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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09224 The famous chronicle of king Edward the first, sirnamed Edward Longshankes with his returne from the holy land. Also the life of Lleuellen rebell in Wales. Lastly, the sinking of Queene Elinor, who sunck at Charingcrosse, and rose againe at Pottershith, now named Queenehith.; King Edward the First Peele, George, 1556-1596. 1593 (1593) STC 19535; ESTC S110371 47,032 88

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To passe the wearie time away Wearie God wot poore wench to thee That neuer thought these daies to see Mortimor Breake heart and split mine eies in twaine Neuer let me heare those wordes againe Frier What can the Frier doe or saie To passe the wearie time awaie More dare I doe then he dare saie Because he doubts to haue away Eli. Doe somewhat Frier saie or sing That may to sorrowes so lace bring And I meane while wil Garlands make Morti. O Mortimor were it for thy sake A Garland were the happiest stake That euer this hand vnhappie drew Frier Mistres shal I tel you true I haue a song I learnd it long agoe I wot not whether yo le like it wel or ill T is short and sweete but somewhat brolde before Once let me sing it and I aske no more Eli. What Frier will you so indeede Agrees it somewhat with your neede Frier Why mistres shal I sing my creede Eli. That 's fitter of the two at neede Morti. O wench how maist thou hope to speede Frier O mistres out it goes Looke what comes next the Frier throes The Frier sittes along and singes Morti. Such a sitting who euer saw An Eagles bird of a Iacke dawe Eli. So Sir is this all Morti. Sweete heart here 's no more Eli. How now good fellow more indeede By one then was before Frier How now the diuel in steede of a dittie Morti. Frier a dittie come late from the cittie To aske some pitty of this lasse so pretty Some pitty sweete mistres I praie you Eli. How now Frier where are we now and you play not the man Frier Friend Copes mate you that come late from the Cittie To aske some pittie of this lasse so prettie In likenes of a doleful dittie Hang me if I doe not paie yee Mortimor O Frier you grow chollericke wel yo le Haue no man to Court your mislers but your selfe On my word I le take you downe a botton hole Frier Ye talk ye talke childe Enter Lluellen and Meredith Lluellen T is wel potter you fight in a good quarrel Meredith Mas this blade wil holde let mee see then Frier Frier Mines for mine owne turne I warrant giue his Tooles rise and le ts to it but no and you loue me I skorne the oddes I can tel you see faire play and you be Gentlemen Lluellen Mary shal we Frier let vs see be their staues of a length good so now let vs deeme of the matter Frier and Potter without more clatter I haue cast your water and see as deepe into your desire as he that hadde diued everie day into your bosome O Frier wil nothing serue your turne but Larkes Are such fiue birds for such course Clarkes None but my Marian can serue your turne Eli. Cast water for the house wil burne Frier O mistres mistres flesh is fraile Ware when the signe is in the taile MIghtie is loue and doth preuaile Lluellen Therefore Frier shalt thou not faile But mightily your foe assaile And thrash this Potter with thy flaile And Potter neuer raue nor raile Not aske questions what I aile But take this toole and doe not quaile But thrash this Friers russet cote They take the Flailes And make him sing a dastards note And crie Peccaus miserere Dauid In amo amavi Goe to Mortimor Strike strike Frier Strike Potter be thou liefe or loth And if you le not strike I le strike for both Potter strikes He must needs go that the diuel driues Then Frier beware of other mens wiues Frier strikes I wish maister proud Potter the Diuell haue my soule But I le make my flaile circumscribe your noule Lluellen Why so now it cottens now the game beginnes One knaue currieth another for his sinnes Frier kneeles O maister short en my offences in mine eies If this Crucifige doe not suffice Send me to Heauen in a hempen sacrifice Frier kneeles O maisters maisters let this bee warning The Frier hath infected me with his learning Lluellen