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A11863 Honor military, and ciuill contained in foure bookes. Viz. 1. Iustice, and iurisdiction military. 2. Knighthood in generall, and particular. 3. Combats for life, and triumph. 4. Precedencie of great estates, and others. Segar, William, Sir, d. 1633.; Rogers, William, b. ca. 1545, engraver. 1602 (1602) STC 22164; ESTC S116891 203,415 258

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of his kingdome or other spacious place neere vnto it Thither the Gentleman was brought to receiue that honour and being come was forthwith placed in a chaire of siluer adorned with greene silke Then was demaunded of him if he were healthy of bodie and able to endure the trauell required in a souldier also whether he were a man of honest conuersation and what witnesses worthy credit he could produce so to affirme That being done the Bishop or chiefe Prelate of the Church tooke the Bible and holding it open before the Knight in presence of the King and all others spake these words Sir you that desire to receiue the order of Knighthood sweare before God and by this holy booke that ye shal not fight against this mightie and excellent Prince that now bestoweth the order of Knighthood vpon you vnlesse you shall be commanded so to do in the seruice of your owne King and naturall Prince for in that case hauing first yeelded vp the coller deuice and other ensignes of honour now receiued it shall be lawfull for you to serue against him without reproch or offence to all other companions in Armes but otherwise doing ye shall incurre infamy and being taken in warre shall be subiect to the paines of death Ye shall also sweare with all your force and power to maintaine and defend all Ladies Gentlewomen Orphans Widdowes women distressed and abandoned The like must ye doe for wiues being desired and shun no aduenture of your person in euery good warre wherein ye happen to be This oath taken two of the chiefe Lords led him vnto the King who presently drew foorth his sword and layd the same vpon the Gentlemans head and said God and Saint George or what other Saint the King pleased to name make thee a good Knight Then came vnto the Knight seuen noble Ladies attired in white and girt a sword vnto his side That done foure Knights of the most honourable in that presence put on his spurs These Ceremonies past the Queene tooke him by the right arme and a Dutchesse by the left and led him vnto a rich seat made on high and thereupon set him the King sitting downe on the right hande and the Queene on the other After the King and Queene were thus set and the new Knight between them al the rest of the Lords and Ladies sate downe also vpon other seats prepared for them three descents vnder the kings seat Euery Lord and Lady being thus placed thither was brought a solemn collation or banquet of delicate meates whereof the Knight the King the Queene and whole company did eate And so the ceremony ended CHAP. 4. The degradation of Knights in those daies IF any Knight at that time had bene corrupted with money by his Princes enemy or committed any other notable fact against loyaltie and honour the other Knights forthwith made humble suite vnto the king that he might be punished Which request being granted they apprehended the offendour and caused him to be armed from head to foot and in such sort as if he were going to the field Then they led him vp to an high stage made in a Church for that purpose where thirtie Priests soung such Psalmes as are vsed at burials as though the Knight had lien dead at their feete At the end of euery Psalme they tooke from him one piece of armour First they tooke off his Helmet as that which de●ended his traiterous eyes then his gauntlet on the right side as that which couered a corrupt hand then his gauntlet on the left side as from a member consenting and by peecemeale dispoiled him of all his Armes as well offensiue as defensiue which one after another were thrown to the ground and at the instant when any peece of armour was cast downe the King of Armes first and after him all other Heralds cryed aloud saying this is the head-peece of a disloyall and miscreant Knight Then was brought thither a basen of golde or siluer full of warme water which being holden vp the Heralds with a loud voice saide What is the Knights name The Purseuants answered that which in trueth was his name Then the chiefe King of Armes said That is not true for he is a miscreant and false traitour and hath transgressed the ordinances of Knighthood Thereunto answered the Chaplains Let vs giue him his right name Then spake the Trumpets What shall be done with him To which wordes the King answered Let him with dishonour and shame be banished my kingdome as a vile and infamous man that hath offended the honour of Knighthood So soone as the King had so said the King of Armes and other Heralds cast the warme water vpon the disgraded Knights face as though he were new baptized saying Henceforth thou shalt be called by thy right name Traitour Then the King with twelue other Knights put vpon them mourning garments declaring sorow and comming vnto the Knight disgraded put him downe the Stage not by the stayers hee mounted vp when he was made Knight but threwe him downe tyed vnto a rope Then with great ignominy hee was brought vnto the Altar and there layd groueling on the ground and ouer him was read a Psalme full of curses CHAP. 5. ¶ Of Knights of the Round Table ABout the yeere of Christ 490. there raigned in England then called Britaine a King named Arthur whose valour was so great and admirable as many men now liuing doe hold the same rather fabulous then credible Yet whoso shall consider enterprises of later time atchieued by priuate persons may be easily induced to thinke that a great part of praise written of that mighty Monarche may reasonably receiue beleefe But omitting to speake of his prowesse percase already by others ouerlargely discoursed I say that this most famous King hauing expulsed out of England the Saxons conquered Norway Scotland and the most part of France was crowned in the Citie of Paris From whence returned he erected a certaine Association or brotherhood of Knights who vowed to obserue these Articles following First that euery Knight should be well armed and furnished to vndertake any enterprise wherein he was employed by Sea or land on horsebacke or foot That he should be euer prest to assaile all Tyrants and oppressours of people That he should protect widowes●and maidens restore children to their right repossesse such persons as were without iust cause exiled and withall his force maintaine the Christian faith That he should be a Champion for the weale publique and as a Lion repulse the enemies of his countrey That he should aduance the reputation of honour and suppresse al vice releeue people afflicted by aduerse fortune giue aide to holy Church and protect pilgrimes That he should bury Souldiers that wanted sepulture deliuer prisoners ransome captiues and cure men hurt in seruice of their countrey That he should in all honourable actions aduenture his person yet with respect to iustice and trueth and in all enterprises proceed sincerely neuer
