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A17015 An ecclesiastical Protestant historie of the high pastoral and fatherly chardge and care of the Popes of Rome, ouer the church of Britanie, from the first planting of the christia[n] faith there, by S. Peter the Apostle, and his disciples: continued in euery age, and hundred of yeares, by holy bishops, and cleargie men, sent hither and consecrated by them, his successors in the See Apostolicke. Euidently deduced and proued by historicall narration, from the published and priuiledged writings (to appeaseal protestants) of the most learned & allowed English protestant pretended bishops, doctors, antiquaries, & others of that religion. Broughton, Richard. 1624 (1624) STC 3895; ESTC S119562 92,026 262

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cities of the Realme That is in London in Yorke and in Glamorgantia videlicet in vrbe Legionum by Wales Thus far these Protestants and one of them named the Archbishop telleth vs that the constitutinge of Archbishops in the places of the gent●les Archflamines by these Legats of Pope Eleutherius was to followe the example and order of S. Peter himselfe whoe did soe as S. Paul likewise and maketh this reason Whitgift d●f of the Answ. pag. 320. 321. Which might bee done in respect of the citie and place and not in respect of the Idolatrous preists for Archiflamines were in greate cyties which being conuerted vnto Christ might haue in the place of their Archiflamines godly and learned Archbishops to ouersee and direst the rest of the Bishops and preachers that vnitie and order might bee obserued Thus Paul did at Ephesus and Creta And why might not Peter doe it in other places likewise Master Iohn Selden a greate Protestant antiquary and lawier writinge of these two holy Legats speaketh thus Io. Selden Analect c. 6. Beati doctores cum per totam ferè Ierusalem paganitatem deleuissent Templa quae in honore plurimorum deorum fundata fuerant vni Deo ciusque Sanctis dedicauerunt diuersisque ordinatorum coetibus repleuerunt When the blessed Doctors had blotted out paganisme allmost throughout the Iland the temples which were founded in honor of manye gods they dedicated to one God and his Saints and replenished them with diuers companies of cleargie men The very same bee the words of Matthew of Westminster as hee is published by English Protestants Matth. Westm an Dom. 185. And this present Protestant Antiquarie refutinge the ridiculous and ignorant or verie willfull singularitie of Godwyn the Protestant Bishop singularlie and onely as hee himselfe writeth Godw. conuers of Britanie p. 26. excepting Sutcliffe denying Archflamines in this Iland citing for authors Pomponius Laetus and Fenestella thus addeth Pompn laet de Sacerdot Rom. ca. 7. Fenestell de Sacerd. Rom. c. 5. Quemadmodum autem Episcopis apud nos Archiepiscopi sic Flaminibus Archiflamines praeponebantur Horum potestati caeteri Iudices in Insula subijciebantur Hos autem ex praecepto Apostoli Idolatriae eripuerunt vbi erant Flamines Episcopos vbi erant Archiflamines Archiepiscopos posuerunt Sedes autem Archiflaminum in tribus nobilioribus ciuitatibus fuerunt Londonijs videlicet Eboraco in vrbe legionum His tribus euacuata superstitione octo viginti Episcopi subduntur diuisisque parochijs subiaeuit Metropolitano Eboracensi Deira Albania quas magnum flumen Humbri à Loegria secernit Eboracensis autem Archiepiscopis in omnes Scotiae praesules ac Antistites iure primatis olim fungebatur Quod resaucitum erat sub Henrico secundo Hugone Legato Pontificio celebrato concilio As Archbishops with vs Christians are in power ouer Bishops soe were Archflamines ouer Flamines In this Iland the other Iudges were subiect to their power these by the the cōmandement of the Apostle and Pope they deliuered from Idolatry and where there were Flamines they placed Bishops and Archbishops where there were Archflamines And the Seats of the Archflamines were in the three more noble cyties in London to witt in Yorke and the cytie of the Legions To these three superstition beeing taken away eight and twentie Bishops are subiected and the parishes or diocesses beeinge diuided Yorkeshire Scotland which the great riuer of Humber doth diuide from Loegria England was made subiect to the Metropolitane of yorke And the Archbishop of Yorke did of old time enioy the Right of