Villains do not touch the forbidden haire now to delude or to dishonor me Frier O maister quae nagata sunt grata sunt Lluellen Rice euery day thus shal it be wee le haue a thrashing set among the Friers and he that of these chalengers laies on slowest loade be thou at hand Rice to gore him with thy gode Frier A Potter Potter the Frier may rue That euer this day this our quarrel he knew My pate adle mine armes blacke and blue Potter Ah Frier who may his fates force eschew I thinke Frier you are prettilie scholde Frier And I thinke the Potter is handsomlie coold Exeunt ambo Morti. No Martimor here that Eternal fire That burnes and flames with brands of hot desire Why Martimor why doest thou not discouer Thy selfe her knight her liegeman and her louer Exit Martimor Enter Iohn Balioll King of Scots with his traine Lords of Albana and my peeres in France Since Balioll is inuested in his rights And weares the roial Scottish Diadem Time is to rouze him that the world may wotte Scotland disdaines to carrie Englands yoke Therefore my friend thus put in readines Why slacke we time to greete the English king With resolute message to let him know our minds Lord Versses though thy faith and oath be tane To follow Baliols armes for Scotlands right Yet is thy heart to Englands honor knit Therefore in spite of England and thy selfe Beare thou defiaunce proudly to thy king Tel him Albania findes heart and hope To shake of Englands tiranny be time To reskue Scotlands honor with his sword Lorde Bruce see cast about Versses necke A strangling halter that he minde his hast How farest thou Versses wilt thou doe this message Versses Although no comon post yet for my king I wil to England maugre Englands might And doe mine arrand boldly as becomes Albeit I honor English Edwards name And hold this slauish contemnment to skorne Balioll. Then hie away as swift as swallow flies And meete me on our rodes on Englands ground We there thinke of thy message and thy hast Sound Trumpets Exit Balioll. Enter King Edward Longshankes Edmund Duke of Lancaster Gloster Sussex Dauid Crespall booted from Northam Longsh. Now haue I leasure Lords to bid you welcome into Wales Welcome sweet Edmund to christen thy young nephew And welcome Cressingham giue me thy hand But Sussex what became of Mortimor We haue not seene the man this manie a daie Sussex Before your highnes rid frō hence to Northam Sir Roger was a suter to your Grace Touching faire Elinor Lluellens loue And so belike denide with discontent A discontinues from your Roial presence Longsh. Why Sussex saide we not for Elinor So she would leaue whom she had loued too long Shee might haue fauour with my Queene and me But man her minde about her fortune mounts And that 's a cause she failes in her accounts But goe with me my lord of Lancaster We will goe see my beauteous louely
Englishe Edward stand agaste Versses Balioll hath chosen at this time to sturre To rouze him Lion like and cast the yoke That Scots ingloriouslie haue borne from thee And all the predecessors of thy line And make his roddes to reobtaine his rights And for his homage sends thee al this despight Edmund Why how now princockes pratest thou to a king Versses I doe my message truely from my king This sword and targot chide in lowder tearmes I bring defiance from king Iohn Balioll To English Edward and his Barons all Longsh. M●ie so me thinkes thou defiest mee with a witnes Versses Balioll my king in Barwicke makes his Court His campe he spreads vppon the sandie plaine And dares thee to the battaile in his right Edmund VVhat Court and Campe in Englishmens despight Longsh. Hold messenger commend me to thy King Weare thou my chaine and carrie this to him Greete all his route of Rebels more or lesse Tel them such shamefull end will hit them all And wend with this as resolutely backe As thou to England broughst thy Scottish braues Tel then disdainefullie Balioll from vs VVee le rouze him from his hold and make him soone Disloge his Campe and take his walled towne Saie what I bid thee Versses to his teeth And earne this fauour and a better thing Versses Yes King of England whom my heart beloues Thinke as I promist him to braue thee heare So