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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11779 The Belgick souldier vvarre vvas a blessing. Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. 1624 (1624) STC 22071; ESTC S116965 21,486 44

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ordinary courses to the disappointing of his Garrisons in Europe which hath caused many mutinies and innouations amongst the souldiers The East Indies haue been visited by them and so visited that they haue planted Colonies in the Ilands in despight of opposition they haue dared the Portingals and ouertopped the English their ships exceed in number and their Merchants in industrie and husbandry their labours haue made way vnto continual thriuing and the seuerall Kings of the nations haue reputed them greater then the English The Philippines and Molunes haue been searched by them and neither Iland nor harbour but reioyced at their trade and traffique The South seas with the streights of Magellane haue been adventured on and their voyages set the pens of learned Chronologers on worke Both the Guincies and the coasts of Afrik are explored by them and if there be no more in the satisfaction of expectation then knowledge experience and augmentation of wealth they attained to all by their nauall encounters and adventures The Leuant is stored with their shippes and the Streights of Gibraster are not so straight but in their defiances with Spaine they rushed them open to giue them passage so that both Turkey and Italy have admitted their factories and opened the lapps of their plenty to bid them take the blessings by shippes full If you step into France you shall finde they not onely stepped thether but visited every towne of importance yeelding an honest account of their traueles What thinke you of the fishing in Newland of Whales in Greeneland of the commodities of Island Freezland of the Herings of Scotland Ireland and England of the coasts of America and all those Nations which are accessable yeelding either pleasure or profit they haue euery where suckt the hony with the Bee and extended their trauaile with the Ant so that the summers labour hath fed and cloathed them in winter and the winter it selfe never had such fearefull blasts but the winde either breathed good vpon them or draue them to seeke it in all the corners of the earth If you are not afraid of the Easterne violence and mountanous ice of Russia you shall finde that they are not afraid of winters snow nor summers contagion but visit Norway Sweden Goteland the sound of Denmarke the Haus Townes Prussia Poland Muscouia and all maritime coastes Insomuch that like the honest explorators of the land of Canaan they not onely returne with clusters of grapes but continue undaunted So that I may well say warre hath beene a blessing unto them and the God of all blessings hath multiplied Israel euen vnder their grieuances But now if they kindly let you within their doores you will be amazed at the furniture of their houses I meane the successe of their affaires and the noble proceedings of the warres which hath made them famous in the successe and left their honest defences exemplary to all posterity They haue expulsed the Spaniard out of Zealand Holland and as it were exprobrated great Princes for not being content to insult ouer the obedienc of their subjects but they must tyranize their soules either by Inquisition or change of religion is it any other then the working of slumbring patience which being abused turneth to fury disobedience They haue not onely preserued their virgin prouinces from the rauishings of Burgundy but reuenged the vsurpation which challenged their captiuitie by hereditary birthright yea besides their owne ordinary walkes to visit Vtreck Gelderland and many fortified Townes they haue made larger steps vpon their enemies Countries and by maine force shouldred open the Castillian gates and throwne the Portcullis on the ground which boasted of Austrias fasting and the Popes Benediction so they entred Hamlers and still keepe Sluice and the adiacent places to depend vpon their garrisons they possesse Breda diuers Bergens the fort of Lillo and aboue 20 forts and fortresses in Brabant What haue they done in Cleue Munster Westphalia the Land of Luke and those places of Freezland wherein the Spaniards are now politicke intruders For what Papist or Hispanolized temporiser can yeeld an accou●t of any thriuing action or preuailing successe against them these 50 yeares yet the Pope curseth and excommunicateth the Emperor threats the Archdutches proscribes them Spaine assembles armies the Iesuites coniure the Priests imposture and all the practises which pollicies mightinesse treasure or friends haue hatched and brought forth was but to amaze