the more rich they were the more they were esteemed Among the Grecians there was not anciently any meane to be aduanced but only by the Emperours seruice wherein whosoeuer did continue any time were he neuer so basely borne should notwithstanding be made a Gentleman The Egyptians and Affyrians would not admit any man to haue the title of a Gentleman vnlesse he were a souldier and skilfull in Militarie affaires The rest of the people liued as slaues without reputation The Tartarians and Muscouites doe holde no man worthy the name of a Gentleman vnlesse he be a man of Armes a Captaine or at the least a souldier of extraordinary account For learning is there of no price CHAP. 19. Of Kingdomes and how Kings are to precede according to the Councell of Constance in the time of King Henry the fift WE reade that anciently the greatest and most noble Kings of the world were these viz. The King of Sycionia the King Egypt and the King of Assyria but of them that of Assyria of greatest power For Ninus the sonne of Belus had conquered and brought to his obedience all the people of Asia India excepted Others affirme hee commaunded the one halfe of the world and some say he was King of a third part So writeth S. Augustine li. 17. cap. 17. de ci Dei It is likewise by other writers said that in ancient time were foure mighty Kingdomes by Daniel compared to foure mettals viz That of Assyrians in the East was likened vnto gold that of the Persians and Medians to siluer that of the North Regions to brasse that of the Romans in the West to yron But the kingdomes of the East were most honourable though at length it pleased God that the Empire of Rome resembled to yron both in longitude and latitude exceeded all others For as yron doth cut and decrease all other mettals so the dominion and power of Romanes abased and eclipsed all other Regall puissance Howsoeuer that were the glory and greatnesse of the Romane force in tract of time did also become of small force weake and feeble according to the prophesie of Daniel ca. 2. But leauing to speake more of times so ancient we say that in Asia the chiefe Kingdomes are Catai Tharses Turnester Corasina India Persia Media Georgia Syria Cappadocia Ethinia c. In Affrica is Ethiopia Libya Arabia Iudea Cilicia Mauritania Numidia and others In Europe are likewise many kingdomes but of them these are most potent viz. England France Scotland Spaine Portugal Denmark Moscouia Sweden Poland c. Now touching the Precedence of these Princes in Europe by diuers writers it is affirmed that the King of France may iustly claime the chiefe place First for that it pleased God to send from heauen vnto Clodoueus the first Christian King of that Nation three Lilies as a Diuine fauour to be from thenceforth borne in the Armes of that kingdome before which time the Kings Armes was three Toades Secondly they alleage that France is the most ancient kingdome of Europe and that Suardus was King of that Nation in the raigne of Alexander Thirdly because the King of France is anointed which indeed seemeth a marke of much preeminence Fourthly for that the French King beareth the title of Most Christian. Lastly because it hath been in sundry papall Consistories decreed that the Ambassadours of France should precede the Ambassadors of Spaine Others hold that Precedencie appertaineth to the King of Spaine First for that he is entituled The most Catholique King Secondly because he is King of many kingdomes and consequently of most honour according to the prouerbe of Sal. In mulitudine populi dignitas regis which reason Salust seemeth also to confirme saying Maxima gloria in maximo Imperio But we say the chiefe place of honour and Precedencie in Europe appertaineth to the King of England First in respect of ancienty For albeit Alexander first King of the Grecians and of Persia called himselfe King of the world euen at that time Brutus was King of England and as some haue sayd Suardus was then King of France But Gaquinus in his Chronicle of France maketh no mention thereof not recordeth his name among the number of French Kings Secondly the king of England is anointed and so is no other king but the French King the King of Sicil and the King of Ierusalem Thirdly the King of England is crowned which honour the King of Spaine Portugal Aragon Nauarra and many other Princes haue not Fourthly the King of England is a Prince most absolute as from whom is no appellation either in iurisdiction Ecclesiastical or Ciuil And albeit Enqueranus Monstellet writeth that in the yeere 1420. at the Interuiew of the Kings of England and France making their entrie into the Citie of Paris the French King did ride on the right hand and kissed the Relikes of Saints first Yet is that no proofe of his right in precedence for Quilibet rex seu Princeps in suo regno in culmine sedere debet so saith Corsetus de potestate Regia And admit that in time more ancient the Kings of France had precedence before England yet since the Conquest famous victories of Henry the fift and Coronation of Henry the sixt in Paris the Kings of England may iustly take place neither is the title of most Christian any proofe of ancienty being only an honour giuen for certein seruices done by King Pepin and Charlemaine to the Church of Rome As for the allegation of Spaine affirming that the King Catholike is owner of many kingdomes and therefore of most honor that reason is of no consequence For so is also the King of England whose only kingdome of England is by nature inexpugnable and so plentifully peopled as sufficeth not onely to defend it selfe against all other Nations but also to inuade and conquer as both Spaine and France hath made experience But the last and most effectuall reason in fauour of England is that the King and people thereof receiued the Gospell and faith Christian before France or Spaine Also the Bishops with the Ambassadours English had precedence in the greatest general Councels of Christendome as particularly appeared at the Councell of Constance where the Bishops of England were present and honoured accordingly At which time it was doubted whether Spaine should be admitted a nation but in the end the Spaniards were allowed for the fift and last nation And al the people there assembled were diuided into fiue classes or rankes viz. Germanes French English Italians and Spaniards The Germane ranke contained themselues Bohemia Hungaria Polonia Dalmatia Graecia and Croatia The French had place alone as a nation absolute To the English Nation Scotland Norway Denmark Sweden and Cyprus were adioyned The Italians had all the Kingdomes subiect to Rome Sicily Naples and Argier With the Spaniards were the Ambassadors and Bishops of Castilia Arragon Maiorca Nauarra Portugall and Granado This assembly contained the Legates and Ambassadors of 83. Kings Besides
daunger Hieramias with his right hand deliuered a sword vnto Iuda and in the name of God made him a Knight saying Receiue this sacred sword sent from God wherewith thou shalt vanquish the enemies of Israel It hath bene also a custome ancient that Princes did giue collars as a singular demontration of fauour and honour Plinie reporteth that the Romanes did giue vnto their confederates a collar of gold and to their owne citizens a collar of siluer When Manlius in single combat had slaine a French man hee tooke from him a collar of golde all bloodie and put the same about his owne necke in token of victorie After which time he was surnamed Torquatus because Torques in the Latine signifieth a collar or chaine The Emperours in like maner bestowed collars vpon Captaines and others that serued in the warre and deserued commendation In some Histories may be found that collars were of two sorts the first called Duplares th' other Simplices And with those collars the Emperours for the most part did giue prouision of money or vittaile to some more to some lesse For these reasons and by these examples it appeareth that among the ensignes and ornaments of Honor and Armes the great Collar is of highest reputation It is also seene that Princes soueraigne doe at this day bestow chaines or small collars vpon men of vertue or fauour and in token thereof for the most part a picture or modele of the giuer is thereat pendant which Collat the Knight or Gentleman that receiueth it ought carefully to keepe during his life The ancient custome was that Knights of meane degree and such as were not of the great Orders whereunto particular habits are assigned should in signe of honour weare a garment of scarlet because red representeth fire the most noble element and next vnto the Sunne of most brightnesse It was therefore among the olde Romanes decreed That no man should weare any habit of that colour but only Magistrates and men of dignity Red doeth also