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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A43199 Ductor historicus, or, A short system of universal history and an introduction to the study of that science containing a chronology of the most celebrated persons and actions from the creation to this time, a compendious history of ... transactions ... of the ancient monarchies and governments of the world, an account of the writings of the most noted historians ... together with definitions and explications of terms used in history and chronology, and general instructions for the reading of history / partly translated from the French of M. de Vallemont, but chiefly composed anew by W.J., M.A. Hearne, Thomas, 1678-1735.; Vallemont, abbé de (Pierre Le Lorrain), 1649-1721. Elémens de l'histoire. 1698 (1698) Wing H1309; ESTC R15760 279,844 444

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of Portugal by all whom being refus'd he at length obtain'd it of Ferdinand and Isabella King and Queen of Spain who in the Year 1492. gave him Three Ships with Men and Provisions with these he set out and happily effected his Intention discovering Cuba and Hispaniola and return'd to Spain 1493. Afterwards Americus Vespusius being set forth by Emanuel King of Portugal discover'd the Southern Continent of America which Name he had the Honour to give to all that vast Country 149● Maximilian Emperor an excellent Prince 1493. Henry VIII King of England 1509. he married Katharin of Spain the Widow of his Brother Arthur 1509. Charles V. Son of Philip who was the Son of Maximilian and Mary of Burgundy which Philip married Ioan the Heiress of Spain by which means Charles succeeded in both these Estates 1516. and was chosen Emperor on the Death of Maximilian 1519. Fr. Picus Count of Mirandola in Italy and D. Erasmus Native of Rotterdam flourished Martin Luther begins to Preach in Germany against Indulgences and other Errors of the Church of Rome 1517. Solyman styl'd The Magnificent began to Reign 1520. The Island and City of Rhodes after a vigorous Defence taken by the Turks 1523. Belgrade was taken and Vienna besieg'd by Solyman King Henry of England Wars successfully with France 1510. writes against Luther and obtains the Title of Defender of the Faith 1521. Is divorc'd from Queen Katharin and marries Anne Bollen 1533. Beheads her and marries Iane Seymour 1536. Marries Anne of Cleeve and Katharin Howard 1540. Marries again the Lady Katharin Parr 1543. he advanc'd Cardinal Wolsey to the highest pitch of Greatness who having displeas'd him is pull'd down and Cromwel advanc'd 1531. Cromwel also disgrac'd and beheaded 1540. This King suppress'd Monasteries and made way for the Reformation which follow'd in the Reigns of his Son and Daughters The Straights of Magellanica in America discover'd and nam'd by Ferdinand Magellan 1520. Mexico and Peru conquer'd by the Spaniards about this time The Name of Protestant first began on occasion of a Protestation the Lutherans made against a Decree of the Chamber of Spire against them 1529. The Smalcaldan League or agreement between the Protestants of Germany for their mutual Defence made at Smalcald 1540. The Council of TRENT began 1540. Edward VI. Son of Henry VIII by his Wife Iane Seymour succeeds his Father at 9 Years of Age 1547. a wonderfully wise and pious Prince he reforms Religion and expels the Superstition and false Doctrin of the Romish Church his Uncle Edward Seymour the Protector beheaded 1551. Mary his Sister succeeds him 1553. she restores Popery marries Philip the Son of the Emperor Charles V. afterwards King of Spain 1554. loses Callice which had been held by the English ever since King Edward IIId's time 1557. Elizabeth her Sister Queen of England 1558. restores the Reformation and reigns with great Wisdom and Reputation 44 Years The Emperor Charles V. Resigns all his Kingdoms 1557. Ferdinand his Brother chosen Emperor 1558. Philip II. his Son succeeds him in Spain 1558. Charles IX King of France 1560. The Civil War for Religion began there 1562. The Massacre of the Protestants at Paris 1572. Maximilian II. Emperor 1564. The Wars in the Low-Countries against the Inquisition c. began 1565. King Philip sends Duke d' Alva to suppress it 1567. William Prince of Orange heads the Protestants in the Low-Countries 1572. Under whose Protection Holland throws off the Spanish Yoke and soon after Six more of the Provinces joyn with them and altogether conclude a solemn Union at V●recht 1579. Queen Elizabeth being at this time at War with Spain gives them assistance The famous Sea Fight at Lepanto wherein the Venetians kill 20000 Turks and sink 200 Galleys 1572. Henry III. King of France 1574. The Holy League in France began 1576. Rodolphus II. Emperor 1576. Sir Francis Drake Sails through the Magallonnie Streights thence over to the Phillipine Islands and the East-Indies and having encompass'd the whole