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A85811 The book of oaths, and the severall forms thereof, both antient and modern. Faithfully collected out of sundry authentike books and records, not heretofore extant, compiled in one volume. Very useful for all persons whatsoever, especially those that undertake any office of magistracie or publique imployment in the Common-wealth. Whereunto is added a perfect table. Garnet, Richard, S.J., attributed name. 1649 (1649) Wing G264; Thomason E1129_1; ESTC R202149 108,262 410

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the uttermost of your power and in case ye cannot ye shall without delay declare the same to his Highnesse or to such of his Councell as ye think will shew it unto him Yee shall bee obedient to the Kings Deputy for the time being in all things to be done that toucheth the safeguard defence and good governance of the said Towne of Calice and Marches of the same ye shall give as it shall need from time to time your true faithfull and diligent counsell to the Kings Deputy for the time being and to the Kings Councell and Officers of the same Towne and Marches and them aid and assist to the uttermost of your power Ye shall truly fet and do to be set the stand-Watch nightly on the Wals of the said Towne at the Castle hill and shall suffer no person or persons to keepe and furnish the said stand-watch but such person or persons as shall be by you appointed and sworne according to the Oath for the same devised and also take sureties for his or their Abearing in the Watch And that ye neither present nor do to be presented ne imprisoned nor cause to bee imprisoned any manner of person or Watchman nee other whatsoever without reasonable and true cause And if you finde any persons in Chance medly drawing any weapon or smiting that ye do leade or cause to be lead him or them to prison without any let And that ye present or do to be presented every fault that belongeth to your Office to bee presented duly and truly and that ye take not or cause to be taken any other fees of any person or persons then of right and of reason have bin used and of old time accustomed belonging to your Office And also you shal not hold with no party against other nor none sustaine but ●ee shall be true Referender of all that that belongeth to your Office of under Marshall and ye shall nightly be in the Market-place to take the Report of the Typped-staves of the furnish●ng of the Watches in the East and West Houses on the Wals and shall certifie the same Report unto the Kings Deputy immediately And all other things do that appertaine to your said Office of under-Marshall during the time you shall continue in your said Office So helpe you God c. The Oath of them that be or shall be made of the Kings Councell of the Towne and Marches of Calice as it was ordained by Parliament in Anno 27. Hen. 8. YEe shall sweare That ye shall be good true and faithfull unto our Soveraigne Lord King Henry the 8. by the Grace of God King of England and of France Defender of the Faith Lord of Ireland and in Earth supreame head of the Church of England and to his Heires and ye shal be ready with good attendance to come to the place of Councel holden for the King where it shall be assigned and appointed by the Deputy of his Towne and Marches of Calice for the time being and not absent you there-from without reasonable cause of excusation and that in all matters causes and questions that by the said Councell be or shall be opened moved stirred or asked you shall say and utter your good advice and opinion clearly after your discretion and understanding shewing and giving in conclusion your true and faithfull counsell not letting for favour affection love affinity hatred wrath had or borne to any party or for corruptions of any goods or other things whatsoever it be And that all manner Languages Reasons Conclusions had moved or uttered in the said Councell ye shall effectually keep them secretly and not discover them in no wise in other forme or manner then by the same Councell shall be ordained devised and accorded and whereas you can devise thinke or purpose any thing forme or rule that might be evident to turne to the honour weale and commodity of the King our Soveraigne Lord or to the good governance of this Towne and Marches ye shall at all times shew and move it to the Councell to the intent that it may be ordained and executed These things abovesaid every of them with all their circumstances and dependances ye shall duly exercise use keep and doe from time to time during your abiding in the said Councell with all the spirits of your good minde So help you God and the Holy dame and by this book The Oath given to a Knight of the Bath at the time of his creation GReat Worship be this noble Order unto you and Almighty God give you Grace well to keep it you shall be strong in the Faith of Holy Church you shall releeve as right requireth Widows Maids and Orphants you shall love and dread God above all things you shall love the King your Soveraigne Lord and him and his right defend to your