Primate ouer all the prelates and Bishops of Scotland Which was againe decreed in a cowncell held vnder kinge Henry the second and Hughe the Popes Legate The like to this haue all our Antiquaries Catholicks or Protestants writinge of this matter The Author of the old Brittish historie the booke of Landaffe the Antiquities of Glastenbury S. Bede Ponticus Virunnius Radulphus de Diceto Asserus Capgraue Will of Malmesbury with other auncients and our present Protestant Antiquaries consentinge as Cambden Holinshed Harrison Stowe Howes the Theater writers and others two many to bee recited and needles their workes commonly extant and to bee seene of all onely I will alleadge Bicetes because his manuscript is rare and hee much commended both for Antiquitie and Authoritie by the Protestāt Authors of the greate Theater Thus hee writeth Eleuther Papa ad quem Lucius Rex Britanniae missa epistola se fieri Christianum impetrat Eleuther ergo misit Faganum Dinuanum qui Regem Lucium baptizauerunt Templa etiam quae in honore plurimorum deorum fundata erant vni Deo dedicauerunt Erant tunc in Britannia 28. Flamines tres Archiflammines vbi erant Flamines Episcopos vbi autem Archiflamines Archiepiscopos posuerunt Londonensi subiacuit Loegria Cornubia Eboracensi Diera Albania vrbi autem legionum Kambria Eleuther Pope of whome Lucius kinge of Britanie obteyned by an epistle hee sent vnto him to bee made a Christian sent Faganus and Dimianus which baptized Kinge Lucius The Temples which were founded in honor of manie gods they dedicated to one God There were then in Britanie 28. Flamines and three Archiflamines and where there were Flamines they placed Bishops and where there were Archflamines they placed Archbishops To the Archbishop of London England and Cornwall were subiect To the Archbishopp of Yorke were subiect Diera the North of England and Scotland and Wales to the Archbishop of Caerlegion Galfrid Monum l. 4. c. 19.20 Chronic. eccl Lond. apud Cam. l. 1. antiq cantabrig Antiq. Glast apud Capgra in S. Patric Bed l. v. hist c 4. Pontic Virun l. 4. Radulph de Dicet hist. in Lucio Guliel Malmes de antiq caenob Glast Camb. in Brig Holinsh. hist of Engl. in Lucius Harris descript of Brit. Stow Howes in Lucius Theat of greate Brit. lib. 6. Hector Boeth l. 5. fol. 86.85 with others Thus wee see by all historians olde and late Catholicks and Protestants that in this general plantinge of the faith in this nation all Religious matters were wholly ordered by these Legats of the Pope his supreame direction all Iurisdiction spirituall of Archbishops and Bishops with their peculiar diocesses and gouernements assigned and distinguished by this highest papall authoritie of the Pope of Rome by his legats here And to assure vs that nothing was then thought by the kinge himselfe or any christians here to bee firme and validate in this kinde without the confirmation of the Pope himselfe when these Archbishops and Bishops with their Iurisdictions were settled many churches dedicated to God and his holy Saints vniuersities or colledges for christian learninge and education assigned all orders of cleargie men instituted with all other necessary things in such a cause remembred in our histories which I haue at lardge related in an other place these holy Legates returned to Rome againe to obtaine the Popes confirmation
there were yett liuinge many Bishops consecrated by S. Peter and the Romane Papall authoritie S. Aristobulus Mansuetus Beatus and probably S. Iosephe Taurinus Nicasius Angulus and others for to add to the former S. Anacletus saith in his Epistle approued by our Protestants of England our contryman S. Marianus and others Rob. Barns in vita pont Rom. in Anacl Mar. Scot. l. 2. de aetat 6. col 250. Florent Wigorn. in Domit. that the prouinces where Archbishops were were diuided by the Apostles and S. Clement his predecessor ab Apostolis Beato clemente praecessore nostro ipsa Prouincia diuisio renouata est Some do make Clitus and Anaclitus alone and make him praedecessour to S. Clemente see Baro. to 1. Therefore most euident it is that S. Clement tooke vppon him and exercised this supreame Papall and spirituall power in this kingedome THE SECOND CENTVRIE OR HVNDRED YEARE THE IV. CHAPTER Shewing by these Protestants how the popes of Rome in this second Century of yeares claymed had and exercised supreame spirituall