them with some monstrous birth of treason and perfidious reuenge yea those strange hindrances of diuers reuolts and couert supplantations haue proued their owne shame Thus by the corruption of Spanish rewards haue diuers English themselues proued traitors to Holland and onely abused their honors and loyalty by such inconstancy which yet ended with Spaines scornes and their Countries eternall hate and banishment Yet for all this haue the Low Countries thriued by such exasperating difficulties and the following warrs haue beene a blessing vnto them insomuch that the Spaniard hath not onely admired theirs and Englands happy estate but blasphemed heauen to suppose we had a pulling hooke to bring prosperity vnto vs. In the time of Don Lewis Requescens Commander and Captaine Generall for the King of Spaine by the exciting of diuers Priests certaine English reuolted which added life to the Spanish affaires After this Aegremont Ratelife Grey and some others Gentlemen of Noble Families in England went from the Low Countries and fell into the seruice of Spaine as if they had fallen into a deuouring graue At the siege of Audenard 600 English vnder Norris Barney Cornish and Gipson proued traytors to the States and violated their first alleageance to be afterward abused by them which set them on worke Alost was betrayed to the King of Spaine by a whole Regiment of English ouer whom Pigot commanded who with the association of Dalton Tailor Vincent Smith and We●sh thought to pull away the stones of the high built walles of the Low Countries bulwarks In my Lord of Leicesters time Deu●●ter and Zutphen were deliuered to Stanley and Yorke in the Queenes name who in the diuels name redeliuered them to Spaine Grane was betrayed by Hermet the Gouernour Venlo sold by the Burghers before the enemy approached Newis lost by treachery Berck besieged and so abandoned And many other places and persons left the seruice of the States to state themselues in the King of Spaines intertainment Yea by perfidious practises another Regiment vnder Sir William Stanley whose Captaines were Scurlock Peter Winn Hart Guin Salsbury Eaton Reignolds and Harison forsooke their first faith and flattered themselues with the hope of great treasu●es of Spaines Indies I could also name the failing and falling away from Englands loue and the Low Countrey embraces of the Earle of Westmerland Lord Paget Charles Paget Sir Francis Englefield Hugh Owen Dakers Tempest Norton Harman Markenfield Tremaine Stradling Carew Allen Southwell Fleming Bulmer with diuers others whose reuoults might haue been great discouragments to the States
beene beneficiall to the Papacy Now it remaines to proue how the true Church of God hath receiued her best florishes by warres It is but superfluous to repeate what other men haue written in the defence of our Church prouing directly that from the Primitiue Church to this houre God euer had a remnant of people and in most Countries there were such as professed the truth in despight of fire But I referre you to the History of the Church and other learned tractate composed by religious men I come to the dayes of wickliffe after whom followed the Bohemian warres whith were the first apparant warres for the Gospell that I reade of For the great Zisea proued a conqueror and although Iohn Huss and Hierome of Prague sacrificed themselues and were exposed to the fire for Christs sake which might haue deterred men from taking their parts and professing the truth yet did the Gospell increase ouer Europe and the warres taught thousands of people a song of constancy and a burning zeale made their hands fight for the liberty of their consciences But when Luther came to act his part the warres of Germany made way to the peace of the Protestants And as you reade of many that hearing Platos discourse of the immortallity of the soule longed for the same and wished yea procured to die So whole multitudes exposed themselues to torture for Christs sake and as the warres and persecutions augmented their punishments they augmented their ioy for being so persecuted and tooke a pleasure in the displeasure of princes against them for Gods sake France became a rare president and very quickly the Protestants multiplied so fast that with the Iewes they forgat the ceremonies of the Saboth and applied the Law of preservation whereby nature taught them to take vp Armes in their owne defences then stood Geneua on their guard then Denmarke Norway Sweden England Scotland and diuers Ilands and Townes from being slaues to the conclaue of Cardinalls sent defiance to Rome and breake the yoakes of their captiuity from impouerishing their Countrie enriching their owne treasures to the augmentation of the dignity of Common-wealths from prostituting their wiues and daughters