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england_n hold_v king_n scotland_n 4,230 5 8.8042 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23588 [The cronycles of Englond]; Chronicles of England. Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1482 (1482) STC 9992; ESTC S121383 314,856 338

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other chartres and remembraunces that kyng Edward and his Barons had of her right in the reame of scotland it was foryeue hem ayene holy chirche And also with the black crosse of scotland the which the good kyng Edward cō querd in scotland and brought it oute of the Abbay af Scone that is a ful precious relyque And also ferthermore he relesed and foryaf all the landes that the barons of Englond had in scot land by old conquest And this pees for to holde and last the scot tes were boūde vnto the kyng in xxx thousand pounde of syluer to be payed within iij yere that is to say euery yere x thousād poūd by euyn porcyons And ferthermore aboue alle this they speke bitwene the partyes aboue said that dauyd dritonantier that was Robert the Brus is sone the fals tirant and traytour and fals forswore ayenst his oth that arose ayenst his lyege lord the noble kyng Edward and falsely made hym kynge of Scotland that was of age of v yere And so thurgh this cursed counseyll Dauid spoused at Berewyk dame Iohan of the tour that was kyng Edwardys suster as the g●…est tellyth vpon mary magdale ne day in the yere of grace a M CCC and xxviij to greete harme and empeyryng to al the kynges bloode wherof that gentil lady came Allas the tyme For wonder moch was that fayr damysel dysparaged sith that she was maryed ayenst al the comune assent of Englond And fro the tyme that Brute had conquerd albyon and named the londe after his owne name Britayne that nowe is callyd Englond after the name of Engyst And so was the Reame of Scotland holden of the Reame of Englond and of the croune by feaute and by homage For Brute conquerd that land and yafe it to Albanak his second sone And he callid the lande Albanye after his owne name So that the heyres that comen after hym helden of Brute of his heyres the kynges of Britayne by feaute homage and from that tyme vnto this kyng Edward the reame of Scotland was holden of the reame of England by feautes and seruy●…s a boue sayd as the Cronycles of englond of Scotland beren wit nesse mor●… plenarly And acursed be the tyme that this parlement was ordeyned at Northampton For ther thurgh fals coūceil the kyng was there falsely disheryted and yet he was within age And yet whan kyng Edward was put a doune of his Royalte of englond yet men put hym not out of the feautes and ser uyces of the reame of Scotland ne of the fraunchises disheryted hym for euermore And netheles the grete lordes of Englond were ageynst to conferme the pees the trewes aboue sayd sauf only the quene Isabel that was the kynges moder edward the bisshop of Ely and lord mortimer but reson and lawe wolde not that a fynal pees shold be made bytwene hem without the commune assent of Englond Of the debate that was bytwene quene Isabell and sir Henry Erle of lancastre and of leycestre and of the ridynge of ●…edeford Cao. CC xvijo. WHan the forsayd dauyd had spoused Dame Iane of the tour in the toune of Berwyk as bifore is sayd the scottes in despyte of the Englysshmen callyd dame Iane the Countesse make pees For the cowardo●… pees that was ordeyned but the kynges persone bare the wy●…e and the blame with wrōg of the makyng of the acord and all was done thurgh the Quene and Rogyer mortimer And it was not long aft●…r that the Quene Isabell ne toke in to hir owne hande all the lordship of pountfret almoost alle the landes that were of value that apperteyned to the croune of englond Soo that the kyng had not for to dyspende but of his vses and of his escheker For the quene Isabelle and mortimer hadde a greete meyne of hir ●…naunce that folowed euermore the kynges courte and wente and toke the kynges prises for hir peny worthes at good chepe wherfor the coūtre that they comen in were ful sore adradde and almost●… destroyed Tho bygon the Comynalte of Englond for to ●…ate Isabell the Quene that so moche loued hyr whan she come ayene for to pursue the fals traytours the spencers fro Fraunce And that same tyme the fals traytour Robert of Holond that bitrayd his lord Syr Thomas of lancastre was tho deliuerd oute of prison and was wonder priue with the Quene Isabelle and also with Rogyer the Mortimer But that auayled hym but litel for he was take at mychelmasse that tho come n●… sewing after as he rode toward the quene Isabell to london sir thomas wither smote of his hede besides the toune of seynt albones And this Syr thomas duellid tho with Syr Henry erle of lancastre he put hym in hydyng for drede of the quene for she loued him wonder moche and prayd vnto the kynge for hym that the same Thomas must ben exyled oute of englond And the Noble Erle Syr Henry lancastre had oftymes herd the commune cla mour of the englysshmen of the dyseses that were done in englond and also for dyuerse wronges that were done among the comune peple of the whiche the kyng bare the blame with wrong for he ●…as but full yonge and tendre of age and thought as a good man for to done awey slake the sklaundre of the kynges persone yf that he myght in ony maner wyse So as the kyng was therof no thyng gylty wherfor he was in peryl of lyth lymme And so he assembled al his retenaunces and wente and spake vnto them of the kynges honour and also for to amēde his astate And Syr thomas brotherton Erle marchal and Syr Edmond of wodestoke that were the kynges vncles and also men of london made hir othe hym for to mayntene in that same quarelle And hir cause was this that the kyng shold hold his houshold and his meyny as a kyng ought for to done and haue also his rialte And that the quene Isabell shold delyuer out of hir hond in to the kynges honde al maner lordshippes rentes tounes and Castelles that apperteyned to the croune of Englond as other Que nes had done byfore hyr and medle with none other thyng And also that Syre Rog●…er mortymer shold duelle vpon his owne landes for the which landes he had holpe disheryte moch pe ple So that comune peple were not destroyed thurgh hir wrong ful takyng And also to enquere how and by whome the kynge was bytrayd and falsely desceyued at Stanhope and thurgh whos counceylle that the Scottes went awey by nyght from the kynge And also how and thurgh whoo 's counseyll the ordynaūce that was made at the kynges coronacion was put a doun that is for to say that the kyng for amendement and helpyng of the Reamme and in honour of hym shold be gouerned and ruled by xij the grettest and wysest lordes of alle the Reame and withoute hem shold nothyng be graunted ne done as fore is said