shall I bid Iohn Balioll bace from thee Longsh. So shalt thou earne my chaine and fauour Versses And carrie him this token that thou sendst VVhy now is Englands haruest ripe Barons now maie you reape the rich renowne That vnder warlicke colours springs in field And growes where ensignes wan vppon the plains False Balioll VVarwicke arwicke is no hold of proose To shrowd thee from the strength of Edwards arme No Scot thy Treasons feare shal make the breach For Englands pure renowne to enter one Omnes Amaine amaine vppon these treacherous Scottes Amaine saie all vppon these treacherous Scots Longsh. VVhile wee with Edmund Gloster and the rest VVith speedie iourne is gather vp our forces And beat these brauing Scots from Englands bounds Mortimor thou shalt take the route in taske That reuell here and spoile faire Cambria My Queene when shee is strong and well a foote Shall post to London and repaste her there Then God shall send vs happely all to meete And ioy the honors of our victories Take vantage of our foes and see the time Keepe stil our hold our fight yet on the plaine Balioll I come proud Balioll and ingrate Perswaded to chase thy men from Englands gate Exit Edward King Enter Balioll with his traine Balioll. Princes of Scotland and my louing friends VVhose neckes are ouer-wearied with the yoke And seruile bondage of these Englishmen List vp your hornes and with your brasen hoofes Spurre at the honor of your Enemies T is not ambitious thoughts of priuate rule Hath forst your king to take on him these Armes T is countreis cause it is the commons good Of vs and of our braue posterity to armes to armes Versses by this hath tolde the King our mindes And he hath braued proud England to the proofe VVe will renumerate his resolution With gold with glory and with kingly gifts Lorde By sweet Saint Ierem Versses will not spare To tell his message to the English King And beard the iolly Longshankes to his face VVere he the greatest Monarch in the world And here he comes his halter makes him hast Enter Versses Long liue my lord the rightfull King of Scots Balioll. Welcome Versses what newes from England Like to the measure of Scotlands King Versses Versses my Lord in tearmes like to himselfe Like to the messenger of Scottish King Defied the Peares of England and their lords That all his Barons trembles at my threats And Longshankes himselfe as dainted and amased Gazde on my face not witting what to say Till rouzing vp he shakte his threating haire Versses quoth he take thou King Edwards chaine Vppon condicion thou a message doe To Balioll false periurde Balioll For in these tearmes he bad me greete your Grace And gaue this halter to your excellences I tooke the chaine and gaue your Grace the rope Balioll. You tooke the chaine and giue my Grace the rope Lay hold on him why miscreāt recreant And darst thou bring a halter to thy King But I will quite thy paine and in that chaine Vppon a siluer Gallowes shalt thou hang That honored with a golden rope of England And a siluer Gibbet of Scotland Thou maist hang in the aire for fowles to feede vppon And men to wonder at awaie with him away After the sight of Iohn Balioll is done enter Mortimor pursuing of the Rebels Mort. Strike vp the drum follow pursue and chase Follow pursue spare not the proudest he That hauocks Englands sacred roialty Exit Morti. Then make the proclamation vpon the walles Sound Trumpets Enter Queene alone Now fits the time to purge our melancholly and bee reuenged vppon this London Dame Katherina Enter Katherina At hand Madam Queene Bring forth our London Maris here Kather. I will Madam Queene Now Nell be thee of some tortures for the Dame And purge thy choller to the vttermost Enter Maris and Katherine Now mistres Maris you haue attendance vrgde And therefore to requite your curtesie Our minde is to bestow an office on you straight Maris My selfe my life and seruice mighty Queen are humblie at your Maiesties commaund Queene Then mistres Maris saie whether will you be our Nurse or Landeres Maris Then maie it please your Maiestie to entertaine your handmaide for your Nurse shee will attende the craddle carefully Queene O no Nurse the Babe needes no great rockeing