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A35234 Historical remarques and observations of the ancient and present state of London and Westminster shewing the foundation, walls, gates, towers, bridges, churches, rivers ... : with an account of the most remarkable accidents as to wars, fires, plagues, and other occurrences which have happened therein for above nine hundred years past, till the year 1681 : illustrated with pictures of the most considerable matters curiously ingraven on copper plates, with the arms of the sixty six companies of London, and the time of their incorporating / by Richard Burton, author of The history of the wars of England. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1681 (1681) Wing C7329; ESTC R22568 140,180 238

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him for their Sovereign and so upon St. Stephens day 1135. he was crowned King at Westminster and to ingratiate himself be eased the People of divers Taxes and Impositions Yet Stephen was no sooner set in his Chair of State but David King of Scots enters England with an Army to defend the right of Maud but he was soon compounded with and so was Geoffrey Duke of Anjou Mauds husband Soon after Maud her self comes into England and was received by some Persons for Queen and Stephen hearing that some of her Forces had besieged Lincoln goes thither where his Army was overthrown and himself taken Prisoner and carried to Maud who committed him to Bristol Castle And being flusht with this success she takes her journey toward London and was there received joyfully as well as in other places where Matilda wife of King Stephen made humble suit to her for the Liberty of her Husband and that he might be suffered onely to live a private life The Londoners likewise having received her into the City as their Queen thought now as Subjects usually do with new Princes they might have what they would reasonably ask and therefore humbly besought her that the severe Laws imposed upon them by her Father might be remitted and those of King Edward might wholly be in force But she rejected both these Petitions some say out of Pride others out of mistaken Policy as thinking it most safe to act matters of importance not upon intreaty but freely and to govern the Subject with severity rather than mildness But those harsh and insulting Answers she gave them were at that time very unseasonable and though they might have been more proper in a setled Government yet in this her green and unstable estate they gave a stop to the Current of all her Fortunes For Matilda finding by this how high the Empresses pulses beat sent to her son Eustace to raise Forces in Kent since their suits must be onely obtained by the Sword The Nobles likewise who set up King Stephen finding themselves slighted and the Londoners being as much discontented as they join with them and contrive how to seize upon the Empress in the City and so redeem King Stephen to whom their affections were firm Of which Maud having notice fled secretly out of London and went to Oxford and from thence sent strict command that King Stephen should be laid in Irons and narrowly watched and fed with very mean Commons and sending to David King of Scots for assistance they laid fiege to Winchester Matilda King Stephens wife hearing of this she with her Son Eustace and the assistance of the Londoners came presently to the relief of the place where a fierce Battle was fought and Matilda's Party prevailed and the Empress Maud to make her escape was fain to be laid upon a Horse back like a dead Corps and so conveyed to Glocester But Earl Robert her Brother disdaining to flie was taken Prisoner and used more hardly by Queen Matilda for her Husband King Stephens sake but a while after whether by agreement or connivance both Stephen and Robert also made their escape out of Prison King Stephen being at liberty seeks out the Empress to requite the kindness she had she wed him in Prison and hearing her to be at Oxford he follows her thither and lays siege to the Town and brought the Empress to such distress that she had now no way to save her self but by flight But being a Woman whose Sex hath often deceived wise men she resolved once more to over-reach her Enemy by Craft since she could not do it by Force For it being a very cold Winter the River Thames that runs by the Walls of Oxford was very hard frozen and at the same time a deep Snow covered the ground Maud takes the advantage thereof and clothing her self and four of her company in white linen garments to deceive the eyes of the Centinel she goes secretly in the night out of a Postern Gate and passing the frozen River ran on foot through Ice and Snow Ditches and Vallies for five miles together till she came to Abington the falling Snow beating in their faces all the way and there taking Horse the same night got into Wallingford Castle But though Maud escaped this present danger vet it left such an Impression of fear upon her that she never after had a mind to appear upon the Stage of War but left the prosecution of it to her son Henry who was now about sixteen years of Age. And not long after Eustace King Stephens only son died and being left destitute of Issue to succeed him he was the more easily drawn to conditions of Peace and so it was at last concluded that Stephen should hold the kingdom of England and adopt Henry as his Heir to succeed him This Agreement thus made and confirmed by Parliament Henry accounted King Stephen ever after as his Father and Stephen Henry as his