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A68635 The pastyme of people The cronycles of dyuers realmys and most specyally of the realme of Englond breuely co[m]pylyd [and] empryntyd in chepesyde at the sygne of the mearemayd next to pollys gate. Cum priuilegio. Rastell, John, d. 1536. 1530 (1530) STC 20724; ESTC S111873 150,895 127

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Englande toke dyuers castels of the kinges as wyndesore Notyngham dyuers other And the frenche kynge made warre in Normādye but the barons of Englande resysted so this Iohn̄ the kynges brother that he was fayne to deꝑte to the kynge of Fraunce After whan kynge Rycharde came home into Englande he called a parlyment and set the realme in order exy●ed all the Iewes out of Englande saue onely a fewe whiche remayned in Norwyche but after that the Iewes were suffred to inhabyte agayne in dyuers places in Englande And than after he sayled into Normandye where his brother Iohn̄ than was and made sharpe warre agaynst the Frenche kyng but after a truce peace was taken betwene them for a certayne tyme. And his brother Iohn̄ was then reconsyled to the kyng whiche bothe to gyther returned into Englāde But after when the day of truce was expyred kyng Rycharde sayled agayne into Normandye made newe warre agayne vpon the Frenche kyng In the whiche warre they sped dyuersly for the Frenche kynge toke dyuers of his holdes in Normandye kynge Rycharde toke dyuers of his holdes in Fraunce many great conflyctes was betwene them But at the last kynge Rycharde went to besege a castell called castyll Gayllarde and as he rode about the castell to aduyse it one marked hym with a quarell smote hym in the hede wherof anone after he dyed without yssue of his body the .vi. day of Apryll the yere of Chryst M. C·xCix and is buryed at Founteuerarde Iohannes Innocent ¶ Innocent was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M.C.xCviii in his tyme lyued saynt Fraunces and saynt Dominycke fyrst begynners of those orders he hylde the see .xviii. yere ¶ Philyppe ¶ Philyppe was nexte Emperour the yere of Christ M.C.xCix he hylde the Empyre .x ▪ yeres he had great warre with Otton whiche was also chosyn Emperour this Philyppe was slayne in his chambre Iohn̄ IOhan brother to the forenamed Richarde was crowned kynge the .xxvi. day of Iulij the yere of Chryst M.C.xCix Philyppe the kynge of Fraunce hylde a counsell in Cenomenia in Maturyn and made one Artur sonne to Geffrey Plantagenet neuewe to kynge Iohan duke of Bretayne whiche incontynent enteryd the contrey of Angeo kynge Philyppe entryd into Normandye and toke many holdes there Kynge Iohan herynge therof came into Normandye to resyste kynge Philyppe but by mediacyon of fryndes a peace was made betwene the two kynges And after that kynge Iohan was deuorced from his wyfe which was doughter to the erle of Glocester for nerenesse of blode and maryed in Fraunce to Isabell doughter to the erle of Engolesym ¶ About the .iii. yere of kynge Iohan his reyne there were sene in the fyrmament .v. mones also about the same tyme at a parlyment holdyn at Verdon it was concluded y t kynge Iohn̄ shulde appere at Parys within .xv. dayes after Ester next folowynge to answere to suche questyons as then shulde be layde agaynst hym for the Duchye of Normandye and the contrey of Angeo And because he appered nat nor none for hym kynge Philyppe enteryd into Normandye toke there dyuers holdes gaue the countye of Angeo to the forsayd Artur And whan kynge Iohn̄ harde therof he came from Englande to Normandye and there made warre and toke the sayd Artur prisoner and dyuers other and returned shortely into Englande but yet he wanne nat y e contrey as it was sayd In the same yere folowynge was great stormes of wynde and rayne and hayle as bygge as hennes egges sperytes sene in the eyre lyke foules berynge fyre in theyr bylles whiche set dyuers houses a fyre This kyng Iohn̄ than asked an eyde of the clergye of Englande for the optaynynge of Normandye whiche was lost whiche they denyed to gyue And also the pryour and couent of Caunterbury had chosyn one Steuyn Langton bysshop agaynst the kyngꝭ wyll whome the pope confyrmed wherfore kynge Iohan was nat content and droue the pryour and dyuers of the couent out of the realme and commaunded that no letter nor commaundement of the pope shulde be receyued in Englande nor wolde nat at the popes request receyue that bysshoppe so chosyn wherfore suche varyaunce fell betwene