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A15494 A loyal subiects looking-glasse, or A good subiects direction necessary and requisite for euery good Christian, liuing within any ciuill regiment or politique state, to view, behold, and examine himselfe in, that he may the better frame the course of his life, according to the true grounds of the duties of an honest and obedient subiect to his king, and to arme himselfe against all future syren songs, and alluring intisements of subtill, disloyall, dissembling, and vnnaturall conspirators, traitors, and rebels. Collected for the most part out of both olde and later writers, whose names are in the next page set downe. Wherevnto are brieflie added sixe speciall causes of vndutifull subiects disloyaltie. By William Willymat. Willymat, William, d. 1615. 1604 (1604) STC 25761; ESTC S120179 57,436 78

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obedience Three arguments or reasons to perswade to obedience out of Rom. 13.1 2 3. c. whereof the Apostle Paul in the before noted place Rom. 13. vseth three seuerall arguments to perswade therevnto The first drawne from the excellencie or worthinesse of the first author or ordeiner of Magistrates which was God himselfe and therefore whatsoeuer God himselfe first instituted ordeined and founded that is most worthy to be embraced receiued regarded and obayed The second reason he there vseth is taken from the penaltie and punishment that followeth such as neglect reiect and contemne this obedience to the higher powers and that is iudgment which is not onely the iudgement of earthly iudges but also the vengeance of God for their resistance rebellion against Gods ordinance The third argument is also drawne from the end for which Magistrates were ordeined and set vp by God which is for the praise and good of such as doe well but on the otherside to terrifie and take vengeance on such as doe euill for the sword is not put into their hands for naught or to doe nothing therewith Tvvo arguments or reasons ●o persvvade to obedience out of 1 Pet. 2.13 c. Two of the very same reasons to induce and perswade to this dutifull obedience vseth the said S. Peter in the before alledged place 1. Pet. 2.13 Moreouer to mooue subiects the more readily and willingly to yeeld obedience vnto these higher powers God hath adorned and beautified the state persons of Magistrates with most honorable titles recommending vnto men the dignitie thereof in that he vouchsaueth them sometimes his owne name and stile as in Psalm Magistrats called gods a● in Psal ●2 6 and wherefore ●26 I haue said yee are Gods Whence we see then that men placed in authoritie are called Gods because they represent his Maiestie in ruling and gouerning his people this is a reason of no small importance to worke obedience to Magistrates in Gods people if so be that they be of God indeede God so honoureth rulers and gouernours that in token therof he inuesteth them with his owne name to teach their subiects that they should obay them as they would do him to whom that name doth of best right belong To stirre vp and drawe on good subiects the more readilie and willingly to obedience let them view and behold yea though it be but a little and a farre off Of the deformities vglinesse of rebelliō and wherevnto it is likened the deformities and ouglinesse of rebellion and the hainousnesse of disloyaltie which may not vnaptly be called Monstrum horrendum informe ingens cui lumen ademptum An horrible great blind and an ill fauoured monster which not vnfitly resembleth that confused Chaos spoken of by Hesiodus the Greeke Poet and described by Ouid to be Congestaeôdem non bene iunctarum discordia semina rerum or most fitly it resembleth euen hell it selfe Aug. lib. ser sermon 26. as S. Augustine writeth of it to be a place Plenus ardore incomparabili plenus saetore intollerabili plenus dolore innumerabili vbi tenebrae vbi horror aeternus vbi nullus ordo vbi omnis miseria So that Tuchydides the Greeke Historigrapher writeth full truely of it E. N. that Rebellion is all kinde of euill And as truly saith a later writer of it that Rebellion is not onely a sinne but euen the sincke of all sinne for herein lurketh the puddle of all filthie sinnes whatsoeuer against God man against Gods andointed Vizegerents Deputies and Lieutenants against countrie and countrimen against parents children kinsfolks and friends In rebellion is open and manifest periury In rebellion is apparant periurie whereby Gods holy name is contemned and dishonoured by breaking of oathes and renouncing alleagiance before sworne to lawfull Kings and Princes by calling to witnesse the name and Maiestie of God In rebelliō is swearing and blasphemie In rebellion most wicked detestable vaine swearing and blaspheming of Gods holy name and of the parts members of the blessed body of Christ Iesus breake out without either feare of God or any controulment of lawes In rebelliō is prophaning of the Sabboth In rebellion you shall see the Lords day neglected vnhallowed and the reuerent vse thereof prophaned not onely by the rebels themselues but also by those Christians that would full gladly and withall their hearts keepe it holy and yet hereby are forced to assemble and meete armed in the field to saue themselues their goods houses wiues and children against the inuasion and furie of rebels In rebelliō are thefts murthers robbing spoiling whordom rauishmēts of widows wiue and maides c. Most er●ant thefts desperate robberies and most