son and well he might if it be true which some write that Maud his Mother when a Battle was to be fought between King Stephen and her son went privately to him asking him How he could find in his heart to fight against him that was his own Son Could he forget the familiarity he had with her in her Widowhood But however it was King Stephen and Henry continued in mutual love and concord as long as they lived together In the eighth year of King Stephen a Synod was held in London by Henry Bishop of Winchester where it was decreed that whosoever should lay violent hands upon any Clergy-man should not be forgiven but by the Pope himself and from this time forward Clergy-men were exempt from the power of the Civil Magistrate In this Kings time there appeared two Children a Boy and a Girl clad in Green in a Stuff unknown of a strange Language and of a strange Diet the Boy being baptized died shortly after but the Girl lived to be an old Woman and being asked from whence they were she answered They were of the Land of St. Martin where there are Christian Churches erected but that no Sun did ever rise unto them but where that Land is or how she came hither she her self knew not This Story is related by many very credible Historians and if true we may thereby learn that there are other parts of the World than those which to us are known In the fifteenth year of this King the River of Thames was so frozen at London that Horse and Cart passed over upon the Ice In his time likewise lived Johannes 〈◊〉 Temporibus of whom it is recorded that he lived Three hundred Sixty one years he was one of Charlemain the Emperours Guard and died in the Reign of Conradus the Third 1139. After the death of King Stephen Henry Duke of Anfou succeeded according to Agreement by the Title of King Henry the Second and was crowned at Westminster in the Year 1155. This King had very much vexation from
his hands as far as the Borders of Scotland and then he divides his Army committing one part to his Brother William Earl of Salisbury who was ordered to fall upon London and with the other he himself goes into Yorkshire where most of the Lords had Estates which he miserably destroys with Fire and Sword The Lords being distressed on every side resolved upon a course neither honourable nor safe yet such as Necessity made appear to be both For they send to Philip K. of France requiring him 〈◊〉 send over his Son Lewis to their aid and promis● they would submit themselves to be governed 〈◊〉 him and to take him for their Sovereign 〈◊〉 this mention of the Lords King Philip was as forward as themselves which King John understanding sends again to the Pope requiring him to use 〈◊〉 Authority to stay the King of France from coming Who accordingly sent Cardinal Wallo his Legate who threatned the Great Curse in the Council on all who should join with those Excommunicate persons against King John or should enter upon St. Peters Patrimony But King Philip replied That England was no part of St. Peters Patrimony no King having power of himself to alienate his Kingdom and John especially who being never lawful King had no power to dispose thereof and that it was an Errour and a pernicious Example in the Pope and an itching lust and desire after a new and lawless Dominion His Peers likewise swore by Christs death That they would lose their lives rather than suffer a King of himself or with the consent of a few base Flatterers to give away his Crown and enslave his Nobles especially to the Pope who ought to follow St. Peters steps to win souls and not to meddle with Wars and murthering of mens bodies Now the reason of the Popes claiming England as St. Peters Patrimony was upon the account of the Resignation of King John And though the Pope seemed now so zealous for the Interest of King John yet not above five years before he was as much his Enemy For the King being incensed against the Clergy and endeavouring to rectifie some miscarriages about electing Bishops c. the Pope fearing he would intrench upon his Priviledges used his utmost power against him forbidding Mass to be said for some years Excom●●unicating and Cursing him and giving his King 〈…〉 to the French King and stirring up his ●wn Nobility against him freeing them and all the People from their Allegiance to him So that King John being encompassed with Troubles on every side was compelled to submit to whatever the Pope would command him Nay he was for●ed to take off his Crown and kneeling on his knees in the midst of his Barons he surrendred it into the hands of Pandulphus the Legate for the Popes use saying Here I resign up the Crown of the Realm of England to the hands of Pope Innocent the Third and lay myself wholly at his mercy and appointment At whose feet he also laid his Scepter Robes Sword Ring and all the Ensigns of Royalty Pandulphus took the Crown from King John and kept it five days and the King giving then all his Kingdoms to the Pope to be held in Farm from him and his Heirs for evermore the Crown was restored King John engaging to pay 700 Marks a year for England and 300 for Ireland half of it at Easter and half at Whitsuntide as Rent for the said kingdoms But this being done out of force and necessity King Philip it seems no more than his own People did not think it of any value Yea Prince Lewis himself beseeched his Father not to hinder him from that which was none of his gift and for which he was now resolved to spend his bloud and would chuse rather to be excommunicated by the Pope than falsifie his promise to the English Barons For