the pope and the kynge that the pope interdyted the lande whiche stode so interdyted .vii. yeres tyll that kynge Iohan was reconsyled But as it is sayd this interdytynge was nat so strayte but that chylderne were chrystened in euery place and deuyne seruyce sayd in many houses of religyon and other places by lycence purchased than and before and people houselyd anayled except suche ꝑsons as were except by name in the bull About this tyme in Sussex was taken a fysshe lyke a man whiche was kept a lyue .vi. monthes after vpon lande with rawe flesshe but by cause they coude haue no speche of it they cast it into the see agayne ¶ About the .vii. yere of kynge Iohans reyne the sayd Frenche kynge Philyppe wanne all the hole contrey of Normandye Some auctours say that the frenche kynge made all this warre agaynst kyng Iohn̄ by excytynge of the pope for his contumacye agaynst the churche ¶ About this tyme the Irysshemen rebellyd and than kynge Iohan with a pusant armye went into Irelande and shortely subdued them set the contrey in a rule and there bylde many great townes castels ordayned his lawes there to be kept and returned agayne into Englande ¶ Sone after this kynge Iohan prepared a great hoost and sayled into Rochyll and when the Frenche kynge harde therof he prepared another stronge hoost so that bothe the hoostes were within lytell dystannce to haue mette but by mediacyon of fryndes the two kynges there toke a peace for .ii. yeres folowynge Also about the .x. yere of kynge Iohans reyne the pope sent .ii. legates Pandulfe and Durrant to kynge Iohan that he shulde receyue Steuyn to his Archebysshopryke and sent a newe commyssion wherby the curse of interdytynge if the kynge wolde nat agree therto was newely denounced ¶ Otton ¶ Otton was nexte Eyperour he was crowned by pope Innocent after accursed of the same pope and deposyd of his Empyre at a counsell holdyn at Rome he hylde the Empyre .iii. yeres ¶ Also he assoyled and acquyted all the lordes of Englande spirituall and temporall of all homage and fealte that they owed to the kyng to the intent that they shulde aryse agaynst hym but the kynge wolde nat be reconsyled wherfore the pope sent to the kynge of Fraunce in remyssion of his synnes that he shulde take with hym all the power that he myght and go into Englande to distroy kynge Iohan. ¶ Also about this tyme the Citezyns of London made suche sute to the kynge that they optayned that the kynge graunted them to chose of them selfe yerely a Mayre ii Sheryffes and the names of Baylyffes clerely to be voyded whose names of the Meyre and Sherystes were The fyrst Mayre Henry
cōmynalte by settynge of taxes alterynge of tolles customes to theyr owne singuler ●ucr● whiche byll was cast in the kynges wardrobe whiche after came to the kynges handes that the kynge sent downe his Iustyce other of his counsell whiche discharged the Mayre Sheryffes Chamberlayne and made inquisicyon of the truthe but the offenders by theyr lerned counsell longe tyme defended them selfe and delayde the tryall And yet dyuers places of syttynge were appoynted aswell in the Guylhalle and at the Folkemo●e at Poules crosse in the Escheker y e kynges grace there beynge present where in the ende the Mayre Aldermen were arrested and cōpelled to put in great suertyes at the last they put them in the kynges mercy and made theyr ende and lastly restored agayne to theyr roumes but nat without great fynes payenge Also about this tyme there was a great derth that whete was worth .xxiiii. s. a quarter ¶ Lewys ¶ Lewys the .viii. son th the seconde Philyppe was nexte kynge of Fraunce the yere of Chryst M.CC.xxii he beseged the towne of Auynnion and wanne it ¶ Guy ¶ Guy son to Margaret was nexte erle of Flaunders Innocent Alexander ¶ Innocent was next pope he hylde y e see .xi. yeere ¶ Alexander hylde the see nexte .vii. yere Wyllyam ¶ wyllyam was nexte Emperour he hylde the see .vii. yere ¶ Also about the .xliii. yere of this kynges reyne the kynge at a court of Folkemote at Paulys axed lycence of the cōmons of the citye accordynge to the sayd ordynauace to passe the see and so went vnto Burdeux into Fraūce and had great chere of the Frenche kynge Lewys or that he came agayne he gran̄ted all his ryght that he had in Normandye Gascoyn Guyon to the said Lewys toke agayne Guyon Angeo and Mayn to holde of the Frenche kynge and was called in Fraunce duke of Guyon dyd homage to the Frenche kynge therfore Also about the .xlv. yere y e Barons