Globe of the Earth returns to England 1580. Pope Gregory XIII Corrects the Calander 1582. William Prince of Orange Assassinated at Delft 1584. Succeeded by his Brother Maurice who for many Years maintain'd the War against the Spaniards The Spaniards with a mighty Armado attempt to invade England but are totally routed by the English 1588. Mary Queen of Scots beheaded in England 1587. Henry III. King of France is stab'd by Ia. Clement a Friar 1589. Henry IV. King of Navarre succeeds him 1589. Turns Roman Catholick restores the Peace of the Nation Years of Jes. Chr. Makes an Edict at Nants in favour of the Protestants 1598. Is stab'd by Ravillac 1610. Iames King of Scotland succeeds Queen Elizabeth in the Throne of England 1602. The Gun-powder Plot 1605. Philip III. King of Spain 1598. Peace made between Spain and Holland whereby the united Provinces are declar'd a free State 1609. Lewis XIII King of France 1610. Gustavus Adolphus the famous King of Sweden began to Reign 1611. Matthias King of Hungary and Bohemia elected Emperor 1612. Frederick Count Palatine of the Rhine Marries the Lady Elizabeth Daughter to King Iames of England 1612. Frederick II. chosen Emperor 1619. The Elector Palatine being chosen King of Bohemia is oppos'd by the Emperor and defeated in the Battle of Prague 1620. Philip IV. King of Spain 1621. The Elector Palatine outed of all his Dignity given to the Duke of Bavaria 1624. Great Wars in Germany ensued King Charles I. King of England succeeds his Father 1625. Henry Frederick Prince of Orange succeeds Maurice 1625. Cardinal Richelieu chief Minister in France He labours to ruine the Protestant Party and finally takes the City Rochel their chief Strength after a long Siege and vigorous Defence 1628. The renown'd Gustavus Adolphus after many victorious Acts in Germany Italy c. is slain at the Battle of Lutzen in Germany November 6 1632. Christina his Daughter succeeds him 1632. Count Tilly the Emperor's General famous for his Conquests in Bohemia Denmark and Germany died 1632. Portugal throws off the Spanish Yoke and receives Iohn Braganza of the ancient Royal Family for their King 1640. Ferdinand III. chosen Emperor 1637. The Rebellion and Massacre in Ireland 1641. King Charles by reason of the Factious disorders in London retires into the North is denied entrance into Hull 1642. Sets up his Standard at Nottingham Aug. 2. 1642. Lewis XIV the present King of France began to Reign being then but Five years old 1643. William II. Prince of Orange Father of his present Majesty of Great Britain succeeded his Father in all his Honours 1647. Peace among the Germans c. concluded at Munster in Westphalia 1648. The Civil War rages in England King Charles I. Martyr'd 164● The famous Rebellion at Naples on occasion of the grievous Excises headed by Thomas Aniello commonly call'd Massanello 1647. Oliver Cromwel usurps the Government of England under the Name of Protector 1651. The Prince of Orange dyes October 8. 1650.
leaving his Princess the Daughter of King Charles II. with Child of our present King who was Born Nov. 14. 1650. The Island Iamaica in America taken by the English 1655. Christina Queen of Sweden resigns her Crown and goes to Rome 1654. Carolus Gustavus Duke of Deux-ponts her Cousin succeds her 1654. Alphonsus King of Portugal succeeds his Father 1656. Being Lunatick is confin'd and his Brother made Regent Leopoldus-Ignatius-Iosephus the present Emperor of Germany began to Reign Iuly 22. 1658. Oliver Cromwel dy'd Sept. 3. 1658. A War between France and Spain having lasted 25 Years is at length ended by a Peace concluded in the Isle of Pheasants near the Pyrenean Mountains 1659. After half a dozen Changes of Government in England in one Years time the Rump being by General Monk's Management dissolv'd and a Free Parliament chosen it was resolv'd by the Parliament April 20. That Charles II. was lawful and undoubted King and Messengers immediately sent to Breda to invite him Home 1660. EPOCHA XIV King Charles II. Restor'd the ancient Government and Laws of England Re-establish'd and Europe in a Profound Peace 1660. ANd here we must make a Stand for who can pass so pleasant a Sight as this happy Year gives us of the peaceful State of all Europe without taking a View of the agreeable Prospect In England our celebrated Augustus shuts up the Temple of Ianus and by his happy Influence gives the Muses Liberty and the Merchant Protection Learning and Wit flourish Trade enriches the Nation and a general Joy drives away the Sorrows which the late Tyrannical Usurpation had cast over all the good and honest part of the People The hungry Beggars that had usurp'd the Senate-house were now expell'd and forc'd to refund the sweet Morsels which they had robb'd the King the Clergy and their Fellow-Subjects of under the specious Name of Sequestration In short the King the Laws the ancient Liberty Government and Peace was restor'd and England