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A67919 Newes from hell, Rome and the inns of court wherein is sett forth the coppy of a letter written from the Diuell to the Pope : the true coppy of the petition delivered to the King at York : the coppy of certaine artikles of agreement betweene the Divill, the Pope and divers others : the discription of a feast sent from the Diuell to the Pope together with a short advertisement to the high court of Parliament with sundry other particulars / J. M.; Milton, John, 1608-1674. 1641 (1641) Wing M42A; ESTC R19130 14,482 28

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annimation of them to the commitment of all such to prison as are or shall be brought before them on the least ocasion and that he the said Iaylor oppression shall be euer redy to yeeld his dayly atendance on the Judges in their Courts thereby to stirr them vp to be mindfull of him to that effect lastly it is agreed coucluded that he the said Iaylor oppression shall will by himselfe his servants set such snares gins for all those commited to his costody that they being once intrapped within his prison doores shall neuer find the way out dureing the continuance of their liues or of ther estates at the least To the honour of our Sofferaigne Lord King Lucifer his Crowne and dignity and to the eternall perdition of Iaylor opression Item It is agreed by betweene our Sofferaigne Lord King Lucifer and iustice Conniuence That he the said iustis conniuence shall not nor wil haue any regard or respect to the iustnes of any poore mans cause nor shall euer incline his eare to any his iust complaints but shall and willeuer conniue and beare with the oppressor defrauder deceiuer and that he the said iustice conniuence shall and will euer preferr the vallue of a Gooce a pig a Capon a brace of Partriges a good fatt sheepe a bore at Christmis or a letter from a friend written in fauour of Sir Opressor Mr defrauder and dick deceiuer farr before iustice it selfe or the iustnesse of any honest mans cause whatsoeuer nor that he the said iustice conniuence shal euer excecute iustice in any poore mans cause but on the contrary he shall opresse them and haue his miltimuses ready written by his clarke M' duble fees for the speedy commitment of them to prison neither shall he euer incline his eare to heare their iust complaints against the severall goulden persons of worship afore said To the honour of our Sofferaigne Lord king Lucifer his Crowne and dignity and the benifit of Iaylor opression Item It is agreed by betweene our Sofferaigne Lord king Lucifer and state Negligence that he the said state Negligence shall euer preferr his owne peace and present benefit before the wellfare and futuar prosperity of his king and country and also that he the said state negligence shall not at any time take notice of any the Ill legall proceedjngs in any the Courts of iustice nor shall adict himself or ever endeavour to suppresse nor prevent by any good or hollsome lawes the practise of tirrany oppression in iustice extortion bribery contentjon idolitry and the like But shall and will soly adict himself vnto the pastimes of hunting hauking gaming and whoring and the vtter reiection of the present and futuar benefit and well-fare of his natiue country to the honour of our Sofferaigne Lord king Lucifer the prosperity of his Religeous vicegerent and the peace and tranquility of all his servants the Iesuites priests Semenaries and Romane Catholikes of England In witnes of the truth of these presents and of every particular contained in the same the parties aboue named haue hereunto set their hands and Seales the day afore-said and in the 5662 yeare of the raigne of our most dambnable Sofferaigne Lord king Lucifer Etcetera Signed Sealed and dilivered in the presence of vs William Laud Bishop Jsopprise Crauly Iudge Bribeing Long Justice Corrupt Fountaine Lawyer Iumping Jumper Aturney James In Graine Jaylor Robert Kilfart Solissiter And Rudine Haphudibrass Cytin kycloparius Notarius Publicus HERE FOLLOWETH A BREEFE RELAtion of a great feast which from Lucifer Prince of hell was by the hands of Cardinall pegusious presented to the view disposall and abrobation of the Pope of Rome in the yeare of Iubely 1641. Pope MY Lord Cardinall pegusious and you the rest of my holy brethren I beseech you view these excelent varieties and variety of excelencies well dressed and most exquisitely set forth and Garnished But the contents of every dish I beleeue is best knowne to you my Lord Pegusious from whom I desire to be satisfied concerning the contents qualities and opperation of every severall dish Card'i May it please your Holinesse These varieties of dishes which yovr holines here sees thus set sorth Were all of them prepared for the onely Table of our high mighty Monarch king Lucifer your holynes sole Patrone and protector A certaine number of which dishes his Mat'iy hath gratiously bin pleased to cause them to be presented to your holines disposall and the resudue of them onely to your holines vew and approbation being to be preserved for his Ma'ties owne peculiar pallate Pope I beseech you my Lord Car'd let me haue them brought hither before me in order according to the appointment of my Sofferaigne most munificient