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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01101 A true reportarie of the most triumphant, and royal accomplishment of the baptisme of the most excellent, right high, and mightie prince, Frederik Henry; by the grace of God, Prince of Scotland Solemnized the 30. day of August. 1594. Fowler, William, 1560?-1612. 1594 (1594) STC 11214.6; ESTC S103986 12,843 30

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A TRVE REPORTARIE OF THE MOST TRIVMPHANT AND ROYAL ACCOMplishment of the Baptisme of the most Excellent right High and mightie Prince FREDERIK HENRY By the grace of God Prince of SCOTLAND Solemnized the 30. day of August 1594. Printed by R. Walde-graue Printer to the K. Maiestie Cum Priuilegio Regali A TRVE REPORTARIE OF THE BAPTISME OF THE PRINCE of Scotland THE Noble and most potent Prince of Scotland was borne in the Castell of Striuiling vpon Tuesday the 19. day of Februarie 1594. vpon which occasion the Kingis Maiestie sent for the Nobles of his Land and to all the capitall Burrows thereof to haue their aduise how he should proceed for the due solemnization of his Royall Baptisme and what Princes he should send to When they were all compeired with great diligence and goodwill hee proponed vnto them that it was necessary to direct out Ambassadours to France England Denmarke the Lowe-Countries the Duke of Brunswicke his brother in lawe and to the Duke of Magdelburgh the Queenes Maiesties Grand-father and to such other Princes as should be thought expedient Likewise hee thought the Castell of Striuiling the most conuenient place for the residence of this mo●t Noble and Mightie Prince in respect that hee was borne there As also it was necessary that su●ficient preparation might be made for the Ambassadours that should be invited to come for honour of the Crowne and Countrie And besides all this because the Chappell Royall was ruinous and too little concluded that the old chappell should be vtterlie rased and a new erected in the same place that shuld be more large long and glorious to entertaine the great number of strangers exspected These propositions at length considered they all with a free voluntarie deliberation granted vnto his Maiestie the summe of an hundreth thousand pounds money of Scotland Then was there Ambassadors elected to passe in France England Denmarke the Lowe Countries and other places before mentioned who were al dispatched with such expedition and their Legacies took such wished effect That first there came two famous men from the King of Denmark the one CHRISTIANVS BERNEKOVV the other STENIO BILLE these came to Leyth the 16. of Iuly The next day after them came ADAMVS CRVSIVS Ambassadour for the Duke of Brunswick and IOACHIMVS BASSEVITIVS Ambassadour for the Duke of Magdelburgh who is Grand-father to the noble Princesse ANNE by the grace of God Queene of Scotland Thirdly the 3. day of August there came Ambassadours from the States of Holland and Zeland the Barron of Braderod and the Treasurer of Zeland called IA●O●VS FALKIVS There was also a Noble man directed from England to wit the Erle of Cummerland who euen when he had prepared himselfe richlie and honourablie in all respects for his voyage to come into Scotland and diuers Noble men and Gentil men of renowne prepared and commanded for his honorable conuoy It pleased God to visit him with sicknes And in that respect another Noble man was chosen to supply his place which was the Erle of Sussex c. And hee in consideration of his short and vnexspected advertisement made such diligence in his voyage and magnificence for his owne persone and honourable convoy as was thought rare and riche by all men wher●●y it fell out that betwixt the sicknes of the one Nobleman and the hastie preparation of the other the time was so farre spent that the very prefixt daies of the Baptisme were sundry tunes delaied And because the Ambassadour of England was so long a comming the Ambassadors of Denmarke Brunswicke and Magdelb●rgh were feared to be hindered in their voyage by the Sea by reason of the neere approching of Winter They desired daily of the Kings Maiestie during their remaining in Edinburgh to haue some prefixed day to be nominate and certainly kept that immediatly thereafter they might be dispatched which he granted at the last although hee had diuers great impediments to the contrary The first was because the Chappell Ro●●ll and C●stell of Striuiling was not fully compl●●t in all such necess●ries as w●s requisite although he had the supply of the greatest numbre of Artificers in the whol Cuntrie conuened there of all craftes for that seruice and his Maiesties owne person daily ouerseer with large and liberall payment but the chiefest cause was the long absence of an Ambassadour from England which his Maiestie greatly respected for many causes And last of al exspecting that some Ambassadour should haue come from France which fel not out as was looked for But when the Ambassadour was come from England to Edinburgh foorthwith his Maiestie dispatched one of the Gentlemen of his Nienes chalmer to request him to repair towards Striuiling the next day with all possible diligence which was the 28. day of August because he wold haue had the Baptisme administred the day following