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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20053 Brittannia's honor brightly shining in seuerall magnificent shevves or pageants, to celebrate the solemnity of the Right Honorable Richard Deane, at his inauguration into the majoralty of the honourable citty of London, on Wednesday, October 29th. 1628. At the particular cost, and charges of the right vvorshipfull, worthy, and ancient Society of Skinners. Inuented by Tho. Dekker. Dekker, Thomas, ca. 1572-1632. 1628 (1628) STC 6493; ESTC S115219 8,787 22

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neuer mourne Place in your eyes two Beacons to descry Dangers farre off which strike ere home they flie Kisse Peace let Order euer steere the Helme Left-handed Rule a State does ouer-whelme You are your Soueraignes Gardner for one yeare The Plot of Ground y' are trusted with lies here A Citty and your care must all bee spent To prune aud and dresse the Tree of Gouernment Lop off Disorders Factions Mutiny And Murmurations against those sit high May your yeares last day end as this beginnes Sphar'd in the loues of Noble Citizens Our third Presentation is call'd The Glory of Furres THis is a Chariot Triumphant garnished with Trophies of Armors It is drawne by two Luzernes The Supporters of the Skinners Armes On the two Luzernes ride two Antickes who dance to a Drum beating before them there aptly placed At the vpper end of this Chariot in the most eminent Seate carrying the proportion of a Throne are aduanced a Russian Prince and Princesse richly habited in Furres to the custome of the Country 1. Vnder them sits an old Lord Furred vp to his chin in a short cloake 2. By him a Lady with Martin skinnes about her necke and her hands in a Muffe 3. Then a Iudge in Robes Furred 4. Then an Vniuersity Doctor in his Robes furred 5. Then a Fro● in a short furred Cassocke girt to her 6. Then a Skipper in a furred Cap In all these Persons is an implication of the necessary ancient and general vse of Furres from the highest to the lowest On the Top of this Throne at the foure corners are erected the Armes of the Citty in foure Pendants On the point of the fore front a large square Banner plaies with the wind which Fame who is in this Chariot holds in her hand as she stands vpright Being the Speaker FAme's turne is now to Speake for who but Fame Can with her thousand Tongues abroad Proclaime Your this dayes Progresse rising like the Sunne Which through the yearely Zodiacke on must runne Fame hath brought hither from great Mosco's Court The seauen-mouth'd Volga spreading the report Two Russian Princes who to feast their eies With the rich Wonders of these rarities Ride in this glorious Chariot How amazde They looke to see streetes throng'd and windowes glaz'd With beauties from whose eyes such beames are sent Here moues a second starry Firmament Much on them startling admiration winnes To see these Braue Graue Noble Citizens So stream'd in multitudes yet flowing in State For all their Orders are Proportionate Russia now enuies London seeing here spent Her richest Furres in gracefull ornament More Braue and more Abounding than her owne A golden Pen he earnes that can make knowne The vse of Furres so Great so Generall All men may these their VVinter Armors call Th' inuention of warme Furres the Sunne did fret For Russians lap'd in these slighted his heate Which seene his fiery Steedes he droue from thence And so the Muff has dwelt in cold ere since VVhat royalties adde Furres to Emperors Kings Princes Dukes Earles in the distinguishings Of all their seuerall Robes The Furres worne here Aboue th' old Romane State make Ours appeare The reuerend Iudge and all that climbe the trees Of sacred Artes ascend to their Degrees And by the colours chang'd of Furres are knowne VVhat Dignity each Corporation Puts on by Furres witnesse these infinite eyes Thanke then the bringers of these Rarities I wish Graue Praetor that as Hand in Hand Plenty and Bounty bring you safe to Land So Health may be chiefe Caruer at that Board To which you hasten Bee as Good a Lord I' th' eyes of Heauen as this day you are Great In Fames applause Hye to your Honor'd Seate The fourth Presentation is Called Brittannia's watch-Tower THis is a Magnificent Structure Aduancing it selfe from the Platforme or Ground-worke vpward with the Bewty of eight Antique Termes By whose strength is supported a Foure square Building The Toppe of which is a Watch-Tower or Lanthorne with eight Columnes of siluer And on the Highest poynt of this Watch-Tower is Aduanced a Banner bearing the Cullors of the Kingdome At foure Corners of the vpper Square stand foure Pendants In which are the Armes of the foure Companies of which his Lordship is Free At each end of this Platforme stands a great Corynthian Brazen Pillar on a Pedestall of Marble On the Capitals of those Pillars stand two Angels in Postures ready to flye holding Garlands of Victory in one hand stucke with White and Red Roses and Branches of Palme in the other The Capitals and Bases of the Pillars are Gold and are Emblemes of the two Houses of Yorke and Lancaster once diuided but now Ioyned into One Glorious Building to Support This Royal Kingdom Consequently This Citty At Night in place of the Angels are set two Great Lights and so is the Watch-Tower at that Time Filld with lighted Tapers Vpon the same Square in foure seuerall Places are Aduanced foure stately Pyramides being Figures of the foure Kingdomes Embellished with Escutcheons In the vpper seate of all fashioned into a Throne is placed Britannia Maiestically attirde fitting to her Greatnesse Beneath Her and round about Her are these Persons viz. Magnanimity with a drawne Sword A Shipwright with a Mallet holding a Scutcheon in which is drawne a Ship vnder sayle Then A person representing Victory with a Palme Tree Prouidence with a Trumpet ready to Foresee Dangers and awaken Men to meete them All These haue bene and still are Watch-Towers and Lanthornes in the Nights of Feare and Trouble to Guard the Kingdome and in the Kingdome This Citty In other Eminent places are seated some of those Kinges of England in Robes Ermynd whose loues and Royall fauors in former times were Watch-Towers to Grace London stucke full with the Beames and Lights of Honors Titles Offices Magistracies and Royalties which they Bestowed vppon Her Edward Confessor called Londons Chiefe Ruler a Port-reue Richard 1. appointed two Bayliffes ouer London King Iohn gaue the Citty a Lord Maior and two Sheriffes Henry 3. added Aldermen These were Tender ouer the Renowne of the Citty and still heaped on her head Royalties vpon Royalties And albeit most of our Kinges haue in most of all of the twelue Companies Entred their Names as Free of the Societies thereby to Royallize their Brotherhoods And that many of our Kinges likewise besides Princes and Great Personages haue bin Free of This Company whose Names I forbeare to set downe because they haue in former yeeres beene fully exprest yet no Company did euer or can hereafter receiue such Graces from Kinges as This Antient and Honord Corporation of Skinners hath had and still haue In regard that All our Kinges and Princes sit in their high Courts of Parliament in Robes Ermynd being the richest Furre the workemanship of which goes through the Skinners fingers wearing likewise vnder their Crownes Royall Caps of Honor Ermynd Three of such Crownes beeing the rich Armes of This Company thereby