betoken boldnesse magnanimitie and ardent loue with charitie The element of fire is also assigned to Mars in respect whereof that colour is most proper to Knights Captaines and all other professours of Armes Carol D Howard Com● Notingham 〈…〉 CHAP. 9. Knights of the Garter EDward the third King of England after hee had obtained many great victories of Iohn the French King and Iames King of Scotland both prisoners in the Realme at one time Henry King of Castile the Bastard expulsed and Don Pedro restored by the Prince of Wales did first erect this order in his kingdome Anno 1350. vpon no waightie occasion as is reported Notwithstanding the same is and long hath bene in so great reputation as Emperors Kings and Princes haue and doe desire to bee companions thereof for their greater honour The patron of this Order is S. George vnto whom it was first dedicated The Soueraigne of this Order is the King of England his heires and successors for euer The number of this Colledge of fellowship is 26. Knights with the Soueraigne and when any of them die another is chosen by consent of those Knights that liue The habit of these Knights is an vnder garment or gowne of Crimsin veluet of some called ak●rtle ouer which he weareth a mantle of Purple veluet lined with white sarsnet on the left shoulder thereof is embroidred in a Garter an Eschuchion of S George and ouer his right shoulder hangeth his hood of Crimson veluet lined with white the Cordons to the mantle are purple silke and gold Aboue all which about his necke he weareth the collar of the order being of pure gold made of garters and knots and enamiled with roses white and red weying 30. ounces of Troy weight with the image of S. George richly garnished with precious stones pendant thereat About his left legge he weareth buckled a garter enriched with gold pearle and stones whereupon these French words are embrodered HONY SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE Which may be thus Englished Shame be to him that euill thinketh The custome was long that these Knights did yeerely hold a feast at the Castle Windesor where the same King Edward founded a Church and gaue vnto certaine Priests and Prebends large stipends to serue there And he ordained also that thirteene poore aged and decayed Gentlemen by the name of poore Knights were there for euer to be maintained and kept inuested in gownes and mantles of cloth onely sutable with those of the Order to pray for the prosperity of the Soueraigne and his successors and all other Knights of the said noble Order It is not publiquely knowen what mooued the King to make this order but thus it is vulgarly reported that King Edward dauncing with the Queene and other Ladies of his Court hapned to take vp a blewe garter which fell from one of them and of some said from the Countesse of Salisburie of whom the King was then enamored which garter the King afterwards wore about his left legge for a fauour The Queene taking some offence thereat it was signified vnto the King by some of the Lords the cause of her displeasure at which he smiling sayd HONY SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE I will make of it yet it be long the most honourable Garter that euer was worne and thereupon instituted the order of the Garter Some rather thinke it was made to remunerate those Noble men and Knights that had best endeuoured and deserued in his most Royall and Martiall affaires of France Scotland and Spaine with all which Nations he then had warre and triumphed The Statutes of this great Order for that they are sufficiently knowen I here omit The names of the first Knights KIng EDWARD the third Soueraigne Edward Prince of VVales Henry Duke of Lancaster Thomas Earle of VVarwicke The Captaine of Bouche Ralph Earle of Stafford William de Mounteacute Earle of Sarisburie Roger Lord Mortimer Sir Iohn Lisle Sir Bartholomew Burgwash Sir Iohn Beauchampe Sir Iohn de Mohun Sir Hugh Courtney Sir Thomas Holland Sir Iohn Grey Sir Richard Fitzsymon Sir Miles Stapleton Sir Thomas Walle Sir Hugh VVrothesley Sir Neel Loring Sir Iohn Chandos Sir Iames de Audley Sir Otho Holland Sir Henry Eme. Sir Zanchet d'Abrigecourt Sir VVilliam Paganel The names of those Knights that are this present yeere 1602. of the same most noble Order ELIZABETH Queene of England Soueraigne Henry the fourth the French King Charles Howard Earle of Notingham Thomas Butler Earle of Ormond Thomas Sackuile Lord Buckhurst Gilbert Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury George Clifford Earle of Cumberland Henry Percye Earle of Northumberland Edward Somerset Earle of VVorcester Edmond Sheffeild Lord Sheffeild Thomas Howard Baron of VValden George Carey Baron of Hunsdon Charles Blount Lord Montioy Sir Henry Lea Master of her Mties Armorie Robert Ratcliffe Earle of Sussex Henry Brooke Lord Cobham Thomas Scrope Lord Scrope VVilliam Stanley Earle of Derby Thomas Cecil Lord Burleigh   The Officers appertaining at this
Christian to the ende that if any of their Nobilitie were louers of Arms and honor they might appeare in our Triumphs with all things needful on Munday next after S. Matthew the Apostle At Meydeburg THen his Maiesty was pleased with the aduise of the foure and the fifteene men aforesaid to adde diuers other Articles as followeth That If any man had either openly or secretly slaine his wife or had aided or counselled another man to kill his master he should forfeit his horse and be expulsed the Lists If any man had committed sacriledge by spoiling of Churches or Chappels or had by force taken the goods of any widow or Orphan or not defended them to his power he should forfeit his horse and be punished with infamy If any man without warning had assaulted his enemy or by indirect meanes had procured him to be robbed of corne wine or other prouision feloniously he should forfeit his horse c. If any man in the Empire or vnder the Empire rashly and without licence of the Emperour did impose new and vnaccustomed tributes wherby the people might be damnified he should forfeit his horse and be taxed of infamy If any man had beene conuinced of notorious adultery hauing himselfe a wife or being a Batcheler had by force defloured any matron virgine or religious woman he should forfeit his horse remaine infamous If any Gentleman borne being the Owner of lands and reuenue and not therewith contented did exact or oppresse his Tenants or being the Officer of a Prince or other great Lord did wrest from his subiects to enrich himselfe for so doing he should forfeit his horse and be excluded from the Lists with infamie All which Articles being publikely read and approued were by his Emperiall Maiestie confirmed as Law CHAP. 27. ¶ Of Triumphs at the interuiewe of Pope Alexander and the Emperour Foedericus Barbarossa at Venice Anno 1166. ADuertizement being giuen to Venice that the Emperor resolued to come thither Piro Zinzano the Dukes sonne was sent with sixe long Galleyes to meete him at Rauenna After them were dispatched a great number of lesse vessels The Emperour being arriued at Venice the Pope was set in a rich chaire at the Church doore and there taried his comming Before the Popes feet a carpet of purple was spread vpon the ground The Emperor being come to the sayd Carpet forthwith fel downe and from thence vpon his knees went towards the Pope to kisse his feete which done the Pope with his hand lifted him vp From thence they passed together vnto the great Altar in S. Markes Church whereon was set the Table of precious stones which at this day is reputed one of the richest treasures of Europe Some haue reported that there the Emperor did prostrate himselfe before the Altar and the Pope set his foot vpon his necke While this was in doing the Clergie sung that Psalme of Dauid which sayth Super Aspidem Basiliscum ambulabis Which the Emperour hearing sayd Non tibi sed Petro. The Pope replied Et mihi Petro. After some dayes abode in Venice the Pope departed by sea to Ancona and the Emperor towards