But neither were the Propynes sent by the Queene of England neither her Ambassadours owne cariages as then come Therfore the Baptisme was delaied vntill the 30. day of August as ye shall heare particularly hereafter But in the meanetime it is to be vnderstoode that all these Noble Ambassadours before expressed were honourablie sustained vpon the Kings Maiesties owne proper costes during the whole time of their residence in Scotland saue onely the Ambassadour of England whose whole expences were defrayed by his Souerane the Queene of England And because the rest of the Ambassadors were repaired to Striuiling by his Maiesties direction long before the comming of the English Ambassador his Hienes bestowed the time with them in magnifique banketting reuelling daily hunting with great honour The Kings Maies●ie purposing further to decore by magnificence this action committed the charge thereof to the Lord of Lendores and M. William Fowler who by their trauells deligence and inuention broght it to that perfection which the shortnes of time and other considerations culd permit So they hauing consulted together concluded that those exercises that wer to be vsed for decoration of that solemnitie were to be deuided both in Feeld pastimes with Martiall and hero●-call exploites and in houshold with rare shewes and singular inventions The Feeld to be vsed at two seuerall dayes the first to be of three Turks three Christian knights of Malta three Amazones and three Mores But by reason of the absence or at the least the vncertaine presence of the three last Gentlemen who should haue sustained these personages it was thought good that the number of that mask shuld consist of Nyne Actors nyne Pages and nyne Lack●es which comming from sundry parts and at diuers times together with the diuersitie of their apparell should bring some noueltie to the behoulders The place most expedient for this action was the Valey neere the Castel which being prepared for that purpose both with Carier and Scaffold after the comming of the Queenes Maiestie with her honorable and gallant Ladies together with the honorable Ambassadors the field beeing beset by the braue Yonkers of
pulpite erected The same was richely hung with cloth of gold All the pauement within this partition was Prince-like laide with fine tapestrie Vnder the Pulpit was another deske wherein sate in the middest M. David Cuninghame Bishop of Abirdene M. Dauid Lindesay Minister of Leyth and Iohn Duncanson one of the ordinary ministers to the kings Maiestie Before whome was set a table couered with yealowe veluote And when all things were in readines as was requisite There was placed a hundreth Hagbutters being onely the youkers of Edinburgh brauely apparrelled in order betwixt the Princes vtter chalmer doore and the entry to the Chappel Royall on both the sides of the passage Then the Kings Maiestie with his Nobles and Counsellers attending on him entered the Chappell and there sate downe in his Royall seat of Estate All the Ambassadours likewise were sent for and conuoyed to the Princes Chalmer of presence where the Prince was lying on his bed of Estate richly decored and wrought with brodered work containing the story of Hercules and his trauels This bed was erected on a platforme very artificially with a foot pace of three degrees ascending to it The degrees being couered with tapestrie all wrought with golde and a large cloth of Lawne couering both the bed and the degrees which reached forth a great space ouer the flore Then the old Countesse of Mar with reuerence past to the bed she took vp the Prince and deliuered him to the Duke of Lennox who presently rēdered him likewise to the Ambassador of England to be borne to the Chappell Royall The Maister of the Ceremonies addressing himselfe to a table in the saide Chalmer curiouslie ordered whereon stood those ornaments of honor which were to be borne to the Chappell before the Prince with due reuerence deliuered them to certaine noble men according to the order appointed by his Maiestie for the bearing thereof In lyke manner the Princes Robe-royall being of purple Velnote very richel●e set with pearl was deliuered to the Duke of Lennox who put the saine about the prince the traine wherof was born up by the Lord Sinclair the Lord Vrquhart Then they remoued themselues to the vtter chalmer where ther was a fair high Pale made four-square of Crimson Veluote attending which was laid on with rich pasments and fringed with gold This Pale was sustained by four Worshipful Barons The Laird of Bacleugh the Constable of Dundie Sir Robert Ker of Cesfurd Knight the Laird of Traquhair Vnder the which Pale were the Ambassadors of England Robert Erll of Sussex carying the Prince in his armes M. Robert Bowes ordinary Ambassador for England assisting him Next to thē was the Duke of Lennox About the Pale were the Ambassadors of Denmarke Magdelburgh Brunswick and the Estates There followed the old Countesse of Mar. Mistres Bowes diuerse Ladies of Honor with the Mistres Nurse Then the Trumpets sounding melodiously before the Prince and his conuoy went forwarde LYON King of Armes and the Heraulds his brethren with their coat-armors in goodly order following Next followed the Princes Honors borne by these Noblemen The Lorde Sempill carying a Lavar