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A13158 A briefe examination, of a certaine peremptorie menacing and disleal petition presented, as is pretended, to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, by certaine laye papistes, calling themselues, the lay Catholikes of England, and now lately printed, and diuulged by a busie compagnion, called Iohn Lecey Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. 1606 (1606) STC 23452; ESTC S117870 127,037 159

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resisted and vvold not suffer the popes agēts to cut their throtes Countries Reason then the life of the law will acquite vs if we prefer a Faith that hath taken so deep roote whose goodlie fruits we daylie see and tast before 6 Not so slēder sleight as the papists are slēder sleight green Christiās a slender sleight green and far lesse fruitfull plant About twenty four years now past when a certaine conference was held in the Tower betweene Master Campion and Master Shervvin Catholike 7 Or rather the seditious priests of Baal that came to stir rebelliō in Englād as appeared by Parsōs Cāpiōs faculties Priestes and some of the selected learned Protestant diuines there were then in prison in the Fleet diuers Catholikes both of honourable and worshipfull degree for Testimony of their conscience only as the Lord Vaux Master Thomas Somerset brother to the Earl of VVorcester Sir Thomas Thresham Sir William Catesby others who offered the warden of the Fleet to procure them licence of the priuy Councell to be present at the conference and to haue that question of repairing to the Protestant Church discussed and decided one hundred 1 They tell lyes by hundreds Frenche Crownes for euery day that this question should remaine thus vnder examination but their request could not then be 2 Diuers yet liuing can testify the contrary admitted albeit the said warden did vndertake the suite and confidently promised to effect it and seriously laboured it aswell by his honourable friendes in Court as by all other meanes he could possibly The same offer of conformity and desire to be satisfied in this point which we made then we in humble wise make now and that with so much the more greater efficacy as your Maiesty hath a most full and ample possession of our 3 Hovv can the hart be deuided betvvixt the king and the Pope harts and affections for manifold important respects both for the loue your gratious Mother did beare vs and the cause for which we suffer as also for the often to vs most comfortable protestations your Maiesty hath made and that in publique and in priuate that you haue a mind free from persecution or thravvling your subiects in matters of conscience that you vvold not increase our burdens vvith 4 The King is here compared to an insolent and vvicked yong man Roboam to which adding your Clemency of which wee haue tasted and your gratious promises wherewith wee liue in hope and your daily discourses springing from your natiue bounty and beniguity make vs 5 Jf you straine your selfe through a colendar yet nothing commeth from you but vain promises strayne our selues to the vttermost to giue your Grace satisfaction And therefore if we may obtayne this fauour at your Graces hands to be assured in conscience by the decision of the learned 6 Let your Diuines or rather sophisticall priests prooue vvhat they can in vvriting and they shall be ansvvered Deuines of both sides that the act of going to the Protestants sermons and seruice is not a damnable sinne then if after such (a) A most hāble and reasonable request A Councell conference or disputation dispute decision and information we shall refuse to conforme our selues to your Maiesties vvill example we thinke then there is reason to giue life and reestablishment to the lawes made against vs. And this may suffice we hope for discharge of the dutiful respect we beare to your Maiesty and desire we haue to giue your Grace all 7 All the vvorkers of iniquity vaunt themselues as the Prophet saith Psal 94. and so do these also But their cracks are vaine proud and foolish possible satisfaction in mater our beleefe and Religion The answere to the 3 and 4. chapter of the petition HItherto these petttioners haue well dissembled theire violent humors pretending only humilitie submission and offring in termes to giue satisfaction and cōtentment to his maiesty But now before they come to the cause of their religion they tell his maiesty of their nūbres both in England and Jreland secretly intimating that if they may not haue their petition by faire means they haue power to take other courses they doe also signify that some of theire consorts haue holden the popes handes from censuring the king and intreated him to censure those that should offer the king any disturbance in the firste plainly threatning the state in the second aduācing the pope making the King beholding to him for his crowne Many other particulers there are in these two chapters worthy to bee censured First they go aboute to perswade his maiesty that as many of his subiects in England and Jreland are papistes as professors of true religion they woulde percase say the same of Scotland but that theire consciience told them contrary But first they must shew that Papists houlding with the pope are true subiects before they place them in the nūber of the Kings true subiects next they must bring forth the rolls of the ministers of papists and name them or else no man wil beleue them For in Ireland howsoeuer the commō fort reteineth some popish ceremonies the number of that znuerstand the principall grounds and doctrines of popery is very slander In England except certaine stage plaiers old women adicted to superstition sely husbands ouerruled by theire wiues and certaine Mal-contentes and frequenters of ordinaries that despaire to obteiue preferment in this state and and only hope for honour and dignity in a newe worlde there are but fewe papists and all theire numbers forces if we respect the multitude of