Iurisdiction and power in Britanie TO begin with the second age and hundred yeare Saint and Pope Anacletus offereth him selfe first beeing the next and immediate Successor to S. Clement and as hee himselfe wittnesseth Epist decretal Marian Scot. l. 2. aetat 6. col 250. Florentius Wigorn in Domitiano Matth. Westin an 102. Both instructed and taught and made preist by S. Peter cheife of the Apostles vt à beato Petro principe sumus instructi à quo presbyter sum ordinatus This holy Pope S. Peters disciple beginning his papacy in the 102. yeare of Christ as our Protestants of England enforme vs. Rob. Barns in vit pontif Rom. in Anacleto Ormerod pict of Pap. pag. 78. Thought that the primacy ouer all churches was graūted to the church of Rome by our Lord himselfe and ouer all Christian people Ab ipso Domino primatum Romanae Ecclesiae super omnes Ecclesias vniuersumque Christiani nomine populum concessum esse asseruit And they tell vs further how according to this supreamacie graunted by Christ to the See of Rome ouer all churches and Christian people hee executed the same in makinge his general decrees bindinge all Bishops Priests and others both concerninge the most blessed sacrifice of the Masse and Iurisdiction Amonge other thinges to speake in Protestant words Rob. Barns supra Episcopos officio pares ordine duplici distinxit eos primates siue patriarchas appellari voluit qui in illis ciuitatibus praeessent in quibus olim primarij Flamines sederunt in alijs metropolitanis vrbibus Episcopos Metropolitans vel Archiepiscopos nominandos esse censuit Hee distinguished Bishops equall in order into two degrees causinge them to bee named Primates or Patriarkes which ruled in those cities in which of olde the Archflamens did sitt in other Metropolitane cities hee would haue them named Metropolitans or Archbishops and hee calleth this not his owne decree but the decree of S. Clement his predecessor and Saint Peter alsoe Anacl supr apud Mar. Scot. Flor. Wigorn. supr And setteth downe in a certayne Tome what cytes were to haue primates both accordinge to his owne S. Clements and the Apostles order And this decree of Sainct Anacletus in this highest question of Iurisdiction was soe vniuersall and generall in it selfe soe embraced of all and includinge that as not onely Giraldus Cambrensis and auncient authorities of this nation Lib. 2. de Iure Metropol eccles Meneuen ad Innocent 3. but the cheife Protestant Antiquaries themselues as Mathew Parker the first Protestant Archbishop of Canterburie Lib. antiquit Britannic pag. 24. and Syr Iohn Prise Io. Pris defens histor Britan. pag. 73. doe plainelie acknowledge that by that Tome of Saint Anacletus Pope it was conteyned and decreed how manie and which were the places throughout all this Iland euen as it conteyned England Scotland and Wales And thereupon this Protestant Archbishopp doth in expresse termes call the diuision of Britanie in that respect Ex Anacleto huius Insulae diuisionem The diuision of this Iland according to the decree of Pope Anacletus And though this diuision was not actually made at that time for setting Archbishops in those prouinces at that time but was deferred vntill in after when the faith was recreaued here in more publicke maner when persecution ceased or was mitigated yett by these authorities there is noe doubt but this holy Pope both claymed and exercised the same highest spirituall Iurisdiction as well in this as all other nations that decree beeing generall and without limitation for all nations as it is allowed by these Protestants and making all prouinces in the knowne world substitute and subordinate to the church of Rome in such affaires and none exempted And as this decree alone will witnes hee sent as opportunitie and the cause required Bishops and preists into other contries soe he did the like to this to encrease and continue that happy buildinge which his predecessors had founded here before Soe wee must say of his immediate Successor Saint Euaristus except wee will reiect the authoritie of one of our moste auntient and approued historians Nennius who in his manuscript auntient history written if wee may beleeue the Protestant Bishop Bale l. de scriptor cent 1. in Nennio A thowsand yeares since confidently affirmeth that Britannicus Rex A kinge of Britanie receaued an ambassadge from Euaristus Pope of Rome to receaue the