it can lull it selfe Katherina binde her in the chaire and let me see how shee le become a Nurse so now Katherin draw forth her brest and let the Serpent sucke his fil why so now shee is a Nurse sucke on sweet Babe Maris Ah Queene sweete Queene seeke not my bloud to spill For I shal die before this Adder haue his fil Queene Die or die not my minde is fullie pleased Come Katherina to London now wil we And leaue our Maris with her nurserie Kath. Farewel sweete Maris looke vnto the Babe Exeunt Queene and Kath. Maris Farewel proud Queen the Autor of my death The scourge of England and to English dames Ah husband sweete Iohn Bearmber Maior of London Ah didst thou know how Mary is perplext Soone wouldst thou come to Wales and rid me of this paine Here shee dies But oh I die my wishe is al in vaine Enter Lluellen running out before and Dauid with a halter ready to hang himselfe Lluellen The angry Heauens frownd on Brittains face To Ecclipse the glorie of faire Cambria VVith for or aspectes the dreadful Planets lowre Lluellen basely turne thy backe and flie No Welshmen fight it to the last and die For if my men safely haue got
Palestine safe by his English Lords Receiued in triumphes like an earthly God He liues to weare his fathers Diadem And sway the sworde of brittish Albion But Elinor thy Elinor Lluellen And what of her Hath amorous Neptune gazd vpon my loue And stopt her passage with his forked mace Or that I rather feare O deadly feare Enamoured Nereus dooth he withhold my Elinor Guenther Nor Neptune Nereus nor other God Withholdeth from my gratious lord his loue But cruell Edward that iniurious king Withholds thy liefest louely Elmor Taking in a Pinnasse on the narrow seas By foure tall ships of Bristowe and with her Lord Emerick her vnhappie noble brother As from Mont argis hetherward they saild This say in breefe these letters tell at large Lluellen reades his brother Dauids letters Lluel Is Longshankes then so lustie now become Is my faire loue my beautious Elinor tane Villaine damnde villaines not to guard her safe Or fence her sacred person from her foes Sunne couldst thou shine and see my loue beset And didst not clothe thy cloudes in fierie coates Ore all the heauens with winged sulphure flames As when the beames like mounted combatants Battaild with Pyetion in the fallowed laies But if kinde Cambria deigne me good aspect To make me cheefest brute of westerne Wales I le short that gainlegd Longshanke by the top And make his flesh my murthering fawchions foode To armes true Britaine 's sprong of Troians seede And with your swordes write in the booke of Time Your Brittish names in Characters of bloud Owen ap Rice while we staie for further force Prepare awaie in poste and take with thee A hundred chosen of thy countrimen And scowre the marches with your Welshmens hookes That Englishmen may thinke the diuell is come Rice shall remaine with me make thou thy boade In resolution to reuenge these wronges With bloud of thousands guiltlesse of this rage Flie thou on them amaine Edward my loue Be thy liues bane Follow me countrimen VVords make no waie my Elinor is surprizd Robd am I of the comfort of my life And know I this and am not veng'd on him Exit Lluellen and the other lords Manet the Friar and Nouice Friar Come boie we must buckle I see The prince is of my profession right Rather than he wil lose his wenche He will fight Ab ouo vsque ad mala Nouice O maister doubt you not but your Nouice will prooue a whot shot with a bottle of Metheglin Exeunt ere the wenche fall into a Welsh song and the Friar aunswer and the Nouice betweene Enter the nine lordes of Scotland with their nine pages Gloster Sussex king Edward in his sute of Glasse Queene Elinor Queene Mother the King and Queene vnder a Canopie Iong. Nobles of Scotland we thanke you all For this daies gentle princelie seruice done To Edward Englands king and Scotlands lord Our Coronations due sollennitie Is ended with applause of all estates Now then let vs appose and rest vs heere But speciallie we thanke you gentle lords That you so well haue gouerned your greefes As being growne vnto a age all iarre You choose king Edward by your Messengers To calme to