true Christians amounteth to nothing Secondly they talke very idlely of the dignity of English papists But they name no one man of that sort that either for his greate seruice in warres or peace deserueth any singuler commendation Therefore they runne out into a long rehersall of matters forepast and talke of theire auncestors saying that they haue deserued wel of this cōmonwealth But as well might the Moderne Romanes alledge the greate seruices and noble actes of Scipio Paulus Aemilius Sylla Marius Catulus Caesar Cicero Cato and others or of the auncient Troyans from whom they pretend to be descended they commend their auncesters also for theire loue fidelitie vnto theire princes But what is that to iustifie the Practises of late papistes both againste his maiestyes predecessors king Edward and Queene Elizabeth and also againste himselfe both in Scotland and sence his comming in England Beside that if they claym to be descended from those rebels that oppugned king Iohn and king Henry the 8 and sought to bring them vnder the Popes most greeuous yoke and to depriue them of their crownes it shall not procure them any greate honour with the people or grace from the king They say they are not degenerated in any poynt from their ancesters and that they haue endcuoured to serue god as theire forefathers haue done
declaration of Sixtus Quintus against our vertuous and religious Queene Elizabeth in the feditious libell of Parsons and Allen to the nobility and people of England and Ireland in Sanders his factious booke de schismate and proued by diuers letters and Negotiatiōs of Englefield Norton Parsons and others Fourthly some of this sort came with the Spanish armada an D. 1588. and others were to folow Likewise did they follow the Adelantado in the enterprise by sea an 1598. and of D. Iuan d' Aquila into Jreland 1600. and much did the forrein enemy depend vpon the intelligence and forces of recusants as is made euident by the Adelantadoes proclamation Fifily I hope the recusāts will not deny but that they haue depended in tyme past and purpose still to depend vpon the pope and must be forward in exequuting his bulles 6. no small numbre of Papists haue serued forrein enemyes receiued pensions frō thē which is no good argument of loyall cariage 7. the archpreests factiō hath lōg stood for the infātaes title against his maiesty no doubt reteine the same humor stil but that the kings strēgth doth keepe them in tempre 8 Sāmier the Iebusite cōming disguised into England about the yeare of our Lord 1585. did plot so with diuers principall recusants in England as is testisied by the Iesuites catechisme that he brought his maiesties Mother and diuers others to theire destruction 9. we find that the principal men that in King Edward the 6. his dayes hindred the vniō of England and Scotland and the aduancement of the state of late tyme were papists and that the quarrel about religion hath beene the cheefe stay thereof 10. euery man knoweth that the principall contriuers of that treason for which Watson Clerk and Brooke were exequuted were preests and reculants So likewise were Pearcy Catesbie Digby Tresham and their consorts that by fire and gunpowderment to make an end of the King and his Royal progeny They were I say most refolute and principall popish recusants and thought by fire and gunpowder to make good theire Romish fayth And shall any man so farre exceed all duty and modesty to make such felowes loyall Finally seeing al papists professe to serue the Pope deuoutly they cannot serue the king faithfully that is so contrary to him in religion For no man can serue two contrary masters To let former practises passe euery papist now is so combined with the Pope that he is bound to follow him and to exequute his censures Neither if they were asked the question would they either condemne former rebellions for popish religion being warrāted by the Pope or resist the popes forces inuading vs or stand with the king being excommunicated But howsoeuer they woulde promise their doctrine is such as no loyal subiect can hold it For their masters teach that the king is subiect to the pope that the Pope hath power to depose kings and to assoyle subiects from their obedience vnto them that the king is not to make Ecclesiasticall lawes nor to meddle with the gouernment of the church but as an exequutioner of the popes laws that Ecclesiasticall persons and their goods are exempt from the kings gouernment diuers others such dis●oy all poynts Lastly if we compare popish recusants eyther with auncient or moderne true Christians we shall easily perceiue a mayn difference betwixt them For neither doe we read that ancient or later Christians did murther their kings that were Heathen nor that they thoughte it lawfull to doe such an act as the leaguers of France did nor that they allowed either the breach of oathes or the rebellions of subiects against their kings nor that they beleeued those trecherous poynts of doctrine which papists of late both beleeue and teach Now then let vs proceed on with our discourse and consider whether these lay papists haue either answered these obiections or broughte any matter sufficient to cleare them selues and their consorts from the iust imputations of infidelity and disloyalty toward their princes Both which poynts may be resolued by examination of the particuler poyntes of this fift chapter wherein they tell first that before their restrainte for recusancy some of them bare offices in the common wealth and were dignified by the Queen and that others had there putation of worshipfull and honest men But if they mēt to haue iustified their former cariage as they pretended promised then should they haue told vs of their loyal affection to their prince and of theire good seruices performed for their country They should also aswell haue mentioned the cause of populer recusants as of the gentlemen But herein they altogether fayled For neither do they clear themselues nor their cōsorts of those trecherous practises