upon their sending their Letters of Allegiance confirmed with the Hands and Seals of all the Lords to implore King Philips favour and to send his Son and desiring his Son to accept of the Crown they received a present supply of French Souldiers upon their delivering up fifty English Gentlemen as Hostages for the true performance of the Contract King Philip therefore having received his Holi●● Message with such scorn and contempt so a●●righted the Legate with his stern countenance that he made all possible haste to be gone as fearing some mischief should be done him And Lew● as speedily set forth for England with his Flee● of six hundred Ships and fourscore Boats where● with arriving first in the Isle of Thanet and afterward going to Sandwich the Barons came thither to him and joined with him King Johns great Navy wherewith he intended to oppose him was driven Southward by a sudden Tempest and his Souldiers were generally Mercenaries and more inclined as it appeared afterward to Lewis a Foreign Prince than to him whereupon King John thought fit for the present to forbear Battle and went toward Winchester In the mean time Lewis had liberty to take all places thereabout except Dover Castle which John had committed to the valiant Hubert de Burg. Yet Lewis marcheth forward to London where entering with a solemn Procession and with the incredible applause of all he went into St. Pauls Church and there the Citizens of London took their Oaths of Allegiance to him From whence he passed to Westminister and there the Lords and Barons likewise swore to be true to him he himself likewise swearing to restore to all men their Rights and to recover to the Crown whatsoever had been lost by King John Then he chose Simon Langton who had been lately disgraced by the Pope for his Lord Chancello by whose preaching the Citizens of London and the Lords though they were excommunicated and under the Popes curse did yet celebrate Divine Service and drew on Prince Lewis to do the like Whereupon Wallo the Popes Legate who was now with King John denounced heavy and solemn Curses throughout the kingdome against the Londoners and especially against Lewis and his Chancellour by name But Lewis went from London and passeth over 〈◊〉 the Country without resistance but not with●ut infinite outrages committed by his Souldiers which was not in his power to hinder In the ●ean time King John finding his Enemies imployed in the Siege of Dover Castle and likewise ●t Odiam Castle wherein 13 English men onely braved Lewis and his whole Army for 15 days together nay sallied out upon them and taking every man a Prisoner to the great admiration of the French they returned safely back again and afterward delivered up the place upon honourable conditions King John thereupon gathers a Rabble of Rascally people about him with which he over-runs all the Country to the ruining of the Barons Castles and Estates in all places And then marching from Lyn in Norfolk on which place he bestowed his own Sword a gilt Bole and divers large Priviledges in testification of their Loyalty to him
slain and with the execution of eight more though five hundred were found guilty this Insurrection is suppressed It was a custom that upon St. Bartholomews day the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs of London should go to the Wrestling-place near More-fields where at this time the Prior of St. Johns likewise was to see the sport and a Servant of his being ashamed to be foiled before his Master desired to Wrestle again contrary to custom which the Lord Mayor denied whereupon the Prior fetched Bowmen from Clerkenwel against the Mayor and some slaughter was made the Mayors Cap was shot through with an Arrow yet he would have the sport go on but no Wrestlers came whereupon he said He would stay a while to make Trial of the Citizens respect to him and presently after a great party of them came with Banners displaid and fetched him home in triumph Soon after another Quarrel happened in Holborn between the Gentlemen of the Inns of Chancery and some Citizens in appeasing whereof the Queens Attorney and three more were slain The year after the Apprentices of London upon a very slight occasion fall upon the Foreign Merchants rifling and robbing their houses but the Lord Mayor by his discretion appeased the Tumult punishing some of the Offenders with Death and others by Fine and all things are quieted and appeased The Kings Resloration 1660. The Regicides of Exec at Charingcross The Insurection of Venner c. 1660. As soon as this Parliament was dissolved the Duke sends for the Queen and some others to come out of Scotland But they had raised an Army there and the Duke of York met them with another and at Wakefield Green the Duke is flain with the loss of three thousand of his men and leing dead had his head crowned with a Paper Crown together with many other Circumstances of disgrace However his Son Edward Earl of March prosecutes the Quarrel and puts the Queens Forces to flight which she endeavoured to recruit but some of her Northern Army having robbed the People as they came along the Country saying It was their Bargain to have all the Spoil in every place The Londoners would not suffer any Provision to be sent to them the Commons rising about Cripplegate and stopping the Carts which the Lord Mayor was sending to the Army In the mean time the Earls of March and Warwick having got a considerable Army march to London and were joyfully received there And soon after the Earl of Warwick drawing all his Forces into St. Johns