faith of Christ missa legatione à Papa Romano Euaristo Mennius hist. M. S. who yett sayth with others that the generall cōuersion of this land was not vntill the yeare of Christ 167. others making it later This holy Pope began his papacie in the yeare 111. and liued therein vntil 120. before which time our kinge Coillus brought vp at Rome was soe well disposed to Christian Religion that as our Protestants and the antiquities of Glastenbury tell vs hee confirmed the twelue hides of land to the religious Eremitage of Glastenbury Antiquitat glast apud Capgrau in S. Ioseph and others And therefore cominge from Rome into Britanie to bee kinge his Father kinge Marius beeinge deade wee cannot thinke but as many of our contrimen his subiects then at Rome were Christians and in soe greate number that in one Brittish house there the house of S. Claudia our Brittish Lady and children after her there were at or soone after this time in the time of Pope Pius the first 96. christians Act. 5 Pudentianae Breuiar Rom. in vit eius 19. Maij. So many of them and of other nations also and cleargie men were sent hither by the Pope of Rome at that time which many of our Protestant historians will confirme assuringe that both now and at all times vntill the conuersion of kinge Lucius there were many christians which came from Rome liuinge in this kingdome Godwyn Conuers of Britanie pag. Caius l 1. antiq Cantabrig Will. Harrison descript of Brit. Holinsh hist of Engl. Soe doe
that holie place a greater power in the Pope then the other by these Protestants And thus much of this hundred yeares Theater of great Britanie lib. 6. Godwyn Conuers of Britanie cap. 2. pag. 10. Ioh. Leland in Assert Arthur Antiquitat Glaston in tabula lignea Capgrau in Catal. in S. Patricio M. S. Antiq. in eodem THE THIRD CENTVRIE OR HVNDRED YEARE THE VII CHAPTER How the Popes of Rome in this third Centurie or hundred of years alsoe by our Protestants and others ruled and gouerned here in Britanie in spirituall things by their supreame power therein NOw hauing ended this second hundred yeare when there was soe generall an acceptance of this highest papall Authoritie in Britanie by the kinge his Nobles three Archbishops soe many other Bishops and the noble cleargie and others here wee may bee more breife in ages followinge for it is a common consent of the Protestant writers of England that the same faith and Religion in all materiall points such as this is continued firme and inuiolable here at the least vntill the cominge of S. Augustine hither in the later end of the sixt hundred yeare And it is a veritie granted by all followinge S. Bede susceptam fidem Britannie vsque in tempora Diocletiani Principis inuiolatum integrumque quieta in pace seruabant The Britans kept the faith which they receaued in the time of kinge Lucius inuiolable and whole in quiet peace vntill the times of Diocletian Bed hist eccles l. 1. c. 4. Whoe did not begin his Empire vntill the yeare 285. his persecution longe time after about the yeare 296. And no man can thinke but amōge soe many Archbishops Bishops and cleargie men which together with the whole christian Religion embraced the papall power liued and gouerned the church of Britanie here many yeares in this age in the same maner and order as it was commended vnto them by the Romane supreame spirituall Authoritie of S. Eleutherius and his Apostolicke Legates Therefore to bee breife the next Pope which was in the beginning of this hundred yeare Scotland as hereafter a greate portion of this Iland and then a distinct greate and inuincible kingedome vnto the most powerable Romane Emperors was conuerted to the faith of Christ The very name of this holy Pope and Martyr carieth spirituall supreamacy with it in all the Christian world Asia Africk and Europe by the mouthes and pennes of all Protestants and others A Protestant Bishop for all shall answere in these words Pope Victor excommunicated all churches both greeke and latine which differed from his church in the obseruation of Easter Morton appeale l. 1. cap. 9. Which noe man can question but it was the highest act to haue and exercise such power ouer all churches and yett moste iustly and lawfully and hee a blessed man which both a Protestant Archbishopp and his maiestie kinge Iames shal testifie for all The church of Rome was then a Rule to all saith our Kinge