doctrines formerly noted nor are they able to bring proofe of either good affection or good action seruice performed for their prince country But where they talk of the diguifiing of many recusants by the Queene insteed of discharging themselues they charge thēselues with great vnthankfulnesse and disloyalty that alwaies hated and persequuted her which ceased not to dignify and honor them Secondly they say their behanior after theire restraint was such as became Catholike Christians towards christian magistrates with all humility respect modesty and subiection But this would rather haue beseemed some others to speak then the laye papistes who for want of good neighbors ruune out into an high commendation of themselues Further more neither are prisoners much to be commended for carrying themselues modestly and respectiuely seing prisons at no places for men to exceed and grow proud rebellious nor did the papists here falsely called Catholikes keepe themselues in so good temper and ordre but that they were to be charged with diuers intelligences correspondences practises with the enemies of the state as appeareth in the recordes concerning Throckmorton Arden Someruille Babington Abington Parry Brooke and others And although for want of meanes and occasions they broke not forth alwaies into open action yet their modesty subiectiō did neuer so far restrein thē but they thought it lawful to kil and murder depose princes excōmunicated by the pope vnlawful to obey such without dispēsatiō especialiy in ecclesiastical causes that therfor which they talk of obeying princes not for anger but for conscience sake and of their carriage without shadowe of disloyalty and of theire integrity and vnimpeachable demeanor is nothing else but a vaine brag without colour or shadowe of modesty For their conscience is ruled by the popes will and their practises treasons and rebellions are recorded both in story and in the Crown office Furthermore their treacherous doctrine agaynste the authoritye of Kings is published in their owne bookes and cannot be denyed by themselues Thirdly they tell his maiesty what offers were made by certaine recusantes in the I le of of Ely and by the lord Vaux anno 1588. when the Spanish and the popes forces came againste
lib. 2. c. 92. testifieth that he disabled heretiks tomake any testaments Eusebius de vita Constantini lib. 3. c. 62. 63. declareth that he prohibited the exercise of all hereticall religions and held heretikes and sectaries to be no better then traitors to himselfe and enemies to truth The Emperors Gratian Valentinian and Theodosius l. 1. Cod de sum trinit fid Cath. commaund all their people to embrace one religion the somme whereof they do set downe in forme of a law and in the law omnēs C. de haereticis they commaund all heresies to keep silence omnes vetitae legibus diuinis imperialibus constitutionibus haereses say they perpetuò quiescant Arcadius and Honorius as appeareth by the law Cuncti C. de haeret Manich. tooke away all churches from heretiks least they shold teach or doo the exercises of their false religion in them Theodosius the yonger and Valentinian his consort made diuers lawes against heretikes as we may read in Codice Theodosiano The like course was held by Martianus and Iustinian as is euidentlye declared by their lawes yet extante in the Code and nouells Finally if at any time Christian Emperors grew cold eyther in setting forth the true faith or in punishing or suppressing errors then we find that the auncient fathers fayled not both to admonish them of their duty and to reprehend them for their slacknesse Chapter 4. That to admitte the exercise of false religions formerlie forbidden is contrary both to christian policie and reason THE gentils by the light of reason perceiued that religion was not lightly to be changed and god dooth therein taxe his people by his prophet that they were more easily induced to change the euerliuing god then the Heathen nations were to chāge their gods They cōsidered that ther was but one truth cōstantly beleeued that their religion was true This was the reason why the Romanes did so violētly persecute the primitiue christians and refused the superstitious rites of Bacchanalia which priuilie began to creepe in among the people But Christians proceede vpon better groundes of policie in prohibiting the exercise of all false religions For firste they consider that the wrath of god is reueiled from heauen against such as with-holde the truth in vnrighteousnes But who doe herein offend more greeuously then they which either grant liberty to false teachers or winke at the exercises of a wicked and false Religion doe not they manifestly giue way to errors and stop the course of truth Secondly they know well that god despiseth those which despise him as we reade 1. Samuel 2. and that hee casteth such out of his fauour as are neither hote nor colde Jf then such as regard not to see god rightly serued rest despised and luke-warme professors are reiected how will it goe with such as are colde in setting forth true Religion and care not what false doctrines are stirring abroade in the world Thirdly they vnderstand the greeuous threatnings of the law against all idolatrous false worship of god I am a iealous god saith the Lord and will visit the sinne of the Fathers vpon the Children to the third and fourth generation of those that hate me Fourthly as there is but one god so they know that there is but one true religion Christian policie therefore may teach them to admit no religion but that which is founded vpon the writings of the Apostles and Prophets and which they are resolued is most true Fiftly diuersities of religions breed distractions of mens minds and diuers seditious stirres and tumultes as the leagues of France and practises of the popes agentes in France Flanders England Scotland Germany and other countries doe declare of late the Papists seeking to replant their superstition in Englād went about to set the land on a flame and to drown true