qualifie and to compound Thanke Britains strife of Scotlands climing peeres I haue no doubt faire lords but you well wot How factions waste the ritchest Commonwealth And discord spoiles the seates of mightie kings The Barons warres a tragicke wicked warre Nobles how hath it shaken Englands strength Industriouslie it seemes to me you haue Loiallie ventured to preuent this shock For which sith you haue chosen me your iudge My lord wil you stand to what I shall award Baliol. Victorious Edward to whom the Scottish kings Owe homage as their lorde and soueraigne Amongst vs nine is but one lawfull king But might we all be iudges in the case Then should in Scotland be nine kings at once And this contention neuer set or limited To staie these iarres we iointlie make appeale To thy imperiall throne who knowes our claimes We stand not on our titles before your grace But do submit our selues to your awarde And whome your Maiestie shall name to be our king To him wee le yeeld obedience as a king Thus willinglie and of their owne accorde Doth Scotland make great Englands king their iudge Lorg. Then nobles since you all agree in one That for a crowne so disagree in all Since what I do shall rest irreuocable And louelie England to thy louely Queene Louelie Queene Elinor vnto her turne thy eye Whose honor cannot but loue thee wel Holde vp your hands in sight with generall voice That are content to stand to our award They all holde vp their handes and say he shall Deliuer me the golden Diadem Loe here I holde the goale for which ye striued And heere behold my worthie men at armes For chiualrie and worthie wisdomes praise Worthie each one to weare a Diadem Expect my doome as erst at I da hilles The Goddesses deuine waited the award Of Danaes sonne Balioll stand farthest forth Baliol behold I giue thee the Scottish crowne Weare it with heart and with thankfulnes Sound Trumpets and say all after me God saue king Baliol the Scottish king The Trumpets sounds all crie aloud God saue King Baliol the Scottish king Thus lords though you require no reason why According to the conscience in the cause I make Iohn Balioll your anointed king Honor and loue him as behooues him best That is in peace of Scotlands crowne possest Baliol. Thankes roiall England for thy honor doone This iustice that hath calmd our ciuell strife Shall now be ceast with honourable loue So mooued of remorce and pittie We will erect a colledge of my name In Oxford will I build for memorie Of Baliols bountie and his gratitude And let me happie daies no longer see Then heere to England loyall I shall bee Elinor Now braue Iohn Balioll Lord of Gallaway And king of Scots shine with thy goulden head Shake thy speres in honour of his name Vnder whose roialtie thou wearst the same Queene Elinors speeche The welken spangled through with goulden spots Reflects no finer in a frostie night Then louely Longshankes in his Elinors eye So Ned thy Nell in euery part of thee Thy person 's garded with a troope of Queenes And euery Queene as braue as Elinor Giue glorie to these glorious christall quarries Where euery robe an obiect entertaines Of riche deuice and princelie maiestie Thus like Narcissus diuing in the deepe I die in honour and in Englands armes And if I drowne it is in my delight Whose companie is cheefest life in death From foorth whose currall lips I suck the sweete VVherewith are daintie Cupids candles made Then liue or die braue Ned or sinke or swim An earthlie blisse it is to looke on him On thee sweete Ned it shall become thy Nell Bounteous to be vnto the beauteous Ore prie the palmes sweete fountaines of my blisse And I will stand on tiptoe for a kisse