cruell murthers with spoiling and bloud-shedding violence not against a fewe but whole and infinite multitudes do then most range when rebellion beareth the swaye Damnable whoredomes adulteries fornication sorcible rapes and rauishments violating and deflowring of matrons widdowes mens wines daughters virgins and maides are most rife in time of rebellion among most horrible and damnable rebels And finally among these most impious atheisticall rebels In rebellion is the breach and contempt of both Gods laws and mans lavves are all lawes both diuine and humaine broken contemned and trampled vnder foote and all manner of sinnes possible to be committed against God and man are set abroache Who then is so blind but he may euen with halfe an eye see and easily discerne the wonderfull difference betweene this beastly mother sinne this terrible monster of rebellion insurrection disloyaltie and disobedience to higher powers and the most excellent sweete amiable and most pretious guift of God blessed Peace the daughter of Christian faithfull and dutifull obedience For by the one namely rebellion shall men reape such vnsauorie such infected and poysoned fruites as you here before haue read or heard of By the other to wit Commodities of peace and obedience Peaceable obedience shall good loyall subiects dwell without feare euery man vnder his Vine and vnder his Figge tree from Dan vnto Bersheba from Portsmouth in the South parts of England to Dungisbie in the North parts of Scotland and so through out the vtmost parts of all good King Iames his fortunate kingdomes and dominions How foolish how be witched and how insatiated are then those subiects that will not lay hold on follow and imbrace this so commanded necessary profitable dutifull and loyall obedience Ambabus vel vtrisque manibus and that obuijs vlnis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quod aiunt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To perswade and allure subiects to dutifull obedience both holy Scriptures and diuers learned prophane writers haue sundrie examples most manifestly setting before mens eies To what end good examples of obedience doe chieflie serue What vse to make of the examples of disobedient rebellious subiects and consideration of their hearts both how the best sort of subiects haue
A LOYAL SVBIECTS LOOKING-GLASSE Or A good subiects Direction necessary and requisite for euery good Christian liuing within any ciuill regiment or politique state to view behold and examine himselfe in that he may the better frame the course of his life according to the true grounds of the duties of an honest and obedient subiect to his King and to arme himselfe against all future Syren songs and alluring intisements of subtill disloyall dissembling and vnnaturall conspiraters traitors and rebels Collected for the most part out of both olde and later writers whose names are in the next page set downe Wherevnto are brieflie added sixe speciall causes of vndutifull subiects disloyaltie By WILLIAM WILLYMAT AT LONDON Printed by G. Elde for Robert Boulton and are to be sould at his shop at Chancerie lane end neere Holborne The names of the Authors out of which this present Treatise hath for the most part beene collected Augustine Ambrose Theophilacti Caluine Musculus Marlorate Hyperius Hemingius Piscator Iacobus Rex Bullinger Bucer Coruinus Luther Vrsinus M.H. Latimer Perkinsus Turnbull To the right vertuous excellent and most High and Noble Prince HENRIE by the grace of God Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewell Earle of Chester and heire apparant to the Realmes of England Scotland France and Ireland c. THE late gracious acceptance most worthy yong Prince with so prompt welwilling hand so amiable and pleasant a countenance and so kinde and courteous words of those mine hastie and bold attempted labours in translating into Latin and English verse the seuerall Precepts and Instructions of our dread Soueraigne your Fathers Maiesties ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΟΝ ΔΩΡΟΝ for your owne sake and vnto your owne selfe by him so Christianly fatherly painfully and learnedly first penned that Princes Looking-glasse or Princes direction for that title or inscription I then thought best befitting such an argument so benignly accepted of hath animated and encouraged me once againe to publish vnder your Graces Patrocinie an other Looking-glasse to wit this present Loyall Subiects Looking-glasse or a good subiects Direction a treatise I suppose in these our last dayes and perillous times very requisite and necessarie for all Christian subiects like as was the other for a Christian Prince A fault I confesse is by me here committed by this my second so bold an enterprise but yet Priùs perspecta clementia lenitate tua fretus in good hope you will beare with my wants and imperfections and accept and respect mine heart and plaine simple well meaning will and rather poyse the quantitie of mine affection and zeale to do good according to the gaine of that one poore talent that the Lord God hath committed vnto me then the qualitie of mine offence I haue aduentur●d towards the helpe and instruction of the rude and ignorant sort of subiects who want both good bookes and good teachers to publish this my sillie Treatise befitting silly subiects least through ignorance of their duties in true allegiance they might the sooner be seduced deceiued and withdrawne from giuing vnto Caesar that which is Caesars Simple and plaine indeed is this