religion in blood But wise politicks are by all means to roote out these seedes of Ciuil dissension Sixtly all changes in matters of state are dangerous But admitte a false and erroneous religion where nothing but the true faith hath been professed then no doubt but the chāge will be great Finally nothing is more absurd then to change lawes with out cause and to admitte a religion condemned by lawes and to restore such as are condemned by the state For that is rather a subuersion then an alteration both of lawes and state If then we respected nothing but the danger of state in the mutation of religion yet woulde all pollitick and wise men bee well aduised howe they admitted a newe and false religion contrary to that which hath formerly beene receiued by the state Chap. 5. That toleration of diners religions is contrary to the doctrine and practise of Papists BVT where the Pope and his adherents may fit as iudges little reasoning may serue to perswade thē to dislike of toleration of diuers religions For not onelie their doctrine but also their long continued practise condemneth it in the Chapter ad abolendam de haereticis They adiudge them Hereticks that dissent frō the Romish church in the doctrine of the sacramentes and such both by ecclesiasticall and by ciuill lawes they persecute to the death Nay oftētimes without forme colour of law they massacre them empoysō thē by all means seek to root out the race memory of them out of the earth Their goods they confiscat their liuings they take away their bodyes they burne and although malice doth oftentymes end with death yet such as are of a cōtrary religion all those that fauour them they persecute both aliue and deade killing those whom they can ouercome and cursing whome they cannot kill In France they massacred many thousāds without forme of law and gladly wold they haue massacred vs in England if theire treasons had not beene discouered Bellarmine lib. de laicis C. 18. determineth that it is not lawful for any magistrate or prince to grant libertie of conscience or toleration of religion to his subiectes He saith further that hee oughte to defend one onely religion with all his force Non licet vlli magistratū vel principi saith he consciētiae libertatem seu pacē religionis subditis suis concedere sed vnam tantum religionē sum ma vi defendere tenetur Posseuin his consort lib. 1 select biblioth 2.6 doth not onely deliuer the fame doctrine but also sheweth reasons why two religions may not in one state be tolerated Firste hee saith it is a diuelish inuention 2. that it is contrary to gods ordinance 3 that it repugneth against the law of nature 4. it is contrary to the substance and property of the christian faith 5. that it taketh away the truth and certainty of christian religion 6. that it taketh away the certaintie of gods deuire worship and of the Church 7 that it taketh away christian discipline 8. that it cutteth asunder the vnit ye of the church 9. that it is contrary to the worde of god 10.
Contraryvvise you proue nought against vs and yet force vs to embrace your vvicked opinions Doctrine we receiue heresie These are points first to be decided and determined amongst Deuines and learned men of both parts and therefore that Magistrates should proceede against vs as men conuicted of those crimes before our cause be heard and determined by them that are by God 7 They vvill onely haue the pope to be iudge appointed to handle those high and important points of diuinity we hope your Maiesties clemency and piety will not permit But iudgement 8 Neuer vvith you in any lavvfull generall councell being past on our side already in so many generall Councells abroad and 9 Proue your popes mitre and massing sacrifice by conuocations and Parliaments if you can conuocations and Parliaments at home commending and approuing the faith we professe what reason can giue life to that lawe that doth reuerse a sentence so authentically giuen without the full form of iustice and processe therein required Chapter 4. The reasons vvhy vve are so resolute in our Religion Reasons of Religion THE first reason that we giue of our faith and Religion Sacred Soueraigne and why we ought not to suffer therefore as delinquents is that neither 1 The Turks and any other heretikes are able to say so much as these do albeit they proue nothing obstinate pride nor presumptuous pertinacy The 1. reason nor dislike of order or Discipline nor contempt of authority nor curiosity affectation of nouelty or discontentment in our priuate humors maketh vs so constant and resolute in the profession thereof but our consciences meerly so informed and inforced in maner by the 2 Proue this grace and exhibit this holy vvord and then you say somthing instinct of Gods grace and reuelation of his holy word and will but our vnderstanding captiuated in obsequium fidei by most euident (a) In no Religion but the Catholike only do all these Testimonîes concur Testimony of holy Write of Vnity Vniuersality Succession Antiquity and 3 Fevv lay papistes vnderstand scripturs in strange tongues and in vulgar tongues they may not read them Hovv then come they to knovv that scriptures make for them do they beleeue the pope and his emissaries that giueth them black for vvhite authority of Scriptures 4 VVith vhose vvorks you are but little acquainted Fathers Saints Doctors Councells Parliaments Virgins and Martyrs which all concur onely and jointly in the 5 VVhat is that to those that professe the popes particular doctrine Catholike Religion and in no other profession whatsoeuer which considerations accompanied with the feare of Gods judgements the danger of 6 You feare purgatory fire Hell fire you feare not that runn vvith your holy father headlong into hell and vvith rebells into treason Hell fire and the desire of eternall Saluation command vs by the rules of reason in the practise and profession of that Religion to obey the law of God 7 VVhy then doo you prefer the popes lavves before the letter of gods lavves before the lawe of Man It is