power you shall suffer no Extortion as farre forth as you may nor sit in any place where wrongfull Judgement shall be given to your knowledge and as great honour be this noble Order unto you as it was to any of your Kinne or Progenitors before you or any others The Oath of the Captaines and Souldiers serving the Estates of Zeland VVEE sweare and promise To be faithfull to the Queenes Majesty of England our Soveraigne and to the generall united Provinces of the Low Countries especially to the Estates of this Province of Zeland to the end to keepe his Towne of Flushing with the Forts belonging to the same for the assurance of her Majesty the profit of the said Estates and the maintenance of the true Christian Religion as it is at this present exercised as well in England as in the Towne and Country of Zeland and to yeeld all due obedience to our Governour chiefe and Captaines So God us help The Oach and Homage made by James the King of Scots unto King Henry 6. in the second yeare of his Reigne over England I Iames Steward King of Scots shall be true and faithfull unto you Lord Henry by the grace of God King of England and France the noble and Superiour Lord of the King of Scotland which I hold and claim to hold of you and I shall beare you my faith and fidelity of life and limbe and worldly honour against all men and faithfully I shall knowledge and shall do to you service due to the Kingdome of Scotland So God help me and these holy Evangelists The Oath of a Tenant that doth Atturne to the Lord of a Mannour YOu shall become true and lawfull Tenant and true faith beare to the Lord of this Mannour for such Lands as you hold of the same Lordship and do such Customes and Services as of right ye ought to do saving the faith that you beare to any other Lands So help you God and by the Contents of this Booke The Oath used in a Court Baron to swedre any to the Queenes Highnesse YOu shall be true Liegeman and true faith beare to our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth Queen
the English Seminaries of the Romish institution use to take I John Copley Collegiall of the English Seminary duly considering the great benefits which Almighty God hath bestowed upon me and that especially whereby he hath drawne me out of the Country infected with Heresie and made me a Member of his true Catholike Church and desiring not to shew my selfe altogether ingrate unto Gods so great mercy I have freely decreed to consecrate and offer up my selfe wholly unto his divine service for attaining as much as in me lyeth to the end of the said Colledge And I doe promise confirme by this mine Oath unto Almightie God that I am and shall be ever most readie in mind by the assistance of his holy grace to receive in due time Holy Orders and to returne into England there to gaine Soules whensoever the Superiour of this Colledge shal thinke good by vertue of his Office to command me thereto The Oath of a Knight of the Bathe as it was Ministred at the Coronation of King Charles Anno 162. RIght deare Brother great Worship be this Order unto you And the Almightie God give you the praise of all Knight-hood You shall love God above all things yee shall bee stedfast in the Faith of Christ and the same maintain and defend to your power You shall love your Soveraigne above all earthly creatures and for your Soveraigne and your Soveraignes Right and Dignitie live and dye You shall defend Maidens Widowes and Orphans in their Rights You shall suffer no Extortion so far forth as you may nor fit in place to heare any wrongfull Judgments given to your knowledge And as great Honour be this Noble Order unto you as ever it was to your Progenitors The Oath of Fealtie taken by John Balioll King of Scots to the King of England THis heare you my Lord Edward King of England Soveraigne Lord of the Realm of Scotland that I John de Balioll King of Scotland which I hold and claime to hold of you that I shall be faithfull and loyall and owe faith and loyaltie to you I shall beare of life and member and of earthly honour against all people And lawfully I shall acknowledge and doe the services which I owe to you for the Realme of Scotland aforesaid So God me helpe and his Holy Evangelists The Oath and Fealtie made by King John to Pope Innocentius Anno Dom. 1213. Anno R. Joh. 14 John by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland from this houre forward shall be faithfull to God and to Saint Peter and to the Church of Rome and to my L. Pope Innocentius and to his Successors lawfully entring I shall not be in word nor deed in consent or counsell that they should lofe life or member or bee apprehended in evill manner Their losse if I may know it I shall Impeach and stay so farre as I shall be able or else so shortly as I can I shall signifie unto them and declare to such persons the which I shall believe will declare the same unto you The counsell which they shall commit unto me by themselves their messengers or their Letters I shall keepe secretly and not utter to any man to their hurt to my knowledge The Patrimony of Saint Peter and especially the