my worke I must simply confesse but yet an instrument of mine inward good affection and a faithfull witnessing messenger before both God and man of my well-willing and well-meaning heart Qui si non potui maxima parua dedi And if your Grace according to your former clemencie shall happily vouchsafe it that good successe as to come abroade to the view of the world vnder the wings of your benigne defence and fauourable protection then I doubt not but of the better sort it shall be the better accepted and also from the nipping cancred Cater-pillers the more freely escape vntaunted whose naturall inclination is rather to prie at the moates in other mens eyes and to carpe and finde faults with other mens dooings then to respect and perceiue beames in their owne eyes or endeuour to profit Gods Church and their country with any their owne better labours The euer-liuing God for his annointed Christ Iesus his sake graunt you his eternall fauour grace and blessing long and many happy yeares with your owne hearts desired felicitie to the aduauncement of Gods honour and glory to the ioye and comfort of all good faithfull Christian hearts to the terror of all your and our forreigne enemies and home-borne conspirators and to the happie conuersion or vtter confusion of the publique and priuate aduersaries of Gods eternall truth Your Graces most loyall and dayly humble Orator WILLIAM WILLYMAT To the Christian Reader GReat sundrie and manifold good Christian Reader are the enormities inconueniences and mischiefs which the lack of the right vse of Gods most sacred word and the diligent care to be gouerned and ouer-ruled by the same do bring breede and engender among mortall men O subtill serpent ô deceiptfull and too diligent Sathan euermore and euery where prying seeking and hunting like an hungrie and roaring Lyon for thy pray when irreligious Macheuillians apt schollers of that Italian helhound desperate carelesse Atheists obstinate dissembling corner-creeping Papists temporizing carnall and verball Protestants brainsick heady and male-contented Puritanes and such other like right borne children of this world haue once cast of the care the knowledge the vse and practise of that true lightsome Lanterne of Gods word which should haue serued to guide their actions and giuen light vnto their feete whereby they might haue troden in the right pathes of all goodnesse how busie diligent and readie art thou then with thy legions of reprobate Angels to stuffe and possesse the blinde ignorant obstinate wilfull rebellious male-contented hearts and busie braines of such men with ambition enuie malice heart burning discontentment of minde murmurings and grudgings dislike and contempt of the most Christian and best gouernment as not fitting nor agreeing with their humors slandering euill speaking and back-biting such as are in lawfull authoritie conspiracie treason sedition rebellion and infinite other mischiefes too many and too tedious here to recite How true this is as at sundrie other times heretofore so also now hath it proued it selfe by these last discoueries of some of our English disloyall vnnaturall and traiterous plotting practises and conspiracies The buildings and very foundations whereof the close and cunning conueying whereof yea though it were in the very fruite of a tree the mightie Lord God our onely buckler shield and sure fortresse according to his former accustomed goodnesse and mercifull dealings in our late Queene Elizabeths raigne hath vnto vs reueiled and detected yea dissipated frustrated vtterly confounded he for his holy names sake worke in our hearts vnfeined thankfulnesse for the same Now for as much as God hath appoynted admonitions and exhortations to encounter temptations least perhaps the deuill that old experienced and throughly practised enemie of mankind the chiefest author of these and all other such wicked and abhominable attempts should againe suggest and ingest the like lewde motions into the hearts of
taxes subsidies and other such like royall customes the sift thing due vnto Caesar 36. The causes for which subsidies taxes c. are greeuous and odious among the common people ibidem Tributes subfidies taxes c. amongst all nations of old haue beene vsually payed and wherefore 37. Theophilactus and Bucer their opinions for paiment of tribute taxes c. 38. The onely helpe and lawfull remedie for not paiment of Subsedies taxes c. ibidem Diuers causes wherefore tribute subsedies taxes c. are to be paid 39. Diuers great benefits and blessings which subiects receiue by their kings rulers c. 40. Hovv kings may both take and employ tributes taxes subsedies and such like customes 41. Lessons necessary for kings Princes c. to obserue note and practise concerning the exacting of impositions taxes c. ibid. Lessons necessary for the common people and subiects to obserue note and practise concerning their behauiour and conceits against kings Princes c. for lifting and demanding of subsedies taxes c. ibid. A necessary question concerning such subiects as being of vvealth and substance will seeke and practise false and lying shifts and euasions to escape or to diminish their right and due paiments of taxes subsidies c. partly by defrauding the king and partly by oppressing and vvringing their poore neighbours and the ansvver therevnto 41.42 Doctor Martin Luther his opinion concerning the subiects dutie if kings princes c. shall happen to impose and exact any greeuous ouerchargeable taxes subsedies or other customes paiments 