Kinge Iames in parlam The other saith Victor was a godly Bishop and a martyr and the church at that time was in greate puritie not beeinge longe after the Apostles times Whitgift Answ. to the admonition p. 80. sect 4. Wherfore Kinge Donalde of Scotland now moued by the example of Kinge Lucius his neighbouring Sociate in terrene principalitie and his whole kingedome and beeing assured by this supreame power spirituall exercised by S. Victor ouer all churches that it was his right and the surest waye in time of controuersies as that was in the obseruation of Easter to adhere vnto the cheife and commandinge church of Rome hee sent to this holy Pope to bee instructed in the faith of Christ a longe paineful troublesome iorney labour on both sides soe many Bishops now beeing in Britanie Fraunce and in all places betweene Scotland and Rome if kinges kingedomes could haue beene conuerted to the faith of Christ and matters of the church with them ordered without his direction or confirmation For as truely write the Scottish historians Pope Victor sent preists in extremam Albionem to the vttermoste part of Albion or the vttermoste Albion to preach the doctrine of Christ Hector Boeth l. 5. Scot. histor fol. 89. p. 2. Boeth supr p. 1. Buchan Rer. Scotic 1. 4. Reg. 27. Holinsh. histor of Scotl. in Donald Ed. Grymst p. 20. in Scotl. § 17. the narration whereof is this Talem dederat Donaldo Regi animum pacis Princeps author Christus Dominus quod vera pietati aspernato malorum demonum cultu sese paulò ante addixerat Nam Seuero Imperante Romanis apud Victorem Pontiscem maximum qui quintus decimus post Petrum Ecclesiae praefuit per legatos obtinuit vt viri doctrina Religione insignes in Scotiam ab eo missi se cum liberis coniuge Christi nomen profitentes baptismate insignirent Regis exempla Scotica nobilitas sequuta auersata impietatem Christique Religionem complexa sacr● fonte est abluta Fuit annus ille quo Scoti ad lumen vera pictatis Dei Optimi Maximi benignitate vocati sunt recepti ab eo qui primus fuit humanae salutis tertius supra ducēte simum à Scotorum Regni institutione quingente simus tricesimus tertius Christ our Lord prince and Author of peace gaue such minde to kinge Donald that castinge aside the worship of wicked deuils hee had a litle before addicted himselfe to true pietie For when Seuerus was the Romane Emperor hee obteyned of Pope Victor the fifteenth after S. Peter that ruled the church that men renowned for learninge and Religion sent from him into Scotland might baptise him with his wife and children professinge Christ The Scottish nobilitie followeinge the example of the kinge forsakinge impiety and embracing the Religiō of Christ was baptized This was in the yeare of the Incarnation of Christ two hundred and three and from the beginninge of the kingdome of the Scots fiue hundred thirtie and three And a little after speakinge of the renowned leardned Christians of that time hee addeth Incipere nostri tum primum sacras colere literas Sacerdotibus praeceptoribus quos Victor Pontifex Maximus ad Christi dogma propalandum in extremam miserat Albionem At that time our Scottish men first began to study diuinitie hauinge for their Tutors those preists which Pope Victor sent to teach the Religion of Christ in Albion the vttermost country in this part of the world And againe nostri qua fide pietate instituti semel fuerunt hactenus erroribus aspernatis perseuerant Our contrimen of Scotlād perseuer at this day it was written in the yeare 1526. in the faith and pietie wherein they were then instructed Hector Boeth in fine praefat Bal. centur 5. in Hector Boeth And a Protestant of England in the yeare 1615. writteh Scotland receyued the faith in the time of Pope Victor the first in the yeare 2O3 Celestin the first sent Palladius thither