of Englande by force of those forsayd ordynances toke vpon them to chaūge the kynges Iustyce the kynges Sheryffe and dyuers other offycers y t the kyng had admytted and put other in theyr places wherwith the kynge was nat content publysshed his bull of a●solucion wherfore the barons assembled to gether in the marches of wales with a strōge power sent a letter to the kynge praynge hym to obserue the said ordynaūces wherto he was sworne to whome the kynge sent no answere Then the barons came forwarde with banners displayde and moche people resorted to them they put in prison and punysshed all them that toke the cōtrarye parte and at the last came into London for the citye toke y e barons parte But sone after agrement was made betwene the kynge and his lordes whiche contynued nat longe for y e hyng caused syr Edwarde his eldyst son to take the castell of wyndesore by a trayne and the kynge secretely departed from westmyster and rode into the sayd castell many of the lordes that toke his parte came to hym And the barons and the other that toke their parte drewe to London but yet by some well disposed persons a concorde was takyng thus that bothe partes shulde abyde the iugement of Lewys the Frenche kynge concernynge the kepynge of the sayd ordynances wherfore the kynge and syr Edwarde his eldyst son went ouer to the sayd Lewys and for the barons parte there went syr Peter de Mountforde and other before whiche kynge Lewys the mater was argued but in conclusion kynge Lewys gaue sentence that the sayd statutes ordynances shulde be clerely voyde and the kynge set at lyberte After whiche sentence gyuen y e kyng all the other returned into Lpndon but the barons nat content with this sentence reputynge parcialyte in kynge Lewys departed and went into the Marches of wales gathered a great nombre of people and came into London and than because some varyaunce was betwene some of the rulers of the citye and the cōmons The cōmons made them two captaynes callynge them Constables of the citye at whose cōmaundement all the cōmyns by tollynge of the great bell of Polles shulde be redy in harnes to wayte vpon them whiche Constables with the cōmons by the exortynge of Hughe Spencer Constable of y e Towre went to Thystelworth beyonde westmyster and there spoyled the maner of the kynge of Romayns whiche dede was the great cause of the warre for the kynge toke it greuously and gathered great power and at the last came to the towne of Lewys in Sussex but the wardens of the fyue partes kept the see with shyppes y e no straungers shulde entre to ayde the kynge And than the barons with a great multytude of y e citye of Lōdon and with a great hoost of other people came agaynst the kynge betwene whome the .xxiii. day of May was fought a maruelous cruell battell at Lewys and the Lōdoners that gaue the fyrst assent by reason of the sharpe shot of Arowes and strokes gyuen by them of the kynges partes began to drawe backe But the barons incurraged theyr men in suche wyse y t they nat onely set vpon them with fresshe cheu●en but incurraged so them that gaue backe y t they turned agayne fought so fersly that the kyngꝭ ꝑte gaue backe the kyng lost the fylde where the kyng hym selfe the kyng of Romayns Edwarde the kyngꝭ son were takyn prisoners many other mo and .xx. M. men slayne for this battell cōtynued y e more part of the day After whiche battell endyd they brought their prisoners to London where the kynge agreed y t all the said ordynaūces shulde stonde in effecte and if any were thought vnresonable to be correctyd by .iiii. noble men of the realme s. ii spirytuall men ii temperall men many instrumentꝭ and wrytynges were made for the assurance of the same ¶ Lewys ¶ Lewys the .ix. called saint Lewys was next kyng of Fraūce the yere of Chryst M.CC.xxvii he made two voyages into y e holy lande in the fyrst he was takyn prisoner in the .ii. he dyed ¶ Vrban Clement ¶ Vrban was nexte pope he hylde the see .iii. yere and more ¶ Clement was nexte pope he hylde the see .iii. yere Rychyrde ¶ Rycharde and Alfons were in discorde by the electours who shulde be Emperour which discorde so contynued .xvi. yere After this a great discencyon fell betwene y e erle of Glocester the erle of Leyceter whiche were two of the barons y t were agaynst the kynge wherfore sone after syr Edwarde the kynges son deꝑted to the marches of wales accōpanyed the erle of Glocester the lordes of the marches assembled a great power came to Glocester wherfore syr Symon the erle of Leyceters son by his fathers cōmaundement assembled a great power came to wynchester toke it by force and after came to Kyllingworth where syr Edwarde