Germany by land either of them accompanied with Gentlemen Venetians in great number CHAP. 28. ¶ An admirable triumphal shew at Venice to congratulate the recouery of Cyprus Anno. 1366. AFter thankes giuen to God for the recouery of this Island euery man endeuoured to make demonstration of gladnes wherin no cost in banquetting or other solemnization was omitted Among these shewes of triumph and iolitie two sights there were most admirable and neuer before that time seene the maner of the one was a representation of Iusting on horsebacke For certaine portratures or images of men and horses were so made of skinnes clothed in silke with Lances and Shields as the wind by a straight line forced them to runne one encountering the other like to a course of the field The other was like vnto a combat where armed men did seeme to fight both which shewes were in the streete In the first the Actors were only 24 yong Gentlemen Venetians for personage apparell and yeeres very commendable The inuentor and director of these pastimes was Thomasso Bambasio who for such deuises and action was in Venice esteemed as in old time Roscius had bene in Rome Surely it seemeth strange that so many men richly attired and so many horses brauely furnished could be managed with so great dexteritie and one hauing ended his courses another was presently ready to supply that place In the meane while the Lances did seeme broken and the splinters flie about The duke with al the Nobilitie of the city beheld this miraculous sight and so did a multitude of people Among these beholders as mine Author sayth were diuers Noble men of England who trauailed to Venice purposely to see the maner of this Triumph and the Actors CHAP. 29. A Triumph in the reigne of King Richard the second 1390. THis noble Prince being aduertised with what magnificence and pompe the Queene Isabella of France had made her entry into Paris thought good to appoint a militarie triumph at London wherin appeared sixty Knights and so many faire young Ladies of his Court sumptuously apparelled With this troope his Maiestie rode from the Tower of London vnto Smithfield and passing thorow Cheapeside a proclamation was made that on Sunday and Munday next following these Knights would attende there to challenge all commers For him that deserued best in this Iust if he were a stranger the Queene and her Ladies had prepared a crowne of golde or if he were any of the sixty English Knights he should receiue a rich bracelet The English Knights likewise promised to giue vnto the stranger of best desert a faire horse with his furniture or if he were an English man hee should receiue a Falcon. This challenge and these prizes had bene by a King of Armes formerly proclaymed in England Scotland France Flaunders Brabant Henault and Germany which mooued many persons of Honour and reputation to come hither Among whom was William of Henault Earle of Oye or as some did call him of Ostrenant a young Prince much delighting in Armes This Noble youth desirous to honour the King of England his kinsman drew into his company many Gentlemen of his Nation with whom hee passed into England Then resoluing to performe that iourney thought good to take the consent of Albert his father Count of Henault Holland and Zeland Of whom with great difficultie he obtained leaue The like desire to honour the King mooued the Earle of S. Paul who had married the Kings sister And he brought with him a great troope of gallant Knights These two Princes came first vnto Calis where they found English ships readie to transport them But the Earle of Oye passed ouer first and being come to London had accesse to the King of whom he was with great ioy embraced The like courtesie he found in Iohn Holland the Kings brother
Hall in their Liueries which number amounted to sixe hundred All the streets where the King passed were hanged with cloth of golde siluer or rich Arras That day and the next all the conduits were full of wine some Claret and some White The night before the Coronation the King washed his body and the next morning prayed in the presence of three Prelats The next morning the Clergie in great numbers attended the King to the Temple of Westminster and from thence all the Lords and Knights of the Order in their robes awaited vpon his Maiestie to the Pallace who all that way marched vnder the Canopy of State On either hand of the King a sword was caried the one represented the Ecclesiasticall the other Politicall iurisdiction The Ecclesiasticall sword was borne by the Prince of Wales the Kings sonne the sword of Iustice Henry Percie Earle of Northumberland and Constable of England did beare which office was lately taken from the Earle of Rutland and giuen to him The scepter was caried by the Earle of Westmerland Marshall of England In this order and thus accompanied the King came into the Church where he found a place of State prepared in the mids there he set himselfe downe being furnished with all his rich and royall ornaments the crowne excepted The Archbishop of Canterbury preached and shewed the Kings person vnto the people saying Behold him here that is to raigne ouer you for so God hath ordained Will you quoth hee consent he shall be crowned your King whereunto they answered Yea and holding vp their hands offered to be sworne Then the King went downe from his seate and kneeled before the high Altar where two Archbishops and ten Bishops did take off his royall garments and annoynt him in the presence of all the multitude viz. on the crowne of his head on the breast on the shoulders on the palmes of his hands which done they set his cap vpon his head Then the King put vpon him a garment like vnto a Deacon and girt the same as Prelates vse to doe Then they buckled vpon one of his feete a Spurre and drew forth the sword of Iustice which they deliuered into the Kings hand and he put it vp into the sheath when it was put vp the Archbishop of Canterbury girt it vnto his side Then was the Crowne of S. Edward brought thither and by that Archbishop set vpon the Kings head All these ceremonies and Diuine Seruice finished the King with the same pompe he came to the Church returned to the Pallace in the mids whereof was a fountaine which flowed with wine white and red At dinner the King did sit at the first table at the second sate the fiue chiefe Peeres of the kingdome at the third the Mayor and Aldermen at the fourth the nine new made Knights at the fifh the Knights Gentlemen of the Kings house So long as the King did sit the Prince of Wales stood on his right hand holding the Ecclesiasticall sword and on the left hand stood the Constable of England shaking the sword of Iustice vnder them stood the Marshall holding the Scepter At the Kings table besides the King two Archbishops and three other Bishops did sit In the dinner time a Knight well mounted armed at all peeces came into the Hall and before him rode an other horseman that caried his Launce his name was Dymmock This Champion hauing his sword drawen and a Mace also ready deliuered vnto the king a scroule of paper wherein was contained that if any Gentleman would denie that Henry there present were not the lawfull King of England he was ready by Armes to maintaine it where and when the King should command This Cartell was deliuered to a King of Armes and by the Kings commandement proclaimed in the palace and in sixe places of the Citie but no man found to say the contrary and so the ceremonie of this Coronation ended CHAP. 46. The Inauguration of Charles the French King at Rhemes 1380. THis Charles the 6. King of France of that name being twelue yeeres olde was crowned in the presence of the Dukes of Anioy Auuernia Burgundy Burbon Brabant Berry and Lorayn the Earle of Piedmont the Earle of Marcury the Earle Eu and William Lord of Namur beeing present the Earle of Flanders and Bloys sent their deputies The King entred the citie of Rhemes with a marueilous troupe of Lords and Gentlemen hauing before them thirty trumpets