in Sampsone and was consecrated by S. Dubritius the Popes Legate and primate of Britanie Therefore there cannot bee the least suspition but that both hee and the prouinces both of the North of England and Scotland alsoe then vnder his iurisdiction were of the same opinion in this matter And if the Metropolitan See of London a little before destroyed as our histories tell vs. Galfrid mon. histor Reg. Brit. l. 8. cap 9. by the pagan Saxons with other churches of that prouince had then any Archbishop whose name is not remembred noe man of indifferent iudgement will thinke that he differed in opinion in this matter from those glories of this kingedome and church thereof S. Dubritrius the Popes Legate and S. Sampson consecrated by him by whome alsoe whose authoritie from the See of Rome if London then had any Archbishop at this time hee was likewise consecrated noe others then beeing to intermedle in that busines And our kings of that time Vortimer Aurelius Ambrosius Vther Pendragon and Arthur crowned kings by these holy Archbishops Legats patrons and knowne mainteyners of the priuiledges of the Apostolicke See of Rome Kinge Vortimer belonged to the age before therefore I onely here say of him as I am directed by our Protestants in the Brittishe historie as they approue it Galfrid Monum l. 6. cap. 14. Matth. Westm. an 454. That after hee was chosen kinge and obteyned victorie of the pagans soe soone as it was in his power hee did all thinges especially apperteyning to Religion by the direction or rather commaund as the words be of S. Germanus the Popes Legate Victoria potitus Vortimerus caepit reddere possessiones ereptas ciuibus ipsosque diligere ac honorare Ecclesias iubente Sancto Germano renouare Vortimer hauing obteyned victorie began to restore the possessions that were taken from the citizens and to loue and honor them and by the commaundement of S. German to renewe the churches Neyther can wee make it a straūge thing if wee will follow soe manie Protestant guides to leade vs as before that kinge Vortimer followed the commaundement of Saint German the Popes Legate in such affaires when they haue assured vs that by his direction and order both his Father Vortigern kinge before him was deposed and this man by the same power and order was chosen and erected to bee kinge And the same is the condition and case of Aurelius Ambrosius by the same power and proceedings made kinge as these Protestants tell vs when Vortigern was deposed the second time Protest Catalog Regum Britan. Stowe histor in Vortiger Aurel. Ambros and Vterp Holinsh in eisd Soe likewise of Vterpen-dragon his brother both of them made kings by cōmon consent of the cleargie nobles the line of Vortigern beeinge quite disinherited and hee himselfe to write in Protestāt words burnt in his castle in Wales by Aurelius Ambrosius his brother Vter Galfrid monum histor Reg. Brit. l. 8. cap. 2.17 But Nennius writeth that one opinion is which is in libro S. Germani in the booke of S. German that hee with his wicked wyues or concubines was burned with fier miraculously from heauen An other opinion there is that hee wandered vpp and downe vagrantly and his hart burst in sonder The third that the earthe miraculously opened swallowed him vp aliue All agree that for betraying the country to the Infidels and his other moste horrible sinnes hee was iustly and greeuously punished by God and died miserably with eternall infamie and the others were renowned patrons and obedient children to the church of God which had aduaunced them to the regall dignitie Matth. Westm an 465.466.488.490.498 Nennius in M. S. histor in Guorthigurno And if wee will followe Nennius the best Author wee haue of these thinges S. German omitted noe meanes to procure kinge Vortigern to penance when nothinge would preuayle notwithstanding the most horrible sinne of him with his owne daughter hee baptized the sonne soe begotten naming him Faustus hee brought him vp and soe instructed him in pietie that hee was a glorious Saint Nennius supr Quartus filij Guorthigirni fuit Faustus qui illi de filia sua natus est quem Sanctus Germanus baptizauit enutriuit atque docuit vnam habuit filiam quae vt diximus mater fuit Sancti Fausti Next to these was kinge Arthur whoe allthough hee was by birth disabled as our Protestants say ex furtiuo concubitu Vtheri Dulcissae Cornubianae natus Yett to speake in Protestants words Protest Index in Galfrid monum V. Arthurus Galfrid mon. histor Reg. Brit. l. 8. c. 19. Stowe histor in K. Arthur Arthur the sonne of Vther at the age of fifteene yeares was crowned kinge of Britanie by Dubritius Archbishop of Legions the Popes Legate as before And this was not the sole Act of that Saint but of all the Bishops and nobles of the kingedome Defuncto Rege conuenerunt Pontifices cum clero Regni populo ipsumque more regio humauerunt Quo facto Dubritius vrbis Legionum Archiepiscopus sociatis sibi Episcopis magnatibus Arthurum