Kingdome of England and Ireland I shall endeavour my selfe to defend against all men to my power So helpe me God and these Holy Evangelists Amen This Fealtie was done on the Eve of the Ascention of our Lord in the yeare Anno 1213. The Oath of a Doctor of Divinitie according to the practice of the Vniversitie of Basill Ornatissime Vir Sacrarum Literarum canditate D. Doctissime Hodie coram Amplissimo hoc concessu pormittis atque fidem das in conspectu Sacrosancti Adorandae Trinitatis cui te Hactenus Totum Addixisti Consecrati studiis laboribus Vigilliis tuis quod velis doctrinam Puram a Prophetis Apostelis ae Patribus Melioris Notae Acceptam in corrupte in Scolis Ecclesiisque docere Dogmata Pugnantia cum dei verbo quantum vis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 habeant nulla vel Seminare vel tueri per totam vitam eruditioni ac gradui sermone Actionibus morum gravitatem conjungere eam que Theologie docet et sit avera 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 comoda nostrae Reipublicae Symnasii utilitatem ac in Primis Ordinis Theologici salutem quantum in te fuerit Perpetuo promonere Indignes Ambitioses contentioses à dignitatis titula quem docturatam Appellamus longe Abarcere denique cum universis Fratribus sinceram Religionem profitentibus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 insigne conjunctionis vinculum Colore Alere aeternum Amen The Oath of a Sheriffe of a Count●e according as it was reformed by direction of the Kings Councell the 4. of Decemb Anno 1625. YEE shall sweare That well and truely yee shall serve the King in the Office of the Sheriffe of the Countie of B. and doe the Kings Profits in all that belongeth to you to doe by way of your Office as farre forth as you may or can Yee shall truely keepe the Kings and all that be ongeth to the Crowne Yee shall not assent to decrease to lesson ne to concealement of any of the Kings Rights or of his Franchizes And whensoever yee shall have knowledge that the Kings Rights or the Rights of the Crowne bee concealed or withdrawne be it in Lands Rents Franchizes or Suits or any other thing Ye● shall doe your true power to make them be restored to the King againe And if he may not doe it yee shall certifie the King or some of his Councell thereof such as you know for certaine will say it unto the King Yee shall not respite the Kings debts for any gift or favour where yee may rayse them without great grievance of the debtor Yee shall truely and righteously treat the people of your Sheriffe wick and doe right as well to poore as to rich in all that belongeth to your Office Yee shall doe no wrong to any man for any gift or other behest or promise of goods for favour nor hate Yee shall disturbe no mans right yee shall acquit at the Exchequer all those of whom yee shall any thing receive of the Kings debts Yee shall nothing take whereby the King may lose or that right may be letten or disturbed or the Kings debt delayed Yee shall truely returne and truely serve the Kings Writs as farre forth as it shall be in your cunning Yee shall not have to be your Unde-Sheriffe any of the Sheriffes Clerks of the last yeare passed Yee shall take no Bayliffe into your service but such as you will answer for Yee shall make each of your Bayliffs make such Oath as you make your selfe in that that belongeth to their Occupation Yee shall receive no Writs by you nor any of yours unsealed nor any Sealed under the Seale of any Justice save of Justice in Eyre or Justice assigned
146 Serjeant to attend a Jurie Sheriffs of the Counties 221 Sheriffs of Oxon and Berks c. 229 Steward of Gascoigne 232 Serjeant at the Law to the King 245 Searcher in the Customes 246 Serjeant at Law 245 Succession of the Crowne 250 Seminarie Priests 302 Sheriffe of a Countie newly altred Succession of H. 8. and Queene Anne 332 Sheepe to be numbred and valued 344 Surveyer of the Liveries 346 Surveyer of the Court of Survey 348 Sub-Treasurer of the Exchequer 375 T. TReasurer-Clerk 34 Treasurer of Barwick 47 Treasurer of the Augmentation 83 Treasurer of the Warre 111 Treasurer of Calice 173 Tenants to the King in a Court Baron Tenants atturning to their Lords Treasurer of England Tronater of London 231 Treasurer of the Kings Houshold 276 Treasurer of the first Fruits 326 Treasurer of the Court of Survey 350 Treasurer of the Exchequer 212 U USher of the Exchequer 40 Verderer of a Forrest 297 Vow and Covenant 407 W. WRiter of the Tables 37 Writer of the P●ll 39 Wardemote Inquest in London 79 THE BOOKE OF OATHES BOTH Ancient and Moderne The Ancient Oath used and taken by the Kings of England at their Coronation THat he shall keepe and maintain the liberties of the holy Church of old time granted by the righteous Christian Kings of England and that he shall keepe all the Lands Honours and Dignities righteous and free of the Crowne of England in all manne● holy without any manner of minishments and the rights of the Crowne hurt decay or losse to his power shall call againe into the ancient estate And that he shall keepe the peace of the holy Church and of the Clergy and of the