Field by Clerkenwel and having cast them in a Ring he read to them the Agreement of the last Parliament and then demanded Whether they would have King Henry to reign still Who all cryed out No No. Then he asked them Whether they would have the Earl of March Eldest Son of the Duke of York by that Parliament proclaimed King to reign over them Who with great shouting answered Yes Yes Then several Captains and others of the City went to the Earl of March at Baynards Castle to acquaint him what had passed who at first seemed to excuse himself as unable to execute so great a charge but encouraged by the Archbishop of York the Bishops of London and Exeter and the Earl of Warwick he at laft consented to take it upon him and soon after he was generally proclaimed King And here Writers end the Reign of King Henry the sixth though there were several changes For sometimes he was a King and sometimes none yet he was never well setled though he lived twelve years after King Henry was then in the North and raise an Army to oppose Edward but is defeated by the Lord Falconbridge Upon which Henry and his Queen go to Scotland and raise more Forces but are again beaten And now King Edward sits three days together in the Kings Bench in Westminster Hall to hear Causes and regulate Disorders And the Earl of Warwick is sent into France to treat of a Marriage with that Kings daughter● but in the mean while the King marries the Lady Elizabeth Gray At which Warwick grows discontented and joins against King Edward and surprizing him takes him Prisoner but he soon made his escape King Henry was taken in disguise and sent to the Tower of London some years before And now Warwick going to France brought a great Army over and proclaimed Edward an Usurper who thereupon endeavoured to raise an Army but could not and therefore fled out of England into the Duke of Burgundies Country and King Henry is taken out of Prison where he had been nine years and again proclaimed King But King Edward by the assistance of the Duke of Burgundy lands an Army in Yorkshire and marches towards London where he was joyfully received And in the year 1471 and the 11 year of his Reign K. Edward made his entry into the City and had King Henry delivered into his hands The Earl of Warwick having notice thereof marcheth with his Army toward St. Albans and King Edward follows him carrying King Henry along with him where the Earl of Warwick and many others are slain and Henries Parry utterly routed And now was the time for King Henry to be delivered out of all his Troubles for the bloudy Duke of Glocester entering the Tower of London where he sound King Henry nothing at all troubled for all his Crosses struck him into the heart with his Dagger and there slew him And now within half a years space we find one Parliament proclaimed Edward an Usurper and Henry a lawful King and another proclaiming Edward a lawful King and Henry an Usurper that we may know there is nothing certain in humane Affairs but uncertainty In the fifth year of King Henry the sixth it rained almost continually from Easter to Michaelmas In his seventh year the Duke of Norfolk was like to have been drowned passing through London Bridge his Barge being set upon the Piles so overwhelmed that thirty persons were drowned and the Duke with others that escaped were fain to be drawn up with Ropes In his seventeenth year was so great a Dearth of Corn that people were glad to make Bread of Fearn roots Next year all the Lions in the Tower died In the thirty third year of his Reign there was a great Blazing Star and there happened a strange sight a monstrous Cock came out of the Sea and in the presence of a multitude of people made a hideous crowing three times beckening toward the North South and West There were also many prodigious Births and in some places it rained bloud About this time the Draw-bridge on London Bridge was made and Leaden Hall was built to be a Storehouse of Grain and Fewel for the poor of the City In the first year of this Kings Reign a Parliament was held at London where the Queen-Mother with the young King in her lap came and sate in the House of Lords In this Kings Reign Printing was first brought into England by William Caxton of
Crown were pleaded in the Tower and divers times afterward In 1222 the Citizens having made a Tumult against the Abbot of Westminster Hubbert of Burg Cheif Justice of England sent for the Lord Mayor and Aldermen to the Tower of London to enquire who were Principal Authors thereof Amongst whom one named Constantine Fitz Aelufe boldly avowed That he was the man and had done much less than he thought to have done whereupon the Cheif Justice sent him with two others to Falks de Brent who with armed men brought them to the Gallows and hanged them In 1244 Griffith Prince of Wales being a Prisoner in the Tower attempted an escape and having in the night tyed the Sheets and hangings together he endeavoured thereby to slide from the top of the High Tower but being a Fat man the weight of his Body brake the Rope and he fell The next morning he was found dead his head and neck being driven into his Breast between the Shoulders In 1253 K. Hen. 3. imprisoned the Sheriffs of London in the Tower above a Month about the escape of a Prisoner out of Newgate as is aforementioned In 1260 this King with his Queen for fear of the Barons lodged in the Tower And the next year he sent for his Lords and held his Parliament there In 1263 As the Queen was going by water from the Tower toward Windsor several Citizens got together