many hurtes in Gascoyn and Guyan for the erle of Artoys skyrmysshed ofte tymes with the englysshemen and at the last toke syr Iohn̄ saynt Iohn̄ syr willyam Mortymer and dyuers other prisoners whiche were conueyed to Fraunce to dyuers prisons ¶ Also about this tyme the cy●ezens of London were restored to theyr lybertes whiche in some parte had ben kept from them by the space of .xii. yeres so that in stede of Mayres there were custodyes or gardayns whiche was because they mysordered the Iustyce of the citye But for this restorynge they payde .iii. M. markes ¶ In the .xxvi. yere kynge Edwarde went ouer into Flaunders to ayde Guy erle of Flaunders agaynst the Frenche kynge and the frenche kynge drewe towarde the kynge but by mediacyon of fryndes at y e last a peace was made betwene them all But in this whyle the Scottes herynge of the warre in Flaunders because theyr kynge was fled into Fraūce made them a newe kynge called walys and rose agayne and entred into Northumberlāde but the kynge sent his letters to the lordes of Englande whiche by his cōmaundement gathered a great power and went into Scotlande where betwene them was skyrmysshes and many englysshemen slayne for the Scottes kept theyr holdes wolde nat come to no playne fylde But the nexte yere after kyng Edwarde gathered a great power and went hym selfe into Scotlāde where the Scottes with a great hoost met him at a place called Fankyrke where betwene them was fought a cruell battell but in the ende the Englysshemen had the victorye and slewe of the Scottes to y e nombre of .xxxii. M. and but fewe of the Englysshemen But yet the nexte yere after the kynge layde sege to the castell of Estreuelyn where at the last the Scottes that were therin yelded the castell and sware them selfes to the kynges ●legeaunce and walys herynge therof fledde into the mareyses for his suerte for feare of the kynges hoost kept hym so longe tyme that all the cōmons of Scotlande presented them selfe to the kynge by great companyes put them into the kyngꝭ grace and the rulers offycers of cityes townes boroughes were sworne to kynge Edwarde Celestyne Bonyface ¶ Celestyne hylde the see nexte .vi. monethes ¶ Bonyface hylde the see nexte .viii. yere he caused Celestyne to resygne his company to hym by fraude and after lyued lyke a lyon and dyed lyke a dodge ¶ Sone after this kynge Edwarde returned into Englande where many complayntes were made to hym of his offycers as of Mayres Sheryffes baylyffes exchetours and dyuers other wherfore he ordayned his Iustyce to make inquisicyons therof whiche after was called Trolbaston where by forfeytours fynes the kynge recouered innumerable treasour agaynst suche offenders and fylled his cofers agayne Neuerthe●●●●● this kynge dyd great good within the realme of Englande for those offenders were well chastyced and were moche more meker and better and the pore cōmons lyued in moche more rest and peace ¶ Also about this tyme syr Edwarde the kynges eldest sonne by the wanton counsell of Piers Ganeston brake the bysshop of Chesters parke and ryottuously distroyed his game wherfore the kynge imprysoned his sonne and other that were with hym and after banysshed the sayde Piers out of Englande ¶ Also about the .xxxiii. yere of kynge Edwarde walys the Scotte was taken and brought to London drawne hanged quartred and anone after that the bysshoppe of saynt Andrewes Robert le Bruse syr Symon Frysell erle of Dumber syr Iohn̄ Cambres erle of Atlas and syr Iohn̄ Comyn with many other came to westmyster by theyr voluntarye wylles were sworne to be trewe to kynge Edwarde and to kepe Scotlande to his vse But sone after that Robert le Bruse contrarye to his othe gate a dispensacyon for his othe of pope Clement the .v. and toke vpon hym to be kynge of Scotlande slewe syr Iohn̄ Comyn and his brother that counselled hym to the contrarye And sone after kynge Edwarde came into Scotlande agayne with a stronge power and Robert le Bruse met hym with a great nombre at a playne nyghe saynt Iohans towne where there was fought a cruell battell but the Scottꝭ were discomfyt and .vii. thousande Scottes there slayne there were dyuers bysshoppes and abbottes taken dyuers other temporall lordes And Robert le Bruse fled vnto the kynge of Norwey and kynge Edwarde sent the bysshoppes and Abbottes