of water The Lord Seton a fair Basen The Lord Leuingston a Towell and the Lorde Home a low Crowne competent for a Duke richlie set with Diamonds Saphires Rubies and Em●rauldes who approching neere the Pulpit where these Honors w●re receaued from them by the maister of the Ceremonies and by him placed on the Table before the pulpite the Noble men retyring back to their appointed places Lastlie the Pale was caried in before the pulpite where the Ambassador of England rendered the Prince to the Duke of Lennox who immediatlie deliuered him to the olde Countesse of Mar and she consequentli● to the Mistres Nurse And all the Ambassadors were then set in such order of places as the demonstration of their Armories gaue notice Without the partition were ornate fourmes all covered with greene whereupon were placed the Gentlemen of England Denmarke Almaine Flanders and Scotland And as all men wer thus competentlie placed and vniversall silence made entered M. Patrik Galloway one of his Maiesties ordinarie Preachers into the Pulpite who learnedlie and godli●te entreated vpon the text of the 21. of Genesis Which being done the Bishop of Aberdene stood vp in his seate and taught vpon the Sacrament of Baptisme firste in the vulgar● tongue and next in the Latine to the end all men might generallie vnderstand This done the Provost and Prebends of the Chappell Royall did sing the 21. Psalme of Dauid according to the art of M●sique to the great delectation of the noble Auditorie Then they proceeded to the action The King aros● and came towards the Pulpit The Ambass●dours followed in their or●●● The Barons that carried the Pale aboue the Prince mooued towards the Pulpit The D●k● of Lennox receaued the Prince from the Countesse of Mar and deliuered him to the handes of the Erll of Sussex Ambassadour for Engla●d Where he was named by all their consents FREDERIK HENRIE HENRIE FREDERIK and so baptised In the name of the Father Sonne and holie Ghost by the said names This being done Lyon King of Armes with a loud voice reportes these names thryse ouer then after him the rest of his brethren H●rauldes with Trumpets sounding confirmed the same Then the Kings Maiestie Ambassadors and all removing to their places the English Ambassadour alone withdrawing himself on the one side was mette and attended on by two Groomes who humblie on their knees the one presenting a large rich Basen the other a sutable Lavar repleat with sweet water wherewith the Ambass●dor washed a Gentleman Sewer with humble reuerence presenting him a fair To w●ll wherew●th he dried his hands and so forthwith returned to his place This beeing done the Bish●p ascended to the Pulpite where after that hee had deliuered in verse a certaine praise and commendation of the Prince then hee converted the rest of his Latine Oration in prose to the Ambassadours euery one in particular beginning at the Ambassadour of England and so continuing with the rest Wherein he made mentiō of the Chronology of ech of these Princes recited the proximitie and neernesse of bloo● that they had with Scotland Cōcluding his Or●tion with exhortation thanksgiuing to God for that good occasion and prosperous assemblie In conclusio● the ●lessing beeing giuen Lyon King o● Armes cryed with a loud voice God saue FREDERIK HENRIE and HENRIE FREDERIK by the grace of God Prince of Scotland The rest of the Herauldes proclaymed the same at an open window of the Chappell Royall with sound of Trumpet Then the King the Prince the Ambassadors the Nobles and Ladies of Honor retyred forth of the Chappell in such order as they entered and repayred towards the Kings Hal During their passage the Cannons of the Castel roared that therwith the earth trembled and other smaller shot made their harmonie after their kynde In the Kings Hall the Duke of Lennox
receaued the Prince from the Ambassadour of England and presented him to the Kings Maiesty who addubbed him knight Hee was touched with the Spur by the Erll of Mar Thereafter the Kings M●iestie presented a Ducall crowne of his head then was proclaimed by Lyon King of Armes The right Excellent High and Magnanime FREDERIK HENRIE HENRIE FREDERIK by the grace of God Knight and Barron of Renfrew Lord of the Yles Erll of Carrike Duke of Rosay Prince ●nd great Steward of Scotland These words were repeated by the Heraulds with a loud voice at an open Window of the Hal. Then the Prince was caried by the Ambassador of England to his owne Chalmer of presence where the most rich and rare propynes wer there presented Also there were certain Barons and Gentlemen addubbed Knights whose names doe follow in order as they were proclaimed And first their oath The Oath of a Knight 1 I Shall fortifie and defend the true Christian Religion Christs holy Evangel now presently preched within this Realm to the vttermost of my power 2 I shal be leil true to my soverane Lord the Kings Majestie To all orders of Chievalry and to the noble office of Armes 3 I shall fortifie and defend justice at my power and that without favour or feed 4 I shall never flie from my soverane Lord the Kings Majestie nor from his Hienes Lieuetenants in time of mellay and battell 5 I shall defend my natiue Realme from all Allieners and strangers 6 I shal defend the just action quarrel of al Ladies of Honour of all true