Queene That hath inricht me with a goodly boye King Edward Edmund and Gloster goes into the the Queenes Chamber the Queenes Tent opens shee is discouered in her bed attended by Mary Dutches of Lancaster Ione of Acon her daughter the Queen dandles his young sonne Longsh Ladies by your leaue how doth my Nell mine owne my loue my life my heart my deare my doue my Queene my wife Eli. Ned art thou come sweet Ned welcome my ioy Thy Nell presents thee with a louely boy Kisse him and christen him after thine owne name Hey ho whom doe I see my lord of Lancaster welcome hartely Lancaster I thanke your grace sweet Nell wel mette withall Q. Eli. Brother Emund hers a kinsman of yours you must neede be acquainted Edmund A goodly boy God blesse him giue mee your hand Sir you are welcome into Wales Qu. Eli. Brother ther 's a fist I warrant you wil holde Mace as fast as euer did father or grandfather before him Longsh. But tel in now lapt in Lillie bands How with my Queen my louely boye it stands After thy iourney and these child bed paines Qu. Eli. Sicke mine owne Ned thy Nell for thy companie That lured her with thy lies all so farre To follow thee vnweldie in thy warre But I forgiue thee Ned my lims delight So thy young sonne thou see be brauelie dight And in Carnaruan christened roiallie Sweet loue let him be lapt most curiouslie He is thine owne as true as he is thine Take order then that he be passing fine Longsh My louelie Ladie let that care be lesse For my young sonne the countrey wil I feast And haue him borne as brauely to the funt As euer yet Kings sonne to Christning went Lacke thou no precious thing to comfort thee De reare then Englands Diadem vnto me Qu. Eli. Thankes gentle Lord nurse rocke the Cradle fie The King so neare and here the boie to crie Ione take him vp and sing a Lullabie Longsh. T is wel beleeue me wench godamercie Ione Edmund Shee learnes my Lord to lull a young one of her owne Qu. Eli. Giue me some drinke Longsh. Drinke Nectar my sweete Nell Worthy for seat in heauen with Ioue to dwell Eli. Gramercis Ned now wel remembred yet I haue a suite sweete lord but you must not denie it Whereas my Lord of Gloster good Clare mine host my guide Good Ned let Ione of Acon be his bride Assure your selfe that they are throughly wooed Longsh. God send the King be taken in the mood Then Neece t is like that you shall haue a husband Come hither Gloster hold giue her thy hand Take her sole daughter to the Queene of England Longsh. giues her to Gloster For newes hee brought Nell of my young sonne I promist him as much as I haue done Gloster and Ione hand in hand We humbly thanke your maiestie Edmund Much ioy may them betide A gallant bridegrome and a princely bride Longsh. Now say sweete Queene what doth my Lady craue Tell me what name shal this young Welshman haue Borne Prince of wales by Cambrias full consent Eli. Edward the name that doth me wel content Longsh. Then Edward of Carnaruan shal he be And Prince of Wales christned in roialtie D. Edmund My Lord I thinke the Queene woulde take a nappe Ione Nurse take the childe and hold in your lappe Longsh. Farewell good Ione be careful of my Queen Sleepe Nell the fairest Swan mine eies haue seene They close the Tent D. Edmund I had forgot-to aske your Maiesty How doe you with the Abbies here in Wales Longsh. As kings with rebels Mun our right preuails We haue good Robin Hood and little Iohn The Frier and the good Maid marrian Why our Lluellen is a mightie man Gloster Trust me my Lord me thinks t were very good That some good fellowes went and scourd the wood And take in hand to cudgell Robin Hood I thinke the Frier for all his lusty lookes Nor Robin rule with their gleames and hookes But would be quickely driuen to the nookes Dauid I can assure your highnes what I knowe The false Lluellen will not runne nor goe Or giue an inche of ground come man for man Nor that proude rebel called little Iohn To him that welds the massiest sword of England Gloster Welshman how wilt thou that we vnderstand But for Lluellen Dauid I denie England hath men will make Lluellen flie Maugre his beard and hide him in a hole VVearie of Englands dints and manly dole D. Edm. Gloster grow not so hot in Englands right That paints his honor out in euerie sight Long. By Gis faire Lords ere many daies be past England shall giue this Robin Hood his breakfast Dauid be secrete friend to that I saie And if I vse thy skill thou knowest the waie VVhere this proude Robin and his yeomen rome Dauid I do my Lord and blindfold thither can I run Longsh. Dauid enough as I am a Gentleman I le haue one merrie flirt with little Iohn And Robin Hood and his Maide marrian Be thou my counsell and my companie And thou maist Enlands resolution see