upon London Bridge under which she was to pass who not only used reproachful words against her but threw stones and dirt at her forcing her to go back again but in 1265. they were forced to submit themselves to the King for it and the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffs were sent to several Prisons Othon Constable of the Tower being made Custos or keeper of the City About this time Leoline Prince of Wales came down from the Mountain of Snowdon to Montgomery and was taken at Bluith Castle where using reproachful words against the English Roger le Strange fell upon him and with his own sword cut off his head leaving his dead body on the Ground Sir Roger Mortimer caused this Head to be set upon the Tower of London crowned with a wreath of Ivy And this was the end of Leoline who was betrayed by the Men of Bluith and was the last Prince of the Brittish bloud who Ruled in Wales In 1290 Several Judges as well of the Kings Bench as the Assize were sent Prisoners to the Tower and with great Sums of Money obtained their Liberty Sir Thomas Weyland had all his Estate confiscated and himself banished Sir Ralph Hengham Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench paid 7000 Marks Sir John Lovet Cheif Justice of the Lower Bench 3000 Marks Sir William Brompton 6000 Marks Yea their Clerks were fined also as being confederate with their Masters in Bribery and Injustice Robert Littlebury Clerk paid 1000 Marks and Roger Leicester as much But a certain Clerk of the Courts called Adam de Straton paid thirty two thousand Marks of Old and new Money besides Jewels without number and precious vessels of Silver which were found in his House together with a Kings Crown whi●h some said was King Johns After this the King constrained the Judges to swear That for the future they should take no Pension Fee or Gift of any man except a breakfast or some such small kindness In the 14 of Edw. 2. The King allowed to the Prisoners in the Tower two pence a day to a Knight and a peny a day to an Esquire for their Diet. In 1320. The Kings Justices sate in the Tower for Trial of divers matters at which time John Gissors late Lord Mayor of London and several others fled to the City for fear of being charged with things they had presumptuously done The next year the Mortimers yeilding themselves to King Edw. 2. he sent them Prisoners to the Tower where they were condemned to be drawn and hanged But Roger Mortimer of Wigmore by giving his Keepers sleepy drink made his escape but his Uncle Mortimer died there above 5 years afterward In 1326. The Citizens of London took possession of the Tower and taking away the keys from the Constable they discharged all the Prisoners and kept both the City and Tower for the use of Queen Isabel and her son Edward who was afterward Edw. the III. In 1330 Roger Mortimer Earl of March was taken and committed to the Tower from whence he was drawn to the Elmes and their hanged on the Common Gallows where he hung two days and two nights by the Kings Command and was then buried in the Gray Friers Church This Earl was condemned by his Peers and yet was never brought to make his Defence before them He himself having procured a Law to that purpose by which the Earls of Lancaster Winchester Glocester and Kent were put to death and now he himself suffered by the same Law In the 3. of Edw. 3. 1344. The King commanded Florences of Gold to be coyned in the Tower Perceval de Port of Lake being then Master of the Mint and this is the first coining we read of there we read likewise that the same year the King appointed his Exchange of Money to be kept in Sernes Tower being part of the Kings House in Buckles or Bucklers Bury And we find that in former times all great Sums were paid by weight that is so many pounds or Marks of Gold or Silver cut into blank peices without any stamp upon them and smaller Sums were paid in Starlings which were pence so called for they had no other Moneys This Starling or Easterling money took its name as it is judged from the Easterlings which first made it in England in the Reign of Hen. 2. though others imagine it so called from a Star stamped in the Ring or Edge of the Peny or of a Bird called a Starling stamped on it others yet more unlikely of being coyned at Striveling or Sterling a Town in Scotland but the first Opinion seems the most probable In 1360. A Peace being concluded between England and France Edward the 3d. came back into England and went to the Tower to visit the French King who was Prisoner there setting his Ransome at three Millions of Florences which being paid he was discharged from his Imprisonment and the King conducted him with Honour to the Seaside In the 4th of Rich. 2. 1381. A grievous Tax was laid upon the Subjects which caused much Trouble For the Courtiers greedy to inrich themselves informed the King that the Tax was not so carefully gathered as it ought And therefore they would pay a great Sum of Money to Farm it which they would raise above what it was before by being more severe in gathering it This Proposition was soon accepted so that having the Kings Authority and Letters these Farmers or Commissioners met in several Places in Kent and Essex where they levied this Tax of Groats or Polemoney with all manner of severity which so discontented the