and friendles Widowes of Orphantes and of Maidens of good fame 7 I shal do diligence whersoever I heare there is any Murtherers Traytors or maisterfull Reavers that oppresseth the Kings Lieges and poore people to bring them to the Lawe at my power 8 I shal maintain vphold the noble estate of Cheualrie with Horse harnisse and other Knightly abillzements And shall helpe and succour them of the same order at my power if they haue neede 9 I shall enquire and seeke to haue the knowledge vnderstanding of all the Articles and points contained in the book of Chievalry All these premisses to obserue keepe and fulfill I oblesse me so helpe me my God by my owne hand so help me God c. Sir William Stewart of Houstoun Knight Sir Robert Bruce of Clackmannan Knight Sir Iohn Boswell of Balmowt●w Knight Sir Iames Schaw of Salquhy Knight Sir Iohn Murray of Ethilstoun Knight Sir William Menteith of Kerse Knight Sir Alexander Fraser of Fraserburgh Knight Sir Iohn Lindesay of Dunrod Knight Sir George Leuingston of Ogilface Knight Sir Iames Forester of Torwood-head Knight Sir Andrew Balfoure of Stratho●● Knight Sir Walter Dundas of ouer Newlistoun Knight Sir Iohn Boswell of Glasemont Knight Sir George Elphingstoun of Blythwood Knight Sir William Leuingston of Darnechester Knight Sir Dauid Meldrum of New-hall Knight These names wer proclaimed vpon the Tarrase of the forefront of the Castell with sound of Trumpets and great quantity of diuerse especes of gold and money cast ouer amongst the people These things beeing accomplished the King and Queenes Maiesties w●th the Ambassadors addressed themselues to the banket in the great Hal about eight of the clock at night Then came Lyon King of Armes with his brethren the Herauldes and entered the Hal before the King and Queenes meate the Trumpets sounding melodiouslie before them with these Noble men beating office for the present The Erll of Mar Great Maister-housholde The Lord Fleming Great Maister-Vsher For the Kings M. The Erll of Montroze Cartier The Erll of Glencarne Copper The Erll of Orkenay Sewar For the Queenes M. The Lord Seton Caruer The Lord Hume Copper The Lord Sempill Sewar This delicate banket beeing ordered with great aboundance the King Queene and Ambassadours were placed al at one Table being formed of three partes after a Geometricall figure in such sort that every one might haue a full sight of the other The King Queens Maiesties were placed in the midst of the table and on the Kings right hand w●re set the English Ambassadours the Erle of Sussex and M. Robert Bowes next them sat the Ambassadour from the Duke of Brunswicke and the Ambassadour from the Duke of Magdelburgh On the Kings left hand next to the Queenes Maiestie sate the Ambassadour of Denmarke and Ambassadours from the States of Holland and Zeland Betwixt every one of their seats was left a good space On the East and west side of the Hal was placed two very long Tables where were set certain Noble men Ladies of honour and Counsellers of Scotland and with them the Noble men and Gentil-men of England Denmark Almaine and Flanders And betwixt every Noble-man and Gentil-man stranger was placed a Lady of honour or Gentil-woman Nowe beeing thus in a very honourable and comely order set and after a while hauing well refreshed themselues with the first seruice which was very sumpteous there came into the sight of them all a Black-Moore drawing as it seemed to the beholders a triumphall Charlot and before it the melodious noyse of trumpets and Howboyes which Chariot entered the Hall the motion of the whole frame which was twelue foote long and seuen foot broad was so artificial within it selfe that it appeared to be drawen in onely by the strength of a Moore which was very richly attyred his traces were great chaines of pure gold Vpon this Chariot was finely and artificially deuised a sumpteous couered Table decked with all sortes of exquisite delicates and dainties of pattisserie frutages and confections About the table were placed sit Gallant dames who represented a silent Comedie three of them clothed in Argentyne Saten and three in Crimson Saten All these six garments were enriched with Togue and Tinsal of pure gold and siluer euery one of them hauing a Crowne or Garland on their heades very richely decked with fethers pearles and Iewels vpon their loose haire in Antica forma In the first front stood dame Ceres with a sickle in her right hand and a handfull of Corne in the other and vpon the outmost part of her thigh was written this sentence Fundent vberes omnia Campi which is to say the plenteous Fields shall affoord all things Ouer against Ceres stood Faecunditie with some bushes of Chesbolls which vnder an hierogliphi● sence representeth broodines with this Deuise Forlix prole divum and on the other side of her habite Crescant in mille The first importing that this Cuntrie is blessed by the Childe of the goddes and the second alluding to the King and Queenes Maiesti●s that their generations may grow into thousandes Next on the other side was placed Faith hauing in her hands a Basen and in the same two hands ioyned together with this sentence Boni alumna coniugij The fortresse and nurse of a blessed mariage Ouer against Faith stood Concorde with a golden Tasse in her left hand and the horn of aboundance in