Enter Sussex before the foure Barons of Wales Sussex May it please your maiestie here are 4. good Squires of the Cantréds where they do dwell come in the name of the whole countrey to gratulate vnto your highnes all your good fortunes and by me offer their most humble seruice to your young sonne their Prince whom they most heartely beseech God to blesse with long life and honor Longsh. Wel said Sussex I pray bid them come teare Sir Dan trust me this is kindly don of your cuntrey me Dauid Villains Traitors to the ancient glory and renowne of Cambria Morris Vaghan art thou there and thou proude Lord of Anglesee They kneele downe Enter Sussex with the foure Barrons of Wales with the Mantle of frise Mantle Barrons The poore countrey of Cambria by vs vnworthie messengers gratulats to your maiesty the birth of your young sonne Prince of Wales and in this poore prest express their most zealous duetie and affection which with all humblenes we present to your highnes sweete and sacred hands Longsh Gramercis Barons for your giftes and good wils by this means my boie shal weare a Mantle of cuntries weauing to keepe him warm and liue for Englands honor and Cambrias good I shall not neede I trust curteously to inuite you I doubt not Lords but you wil be all in readines to waite on your young Prince and doe him honor at his christning Sussex The whole countrey of Cambria round about all wel horst and attended on both men and women in their best array are come downe to doe seruice of loue and honour to our late born Prince your Maiesties son and honnie the men and women of Sowdone especially haue sent in great abundance of cattle corn enough by computacion for your highnes housheld a whole month and more Long. We thank them all and wil present our Q with
for custom towards the maintenance of his highnes wars the halfe of al such golde siluer money and money worth a the saide messenger hath then about him but if he conceal anie part or parcel of the same then shall he forfaite all that he possesseth at that present and this sentence is irreuocable confirmed by our Lord Lluellen Prince of Wales and Robin Hood of the great mountaines Lluellen So vaile your budgettes to Robin of the mountaine but what art thou that disdainest to paie this custōe as if thou scornest the greatnes of the prince of Wales Longsh. Faith Robin thou seemest to be a good fellow there 's my bagge halfe is mine and halfe is thine but le ts to it if thou darst man for man to trie who shall haue the whole Lluellen Why thou speakest as thou shouldst speak My maisters on pain of my displeasure depart the place and leaue vs two to our selues I must lope his Longshankes for I le eare to a paire of Longshankes Longsh. They are faire markes sir and I must defende as I may Dauid be gone hold here my hearts long legs giues you this amongst you to spend blows one with an other Dauie now Dauie daies are almost come at ende Mortim. But Mortimor this sight is strange staye thou in some corner to see what wil befal in this battaile Edward Now Robin of the wood alias Robin Hood be it knowen to your worship by these presents that the Longshankes which you aime at haue brought the king of England into these mountaines to vse Lluellen and to cracke a blade with his man that supposeth himselfe Prince of Wales Lluellen What Sir King welcome to Cambrias what foolish Edward darst thou endanger thy life to trauail these mountaines art thou so foolish hardie as to combate with the Prince of Wales Edward What I dare thou seest what I can performe thou shalt shortlie knowe I thinke thee a Gentleman and therefore holde no scorne to fight with thee Lluellen No Edward I am as good a man as thy selfe Longsh. That shall I trie They fight and Dauid takes his brothers part and Mortimor the Kings Edward Halloe Edward how are thy sences confounded what Dauy is it possible thou shouldest be false to England Dauy Edward I am true to Wales and so haue beene frendes since my birth and that shal the King of England know to his cost Lluellen What Potter did not I charge you to begon with your fellowes Mortimor No Traitor no Potter I but Mortimor the Earle of March whose comming to these woods is to