Patron Car'd Your holynes will and pleasure shall be accomplished and here in the first place may it please your holynes to take notice that the first dish by his Ma'ties appointment to be presented to your holines disposall is this large Lattin charger containing twenty two Lordly English Bishops stued with the fire of contention on the chafindish of exasperation and seasoned with the severall spices of mans invention as with the spice of the masse Priesthud holy-dayes Altars Candles Rayles holy-bread holy-water holy-ashes deuout prayer for the dead invocation of Saints offerings at the Altars exc●mmnnications and the strong and opperatiue spice of the high commision Jt is also garnished about with the severall heritickall Doctrines of all the New intituled priests of England this dish his Ma'ty hath appointed to be disposed of by your holynes Pope I will surely taste of it it lookes louely Oh Admirable it is a most LAVDable dish of meat I can find nothing wanting in this dish but onely three graines of the spice of accomplishment and then it had bin deuoutly seasoned for my pallatt but J pray what is the next dish my lo' Card ' The next dish may it please your holynes is a silver charger comprehending all the contrivers and complotters of the dissention betweene England and Scotland os the last Spainish invasion of England and the practisers with the French for the subvertion of all the heritiks in England Scotland and Jreland it is seasoned with all our Iesuitical practises Church policies and al our English Romane Catholike tretcheries and garnished with al our English Romane statistes this dish of meat is now almost could and therefore at this present vnfit for your Holynes pallatt it onely wants the breath of the Earle of Straffords fiery zeal to heat it by a Laudable blast or two Pope However I pray let me taste of it Oh the lamentation of a sinner pity pity yea a thousand pities is it that this dish had not bin kept hott and seasoned to the proofe that we might haue sung most Laudably te Lucifer Laudamus But my lo ' Card ' what is the next dish Card ' May it please your holynes this dish containes
NEWES FROM HELL ROME AND THE INNS OF COURT WHEREIN Is sett forth The Coppy of a letter written from the Diuell to the Pope The true coppy of the Petition deliuered to the King at York The coppy of certaine artikles of agreement betweene the Divill the Pope and divers others The discription of a feast sent from the Diuell to the Pope together with a short advertisement to the high court of Parliament with sundry other Particulars Published for the futuar peace tranquility of the Inhabitants of great BRITANY By J M. Printed in the yeare of grace and reformation 1641. TO OVR DEERLY BELOVED SON THE MOST PIEOUS AND MOST RELIGIOVS PRImate of the Romaine Church and to all our deerely beloued children the Cardinals and Lordly Bushops in Europe Haste Haste Poste Haste Your intire Prince and God of this world Lucifer Prince of Darknes and Superstition King of s●●ks and Phlegeto● Suppreame Lord of Ghehenna Tartaria Colmakia Samoyedia Lappia Cor●lia and Colmagoria Prince abissus and sole commander of Seeberia Alteenia Pecheora of all the Infernall furies their punise the Jesuites Priests and Semenaries Sendeth Greeting Moste Dearely beloued Sonne and you our dutifull childeren whose sanctity we reuerence whose persons we adore whose wisdomes we admire at whose Pollicis wee wonder at whose power we muse and at whose iunincible stratagems we stand amazed Nor can we in the first place but extoll aplaud most highly commend thee our deere sonn for the extreordinary care in the aduancement of ovr Kingdome And as next in place the extreordinary dilligent and vigilant care of all our beloued children the Lordly Bushops in the advancement of our Regall power to the great enlardgment of our infernall dominions by their rare Subtill plots stratagems And in a more spetial manner we are pleased through our infernall grace fauour to extoll them for this their present and excellent invention in sowing discord amongst the English heririkes as also in prouoking the Scots heririkes to an apparant oposition against their King yea so farr as to an invasion of the Teritories of England al which services are most deare and axceptable unto us Jnrespect of which seruices as also for their fidellity to vs our kingdom we haue caused our princepall secretary of estate Don Antonio Furioso Diabelo to make an especiall Jnroullment of their names in our Callend amongst those our deere seruants the plotters of the gunpowder treason and the most renowned the complloters of the former inuasion of England in the yeare of grace 1588. and since the creation of the world 5609 both which services although their events were no wayes answerable to our royall expectation yet those instruments that so freely aduentured themselues in them shall be euer renouned in our Court infernall and most acceptable to our person And for the better incouragement of these our trusty and well beloued seruants in the speedier advancement of this worke now intended for the vtter extirpation of all heritikes increace of our regall power we are pleased by this our royall manuell to giue vnto them assureance of our aid best assistance in the most efficatious