sounding His Maiestie alighted at our Lady Church and thither resorted vnto him his cosins of Albert Nauarre Barry Harecourt and other yong Princes and Lords of the blood whom the next day he dubbed Knights On Sonday after the King went vnto the Church which was most sumptuously prepared There the Bishop crowned his Maiestie and anointed him with that oyle wherewith Saint Remigius had anointed Clodoueus the first Christian King of France That Oyle was miraculously as is reported sent from heauen by an Angel purposely to anoint Clodoueus And being preserued euer since a glasse although all the kings haue bene therwith anointed yet is the quantity thereof no whit decreased The King being come before the high Altar did honour all the yong men aforesayd with Knighthood and that done hee kneeled vpon rich foote Carpets that were there spred at his feete the yong Princes newly made Knights did sit and Oliuer Clisson newly also aduanced to be Constable of the kingdome performed his office and there amids the nobility with all pomp possible the King was crowned Then to the end that all men might haue cause to reioice the King was pleased to remit and forgiue all taxations subsidies and impositions by what name soeuer lately inuented The Coronation finished his Maiestie returned to the palace where his table was prepared and hereat besides the King did sit the Dukes his vncles viz. the Duke of Brabant Anioy Auuernia Burgundy and Burbon and on his right hand sate the Archbishop of Rhemes with other Lords of the Spiritualty Touching meaner Lords of the kingdome they shifted for place where it could be found The Admirals Coucy Clisson and Tremoly had their tables equally couered with Carpets of Tissue The next day the King dined according to ancient vse and the charge of the Inauguration was defrayd by the Citizens of Rhemes These ceremonies being consummate with great pomp triumph and ioy he returned to Paris CHAP. 47. At the Inauguration of King Henry the third French King three notable things obserued FIrst when he should haue bene anointed with the holy oile there was none found in the ceremonious Horne which for many yeeres had bene preserued by miracle as a relike sent from heauen Secondly when in the royall seate the Crowne was set vpon his head by certaine Bishops as is accustomed he cried out twise Oh it hurts me Thirdly when he kneeled before the Altar during Masse the Crowne fell from his head all which seemed ominous to the beholders and so it prooued both to himselfe
desiring both to honour her and please himselfe with her presence conuited all noble Ladies to behold a triumph at London to be there performed by the Nobles and Gentlemen of his Court This intention his Maiestie did command to be proclaimed in Fraunce Henault Flanders Brabant and other places giuing Passeport and secure abode to all noble strangers that would resort into England That done he sent vnto al Princes Lords and Esquiers of the Realme requiring that they with their wiues daughters and cosins should at the day appointed appeare at his Court. To this feast came William Earle of Henault and Iohn his brother with many Barons and Gentlemen The triumph continued 15. dayes and euery thing succeeded well had not Iohn the sonne and heire of Vicount Beaumount bene there slaine In this triumph also appeared the Earle of Lancaster and Henry his son The Earle of Darby The Lord Robert of Artoys The Erle of Richmount The Earle of Northampton The Earle of Glocester The Earle of Warwicke The Earle of Salisbury The Earle of Pembroke The Earle of Hartford The Earle of Arundel The Earle of Cornewall The Earle of Norffolke The Earle of Suffolke The Baron of Stafford with others In the raigne of the same King Edward a Royall Iust was holden at Lincoln● by the Duke of Lancaster where were present certaine Ambassadors sent by the King of Spaine for the Lady Ioane daughter to the King who should haue bene married vnto that King of Spaine but meeting her on the way she died A triumph was holden at Windsor before the same King Edward whereat was present Dauid King of Scots the Lord of Tankeruile and the Lord Charles de Valoys who by the Kings license was permitted to runne and had the prize Anno 1349. In Smithfield were solemne Iusts in the same Kings raigne where was present a great part of the most valiant Knights of England and France Thither came also noble persons of other Nations and Spaniards Cipriots Armenians who at that time humbly desired aide against Pagans An. 1361. A triumph before King Edward the fourth IVsts were againe holden in Smithfield where Anthony Wooduile Lord Scales did runne against the Bastard of Burgundie Anno 1444. A triumph before King Henry the sixt ONe other notable Action of Armes was personally performed in Smithfield betweene a Gentleman of Spaine called Sir Francis le Arogonoys and Sir Iohn Astley Knight of the Garter For after the said Sir Francis had wonne the honour from all the men at Armes in France he came into England and made a generall challenge but by the great valour of Sir Iohn Astley lost the same vnto him Triumphs before King Henry the seuenth AT Richmont was holden a solemne triumph which continued a whole moneth where Sir Iames Parker running against Hugh Vaughan was hurt and died 1494. One other triumph was in the same Kings daies performed in the Tower of London Anno 1502. Triumphs before King Henry the eight BVt farre exceeding all these was that magnificent Iust and Tournament at the meeting of the two excellent Princes King Henry the eight of England and Francis the French King who chusing vnto them fourteen others did challenge to run at the Tilt and fight both at the Tourney and Barrier with all commers The Challengers were the King of England the French King the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse Dorset Sir William Kingston Sir Richard Ierningham Master Nicholas Carew and Master Anthonie Kneuet with their Assistants Sir Rowland and Sir Giles Capel with these were so many other French Gentlemen as made vp the number aforesaid For Defenders thither came Mounsieur Vandosme the Earle of De●onshire and the Lord Edmond Howard euery of them bringing in a faire band of Knights well armed This most noble challenge of these two mighty Kings accompanied with fourteene other Knights of either nation seuen they caused to bee proclaimed by Norrey King at Armes in England France and Germanie Anno 12 Henrici 8. One other most memorable Challenge was made by the same King who in his owne royall person with William Earle of Deuonshire Sir Thomas Kneuet and Edward Neuel Esquire answered all commers at Westminster The King called himselfe Caeur Loyal the Lord William Bon Voloir Sir Thomas Kneuet Valiant desire and Edward Neuil Ioy●us Pensier The Defenders were THe Lord Gray Sir William a Parr Robert Morton Richard Blunt Thomas Cheyney Thomas Terrel Christopher Willoughby the Lord Howard Charles Brandon the Lord Marquesse Henrie Guilford the Earle of Wiltshir● Sir Thomas Bullin Thomas Lucie the Lord Leonard the Lord Iohn Iohn Melton Griffith Doon Edmond Howard Richard Tempest After this Challenge was ended the prize appointed for the Challengers partie was giuen vnto Caeur Loyal and among the Defenders to Edmond Howard Another solemne Challenge was proclaimed and perfourmed by certaine English Knights viz. Sir Iohn Dudley Sir Thomas Seimor Sir Francis Poynings Sir George Carew Anthony Kingston and Richard Cromwel Anno 1540. Another action of Armes published in the Chamber of Presence at VVestminster by a King of Armes 25. of Nouember in the 1. and 2. of P. and M. FOrasmuch as euer it hath bene a custome that to the Courts of Kings and great Princes Knights and Gentlemen of diuers Nations haue made their repaire for the triall of Knighthood and exercise of Armes And knowing this Royall Court of England to bee replenished with as many noble Knights as any kingdome in the world at this day It seemeth good to Don Fredericke de Toledo the Lord Strange