people went over the Thames and played thereon from London Bridge to Westminster On the third of January it begun to thaw and on the fifth no Ice was to be seen In the twentieth year of her Reign a Blazing Star was seen with a long stream About this time one Simon Pembroke of Southwark being suspected to be a Conjurer was ordered to appear in St. Mary Overies Church which he did and leaning his head against a Pew the Proctor lifted up his head and found him dead and ratling in the throat and being searched several Devilish Books of Conjuration were found about him In her thirty fifth year there was so great a drougth that not only the Fields but the Springs themselves were dried up and many Cattle died every where for want of water The River of Thames likewise failed so that a Horse-man might ride over at London Bridge In her thirty sixth year was a great Plague in London and the Suburbs whereof died 17890. besides the Lord Mayor and three Aldermen About this time Edmund Coppinger and Henry Arthington Gentlemen came into Cheapside and there in a Cart proclaimed as they said News from Heaven that one William Hacket represented Christ by partaking of his glorified Body and that they were the two Prophets one of Mercy the other of Judgment sent of God to help him in this great work These men were apprehended and Hacket was arraigned and found guilty of speaking divers false and traiterous words against the Queen and to have raced and defaced her Pictures thrusting an iron Instrument into the place of the heart and brest for which he was brought from Newgate to Cheapside and being moved to ask God and their Queen forgiveness he fell to cursing and railing against the Queen and made a blasphemous Prayer against the divine Majesty of God and was therefore hanged and quartered Coppinger starved himself wilfully in Bridewel and Arthington made a Recantation In the forty third year of her Reign Robert Devereux Earl of Essex assisted by divers Noblemen and Gentlemen entered the City of London in Warlike manner at Temple Bar crying For the Queen till they came to the Sheriffs House in Fanchurch-street who finding himself not Master of his own house escaped out at a Back-door and went to the Lord Mayor And Essex finding the Citizens in Arms against him endeavoured to fortifie his own House but hearing that some great Guns were sent for to beat it down he surrendred himself and was sent to the Tower where he was afterward beheaded but might have kept his head longer on had he not been betrayed by the Lady Walsingham to whom after his condemnation he sent a Ring which the Queen had given him in token that she would stand by him in any danger the Lady delivered not this Ring but being a little after upon her Death-bed she desired to speak with the Queen to whom having disburthened her conscience the Queen flung away in extream rage and fury and never enjoyed her self well after that time but would often break out into a passion and wring her hands crying O Essex Essex and died not long after After her death King James succeeded in the third year of whose Reign was contrived the Powder Treason Plot for which Sir Edward Digby Robert Winter Graunt and Bates were drawn hanged and quartered at the West end of St. Pauls and Winter Keys Rookwood and Fawks at the Parliament Yard at Westminster A while after the King attended with divers Lords dined with the Lord Mayor Sir John Watts who after dinner presented his Majesty with a Purse of Gold desiring he would please to be made Free of the Company of Clothworkers to which the King consented and calling to the Master of the Company he said Stone Give me thy hand I am now a Clothworker and in token of my special favour to this Fraternity I do here give to this Company a Brace of Bueks yearly for ever at the Election of Master and Wardens And a Moneth after the King and the Prince dined at Merchant Taylors Hall where the Prince was made Free of that Company and had likewise a Purse of Gold presented him by the Master In 1609. the New Exchange being newly finished was first opened and named by King James Brittains Burse In 1612. Edward Wightman was burnt for an Heretick and one Legat burnt in Smithfield for an Arian In 1615. Sir Thomas Overbury was poisoned in the Tower for which the the Earl of Somerset and his Lady were arraigned and condemned and Sir Gervase Elvis Lieutenant of the Tower Mistris Turner and divers others executed In 1618. the famous Sir Walter Rawleigh was beheaded in the New Pallace Yard Westminster Next year Queen Anne died at Hampton Court In 1623. a Popish Priest being at Mass in Black Fryars in an Upper Room it fell down and many were killed and hurt In 1625. King James died having reigned 22. years King Charles his Son succeeded him and was married to Henrietta Maria of France In his first year was a great Plague whereof there died in London 35417. In 1628. Doctor Lamb was murdered in the streets of London for which the City was fined six thousand pound the same year John Felton was hanged at Tyburn for murdering the Duke of Buckingham In 1633. the King and Queen were magnificently entertained at Guild-hall In 1640 the Long Parliament began and in 1642. Posts and Chains were ordered to be set up in the City But having already given a particular account of all Passages in this Kings Reign and till the Restoration of his present Majesty King Charles the second in a little Book called The Wars of England Scotland and Ireland I shall omit repeating any thing here but shall onely add That in the year 1659. General Monk marching from Scotland came to London and after having pulled down the Gates and Portcullises of the City by Order of the Remnant of the Long Parliament he afterwards grew dissatisfied at their proceedings and going into the City was received with Bonfires and soon after that Parliament was dissolved and his Majesty happily restored May 29. 