manner that our Princely power can extend vnto And because our former sttatagems put in excecution by our beloued Cosen Councelor the King of Spaine were by him nowayes effected according to our princely expectation We haue now therefore imposed our princely command upon our beloued servant the King of France at the humble sutemade vnto vs by our children the Lordly Bushops and by some of our servants of greatest quality in the Realme of England as also by our servants the Iesuites and Romane Catholikes of England To haue a Puisant armie in readines for the Invasion of England at such a time as those our children and servants shal conceiue it most conuenient efficatious And further our will and pleasure is that you our deere Son shall still parsist to stirr vp Incourage our children the arch-Bishops as also thy disiples our Loyall Subiects servants the Iesuites Priests and Semenaries to this work that they with all their might together with our powrefull policis granted vnto them may striue to effect this work with all Celerity That we may once more see our Kingdome of Superstition Re-established in the Monarchie of great Britayne and Ireland The motiues to be pressed iuducing them to the expeditious effecting of the same is principali their respect to our Kingly honour next their owne increace of greatnes for we promise assure them by the word of a King Jnfernall That every of them shall raigne as Princes under vs not onely ouer the bodies estates of men but also ouer their Soules by through the many infernall graces by vs most freely and beningnly Conferred on them and hreeby to make them the more sensible of these our seueral graces confered on them we are pleased therefore here at presēt to expres but some few of them in perticular as namely pride vaine glory hipocricy selfe-loue of themselues of this present world loue of will worship advancement of Idolatary Together with that spetiall gift of couetuousnesse The onely piller to all the rest of our infernall garces conferred on them Thirdly In respect of the cleare passadg by us made for them by setting the heritikes for this long time at varience amongst themselues By our trusty servants the Lawyers and advancement of Idolitary amonst them The onely meanes in our Princely wisdom conceaued to be to the breakeing of the bond of unity and peace thereby to provoke the great God of heauen to leaue them to themselues and to our powrfull stratagemse We are likewise pleased to take spetiall Notice of that service done by our children the Lordly Bushops in working the dissolution of the assembly of Parliament in May last past 1640 by which meanes nothing was efected for the good of heritikes either concerning their church or common welth so as the sucses of this dissigne of ourse was thereby no ways hindred you are likewise to let them know from vs that the Noblemen of Engand are dishartened the the Gentry daunted the Comunality devided the number of our servants the Romman Catholiks infinitly increased and the Realme in Genrall greatly oppressed not onely by the sundry Monapolies but also by the invinceable opressing power of our children the Lordly Bishops the multitude of our seruants the corrupt Judges bace minded Lawyers seditious Aturnnies and woden headed Docters of our Siuil lawes Procters Prothonotaries Regist●rs Advocates Solissitors and Apparrators whom wee haue caused to swarme like to the Egiptian Locusts ouer al the land for the sowing of discord blowing the coals of contention amongst all the Jnhabitants of the same they haueing al of them long since receaued instructions by some of our infernal spirits sent forth from vs to that effect You are likewise to let them know that out of our princely
respect to them and their dambenable actions for our honour We are pleased to take spetiall notice of that service which they most willingly endeauored to efect for the confusion of all the heritiks Jnhabiting England Scotland Ireland and the Netherlands by the late conceaued Jnvincible Armado procured from Spaine in the yeare of our raigne 5660. Which through the providence of the Celestiall powers then ouer them And the dissturbance of Martain Harper Trump here below Fail●ed of that Sucses which we together with them expectod and hoped for To our no lesse sorrow then theirs Nor can we but aplaud the dilligent care taken by our Children servants of greatest quality in that Kingdom In preventing the discovery of that Jnvasiue plott by the heritikes and their small well-meaneing State Through their speidy flight to dover Rode and private Conference there with Don Oquindo the Generalissimo of Spaine to that effect All which was most exquesitly performed especially by our hispaniolized lacklatine Lord our deerely beloued Servant And lastly our hope is that this presant plott sett on foot by these our trusty well-beloued chlldren and Servants aforenamed by their earnest endeuours our assistance once effected will Crowne all our labours to our unspeakeable Terrestriall glory and their eternal favours by vs to be conferred on them in our Royall pallace of perdition where we haue already Imposed our Royal command vpon our trusty and wellbeloued cozen and councelor Peot●r Tretyacoue Chancelor Evane Becklemeesheue our Knight Marshall Richardo