an instance and maxime that suffereth no exception that neuer any generall or vniuersall 8 VVhat is that to vs innouation The 2 reason or alteration in matters of Faith or Religion from bad to better hath been heard of either in the whole world or in any particular nation be it either from Iudaisme Gentilisme Paganism Atheisme or Idolatry but that the commission and vocation of the messengers haue been authorised Domino cooperante sermonem confirmante sequentibus signis Mar. 16. our Lord working with all and confirming the word with signes that followed which sithence our new messengers and reformers as yet haue not duly nor clearely shewed pretending as they do to purge Christendome of superstition and idolatry how can they in reason craue at our hands credit or conformity to the new lawes made on that behalfe God is ipsa vita lux veritas God that is the life light The 3. reason and truth it selfe cannot giue commission credit and authority to death darknes and falshood but it is most euident and cannot be doubted of or denied that the first Apostles and Conuertors of this our nations of England Scotland Ireland France and Germany were sent from the Church of Rome deliuered vs the same Romane faith we 10 That is the question We proue the contrary by particular instances and euident demonstrations now professe 9 All vvas not of your religion The Greek church at this day renounceth your erros the same Masse and the same Sacraments and preached the selfe same Doctrine Domino cooperante sermonem confirmante sequentibus signis our Lord working with all and confirming the worde with signes that followed Reason then concludeth thus that either God in this case hath giuen testimony to falshood or else the doctrin confirmed by the testimony of God is true and auowable and not to be forsaken for feare of any humane lawes till we haue like testimony from Heauen to the contrary and when our aduersaries shall duely reproue ours herein and make their own 1 VVe haue proued it clearly But the caniball masse priests stick alvvaies in this brake mission as manifest by the word of God then if we do not conforme our selues to the new lawes imposed vpon vs worthily we are to endure these late inflicted penalties for matter of recusancy To conuince vs then that either we haue not the true Scriptures The 4. reason or interpret them not as wee ought or that we dishonor God in honouring his Saints or erre in the number or nature of our Sacraments as that our doctrine is false and defectiue and to condemne vs and punish vs therefore as Heretikes and Idolaters requireth 2 As if ordinary pastors vver not to reproue errors according to the doctrine of the prophets and Apostles vvithout extraordinary authority in all reason an absolute commission from God the which when it shall be produced willingly we will obey If they alledge Scriptures the Scriptures are common to vs both The 5. reason yet more likely in reason to be ours then theirs because that if the Church of Rome had not conserued them and communicated the same vnto vs our aduersaries had been at this day 3 If Rome had sunke many yeers since yet had the scriptures been preserued Scripturelesse the very originall Bible the selfe same numer● which S. Gregory sent in with our Apostle S. Augustine being as yet 4 Where further vvhat maketh that for you reserued by Gods especiall prouidence as a Testimony (a) We receiued the Scriptures from the Church of Rome that what Scriptures we haue we had 5 As if vve had in England no Bibles but Gregories Bible or as if Gregory vver the author of the Bible them from Rome and haue nothing of our reformers but
vāts seing lay mē are little skilled in tōgs stānd prohibited to reade them in vulgar tongs with out licēce furthermore these felowes art not so far trauelled as to know what is cōteined in scriptures fathers coūcels aūcient writers concerning matters in cōtrouersy if they resolue thēselues by relatiō of the massepreests friars thēar they most simple ideots to beleeue matters vpon heresay and to found themselues vpon the reports of such lying compagnions Lastly they seeme to haue theire braynes distempred that are made to beleeue that the popish sacrifice of the masse for quick and deade their carnall eating of Christs flesh with the mouths of men nay with the mouth of bruit beasts their transubstantiation halfe communions and idolatrous worship of the sacrament the popes vniuersall and plenary power conteined in decretales their 7. sacraments and doctrine of iustification by orders mariage and extreame vnction theyr worship of saints reliques and images and all the rest of their abhominable doctrine may be proued by authority of scriptures fathers saints doctors councels Parliamentes and that the same is confirmed dy vnitie vniuersality succession and. antiquity beside the testimony of virgins and Martyrs This we may affirme of the Apostles creed and the Catholike fayth taught and published in auncient Councels but by no meanes of the fayth of the moderne sinagogue of Rome Nay in our abridgemente or suruey of Poperie we haue plainely demonstrated that the same is contrary to scriptures fathers councels auncient writers and is deuoyde of the testimonies of martyres virgins and decrees of Parliaments and all other authenticall proofes Secondly they alledge that neuer any vniversall innouation in matters of religion hath been made but that the commission and vocation of the messengers hath beene authorised by signes and wonders But this allegation as it concearneth vs nothing so it vtterly ouerthroweth the petitioners cause For we haue made no vniuersal innonatiō Nay we do not alter or abrogate-any one article of the Christian faith but as in Spaine true teachers in former tymes caused Arianisme to cease and true religion to bee receiued and as the Christians in the land of Palestine some 400. yeares sence for a time caused the impieties of Mahomet to be suppressed Christian religion to be taught and practised so do we onely abolish the corruptions