to the libidinous lusts of Priests clensed themselues with the water of chastety and tooke a pleasure in vndefiled beds from the terror of the Cardinalls and thundring of excommunication they went with peace and contrition of foule to Gods alter obtaining so remission of sinnes and assurance of saluation So that I may well say the hand that stretched to pul the Prophet by the throat is whithered and dried vp yea except the Prophet pray to God Iereboham shall not recover not be able to lift it vp againe If it be thus was not warre a blessing and hath not Religion beene propagated by that meanes But because you looke for more moderne particulars let vs come neerer home and obserue how Religion hath prospered and the Nations bin enriched by the warres and contentions with Spaine Austria and the Papacy 1. in Germany 2. France 3. the Low Countries 4. and England it selfe and how peace or if you will dissembling contracts of peace haue abused vs at all times Concerning Germany and the Empire when Carolus quintus perceiued the sunny splendor of Protestantisme to be more and more radiant for all he had interposed divers clouds and misty vapours and became suspitious of sundry Princes greatnesse after the Duke of Saxonies protecting of Luther as obseruing that the warres would not onely make them factious which appeared by the imprisonment of the Lantsgraue of Hesse but teach them a way both of defence and opposition he tooke another course to corroborate his owne greatnesse and extenuate the strength of Religion and this was by making a peace and withdrawing himselfe from the troublesomnesse of State wherein as it often happeneth with cowardly polliticians who by seeking to hide their feare discouer more the same So played this Emperour after many famous exploits and flatteries of fortune he made the Germaines beleeue he was so indulgent ouer the Common-wealth that he would affright or trouble them no further but leaue them in peace and libertie of conscience when yet they knew he departed in a rage as disappointed in his pretences that he could not incorporate the Empire to his Family Vnderstand then that in his latter times he had some checks and his peace shewed not so beautifull a face as his warres So that he plainely saw that if other blocks and hindrances were not cast into the smoother walks to hinder Religion from her handsome progresse and debarre the Protestant Princes from vniting the Maiesty of Austria would be diminished and their potencie frustrated yea his owne renowne obscured with malignitie of time and cloudy threatnings of a fatall end which though it came not to such a misery as Pompeys losing his head yet might proue as bitter a receit as Scipios confining himselfe to a countrey grange who had in his life obtained the surname of Africanus and in his actions the renowne of a remarkable vertue All which came to passe in the haruest of this Emperours husbandry So that now you shall haue some particulars concerning his discontents and obseruations which he himselfe proposed for the establishing the house of Austria in the Empire Touching his discontents First Though he kept correspondency with the Duke of Saxons humors yet he much repined at his audaciousnesse that durst maintaine a Frier against the Pope and himselfe as by Luthers comming to Wormes was apparant Secondly It amazed him to see a greater neglect of the princes toward● him for all the uniting of Spaine Burgundy and Austria then was before and that the declaring himselfe an eneny to the Protestants declared them the firme friends of the Gospell of Iesus Christ Thirdly Hee thought there was no proceedings in the high projects of Germany For questionlesse King Henry of England would take the Protestants parts and prouide that the Empire should be still Electiue Fourthly That when the Princes had denied the Diadem and investure to Phillip his sonne as discovering that he went about to make it hereditary and so kept all Europe in awe by his treasure and dominions he stomacked their repugnancy and would peraduenture haue threatned if his power hād kept correspondency with his willingnesse to reuenge Fiftly That when the Pope and the conclaue of Cardinalls would by no meanes consent to haue him sit in such a chaire of greatnesse as Spaine the Indies the Empire and the Low Countries he wreaked his rage from Rome and Burbon in his behalfe sacked the Citty imprisoned the Prelates and set the Pope at a ransome whereupon followed the excommunication both of himselfe and Phillip his sonne and the election of his yong brother Ferdinand Emperour all which augmented his discontents Sixtly That hauing heard of the losse of his Nauy at Algier he suspected a change of fortune and grew so disquieted and melancholy that comming to Millaine he forgat the