that were taken in the fylde to the pope and sent the temperall lordes and other of the Scottes that were takyn vnto London where they were put to dethe ¶ Also in the .xxxv. yere of kyng Edwarde as he returned towarde Englāde he fell sycke wherfore he sware his lordes to be trewe to Edwarde his eldyst son And also charded his sayd son vpon his blessynge that he shulde neuer suffer Piers of Ganeston to returne into Englande sware his lordes to stycke to the same and the kynges son and they all graunted therto and in y e vii day of Iulii in the yere of Chryst M.CCC.vii he dyed and is buryed at westmyster Edwardus .ij. ¶ Benedicte ¶ Benedicte was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M.CCC.iii he hylde the see .ix. monethes Henry ¶ Henry was nexte Emperour the yere of Chryst M.CCC.viii he hylde the Empyre .vi. yere Edwarde the seconde EDwarde the seconde of that name and son to Edwarde the fyrst borne at Carnaruan was crowned kynge the .xxiiii. day of February the yere of Chryst M.CCC.vii after the countynge of Englande This kynge was fayre stronge of body but vnstydfast of condicyons for he refused the company of his lordes and wyse men and haunted the company of vyle persons and gaue hym to great drynkyng and lyghtly wolde discouer thynges of great counsell whiche turned hym after to great hurte and the realme to great vnquietnesse This kynge as sone as his father was buryed sent for Piers of Ganeston his olde compyre and aduaunced hym to great honour contrary to the promyse that he made to his father This kynge in the seconde yere of his reyne went ouer into Fraunce and maryed Isabell doughter to Philyppe le Belle kynge of Fraunce and after with her returned into Englande This kynge for the displeasure done before to hym by y e bysshop of Chester put the sayd bysshop in the Towre in strayte prison but the lordes whiche y e kynges father in his dethbede sware to be trewe to his son came to the kynge and spake so to the kynge that contrary to the kynges mynde this Piers was banysshed into Irelande but the kynge secretely comforted hym with great gyftes and made hym chefe ruler of the contrey but after that for the auoydynge of grudge betwene y e kynge and the lordes the sayd Piers was suffered to come into Englande agayne and had the rule of all the kynges iewels and spende wasted moche of the kynges treasure that shortely after by y e labour of the lordes he
Caleys where echone departed from other with great gyftes and thankes ¶ Also in the .iiii. yere of kynge Henry the duke of Bedforde the erle of Marche had a great battell vpon the see with a f●ote of Ianuays and the englysshemen had the victorye toke .iii. of the greatiest of theyr Caryckes ¶ Also in the .v. yere the kynge hylde his parlyament at westmyster where there was graūted to hym towarde his warres a fyftene of the temperalte a disme of the spiritualte shortely after the kynge made prouisyon for his voyage with a great hoost landed in Normādye and than tythynges came to y e kynge that a great Nauey of frenchemen intended to lande in Englande wherfore the kynge sent the erle of Marche the erle of Huntyngton with other with his shyppes to incounter with them whiche shortely met them in the see ● betwene whome was a great fyght but the englysshemen had the victorye the vycont of Narbon which was captayne of y e frenche flete was taken Also in this whyle the kyng leyde sege to the towne of Touke whiche was delyuered vnto hym after he went forwarde to Cane wan it the castell And than he seuered his armye into dyuers ꝑtes whiche euer as they went wan dyuers stronge holdꝭ townes Also in this yere there was a derthe in Englande that a busshell of whete was worthe .ii. s ¶ Also in the .v. yere of kynge henry the kyng cōtynuynge his warres he layde sege vnto y e citye of Roan whiche citye because they had no rescue by y e Dolphyn was gyuen vp to kyng Hēry but the frenchemen sayd the losse of that citye was because there was diuisyon amonge the citezyns ¶ Also sone after that the kynge went forth on his iourney towarde Fraūce and subdued many townes holdes as he went somwhat by the ayde helpe of Philyppe duke of Burgon whiche toke parte w t kynge Henry because Iohn̄ his father was slayne by the Dolphyns seruantes in y e presens of the said Dolphyn Than after this the frenchemen made meanes for a peace treatye to be made betwene bothe y e realmes wherfore by y e meanes of y e sayd duke of Burgon at Troys in Chāpayne y e kynge