false doctrines heresies and impieties of popery and reteine euery article of the Auncient christian fayth But the massepreests friars and monkes adhering to the Pope haue made an vniuersall alteration in the worship of God bringing in the idolatrous worship of saints of images of the sacrament and receiuing many old condemned heresies and new deuised schoole doctrines and decretaline deuises and yet neither shew signes nor wonders vnlesse a man list to beleeue the wondrous lyes of their legends and breuiaries Thirdly they take it as a matter most euident and that cānot be denied that the first apostles and conuerters of Englād Scotland Ireland France and Germany were sent from the Church of Rome and deliuered vs the same fayth which the Papists now professe But they take boldly and affirme impudently that which no man either giueth them or yeeldeth to bee true Parsons hath spent much idle talke in this argument and proueth nothing Coleton is as mute as if hee were turned into a Codfish and replieth nothing to that which is answered to the petition of Masseprecstes the last session of parliament and their discourse touching this poynt As for these petitioners they shewe themselues ignorant of learning that beleeue that the doctrine of Romish traditions of the Popes authority of the masse of the 7. sacramentes of Purgatory and indulgences and such like matters was known to the anciēt Bishops of Rome but suppose old Rome had sent true preachers abroade to conuert nations to the Christian fayth what is that to new Rome that sendeth out false apostles to corrupt the true fayth and assassins Cut-throates to murder such as fauour the truth this false doctrine and cut throate practise certes was neuer confirmed with true signes and wonders Fourthlie they require vs to shew a Commission from God if we meane to conuince the papists that they haue not true scriptures or interpret them not right or that they are idolaters or hereticks a deuise likely to proceed from such idle heades For neither did those fathers that conuinced the Marcionists Arrians Manichees Angelicks and other hereticks either of corrupting or misconstruing the scriptures or any other poynt of false doctrine shew a commission immediatly from god neither doe the masse preests that dispute nowe against Turks Arrians and Anabaptists shewe forth any such commission All Christians and not onelie publike teachers haue commission sufficient to descry to take heed of false Prophets that come vnto them in sheeps clothing but inwardly are rauening wolues What needeth then this extraordinary authority Fiftly they tellvs that we had our scriptures from Rome and had been scripturelesse if we had not receiued them from thence He sayth also that the same bible which Angustine brought into England is yet reserued by gods especiall prouidence But firste it is not materiall from whence Christians receiue holy scriptures The Romaines receiued them from the Iewes and yet I trow Parsons and Coletou as they are turned Romanists will not turne Iewes Secondly that the Britous receiued the scriptures from the Romanes it is not likely they being as the common report goeth conuerted by Ioseph of Arimathaea Neither doe these petitioners shew where the Bible is to be foud that was brought in by Austen the Monk nor doe they make proofe that this which they shew is the the same Bible which Austen brought in Jf it bee the old vulgar translation it is not likely that Gregory sent it For he doth not alwayes follow that translation Heere also they tell vs that we haue reiected and discanonized diuers bookes of scripture because they be expresse testimonyes againste our religion which it pleaseth them to cal new and negatiue But neither doe we reiect any booke of canonicall scripture nor can any argument be drawne from the bookes apocryphall added in the vulgarlatin translation to the old testamēt that doeth hurt vs. Furthermore if we do onely deny the heresies of the papists then doe we not frame any new religion vnto ourselues and if the papists affirme matters not known to fathers then is theire religion new positiue if not wicked in the superlatiue For the sence of scripture they tell vs that we haue onely the warrant of our priuate spirit and they the assistance of gods holy spirit promised to his Church But absurdly they talke of the interpretation of scriptures following therein the priuate sence of a sencelesse pope and neither the interpretation consonant to the meaning of gods holy spirit speaking in scriptures nor to the iudgement of fathers vpon whome they bragge most fondly Lastly they tell vs againe of parliaments and
chsignatis tabulis and we must needs tell you that it was a 2 A goodly denise all the professors of religiō must ansvver for a student in Lyons Inne Student of Lyons Inne a Lawyer by profession and a Protestant in Religion that in a booke printed Anno 1584. intituled A discouery of treasons against the Queens Maiesty by Frances Throgmorton amongst other his treasons he reckoneth this for one in these words There vvere also sound among other his papers 12. petegrees of the descent of the Crovvne of England printed and published by the Bishop of 1 He oppugned Queen Elizabeths right Rosse in the defence of the pretended Title of the Scotish Queen his Mistrisse What could be more vniust and iniurious to that blessed Lady and all her posteritie then in a booke printed in defence of an execution of iustice to call her Title false pretended and vniust and account the cuidences and recordes thereof as treason in the highest degree If inquiry be made who they were that in prejudice of your 2 But first of Queen Maries and Queen Elizabeths right Maiesties right to this Crowne did set vp the vsurping Queen Ianc descended from the yonger sister of your Maiesties great Grandmother that was the eldest daughter to King Henry the vij Our histories tell vs that they were (a) The Duke of Northumb. the Dukes of Somerset Suffolk other Protestants al the Protest Bishops Clergie Councell