filium eius iuuenem quindecim annorum in Regem magnificè exercuit Matth. Westm. an 516. Galfrid mon. lib. 9. cap. 1. Kinge Vther beeing deade the Bishops assemble together with the clergie and people of the kingedome and bury him in kingely maner Which beeinge ended Dubritius Archbishop of the citie of Legions the Bishops and Nobles beeing associate vnto him magnificently erect for king-Arthur his sonne a yonge man of fifteene yeares old And yett this worthie prince soe by byrth by himselfe disabled and for age vnfitt to manadge soe many and greate matters yett made kinge by the power I haue related before and followinge the direction of the Pope in matters requisite and his Legate and Bishops here became soe renowned glorious a kinge as all histories report This kinge besides the common benefites hee bestowed on the church of Christ in Britanie then allmoste desolate by the rage of the pagan Saxons hee did in particular to shew his gratefull and due dependance on the Popes of Rome With the consent and counsaile of all the Bishops and peeres of the kingedome and with licence of the See Apostolique graunt priuiledge to the schoole of Cambridge to bee exempt and free from publick vectigals and burthenous workes and this hee did for the loue of the heauenly kingedome and remedy of the soules of his Auncestors as the Protestants of Cambridge produce vnto vs out of his owne charter beginninge thus Charta Regis Arthuri de priuileg Cantabr apud Ioh. Caium lib. 1. de antiquit Cantabr pag. 68.69 Arthurus regali à Deo fultus dignitate omnibus suis salutem pro amore caelestis patriae remedioque animarum antecessorum meorum Britanniae Regum pro augmentatione insuper Reipublicae Regni mei Britanniae ac profectu spirituali Scholarium in lege Domini iugiter Cantabrigiae studentium consilio assensu omnium
that our Protestants thus note of him Galfrid mon. l. 12. cap. 17.18 Bed l. 4. histor in Epitom an 688. Matth. Westm. an 688.689 Protest annot in Matth. Westm. an 688. Regnum relinquens propter Deum Romam venit leauinge his kingdome for gods sake hee went to Rome An other saith Stowe histor in Cadwallader Cadwallader forsakinge his kingely authoritie went to Rome whoe after became a monke and was buried in S. Peters church at Rome hee was the laste kinge of Britanie saith Geffrey Galfrid Mon. l. 11. cap. 12. And for the Archbishop of Walles to whome some British Bishops in the time of S. Augustine said they ought obedience cum suum Archipraesulem haberent there is not the least colour or pretence of any title by these Protestants themselues how hee or his See could bee exempted from the Popes Authoritie for as these men haue told vs before it was first instituted by Pope Eleutherius in the time of kinge Lucius and by the succeedinge Popes and their Legats here as is before declared confirmed and ratified they receaued their Palle the signe of an Archbishop from Rome and after their vnion with the Saxons and disciples of Pope Gregory in the time of S. Theodore Archbishop of Canterbury vsed it and Archiepiscopall Authoritie in all degrees and by the Popes permission and allowance fiue and twentie Archbishops successiuely from S. Dauid to Archbishop Sampson and had seuen Bishops subiect vnto them vntill this Sampson flyinge the contry in a time of sicknes carried away the Pall into little Britanie Amonge manie others a Protestant Bishop thus relateth this matter Girald Cambren in Itinerar Cambr. Antiquit. eccl S. Dauid apud Godwin S. Dauid Matth. Park antiquit Brit. Rog. Houeden Godwin Catalog in S. Dauids in Sampsone In the time of Sampson the See of S. Dauid had seuen Bishops Suffragans subiect vnto it as the Antiquitie of the church of S. Dauid declareth to witt Exeter Bathe Hereford Landaff Bangor S. Assaph Furnes in Ireland Roger Houeden vvhich I accompt more likely reckoneth these Landaffe Lanpatern in Cardigan shire Bangor Saint Assaph Chichester Hereford and Worcester While hee was Bishop it hapned the people of all that contry were wonderfully vexed with Ianudise soe as great numbers of them died daily of that disease By the importunitie of his clergie and disciples hee was induced to flie the contry and sailed into Britanie where the Bishoprick of Dola beeing voide hee was straight way elected vnto the same Hee had brought thither with him the Archiepiscopall Pall of S. Dauid and vsed it duringe