1660. In October following several of the Regicides of the late King were executed at Charing Cross that is Harrison Carew Cook Scot Hugh Peters Clement Scroop Jones and Hacket and Axtel at Tyburn In January one Venner a Wine Cooper and some others of Enthusiastick Principles made an Insurrection in London their Leader persuading them that one should chase a thousand They first marched to St. Thomas Apostles and from thence to Bishopsgate Whitecross-street and from thence they went to Highgate and Canewood And three days after they came again into the City being not above thirty or forty in number but armed with Blunderbusses and Headpieces and the Trained-bands and some of the Kings Guards fell upon them and routed them about five or six of them were killed others fled and the rest were taken Prisoners Their Word it is said was THE
QVARTERS VPON THE GATES meaning of those Regicides that were executed a while before whose Quarters were put upon the Gates of the City Venner and nineteen of his Accomplices were arraigned and condemned and he and several of them executed in divers parts of the City The Tryall of the L. Stafford in W. Hall His Execution on Tower hill A La high Steward BB The Peer●m the Rabes CC The commons D The Iudges E The Prisoner E The KJ Box G the Managers of 〈◊〉 H. the Eviden●● Not many days before the Lord Howard of Escrick was committed prisoner to the Tower of London upon an Information of High Treason and upon June 20. he was brought up to the Kings Bench Bar and by his Counsel moved that he might put in Bail for his Appearance but it was denied him and he remanded back to Prison FINIS ADVERTISEMENT ●e are lately published two very useful and necessary Books both which are sold by Nath. Crouch at the Bell next to Kemps Coffee House in Exchange Alley over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil I. The Wars in England Scotland and Ireland or AN impartial account of all the Battles Sieges and other remarkable Transactions Revolutions and Accidents which have happened from the beginning of the Reign of K. Charles I. in 1625. to his Majesties happy Restoration 1660. And among other particulars the Debates and Proceedings in the four first Parliaments of K. Charles I. with their Dissolutions The Siege of Rochel the Petition of Right The Muther of the D. of Buckingham by Felton The Tumults at Edinburgh in Scotland upon Reading the Common-Prayer The Et caetera Oath The cursed Plots and Designs of the Jesuites and other Papists for imbroiling these three Kingdoms The Insurrection of the Apprentices and Seamen and their assaulting Archbishop Lauds house at Lambeth Remarques on the Trial of the E. of Strafford and his last Speech The horrid and bloudy Rebellion of the Papists in Ireland and their murthering above two hundred thousand Protestants in 1641. The Remonstrance of the State of the Kingdom with the Kings Answer thereunto The proceedings about the five impeached Members An account of the Parliament at Oxford January 22. 1643. with their Proceedings and Dissolution An Abstract of the Fights between the King and Parliament The death of A. B. Laud Mr. Chaloner and Tomkins Sir John Hotham Sir Alexander Carew D. Hamilton E. of Holland L. Capel and others The Illegal Trial of K. Charles I. at large with his last Speech at his Suffering Jan. 30. 1648. Together with the most considerable matters which happened till the Year 1660. Illustrated with Pictures of several remarkable Accidents curiously engraven on Copper Plates By R. Burton Price 1 s. II. THe Protestant Instructed wherein 〈…〉 derable Errors of the Papists are 〈…〉 〈◊〉 Protestant Religion is vindicated from 〈◊〉 Novelty 2. The Image of Antichrist or the Vsur●●●●on of the Pope and Church of Rome over Kings Emperours in several Examples of the Tyranny 〈◊〉 Pope over K. Henry II. K. John and others 3. T● Cruelties and Persecutions of the Papists against the Waldenses in Piedmont Bohemia Germany Poland Lithuania and France with an account of the bloody Massacre at Paris and the terrible Sieges of Sancerre and Rochel 4. The Cruelties of the Papists in Italy Spain Portugal and the Low-Countries with a Relation of the Original practices and cruel tortures of the Spanish Inquisition 5. The persecution of the Protestants in Scotland and the bloody Maslacre in Ireland in the year 1641. with a Prophecy thereof by James Usher Archbishop of Armagh forty years before it came to pass which exactly fell out 6. The Persecutions of the Protestants in England for near six hundred years with their Plots and Conspiracies against the Life of Queen Elisabeth likewise the Spanish Invasion the Gunpowder-Treason the Burning of London the late Horrid Popish Plot and the Murder of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey 7 Plain and easie Directions for Spelling and Reading of English with all necessary Rules for Reading the English Tongue more useful than any other Book of this kind 8. Gods Judgments upon 〈◊〉 Persecutors discovered in some eminent Ex-examples 9 A Prayer of king Edward VI. a while ●fore his death against Popery 10 A Speech 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Elizabeth to her Army at Tilbury-Camp 〈◊〉 Spanish Invasion 1588. Concluding with 〈◊〉 and Graces The whole being illustrated with 〈◊〉 Pictures curiously engraven in Copper descri●●●● variety of torments and cruelties exercised 〈…〉 Protestants in most Countries in 〈…〉 B.D. Price 1 s.