of K. Edvvard principallie the clergie enemies 3 Then it appeareth that papists vvere enemies to the catholike faith For they vvere principall actors therein to the Catholike faith which we professe and the first aduancers of the new Religion in this Country If we call to mind the complotters and compassers of the murther committed on the Person of your Highnes (b) His Maiesties Father Grandfather slaine Father and Grandfather and the barbarous butchering of your Mothers Secretary in her Royall presence and the miraculous escape of your Graces person by Gods singular protection when a (c) His Maiestie pursued in his Mothers womb and miraculously preserued charged pistoll put to your Mothers womb by one of the traytorous race of the Govvries to haue destroied you both at one blow could not giue fire we find by the printed monumentes of Scotish Annales that the actors authors and inuentors of those tragedies were not of the Catholike religion If we demand who they were that tooke (d) The Ministers and Presbitery authors of these tumults armes against your Maiesties gratious Mother that ouerthrew her in the field that laide violent hands vpon her sacred Person and imprisoned her in Lavvgbleuen that depriued her of her Crowne and expelled her out of her Kingdome and procured afterwardes her captiuitie in this Realme no man is ignoraunte that the (e) The Earle or Moray Knox the catalin of Scotlād Bastard of Scotland with the Presbitery that runnegate Fryer Iohn Knox mortall enemies to all order rule authoritie were the Architects of these detestable actions How zealous (f) Bothvvel Govvry two pillars of the Presbiterie Bothvvell and Govvry were against pore Catholikes and what pillars and patrons they were of the Presbiterie the world knoweth but your Maiesty by experience can best restifie what perilous turbulent and seditious members they were of the common wealth and how often your sacred Person was indangered by them others of their profession Moreouer we hope that we may without offence to any confidently affirme that they were not Catholikes that caused your Mothers vntimely death the memorie of which times for many respects wee had forborne to touche but onlie to remoue the odious and vniust imputations diuulged in the time of this present session of Parliament against vs in a certaine libell or rather a clamorous calumnious inuectiue published in this present session of Parliament against a most modest learned and submissiue supplication dedicated to your Maiestie in March last where the Libeller calleth Catholikes to the Barre and would haue them indighted and pasle their triall for that matter * But iustified by proofe and testimony of a man of more credit then Colebranded Coleton or any of these libellers * Sutcliffes own words in the 8. chapter of his said libel VVhich doone saith he his maiesty may easily perceiue that they are to be hated and abhorred as causers and contriuers of all his mothers troubles and calamities his proofes are the author of the Iesuites Catechisme (a) The author of that catechisme an inueterate enemy of that order therfore more credulous thē conuenient in matter of their dishonour written in disgrace of that order which book is of as great credit with 1 But these tendre consciences make no scruple to rebell against princes excommunicated by the Pope and to say that he hath povver to depose kings and to translate kingdoms men of tender consciences and vpright cariage in matter of trueth and equity as Lucians Dialogues 2 VVill you deny the testimony of a popish martyr and a conspirator against the king VVatsons Quodlibets or Esopes fables and what this Catechiste wrote of priuate passion without any authenticall warrant this Libeller doeth vrge with the like perturbation And here Dread Soueraigne we might as readily as liuely produce a world of inuinceable proofes in reproofe of this 3 You that are libellers in print haue no reasō to charge others vvith your ovvn falts and yet to ansvver nothing Libeller by prouing the actors of that complotment and tragicall proceeding not to haue been any one of them Catholikes or their welwillers but we carefully shunning to charge any with bloudy imbrumems in that lamentable fact of Englands agony and onely to free our selues from that most odious impudent and false calumniation we soly resort to matter of highest record dayly extant to be seen of all men in publike printed statutes beeing the forerunners of that straunge execution of your blessed and most glorious Mother Whereby it is most euident and well known 4 Are papists blear eyed pollers of crovvns true Christians certes knovv no such maters etiam lippis tonsoribus to blind men and barbers that they were not 5 How proue you they vvere not papists Catholikes that made and enacted those statutes of the thirteenth of Queen Elizabeths Raign for the (b) 13. Elizabeth Limitation of the right of the Crowne limitation of the right of the Crown to the disposition of the Lords and Parliament from the free right and course of blud and descent That made it treason in the same Parliament to (c) Treason to say that the persons Titles possibilities of all pretenders to the Crown be not subiect to the acts made in Parliament hould or say that the common lawes of England and statures to be made in Parliament are not of sufficient validity to gouerne the persons to bind and limit