Don Ferdinando de Toledo Don Francisco de Mendoca and Garsulace de la Vega That seeing here in this place better then in any other they may shew the great desire that they haue to serue their Ladies by the honorable aduentures of their persons They say that they will maintaine a fight on foot at the Barriers with footmens harnesse three pushes with a pike seuen strokes with a sword in the place appointed before the Court gate on Tuesday the 4. day of December from the twelfth houre of the day vntill fiue at night against all commers Praying the Lords the Earle of Arundell the Lord Clinton Gartilapez de Padilla and Don Pedro de Cordoua that they would be Iudges of this Triumph for the better performance of the conditions following First that he which commeth forth most gallantly without wearing on himselfe or furniture any golde or siluer fine or counterfeit wouen embroidered or of goldsmiths worke shall haue a rich Brooch He that striketh best with a Pike shall haue a Ring with a Rubie He that fighteth best with a Sword shall haue a Ring with a Diamond He that fighteth most valiantly when they ioyntly fight together shall haue a Ring with a Diamond He that giueth a stroke with a Pike from the girdle downeward or vnder the Barrier shall winne no prize Hee that shall haue a close gantlet or any thing to fasten his Sword to his hand shall winne no
bene likewise capable of Temporal dignities as Baronies and Earledomes Some of them be accounted Counts Palatine in their proper iurisdiction Barons by writ are summoned by their proper surnames as A. B. Cheualier although indeede he be no Knight And all those Barons so called by writ the dignitie is inuested in their owne sirname and so in their owne persons and not in their Castles Houses Manors or Lordships Barons by creation are either solemnely created by another name then their owne as in the right of their wiues or mothers Or els by the names of some Castle House Manor or Lordship In which diuersities although Barons be diuersly made yet are they all alike in their callings and though in shew some of their dignities be of a place certaine yet is the right dignitie in the person of the Baron For admit a Baron should ●ell or exchange the place whereof he is called yet shal he still holde the name and be written and reputed thereby and haue his place and voyce in Parliament by the same name hee was first called or created Of Knights and Knighthood we haue at large discoursed in the second Booke only this is to be remēbred that the forme of dubbing of Knights both in warre and peace is not now obserued as it hath bene Nam Milites tunica suorum armorum torque indui gladio cingt calcaribus auratis ornarisolebant and the Prince in the action thereof pronounced these words Soyez loyal Chlr. en nom de Dieu S. George Miles dicitur quasi vnus electus ex mille olim inter Romanos mille homines strenui maximè bellicosi electiinter caeteros fuerunt quilibet eorum dictus fuit miles quasi vnus ex mille CHAP. 14. Of Esquiers AN Esquier or Escuier commonly called Squier is he that was antiently called Scutiger and to this day in the latine is named Armiger These men as sir Thomas Smith in his booke de Rcip Anglorum doth describe them are Gentlemen bearing armes or armories as the French do call it in testimony of the Nobilitie or race from whence they are come Esquiers be taken for no distinct order of the common weale but goe with the residue of Gentlemen saue that as hee thinketh they be those men who beare Armes in signe as I haue said of the race and familie whereof they are descended In respect whereof they haue neither creation nor dubbing vnlesse it be such as hold office by the Princes gift and receiue a collar of SS Or els they were at the first costrels or bearers of the Arm● of Lords or Knights and by that had their name for a dignitie and honour giuen to distinguish them from common Souldiers called in Latine Gregarij milites So is euery Esquier a Gentleman but euery Gentleman not an Esquier vnlesse he be such a one as beareth Armes which Armes are giuen either by the Prince as a testimonie of fauour or a signe of his vertue that receiued them or both either else by donation of the Kings of Armes who by the Princes Commandement or Commission haue authoritie at their discretion to bestow such honour with consent of the Earle Marshall Somerset Glouer that learned Herauld maketh foure definitions or seuerall sorts of Esquiers according to the custome of England The first of them and the most ancient are the eldest sonnes of Knights and eldest sonnes of them successiuely The second sort are the eldest sonnes of the younger sonnes of Barons and Noble men of higher degree which take end are determined when the chiefe Masles of such elder sonnes doe faile and that the inheritance goeth away with the heires females The third sort are those that by the King are created Esquiets by the gift of a Collar of SS and such bearing Armes are the principall of that coat Armour and of their whole race out of whose families although diuers other houses doe spring and issue yet the eldest of that coat Armour onely is an Esquier and the residue are but Gentlemen The fourth and last sort of Esquiers are such as bearing office in the common weale or in the Kings house are therefore called and reputed to be Esquiers as the Serieants at the Lawe the Escheators in euery shire and in the Kings house the Serieant of euery Office but hauing no Armes that degree dieth with them and their issue is not ennobled thereby Mounsieur P. Pithou in his memories of the Earles of Champagne and Brie saith further that among the Fiefes of Normandy the Fiefe called Fiefe de Haubert was that which in Latine is Feuda Loricae or Feuda Scutiferorum the very originall of the name of our Esquiers comming of the Armes and seruice which they ought to Knights for they helde their land of a Knight by Scutage as a Knight helde his land of the King by Knights seruice And such Fiefes were called Vray Vassaulx being bound alwayes to serue their Lorde by reason of their Fiefe without pay There are also in England other sorts of Esquiers which courtesie and custome haue made among which they are reputed Esquiers that are able at the Musters to present a Launce or light horse for the Princes seruice not vnlike the manner of the Spaniardes where all freehoulders are called Caualieros that doe keepe horse for the Kings impolyments CHAP. 15. Of Gentlemen GEntlemen are they who in the Greeke are called Eugeneis in Latine Nobiles or Ingenui in the French Nobles in the English Gentlemen Gens in Latine betokeneth a race a sirname or family as the Romans had Traquinij Valerij Quintij Claudij Cincinnati Fabij Cossi and such like so haue we in England certaine names which for their continuance in reputation vertue and riches may be in Latine called Agnati or Gentiles that is men knowen or Gentlemen of this or that name and family But let vs consider how this Nobility is defined and by how many meanes men doe thereunto aspire Iudocus Clicthouius defineth Nobilitie thus Nobilitas est generis velalterius rei excellentia ac dignitas Tract Nobil Cap. 1. Nobility is the excellencie of gentle race or of some other good quality And Bartholus discoursing long whether Nobilitie and Dignity be but one concludeth they are not yet said he the one resembleth the other Lib. 1. Cap. de Dig. adding That as he to whome God hath vouchsafed his grace is before his diuine Maiesty noble so before men who so is fauoured by his Prince or the Lawes ought be receiued for noble This Nobilitie therefore is thus defined Nobilitas est qualitas illata per Principatum tenentem qua quis vltra acceptos plebeios honestus ostenditur Nobility is a title bestowed by him that holdeth place of the Prince and maketh him that receiueth it to be of better reputation then other men Of Nobilitie or as we call it Gentilitie diuers diuisions by diuers men haue bene Bartholus sayth That of Nobility there are three kinds viz.