Slowe Treasurer and Don Serborus grand Porter of our said Pallace to giue them free admittance into our Royall Presence Thus no wayes doubting of your singular care and dilligence in fullfilling this our Royall will and Pleasure hereby expressed we do further impose our Royall favour and Princely respect to be by you presented vnto our trusty and wellbeloued cozen and councellour your present ●untio in the Court of England as also vnto our beloued children and servants the Bishops Jesuites Priests and Semenaries our faithfull agents in this invinceable plott and also to all our faithfull subiects servatns the Romane Catholikes of England We are pleased to remaine Your Royall Sofferraigne and Patron of all your dambenable plots and stratagems now in hand Giuen at oure Infernall pallace of perdition this 1. of September and in the 5661 yeare of our most dambnable raigne Poste Scripte Since the aboue written wee are creadibly informed of the intention of a most scandelous petition to be deliuered by asmall number of heriticall Lords vnto their King at Yorke which doth not a little touch our honour and the discouery of this our present stratagem Our expresse will and pleasure is that there be some speedy course taken for the suppressing of the same And the authors thereof sevearely punnished and Pomfret Castell alotted vnto them for their abode vntil our wil and pleasure be further known and this our dissigne be effected of which faile you not as you tender our Royall favour the suckses of this our dissigne and your owne safety Farewell Antonio Furioso Diabelo Principalio Secretario Cousider this and marck the substance well It seemes a letter from the finnd of hell What er the form or method seeme to be Th' intent thereof was quite the contrary Had this not rung a knell in som mens eares Th' had neare bin freed from their slauish fearse Of tyrany opression and th Bishops pride Iudges and Lawyers a wicked crewe beside Of Docters procters that the Realme did swaye Trod vnder foote Gods truth turnd night to day Strove to coufound great Brittayns Monarchy Iustice and truth peruert advance t i m Piety And all by this Romse doctrine to preferr Obey the Pope and serue King Lucifer That is the cause why them he doth aplaud That he thereby with them may haue the LAVD And honour due vnto his servants all That striu by him to worke great Brittaynes fall A TRVE COPPJE OF THE PETITION WHICH WAS BY THE LORDS PRESENTED VNTO THE KING at Yorke Seprember the 12. 1640. To the Kjngs most Excelent majesty THe humble petition of your Ma'ties most Loyall subiects whose names are here under subscribed in the behalfe of themselues and divers others Most gracious Sofferaigne The sence of that duty we owe to Gods sacred Majesty our nearest affection to the good and welfare of this your Realme of England haue moued vs in all humility to beseech your Royall Ma'ty to giue vs leaue to offer to your princely wisdom the apprehencion which we and others your faithfull subiects haue conceiued of the great distemper and danger now threatnig this Church state your royall person of the fittest meanes to remoue preuent the same The evils dangers whereof your Ma'ty may be pleased to take notice of are these That your Ma'ties sacred person is exposed to hazard danger in this present expedition against the Scotish Army that by ocasion of this warr your Ma'tys revenuse are much wasted your subiects burthened with cote and conduct mony billiting of souldiers other military charges divers rapinse disorders committed in severall parts of this your realme by the souldiers raised for that service the whole realme full of fearse discontentments The sundry innovations in maters of Religion the oath of 〈◊〉 lately imposed vpon the cleargy others of your Ma'ties subiects the great increase of popery imploying of popish recusants others ill affected vnto religeon-are established in places of power trust especially in comanding of men armse both in the feeld in sundry other Coumpties of this your Realme which by the lawse they are not permitted to haue any armes in their owne houses The great mischiefe that may fall vpon this Kingdom if the intention which hath beene creadibly reported of the bringing in of Irish and forraigne forces should take effect The heauy charge of marchants to the great discouragement of trade The multitude of monapolies and other pattents whereby the commodities and manufactures of this Kingdome are much burthened to the great and vniversall grivances of your people The great griefe of your subiects with the long Intermission of Parliaments the late former disoluing of such as haue bin called without the happy effects which otherwise they might haue produced For remedy whereof preuention of the danger that may ensue ro your Roy all person the whole state They do in all humility faithfullnes beseech your Ma'ty that you will be pleased to summon a Parliament in some short convenient time whereby the causes of these other great grivances which your people suffer under may be taken away the Authors councelors of them may be brought to such legall tryall condigne punnishment as the nature of their offences shall require and that the present warr may bee composed by your Ma'ties wisdome without bloudshed in such a manner