the Titles of any that hath any possibilitye to the Crowne They were not Catholikes that made it treason in the same Parliament (a) Reconciliation treason to absolue from sinne and reconcile or to be so absolued or reconciled (b) Agnus Dei Beades or Crosses premunire A premunire to bring in any tokens called Agnus Dei or Crosses Pictures or halowed Beads or to haue or receiue them They were not Catholikes that the 23. of Queen Elizibeths Raigne made it treason (c) 23. Elizabeth treason to perswade men to the 1 Catholike religion to perswade men to the 1 Popery maketh many of her professors rather cuckold-like then Catholike Catholike religion and the losse of 200. markes to heare (d) 200 marks for saing 100 marks for hearing a maasse Masse or to pay xx pounde monethly so (e) xx pound a moneth for recusancy refusing to goe to the Protestantes seruice or the forfeites of x. pound monethly for such as should keepe any (f) x. pound a moneth for keeping a schoolmaster Schoolmaster not allowed by the Bishop of the Dioces and refusing to go to Church They were not Catholikes who made an act 27. of the sayd Queene by vertue whereof your gratious (g) 27. Eliz. the act was made which caused the death of his Maiesties Mother Mother lost her life and in the same Parliament it was made treason for all (h) In thesame year it was made treason to be a Priest and com in or remain in the land felony to receiue or relieue them Priestes or Religious men that had taken orders by any 2 These orders taken from the Pope and his adherents marking priests in the crovvn vvere the marks of Antichrist foraigne authority to remaine or come into this Kingdom and felony to relieue or entertain them It was made treason to be brought vppe in the Seminaries premunire to send thither anye reliefe In the 28. of the said Queene it was enacted that the two partes of the lands and leases of such recusants as shoulde faile to pay the xx pound a moneth in the Exchequor at the tearms prefixed shold be seazed into the Queens hands In the 35. it was enacted that euery (i) 25. Elizab. certaine recusants were by an act then made to abjure the Realme recusant aboue the age of sixteene yeares being not woorth twentie Markes exceeding his confined limittes should abjure the Realme and if hee refused to abjure or retourned after abjuration to be accounted a fellon Item that the partie shoulde pay ten pound a moneth that (a) Tenne pound a moneth for keeping a recusant in the house keeps any recusant in his house after warning In the same Parliament recusants are (b) The same yeare was the statute of confinements enacted restrayned to their certaine vsuall and common places of abode and are not to remoue aboue fiue miles thence without licence of the Bishop and two Iustices vpon paine of forfaiting of all their goods and all their free and coppyhold lands and annuities during life and all such recusants that had not lands of twenty marks value by yeere or goods of fourty pound if they conformed not themselues or repaired not to their places of limitation shall abjure the Realme By the course and contriuing of such capitall and cruel laws at the same time and in the same sessions aswell against Catholikes as against your gratious Mother it seemeth by all probability to persons esteemed of iudgement and great experience in the insighte of worldly drifts both in this Realme and in forraigne Regions that the principall marke which was aymed at in those times was at the selfe same season by seuerity and shadow of the same lawes an instance to ruinate and ouerthrow the (c) The person of his Maiesties Mother her right and Title and the Catholikes cause all shot at by the same lawes and at the same time person of your gratious Mother and her right and the professors of the Catholike religion supposing that those three must either stand or fall togither of necessity but non est consilium contra Dominum there is no councel against God her right and posterity hath God be thanked preuailed and the poore Catholikes from that time to this the more they haue bin oppressed the more they haue increased which cannot fall out otherwise vnlesse it proue false which God hath sayde by the mouth of his Saints and seruants Preciosa in conspectu Domini mors Sanctorum eius pretious in the sight of our Lord is the death of his Saints Et sanguis 1 These fellovves knovv not vvhat belongeth to martyrs that vvrite martirum and put Traytors in the catalogue of martyrs Martirum semen Ecclesiae the bloud of Martyrs the seed of the Church We accuse no man in particular in this case and could haue been content vlcus hoc intactum leuiter pertransire to haue sleightly past ouer this boch vntouched but that this respondent would needs deale with vs as Putifars (d) The libeller like Ioseph his Mistrisse and Susannaes iudges wife did with holy Ioseph or the carnall judges with the chast Susanna viz. put vs to our plunges and purgations for such crimes as were proper and peculiar vnto themselues Neuer was it heard of that in England or Scotland any Minister or Ministers euer suffered any thing for that gratious Lady or your maiesties Title but infinite are the (a) In Scotland Setons Gordens Simples Maxuelles families of the catholikes that haue suffered for them both As the Seatons the Gordens the Simples the Maxuells in Scotland the (b) In Englād Hawards Persies Pagets Treshams Throgmortons Salisburies Abington Winsor Havvards Persies Vauxes Pagets Treshams Throgmortons VVinsors Sclisburie Abington and diuers other worthy Gentlemen in this Land the shipwracks of whose opulent abundant states and fortunes are inuincible testimonies of the Libellers falshood and follie in this his obiection and of the constant fidelity of Catholikes to your Maiesty and al your race and predecessors in al their fortunes whatsoeuer And thus your Maiesty doth see the comparison of our former times and our precedent behauiours with our present affection and future assurance If then we be not rewarded and respected as all others are of other professions that haue done their duties as we did in aduancing your Maiesties affaires and acknowledging your rightfull Authority yet at the least we hope that it wil not be thought reasonable that we shold be left in the same 1 As long as you beleeue in the masse that is a masse of superstition idolatry and foolery you must needs be subiect to a masse of misery masse of misery which your maiesty found vs in at your entrance Make vs then Sweet Soueraign as able as we are willing to serue you not by new dignities and authorities but by restoring vs to our 2 In Spain and Italy our brethren that proses true christian