deceiue thee of thy loue and reserued to saue my soueraignes life Dauid Vppon them brother let them not breath The King hath Lluellen downe and Dauid hath Mortimor downe Longsh. Villaine thou diest God and my right hath preuailed Dauid Base Earle now doth Dauid triumph in thine ouer throw aie is me Lluellen at the feet of Longshanks Longsh. What Mortimor vnder the sword of such a Traitor Mortimor Braue King run thy sword vp to the hiltes into the bloud of the rebell Longsh. O Mortimor thy life is dearer to me then millions of rebels Dauid Edward relieue my brother and Mortimor liues Longsh. I villaine thou knowest too wel how deare I holde my Mortimor rise man and assure thee and the hate I beare to thee is long in respect of the deadly hatred I beare to that notorious rebell Mortimor Awaie his sight to me is like the sight of a Cockeatrice villaine I goe to reuenge me on thy treason and to make thee patterne to the world of mountains treason falsehood and ingratitude Exit Mortimor Dauid Brother a chafes but hard was your hap to be ouermastered by the coward Lluellen No coward Dauid his courage is like to the Lion and were it not that rule and soueraigntie sets vs at iarre I could loue and honor the man for his valour Dauid But the Potter oh the villaine will neuer out of my minde whilst I liue and I wil late to be reuenged on his villanie Lluellen Wel Dauid what wil be shall be therefore casting these matters out of our heads Dauid thou art welcome to Cambria let vs in and bee merrie after this colde cooling and to prepare to strengthen our selues against the last threatnings Exeunt ambo After the Christening and marriage done the Harrolds hauing attended they passe ouer the bride is led by two Noble men Edmund of Lancaster and the Earle of Sussex and the Bishop Gloster Welcome Ione Countesse of Gloster to Gilbert de Clare for euer God giue them ioie cosin Gloster let vs now goe visite the King and Queen and present ther Maiesties with their yong sonne Edward Prince of Wales Then all passe in their order to the kings pauilion the king sits in his Tent with his pages about him Bishop Wee represent your highnes most humblie with your young sonne Edward of Carnaruan Prince of Wales Sound Trumpets Omnes God saue Edward of Carnaruan prince of Wales Longsh. kisses them both Edward Prince of Wales God blesse thee with long life and honor welcom Ione countesse of Gloster God blesse thee and thine for euer lords let vs visite my Queene and wife whome we wil at once present with a Son and daughter honored to her desire Sound Trumpets they all march to the Chamber Bishop speakes to her in her bed Wee humblie present your Maiestie with your yong sonne Edward of Carnaruan Prince of VVales Sound Trumpets Omnes God saue Edward of Carnaruan prince of wales Queen Elinor shee kisses him Gramercis Bishop holde take that to buie thee a Rochell welcome VVelshman here Nurse open him and haue him to the fire for God sake they haue rouzed him and wash them throughe and that bee good and welcome Ione Countesse of Gloster God blesse thee with long life honor and hearts ease I am nowe as good as my word Gloster shee is thine make much of her gentle Earle Longsh. Now my sweete Nell what more commandeth my Queene that nothing may want to perfect her contentment Q Eli. Nothing sweet Ned but pray my king to feaste the Lords and ladies roiallie and thankes a thousand times good men and women to you all for this duetie and honor done to your Prince Longsh. Maister Bridegroome by olde custome this is your waiting daie Sir Dauid you may commaund an ample welcome in our court for your cuntreymen brother Edmund reuell it now or neuer for honour of your Englands sonne Gloster now like a braue Bridegrome marshall this manie and set these Lords and Ladies to dancing so shall you fulfil the olde English prouerbe us merrie in Hall when beardes wag all After the showe and the King and Queen with all the lordes and ladies in place Longshanks speaketh What tidings bringes Versses to our court Enter in Versses with a halter about his necke Versses Tidinges to make thee tremble Englishe king Longsh. Me tremble boie must not bee newes from Scotland can once make