43. And also S Ambrose his opinion and likevvise king Iames his opinion in the same case 45. Of mutuall loue and agreement betvveene Prince and people and of the good thereof 46. King James his Maiesties most louing Christian and excellent counsaile to his sonne Prince Henry concerning lifting of subsedies c. idē In the sixt Chapter is conteined PRiuate men may not intermeddle nor take vpon them the office of a Magistrate vvithout some lavvfull calling therevnto pag. 47. The people of euery kngdō countrie or city deuided into 3. sorts idē Two things especially to be considered in the sixt dutie of subiects vnto Caesar 48. The reuenge of any iniurie to vvhom it properlie belongeth idem The sixe causes of vndutifulnesse of subiect added and briefly entreated of in the end of this loyall subiects Looking-glasse 1 Pride 2 Ambition 3 Enuie 4 Lack of vvisdome and knovvledge 5 Discontentment of minde 6 Misliking and inueighing against the punishment of malefactors The aforesaid sixe causes of subiects vndutifulnesse contained in these vi verses following The cause vvhy subiects duties faile vvho lists to haue descride Let him giue eare and marke a vvhile the first cause it is Pride The second is Ambition Enuie the third place vvill haue The fourth is vvant of knovvledge sure vvant of vvisdome graue The fift cause vvho desires to knovv is minds discontentment The sixt is the vniust dislike of levvd mens punishment 〈…〉 contained in the 6. causes of subiects vndutifulnes added in the end of this treatise AS Sathan of a glorious Angell through Pride became anvglie deuill forsaking his loyaltie to God so the same Sathan by the same pride dayly tempteth man to fall avvay from loyaltie to higher powers ordeined of God for mans good pag. 50. Pride wherein it consisteth idem Honourable houres and great men in the vvorld through pride haue wrought their owne vtter confusion 51. The deuils craft and subtiltie to insnare men through pride to bring them thereby to treason conspiracie and rebellion ibid. Of Ambition the second cause of the vndutifulnesse of subiects here what ambition is and who are said and noted to be ambition 52. Notable examples of ambitious mens filles and of the manifold most notorious mischiefes and inconueniences that many haue fallen into through ambition 54. Of Enuie the third cause of subiects vndutifulnesse from whence Enuie springeth and of the fruites thereof 55. Diuers similitudes describing the nature of Enuie ibid. None neuer so vertuous escape the virulent and sianderous nippings of the enuious crue 56. Of want of wisedome and knovvledge the fourth cause of subiects vndutifulnesse 58. The great inconueniences that fall out through want of wisedom and knowledge in vndiscreet subiects idem Princes purposes pollicies proceedings not yet published knowne abroade are not to be condemned and misconstrued 58. Of discontentednesse of minde the fift cause of subiects vndutifulnesse 60. Two sortes of subiects especially troubled with discontentment of minde c. idem The wicked nature and vngodly vndurifull and disloyall positions and euill corrupting words of desperate godlesse Athrists prodigall spendals and roysting caualliers bewraying their contempt of God and vndutifulnesse to higher powers and magistracie 60 61. Counsaile and directions for vnthrifts and wast ales to take another course 62. Misliking of due deserued punishment of malefactors the sixt cause of the vndutifulnesse of subiects and of their errortherein idem Aduise counsaile and necessarie directions for busie mislikers and vndiscreete inueighers against the punishment of euill doers c. 63.64 A loyall Subiects Looking-glasse The Preface A Most Christian King a most sincere professor J Rex in his treatise of the true law of free Monarchies and defender of Gods eternall truth yet at this day liuing and maugre the heads of the most subtill suggesting serpent and all his wicked traiterous and rebellious imps long may he liue hath written that next the knowledge of God the right knowledge of subiects alleageance according to the forme of gouernment established among them is a thing most necessarie to be knowne The ignorance hereof The effects of the ignorance or contempt of the right knowledge of subiects alledgeance or that which is worsse the retchlesse and wilfull contempt hereof hath bread the heauie calamities the endlesse troubles and the most miserable wreacke and ouerthrow of sundrie flourishing common-wealths and also the worthily deserued fall and confusion of the state lands goods lifes and bloud of many disloyall infatuated maliciously giuen male-contented ambitious traiterous conspiratours and rebels in many heretofore flourishing common-wealths kingdomes and monarchies Examples hereof and that diuers within the kingdomes of England and Scotland are yet greener fresher and more common both in the hearts and mouthes of thousands yet huing who haue beene both eyed and eared witnesses of the same then that they can casilie be forgotten Least therefore any other subiects now liuing The speciall causes that mooued the author to write this present treatise or their posteritie or any other generation yet vnborne should be hereafter trapped in the like snares and so become subiect to the like confusions the naturall zeale that I beare to my natiue countrie and the great griefe I haue to heare and see my poore country-men either so ignorant or so carelesse of true loyall subiects duties me there vnto speciall moouing I haue heere done mine endeuoure