ministrorū nostrorū quorūcūque racionabiliter gaudeāt et vtantur in forma predicta hiis testibus venerabilibꝰ patribus W. Cou●n̄ et Lich felden S. Sarū et I karlion Epreis Hērico de lacer Comite Lincolū Radul de mōte Hermeri
parteners of the same tinne worke that then he or they that so wyll refuse to beare and pay his or their parte or partes accordinge to his or their portion or portiōs of the same tinworke indifferently charged to receiue or take any profyte of his or their part or partes of the same worke so beinge in varyaunce vnto such time he or they haue paide him or their said costes and charges for the harme to him or their said fellowe now ●e●g or herafter shal be owner or owners partner or partners with him or them of the same Tinwork or tinworkes which is or shal be in variaunce according to the olde custome of the Stannarie ¶ Also be it affirmed enacted that if any personne or persons beinge now peaseably seased of and in any tynworke or parte of any tynworke in the countie of Deuonshire at this present great court holden at Crockerentorre and so continued to Mighelmas coynage peasably seased without clayme or title made in open court by any person or persons to the same entred in a boke or roll that shall hereafter be apointed remaine in the said court of recorde within the iurisdiction of whiche court the said tinwork is or lieth he or thei that so haue continued peaseably their possessiō in any such tinwork or tinworkes shall haue the saide tinworke or part of the tinworkes to them and to their heyres in fee foreuer according to the custome of the stannarie ¶ Prouided alwayes that this acte extende not nor be preiudiciall to any woman count infant within the age of .xvi. yeres any personne beinge out of the realme or beinge in prison or being lunatike or out of his mynde so that any of the said persōs that is to say that women couert after the deceasse of their husbād within the space of .ii. yeres their heires the said persōs so imprysoned within the space of ▪ ii yeres after they be at theyr libertie of their said imprisōment and the said persons beinge out of this realme and hauing no knowledge of this act within like space of .ii. yeres or lacking knowledge thereof within the space of one yere after his or their cōming into Englande or any of the heyres of the saide person or persons after tyt●● to him or them geuē by the death of his or their auncetours within one yere then next folowing if any of the said persons before excepted dye within the said two yeres do make their claime by action in any of the saide stannary courtes wheras any of the saide tynworkes lye ¶ Also for as much by occasion of euidence geuen by corrupte and vntreue witnesse to inquestes sworne within the .iiii. stannarie courtes betwene partie partie vntrue verdites haue be geuen to the great hurt and preiudice of many tinners wherfore be it enacted affirmed that from henseforth if any person or persons geue any false euidence and commit periurie in his euidence geuen in any of the sayd stannarie courte to enquest or enquestes sworne betwene partie partie if he or they that shal geue any such false euidence and commit p 〈…〉 rie be found coulpable and giltie by verdite of .xii. men at a law court in the same stannary court where as the same false euidence and periurie shal be committed that then he or they that so shal offende shal be committed to the pryson of Lidford there to remaine vnto such time that he or they can fynd sufficient suerties to make fyne with the lorde warden his deputie or stewarde for the tyme to the vse of our soueraigne lorde the kynge hauing no prince and when it shall please god to sende vs a Prynce to the lorde Prince ¶ Also be it affirmed enacted that al statutes a●tes made at this great present court before this time not adnulled to stand in their full grength and force that a fieri facias shal be awarded aswell vpon euery of the said statutes now standing in their force as also vpō all suche statutes actes as now be made at this presente great court or parliament holden and kepte at Crockerentorre aforesaid Finis The confirmation of the Charter in Englishe with the Satutes made in the syxth yere of the raygne of kinge Edwarde the .vi. ¶ Here foloweth the confirmation of the Charter parteyning to al the Tinners within the countie of Deuonshire with their statutes also made at Crockerentorre by the whole assent and consent of all the sayde tinners in the yere of the raigne of our soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the .viii. the .ii. yere HEnry by the grace of god kinge of Englande and Fraunce lorde of Irelande To all and singuler to whō these presentes letters shal come greting We vnderstand by the letters patentes of the late soueraigne lorde Edwarde the fourth kyng of Englande a Confirmation made by these wordes ¶ Edwarde by the grace of god king of Englande and Fraunce lord of Ireland To all to whom these presentes shall come greting We vnderstand by these letters patentes of the soueraigne lord Edwarde the .iii. late king of England our progenitour made in these words ¶ Edwarde by the grace of god kyng of Englande and Fraunce and lord of Ireland To al to whom these present letters shall come gretyng We vnderstand by our letter late caused to be made vnder oure seale at our retournyng into Englande by these wordes ¶ Edwarde by the grace of god kyng of England lorde of Irelande and Duke of Aquitaine To all Archebyshops byshoppes abbots priours Earles Barons Justices shereffes gouernours and ministers and to all bayliffes and other his faithfull greting We vnderstande by a writinge confirmed whiche lorde Edwarde late kynge of England our father caused to be made to the tinworkes of the coūty of Deuon in these wordes ¶ Edwarde by the grace of god kyng of Englande and Fraunce lord of Ireland and Duke of Aquitaine To all archbishoppes bishops abbottes Priours ●●ries Barons Justices shireffes gouernous ministers to all bailiues and other his faithful gretinge We vnderstande by wrytinge which the lord Edward of noble memory sōtime king of Englād our father made to the tinworkers of the coūtie of deuōshire in these wordes ¶ Edwarde by the grace of god king of Englande lord of Irelande and Duke of Aquitaine To all Achebysshops bishops abbottes priours earles barons iustices gouernours ministers and to all bayliffes and other his faythfull gretynge BE it knowen for the amendment of our ti●●iners within the countie of Deuone and for the quietnes profite of the workemen therof to graunt for vs and our heyres that all the miners afore saide labouringe in these mynes whiche be of oure dominion or patronage so longe as there worke in those mynes that they be free and quite from all plees quarellinge touching our courte or any of our heires in what maner soo euer it be so that they shall not be bounde to apere before any Justice or