maryed Katheryn doughter to Charles the Frenche kynge a peace was cōcluded w t certayne artycles that is to say because the frenche kynge was visyted with a contynuall syckenesse as is before sayd Kynge Henry as regent of Fraūce shulde haue the hole gouernaunce of the realme of Fraunce defence of the same specyally to withstande defende the Dolphyn whiche agreed nat to the same peace And also y t kynge Charles shulde haue the name to be called kynge of Fraunce durynge his lyfe naturall after his dethe kynge Henry of Englande to be his heyre and kynge bothe of Fraūce and of Englande that bothe these realmes shulde be vnder one monarchy with dyuers other artycles for the suraunce of the same peace After whiche artycles concluded kynge Henry w t his newe wyfe dame Katheryn sped hym vnto Parys where he was honorably receyued After this kynge Henry with dyuers of the lordes of Fraunce layde sege to dyuers townes whiche toke the Dolphyns parte and wanne them And when kyng Henry had thus done moche of his purpose in Fraūce he toke his leaue of his father the frenche kynge with the quene his wyfe sayled into Englande brought her to westmyster where she was crowned quene of Englande and left his brother the duke of Clarence his depute in Fraunce ¶ Also in the .viii. yere of this kyng Henry after this feest of the quenes coronacyon fenysshed the kynge made prouisyon for his warre in Fraunce agaynst the Dolphyn and the kynge thus beynge occupyed the duke of Clarence beynge in Fraūce was ouercome in battell slayne by a frenche captayne called Iohn̄ de la Rose the erle of Huntyngton and Somerset with many mo gentylmen of Englande in Gascoyne taken prisoners ¶ Also in the .x. yere of his reyne the kyng toke shyppynge at Douer and landed at Caleys so went into Fraūce makyng warre styll agaynst the Dolphyn And after his departynge y e quene was brought to bedde in wyndesore the .vi. day of Decembre of a sonne called Henry and after that the quene went ouer the see to the kynge and was honorably receyued of her father and of her mother And kynge Henry the quene sat bothe at a great feest in Parys crowned whiche had nat be sene before the kynge Charles than kept no estate nor great rule And anone after that kynge Henry fell sycke at Boys de vincent ordayned there many thynges for his soule and than there after that dyed the .xxxi. day of August the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.xxii and after was brought ouer into Englande and buryed at westmyster ¶ Also in the monethe of October nexte folowynge dyed Charles the frenche kynge Henricus .vj. Eugeny ¶ Eugenye was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M.iiii C.xxxi he hylde the se● .xvi. yere there was a varyaunce betwene hym and the duke of Sauoy who shulde be pope whiche duke at the last was admytted at the counsell at Bassel and called Felyx Albert. ¶ Albert was nexte Emperour the yere of chryst M.iiii C.xxxviii he hylde the empyre .ii. yere· Henry the syxte HEnry the syxte of that name and son to Henry the fyfte beynge of the age of .ix. monethes was proclaymed kyng of Englande the fyrst day of Septēbre the yere of Chryste M.iiii C.xxii. Also in the monethe of October nexte Charles the Frenche kynge dyed And sone after that the corps of his father kynge Henry the .v. was brought ouer into Englande and in the .vi. day of Nouembre with great solempnyte buryed at westmyster And than anone after a parlyament was holden at westmyster where aswell the gouernynge of this yonge kynge as of bothe the realmes was prouyded for And than the duke of Glocester the kynges vncle was made protector of Englande and the duke of Bedforde the kynges other vncle was made regent of Fraunce ¶ Also in the seconde yere of kynge Henry the .vi. the kynge with the quene his mother remoued vnto westmyster where than was holden a parlyament and the yonge kynge was set in his sete in the parlyament chambre amonge his lordes and in the same yere the duke of Bedforde as regent of Fraunce made stronge warre vpon charles the Dolphyn whiche of his fauourers was accompted kynge of Fraunce and gatte many stronge holdes of hym But at the last the sayde Charles sent the duke of Ataūson w t dyuers other great lordes of Fraunce with a great armye whiche mette with the duke of Bedforde the regent and his hoost at Vernoyll betwene whome there was fought a great battell but the victorye fell to the Englysshemen for in that fyght was slayne the erles of Turon and Boucam̄