his life as did alsoe his successors there for many yeares vntill they were compelled by the Pope at the suite of the Archbishop of Turon to leaue it and make profession of obedience vnto him as in former times By this occa on it fell out that the Successors of Sampson in Saint Dauids what for want of their Pall or for pouertie or negligence or some other occasion loste their Title of bishop and to this day neuer recouered the same Howbeit they vsed all authoritie belonginge to an Archbishop by consecratinge of other Bishops and neither did they euer make profession of subiection vnto Canterburie vntill the time of Henry 1. Kinge of England Godwin supr in Bernard 46. When Bernard Chaplaine vnto King Henry the first and chauncellour to his Queene was consecrate by the Archbishop of Canterbury Iulij 12. 1115. not chosen by the clergie of Walles as hitherto had beene accustomed but forced vpon them by the Kinge of England And there with others declareth how this Bernard tooke vppon him the title of Archbishop but Theobaldus Archbishop of Canterbury prouinge before the Pope in the councell of Rhemes by witnesses cum suam fidem obseruantiam cantuariensi astrinxisse that Bernard had promised obedience vnto the Archbishop of Canterbury the cause was by the Pope adiudged against Bernard and the See of S. Dauid Match West an 1115. Matth. Par. an 1115. Godwin supr Girald Lambr in Itiner Camb. Topogr Harps secul 12. cap. 46. Soe it is euident that from the beginning thereof to the endinge of the same the Archiepiscopall See of Walles depended of the Pope of Rome and it was not hee but the Acts of their owne Bishops which ouerthrew the dignitie priuiledges of it which the Popes had graunted and confirmed Of the Popes power here after the cominge of S. Augustine there is noe denial amonge Protestants all generally consentinge that from that time now aboue a thousand yeares the Popes supreamacy euer ruled here in spirituall thinges hee chaunged the Metropolitone See of London to Canterbury constituted that of Yorke interdicted our vniuersities constituted Bishops in places as seemed best to him Kinge Ethelbert chaunged his lawes and receaued the customes of the Romans cassatis paternis legibus nouas Sapientum consilio iuxta Romanorum consuetudines Anglorum sermone constituit Bal. centur 1. in Ethelberto The greate flaterer of King Henry the eight whoe first denied the Popes supreamacy and tooke it to himselfe Polidor Vergil speaketh of that parlament Polidor Verg. l. 27. pag. 689 Habetur concilium Londini in quo ecclesia Anglicana formam potestatis nullis ante temporibus visam induit Henricus enim Rex caput ipsius ecclesiae constituitur A parlament is held at London in which the church of England did put on a forme of power neuer seene in any time before for Kinge Henry was made head of the church The first Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury speaking of the lawes of that parlament plainely confesseth Matth. Parker antiquit Britan. in Tho. Cramner pag. 329. His legibus potentia papalis quae nongentis amplius annis in Anglia durauit facile concidit By these lawes the power of the Pope which had continued here in England aboue neyne hundred yeares was easely ouerthrowne The present Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury director to Francis Mason and hee with others in their booke of pretended consecration of Bishops speaking of the same Matthew Parker Fran Mason Booke of consecrat 3. cap. 4. pag. 131. vit Matth. Parkeri say Concerninge Archbishop Parker beeing the 70. Archbishop after Austin yett of all that number hee was the onely man and the first of all which receaued consecration without the Popes Bulls To this this man himselfe together with their Protestant Bishop Godwin Goceline and others in the liues of the Archbishops of England doe plainely testifie to this all antiquities and antiquaries agree none dissenteth Matth. Parker in antiq Britan. Godwin Catalog in Canterbury and Yorke Goceline in epist THE XI CHAPTER How by these Protestants the Britans and Scots which opposed against S. Gregories disciples did take vpon then greater or as ample power in Princes matters as euer the Popes of Rome or their Legates did in this kingedome BEcause our Protestant Antiquaries and writers of England doe with a common consent agree in this that the Britans at the coming of