People with good accord And that he shall doe in his judgement equity and right Justice with discretion and mercy And that he shall grant to hold the Lawes and Customes of the Realme and to his power keepe them and affirme them which the Flock and People have chosen And the evill Lawes and Customes wholly to put out and stedfast and stable peace to the people of his Realme keepe and cause to be kept to his power The new Oath used and taken by the Kings of England at their Coronation THe King shall then sweare King H. 8. corrected the old Oath with his owne hand to the effect of this the Originall is in the hands of Sir Robert Corton Knight and Baroner 1625 that he shall keepe and maintaine the lawfull Right and the Liberties of old time granted by the Righteous Christian Kings of England to the holy Church of England not prejudiciall to his Jurisdiction and Dignity Royall and that he shall keepe all the Lands Honours and Dignities Righteous and Freedomes of the Crowne of England in all manner whole without any manner of minishment and the right of the Crowne hurt decay or lost to his power shall call againe into the ancient estate and that he shall endeavour himselfe to keep unity in his Clergy and Temporall Subjects and that he shall according to his conscience in all his Judgements minister equity right and Justice shewing where is to be shewed mercy and that he shall grant to hold the Lawes and approved Customes of the Realme and lawfull and not prejudiciall to his Crowne or imperiall Jurisdiction to his power keepe them and affirme them which the Nobles and People have made and chosen with his consent and the evill Lawes and Customes wholly to put out and steadfast and stable peace to the People of his Realme keep and cause to be kept to his power in those which honour and equity doe require The Oath of a Privie Councellor YOu shall sweare To the uttermost part of your cunning wit will and power you shall be true and faithfull to the Queenes Majesty our most deare and Soveraigne Lady and to her Highnesse Heires and Successors Kings and Queenes of England according to the limitation of the Statute made in the yeare of the Reigne for the establishment of the succession of the Crowne Imperiall of this Realme You shall not know nor heare any thing that may in any wayes be prejudiciall to her Majesty or to her Heires and Successors in forme aforesaid or to the Common-wealths peace and quiet of this her Majesties Realme but you shall with all diligence reveale and disclose the same to her Majesty or to such person or persons of her Highnesse Privie Councell as you shall think may and will honestly convey and bring it to her Majesties knowledge you shall serve her Majesty truly and faithfully in the roome and place of her Highnesse Privie Councell you shall keepe close and secret all such matters as shall be treated disputed debated and resolved of in Councell without disclosing the same or any part thereof to any but only to such only as be of the Privie Councell and yet if any matter so propounded treated disputed and debated in any such Councell shall touch any particular person sworne of the same upon any such matter as shall in any wise concerne his fidelity and truth to the Queenes Majesty you shall in no wise open the same to him but keep it secret as you would doe from any other person till the Queenes Majesties pleasure be knowne in that behalfe you shall in all things to be moved treated disputed and debated in any such Councell faithfully and truly declare your minde and opinion according to your heart and conscience in no wise forbearing so to do for any manner of respect of favour love need dread displeasure or corruption Finally you shall be vigilant diligent and circumspect in all your doings and proceedings touching the Queenes Majesty and her Affaires all which points before expressed you shall faithfully observe fulfill and keepe to the uttermost of your power wit and cunning So God you helpe and by the holy Contents of this Booke The Oath of the Clerke of the Councell YOu shall sweate To be a true and faithfull Servant unto the Queenes Majesty as one of the Clerks of her Highnesse Privy Councell You shall not know or understand of any manner of thing to be attempted done or spoken against her Majesties Person Honour Crowne and Dignity Royall but you shall let and withstand the same to the uttermost of your power and either do or cause it to be revealed either to her Majesty her selfe or to her Privy Councell You shall keep secret all matters committed and revealed unto you or that shall be treated of secretly in Councell And if any of the same Treaties or Counsels shall touch any of the Councellors you shall not reveale it unto him but shall keepe the same untill such time as by the consent of her Majesty or of the Councell Publication shall be made thereof You shall to your uttermost beare Faith and true Allegiance to her Majesty her Heires and Successors and shall assist and defend all Jurisdictions Preeminencies and Authorities granted to her Majesty and annexed to her Crown against all