Commanders So that neuer after for any cause or question whatsoeuer the said number should be augmented nor vpon the vacation happening of any of the places of the said Cardinals Prelates or Officers any other may be admitted to supply their roome or seruice vnlesse he be a man of like qualitie and condition The oathes ceremonies pensions accompts and other dueties I leaue to be seene in the printed booke of the Order where they are discoursed of at large I onely will set downe the time of their feast their Officers the maner of their habits and solemne proceeding as most fitting and pertinent to our purpose Euery yeere the feast of the Order is celebrated the first day of Ianuary in the Church of the Augustines in the citie of Paris And if for the publique affaires of the Realme the king in person can not be there present then the feast is to be celebrated where he shall personally be and in the greatest Church where he is to be assisted with the Cardinals Prelates Commanders other officers of the said Order except any of them haue commandement by the Soueraigne to the contrary And as they shall in number repaire to the Court they are to aduertise the Prouost of the said Order to the end he may prepare their Escuchions in the Church where they are to solemnize their Ceremonies which beginne the Euen of the said day and where they all accompany the Souereigne from his Pallace to the Church as followeth viz. The Vsner marcheth formost the Herauld after the Viher then the Prouost great Treasurer and Scribe the Prouost taking his place between the two others The Chauncelor goeth alone the Commanders two and two after their degrees After whom proceedeth the Soueraigne or great Master who is followed of Cardinals Prelats and other of the Nobilitie being of the said Order The sayd great Master and Commanders are apparelled with long Mantels made after the fashion of those which are worne the day of S. Michael of blacke veluet embrodered all about with gold and siluer the embroderie made of flowers de Liesse knots of gold betweene their sundry cyphers of siluer and flambes of gold seamed The said great Mantle is also garnished with a mantelet of greene cloth of siluer wrought ouer with the same manner of embrodery of the great Mantle and the said Mantle and mantelet are both lined with ●atin of Orenge colour They weare the said Mantle turned vp ouer the left side and the opening ouer the right according to the paterne which is here expressed their hose d●blets are white their bonne●s blacke with white plumes Vpon the said Mantles they openly weare the great Colla● of the Order which was giuen them at their reception Touching the Officers the Chauncellour is inuested as the Commanders b●t that he hath not the great Collar hee weareth onely the crosse sowed before on his Mantle and that of golde hanging at his necke by a blew riband The Prouost great Treasurer and Scribe haue also Mantles of blacke veluet and mantelets of greene cloth of siluer but they are onel● bordered about with flambes of golde hauing the crosse sowed on their Mantels and that of gold hanging at their neckes The Herauld and V●her haue Mantels of Sattin and Mantlets of green veluet bordered with flambes as those of the other Officers The sa●de Herauld shall carry the crosse of the sayd Order at a Schuchion of Armes ename●ed hanging at his necke And the Vsher the like crosse but somewhatlesse in forme then those of the other Officers At their returne from the Vespres or Euensong the Commanders and Officers goe to confession to be prepared for the Sacrament which they are to take the next morning The next day the Cardinals Prelats Commaunders and Officers accompanie the Soueraigne in like Order and Habilement as aforesaid to the Church to heare a solemne Masse where the Souereigne offereth as many crownes as he is veeres old and euery Commander for himselfe one crowne which offerings are giuen to the Nou●ces of the Augustines for their better entertainement and erudition The seruice ended they conduct the Soueraigne to his pallace wheras the Cardinals Prelates and Commanders with the Chancellor of the Order dine all at one Table The Prouost Treasurer Scribe Herauld and V●her at an other Table and in a place apart The hou●e of Vespres being come the Soueraigne Cardinals Prelats Commanders and Officers by Order as is said wearing Mantels and mantelets of blacke cloth except the Soueraignes which is of scarlet or deepe mortey hauing the crosse of the said Order sowed thereon goe to the Church to heare the Euensong The Herauld of this Order called King of Armes at his election making profession of that Religion is knowen to be a man of good renowme graue expert and fit for such a charge He hath 400. crownes of the sunne yeerely for his ordinary wages He is bound to make abooke in which are truely to be pa●nted the Armes and Creasts of all the Cardinals Prelats Commanders and Officers of the said Order and vnder their Armes their names surnames signiories imvlovments and qualities And for the same to be done euery one of the said Cardinals Prelates and Commanders are enioyned to giue him a marke of siluer at their reception When occasion serueth that he is to denounce or signifie any message to any of the said Commanders and Officers he is to report vnto the Soueraigne in open Chapiter the answere which hath bene made him and what els he hath learned in his voyage concerning the good honour and seruice of the said Order It is to be noted that this Herauld or King of Armes hath nothing to do with the Order of S. Michael for there is an expresse Officer for the same nor either of them both are to meddle with any action of Armes but such as may precisely concerne their Orders There are for the Kings seruices otherwise prouinciall Heraulds which carry their names of the Pairedomes as N●rmana● Aniou Britaine c. They haue a Colledge at Parris where they all meete at the assembly of the States generall otherwise they abide in their seuerall Prouinces The Vsher of the saide Order assisteth the Ceremonies with a Mace which he beareth on his necke which is expressely made for the seruice of the Order he hath 312. crownes of the Sunne Per annum which is paide him by the Threasu●er of the Order his Office is also to keepe the doore at the Chapiters which are holden as all other things that belong to his charge Both the Herauld and Vsher when they are chosen take their oathes and receiue their eschuchion and crosse at the hands of the Chancellor These fiue Orders aforesaid viz that of the Garter in England that of the T●izon in Burgundie that of S. Michael in France that of the Annunciation in Sa●cy and that of the S. Esprit last erected in France be reputed most honourable and are adorned with great