London Mercer who first practised the same in the Abby of Westminstor 1471. This King Henry lost his Kingdom when he had reigned thirty eight years six months and odd days The day after he was murdered he was brought to St. Pauls Church in an open Coffin bare-faced where he bled and from thence carried to Black Fryars where he also bled and lastly was buried at Windsor In the first year of King Edward the fourth Walter Walker Grocer living in Cheapside was beheaded for speaking some words against King Edward In his fourth year there was a great Pestilence and the Thames was frozen over In his 14 year John Grose was burnt on Tower-hill for Religion The same year King Edward in his Progress hunting in Sir Thomas Burdels Park slew many Deer and among the rest a white Buck which Sir Thomas hearing of wished the Bucks head horns and all in his belly who moved the King to kill him Upon which words he was condemned to die and being drawn from the Tower of London to Tyburn was there beheaded Next year George D. of Clarence K. Ed. Brother was drowned in the Tower in a But of Malmsey In his twenty second year some Thieves for Robbery in St. Martins le Grand were drawn to Tower-hill and there hanged and burnt and others were pressed to death In this Kings time Richard Rawson one of the Sheriffs of London caused a House to be built at St. Mary Spittle for the Lord Mayor and Aldermen to hear Sermons in the Easter Holy-days King Edward the fourth being dead his eldest Son Edward not above eleven years old was proclaimed King but never crowned for the Duke of Glocester hearing of his Brothers death comes to London and having gotten the King and his Brother the Duke of York into his hands sends them to the Tower and murders the Lord Hatings who was true to Edward and then endeavours to prove the two children of Edward Illegitimate whereby he at last attained the Crown by the name of Richard the third and afterwards persuades Sir James Tyril to murder the two young Princes in the Tower who getting two other Villains as bad as himself they come to the childrens chamber in the night and suddenly wrapping them up in their cloths and keeping down by force the Feather-bed and Pillows hard upon their mouths so stifled them that their breath being gone they surrendred up their innocent souls and when the Murtherers perceived first by their strugling with the pains of death and then by their long lying still that they were throughly dead they laid their bodies out and then called Sir James Tyril to see them who presently caused their bodies to be buried under the Stairs But these Murderers came all to miserable ends and King Richard himself after this abominable Fact never had a quiet mind but was troubled with fearful dreams and would sometimes start out of his bed and run about the chamber in a great fright as if all the Furies in Hell were about him as he did the night before the Battle at Bosworth Field where he was slain by King Henry the seventh who succeeded to the Crown King Richard took away from Jane Shore one of King Edwards Concubines all her Goods to the value of above 3000 Marks and afterward caused her to do Pennance before the Cross for her Incontinency with a Taper in her hand when though undressed yet she appeared so fair and lovely and likewise so modest that many who hated her course of life yet pitied her course usage since she used all the favour she had with King Edward to the good of many but never to the hurt of any And truly she had cause to complain against Richard for being so severe for her offending against the seventh Commandment onely when he did no pennance for offending heavily against all Ten. But perhaps he got some Good Fellow to be his Confessor After Richard called Crook-back was slain Henry the seventh was proclaimed King In whose time were made several general Laws as that for admitting poor people to sue in Forma Pauperis without paying Fees to Attorney Counsellor or Clerk Another that no person that shall assist by Arms or otherwise the King in being shall ever after be impeached thereof or attainted by course of Law or act of Parliament and that if any such Act of Attainder did happen to 〈◊〉 made it should be void and of none effect In his fifth year it was ordained by Parliament that the Mayor of London should have the conservation o● the River of Thames from Stanes-bridge to the Waters of Yeudale and Medway In his seventeenth year John Shaw Lord Mayor of London caused his Brethren the Aldermen to ride from Guildhall to the Water-side when he went to Westminster to be presented to the Exchequer He also cause● Kitchins and other Conveniences to be built it Guild-hall This King was the first that ordaine a Company of tall proper men to be Yeomen 〈◊〉 the Guard and to attend the person of the King to whom he appointed a Livery and a Capta●● over them In his eighteenth year King He●●● himself being Free of the Tailors Company 〈◊〉 divers Kings before had been namely Richard t● second Henry the fourth fifth and sixth Edwar● the fourth and Richard the third as also eleve● Dukes twenty eight Earls and forty eight Lord He therefore now gave them the name of M●●chant-Taylors as an honourable Title to end 〈◊〉 for ever The 22 of August 1485. the very day King Hen● got the Victory over King Richard a great Fi● happened in Bredstreet London in which was burnt the Parson of St. Mildreds and one person more In his tenth year in digging a new Foundation in the Church of St. Mary-hill in London the body of Alice Hackny who had been buried 175 years before was found whole of skin and the joints of her arms pliable the Corps was kept above ground four days without annoyance and then buried again In his twelfth year on St. Bartholomews day there fell Hail-stones measured twelve Inches about The great Tempest which drove King Philip of Spain into England blew down the Golden Eagle from the Spire of St. Pauls and in the fall it fell upon the sign of the Black Eagle in St. Pauls Church-yard where the School-house now is and broke it down This King was frugal from his Youth the City of London was his Paradice for what good fortune soever befel him he thought he enjoyed it nor till he acquainted them with it His Parliament was his Oracle for in all matters of Importance he would ask their advice yea he put his Prerogative many times into their hands After he had lived fifty two years and reigned twenty three years he died April 22. 1508. Henry the eighth his only Son succeeded him In the ninth year of his reign on May Eve there was an Insurrection of the Young men and Apprentices of London against Foreigners for which Riot several