was made happy In Germany the War which the Emperor King of Poland and Elector of Brandenburg had maintain'd against the King of Sweden was ended that between Sweden and Denmark as also between France and Sweden terminated and finally France and Spain reconcil'd by the Pyrenean Peace and afterwards by the Marriage of the the Infanta to the King So that we may truly call this Annus Pacificus of Europe and compare this with the Augustan Age. May 29 1660. King Charles II. makes his Triumphant Entrance into London it being the Day of his Birth in the Twelfth Year of his Reign and on the 23d of April following was Crowned Leopold Ignatius being at that time Emperor of Germany Philip IV. King of Spain Lewis XIV King of France Alphonso King of Portugal Charles X. King of Sweden Christiern V. King of Denmark Alexius Michaeliwitz Czar of Moscovy Iohn Casimer King of Poland Alexander VII Pope of Rome Franciscus Molino Doge of Venice Ferdinand II. Duke of Florence Charles Emanuel Duke of Savoy and finally Mahomet IV. Sultan of the Turks 1661. In France Cardinal Mazarine being dead Mar. 9 1661. that King takes the Government wholly into his own Hands The Dauphin Born Nov. 1. 1661. King Charles of England marries Donna Catherina Infanta of Portugal May 22. 1662. Venner and the Fifth Monarchists make a Riot and bloody Rebellion for a few Days in London 166● The first Dutch War 1665. A raging Pestilence at London 1665. War proclaim'd against France who side with the Dutch 1665 6. A violent Fire which burnt down the greatest part of London 1666. The Dutch at Chatham 1667. A Peace concluded at Breda by England with France and Holland 1667. War betwixt France and Spain 1667. The Theatre at Oxford built by A. Bp. Sheldon 1668. Treaty of Peace between Spain and France at Aix la Chapelle 1668. The City and Island of Candia taken by the Turks 1669. Clement IX Pope 1670. The Duke of Lorrain dispossest of his Dominions by the French 1670. The second Dutch War 1672. The French King invades Holland over-runs the Country and commits very barbarous Ravage 1672. Spain declares against France 1673. A Faction in Holland headed by de Witt taking Advantage of the Prince of Orange's Minority had some Years before this resolv'd no more to admit of a Stadtholder but at this time the miserable State of their Country through the French Tyranny which was carried on because the Dutch wanted some skilful Captain made the People mutiny and oblige the States to restore the Prince to the Dignity and Honours of his Ancestors 1674. Peace between England and Holland 1674. Victor Amadaeus present Duke of Savoy succeeds his Father 1675. Pope Clement X. dies and is succeeded by Benedict Odeschalci who took the Name of Innocent XI 1676. The Prince of Orange comes over to England and marries the Lady Mary our late gracious Queen 1677. Peace concluded at Nimeguen between France and Holland 1678. Also between Spain and France 1678. Also between the Emperor and France The Popish Plot in England discover'd 1678. The Dauphin marries the Princess of Bavaria 1679. The Duke of Burgundy eldest Son to the Dauphin born 1681. Algiers Bombarded by the French 1682. The Czar of Moscovy dying causes Disputes which of the Sons should succeed at length 't was agreed they both should Reign together 1682. War between the Emperor and the Turks Tangier quitted and destroy'd by the English 1683. Vienna Besieg'd by the Turks 60 Days at length Reliev'd and the Siege rais'd with great Slaughter of the Turks by the King of Poland Sept. 12. 1683. Genoa Bombarded by the French 1684. Luxemburg taken by the French 1684. King Charles II. died Feb. 6. 1684 5. and is immediately succeeded by his Brother Iames Duke of York Earl of Argyle Invades Scotland 1685. Duke of Monmouth Invades England 1685. Both defeated and Executed by K. Iames 1685. The Grand Seignior Mahomet IV. being depos'd Solyman III. succeeds him 1687. The French King breaks the Peace with Germany and his Son takes Philipsburg Octob. 1688. The People of England oppress'd by King Iames's Government the Prince of Orange in prosecution of an Invitation to that purpose comes over to England with an Army for their Relief Nov. 5. 1688. King Iames quits the Government and retires privately from Whitehall Dec. 12. 1688. being put ashore at Feversham returns to London Decemb. 1688. The Prince of Orange comes to London and King Iames retires to Rochester 1687. whence he privately departs for France 1688. A Convention or Parliament being assembled they declare William Prince of Orange together with his Princess Mary King and Queen of England Feb. 13. 1688 8. France declares War against Holland Nov. 1688. K. William and Q. Mary Crowned Apr. 21. 1689. England declares War against France May 7th 1689. The Convention of Scotland Resolve to offer the Crown to King William and Queen Mary Apr. 16. 1689. which the Deputies present to him May 16. 1689. King Iames passes from