edomiti Burgraues quasi 〈◊〉 Comites Rheingraues qui praesunt rusticis In the Court Imperiall Comes was anciently the title of sundry officers as Comes Largitionum Comes laborum Comes Consistorianus Comes Palatij Comes Palaij had Iura Regalia and thereby might erect Barons vnder them as Hugh Lupus first Count Palatin of Chester made eight Barons and had that Earledome giuen vnto him by the Conqueror ita liberè ad Gladium sicut ipse Rex tenebat Angliam ad Coronam The Countie of Lancaster was made County Palatine by King Edward the third and had Barons Chancerie and Seale so had the Bishopricks of Durham and Ely The Offices of these Barons were to sit in Councell and Parliament with the Earle in his Pallace and to honor his Court with their presence Also for more magnificence these Earles kept their Grandiours and festiuall dayes as absolute Princes in their prouinces Comes Marescallus Angliae is an Earle by office and so is no other Earle of England but hee he is in the vancancie of the Constable the Kings lieutenant Generall in all marshall affaires His office is of great commandement and endued with many honourable priuiledges King Rich. the second in the 21. of his reigne granted to Thomas Holland Duke of Surrey Earle Marshal of England Quod idem Dux ratione officij sui habeat gerat deferat quendā baculū aureum circa vtrumque finem de nigro annulatum non obstante quod aliquis alius ante haec tempora baculum ligneum portare consueuerit To the degree of an Earle belongeth a Surcoat a Mantle and a Hood with a Coronet of gold with points only and no flowers CHAP. 12. A Vicount A Vicount is in degree dignity next vnto an Erle it was anciently a name of Office vnder an Earle and called Vicecomes or Subcomes and this office was to heare and determine causes of difference and to execute Iustice in the Earles County The Saxons called him the Shyre-Reue and in the Norman speech Vicount Hee is of greater dignity then a Baron as is the Vicount de Thureyn and the Vicount of Combre in Fraunce or as the Vicounts Mountacute and Vicount Howard of Bindon in England This degree hath a Surcoat a Mantle and a Hood and a Circulet without either Floures or Points as appeareth in the Margent CHAP. 13. A Baron NExt ensueth a Baron which dignity was called in the British tongue Dynast in the Saxon Thayn in Latine Baro which signifieth Vir grauis for Albertus de Rosa in his Dictionary expressing the signification of the word Baro sayth Barones dicuntur graues personae à Graeco vocabulo Baria quod idem est quod autoritas grauis Likewise Calap in his Dictionary sayth Baro est vir fortis à quo fit diminutiuum Barunculus Men in this dignity were euer of great reputation for Hortensius speaking of Barons whome Dominicus de S. Gemi calleth also Capitanius sayth Non solum militare sed prudenter atque grauiter ipsis ducibus consulere officium est Baronis Barons were also anciently accounted companions to Earls and others of higher dignity and therefore reckoned of that number called Peeres or Pares regni or Pares homines of some men pronounced Parhomines and corruptly Barones conuerting the letter P. into B. as Libard for Leopard The dignitie of a Baron is thus defined Baronia est quaedam dignitas inter nobiles habens quandam praeeminentiam inter solos simplices nobiles post principatus ex consuetudine introductam ex quodam mod● vtendi diuer simode diuersas patrias Cass. It seemeth also that a Baron in diuers Countreys is diuersly esteemed for in England they are to proceede according to their segniority but in Burgundy they be reputed the greatest Barons that are of greatest possessions And as a Duke had anciently vnder him ten Earles or Earledomes and an Earle 10 Baronies so a Baron ought be commander of some competent company of Segniories the greater the number be the more his honour Quanto maiora qu●●tractat tanto ipse maior est Dauid Likewise Salustius in his Prooeme of Catelin sayd Maxima gloria in maximo Imperio In the kingdome of Naples all Gentlemen hauing iurisdiction appertaining to their lands and castels are called Barons yet in diuers places of France no Segniory is reputed a Barony vnlesse it hath belonging vnto it foure Castels one Hospital one Colledge with a Chruch hauing also a Seale autentike Which dignitie is preferred before the title of Gentlemen yet is inferiour to all Countiships such is the opinion of Cassaneus lib. 8. One other degree of great estate and titular dignity there is called Princes although in England I haue not seene or read of any such in that kind yet where that title is in vse they precede Barons Some of them haue Iuraregalia and therefore do hold that dignitie either by custome or priuiledge as the princes of Orange Piedemont and Achaia haue Iura regalia But others do hold that title by custome which is of great force as Baldus affirmeth saying Consuetudini standum erit A Baron hath not Potestatem Principis yet is he numbred among noble personages and some Barons by reason of their Baronies haue so much authority ouer their owne vassals as if they conspire against them that offence is called treason in respect whereof the title of Baron is so much the more honourable Note that a Baron hauing Iura Imperialia or Iura Regalia is reputed equal vnto an Earle notwithstanding the Earldome or Barony doe differ in dignity Note also that Barons doe participate of diuers priuiledges and Immunities proper vnto other dignities aforesayd they are Lords of the Parliament in England and of them it is called the Barons Court For the Parliament makes not Barons but Barons Parliaments The title of Barons in France was anciently generall aswel to Princes of blood as all others holding immediatly of the Crowne So do we cal the greatest estates of England by the names of Barons Lords Spiritual and Temporall Of Barons in England there hath bene also anciently diuers sorts Some were Barons in name but not noble as the Barons of the fiue Ports and Barons of London whom Bracton maketh mention of in these words Coram Baronibus London And in another place Sicut Barones London coràm me testantur The Barons of the Exchequer are of like condition Other Barons both in name and dignitie yet not called honorable were Barons created by the Earles Palatines Of Barons honourable are three degrees viz. by Tenure by Creation and by Writ Barons by Tenure are Bishops chiefly caled Lords Spiritual and euer reputed honorable not in respect of noblenes in blood but for their function and office they are Peeres and Barons of the Realme They are also first in nomination and take place on the Princes right hand in the Parliament chamber They are also called Right honourable Lords and Reuerent Fathers in God They haue